Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

PostScript & Acrobat/PDF


Originally entitled the "PostScript and Acrobat Bible" in German, this handbook achieves the seemingly impossible: it covers this tricky and technical field in an entertaining manner without getting bogged down in PostScript programming. It explains how several components work together and how to deal with real-world application and operating-system problems. The author genuinely wants to assist in overcoming cross-platform barriers using MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh or UNIX and, accordingly, neither the book nor the tools are limited to one particular platform or operating system. The 9 chapters and 3 appendixes run the entire gamut, from the very basics right up to Ghostscript and the whole is creatively designed, making use of comical illustrations. In short, essential reading for all technically minded users of PostScript and Acrobat/PDF - from PC owners wanting to get the most out of their laser printers to graphic artists with Macs to system administrators and online publishers. The accompanying cross-platform CD-ROM contains the Acrobat Reader together with other useful software tools for problem-solving and implementing the Adobe techniques. About the author: Thomas Merz has wide-ranging experience of PostScript driver development, PostScript and PDF troubleshooting, tutorials and seminars on cross-platform applications and technical consultancy on PostScript and font conversion.


Adobe Acrobat Desktop Publishing Digitale Druckvorstufe Digitale Typographie Online Publishing PDF Prepress UNIX Web Publishing Windows digital typography postscript programming typography

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17
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Posted by [lying dragon] yachtie_leo

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

Maxthon 3 Changelog

* Optimized the memory usage

New Feature:
+ Supported multiple Home Pages

* Problem when sending emails in Gmail
* Crash problem caused by Bing map
* Blank background in Reader Mode
* Crash problem caused by WebGL
* Some crash problems caused by extensions

* Some audio/video play problem
* No sound when clicked "Listen" in Google Translation 
* Could not delete cookies
* Mouse Gesture did not work
* Lock Tab did not work

New Features:
+ Supported logging in Maxthon Account with connected Facebook and Twitter accounts
+ Supported opening internal pages of chm files
+ Added Certificate Management entrance in Maxthon Options

* Part of high CPU and memory usage problems
* Freeze problem caused by right-clicking on a selected long form 
* Fixed problems when exited the browser or about process remain
* Crash problems caused by WebGL
* Crash problems caused by Reader Mode
* Display and crash problem of Print Preview
* Messy code problem in some sites
* Messy code problem when used Multi Search
* Tab inverse order problem of Last Session
* Drag & Drop invalidation problem in some pages
* Improved the support for HTML5 Notifications
* Improved Extension Platform
* Improved saving feature of Developer Tool
* Improved the Night Mode effect in some sites
* Improved the scrolling efficiency in the page with big size images or amounts of images
* Optimized the memory usage of Quick Access 
* Added "Extension List" switch into MX Cloud Sync Center
* Search suggestion list in Search Bar
* Magic Fill list in Maxthon Options
* Fixed the display status problem of Tool Bar

New Feature:
+ Added the Certificate Management in Maxthon Options

* High CPU and memory usage problem
* Freeze problem caused by right-clicking on a selected long form 
* Crash problem caused by Reader Mode
* Messy code problem when used Multi Search
* Tab inverse order problem of Last Session
* Messy code problem in some sites
* Drag & Drop invalidation problem in some pages
* Display and crash problem of Print Preview
* Improved saving feature of Developer Tool
* Improved the Night Mode effect in some sites
* Improved the scrolling efficiency in the page with big size images or amounts of images
* Optimized the memory usage of Quick Access 
* Search suggestion list in Search Bar
* Fixed the display status problem of Tool Bar

New Features:
+ Added "Extension List" into "MX Cloud Sync" center

* Browser language setting problem
* Keywords displayed different in Multiple Search Box and in page search box
* Page search box did not hide in Retro Mode
* Browser languages loading problem
* Input method input box display problem
* The right-click menu of Quick App icons in Task Bar could not disappear
* Some crash problems caused be WebGL
* Highlight of "Find in Page" did not work
* Improved the support for HTML5 Notifications
* Fixed freeze and progress remain problem when closed the browser
* Improved Extension Platform

New Feature:
+ Updated JavaScript engine

* It could not display search suggestions in Search Bar
* Needed to click Boss Key twice to hide the browser window
* The browser would exit if locked tab when enabled Minimize to System Tray 
* Problem when importing Chrome bookmarsk
* Split line display problem when using Split Screen
* No right-click menu in Downloader dialog box
* Language display problem in installation directory right-click menu
* Could not open a new browser window by clicking the icon in Task Bar
* Problem caused by flash when closed pages
* Crash problem when closed Maxthon
* Freeze problem when switching language in Facebook pages
* Could not save password and verify code in some sites
* mailto protocol jump problem if not installing mail client
* Video play window popuped when logged in Maxthon Skydrive
* "Find in Page" problem
* Improved Extension Platform

New Feature:
+ Initial support for Web Camera

* Right-click menu language display problem in installation dialog box
* Scrolling bar displayed in installation interface in some languages
* Path drop-down list width problem in Maxthon Downloader
* Focus problem after closing Print Preview
* No response caused by js popup windows
* Supported orbit downloader displaying in page right-click menu 
* Sometimes it could not download all links
* Crash problem caused by searching trigonometric functions in Google
* High CPU usage when added some specific links to Quick Access
* HTML5 notifications did not disappear
* Could not invoke Thunder Downloader
* Some wrong blocks in AdHunter
* Magic Fill form did not display well
* Could not close the video popup floating button
* Problem related to cookies
* Improved Extension Platform

New Features:
* Supported login Maxthon Account by Facebook and Twitter accounts

* Maxthon Downloader interface display problem
* Polish characters input problem in Address Bar
* Could not delete downloaded files if there were special characters in the download path
* Could not open chm file attribute links in the browser
* Some pages could not be saved as html files
* Russian spell check problem
* Some data in Magic Fill could not be deleted
* Sync problem of setting background image when Split Screen
* Language display problem in some page buttons
* Could not change background images successfully sometimes

[Webkit Core]
* Website Certificate error
* The sound was still there even after closed the popup video
* It would open a new tab when saving images by shortcuts

[Main Frame]
* Side Bar display problem
* Focus lose problem of Address Bar

* mailto protocol could not invoke mail clients
* Sometimes site background images could not display in Night Mode 
* Sync problem of Quick Access background images
* "Save as" dialog box could not remember the type
* It might lose cookies when switched the browsing mode in some pages

New Features:
+ Supported HTML5 Custom search providers
+ New Reader Mode

[Main Frame]
* Crash problem caused by installing an incomplete skin file

[Webkit Core]
* Slight improvement on WebGL support 
* Incorrect download path when dragged some shortcuts from desktop to Maxthon 3
* The mouse cursor moved following the image after "Quick Saved" Images
* Browsing mode switching problem for some urls
* File name display problem in Source Sniffer

New Feature:
+ Added update of site icons in Favorites

* Optimized the transcoding efficiency
* Improved the browser start-up speed

[Main Frame]
* https security icon display problem
* The tooltip of Safe URL Checker displayed incorrectly
* Tab sync problem
* Improved the interface support for HTML5 Notification

