Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

[After Effects] Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse v3.1.10 For After Effects & Premiere Pro


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Program Name: Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse v3.1.10 for After Effects & Premiere Pro
+ H6 C; S& B8 ^) T5 }4 \Program Type: Video editing plugins
. y3 k" L( @) q6 dRelease Date: December 13, 2016- g3 ^. i1 |) p0 K, q
8 j$ I+ x# z8 j! ^3 v( QLanguage: English % l( y. B2 [, r
Requirements: Win32/Win64, Premiere Pro" T3 K+ z  Z1 P! Z+ m# t& T9 T: m
File Size: 11.6 MB7 @4 J: q0 N. W5 Q5 g  U
6 \( S  E! A1 G1 z6 r1 U; i
Color Finesse 3 gives you the high-end color correction and enhancement tools you need as a plug-in for your favorite applications—including Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS5 and later (including CC 2015).3 S4 K, H+ `/ }& v+ o, c
) o2 e5 C2 I6 l' F) _( L
Color Finesse 3 Feature Highlights:" }& }" H) o; v$ _; o* [9 X
Flexible Controls - Control the gain, gamma, pedestal, hue and saturation of your images. Work in HSL, RGB, CMY, or YCbCr color spaces. Control the overall image, or work with individual color channels. Flexibility is the key to getting just the look you want, and flexibility is what Color Finesse offers with its myriad controls and tools. Individually adjustable color channel curves (both RGB and HSL) let you define exactly how color levels will be processed. Levels control determine input and output black, white, and gray points.7 M5 D% r! o/ Y  }; g, e

6 ~1 v5 d3 D9 u4 G0 oSecondary Color Correction - Want to change the color of a scarf or punch up a bland gray sky? Color Finesse's six-channel secondary color corrector allows you to isolate up to six separate colors which can be adjusted for hue, saturation, and hue offset. Each of the six channels defines a color range based on up to four color samples with settable luma and chroma tolerance, and a range softness control, allowing you to easily isolate colors without harsh edges.
, d9 x' f. y# w: p) _% D' K/ B& B! r; {, W6 t# X0 J) e
Single Button Color Correction - Color Finesse 3's Auto-Color and Auto-Exposure buttons give one-click access to your color correction starting point, eliminating color casts, improper white balance, and establishing your black and white points." M8 B) _3 S' S7 }: Q: o

9 a+ s" P% x# J6 V& aAutomated Color Matching - Need to match the color in one frame to a color in another frame? Color Finesse provides single-button color matching to provide natural-looking color matches without fiddling./ {. X8 R+ i9 v' _9 h6 }4 X( @

' z  |$ z: B9 ESmart Color Limiting and Soft-Clip - Color Finesse's 32-bit floating-point color space allows you to make radical changes in color and luma levels without clipping, but before final output you'll need to bring things back into range. Color Finesse provides accurate luma soft-clipping, as well as color limiting to meet broadcast standards.
! k/ {# q1 G9 j9 _, a8 B. C! g/ z' z4 a) p
Grading Suite Tools - WFM/VS DisplaysColor Finesse provides the monitoring tools you would expect to find in a grading suite, including waveform monitor, vectorscope, histograms, and correction curve displays. Displays are available individually or in a convenient combination display.$ l1 M; f) E8 ^* @
- b; n- n1 T5 D1 O/ V- E
Plug-in User Interface - The plug-in user interface gives you access to the most commonly used correction controls directly in the host application. Available controls include HSL and RGB corrections, the hue offset wheels, curves, the auto-correction buttons, and the broadcast limiter.
9 F$ G2 K+ L4 ?* S  ]4 F, {/ `6 DYou don't need to invoke the full Color Finesse UI just to make simple changes, although it's always there when you want it.- N, @( T! t' s1 C' S) u3 k% y
% C; O0 ]. ~$ a; R$ O  N
High-Performance Correction - Color correction is important, but no one has all day to wait for it. That's why Color Finesse is optimized for use on multi-processor systems, and takes full advantage of the SSE instructions on Intel processor systems.4 V- I$ [# H5 D  r6 h
And as a software color corrector, Color Finesse 3 doesn't require a specific video card, specific type of slot, or limit you to workstation-style systems with multiple monitors. Use Color Finesse on a laptop, on a desktop system, or anything else you'd like.
: M3 \# @5 O7 a. g" I, s6 G1 k5 l
Preview and Reference Options - While making your color corrections, Color Finesse previews your results with options for split-screen wipes to easily compare before-and-after images. The split can be done at any angle to make it easy to compare the part of the image that matters to you.; N3 V6 k! u3 e5 n! M
A reference gallery of images make it easy to compare frames from different scenes to accomplish color matching.; _& v+ R2 Y& e; N
Previews can be directed to a second computer monitor for full size previews, or sent to an external video monitor via a video output device, including Blackmagic Design, AJA Kona (Mac only), and nVidia Quadro SDI (Windows only).
, p% d: d; u5 L1 D- k- q& g2 ?1 Q4 W( v3 }
History Update:
( _" a' f/ n1 x8 p' Q/ ?July 19, 2016 8 R0 N" e  E: j# `" [, ?
Fixed a crashing issue when using the Simplified UI within Premiere Pro (Mac/Win).
* v% {8 i* V" o. DFixed a cosmetic issue with the buttons within the Simplified UI within Premiere Pro (Mac/Win).! [; x4 N( ?$ h) z& a2 R
Fixed a possible crashing issue when attempting to select a video preview device which as been disconnected (Mac).9 K# y) @1 ~2 J
Installers updated to support Adobe CC 2015.3 (Mac/Win).
7 \3 r9 U% Z/ P! D
( Q1 t& g) @9 r2 v& ~( k( ^( o5 R& B8 September 2015
5 o0 @6 v1 G7 ~7 kColor Finesse 3.0.14 Update Release Notes8 }7 o9 A/ X! q6 b+ i
- Fixed issue where the full UI could not be launched if more than one adjustment layer had Color Finesse applied
# w7 M  I& I* \: `$ A
! Z6 r# A( {# e: s8 v0 a(Mac/Win).
3 o- y. z$ |: ?* R6 ^- Expressions affecting Color Finesse parameters were not always updating the Color Finesse controls (Mac/Win).
+ S- M5 M- L  ?- Right-click contextual menus for the hue wheels and curves within the Simplified UI were not displaying in the : F' P: g, p! v( ~& W% l
' r, M/ J/ q% C* T" B
correct location (Mac).; q. x9 N$ y! ]  M5 w. h# f
- Installers updated to support Adobe CC 2015 (Mac/Win).
0 [. |% ?; H7 C; ?7 L0 R0 |3 @- Fixed issue with presets not loading into Gallery (Mac).
& z& C* Q4 P# ?, k$ g( b% g- Fix issue that was causing Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite) to de-schedule Color Finesse, causing hang of both the Color ( j: {# T% Y: X+ f

