Website monitor keygen

Website monitor keygen

Website monitor keygen

Website monitor keygen

linkAPI Reference

The Keygen API is organized around REST principles. All requests must be made over TLS/SSL. In addition, all request and response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON format.

The API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from any client-facing software application.

code Getting Started with our API

linkYour Keygen Account

In order to make requests to our licensing API, you will need to use your Keygen account's unique ID, or its that you chose during sign up. Every API request will utilize your account's ID or slug within the URL path, i.e. or . Your account's ID and slug can be used interchangably as URL params.

You can find your account's ID and slug in your account settings, under the "Current Account" section.

Account Permissions

By default, your Keygen account will allow public user registration, user token generation (authentication), and will also allow users to create their own licenses and machines while authenticated. This is referred to as an "unprotected" account, allowing client-side resource management (i.e. by your users), while you respond to those events using webhooks.

For example, you can allow users to create and delete their licenses and machine activations, while you respond to those events to handle billing, e.g. charge them for new licenses, update their subscription to match their license and machine count, etc.

If you do not want your users to be able to create and manage their own licenses and machines client-side (which may necessitate listening for webhook events) then you should set your account to "protected", which will require admin authentication to create and manage all resources, aside from machine activation and deactivation.

Setting your account to "protected" is the recommended approach when using Keygen % server-side. You can change your account permissions from your account settings page.

See the security section for more tips.

linkAccepted Content Types

Our JSON API accepts the following content types specified via the HTTP header:

    In addition, our JSON API is able to respond with the following content types specified via the HTTP header:

      By default our API will respond with , unless asked otherwise through the standard HTTP header. All other content types will be rejected with a status code.

      linkClient Libraries

      At the moment we're focused on our HTTP API endpoints. As time goes by we'll be featuring here some more of our open-source clients for different languages and frameworks, as well as those contributed by the community.

      If you have written one yourself, please let us know. We will feature your name along with the client library, unless asked to do otherwise.

      Alternative HTTP Libraries

      We use the following open-source HTTP libraries for code examples:

      You may of course choose to use a different HTTP library, but these are the libaries that you will see used throughout our documentation.

      We will collaborate with project maintainers to keep open source libraries up-to-date as our systems evolve. If you would like us to add documentation examples for a specific language, or if you would like us to add an open-source library you created, please email [email&#;protected].

      linkPre-populated Examples

      When you're logged in to your dashboard, your authentication token is pre-populated in all the examples on this page so you can test any example right away. Only you can see these values. All other values, such as license IDs, and license keys still need to be replaced with real values.

      The pre-populated token is an admin token and is not meant to be used in client-facing code, stored in version control, and so forth.

      When we introduce breaking changes to the API, we will release a new numbered version, e.g. we will go from to . The current version is . All changes will be detailed within our changelog.

      linkAPI Stability

      We will not introduce breaking changes into the API without bumping the current version. You can rest assured that the endpoints you're utilizing within your product are stable.

      Keep in mind that stable does not mean complete. We could potentially add new resources and actions, but existing resources will remain unchanged.

      linkBackwards Compatibility

      What do we consider to be “backwards-compatible” changes?

      • Adding new API resources
      • Adding new optional request parameters to existing API endpoints
      • Adding new properties to existing API resources and responses
      • Changing the order of properties in existing API responses
      • Changing the length or format of resource IDs, future tokens, future auto-generated license keys, or other opaque strings (this includes adding or removing prefixes)
      • You can safely assume resource IDs we generate will never exceed characters (but you should be able to handle IDs of up to that length)
      • Adding new event types (your webhook listeners should gracefully handle unfamiliar events types)
      1. Do not store your API tokens in version control. If you're using version control like Git or Subversion, do not store your API tokens in version control. It is recommended that you store tokens in a file that is never checked into the repository, or within the .

        If one of your API tokens become compromised, quickly revoke it from your admin dashboard.

      2. Do not embed your admin or product API tokens within your product's source code. If you're using Keygen client-side, do not embed your admin or product tokens within your product's source code. Doing so exposes your tokens and opens your account up to attackers.

        Instead, you can perform license and machine creation requests client-side while authenticated as one of your users and then you can listen for the corresponding webhook events to act accordingly e.g., charging them for new licenses, crediting them for deleted licenses or machines, etc. For an example of responding to user actions, see our Paddle integration example.