[Webkit Core]
* It printed out the incorrect number of copies
* It did not display .mov videos well through Quicktime
* Maxthon Downloader could not download the programs to a shared computer
* It could not invoke the third-party downloader tools
* Supported searching by drag & drop in address bar
* It could not close Maxthon Downloader dialog box by pressing Alt+F4
* Maxthon Download Manager could not save files into network shared path
* It might fail when downloaded to specific paths
* It did not display the correct icon after download completed
* Some pages displayed as messy code
* Source Sniffer could not recognized the video types when downloaded in bulk

[Extension Platform]
* Sometimes extension status displayed incorrectly in Extension Manager

New Features:
+ Supported saving pages as mht files in Ultra Mode
+ Added tooltip when extensions successfully installed
+ Reserved "Forward/Back " list and scroll bar position in Duplicate Tab
+ Added auto update and syncing service of extensions
+ Supported HTML5 color input

[Main Frame]
* Tool Bar display problem
* Icon display problem in Source Sniffer

[Webkit Core]
* Some language characters display problem
* No response problem of the browser
* Some ads were displayed by mistake
* Page display problem
* Some error pages did not show completely
* Proxy identity authentication did not work well

[Extension Platform]
* Right-click menu of extensions displayed errors
* Focus loss problem of extension windows

[Main Frame]
* Crash problem when logged out Maxthon Account

* Improved the support for the attribute of page input box
* Extensions in Side Bar could not hide when they should do

New Features:
+ New Quick Access
+ Supported playing .flv files
+ Supported HTML5 datalist
+ Updated JavaScript engine
+ Added right-click menu into Side Bar extensions
+ Added search suggestion into Search Bar
+ Proxy white list
+ "Always use Ultra Mode" option
+ Added "Don't track me" option

* Search Bar did not work well sometimes
* Some site icons did not display in Quick Access
* It did not display the error page correctly 
* Gmail Spell Check problem
* Some pages did not display well in Ultra Mode
* Some buttons in the pages did not work
* Could not view or open the folder after saving images by shortcut keys
* The Chinese file names displayed as messy codes in Maxthon Downloader when downloaded from dbank 
* Improved the support for text-transform 
* Improved Magic Fill to support more pages well
* It said that Maxthon did not support MPEG-4 in html5test page
* Sometimes it did not work well when copied images
* Improved Source Sniffer support for videos in cutv.com
* Opening a new tab may cause the browser unresponsive 
* Improved Extension Platform

* Search Bar display problem
* What's New Page displayed each time when opened Maxthon
* One crash problem caused by visiting win8 download page
* Gmail popup window would be blocked by mistake
* Could not get the correct XML file parameters
* It did not support third-party downloader well
* Improved the extension JavaScript Apis for extensions

[Main Frame]
* Failed to delete the data in Address Bar drop-down menu

* Some Chinese characters displayed incorrectly
* Failed to create Canvas
* Blocked Gmail popup windows by mistake
* Improved the support to Magic Fill in some sites
* "Name" of Magic Fill displayed as url in Maxthon Options
* Unqualified extensions might cause crashes
* Improved the extension interface calls

New Features:
+ Improved HML5 support
+ Updated JavaScript engine

* Case-insensitive problem of Address Bar
* Some videos could not be detected by Source Sniffer
* Failed to cancel by right-click during drag & drop
* Failed to download images
* Fixed one security hole
* Video popup icon display problem in Retro Mode
* Failed to fill in correct passwords in some pages
* Could not use Magic Fill exported from Maxthon 2

New Feature:
+ Supported HTML5 Shared Workers

* Improved the graphic rendering.
* The browser did not work when exited Maxthon with the prompt message
* Download file icons did not display sometimes
* Sometimes it popuped several download dialogues
* Improved the path judging for download files

* Crash problem when visited google

[Webkit Core]
* Crash problem related to right-click menu.
* Opening png images would popup the download dialog.
* Image zooming did not work well.* Some extensions still ran even after being disabled.

[Maxthon Downloader]
* Improved download directory checking.

* Optimize Image Rendering

[Webkit Core]
* Reader Mode didn’t work when reading some txt files.
* Some links couldn’t be clicked in Adhunter rules in certain cases.
* Browser received incorrect Screen Attribute value.
* Message boxes failed to prompt in Skydrive page.
* Wrong displays in Maxthon Control Board.
* Youtube.com/html5 didn’t support H.264.

[IE Core]
 * Played Pop-up videos in top in Retro Mode. 

[Maxthon Downloader]
* Exited without clearing downloading history automatically.
* Download task display problem in Download Dialogue.

[Extensions Platform]
* Optimize System Service implementation.

New Features
+New Download Manager interface.
*Optimized Retro/Ultra Mode smart switch logic

[Main Frame]
* The auxiliary information display problem in Status Bar.
* Failed to add urls and titles of Tabs to Favorites via Sidebar.

 [Webkit Core]
*Certain Chinese Character overlapped.
*Crashed when visiting cttbchinese.org.
*No response when opening certain htm File.
*Reader Mode failed to exit when pressing ESC.
*Some pages failed to apply the screen definition.
* File access protocol problem.   

[IE Core]
*Default zoom size problem sometimes. 
* Pop-up videos were pinned by default sometimes.

New Features:
+ Supported H.264 Hardware acceleration.

 [Main Frame]
* Improved input experience for Address Bar.

 [Webkit Core]
* Browser crashed when opening certain mht files.
* Improved HTML5 animation features.
* Failed to open certain pages of kooora.com.
* Fixed a CSS support problem. 

[Extension Platform]
* Improved the interface implementation.

[Maxthon Thunder Downloader]
- Removed Maxthon Thunder Downloader.

[Main Frame]
* No response to the newly registers login sometimes.
* Failed to unlock the locked tabs

[Webkit Core]
* Certain page elements could be dragged&dropped accidentally into search.
* No response when clicking download buttons in certain pages.
* The download dialog message prompted improperly
* The right click menu displayed incompletely
* A CSS support problem.

New Feature:
+ Updated JavaScript engine.

* Side Bar and Status Bar could be dragged if the browser window was maximized.
* Quick App exited improperly.
* Sequence problem of the icons in Side Bar.
* Incorrect task number displayed in Download Manager.
* Tab "close" button display problem.
* Fixed one Inertia-Clickjacking security breach.
* Several stability problems related to Webkit Core.
* The username displayed as messy code in kyohk.net.
* Night Mode did not work in some sites.
* Some page loading problems.
* Two scroll bar problems.
[Extension Interface of IE Core]
* Interface problem in Retro Mode.

[Main Frame]
* Extension loading problem in XP.
* Auto Refresh did not work sometimes.

* Reader Mode did not work in some sites.
* High memory usage problem.
* Crash problem of liulan7.net.

* UI problem when there were few download items in Maxthon Downloader.

New Features:
+ Extension Manager.
+ Developer Tools supported Chinese and English.
+ Supported window extensions.
+ Supported HTML5 full screen API. 

