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Nokia Smart Messaging Agent 0.99a beta serial key or number

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent 0.99a beta serial key or number

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent 0.99a beta serial key or number


dcc-2.3.167.tar.gz (19 Jun 2019, 1117151 Bytes)
DCC (The Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse) is a cooperative, distributed anti-spam system intended to detect "bulk" mail.
ddrescue-1.25.tar.lz (2 Mar 2020, 87001 Bytes)
GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors.
dd_rescue-1.99.8.tar.bz2 (3 Dec 2017, 174594 Bytes)
dd_rescue copies data from one file or block device to another (suitable for rescuing data from a medium with errors).
deco-1.6.4.tar.gz (9 Dec 2015, 23150 Bytes)
deco is a generic archive file extractor with a consistent command line interface. (3 Sep 2018, 7564530 Bytes)
DeepaMehta is a software platform for Knowledge Management. It is a semantic desktop based on the topic maps standard with an innovative graph-based user interface.
deheader-1.7.tar.gz (12 Aug 18:21, 31392 Bytes)
deheader analyzes C and C++ files to determine which header inclusions can be removed while still allowing them to compile.
deja-dup-42.4.tar.bz2 (12 Sep 02:25, 1281249 Bytes)
Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend.
denyhosts-3.1.tar.gz (26 Feb 2016, 87435 Bytes)
denyhost is a tool which simplifies blocking remote secure shell attacks (fork of DenyHosts).
detox-1.2.0.tar.gz (12 Apr 2008, 103883 Bytes)
Detox is a utility designed to clean up filenames, especially those created on other operating systems.
devtodo2-2.1.tar.gz (23 Oct 2011, 9087 Bytes)
DevTodo2 is a command-line task management utility. Tasks are hierarchically organised, have priorities, and track creation and completion time.
di-4.48.tar.gz (5 Jun 03:51, 222454 Bytes)
di is a portable disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that df does with different formats. (3 Sep 2014, 36128127 Bytes)
DiffImg is a simple image comparison tool which take two RGB images with the same size as input.
diffuse-0.4.8.tar.gz (18 Jul 2014, 606861 Bytes)
diffuse is a graphical tool for comparing and merging text files (requires the Qt library).
Digest-1.17.tar.gz (2 Oct 2011, 9034 Bytes)
Digest is a simple frontend module for autoloading of various Perl Digest modules.
Digest-HMAC-1.03.tar.gz (25 Jul 2011, 7251 Bytes)
The Digest::HMAC perl module is used for message integrity checks between two parties that share a secret key.
Digest-MD5-2.55.tar.gz (9 Mar 2016, 48823 Bytes)
The Digest::MD5 module allows you to use the MD5 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs.
Digest-SHA1-2.13.tar.gz (3 Jul 2010, 39078 Bytes)
The Digest::SHA1 module allows you to use the SHA-1 message digest algorithm from within Perl programs.
ding-1.8.1.tar.gz (6 Sep 2016, 6543141 Bytes)
ding is a dictionary lookup program (including a German-English dictionary).
diradm- (9 Nov 2012, 168406 Bytes)
diradm is a tool for managing posix-like things in a LDAP directory.
direvent-5.2.tar.gz (13 Jul 2019, 943503 Bytes)
GNU Direvent is a daemon that monitors file system directories for events, such as creating, deleting or modifying files. In case of an event an associated external program is called.
DirSyncPro-1.53-noarch.tar.gz (7 Mar 2018, 2908635 Bytes)
DirSync Pro is a utility for file and folder synchronization (Java; platform independent binaries).
DirSyncPro-1.53-src.tar.gz (7 Mar 2018, 3110904 Bytes)
DirSync Pro is a utility for file and folder synchronization (Java; source files).
distcc-3.3.3.tar.gz (14 Aug 2019, 1195666 Bytes)
distcc is a front end C/C++ compiler system that distributes compilation of the code across several machines on a network.
ditaa-0.11.0-standalone.jar (14 Jan 2018, 12621318 Bytes)
ditaa converts ascii-art diagrams to nice-looking bitmap diagrams. Hint: To start from the command line, type: "java -jar ditaa-XXX-standalone.jar" (where XXX is the version number).
ditaa-0.11.0.tar.gz (14 Jan 2018, 534679 Bytes)
ditaa converts ascii-art diagrams to nice-looking bitmap diagrams (Java sources).
dmidecode-3.2.tar.xz (14 Sep 2018, 54440 Bytes)
