Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

How can I request a day trial license key?

You can use the license manager to request a trial key. .

  1. Launch the license manager application from the start menu (start menu > NumXL:
  2. The License Manager is launched. Click on the "Request Trial key" button:
  3. Fill in your name and email address, and click OK.
  4. Next an email with a trial key will be emailed to you. Give it a minute or two and then check your email inbox (and spam/junk box).

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, Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

Cash from Patents &#; Part II

Yesterday I tried to give you some quick and dirty guidance on monetizing patents.  I got a lot of feedback from that &#; people asking detailed questions.

So today I&#;m reprinting a article I wrote for Entrepreneur magazine about turning an idea into a patent and then licensing your ideas.  I spoke with both lawyers and entrepreneurs about this topic, including Nabeel Hyatt, a serial entrepreneur who at the time was CEO of Ambient Devices:

Ambient Devices Inc. is not your typical high-tech company. The company’s first product, the eerily glowing Ambient Orb, broke new ground in the consumer electronics space and landed squarely on the cover the Hammacher Schlemer catalog in May Building on technology first conceived at PARC Xerox and the Media Lab at MIT, the company is not only turning out eye-popping products but also turning heads with a business model that substitutes royalties for venture capital and helps launch new competitors.

Like many growing companies, Ambient has some key intellectual property&#;patents, trademarks and other “secret formulas.” Most companies, however, would use such technology simply to tempt investors and then squirrel it away from the rest of the world. Ambient turns that model on its head by eschewing investors while spreading its technology far and wide through aggressive licensing. It’s a strategy that squeezes huge economic value out of the Ambient patent portfolio and gives the company an important (and largely passive) source of funds.

In general, Ambient wants to license its wireless technology, called bit trickling, to consumer electronics giants like Sony and also encourage new start-ups to use the patents for smaller niche plays. All that while Ambient builds and markets its own products, like the $ Orb and the new cube-shaped Weather Forecast Beacon.

“This strategy came out of lessons I’ve learned from previous start-ups,” says Ambient co-founder and VP of strategy Nabeel Hyatt, “This is a new way to say, ‘Let some other entrepreneurs take advantage of the opportunities.’”

Selling not just products but also licenses for core technology pays off handsomely for Hyatt and his team. Although he says they spend only about 5 percent of their time helping other companies launch products, nearly 15 percent of Ambient’s revenues already come from that activity. “And that could grow to 50 percent next year,” says Hyatt. “There are a hundred good opportunities outside the consumer market for Ambient technology&#;entire industries that are not being touched.”

Do It Yourself

To mine the value in intellectual property, you first have to know what you’ve got, says IP attorney Rose Auslander, a partner at the Wall Street law firm Carter Ledyard & Milburn. “A lot of people have intellectual property of great value and don’t even realize it.” Whether you design jewelry or jet engines, create skyscrapers or software, the fruits of your labor can be captured as intellectual property and put to work again and again through licensing.

Identify it, secure it and protect it are the three steps you must take before you start looking for licensing partners. “You want to be sure that your company would be considered the author—or be sure you get the rights,” advises Auslander. You can’t sell what you don’t own, and having the right patent or trademark registration will help you protect what you’ve created.

Intellectual property comes in many flavors, including trademarks, utility patents, design patents and copyrights. Conceivably, one item could be protected by a copyright, a trademark and a design patent. That’s the good news. The bad news is that each type of protection has different rights and limitations, and they are not always complementary. A patent, for example, can nullify the effect of a trademark, warns Auslander. That can be dangerous because each type of protection has a different duration: A patent is the shortest; a trademark exists only while you use it in the marketplace; a copyright is perpetual.

Seek Professional Help

By now you’re probably thinking that this sounds like a job for a lawyer. You’re right. Lawyers who specialize in intellectual property law can help you protect your intellectual property and may also be a good first stop for finding a licensee. Professionals like CPAs and lawyers can help you find companies that need your technology or design, says CPA Larry Weiner of Weiner, Dailey & Co in Elmsford, New York.

If you’re serious about a licensing strategy, you might be well-served by speaking with both a lawyer and a CPA says Weiner. “Where a lawyer would be looking at your IP from a legal point of view, a CPA can help you maximize the strategic and economic value,” he says. Issues like how much to charge for a license, whether to require minimum royalty payments and how to be sure your licensee is calculating royalties accurately are all issues for a CPA or financial advisor.

Slice the Pie

Every time you grant a license, you give up sales and profits you could have pursued yourself. Of course, you can’t be in every market with every possible product, but you’ll need to start with a clear strategy for segmenting the marketing. Decide in advance what you can do&#;in Ambient’s case, for example, selling Orbs through consumer catalogs&#;and what you can’t. For the opportunities you can’t or don’t want to pursue, look for a strong licensing partner.

