Hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

Hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

Hitman Wiki Guide

Hanging Around

Narrow ledges outside windows can be scaled and used to traverse sheer areas. Agent 47 has very strong hands. You can use storm drains and ledges to sneak past guards...people very rarely look up.

But be careful when entering windows...if you're spotted, an alarm will be raised.

Disguise Nuances

Disguises are absolutely essential to success in Hitman. They allow you to hide in plain sight, breeze past security, and approach targets without suspicion. We’ve created a detailed guide to using disguises in Hitman: Episode 1. Check it out.

Dark Alleys

The people around you are constantly turning their heads. Their fields of view are fairly broad and they are well aware of most things that happen in the light at almost any distance in front of their faces.

If someone is looking at you and wondering about your behavior, a white suspicion arrow will appear near Agent 47. The game explains this to you, but doesn't always clue you in to the best ways to escape from a situation when you're under suspicion. If you see this arrow, respond accordingly. If you’re in a restricted area and undisguised, walk into a public area. If you’re worried about being noticed, brush by. If somebody starts following you, you've got a choice to make: submit, run, or clobber.

Some guards don't try a full arrest and simply demand you follow them. If it's simple Trespassing, you can just let them escort you out and they'll usually let you go. quickly duck into a quiet area and take them down.

On the other hand, sometimes you're in a hurry. If this happens, you can make a run for it. This will often compromise your disguise, and you'll need to switch outfits (see Disguises for more on this).

On the other hand, you might want to try walking briskly to an out-of-the-way area, luring them into following and then clobbering them, hiding the body out of sight. You'll only have a short time to pull this off though.

Also be aware that people can hear fairly well, sometimes even through closed doors and walls. Be wary of the noise you make.

Tool Up

Environmental weapons are wonderful. The tutorial teaches you that impromptu weapons like crowbars and wrenches have more uses than just crushing skulls...don't forget that Crowbars can open locked doors and Wrenches can adjust (and break) some machinery. But can also use fire alarms and broken glass alarms to induce panic, sew confusion, herd people, and create distractions.

You'll also find useful items scattered around the map, like this Master Key in the Paris basement. Grab it early in your infiltration.

Quarter Up

Coins are a fantastic way to lure enemies away from their posts and into the shadows. They’re almost essential for passing certain guard posts. The tutorial mentions coins, but getting the most out of them requires careful precision.

The sound of a dropped coin carries very a long way in a quiet area. By lurking in a shadow and tossing a coin into the nearby dark, you can lure a curious individual out of their patrol area and get a clear shot at their back.

To arrange this, crouch in a shadow secured by a wall or piece of cover facing another dark area that offers no obstructions between the guard and where you will place the coin. Lob it and then wait for the person to walk completely past you, then swiftly rise up and attack just as they bend to grab the coin.

Using Your Instincts to Their Fullest

Your instincts allow you to see through walls, floors, and ceilings, identifying targets, passive personnel, and alerted threats. Holding R1 allows you stop and take a careful look. Hitman shows you this in the tutorial, but the widespread usefulness of this ability cannot be overstated.

It’s an extremely handy power which should ALWAYS be activated before opening any closed door. If you've sneaked deep into a secure area, you'll often find closed doors with guards waiting beyond, facing outward. Opening a door will alert them to your presence. It’s also very helpful when you’ve been detected and are in hiding, allowing you to see if hunters are approaching.

This is hugely beneficial, as without your instincts its almost impossible to know whether you should break for cover or whether you're well and truly trapped enough to consider a desperation rush. This is especially useful for clearing out the guard at the beginning of The Final Test. 

Plan Your Getaway

Getting to the target is only half the issue. You also need to know how to get away. The moment your enemy goes down, any guards nearby are likely to react by trying to put holes through your body.

There are multiple exits from the boat and palace, and it's helpful to scout your escape route beforehand.

Don’t be afraid to break contact and run. While Agent 47 is a capable combatant, even a handful of security personnel can gun him down in the open. Twisting corridors provide cover for a tactical retreat. If your approach fails, back away and replan.

Also note that it’s not always necessary to run. Sometimes, it’s smoother to simply stroll ahead of the alert.

In This Wiki Guide

Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB, Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

Hitman: Absolution

Hitman: Absolution is a stealth video game developed by IO Interactive and published by Square Enix.[1] It is the fifth installment in the Hitman series. Before release, the developers stated that Absolution would be easier to play and more accessible, while still retaining hardcore aspects of the franchise.[2] The game was released on 20 November 2012 (which is in the 47th week of the year in reference to the protagonist, Agent 47) for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.[3] On 15 May 2014 Hitman: Absolution — Elite Edition was released for OS X by Feral Interactive;[4] it contained all previously released downloadable content, including Hitman: Sniper Challenge, a "making of" documentary, and a 72-page artbook.[4]

Hitman: Absolution was met with a polarized reception. Most positive comments were concerning the game's graphics, environments and locations, and the varied gameplay options. However, many critics disliked the game for its linear structure as opposed to the open ended nature of previous installments. As of March 2013, the game had sold over 3.6 million copies. A sequel, Hitman, was released episodically in 2016. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released the remastered versions of Absolution and its predecessor, Hitman: Blood Money, were released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as part of the Hitman HD Enhanced Collection.[5]


In this gameplay screenshot, Agent 47 is disguised as a policeman. Disguises allow players to gain access to previously restricted areas.

Hitman: Absolution is a stealth game in which the player assumes the role of a hitman named Agent 47. Presented from a third-person perspective, the gameplay centers around completing set objectives within a series of levels.[6][7] Objectives can range from simply reaching the end of the level, to eliminating specific individuals.[7] The players choose how to complete each level, taking branching paths to get to a target or location.[8] Players may use pistols, bottles or bricks, assault rifles, shotguns, fiber-wire, or steel pipe against enemies if opting for the action-oriented approach, or avoid enemies altogether, not being seen, using disguises, blending into the environment, and only attacking the set target(s), if using the stealth-oriented approach.[9][10][11] Agent 47 also has the 'Instinct' ability that lets the player monitor enemies more easily.[8] There are also environmental ways to kill or distract individuals; players can use poison to spike coffee, pull switches to make a disco ball fall and break, cause a massive explosion at a gas station, pull a switch to cause scaffolding to fall down, cause fires, or set off fireworks.[8][12] Players complete chapters in order to progress through the story. The player journeys to various locations, including a mansion, library, strip club, gun store, wrestling arena, courthouse, and hotel during the story.[12]

The game introduces an online option to the series, 'Contracts', where players can create their own missions for other players to complete.[13] Players choose one of the areas from the game's story missions and decide which non-player characters (NPCs) are required to be eliminated, what weapon must be used to eliminate each target, what disguise is required, whether the body must be hidden or not and if the player is allowed to be spotted by the AI.[14] "Contracts" was shut down in May 2018 due to IO Interactive not owning or controlling the online servers but needing to comply with GDPR legislation.[15]


Set after the events of Hitman: Blood Money, the game begins with Agent 47 (David Bateson) detailing his relationship with his handler Diana Burnwood (Marsha Thomason), whom he had trusted until she, without explanation, betrayed the International Contract Agency (ICA) by sabotaging their funding and database, using the subsequent confusion to vanish. After the ICA is reformed, 47 is tasked by his new handler, Benjamin Travis (Powers Boothe), a high level official within the ICA, to kill Diana for her betrayal and retrieve an important Agency asset, a teenage girl named Victoria (Isabelle Fuhrman), from her mansion in Chicago. 47 sneaks into the mansion and shoots Diana, but rather than finish her off, 47 comforts his dying friend and asks her why she betrayed the ICA. Diana explains that she had discovered Victoria was genetically-engineered to become an assassin for the ICA, and not wishing to see Victoria suffer the same fate as 47 she betrayed the ICA and escaped with her. As Diana's final request, 47 agrees to protect Victoria, for which Travis brands him a traitor.

