MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number

MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number

MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number

MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number

What is pgpool-II?

pgpool-II is a middle ware that sits between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client. It provides the following features:

  • Connection Pooling
  • pgpool-II maintains established connections to the PostgreSQL servers, and reuses them whenever a new connection with the same properties (i.e. user name, database, protocol version) comes in. It reduces the connection overhead, and improves system's overall throughput.

  • Replication
  • pgpool-II can manage multiple PostgreSQL servers. Activating the replication feature makes it possible to create a real time backup on 2 or more PostgreSQL clusters, so that the service can continue without interruption if one of those clusters fails.

  • Load Balance
  • If a database is replicated(because running in either replication mode or master/slave mode), performing a SELECT query on any server will return the same result. pgpool-II takes advantage of the replication feature in order to reduce the load on each PostgreSQL server. It does that by distributing SELECT queries among available servers, improving the system's overall throughput. In an ideal scenario, read performance could improve proportionally to the number of PostgreSQL servers. Load balancing works best in a scenario where there are a lot of users executing many read-only queries at the same time.

  • Limiting Exceeding Connections
  • There is a limit on the maximum number of concurrent connections with PostgreSQL, and new connections are rejected when this number is reached. Raising this maximum number of connections, however, increases resource consumption and has a negative impact on overall system performance. pgpool-II also has a limit on the maximum number of connections, but extra connections will be queued instead of returning an error immediately.

  • Parallel Query
  • DEPRECATED : This mode is deprecated and will be removed in the future release (possibly 3.5).

    Using the parallel query feature, data can be split among multiple servers, so that a query can be executed on all the servers concurrently, reducing the overall execution time. Parallel query works best when searching large-scale data.

pgpool-II speaks PostgreSQL's backend and frontend protocol, and relays messages between a backend and a frontend. Therefore, a database application (frontend) thinks that pgpool-II is the actual PostgreSQL server, and the server (backend) sees pgpool-II as one of its clients. Because pgpool-II is transparent to both the server and the client, an existing database application can be used with pgpool-II almost without a change to its source code.

There are some restrictions to using SQL via pgpool-II. See Restrictions for more details.

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Copyright (c) 2003-2015 PgPool Global Development Group

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. The author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

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pgpool-II works on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and most of the UNIX-like architectures. Windows is not supported. Supported PostgreSQL server's versions are 6.4 and higher. To use the parallel query feature, however, 7.4 and higher must be used.

If you are using PostgreSQL 7.3 or older, some features of pgpool-II won't be available. But you shouldn't use such an old release anyway.

You must also make sure that all of your PostgreSQL servers are using the same major PostgreSQL version. In addition to this, we do not recommend mixing different PostgreSQL installation with different build options: including supporting SSL or not, to use --disable-integer-datetimes or not, different block size. These might affect part of functionality of pgpool-II. The difference of PostgreSQL minor versions is not usually a problem. However we do not test every occurrence of minor versions and we recommend to use exact same minor version of PostgreSQL.

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pgpool-II can be downloaded from the pgpool Development page. Packages are also provided for various platforms including CentOS, RedHat Enterprise Linux, Fedora and Debian. Check appropriate repository.

pgpool-II's source code can be downloaded from: pgpool development page

Installing pgpool-II from source code requires gcc 2.9 or higher, and GNU make. Also, pgpool-II links with the libpq library, so the libpq library and its development headers must be installed on the machine used to build pgpool-II. Additionally the OpenSSL library and its development headers must be present in order to enable OpenSSL support in pgpool-II.

Installing pgpool-II


After extracting the source tarball, execute the configure script.


If you want non-default values, some options can be set:

pgpool-II binaries and docs will be installed in this directory. Default value is
The top directory where PostgreSQL's client libraries are installed. Default value is provided by
pgpool-II binaries will be built with OpenSSL support. OpenSSL support is disabled by default. V2.3 -
Use insert_lock compatible with pgpool-II 3.0 series(until 3.0.4). pgpool-II locks against a row in the sequence table. PostgreSQL 8.2 or later which was released after June 2011 cannot use this lock method. V3.1 -
Use insert_lock compatible with pgpool-II 2.2 and 2.3 series. pgpool-II locks against the insert target table. This lock method is deprecated because it causes a lock conflict with VACUUM. V3.1 -
pgpool-II binaries will use memcached for in memory query cache. You have to install libmemcached. V3.2 -
make make install

will install pgpool-II. (If you use Solaris or FreeBSD, replace make with gmake)

Installing functions

Installing pgpool_regclass (optional) V3.0 -

If you are using PostgreSQL 8.0 to PostgreSQL 9.3, installing pgpool_regclass function on all PostgreSQL to be accessed by pgpool-II is strongly recommended, as it is used internally by pgpool-II. Without this, handling of duplicate table names in different schema might cause trouble (temporary tables aren't a problem). If you are using PostgreSQL 9.4 or later, installing pgpool_regclass is not necessary since an equivalent (to_regclass) is included in the PostgreSQL core.