Licenses, both exclusive and non-exclusive, allow you to slice the pie any way you want. Some common segmentation strategies include assigning rights within geographic limits, within particular industry segments, or simply for use in a single product line. “Where a piece of technology has multiple applications, I’d license it for a particular use,” suggests Weiner. Industry-specific designs or trademarks, on the other hand, might be better suited to geographic licenses.

Ambient divides its licensees into two broad categories: consumer electronics and “other.” Since the adoption of Ambient technology is still in its infancy&#;but has such broad application—it’s not difficult to manage the different licenses, says Hyatt. “We haven’t yet had a situation where an existing company is going into the same market as another start-up.”

Nonetheless, managing and monitoring licenses can become a complex and time-consuming task. There will always be issues of compliance, reporting and quality control. Quality is especially important suggests Auslander, since poor quality can lead to liability issues and could even cause you to lose protection under trademark laws. “You may want to see a sample from each manufacturing run or see their marketing and advertising for approval,” she says. Don’t forget that you retain ultimate ownership of the intellectual property, so any product or derivative should be marked with something that protects your rights, such as “TM”, © or the patent number.

Both Weiner and Auslander agree that license agreements can go bad, so be prepared. “Good fences make good neighbors,” laughs Weiner. “We trust everybody&#;subject to verification. Be prepared to audit the results annually.” As a rule of thumb, expect to pay about 1 percent of your revenues for a thorough audit by a CPA.

Is licensing a distraction? It absolutely can be. On the other hand, few other aspects of your business hold such potential wealth.

As Hyatt and the Ambient team mined the value of their IP, they found that licensing partners not only provided financial capital but also human and market capital. Says Hyatt, “What I see is a lot of outside companies worrying about this while we’re not. Its only 5 percent of my time, but the licensee is spending percent of their time trying to make the product successful.”


Dedicated to your profits,


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Strategy First O.R.B all serial key or number

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ


Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!
Play as Agent 4 from Perfect Dark

Have a saved game file from Perfect Dark on your hard drive. Then, create a saved game file from Crackdown 2 on your hard drive. Play Perfect Dark from Xbox Live Arcade again, and it will detect the Crackdown 2 saved game file. Agent 4 will now be playable in the Combat Simulator multiplayer modes.

Infinite ammunition

Find a mounted turret, and begin using it. Have a friend punch or kick you off of the turret while you are shooting. You should now have unlimited gun and grenade ammunition.

Easy Vehicle Stunt Rings

Have two players in online Co-op mode. Have one player in a helicopter from the Agency Tower and the other player in an Agency Supercar or Cruiser. Have both players meet at the Stunt Ring. Equip the Mag grenades, and attach one to the bottom of the helicopter and another one to the roof of the car. Have the helicopter fly the car through a stunt ring. Note: Avoid the explosion from the Mag grenades. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Easy Agility Orbs

Fly a helicopter from the Agency Tower high above the Agility Orb. Then, jump out of the helicopter, and drop down onto the Orb. Note: You must be at a low enough altitude to survive or have the Glide suit. The Orb will not start moving until you are very close to it.

Use the following trick to easily get Level 5 Agility Orb on top of buildings, even when you are Level 1. Have a high Agility level player in online Co-op mode climb near the top of a high building with a Level 5 Agility Orb on it. At the edge of the building, have the player throw a magnetic lock (Mag) to where it is still on the vertical side of the building. Then, have the player jump or glide down and wait for you to climb on top of a nearby car. Next, have the player throw the other Mag on top of the same car. The car should be pulled up to the top of the building, allowing you to collect the Orb.

Finding Orbs

While playing the game, press Up to get a quick view of nearby Orbs on the mini-map. This can be repeated again after a few seconds.

Have Level 4 Agility or higher, then get a helicopter from the Agency Tower, and fly it as high as possible. Click and hold the Left Analog-stick to activate its jets to force the mini-map to zoom out as it moves faster. Then, tap Up to begin scanning for Orbs.

Use the following trick to find all the non-Renegade Orbs quicker. While playing the game, press Start, then quickly press B, Up, and look at your mini-map. It will be zoomed out, and it will also make the Orb ping (Up) work in a much greater range. It will display more Orbs around you, and in a bigger area, allowing you to find the Orbs quicker as long as they are not Renegade Orbs.

Finding helicopters

Spawn on the island northeast of the Agency Island. Go to the middle of it, and climb the highest tower there. Once you reach the middle level (with the free standing balconies), you will find a helicopter with no weapons.

Once you have Level 5 Agility, spawn at the Agency Island, and climb up the building to the right of the bridge. Look straight ahead after climbing to see a helipad with four helicopters on it. The helicopter closer to the Agency Tower, and across from that, has rockets. The other two have machine guns.

