VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number

VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number

VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number

VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number




_.m is a port of Underscore.js to Objective-C. It strives to provide the fullest feature set possible in a way that is familiar to JavaScript developers (despite the differences between JavaScript and Objective-C).

To help achieve this vision, _.m uses SubjectiveScript.m to bring JavaScript-like syntax and features into Objective-C, and QUnit.m to port unit tests from JavaScript to Objective-C. You should check them out, too!

Full documentation can be found on the _.m Website

License: MIT


Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.

License: MIT


Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.

License: MIT


A framework to quickly add remotely controlled and monitored A/B Tests to your application

License: MIT


A configurable range selector control for iOS, similar to UISlider but with three handles.

License: MIT


AD-X SDK for iOS. More information on https://ad-x.co.uk/ .

License: Custom


A detail view that dynamically sizes based on content. Alternative to UIAlertView to display more information elegantly.

License: MIT


By default mediation adapters are not included into iOS AdMob SDK. Each mediation network other than AdMob requries additional library component. This is InMobi mediation adapter library from InMobi.

License: Custom


The ADNLogin SDK is the easiest and fastest way to add support for authentication for the App.net API via the Passport app. This SDK allows you to detect the presence of the Passport app on a user's device and request an access token if it is installed.

License: MIT


a URL builder class based on node's url module

License: MIT

[email protected]

An extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse XML using KissXML. Specified AFNetworking version.

License: MIT


OAuth1 based on AFNetworking 2.2.0.

License: MIT


AFRaptureXMLRequestOperation is an extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse XML using RaptureXML.

License: MIT


A lightweight UIScrollView block-driven subclass for easily create multiple pages with embedded UIViews in Objective-C

License: MIT


is a powerful, block-based alternative to UIKit's .

License: MIT


AHGCollection provides useful methods for working with the Foundation collections. It is inspired by functional programming patterns, underscore.js, and the collection APIs from Scala. Common operations like "map", "filter", "reduce" are supported, and some unusual ones such as "flatMap". It uses lazy evaluation, avoiding the creation of lots of temporary collections and objects where possible.

License: MIT


A framework for testing user inputs and generating error messages.

License: MIT


AKForm is a form framework for iOS 7 that aims to take care of all the mundane steps we usually repeat to create them. It will take care of the creation, styling and validation of fields by abstracting out all the boring stuff like table views and cells.

The hope is to provide an easily usable end-to-end framework that developers can use to speed up this part of their app's development process.

License: WTFPL


Simple CLLocationManager subclass with block support and convenience methods.

License: MIT


ALActionBlocks Category on UIControl, UIBarButtonItem, and UIGestureRecognizer to allow use of blocks instead of selectors.

License: MIT


A custom Alert and Actionsheet with block implementation.

License: MIT


A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization.

License: MIT


A UITableView subclass which automatically sorts your data elements into sections keyed by letter. Supports both custom data elements (which conform to a protocol) and CoreData elements.

License: MIT


ALRadial is meant to replicate the radial menu's found in the path ios app. A central button is used to display many others eminating out in a circle.

License: MIT


Draggable blurred view. This control is inspired by the brilliant work of César Pinto Castillo's AMBlurView

License: MIT


A popup button/menu that allows selection of multiple options.

License: MIT


AMRatingControl is a UI control that resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app. AMRatingControl allows you to select a rating starting from 0 to any number of stars you want. You can use default star symbols and customize colors or specify custom images.

License: MIT


A nice tray to show items at the bottom of an iOS view, usually used in combination with a UITableView.

License: MIT


uTest Apphance is a set of tools that closes the feedback loop between app creators, testers and users to help ensure the best app quality possible. With uTest Apphance you can stay on top of your app's quality in the lab and in production.

License: Custom


uTest Apphance is a set of tools that closes the feedback loop between app creators, testers and users to help ensure the best app quality possible. With uTest Apphance you can stay on top of your app's quality in the lab and in production.

License: Custom


cafe moba for App Insight is a lightweight logging & tracking library that provides app developers a customizable way to access, analyze, and visualize the ways users interact with their apps.

License: BSD


A longer description of AppkefuSDK in Markdown format.

  • Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do?
  • CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results.
  • Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.
  • Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!

License: Custom


AppKitActor is an integration test framework for AppKit applications. It allows for easy automation of Mac OS X applications UI tests, helping developers check the state of UI elements and interact with and .

License: MIT


AppXperience is an advertising fmk of mobile applications. Learn more at http://appxperience.com.

License: Commercial


A simple, lightweight, yet equally powerful version of Three20's TTPickerTextField.

License: BSD 3.0


A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.

License: BSD


It is a custom page view controller which support swipe gesture to move to the next view or back to the former one.

License: MIT


Kit for iOS Development from Aranea Apps.

License: MIT


Archimedes contains useful geometry functions for your Cocoa or Cocoa Touch application.

License: MIT


ARCMacro.h realizes compilation of Objective-C source files both in Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) compilation mode and Manual Reference Counting (MRC, non-ARC) compilation mode without changing the compiler switch. This is useful when you provide a library in the source code form for ARC apps and MRC apps. And your code can take advantage of the ARC mode that is much safer.

License: Apache 2


Objective-C client library for Data.com

License: MIT


ARSafeJSON is a small library that will strip all occurences of NSNull from a JSON of any depth.

License: MIT


An iOS cache that gives easy access to reusable date formatters and auto-update formatters on locale change.

License: MIT


ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.

It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.

Please note that ASIHTTPRequest is not recommended for newer projects since it's not actively maintained anymore. For more info visit: http://allseeing-i.com/%5Brequest_release%5D

License: BSD 3.0


Ask4AppReviews is a class that you can drop into any iPhone app (iOS 5.0 or later) that will help remind your users to review your app on the App Store. The code is released under the MIT/X11, so feel free to modify and share your changes with the world. To find out more, check out the homepage.

License: MIT


Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming.

License: MIT


  • Drag Source and Drop Zones by either subclassing or wrapping UIView and subclasses
  • Drag shadow generation for UIView
  • UIScrollView drag target auto scrolling
  • AtkDragAndDropManager uses the delegate pattern to allow a wide varienty of drag and drop scenarios
  • Accepts any continuous UIGestureRecognizer class for drag recognition
  • Works with the UIPasteboard as a means of data passing for the drag and drop operation.
  • Complete set of lifecycle handlers.

License: MIT


AudioQueue player for playing multiple music files or looping musics. New updates: Added in method to track playing time.

License: MIT


A fast and extensible audio streamer for iOS and OSX with support for gapless playback and custom (non-HTTP) sources.

License: MIT


A drop-in UILabel replacement that makes almost all properties animatable by using a CATextLayer instead of CALayer. Properties animatable in AUIAnimatableText and not in UILabel: textColor, text, font, fontSize.

License: MIT


AURosetteView is a easy-to-use, clean and lightweight share button primary for social platforms.

License: MIT


AutoDescribe is like PHPs vardump and printr. Public and private properties are pretty printed.

License: MIT


AutoHideKeyboardControllers is a set of UIViewController subclasses which enables the tap background to hide keyboard behavior.

License: MIT


AutoLayoutDance is a small library for debugging AutoLayout ambiguous layouts.

License: MIT


Objective-C implementation of an avl tree.

License: MIT


A category that adds an instragram-like hashtag choosing/listing capability to the UITextView

License: MIT


The AWS SDK for iOS provides a library, code samples, and documentation for developers to build connected mobile applications using AWS.

License: Apache 2


Check and notify user that new version is available from Local Notification.

License: MIT


A forgiving HTML SAX Parser for iOS.

License: MIT


A drop–in subclass which allows for strong coloured navigation bars on iOS 7. Use with UINavigationController's initWithNavigationBarClass:toolbarClass: method.

Thanks to @steventroughtonsmith for the original help as seen in this gist. Forked from @aprato's modification here.

License: MIT


A longer description of BaiduPushSDK in Markdown format.

  • Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do?
  • CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results.
  • Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point.
  • Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!

License: Custom


A modular, embeddable web server for Objective-C.

License: MIT


A streamlined issue reporting library for iOS.

License: MIT


This is a framework that to provide generate bar code and qr code interface and the method of scanning.

License: MIT


Base64 is a set of categories that provide methods to encode and decode data as a base-64-encoded string.

License: zlib


A modern HTTP client framework for iOS/OSX built on top of libcurl.

License: Apache 2


NSData categories for zlib compressed data.

License: BSD


Classes for extending the abilities of NSStatusItem including drag & drop and getting its location.

License: BSD


Don't bother any longer with hard to write Version checks. Check for the major Version of the current iOS Version via the Major Version.

License: MIT


Easy way to display non-obstructive messages to user without having to worry about its behavior and conflicts with other views.

License: BSD


BeeDebugger can show your system info and memeory usage when running your app. Just add [BeeDebugger show]; after [ makeKeyAndVisible];

License: MIT


Bee Framework is a MVC Framework to develop iOS application. It has pretty clear hieracy and signal based mechanism, also with cache and asynchonized networking methods in it.

License: MIT


BENPedometerChart allows you to quickly add, poopulate, and customize a bar chart UIView. Each bar provides for an inner label, over label, and under label.

License: MIT


BENTagsView allows you to quickly add a series of tags to any UIView. It is easy to add tags, customize fonts and colors, and to turn tags on and off.

License: MIT


Categories with extensions to MKMapKit libs.

License: MIT


BGNavigationBar in Replacement for older iOS SDK for new iOS7 style Navigation Bar

License: MIT


A web-browser like tab bar implementation for iOS4+.

License: MIT


A lightweight iOS library inspired by Cocoa Bindings.

License: MIT


Bingo is a inhouse library current only avaiable for Baidu Inc, We may release it when it grow stable. Please be patient~

License: MIT


Add categories (sub section headers) to your UITableView

  • Markdown format.
  • Don't worry about the indent, we strip it!

License: MIT


Categories are useful when we want some predefined methods in a perticular existing class

License: MIT


BlinkButton is a subclass of UIButton with blink animation function.

License: MIT


The BlurAnimation creates a spyglass or inspection feel by bluring out the base image and then selectively showing the original image through a porthole cutour.

License: MIT


UIview screenshot, UIimage blur effect (Catatory)

License: MIT


A lightweight websockets server for iOS built around libwebsockets supporting both synchronous and asynchronous messaging.

License: MIT


A replacement for UIPageController / NSPageController, because we need custom transitions! BMExtPageController is a drop in - replacement and mirrors almost all functionalities found in UIPageController so if you’ve been starting a project already and you feel limited with default transition styles and behavior offered - give BMExtPageController a try.

License: MIT


BNFParser is a grammar parsing and validation framework based on the Backus-Naur Form pattern.

License: Apache 2


A collection of custom draw controls inspired by the Bootstrap theme. Built off UICustomizeKit.

