MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number

MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number

MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number

MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number

HIV/AIDS in China

With HIV becoming the leading cause of infectious-disease mortality in Mainland China, this book focuses on tackling HIV/AIDS in the face of rapid political and economic change in China. Featuring contributions by over a dozen leading figures in the field, this book is the go-to text for any student or reader interested in how national and international organizations’ are attempting to control this epidemic.  

The book includes chapters on the epidemiology, treatment, and prevention of HIV, as well as several chapters that discuss in detail specific provincial- and national-level programs to control and treat HIV. It chronicles the Chinese government’s amazing about-face, as it replaced underfunded, non-evidence based policy decisions with successful, science-based approaches to disease control and prevention, including the adoption of once controversial needle-exchange programs and the establishment of a national HIV/AIDS data registry. It measures the success of national policy decisions, the implementation of treatment policies, and discusses the difficulty of accessing high-risk communities, including people who inject drugs, sex workers, and men who have sex with men – groups not easy to reach, study, engage in prevention programs, or treatment, for fear of stigmatization and loss of social status. Further, it documents the spread of HIV to other provinces, and the tragedy that befell repeat plasma donors in Henan and other poor provinces, where reused or improperly sterilized lab equipment caused some villages to have epidemic-level incidence rates. This book represents a positive contribution to the field of AIDS research, making vital, new information available to an interested readership.


HIV AIDS China Epidemiology Health Policy
  • Zunyou Wu
  • Yu Wang
  • Roger Detels
  • Marc Bulterys
  • Jennifer M. McGoogan
  1. manicapital.comal Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention (NCAIDS)Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)BeijingChina
  2. manicapital.come Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)BeijingChina
  3. manicapital.comment of Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public HealthUniversity of CaliforniaLos AngelesUSA
  4. 4.U.S. Centers for Disease Control and PreventionGlobal AIDS Program, China OfficeBeijingChina
  5. manicapital.comal Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention (NCAIDS)Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)BeijingChina

Bibliographic information

  • Copyright InformationSpringer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
  • Publisher NameSpringer, Singapore
  • eBook PackagesMedicineMedicine (R0)
  • Print ISBN
  • Online ISBN
  • Buy this book on publisher's site
Источник: []
, MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number




User Manual

Digital Terrestrial Receiver

Personal Video Recorder

Australian Version


Digital Broadcasting Australia

Dear customer,

Digital Broadcasting Australia (DBA) congratulates you on your

decision to purchase a digital receiver set-top box.

Digital Broadcasting Australia is made up of the free-to-air

television stations, consumer electronic suppliers, manufacturers

and retailers. Together, we want to ensure the smoothest

possible transition to digital for viewers and consumers. You

can find out more about DBA by visiting our website, http:


As you are one of the first to experience the unique benefits of

digital television in Australia, we are inviting you to join the

DBA Early Adopter Club.

Membership of the DBA Early Adopter Club is completely

free. Some of the benefits of membership include:

• Receiving regular updates about digital television in Australia

• On-line access to member-only international news on

digital television developments


You can also provide vital feedback on the features of digital

television you like and don’t like in occasional on-line surveys

- so you can help shape digital television in the future.

To register as a member of the DBA Early Adopter Club, please

enter your contact details on the registration web page at http:

// You will then receive a confirmation

of your membership and a sign-on password.

We look forwarding to welcoming you to the DBA Early Adopter


Tim O’Keefe

Digital Broadcasting Australia



Contents iv

1 Overview 1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Controlling the digital receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Installation 7

Packing contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The connection panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Connecting the digital receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Inserting batteries in the remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Preference Settings 14

Language settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Video and audio settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Televsion standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Color model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Video cassette recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Television aspect ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Sound mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

RF output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Local time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Parental control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Adjusting on-screen display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Enabling the time shift function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4 Service Search 25

Searching broadcasting services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Resetting to factory settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5 Daily Usage 27

Browsing services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Viewing program information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Viewing an electronic program guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Selecting a subtitle track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Selecting an audio track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Viewing a teletext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Selecting a multifeed service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Watching by time shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Watching by picture in picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