* Optimized the performance of js script execution.
* Icon sequence problem in Side Bar.
* No prompt message when logged-in Maxthon Account with wrong password.
* The drop-down menu in Options might be covered by Task Bar.
* Korean characters display problem.
* It did not use the blank tab when clicked a new page from Favorites Side Bar.
* Side Bar did not refresh when logged out Maxthon Account from New Session window.
* Could not open new windows through bookmarklet.
* Invalidation of “After closing a Tab switch to: Last visited Tab”.
* It could not use Reader Mode when open local html files.
* Download problem of flashget protocol.
* Page display problem related to UA.
* Lack of Referer in middle-click links.
* Focus problem of Reader Mode.
* No transition effect when enabled Reader Mode.
* Download popuped when opened some ico files.
* Page Zoom problem if changed dpi.
* Could not remember the router login information.
* Could not call Maxthon Thunder Downloader sometimes.
* Problem caused by paths.
* It deleted the failed downloads when “Clear Completed”.
* Links without protocols could not be recognized.
* It prompted hotlinks when downloaded in some sites.
+ Added runtime.user.getAvatar interface.
* Some interface problems.

New Feature:
+ Tab Sync.

* Improved Mouse Gesture and the right-click menu of webpage.
* Caches needed to be cleared manually when they worked exceptionally.
* It could not save the certified dialog passwords.
* Right-click menu did not work well.
* Support blob:file protocol.
* It could not open some pages.
* Application cache events could not log in Console of Developer Tools.
* Mouse scrolling problem in some vedio pages.
* Diplay problem of http://www.5eplay.com/ .
* Multiple language support in development.
* Some interface problems.

[Main Frame]
* Display problem of right arrow's drop-down list in Favorites Bar.
* Display problem when dragged the icons in Side Bar.
* "Get More Apps" button did not work.
* It could not select the related folder when added favorites if there were too many directories.
* Search Bar focus lost problem.

* Browser crashed if closed the browser after locked tabs.
* Mouse Gesture did not work.
* Incomplete display of <ol> bullets.
* Page layout problem of ebay and astronet.
* "Browse" could not locate the related folder.
* Display problem of the download dialogue.
* The tab title and the content in Address Bar did not change when switched the pages from extensions.

New Features:
+ Updated Side Bar Layout.
+ Support HTML5 Application cache, Geolocation and Dom download.
+ Support "Do Not Track".
+ Support Web Audio API.
+ Automatic update of Maxthon Browser.

* Fixed a Tab UI display problem.
* Display problem of the drop-down list icon in Quick Tools Bar.
* Fixed a sequence problem of Favorites items.
* The login window pop-up when used proxy.
* Download dialog window display problem.
* Some dialogues could not display in the main screen when used multiple screens.
* Fixed loading problem of the auxiliary information in Status Bar and icons in Tool Bar. 
* Could not visit https sites over proxy.
* Improved the processing to JS alert dialogue
* Improved the support to the HTML5 game "Gravity Maze".
* Improved the support to HTML 5 Creatures and Castles pages.
*Customizing color in Night Mode did not work.
* File name display error.
* Some Youtube videos could not be detected.
* It could not snap some kinds of dialogues.
* "Backspace" did not work when edited blocking rules.
* Invalid in "New Session "window.
* Some interface problem.
* Ajax request would be rejected in script injection.
* PAGE_LOADED triggered twice problem.

New Feature:
+ Switched unsupported AxtiveX pages to Retro Mode automatically.

*Page Zoom setting did not work in New Session.
* It could not login codeproject.cm with the specific UA setting.
* It could not visit local pages.
* Incorrect interception of one download link in 115.com by Popup Blocker.
* Extra spaces adding problem when used correction feature of Spell Checker.
* It could not enter Chinese in some Flash Apps.
* Invalidation of Mouse Gesture and New Tab in some pages.
* window.onstorage event got triggered repeatedly.
* Initialization failure of File System API:requestFileSystem.
* Some interface realization problems.

New Feature:
+ SkyNote (called Online Notepad before).

* The auto switching logic of Ultra Mode/Retro Mode.
* Some auxiliary informations in Status Bar could not load properly. 
* No traffic moderating data if logged in Maxthon Account manually.
* It could not open a new tab when dragged & dropped external links to Maxthon Browser.
* It could not open .url files with Drag & Drop.
* Auto Refresh status display problem.
* It would still open the page if dragged & dropped Favorite items from Favorite Bar to the page and pressed ESC for canceling.
* UI display problem if changed the DPI of OS to 125%.
* Freeze problem when dragged & dropped Favorite items for ordering.
* Some messy code problems.
* Inspect Element display problem.
* Freeze problem related to applet pages.
* Right-click menu display problem.
* Borders were still there after filtered .gif files.
* Some interface realization problems.
* js problem of extension's drop-down list.

* Extension Platform
* Improved the support to HTML5 Canvas and IndexedDB.

* Site icon color display problem.
* Resource leak problem caused by GDI project.
* The browser froze when scrolled the page.
* The data would lose if restarted the browser because IndexedDB could not record the data permanently. 
* Improved the support to game "Cut the Rope".http://www.cuttherope.ie/
* Lack of the search icon in the search bar of Developer Tools.
* Some interface realization problems.

* Extension Platform.
* Decreased the memory usage.
* Improved the support to the search attributes of htlm5 search box.

* Secure URL icon in Address Bar could not be hidden.
* It opened new tabs when pressed F1~F12 keys instead of working on current blank tabs.
* It would refresh the current tab when right-click to refresh the background tabs.
* There would be messy code when "Translate Selected Context".
* One memory leak problem.
* Fixed the display problems of Developer Tools.
* Freeze problem when refresh the any 
* Page display problem of Carrefour site.
* Night Mode could not work well for all tabs.
* Some interface realization problem.

* Improved the support to xunlei.com in Ultra Mode.
* Improved the memory usage in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the browser startup speed.
* Improved the extension platform.

* It did not support open .url files by Drag&Drop.
* It could not move the browser window by Drag&Drop.
* It could not load the icons in Side Bar properly.
* The browser would freeze if switched the category of Quick Access pages.
* The highlight part would not disappear after closed "Find in Page".
* Extra space problem of Spell Checker.
* Context display position problem in Google search bar.
* Incomplete language context in right-click menu.
* Sometimes it could not download files with Thunder Downloader immediately.
* One downloader identification problem. 
* There was no Navigation History menu in right-click menu of "Back" menu.
* "Open All" did not work well in Last Session page if there were some locked tabs.
* Crash problem during the syncing.
* Solved some interface realization problems.
* The problem related to deleting the extension package with multiple extensions included.

New Features:
+ Added "Duplicate Tab" option to the tab right-click menu.
+ Added "Duplicate Tab" to mouse gesture and shortcut keys.

* Improved the support to Thunder Downloader.
* Supported the download from kuai.thunder.com in Ultra Mode.
* Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode.
* It allowed turning pages by "left/right" mouse gesture in Quick Access.
* Used "Modern Skin" as the default skin.
* Improved showBadge() and newTab() interfaces of Maxthon extension platform.
* The browser window restored to an incorrect position after exited Full Screen.
* Night Mode could not switch automatically according to customized time if restarted the browser after turned off the computer.
* Some page compatibility problems about page rendering.
* A freeze problem. 
* A memory leak problem related to flash player.
* A memory leak problem about Webkit Core.
* Some other high memory usage problems.
* Cursor display problem of Developer Tools' search box.
* A security hole problem.
* It could not display Quick Access page when closed the last tab.
* FTP time display problem.
* The blank tabs opened by mailto:could not close automatically.
* The scroll bar of Quick Access could not work.
* It could not open the pages if dragged UNC links.
* Bad function effect of animate() in jquery.
* It could not modify the name when modified FTP items.
* It could not get some HTML5 audios and videos.
* Blocking number display problem.
* Fixed some sidebar problems.
* Fixed a extension update problem.
* ef.json files identification problems.
* Judgment problems of action name response.
* Webpage right-click unlock feature could work on Side Bar extensions.

