FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number

FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number

FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number

FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number

Troubleshoot graphics issues in Flight Simulator X

General troubleshooting information

Install the latest drivers

If you have graphics issues, such as a black (blank) screen or slow performance in Flight Simulator X, download and then install the latest drivers for your video card.

The video card lets you see graphics on the screen. A driver is software that enables your computer to communicate with hardware or devices. Without drivers, the hardware that you connect to your computer—for example, a video card or a webcam—will not work correctly.

The latest driver for your video card can enable more efficient use of your video card features to improve the performance of the game. Generally, companies release their drivers regularly for the cards to keep up the pace with ever-changing software technologies.

To download and install the latest drivers, contact the computer or video hardware manufacturer. See the "Additional information" section for more information about how to contact the video hardware or computer manufacturer. To determine whether applicable driver updates are available for download, visit the following Microsoft Windows Update Web site:

To identify the name and the manufacturer of the video card, follow these steps on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Vista:
  1. Open the Direct X Diagnostic Tool. To do this, click Start, type dxdiag in the Start Search box, and then click manicapital.com in the Programs list.
  2. Click the Display tab.
  3. Under Device, look for Name and Manufacturer.
  4. Click Exit.

Graphics hardware error messages

Error MessageResolution
The drivers currently installed for your video card may cause your computer to stop responding when Flight Simulator is running. Click Yes to search for newer drivers, or No to continue.
To resolve this issue, contact your graphics hardware manufacturer to obtain and install the latest version of the driver for your graphics hardware. For information about how to contact your hardware manufacturer, see the "References" section. To see whether applicable driver updates are available, visit the following Windows Update Web site: For information about how to download the latest drivers by using the Windows Update Web site, see the "Additional information" section.
Flight Simulator is not working with your video card. Verify that you have the latest video card drivers installed for your video card. Flight Simulator will now exit.
This issue may occur if one of the following conditions is true:
  • Your video card does not meet the minimum system requirements for Flight Simulator X.
  • Flight Simulator X cannot correctly initialize DirectDraw or Direct3D to display the game.
  • The DirectX installation is corrupted.

To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods:
  • Determine whether the video card on the computer has 32 megabytes (MB) or more of memory. To do this on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, follow these steps:
    1. Open the Direct X Diagnostic Tool. To do this, click Start, type dxdiag in the Start Search box, and then click manicapital.com in the Programs list.
    2. Click the Display tab.
    3. Under Device, verify that the Approx. Total Memory value is 32 MB or more.
    The video card must have 32 MB of memory for Flight Simulator X to work correctly. If the video card does not have 32 MB of memory, you must upgrade the graphics hardware to run Flight Simulator X. For information about how to contact the hardware manufacturer, see the "References" section.

    Note The graphics memory value that appears in the DirectX Diagnostics Tool may be slightly less than the actual total because the DirectX Diagnostics Tool uses some graphics memory.
  • Install the latest version of DirectX on the computer. To download and to install the latest version of DirectX, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
If the issue continues to occur, you must perform troubleshooting steps to identify the actual cause of the issue. For more information about how to troubleshoot this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

DirectDraw or Direct3D option is unavailable

The graphics card does not meet minimum requirements for shader support. This product requires a geForce3/Radeon class or better graphics card. Flight Simulator will now exit.
This error message indicates that your video card does not have a feature that the game requires. The game needs shader support or a later version. To resolve this problem, contact your computer or display manufacturer to obtain information about whether your card has Shader Support and, if it does not, which display card to purchase to meet the requirements of the game. For a list of manufacturers, see the "References" section in this article. To learn which video card you have, follow the steps under “Install the latest drivers“ in this article.

General graphics issues

Portable computer displays in full-screen mode

The video cards on some portable computers may let you select a resolution that is larger than the LCD device can support. In these cases, the view may be truncated when you run Flight Simulator in full-screen mode. To see the full-screen image, either reduce the resolution or use windowed mode (press ALT+ENTER). Driver updates do not resolve this issue.


Pressing ALT+TAB to switch between Flight Simulator X and another program minimizes Flight Simulator X to the task bar. In some instances, Flight Simulator X may not restore to the desktop or take a long time to restore. To enable the correct behavior, exit Flight Simulator X, and then restart the computer.