6 Listing Services 35

7 Recording and Playing Back 38

Recording a program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Immediate recording by the remote control . . . . . . 39



Making a timer recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Recording by electronic program guide . . . . . . . . . 43

Recording when using time shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

File list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Playing back a recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

To play back in slow motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

To play back in fast motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

To play back recordings in sequence . . . . . . . . . . . 48

To make a bookmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

To play back a recording repeatedly . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Editing a recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

To erase a block from a recording . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

To store a block from a recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Formatting hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

8 Firmware Update and Data Transfer 52

Updating the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Transferring the receiver data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

A Technical Information 55



Chapter 1


The TFPVRt digital receiver is fully compliant with the

international Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard, and

can receive digital terrestrial broadcastings. To operate it, you

need a terrestrial antenna, which must be installed appropriately.

Unlike analog broadcastings, digital broadcastings are not all

assigned to their own frequencies; instead, several television

and radio broadcastings are transmitted through a single transponder

on a single wideband carrier.

NOTE A transponder is in fact a wireless device, which receives

and transmits radio signals at a prescribed frequency

range. You may regard a transponder as a

channel. One channel has one broadcasting in analog

broadcast; on the other hand, one transponder has

several broadcastings in digital broadcast. So the word

service is used instead of channel to indicate a broadcasting

in this document.

2 Overview

To help you with the choice and setting for terrestrial services,

a selection of television and radio services have already been

programmed for you. So all terrestrial services that have gone

on air are available to you. Of course, you can easily program

new services yourself. You can find current transponder information

on teletext from various broadcasters.

The TFPVRt digital receiver has features as follows:

• The digtial receiver is able to memorize up to 2, television

and radio services.

• Electronic Program Guide (EPG) provides an overview

of program schedules for next few hours.

• You can edit the service list and make your own favorite

service list.

• You can view the information of a current television or

radio program.

• You can update the firmware of the digital receiver to

the latest, which will be provided by Topfield.

• The digital receiver features a digital video recorder with

two tuners, with which you can record your choice of

broadcasting services independently of ones you are currently


• The large storage capacity of the built-in hard disk allows

you to record up to 40 hours of material —in case

of 80 gigabytes— in excellent picture and sound quality.

• Time shift function is a special technical feature. You

can pause the program you are watching and resume it

again at a later time. You can quickly find whatever part

of the current program by reverse or forward search.

• During a recording in progress, you can select a different

program from the archive and watch it.

Controlling the digital receiver

The front panel

Controlling the digital receiver 3

You can control the digital receiver with the remote control

and the front panel buttons.

NOTE When the digital receiver is off but plugged to a wall

outlet, we say that it is in standby mode; on the other

hand, when it is on, it is in operation mode. You should

keep the digital receiver plugged to a wall outlet so as

it can run timer events.

STANDBY button toggles the digital receiver between operation

mode and standby mode.

STANBY lamp lights up while the digital receiver is in standby


TV/STB lamp lights up while your video recorder operates

instead of the digital receiver. For more descriptions,

refer to §

REMOTE lamp lights up whenever you press a button of

the remote control.

CH �, � buttons switch to another service, and move the

highlight bar vertically in a menu.

VOL �, � buttons change the volume, and select an option

in a menu.

4 digit display displays current time in standby mode, and

displays service number in operation mode.

4 Overview

The remote control

1⃝ button toggles the digital receiver

between operation mode

and standby mode.

2⃝ button mutes the television

or audio appliance.

3⃝ ✄ �



displays the RF setting

menu. For more descriptions,

refer to §

4⃝ button toggles operation between

the digital receiver and your

video recorder. For more descriptions,

refer to §

5⃝ button sets a sleep timer. The

digital receiver is turned off to

standby mode when a specified

duration is elapsed.

6⃝ Numeral buttons are used to specify

a service to watch or a parameter

such as timer

7⃝ button makes a return to the

previous service.

8⃝ button displays the information

about the program on the


9⃝ ✄ �



displays electronic program guide

⃝10 button toggles between TV mode and radio mode.

⃝11 ✄ �



displays the menu, or escapes to a higher

level menu out of a submenu.

