J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

Restoring a License

Licensing Process

A Registration Code is a permanent license. You receive it via email from buy-button at jriver when you purchase Media Center.

  • You can retrieve your Registration Code anytime by using option #2 on the Restore Page. You will receive mail from buy-button at jriver.
  • You can also change your e-mail address or password on that page.
  • The Registration Code can be used to do a Restore, which installs the license and generates an Install Key. The Install Key is portable and can be used to license additional copies of Media Center, but it expires in 14 days, after which you must restore by using your Registration Code. The Registration Code is permanent.

Version is important.

  • Your license must match the installed version of MC and the platform.
  • Windows, Linux, and Mac licenses are separate, as are major versions (MC25 and MC26, for example).
  • Old versions are available to download.

Download and install from the Download Page at manicapital.com or from our Interact Forum.

  • Other sites may not be trustworthy.

More Details

Restore a license by using your Registration Code on the Restore Page.

  • This can be done from within the program, under Help > Install License, or within the startup dialog shown by the trial.
  • You must install and run the version of MC that corresponds to your license first.

The Install Key is a temporary, portable license file (.mjr file type), generated whenever you restore.

  • The Install Key can be used to apply your license to a particular copy of MC.
  • When you Restore, the Install Key is automatically applied to any copy of MC on the computer used to perform the Restore.
  • It is emailed to you upon successful registration, and whenever you Restore. Look for mail from buy-button at jriver.
  • The Install Key file can be used to license MC on your other PCs (within reason). To do so, execute the Install Key by double clicking on it from Windows Explorer or the Finder.
  • Mac and Linux licenses won't work on Windows, and Windows licenses won't work on Mac or Linux.
  • You must have the correct version of MC installed first. Your license must be for the correct OS type (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Each Install Key (mjr file) is good for 14 days.

  • After that, you must Restore again.
  • Using the Install Key does not use a restore.

You can Restore your license, and generate another Install Key up to ten times per rolling calendar year.

  • If you use all your restores, please post on the forum. We can reset the count, but this is only done if you have run out.


  • Use Copy and Paste to enter your Registration Code, to avoid mistakes. The letter O and number 0 look alike. So do the letters l and I, and the number 1. Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the Registration Code.
  • Browsers can sometimes cause problems. For example, when you download the Install Key, Opera renames the .mjr extension to .exe and this will not work. Try another browser if you have trouble with the mjr file. IE and Chrome are reliable.
  • You can view the license status under Help > Registration Info.
  • Make sure that the version and OS of the license and the version of the installed program match. You cannot use an MC25 license with MC26, for example, nor a Windows license on a Mac.
  • Verify that your system date is set correctly.
  • Install and run the version that matches your license, then restore or click on the Install Key


More information can be found on the Purchase Page.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

Release Notes MC12

1. Changed: After an automatic cover art lookup failure or background audio analysis failure, the player will wait one year to try again instead of thirty days.
2. Changed: The "Get Cover Art" dialog works in batches of albums when doing large lookups
3. Changed: Slight modifications to how the /NoAssociations installer switch works. (shows page with nothing selected on a fresh install, but can still associate with user selections)

1. Fixed: Access violation in DX video player engine.
2. Changed: Reversed a previous change of using VMR9' "YUV Mixing Mode" for Hauppauge WinTV PRV analog TV devices (and other TV devices using hardware MPEG2 compression). The "YUV Mixing Mode" caused video problem when displaying video on secondary monitor.
3. Changed: Making changes to the Playing Now list using the SDK will update the Playing Now view.
4. Changed: Some stack menu items removed if the selection is not appropriate.
5. Changed: Default for show stack icon is now on.
6. Changed: Stack Icon column for details view is added to the default list. (Blue stack == collapsed stack. Red top == expanded stack top. Red Middle == expanded stack member.)
7. NEW: When copying files to the clipboard, the files will also be added as a format that can be pasted to Explorer for file copying. (text, CSV text, and image still also added to clipboard)
8. Fixed: Restore button (added in build ) for TV channels did not work.
9. Changed: We automatically convert the old HH Cache to a HH Stack. (If we have not already done so or given the user the opportunity to do so.)
Fixed: Double ampersands (&&) could get drawn in some menus.
Fixed: Aspect ratio of images on certain iPods was not correct.
Fixed: EXIF rotation would not be honored on an iPod.
NEW: Added Sweden DVB-T frequency table.
Fixed: In-place editing in the lists was incorrectly possible in the get cover art dialog.
Changed: When leaving a library view, tagging mode is switched off instead of staying on for the duration of the session.
Changed: Renamed "Tagging Mode" to "Pane Tagging".
Fixed: Photo thumbnails show up correctly on an iPod but clicking on them shows a blank screen.
Changed: Scheduled TV recording now respects the name entered by user on Media Scheduler.
Changed: Reworked how circular smartlist references are handled to fix a few corner case issues.
Fixed: A shell-extension import could fail with a warning message if any auto-import tasks were running in the background.
Fixed: When playing audio using Wave Out, the volume control would not always control the correct line if the "Default" line was used instead of a specific line.
Fixed: Image editor status bar was not working.
Changed: Image editor displays zoom level as a percentage instead of a ratio (like regular image playback).
Changed: Image editor uses standard zoom stops when zooming in or out. (i.e. 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, etc.)
Fixed: Image editor did not correctly handle coordinates when an image was fully zoomed out, causing strange tool behavior.
Fixed: Image editor could draw a border on and image that was the wrong color.
Fixed: Revised how image editor renders the screen to be more efficient.
Changed: Silent cover art submission (if enabled in options) only submits files between (x to x, and less than kb).
Fixed: When pasting a cover art change to files as image data instead of from a URL the change would not be submitted to YADB.
Changed: When manual cover art submission finishes, it shows a statusbar message but no popup message.
Updated: Stack icons.
Fixed: Ipod transfer was not working under vista when run as a normal user.
Changed: Tweaks to how likely radio playback is to repeat a song.

For internal testing only

1. Changed: Default for show stack icon is now off.
2. Fixed: Arrow buttons did not work when playing DVD "extra features" that require user interaction.
3. NEW: Added "DVD Menu" to OSD menu.
4. NEW: Stack Icon column available for details view. (Not by default. It is in the column list. Better artwork in future builds.)
5. Changed: Digital TV channels' registry location is changed. This should be transparent to users.
6. NEW: Backup and Restore buttons on TV Channels property page, to backup TV channels to a disk file, and to restore them from the disk file.
7. NEW: The handheld conversion cache stack will save video conversions.

1. Changed: Grouping file items no longer draw a stack overlay.
2. Changed: Stack right click submenu only appears when viewing a file.
3. Fixed: Remapped field names for iTunes playlist importing.
4. Fixed: User's choice of not using J. River Audio Renderer for DirectShow playback of Wav files was not honored.
5. Changed: If stacks are used as the handheld cache any stacked mp3 file will be used if none is found under the stack directory.
6. NEW: Filters from "DMO Audio Effect" and "DMO Video Effect" categories are added to the list of transform filters for DirectShow playback.
7. NEW: Added "build cache" option to the handheld cache options. (Only builds audio files.)
8. Fixed: Double ampersand's (&&) appearing in phrases throughout MC.
9. Fixed: MC could use old iPod image specifications after the firmware is updated by iTunes.
Fixed: MC's iPod firmware update utility could report the wrong current firmware version.
Fixed: Recommendation system was garbling non-Latin characters in the returned information. Tracks in the database are ok.
Changed: For Hauppauge WinTV PVR (and some other TV device with hardware compression to MPEG-2), Legacy Video Renderer is used for time-shifting instead of VMR9 if user chooses to use software compression filters (i.e. not using MPEG-2). This solves the problem of bad video when using DivX compressor.
NEW: (Experimental, may not work and may be removed) Hauppauge WinTV HVR can record/time-shift using a software compressor.
Fixed: Initialize iPod was not working for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

1. Fixed: Get Cover Art could draw incorrectly when resizing.
2. Changed: Revised how searching works for the files list below artists, albums, etc. in the library.
3. Fixed: Searching could steal the focus from the search box in some library views.
4. Changed: Show Stacks on view menu changed to Show Fanned Thumbnails.
5. NEW: Show Stack Indicator on Thumbnail option added to view.
6. Changed: In Get Cover Art, renamed "Existing" to "Your library".
7. Fixed: MC always wants to resync photos on iPods (introduced in ).
8. Fixed: Tooltips could incorrectly appear when a right-click menu was showing.
9. Fixed: Keyboard navigation would not work nicely around grouping items in lists.
Fixed: Maximized windows could fail to render the two right-most pixels.
Changed: Rename Files From Properties dialog preview can handle hundreds of thousands of files without slowing the dialog down.
NEW: Added a full-size preview tooltip to the Get Cover Art results.
Changed: TV does not allow seeking / jumping to within 2 seconds of the live time.
Changed: Pane headers better resize to accomodate large fonts.
Fixed: Options dialog page picker could use incorrect colors for some skins.
Fixed: The "Alt" key would not properly draw underlines in a menu.

1. NEW: Improved Cover Art > Get From Internet to show multiple images, handle new voting system, etc.
2. Changed: Fullscreen borders no longer resize the display.
3. Changed: Fullscreen borders use "Slim" art and only show a top border.
4. NEW: Autostack by Artist, Album and Name added to right click menu.
5. NEW: Autostack by Artist, Album, Track # and Name added to right click menu.
6. Fixed: Fixed several small problems related to the iPod firmware update utility.
7. NEW: Added the option for drive-based devices (including iPods) to turn on/off resyncing a file based on if the Date Modified of the file on the device and the file in MC are different.
8. Changed: Get Cover Art dialog is modeless so it no longer blocks the program while using.
9. Changed: Minor changes to the media 'Suggestions' view.
Fixed: Rename Files From Properties was not loading checkbox states correctly.

1. Changed: Better Unicode support when playing media in Quicktime engine.
2. Fixed: Files with strange Unicode characters in the path would not play in Quicktime engine.
3. Fixed: Fixed a few text drawing related bugs.
4. Fixed: Unstacking a file would bump the date imported.

1. NEW: The character limit on filenames when playing in Quicktime engine is eliminated. You need to update to the latest Quicktime.
2. Fixed: Cover Art lookup was stripping characters in parenthesis in the album title.
3. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+A while the tree was focused with a playlist selected would select all.
4. Fixed: System list controls could paint black during a scroll.
5. Fixed: Text drawing of multiline fields in the Tag Action Window was not working correctly.
6. Fixed: Stack save bug.
7. NEW: If using stacked files for handheld conversions the app will search the stack location for a likely match and add it to the stack rather than converting a new one.
8. Fixed: In some cases a file could be marked as part of a stack even though the stack was gone.
9. Fixed: Audio analyzer could use incorrect amount of precision when storing results (only applies to and ).
Fixed: Some analyzed files would be queued for audio analysis over and over.
Fixed: Stack save bug.
NEW: If using stacked files for HH conversions the app will search the stack location for a likely match and add it to the stack rather than converting a new one.
Fixed: iPhones and iPod Touch not displaying correct (total or available) disk space.
Fixed: Possible crash from threading in tooltip system.
Fixed: Auto stack by name was failing to create the stack.
Fixed: Wait popup dialogs could fail to show or cause unnecessary second delays in some cases.