License: Apache 2


Chat room that tries to mimic iMessage with bouncy bubbles

License: MIT


UITableViewCell and UIView that support swipe to reveal left and right hidden views

License: MIT


BotKit is a Cocoa Touch static library for use in iOS projects.

License: MIT


box-ios-sdk-v2-metadata is a plugin for the box-ios-sdk-v2 library that provides support for the metadata API. This API is in beta and is subject to breaking changes. This library may be merged into box-ios-sdk-v2 when the API is deemed stable.

Documentation may be found on the Box developers site.

License: Custom


Unparsable at import time.

License: zlib


This is a pod for blurring background images using accelerate Enjoy a simple interface for blurring images!

This code was re-used from the WWDC Apple Conference and should be credited to them and their running with a snap blurring demo. If you would like to download the original source code feel free to get it from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/navigation/index.html#section=Resource%20Types&topic=Sample%20Code

License: MIT


BPBarButtonItem is a tool for making awesome looking custom UIBarButtonItems on the fly. BPBarButtonItem is NOT a subclass of but an which creates skinned plain s for use however you want. BPBarButtonItem can also be used to skin s which have already been created, like in a nib or Storyboard. Generated buttons have support for both orientation styles.

License: MIT


A UISlider class that uses a positive and negativ value weighted at the center of the slider.

License: MIT


All the things that Foundation should have, but doesn't.

License: MIT


A beautiful Dial / Volume Style Knob Control for Mac OS X (replacment for NSSlider Control).

License: MIT


A utility class for displaying status updates in the iOS status bar.

License: MIT


A collection of Objective-C classes and extensions used for finding and handling accessibility elements.

License: MIT


Objective-C library to simplify the extraction of metadata from JPEG files

License: MIT


BRFlabbyTable is a set of classes that allow you to add a bouncy and distorted effect on a cell frame while the table is scrolling. The "flabbiness" of the cells is based on the speed of scrolling. Upon pressing and dragging, the highlighted cell grows around the touch area.

License: Custom


A custom view component containing a customizable UITextView that gets pushed up.

License: MIT


A set of classes based on Augmented Reality that allow you to track and display the position of the sun in real time, using the device GPS location, Gyroscope orientation and the current time and date. The marker on the view snap to the middle once the device is oriented towards the sun.

License: Custom


Macros and helpers for logging, debugging, and metaprogramming.

License: WTFPL


A document class that mimics to support Core Data in all its modern glory:

  • Saves to a file package.
  • On 10.7+, asynchronous saving is supported. We set up a parent/child pair of contexts; the parent saves on its own thread.
  • Full support for concurrent document opening too.
  • Subclasses can hook in to manage additional content inside the package.
  • A hook is also provided at the best time to set metadata for the store.
  • New docs have the bundle bit set on them. It means that if the doc gets transferred to a Mac without your app installed, with the bundle bit still intact, it will still appear in the Finder as a file package rather than a folder.
  • If the document moves on disk, Core Data is kept informed of the new location.
  • If multiple validation errors occur during saving, the presented error is adjusted to make debugging a little easier.
  • And of course, full support for Autosave-In-Place and Versions.

License: BSD


BSON, short for Binary JSON, is a binaryencoded serialization of JSONlike documents. Like JSON, BSON supports the embedding of documents and arrays within other documents and arrays.

License: MIT


The intended usage is for hosting a timeline-like view that shows a list of messages in reverse-chronological order.

  • Get iOS like pull-to-refresh experience on OS X complete with pull indicator.
  • The bottom pulling upwards to reveal the bottom side will be good for loading older data.

License: BSD


A custom iOS button for users to report bugs during beta testing.

License: MIT


Jira plugin for iOS. Upload screenshots, log files, bundle version, title, and summary.

License: MIT


Small library that parse JSON and map it to any object, works with NSManagedObject.

License: Apache 2


Bypass - Bypass renders markdown directly to UIViews instead of using an intermediary HTML format.

License: Apache 2


Category which allows the usage of start and completion blocks in CAAnimation instances, instead of a delegate.

License: MIT


A circular or linear shaped view where you animate the angle changes.

License: MIT


Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.

License: eclipse


Allows you to capture the screen, record the tester's face (using the device's front facing camera), record the tester's voice (using the device's microphone), record user input and touch events, and export as a single video to your camera roll. Its intended to be used to perform basic usability testing.

License: Commercial


It is an open source project with a collection of libraries for iOS platform, written in Objective-C. Its goal is to help programmers with common functionalities needed daily in most projects, making developing mobile apps easier. Basically, it is a result of refactoring on projects that I have worked on. There are utility categories for NSDate, NSException, NSString, UIAlertView, UIButton and so on. It also has class helper to execute blocks based on your current version of iOS.

License: MIT


Introspect is a tool for iOS that aids in debugging user interfaces built with UIKit. Communicates with View Introspector, a desktop app.

License: MIT


time functions for SQLite. The source files were extracted from the Couchbase Lite project.

License: Apache 2


An important feature of iOS applications is the ability to respond to incoming URLs. Your application can register a URL scheme that it knows how to handle. But then what? CCFURLResponder allows you to declare patterns of URLs that are based on the application's declared scheme and turn the received URLs into NSNotification objects.

License: MIT


UICollectionView layout for both horizontal and vertical management of hexagonal cells

License: MIT


lightweight template engine for objective-c.

License: MIT


The main features are:

  • Injection by annotation
  • Component auto-wiring
  • Manual object binding
  • Singleton by annotation
  • Interception by annotation

Using CDI will reduce the boilerplate code in many classes, increase readability and allow better testing. The intreception functionality will also provide the ability to separate the implementation code by aspects like security, logging and other facets. CDI does not depend on another framework, which means you can use any unit testing, mocking or other framework (see Limitation chapter).

License: MIT


CDOForceKeyboardLayout lets you easily add 'Force Keyboard Layout' functionality into your app.

If you are working on a keyboard-based productivity app that requires input in ASCII, but you also have users that don't primarily use an ASCII-capable layout, this is for you.

CDOForceKeyboardLayout handles saving a user's preferred layout, as well as exposes properties that make it easy to bind available keyboard layouts to a NSPopUpButton.

Only tested in 10.8

License: MIT


CDSParticleFilter implements a simple particle filter in Objective C, for use on iOS or OSX platforms. It includes a simple particle filter, as well as a 2-dimensional state (X-Y) particle filter with more defaults set up that's simpler to use.

License: GPL 3


A custom UITextField that implements a UIPicker as its keyboard and allows for simple interaction.

License: MIT


test asynchronous code. This becomes useful when writing intergration tests rather than plain unit tests. (CedarAsync only supports Cedar's should syntax.)

Instead of


to force matcher check multiple times until it succeeds or times out.

License: MIT


CERoundProgressView shows a progress as a pie share diagram. While it does not inherit UIProgressView, its API is quite similar.

The view is graphically very simple, consisting of only a background circle and a coloured arc:

However, used in conjunction with other elements, it becomes quite interesting. For example, the sample program uses it as the background of a button which uses an image, transparent in some parts:

Particular Features

  • The change of progress is animated.
  • Colours can be set, either individually or through the UIAppearance proxy.

How to use

Drag the following files to your Xcode project: * CERoundProgressView.h and .m * CERoundProgressLayer.h and .m

Because the progress view uses Core Animation, your target must also link with the QuartzCore framework.

Duration of the animation

I could not find a way to add a custom animatable property to a UIView. As a result, the following sample code has no effect on the animation's duration:

[UIView animateWithDuration:3.0 animations:^{ self.roundProgressView.progress = 12.0; }];

Therefore, CERoundProgressView an animationDuration property was added for that purpose.


CERoundProgressView is compatible with iOS 5 and iOS 6.

Automatic Reference Counting

ARC is not enabled in the sample project, and the classes manage memory the old way.

If ARC is activated in your project, the compiler will complain about the -dealloc method in CERoundProgressLayer.m. You should disable ARC for this file using the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag.

Older SDKs

CERoundProgressView makes use of the UIAppearance API which is only available from iOS 5.0. Should you want to link with older SDKs, you may modify CERoundProgressView.h so the class does not conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol, and its properties are not declared as UIAPPEARANCESELECTOR.

Sample project

The sample program shows a button which toggles between Play and Pause. The CERoundProgressView is below it.

  • CEPlayer is the most interesting class. It makes its position evolve from 0 to 1 on a duration of 20 seconds. The position changes abruptly every 0.5 s, on purpose: you can notice that the slider jumps from value to value, while the progress view animates smoothly.

  • CEViewController is the delegate of CEPlayer. Its purpose is to catch the actions of the button and set the progress of the slider and the progress view.

License: MIT


Some Helper methods within LocationManager and Geocoder.

License: Custom


CFShareCircle is a user interface component for iOS that can be integrated into an app as a sharing mechanism for any kind of content.

License: MIT


ChatHeads is a new feature in Facebook.app 6.0 where little bubbles appear when somebody sends you a message.

License: Custom


Have you ever lamented the absence of queues, stacks, and trees from the Cocoa API? How many times have you considered writing your own, or scoured the web to see if someone else had? Well, look no further, the work has been done for you! CHDataStructures is a library of standard data structures which can be used in any Objective-C program, for educational purposes, or as a foundation for other data structures to build on. Data structures in this library adopt Objective-C protocols that define the functionality of and API for interacting with any implementation thereof, regardless of its internals.

License: Custom


The background automatically detect the network connection , When the network status have changed show HUD

License: MIT


Add async functions to your iOS models so you don't have to worry about another library.

License: MIT


Easy to use and highly customizable View that displays selector controls for (e.g.) UITableView Sections. This project is inspired by the iPads Address Book application.

License: Apache 2


CHTumblrMenu is a Tumblr iOS app like menu view completely created using core animation.

License: MIT


TwitterCover is a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UIScrollView, inspired by Twitter for iOS.