Visual Experience with AMD processors

The initial visual experience on a computer that has an AMD processor may be less than expected. To improve the visual experience, follow these steps:
  1. On the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click Customize.
  3. Move the Global slider on one or more tabs to the right.
Note Adjusting these settings may affect performance.

Hardware-specific graphics issues


On computers that use an ATI video card, you may experience the following issues:
  • Use of the ATI Radeon X CrossFire Edition video card may cause the screen to flicker or to appear black.
  • The game runs slowly.
  • A fatal error occurs when you start the game. The error message indicates the following information:
    Problem signature

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: manicapital.com

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 46fadb14
    Fault Module Name: manicapital.com
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 46c
    Exception Code: c
    Exception Offset: e
    OS Version:
    Locale ID:
To resolve these issues, visit the following ATI Technologies Inc. Web site to download the latest driver for your specific video card:


To download NVIDIA video cards, visit the following NVIDIA Corporation Web site: When you use NVIDIA video cards, you may experience the following issues:
  • Fireworks have defined, square borders and appear blocky when you use the NVIDIA GeForce2 video card. This issue occurs with all driver versions.
  • De Havilland Beaver windows appear opaque in spot plane view on computers that use NVIDIA GeForce2 video cards.
  • Dolphins may not appear in Missions on computers that use GeForce2 GTS or GeForce2 Pro 32 MB video cards.
For certain NVIDIA video cards, the game performance may be slow or choppy. To resolve this issue, try to update the drivers. To do this, visit the following NVIDIA Web site:If the issue continues to occur, reduce the game settings to a minimum. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start the game.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Reset Defaults.
If the issue continues to occur, try to reduce the settings options on the Setting screen by moving the sliders all the way to the left.

S3 UniChrome

On computers that use the VIA S3 UniCrome video card, you may experience the following issues:
  • Special effects (fireworks, fire, and so on) do not display correctly.
  • The game runs slow
  • You receive the following error message when you start the game:
    "Invalid hardware drive detected, flight simulator will not work with your video card verify that you have latest video card driver installed, Flight simulator will now exit"
To resolve these issues, download the latest video drivers. To do this, visit the following S3 Graphics Co., Ltd Web site: If the issues continue to occur, upgrade the video card that is installed on the computer. For more information, see the "Additional information" and "References" sections.

S3 Deltachromes

If you experience issues when you use the S3 Deltachromes video card, try to update the drivers. If the issue continues to occur, you may have to upgrade the video card.

Intel , Intel , Intel , and Intel

If you experience slow performance when you use one of the following Intel video cards, set all the game options to Defaults:
  • Intel
  • Intel
  • Intel
  • Intel
To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start the game.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Reset Defaults.
If the issue continues to occur, try to reduce the settings options on the Setting screen by moving the sliders all the way to the left. If the problem continues to occur, you may have to upgrade the video card. This issue occurs because of the video card drivers. See the "Additional information" section for more information about how to upgrade your video card.

Additional information

Additionally, you can view and compare features and prices of different video cards. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site: After you open this Web site, type video card in the Search box, and then press ENTER.

The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.
Источник: [manicapital.com]
, FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number
Источник: [manicapital.com]
FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number

History of Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator began as a set of articles on computer graphics, written by Bruce Artwick throughout , about flight simulation using 3-D graphics. When the editor of the magazine told Artwick that subscribers were interested in purchasing such a program, Artwick founded Sublogic Corporation to commercialize his ideas. At first the new company sold flight simulators through mail order, but that changed in January with the release of Flight Simulator (FS) for the Apple II.[1] They soon followed this up with versions for other systems and from there it evolved into a long-running series of computer flight simulators.

Sublogic flight simulators [edit]

First generation (Apple II and TRS)[edit]

− January for Apple II[1]
− January for TRS

Second generation (Tandy Color Computer 3, Apple II, Commodore 64, and Atari 8-bit)[edit]

− December for Apple II[2]
− June for Commodore 64
− October for Atari 8-bit family
− Sometime in for CoCo 3

Third generation (Amiga, Atari ST, and Macintosh)[edit]

− March for Apple Macintosh[2]
− November for Amiga and Atari ST

In Amiga Corporation asked Artwick to port Flight Simulator for its forthcoming computer, but Commodore's purchase of Amiga temporarily ended the relationship. Sublogic instead finished a Macintosh version, released by Microsoft, then resumed work on the Amiga and Atari ST versions.[2] Although still called Flight Simulator II, the Amiga and Atari ST versions compare favorably with Microsoft Flight Simulator Notable features included a windowing system allowing multiple simultaneous 3d views - including exterior views of the aircraft itself - and (on the Amiga and Atari ST) modem play.