New Features:
+ New Skin mx:Solid.
+ Add favorite button on the left of address bar.

* Improved boot speed, 10.3% faster than previous version.
* Improved the HTML5 audio support
* Add “Open in new tab” on right-click menu when right click on the link.
* Fixed some XML HTML page recognition problem.
* Fixed some crash problems.
* Solved some page compatibility problems.* Fixed an Drag&Drop problem.
* Fixed process bar cannot display problem when uploading file to Google Docs.
* Fixed input method error in some specific situation.
* Fixed website certificate invalid problem.
* Fixed tab inactive problem sometimes.
* Fixed tab display problem in some specific skins.
* Fixed Tamil language display incorrect problem.

New Features:
+ Updated Webkit Core to version. 

* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Improved the memory usage.
* Improved the support to jQuery - 1.6 x animate.
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Updated User Interface, including Address Bar and Side Bar.
* MxSnap could remember image format.* Improved the effect of font rendering.
* It did not work when dragged some files into the browser.
* It could not modify the text in Address Bar when used some type methods.
* Side Bar Favorites could not resolve the title correctly when saved some sites as favorites.
* Aero area of the main frame might turn to black when exited full screen.
* Improved the support to Webkit extensions.
* Fixed some crash problems.
* Solved some page compatibility problems.* It could use input method when typed in password box.
* It would build an empty folder in the temporary directory when started Maxthon Browser.
* The returned url value of runtime.getPrivateUrl() was unaccessable.
* Some specific download urls could not be resolved.
* Display error of the popup menu when right clicked some images.
* It could cause scrolling freeze in some pages when enabled AdHunter.
* It could use the saved password in some first-time-visit sites.
* It would delete the password when click the drop-down menu of password box.
* It could not remember the last-used password when a site had several usernames and passwords.

* Some crash problems.  
* Some problems related to jQuery.
* Could not open related reading pages in RSS Reader.
* Enhanced the compatibility.
* Freeze problem when enabled Smooth Scrolling.
* WebkitRequestAnimationFrame support problem.
* The original email would be empty after replied an email.
* Some images in pages could not display.
* Missing Plugin prompt when visited some sites.

New Feature:
+ Supported HTML5 Desktop Drag-Out.

* Enabled AdHunter Sync by default.
* External Tools and Auxiliary Information in Status Bar could not display in few computers.
* Some page compatibility problems.
* Favorites List might be blocked by System Task Bar when draged & droped favorites items.
* Maxthon Downloader could not check disk space.
* Memory Leak when downloaded large files from LAN.
* Failed to download Youtube videos.

New Feature:
+ New "MX Classic" Skin.

* Improved the support to multiple languages in Address Bar.
* Updated official skins.

[Main Frame]
* Problem when clicked Favorites Bar.
* It displayed the previous page when opened external links after minimized the browser to system tray.

*Some crash problems.
* High CPU occupation when page loading caused by AdHunter.

[User Interface]
* Sometimes the dialogue box would display incorrectly when deleted an extension.
* The password would not be automatically cleared when switched an account in Maxthon login panel.

[RSS Reader]
* RSS Reader Update problem.

* Improved the effect of drag & drop selected text or image.
* Improved the extension loading logic and enhanced its stability.

*Sometimes Boss Key did not work.
* Some interface elements could not display completely after increased the DPI.
* Sometimes Aero area of Side Bar would turn to Black when started Maxthon Browser.
* It would be blank after ad pictures were blocked.
* The page window would be blank after clicked extensions with flash content in Side Bar.

New Features:
+ Maxthon Extension Platform opened. It supported users to upload &download extensions and communicate etc.there. Please refer to the published SDK in Maxthon From. 
+ Added uploading History to Could and supported manage them through webpage. 

+ All extensions would run in independent processes for improving the browser stability.
+ MaxSnap would run in independent process. The process would exist if finished using the snap feature.
+ Resumed Smooth Scrolling.
* The startup speed of main program increased 36%.
* Improved the support to HTML 5, including Notification and the graphics performance.
* Supported Magic Fill in New Session.
* Improved the logic of Magic Fill.
* Improved the judgment logic of Magic Fill.
* Updated some internal pages, such as History, Quick Access, etc.
* Enabled the data sync of Smart Address Bar by default.
* It could not enter MX Cloud Sync if closed all sync services.
* Sometimes system task tray did not disappear after made Maxthon Browser full screen.
* It would copy a tab by mistake when did some operations in Address Bar.
* Improved the page display compatibility.
* It could not visit the urls input directly in Address Bar.
* Find in Page did not work when enabled "Match Case" in Russian pages.
* Using Print Preview would produce png files which could be deleted.
* Quick Access page would flash sometimes.
* Application panel of Side Bar would popup in the wrong position sometimes.
* It could not saveSaving password could not be used in some websites.
* Sometimes the background of Quick Access page would not sync successfully.
* There would be error prompts popuped sometimes.
* Shortcut Keys could not be reset when clicked "Restore Defaults".
* Tamil language display problem in some websites.* Title display error in Side Bar when switched browser language.

+ Resumed Print/ Print Preview feature.
+ Resumed the support for the third-party content of right-click menu in Ultra Mode.
+ Resumed the support for the third-party downloaders in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the loading speed of blocking rules.

* Some problems when closed Maxthon browser in Windows XP.
* The problem about using the third-party downloaders.
* It could not select the items of Favorites in Side Bar.
* It could not get the file list when opened a FTP page.
* A page text copy problem in Ultra Mode.
* High CPU occupation when used some the specific PAC script.
* The address bar drop-down menu could not collapse sometimes.
* Video popup window display problem.
* Conflict between Smart Address Bar and Chinese input method.

* Updated Webkit Core. Solved lots of detailed core problems and improved user experience.
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module. Improved user experience and resource occupation.
* Improved the support for HTML5 canvas.

* Some program crash problems.
* It could not login Maxthon account automatically.
* It could open multiple browser internal pages.
* Zoom scale display problem.
* File name suffix problem when saved the whole page as a image.
+ Floating button support.
* Some crash problems of Webkit Core.
* Improved page compatibility.
* Some links could not be opened in the background by middle button.
* It did not display the site icon when opened some links by middle button.
* It could not display the content in drop-down list by double click.
* Data error problem of "Property" in Menu.
* It would regard "about:" protocol as searching. 
* There would be "Runtime Error" prompt when visited some sites.
* Some memory leak problems.
* Improved the support for @font-face of css.
* Improved the support for http://www.apple.com/icloud/.
* Failed to block popup window ads if you ever canceled "Subscribe to AdHunter Rules".
* There was only underline displaying when hovered the mouse over the link if the link wrapped.
* The auxiliary information in Status Bar could not display completely if the download speed was too fast.
* It would display fake download speed and then download failed if the download directory did not exist.
* "Selected Items" number display problem in Source Sniffer.
* It could not open the drop-down menu.
* It could not save the password in some pages.
* Flash blocking problem.
* Some problems of blocking by mistake.
* It would not prompt when there was not enough space in target disk.
* Installation window word display problem in some languages.

