K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number

K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number

K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number

K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number

Materials Design and Applications

This volume features fundamental research and applications in the field of the design and application of engineering materials, predominantly within the context of mechanical engineering applications. This includes a wide range of materials engineering and technology, including metals, e.g., polymers, composites, and ceramics. Advanced applications would include manufacturing in the new or newer materials, testing methods, multi-scale experimental and computational aspects.

This book features fundamental research and applications in the design of engineering materials, predominantly within the context of mechanical engineering applications such as automobile, railway, marine, aerospace, biomedical, pressure vessel technology, and turbine technology. It covers a wide range of materials, including metals, polymers, composites, and ceramics. Advanced applications include the manufacturing of new materials, testing methods, multi-scale experimental and computational aspects.



MDA Porto Shape Memory Composites Welding Technology Adhesively Bonded Joints Composite System Design Natural Fiber Composites
  1. manicapital.comment of Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of Engineering of the University of Porto PortoPortugal

Bibliographic information

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number

Adoption of Smart Card-Based E-Payment System for Retailing in Hong Kong Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model


The resulting research model is analyzed by partial least squares (PLS)-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The research findings reveal that all cultural dimensions demonstrate direct effect on perceived usefulness though the influence of uncertainty avoidance is found marginally significant. Other constructs on innovative characteristics and social influences are validated to be significant as hypothesized. Prior experience does indeed significantly moderate the two influences that perceived usefulness receives from relative advantage and compatibility, respectively. The research model has demonstrated convincing explanatory power and so may be employed for further studies in other contexts. In particular, cultural effects play a key role in contributing to the uniqueness of the model, enabling it to be an effective tool to help critically understand increasingly internationalized IS system development and implementation efforts. This research also suggests several practical implications in view of the findings that could better inform managerial decisions for designing, implementing, or promoting smart card-based E-payment system.



Lok, C.K. (), "Adoption of Smart Card-Based E-Payment System for Retailing in Hong Kong Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model", E-services Adoption: Processes by Firms in Developing Nations (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 23B), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. manicapital.com

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Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Источник: [manicapital.com]
K-MAIL v3.3.168 serial key or number


3. Configuration Variables

Type: boolean
Default: yes

If set, hitting backspace against an empty prompt aborts the prompt.

Type: string
Default:  “”

Specifies the key that can be used to abort prompts. The format is the same as used in "bind" commands. The default is equivalent to "\G". Note that the specified key should not be used in other bindings, as the abort operation has higher precedence and the binding will not have the desired effect.


set abort_key = "<Esc>"

Please note that when using <Esc> as the abort key, you may also want to set the environment variable ESCDELAY to a low value or even 0 which will reduce the time that ncurses waits to distinguish singular <Esc> key presses from the start of a terminal escape sequence. The default time is milliseconds and thus quite noticeable.

Type: quadoption
Default: no

If set to yes, when composing messages containing the regular expression specified by $abort_noattach_regex and no attachments are given, composition will be aborted. If set to no, composing messages as such will never be aborted.


set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<attach(|ed|ments?)\\>"


Type: regular expression
Default:  “”

Specifies a regular expression to match against the body of the message, to determine if an attachment was mentioned but mistakenly forgotten. If it matches, $abort_noattach will be consulted to determine if message sending will be aborted.

Like other regular expressions in NeoMutt, the search is case sensitive if the pattern contains at least one upper case letter, and case insensitive otherwise.

Type: quadoption
Default: ask-yes

If set to yes, when composing messages and no subject is given at the subject prompt, composition will be aborted. If set to no, composing messages with no subject given at the subject prompt will never be aborted.

Type: quadoption
Default: yes

If set to yes, composition will automatically abort after editing the message body if no changes are made to the file (this check only happens after the firstedit of the file). When set to no, composition will never be aborted.

Type: path
Default:  “”

The default file in which to save aliases created by the function. Entries added to this file are encoded in the character set specified by $config_charset if it is setor the current character set otherwise.

Note:NeoMutt will not automatically source this file; you must explicitly use the " source" command for it to be executed in case this option points to a dedicated alias file.

The default for this option is the currently used neomuttrc file, or "~/.neomuttrc" if no user neomuttrc was found.

Type: string
Default:  “”

Specifies the format of the data displayed for the " alias" menu. The following -style sequences are available:

%aAlias name
%fFlags - currently, a "d" for an alias marked for deletion
%nIndex number
%rAddress which alias expands to
%tCharacter which indicates if the alias is tagged for inclusion
%>Xright justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X"
%|Xpad to the end of the line with character "X"
%*Xsoft-fill with character "X" as pad

Type: boolean
Default: yes

Controls whether 8-bit data is converted to 7-bit using either Quoted- Printable or Base64 encoding when sending mail.