Info gave the Amiga version five out of five, describing it as the "finest incarnation". Praising the "superb" graphics, the magazine advised to "BEGIN your game collection with this one!"[3]

Microsoft Flight Simulator[edit]

Flight Simulator [edit]

− Released in November [2]

Flight Simulator [edit]

FS – Scenery coverage includes the entire United States.
− Released in

In , Microsoft released their version 2 for IBM PCs. This version made small improvements to the original version, including the graphics and a more precise simulation in general. It added joystick and mouse input, as well as support for RGB monitors (4-color CGA graphics), the IBM PCjr, and (in later versions) Hercules graphics, and LCD displays for laptops. The new simulator expanded the scenery coverage to include a model of the entire United States, although the airports were limited to the same areas as in Flight Simulator 1. Over the next year or two, compatibility with Sublogic Scenery Disks was provided, gradually covering the whole U.S. (including Hawaii), Japan, and part of Europe.

Flight Simulator [edit]

FS – Many more buildings and additional aircraft. For the first time, users had an option to view the aircraft from the outside. A Cessna Skylane flying over Chicago is shown here.
− Released in mid

Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 improved the flight experience by adding additional aircraft and airports to the simulated area found in Flight Simulator 2, as well as improved high-res (EGA) graphics, and other features lifted from the Amiga/ST versions.

The three simulated aircraft were the Gates Learjet 25, Cessna Skylane, and Sopwith Camel. Flight Simulator 3 also allowed the user to customize the display; multiple windows, each displaying one of several views, could be positioned and sized on the screen. The supported views included the instrument and control panel, a map view, and various external camera angles.

This version included a program to convert the old series of Sublogic Scenery Disks into scenery files (known as SCN files), which could then be copied to the FS3 directory, allowing the user to expand the FS world.

Flight Simulator [edit]

FS – Now with dynamic scenery, more detailed roads, bridges, and buildings. Allowed users to design their own aircraft.
− Released in late

Version 4 followed in , and brought several improvements over Flight Simulator 3. These included improved aircraft models, random weather patterns, a new sailplane, and dynamic scenery (non-interactive air and ground traffic on and near airports moving along static prerecorded paths). The basic version of FS4 was available for Macintosh computers in Like FS3, this version included an upgraded converter for the old Sublogic Scenery Disks into SCN files.

A large series of add-on products were produced for FS4 between and First from Microsoft & the Bruce Artwick Organization (BAO) came the Aircraft and Scenery Designer (ASD) integration module. This allowed FS4 users to build custom scenery units known as SC1 files which could be used within FS4 and traded with other users. Also, with the provided Aircraft Designer Module, the user could select one of two basic type aircraft frames (prop or jet) and customize flight envelope details and visual aspects. ASD provided additional aircraft including a Boeing with a custom dash/cockpit (which required running in × resolution).

Mallard Software and BAO released the Sound, Graphics, and Aircraft Upgrade (SGA), which added digital and synth sound capability (on compatible hardware) to FS4. A variety of high resolution modes also became available for specific types of higher end video cards and chipsets, thus supplying running resolutions up to × As with ASD, the SGA upgrade also came with some additional aircraft designed by BAO, including an Ultra-light.

Another addition was known as the Aircraft Adventure Factory (AAF), which had two components. The first, the Aircraft Factory, was a Windows-based program allowing custom design aircraft shapes to be used within FS4 utilizing a CAD-type interface, supported by various sub menu and listing options. Once the shape was created and colors assigned to the various pieces, it could be tied to an existing saved flight model as was designed in the Aircraft Designer module. The other component of AAF was the Adventure module. Using a simple language, a user could design and compile a script that could access such things as aircraft position, airspeed, altitude, and aircraft flight characteristics.

Other add-on products (most published by Mallard Software) included: The Scenery Enhancement Edition (SEE4), which further enhanced SC1 files and allowed for AF objects to be used as static objects within SEE4; Pilots Power Tools (PPT), which greatly eased the management of the many aircraft and scenery files available; and finally, a variety of new primary scenery areas created by MicroScene, including Hawaii (MS-1), Tahiti (MS-2), Grand Canyon (MS-3), and Japan (MS-4). Scenery files produced by Sublogic could also be used with FS4, including Sublogic's final USA East and West scenery collections.