) i9 {4 T0 L% j9 |1 O5 SFinesse UI and After Effects (Mac).
0 N2 j" o) \  z% O- Ensure that reference images can be saved, even if the default folder (My Documents) is missing (Win).: o3 G* L) \' A( }

. p' F4 {2 d2 t6 b# @2 m1 j% N4 |3 l18 June 2014
" K; L# {% j: G- FSynthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.10 Update Now Available. {! O! Z+ }$ [
- When in trial/unregistered mode, flag watermarked frames to avoid disk cache pollution (Mac/Win).
/ }1 Q( [) g6 X- Ensure that user presets can be saved, even if the default folder (My Documents) is missing (Win).* B% U1 t% L3 j) [
- Installers updated to support Adobe CC 2014 (Mac/Win)., H# Y/ C2 y, u4 x+ Z$ Y; k

2 O4 F; p3 \: e/ g/ I2 n" V! l5 February 20133 b4 n% Z: {0 V6 d6 S" Q' M; d
Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.8 Update Now Available+ Q% V  d, E* k3 |9 g* O: X
- Correct small memory leak in plug-in and UI (Mac).
! {0 v3 l0 k/ R4 `7 N- Correct Gallery issue under Windows 8 where Gallery was always disabled (Win).. w. s3 l4 s" J1 G8 Y% R, l
- Correct UI logo display issue under Premiere CS5.5 and later. (Mac/Win).; ^6 H- b1 i" _* m9 S8 {6 U
- Make error messages more helpful when wrong version of plug-in is installed (Mac/Win).
/ q# [5 _. ]; n) }7 m# }1 I; ^" I7 F) y% ^
20 February 2012
- k4 t: X3 X% l+ F  G- |Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.7 Update Now Available. g! @; E" _! ~: q/ w6 W3 H
- HSL curves settings were not being restored properly when loading a saved settings file. (Win).; m. B& w. R* R
- Make cursor change within Simplified Interface curves to make it easier to select end points (Mac).
) G* ~9 ]. z4 O1 M! W- Remove ability to delete first and last curve points in the Simplified Interface curves to match Windows behavior (Mac).
9 i0 S3 D' I: o- Fix a problem where upgrading the LE version when no version of Color Finesse had been previously installed caused a crash when entering registration information (Mac).9 V7 K6 B: |0 E; G9 u
- Removed Rapid Preview button from Reference panes. It is not supposed to function there and caused confusion (Mac/Win).
8 e  w9 r2 N! H7 S* t2 W. u: k( h; T. C# \/ r; P! M: V$ h6 C3 t
31 October 2011- Y; `2 K) F- I- _& ?: M
Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.5 Update Now Available
& j5 V6 R& W0 s. O# s- HSL curves settings were not being restored properly when loading a saved settings file. (Win).
/ \0 J/ K% \( f* m4 S- Make cursor change within Simplified Interface curves to make it easier to select end points (Mac).
; X) L+ s. @; U) B- Remove ability to delete first and last curve points in the Simplified Interface curves to match Windows behavior (Mac).1 G5 c1 \" I, j" f7 R. W
- Fix a problem where upgrading the LE version when no version of Color Finesse had been previously installed caused a crash when entering registration information (Mac).# R9 i, Z" P* y7 o
- Removed Rapid Preview button from Reference panes. It is not supposed to function there and caused confusion (Mac/Win).
4 }4 Y" M7 ^  S$ A' y  t' R5 u$ m1 X" x+ F
2 May 2011
1 u8 }3 r/ b2 c5 RSynthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.4 Update Now Available
, N9 a- w+ b, u- Added compatibility with Adobe CS5.5 products, including After Effects and Premiere Pro.9 H$ V/ L$ \1 O- T4 ]7 x
- Resolved issue with alpha handling in Premiere Pro with certain footage formats (Mac/Win).