Type: boolean
Default: no

Controls whether ANSI color codes in messages (and color tags in rich text messages) are to be interpreted. Messages containing these codes are rare, but if this option is set, their text will be colored accordingly. Note that this may override your color choices, and even present a security problem, since a message could include a line like

[-- PGP output follows

and give it the same color as your attachment color (see also $crypt_timestamp).

Type: boolean
Default: no

When set, an arrow ("->") will be used to indicate the current entry in menus instead of highlighting the whole line. On slow network or modem links this will make response faster because there is less that has to be redrawn on the screen when moving to the next or previous entries in the menu.

Type: string
Default:  “”

Specifies the string of arrow_cursor when arrow_cursor enabled.

Type: boolean
Default: no

If set, NeoMutt will use plain ASCII characters when displaying thread and attachment trees, instead of the default ACScharacters.

Type: boolean
Default: no

If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for follow-up groups before editing the body of an outgoing message.

Type: boolean
Default: no

If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for x-comment-to field before editing the body of an outgoing message.

Type: boolean
Default: no

If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for blind-carbon-copy (Bcc) recipients before editing an outgoing message.

Type: boolean
Default: no

If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for carbon-copy (Cc) recipients before editing the body of an outgoing message.

Type: string
Default: (empty)

This variable is a colon-separated list of character encoding schemes for messages without character encoding indication. Header field values and message body content without character encoding indication would be assumed that they are written in one of this list. By default, all the header fields and message body without any charset indication are assumed to be in "us-ascii".

For example, Japanese users might prefer this:

set assumed_charset="isojp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8"

However, only the first content is valid for the message body.

Type: string
Default: (empty)

This variable is a colon-separated list of character encoding schemes for text file attachments. NeoMutt uses this setting to guess which encoding files being attached are encoded in to convert them to a proper character set given in $send_charset.

If unset, the value of $charset will be used instead. For example, the following configuration would work for Japanese text handling:

set attach_charset="isojp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8"

Note: for Japanese users, "iso*" must be put at the head of the value as shown above if included.

Type: string
Default:  “ ”

This variable describes the format of the "attachment" menu. The following -style sequences are understood:

%cRequires charset conversion ("n" or "c")
%DDeleted flag
%dDescription (if none, falls back to %F)
%eMIME content-transfer-encoding
%FFilename in content-disposition header (if none, falls back to %f)
%IDisposition ("I" for inline, "A" for attachment)
%mMajor MIME type
%MMIME subtype
%nAttachment number
%Q"Q", if MIME part qualifies for attachment counting
%sSize (see formatstrings-size)
%TGraphic tree characters
%tTagged flag
%uUnlink (=to delete) flag
%XNumber of qualifying MIME parts in this part and its children (please see the " attachments" section for possible speed effects)
%>XRight justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X"
%|XPad to the end of the line with character "X"
%*XSoft-fill with character "X" as pad

For an explanation of "soft-fill", see the $index_format documentation.

Type: path
Default:  “ ”

The directory where attachments are saved.


Type: boolean
Default: no

This variable, when set to true, will cause attachments to be saved to the 'attach_save_dir' location without prompting the user for the filename.

Type: string
Default:  “”

The separator to add between attachments when operating (saving, printing, piping, etc) on a list of tagged attachments.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

If this variable is unset, when operating (saving, printing, piping, etc) on a list of tagged attachments, NeoMutt will concatenate the attachments and will operate on them as a single attachment. The $attach_sep separator is added after each attachment. When set, NeoMutt will operate on the attachments one by one.

Type: string
Default:  “”

This is the string that will precede a message which has been included in a reply. For a full listing of defined -like sequences see the section on $index_format.

Type: string
Default: (empty)

The locale used by to format dates in the attribution string. Legal values are the strings your system accepts for the locale environment variable .

This variable is to allow the attribution date format to be customized by recipient or folder using hooks. By default, NeoMutt will use your locale environment, so there is no need to set this except to override that default.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When set, NeoMutt assumes the presence of a List-Post header means the recipient is subscribed to the list. Unless the mailing list is in the "unsubscribe" or "unlist" lists, it will be added to the " subscribe" list. Parsing and checking these things slows header reading down, so this option is disabled by default.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When set, functions in the indexmenu which affect a message will be applied to all tagged messages (if there are any). When unset, you must first use the function (bound to ";" by default) to make the next function apply to all tagged messages.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When set, enables autocrypt, which provides passive encryption protection with keys exchanged via headers. See " autocryptdoc" for more details. (Autocrypt only)


Type: string
Default:  “”