After 47 drops Victoria off at the Rosewood Orphanage to hide, he contacts a disgraced Agency informant, Birdie (Steven Bauer), for information about Victoria and the ICA, which Birdie agrees to provide once 47 has assassinated a local crime boss (James Sie) in Chinatown for him. After cutting the barcode tattoo out of his head and giving his Silverballers to Birdie, 47 learns about a man named Blake Dexter (Keith Carradine), head of Dexter Industries, a home defense system company, who is staying at the Terminus Hotel and who has an interest in Victoria. 47 sneaks into the hotel and learns from a conversation between Dexter and his secretary Layla Stockton (Traci Lords) in the presidential suite that Dexter is planning to kidnap Victoria and sell her to the highest bidder. 47 tries to kill him, but is knocked out by Dexter's deformed bodyguard, Sanchez (Isaac C. Singleton Jr.). Realizing who 47 is, Dexter kills a hotel maid, frames 47, and leaves him to die after setting his suite on fire. 47 manages to escape the hotel, and is then hunted by the police. After escaping, Birdie sends him to kill Dexter's informant Dom Osmond (Jon Curry) at his strip club. Birdie then warns 47 that Dexter has hired thugs led by a mercenary named Edward Wade (Larry Cedar) to find him in order to discover Victoria's location. 47 heads to Chinatown and kills the men searching for Birdie, only to discover Birdie has already been captured, and immediately heads to the orphanage; Birdie then betrays 47 by revealing Victoria's location to Wade so that his life may be spared.

47 manages to kill Wade before he can escape with Victoria, but Lenny (Shane Stevens), Dexter's son, grabs her and leaves. Learning where to find Dexter from a matchbook found on Wade, 47 heads to the town of Hope, South Dakota, where Dexter rules the town with the help of the corrupt sheriff, Clive Skurky (Jon Gries), who is under the pay of his private military company. Retrieving his Silverballers from a local gun shop, 47 takes out Lenny's gang, the "Hope Cougars", who were planning to kidnap Victoria from Dexter and sell her to a rival weapons company. After interrogating Lenny over where Victoria is, 47 is given the option to either kill Lenny or leave him to die in the desert. Arriving at Dexter Industries HQ, 47 sneaks into the company's laboratory, kills the scientists who examined Victoria, and destroys their research data on her. After killing Sanchez in an underground cage fight, 47 recuperates at a hotel, but the hotel is attacked by an ICA strike team led by "The Saints", Travis's personal hit squad. 47 eliminates the Saints, including their leader, Lasandra Dixon. A furious Travis then heads to Hope with a large group of ICA operatives to kill 47 and find Victoria.

47 manages to find Victoria in the Hope Courthouse jail, but Skurky subdues him. As Dexter tortures 47, demanding to know where his son is, he is informed that Travis wants Victoria back in exchange for $10 million and leaves. 47 manages to escape into the streets of Hope, just as the ICA arrives to hunt him down. 47 pursues a wounded Skurky to a church where the sheriff tells 47 that Dexter is heading to Blackwater Park in Chicago before 47 kills him. In Chicago, Dexter and Travis attempt to exchange the money for Victoria, but the deal turns sour when Travis tries to renege on the deal and Dexter takes the money anyway. After reaching the top of Blackwater Park, 47 kills Layla and finally Dexter himself, after the latter had tried to escape with Victoria on a helicopter while ordering his men to blow up the building. Mortally wounded, Dexter laments the loss of his son and his money, leading a disgusted Victoria to throw the $10 million on his body before leaving with 47.

A few months later, Travis and his assistant Jade Nguyen arrive at a cemetery in England with an ICA crew to find Diana's grave as he suspects that Diana faked her death. 47 is there as well as he recounts the letter Diana gave to him. In the letter, Diana reveals Victoria was created by Travis's funding without the knowledge and approval of his superiors and tasks 47 with killing him. After eliminating Jade and Travis's elite bodyguards, 47 confronts Travis himself after injuring him in an explosion. As Travis rants at 47 for wasting Victoria's potential for the ICA, he asks 47 if he really did kill Diana to which 47 responds "You will never know" before shooting him.

It is later revealed that Diana did in fact fake her death and Victoria is with her at her mansion where 47 watches them from his scope thus revealing that he intentionally shot Diana in such a manner that she would survive. The game ends with a message from Diana to 47 welcoming him back to the ICA and thanking him for his help. It is also revealed that every mission undertaken by 47 from the end of Blood Money to Absolution was part of an elaborate plan by Diana to purge the ICA of internal corruption and eliminate Travis's efforts to create cloned assassins. In the epilogue, Detective Cosmo Faulkner (Jonathan Adams) of the Chicago Police Department, who has been tracking 47 since the Terminus Hotel fire, is having trouble discovering 47's identity until Birdie offers to help him for a price.


Though plans to continue the Hitman franchise were first announced in 2007,[16] it was not until May 2009 that Eidos confirmed the game was in development.[17] Certain plot details for the game were rumored in 2009, stating that the game's story would lead Agent 47 to a low point from which he would have to rebuild himself.[18] On 20 April 2011, Square Enix filed the trademark for the name Hitman: Absolution in Europe, leading sites to speculate that it would be the name of the fifth Hitman game.[19] On 6 May 2011, a teaser trailer was released, confirming the title Hitman: Absolution. The trailer briefly showed Agent 47 attaching a suppressor and a rattlesnake coiled around his signature Silverballer pistol.[20] It has been reported the game will be a "familiar and yet significantly different experience from other Hitman games."[21] On 9 October 2011, a full gameplay trailer entitled "Run for Your Life" was released.[22]


The Professional Edition of Hitman: Absolution features Professional Clamshell packaging for the game, a Hitman art book, making of DVD and the "Agency Gun Pack" DLC.[23]

Hitman: Sniper Challenge[edit]

Hitman: Sniper Challenge, a single sniping mission, was developed by IO Interactive, originally as a pre-order bonus, available to people who pre-order the game. The code would be supplied by retailers upon pre-order of the game, and could be collected from retailers before release as a download code before the game's release. At the time of pre-order, Sniper Challenge was redeemable via the PSN Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and PC. While the console version launched worldwide on 15 May 2012, the PC version wasn't released until 1 August 2012.[24][25]

Pre-order bonuses[edit]

Square Enix announced special Hitman: Absolution pre-order bonuses for selected retailers.[26] For Steam purchased games, these downloadable content are available as well.[27] These items only work for Contract mode and not the single player story mode.

  • High Tech Suit and Bartoli Custom Pistol – The advanced High Tech suit provides Agent 47 with 50% increased armor paired with the Bartoli Custom, an engineered precision weapon, complete with sight and silencer.
  • Public Enemy Suit and the Bronson M1928 submachine gun – The Original Assassin can dress in a stylish Public Enemy gangster suit armed with the Bronson M1928, an imaginary submachine gun with high fire rate and deadly stopping power.
  • Agency Kazo TRG sniper rifle – This weapon is fully upgradeable with both scope and silencer.
  • High Roller Suit and the Krugermeier 2-2 Pistol – The High Roller suit dresses Agent 47 in a fancy tuxedo discreetly outfitted with the Krugermeier, an accurate, reliable stealth weapon with a built-in silencer.
  • Hitman: Absolution: Public Enemy Disguise – This disguise gives Agent 47 a 1930's gangster look.
  • Hitman: Absolution: Deus Ex (Adam Jensen) Disguise – This "suit" makes Agent 47 look like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution, complete with built-in sunglasses. This DLC also unlocks the Steiner-Bisley Zenith pistol from the same game.


