Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1

Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1

Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1

Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1

September 2020: Just accepted in ACS Catalysis: In-depth mechanistic elucidations of formamide catalyzed nucleophilic substitutions. Great collaboration with the labs of Gerhard Hilt (Oldenburg University) and André Schäfer (Saarland University)!

August 2020: Lewis base catalysis as enabling technology: Our newst manuscript about the activation of alcohols by means of chloroformates as inherently safer phosgene suggorates has been accepted at ChemCatChem and is also highlighted as part of the Young Researcher Series. Congratulations to Ben and Tanja!

July 2020: Two new PhD positions in the area of homogenous catalysis and natural product synthesis and radical chemistry, respectively, are available from October 1st 2020. The application deadline is 24th of July.

July 2020: Our group just moved to Rostock University to the Institute for Chemistry!

June 2020: Just published in Chem. Eur. J.: Our merger between organo- and transition metal catalysis entitled "Rapid Organocatalytic Formation of Carbon Monoxide: Application towards Carbonylative Cross Couplings". For the first time we have included graphical procedures.

May 2020: In the course of the habilitation procedure Peter gave his scientific talk about "Sulfolipides - Polyhalogenated Toxic Natural Products from Algae".

Scientific Presentation Peter Huy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument4.4 MB

March 2020: The novel program for the OC Colloquium at Saarland university is now available!

Programm OC-Kolloquium Sommersemester 20
Adobe Acrobat Dokument55.7 KB

January 2020: The final review in Nachrichten aus der Chemie about "Radikale durch Licht – molekularer Baukasten für komplexe Moleküle" is now available. An English translation entitled "Light Promoted Radical Formation – Toolbox for the Construction of Complex Molecules" can be downloaded accessed.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument715.6 KB
Nachr.Chem.2020(1)-80_English Translatio
Adobe Acrobat Dokument1.3 MB

December 2019: On the cover! Our latest review about catalytic SN-reactions in Eur. J. Org. Chem..

October 2019: For all that are interested in Lewis base catalyzed nucleophilic substitutions check-out our brand-new review in Eur. J. Org. Chem.. Thanks to the reviewers to rate our manuscript as very important!

October 2019: The brand-new program for the organic chemistry colloquium at Saarland University is now available!

Programm OC-Kolloquium Wintersemester 20
Adobe Acrobat Dokument155.6 KB

September 2019: Our recent publication in Chem. Sci. about the catalytic activation of carboxylic acids has been highlighted in Synfacts!

September 2019: Our second short review for Nachrichten aus der Chemie entitled "Nicht essen, nur schauen – polyhalogenierte Naturstoffe aus Algen" about Sulfolipide natural products has been published. An English version with the title "Beautiful but Toxic – Polyhalogenated Natural Products from Algae" is also available below.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument404.3 KB
Nachr.Chem.2019-63_English Translation.p
Adobe Acrobat Dokument1.2 MB

August 2019:Our extensive Science of Synthesis Knowledge Update on the synthesis of chloro, bromo and iodo alkenes has been published!

July 2019: Pamela has recently joined the team for her bachelor thesis. We wish her the best of luck!

July 2019: We have won a Wiley Poster Award on the OMCOS in Heidelberg! Congratulations to Ben and thanks to the award committee for selecting our poster.

June 2019:Our recent manuscript on catalytic ester C-O and amide C-N bond formation has been accepted by Chemical Science!

June 2019: For our short review in the May issue of Nachrichten aus der Chemie the journal of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) entitled "Boron Lewis Acid Catalysis: How to Synthesize Amides Atom-Efficiently" is now also an English version available.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument1.2 MB

April 2019:We would like to welcome Philipp for his bachelor thesis to our team!

April 2019:Our most recent work on the catalytic transformation of aldehydes into 1,1-dichlorides is now available at Synthesis.

March 2019:Our most recent Org. Lett. publication was highlighted on the Organic Chemistry Portal. This webpage of Reto Müller contains a broad collection of highly useful informations for organic chemist. Different up-to-date methods are compiled sorted by function group transformations.

January 2019:Congratulation to Tanja on successfully defending her PhD thesis! She is the first PhD student to graduate from the group.

October 2018: The novel program for the organic chemistry talk series at Saarland University is now ready!

Programm OC-Kolloquium UdS Wintersemeste
Adobe Acrobat Dokument221.4 KB

August 2018: Our latest manuscript in Eur. J. Org. Chem. has been highlighted as very important paper and is also published in HOT TOPICS: Organocatalysis.

July 2018:Eur.J.Org. Chem. accepted our novel manuscript about sulfoxides as Lewis base catalysts for the dehydroxychlorination of alcohols. The full paper can be found under accepted articles.

May 2018: An updated program for the organic chemistry talk series at Saarland University is now available.

Aktualisiertes Programm OC-Kolloquium So
Adobe Acrobat Dokument172.6 KB

May 2018: Tanja´s paper on cyclopropenone catalyzed halogenations of alcohols has been accepted by Org. Lett. and is now published under ASAP. Congratulations Tanja!

May 2018: We welcome Ben as our newest member in the team. Good luck with your master thesis!

April 2018:Our novel publication in Chem. Eur. J. was selected ashot paperand we were allowed to submit a graphic for the inside cover.

April 2018:A warm welcome to Marc, whom recently started his master thesis in our group.

April 2018: The new program for the organic chemistry talks (OC-Colloquium) at Saarland University is now available!

March 2018: Our new manuscript on cyanuric chloride mediated catalytic nucleophilic substitutions of alcohols has been accepted at Chem. Eur. J. and is now available online under Early View.

May 2017: We kindly welcome Christelle for her bachelor thesis in the team.

May 2017: We just moved to our new lab 1.01 in the first floor of the Institute of Organic Chemistry with brand-new equipment!

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, Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1
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Organic Master Toolbox for Adobe Acrobat 1

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