New Features:
+ Update Webkit Core to Version
+ Enhanced the support to HTML5, including Notification, H.264, WebGL, etc.
+ Added Magic Fill data to sync center.

* Optimized the data sync logic.
* Merged Lock Tab and Unlock Tab in tab right-click menu with supporting shortcut key.
* Added the shortcut key of Show/Hide Side Bar.
* Reduced 15% Browser startup time, 5% Quick Access startup time.
* Enabled Quick Access sync as default.
* The locked notepad would disappear if closed the browser after locked Online Notepad.
* It could not get the site icon sometimes.
* It could not open the files separately by dragging files and drop on the browser icon.
* Solved some crash problem.
* Solved some page compatibility problems.
* It could not copy text on selected URL and text.
* Translate feature failed when URL was including .
* Missing letter when typed in address bar by input method.
[User Interface]* Solved some language display problems especially the words with special diacritics.
* Wrapping problem in some languages.
* General Identities could not work for some websites.
* Auto complete failure sometimes.
* Could not write to configuration when edited external tools.

[Main Frame]
* Tabs could not be closed with "window.close()" in Retro Mode.
* It would automatically open the new page but not the original one if you restarted the browser after a locked tab jumped to new page.

* Solved some crash problems.

* It did not show the prompt when used"Quick Save Images".

[Night Mode]
* Time setting did not work well.

New Feature:
+ Night Mode which supported customizing page element color.

* Added "Set As Background" to image right click menu in Retro Mode.
* Added " New Folder" to the Favorites right click menu and Favorites Bar.
* It would only remember the folder used last time in this session.
* Improved the account login logic.
* Enabled setting sync by default.
* Maxthon Thunder Downloader supported multi languages.

[Main Frame]
* The thumbnail of the browser main window could be viewed in task bar preview after locked Maxthon browser.
* Failed to associate with some file types sometimes when set Maxthon as the default browser.
* Invalidation of locking Maxthon browser.
* Invalidation of deleting some icons in Side Bar.
* Solved one display problem when minimized/closed the browser to system tray.

[Webkit Core]
* Fixed some display problems.
* Fixed some crash problems.
* Failed to connect to the ftp page again if closed it.
* Some pages could not display when login baidu space in Ultra Mode.
* Failed to save some pages.

[User Interface]
* Window display problem when used mouse wheel for scrolling if downloaded a new file in Maxthon Downloader.
* When pressed boss key to hide Maxthon browser with "Always show icon in System Tray" enabled, the system tray icon did not display after called back the browser.
* Sometimes the blocked item icon still displayed there after switched Ultra Mode to Retro Mode.

[Maxthon Options]
* It could not remember "Enable Safe URL Checker" option status.

[Source Sniffer]
* Failed to classify fmv files to Video category in Source Sniffer.

* Some crash problems.
* It could copy only one frame when copied some gif files.

* It might incorrectly prompt to save the password.
* Crash problem caused by Smart Address Bar content sync.

New Feature:
+ MaxSnap: Added printer colors with white. Supported arrow keys to select screenshot area. Supported to adjust the selected area size with Ctrl+arrow keys. 

* Updated Webkit Core with enhancing the stability and compatibility of the core features.
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Magic Fill to support more page types.
* Failed to remember the browser switching mode for intranet websites.
* It would download the image next to the text when selected the text by Ctrl+Left Click.
* Failed to select the correct words with special diacritics by double left click.
* Failed to get the file list when visited FTP pages.
* Failed to get the thumbnail after adding one website.
* Crash problem when downloaded the attachment of QQ Mail.
* Classification problem.

New Features:
+ It supported "Snap Whole Page" in Retro Mode.

* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Maxthon Thunder Downloader supported Thunder links.
* Decreased the installation package by 15%.
* Updated MxWebkit Core to enhance the stability and compatibility.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Magic Fill by which it would supported more form types.
* The tab could still be closed after locking.
* Failed to drag & drop the item to the place you wanted in Favorites Bar.
* Pressing Boss Key sometimes might restore windows.
* There might be program error prompt when closed Maxthon browser.
* Local IP address in Status Bar could not update automatically in time 
* Words display problem of Maxthon account login window.
* Display problem of History Manager page.
* Edge display problem of Maxthon Downloader window.
* The icons in Side Bar which had been hidden would reappear after switching the skin.
* Display problem when used Maxthon browsers in some languages.
* Fixed one language error in Source Sniffer.
* VBS files were changed to txt files when downloaded them.
* It could not go to the related folder when right click "Open Folder" of the item in Download List.
* One problem when deleted download files.
* It could not take effect immediately after changed the user name of Magic Fill.
* It could not use General Identities in some websites.
* The prompt for saving password might appear when click "Next Page" in some websites.
* Failed to recognize some special characters.
* There might be conflicts sometimes.
* Failed to save some passwords with Encryption.
* The password could not display when there were special characters in it of "Magic Fill" in "Maxthon Options".

* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.

[Main Frame]
* There might be repeated icons in Side Bar sometimes.

[Webkit Core]
* Failed to visit some links.
* Error interceptions.

[Trident Core]
* No response of Maxthon browser when visited http://www.icbc.com.cn/icbc/.

[User Interface]
* Icon display problem of Edit Blocking Rules window.

* Failed to intercept some popup windows correctly.

[Main Frame]
* Invalidation of the customization content if switched the browser language after customized Quick Tools.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* The urls would be intercepted mistakenly when opened them by right click in Favorites Manager.
* It added zip file extension automatically when downloaded apk files. 
* Invalidation of clicking "Open All in This Folder" of the right click menu in Favorites.

[User Interface]
* Blank window of Customize UI.

New Features:
+ Added Magic Fill button to the tool bar.
+ Added "Skins" button to the upper right corner of Maxthon main window. Changed the page turning style of skin manager window to scrolling bar style.

* Improved the auto-submit logic of Magic Fill. Supported more websites for auto-filling.
* Pages would be shown as what users set in Page Zoom directly in Retro Mode.
* Accelerate the startup speed of Thunder Downloader module.

[Main Frame]
* One language problem.
* Invalidation of locking Maxthon Browser.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* Using "Search inside the page" after selected some words, the search result of "Next" would highlight incorrectly when clicked "Previous" button.

[User Interface]
* Sometimes the key words in find box did not change in time when searched inside the page in Ultra Mode.

* The rules were still copied to the clipboard after canceling "Shared Selected Rules".
* AdHunter might be disabled if added user rules.
* Sometimes the download tool chosen by users in Maxthon Options could not be used.

New Features:
+ Sync Center. Added Quick Access option into it.
+ Lock Maxthon browser. Supported shortcut key for locking.
+ Added "Clear Address Bar History" and "Clear Last Session" into "Clear Browser History"
+ Enriched mouse gestures and Shortcut Keys commands.
+ Enhanced the experience of Reader Mode.