dmidecode is a tool for dumping a computers DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format.
dobackup-4.44.tar.gz (25 Dec 2011, 31859 Bytes)
DOBACKUP is a Perl script to handle unattended incremental backups of multiple servers.
docutils-0.16.tar.gz (16 Jan 2020, 1857040 Bytes)
Docutils is a text processing system for processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX.
docvert-master.tar.gz (3 Apr 2014, 520042 Bytes)
Docvert (for Python 2) takes word processor files (typically .doc) and converts them to OpenDocument, DocBook and clean HTML, diagrams to SVG/PNG, etc.
docvert-python3-master.tar.gz (25 Oct 2015, 520467 Bytes)
Docvert (for Python 3) takes word processor files (typically .doc) and converts them to OpenDocument, DocBook and clean HTML, diagrams to SVG/PNG, etc. Beta quality.
docx2txt-1.4.tgz (15 May 2014, 31302 Bytes)
docx2txt is a perl based command line utility to convert Microsoft Office(Tm) Docx documents to equivalent Text documents.
dolfin-2019.1.0.post0.tar.gz (26 Apr 2019, 10771310 Bytes)
DOLFIN is the C++/Python interface of FEniCS, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for ordinary and partial differential equations incl. FINite element computation (depends on PETSc).
dosbox-0.74-3.tar.gz (26 Jun 2019, 1326339 Bytes)
DOSBox emulates a full x86 PC with sound and DOS (for e.g. to run old DOS games).
doxygen-filter-perl-1.73-2.tar.gz (15 Nov 2019, 51373 Bytes)
PerlDoxygen is an input pre-filter for Doxygen enabling support for Perl code documentation.
druid-3.13-install.jar (1 Jun 2012, 5242662 Bytes)
druid is a tool that allows users to create databases in a graphical way. The user can add tables, fields, folders to group tables and can modify most of the database options that follow the SQL-92 standard (Java).
dspam-3.10.2.tar.gz (23 Apr 2012, 1035054 Bytes)
Dspam is a scalable content-based spam filter designed for multi-user enterprise systems.
dstat-0.7.4.tar.gz (17 Jan 2019, 139992 Bytes)
dstat is a versatile resource statistic tool and a replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat (using Python).
duff-0.5.2.tar.gz (29 Jan 2012, 227434 Bytes)
duff finds duplicate files within specified directories.
duma_2_5_15.tar.gz (12 Apr 2009, 240479 Bytes)
DUMA (Detect Unintended Memory Access) is a library to detect buffer overruns and under-runs in C and C++ programs.
duplicity-0.8.15.tar.gz (27 Jul 20:00, 1482647 Bytes)
duplicity offers encrypted (incremental) bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm (requires Python).
dvdrip-0.98.11.tar.gz (6 Mar 2010, 2075302 Bytes)
dvd::rip is a DVD copy program (Perl) with Gtk+ GUI.
DVDStyler-3.1.2.tar.bz2 (2 Aug 2019, 8980510 Bytes)
DVDStyler is a cross-platform DVD authoring application to create professional-looking DVDs.
dwdiff-2.1.3.tar.bz2 (18 Jul 08:57, 79862 Bytes)
dwdiff is a diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level.
eaglemode-0.95.0.tar.bz2 (20 Aug 09:59, 16566607 Bytes)
Eagle Mode is an advanced solution for a futuristic style of man-machine communication in which the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in. It has a file manager, file viewers and players for most of the common file types, some fractal fun and more ...
ed-1.16.tar.lz (20 Feb 2020, 67825 Bytes)
GNU ed is an 8-bit clean implementation of the POSIX line-oriented "classical" text editor.
EDDIE-Tool-1.0.0.tar.gz (28 Sep 2009, 239282 Bytes)
EDDIE Tool (Essential Distributed Diagnostic and Information Engine) is a monitoring, security and performance analysis tool for most common operating systems (using Python).
Editra-0.7.20.tar.gz (6 Jan 2013, 4072243 Bytes)
Editra is a multi-platform text editor with a focus on code development (supports syntax highlighting and over 60 programming languages).
eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz (27 Dec 2018, 1784738 Bytes)
EiCsrc-4.4.3.tar.gz (19 Aug 2009, 516562 Bytes)
EiC is a C interpreter (suitable as: an aid in teaching C, for fast prototyping of new programs and as a research tool).
eigen-3.3.7.tar.bz2 (6 Dec 2019, 1663474 Bytes)
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.
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, Nokia Smart Messaging Agent 0.99a beta serial key or number