Critical response[edit]

Hitman: Absolution received "generally positive" reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic.[28][29][30] Positive reviews came from GamesRadar+, calling it "one of the strongest entries in the series to date",[34] and Game Informer, who wrote that "devising a strategy, using the environment and disguises to your advantage, and leaving before anyone knows you're there are the hallmarks of a perfect hit, and Absolution proves Agent 47 is still gaming's premier hitman."[33]

Edge gave it 7/10, saying "the game has taken a unique formula and diluted it".[31]VentureBeat gave it 7.5/10 saying "Absolution aims high but misses the mark."[44]Eurogamer gave it 7/10 saying "Agent 47 doesn't begin Hitman: Absolution with amnesia, but the six years that have passed since we last took control of him in Blood Money do seem to have dulled his creators' recollections of what made him so popular in the first place."[32]GameSpot gave it 7.5/10 saying "Hitman: Absolution's vivid world and enjoyable stealth-action gameplay overshadow its few notable inconsistencies."[35]IGN gave it 9/10 saying "It's nice to have a game that doesn't just encourage improvisation; it requires it."[38]Kotaku gave Absolution a positive review.[45]Giant Bomb gave it 4/5,[37] as did Joystiq.[39]Destructoid gave it 8.5/10.[7]

The Daily Telegraph gave the game a 2/5 saying "Despite the fact that Absolution is a hugely disappointing entry into the canon, Hitman is still a fabulous series."[43]International Business Times gave the game a 5/10 saying "An unremarkable, derivative clone of a game that's barely a shadow of what Hitman used to be."[42]VideoGamer.com gave it 5/10 saying "The problem with Absolution is that its new custodians from the Kane and Lynch team seem to have fundamentally misunderstood what made Hitman great."[41]PC Gamer gave it 66% saying "A passable stealth game, but one that betrays almost everything that, until now, has made Hitman great."[40]GameTrailers gave it 6.9/10 saying "It's clear that a good deal of effort was put into crafting Hitman: Absolution's world. This makes its flaws all the more unfortunate."[36] The New Statesman gave no rating but said "If developers want to win back fans when they revisit established franchises maybe they should look to what made those games popular in the first place and by doing so maybe they'd avoid stepping on a rake or two."[46]The Irish Times gave no score but said "The move away from the completely open world may leave some hardcore fans of Hitman disappointed."[47] The Daily Record gave the game 3/5 saying "While it's more accessible than previous Hitman games, Absolution loses a lot of the freedom that fans of the franchise love, and perhaps doesn't necessarily fit the Hitman name any longer."[48]The Escapist gave no score but said "Hitman: Absolution is not the best nor the worst Hitman".[49]The Guardian gave it 3/5 saying "The game may look better and play better than any Hitman game before it, but one can only marvel at how IO managed to lose sight of their IP's most appealing aspects so often."[50]


On 26 March 2013, Square Enix announced that the game had sold about 3.6 million copies at retail, but has failed to reach predicted sales targets.[51]

Technical issues[edit]

Shortly after launch, scores of complaints came in about the game crashing, freezing and corrupting file saves on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, rendering many of the games unplayable.[52] On 26 November 2012, IO Interactive stated that they were working around the clock to try and fix these technical errors, but also stated that they did not know what exactly was causing the errors, so a patch may take some time.[53]

The patch for the PC and PS3 versions was released on 10 December 2012, while the Xbox 360 patch was released nine days later.[citation needed]


On 29 May 2012, a cinematic teaser trailer, produced by Square Enix's CGI studio Visual Works, titled "Attack of the Saints" was released.[54] The trailer's depiction of "gun-toting, PVC and latex-cladnuns being killed in a hail of bullets" sparked controversy over the allegedly sexistportrayal of women.[55][56] IO Interactive's Tore Blystad, the game's director, later apologized, stating they're "sorry that we offended people" and that it "was truly not the intention of the trailer."[57]

On 4 December 2012, IO Interactive faced heavy criticism for releasing a Hitman: AbsolutionFacebook app that allowed users to identify and threaten Facebook friends for assassination. Methods of identifying female friends included "her hairy legs", "her muffin top" and "her small tits". Methods of identifying male friends included "his ginger hair", "his shit hair" and "his tiny penis". Users could choose a reason to kill their friend, such as the fact that they "smell bad" or were cheating on their partner. Friends received a personalised video on their Facebook wall identifying them as a target. Signing up to watch the video presented recipients with a mixture of their own photos and Facebook details merged into a video of Hitman character Agent 47 shooting them. IO Interactive admitted the promotional app was in bad taste and removed it the same day.[58][59][60]


  1. ^Johnny Cullen (10 May 2011). "Square Enix announces Hitman: Absolution with teaser". VG247. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  2. ^Dutton, Fred (27 May 2011). "Hitman: Absolution to be "more accessible"". Eurogamer.net. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  3. ^Harman, Stace. "Hitman: Sniper Challenge official, launching next week". VG247.
  4. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution — Elite Edition for Mac now out in the field".
  5. ^Briesenick, Stefan (11 January 2019). "IOI explains changes in Hitman HD Enhanced Collection". Gamereactor.
  6. ^Meltzer, Tom (15 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution – preview". The Guardian. Guardian Media Group. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
  7. ^ abcd"Review: Hitman Absolution". Destructoid. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  8. ^ abcMartchiafava, Jeff. (19 November 2012). "A Beginner's Guide To Hitman: Absolution". Game Informer. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  9. ^Steve Boxer (10 June 2011). "E3 2011: Hitman Absolution – preview". Technology. The Guardian. London. Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  10. ^Torres, Samir. (26 January 2013). "Hitman: Absolution: How to unlock all 53 disguises". Venture Beat. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  11. ^"Weapon". IGN. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  12. ^ abNunneley, Stephany. (3 October 2012). "Hitman: Absolution – man’s head catches fire in new trailer". VG247. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  13. ^"Hitman: Absolution Returns". Eurogamer. 6 October 2011. Retrieved 4 October 2011.
  14. ^Clay, Sam. (19 November 2012). "Hitman Absolution contracts mode gameplay: the gun shop". VG247. Retrieved 30 May 2015.
  15. ^"Hitman Absolution Service Message". 28 May 2018. Retrieved 28 May 2018.
  16. ^"SCiAR07"(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on 5 November 2015. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  17. ^"Hitman 5, Kane & Lynch Sequel And Movie In The Works". IncGamers. Archived from the original on 2 February 2012. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  18. ^"News: Hitman 5 out 2010 - plot details". ComputerAndVideoGames.com. 29 June 2009. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  19. ^Spencer (22 April 2011). "Hitman: Absolution Sounds Like The Name For "Hitman 5"". Silicon-era. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  20. ^Mike Fahey (10 May 2011). "Agent 47 Steps Out of the Shadows in Hitman: Absolution". Kotaku.com. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  21. ^Arthur Gies (10 May 2011). "Hitman Absolution Announced — PlayStation 3 News at IGN". Ps3.ign.com. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
  22. ^"Hitman: Absolution Gameplay Trailer". 9 October 2011. Retrieved 15 December 2011.
  23. ^"Square unveils Hitman Absolution Professional Edition". VG247. 11 April 2012. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  24. ^"Hitman: Sniper Challenge official, launching next week". VG247. 11 May 2012. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  25. ^Yin, Wesley (10 May 2012). "IO confirms Hitman: Sniper Challenge with trailer, screenshots". Eurogamer.net. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
  26. ^Romano, Sal (9 May 2012). "Hitman: Absolution pre-order bonuses announced". Gematsu. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  27. ^Steampowered.com
  28. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution for PC Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 13 April 2013.
  29. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution for PlayStation 3 Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 13 April 2013.
  30. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution for Xbox 360 Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 13 April 2013.
  31. ^ abEdge staff (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution review — Page 2 of 2". Edge. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  32. ^ abBramwell, Tom (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution review • Reviews • Xbox 360". Eurogamer. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  33. ^ abMarchiafava, Jeff (18 November 2012). "Agent 47 Returns At The Peak Of His Game — Hitman: Absolution — Xbox 360". Game Informer. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  34. ^ abCooper, Hollander (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution Review". GamesRadar. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  35. ^ abVanOrd, Kevin (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution Review". GameSpot. Archived from the original on 21 November 2012. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  36. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution Review". GameTrailers. 18 November 2012. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  37. ^ ab"Hitman: Absolution Review". Giant Bomb. 19 November 2012. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  38. ^ abReilly, Luke (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution Review". IGN. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  39. ^ abXav de Matos (18 November 2012). "Hitman Absolution review: Murder by Numbers". Joystiq. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  40. ^ abFrancis, Tom (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution review — Page 3 of 3". PC Gamer. Archived from the original on 22 November 2012. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  41. ^ abSchilling, Chris (18 November 2012). "Hitman Absolution Review". VideoGamer.com. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  42. ^ abSmith, Edward (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution — Review". International Business Times. Archived from the original on 20 April 2013. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  43. ^ abHoggins, Tom (21 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution review". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  44. ^ abMcLaughlin, Rus (18 November 2012). "Hitman: Absolution aims high but misses the mark (review)". GamesBeat. VentureBeat. Retrieved 23 November 2012.
  45. ^"Hitman: Absolution: The Kotaku Review". Kotaku.com. 18 November 2012. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  46. ^Hartup, Phil. "Newsstateman Review".
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number
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  • Starter Pack (free)
    • ICA Facility (location) with Guided Training / Freeform Training and The Final Test (missions)
    • New Zealand - Hawkes Bay (location) with Nightcall (mission)