1. Fixed: List printing was not rendering text properly.
2. Fixed: Image playback of images that failed to load could loop forever.
3. Fixed: Some JPEG files could fail to load.
4. Fixed: System list controls could flicker black behind items during a paint.
5. Fixed: Installer metadata text needed an extra line-break.
6. Fixed: Mini skins would not update correctly after stopping playback.
7. Changed: Revised how grouped library views and searches interact.
8. Changed: The player will attempt to switch the HH cache settings to HH stack. (If those settings were not already removed.)
9. Changed: HH conversion stacking will stop when there is just 1 GB remaining.
Fixed: Song ratings upload was not working correctly in most cases.
NEW: Some random tracks are now shown under 'Services & Plug-ins' / 'Music Suggestions'. These will actually become useful recommendations as we get more uploaded preference data.

1. Changed: Revised the type in the Rename Files From Properties dialog to clarify that renaming and moving are the same.
2. Fixed: Multiline thumbnail text would not always draw properly.
3. Fixed: Starting a drag of a non-selected item from the panes would not work correctly.
4. Fixed: The tray icon tooltip would not always contain the correct duration for the playing file.
5. Fixed: During a custom install, ticking the "submit to online recommendation system" option caused a crash.
6. Fixed: iPods not transferring photos correctly.
7. Changed: Audio analysis done by auto-import no longer saves the results to the file tags. (manual changes later will cause the new data to get saved to the tags)
8. Fixed: Playing Now list would not update correctly on zone change.
9. Changed: In the panes, picking something like "Rock", then "Aerosmith", and then editing or playing "Rock" will only operate on Aerosmith files instead of all Rock files.

1. Fixed: Stack engine would do too much logging, possibly causing slowdowns.
2. Fixed: Wait messages with only a single line of text would not properly vertically center the text.
3. Fixed: Output plugin configuration dialogs would not render properly.
4. Fixed: Stack engine wasn't cleaning illegal characters from the file path when stacking converted files.
5. Changed: CD playback plugin is smaller and more efficient.

1. Fixed: Import would expand collapsed stacks.
2. Fixed: "Rename Files From Properties" better adjusts to large fonts / large translations.
3. Fixed: MC wants to re-sync tracks on iPod due to a difference in Date Modified caused by DST.
4. Changed: wma media type is removed from the list of types played in DirectShow.
5. Fixed: DRM'd wma could not play in build and
6. Changed: Revised wording of online metadata options to be more clear.
7. Optimized: Improved performance of loading or showing a list / tree.
8. Fixed: Handheld playlist sync could hang in some cases (only applies to last two builds).
9. Fixed: Hauppauge WinTV PVR TV device (maybe other MPEG-2 compression TV devices) lost sound during recording.
Changed: Changed the way analog video preview graph is built for WinTV TV device.
NEW: Added option for users to upload song ratings to recommendation system.
NEW: Added the ability to update iPod firmware within the player.
Fixed: Theater View would not update Playing Now properly when playing in Radio mode.

1. NEW: Added 1, 2, and 3 minutes to the Preview Mode for playback.
2. NEW: Added "Find & Replace" to the Rename Files From Properties to make things like switching drives easier.
3. NEW: Added mode to Rename Files From Properties: "Update database to point to new location (no file move or copy)".
4. Changed: Hidden stack files could confuse handheld transfers and some other areas of the program.
6. Fixed: HH conversion could cause orphaned files to appear.
7. Fixed: Audio analysis, burning, conversion, etc. could show a popup error when trying to decode a file with no filters instead of silently handling the error.
8. Changed: If auto-import fails to analyze audio for a file, it will not try again for 30 days.
9. Changed: When doing a quick search (Ctrl+Q or alphabet) the found item will be placed at the top of the screen.

1. NEW: Added option not to play DirectShow audio types in J. River Audio renderer (MJ WaveBin Filter).
2. Fixed: In rare cases, two threaded imports working on the same folder could create database duplicates.
3. Fixed: With auto-install after 30 seconds enabled, the scroll position of the EULA could get reset.
4. Changed: During a "Custom" install, online metadata options can be configured.
5. Changed: It's possible to get online metadata without allowing the program to contribute corrections.
6. Changed: Getting cover art and analyzing audio are enabled by default in auto-import options.
7. Changed: Added manual cover art submission back to the "Cover Art" submenu.
8. Fixed: When playing audio in DX player engine, the "Aspect Ratio" submenu was still displayed.
9. Fixed: For some audio types the user's choice to play the types in DirectShow was not honored when MC found an installed output plug-in for the types.
NEW: Reads and writes track replay gain and peak values to MP3 id3 tags that is compatible with several other players.
Changed: "MJ WaveBin Filter" is renamed "J. River Audio Renderer".
Fixed: Tooltips inside webpages could get incorrectly skinned.

1. Fixed: Handheld sync space estimates would not be correct when files needed to be updated and the option to delete files not in sync was unselected.
2. Fixed: Search box cursor did not position correctly when scrolling the text horizontally.
3. Fixed: Number to string conversion did not work properly for high precision floating point numbers (only applies to ).
4. Fixed: Pressing backspace while the focus was in an expression editing control could switch views.

1. Fixed: Multi-line values like Bios and Lyrics would not draw nicely in file lists.
2. NEW: iPod > Right-click > Compact Database will offer to remove orphaned files. (files in the Music folder, but not in the database)
3. Fixed: Duplicate-style smartlist rules didn't work properly with renamed database fields.
4. Fixed: Player window volume menu would not be clickable (only applies to ).
5. Fixed: Revised the look of a wait message, and fixed a bug where the progress bar could draw out of place with certain skins.
6. Fixed: When moving the scrollbar in lists and the tree, the scrolled content would not always move right away.
7. Changed: Updated the installer artwork.
8. Fixed: FormatNumber() would incorrectly format numbers around and above.
9. Fixed: TV FF/REW could be running at much slower rate than desired rate.
Changed: Handheld Audio conversion stack options streamlined. It is now on or off.
NEW: Stacked files created by the handheld conversion engine now have "stack tag" tagged with "HH Conversion".
Changed: Handheld conversion cache options have been removed from the app. (conversion stacks is replacing it.)
Changed: Default for HH use conversion stack option is FALSE.
Fixed: With the Obsidian Theater View skin, buttons and the time could overlap in some views.
Fixed: Some text would not wrap properly in Theater View.
Fixed: MC always wants to sync a device even though no files transfer to it or get deleted from it.
Changed: The "Find & Replace" and "Clean Properties" dialogs use the display name for a field instead of the internal name.
Fixed: Sometimes MC could report that two fields changed when tagging during playback when only one field really changed. (was reporting internal bookmark change)
Fixed: After a tooltip timed-out, it could reappear with no mouse movement.

1. Fixed: Some text characters would not render in lists.
2. Fixed: TV Aspect ratio did not work in recent builds.
3. Fixed: When adding a file to an existing stack a new top was being created.
4. Fixed: When adding a file to an existing collapsed stack was not adding all the stack files.
5. Changed: Multi-selection in-place editing in the panes is allowed.
6. Changed: The "All" pane item can no longer be in-placed edited.
7. Fixed: With a portable install, file tagging would not work properly.
8. Fixed: Disconnected handhelds could incorrectly show up in the options dialog in certain cases.
9. Fixed: iPod volume adjustment settings were not preserved between sessions.

1. Fixed: TV channel switching confirmation was not done when user switched channel using right-click context menu.
2. Fixed: Dates that fall very near the DST boundaries could be handled incorrectly - this caused continual resyncing of some files.
3. Fixed: Autostacking files created by the handheld conversion could fail.
4. Fixed: Fast Forward (Ctrl + Right Arrow) did not work for TV time-shifting after time-shifting had been run for longer than the preset time-shifting window.
5. Changed: Revised output plugins to use newer UI system. (reduces size of library, and better accomodates user selected fonts and translations)

1. Fixed: "Play Radio" command would not show up in the player menu when right-clicking the playback display.
2. Fixed: On screen display would not render properly (only applies to build ).
3. Fixed: 'Initialize iPod' not working correctly on iPhones & Touch's.
4. Changed: Podcast's were listed on iPods by their author, they are now listed by podcast name.
5. Fixed: Some text drawing artifacts from build
6. Changed: Reworked options dialog to use newer window and control engine. (should be internal change)
7. Changed: More text drawing is done with the new text system introduced in build
8. NEW: Stack directory and naming rule options for HH conversions. (When converting and stacking files it will use these settings.)
9. NEW: Only Use Stack Files from Stack Directory option added to HH conversions.
Changed: The iPhone Support feature can be turned off in general > advanced settings.

1. Fixed: Some podcast times wouldn't parse (Engadget).
2. Changed: Internal user interface plumbing -- should be transparent, but please report any issues.
3. Changed: Updated the French language translation (thanks to Guillaume and Jean-Guy Paquette).
4. Changed: Default pix01 template changed to slideshow gray. (Instead of noire as noire is not an included template.)
5. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar & Daniel2k).
6. Changed: Some additional tweaks in Hauppauge WinTV support.
7. Fixed: Line drawing could use incorrect colors (red and blue channels flipped).
8. Changed: Revised text drawing engine used in menus, lists, and trees.