Quacker grenades

Go to the carnival on the island southwest of the Agency Tower on the southern tip of the island. Look for the "Chucks Ducks 2" booth after you clear out the cell stronghold there. Inside the booth are Quacker grenades (exploding rubber sticky ducks) behind the counter.

Alternately, have a Facebook account that has been previously logged into from your Xbox Then, log onto Facebook on a computer, and play the "Chuck's Ducks 2" mini-game. Collect twenty ducks in Puzzle mode, then save them from the hunters in the second part of the mini-game. If done correctly, the mini-game will notify you that you have ducks waiting for you in Crackdown 2. Then, play Crackdown 2, and spawn near the Carnival in Green Bay South. You can now exchange a grenade for a Quacker grenade at the Chuck's Ducks 2 booth in the center of the carnival. Take that grenade back to any drop zone to have the option to select the Quacker grenades whenever you spawn.

Reloading mounted turret

To reload a mounted turret that you took from its stationary post (requires Level 3 Strength), simply find the post, and replace the turret. Pick it up again for full ammunition.

Audio file locations

Search the indicate locations in the videos to find all audio files:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Avatar Awards

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:

    Freaky slippers (male and female): Get the "First Hurdle" achievement.
    Level 1 Agent suit (male and female): Get the "Light Bringer" achievement.
    Official Agency hoodie (male and female): Get the "Jack Of All Trades" achievement.
    Orb shirt (male and female): Have the "First Blood" achievement from the original Crackdown on a saved game file on your hard drive.
    Ruffian hat: Get the "Hope Spring Savior" achievement.

Successfully complete the indicated task in the "Deluge" bonus downloadable content to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:

    PvP helmet: Download and play the "Toy Box" DLC.
    PvP suit: Get the "15 Minutes Of Maim" achievement.

Successfully complete the indicated task in the "Toy Box" bonus downloadable content to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:

    Green Agent helmet: Download and play the "Deluge" DLC.
    Green Agent suit: Get the "Fly Swat" achievement.
Easy "City Glider" achievementEasy "Pebble Dash" achievement

Note: It is recommended that you have Level 5 Agility so you can use the Wingsuit. Spawn at the Agency Tower, then move to the right, and look for a large cylindrical pipe directly in front of the Agency Holding Pens building. It is very tall and the only one that has an opening at the top. Jump down, and use the Wingsuit's glide ability to slow your descent. Once you reach the bottom, you will be in a small cave with a huge toilet with rubber ducks and beach balls. If you survived the fall, you will also get the "Pebble Dash" achievement.

Easy "Scarface" achievement

Once you have Level 5 Agility, go to the Agency Tower. Reach the helipad, and get the helicopter with machine guns. Take the helicopter to a freak infested area, and then start shooting at the groups to get the "Scarface" achievement. -From: Sean Kettler

Easy "Yippee-Kai-Yay" achievement

Have two players in online Co-op mode. Have one player spawn the SUV and the other player get the helicopter. Have the player in the helicopter hover low to the ground, and let the player with the SUV jump it into the body of the helicopter to get the "Yippee-Kai-Yay" achievement. Then, have the players switch so both players get the achievement.