0 Q# \3 p! b, g- Fixed problem with certain screen shapes causing control layout problems (Win).
  x# l2 f8 T' K* O/ w
* U! x5 M8 ~5 ~, {7 K  p* ^  G15 December 20107 {- |. _* z' t% d5 G' {
Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 3.0.3 Update Released
# N7 o4 [  |) s7 F' M! s- Adobe Media Encoder would report "Wrong flavor of Color Finesse installed" on some Windows systems./ B; J. P9 s  I- R# @( y8 w) ]
- Adobe Media Encoder would in some cases use extreme amounts of memory, causing swapping and terrible performance on both Mac and Win.. E* a: b1 p4 j. l1 a
- Adobe Premiere Pro would sometimes report "Unable to allocate frame buffer" even when there was plenty of memory.
) j: U/ b6 s: N# p! x, k- Apple Final Cut Pro would report "Unable to allocate frame buffer" at random intervals, sometimes followed by a crash.
( Y, u- p8 |, H3 z: u6 D/ }- The Vibrance control in the Simplified UI didn't always update the display, although it did render properly.
# h7 }+ V/ D5 C/ H- Fixed an issue so you can now properly save a Reference Image from the full UI on the Mac.; q7 A' A* m  z' m

9 }- F* c- W* k1 i5 m3 December 2010# J- e7 J1 Q# V4 l! _
Synthetic Aperture Now Shipping Test Gear 2.5
4 L% v. U7 y4 l7 z- M- j- Z- Synthetic Aperture announced today that Test Gear™ 2.5, a new version of their test instrument plug-in for Adobe® / ^+ Q0 ?5 ~4 y5 M/ C7 |, V3 q
- After Effects® is now available for immediate purchase. New features include 64-bit support for Adobe After Effects CS5. 1 R2 u9 A: j/ D* t$ d

- O2 u) U3 U* Z1 ~* q. H9 \7 I* ?4 {23 August 2010
/ s; q9 l9 w4 h2 k+ KSynthetic Aperture Begins Shipping Color Finesse 3.0
$ C% J9 u3 ~7 n. CToday Synthetic Aperture announced that they have commenced shipping Color Finesse® 3, a new version of their color correction plug-in for Adobe® After Effects® and Apple Final Cut Pro®. New features include 64-bit support for Adobe CS5 and a new FxPlug for Final Cut Pro. 2 W. q. r/ T3 [) q7 h3 v/ _0 T' d% H

0 ?, p& u% o7 T7 q7 April 2010( H8 Z/ Y( _8 C- @$ e5 N
Synthetic Aperture Announces Color Finesse 3.04 T% n" N) K, {/ P8 v# J3 Y6 ~
Today Synthetic Aperture announced Color Finesse® 3.0, a new version of their color correction plug-in for Adobe® After Effects® and Apple Final Cut Pro®.
8 z. V; p  L) ^& j; ?
) U0 h+ q# L! r# x, h15 March 2010+ G; ~( Y% c% O. X
Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 2.1.12 Update Released
9 i, ~4 ^- G7 I; L% TSynthetic Aperture today released a general maintenance update to Color Finesse® 2, improving compatibility with Windows 7 and resolving additional issues. Licensed users of Color Finesse 2.1.x may update at no charge.: N! F; D" U$ [5 ~

% _/ S  U5 u: z6 y6 V5 Q+ l' R$ F8 e28 September 2009
/ S* M, H0 b/ p9 b  o2 r% i8 h5 qSynthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 2.1.11 Adds Support for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
( p& ]) L5 s) j' `6 C8 u& xSynthetic Aperture today released an update to Color Finesse® 2, its award-winning color correction software, which adds support for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). It also adds support for Premiere Pro CS4 under Mac OS X, and works around an issue with QuickTime for Windows 7.6.4. Licensed users of Color Finesse 2.1.x may update at no charge.  p* q' U% o+ l- k" A3 d