1. Fixed: Default art for tabs didn't look nice.
2. Fixed: manicapital.com should work this time.
3. Fixed: Player buttons wouldn't animate nicely when the player was stopped.
4. Fixed: iPod always wants to re-sync files transferred with iTunes.
5. Changed: Moved option for online metadata lookup from Options > CD & DVD to Options > General.
6. Fixed: Quick Find of cover art better handles files that had broken cover art links.
7. Fixed: When doing a "Remove Cover Art" and selecting to delete the cover art from disk, relative path manicapital.com images would not be deleted.
8. Changed: When manually changing cover art, the cover art will be submitted to YADB.
9. Changed: Removed the option for manually submitting cover art.
Changed: "Get Cover Art From Internet" doesn't ask questions about how to run. (gets art for all files selected)
Changed: When changing a stack top file's tags fewer fields are common.
Fixed: Tagging a stack file when the stack is expanded only changes that one file.
Changed: When switching among Digital TV channels during time-shifting, MC no longer rebuilds DirectShow graphs, resulting in significantly quicker switch.
Fixed: Tile thumbnail "View" menus would not stay visible in some cases.
Changed: Replaced the expression editor in Customize Current View > Columns with the newer style.
Fixed: When deleting a file that was in a stack the stack would be incorrect.
Fixed: When a URL is dragged onto a device for syncing, the download will now be placed in a temp directory and deleted after the sync.
NEW: Added experimental iPod Touch and iPhone support. (use at your own risk, please backup your device before using)

1. Fixed: Dragging over the panes would select a different item.
2. Fixed: Skin layouts could incorrectly calculate the ideal size of certain skin pieces, causing skin item misplacement.
3. Fixed: The mouse wheel would run the thumbnail size slider when the mouse was in the view header even if it wasn't over the slider.
4. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar & Daniel2k).
5. Changed: Updated Czech translation (thanks JohnnyB).
6. Fixed: Field names with parenthesis in them did not work properly with duplicate style smartlist rules.
7. Fixed: Using the middle scroll button could cause a crash.
8. Changed: When holding tab or an arrow when in-place editing a list, the selection moves more smoothly visually.
9. Fixed: After changing a value during an in-place edit, keyboard navigation to edit other items would not work.
Fixed: View sorting works better for smartlists that contain multiple sort rules.
Fixed: The search box would not update nicely when switching skins.
Fixed: Skins that didn't specify scrollbar art didn't draw scrollbars nicely.
Fixed: Searching for stacks wasn't expanding the stack.
Changed: Revised how tabs are skinned, and updated included skins.
Fixed: Problems transferring files to iPods (introduced in ).

1. Changed: Several enhancements to expression editor (up / down work, tabbing works, would shift focus on close, shift+click works, ctrl+arrow more standard, etc.)
2. Fixed: Panes no longer support right-clicking a non-selected item (could cause "All" to be used instead of right-click item).
3. Changed: View scheme component editor uses expression editor control.
4. Changed: View scheme editor uses the popup search editor for managing the files to show. (instead of the older-style search box)

2. Changed: Stack submenu in the view header menu has been removed. Expand and collapse stack items moved to Options sub menu.
3. Fixed: The stack member list wasn't being updated on the top file.
4. Fixed: The stack top file could be orphaned.
5. Changed: Right click Stack Menu has changed.
6. Changed: View stack menu options now operate on visible files in view.
7. Changed: Collapsing and expanding stacks state is maintained per stack rather than globaly.
8. Changed: New art for collapsed stacks, stack tops and stack members.
9. Fixed: Chapter was misspelled in a DVD menu.
Fixed: manicapital.com should install correctly under Media Center.
NEW: Switched some expression editing to use a newer edit control / popup.

1. Changed: DirectShow video (and TV and DVD) stops playback on sound-device-lost event.
2. Fixed: The system shortcut for showing a menu Shift+F10 works better.
3. Changed: Standardized the sorting presets list to be the same in all areas of the program. (always includes view-specific stock presets, also contains user preset)
4. Changed: Added ability to save and load sorting presets from the "Sort" view header / view menu.
5. Changed: Made view header and tree right-click menus for Playing Now more similar.
6. NEW: Use Stack File if Available option added to handheld audio conversion section.
7. NEW: Move and Stack Converted Files with Original option added to handheld audio conversion section.

1. Fixed: Action Windows were not properly receiving some notifications, causing a variety of problems (only applies to ).
2. Fixed: Smartlist editor would incorrectly draw the modifier group box when there was only an empty modifier.
3. Fixed: Smartlist editor could discard sorting changes when changing other modifiers.
4. Fixed: Selecting in the smartlist editor was not possible when an auto-complete tooltip was visible.
5. Fixed: Sorting was not working properly in grouped views.
6. Fixed: Dialogs popping up from a detached display view would not be skinned.

For internal testing only

1. Fixed: Action Window tagging didn't catch enter and escape (only applies to ).
2. Changed: Rename From Info didn't load the most recent entry in some cases.
3. Fixed: FLVSplitter download did not work on Windows Vista.
4. Fixed: On Windows Vista with limited user accounts, FLV DirectShow graph would not build properly unless user specifically chose FLV Splitter/Source filter in filter selection.
5. Changed: FLV is assumed to be video and would be imported as video even if DirectShow graph fails.
6. NEW: Sort customization interface from Customize Current View is used in any place sorting can be customized. (menu, dialog, search editor)

1. Changed: Additional tweaks for Hauppauge WinTV TV device recording and time-shifting support.
2. Fixed: Few possible UI crashes from internal UI changes (only applies to ).
3. Fixed: Stacks should be faster.
4. NEW: Autostack by Name added to stack menu.
5. Fixed: Media Editor could crash on exit.
6. Changed: Downloading of FLV splitter is done when an flv file is imported/analyzed

1. Changed: m4v media type is added to the media types playable in DirectShow.
2. Changed: Merged French language translations (thanks to Guillaume and Jean-Guy Paquette).
3. Fixed: TrackInfo would briefly display incorrect data (only the first playback after MC was started).
4. Fixed: DirectShow video could be displayed in wrong aspect ratio when Enhanced Video Renderer was used.
5. Changed: ClassID and hosting filename of filters are included when a filter graph is logged to log file.
6. Fixed: The list selection anchor would not update properly when selecting a single file that was already selected.
7. Fixed: Right-click "Rename" could edit the last clicked column instead of the column where the right-click happened.
8. Fixed: File > Open URL > Web Media Options was not working properly with certain URLs.
9. NEW: DVD now supports jumping to different Titles.
Changed: Renamed "Chapters" submenu in DVD to "Jump To".

1. Changed: Changed the underpinnings of the tree, file lists, and options lists. (please report any strangeness)

1. Changed: Small internal change.

1. Changed: Audio analyzer won't test for Direct Show playback ability on an already analyzed file.
2. Changed: Radio playback is less likely to play the same artist back-to-back.
3. Changed: manicapital.com file will no longer be hidden (only applies to build ).
4. Fixed: The scheduler could fail to load more than one task.
5. Changed: Spacebar, page up, page down, home, and end control all playback types, not just images. (only apply when display is focused)
6. Changed: Page up, page down, home, and end control visualizations when playing audio.
7. NEW: Changing the filename of a file in a stack also intelligently renames any other files in the stack.
8. Fixed: Digital TV could be displayed in wrong aspect ratio when Enhanced Video Renderer was used.

1. NEW: Auto-import can optionally analyze audio for any unanalyzed files in the library.
2. Changed: Audio analysis throttles down to only use a percent or two of CPU usage when running as a background auto-import.
3. Changed: Revised how "Run auto-import in the background" works so that if a folder change happens during a background import, the import is restarted. (previously folder changes were ignored while a background import was running)
4. Fixed: The Next menu item / keyboard shortcut would be disabled when playing Radio with continuous playback disabled.
5. NEW: Auto-import can get missing cover art.
6. NEW: When auto-import gets missing cover art, it will only reattempt getting art for a file that failed after 30 days.
7. Fixed: In some cases, manicapital.com images could not overwrite existing manicapital.com images that were marked as hidden.
8. Changed: When saving manicapital.com images, the file will be given the hidden attribute.
9. Fixed: Using Enhanced Video Renderer for certain Digital TV channels would result in black bars on four sides of video when "Source Aspect Ratio" was selected.
Fixed: Adobe YCCK color space JPEG images would not load properly.

1. Fixed: Pressing "Next" during radio playback did not work. (only applies to last few builds)

1. Fixed: The new option "Use gapless for sequential album tracks" was not working properly.

1. Fixed: Small thumbnails could have a discolored right border in some cases.
2. Fixed: Rename Files From Properties was mangling UNC paths.
3. Fixed: Podcasting engine could incorrectly download image files names http___*.
4. Fixed: When setting "Store image next to file", setting art for URL files would not work properly.
5. Changed: The Podcast status column shows "Keep forever" for files not in the feed but elected to be kept by the user.
6. Changed: Switching TV channels during time-shifting involving a digital channel will now get user confirmation (if the user has configured TV to have such confirmation), to avoid accidentally losing time-shifting data.
7. NEW: Added option "Playback > Use gapless for sequential album tracks". (enabled by default)
8. Changed: Scheduler changes are saved as changes are made instead of only at shutdown.
9. Changed: The panes did not support select all (Ctrl+A), select none, or selection inverse (Ctrl+Shift+A).
NEW: Added undo and redo to the search control and new Rename From Info expression control.
Changed: The "Confirm Stop Time-shifting" message box (as well as the new "Confirm Switching Channel" message box) in TV has more sensible Default button and Cancel button.
NEW: Menu for adding an expression function in Rename Files From Properties shows a tooltip explaining the function.
NEW: Added expression explanation function tooltip for all expressions. (only applies to Rename Files From Properties for now)
Fixed: When building a filename from rules, if the base path evaluates to a non-local filename, the base path rule will be replaced with the existing file path.
Fixed: Time-shifting data files were not completely deleted when switching between digital TV channels even though the user chose to delete them.

1. Fixed: Search editor in view scheme dialog was not modal.
2. Fixed: Rename From Info dialog would save presets as you typed instead of when pressing OK, making the drop list of presets messy.
3. Fixed: JPEG color space conversion coloring could be off (only applies to last few builds).
4. Fixed: JPEG decoder could output a bad chunk in the lower right corner of an image (only applies to last few builds).
5. NEW: Very simple (at this point) file stack feature enabled.
6. Changed: Update the expression controls in Rename Files From Properties to a newer style (still a work in progress) (notice function tooltips for things like IsEqual(), If())

1. NEW: Expressions are supported in the base path of the "Rename Files From Properties" dialog.
2. NEW: Added "Copy to new location and update database to point to new location" option to the "Rename Files From Properties" dialog.
3. NEW: Using "1" as the parameter for MCC_EXPORT_ALL_PLAYLISTS will cause the finished message box to be suppressed.
4. Fixed: WMDM devices could cause Media Center to crash.
5. Fixed: The setting for whether to use WMDM or not for a drive-style device was not being honored.
6. Fixed: Locales where the month abbrieviations are numbers (such as Japan) would not parse dates.
7. Fixed: In some cases large amounts of removed files were not getting purged from the database.
8. Fixed: Tracks getting duplicated in playlist on iPods.
9. Changed: Updated French (Canadian) language file (thanks Guillaume).
Fixed: MC deleting play stats file every time an iPod is connected.
Fixed: Certain dimension JPEG images could have an artifact in the lower right corner. (only applies to and later).
Changed: Pressing down on the last row of thumbnails in Theater View works more like a standard list.

1. Changed: Some tweaks in Hauppauge TV card support.
2. Fixed: Some JPEG files would fail to load. (only affects and later)
3. Fixed: TrackInfo was displaying a blank page at times.
4. Fixed: Slowdowns in some core functions reduced.

1. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
2. Changed: Added more logging to portable drive plugin, looking to pinpoint an iPod slowdown problem.