        If you're using Keygen server-side, see the above tip.

      3. To help prevent tampering and other types of attacks such as a man-in-the-middle attack, you may choose to implement license key signature verification, and request signature verification. Both of these verifications harden your software by ensuring the given data originated from Keygen.

      4. Embedding account, product and policy IDs directly into your product i.e. client-side code is perfectly safe. In fact, you won't be able to communicate with Keygen's API unless you do so, and managing e.g. feature licenses without being able to embed policy IDs wouldn't be feasible. With that in mind, it is recommended that you use your account ID over your account slug, as unlike your account slug, your ID is unchangable.

      5. If you do not want your users to be able to create and manage their own licenses and machines (which could necessitate listening for webhook events) then you should set your account to , which will require admin authentication to create and manage all resources, aside from token creation and license validation. Setting your account to protected can be done within your account settings.

        Alternatively, you can set individual licenses policies to (which by default is inherited from the account's current state), which will only disallow users from creating and managing licenses which implement that particular policy and their associated machines, rather than all resources e.g. public user creation, licenses that implement other unprotected policies, etc. You can also set a license to , which will disallow machine activation/deactivation; similar to policies, the license's attribute is inherited from its policy.

        By default, your account is , which allows user registration as well as the ability for users to manage their own resources.

      6. To validate license keys offline, you can cryptographically sign or encrypt license keys. To enable this feature, you choose an appropriate when creating a new policy. Each will behave differently, so be sure that you understand how to implement and verify the one you choose. Reach out to our support channels if you have any questions.

        Alternatively, you can set up "air-gapped" license activation using TOTP, QR codes, and a mobile device. View our example implementation.

        Please note that offline license validation is, of course, quite limited in what can be enforced. E.g. to validate against a license's machine requirements would require an internet connection. Keep that in mind.

      7. If you only need to validate license keys, then you do not need to implement user authentication. The license action does not require authentication. If you're doing anything else e.g. validating multiple license resources per-user, tracking machines, etc., user authentication or activation tokens will be required in order to communicate with Keygen's API client-side.

        You can add required validation scopes to your policies to e.g. require a machine fingerprint, etc., which helps implement certain license models without the need for any additional server-side logic such as a webhook handler.

      Our API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the range indicate success, codes in the range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a validation failed, etc.), and codes in the range indicate an error with our servers (these are rare).

      OKEverything worked as expected.
      CreatedThe resource was created successfully.
      AcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing.
      No contentEverything worked as expected, but there was nothing to respond with.
      Bad RequestThe request was unacceptable, often due to missing or unpermitted parameters.
      UnauthorizedNo valid API token provided.
      ForbiddenThe authenticated entity does not have permission to complete the request.
      Not FoundThe requested resource doesn't exist.
      ConflictThe request could not be completed because the resource already exists.
      Unprocessable EntityA validation error occurred on the resource.
      Too Many RequestsToo many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
      Server ErrorsSomething went wrong on our end. (These are rare.)

      Below you will find the various attributes for request errors.


      • linktitle


        A short, human-readable summary of the problem.

      • linkdetail


        A more detailed human-readable explanation of the problem.

      • linkcode


        A unique, unchanging machine-readable error code. This may or may not be included in the error payload, depending on the type of error.

      • linksource

        hash<string, any>

        A hash containing references to the source of the error. This may or may not be included in the error payload, depending on the type of error.

      • linkmanicapital.comr


        A pointer to the problem data, e.g. "/data" for the primary data, "/data/attributes/email" for a specific attribute, or "/data/relationships/user" for a problem with a relationship. This may or may not be included in the error payload, depending on the type of error.

      • linkmanicapital.comter


        A string indicating which URI query parameter caused the error. This may or may not be included in the error payload, depending on the type of error.

      Example error

      Requests are authenticated using a bearer token in an header. Within the header, you will utilize a Token resource's attribute, like so,

      If you want to interact with Keygen's API client-side, then you should do so using our user resources, which we created for this purpose. You can create users with email and password credentials, which can be used during token generation to authenticate a user.

      After a user is authenticated, they can interact with our API in a way that is limited to only their user account.