* New installation version used MX Classic skin by default.
* Restore backup data feature for Quick Access.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Reader Mode.
* Reconstructed Ajax request fulfillment to enhance the stability.

[Main Frame]
* Sometimes failed to run Thunder Downloader through Side Bar.
* "Lock Tab" might cause the problem of "Close Others".
* Failed to popup the browser if minimized the it to the tray.
* Boss Key problem related to Clear History.

[Webkit Core]
* Mobileme could not work in Ultra Mode.
* Some problems in some map websites with Google API.
* It could still open the page when input illegal address into Address Bar.

[Triden Core]
* Failed to close some page popup windows sometimes.
* Failed to drag the text in one input box to another if disabled Drag & Drop.

[User Interface]
* Scroll bar might appear when the list of Source Sniffer was too long in that window.
* A redundant "Undo" item in page right-click menu.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Sometimes auto-complete might affect users' address input.

[Online Notepad]
* Online Notepad date problem.

+ Supported Shift + Right Click on a tab to open its menu once enabled " Right-click a tab to close it".
* Improved the page compatibility of Webkit Core.
* No response when pressed ALT+CTRL+ESC.
* After clicked "Restore Defaults" in "Page Setting" of Options, the path of "Default Save Location" would disappear.  
* One problem of locking tabs. 
* Focus problem when resized Side Bar.
* Download window popuped when dragged some images in some pages.
* No "Copy" option in right-click menu when selected some text in pages.
* Problem of the enabling "Show Close Tab button on background tabs".
* Scrolling bar appeared if one URL was too long in Source Sniffer.
* The setting of Customize UI did not work for new windows.
* Opening a page from Address Bar always activated a new tab. 
* Focus problem when chose to fill in the Magic Fill in its drop-down list. 
[Thunder Downloader Module]
* Language display problem when the first time used Maxthon Thunder Downloader in English OS.
* Thunder Downloader Module might crash when closed Maxthon browser.

+ Maxthon Option syncing. 
+ Smart Address Bar syncing.
+ New style of Last Session, History, Favorites Manager pages.
* Syncing of AdHunter Blocking Rules was enabled by default.
* Optimized the memory usage in Ultra Mode.
* Updated flash player to Version in Ultra Mode.
* Thunder Downloader supported adding tasks in bulk.
* Focus problem of Auto Refresh pages.
* Problem of creating a new folder when imported user data.
* The dialog box did not disappear if modified the nickname when logged out the account.
* Invalidation of mouse scrolling when opened a new Quick Access page.
* Some no response problems of Maxthon browser.
* Improved the compatibility of Ultra Mode.
* Language display problem of the search box when chose baidu as the search bar.
* Failed to user mailto: protocol in some pages.
* File name display problem of Eread download.
* Page number problem of Print.
* High memory usage problem.
* One memory leak problem.
* Folder losing or browser crash problem caused by editing folder in Favorites manager page. 
* Conflict between address bar's auto-complete and QQ input method. 
* Enable to fill in the same username and password in different places of tianya.com.
* Failed to get videos in some pages.
* It needed to refresh if downloaded something to desktop. 
* The folder in Favorites would change after syncing in different places.

+ Supported HTML 5 feature: drag & drop to upload files in Skydrive and add attachments in Gmail.
* Enhanced the logic of data syncing.
* Increased Webkit startup speed.
* Invalidation of clicking tray icons in Task Bar.
* Redundant links appeared in Navigation History.
* Failed to save the setting of "Customiza UI" without auto login.
* Maxthon browser might lose response when runned some programs.
* Some Webkit crash problems.
* Improved the compatibility.
* Disappearance of "Copy" when right clicked some pictures.
* window.open did not use blank page in Retro Mode.
* Display error in Side Bar.
* Failed to cancel the check in select box of Source Sniffer if checked it with no content. 
* Thunder Downloader UI & language problem.
[Maxthon Thunder Downloader]
* Solved the problem of high source occupation.
* Improved the compatibility.
* Display problem of downloading in bulk in Source Sniffer. 
* It would be saved as HTML file if right-clicked to save image when opened Inspect Element.

+ Added interface customization menu which supported customizing Tool Bar/Side Bar buttons and the browser's interface. 
+ Added "Double Click to Close Tab" into Maxthon Options.
+ Added "Enable Drag & Drop" into Maxthon Options.
+ Supported importing favorites from Chrome and Firefox.
+ Supported skin developers customizing drop-down list of Address Bar.
+ Merged Thunder Downloader.  
* Increased the startup speed and the fluency of page viewing.
* Optimized CPU usage in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the favorites menu first-time popup speed.
* Adding shortcuts with running programs was supported in External Tools.
* The time display of Auto Refresh changed after Webkit crashed. 
* Crash problem when quited the browser.
* Some page compatibility problems.
* Incorrect display position of Flash when played some web games.
* Print Preview window display problem.
* Display error of Source Sniffer.
* Enhanced the compatibility.
* Sometimes the setting box did not disappear in pages by Reader Mode.
* One problem that the video would be covered.
* Input method switching problem in input box in XP.
* Syncing invalidated after deleting favorites in bulk.

* Enhanced the startup speed.
* Optimized the gif play.


* Fixed some page compatibility problems.
* 404 error when used the local pages opened&saved by Maxthon 3 from WebSite-Watcher.
* 404 error caused by transcoding “#” in address bar.
* Failed to popup “save as” window sometimes.
* Unable to use Google+ “Start a Hangout” feature.
* Facebook login window popup bug.

[Main Frame]
* Failed to startup the browser in some operation systems.
* Failed to save Sidebar status without auto login Maxthon account.
* A focus problem caused by switching to Maxthon 3 in taskbar.

[User Interface]
* A zoom problem.

[Favorites] * Delay of switching between Group and Folder in Favorites.
* Right-click menu of Favorites folders flickered sometimes.

[Maxthon Downloader]
* “Unable to connect to the website” info showed when opened a FTP link in Ultra Mode.

[Data Syncing]
* Syncing problem of “Edit Blocking Rules”.

[Reader Mode]
* Two mouse response problems.
* Enhanced the compatibility.

New Features:
+ Auxiliary Info in Status Bar.(Such as Download Speed, Upload Speed, IP, etc.)
+ Supported adding favorites sites by double-clicking site icons.
+ Translator names displayed in browser language selection panel.
+ AdHunter Syncing.


[Main Frame]
* Optimized the performance of opening new tabs in the background.
* Optimized the user experience of browsing mode switching.
* Optimized the performance of adding multiple tabs to Favorites.

* Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode core progress.

[Spell Check]
* Only English including in installation package, other languages should be gotten through selection.


[Main Frame]
* Some crash problems.
* Could not remember the setting of hiding Favorites Bar.
* Main Window was always in its activated state.
* One focus problem in Maxthon Options.v * “Syncing…” was always displaying in the panel even when syncing failed.
* Failed to load mxaddon icons when there was single quote in Maxthon account username.
* Incorrectly opened the last session tabs.

* Prompt info of “Upgrade your web browser” when logined hotmail.