3 K" a4 D# ~) }4 M9 u9 H. n30 June 20082 S/ w' ^. \) ^- g# c! \# a
Synthetic Aperture Now Shipping Test Gear 2.0 for Adobe After Effects CS3: y. Z8 G, \& m5 L; [! J' r
Today Synthetic Aperture announced that they have commenced shipping Test Gear™ 2.0, a new version of their video and audio monitoring software specifically designed for Adobe® After Effects® CS3. Test Gear's full collection of waveform monitor, vectorscope, and other diagnostic displays are now fully integrated into After Effects CS3's user interface. Version 2.0 also adds Universal Binary support for Intel-based Macintosh systems.9 P# I" X- _7 Q
4 X3 I0 E5 }; k3 g" W6 f3 L  H  e5 G
7 April 2008
" v  H" \% I6 VSynthetic Aperture Announces Test Gear 2.0 for Adobe After Effects CS3
" d! l6 n) j. b0 xToday Synthetic Aperture announced Test Gear™ 2.0, a new version of their video and audio monitoring software specifically designed for Adobe® After Effects® CS3. Test Gear's full collection of waveform monitor, vectorscope, and other diagnostic displays are now fully integrated into After Effects CS3's user interface. Version 2.0 also adds Universal Binary support for Intel-based Macintosh systems.
, O1 z. @+ ?4 z5 @" E9 }2 R/ o* |9 r3 F) f: z6 n2 k& Q
7 April 2008
7 v9 D; o, t# I( j2 X" ISynthetic Aperture's Color Finesse Now Supports ASC CDL Color Information Interchange with Gamma & Density's 3cP On-Set Color System
& u; |# X4 c% PToday Synthetic Aperture and Gamma & Density Co. announced that Color Finesse® and the on-set Cinematographers’ Color Correction Program (3cP™) now support the American Society of Cinematographers Color Decision List (ASC CDL), an industry standard for cross-platform exchange of color correction data.7 S; H) A5 ^6 {
* o2 S" X0 R. z, a7 }
25 October 2007
2 o( k% M# K' ~3 v, h1 N: `Synthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 2.1.7 Adds Support for Vista 64, nVidia Quadro SDI Video Card: I1 e" h- ^4 m$ C3 u
Synthetic Aperture today released an update to Color Finesse® 2, its color correction software, which adds support for Microsoft Windows Vista 64. It also adds previewing support via the nVidia Quadro SDI video card, and updates its support of the ASC CDL to version 1.01 of that specification. Licensed users of Color Finesse 2.1.x may update at no charge.: l9 A  ]/ f8 q' O7 h

! f( d) ?! R# H13 December 2006
7 k- ^, L% r* I) j% jSynthetic Aperture’s Color Finesse 2.1.4 Adds Universal Macintosh Support
' S8 T$ ?# [) F# _; L) S. }/ I, L& qSynthetic Aperture today began shipping an update to Color Finesse® 2, its color correction software, which adds native Intel processor support to the Macintosh version. Both the standalone application and the plug-in for Apple Final Cut Pro™ 5.1.2 are now Universal applications, taking full advantage of the native computing power of both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macintosh systems. For more information, refer to the press release./ X& p" R) E: ]3 |; l3 Q' p

/ Y0 }) C( w% G: R19 June 2006
5 \8 |9 s* T6 r8 vSynthetic Aperture Releases Test Gear 1.1
' U# \/ d! Y1 w- o* uSynthetic Aperture today announced Test Gear™ 1.1, a new update to their test and measurement plug-in for Adobe After Effects. The new version adds compatibility with After Effects 7.0 as well as new functions in Test Gear’s waveform and vectorscope displays. Test Gear 1.1 is available for immediate shipment.& X, p- F; G1 ?
8 D# ~  ~4 l8 Q: T
19 April 2006! E) l2 W7 `2 |
Synthetic Aperture Now Shipping Color Finesse 2.1# g: e8 ^6 E3 H, x& a
Synthetic Aperture today announced Color Finesse® 2.1, the latest version of their plug-in and standalone color correction software. Also announced is the Colorociter™ CS-1 Colorist’s Workstation. For more information, refer to the press releases for the Color Finesse 2.1 HD+ standalone application, the Color Finesse 2.1 PI plug-in, and the
: _. A2 ^/ b4 C7 l% T
* X) [* V* k& ?! N( P5 }Colorociter CS-1.+ w" u% M: t) X4 A