1. Optimized: Starting a drag of a lot of files is faster.
2. Fixed: The TrackInfo plug-in might briefly display data for the wrong track.
3. Optimized: 3D file browser loads textures in four concurrent background threads.
4. Optimized: 3D file browser only uses high resolution texture sizes when objects are close to the viewport (switches between in background threads).
5. Changed: 3D file browser supports any number of albums.
6. Optimized: Improved performance of several internal pieces.

1. Fixed: Numbers would not always sort before letters (only applies to ).
2. Fixed: Tree right-click "Update Order" would not work properly.
3. Changed: Clicking a selected item in the tree would cause an unnecessary view update.
4. Changed: TV imports recorded videos in a background thread so it doesn't block the user experience.
5. Fixed: YouTube! Podcasts were not working properly (experimental feature).
6. Fixed: The launcher (MCexe) didn't properly support Unicode command lines.
7. Fixed: Locate in library was doing a file search. (only applies to )
8. Fixed: Stack menu items could appear in build

1. NEW: Horizontal mouse wheels will work if the system or driver forwards the standard horizontal scroll message.
2. Fixed: Digital TV's video color controls did not work when legacy video renderer was used (since video renderer selection was allowed).
3. Fixed: Library Server playback could fail (only affects ).
4. Fixed: In some cases, strings of numbers and letter would not sort in the correct number order.
5. Optimized: Library export takes much less memory.
6. Changed: Library export shows a progress dialog when invoked from the menu. (command line is still silent)
7. Fixed: Track Info plug-ins with "." in the name didn't work.
8. Changed: When doing a sync to a device, playlists not in the sync are no longer removed unless the option to "Delete from handheld any files not in sync list" is checked.
9. Changed: Media Center will not attempt to load from library server filenames (start with m01p://) when not connected to a server.
Fixed: Digital TV Enhanced Video Renderer selection did not work (since video renderer selection was allowed).
Fixed: Black bars around TV video flickered when window was resized.
Changed: Updated internal JPEG loading and saving routines to latest processor optimized versions.
Fixed: Grayscale JPEG images would not always load correctly.
Changed: Revised how cover art is stored on an iPod to better center non-square images in the Now Playing area.
NEW: To do a portable install of the player, pick "Custom" then "Portable install" in the installer. (/Portable command line switch no longer supported)
Fixed: Scheduling and other time-related functions could incorrectly account for DST in southern hemisphere countries.
Changed: 3D browsing sorts albums by artist / album.
Changed: 3D browsing shows text for albums that have no art.
Changed: 3D browsing works better for small libraries.
Fixed: CD ripping speed setting (advanced options) should be more reliable.
NEW: Added SDK automation function to tell Media Center to import a file in a background thread. (pMJ->ImportFileBackground())
Fixed: Memory leak in TV when creating/editing custom recording profiles for analog TV recording.

1. Fixed: Theater View could have drawing artifacts. (only applies to ).
2. Optimized: Loading and rendering of tooltips (including full resolution tooltips) happens in a background thread.
3. Changed: Right-click renaming in the tree no longer changes the selection.
4. Changed: Clicking or dragging to "Build Playlist" in the Action Window no longer switches views when allowing naming of the new playlist.
5. Fixed: Drag-n-drop could include unintended files if other buttons were pressed during the drag.
6. Fixed: Some of the install dialogs referenced a non existant icon.
7. Changed: Updated all language files.

1. Fixed: When using Legacy Video Renderer (and possibly EVR) for digital TV, aspect ratio setting did not take effect (Build only).

1. Fixed: The installer would not install correctly on a fresh install (only affects ).
2. Fixed: String bug that could cause weird handheld tree appearance (only affects ).
3. NEW: Digital TV allows video renderer selection.
4. NEW: Added the Extended M3U playlist type to the playlist export choices.

1. Fixed: Scheduler was not operating on the correct days (only applies to last few builds).
2. Fixed: The "Date Modified" column could get filled incorrectly on fresh import, and could incorrectly detect changes of existing files.
3. NEW: When doing a portable install, library and option paths are stored relative to the drive so plugging the device into another machine with a different drive letter won't cause issues.
4. Optimized: Improved the speed of the installer.
5. Fixed: MC was unresponsive for seconds while it tried to enumerate virtual devices mapped to network paths when the network was down.
6. Fixed: CD ripping didn't work when on-the-fly encoding was disabled.
7. Changed: Secure rip results window shows more precise information related to the rip quality.
8. Changed: The file location property is honored for RAW and HH File caches along with HH conversions.

1. Changed: Title-case formatting will always capitalize the last word.
2. Changed: Theater View draws thumbnail text again in video views.
3. Fixed: CD ripping did not progress correctly when on-the-fly encoding was disabled.
4. Changed: Renamed the "Relative paths" to "Store paths relative to exported playlist location" on playlist export dialog.
5. Changed: DVD video decoder and video renderer selections become zone-specific (just as audio decoder and renderer are).
6. Changed: VMR Configuration settings for DVD and DX Video player become zone-specific.
7. Fixed: Searching directories during import could be slower than necessary.

1. Fixed: DCraw was being called using absolute paths when they should have been relative. (Turn the RAW cache OFF when testing such things.)
2. Changed: When starting Media Center, if the option to "Run Media Server on Windows startup" is enabled, the Media Server will be started if it is not running.
3. Fixed: The search box didn't update nicely on skin changes.
4. Changed: Moved popup volume adjustment dialog for the iPod into the main handheld options.
5. NEW: Added "Disk Image Files (iso,manicapital.com)" to import file types (as Data type).

1. Fixed: Lists were not always loading / preserving selection nicely.
2. Changed: When showing the smartlist editor for other search editing, it no longer says "Edit Smartlist" in the title.
3. Changed: When adding an auto-import folder, the last "exclude this folder" setting is not remembered.
4. Changed: Slight tuning of Theater View thumbnail size.
5. Changed: Some tweaks in TV code to avoid potential access violations.
6. Optimized: Several optimizations to make the tree and file lists load and draw faster.
7. Fixed: DVD video was not centered when window was resized in builds -
8. Changed: Theater View video thumbnails no longer draw a caption. (full text is visible in the statusbar area)
9. Fixed: YouTube links would not work properly.
Fixed: Can't play playlists sent to Windows Mobile Devices.
Fixed: HTTP Header Ranges were limited to 32 bits. This affected video seeking on the UPnP server.
Changed: Many copyright messages.
Changed: mkv files are assumed to be video and will be imported as video even if DirectShow graph failed during import.
Changed: When YADB returns multiple CDs and the user chooses one, a vote is counted for that choice.
Changed: Replaced a number of error popups with OSD messages in TV.
Fixed: Erase CD/DVD command would not always show in the right-click menu for an optical drive when it should have.

1. Changed: Menu bars no longer show a right-click to customize tooltip when a menu is open.
2. Changed: Drag-n-drop, tagging mode, in-place edit, etc. work better for view schemes built around a nested playlist group.
3. NEW: When editing list-type fields with the Action Window, in-place-edit, or panes, the list will be sorted alphabetically. (let us know if we missed any tagging methods)
4. Fixed: Grouping by fields under "More" would not always sort reliably. (grouping will need to be set again for views)
5. Changed: Editing a view scheme item of type "Search List" has a nicer interface.
6. Fixed: Theater View's search keypad would not respect the internal margins of the keys.
7. Changed: On a fresh install, Theater View was not correctly using the default views.
8. Changed: Theater View thumbnails are about 50% larger.
9. Fixed: "I'm" would sometimes be capitalized as "I'M".
Fixed: Compatibility problems with iPod classics running the latest firmware (introduced by iTunes ).
Changed: Improved support of Cowon devices.

1. Fixed: Burning would not detect a blank disc.
2. Fixed: After a rip failure (scratched disc, etc.) incorrect characters could show in the Action Window.
3. Fixed: In grouped lists, it was possible to select the group header with Ctrl+A, lasso selection, etc.

1. Fixed: Visualizations and TV playback would not work properly (only affects ).
2. Fixed: Skin effects would not load properly on locales that used a comma as the decimal.
3. Fixed: Expressions could be crafted that would cause the parser to hang.
4. Fixed: The "never show this again" checkboxes could cause issues when switching languages, like the file delete not working properly.
5. NEW: Added "Play (as radio)" to the play send to menu, so that radio is more easily available from menus and Theater View. (still honors filter set in Play > Play Radio)
6. Fixed: Radio could fail to pick a next track if it was seeded with a large number of tracks.
7. Fixed: MPL export could run 's of times slower than expected.
8. Changed: The thumbnail size slider adjusts the maximum width based on the size of the list.
9. Changed: Improved how lists show the selected item when navigating with the keyboard with large thumbnails.
NEW: Added cover art support for Cowon devices.
Changed: First attempt at fixing "Hauppauge HVR " analog channel issues.
Fixed: Plugging in a handheld device with the Action Window minimized could cause a crash.
Fixed: Small problem with file extensions for converted files on TiVo. Should not affect anything.
Optimized: Launcher (MCexe) is about 50% smaller and launches faster.

1. Fixed: Base64 encoding and decoding was not working properly, causing problems with font loading, etc. (only applies to ).
2. Changed: Added "Reshuffle Remaining" to the Playing Now view header menu.
3. Fixed: List-type fields in the Tag Action Window would take focus whenever switching file selections.
4. Fixed: RAW conversion should now support wide character names and/or paths.
5. Changed: Video scrolling is now available even if video is not zoomed in.
6. Changed: When video is zoomed out (to a size smaller than the window size) the user's choice of aspect ratio is still respected (previously it reverted to "Source Aspect Ratio").
7. Changed: Moved manicapital.com code to manicapital.com (should be internal change, but please report any problems).