Flight Simulator [edit]

− Released in late

Flight Simulator is the first version of the series to use textures. This allowed FS5 to achieve a much higher degree of realism than the previous flat-shaded simulators. This also made all add-on scenery and aircraft for the previous versions obsolete, as they would look out of place.

The bundled scenery was expanded (now including parts of Europe). Improvements were made to the included aircraft models, the weather system's realism, and artificial intelligence. The coordinate system introduced in Flight Simulator 1 was revamped, and the scenery format was migrated from the old SCN/SC1 to the new and more complex BGL format.

More noticeable improvements included the use of digital audio for sound effects, custom cockpits for each aircraft (previous versions had one cockpit that was slightly modified to fit various aircraft), and better graphics.

It took about a year for add-on developers to get to grips with the new engine, but when they did they were not only able to release scenery, but also tools like Flightshop that made it feasible for users to design new objects.

Flight Simulator [edit]

− Released in

In , Flight Simulator was introduced, adding the ability to handle scenery libraries including wide use of satellite imagery, faster performance, and a barrage of weather effects: storms, 3D clouds, and fog became true-to-life elements in the Flight Simulator world. This edition was also the first version that was released on CD-ROM and the last for DOS. This was released in June

In the fall of , with the release of the Flightshop program, nearly any aircraft could be built. The French program "Airport" was also available for free which allowed users to build airports (FS only had Worldwide) and other designers were doing custom aircraft cockpit panels. This all made for a huge amount of "freeware" to be released to be downloaded and added to the FS simulator. Forums such as CompuServe, Avsim, and manicapital.com acted as libraries for uploads and discussion.

In November , Microsoft acquired the Bruce Artwick Organization (BAO), Ltd from Bruce Artwick. Employees were moved to Redmond, WA and development of Microsoft Flight Simulator continued.

Flight Simulator for Windows 95[edit]

FS95 () – More scenery and aircraft. Notice the texture mapped runway, aircraft, and sky, and high density of 3-D buildings.
− Released in mid

With the release of Windows 95, a new version () was developed for that platform. Although this was more or less just a port from the DOS version (FS), it did feature a vastly improved frame-rate, better haze, and additional aircraft, including the Extra aerobatic aircraft.

Instead of using the version number in the title, Microsoft instead called it "Flight Simulator for Windows 95" to advertise the change in operating system. It is often abbreviated as "FS95" or "FSW95".

This was the first version released after the purchase of BAO by Microsoft, and after having physically relocated development of the BAO development staff to Microsoft's primary campus in Redmond, Washington. The BAO team was integrated with other non-BAO Microsoft staff, such as project management, testing, and artwork.

Additional scenery included major airports outside Europe and the US for the first time.

Flight Simulator 98[edit]

− Released on September 16, [4]

Flight Simulator 98 (version ), abbreviated as FS98, is generally regarded as a "service release", offering minor improvements, with a few notable exceptions: The simulator now also featured a helicopter (the Bell BIII JetRanger), as well as a generally improved interface for adding additional aircraft, sceneries, and sounds.

Other new "out of the box" aircraft included a revised Cessna with a photorealistic instrument panel and updated flight model. The primary rationale for updating the was Cessna's return to manufacturing that model in the late s. The Learjet Model 45 business jet was also included, replacing the aging Learjet 35 from earlier versions. The Dynamic Scenery models were also vastly improved. One of the most noticeable improvements in this version was the ability to have independent panels and sounds for every aircraft.

A major expansion of the in-box scenery was also included in this release, including approximately 45 detailed cities (many located outside the United States, some of which had been included in separate scenery enhancement packs), as well as an increase in the modeled airports to over worldwide, compared with the approximately in earlier versions. This major increase in scenery production was attributable partially to inclusion of the content from previous standalone scenery packs, as well as new contributions by MicroScene, a company in San Ramon, California who had developed several scenery expansions released by Microsoft.

This release also included support for the Microsoft Sidewinder Pro Force Feedback joystick, which allowed the player to receive some sensory input from simulated trim forces on the aircraft controls.

This was the first version to take advantage of 3D-graphic cards, through Microsoft's DirectX technology. With such combination of hardware and software, FS98 not only achieved better performance, but also implemented better haze/visibility effects, "virtual cockpit" views, texture filtering, and sunrise/sunset effects.