  • Location Packs ($12)
    No Longer Available on Steam (may be available from other websites) ~ Individual location packs contained one regular location and one Sniper Assassin (Himmelstien) location. They are no longer sold individually on Steam. To upgrade, purchase the Standard Edition BUNDLE and you will only be charged for the pieces you do not yet own.
  • Standard Edition BUNDLE ($60 or $48 or less, price adjusted based on parts you own)
    Includes Starter Pack plus:
    • USA - Miami (location) with The Finish Line (mission)
    • Columbia - Santa Fortuna (location) with Three-Headed Serpent (mission)
    • India - Mumbai (location) with Chasing a Ghost (mission)
    • USA - Whittleton Creek (location) with Another Life (mission)
    • North Atlantic - Isle of Sgail (location) with the Ark Society (mission)
    • Austria - Himmelstein (location) with The Last Yardbird (Sniper Assassin mission)

  • Gold Edition ($100)
    All of Standard Edition (listed above) plus Expansion Pass DLC (listed below)
DLC (Downloadable Content)
  • Expansion Pass ($40)
    Includes Both Expansion Packs 1 & 2 & the Bonus Packs for Gold Edition; list:
    • Expansion Pack 1 (Not sold individually)
      • USA - New York (location) with Golden Handshake (mission)
      • Singapore - Hantu Port (location) with The Pen and the Sword (Sniper Assassin mission)
      • Embrace the Serpent (Special Assignment mission in Santa Fortuna)
      • Illusions of Grandeur (Special Assignment mission in Mumbai)
      • Winter Sports Pack (Suit and equipment pack)
    • Expansion Pack 2 (Not sold individually)
      • Maldives - Haven Island (location) with The Last Resort (mission)
      • Russia - Siberia (location) with Crime and Punishment (Sniper Assassin mission)
      • A Silver Tongue (Special Assignment mission in Miami)
      • A Bitter Pill (Special Assignment mission in Whittleton Creek)
      • Smart Casual Pack (Suit and equipment pack)
    • Executive Pack (Suit and equipment pack)
    • Collector's Pack (Suit and equipment pack)

  • GOTY Legacy Pack ($20 or free for owning the previous game GOTY version)*
    (The previous games remastered missions)(Not Included with Standard or Gold)
    • France - Paris (location) with The Showstopper (mission)
    • Italy - Sapienza (location) with World of Tomorrow, The Icon, Landslide and The Author missions
    • Morocco - Marrakesh (location) with A Gilded Cage and A House Built on Sand missions
    • Thailand - Bangkok (location) with Club 27 and The Source missions
    • USA - Colorado (location) with Freedom Fighters and The Vector missions
    • Japan - Hokkaido (location) with Situs Inversus and Patient Zero missions
    • Requiem Pack (Suit and equipment pack)
      *If you only have the basic Legacy Pack, you need the GOTY Legacy Pack Upgrade ($10) to obtain the GOTY version
Gold Edition=Standard Edition+Expansion Pass
Gold Edition+GOTY Legacy Pack=Everything
(That's it, that's everything, just two things to get and one of them is free if you own the entire previous game)

If this quick summary version was not enough, go on, read the rest of the guide.
Game Editions & Bundles Explained (In Detail)
From the Steam Store Page you will find a variety of options to pick from:

  • Play HITMAN™ 2 - Starter Pack (Free)
    This is access to two locations (The ICA Training Facility and Hawke's Bay) and includes training for the game as well as story missions and escalation missions in those locations. Additionally: if you own either version of The Legacy Pack DLC you will have full access to all of it's content at no additional cost.

    The Starter Pack version is not the entire game. Any progress or unlocks you make during the Prologue Campaign, Hawke's Bay location or The Legacy Pack** will carry over fully into Hitman 2 if you ever decide to "buy the game".
  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Standard Edition BUNDLE ($60)
    This is Hitman 2, the actual game. If you do not buy at least this edition you do not own all of Hitman 2.

    This edition is now structured as a bundle, you will be charged for the pieces you do not own, and not charged for the pieces you might already have (from a STARTER EDITION). This includes everything from the Starter Pack along with: Miami, Santa Fortuna, Mumbai, Whittleton Creek, Isle of Sgail, and Himmelstien locations with the core story missions for each.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Gold Edition* ($100)
    This is the entire Standard Edition BUNDLE plus the Expansion Pass, plus the Executive Pack, plus the Collector's Pack**
*If you already own any of the STARTER EDITION contents you may get a warning that you will not receive duplicate parts you already own. You can either ignore this warning and buy it anyway or purchase the Standard Edition BUNDLE + Expansion Pass DLC and end up with the same total content as Gold Edition.

**DLC and content packs explained in their own guide sections

Versions Not Currently Available On Steam (you may see mentioned on forums)
  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Miami Package ($12) (Single location Starter Edition)
    If you want to upgrade from this you should buy the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Santa Fortuna Pack ($12) (Single location Starter Edition)
    If you want to upgrade from this you should buy the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Mumbai Pack ($12) (Single location Starter Edition)
    If you want to upgrade from this you should buy the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 Whittleton Creek Pack ($12) (Single location Starter Edition)
    If you want to upgrade from this you should buy the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Miami Upgrade Package ($48)
    This has been removed and replaced by the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • Buy HITMAN™ 2 - Silver Edition ($80) (no longer available on Steam)
    This was "Standard Edition" plus Expansion Pack 1 (Gold includes this and more)

  • Play HITMAN™ 2 - Prologue (Free)
    This was originally on steam as a free option, you may see various sites or posts that mention it. This has been replaced by the Hitman 2 - Starter Pack (listed earlier). This was the Prologue without Hawke's Bay.