, O/ b2 d# L  Y, z& H2 e$ e9 Q( H21 April 2005
' K: @" q* X3 g" E5 D; J) G) S# p" _Color Finesse 2.0 Wins “STAR” Award from Editors of TV Technology Magazine
" N: o9 n  q* _8 ZColor Finesse 2.0 is the recipient of the 2005 STAR (Superior Technology Award Recipient) Award given by the editorial staff of TV Technology magazine at the NAB 2005 convention. For more information, see the press release.
* q$ `3 J7 x3 R
2 @. @3 m4 Z: D" ?) x18 April 20059 q7 A# ^1 {/ L* X9 n
Synthetic Aperture Announces Color Finesse 2.0 at NAB 2005$ P* F7 K6 d! K
Synthetic Aperture announced Color Finesse 2.0 at the NAB 2005 convention in Las Vegas. New features include a hardware control surface featuring the familiar colorist’s trackballs, a standalone version, and the ability to read XML project files generated by Final Cut Pro.
. [% F# [9 r) X6 X+ H0 _
2 n) I0 m( M9 T6 `$ o% \14 June 2004
; y+ p4 F; g+ M8 R+ s1 nSynthetic Aperture Now Shipping Color Finesse 1.5 for Windows and Mac OS X% u6 j; ~. k3 k. i
Synthetic Aperture today announced Color Finesse™ 1.5, a new upgrade to their color correction software. The new version supports the latest versions of Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, Discreet Combustion, and Boris Red. Additionally, when combined with Profound Effects Elastic Gasket, Color Finesse 1.5 also supports Avid editing systems including Xpress and Media Composer models.) {. i# |; j5 |/ A

$ ?7 h& B( [# \. o  z) a20 February 20048 f3 @3 R+ S! G- _5 }. p/ P% h* B; M
Synthetic Aperture Releases Color Finesse 1.1.1 Update for Enhanced Final Cut Pro Compatibility
. k: [: d" i" M' w0 eSynthetic Aperture today made available Color Finesse 1.1.1, an update to the Mac OS X and Windows versions of their color correction plug-in. This update accomodates changes made in Apple Final Cut Pro 4.1.1 and later, as well as minor performance enhancements.2 I9 n+ b: S" W% x6 ?

, [* X' W9 {# O10 October 2003  b9 ]+ ^$ ]9 n# ~# p- y" o
Synthetic Aperture Now Shipping Color Finesse 1.1 for Windows and Macintosh
* W3 X2 I) K; R' _2 bSynthetic Aperture today announced Color Finesse 1.1, a new upgrade to their color correction plug-in for Adobe After Effects which is now available for Windows XP and 2000, in addition to Macintosh OS X and OS 9.5 W( e$ e' M3 V3 G! H( Q6 Q% R# m

& C0 Q# h6 s+ C0 d/ M20 August 2003
" M2 p4 O' T: C/ M; s! VSynthetic Aperture's Echo Fire Adds Support for AJA Io  E' z3 Z: S: F
Echo Fire version 2.1.4 adds support for the AJA Io uncompressed audio/video FireWire capture device from AJA Video Systems, Inc.
$ w) k2 ]* I! H2 F7 m% N$ M7 m' W; h+ V0 U  ?, T: t* v
14 August 2003
2 M$ p9 K/ t" F5 e; v. D, a( `Synthetic Aperture Now Shipping Test Gear Plug-in for Adobe After Effects
  \- F" ?  w2 y9 ]# _! xTest Gear, a new plug-in for Adobe After Effects, provides a variety of visual and audio test instruments for use by motion graphics artists.
/ x- t) g8 s# g& j, X6 J& ~' T
8 July 20034 j% W9 X6 |8 X" V: \
Synthetic Aperture Announces Color Finesse 1.1 for Windows( v& k" g* V- z2 G: B7 n4 X
Color Finesse 1.1 will support both Windows and Macintosh systems.
. R  r$ B! R: M% P$ H: b% Y( V$ F# I2 u, D! a
5 December 2002' I" H; L1 J9 ?+ g) [. y
Color Finesse 1.0.6 Adds Support for Echo Fire 2.1 for Mac OS X
! ^) N$ s) k# A! g5 g% x$ j: b* yColor Finesse 1.0.6 adds support for Echo Fire 2.1 video previewing under Mac OS X 10.2.# A3 T3 s3 l0 L/ F$ a

8 |. {2 q9 o& J& p2 Z18 November 2002
- J4 V( w# J% p- H* NEcho Fire 2.1 Adds Mac OS X Support and More
" l  t" p5 `5 Q0 d" h8 mEcho Fire 2.1, adds support for Mac OS X 10.2, clipboard previews, timecode overlays, new waveform monitor options, and more.
' t9 @# h+ I) L. q
& z$ ~# q2 a4 S4 October 2002* k  m5 X  R5 I: [0 Z9 z
HiQual 1.1 Adds Native OS X Support
( d8 g$ e6 ?, B0 I8 Q8 j5 r/ [HiQual 1.1, our free utility for setting the "high quality" flag in DV QuickTime movies, has been updated to run natively under any MacOS, 8.6 to 10.2.
5 C# _, V1 ^  J0 g; h$ [+ ]! q
% K' C% i2 s! P+ T12 August 2002! F( ~5 Z" Z- q( A  o" P  {
Echo Fire 2.1 for Windows Adds Windows Support for Video Previews
" k+ o( T4 E% i5 z- sEcho Fire 2.1 for Windows brings realtime video previewing for After Effects and Photoshop to Windows 2000 and XP.% g7 i9 K' m! j