1. Fixed: Ripping to MP3 format onto a UNC destination path was not working.
2. Fixed: DirectShow video and audio playback did not respect zone-specific filter selection.
3. Fixed: AIFF files that played in MC could not be converted.
4. Changed: AIFF, AIF, AIFC types are routed to audio DirectShow playback, instead of video.
5. Fixed: Closing an Action Window could cause a hang. (only applies to )

1. Changed: Windows Media video surround sound will downmix surround sound if a system doesn't have enough speakers.
2. NEW: Added more logging around a program crash.
3. Changed: When dragging and dropping in a list, a divider line will be drawn at the end if the drop would move the file to the end.
4. Changed: Revised "sort empty strings last" option to sort empty values last for both ascending and descending sorting.
5. Fixed: When doing drag-n-drop tagging in tagging mode with the panes, the drop selection would remain selected after drop.
6. Changed: Lasso selection is enabled for panes.
7. Fixed: Numeric searches could fail to work properly (only affects ).
8. Changed: Bumped the manicapital.com plugin version to

1. NEW: Added ability to search by file key in the database using [Key]=[###]. (useful for SDK developers)
2. Fixed: Visualizations would crash when invoked from outside of Media Center/Media Jukebox.
3. Changed: When double-clicking an image, it always plays that image and queues the images around it, regardless of the option for double-click.
4. Fixed: MC installer will no longer cause Microsoft Hotfix to get installed on Win systems.
5. NEW: Added new command "Reshuffle Remaining" that shuffles files after the current file in Playing Now.
6. Changed: Ctrl+Shift+R does "Reshuffle Remaining" instead of toggling the shuffle mode.
7. NEW: Added command Send To > Play > Add (shuffle remaining).
8. Fixed: The string cleaner (Clean File Properties, YADB, etc.) better handles names like O'Donnell and D'Angelo.
9. Fixed: In some cases, a full resolution thumbnail would not get drawn when stopping at an image until scrolling a little more.
Fixed: Zone-specific Video Renderer selection did not take effect in DirectShow video playback.
Changed: Thumbnail size slider uses a logarithmic scale so that it's less finicky at small sizes.
Fixed: Tuned pixel alignment during drawing using bilinear filtering (causes less jiggle when full resolution thumbnails are drawn).
Changed: Thumbnail size slider allows smaller thumbnails.
Changed: When thumbnailing, images smaller than 64x64 will never be shown at larger than %, but larger images will be stretched.
NEW: Full resolution thumbnails also work for audio files.
Changed: Full resolution thumbnails now contain a drop shadow, just like regular thumbnails.
Fixed: DirectShow video playback did not respect zone-specific (decoder) filter selections.
Changed: manicapital.com plugin now works with library server files.
NEW: Surround sound is enabled for Windows Media video.
Changed: Large image tooltips are not shown when the thumbnails are large.
Changed: Media type "mov" is not checked by default as DirectShow type.
NEW: Added "mka" to DirectShow playback types.
NEW: Added "generator" meta data to web gallery pages.
Fixed: Playlists on Sansa Clip and the e series players weren't working in MSC mode.

1. NEW: Data retrieved from YADB (track or disc lookup) is returned with standard title capitalization. (configurable in Options > CD & DVD)
2. NEW: Changes to album metadata are submitted to YADB in a background thread, so the player is not blocked.
3. Changed: If a DirectShow filter crashes when user tries to display its property pages in "Choose DirectShow Filters" window, the filter will be marked and no attempt will be made to display the

1. Fixed: Dates at twelve o'clock am or pm would not parse correctly when using hour time.
2. Changed: When reporting tagging errors during a tag removal, the dialog could get too large.
3. Changed: Removed manicapital.com and merged all other CD / DVD code into manicapital.com (should be internal change)

For internal testing only

1. Changed: Moved burning, ripping, and recording into manicapital.com (should be internal change, but please report any problems)

1. NEW: Double-clicking a filter entry on "Choose DirectShow Filters" window brings out the filter's property pages.
2. Changed: CD volume names are now "cleaned up" (capitalization, spacing, articles at end, etc.).
3. Changed: Updated German language file.

1. Fixed: TV time-shifting data was not deleted when user choosed to discard the data.
2. Fixed: Stopping a time-shifting digital channel that was started with "Start digital TV in time-shifting mode" took unnecessary steps (introduced in build ).
3. Fixed: Track Info "Show Cover Art When Small" and "Display Scrollbar" options were not triggering.
4. NEW: Interface plugin and TV Tuner views have a view header with navigation, title, and (optionally) tabs.
5. Fixed: When closing a tab, the view header wouldn't update nicely. (only applies to )
6. Changed: Removed podcast size error detection (some feeds were completely wrong about size).
7. NEW: Added the ability to group by any field.
8. Fixed: Google video was not allowing downloads.
9. NEW: DirectShow filter selection is now zone-specific. (Your previous non-zone-specific settings become the default settings if you do not configure them for a given zone).
Changed: Removed the confirmation after dismissing the DirectShow Filters Selection dialog.
Changed: Some miscellaneous changes in DirectShow Filter Selection dialog window.

1. Fixed: Formatting a decimal number while showing no decimal places would not properly round the integer. (only applies to )
2. Fixed: Skin effects would not save properly. (only applies to )
3. Changed: When sorting date fields the "empty last" change from build will not be applied, otherwise empty dates act like the newest date.
4. Fixed: The last item would not always draw the "Image (large thumbnail)" column correctly.
5. Changed: When switching between thumbnails and details, the list does a better job of showing the same files as before the switch.
6. Fixed: After switching out of Split View > Tabs, the player could crash when navigating.
7. Fixed: When using tabs, the thumbnail size slider would not update with list mode changes.
8. Fixed: Switching between split view modes would update the current view correctly.
9. NEW: Merged tab and non-tab view headers so things like breadcrumbs can be shown with tabs enabled.
Changed: When auto-sizing tabs when there is not enough space to show the text, the current tab will not be shortened.
Changed: Better message when trying to delete a feed that cannot be deleted due to something downloading.
Changed: Added hints for UPnP clients for seeking within a file.

1. Changed: Page Up / Page Down moves the selection in a list when the Action Window has the focus.
2. Fixed: Switching list groupings would select all files.
3. Fixed: When going back to a panes view (using the back command) the previous pane selection was not preserved.
4. Fixed: When changing the directory rule in "Rename Files From Properties" the preview list would not update.
5. Fixed: Podcasts were not saving internal cover art.
6. Changed: When grouping by albums, albums by the same artist are sorted by year then album name.
7. Fixed: Grouping could get applied to views that were already grouped like album thumbnails.
8. Optimized: Improved internal string performance, which helps performance everywhere in the program.
9. Changed: When sorting numeric fields, the "sort empty strings last" option will be honored.
Fixed: Handheld images for iPod models MB and MB were switched.
Fixed: The image printing wizard using non-bordless printing could crop a little of the output.
Fixed: When browsing stacks of grouped fields (like artist: a-c, d-f, etc.) doing a double-click to go in would show an empty view.
Changed: Right-click on pane headers didn't work properly when the panes were on the side of the view.
Fixed: A view scheme that looks at file location would show a "This Folder" entry at the root that didn't work or make sense.
NEW: MOV file type is added to DirectShow playback types.

1. Fixed: Spectrum analyzers in the player area were not working (only applies to build ).

1. NEW: Rewrote how "Image (large thumbnail)" column works -- now leaves space for all images to be the same size when grouped, allows sizing art to any size (resize the header), draws nice

1. Changed: When running in English, Alt+F+X will close the program instead of export playlists.
2. Changed: Tuned how ClearType text is converted to proper alpha text to create a less bold result. (applies to tooltips, Theater View, etc.)
3. Changed: Right-click on Display with audio playing shows display plugins at the root of the menu instead of nested under "Set Display".
4. Changed: Moved DVD screengrab right-click commands to the "DVD Options" submenu.
5. Fixed: Doing a right-click "Rename" in the panes on a non-selected item would edit the selected item instead of the item that was right-clicked.
6. Changed: Shift + Up / Shift + Down did not multi-selected in the panes.
7. Fixed: Panes did not update immediately when switching skins.
8. Fixed: Picking an equalizer preset did not immediately apply the change.
9. Changed: Smartlists will always be shown in the same order that they are synced to a device.
Changed: Updated Czech translation (thanks JohnnyB).
Fixed: Small cover art images were getting skewed on new iPods.
Fixed: Cover art was getting scrambled on new iPods when using iTunes and MC alternately.
Fixed: TiVo and UPnP Servers may not work with different languages.
NEW: Panes can be optionally set to show on the left or right of library views.
Changed: Panes do not allocate space for tagging mode checkboxes until files are selected.
Changed: Updated copyright to
Optimized: Improved pane performance.
Changed: Cover Art > Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory now works for video files.
Changed: During import of video files, cover art quick find is used just like it is for audio.
Fixed: Track Info now displays for cue files.
Changed: Handheld view is no longer affected by global access filter.

1. Fixed: Loading a database could sporadically fail or take more memory than necessary.
2. Fixed: Importing images with no album would use the full date (with time) as the album instead of only the date.

1. Changed: Revised the in-place edit saving logic so tabbing through multiple files does not save a value unless it is changed.
2. Changed: Added more logging to database loading.
3. Changed: Slightly tuned the "Remove broken links: Yes (protect network files)" logic to better handle files manually deleted by a user.

1. Fixed: midi files were imported as "unknown" media type.
2. Fixed: In rare cases, highly-threaded areas of the program could crash with logging enabled.
3. Fixed: "Confirm Delete Time-shifting" option in TV did not work when "Start Digital TV in Time-shifting Mode" option was on.
4. Optimized: Showing a list-type field like Keywords in the Tag Action Window is exponentially faster. (around 30x faster with 20, files)
5. Fixed: In-place editing would not scroll lists horizontally when tabbing around.
6. Fixed: Panes were not honoring the gridline setting.
7. Changed: Dates using non-standard abbreviations (such as "Sept" instead of "Sep") now work.
8. Fixed: Clicking a tagging mode checkbox in the panes, then clicking "Enable Tagging Mode" in the confirmation would not apply the change.

1. NEW: Rename Files From Properties can now make new copies of files at the target location.
2. NEW: Clicking the file type line at the top of Action Window > Tag window will jump to the format page, which contains a full tag and format dump.
3. NEW: Added the ability to pause and unpause the scheduler. (starts as unpaused after each launch)
3. Fixed: Ending an in-place edit by right-clicking and starting an in-place edit in another column would apply the changes to the wrong column.
4. Fixed: Podcast cover art could end up in the temporary folder instead of final folder when configured to store art next to the file (i.e. manicapital.com, etc.).
5. Fixed: The keyboard was not usable while viewing a webpage from Theater View.
6. Fixed: Improved handling of concurrent import (or auto-import) processes running during large, slow file move operations.
7. Fixed: In rare cases, undo / redo database operations could include internal changes from background threads.
8. Fixed: VisStudio plug-ins were not displaying on Track Info visualization pages.
9. Fixed: The import folder dialog would not scroll nicely in the path combobox during typing.
Fixed: The scheduler could be off by an hour for southern hemisphere countries currently in daylight savings time.
NEW: Screen Grab option is available for DVD playback.
Fixed: iPod view would not update correctly after an Initialize.
Fixed: Handheld sync rules not validating playlists and podcasts.
Fixed: Playlists not sorted correctly on older iPods.