  • HITMAN 2™ - Collectors EditionWAS NEVER AVAILABLE FROM STEAM ($150)
    This was a limited release retail box set that includes Hitman 2 Gold Edition with a few bonus trinkets.
Stuff That Never Existed (but get's talked about on the forums incorrectly)
  • Hitman 2 Demo (Invalid Name)
    This never existed. A large number of players confuse the various STARTER EDITIONS with a demo. However, functionally they were never stand alone demo products. The Prologue functions as a core game module and save progress carries over into any additional purchases you stack on top of it. This is a leading cause of confusion in conversations and also while trying to upgrade. If you are trying to discuss the game and what you are upgrading from, please do not call any part of it a "demo" as no one who attempts to help you will know whether you are actually talking about: The Prologue, The Starter Pack, or any of the other Starter Editions (Miami, Santa Fortuna, Mumbai, etc) since there is not nor has there ever been anything officially labeled Demo.

  • Hitman 2 Season Pass (Invalid Name)
    If someone mentions Season Pass chances are what they really mean is the Expansion Pass. The problem is this: The game had free seasonal content, new content every month and this does not require purchase of a season pass. The Expansion Pass is a defined set of content where as the seasonal content was simply free. It would be very helpful if people used the correct terms. There is no Season Pass required for the free seasonal content.
Downloadable Content For Hitman 2 (DLC)
Expansions & Upgrades
  • HITMAN™ 2 - Expansion Pass ($40)
    This includes Expansion Packs 1 & 2, and both the Executive & Collectors Packs. If you purchased Silver Edition you have Expansion Pack 1. If you purchased Gold you already have the Expansion Pass (for both).

    You must own the Standard Edition BUNDLE to be capable of buying the Expansion Pass. If you only have a STARTER EDITION you can not buy the Expansion Pass.

    Expansion Pack 1 includes:
    • USA - New York (location) with Golden Handshake (mission)
    • Singapore - Hantu Port (location) with The Pen and the Sword (Sniper Assassin mission)
    • Embrace the Serpent (Special Assignment mission in Santa Fortuna)
    • Illusions of Grandeur (Special Assignment mission in Mumbai)
    • Winter Sports Pack (Suit and equipment pack)
    Expansion Pack 2 includes:
    • Maldives - Haven Island (location) with The Last Resort (mission)
    • Russia - Siberia (location) with Crime and Punishment (Sniper Assassin mission)
    • A Silver Tongue (Special Assignment mission in Miami)
    • A Bitter Pill (Special Assignment mission in Whittleton Creek)
    • Smart Casual Pack (Suit and equipment pack)

    NOTE: Expansion Pack content was originally pre ordered with rolling content releases throughout 2019. All content is released as of September 24, 2019. Specific release dates are archived here along with monthly and seasonal content tracking in a separate guide:
  • HITMAN™ 2 - Silver to Gold Upgrade ($20)
    This exists only for people who purchased Silver (which included Expansion Pack 1) to upgrade themselves to Gold (which includes the Expansion Pass listed earlier). Since the Expansion Pass is typically $40 this is as expected half the price ($20) to obtain the second half of the Expansion Pass content. If you own Gold or the Expansion Pass you obviously do not need to buy this.

The Previous Game Remastered (HITMAN (2016)) as DLC to play within HITMAN 2
  • HITMAN™ - Legacy Pack (Free) (Not Displayed on Store Page)*
    This version of the Legacy Pack is free for owners of the previous game Hitman (2016) if and only if they own the complete game, otherwise known as season 1 (which is 7 episodes). It can be played with the free Starter Pack or as an addition to any version of Hitman 2.

    The Legacy Pack includes remastered versions of the Hitman (2016) locations and missions and the campaign that ties them together. (Locations: Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Colorado, Hokkaido). (Bonus missions included)

    *This version of Legacy Pack can not be purchased and does not appear as it's own entry on the store page. (it would probably be less confusing if this was displayed on the store with an N/A tag, but it's not)

  • HITMAN™ - GOTY Legacy Pack Upgrade ($10)
    This exists purely as an upgrade for the (free) Legacy Pack. If you already own the GOTY Legacy Pack, do not buy this, you already have it. For those just browsing the store this entry may appear confusing because they are not aware that the basic Legacy Pack exists (and is not displayed on the store page).

    Buying the upgrade converts your Legacy Pack into the GOTY Legacy Pack which adds the Patient Zero campaign (4 missions), three suits and three additional escalation missions with weapon unlocks on top of the remastered season 1 locations.

  • HITMAN™ - GOTY Legacy Pack** (Free or $20)
    This includes the Legacy Pack (the complete remastered season 1) as well as the GOTY Legacy Pack Upgrade (Patient Zero) which was an add on to Hitman (2016). This version of the GOTY Legacy Pack is free for owners of the previous game Hitman (2016) if they own the complete season 1 and it's two GOTY bundle pieces. It can be played with the free Starter Pack or as an addition to any version of Hitman 2.

    **If you are not eligible to receive this content free it can be purchased as DLC for Hitman 2. (It can not be purchased alone or with just a Starter Pack, you need to actually own the game: Standard Bundle, Silver or Gold)
A note about Legacy Packs:
None of the Legacy Pack content is included in any version of Hitman 2 purchase (Standard, Silver or Gold), you either get them free in relation to what you own of Hitman (2016) or you purchase HITMAN™ GOTY Legacy Pack as DLC for Hitman 2.

"Content For This Game" List Of Modules That You Can Not Purchase Alone***
  • HITMAN™ 2 - Hawke's Bay (N/A)
    Content is included with the (free) Starter Pack. (and Standard Edition BUNDLE)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Miami (N/A)
    Content is included with the Standard Edition BUNDLE.
    (and was in the Miami Location Pack)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Santa Fortuna (N/A)
    Content is included with the Standard Edition BUNDLE.
    (and was in the Santa Fortuna Location Pack)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Mumbai (N/A)
    Content is included with the Standard Edition BUNDLE.
    (and was in the Mumbai Location Pack)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Whittleton Creek (N/A)
    Content is included with the Standard Edition BUNDLE.
    (and was in the Whittleton Creek Location Pack)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Isle of Sgail (N/A)
    Content is included with the Standard Edition BUNDLE.

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Himmelstein (N/A)
    Content is included with Standard Edition BUNDLE.
    (and was in all $12 Location Packs, but not the free Starter Pack)

  • HITMAN™ 2 - Special Assignments Pack 1 (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 1 (included with Silver, Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • Hitman™ 2 - Hantu Port (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 1 (included with Silver, Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • HITMAN™ 2 - New York (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 1 (included with Silver, Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • Hitman 2 - Special Assignments Pack 2 (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 2 (included with Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • Hitman™ 2 - Siberia (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 2 (included with Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • Hitman 2 - Haven Island (N/A)
    Content is part of Expansion Pack 2 (included with Gold or Expansion Pass).

  • Hitman 2 Standard Edition / Hitman 2 (N/A)
    This was the standard "package" module before it was modified to be sold as a "bundle" but is no longer sold in this form. The components are residual from the previous sales format and may appear without a price in various lists.****

***These various DLC modules are sometimes displayed on some of the store pages. These are not sold individually. As they come and go from the store page and change displayed pricing from time to time, this is a leading cause of confusion. If you see these listed individually they can basically be ignored, they have never been sold individually but exist only because they are modules for one of the bundles or packages.

****This is a Steam store distinction: Packages are a collection of products or modules sold at one price that you can not break up and you will always pay for everything within it. Bundles are a collection of products or modules with a flexible price structure, bundles do not charge you for pieces in the bundle that you already own. In terms of Steam store functions, Standard Edition used to be a package, it is now a bundle. In contrast Gold Edition was and still is a package, not a bundle.
These packs can not be purchased alone and do not appear as DLC on the store page. They do however show as DLC in library and can be installed/removed individually.