Leading items and editorials

 Main page
 Linux in the news
 Back page

See also: last week's Distributions page.

Please note that security updates from the various distributions are covered in the security section.

More lists of distributions. In addition to the lists of distributions we've mentioned before, at Kernelnotes and Woven Goods (see right-hand column), there are a couple of additional lists that have been growing and developing. LinuxLinks now has over 100 distributions on their list (for anyone who has been counting, there are now 108 in our columnar list). We don't necessarily agree with their definition of a distribution since many of those listed seem to be resellers, rather than developers, of distributions, but they have a few listed that we haven't gotten to yet, such as ESware Linux, a Spanish-based distribution. (Note that ESware's site thinks that the use of javascript to reconfigure your browser windows is cool...) is also moving into the area of cataloguing distributions, with 20 or so links to either distributions, or distribution-related sites, like Linuxberg's mirror site which provides mirrors of many of the popular distributions.

A new mini-distribution, Empire Linux, is available for download but apparently has no home page. It is in alpha (0.1 release).

Caldera OpenLinux

'Special Edition Using Caldera OpenLinux' reviewed. Rob Slade has reviewed Special Edition Using Caldera OpenLinux By Allen Smart and others. "While there is a great deal of information provided in this volume, there are a number of large gaps in the material as well. The technical level of the content varies greatly from topic to topic. This book misses some areas that newcomers should have addressed, but doesn't have enough depth in many places for intermediate or advanced users."

Debian GNU/Linux

Alpha system donated to Debian. and Alpha Processor Inc. have announced the donation of a dual 667 MHz Alpha system to the Debian Project.

No Debian Weekly News for this week, it appears, presumably they are taking a break for the holiday season.


Linux-Mandrake 7.0 beta available. A beta version of Linux-Mandrake 7.0 is available. It's not for production use, of course, but people with a spare system around may want to check out some of the impressive new features, including a new graphical installer, several preconfigured security levels, and a number of utilities to make life easier for the user.

Linux PPC

Notes from LinuxPPC. Jason Haas has sent in Various LinuxPPC notes, including development news on the Xpmac accelerated Xserver for the Rage128 and Mach64, a new version of the BootX software for booting from the Mac OS to Linux and good news for SoundBlaster 128 card owners.

Slackware Linux

Dagmar d'Surreal posted some comments on "problems" he sees with Slackware 7.0. These generally involve configuration defaults, which he would like to see improved for security's sake. Classifying them, though, as actual security vulnerabilities would be inaccurate. Nonetheless, for Slackware readers, he makes some good suggestions either for changes to the default configuration or changes you might want to make after installing Slackware 7.0

The Slackware Changelogs for the month of December are quiet, listing only some minor changes to ncurses in the current tree.

Section Editor: Liz Coolbaugh

December 23, 1999

Please note that not every distribution will show up every week. Only distributions with recent news to report will be listed.

Caldera OpenLinux
Debian GNU/Linux
Red Hat

Also well-known
Best Linux
Conectiva Linux

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Nokia Smart Messaging Agent 0.99a beta serial key or number
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Monday, April 21, 2008


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