, ~  b$ P8 z8 r+ }; S  P4 February 2002
8 k. L7 G6 P; c  dColor Finesse Update Adds Mac OS X Support- x% K4 P/ W  G0 S- _' c( g
Color Finesse 1.0.3 adds support for Adobe After Effects 5.5 in Mac OS X native mode. This update also makes Color Finesse compatible with CarbonLib 1.5 in Mac OS 9.x and Classic modes.
: ~$ V2 ?, P5 c0 W
, g+ W, G% U9 {7 ~3 R8 [10 December 2001
) Z$ q! ?) u6 wColor Finesse 1.0 Now Shipping9 h' v7 z4 w8 z1 ^! x% i+ J
Color Finesse 1.0 -- our new advanced color corrector for Adobe After Effects and Apple Final Cut Pro -- is now shipping.
$ J/ M' W2 H' X* P' Z' w- v# ?" ~$ P
% O, G9 a7 @9 T0 Y9 October 2001
" r% ]3 u- {# H9 ]New Synthetic Aperture User Forum Opens
& z, Z/ a3 f2 n) n+ Q& _- d( J* `Our new User Forum is now open, providing a place for users of our products to swap experiences and tips. The forum is provided in association with Creative Cow.* j: y# u( W( I) O1 n1 u
- Z, w2 ?' \, N$ ~% ]; I) G6 w2 c
27 August 2001
7 N, _' B  Z; eColor Finesse Previewed at After Effects West Conference: C8 b7 D' s) D& J* I4 l" H6 N+ K
Color Finesse, our advanced telecine-style color correction tool for Adobe After Effects, was previewed in the Synthetic Aperture booth at After Effects West.
$ E2 v$ C, E! ~
& N% w: ~& @( c6 i; h/ u21 May 2001: e4 c2 C" Z, t" T' W. ~
Echo Fire 2.0 Now Shipping
, w  v3 Q- l4 `( W+ Z$ G3 _Echo Fire 2.0 is now shipping, with support for Adobe After Effects 5.0, FireWire routing, and new scaling options.. ~$ x% O9 c. `; R8 \( Q6 T5 Q# r
: _$ x9 m+ I; [
10 April 20015 Q* u) K) ~, Q
Echo Fire 2.0 Announced: s; ?. B1 Q+ Y. _
Echo Fire 2.0 adds support for Adobe After Effects 5.0, plus FireWire routing.
1 M0 q1 J7 \. x* H
# A  Y$ [7 J- d4 G8 q5 y, O24 July 2000, g9 r+ O% h2 w/ Q
Echo Fire Adds More Video Output Options
) h, ?: F& g  i1 JEcho Fire has added support for the Digital Voodoo D1 Desktop uncompressed SDI video card, joining support for Apple DV FireWire, Media 100, Aurora Video Systems Igniter and Fuse, Digital Origin DV FireWire, and Pinnacle Systems Targa 1000 and 2000.
: R% a' q0 H& i! g' T9 @/ Y" z
& a! u( R; y, d2 t+ `' J4 N% n  k15 June 2000# r0 z  f& y; U+ E4 L# U( Z: h3 W
Echo Fire 1.1 Now Shipping
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Источник: []
Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

Color Finesse 3 serial number?

  • CS6/Color Finesse 3 serial number?

    I recently bought Creative Cloud CS6. In previous versions of the Creative Suite boxes, there's a separated with Color Finesse serial number sticker. Where can I find with Creative Cloud CS6? I called Adobe, but the customer service representative could not understand what I was asking and insisted on the fact that I had to contact synthesis. Any help would be appreciated!

    Are you sure that's not just a question register with a name and society?  I hadn't used before Color Finesse on the machine I'm working on now, but I didn't save the plug-in from Adobe.  According to me, he simply acknowledges your serial number creative cloud, and after that, it should work fine.

  • Cannot find HIS Color Finesse 3 serial key

    In Adobe CC, there is a plugin called HIS Color Finesse 3 delivered AE. I had problems to open the plugin, so I decided to delete all the related files and to download the installer from the site of synthesis. I'm running the installation program now and cannot find my serial number for the plugin. I have been troubleshooting the web and found a lot of discussions related to this problem, but does not understand where this serial key again. There is even a page on the site of the SA to this topic:

    I remember in earlier versions of AE, after installation is complete I never needed to use this plugin, a serial number. Since I am reinstalling this plugin, I wonder if I really need the serial key (to access the full version) and I need, where to find?

    After Effects

    on Mac OS X Yosemite

    It was not a sticker with the serial number printed for Color Finesse since CS5.5. The serialization is done 'automatically' the first time you apply Color Finesse to a layer.

    This first time you will be asked a name/organization and you need to enter something here and click OK to create the serialization occurs. If you click Cancel instead you end up in trial with the pink lines mode. Which is OK, like all what you need to do in this case is to restart AE and apply Color Finesse to a layer to get prompted for name/org.