HITMAN™ 2 - Executive Pack (Silver / Gold / Expansion Pass)
This is a convenience / cosmetic bundle that includes an executive briefcase (without needing to unlock one through game play) and an alternate skin for the basic ICA-19 pistol that you would start the game with (it's literally the same weapon but with the ICA lily logo)

Executive Pack is included with silver, gold and collectors edition as well as with the expansion pass.

HITMAN™ 2 - Collector's Pack (Gold / Expansion Pass)
This is a convenience / cosmetic bundle that includes the Midnight Black Suit and an additional concussion rubber duck (in white with a red tie).

Collectors Pack was originally only included with the collectors edition but was added as a bonus to the gold edition and expansion pass on January 10, 2019.

HITMAN™ 2 - Winter Sport's Pack (Silver / Gold / Expansion Pass)
This is a convenience / cosmetic bundle that includes the Winter Sports Suit, Quickdraw Climbing Gear (garrote), Piton Climbing Spike (lethal melee), Snowball (non lethal, fragile) and Arctic tool Box (container).

The Winter Sports Pack is part of Expansion Pack 1, included with Silver, Gold and Expansion Pass owners as part of the Winter Season event January 22, 2019.

HITMAN™ 2 - Smart Casual Pack (Gold / Expansion Pass)
This is a convenience / cosmetic bundle that includes the Smart Casual Suit, ICA Flash Phone (distraction and explosive flash device), IO Elite S2VP Earphones (garrote).

The Smart Casual Pack is part of Expansion Pack 2, included with Gold and Expansion Pass owners as part of the Social Chameleon August Roadmap, release date August 27, 2019.

Requiem Pack* (Legacy Pack)
This is included with either Legacy Pack and shows up as 3 individual DLC entries in library:
  • Requiem Legacy Suit
  • Hitman 2 - Silenced ICA-19 Chrome Pistol
  • Hitman 2 - White Rubber Duck Explosive

*The previous game (HITMAN™(2016)) had a version of this free as part of preordering the game which was later available for $5 stand alone. Within Hitman 2 it's simply a free bonus for Legacy Pack owners.
How to install / obtain a Legacy Pack
ioi's official Legacy Pack FAQ is here: https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-legacy-faq/

I'll summarize: either you own a version of the previous game Hitman (2016) that entitles you to own either the Legacy Pack (free) or the GOTY Legacy Pack (free); or you purchase the GOTY Legacy Pack directly within Hitman 2 as a DLC.

Just to confirm: Yes, that means if you find the GOTY Hitman (2016) on sale for cheaper than the GOTY Legacy Pack, it would be cheaper to buy that game and get the DLC for free within Hitman 2. Though if you don't already own the previous game, the DLC GOTY Legacy Pack is cheaper while at regular prices.

Note: When you first start Hitman 2 (or the free prologue) it may appear that you do not own a Legacy Pack, don't panic. Restart the game. If that does not work, try restarting the Steam client or rebooting your computer and trying again.

Trouble shooting: (free version)
You are waiting for ioi's servers to recognize your Steam account and verify that you are entitled to own a Legacy Pack. This is not an instant process, it typically requires at least the game to be restarted.

Also note that if you have never actually played Hitman (2016) while online the server may not recognize you as an owner (yet). You need to have actually played Hitman (2016) online long enough for the game to recognize you.

Still didn't get it free when it was owed to you? The longest work around may require:
1. Install Hitman (2016), play at least one mission while online to completion so that your profile is noted by the ioi server.

2. Install Hitman 2 (2018) and play at least one mission while online to completion so that your profile is noted by the ioi server.

3. Reboot your computer and ensure the Steam client itself is fully up to date.

4. Launch Hitman 2 again, it should be downloading the remaining content that you are due.

For most people this process is seamless. The game will let you play while it's downloading, be aware that on some systems this will cause performance loss until it's complete, you may want to just let it download without trying to play at the same time.

Uninstalling Hitman (2016)
You can uninstall Hitman (2016) if you desire after obtaining the Legacy Pack. It is not required to keep Hitman (2016) installed to play any content in Hitman 2. It is only required that the servers recognize that you own it, and that may require having played online at least briefly before uninstalling it.

Note: Owning a Legacy Pack has nothing to do with what edition of Hitman 2 you own. Legacy Pack ownership for free is based entirely on owning the previous game. If you do not own the previous game you can purchase the $20 GOTY Legacy Pack as DLC, it is not included in any bundle, silver, gold or collectors editions.

If you are due one of the Legacy Packs free it can be played with the free Starter Pack. If you are not entitled to owning one for free, only the GOTY Legacy Pack can be purchased and only if you own the actual full game of Hitman 2 (Standard, Silver or Gold)

Still worried about verifying that you have it?
Not only would you see it in game and in your Library DLC list, but it's shown under your account details as well, view: Your Steam Account

If you bought it, you will find it under Purchase History. If you got either (or both) for free you will find it under Licenses and product key activation along with the date of activation listed as:
  • HITMAN 2 Complete The First Season Legacy Pack - External Grant (Complimentary)
  • HITMAN 2 GOTY Legacy Pack - External Grant (Complimentary)

But it's not going to show up until you have actually activated it.
What's in the Legacy Pack anyway?
The Legacy pack includes a remastered version of the previous game Hitman (2016), as a bonus you also receive an additional suit (Blood Money Requiem - White), an extra explosive duck (white) and an ICA-19 pistol (chrome). This is included with all versions of the Legacy Pack.

GOTY Legacy Pack includes the additional Patient Zero campaign, 3 additional suits (Clown, Cowboy, Raven), and 3 escalation contracts that unlock 3 additional weapons. (A New Bat, Striker Pistol and Sieger 300 Ghost Sniper Rifle)

Changes in the remastered locations make use of the new mechanics in Hitman 2 such as hiding in grass, hiding in crowds, mirror sizes are adjusted due to the fact your reflection can now be seen by people when you sneak up behind them, smuggled items are now in briefcases that can be picked up and used to conceal items rather than in stationary boxes, numerous guards and cameras have been moved or added to support the adjustments in difficulty choices and so on. You can also use unlocks from the new locations in the old ones after you collect them, giving you more variety in how you interact with the world.

Comparatively the story is 100% the same but the locations are an entirely new experience to play through. Also note that some escalation missions were not ported over between the games, but all main missions are present. The contracts modes are also not linked so if you wanted to experience the original versions of these locations you would still play the previous game.

Locations and story missions are listed in the next section.
Total Game Content and Modes List
This guide is written from the perspective of owning everything, that includes Hitman 2 Standard BUNDLE, the Expansion Pass and the GOTY Legacy Pack. (Or Hitman 2 Gold + GOTY Legacy Pack)

  • Campaign
  • Destinations
  • Contracts
  • Sniper Assassin
  • Ghost Mode
This is the standard method for accessing the single player story lines. There are currently 4 available campaigns. (Prologue, Hitman season 1, Hitman season 2, Patient Zero)

Prologue (Free) includes an introduction to the controls and two story line missions that take place in the year 1999 that introduce two of 47's training environments, both sets built within the ICA training location.

Hitman season 1 (Legacy Pack) begins in 2019 (20 years after the prologue, and years after the other games took place in between) and includes 6 story line missions that take place across 6 destinations.

Hitman season 2 includes 8 story line missions that take place across 8 destinations and continues the story of season 1. (Hitman 2 Standard Edition includes 6 of the campaign missions while Expansion Packs 1 & 2 contain an additional campaign mission each)

Patient Zero (GOTY Legacy Pack) includes 4 story line missions that take place shortly after season 1 but involve unrelated circumstances, they take place on alternate versions of previously existing destinations.