⃝12 button is used to select an audio track, a sound mode

Controlling the digital receiver 5

or a multifeed if available.

⃝13 ✄ �



✄ �



change the volume, and select an option

in a menu.

⃝14 ✄ �



✄ �



switch to another service, and move

the highlight bar vertically in a menu.

⃝15 ✄ �



displays the service list, and selects an entry

in a menu or list.

⃝16 ✄ �



displays the favorite service list.

⃝17 button is used to select a subtitle track if available.

⃝18 ✄ �



escapes from any menu.

⃝19 button displays teletext if available.

⃝20 button starts backward playback or backward scan.

⃝21 button starts a playback.

⃝22 button starts forward scan.

⃝23 button starts slow playback.

⃝24 button stops a playback.

⃝25 button starts a recording.

⃝26 button captures a picture from a live show. This button

also pauses a playback.

⃝27 button moves the position of subpicture countercol-


⃝28 button moves the position of subpicture clockwise.

⃝29 ✄ �



interchanges a main-picture with a subpicture.

⃝30 button displays, resizes and hides a subpicture.

⃝31 button makes a a bookmark during a playback or a

time shift.

6 Overview

⃝32 button plays back from a next bookmark position.

⃝33 button is used to edit a recording file.

⃝34 button displays recording file list, MP3 file list or

application file list. For more descriptions, refer to §

⃝35 button displays a service list for subpicture, or specifies

a block for a repeated playback.

If you do not have wide-screen television but normal screen

television, pressing the ✄ ✂ � 0 ✁button

changes, depending on broadcasting

conditions, the display format as follows.

Center Extract → Letter Box → Full screen

, , , and buttons have additional different functions

per menu besides their own function. Their functions

will be guided in the help window on a menu screen.

Packing contents

Safety precautions


Chapter 2


Unpack your digital receiver and check the following accessories

are also included in the package:

• 1 remote control.

• 2 batteries (AAA V).

• 1 loop-through cable

• 1 component cable

• 1 user manual

Please read the following safety precautions carefully for your


• The power must be 90 to volt. Check it before connecting

the digital receiver to the socket outlet.

• The socket outlet shall be installed near the equipment

and shall be easily accessible.

8 Installation

• The digital receiver is designed to receive, record and

play back video and audio signals. Any other use is expressly


• When setting up the digital receiver, make sure it is in a

horizontal position.

• Do not expose the digital receiver to any moisture. The

digital receiver is designed for use in dry rooms. If you

do use it outdoors, ensure that it is protected from moisture,

such as rain or splashing water. Do not place any

vessels such as vases on the digital receiver. These may

be knocked over and spill fluid on the electrical components,

thus bring about a risk.

• Do not place the digital receiver close to heating units or

in direct sunlight, as this will impair cooling. Place the

digital receiver on a hard, level surface. Do not lay any

objects such as magazines on the digital receiver. When

placed in a cabinet, make sure there is a minimum space

of 10 cm around it.

• Thunderstroms are a danger to all of electrical devices.

Even if the digital receiver is switched off, it can be damaged

by a lightning strike to the power line or the antenna.

Always disconnect the power plug and the antenna


• Never open the digital receiver casing under any circumstances.

Warranty claims are excluded for the damage

resulting from improper handling.

The connection panel






6 7




The connection panel 9

11 12 13

1⃝ ANT 1 IN Terrestrial broadcasting input socket for

the 1st Tuner.

2⃝ RF LOOP 1 OUT Terrestrial broadcasting output socket

through ANT 1 IN for another terrestrial

digital receiver.

3⃝ ANT 2 IN Terrestrial broadcasting input socket for

the 2nd Tuner.

4⃝ RF LOOP 2 OUT Terrestrial broadcasting output socket

through secondtunerin for another terrestrial


5⃝ VIDEO Composite video output socket for television

or video receiver.

6⃝ AUDIO L/R Stereo audio output socekt for television

or audio appliance.

7⃝ S-VIDEO Super video output socket for televi-


8⃝ TV SCART type audio and video output

socket for television.

9⃝ VCR SCART type Audio and video input/output

socket for video recorder.