      There are a couple other token types in addition to admin/user authentication tokens:

      • Activation tokens: authenticating as a license is useful when you're not utilizing our user resources for authentication, but you still want to perform client-side machine activation. Activation tokens allow a limited number of machine activations and deactivations. To create a new activation token, please see the License token relationship.
      • Product tokens: authenticating as a product is useful in server-side environments. These tokens allow full management of resources associated with the given product. To create a new product token, please see the Product token relationship.

      All user tokens have a 2 week expiry and can be regenerated as needed during that timeframe. Admin and product tokens do not expire, and should only be used server-side. By default, activation tokens do not expire, but you may set an expiry during creation if desired.

      Admin and product tokens should only be used server-side, this is because they allow full near management of your Keygen account. This means that if an attacker were to obtain a product token from within your code, no matter how obfuscated, they will be able to create and manage licenses at-will—including those of your other customers.

      Most API endpoints will require authentication, and access to resources depends on the token bearer's authorization and role.

      You can manage tokens using the Tokens resource.

      Security Warning

      Tokens should be treated as passwords. Different tokens carry different privileges depending on the bearer of the token, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your admin or product API tokens in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-facing code, and so forth. If in doubt, please regenerate or revoke the offending token(s).

      Access to certain resources is dependent upon a token bearer's role. Most of the time you will be authenticating as one of your users, which will allow access to a small subset of resources available to your account. In other cases, as when you are using a server-side integration, you may be authenticating as a product, or even an admin; in these cases, you will have access to a wider range of resources.

      Resource attributes and relationships marked with a "protected" badge are only allowed to be specified if the authenticated bearer is an admin of the account, or a product that owns the specified resource. Attributes and relationships marked with a "read only" badge can not be modified.

      Many resource endpoints are automatically scoped according to the token bearer's role. For example, listing all licenses while authenticated as a product will only list licenses associated with that particular product. Attempting to access resources that the bearer does not have access to will respond with a error.

      Never hard-code authentication tokens within your client-facing product – doing so could leave your product open to major exploitations by allowing a malicious user the ability to fully manage your account's resources. The only time you should be using your admin or product token(s) directly is if you are working with Keygen server-side.

      Here's a quick summary of the different authorization roles:

      NoneNoNoUnauthenticated users can create a new user account (unless your account is protected), and validate license keys using the action. No other endpoints are accessisible to unauthenticated users.
      UserNoYesAuthenticated users may access certain resource endpoints, but all resources that are returned will be scoped to their user account, e.g. when a user makes a request to list all licenses, only the licenses which are associated with their user account will be returned.
      LicenseNoYesAuthenticated licenses may perform machine activations and deactivations through activation tokens. They may also validate the license. They cannot perform any other request.
      ProductYesYesAuthenticated products may access resources for their account that are associated with that particular product. All resources that are returned will be scoped to the product, e.g. when a product makes a request to list all licenses, only the licenses which are associated with the product will be returned.
      Support AgentYesYesAuthenticated support agents may access some resources for their account. They can read the following resources: products, policies, users, licenses, machines. They can update the following resources: licenses, machines. They cannot delete resources.
      Sales AgentYesYesAuthenticated sales agents may access some resources for their account. They can read the following resources: products, policies, users, licenses, machines. They can create the following resources: policies, licenses, machines. They can update the following resources: policies, licenses, machines. They can delete the following resources: licenses, machines. They cannot delete any other resources.
      DeveloperYesYesAuthenticated developers may access all resources for their account, minus account billing information.
      AdminYesYesAuthenticated admin users may access all resources for their account.

      A single IP address can make a maximum burst of 60 requests per 30 second window and requests per 5 minute window, which allows for 1 request/sec with short bursts of up to requests/sec, regardless of authentication. We may add additional rate limit windows in the future, which will be included within the header with a specific name, e.g. .

      If we see patterns of abuse, this limit may be lowered or the IP may be temporarily blacklisted. In rare cases of significant abuse, the IP may be permanently blacklisted from our API.

      Need a custom rate limit? Reach out to our support team and we can discuss a custom rate limit that will work with your requirements.