License: MIT


A MobileSafari like open source implementation.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number

comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (January 31, 2002) (4/6)

A regular posting of the comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and their answers. This is the fourth of six parts. This part is a catalog of Tcl-based programs.
Archive-name: tcl-faq/part4 Posting-Frequency: at least once a quarter Last-modified: January 31, 2002 Version: 8.144 URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/Tcl-FAQ/part4.html Comp-lang-tcl-archive-name: tcl-faq.part04 For more information concerning Tcl (see "part1"), (see "part2"), (see "part3"), (see "part5"), (see "part6"). One source for software mentioned in the catalog is the various Usenet or comp.lang.tcl article archives - in many cases, the authors posted their programs to the newsgroup. A Contact address with ??? at the end means that I was unable to verify the address. Also, Contacts without addresses or marked as Unknown mean that I had limited to no information about the contact person. The Updated field indicates the date when the catalog entry URLs were updated, not when a package itself was updated. Check the web pages for a package (if available) to see if any updates to the package has occurred. If you find an update that should somehow be reflected back into the catalog, drop me a line at <URL: mailto:lvirden@yahoo.com >. A WWW form to submit entries to this catalog is available at <URL: http://www.wwinfo.com/tcl/ >. This provides you an interface not only to submit new items, but to submit updates or to browse the catalog as needed. Index of questions: XII. What are some examples of applications using Tcl and/or Tk? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: FAQ Tcl/Tk Package Catalog Subject: -XII- What are some examples of applications using Tcl and Tk? What: 2Dcbuilder Where: <URL: http://thaumaturgy.net/%7Eetgold/software/2Dcbuilder/ > Description: Tcl/tk computer vision support application for building correspondence between world coords from a 2D co-planer camera calibration grid, and pixels in a sample image. Currently at version 1.0 . Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:etgold@thaumaturgy.net > What: 99 bottles of beer on the wall Where: From the contact Description: Expect script which simulates a human typing the beer song as they drink the beer. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:libes@nist.gov > (Don Libes) What: a2ps Where: <URL: http://www.inf.enst.fr/%7Edemaille/a2ps/ > Description: GNU a2ps is an Any to PostScript filter. Of course is process plain text files, but also pretty prints quite a few popular languages (today, 67) - including Tcl. It has a LOT of features because it is intended as a general text to PostScript conversion tool. Updated: 11/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:Akim.Demaille@inf.enst.fr > <URL: mailto:Miguel.Santana@st.com > What: aaron Where: <URL: http://www.hemes.net/Maggie/aaron > Description: Tcl/Tk word game Updated: 09/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:maggie@wolfdance.freeserve.co.uk > (Aaron) What: Abacus Where: <URL: http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/HomePages/aml/abacus/abacus.html > <URL: http://tahoe.inesc.pt/%7Eaml/abacus/abacus.html > Description: Tcl/Tk/C++/C spreadsheet developed for Linux. Supports graphics, printing, saving and loading different formats, cell editing, sorting, column and row manipulation, cell formats, undo/redo, formulas, and more. Team also references a tool called Abacus for the Palm Pilot, however I don't believe it has any Tcl/Tk connection. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:abacus@algus.inesc.pt > What: Absence - an in/out board Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/absence_v2.1/absence_v2.1.tar.gz > Description: A simple in/out board based on reserve. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:urban@mfr.dec.com > (Ron Urban) What: abuse Where: <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/abuse/ > Description: Tcl/Tk interface to application that looks for spammers abusing your domain, which then allows you to send email to their ISPs. Currently at version 1.6. Updated: 12/2000 Contact: See Sourceforge URL for bug reports, questions. What: ac3d Where: <URL: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/andy/ac3d/ > Description: A 3D object/scene modeller. Can output Dive, Massive, VRML, RenderMan, and POV-Ray files. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:andy@comp.lancs.ac.uk > (Andy Colebourne) What: AccuRev Where: <URL: http://www.accurev.com/ > Description: Commercial Source Code Management (SCM) tool. Has integrated TkDiff. A Tk GUI interface is being developed. Comes with an unlimited time 2 user license, and with support and more licenses available for purchase. Currently at v3.0 . Updated: 08/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:info@ede.com > What: ace Where: <URL: http://xpt.sourceforge.net/tools/crossplatform/ > Description: Tk alarm clock. Set time and message and sound will occur and message pop up. Alarms are marked on analog clock face. Arbitrary number of simultaneous alarms are allowed. Currently at version 3.0. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:sun_tong@users.sourceforge.net> (Remove underscore) What: aclock (Lehenbauer) Where: From the contact alt.sources archives such as the following (Nov 1992) <URL: ftp://ftp.sterling.com/usenet/alt.sources/ > <URL: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/usenet/alt.sources/ > Description: Tk analog clock script - two versions were posted. Updated: 05/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:karl@NeoSoft.com > (Karl Lehenbauer) What: Acorn Archimedes RISCOS 3.1 port of Tcl Where: <URL: http://micros.hensa.ac.uk/cgi-bin/browser/micros/arch/riscos/e/e057?fn=e057 > Description: Tcl 7.4 binary and source code for about platform. Updated: 10/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:ct.stretch@ulst.ac.uk > (C.T.Stretch) What: ActiveTcl Where: <URL: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Tcl/ > Description: Bundle of Tcl and related software, in binary form (aka a "Batteries Included" distribution) - ready for installation. Bundles for Windows, Linux, and Solaris are provided. The release of ActiveTcl includes the latest stable Tcl core as well as the following extensions: * Tcl 8.3.4 * Tk 8.3.4 * [incr Tcl/Tk] 3.2 * iwidgets 4.0.0 * Tcllib 1.1 * Bwidgets 1.3.1 * tktable 2.7 * tkcon 2.2 * TclX 8.3 * expect 5.32 (Unix only) * Img 1.2.4 * Snack 2.1.3 * TclDOM 2.0 * TclSOAP 1.6 * TclXML 2.0 * TkHTML 2.0 (Unix only) Version is now available. Be certain to evaluate the ActiveState community license carefully. Updated: 07/2001 Contact: <URL: http://bugs.activestate.com/ActiveTcl/ > What: ADAM (Affordable Desktop Application Manager) Where: <URL: http://wwwcn.cern.ch/umtf/adam.html > Description: A itcl package which can be used to organize the applications on your desktop. Updated: 09/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:ADAM.Support@cern.ch > What: Add Wizard Where: <URL: http://www.chez.com/vidalc/assist/ > Description: Appears to be some sort of Tk application to assist a System Admin. Updated: 06/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:cvidal@newlog.com > (Charles Vidal) What: ADDD (A Depository of Development Documents) Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/gmd/addd/ > Description: An object oriented Software Engineering Environment extended using Tcl. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:kobialka@gmd.de >, <URL: mailto:meyke@gmd.de > What: addr Where: <URL: http://members.tripod.de/zlisiecki/ > Description: Address notebook in Tk. Data kept in two text files, many fields for searching, email to list of recipients, genealogy, auto generation of letters. GNU PL license. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:zlisiecki@poczta.onet.pl> (Zbigniew Lisiecki) What: address Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/address/address.tar.gz > Description: Vanilla address manager which can generate 2 or 4 up postscript. Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 and Perl. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:urban@rto.dec.com > (Bob Urban) What: addressbook Where: <URL: http://wwwmayr.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/%7Edurka/addressbook/ > <URL: ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/linux/local/apps/addressbook-0.6.tar.gz > <URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/addressbook-0.6.tar.gz > <URL: ftp://ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/pub/comp/os/linux/local/apps/addressbook-0.6.tar.gz > <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/addressbook-0.7/addressbook-0.7.tar.gz > Description: A Tk program to manage your addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and everything now written in your 'rolodex'. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:durka@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE > (Clemens Durka) What: AddressManager Where: <URL: ftp://banff.cssip.edu.au/pub/addressManager0.2/addressManager0.2.tar.gz > <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/addressManager0.2/addressManager0.2.tar.gz > Description: A GUI for address database management - a graphical rolodex. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:Chunping.Ding@cssip.edu.au > (Chunping DING) <URL: mailto:ding@vail.levels.unisa.edu.au > (Chunping Ding) What: Aegis Where: <URL: http://www.canb.auug.org.au/%7Emillerp/aegis.html > <URL: http://www.canb.auug.org.au/%7Emillerp/aegis-3.26.tar.gz > Description: Transaction based software configuration management (SCM) system. Provides software to coordinate and integrate the changing of software by a team of developers. Has a Tk interface, as well as a utility for interfacing to tkdiff. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:millerp@canb.auug.org.au > (Peter Miller) What: afbackup Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.sbs.de/pub/tools/afbackup/afbackup-3.1.tar.gz > Description: Network backup software, allowing several servers per client, ability to 'clone' tapes, etc. Uses Tcl/Tk for its GUI interface. Updated: 12/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:af@muc.de > (Albert Fluegel) What: AFML Where: <URL: http://www.EasternGraphics.com/standards/afml/ > Description: AFML is a 3D modeling language which emphasises object orientation at design and run time. It has type concepts, implements methods and rules to integrate behavior, and has a strict hierarchical model. It provides multi-window handling, multi-resolution, parametric primitives, rendering independence, a cut buffer, command history and persistence. The download includes a Unix Tcl/Tk based AFML viewer. Updated: 01/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:ekki@prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de > (Ekkehard Beier) What: aged Where: <URL: http://www.xmission.com/%7Egeorgeps/aged/ > Description: Tcl/Tk based programming editor with dynamic syntax highlighting. Still under development. This is a successor to ged. Currently at version 23. Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:GeorgePS@XMission.com > (George P. Staplin) What: agenda Where: <URL: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6333/Agenda > <URL: http://w3.ualg.pt/%7Eranasta/agenda.htm > Description: Tk 8.0 script to manage a small agenda. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:ranasta@ualg.pt > (Rui Anastcio) <URL: mailto:ranastacio@mail.telepac.pt > What: Agenda port of Tcl/Tk Where: <URL: http://www.desertscenes.net/agenda/ > <URL: http://www.medmapper.com/root-snow-1.0.1-tcl-web-email.cramfs > <URL: http://developer.agendacomputing.com/ > Description: Port of Tcl/Tk to the Linux powered Agenda PDA. Tcl/Tk/Tcl++/html_lbirary/tclmail/etc. have been ported. A Tcl based WWW browser was written. Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:alcald@psnw.com > (Alexander Caldwell) What: AIR Where: <URL: http://bishopw.loni.ucla.edu/AIR/ > Description: Automatied Image Registration is a software package to register brain images using a rigid-body model. Updated: 12/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:rwoods@ucla.edu > (Roger P. Woods) What: AIX 4.1 port of Tcl 7.6p2 Where: <URL: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html > <URL: http://www-frec.bull.com/download/out/ > Description: The first site has Tcl 7.6p2/Tk 4.2p2 for AIX 4.1, as tar files. The second site has Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 as smit-installable releases. Contact has not tried either of these yet. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:ztf@one.com > (Zach Frey) What: AIX 4.1 port of Tcl and Tk Where: <URL: http://www.bull.de/pub/ > Description: Tcl/Tk from 7.6 thru v8.0.2. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: Unknown What: AIX 4.3 port of Tcl and Tk Where: <URL: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html > <URL: ftp://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/pub/tcl/RISC/4.3/exec/tcl.8.3.1.tar.Z > Description: A variety of ports of Tcl/Tk and other extensions are said to be available here, including Tcl/Tk 8.3.x . Updated: 11/2000 Contact: Unknown What: aktivate Where: <URL: http://www.allen-keul.com/aktivate/ > Description: End-to-end eCommerce solution, developed for Unix-like systems. Targeted at small to medium sized businesses and charities who want to accept credit card payments over the web, as well as to conduct eCommerce. Provides a shopping cart and catalog system for running a virtual store. Can email a merchant when a threshold of transactions have been made or supports a merchant stopping by to check sales. Has both a command line and Tk interface. Uses Mysql. Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:akat@allen-keul.com > What: Aladdin Ghostscript Where: <URL: http://ghostscript.sourceforge.net/ > Description: Package provides a variety of Postscript support facilities, including device drivers, utilities similar to Adobe Distiller, etc. One of the features is a "GhostScript to Tk canvas" option that is a part of the pstoedit utility. Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:ghost@aladdin.com > What: alertarion Where: <URL: http://www.a12industries.com/alertarion/ > <URL: http://www.planetarion.com/ > Description: Check your stats of the online Planetarion game without logging on. Updated: 12/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:a12@adam-twelve.com > (A|2) What: Alpha Where: <URL: http://alpha.olm.net/ > <URL: http://www.bcity.com/alphatext/ > <URL: http://www.santafe.edu/%7Evince/pub/Alpha/Alpha7.1fc3.sit.hqx > <URL: ftp://ftp.his.com/pub/jguyer/Alpha/ > Description: Alpha is a Macintosh shareware Tcl programmable editor. Updated: 06/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:pete@cs.rice.edu > What: Alpha NT port of Tcl/Tk (Graham) Where: From the contact Description: Port of Tcl/Tk and attempts at porting Tix to an Alpha, using Visual C++ (VC++). Contact is interested in creating a mailing list of others using this platform. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:marc@neovision.com > (Marc H. Graham) What: Alpha NT port of Tcl/Tk (Porter) Where: <URL: http://math.nist.gov/%7EDPorter/tcltk/alphant/ > Description: Port of Tcl/Tk v8.3.3 to Alpha running Windows NT 4.0. Includes installation script that sets up the registry appropriately. A version for Tcl/Tk 8.4a2 is also available . Updated: 06/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:donald.porter@nist.gov > (Don Porter, D.Sc.) What: Alpha_pager Where: <URL: http://glatmos.com/%7Edhagberg/tcl/alpha_pager.tcl.gz > Description: Modified version of the alphanumeric page senter so that it works reliably as a library procedure with Multitech modems on Solaris. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:d.j.hagberg@acm.org > What: AlphaTk Where: <URL: http://www.santafe.edu/%7Evince/Alphatk.html > <URL: ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/pub/alpha/tcl/alphatk/ > Description: Shareware Tcl/Tk based text editor useful for programmers or someone writing TeX/LaTeX or HTML source files. Designed to run on Windows or Unix platforms, providing functionality equivalent to Pete Keleher's Alpha editor for MacOS. Requires Tcl/Tk 8.1 or newer, and optimally with contact's core patch to the glob command. Runs on Windows NT 4.0sp[356], Windows 2000sp1, Solaris, Linux. This is release v8.0fc1. Updated: 09/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:vince@biosgroup.com > What: Alt+Connect Where: <URL: http://freespace.virgin.net/fuchsia.groan/software/ > Description: Manages dial-up connections, allowing a group of networked machines to share a single Internet connection. Includes a Tcl/Tk user interface client. Updated: 09/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:fuchsia.groan@virgin.net > What: Altogether Where: <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/altogether/ > Description: Microcode-level simulator for the Xerox Alto. Code is in alpha or even earlier state. Updated: 09/2001 Contact: See web site What: Amapi Where: <URL: http://www.yonowat.com/ > Description: 3D polygonal modeler, which allows the user to write Tcl scripts to control features. Free demos available of this commercial package. Updated: 03/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:webmaster@tgs.com > What: Amiga NetBSD port of Tcl 3.x Where: From the contact Description: A port of Tcl and Tk for Amiga NetBSD running X11R5. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:markus@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de > (Markus Illenseer) What: Amiga OS port of Tcl 3.x Where: From the contact Description: A port of Tcl 3.x to the Amiga. Uses Amiga share libraries and implements "send" under the Amiga OS, plus a post. Includes a MIDI file loader and player. Works, but is not up to the latest version of Tcl nor is further work occurring. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:karl@neosoft.com > (Karl Lehenbauer) What: Amiga port of Tcl 7.x Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/geekgadgets/ > Description: Primary FTP server for the Amiga Developement Environment Geek Gadgets CD-ROM. Currently Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 is present and Tcl/Tk 8.x is expected soon. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:digulla@wi-pc44.fh-konstanz.de > (Aaron Digulla) What: AmiWin port of Tcl Where: <URL: http://www.america.com/%7Ekruse/amiga/AmiWin.html > Description: Port of Tcl to AmiWin, the Amiga's X11R6 window package. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:kruse@cs.ucf.edu > What: Amazing Anagram Thingie! Where: <URL: http://www.vis.colostate.edu/%7Escriven/anagrammer.php3 > <URL: http://www.vis.colostate.edu/%7Escriven/files/anagrammer-0.5.tar.gz > Description: Assists in finding anagrams of words or phrases by rearranging the letters to spell other things. Has a Tcl/Tk X interface. Updated: 02/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:toykeeper@cheerful.com > (Scott Scriven) What: anagrammer Where: <URL: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/%7Eetgold/software/ > Description: A very simple Tcl/Tk front end to the anagram program "ag" which the contact did NOT write, but can't credit because the code's undocumented. Updated: 03/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:etgold@cs.vassar.edu > (Ethan Gold) What: Android Where: <URL: http://www.smith-house.org/software/android/android.html > <URL: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/ > Description: Android is a Tcl/Tk application which for recording and playing back scripts of X11 event commands, using the XTest extension. It can be used to automate driving X11 based applications (by use of the vncserver, you could even drive programs on other platforms). It works as a sort of Expect for GUIs. Currently at version 0.99.9 . Updated: 12/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:larry@smith-house.org > (Larry Smith) What: Andromeda Where: <URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/andromeda/ > Description: Dynamically convert folders of MP3s into a WWW site with dynamic playlist generation. Supports various formats. Great as a personal jukebox; supports skins, custom playlists, logons, search. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:scott@turnstile.com> What: angbandtk Where: <URL: http://persweb.direct.ca/dbaker/angbandtk.html > Description: Tcl based graphical Rogue-like game(s). Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:dbaker@direct.ca > (Tim Baker) What: angela! Where: <URL: http://www.forteresse.net/angela/ > <URL: http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/%7Epabst/angela/ > Description: angela stands for Angela is a Natural Graph Editor with Layout Algorithms. Use angela! to create, edit and delete graph nodes and edges as well as save and load graphs. It can also generate Tcl/Tk applets so that the graph can be viewed as a stand alone application. There are input formats for PLING and GML and output formats for PLING, GML, and PostScript. LaTeX code can also be created. It is covered by the GPL. Updated: 03/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:pabst@mpi-sb.mpg.de > (Oliver Pabst) What: annoy Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/games/annoy.tk/annoy.tk.gz > Description: Tk Towers of Hanoi application. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:toaster@users.sourceforge.net > What: antiklop Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/apps/antiklop/1.0/ > Description: GUI style inspector for arrays, variables, windows, procs and bindings. Can be used to set breakpoints. Currently at version 1.0 . Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:> What: AOLserver Where: <URL: http://www.aolserver.com/ > <URL: http://aolserver.com/archive/server/aolserver-3.4.tar.gz > <URL: http://aolserver.com/archive/server/binary/ > <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aolserver/ > <URL: http://listserv.aol.com/archives/aolserver.html > <URL: http://aolserver.com/support/ > <URL: http://aolserver.com/modules/ > <URL: http://dev.aolserver.com/ > <URL: http://aolserver.sourceforge.net/ > <URL: http://aolserver.digitalcity.com/server/docs/3.0/pdf/ > <URL: http://www.primehost.com/members/develop/code/ > <URL: http://www.primehost.com/members/discuss/ > <URL: http://www.aolserver.com/server/docs/2.3.3/notes/ > <URL: http://aolserver.lcs.mit.edu/ > <URL: http://www.rubylane.com/ > <URL: http://www.php.net/version4/cvs.php > <URL: http://aolserver.am.net/ > <URL: http://stefan.arentz.nl/software/ > <URL: http://dqd.com/%7Emayoff/aolserver/ > <URL: http://www.vivtek.com/aolserver/fixup_dates.html > <URL: http://www.i-no.com/art/inochart.html > <URL: http://www.ramifordistat.net/aolserver3/postgres/ > <URL: http://bas.scheffers.net/aolserver/cachetools-1.01.tgz > <URL: http://www.c2.net/products/sh2/ > <URL: http://www.karemor.com/ > <URL: http://members.xoom.com/mcazzell/programming > <URL: http://www.plconline.com/mysql/ > <URL: http://www.panoptic.com/nsmysql/ > <URL: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/nsmysql/?cvsroot=aolserver > <URL: http://www.panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/ > <URL: http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/AOLserverCookbook > <URL: http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/nsfreetds > <URL: http://www.macula.net/lightside > <URL: http://www.walters.demon.co.uk/tcl/tcl_stuff.htm > <URL: http://www.digitalsesame.com/aolserver/ > <URL: http://nsjava.sourceforge.net/ > <URL: http://scottg.net/ > <URL: http://scottg.net/aolserver/modules/nsopenssl.tar.gz > <URL: http://scottg.net/aolserver/docs/distribution.htm > <URL: http://www.ss.pub.ro/%7Egaburici/nstomcat/ > <URL: http://www.cs.pub.ro/%7Egaburici/nstomcat/ > <URL: http://www.scriptkitties.com/ > <URL: http://www.zill.net/asdocs > <URL: http://www.rockhopper.com/aolserver/ > <URL: http://lxr.php.net/source/php4/sapi/aolserver/ > <URL: http://www.mail-archive.com/tcljava@scriptics.com/msg01051.html > <URL: http://www.fifthgate.org/articles/aolserver/xml/ns_xml_doc.html > <URL: http://www.arsdigita.com/books/panda/ > <URL: http://www.arsdigita.com/asj/aolserver/introduction-1 > <URL: http://www.arsdigita.com/asj/aolserver/introduction-2 > <URL: http://opennsd.org/ > <URL: http://pywx.idyll.org/ > <URL: http://webware.sourceforge.net/ > <URL: http://deadlock.et.tudelft.nl/%7Edaniel/vhost.html > <URL: http://satori.com/aolserver/ > <URL: http://dev.stellardata.com:8080/download/ > <URL: http://zmbh.com/discussion/vat/ . <URL: http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html > <URL: http://test.tcl.pl/aol/ > <URL: http://www.sateh.com/nssession-0.1.tgz > <URL: http://acs-misc.sourceforge.net/nstest-manual.html > <URL: http://acs-misc.sourceforge.net/nsxml.html > Description: Once known as GNNserver, this is a HTTP server available for use on Alpha and Intel NT, Digital OSF, HP/UX, SPARC and Intel Solaris 2.5, Linux, SGI Irix. It now also runs on some Win32 platforms and has MacOS X support. The software is free for personal use. See the above location for more details. The server supports Tcl 8.2.3 and uses it to interface with all parts of the server environment. It is reported that you can even embed Tcl in the HTML pages you wish to serve, for dynamic html generation purposes. See the PrimeHost Develop web page above for various Tcl procs for achieving things like using Netscape and Frames to edit Tcl scripts, a URL selection routine, dynamic database pages, etc. At RubyLane, the creator has a Tcl function that can be used to generate persistent numeric sequences. A new version of nssolid is available on the aolserver ftp site. The server at am net has an ASP-style ADP parser, which plugs in as a module and allows for HTML code outside of special tags to be parsed by Tcl. The stefan arentz site has various add on modules, including version 0.2 of source code to support OpenSSL on AOLServer 3.0b4, as well as version 0.2 of source code to support Netscape Roaming Profiles. Code to run threaded Tcl 8.2.3 with HP10 exists in the source repositories - see nsd/tclNsThread.c . See the dqd site for various utility code to enhance programming the AOLserver, as well as a DB2 driver and a ns_detach that keeps a file open across requests. At the vivtek site find a perl script to fix the dates in the AOLserver's log files. At the i-no site you can find a module for AOLserver that enables dynamic chart generation through Tcl scripting, using a modified version of the GDChart and GD libraries. Supports bar, line, area, and hi/low/close charts in both 2 and 3 dimensions. A Postgres driver for AOLserver 2.x and 3.x newer than what is in the AOLserver source distribution can be found at either the ramifordistat site or at the SourceForge.net site for the ACS-PG project. The code at scheffers site is for handling cookies. Contact Freddie Mendoza <avm@SATORI.com > for a AOLserver plugin that allows communication with the Tomcat servlet engine <URL: http://jakarta.apache.org/ > . The c2 web site is a SSL proxy front end for AOLserver. Daniel Stasinski <URL: mailto:daniels@karemor.com > has written modules to do blowfish and twofish encryption on strings. The mcazzell site has a new adpfancy module for testing. Contact Barrie Selack <URL: mailto:barrie@ROCKHOPPER.com > for code and information regarding a module to handle customized 404 error pages. Info regarding a MySQL driver can be found at the plconline site. Info regarding a MySQL driver can be found at the panoptic web site. Source and Intel Linux 2.2 and Win32 binaries are available. Info regarding a MySQL driver can be found at the macula web site. Contact Brent Fulgham <URL: mailto:brent.fulgham@XPSYSTEMS.com > regarding an AOLserver plugin to run Python scripts in an embedded Python interpreter within AOLserver. For generating reports with multiple levels of summarization and sub-headings/sub-totals at each level, check out the walters demon web site. The source code for AOLserver v3.0 is now available at the sourceforge CVS site. It is OpenSource license. At digitalsesame are some patches for AOLServer 3.0.AD4 and Tcl 8.3.1 so that the two work together. nsjava is a loadable c module that embeds a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in process and lets you call Java static methods directly from ADP/tcl pages. A new nsssl2 module (compilable with RSA BSAFE v [45].x) is available at scottg. nstomcat is a module that runs servlets in-process on AOLserver, using the Tomcat servlet engine. See the ArsDigita entry below for a popular Web community software project based on this server. The scriptkitties web site is NOT a site for web crackers, but rather a administration package for AOLserver which provides live online database admin, tcl scripting, immediate source changes in all interps, and online viewing of logs. Requires AOLserver 3.x, PostgreSQL 6.5-7.02, and the latest nspostgres module from CVS. The zill web site has the Tcl, C, and Drive API reference docs online with the ability to add comments to each page. The tcljava message quoted above discusses an effort to add TclBlend support to AOLserver 3.x. The fifthgate reference above discusses steps to parse XML documents in AOLserver via ArsDigita's ns_xml module. If you check the aolserver support page mentioned above, you should find references to specialized newsgroups specifically oriented towards answering AOLserver questions. The pywx site covers a Python scripting module for AOLServer which also allows access to Tcl commands as necessary. The stellardata site has the url2file module for virtual hosting. The zmbh site has a vhost module for AOLserver. The test tcl site has ns2x, to make xml/xslt to html conversion easier. Currently at version 3.4.2 version 4.0 is in beta. Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:info@aolserver.com > What: AOLserver example code (Kee) Where: <URL: http://www.magnets.com/software > Description: Sample code relating to the AOLserver. One example mentioned was code to manage ns_schedule'd jobs. Updated: 04/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:tom.kee@magnets.com > Tom Kee What: AOLserver example code (Whittle) Where: <URL: http://www.deadend.org/dev/ > Description: Set of Tcl utilities to work with the AOLserver. Includes a Tcl multipart/form-data handler. An ftp server written in Tcl (with a little C) is also here. Updated: 01/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:gnat@digitalcity.com > (David Whittle) What: AOLserver InterBase external driver Where: <URL: http://acs.lavsa.com/sskracic/aolinterbase/ > <URL: http://www.lavsa.com/acs-interbase/ > Description: Stand alone executable database proxy daemon that translates AOLserver database requests into InterBase specific API calls. Uses TCP/IP so it can run on a different host than the AOLserver. Supports BLOBs, parametrized queries and native InterBase v6 datatype support. Requires you to have InterBase 6 installed. Currently at version 1.1. Updated: 11/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:sebastian@arsdigita.com > (Sebastian Skracic) What: AOLserver MySQL driver Where: <URL: http://www.perfectionlearning.com/mysql/mysql-1.0.0.tar.gz > <URL: http://web.mysql.com/ > Description: MySQL/mSQL driver for the AOLserver HTTP server. Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:sussdorff@sussdorff.de > (Malte Sussdorff) What: AOLserver upload handling Where: From the contact Description: Tcl module that enables decoding of Netscape's input type=file processing. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:gnat@aol.net > (David Whittle) What: Apache Toolbox Where: <URL: http://www.apachetoolbox.com/ > Description: This provides a means to easily compile Apache with SSL, PHP, mhash, mcrypt, MySQL, Postgres, imap, xml, ldap, ZendOptimzer, mod_dtcl, mod_auth_nds, mod_dynvhost, mod_layout, WebDAV, mod_fastcgi, mod_gzip, mod_throttle, mod_accressref, mod_roaming, mod_auth_sys, and a significant library of other modules. It is customizable, menu driven, compiles from source, checks for RPMs that might cause problems, and uses wget to download source that is missing. Currently at version 1.5.47 . Updated: 11/2000 Contact: <URL: http://www.apachetoolbox.com/data/feedback.php > What: APL2 / Tcl interface Where: From the contact Description: Interface between APL2 and Tcl. Converts APL2 matrices to Tcl arrays suitable for TkTable. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:liebtag@us.ibm.com > What: apop_filter Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.erg.sri.com/pub/ITAD/ted/apop_filter.zip > <URL: ftp://ftp.erg.sri.com/pub/ITAD/ted/apop_filter.tar.gz > Description: Authentication for POP3 servers, written in Tcl. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:ted@ags.ga.erg.sri.com.foo.bar.com> (Remove .foo.bar.com) What: APRL Where: <URL: ftp://sound.media.mit.edu/pub/Code/aprl/aprl-1995may20.tgz > Description: A Tcl based tool for audio pattern recognition. See also <URL: http://sound.media.mit.edu/projects/aprl >. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:dpwe@media.mit.edu > (DAn Ellis) <URL: mailto:eds@media.mit.edu > (Eric Scheirer) What: APRS Where: <URL: http://pages.preferred.com/%7Epiercej/ > Description: Amateur Packet Radio Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS). Runs under Linux, Windows and other Tcl/Tk implementations. Makes use of the US Census Bureau's on-line Tiger mapping service. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:piercej@preferred.com > What: Ara Where: <URL: http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Nehmer/Ara/ > Description: Agents for Remote Action (Ara) is a Tcl 7.4 based platform for portable and secure full mobile agent, in Tcl, C/C++. Developed under Unix. Updated: 06/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:peine@informatik.uni-kl.de > (Holger Peine) What: ArgonED Where: <URL: http://bodotill.suburbia.com.au/argonv/argonv.html > Description: Argon V is a Palm Pilot video game. ArgonED is a level editor to create new levels. It is portable to Windows, MacOS, and Linux (and more). Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:T.Harbaum@tu-bs.de > What: ArsDigita Community System Where: <URL: http://openacs.com/ > <URL: http://arsdigita.com/ > <URL: http://arsdigita.com/free-tools/oracle-driver.html > <URL: http://www.arsdigita.com/bboard/q-and-a?topic%5fid=21&topic=web%2fdb > <URL: http://www.arsdigita.com/acs-repository/ > <URL: http://dev.arsdigita.com/acs40/ldap-authentication.html > <URL: http://software.arsdigita.com/ > <URL: http://photo.net/doc/ > <URL: http://photo.net/wtr/thebook/community.html > <URL: http://acspg.benadida.com/ > <URL: http://www.ybos.net/ > <URL: http://larsdigita.com/software/ldap-in-general.html > <URL: http://larsdigita.com/tmp/adldap.tgz > Description: An AOLserver/ORACLE based Tcl web application that provides users with forums and other web based applications. The ArsDigita Community System (ACS) is an database backed web collaboration tool originally written for Oracle and also ported to InterBase DBMS, release 4.0, available on Linux at no charge. ACS operates on top of AOLServer, a free HTTP server. Now includes the source for the Oracle driver as well as the nscache, nsrewrite, and nssha1 modules. Source is available and binaries for Redhat Linux and Solaris are available. A Windows version is being developed. Information regarding exporting of Tcl wrappers for OpenLDAP compliant libraries is available on arsdigita, with more info and code on larsdigita. The Ybos web page has new ArsDigita modules for group scoping, event planning and content management. A version based on PostgreSQL is available at benadida. ArsDigita has their own release of AOLserver (v3.2+ad10), as well as Oracle drivers, etc. See the acs-repository URL. Recently ArsDigita moved to a Java based distribution. However, the OpenACS project took over the Tcl based software from what I understand. OpenACS is at version 3.2.5 with a version 4 b2 in testing. Updated: 06/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:acs-bugs@arsdigita.com > What: ARIX Where: <URL: http://www.accesscom.com/%7Eedem/andrew/arix/ > Description: Andrew's IRIX (ARIX) is a GUI desktop for Linux, emulating the SGI IRIX desktop environment with many tools to configure X applications. Written almost entirely in Tcl/Tk. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:aedem@rocketmail.com > (Andrew Edem) What: arswm Where: From the contact Description: Window manager configurable using Tcl. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:burdick@ars.rtp.nc.us > (Bill Burdick) What: arTCLs Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/net/artcls/artcls.tar.gz > Description: a Tcl/Tk-based Usenet news reader Updated: 02/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:mh@wx.gtegsc.com > (Mike Hoegeman) What: Artefact Where: <URL: http://artefact.persimmon.com/ > Description: Demonstration framework for Web accessible collaborative applications. It uses CORBA for all communications. Presents objects to the end users thru standard http connections. Object behavior can be in JavaScript, Java, C++ and Tcl. Build for Solaris 2.6 and Digital Unix 4.0. Updated: 06/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:artersch@persimmon.com > What: ARTEMIS Where: <URL: http://devserve.cebaf.gov/external/artemis/artemis.html > Description: A multi-user real-time beam optics simulation package for particle accelerator simulation and controls. Updated: 09/1996 Contact: <URL: http://devserve.cebaf.gov/external/artemis/guest.html > What: artts Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.wco.com/users/pcoad/artts1.2.tar.gz > Description: The anal retentive time tracking software (artts) allows you to track the amount of time spent on various tasks. Includes a simple report generator. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: <URL: http://www.wco.com/%7Epcoad/contact.html > (Paul Coad) What: AS/400 port of Tcl/Tk Where: From the contact Description: Port of Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 to AS/400 V3R7 with minimal testing. Tk portion uses a commercial X product by contact. Updated: 05/1998 Contact: eXport Ventures Corporation 4510 Bradford Lane NW Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 252-1284 (507) 252-9454 What: ASED Where: <URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/andreas.sievers/asedhome.htm > Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , BWidget IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files, providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace, unlimited undo/redo, simple console, fast source code navigation and Tcl testing. Includes a client/server example, to allow you to run ased, or other clients, remotely. Currently at v2.0.8. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:andreas.sievers@t-mobil.de > (Andreas Sievers) What: ASPN Tcl Where: <URL: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ASPN_Tcl/ > Description: ASPN Tcl is a commercially packaged version of ActiveTcl, TclPro plus the Komodo IDE plus maintenance, support, etc.. Currently available for Windows, Solaris, and Linux. Updated: 11/2001 Contact: See web site What: ASSIST Where: <URL: http://www.cs.strath.ac.uk/CS/research/efocs/assist.html > Description: Asynchronous/Synchronous Software Inspection Support Tool (ASSIST) is a generic tool designed to allow the enforcement and support of any inspection process. Requires Python 1.4/Tcl 4.0/Tk 7.4. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:fraser@cs.strath.ac.uk > (Fraser Macdonald) What: ASTcl Where: <URL: http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/%7Estreak/ASTcl-1.0.sea.hqx > <URL: http://www-personal.umich.edu/%7Estreak/ASTcl-1.0.sea.hqx > <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/misc/ASTcl-1.0/ASTcl-1.0.sea.hqx > Description: ASTcl 1.0 is a package for compiling and executing Macintosh AppleScript programs from within a Tcl-based script. It requires AppleScript, CodeWarrior 10 or later, and the sources for Tcl 7.5p1 Tk 4.1p1. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:Ted.Belding@umich.edu > (Ted Belding) What: AstroDA Where: <URL: http://www-sdss.fnal.gov:8000/astroda/doc/www/astroda.home.html > Description: Real-Time Data Acquisition system used at Apache Point Observatory. Reads from cameras and telescopes. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: http://www-sdss.fnal.gov:8000/astroda/doc/www/astroda.home.html > What: ATK Where: <URL: http://www.du.edu/%7Emschwart/atk.htm > Description: The Analyst's Tool Kit (ATK) is a shareware set of tools for manipulating Data Flow Diagrams. Newest release of ATK is based on Tcl/Tk v8.0.3 (ala TclBlast). Includes a small extension for raw printing, profile and registry access, and other features. ATK was previously developed against tkmswin. Another extension, tkmsmail, enables MAPI and cmc mail interfaces in a Tcl/Tk program. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:mschwart@nyx.net > (Michael I Schwartz) What: Attic Where: <URL: http://attic.tsx.org/ > Description: Tcl/Tk interface to FICS chess server which hopefully wil support the ICC chess server soon. Should run on Macs, Windows and Unix. Code is currently beta. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:tiller@ford.com > (Mike Tiller) What: audio file transcribing Where: From the contact Description: Utility that is used for transcribing and playing audio files. Originally written for Solaris using audioplay, naplay, etc. but being adapted for Windows. Updated: 10/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:ija1@ece.msstate.edu > (Issac Alphonso) What: AUGUST Where: <URL: http://www.lls.se/%7Ejohanb/august/ > <URL: http://www.lls.se/%7Ejohanb/august/august0.63b.src.tar.gz > Description: Non-graphical HTML editor for Unix (formerly known as xSite). Features multiple file editing, search and replace, support for many standard HTML tags, dialog boxes for setting font size and color, insertion of tables and images. Uses Netscape to preview text, and weblint to check syntax. Updated: 05/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:johanb@lls.se > (Johan Bengtsson) What: Autodoc Where: <URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/soft/autodoc/ > <URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/soft/autodoc/download/autodoc2.4.tar.gz > Description: AutoDOC is a system designed to extract embedded documentation from Tcl code and to generate HTML pages from it. V2.x requires Tcl 8.x. Includes the Pool set of utility tcl code. Updated: 09/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net > (Andreas Kupries) What: AutoDOC Where: <URL: http://www.uni-muenster.de/informatik/u/reiberg/autodoc > Description: Automatic man page HTML documentation for C++ classes. Requires itcl 2.2. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:reiberg@uni-muenster.de > (Joerg Reiberg) What: AVB (Amazing Virtual Burrito Gooey) Where: <URL: ftp://ibm3.carb.nist.gov/pub/jonathan/AVB.tar.gz > Description: A Tk program to display a burrito and change its foreground color. Seriously. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:jonathan@indigo1.carb.nist.gov > (Jonathan F. Dill) What: aXe Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/editors/aXe-6.1.2.tar.Z > <URL: ftp://arjuna.ncl.ac.uk/pub/aXe/aXe-6.1.2.tar.Z > Description: An easy to use X11R5 text editor. Allows user to optionally include Tcl as an extension language. Does not permit commercial use. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:J.K.Wight@newcastle.ac.uk > (J. K. Wight) What: Ayam Where: <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ayam/ > <URL: http://www.ayam3d.org/ > Description: 3d modeling environment for the RenderMan interface. Can be scripted in Tcl/Tk. Currently at version 1.0beta4 . Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:rschultz@informatik.uni-rostock.de > What: Babel Where: From the contact Description: Cross platform development environment providing a common interface to compilers and linkers. Can be combined with something like Bras (the Tcl make like application). Updated: 05/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:pduffin@hursley.ibm.com > (Paul Duffin) What: backprop Where: <URL: http://www.dontveter.com/nnsoft/bp.tar.gz > <URL: http://www.dontveter.com/nnsoft/nnsoft.html > Description: A neural network implementation in Tcl 7.5. Available for Unix/DOS/Windows 3.x. Updated: 02/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:drt@christianliving.net > (Donald R. Tveter) What: bastard Where: <URL: http://bastard.sourceforge.net/ > Description: Disassembler for x86 ELF targets on Linux. Has a Tk as well as command line interface. Has ability to write plugins and extensions. Currently at version 0.11 . Updated: 08/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:mammon_ <mammon_ at users dot sourceforge dot net> What: Batteries Included Distribution Where: <URL: http://members.home.net/tfwilkason/tcl/Batteries/ > Description: Binary distributions of Tcl with a variety of extensions included. Updated: 01/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:tom.wilkason@home.com > (Tom Wilkason) What: BattleChat Where: <URL: http://corvette.me.vt.edu/%7Eronelson/battlechat/ > Description: Tcl/Tk interface to Blizzard's Battle.Net. Offers basic authentication, color coded messages, a chat buffer and who list, and squelch/whisper buttons. The current version is 0.97. Updated: 06/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:ronelson@vt.edu > (Robert D. Nelson) What: BBEdit Where: <URL: http://www.barebones.com/ > Description: This Macintosh editor provides syntax coloring for many languages, including Tcl. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:siegel@barebones.com > What: bclock Where: From the contact Description: Tk clock program which uses a bezier curve to draw the hands. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:shess@tundra.winternet.com > (Scott Hess) What: beast Where: <URL: http://www.epok.demon.co.uk/ > Description: Both Expect And Scotty Together (BEAST) permits intelligent interrogation of network nodes to see if they support IP stacks and a Simple Network Management Protocl (SNMP) agent. Recently updated to include support for Tcl 8.0, Scotty v2.1.9 and Expect 5.25. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:ian@epok.demon.co.uk > (Ian Jarrett) What: BED Where: <URL: http://www.hottub.org/%7Edodge/bed.html > Description: Brian's Editor (BED) is a programmer editor. It features language sensitive editing for C, C++, Java. HTML, Verilog, Tcl, Assembly, includes function/class browsing for Java and C, has prototype help, paren matching, and auto indention, integrated gdb, has a project concept, supports extending via tcl/tk scripts, allows viewing and editing graphical images, supports a tip and shell window, and can display output in text or hex. This is a shareware product. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:bdodge@xionics.com > What: Beholder Where: <URL: ftp://dnpap.et.tudelft.nl/pub/btng/btng-5.0.tar.gz > Description: Beholder is a RMON implementation which opens a pipe to the stdspook SNMP frontend and converts the output to Tcl lists, etc. Updated: Contact: Unknown What: Benchmark (Chen) Where: <URL: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/chienhao/uisw/tcltkrpt.htm > Description: This is a report that was written for school, providing some benchmark numbers on Tcl/Tk performance. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:chienhao+@andrew.cmu.edu > (Chien-Hao Chen) What: Benchmark (Duperval) Where: From the contact Description: Set of benchmarks for Tcl. Updated: 05/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:lduperval@yahoo.com > What: BeOS port of Tcl (Houpt) Where: <URL: http://habilis.net/betcl/ > Description: Ports of Tcl 8.2 to BeOS. Based on BeOS's Posix emulation libraries. Binaries for PPC and x86 are available. Updated: 09/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:choupt@world.std.com > (Chuck Houpt) What: BeOS port of Tcl Where: <URL: http://www-classic.be.com/beware/Languages/Tcl.html > <URL: http://www-classic.be.com/beware/Languages/Tk.html > <URL: http://www.be.com/software/beware/languages/tk.html > <URL: http://www.be.com/developers/whybe.html > Description: Ports of Tcl/Tk 8.0 to BeOS. Based on BeOS's emulation libraries for Unix/Posix and X. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: Unknown What: Best Ferrups UPS monitor Where: From the contact Description: Program monitors Best Ferrups UPS using expect and displays the results using Tk. Pages if alarm condition. Requires Tcl 7.5 and Expect 5.20. Updated: 03/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:doug@eng.auburn.edu > (Doug Hughes) What: BETH Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/text/beth.4.1.tar.gz > Description: Browsing and Editing Tcl Hypertool (BETH). Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:svoboda@ece.cmu.edu > (David Svoboda) What: BibTool Where: <URL: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/%7Egerd/ftp/BibTool/ > Description: BibTool assists in managing BibTeX files, which are used to integrate citations and bibliographies into LaTeX documents. The latest releases of BibTool includes a library of Tcl commands to manipulate BibTex files. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:gerd@informatik.uni-koblenz.de > (Gerd Neugebauer) What: biff clock Where: From the contact alt.sources archives (Nov 1992) <URL: ftp://ftp.sterling.com/usenet/alt.sources/ > <URL: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/usenet/alt.sources/ > Description: Tk example program showing biff and xclock like functions Updated: 05/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:karl@NeoSoft.com > (Karl Lehenbauer) What: Biglook Where: <URL: http://kaolin.unice.fr/Biglook/ > Description: Graphical toolkit for the Bigloo Scheme system, mapping the Tk widgets to Bigloo classes. Updated: 10/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:biglook-request@kaolin.unice.fr > What: BinProlog Shell Where: <URL: http://www2.active.ch/%7Ecozzio/ > <URL: ftp://clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/BUGFIXES/TCL.tar.gz > Description: A Tcl/Tk interface to BinProlog 5.40 for Windows 95/NT. The DLL contains the BinPRolog kernel. This product is shareware. Updated: 04/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:cozzio@ln.active.ch > (Dr. Rico A. Cozzio) <URL: mailto:binprolog@info.umoncton.ca > <URL: mailto:tarau@clement.info.umoncton.ca > (Paul Tarau) What: BitchX-73 Where: <URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/ > Description: ANSI color IRC client. Updated: 07/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:edwac@sk.sympatico.ca > (Colten D. Edwards) What: BitKeeper Where: <URL: http://www.bitmover.com/bitkeeper/ > <URL: http://www.bitmover.com/bitsccs/ > <URL: http://www.bitkeeper.com/sccstool.html > <URL: http://www.bitkeeper.com/csettool.html > <URL: http://www.bitkeeper.com/citool.html > Description: A fully distributed software configuration management (SCM) system, based on BitSCCS and supporting multiple users. Includes a file merge, revision control check and revision control graph browsing tools, written in Tcl/Tk. Supports most of the RCS style commands. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:bitkeeper-users@bitmover.com > What: bitWalk distribution of Tcl/Tk Where: <URL: http://users.goo.ne.jp/bitwalk/ > Description: This is a localized package of Tcl/Tk for Windows and Linux. Code has been patched for use with IME (enabling inline conversion of text, entry and canvas widgets). Currently the packages are 8.3.3 with patches, as well as some other Tcl and Tk applications and extensions . Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:bitwalk@nyc.odn.ne.jp > (Keiichi Takahashi) What: Blind Galaxy Where: <URL: http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/%7Ed0malaga/galaxy/ > Description: This Galaxy client is a map which shows planets and calculates distances for a generic 2D galaxy. It is written in Tcl/Tk and can be extended by adding plugins. It has been tested on Tcl/Tk 8.0 for Linux, Windows 98 and Windows NT. Updated: 04/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:d0malaga@dtek.chalmers.se > (/Tomas) What: Blitz.tcl Where: <URL: http://www.nsoftware.com/ > Description: Beta release of a CGI script accelerator for ISAPI enbabled HTTP servers. No changes to CGI scripts are needed. Initial version is tuned for Tcl 8.x and Windows NT. A Windows 95/98 version is available for testing. Future versions will become commercially available after development completes. Updated: 04/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:info@nsoftware.com > What: boob Where: From the contact Description: Tool Object oriented objection builder which manages SCM builds and repository duties. Written in itcl and uses itcl files as dependencies and build scripts. Rules based dependencies with on the fly scanning of c/c++ files. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:bob@sitecraft.com > (Bob McWhirter) What: Bowling Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/xbowl-1.4.gz > ??? <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/games/xbowl-dist-2.0/xbowl-dist-2.0.tar.gz > Description: Tk based bowling game, using the core Tcl/Tk. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:grina@fai.com > (Peter Grina) What: bracecheck Where: <URL: http://avl.enemy.org/TclTk/ > Description: Simple Tcl script to check to see if unbalanced brace characters are identified. Updated: 12/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:avl@logic.at > What: bras Where: <URL: http://wsd.iitb.fhg.de/%7Ekir/brashome/ > Description: A rule-controlled command processing program (like make), which uses Tcl rather than the make syntax to describe relationships and actions. Currently at v1.3.0 . Updated: 01/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:kir@iitb.fhg.de > (Harald Kirsch) What: brClient Where: From the contact Description: A simple Tk remote directory browser. It connects to a server to get info to display. brServer was also posted. Requires Tk and Tcl-DP. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:hshi@neumann.uwaterloo.ca > (Hanmao Jim Shi) What: Bridge Where: <URL: http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/%7Eheller/Workshop/Bridge/Bridge.tcl.gz > Description: Script to help figure out angles and spacing of building an HO scale bridge. Updated: 03/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:Heller@deepsoft.com > (Robert Heller) What: Brodgar Where: <URL: http://www.brodgar.com/ > Description: Package for statistical data analysis, with a GUI based on Tcl/Tk 8.3 and BLT. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: http://www.brodgar.com/ > What: browse.tcl Where: alt.sources archives (Mar 90) <URL: ftp://ftp.sterling.com/usenet/alt.sources/ > <URL: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/usenet/alt.sources/articles/ > <URL: http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/usenet/alt.sources/ > Description: Directory browser w/Tcl . Updated: 05/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:peter@taronga.com > (Peter da Silva) What: BrowseX Where: <URL: http://BrowseX.com/ > Description: Open source, cross-platform web browser written primarily in Tcl. Comes bundled with Tml, a Tcl based HTML macro processor, designed to simply and enhance web authoring. Also includes database client support for Postgres, as well as a minor widget collection known as Thin. This code is free - BrowseX Systems, Inc. does sell a C version of Tml, as well as TME, a Tml Editor/Composer. It is currently at release 1.5.0. Updated: 11/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:peter@BrowseX.com > What: bsosc Where: <URL: http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/%7E1gjhonan/ > <URL: http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/%7Ejhonan/bitscope/bsosc-1.0.tar.gz > Description: Bsosc is a Bitscope oscilloscope I wrote to handle the Bitscope data capture device. The software uses Tcl/Tk 8.0 and BLT 2.4. The software should work on a Windows 32 system, probably with some tweaking of the comms. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:jhonan@mpx.com.au > What: BSVC Where: <URL: http://www2.ncsu.edu/eos/service/ece/project/bsvc/www/ > <URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/System/Emulators/ > Description: A microprocessor simulation framework written in C++ and Tcl/Tk. Provides a GUI and C++ classes to facilitate the development of microprocessor simulators. Requires C++ with STL (gcc v2.7.2) and Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1. Has been ported to Windows 95. Updated: 09/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:bwmott@acm.org > (Bradford W. Mott) What: budge Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/games/budge/budge.tar.gz > Description: Tk based arcade/puzzle game - a cross between Sokoban, Pac-Man and Blind Date (the TV show). Updated: 02/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:np2@doc.ic.ac.uk > (Nat Pryce) What: Bug Tracking System Where: From the contact Description: A Tcl bug tracking system, with a Tk front end. It works on a series of flat text files. In alpha test, but available from the contact. Currently being used on Windows 95 and Unix and supports multiple projects/platforms/developers. Updated: 01/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:pablo@memco.co.il > (Pablo Ariel Kohan) What: Bugdrop Where: <URL: http://bugsystems.hypermart.net/ > Description: A kernel system programmed in Tcl which handles modules, Tcp pipe connections and system commands. Updated: 07/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:cfelde@powertech.no > What: bulletin board Where: From the contact Description: Program based on [incr tcl]/itcl which can be used to store various pieces of info, represented by icons. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:roseman@cpsc.ucalgary.ca > (Mark Roseman) What: Burt Where: <URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/%7Ejmelski/burt/ > Description: A parallel network backup system, featuring speed, flexibility, and reliability. Enables backups from a variety of data sources from Unix and Windows NT workstations to AFS storage and more. Uses Tcl/Tk 8.0. Current version is v2.4.7 . Updated: 10/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:jmelski@cs.wisc.edu > (Eric Melski) What: bWatch Where: <URL: http://www.sci.usq.edu.au/staff/jacek/bWatch > Description: Tk monitor of load, memory, etc. on a number of machines. Updated: 10/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:jacek@usq.edu.au > (Jacek Radajewski) What: C-Forge IDE Where: <URL: http://www.codeforge.com/ > <URL: http://www.codeforge.com/linux/download.html > Description: Multi-user integrated development environment with full project management, edit/compile/debug cycle support, abstraction of the makefile concept, and support for Ada, assembler, C/C++, FORTRAN, Java, Modula-2, Oracle ProC/C++, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Qt, and Tcl. Both a free and commercial version of this product is available. Available on Linix Intel and Alpha platforms, as well as DEC Tru64 and AIX. The latest version is 2.0 . Updated: 04/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:consult@codeforge.com > What: CA-Explorer Where: <URL: http://www.mindspring.com/%7Ejknapka/cellexp/cellexp.html > Description: cellular-automata simulation system. Uses C++ and Tcl. Updated: 08/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:jak@jhk.com > (Josept A. Knapka) What: cactus2d Where: <URL: http://nemo.as.arizona.edu/%7Eswest/cactus/ > Description: Simple program for making 2 dimension line and scatter plots from columns of data. Requires Tcl/Tk/BLT . Updated: 09/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:swest@as.arizona.edu > What: CACTVS Where: <URL: http://schiele.organik.uni-erlangen.de/cactvs/ > Description: Distributed client/server system for the computation, management, analysis and visualisation of chemical information of any type. Uses Tix/Tk. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:wdi@schiele.organik.uni-erlangen.de > (Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt) What: Cade Where: <URL: http://www.ies.luth.se/%7Es94a-lgn/cade/cade.html > Description: An alpha Tcl/Tk/Tix based integrated platform for developing C/C++ applications on Unix in X. It integrates your favorite compiler and debugger with a multi-buffer editor and project handler. You can code, compile, link, debug, and launch large programming projects all from within Cade. Updates continue to appear, with a formal release currently planned for February 1997. Updated: 12/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:s94a-lgn@amanda.ies.luth.se > (Ludvig A. Norin) What: cal.tcl Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.net-quest.com/users/ivler/tcl/cal.cgi > <URL: ftp://ftp.net-quest.com/users/ivler/tcl/uncgi_14.tar.gz > Description: CGI script to provide a WWW-based, dynamic, calendar. Requires uncgi. See a demo at <URL: http://www.net-quest.com/%7Eivler/cal/cal.html >. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:ivler@i-xpress.com > (J.M. Ivler) What: calculator (Booth) Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/math/calculator.tk/calculator.tk.tar.gz > ??? Description: Simple Tk calculator. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:richard.booth@att.com > (Richard Booth) What: calculator (Herron) Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/alcatel/code/calc.tk.gz > Description: a simple calculator. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:david@davids.mmdf.com > (David Herron) What: calculator (Shen) Where: From the contact Description: Simple Tk calculator Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:slshen@lbl.gov > (Sam Shen) <URL: mailto:sls@aero.org > (Sam Shen) What: Calendar / Rolodex Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/apps/organizer/organizer.tar.gz > Description: A calendar/rolodex written in Tk. Also can browse/edit other colon-separated field files. The calendar and rolodex portions are split into source-able separate files for use in other applications. Updated: 10/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:mengel@dcdmwm.fnal.gov > (Marc Mengel) What: Caliper Where: <URL: http://www.sei.com/caliper/ > Description: HSpice TR0 post processor. Caliper reads binary TR0 files and takes HSpice compatible measurements. Tcl interface available. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:martinh@sei.com > What: canvas_ui - a Tk sketcher Where: From the contact Description: a Tk sketching program which uses a canvas and creates Postscript files. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:welch@acm.org > (Brent Welch) What: CAPSTER Where: <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/capster/ > Description: Tcl/Tk based NAPSTER like client. Not expected to be ready for public use until mid-July, 2000. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:keith@cs.oswego.edu > What: CardTable Where: <URL: http://cardtable.sourceforge.net/ > Description: Play cards over the Internet. Uses Tcl/Tk for graphically displaying the cards to play. Any card game can be supported. Currently at version 1.10, with 1.12 in beta test. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:cardtable@go.to > What: CartoViz Where: <URL: http://midas.ac.uk/argus/Software/ > Description: CartoViz is a product of Project Argus, providing visualization tools to scientists dealign with data such as census findings. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:UBFA930@ccs.bbk.ac.uk > (Kath Stynes> What: Casbah Where: <URL: http://www.ntlug.org/casbah/ > ??? Description: Project to develop a content management system for Linux. Project is in design stage now and is open to anyone interested in tools to develop XML, etc. using Tcl/Perl, Python, etc. Will have capabilities similar to Frontier. Updated: 03/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:kclark@cmpu.net > (Kendall Clark) What: CAST Where: <URL: http://cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/CAST/ > Description: CAST is the CNMAT Additive Syntesis tools, which provides tools for real-time expressive timbral control. The Tcl/Tk interface described _sounds_ like it may not be based on the latest CAST work. Updated: 09/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:felciano@cnmat.berkeley.edu > (Richard Felciano) What: Clever Application Server and Tcl Language Environment (CASTLE) Where: <URL: http://www.smith-house.org/open.html > Description: Tcl web server which can serve static content and Tcl servlets. For instance, use Will Duquette's Expand as a servlet and thus use Tcl as a macro markup language. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:larry@smith-house.org > What: Catapult Where: <URL: http://www.memcad.com/catapult_offer.html > <URL: http://www.memcad.com/datasheets/catapult_s.pdf > Description: MEMS layout editor, using Tcl/Tk/Tcljava. See site for other software for working with MEMS, Mumps, Microcosm, etc. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:mckay@gte.net > (Thomas McKay) What: catdoc Where: <URL: http://mac-www.fe.msk.ru/%7Evitus/catdoc/ Description: Extract text from MS-Word (Up through Word 97) files and tries to preserve as many special printable characters as possible. Includes a small Tk based GUI called wordview as well as a tool called xls2csv for getting comma seperated value files out of Excel spreadsheets. Updated: 02/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:bjorn@debian.org > (Bjorn Brenander) What: Caubweb Where: <URL: http://www.schooner.com/%7Eloverso/tcl-tk/ > <URL: http://www.camb.opengroup.org/RI/secweb/dis_clients/oasis.html > Description: A personal Web proxy server that hotwires a browser's cache. Updated: 12/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:John@LoVerso.Southborough.MA.US > (John Robert LoVerso) What: cbb - check book balancer Where: <URL: http://cbb.sourceforge.net/ > Description: Perl script with Tcl/Tk graphical front end for a program to maintain a check book balance database. It can import Quicken export files. Now supports recurring transactions, international date format. Has an autoconf/make build and install system, some multi-lingual support (including a German language translation file), a balance window, various Y2K tweaks, color coding future transactions, better handle Mac qif files. The program requires Perl 5 and Tcl/Tk 8.x. Currently at version 0.8.1. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:curt@me.umn.edu > (Curtis Olson) What: Cbrowser Where: <URL: http://cbrowser.sourceforge.net/ > Description: Front-end to cscope or cs, C source code browsing tools. Requires Tcl 7.6 or higher and Tk 4.2 or higher. Primarily a Unix tool. Currently at version 0.8. Updated: 07/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:cfelaco@users.sourceforge.net > What: CC2Itcl Where: <URL: http://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/informatik/u/mam/IMAM/imamvrs-generator.htm > Description: Generate bindings to get C++ classes integrated into Itcl. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: Unknown What: ccitcl Where: <URL: http://gdbdoc.gdb.org/letovsky/tcl/ccitcl.html > Description: A script interpreter intended for client-side scripting on the WorldWideWeb (WWW). It integrates Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6p1, Safe-Tcl, and the cci extension. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:letovsky@gdb.org > (Stan Letovsky) What: CCVS (Credit Card Verification System) Where: <URL: http://www.hks.net/ > <URL: http://www.hks.net/ccvsdownload.html > Description: CCVS lets a Unix computer act like a Point Of Sale (POS) terminal. Can be used to clear credit cards. Comes with APIs for C, Tcl and Perl to be integrated in existing systems. Can be used for batch processing of credit card charges. Next version will add check verification and guarantee, a Java API and compatibility with additional processing protocols. Updated: 02/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:laura@hks.net > What: CDlib Where: <URL: http://www.multimania.com/cdlib/ > <URL: http://www.multimania.com/cdlib/CDlib-0.7.tar.gz > Description: Tcl/Tk/Tix tool to store the filenames of your CDs and to locate particular cds. Updated: 07/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:cdlib@multimania.com > What: CDR-Toaster Where: <URL: http://www.jump.net/%7Ebrooke/cdrtoast/ > <URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/cdrecord/ > Description: Tk frontend for cdparanoia, cdrecord, and mkisofs, used for burning audio, data, bootable, mp3, and combo CDs. Current version is 1.12. Updated: 12/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:brooke@jump.net > What: CD-ROM Control program Where: <URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/crcontrol > <URL: http://website.lineone.net/%7Edazzlepm/cdrom/ > <URL: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/%7Etaperdell/cdrom > Description: Tk based CD-ROM Control utility that provides mount/unmount/eject buttons. Currently at version 3.6 . Updated: 08/2001 Contact: <URL: mailto:paul@taperdell.globalnet.co.uk > What: cfclock Where: <URL: http://brahms.fmi.uni-passau.de/bs/staff/friedric.shtml > Description: Clock which displays time in words rather than numbers or hands. Updated: 09/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:friedric@fmi.uni-passau.de > (Carsten Friedrich) What: CGI Forms based mailing (Ivler) Where: <URL: ftp://ftp.net-quest.com/users/ivler/tcl/email.tcl > Description: A Tcl script to do CGI processing of 'email the form data' for the programmer. Requires uncgi. See <URL: http://www.net-quest.com/%7Eivler/ > for explanation of the script. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:ivler@i-xpress.com > (J.M. Ivler) What: CGI Forms based mailing (Knight) Where: From the contact Description: A Tcl script to allow Common Gateway Interface forms-based mailing to a specific user. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:J.P.Knight@lut.ac.uk > (Jon P. Knight) What: CGI Forms data formating Where: <URL: http://www.winehq.com/apps.cgi > Description: Tcl based CGI script which allows data to be entered and the results formatted into a nice table. Updated: 02/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:ridgway@taiga.gmcl.com > (Douglas Ridgway) What: CGI to Tcl and/or Tk Where: From the contact Description: Simple Common Gateway Interface scripts for invoking Tcl scripts or Tk scripts. Updated: Contact: <URL: mailto:sgutfreund@gte.com > (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund) What: CGI upload script Where: <URL: http://www.winehq.com/patches.cgi > Description: cgi.tcl based script to allow people to upload their own patches. Updated: 06/1998 Contact: <URL: mailto:ridgway@winehq.com > (Doug Ridgway) What: chatclient Where: <URL: http://home.san.rr.com/dnew/chatclient.zip > Description: Tcl/Tk GUI based text interface to MUDs. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: <URL: mailto:dnew@san.rr.com > (Darren New) What: chichot Where: <URL: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/packages-7.6/x11/chichot-0.12/chichot-0.12.tar.gz > Description: A software agent that assists the user throughout the interaction with the xterm session. Updated: 02/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:wieckows@cs.umn.edu > (Zbigniew Wieckowski) What: Choo Choo Applets Where: <URL: http://www.free.cts.com/crash/c/cwhii/cc_index.html > Description: Tcl/Tk applets that can be activated from within your browser. They relate to the Compact Modular Model Railroad Controls found at <URL: http://www.gscale.com/rrc/ >. Updated: 10/1997 Contact: <URL: mailto:cwhii@ACM.org > (C.W.Holeman II) What: choosexcolor Where: <URL: http://www.teleport.com/%7Emokuren/ > Description: X Color Chooser choosexcolor shows "paint chips" of the X11 colors. If you click one, it paints your root window that color so you can see the effect of a large area of it. Too bad you can't do that before you paint your house. (17K) Updated: 04/1999 Contact: <URL: mailto:mokuren@teleport.com > What: Cicero Where: <URL: http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/%7Eweis/ > <URL: ftp://ftp.uni-frankfurt.de/software/pub/linux/ > <URL: ftp://ftp.rz.fh-hannover.de/pub/linux/local/cicero/ > Description: A Tcl/Tk/Tix WYSIWYG word processor. Also has a TeX mode to allow folk to work with just one tool. Features multiple columns, multiple fonts, various sizes. Requires X, Ghostscript/view, Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/Tix 4.0/g++/xmkmf, LaTeX/dvips/Tex/Metafont (if using TeX mode). Updated: 11/1996 Contact: <URL: mailto:weis@stud.uni-frankfurt.de > (Torben Weis) What: cIRCus Where: <URL: http://www.nijenrode.nl/%7Eivo/circus_data/
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VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number

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What’s New in the VOCALOID Editor V1.0.0.1 Offline Activation serial key or number?

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