By November , Flight Simulator 98 had shipped one million units, following its September launch.[5][6] It received a "Gold" award from the Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland (VUD) in August ,[7] for sales of at least , units across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.[8] The VUD raised it to "Platinum" status, indicating , sales, by November.[9]

Flight Simulator [edit]

− Released in late

Flight Simulator (version ), abbreviated as FS, was released as a major improvement over the previous versions, and was also offered in two versions: One version for "normal" users, and one "pro" version with additional aircraft. Although many users had high expectations when this version arrived, many were disappointed when they found out that the simulator demanded high-end hardware; the minimum requirements were only a Pentium &#;MHz computer, although &#;&#;MHz computer was deemed necessary to have an even framerate.[10] However, even on a high-end system, stuttering framerate was a problem, especially when performing sharp turns in graphically dense areas. Also, the visual damage effects introduced in FS5 were disabled, and continued to be unavailable in versions after FS While the visual damage effects were still in the game, Microsoft disabled them through the game's configuration files. Users can re-enable the damage effects through modifications. FS also introduced computer controlled aircraft in some airports.

This version also introduced 3D elevation, making it possible to adjust the elevation for the scenery grids, thus making most of the previous scenery obsolete (as it didn't support this feature). A GPS was also added, enabling an even more realistic operation of the simulator. FS also upgraded its dynamic scenery, with more detailed models and AI that allowed aircraft to yield to other aircraft to avoid incursions while taxiing.

FS included an improved weather system, which featured precipitation for the first time in the form of either snow or rain, as well as other new features such as the ability to download real-world weather.

New aircraft in FS included the supersonic Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde (prominently featured on both editions' box covers) and the Boeing which had recently entered service at the time.

An often overlooked, but highly significant milestone in Flight Simulator , was the addition of over 17, new airports, for a total exceeding 20, worldwide, as well as worldwide navigational aid coverage. This greatly expanded the utility of the product in simulating long international flights as well as instrument-based flight relying on radio navigation aids. Some of these airports, along with additional objects such as radio towers and other "hazard" structures, were built from publicly available U.S. government databases. Others, particularly the larger commercial airports with detailed apron and taxiway structures, were built from detailed information in Jeppesen's proprietary database, one of the primary commercial suppliers of worldwide aviation navigation data.

In combination, these new data sources in Flight Simulator allowed the franchise to claim the inclusion of virtually every documented airport and navigational aid in the world, as well as allowing implementation of the new GPS feature. As was the case with FS98, scenery development using these new data sources in FS was outsourced to MicroScene in San Ramon, working with the core development team at Microsoft.

Microsoft Flight Simulator was the last of the Flight Simulator series to support the Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems.

Flight Simulator [edit]

− Released in October

Flight Simulator (version ), abbreviated as FS, improved vastly over previous versions. In addition to improved graphics, FS introduced air traffic control (ATC) and artificial intelligence (AI) aircraft enabling users to fly alongside computer-controlled aircraft and communicate with airports. An option for a target framerate was added, enabling a cap on the framerate to reduce stutter while performing texture loading and other maintenance tasks. In addition, the 3D Virtual Cockpit feature from FS98 was re-added in a vastly improved form, creating in effect a view of the cockpit from the viewpoint of a real pilot. The external view also featured an inertia effect, inducing an illusion of movement in a realistic physical environment. The simulation runs smoother than Flight Simulator , even on comparable hardware. A free copy of Fighter Ace 2 was also included with the software.

Flight Simulator A Century of Flight[edit]

− Released in July

Flight Simulator A Century of Flight (version ), also known as FS9 or FS, was shipped with several historical aircraft such as the Wright Flyer, Ford Tri-Motor, and the Douglas DC-3 to commemorate the th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight. The program included an improved weather engine that provided true three-dimensional clouds and true localized weather conditions for the first time.[11] The engine also allowed users to download weather information from actual weather stations, allowing the simulator to synchronize the weather with the real world. Other enhancements from the previous version included better ATC communications, GPS equipment, interactive virtual cockpits, and more variety in autogen such as barns, street lights, silos, etc.

Flight Simulator is also the last version to include and feature Meigs Field as its default airport. The airport was closed on March 30, , and the airport was removed in the subsequent releases. It is also the last version to support Windows 98/9x series of operating systems.