* Enhanced the page compatibility.
* One Inspect Element problem.
* Zoom problem in blank page.
* Unable to play MP3 Audio sometimes.

[User Interface]
* “Encodings” position display problem when chose the submenus of Menu-Page-Encodings.

[Side Bar]
* Favorites panel display problem.

[Quick Access]
* Edit bar still displayed even when deleted dials of Quick Access.
* Page number bar of Quick Access displayed error when opened New Window.

* “Download Failed” info prompted even when you downloaded successfully.

[Video Popup]
* The title of video popup window did not change as it changed in Tab Bar.

[Reader Mode]
* Enhanced the compatibility.

[External Tools]
* Failed to add Start menu.

* Failed to use Translation if used this feature in guest account before.

[Quick APP]
* Fixed “Save as Quick App” display difference between it in Main Menu and Tab Menu.

[Installation Program]
* Updated browser icon and uninstallation program icon.


[Main Frame]
* Auto Refresh time problem.

* Solved a sort of page compatibility problem.
* Fixed a sort of browser crash problem.
* “Back” button invalidation problem.

* A display problem of Tool Bar drop-down menu.
* The focus window of Favorites folders could not disappear sometimes.
* Skin hangover problem when opened New Window.

[Side Bar]
* Window panel moving problem.
* The width adjustment problem of Side Bar popup panel.

[Reader Mode]
* An invalidation problem of enabling Reader Mode.v

[External Tools]
* Failed to use the Office software when added it into External Tools.
* Could not add 64-bit apps from System 32 folder.
* Failed to add NOD32 into External Tools.

* Fixed a connection error.

New Features:
+ External Tools. Supported add all system tools and other customizable ones.
+ Supported adjust the item order in Tool Bar and Sidebar.
+ Spell checker supported 10 languages.


[Main Frame]
* Optimized the performance of switching tabs.

* Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode.
* Improved the experience of scroll bar.

* Supported dragging Maxsnap tool bar.


[Main Frame]
* Blank pages being in Navigation History caused page blank.
* Failed to change the cache path in Portable Version.
* Failed to open multiple page documents at the same time.
* Sometimes icons in the drop-down menu displayed incompletely after hided Quick Tool Bar.
* Tool tips of External Tools button failed to update when switched languages.
* Tab Bar failed to refresh seasonably when closed tabs.

* Two kinds of core compatibility problems
* Three kinds of crash problems

* One problem which might cause the browser lose response.

[Video Popup]
* Black screen of Youtube popup video.

[Reader Mode]
* Failed to save the settings like font size in some pages.


[Main Frame]

* Focus problem of Mouse Gesture when opened Online Notepad.

* Mouse Gesture invalidation problem.

* Page blank caused by entering “Navigation History” list in error.

* Display error of the words in Maxthon Options.


* Fixed some crash problems.

* Pages lost focus when closed “Properties” window.

* Google+ image upload problem.

[Quick Access]

* The setting window did not disappear when it should did.

* Some display problems.

* Blank area of the background.

* It did not support inputting more than 12 Chinese characters to tabs.

[Download Manager]

* Problem of “Open Maxthon Download Manager” in Maxthon Options.

[Video Popup]

* Video popup problem of toudou.com.


* Display problem of “Edit Blocking Rules” window.

[Online Notepad]

* Focus problem.

New Features:

[Main Frame]

+ New Quick Access. Supported customizing the background and Multi-page.

+ Print Preview.

+ Added customizing time into Auto Fresh of tabs.


+ Supported recognizing windows.


+ A new skin supporting Tab Bar on the bottom

[Status bar]

+ Tips and Tricks on Status Bar



* Optimized the speed of opening Favorites.

[Feed Reader]

* Optimized the performance of Feed Reader with improving the reading speed and the updating speed.


[Main Frame]

* Redundant black angle around the search bar. (Eg.www.apple.com)

* The main window could not appear when installed skin files if Maxthon browser was minimized.

* Releasing problem of Maxthon browser’s Minimize/Restore/Close buttons.


* Image uploading problem of Google Blogger.


* Favorites Group still displayed after deleting.

* Focus problem of folders in Favorites.

[Smart Address Bar]

* Conflict problem with some input methods.

* Cursor location problem caused by some input methods.

[Download Manager]

* Problem of Copy File Path.

* Failed to download file to the network disk.

* Dropdown menu problem in download dialog.

[Reader Mode]

* Enhanced the compatibility.

[Resource Sniffer]

* Failed to get flash URL on some pages.

* Order problem.


[Main Frame]
* Online Notepad sync failed after setting Proxy like stunnel.

* Newline might lose when copied some words to Notepad from the page.

* Tab would be displayed in reverse order of Favorites when opened all Favorites items in one folder at once.

New Feature:
[Main Frame]
+ Added Anti-locking module for Windows 7 which might help solve computer crash problems.


[Main Frame]
* Navigation History lost by switching browser mode.
* It might jump to Retro Mode and empty Navigation History by clicking some links.

* Browser crash problem caused by exporting Online Notepad content.
* Browser crash problem caused by switching input method.
* 404 error when opened the page which was saved as a single file.

[Reader Mode]
* Optimized the compatibility of Reader Mode.

[Split Screen]
* Fixed 3 display problems of Split Screen.

New Feature:

[Reader Mode]
+ Left and Right arrow keys for page turning, Up and Down keys for scrolling.


- Closed the Options and Quick Access syncing feature temporarily for browser’s stability. Would add back after improving.


+ Added white background for the bubbles.
* Enabled to drag the text box.
* Changed magnifier coordinate to screenshot size.

[Reader Mode]
* Optimized the analysis of Super Next Page.
* Added friendly tips if “next page” was not suitable for Reader Mode.
* Enabled to remember user setting.


[Main Frame]
* Interface display error with high-resolution display.
* A display problem caused by tool tips.
* The dialog box could not appear immediately when clicked “Clear Browser History” in Avatar Menu.
* Sometimes Tab List moved below the close button when maximize the browser window in Windows XP.
* User Panel disappeared sometimes.

* Improved the payment progress of 360buy.com.
* Failed to “Save as…” successfully for some pages.
* Fixed lots of crash problems.
* Optimized some page compatibility problems.
* Switching proxy problem.

* Problems of modifying items of “More Favorites” in Favorites Bar.
* Fixed a focus problem.
* The tooltip information was always there with the secondary menu of Favorites Bar displaying.

[Quick Access]
* It still displayed the old account thumbnails after switching the account.

[Online Notepad]
* Fixed a crash problem caused by dragging links.

* Confliction between double clicking for copying screenshot to the clipboard and Youdao Dictionary.

[Reader Mode]
* Some websites could not load the next page automatically.
* “The Next Page” of some websites displayed some irrelevant content.
* Some websites should not be recognized as for Reader Mode.
* Some pages for Reader Mode displayed blank.
* Failed to exit Reader Mode for the reason of no hiding the drop-down list box.

[Smart Address Bar]
* The cursor in the address bar was blocked sometimes.

[Source Sniffer]
* Fixed a display problem.

New Features:
+ Snap feature supported various kinds of useful markings and global shotcut key.
+ Local Avatar editing.
+ Reader Mode.