      When rate limited, a HTTP status code will be given. You can also check the returned HTTP headers of any API request to see your current rate limit status for the closest window:

      The current rate limiting window that is closest to being reached, percentage-wise.
      The number of requests that have been performed within the current rate limit window.
      The maximum number of requests that the IP is permitted to make for the current window.
      The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
      The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.

      Example response / Too Many Requests

      Throughout the API, many resources will have a hash containing another resource which they are associated with. When creating or modifying a relationship, you will be introduced to what's called a "resource identifier object", or for short.

      A "resource identifier object" is a hash that identifies an individual resource. The hash must contain a and an of the individual resource for the relationship.

      Example resource identifier object

      Many resources including products, users, licenses, machines and policies have a attribute. You can use this attribute to attach key-value data to the given resource.

      Metadata is useful for storing additional, structured information on an object. As an example, you could store your user's zipcode, their within your own database (if applicable), or their Stripe for billing purposes.

      Since the attribute is simply a key-value store (hash), all write operations will overwrite the entire hash, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.

      Do not attach sensitive billing information directly to resources using the attribute. Doing so is a violation of our terms of use. If you're using Stripe, you need only attach their Stripe , or a temporary secure representation of a card (such as a ), which can then be used to look up their information server-side when required.

      You may specify up to 64 keys, with key names up to characters in length and with values up to characters in length.

      Key Transformation

      Please note: all keys will be transformed into lower camelcase (), so we recommend using lower camelcase when possible. For example, will be transformed into , will also be transformed into , etc.

      Example Use Cases

      Here's a few example use cases:

      Use Case
      Link IDsAttach your system's unique IDs to a Keygen object, for easy lookups. For example, add an order number for a license, Stripe customer and subscription IDs, or the customer's user ID in your system.
      License entitlementsStore information about what features or actions a license is allowed to perform.
      Customer detailsAnnotate a user by storing additional details such as company name for later use.

      Example request

      All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via "list" API methods. For instance you can list users, list licenses, and list machines. These list API methods share a common format, taking an optional query parameter.

      Our API utilizes a page-based strategy via the and parameters. All results are returned in reverse chronological order.


      • linkpage

        hash<string, integer>

        Hash containing page size and page number.



        The page size. Must be a number between 1 and



        The page number.

      Example request

      Example response

      Some resources, such as webhook events may contain an idempotency token inside of a meta hash. In the case of webhook events, these tokens allow you to safely retry events without accidentally responding to the same event multiple times.

      linkExample scenario

      When a user creates a new license, you would want to make sure that the webhook event that you're listening for would only be acted upon once, regardless of how many times you retry the event, to guarantee you only charge your user for a single license.

      You can accomplish this by logging the idempotency token (to a database, for example) and ignoring future webhook events that come through with an identical token, signaling a retried event.

      Although retrying a webhook event creates a new resource, the idempotency token will stay the same throughout the event's lifetime.

      Example resource

      A failed webhook event resource.

      Example request

      Retry the above failed webhook event resource.

      Example response

      Notice that it's a new resource, yet the idempotency token matches the original event.

      Each Keygen account is equipped with its own unique RSA bit public/private keypair, which is used in signing response payloads using RSA-SHA, and which can also be used to sign or encrypt license keys for offline license verification using schemes. The scheme used for license key signing and encryption will depend on the cryptographic scheme that the particular policy implements.

      You can find your account's public key within your dashboard settings page, which you can use to response payloads and license keys. Private keys are kept securely encrypted on our servers.

      To see an example of cryptographic validation, check out our example on GitHub. It will show you how to utilize your account's public key to validate various cryptographic license key schemes.

      You may utilize your account's public key to verify that successful requests, and webhooks, originated from Keygen, as well as to verify a license key is authentic i.e. that it was signed using your Keygen account's private key.

      You can find your account's public key within your dashboard settings page, which you can use to response payloads and license keys. Private keys are kept securely encrypted on our servers and are never, under any circumstances, shared with you or any other third-party.

      linkLicense Signatures

      License signature verification is useful for checking if a given license key is authentic, especially in offline environments, where access to Keygen's API to fully validate the license is not available. For more information on license key cryptography and signatures, see the cryptography section and the different policy schemes available.