1. Changed: Tab, Shift+Tab, etc. navigation is no longer disabled when editing multiple files at one time. (remember that Ctrl+Z is available to undo a change)
2. Changed: Added panes to the tab rotation in the player.
3. Changed: Internal changes to visualization plug-ins, including 2D, 3D and Track Info.
4. Changed: When the handheld option to remove cover art from converted files is set, the option for saving cover art to the 'manicapital.com' file is disabled.
5. Fixed: Screen grab in video playback did not work when Enhanced Video Renderer was used.
6. Optimized: Improved core string performance, which makes all areas of the program faster.
7. Optimized: Loading and saving of the playlists database is faster.
8. Optimized: Several optimizations that improve program load time.
9. Fixed: Starting image playback from Explorer with MC not running could crash.
Fixed: In tagging mode, checkboxes would not be properly updated for nested fields on tree expansion.
Fixed: Manual podcast downloads were not showing In Queue with all caps to show they had priority. (but were still working like always)
Changed: When applying sorting to a view scheme or smartlist rule by customizing the view, other sort tokens are preserved if they're not at the end of the search.
Fixed: (again) File converter tool would create unneeded output directory.
Fixed: The first time you used the sound recorder it would record in wma format no matter how you configured it.

1. Fixed: Build. Proper Upnp server in the build.

1. Fixed: Playback of ranged files (i.e. CUE tracks) would not always be sample-perfect with regards to duration, causing gapless playback hiccups.
2. Changed: CUE file track file size is filled from the size of the full link file, pro-rated according to duration. (so the sum of all tracks will equal the size of the link file)
3. Fixed: Dates would not parse correctly in locales where the month was specified with two digits: e.g. 11/01/ for Jan 11,
4. Changed: We now list content in hidden folders on Sansa E series players in MSC mode.
5. Fixed: File converter tool would create unneeded output directory.
6. Changed: The expression function ListCombine() removes duplicates.
7. Fixed: Shutdown could take longer than expected when many podcasts were subscribed to and the podcasts were stored on a slow drive.
8. Fixed: Permission prompt popped up every time an iPod was connected on systems running Vista.
9. Changed: Added several new date formats to the date parser.
Fixed: The sharing servers were not accepting requests.
Changed: Screen Grab in video playback puts grabbed images in a subfolder of Application Data, instead of the Program Files folder.

1. Fixed: Unassigned would not show in the panes for list-style fields.
2. Fixed: DVD playback using the EVR renderer would not properly maintain aspect ratio.
3. Changed: Nested keywords are saved and loaded to XMP and ITPC tags using forward slash as the delimiter instead of backslash.
4. Fixed: One letter groupings were not working properly in the panes.
5. NEW: Added Replace(string, what to find, what to replace with [optional -- defaults to empty]) expression function.
6. Changed: Searches and smartlist wizard allow searching for a playlist group, which in-turn searches all child playlists.
7. NEW: Cover Art style can be chosen in the right-click menu. (can choose between plain, drop shadow, rotated)
8. Changed: After clearing the date, then rotating an image, the date could come back incorrectly.
9. Changed: Auto-tagging on import to fill empty names with the filename, empty dates with the file date, etc. will only happen on original import -- never when simply updating file info from tags.
Changed: "Save time-shifting on stop" context menu options are listed in a submenu, instead of being listed as a single toggling item.
Fixed: Refresh (F5) or navigating into an artist / album stack would incorrectly clear the search.
Optimized: The Action Window and other things tied to the selected files update more smoothly when switching tabs.
Fixed: The options dialog would incorrectly allow editing of some items with a slow double click.

1. Fixed: Typing a search, leaving a view, and coming back would cause the search to still be applied, even without using the back shortcut to preserve view state.

1. Fixed: Keywords wouldn't nest when added to a view scheme until restarting the player.
2. Changed: All list style fields are nestable.
3. NEW: Added expression function ListCombine(List1, List2, Delimiter (optional, defaults to semicolon)) to combine list type fields.
4. NEW: Added "DirectShow Filters" context menu options for TV, including "Copy graph info to clipboard".
5. Fixed: Shutting down the player during a podcast download or handheld transfer could cause a crash.
6. Fixed: When uploading tracks that need to be downloaded, the player could crash if a download error was encountered.

1. Changed: "Use Bitrate Monitor" option for DVD now defaults to FALSE (unchecked).
2. Fixed: Unassigned didn't do anything.

For internal testing only

1. Fixed: When using Media Server, background tasks like the scheduler or library saves would not occur.
2. Changed: Improved how independplaybugextremeent searches per tab / split view work. (could be cases where one tab would use search from a different tab, etc.)
3. Fixed: After reordering columns, the list header "Columns" right-click menu would not insert new columns at the location of the right-click.
4. Fixed: In-place editing the panes would show too wide of an edit control.
5. Optimized: Digital TV channel scanning will have less chance of appearing to hang and will be faster for some devices.
6. Changed: "Automatically import files into Media Library" option reworded to "Automatically import files when played" for clarification.
7. Changed: Files located on handhelds will not be imported when played when the formentioned option is enabled.
8. Changed: Improved support for Archos devices.
9. NEW: "Copy graph info to clipboard" context menu option for DVD playback.
Changed: DVD option "Expand Image" is renamed "Crop Black Bars".
Changed: Reworked how view schemes are evaluated. (should be internal change, but please report any problems)

1. NEW: Added right-click tree command "Compact Database" to iPod. (pools all similar artwork, rewrites artwork file in one swoop to minimize fragmentation, etc.)
2. Changed: During upload to an iPod, duplicate images are stored more efficiently.
3. Fixed: During file conversion, if an encoder hung, it could leave Media Center hung.
4. Fixed: CD operations could fail or show a message about failing to get the volume ID. (only affects build )
5. Changed: Some tweaks in digital TV recording.
6. Fixed: Media Editor could crash on exit.
7. Updated: Start page.
8. Fixed: Smartlist rules with empty values [] were getting dropped.

1. NEW: "Copy graph info to clipboard" menu option for DX video player. (DVD and TV to follow).
2. Fixed: Deleting a podcast during a download could result in a crash.
3. Fixed: Right-clicking on a playlist in the tree and sending it to a device was transferring the files but not the playlist information.
4. Fixed: Artwork was getting fragmented on iPods causing delays when cover art was loading.
5. NEW: Installer copies launcher to both bit and bit system folder so applications running in either mode can find it.
6. Changed: Reworked how in-place editing is handled in the lists and tree. (hopefully internal change, but please report any strangeness)
7. Changed: Slow double-click can be used in the tree to rename an item with no children.
8. NEW: An option on DirectShow filter selection dialog window to skip testing DirectShow playability before actually trying to play in DirectShow, of selected media types.

1. Fixed: Removed test message box when an item in the playlist branch of the tree is right-clicked on.

1. Changed: Improvement in TV time-shifting reader filter's seeking performance.
2. NEW: LeftDeadSpace and RightDeadSpace added to the position sliders (background image). This allows a graphic on either side of the background that will not be part of the volume slider.
3. Fixed: Crash when MC is opened by double-clicking on a file in explorer.
4. Fixed: Crash when files that are in the handheld transfer queue are removed from the library.

1. NEW: Added a checkbox "Use the currently selected files as the seed for radio playback" to the radio playback dialog.
2. Fixed: Viewing the root of "Podcasts", leaving, and then returning could cause an empty view to show.
3. Fixed: Clicking a hyperlink in a dialog could show a "Can't open link" error, even if it worked. (only applies to last few builds)
4. Optimized: Improved handling of numeric fields so that they load and save faster, and use less memory in use.
5. Fixed: The podcasting engine could use much more memory than necessary.
6. Changed: Improved the messaging when trying to load a database that's from a newer version of the player.

1. Fixed: TV time-shifting and subsequent playback of saved TS file could hang if the video data becomes more than 2 GB (introduced in build ).
2. NEW: Added info for Amazon Kindle.
3. Changed: Syncing all audio media type will no longer include url files to avoid syncing streams.
4. Fixed: Podcast cover art was getting all mixed up with other podcasts.
5. Fixed: Audible file types were getting erroneously excluded from supported file types on some devices.
6. Fixed: Searches like "Ab] would not properly find a string "AbAb".
7. Fixed: 3D text visualizations could crash.
8. NEW: Searches are performed independently in each tab / split view.
9. Fixed: Images should be rotated correctly when uploaded to facebook.
Fixed: Clips of pure silence would confuse the automatic replay gain boost adjustment.
NEW: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab can be used to roll through open tabs / split views.
NEW: When right-clicking a pane list, the choice "Reset Selection For All Panes" is available. (useful in tabbed view)
Changed: (JPEGs) Reading in IPTC tags to Places field; change order to: Country, State, City.
Fixed: Locale-specific times are now really localized.
Fixed: Podcast status wasn't toggling correctly when clicked.
Fixed: Podcast images weren't getting saved correctly once the episode was downloaded.

1. Changed: Installer uses Unicode compliant control to show EULA.
2. Fixed: Media Jukebox will connect to Media Center's Library Server.
3. Fixed: The UPnP Server will serve content, not just browse (also fixed in ).
4. Fixed: Keep Orphaned Episodes podcast setting was not getting saved.
5. Fixed: [ymd] was generating dates with 2 digit years (it now makes 4 digit years).
6. Fixed: Build process error could cause the application's icon to not be updated
7. Fixed: Playing an image would cause its thumbnail to get rebuilt.
8. Fixed: FLAC cover art could fail to be read from tags on a fresh install.
9. Fixed: Build included older FLAC plugin. (only affects build )
Fixed: Auto-complete tooltips in the smartlist editor dropdowns made it impossible to click the item under the tooltip.
Fixed: When building a smartlist with an empty library, no fields would be listed in the field drop-down.
Optimized: Several improvements to help program load times.
NEW: /Library command line switch changes the library.

1. NEW: Added expression function Tag() that reads the physical file tag for a value instead of looking in the database (will be much slower than field access so use with care). Documentation for expression functions here: manicapital.com
2. NEW: When requesting a tag field from a JPEG with the Tag() expression, you can put "IPTC: ", "XMP: ", "EXIF: ", or "MJMD: " in front of the tag field to force reading from only that tag. ( i.e. Tag(XMP: Date) )
3. Fixed: The 3D Tunnel visualization could crash.
4. NEW: Dates like 9p now parse correctly
5. Changed: Updated the Czech language file.
6. Fixed: Some Podcasts weren't loading because of dates like "November 30, ".

1. NEW: Revised appearance of "Cover Art" display when playing music. (larger image, added reflection, etc.)
2. Fixed: Handhelds weren't showing up in MC on systems running Vista (introduced in ).
3. NEW: OSD menu for stream selection of mkv files.
4. Fixed: Smartlists for dates with "is after" selected were not working nicely.
5. Fixed: Restart TV time-shifting player on monitor change, or on menu command, did not preserve paused state.
6. Changed: Podcast feeds will look for and utilize the "cover art" image specified in the feed url (previously only looked for itunes:image).
7. NEW: Added a Website link to the Podcast Feed view.
8. NEW: Added the abiltity to sync back play stats (play count and ratings) for WMDM devices (devices that don't show up as drives)

NOTE 1: This will slow down reading the files on the device.
NOTE 2: This doesn't work yet for Windows Mobile devices.