    Once you have done that you are running with Color Finesse, no lines of pink demo. At this point, you can click the Color Finesse on and see your serial number in the upper right of the About dialog box. You want the serial number if you want to update or use an installer from our website.

    Now in your case, if you have already uninstalled Color Finesse and run a Setup program that is downloaded without ever having raced through the 'automagic' serialization process, you end up with no serial number and no plugin who knows how to serialize itself. The best way to the situation is in the United Nations-installl Color Finesse manually, then un-install/reinstall AE. You can then apply it to a layer, enter your name/org and you will be running.

    And just to be clear, Color Finesse 3 provided with AE is a fully functional/all the plugin features. The only restriction is that it works only in After Effects. If you also want to use Color Finesse in Premiere Pro, you will have to pay to upgrade to the version "PI".

    Bob Currier


  • HIS Color Finesse 3, serial No.


    I have problem of serial number with a color SA Finesse 3 plugin. I contacted the technical support from adobe, but I suddenly realized that it wasn't support is TIMEPASS TECHNIQUE, cause that guys have no knowledge about technical problems.

    Furthermore, I installed ADOBE Production Premium CS5, as a TRIAL and then I entered the serial number, everything worked fine, but when I tried THE COLOR FINESSE 3, he asked me for serial number, I got the serial number of LWS and entered its pop-up window. After that every time I have apply COLOR FINESSE 3 in one of my video, its shows me that my COLOR FINESSE 3 is the MODE of TRIAL.

    and I wouldn't give you information about the serial number, when I got the serial number, I got 3 serial numbers for the same thing, 2 numbers. for Version 10 or both Windows and Mac. and serial No. 1 Version 9, which was for Windows, I used Version 9 series

    Now how can I fix it?


    This page help?

  • Serial number CS5 Color Finesse attention

    Adobe has provided me with the wrong serial number for Color Finesse 3 in CS5.

    I started a case with Technical Support, but after exchanges of emails this weekend, then an hour and a half phone conversation with 2 representatives today, they were unable to help me. In fact, neither representative knew what Color Finesse.

    I contacted synthesis through their website of the forum and they said that I had received a serial number of the PC that does not work on a Mac.

    Today at noon, technology Adobe said they would call back within 2 hours with a solution, its now been 5 hours and no appeal. I'm not impressed.

    In case someone else has this problem the PC serial numbers start with CFLEP and Mac those SLTC. I tried to change the prefix of the letter and it seemed to work, however while he has done through the registration synthesis process, I now have the pink grid feared on the layers that have applied CF, indicating he is not registered... Synthesis says that I have to reinstall After Effects yet. Oh joy ;/

    You must also remove the Color Finesse prefs.

    This is the "Finesse 3 UI Preferences.plist ~/Library/Preferences/Color" file. Just drag to the trash, restart AE and apply Color Finesse to a layer and you will be prompted for the serial number.

    I just tested the whole process here with the CS5 DVD and it works fine. Sorry for forgetting this step.

    Bob Currier


  • Color Finesse?

    I just bought Adobe Production Premium CS5.5.  On the case containing the installation DVD, there is a serial number for Color Finesse.  After you install the full package, I see no Color Finesse as a program or a plugin in first or After Effects.  The fineness of the color had to be installed with everything else?

    I tried to download the program on the website of Color Finesse, but the serial number I have does not work with it.

    J. D.

    Color Finesse is a plug-in for After Effects.

    You can find maybe in subfolder "Synthetic Aperture" where «Effects & presets»

    When you apply this effect first, you will be asked a serial number...

  • Panel of reference color Finesse

    Hi, I am currently working with Color Finesse and want to use the Panel refers to try to match film shot with two different cameras.  I've lived the manual to see how to load an image in the Gallery, but I think I'm missing something.

    I can't find an option to load all the images in the Gallery; If you take a look at the attached screenshot it seems to miss all of the buttons included in the manual (although the manual looks like its been taken on a MAC).

    Is this a limitation with the Group AE plugin or am I missing something else?

    I think you are looking for the Gallery tab. It has buttons at the bottom of loading/selection of reference images.

    Once an image is loaded into the Gallery, you can select it as the reference image by double-clicking the item in the list of contents of Gallery.

    You don't say what version of Color Finesse you use. There were a few problems with reference images in earlier versions, so you can upgrade to the latest version of Color Finesse, which is 3.0.4. The installer for the latest version is available on our website and can be installed using your current Color Finesse serial number.

    Bob Currier


  • Installation of Color Finesse for CS5 is a mystery


    I just install CS5 Master Collection, and I have a serial number of remains of for Color Finesse.  After having posted to Adobe support, responsible for searching the contents of my "Content" drive and issues about all the rest, I do not yet see how to install the plugin Color Finesse in After Effects.  Does anyone do this?  Where the installation of the software?  I looked on each of my CDs (all 4 of them). At least, I think that Adobe should provide written instructions or a Read Me with this information, but I have yet to find it.