$ cd pgpool-II-x.x.x/sql/pgpool-regclass $ make $ make install

After this:

$ psql -f pgpool-regclass.sql template1


$ psql template1 =# CREATE EXTENSION pgpool_regclass;

Executing pgpool-regclass.sql or should be performed on every databases accessed with pgpool-II. You do not need to do this for a database created after the execution of "" or , as this template database will be cloned to create new databases.

Creating insert_lock table V3.0 -

If you use insert_lock in replication mode, creating pgpool_catalog.insert_lock table for mutual exclusion is strongly recommended. Without this, insert_lock works so far. However in that case pgpool-II locks against the insert target table. This behavior is same as pgpool-II 2.2 and 2.3 series. The table lock conflicts with VACUUM. So INSERT processing may be thereby kept waiting for a long time.

$ cd pgpool-II-x.x.x/sql $ psql -f insert_lock.sql template1

Executing insert_lock.sql should be performed on every databases accessed with pgpool-II. You do not need to do this for a database created after the execution of "", as this template database will be cloned to create new databases.

Installing pgpool_recovery

If you use online recovery, some functions are needed: pgpool_recovery, pgpool_remote_start, pgpool_switch_xlog.

And, pgpoolAdmin of the tool to control pgpool-II can stop, restart and reload the backend PostgreSQL nodes, and it needs the function named pgpool_pgctl.

Also pgpoolAdmin needs function pgpool_pgctl to stop/restart/reload config PostgreSQL.

You can install those 4 functions in a same manner as pgpool_regclass. However, unlike pgpool_regclass, you only need to install those functions to template1 database.

Here is the way to install those functions.

$ cd pgpool-II-x.x.x/sql/pgpool-recovery $ make $ make install

After this:

$ psql -f pgpool-recovery.sql template1


$ psql template1 =# CREATE EXTENSION pgpool_recovery;

Configuring pgpool.pg_ctl V3.3 -

The function pgpool_pgctl executes the command whose path is specified by "pgpool.pg_ctl" in postgresql.conf. To use this function, you have to specify this parameter.

ex) $ cat >> /usr/local/pgsql/postgresql.conf pgpool.pg_ctl = '/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl' $ pg_ctl reload -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

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Default configuration files for pgpool-II are and . Several operation modes are available in pgpool-II. Each mode has associated features which can be enabled or disabled, and specific configuration parameters to control their behaviors.

Function/ModeRaw Mode (*3)Replication ModeMaster/Slave ModeParallel Query Mode
Connection PoolOOOO
Load BalanceXOO(*1)
Online recoveryX0(*2)X
Parallel QueryXXXO
Required # of Servers1 or higher2 or higher2 or higher2 or higher
System DB required?nononoyes
  • O means 'available', X means 'unavailable'
  • (*1) Parallel Query Mode requires the replication or the load-balancing turned on, however replication and load-balancing cannot be used for a distributed table in Parallel Query Mode.
  • (*2) Online recovery can be used with Master slave+Streaming replication.
  • (*3) Clients simply connect to the PostgreSQL servers via pgpool-II. This mode is useful for simply limiting excess connections to the servers, or enabling failover with multiple servers.


pgpool-II provides a control interface where an administrator can collect pgpool-II status, and terminate pgpool-II processes remotely. is the user/password file used for authentication by this interface. All operation modes require the file to be set. A file is created during the installation of pgpool-II. Rename the file to and add your user name and password to it.

cp $prefix/etc/pcp.conf.sample $prefix/etc/pcp.conf

An empty line or a line starting with "" is treated as a comment and will be ignored. A user name and its associated password must be written as one line using the following format:

username:[password encrypted in md5]

can be produced with the command.

pg_md5 -p password: <your password>


./pg_md5 foo acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8

The file must be readable by the user who executes pgpool-II.