* Supported pretreating special characters to avoid download error.


* Music display problems of some music websites.
* Some no response problems.
* Some web compatibility problems.
* Some core crash problems.
* Proxy switching problems.
* Some problems caused by input method.

* Scroll bar display problem of Set Favorites Bar Display Folder.

* The close button disappeared sometimes.
* Page displayed incorrectly sometimes.
* Resizing problem of Favorites in Sidebar.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Auto-complete might break the existing content when changed the content in the address bar.


* Optimized memory usage of RSS background process.


* Loading icon always displayed after switched Google Reader subscription items.
* URL error of the current page caused by downloading link.
* Crash problem which might be caused by Spell Checker.

* AdHunter blog display error.

[Quick Access]
* Quick Access resizing problem caused by Sidebar.
* Failed to use ESC for canceling drag n’ drop behavior of the Speed Dial thumbnail.


+ JavaScript engine upgraded


[Main Framework]
* Sometimes changing settings in Options invalid, it needed to be checked again after canceled
* Sometimes clicking “Home Page” button after manual login account would open Speed Dial but not the setting homepage

* Some page compatibility problems
* A crash problem caused by geo-location
* Authorization certificate failure might cause many dialog popups

[Quick Access]
* Failed to change website url sometimes

[Smart Address Bar]
* Complement function might brake the existing content when address bar content was changed

[Developer Tool]
* A location problem of Developer Tool


[Main Framework]
* Optimized interface library’s drawing ability to dynamic images


[Main Framework]
* After logined the browser manually, the Status Bar information displayed even when disabled it
* The focus might miss when closed the search bar inside the page by mouse

* Fixed the possible crash problem caused by using AdHunter
* When the title attribute value of url was longer with mouse over it, ToolTips might blink and CPU usage would go up
* Fixed the problem that CUP usage too high caused by continually loading resources might make the browser unresponsive
* Sometimes there would be “Failed to connect to the website” when went back
* Failed to call the third-party download sometimes
* It might go back to a invalid blank page when input illegal IP address for direct visiting
* Releasing on a link when pressed the mouse wheel to drag the window, it might make an error on opening a new one
* Favorites sidebar would turn to blank white after Webkit crashed
* Going back to the previous page by “Backspace” invalid sometimes

* In “Add to Favorites” window, drop-down button for choosing the folder was invalid

[Smart Address Bar]
* The scribed rules might cover user rules sometimes

[Split Screen]
* Fixed the problem that enabling Split Screen might cause browser crash


+ Displayed the number of AdHunter ads in Status Bar.


[Main Framework]
* Focus error when login and sync tips
* Tabs of last session appeared when browser was opened next time

* Crash problems sometimes when viewed source code
* Some crash problems
* Some page compatibility problems
* There were no scroll bar of dropdown menu on some websites
* Registration year display problem of facebook.com
* Cache path error
* Failed to display speak button in google translation
* Some objects failed to call the third-party downloader

[User Interface]
* Wrong display position of the search bar sometimes.
* It would display beyond the search bar when the search content was too long.

* Fixed a focus problem

* It might get the wrong result when using simple letters for searching in international version

[Download Manager]
* Clicked "View" button when first opened Download Manager after turned on the computer, the target folder would disappear by flashing past

[Magic Fill]
* Characters missing when input too fast
* Sometimes failed to delete auto complete content by "Backspace" key

[Source Sniffer]
* The source page would display continually after the video popuped.
* The video stopped displaying after popuped.
* Sniffer window might be covered by pages sometimes.
* Some videos failed to popup.

[Ad Hunter]
* In AdHunter rules editor, user rules would be covered by subscribed rules when clicked "Finish" button after choosing subscribe site rules

New Features:

[Main Framework]
+ Sync Center

+ Improve Webkit to 534.12 comprehensive property 32.6%

[User Interface]
+ Integration of avatar and main menu
+ Browser Favorites Sidebar
+ Added Download Manager, Online Notepad, Feed Reader to the sidebar

+ Supported Skin file (*.mxskin) interaction, add Skin Manager

+ Auto subscribe ad blocking rules for common use of websites and global rules


* Optimized image resizing ability.

* Changed the default search engine to Google.


[Main Framework]
* Some Windows7 deadlock problems
* Unable to identify Sync Center incident response
* A text error

* Several crash problems
* There was a red “X” when replied with shortcut key on some forums
* Some page compatibility problems
* Some page display problems
* Quick save image function didn’t work on the images in frame
* Failed to scroll some pages with mouse gesture
* Focus appeared after Flash game popup
* It allows Ctrl+click to quick save the photo album in QQ Zone now
* The first Chinese character would jump onto the screen when used Chinese input method to reply email by Gmail
* Unable to scroll the screen sometimes if the pages had not finished loading
* A redraw problem of page cut
* CPU occupation was too high when opened some pages
* Some pages scroll to the bottom
* Some pages did not support “Enter” button for login
* Attachment selection window has the memory of last path now

* Some operations might cause that close button could not appear under Windows XP.

[Magic Fill]
* Some websites failed to remember password.

[Online Notepad]
* Some websites failed to remember password.

* Fixed a connection error in updating program.
* Added the entrance of forum to the main menu.


[User Interface]
+ Added “Quick Tools” item into Menu>> View>> Customize UI.

+ Target would be saved into Temp Directory when clicked “Open”.

+ Option of choosing multi instances.

[Developer Tools]
+Supported to view cookie.


* Optimized the performance of tab opening, switching and closing.

[Favorites Manager]
* Optimized favorites sync protocol to support wider network environments.

[Magic Fill]
* Supported customizing shortcut keys and mouse gestures for Fill Password and Save Password.

* System style for right click>> “Save as…” window.


[Main Framework]
* Fixed main window AERO missing problem.
* Fixed unable to login Maxthon account problem caused by some Gateway settings.
* Fixed failure to call window after double click Maxthon icon in the situation of allowing open only one window & minimize the browser.
* Fixed problem that Quick APP couldn’t be sent to desktop when desktop track was not the default directory.

* Fixed some crash problems.
* Fixed some web compatibility problems.
* Fixed the requirement for repeated browser restarting after editing Hosts file.
* Fixed source code displaying in XML problem when visited the second page or later of share.popgp.org.
* Fixed the problem that could not to resolve certain type of .mht file.
* No response of the browser when cleared story by shortcut keys.
* It would open two history pages when clicked “View History” of “Last Session”

* Fixed the invalidation of “to the right of current Tab” option.

* Fixed browser crash problem when clicked “Finish” button after deleting Domain List in “Edit Blocking Rules”

* Fixed no response problem of Maxthon3 Downloader sometimes.
* Fixed some file name identifying failures.
* Fixed some Quick Save failures.
* Fixed unable to call Maxthon downloader window problem when clic
k “download” after “Save as…”
* Fixed not displaying “delete” button when “Save as…” objective path too long



* Optimize memory usage

[Favorites Manager]
* Sometime no-responding when create new folder * Groups may cause sync fail

[Resource sniffer]
* Wrong layout when select the whole page

* Fixed a rename problem * Fixed that task could not continue to download after pause a task

[Quick Image Save]

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Easy Bing Maps Downloader 6.17

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