⃝10 RF IN Analog television input socket.

10 Installation

⃝11 RF OUT Analog television output socket.

⃝12 S/PDIF Digital audio output socket for digital

audio appliance.

⃝13 RS Serial port for firmware update and data


Connecting the digital receiver

There are several ways to install the digital receiver as described

below. Install the digital receiver suitably to your television

and other appliances. If you have any problem with

your installation or need a help, contact your dealer or service


You should configure audio and video settings after installation.

For detailed descriptions about audio and video settings,

refer to §

Connecting to the terrestrial antenna

Connect the terrestrial antenna cable to the ANT 1 IN socket

on the digital receiver, and then connect the RF LOOP 1 OUT

socket and the ANT 2 IN socket with a loop-through cable. If

you have another digital receiver, plug another cable into the

RF LOOP 2 OUT socket on the digital receiver and the corresponding

socket on the other digital receiver.












Connecting to the television by SCART connector

Connecting the digital receiver 11

Plug a SCART cable into the TV socket on the digital receiver

and the corresponding SCART socket on your television.






Connecting to the television by RCA connector







Plug a RCA cable into the VIDEO (yellow), AUDIO L (white)

and AUDIO R (red) sockets on the digital receiver and the corresponding

input sockets on your television or audio appliance.






Connecting to the television by S-Video connector







Plug a standard S-Video cable into the S-VIDEO socket on the

digital receiver and the corresponding input socket on your

television. You must connect audio sockets on the digital receiver

with ones on your television by a RCA cable because

the S-video socket outputs only video signals.

12 Installation







Connecting to the video recorder by SCART connector






Plug one end of the SCART cable into the VCR socket on the

digital receiver. Then, plug the other end of the SCART cable

into the input SCART socket on your video recorder if

you wish to record a broadcasting program with your video

recorder; otherwise if you wish to watch the video that the

video recorder plays back just through the digital receiver,

plug the other end into the output SCART socket.






Connecting to the television by RF connector







Connect the RF LOOP 2 OUT socket and the RF IN socket

on the digital receiver with a RF cable, and then plug a RF

cable into the RF OUT socket on the digital receiver and the

corresponding input socket on your television.






Inserting batteries in the remote control 13


Inserting batteries in the remote control






To insert the batteries, open the battery compartment by removing

the lid, and then insert the batteries observing the polarity,

which is marked on the base of the battery compartment.

Close the battery compartment after that.

If the digital receiver no longer reacts properly to remote control

commands, the batteries may be flat. Be sure to remove

used batteries. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage

resulting from leaking batteries.

NOTE Batteries, including those which contain no heavy metals,

may not be disposed of with household waste.

Please dispose of used batteries in an environmentally

sound manner. Find out about the legal regulations

which apply in your area.

14 Preference Settings

Language settings

Menu language

Chapter 3

Preference Settings

You can designate languages for menu, audio track and subtitle


To designate the language for

menu, audio track or subtitle

track, select the System Setting

> Language Setting menu.

The digital receiver supports a lot of menu languages: Arabic,

Dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish

and so forth. Set the Menu Language option to your desired

Subtitle language

Audio language

Video and audio settings 15

language. Once you select a language, the menu will be displayed

in the selected language immediately.

Set the 1st Subtitle Language and 2nd Subtitle Language options

to your desired language. If a program does not have the

subtitle track of the language set to the 1st Subtitle Language,

that set to the 2nd Subtitle Language option will be output. If

it does not have the second’s subtitle track either, no subtitle

will be output.

Apart from this setting, you can select a subtitle track with

button when you watch a program. For detailed descriptions

about how to select a subtitle track, refer to §

Set the 1st Audio Language and 2nd Audio Language options

to your desired language. If the program does not have the

subtitle track of the language set to the 1st Audio Langauge

option, that set to the 2nd Audio Language option will be output.

If it does not have the second’s audio track either, an

ordinary audio track will be output.

Apart from this setting, you can select an audio track with

button when you watch a program. For detailed descriptions

about how to select an audio track, refer to §

Video and audio settings

You have to configure the video and audio settings appropriately

to your television and appliances.