As already explained, each operation mode has its specific configuration parameters in . A file is created during the installation of pgpool-II. Rename the file to and edit its contents.

cp $prefix/etc/pgpool.conf.sample $prefix/etc/pgpool.conf

There are additional sample pgpool.conf for each mode. V2.3 -

Modesample file
replication modepgpool.conf.sample-replication
master/slave mode(Slony-I)pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave
master/slave mode(Streaming replication)pgpool.conf.sample-stream

An empty line or a line starting with "#" is treated as a comment and will be ignored.



Specifies the hostname or IP address, on which pgpool-II will accept TCP/IP connections. accepts all incoming connections. disables TCP/IP connections. Default is . Connections via UNIX domain socket are always accepted.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


The port number used by pgpool-II to listen for connections. Default is 9999.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


The directory where the UNIX domain socket accepting connections for pgpool-II will be created. Default is . Be aware that this socket might be deleted by a cron job. We recommend to set this value to or such directory.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


Specifies the hostname or IP address, on which pcp process will accept TCP/IP connections. accepts all incoming connections. disables TCP/IP connections. Default is . Connections via UNIX domain socket are always accepted.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


The port number where PCP process accepts connections. Default is 9898.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


The directory path of the UNIX domain socket accepting connections for the PCP process. Default is . Be aware that the socket might be deleted by cron. We recommend to set this value to or such directory.

This parameter can only be set at server start.

backend_socket_dir - V3.0

DEPRECATED : This parameter is deprecated for consistency with the default libpq policy. See the backend_hostname parameter definition to adapt your configuration accordingly.

This parameter was defining the PostgreSQL server's UNIX domain socket directory. Default is .

This parameter can only be set at server start.



The number of preforked pgpool-II server processes. Default is 32. num_init_children is also the concurrent connections limit to pgpool-II from clients. If more than num_init_children clients try to connect to pgpool-II, they are blocked (not rejected) until a connection to any pgpool-II process is closed. Up to listen_backlog_multiplier*num_init_children can be queued.

The queued is inside the kernel called "listen queue". The length of the listen queue is called "backlog". There is an upper limit of the backlog in some systems, and if num_init_children*listen_backlog_multiplier exceeds the number, you need to set the backlong higher. Otherwise, following problems may occur in heavy loaded systems: 1) connecting to pgpool-II fails 2) connecting to pgpool-II is getting slow because of retries in the kernel. You can check if the listen queue is actually overflowed by using "netstat -s" command. If you find something like:

535 times the listen queue of a socket overflowed

then the listen queue is definitely overflowed. You should increase the backlog in this case (you will be required a super user privilege).

# sysctl net.core.somaxconn net.core.somaxconn = 128 # sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn = 256

You could add following to /etc/sysctl.conf instead.

net.core.somaxconn = 256

Number of connections to each PostgreSQL is roughly max_pool*num_init_children

Some hints in addition to above:

  • Canceling a query creates another connection to the backend; thus, a query cannot be canceled if all the connections are in use. If you want to ensure that queries can be canceled, set this value to twice the expected connections.
  • PostgreSQL allows concurrent connections for non superusers up to max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections.

In summary, max_pool, num_init_children, max_connections, superuser_reserved_connections must satisfy the following formula:

max_pool*num_init_children <= (max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections) (no query canceling needed) max_pool*num_init_children*2 <= (max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections) (query canceling needed)

This parameter can only be set at server start.

listen_backlog_multiplier V3.4 -

Controls the length of connection queue from frontend to pgpool-II. The default is 2. The queue length (actually "backlog" parameter of listen system call) is defined as listen_backlog_multiplier * num_init_children. If the queue length is not long enough, you should increase the parameter. Some systems have upper limit of the backlog parameter of listen system call. See num_init_children for more details.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


A pgpool-II child process' life time in seconds. When a child is idle for that many seconds, it is terminated and a new child is created. This parameter is a measure to prevent memory leaks and other unexpected errors. Default value is 300 (5 minutes). 0 disables this feature. Note that this doesn't apply for processes that have not accepted any connection yet.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


A pgpool-II child process will be terminated after this many connections from clients. This parameter is useful on a server if it is so busy that child_life_time and connection_life_time are never triggered. Thus this is also useful to prevent PostgreSQL servers from getting too big.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


Disconnect a client if it has been idle for client_idle_limit seconds after the last query has completed. This is useful to prevent pgpool childs from being occupied by a lazy client or a broken TCP/IP connection between client and pgpool. The default value for client_idle_limit is 0, which means the feature is turned off. this value. This parameter is ignored in the second stage of online recovery.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change client_idle_limit.


