MS Office 2004 serial key or number

MS Office 2004 serial key or number

MS Office 2004 serial key or number

MS Office 2004 serial key or number

Microsoft Office 2001


by Bolkonskij - 2010, February 26 - 5:29pm

Alright, I actually decided not to write anymore here in this topic since I really respect everyones decision. We're all volunteers here I still do respect it, but I have to answer to the what-if scenario that has been drawn.

Besides studying i'm working part-time with a big japanese videogame company (guess who..). The company gets roughly 300-400 notifications of copyright violations by some rom sites & else per month here. Mostly by customers. And what is the reaction? Nothing. Nothing. And why? Simply because everyone understands there is no way to stop this from happening, because it's wrong to think that someone downloading a rom would buy the original software and last - but most important - these sites are not maintained by companies. No companies means no money. Be sure, even Microsoft has no interest in starting law action, probably on international scale, and then finding out that the other side is a 16 year old student (just any example) with no funds, thus leaving them with all the costs. What the company lawyers deal with, are the really big fish - far eastern companies and such.

MacGarden as well as these millions of rom pages are not of any interest. (just type in "roms" into google and check yourself... pretty obvious copyright violations you'd think, where are the lawyers!?)

But if you really really really want to be on the safe site (which I support, don't get me wrong please!) then add in the source of the page that google shall not index the apps/games pages of the site. That way google search for "Microsoft Office 2001" will in no case turn up this page here.

Aside from that, it's completly up to you bertyboy, what you want to share and when

by Euryale - 2010, February 25 - 11:27pm

I already had MS Office 2001 before this post..
(but there are just some things I don't get..
probably that's a man's thing and me as a Woman I just don't get it)

this is very SIMPLE, but you guys make it way too complicated and I don't understand why,
and that kind of behavior upsets me a little bit,

if this is Warez,
It shouldn't be here at MacGarden.... that is MacGarden's policy, right?
and avoid all that big blah blah excusing yourself, and having MacGarden on Bill Gates's Black list,

that's one thing,

If this is NOT warez, then there should be No problem whatsoever posting the serial key
just like we've been doing all this time,

now the question is very simple,

is this Warez or not?

now if you just don't want to share it, that's no problem at all,
That's understandable,
but then why going all the trouble uploading the full CD for everybody if they can't use it,

in that case someone should have posted a link to eBay or Microsoft's download page.
and make it simpler.

by bertyboy - 2010, February 25 - 10:50pm

Google is your friend.

I have no trouble in posting software and serials, where required, for products released by companies no longer in business, and where the rights to those products have not been taken up by another company - the rights to the products of a company are usually something sold off by the receivers who dispose of the company assets when they go into liquidation. This doesn't always happen, ie. if the company has no creditors to pay, or where the company has gone into volutary liquidation. I've done this to two of my IT services companies. I'm sure that this is not the first time we've discussed this on the site.

So, if Microsoft went to the wall tomorrow I'd have no trouble in providing my own serial, and uploading Office v.X (which I also paid for) and a serial for that. But posting serials for a company that aggresively defends its copyright would only be bad news for the site.

We're all entitled to our opinion, but it won't help us fight off Microsoft lawyers, and this isn't a free software site, even for very old software, someone had to purchase it, and I still search for and pay for old titles on eBay and similar.

On that note, you can easily purchase Office 2001 on eBay or similar for under $10 / £5 if you really want to use it. I can promise you (again, said this more than once before) that it was some of the best OS9 software ever written, easily worth the full price back in the day.

by Euryale - 2010, February 25 - 9:38pm

I thought it was just drag the folder onto the HD and used it,
I already had Office 2001, and the version I had first, I just copied the folder,
and it worked fine,

eventually, I downloaded this full version and burned it onto a CD,
but I have not tested it (install it)

I didn't know it asks for a Key number.
but if it does, it would be nice to have it, otherwise it wouldn't make sense
having uploaded the whole program.

but if bertyboy doesn't want to share it,
well, then I guess we can't do anything about it.

Your concept of preservation is like
"You can look, but you can't touch"
"You can have it, but you can't use it"

or like President Clinton once said:
"...smoked it but didn't inhaled it"


Источник: []
, MS Office 2004 serial key or number

Over a year ago we published a tip detailing how to change the serial number on an installed copy of Microsoft Office X or Microsoft Office 2004. That tip described a technique for digging around in library preferences, and hunting down an invisible OfficePID file.

It turns out there is a much, much, easier method!

The Remove Office tool that comes with Microsoft Office 2004 has a hidden feature that removes the serial number on installed copies of Microsoft Office (both version X and 2004).

Tip: You can find the Remove Office app in the Microsoft Office 2004 application folder inside the Additional Tools folder.

When you see the the initial “Welcome to Remove Office” splash screen, hold down the Option key. The Continue button will change to read “Remove Licensing Information Only.”

When you click the button, a second screen appears warning you that “files you no longer need must be removed from your computer.” These files include that difficult OfficePID file. Make sure all your Microsoft Office applications are not running, and click “Remove.”

The Remove Office tool will process for a bit. When it is done you can quit (ignore the warning that nothing was removed). When you launch Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Entourage the next time, you’ll be presented with the opportunity to enter a new serial number.

Now, that’s much easier! No hidden OfficePID file, no preferences.

Tip: What if you need to change the serial number for Microsoft Office X, and don’t have access to 2004’s Remove Office tool? Here’s a trick: Download the free Office 2004 Test Drive which includes the needed Remove Office tool!

Source: The difficult version of this tip (Tip #43 Change Microsoft Office’s serial number) was published on May 30, 2005. Since then about 50 people a day have visited that tip through various Google searches. We were delighted to discover this easier technique on the great Mac OS X hints website.

Источник: []
MS Office 2004 serial key or number

Microsoft Office / 365 for Mac/iOS Useful Information

Article Keywords: Microsoft Office Mac Macintosh 2001 v.X vX 2004 2008 2011 2016 2019 365 iPad iPhone iPadPro Pro OS X Useful Information Info Installation Registration Compatibility internet activation serial number ID account Alternatives docs document documents links buying purchase purchasing Perpetual Licence Licences licencing License Licenses licensing boxed retail personal single user home corporate small business SME education educational volume sub subscription v7iOS iOS7 v8iOS iOS8 v9iOS iOS9 v10iOS iOS10 v11iOS iOS11 v12iOS iOS12 v13iOS iOS13 v13iPadOS iPadOS13 v14iOS iOS14 v14iPadOS iPadOS134 iOS iPadOS 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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Источник: []

What’s New in the MS Office 2004 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for MS Office 2004 serial key or number

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