Flight Simulator X[edit]

− Released in October

Flight Simulator X (version ), abbreviated as FSX, is the tenth edition in the Flight Simulator franchise. It features new aircraft, improved multiplayer support, including the ability for two players to fly a single plane, and players to occupy a control tower available in the Deluxe Edition, and improved scenery with higher resolution ground textures.

FSX includes fewer aircraft than FS, but incorporates new aircraft such as the Airbus A, Maule Orion, Boeing (replacing the aging Boeing ), and Bombardier CRJ The expansion pack, named Acceleration, was released later, which includes new missions, aircraft, and other updates. The Deluxe edition of Flight Simulator X includes the Software Development Kit (SDK), which contains an object placer, allowing the game's autogen and full scenery library to be used in missions or add-on scenery. Finally, the ability to operate the control surfaces of aircraft with the mouse was reintroduced after it was removed in FS

Previous versions did not allow great circle navigation at latitudes higher than 60 degrees (north or south), and at around degrees north–south it became impossible to "fly" closer to the poles, whichever compass heading was followed. This problem is solved in FSX. Users may now navigate through any great circle as well as "fly" across both the Arctic and Antarctic. This version also adds the option to have a transparent panel.

FSX is the first of the series to be released exclusively on DVD-ROM due to space constraints. This is also the first in the series that calls for the preparing process known as activating. Through the internet or a phone a hardware number is generated, and a corresponding code is then used to lock the DVD to one single computer only. It also requires a significantly more powerful computer to run smoothly, even on low graphical settings. Users have reported that the game is "CPU-bound" - a powerful processor is generally more helpful in increasing performance than a powerful graphics card.

Meigs Field in Chicago was removed following its sudden destruction in ,[12] while Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, which had closed in , remained.

FSX is the last version of Microsoft Flight Simulator to support Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and as Microsoft Flight Simulator () only works on Windows

Flight Simulator X: Acceleration[edit]

− Released in October

Microsoft released their first expansion pack for Flight Simulator in years, called Flight Simulator X: Acceleration, to the US market on October 23, , and released to the Australian market on November 1, Unlike the base game, which is rated E, Acceleration is rated E10+ in the US.

Acceleration introduces new features, including multiplayer air racing, new missions, and three all-new aircraft, the F/AA Hornet, EH helicopter, and PD Mustang. In many product reviews, users complained of multiple bugs in the initial release of the pack. One of the bugs, that occurs only in the Standard Edition, is the Maule Air Orion aircraft used in the mission has missing gauges and other problems, as it is a Deluxe Version-only aircraft.

The new scenery enhancements cover Berlin, Istanbul, Cape Canaveral, and Edwards Air Force Base, providing high accuracy both in the underlying photo texture (60&#;cm/pixel) and in the detail given to the 3D objects.

Flight Simulator X: Acceleration can take advantage of Windows Vista, Windows 7, and DirectX 10 as well.

The expansion pack includes code from both service packs, thus installing them is unnecessary.

Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition (Dovetail Games)[edit]

− Released in December

On 9 July , Dovetail Games announced a licensing agreement with Microsoft to distribute Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition[13] and to develop further products based on Microsoft's technology for the entertainment market.

Dovetail released Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition on 18 December It is a re-release of Flight Simulator X: Gold Edition, which includes the Deluxe and Acceleration packs and both Service Packs. It includes "all standard Steam functionality", and replaces the GameSpy multiplayer system with Steam's multiplayer system.[14]

While FSX: Steam Edition remains on sale, Dovetail also released a new flight simulation franchise, Flight Sim World. The company originally planned to bring this game to market in [15] However, the program became available in In April , Flight Sim World development was closed, and sales ended in May [16]

Flight Simulator ()[edit]

− Released in August

The latest entry to the series was first revealed in June , at Microsoft's E3 conference. Soon after the announcement, Microsoft Studios made available to the public its Microsoft Flight Simulator Insider Program webpage, where participants could subscribe to news, offer feedback, access a private forum, and be eligible to participate in Alpha and Beta releases of the game.[17]

Flight Simulator () features significantly more scenery detail, accurately modelling virtually every part of the world. The simulation also includes vastly more sophisticated aircraft, with nearly complete simulations of aircraft systems, overhead panels and flight management computers (FMCs) in commercial jet airliners; features which were highly incomplete in previous versions.