This is a menu driven experience that lets you access content by location instead of sequentially in the campaign. From Destinations you are able to find the various bonus missions and special assignments (which are not directly part of a campaign) as well as escalation missions and challenge lists. You can also fully access all missions of the campaigns and Sniper Assassin missions individually through destinations. Destinations was a live service with an expanding amount of content that delivered new challenge packs and new escalations from November 2018 through the end of December 2019.

There are 3 bonus missions (Legacy Pack) and 4 special assignments (Expansion Pass) found in destinations that are not part of the campaigns, they take place on alternate versions of existing maps.

52 escalation mission and 22 challenge packs were added before live service was ended. Escalations are puzzle challenges on existing maps with escalating levels of changing rules and targets, challenge packs are new challenges added to existing locations with additional rewards.

You can find an archive of all added content and release dates here:
This is community created and shared content. You can make, share and play contracts on a wide variety of maps and variants of those maps. 1000's of contracts exist and are being created daily. Featured contracts are curated monthly and promoted under the featured contracts list. The games level design is intended to support contracts mode to provide 100's of hours of additional replay value.

You can also find a variety of my own contracts here as examples:
Sniper Assassin (single player or co-op)
This is a purely sniper driven experience, you can go it alone as Agent 47 or play co-op (with a friend or random stranger) as two new assassins attempting the same contract. There is currently one destination (Austria - Himmelstein) included with the base game and another from each Expansion Pack. (Singapore - Hantu Port, Russia - Siberia)

Ghost Mode (competitive multiplayer)
A race to complete 5 random kills, it encourages both stealth and speed. Kills can not be witnessed and killing non targets reduces your score. Interaction between players is limited to special ghost items, such as ghost coins (which can be used as distractions in your opponents world) and ghost crates (pick your weapon and it's no longer available for your opponent). Currently in beta testing and originally released on one map (USA - Miami); Santa Fortuna was added April 30, 2019.

Note: As of November 2019, further development or additions to Ghost Mode have been cancelled for Hitman 2 (but may be carried over into Hitman 3, currently in development)

32 missions and 52 escalations across 18 locations, unlimited contracts (across 19 map variants), 2 ghost mode destinations.

Mission List for clarity by Destination: (escalations not listed)
Classified - ICA Facility (Starter Pack)
  • Guided Training / Freeform Training (stage 1)(Prologue campaign)
  • The Final Test (stage 2) (Prologue campaign)
France - Paris (Legacy Pack)
  • The Showstopper (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • Holiday Hoarders (Seasonal Mission)
Italy - Sapienza (Legacy Pack)
  • World of Tomorrow (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • The Icon (movie set) (bonus mission)
  • Landslide (sunset) (bonus mission)
  • The Author (night) (GOTY Patient Zero campaign)
Morocco - Marrakesh (Legacy Pack)
  • A Gilded Cage (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • A House Built on Sand (night) (bonus mission)
Thailand - Bangkok (Legacy Pack)
  • Club 27 (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • The Source (night) (GOTY Patient Zero campaign)
USA - Colorado (Legacy Pack)
  • Freedom Fighters (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • The Vector (sniper) (GOTY Patient Zero campaign)
Japan - Hokkaido (Legacy Pack)
  • Situs Inversus (Hitman Season 1 campaign)
  • Patient Zero (infection version) (GOTY Patient Zero campaign)
  • Hokkaido Snow Festival (Seasonal Mission)
New Zealand - Hawkes Bay (Hitman 2)
  • Nightcall (Hitman Season 2 campaign)
USA - Miami (Hitman 2)
  • The Finish Line (Hitman Season 2 campaign) (Ghost Mode available)
  • A Silver Tongue (Special Assignment)(Expansion Pack 2)
Columbia - Santa Fortuna (Hitman 2)
  • Three-Headed Serpent (Hitman Season 2 campaign) (Ghost Mode available)
  • Embrace the Serpent (Special Assignment)(Expansion Pack 1)
India - Mumbai (Hitman 2)
  • Chasing a Ghost (Hitman Season 2 campaign)
  • Illusions of Grandeur (Special Assignment)(Expansion Pack 1)
USA - Whittleton Creek (Hitman 2)
  • Another Life (Hitman Season 2 campaign)
  • A Bitter Pill (Special Assignment)(Expansion Pack 2)
North Atlantic - Isle of Sgail (Hitman 2)
  • Ark Society (Hitman Season 2 campaign)
USA - New York (Expansion Pack 1)
  • Golden Handshake (Hitman Season 2 Campaign)
Maldives - Haven Island (Expansion Pack 2)
  • The Last Resort (Hitman Season 2 Campaign)
Austria - Himmelstein (Hitman 2)
  • The Last Yardbird (Sniper Assassin)
Singapore - Hantu Port (Expansion Pack 1)
  • The Pen and the Sword (Sniper Assassin)
Russia - Siberia (Expansion Pack 2)
  • Crime and Punishment (Sniper Assassin)
Monthly and Seasonal Content
Expansion Pass (Expansion Packs 1 & 2) rolling content ended September 24, 2019. Monthly and seasonal was added until the end of 2019. Escalations, challenge packs, featured contracts, elusive targets and all changing content whether permanent or temporary was tracked here with release (and end) dates:
Starting January 2020 and onward only a few replay elusive targets are being run and monthly curated/featured contracts are added. (all previously added content remains ~ except for elusive targets)
Installed Components ~ Modular Design
The game will appear installed and playable with only the Prologue installed. Within your Steam Library all other components of the game appear as DLC and can be managed individually through the standard install check box. Each individual component can be installed or removed as you see fit.

Listing of DLC modules as it appears within the library*
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Bangkok
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Bonus Missions
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Colorado
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Hokkaido
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Marrakesh
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Paris
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Sapienza
  • Hitman™ 2 - Bonus Campaign Patient Zero
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Clown Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Cowboy Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Legacy Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Raven Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - Requiem Legacy Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - Silenced ICA-19 Chrome Pistol
  • Hitman™ 2 - White Rubber Duck Explosive
  • Hitman™ 2 - Expansion Pack 2 (Not installed ~ listed for pre orders)**
  • Hitman™ 2 - Expansion Pack 1 (Not installed ~ listed for pre orders)**
  • Hitman™ 2 - Expansion Pass
  • Hitman™ 2 - Hantu Port
  • Hitman™ 2 - Hawke's Bay
  • Hitman™ 2 - Himmelstein
  • Hitman™ 2 - Isle of Sgail
  • Hitman™ 2 - Miami
  • Hitman™ 2 - Mumbai
  • Hitman™ 2 - Whittleton Creek
  • Hitman™ 2 - Winter Sports Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Collector's Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Early Access (Not installed ~ existed for gold edition prior to launch)**
  • Hitman™ 2 - Executive Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Gold Edition (Not installed ~ ownership flag, no data contained in this module)**
  • Hitman™ 2 - New York
  • Hitman™ 2 - Santa Fortuna
  • Hitman™ 2 - Siberia
  • Hitman™ 2 - Smart Casual Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Special Assignments Pack 1
  • Hitman 2 - Haven Island
  • Hitman 2 - Special Assignments Pack 2
*List based on owning Hitman 2 Gold Edition + GOTY Legacy Pack and all content that is given as bonuses for owning them.
**Depending on which versions you purchased or upgraded from, these 4 modules may or may not appear in your list. There is no content in them, they do not "install" and are just ownership flags for the system to know what else you are due over time.