1. Fixed: TV time-shifting did not reclaim disk space used by stale data (since around ).
2. Fixed: 3gp (3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2) file types were not always getting processed correctly.
3. Fixed: MP3's tagged as audiobooks weren't utilizing bookmarks.
4. Changed: Some internal changes that should lead to a more efficient time-shifting reader filter.

1. Fixed: DVD bookmarking was not working.

1. Fixed: Using EVR as the video renderer, playback could blink in the non-video area.
2. Fixed: Handheld menu items like "Explore" weren't always working correctly.
3. Fixed: Podcast feeds that didn't specify update times showed
4. Changed: Changed how the action windows behave when acquiring images and handling devices that double as portable media players and cameras (typically phones).
5. Changed: Added '3gp' as a default file type in acquire images options.
6. Changed: Large image preview tooltip no longer shows photographic information (camera, shutter speed, etc.) if the file doesn't contain this information.
7. Changed: Large image preview tooltip contains image type, dimensions, and size on disk.
8. Fixed: When using iTunes tag Podcast information, the tags wouldn't be cleaned to remove non-printable characters, etc.
9. Fixed: Smartlist wizard would nicely work with "is any", "is all", "is not any" with list type fields if the empty value was selected.
Changed: Phones will acquire images (and videos) based on the file types listed under handheld options.

1. Fixed: When importing images, the date could be incomplete.
2. NEW: Added "Update Order", "Shuffle Order", and "Remove Duplicates" playlist commands to the playlist view header.
3. Changed: Shuffling or updating the order of a playlist resets the sorting to be based on sequence.
4. Changed: Tree Playing Now right-click no longer contains "Add to Playing Now".
5. Fixed: Picking "Update Order", "Shuffle Order", or "Remove Duplicates" for a non-selected playlist would not work correctly.
6. Changed: View Settings menu (available by mouse-over on the title text of any view) contains view specific commands in Playing Now. (also in Main Menu > View > View Settings)
7. Changed: Added "Name" sorting to the View Settings > Sort menu.
8. Fixed: When the network would drop during a Pix01 upload no error was reported.
9. Fixed: Clicking the file link on a library tile, then leaving the view, then clicking "Back" would show the library without files showing.
Changed: Closing Display View with the "X" in the top-right will actually close the program if the player was just launced as a viewer from Explorer.
Optimized: Improved performance of player when opening as a viewer for images or video from Explorer.
Changed: Updated Chinese language file.
Changed: Updated German language file.
Changed: Vista's Program Compatibility Assistant should no longer badger Media Center with a "did this install correctly?" message.
Fixed: Podcast "Updated" time was incorrect. This may have affected other date/time displays.
Fixed: UPnP Server was not serving out content. (Browsing was working though).

1. Changed: When displaying no visualization (cover art), cover art will be stretched to fill the window. (instead of stopping at % zoom)
2. Changed: Renamed a couple 3D visualizations.
3. Changed: Slideshow 3D visualization no longer oscillates when switching to a new face of the cube.
4. NEW: Added new 3D visualization option "Use High Quality Drawing" (on by default). (enables anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, etc.)
5. Changed: Cover Art (no visualization) displays a drop-shadow.
6. Fixed: TV Recording would not work (no preview) with certain TV devices (Hauppauge WinTV USB for example) when deinterlace option was turned on.
7. Fixed: TV Recording would not work with devices that needed a cable to connect to a sound card (introduced in build ).
8. Changed: When updating the tree (F5, after drag-n-drop, etc.), the scroll position will not be changed to show the selected item.
9. Fixed: The File > Open dialog would show a white-on-white auto-complete box when typing.
Changed: Updated the Korean language file.
Fixed: Switching the language input method during install could cause a crash.

1. NEW: Rewrote list printing (File > Print > Print List). (shows a preview, allows printer configuration, saves settings between sessions, etc.)
2. NEW: Added Player > Playing Now menu with several Playing Now commands.
3. NEW: When doing a "Locate > On Disk (inside Media Center)" the located file will be shown and selected after switching views.
4. Changed: "Save time-shifting on stop" option in TV can have multiple choices (Do not save, Always save, Save when worth saving, Always ask, Ask when worth saving, Always warn, Warn when worth saving), instead of just yes or no.
5. Changed: Alt+[key sequence] keyboard shortcuts wouldn't work nicely if the alt key remained pressed.
6. Fixed: JPEG files: IPTC tags modified outside MC could not be read in if the MJMD tags already exists in the file.
7. Changed: When moving the mouse away from the fullscreen borders, they hide in seconds after mouse stop instead of seconds.
8. Changed: When stopping playback, radio mode is disengaged.
9. NEW: During Radio playback, files that are skipped have a strike-through in Playing Now. (to indicate that less of those types of files will be played)
Changed: Radio playback renamed slightly to Player > Play Radio. (no longer in send to menu)
NEW: When starting radio playback, a dialog is shown that allows customization of what is eligible for playback.
NEW: Added processing of iTunes podcast tags. They will be considered by default and ignored if you specify your own tag mappings.
NEW: Added the [category] tag mapping for sniffing podcast genres. "Podcast" is still the default.
Changed: Internal - Date handling modified.
Fixed: J. River video decoder would not connect properly in a graph. (only in build )

1. Changed: Added back ability to use external cover art without having it copied to the cover art location specified in options.
2. Fixed: With gridlines disabled, lists would still draw the gridlines in non-item areas.
3. Changed: Improved support for Motorola Q smartphones.
4. Changed: Do a better job of identifying extended storage cards of devices.
5. Changed: A few skin elements do a better job of adapting to large fonts.
6. Fixed: Some list control functions would not work properly on W2K.
7. Fixed: When playing images over library server, the rotation would not always be properly respected.
8. Fixed: Input plugins could get in a bad state in some cases. (only applies to build )

1. Fixed: Podcasts would not properly be included in a deivce sync. (only affects a few builds)
2. Fixed: iPod database upgraded to iTunes format.
3. Fixed: Podcasts sync'd with MC to iPods were not listed when viewed in iTunes.
4. Changed: Added warning message when an incompatible iPod database format is detected.
5. Fixed: Cover art could not be extracted from tags in some cases.

1. Changed: The MCC's for rotating images no longer require a number of degrees as the parameter.
2. Changed: Pressing play in Theater View with something other than the file list focused will still route the command to the file list.
3. Fixed: Overriding keyboard shortcuts wouldn't always work if the shortcut was in the default manicapital.com file.
4. Changed: When overriding a keyboard shortcut, putting no command allows a keyboard shortcut to be disabled.

1. Fixed: Installer didn't have updated icon. (only in build )
2. Changed: Large image preview tooltips contain name, date, camera information, and filename.
3. NEW: Amazon service added to player.
4. Changed: Amazon service and Audible are loaded on demand and not at startup.
5. Fixed: The TiVo Server would not provide the correct locations of songs/images sometimes.
6. Fixed: External cover art links wouldn't work properly when connected to Library Server.
7. Fixed: Rename From Properties didn't allow case-only changes.
8. Fixed: Tooltips (or other mouse-track activities) no longer happen when an edit control is focused.

1. Changed: Removed "Confirm stop time-shifting" popup.
2. Fixed: Auto-truncation tooltips would not show properly in the tree and lists.
3. Fixed: "Restart Player" option was not available after TV time-shifting had reached the time-shifting limit.
4. Fixed: MC using bookmarking on files when it shouldn't be.
5. Fixed: Crash when editing tags for multiple files.
6. NEW: Added option "Save time-shifting on stop" that user can set, either using right-click menu (during TV time-shifting) or using OSD menu (any time during TV playback).
7. NEW: Added "Save time-shifting on stop" MCCommand (MCC_TV_SET_SAVE_TIME_SHIFTING = ).
8. Changed: TV uses the same code for "Kworld ATSC PCI" device as for "KWorld PlusTV USB Stick". Experimental. Users with "Kworld ATSC PCI" please test.
9. Changed: Image playback uses high-quality bicubic resizing when shrinking images.
Optimized: Improved MMX bicubic resizing algorithm for improved performance and layered alpha support.

1. Fixed: Import could crash if it was run non-silently and it was removing files from the library.
2. Optimized: Podcasting engine better utilizes threads. (all podcast updating happens in worker threads -- previously is was split between worker threads and the main thread)
3. NEW: Full support for "KWorld PlusTV HD Hybrid Stick" ATSC/NTSC TV device.
4. NEW: Added the ability to enable (or disable) bookmarking in MC on any type of file (this ability is also passed on to iPods) via the new field 'Use Bookmarking'.
5. Fixed: On occasions TV video would not be displayed after startup, until the window was resized.

1. NEW: Before doing a library restore, a backup is created in the auto library backup folder.
2. Fixed: When loading a corrupt library restore, MC will nicely fall back to the previous library (instead of forcing a load of a working library).
3. Fixed: When failing to load a library, Media Center could fail to cleanup the locked state, so it would open the library read-only.
4. Changed: Added back the ability to restore from a Media Jukebox 8 library.
5. Fixed: Doing some commands like a library restore while Media Center was first loading could cause issues. (now a wait for program to finish loading is displayed)
6. Changed: Added more logging to import finishing.
7. Fixed: Possible crash with updated import reporting.

1. Fixed: Dropping files on a playlist in the tree could add the files at a pseudo-random location instead of to the end.
2. Changed: Tooltips have a drop-shadow.
3. Changed: Some tuning to how image-preview tooltips are sized for different desktop resolutions.
4. Fixed: Some image transitions could crash. (only affects last few builds)
5. Changed: Flac input and encoder plugins now using flac libraries.
6. Changed: Tagging errors will no longer display in a pop-up for automatically downloaded podcasts.
7. Fixed: String handling bug.

1. NEW: Tooltips in image view show large preview of the image.
2. Fixed: Audible could show debugging popups.

1. Fixed: Improved handling of internet image slideshows.
2. Changed: When closing display view with images playing, image playback is stopped.
3. Fixed: When switching zones on initial program load, sometimes Playing Now would not update properly.
4. Optimized: Switching zones is much faster. (please report if any areas of the program don't update nicely on a zone switch)
5. Fixed: Playing audio + images from multiple zones at once could cause issues.
6. Changed: When playing audio + images, switching to a file view without images (i.e. "Audio") will stop image playback.
7. Changed: To play audio with images as a visualization, start playback of all files at once. (like from a playlist)
8. Changed: With images playing, starting audio playback will replace the playing images. (play images second to play both at once)
9. Fixed: With "Jump to Playing Now" set, right-click > Play could cause a crash from certain lists.
Changed: "Grouping" is now included in view presets. (must resave a preset to get grouping included)
Changed: "Album (by date)" image grouping puts newest albums at the top.
Changed: View sorting menu has both "Date (oldest first)" and "Date (newest first)" options.
Fixed: Sorting view menu would not always check the current sorting.
Changed: View Layout > Default would not revert sorting to the defaults for views that saved sorting in the view scheme or smartlist rule.
Changed: Some tweaks in Closed Captioning support in HDTV.
Fixed: Transferring Audible files to devices was broken in build

1. Changed: Added more shutdown logging.
2. Fixed: Column size changes done by double-clicking a header were not saved.
3. Fixed: Minor glitches in AVI video Closed Captioning support.
4. NEW: When playing images and audio at the same time, images will be played in their own zone. Stopping playback in the image zone will switch back to the audio zone.
5. Changed: Updated manicapital.com
6. Changed: Reworked the import summary dialog so it's easier to read when "in-depth" is checked.
7. Fixed: Flac coverart add when coverart already existed was broken.