If true, use pool_hba.conf for client authentication. See setting up pool_hba.conf for client authentication.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


Specify the file name of pool_passwd for md5 authentication. Default value is "pool_passwd". "" disables to read pool_passwd. See Authentication / Access Controls for more details.

You need to restart pgpool-II if you change this value.


Specify the timeout for pgpool authentication. 0 disables the time out. Default value is 60.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


log_destination V3.1 -

PgPool II supports several methods for logging server messages, including stderr and syslog. The default is to log to stderr.

Note: you will need to alter the configuration of your system's syslog daemon in order to make use of the syslog option for log_destination. PgPool can log to syslog facilities LOCAL0 through LOCAL7 (see syslog_facility), but the default syslog configuration on most platforms will discard all such messages. You will need to add something like

local0.* /var/log/pgpool.log

to the syslog daemon's configuration file to make it work.

print_timestamp - V3.4 (REMOVED)

Add timestamps to the logs when set to true. Default is true.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change print_timestamp.

print_user - V3.4 (REMOVED)

Add session user names to the logs when set to true. Default is false.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change print_user.


This is a printf-style string that is output at the beginning of each log line. % characters begin "escape sequences" that are replaced with information outlined below. All unrecognized escapes are ignored. Other characters are copied straight to the log line. Default is '%t: pid %p: ', which prints timestamp and process id, which keeps backward compatibily with pre-3.4.

%aClient application name.
%pProcess ID (PID).
%PProcess name.
%tTime stamp.
%dDatabase name.
%uUser name.
%lLog line number for each process.
%%'%' character

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change log_line_prefix


Controls the amount of detail emitted for each message that is logged. Valid values are TERSE, DEFAULT, and VERBOSE, each adding more fields to displayed messages. TERSE excludes the logging of DETAIL, HINT, and CONTEXT error information.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


If true, all incoming connections will be printed to the log.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


Controls which minimum message levels are sent to the client. Valid values are DEBUG5, DEBUG4, DEBUG3, DEBUG2, DEBUG1, LOG, NOTICE, WARNING and ERROR. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The default is NOTICE.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


Controls which minimum message levels are emitted to log. Valid values are DEBUG5, DEBUG4, DEBUG3, DEBUG2, DEBUG1, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, LOG, FATAL, and PANIC. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The default is WARNING.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


If true, ps command status will show the client's hostname instead of an IP address. Also, if log_connections is enabled, hostname will be logged.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


Produces SQL log messages when true. This is similar to the log_statement parameter in PostgreSQL. It produces logs even if the debug option was not passed to pgpool-II at start up.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.

log_per_node_statement V2.3 -

Similar to log_statement, except that it prints logs for each DB node separately. It can be useful to make sure that replication is working, for example.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.

syslog_facility V3.1 -

When logging to syslog is enabled, this parameter determines the syslog "facility" to be used. You can choose from LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2, LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7; the default is LOCAL0. See also the documentation of your system's syslog daemon.

syslog_ident V3.1 -

When logging to syslog is enabled, this parameter determines the program name used to identify PgPool messages in syslog logs. The default is pgpool.

debug_level V3.0 -

Debug message verbosity level. 0 means no message, greater than 1 means more verbose message. Default value is 0.

File locations


Full path to a file which contains pgpool's process id. Default is "/var/run/pgpool/".

You need to restart pgpool-II if you change this value.


pgpool_status is written into this directory.

Connection pooling


Caches connections to backends when set to on. Default is true. However, connections to template0, template1, postgres and regression databases are not cached even if connection_cache is on.

You need to restart pgpool-II if you change this value.

Health check


pgpool-II periodically tries to connect to the backends to detect any error on the servers or networks. This error check procedure is called "health check". If an error is detected, pgpool-II tries to perform failover or degeneration.

This parameter serves to prevent the health check from waiting for a long time in a case such as unplugged network cable. The timeout value is in seconds. Default value is 20. 0 disables timeout (waits until TCP/IP timeout).

This health check requires one extra connection to each backend, so in the needs to be incremented as needed.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.


This parameter specifies the interval between the health checks in seconds. Default is 0, which means health check is disabled.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change health_check_period.