Alternate listing of modules by version and part ownership (not the order listed in Library)
HITMAN™ 2 - Standard Edition BUNDLE (and Silver and Gold)
  • Hitman™ 2 - Hawke's Bay
  • Hitman™ 2 - Himmelstein
  • Hitman™ 2 - Isle of Sgail
  • Hitman™ 2 - Miami
  • Hitman™ 2 - Mumbai
  • Hitman™ 2 - Whittleton Creek
  • Hitman™ 2 - Santa Fortuna
HITMAN™ - Legacy Pack (and GOTY Legacy Pack)
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Bangkok
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Bonus Missions
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Colorado
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Hokkaido
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Marrakesh
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Paris
  • Hitman™ - Legacy: Sapienza
  • Hitman™ 2 - Requiem Legacy Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - Silenced ICA-19 Chrome Pistol
  • Hitman™ 2 - White Rubber Duck Explosive
HITMAN™ - GOTY Legacy Pack (or Legacy Pack + Upgrade)
  • Hitman™ 2 - Bonus Campaign Patient Zero
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Clown Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Cowboy Suit
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Legacy Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - GOTY Raven Suit
Expansion Pack 1 (Silver, Gold or Expansion Pass)
  • Hitman™ 2 - Hantu Port
  • Hitman™ 2 - Winter Sports Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Executive Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - New York
  • Hitman™ 2 - Special Assignments Pack 1
Expansion Pack 2 (Gold or Expansion Pass)
  • Hitman™ 2 - Collector's Pack
  • Hitman™ 2 - Siberia
  • Hitman™ 2 - Smart Casual Pack
  • Hitman 2 - Haven Island
  • Hitman 2 - Special Assignments Pack 2
Disk Usage (full install) current as of January 1, 2020 game version 2.72.0
Link: Hitman 2 App ID 863550[steamdb.info]
Click on individual DLC in the list for information or Install links:
Downloadable Content (DLC)[steamdb.info]
Ask me, I'll try to find you an answer.

What do I need to complete all achievements?
Everything; there are achievements from both the expansions and legacy packs.

Is there a demo?
Technically no. There's the (free) Starter Pack, which you can treat as a demo, but functionally Steam treats it as the core of the game while everything else acts as a DLC install on top of it.

Is there a Season Pass?
No, there was monthly and seasonal content for free released at no additional cost. Separate from this are Expansion Packs 1 & 2, they can be obtained by purchasing The Expansion Pass.

The store says Gold includes special items, what's different than the Expansion Pass?
Nothing. Gold is literally Standard + Expansion Pass. The only thing Gold gave you beyond that was early access which is no longer relevant now that the game is released. Every component is detailed above. The "special items" are the Executive Pack which is in the Expansion Pass anyway.

Isn't the Prologue the same as the previous game?
More or less the same with minor changes for the new systems. (grass added, etc)

What's new in Hitman (season) 2?
The short list:
  • A completely overhauled experience and mastery system
  • All difficulties unlocked from the start
  • 3 difficulty modes instead of 2 (for most missions)*
  • Hiding in crowds mechanic
  • Hiding in tall grass mechanic
  • NPC's respond to reflections (and can see you in mirrors)**
  • Additional enforcers***
  • Sniper Assassin Mode (co-op optional)
  • Ghost Mode (competitive)
*Bonus and GOTY missions from the Legacy that never had a professional version still only have 1 difficulty mode in the remasters, they have been moved up from "normal" to "professional" difficulty, so yes, they are slightly harder in the remasters than the original. All new missions and legacy missions that previously had two difficulty options now have 3 to pick from)

**Huge wall mirrors on some maps have been resized to give blind spots, but you still need to be aware they exist

***Not a bug, it's a feature! Some guards are paying really close attention and enforcers now exist that can see through your suit because you stand out from a crowd, use those crowd blending mechanics to hide (it's not as terrible as it sounds, there's only a few of these added for flavor)

What are the new difficulties and how do they compare to season 1?
Casual, Professional and Master.
  • Normal from season 1 is now casual (and without cameras)
  • Professional from season 1 is now master (though tuned to be slightly easier)
  • Professional in season 2 is a hybrid, it's harder than season 1's normal used to be, but easier than season 1's professional was (and easier than master currently is)
Difficulty can now be selected during the planning stage while selecting equipment. Compared to the previous game which required you to change difficulty from the destinations menu prior to selecting a mission. All available difficulties are there without needing to be unlocked, experience in any difficulty now contributes to mastery of a location instead of having two separate mastery sets.

Can I carry over my unlocks from the previous game?
No, with the minor exceptions of a few things you may or may not have earned by owning the previous game or gotten from bonuses.

The 3 unlocked suits from the GOTY carry over as part of the GOTY Legacy Pack. If you earned ICA coins as part of season 1 elusive target participation they are automatically awarded again in Hitman 2. The requiem suit, duck and chrome pistol carry over, but are also simply included for buying the Legacy Pack even if you didn't previously own them. Additionally you can be awarded the Aluminum Travel Briefcase for owning Hitman (2016) which did not exist in that game and be awarded The Winter Suit (black with lapel pin) for having participated in any season 1 (or re-released) elusive target from the years 2016 through 2018. (This is technically a variation of the original Winter Suit with a black coat, it did not exist in this form in season 1, and can not be unlocked within Hitman 2 any other way)

To repeat: No basic equipment is carried over between games and new unlocks must be earned through the new mastery and experience system.

Can I carry over my unlocks from the free Starter Pack, Prologue or Legacy Pack if I don't buy Hitman 2 right away?
Yes 100% Yes. The primary benefit of the Prologue being the core for this "modular" game rather than being a stand alone "demo" is that the Prologue and any activity you perform within the Legacy Pack prior to owning Hitman 2 is simply part of your new progress and remains unlocked when you finally do purchase Hitman 2 as the missions/maps you don't own will simply be added as additional DLC without needing to start over or reinstall.

When does ??? come out?
All content release dates are tracked or archived here:
What can be unlocked in Hitman 2?
Information on unlocking equipment can be found in it's own guide here:
Unlocks are listed by location and then again by item type. Legacy and pre order bonus items are listed near the end for the sake of completion.

Where do I go for tech support or to make bug reports? ioi isn't responding to me!!~!
Calm your jets, they aren't terribly active on the steam forums, you should try the actual Hitman forums to discuss bugs or glitches or contact the publisher directly, not ioi for tech support.

Hitman 2 Official Bug reports thread:

Hitman 2 Official Tech Support thread:

Hitman 2 Tech Support Website:

Hitman 2 Publisher Direct Contact:

My game is crashing!!!!
That's a statement, not a question and this was supposed to be for questions. Also I'm not tech support. I'm going to give you two things to try first:

1. Verify your game files, instructions here:

2. Reinstall the individual DLC that is crashing if you are having trouble with a specific map.

The game has been stable for me without a crash since the November 16, 2018 hotfix so I can only advise you that you probably have a corrupt file somewhere.

Update: The developers have now added dx12 support. You may find that dx12 is more stable for you, particulary if you have a newer series GTX or RTX Card (1600 or 2000). Do try both dx11 and dx12 to see which one suits your system best.

If that's not enough to fix your issues, use the links above for tech support, or browse Steam Guides for additional player suggestions; example:
How can I view or delete data collected by ioi / Hitman servers?
ioi comply with GDPR data gathering requirements. You can request access to view or delete the data here: https://personal.hitman.io/Profile

Why did you write this guide?
I wrote this guide to cater to those who need confirmation about what they have read on the store page. All of this info really is there, but in a game this size with expanding content sometimes it's just nice to have a second opinion. There's also the fact that many other websites have mislabeled or incorrectly listed information that cause people to question if the store page is accurate.
Hitman 3 (2021) Announcement
  • The locations you own in Hitman 2 (2018) will be unlocked for free in Hitman 3 (2021) as DLC
  • You will have the option to carry over all of your unlocks from Hitman 2 (2018) into Hitman 3
Any further news or announcements will be in the News Archive here which will be maintained until a guide section for Hitman 3 is available:

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Hitman Freedom fighters 2 serial key or number

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