1. Fixed: Facebook bug where the album choice was not being honored.
2. NEW: Hauppauge WinTV PVR closed captioning support.
3. Fixed: TV recording with Hauppauge WinTV PVR did not honor user's choice of non-hardware-encoder recording profiles.
4. Fixed: Import > Browse could fail to properly use the folder that was browsed to.
5. Fixed: Image playback "Auto Pan" right-click menu command didn't work. (did not effect 'P' or on screen display methods)
6. Changed: Auto Pan uses faster stretching to provide a smoother experience.
7. Changed: Made Theater View "Auto-scroll with mouse" behavior optional.
8. NEW: Image playback "Auto Pan" applies panning during image transitions, and lengthens transition duration.
9. Fixed: Encoders did not properly identify themselves as Streaming.
Changed: Gallery related sendto items moved from Email/Web submenu to Gallery submenu.
NEW: Closed Captioning option for avi videos that have Line21 stream in them.

1. Fixed: Non-iPod devices always want to resync podcast episodes already on the device (introduced in ).

1. Fixed: iPod showing blacked-out cover art after first syncing with MC and then syncing with iTunes.
2. Fixed: Mouse clicking on DVD menu did not work unless "Expand Image" option was set at
3. Changed: Tidied up some DVD code that potential could cause crashes.
4. Fixed: After changing art, sometimes a view refresh was required before the new thumbnail would appear.
5. Fixed: Starting a DVD a second time during a program run could cause a crash with some decoders.
6. NEW: Added expression function ListItem(list, zero-based index, delimiter [optional -- defaults to semi-colon]) to get an item from a delimited list.
7. NEW: Added expression function ListCount(list, delimiter [optional -- defaults to semi-colon]) to get the number of items in a delimited list.

Documentation for expression functions here: manicapital.com

8. Fixed: Unloading some plug-ins could cause a crash. (only applies to last few builds)

1. Fixed: Theater View keyboard navigation could behave strangely. (only applies to build )
2. Changed: Decreased (more) the odds that a song that was recently played or skipped will be choosen by radio.
3. Fixed: Theater View was using the list item background instead of the skin-specific scrollbar handle for drawing scrollbars.
4. Fixed: Facebook interface would not allow upload if there wasn't at least one existing album.
5. Fixed: Doing an email of images, and then cancelling the size dialog would cause MC to warn on program shutdown about an unfinished task.
6. NEW: Added right-click option to Podcast Feeds to "Email Podcast Feed".

1. Fixed: Some tags like shutter speed would not be properly read from image files. (only affects a few builds)
2. Fixed: The auto-size "allow truncate long values" setting was not being honored.
3. Changed: Even with "allow truncate long values" selected for auto-sizing, narrow columns will not truncate values.
4. Fixed: Acquire images status text would appear truncated.
5. Changed: Removed list commands like "Clear Playing Now", etc. from playlist file right-click. Right-click the tree item for these commands.
6. Changed: Removed "View Settings" from file right-click menu -- menu is always available in the title menu at the top of every view.
7. Changed: "Add to Playing Now" command is no longer shown in the file menu for files inside Playing Now.
8. NEW: Image caption supports multiple lines of text in Options > Playback > Image playback settings (or right-click playing image > Image playback settings)
9. NEW: Added "Delete" to the bottom of the more menu for a file in Theater View.
Changed: Renamed "Remove" to "Remove from Playing Now" in Send To > Play menu to be more clear.
Changed: Theater View menus no longer draw scroll arrows. (they looked out of place)
NEW: Theater View automatically scrolls when moving the mouse pointer towards the edge of lists.
NEW: Added Sort > Random to the sort menu at the top of every view. (also availabe from View menu)
Changed: Further revisions to radio algorithm.
Fixed: Menus in DVD playback would not work properly with some renderers or decoders.
Fixed: CD ripping with separate rip/encode processes was not displaying the correct status.

1. Fixed: File location options would not show.
2. Changed: Nicer error dialog when DVD playback fails. Includes link to purchase dvd decoders.
3. Fixed: On some devices "Save album art to manicapital.com" wasn't working.
4. NEW: Added stream selection (audio tracks and subtitles) support for mkv videos.

1. Changed: Downloaded installer executable now contains high quality icon used in the rest of the program.
2. Fixed: FTP-based online features were not working properly.
3. Changed: Media is determined to be a podcast if one or both of the following are true:

a) It has a MediaSubType of 'Podcast'
b) It has an Episode (Feed) URL

4. Changed: Czech language translation updated. (thanks Johnny B!)
5. Fixed: Moving folders around deep inside the "My Computer" area of the program looks and works nicer. (previously selection, expansion & scroll could be lost with some moves)
6. Fixed: Audiobooks always wanted to re-sync to iPods.

1. Fixed: Add playlist buttons weren't showing up at the root of "Playlists" in the tree.
2. Fixed: Library server would fail to play streams.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

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JRiver Media Center Crack is a complete multimedia solution for a large library. It organizes, plays, and marks all types of multimedia files and tears, burns, serves on Xbox, PS3, UPnP, DLNA, and TiVo. JRiver Media Center Full Version displays audiophile quality, foot mode, remote control, real-time HD TV recording, adjustable multimedia display, supports player, camera, more than 90 multimedia file formats, integration with Facebook, Flickr, Audible, Amazon MP3, Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, Hulu, manicapital.com and Twitter, research art research, three dressed interfaces, Visualization Studio allow you to create your own visualizations, DSP Studio allows customization of environments, rules-based smart lists, drag-and-drop for easy playlist creation, CD and DVD database support, and popular portable player support.

JRiver Media Center License Key is a complete Media Center, connected to Media Center, add a digital camera, connect a portable player, iPod settings, connect your stereo, connect the television to your PC, remote control for MC, play music on the network, connect TiVo to MC, add a UPnP device. You can copy music from Media Center to a portable digital audio player or move photos from digital cameras to the powerful JRiver Media Center image library. Create music CDs for your car. Record your favorite shows and watch them on TV. More than one sound card? Play different music simultaneously in different rooms. The media server can even stream your music to a PC at the work!

JRiver Media Center Key Features:

JRiver Media Center Keygen is the ultimate audio solution. Whether you want audiophile quality or want instant access to half a million files, no other software will do like JRiver. You can get started right now by downloading the trial version and running it. By default, this will scan your hard drive for media files, but you can also specify what to import. To copy a CD, simply insert the CD into your drive.

JRiver Media Center Patch offers the highest quality videos. And it plays everything, with no adjustments required. MC&#;s support for Red October DirectShow is an industry benchmark. Videos are available in many packages. DVD and Blu-ray, streaming videos from Netflix or Hulu, YouTube clips and movies, etc. JRiver Media Center integrates this into a transparent interface. JRiver Media Center 26 Crack supports TV tuners from Hauppage, SiliconDust, Ceton, ATI, Aver, and most other manufacturers. You can use the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) to watch live TV or to record or subscribe to your favorite programs. Using the Media Center&#;s foot interface, Theater View, you can watch from the other side of the room on the TV and control it remotely.

JRiver Media Center Serial Key for Desktop can use your LAN and Internet connection, so you can enjoy media wherever you are. The set of features that offer this is called Media Network. Media Center includes several software servers that can share your media files between PCs. You can extract and set on one machine, and play on many other machines. You can use the MC area to serve media to multiple clients, even when playing different media simultaneously. Media Center will work with thousands of TVs, Blu-ray players, receivers, and other devices that support the DLNA protocol. You can also use PS3 or Xbox The remote control is easy. Media Center supports all remotes with the green button, and most other remotes can be programmed to work. JRiver sells Media Center Remote which is sure to work straight out of the box. Media Center can automatically convert audio and video streaming for client playback when your connection is not fast enough to play media that has not been converted. The settings are simple. Just use Media Center on your server to generate a six-character passkey. Then enter the key into the client you want to use. Test mode can use the JRiver server to test whether access from outside your network will work.

The Home Theater PC is a computer connected to a television, projector, or audio-video receiver for the purpose of watching video or television from across the room. Think Potato Couch. This requires something called a &#;ten-foot&#; GUI so that people on the other side of the room can read it well enough to control it. Media Center&#;s ten-foot display is called Theater View. The remote control is generally used so that viewers can stay on the couch. JRiver Media Center Serial Number supports several types. Media Center has a ten-foot interface called Theater View. This one is drawn with 3D graphics in order to have a nice elastic feeling. It can also be configured to allow you to delete parts you are not using or to move items to your liking. Background graphics provide additional appeal. The Theater view is compatible with touch screens.

JRiver Media Center for Windows PC is a powerful way to store and view your photos. Connect the camera, wait a few seconds for Windows to find it, and then click Acquire in the Action window. The file is copied to the temporary folder, where you can delete, read, and mark it. Then use the MC Change Name, Move and Copy tool to move files to the directory based on date or other tag information. Edit the file by right-clicking. Cut, adjust, resize, and other common tools available. Editing will automatically stack the original and each saved version, so you can easily undo or start over. The original document remains unchanged.

What&#;s new in JRiver Media Center ?

(Released on )

  • Changed: Marked SSA/ASS subtitles as not movable by madVR in ROHQ.
  • Changed: The tooltip for the enviro expression function was not correct.
  • Fixed: The example for the RatingStars10 function incorrectly had brackets.
  • Fixed: When exporting all playlists, canceling on the format dialog would just pick the M3U format.
  • Fixed: Media Center would crash when trying to remove a non-existing column from sorting in file views.
  • Fixed: Setting television channel logos was not working.

How to install & activate?
  • Disconnect from the internet (Recommended).
  • Extract and install JRiver Media Center by using setup.
  • After the installation, don&#;t run the program or exit if running.
  • Copy the Patch to the installation directory and apply it.
  • It&#;s done, Enjoy JRiver Media Center Full Version.

JRiver Media Center Keygen plus Full Crack {} Final Version Free Download from the links given below!

MultimediaИсточник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for J.River media Center 12.0.451 serial key or number

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