    Thank you

    Rich Locus

    Color Finesse is installed automatically by the installer for CS5, so you have all ready to use.

    Within EI, select a layer, and go to the menu effects. You will find only a menu item for Synthetic Aperture and that is 'SA Color Finesse 3 '. To apply it to the selected layer, choose just as you would for any other effect.

    The first time you apply you will be asked for this 'extra' serial number you have. Don't forget to use the serial number labeled as "Color Finesse CS5" because it is the one for Color Finesse 3.

    Once you have applied Color Finesse to a layer, you can twirl open the simplified Interface to display the controls, or click on the button "Complete Interface" to display the full user interface. In this complete user interface, a link to the Color Finesse User Guide in the Help menu.

    Hope this gets you operational.

    Bob Currier


  • Script to: specify default values for the serial number of the camera? How?

    I was trying to find a way to activate script preferences to activate the color profile by id camera series.

    It's just to enable this option on bridge Camera Raw preferences:

    Edit > Camera Raw Preferences > make default camera serial number-specific values (on YOU)

    I have a calibration of multi-studio contralized are updated color profiles when any computer starts bridge or photoshop, and all is done by script automatically.

    It's just this line that is missing and I can't activate it by script.

    So simple, and I could not find.

    This is the same folder as the profile color xmp sidecars.

    File (Folder.userData + "/ Adobe/CameraRaw/Defaults/Preferences.xmp");

    DefaultsSpecificToSerial = 'True '.


  • where can I download Color Finesse and how I can install their Premier Pro or after affect?

    I recently bought master collection 5 DVD version. CD/DVD box I have three serial numbers: Master collection, organization/AE CS4 32 Bit and Color Finesse. I used the Master collection serial to activate my product. I have a 64 bit os, so I did not use body/AE CS4 32 Bit serial.  My question is about Color Finesse Serial. I searched this topic and considered as a plug-in for Premiere Pro or after affect. Now, where can I download Color Finesse and how I can install their Premier Pro or after affect?

    This series is only required for the CS4 version. The CS5 version does not require an additional set. Both versions are installed automatically with the main programs. Nothing more to do.


  • I called Amazon to try to recover the serial number of my old iPod classic two weeks ago, and they gave me a kind of account; They pronounce it account 'seen - It '.

    I called Amazon to try to recover the serial number of my old iPod classic two weeks ago, and they gave me a kind of account; They pronounce it account 'seen - It '. I don't have to ask how, because I thought I knew, but I was wrong. Would what type of account be? And how it's spelled? The name of the account is a tiny s followed a 7-digit number. (Of course I will not type the numbers.)

    I would go to a forum for Amazon, because they can be better equipped to answer a question on their system. If synchronize you the device with iTunes, the number can be there in the backup section.  Find the serial number of your Apple - Apple Support product

  • IPhone serial number 7 not recognized

    Just got an iPhone 7 ordered on Apple Store.  Pay for the care of Apple.  Phone is happened, but nothing about the Apple Care.  Tried to confirm the status of the warranty by Apple support, but could not get support because it will not recognize the serial number of the iPhone.  Tried to enter serial number repeatedly capital letters, also tried IMEI and MEID and nothing is accepted.  I also have not received any official reception on the Apple Store, just the shipping notice and a packing slip.  Am I the only one having this problem?


    Your iPhone is listed here?  It lists the appropriate protection?

    I guess you have never received a package AppleCare + parted with a number that you need to register.

  • I can't get a serial number what do I do?

    My phone does not work so I can't get the serial number and I can't get it on iTunes so what do I do?

    Your profile indicates that you have an iPhone 6.  What is the iPhone as we speak?  If so, that article you set above, the States, you can use the IMEI instead of the serial number.  The IMEI is registered on the back of the iPhone.

    In addition, the serial number is on the original iPhone box.

  • How can I get Support if Apple said that my serial number is invalid?

    I have a week two old iPad Mini 2 with a bad charger.  The iPad will beep and the load icon blinks when I try to use the OEM charger.  Accusations of iPad very well with other shippers.  I'm trying to start the service online, but when I enter my serial number, it is said that the number is not valid.  I also went through the process of having Apple to find my serial number in my email address.  All connected and he said all the tests were complete, but there is never instructions more to continue the process of repair/replacement.

    I can't contact Apple by phone because he wants my serial number, first of all.

    It is not a problem with a typo error.  I copied my serial number directly from my account Apple ID.

    What can I do?

    contact apple using the link at the bottom of this page and you want to speak to a representative. Repeat until the computer transfer you.

    Otherwise take the device to an apple store and explain that you are unable to make an appointment with Apple due to the automated system designed to make your Apple a memorable experience.

  • If anyone has the serial number of my iPhone, my device is compromised?

    can my compromised iphone if anyone has the serial number of my devices?

    N °

  • Источник: []

    What’s New in the Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number?

    Screen Shot

    System Requirements for Color Finesse LE 3.0.2 serial key or number

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