16 Preference Settings

Televsion standard

Color model

To configure the video and audio

settings, select the System

Setting > A/V Output Setting menu.

The digital receiver supports two types of television standard.

One is PAL (Phase Alternating Line) standard, and the other

is NTSC (National Television Standards Commitee) standard.

PAL was adopted in European countries while NTSC is adopted

in USA, Canada, Mexico and so forth.

If you have a PAL televsion, you have to set the TV Type option

to PAL. In this case, if a service you wish to watch is NTSC

standard, the digital receiver converts it into PAL standard for

your PAL television. However, its quality would somewhat

fall. The opposite case brings about the same result.

The best thing is to watch PAL services with a PAL television

and to watch NTSC services with a NTSC television. However,

the auto television is able to process both of them. So if

you have an auto television, set the TV Type option to Multi.

With this option, the digital receiver will output them without

standard conversion. This setting is most recommended especially

if you are not sure what stadard television you have.

The type of the socket that reads TV on the back panel of the

digital receiver is SCART (Syndicate des Constructeurs d’Appa-

Video cassette recorder

Video and audio settings 17

reils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs). This is also known as

Euro-connector. Through this socket, the digital receiver is

able to output video signals of various color models: CVBS

(Composite Video Baseband Signal), S-Video (Super-Video),

YUV and RGB. Audio signals are also output together through

this socket.

If you have connected the digital receiver and your televsion

by this connector, you should set the Video Output option to

your desired color model. If you have connected them by RCA

connector at which VIDEO reads on the back panel of the digital

receiver, you do not have to set this option because the

digital receiver outputs CVBS video through RCA connector

independent of SCART connector.

However, If you have connected them by S-VIDEO connector,

you have to this option to S-Video because the output through

S-Video connector comes from the SCART interface.

It is known in general that YUV color model provides the

best video quality with little difference from RGB color model

while CVBS color model does the worst. However, not all televisions

with a SCART socket support YUV color model. Make

sure your television supports YUV color model before setting

the Video Output option to YUV. But there would rarely be

televisions that have a SCART socket but do not support RGB

color model. So RGB would be the most desirable value for

this option.

The SCART socket that reads VCR on the back panel of the

digital receiver is for a video recorder. You would have connected

the digital receiver to your video recorder or such an

appliance by this connector.

If you have connected the VCR socket to the input SCART

socket of your video recorder, you have to set the VCR Scart

Type option to Standard. If you have connected it to the out-

18 Preference Settings

Television aspect ratio

put SCART socket, the digital receiver will operate differently

depending on the setting of the VCR Scart Type option. If

the option is set to Standard, the digital receiver will pass the

video from the video recorder to your television when the

video recorder starts a playback. But if the option is set to

External A/V, the digital receiver will not pass the video even

though the video recorder starts a playback. To pass it, you

have to press button.

NOTE In this case, it is impossible that the digital receiver

records the video which the video recorder plays back

because the digital receiver is just a bypass for the video


If you have a wide-screen television, set the TV Aspect Ratio

option to

You can enjoy well both wide-screen programs and normalscreen

programs with your wide-screen television as the above

figures show. The left figure shows a wide picture displayed

in the wide screen, and the right figure shows a normal picture

displayed in the wide screen.

If you have a normal-screen television, set the TV Aspect Ratio

option to

Sound mode

RF output

Video and audio settings 19

You cannot enjoy well wide-screen programs with your normalscreen

television as the above figures show. The left figure

shows a normal picture displayed in the normal screen. To

watch wide-screen programs in the shape like the center figure,

set the Display Format option to Letter Box; then, widescreen

pictures will be reduced to fit to the width of the normal

screen. Otherwise to watch them in the shape like the

right figure, set the option to Center extract; then, wide-screen

pictures will be cut out on the left and right sides equally to fit

to the width of the normal screen.

Basically, there are two audio sources as you can find two audio

sockets on the back panel of the digital receiver. You can

enjoy only one source or both of them in either stereo or mono.

Set the Sound Mode option as you desire.