The user name to perform health check. This user must exist in all the PostgreSQL backends. Otherwise, health check causes an error.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change health_check_user.

health_check_password V3.1 -

The password of the user to perform health check.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change health_check_password.

health_check_max_retries V3.2 -

The maximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up and initiating failover. This setting can be useful in spotty networks, when it is expected that health checks will fail occasionally even when the master is fine. Default is 0, which means do not retry. It is advised that you disable fail_over_on_backend_error if you want to enable health_check_max_retries.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change health_check_max_retries.

health_check_retry_delay V3.2 -

The amount of time (in seconds) to sleep between failed health check retries (not used unless health_check_max_retries is > 0). If 0, then retries are immediate (no delay).

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change health_check_retry_delay.

connect_timeout V3.4 -

Timeout value in milliseconds before giving up connecting to backend using connect() system call. Default is 10000 ms (10 second). Flaky network user may want to increase the value. 0 means no timeout. Note that this value is not only used for health check, but also for creating ordinary conection pools.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change connect_timeout.

search_primary_node_timeout V3.3 -

The parameter specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds to search for a primary node when a failover scenario occurs. The default value for the parameter is 10. pgpool-II will search for the primary node for the amount of time given in case of failover before giving up trying to search for a primary node. 0 means keep trying forever. This parameter will be ignored if running in other than streaming replication mode.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change search_primary_node_timeout.

Failover and failback


This parameter specifies a command to run when a node is detached. pgpool-II replaces the following special characters with backend specific information.

Special characterDescription
%dBackend ID of a detached node.
%hHostname of a detached node.
%pPort number of a detached node.
%DDatabase cluster directory of a detached node.
%MOld master node ID.
%mNew master node ID.
%HHostname of the new master node.
%POld primary node ID.
%rNew master port number.
%RNew master database cluster directory.
%%'%' character

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change failover_command.

When a failover is performed, pgpool kills all its child processes, which will in turn terminate all active sessions to pgpool. Then pgpool invokes the failover_command and waits for its completion. After this, pgpool starts new child processes and is ready again to accept connections from clients.


This parameter specifies a command to run when a node is attached. pgpool-II replaces special the following characters with backend specific information.

Special characterDescription
%dBackend ID of an attached node.
%hHostname of an attached node.
%pPort number of an attached node.
%DDatabase cluster path of an attached node.
%MOld master node
%mNew master node
%HHostname of the new master node.
%POld primary node ID.
%rNew master port number.
%RNew master database cluster directory.
%%'%' character

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change failback_command.

follow_master_command V3.1 -

This parameter specifies a command to run in master/slave streaming replication mode only after a master failover. pgpool-II replaces the following special characters with backend specific information.

Special characterDescription
%dBackend ID of a detached node.
%hHostname of a detached node.
%pPort number of a detached node.
%DDatabase cluster directory of a detached node.
%MOld master node ID.
%mNew master node ID.
%HHostname of the new master node.
%POld primary node ID.
%rNew master port number.
%RNew master database cluster directory.
%%'%' character

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change follow_master_command.

If follow_master_command is not empty, when a master failover is completed in master/slave streaming replication, pgpool degenerate all nodes excepted the new master and starts new child processes to be ready again to accept connections from clients. After this, pgpool run the command set into the 'follow_master_command' for each degenerated nodes. Typically the command should be used to recover the slave from the new master by call the pcp_recovery_node command for example.

fail_over_on_backend_error V2.3 -

If true, and an error occurs when reading/writing to the backend communication, pgpool-II will trigger the fail over procedure. If set to false, pgpool will report an error and disconnect the session. If you set this parameter to off, it is recommended that you turn on health checking. Please note that even if this parameter is set to off, however, pgpool will also do the fail over when pgpool detects the administrative shutdown of postmaster.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.

Load balancing mode


pgpool-II ignores white spaces at the beginning of SQL queries while in the load balance mode. It is useful if used with APIs like DBI/DBD:Pg which adds white spaces against the user's will.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.

allow_sql_comments V3.4 〜

If on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or query cache is possible. If off, SQL comments effectively prevent the judgment (pre 3.4 behavior).

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this value.



Specifies where to connect with the PostgreSQL backend. It is used by pgpool-II to communicate with the server.

For TCP/IP communication, this parameter can take a hostname or an IP address. If this begins with a slash, it specifies Unix-domain communication rather than TCP/IP; the value is the name of the directory in which the socket file is stored. The default behavior when backend_hostname is empty () is to connect to a Unix-domain socket in .