      Here are a few examples of cryptographically verifying a license's authenticity:

      The signed or encrypted contents of the key are base64url encoded using RFC , a URL-safe version of base64 which is supported in most programming languages. This base64url encoding scheme is different than normal base64 encoding. Most programming languages will have a separate function for decoding URL base64 encoded values, but if not, you can simply replace all base64 chars with , and with .

      Example Python cryptographic verification

      linkRequest Signatures

      Request signature verification is useful for verifying requests came from Keygen, as well as for preventing man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, where an attacker will redirect requests to a local server under their control which defaults to sending "valid" license responses. A signature header will always be included with webhook events, delivered to your webhook endpoints.

      We do not sign certain error payloads - please keep this in mind during implementation. We will always sign successful responses () and errors that occur while authenticated using your account's private key. Certain error responses, such as authentication errors, will not include the header.
      The encoded RSA-SHA signature of the response body, using PKCS1 v padding.

      To see an example of signature verfication, check out our example on GitHub. It will show you how to utilize your account's public key to verify that the response was signed using your account's private key.

      Example request signature

      When implementing a testing strategy for your licensing integration, we recommend that you fully mock our APIs. This is especially important for CI/CD systems, to prevent unneeded load on our servers. Mocking our APIs will also allow you to more easily stay within your account's daily request limits.

      Most popular programming languages will have at least 1 mocking library for HTTP APIs, but feel free to reach out to us for recommendations.

      A sandbox environment is coming soon. If you're in need of a sandbox account, please reach out.

      linkThe token object

      Keygen authenticates your API requests using tokens. Below you will find the various attributes for the token resource, as well as the token resource's relationships. The actual string is hashed before being stored in our databases, thus is only available directly after generating/regenerating a token.

      Admin and product tokens should not be included in any client-facing code, as they offer full access to all of your account's resources. You can authenticate as one of your users or use an activation token to perform client-side machine activations. Admin and product tokens should only be used server-side.


      • linkkind

        stringread only

        The kind of token, based on its bearer.


        • activation-token: An activation token with permission to activate and deactivate the machines for a given license.
        • product-token: An internal administrative token with permission to manage the entire product and its resources, usually for server-side use.
        • user-token: A normal user of one or more of your products, with limited permission to manage their own resources.
        • support-token: An internal administrative user of your Keygen account, with a limited subset of permissions.
        • sales-token: An internal administrative user of your Keygen account, with a limited subset of permissions.
        • developer-token: An internal administrative user of your Keygen account, with permission to manage most resources.
        • admin-token: An internal administrative user of your Keygen account, with permission to manage the entire account.
      • linktoken

        stringread only

        The raw token of the token. This attribute is only available to read directly after token generation. This is the value you will use to authenticate with when sending requests to our API.

      • linkexpiry

        timestamp (ISO format)read only

        The timestamp for when the token expires. Requests using an expired token will be rejected.

      • linkmaxActivations


        The maximum amount of machine activations this token may perform. This attribute is only applicable to activation tokens.

      • linkactivations

        integerread only

        The number of machine activations that have been performed by this token. This attribute is only applicable to activation tokens.

      • linkmaxDeactivations


        The maximum amount of machine deactivations this token may perform. This attribute is only applicable to activation tokens.

      • linkdeactivations

        integerread only

        The number of machine deactivations that have been performed by this token. This attribute is only applicable to activation tokens.

      • linkcreated

        timestamp (ISO format)read only

        When the token was created.

      • linkupdated

        timestamp (ISO format)read only

        When the token was last updated.


      • linkaccount


        The account that the token belongs to.

      • linkbearer


        The bearer of the token.

      Example object

      linkGenerate a token

      Generate a new token resource for a user. To generate a token for a product, see the product token relationship. By default, user tokens expire in 2 weeks, and admin tokens do not expire. A custom expiry may be provided in the token generate request.

      Admin and product tokens should not be included in any client-facing code, as they offer full access to all of your account's resources. You can authenticate as one of your users or use an activation token to perform client-side machine activations. Admin and product tokens should only be used server-side.


      • linkBasic


        The email and password of the user. Credentials MUST use a colon (i.e. ":") to separate the email and password (i.e. "EMAIL:PASSWORD"), and those credentials MUST then be base64 encoded.


      • linkaccount

        string, required

        The identifier (UUID) or slug of your Keygen account.