The new Flight Simulator is powered by satellite data and Azure AI. It features high fidelity shadow generation and reflections on aircraft surfaces, busy airports with animated vehicles and people, complex cloud formations, defined shorelines and water bodies, realistic precipitation effects on the aircraft's windshield, and very detailed terrain generation with a vast amount of autogenerated scenery.

The official website for the game states: "Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and stunning aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and fly anywhere on the planet. Enjoy flying day or night and face realistic, challenging weather conditions."[18]

The game was released for Windows on August 18, , through Xbox Game Pass and Steam on PC. A release date for the Xbox console is still forthcoming.

Microsoft Flight[edit]

− Released in February

On August 17, , Microsoft announced a new flight simulator, Microsoft Flight, designed to replace the Microsoft Flight Simulator series.[19] New to Flight is Games for Windows – Live integration, replacing the GameSpy client which was used in previous installments.

An add-on market place was implemented as well, offering some additional scenery packs and aircraft as downloadable content (DLC). The new version was aimed at current flight simulator fans, as well as novice players. However, Flight has a different internal architecture and operational philosophy, and is not compatible with the previous Flight Simulator series.

Some users and critics such as Flying Magazine were disappointed with the product, the main issue being that the product is a game, rather than a simulator,[20] to attract a casual audience rather than enthusiasts who would want a more realistic experience.[21]

On July 25, , Microsoft announced it had cancelled further development of Microsoft Flight, stating that this was part of "the natural ebb and flow" of application management. The company stated it will continue to support the community and offer Flight as a free download, but closed down all further development of the product on 26 July [22]

Products based on the Flight Simulator X codebase[edit]

Lockheed Martin Prepar3D[edit]

In , Lockheed Martin announced that they had negotiated with Microsoft to purchase the intellectual property and including source code for Microsoft ESP which was the commercial-use version of Flight Simulator X SP2. In Lockheed announced that the new product based upon the ESP source code would be called Prepar3D. Lockheed has hired members of the original ACES Studios team to continue development of the product. Most Flight Simulator X addons as well as the default FSX aircraft work in Prepar3D without any adjustment since Prepar3D is kept backward compatible. The first version was released on 1 November

Dovetail Games Flight Sim World[edit]

In May , Dovetail Games announced Flight Sim World, based on the codebase of Flight Simulator X, and released later that month.[23] Only a year later, on April 23, , Dovetail announced end of development of Flight Sim World and the end of sales effective May 15, [24]


  1. ^ abTolliver, Judy, ed. (). "Bruce Artwick is still flying"(PDF). Computer Science Alumni News. Vol.&#;1 no.&#;6. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois. pp.&#;10–
  2. ^ abcdHockman, Daniel (April ). "Bruce Artwick's Flight Simulator / You've Come A Long Way, Baby! / The History of an Epic Program". Computer Gaming World. No.&#; pp.&#;32– Retrieved 23 April
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  4. ^Staff (September 17, ). "Releases and Masterings". PC Gamer. Archived from the original on February 18, Retrieved December 5,
    "New games continue to hit the shelves every day. Now available: Flight Simulator '"
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  10. ^Staff (1 November ). "Reviews: FS Pro". manicapital.com. Archived from the original on 13 December Retrieved 21 February
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  12. ^Paul Freeman (28 March ). "Illinois: Central Chicago area: Meigs Field (CGX), Chicago, IL". Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields. Retrieved 17 October
  13. ^"Microsoft Flight Simulator returns — and one is coming to Steam". Retrieved 15 September
  14. ^"FSX Insider FAQs". FSX Insider. Retrieved
  15. ^"Dovetail Games - DOVETAIL GAMES' LICENSING DEAL WITH MICROSOFT TAKES FLIGHT". Archived from the original on 10 July Retrieved 15 September
  16. ^"Flight Sim World: Closure Announcement". Dovetail Games. Retrieved 1 September
  17. ^"Insider Program Faq". Microsoft Flight Simulator. Retrieved
  18. ^"Microsoft Flight Simulator | Xbox & Windows 10". manicapital.com. Retrieved
  19. ^"Microsoft Flight". Retrieved 15 September
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  23. ^"Flight Sim returns to the skies this month with new title". PCGamesN. Retrieved 10 April
  24. ^"Flight Sim World Closure Announcement". Steam. Retrieved

External links[edit]

Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the FLIGHT SIULATOR 2002 - AIRPORT 2002 VOLUME 1 serial key or number?

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