Apart from this setting, you can change the sound mode with

button when you watch a program. For detailed descriptions

about how to change the sound mode, refer to §

If you have connected your television to the RF OUT socket,

you should configure the RF output. The digiral receiver can

make an analog television from a digital television and output

it through the RF OUT socket. Set the RF Output option to

the television standard that your country supports refering to


20 Preference Settings

Table Television standards by country

Signal type Country

PAL G Australia, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Germany,

Greece, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania,

Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,

Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Yugoslavia

PAL I Hong Kong, Macau, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom

PAL K Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland

NTSC M Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Fiji, Guam, Jamaica, Mexico,

Panama, Peru, United States, Venezuela

Local time

Set the RF Channel option to a channel number as you desire.

You have to tune your television to the channel set to this

option to watch television.

If you have connected your analog television antenna to the

RF IN, you can watch analog broadcasts via the digital receiver.

You should set your local time with the digital receiver for

timer events.

To set the local time, select the

System Setting > Local Time

Setting menu.

You can set the local time either yourself manually or using

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) automatically; however, it is

ecommended to use the Greenwich mean time.

Table Time offset table

Time offset City

Local time 21

GMT − Eniwetok, Kwajalein

GMT − Midway Island, Samoa

GMT − Hawaii

GMT − Alaska

GMT − Pacific Time US, Canada

GMT − Mountain Time US, Canada

GMT − Central Time US, Canada, Mexico City

GMT − Eastern Time US, Canada, Bogota, Lima

GMT − Atlantic Time Canada, La Paz

GMT − Newfoundland

GMT − Brazil, Georgetown, Buenos Aries

GMT − Mid-Atlantic

GMT − Azores, Cape Verde Islands

GMT Western Europe Time, London, Libson, Casablanca

GMT + Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid

GMT + South Africa, Kaliningrad

GMT + Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg

GMT + Tehran

GMT + Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi

GMT + Kabul

GMT + Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent

GMT + Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi

GMT + Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo

GMT + Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta

GMT + Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong

GMT + Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk

GMT + Adelaide, Darwin

GMT + Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok

GMT + Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia

GMT + Fiji, Auckland, Wellington, Kamchatka

To set the local time using GMT, perform the following steps:

1. Set the Mode option to Auto.

2. Set the Time Offset parameter to the time difference corresponding

to your time zone refering to Table

With the above settings, the digital receiver will scan all transponders

spceified one by one until to get the Greenwich mean

22 Preference Settings

Parental control

time. Make sure that your local time is displayed right on the

Local Time parameter.

To set the local time yourself, set the Mode option to Manual

and enter your local time to the Local Time parameter with

the numeral buttons.

The time format is day/month/year hour:minute.

In general a television program is labeled a classification according

to the level of violence, nudity and language of its

content. When you are watching a program, you can check

its program classification on the information box. Refer the

information box to §

You can prevent your children from watching certain programs

by specifying a basis classification.

To specify a basis classification,

select the System Setting > Parental

Control menu. At this time, you

have to enter Personal Identification

Number (PIN). The default

personal identification number

is ‘’.

Set the Censorship option to your desired classification among

the followings:

No block restricting no program.

Total block restricting every program.

G restricting no program. G stands for General, content

of which is very mild.

Parental control 23

PG restricting PG or above rated programs. PG stands for

Parental Guidance, content of which is mild.

M restricting M or above rated programs. M stands for

Mature, content of which is moderate in impact.

MA restricting MA or above rated programs. MA stands

for Mature Accompanied, content of which is strong.

R restricting R rated programs. R stands for Restricted

to adults aged 18 years or over, content of which is

very strong.

AV restricting AV rated programs. AV stands for Adult

Video, content of which is very hardcore.

NOTE If a certain program does not have any classification

information, your restriction setting will not take effect

on it.

If anyone try to watch a program that is out of the basis classification,

the person has to enter the personal identification

number. To change the number, select the Change PIN Code

menu; then an input box appears. You have to enter your desired

number twice for confirmation.

You can also restrict uses of some menus. Selecting the Access

Control menu displays a list of menus that you can lock.

If the Time Setting item is set to Locked, you have to enter

the personal identification number to use when you have selected

the Time Setting menu. If you enter a wrong number,

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MediaCam AV v2.7.3.3 serial key or number

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