      • linkexpiry

        timestamp (ISO format), optional

        The timestamp for when the token expires. Requests using an expired token will be rejected.


      A response will be returned along with the new token object.


      Example request

      Example response / Created

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      Quick Ping Keep track of A manual to uninstall Quick Ping Keep track of from your computerQuick Ping Monitor will be a Home windows application. Read even more about how tó uninstall it fróm your personal computer. It is usually produced by TallSoft, lnc.

      You can find out even more on TallSoft, Inc. Or check out for software updates. Even more info about the program Quick Ping Keep track of can become discovered at.

      Quick Ping Monitor is usually normally set up in the C:Program Data files (x86)PingMonitor folder, issue to the consumer's option. D:Program Files (x86)PingMonitoruninsexe is definitely the complete command line if you would like to get rid of Quick Ping Keep track of The system's main executable file is tagged and it has a dimension of KB ( bytes). The pursuing executable documents are included in Quick Ping Keep track of They occupy MB ( bytes) on storage. ( KB).

      uninsexe ( KB)This web page is definitely about Quick Ping Monitor edition just.A method to remove Quick Ping Monitor from your personal computer with Advanced UninstaIler PROQuick Ping Monitor can be an application provided by TallSoft, Inc. Some computer users desire to remove this program.

      This is difficult because carrying out this by hand requires some innovative knowledge relating to removing Home windows programs personally. The best QUICK practice to erase Quick Ping Keep track of is definitely to make use of Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Here can be how to do this If you wear't have got Advanced Uninstaller PRO currently installed on your Windows Computer, install it.

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      Advanced Uninstaller Professional is usually a effective Windows device. Click on the Common Tools key 4. Click on the Uninstall Programs device 5. A checklist of the programs present on your pc will become shown to you 6. Scroll the checklist of applications until you discover Quick Ping Keep track of or just stimulate the Research feature and kind in 'Quick Ping Keep track of '.

      The Quick Ping Keep track of system will be found immediately. Discover that after you click Quick Ping Monitor in the checklist, the pursuing information about the application is demonstrated to you:. Superstar ranking (in the lower remaining corner). This explains the opinion other users have got about Quick Ping Keep track of , ranging from 'Highly suggested' to 'Very dangerous'. Testimonials by various other customers - Click on on the Read reviews button. Details about the app you want to remove, by hitting on the Attributes illustration you can see that for Quick Ping Monitor

      The internet web site of the system is usually: The uninstall chain is definitely: C:Program Files (x86)PingMonitoruninsexe7. Push the Uninstall switch.

      A confirmation discussion will appear. Accept the uninstall by pressing the Uninstall switch. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will then get rid of Quick Ping Keep track of After eliminating Quick Ping Keep track of , Advanced Uninstaller PRO will talk to you to operate an extra cleanup. Click Next to proceed ahead with the cleaning.

      All the items of Quick Ping Monitor which possess been still left behind will be recognized and you will end up being able to delete them. By removing Quick Ping Monitor using Advanced Uninstaller PR0, you can be sure that no Windows registry articles, data files or web directories are still left behind on your PC. Your Home windows PC will remain clean, fast and able to run without errors or difficulties. Geographical consumer distribution.

      Software ApplicationDisclaimerThe text above will be not a item of tips to uninstall Quick Ping Keep track of by TallSoft, Inc. From your personal computer, we are usually not stating that Quick Ping Keep track of by TallSoft, Inc. Can be not a good software for your computer. This web page only contains detailed instructions on how tó uninstaIl Quick Ping Monitor in case you decide this will be what you desire to do. The information above contains registry and disc posts that various other software still left behind and Advanced Uninstaller PRO uncovered and classified as 'left over spots' on additional users' computers.

      Quick Ping Monitor DescriptionQuick Ping Monitor is certainly a effective graphic ip monitor tool. It is certainly capable to monitor the state governments of thousands of IP equipments simultaneously and send information when expresses of some equipments modification! It could furthermore adopt required measures to offer with Ping Monitor is really helpful for network administrators, machine administrators, website owners. It provides served customers from 20 countries and large corporations such as Cisco, MotoroIa, é Ping Keep track of is certainly the updated edition of SuperPinger.

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      What’s New in the Website monitor keygen?

      Screen Shot

      System Requirements for Website monitor keygen

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