This variable describes the format of the "autocrypt account" menu. The following -style sequences are understood

%aemail address
%kgpg keyid
%ncurrent entry number
%pprefer-encrypt flag
%sstatus flag (active/inactive)

(Autocrypt only)

Type: path
Default:  “”

This variable sets where autocrypt files are stored, including the GPG keyring and SQLite database. See " autocryptdoc" for more details. (Autocrypt only)

Type: boolean
Default: yes

When set, replying to an autocrypt email automatically enables autocrypt in the reply. You may want to unset this if you're using the same key for autocrypt as normal web-of-trust, so that autocrypt isn't forced on for all encrypted replies. (Autocrypt only)

Type: boolean
Default: no

When setalong with $edit_headers, NeoMutt will skip the initial send-menu (prompting for subject and recipients) and allow you to immediately begin editing the body of your message. The send-menu may still be accessed once you have finished editing the body of your message.

Note:when this option is set, you can't use send-hooks that depend on the recipients when composing a new (non-reply) message, as the initial list of recipients is empty.

Also see $fast_reply.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will beep when an error occurs.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will beep whenever it prints a message notifying you of new mail. This is independent of the setting of the $beep variable.

Type: quadoption
Default: ask-yes

Controls whether you will be asked to confirm bouncing messages. If set to yesyou don't get asked if you want to bounce a message. Setting this variable to nois not generally useful, and thus not recommended, because you are unable to bounce messages.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will include Delivered-To headers when bouncing messages. Postfix users may wish to unsetthis variable.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will place the cursor at the beginning of the current line in menus, even when the $arrow_cursor variable is unset, making it easier for blind persons using Braille displays to follow these menus. The option is unsetby default because many visual terminals don't permit making the cursor invisible.


Type: boolean
Default: yes

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will abbreviate mailbox names in the browser mailbox list, using '~' and '=' shortcuts.

The default setting of $sort_browser uses locale-based sorting (using ), which ignores some punctuation. This can lead to some situations where the order doesn't make intuitive sense. In those cases, it may be desirable to unsetthis variable.

Type: quadoption
Default: ask-yes

If this variable is set, NeoMutt will mark all articles in newsgroup as read when you quit the newsgroup (catchup newsgroup).

Type: path
Default:  “ ”

This variable specifies the file where the certificates you trust are saved. When an unknown certificate is encountered, you are asked if you accept it or not. If you accept it, the certificate can also be saved in this file and further connections are automatically accepted.

You can also manually add CA certificates in this file. Any server certificate that is signed with one of these CA certificates is also automatically accepted.


set certificate_file=~/.neomutt/certificates

Type: boolean
Default: no

When this variable is set, the function mailbox suggestion will start at the next folder in your " mailboxes" list, instead of starting at the first folder in the list.

Type: string
Default: (empty)

Character set your terminal uses to display and enter textual data. It is also the fallback for $send_charset.

Upon startup NeoMutt tries to derive this value from environment variables such as or .

Note:It should only be set in case NeoMutt isn't able to determine the character set used correctly.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When this variable is set, NeoMutt will use file size attribute instead of access time when checking for new mail in mbox and mmdf folders.

This variable is unsetby default and should only be enabled when new mail detection for these folder types is unreliable or doesn't work.

Note that enabling this variable should happen before any " mailboxes" directives occur in configuration files regarding mbox or mmdf folders because NeoMutt needs to determine the initial new mail status of such a mailbox by performing a fast mailbox scan when it is defined. Afterwards the new mail status is tracked by file size changes.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

Note:this option only affects maildirand MHstyle mailboxes.

When set, NeoMutt will check for new mail delivered while the mailbox is open. Especially with MH mailboxes, this operation can take quite some time since it involves scanning the directory and checking each file to see if it has already been looked at. If this variable is unset, no check for new mail is performed while the mailbox is open.

Type: boolean
Default: no

When set, NeoMutt will collapse all threads when entering a folder.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

When unset, NeoMutt will not collapse a thread if it contains any flagged messages.

Type: boolean
Default: yes

When unset, NeoMutt will not collapse a thread if it contains any unread messages.

Type: string
Default:  “ ”

Controls the format of the status line displayed in the "compose" menu. This string is similar to $status_format, but has its own set of -like sequences:

%aTotal number of attachments
%hLocal hostname
%lApproximate size (in bytes) of the current message (see formatstrings-size)
%vNeoMutt version string
%>Xright justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X"
%|Xpad to the end of the line with character "X"
%*Xsoft-fill with character "X" as pad

See the text describing the $status_format option for more information on how to set $compose_format.

Type: string
Default: (empty)

Источник: [manicapital.com]

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