Have the Agency SUV, then find an Agency supply drop point. Locate a small car (no trucks or vans), and drive the car to the Agency supply drop point. Park it so the driver's side door is towards the SUV. Press Back, and store that vehicle. Get into the SUV, and wait for the helicopter to pick it up. Once it gets low to the ground to pick it up, drive towards it, and press B to jump into the helicopter to get the "Yippee-Kai-Yay" achievement.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    First Hurdle (20 points): Survive Agent Diagnostics and earn deployment into Pacific City.
    Get Connected (20 points): Locate and activate an Absorption Unit, alone or with another Agent.
    Plugged In (50 points): Locate and activate every Absorption Unit in Pacific City, alone or with another Agent.
    Big Bang (20 points): Oversee the deployment and successful detonation of a Beacon, alone or with another Agent.
    Hope Springs Savior (50 points): Detonate every Beacon in Hope Springs, alone or with another Agent.
    Green Bay Savior (50 points): Detonate every Beacon in Green Bay, alone or with another Agent.
    Unity Heights Savior (50 points): Detonate every Beacon in Unity Heights, alone or with another Agent.
    Light Bringer (20 points): Detonate every Beacon in Pacific City, alone or with another Agent.
    All Under Control (20 points): Secure all Tactical Locations within one Cell stronghold, alone or with another Agent.
    Location, Location, Location (50 points): Secure every Tactical Location in Pacific City for the Agency, alone or with another Agent.
    Pest Control (10 points): Clear out and close down a Freak Breach, alone or with another Agent.
    The Closer (20 points): Close down every Freak Breach in Pacific City, alone or with another Agent.
    Tower Power (20 points): Complete the final phase of Project Sunburst at Agency Tower, alone or with another Agent.
    Tellin' Stories (10 points): Collect and listen to an Audio Log.
    Closed Book (20 points): Collect and listen to every Audio Log in Pacific City.
    In Plain Sight (10 points): Find and collect a Hidden Orb.
    Sixth Sense (30 points): Find and collect every Hidden Orb in Pacific City.
    First Rung of the Ladder (10 points): Find and collect an Agility Orb
    King of the World (50 points): Find and collect every Agility Orb in Pacific City.
    In the Net (10 points): Catch an Agility Renegade Orb or Driving Renegade Orb.
    Renegade Runner (20 points): Find and collect every Renegade Agility Orb in Pacific City.
    Renegade Racer (20 points): Find and collect every Renegade Driving Orb in Pacific City.
    Speed Demon (10 points): Complete a Road or Rooftop Race
    Street Racer (20 points): Complete every Road Race in Pacific City.
    Rooftop Racer (20 points): Complete every Rooftop Race in Pacific City.
    Wingsuit Racer (20 points): Glide through every Wingsuit Stunt Ring in Pacific City.
    Stuntman (20 points): Jump a vehicle through every Vehicle Stunt Ring in Pacific City.
    LIVE and let LIVE (10 points): Collect every Online Orb in Pacific City.
    Who's the Daddy? (50 points): Develop each of your skills to their maximum levels.
    Solid Block of Orbsome (50 points): Find and collect every Agility, Hidden, Renegade and Online Orb in Pacific City.
    Jack of all Trades (20 points): Complete one of every objective type in Pacific City.
    Pebble Dash (10 points): From the top of full-height Agency Tower, leap into the chimney stack and live to tell the tale.
    City Glider (10 points): Wingsuit glide through the airspace of all islands in Pacific City without touching down.
    Squad City Glider (20 points): 4 Agents, Wingsuit-glide through the airspace of all islands in city within 30 secs of leader.
    Open up a Can (10 points): Kill 5 enemies with a single gas cylinder.
    Co-op Keepy-Up (10 points): Pass a vehicle back and forth between Agents 3x using UV shotguns. Vehicle must not hit the ground.
    Yippee-Kai-Yay (10 points): Drive an Agency SUV into an airborne helicopter.
    Strike! (10 points): Kill 25 Freaks with thrown objects or vehicles.
    Victory Roll (10 points): Alone or with another Agent, kill an enemy with a mounted turret while airborne and upside-down!
    Mosh Pit (10 points): Land 20 successful hand-to-hand attacks in a chain. Under 3 secs between attacks to chain them.
    Scarface (10 points): Use the minigun to amass 20 enemy kills in a 10 second period.
    Zero Factor (10 points): Use a UV weapon to amass 20 Freak kills in a 10 second period.
    Street Sweeper (10 points): While driving a vehicle kill 5 enemies in a single power slide.
    Pin Cushion (10 points): Use Harpoon Gun to pin 5 enemies to a single vehicle.
    Bomberman (10 points): Create 30 explosions in 60 seconds.
    25 Ways to Die (10 points): Find 25 unique ways to destroy your cloned body.
    Car Jump (10 points): Leap from one fast moving vehicle to another.
    Chopper Stomper (10 points): Leap from an airborne Agency helicopter and using a Ground Strike, kill at least one enemy.
    Party Bus (10 points): Four Agents; one driver and three gunners, on a Battle Bus. Must jump through a Vehicle Stunt Ring.
    Pile Driver (10 points): Kill 5 enemies with a single Ground Strike.

The following achievements require the "Toy Box" bonus downloadable content:

    Mile High Club (10 points): Get a club and boost into the air to club at least one enemy from a height.
    Hung Out to Dry (15 points): Hang 5 enemies off the floor using Mag Grenades.
    Burnt Offerings (20 points): Set 20 people alight with your thrusters in a single airborne flight.
    Tac Loc Takedown (20 points): Successfully complete 5 Tactical Locations with all agents in the same Squad Chopper.
    Wing-a-Ding-Ding (20 points): Soar to over meters in a single flight using your thrusters and Wingsuit.
    Run! Get to the Chopper! (25 points): Kill enemies in one minute using the Squad Chopper.
    Rocketeer (30 points): Kill 50 enemies with your thrusters in a single airborne flight.
    Never Give It up (30 points): Win a Vehicle Tag Quick Match without ever having the Orb stolen from you.
    One Careful Driver (30 points): Win a Vehicle Tag Quick Match without ever destroying your vehicle.
    Beyond the Infinite (50 points): Develop all skills to level 6.
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