Multiple backends can be specified by adding a number at the end of the parameter name (e.g.). This number is referred to as "DB node ID", and it starts from 0. The backend which was given the DB node ID of 0 will be called "Master DB". When multiple backends are defined, the service can be continued even if the Master DB is down (not true in some modes). In this case, the youngest DB node ID alive will be the new Master DB.

Please note that the DB node which has id 0 has no special meaning if operated in streaming replication mode. Rather, you should care about if the DB node is the "primary node" or not. See Streaming Replication for more details.

If you plan to use only one PostgreSQL server, specify it by .

New nodes can be added in this parameter by reloading a configuration file. However, values cannot be updated so you must restart pgpool-II in that case.


Specifies the port number of the backends. Multiple backends can be specified by adding a number at the end of the parameter name (e.g. ). If you plan to use only one PostgreSQL server, specify it by .

New backend ports can be added in this parameter by reloading a configuration file. However, values cannot be updated so you must restart pgpool-II in that case.


Specifies the load balance ratio for the backends. Multiple backends can be specified by adding a number at the end of the parameter name (e.g. ). If you plan to use only one PostgreSQL server, specify it by . In the raw mode, set to 1.

New backend weights can be added in this parameter by reloading a configuration file.

From pgpool-II 2.2.6/2.3 or later, you can change this value by re-loading the configuration file. This will take effect only for new established client sessions. This is useful if you want to prevent any query sent to slaves to perform some administrative work in master/slave mode.


Specifies the database cluster directory of the backends. Multiple backends can be specified by adding a number at the end of the parameter name (e.g. ). If you don't plan to use online recovery, you do not need to specify this parameter.

New backend data directories can be added in this parameter by reloading a configuration file. However, values cannot be updated so you must restart pgpool-II in that case.

backend_flag V3.1 -

Controls various backend behavior. Multiple backends can be specified by adding a number at the end of the parameter name (e.g. ).

Currently followings are allowed. Multiple flags can be specified by using "|".

ALLOW_TO_FAILOVERAllow to failover or detaching backend. This is the default. You cannot specify with DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER at a same time.
DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVERDisallow to failover or detaching backend. This is useful when you protect backend by using HA(High Availability) softwares such as Heartbeat or Pacemaker. You cannot specify with ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER at a same time.


sslV2.3 -

If true, enable SSL support for both the frontend and backend connections. Note that and must also be set in order for SSL to work with frontend connections.

SSL is off by default. Note that OpenSSL support must also have been configured at compilation time, as mentioned in the installation section.

The pgpool-II daemon must be restarted when updating SSL related settings.

ssl_key V2.3 -

The path to the private key file to use for incoming frontend connections.

There is no default value for this option, and if left unset SSL will be disabled for incoming frontend connections.

ssl_cert V2.3 -

The path to the public x509 certificate file to use for incoming frontend connections.

There is no default value for this option, and if left unset SSL will be disabled for incoming frontend connections.


The path to a PEM format file containing one or more CA root certificates, which can be used to verify the backend server certificate. This is analogous to the option of the OpenSSL command.

The default value for this option is unset, so no verification takes place. Verification will still occur if this option is not set but a value has been given for .


The path to a directory containing PEM format CA certificate files, which can be used to verify the backend server certificate. This is analogous to the option of the OpenSSL command.

The default value for this option is unset, so no verification takes place. Verification will still occur if this option is not set but a value has been given for .


relcache_expire V3.1 -

Life time of relation cache in seconds. 0 means no cache expiration(the default). The relation cache is used for cache the query result against PostgreSQL system catalog to obtain various information including table structures or if it's a temporary table or not. The cache is maintained in a pgpool child local memory and being kept as long as it survives. If someone modify the table by using ALTER TABLE or some such, the relcache is not consistent anymore. For this purpose, relcache_expiration controls the life time of the cache.

relcache_size V3.2 -

Number of relcache entries. Default is 256. If you see following message frequently, increase the number.

"pool_search_relcache: cache replacement happened"
check_temp_table V3.2 -

If on, enable temporary table check in SELECT statements. This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master thus increases load of primary/master. If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses temporary tables and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off. Default is on.

check_unlogged_table V3.4 -

If on, enable unlogged table check in SELECT statements. This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master thus increases load of primary/master. If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses unlogged (for example, you are using PostgreSQL 9.0 or before) tables and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off. Default is on.

Generating SSL certificates

Certificate handling is outside the scope of this document. The Secure TCP/IP Connections with SSL page at has pointers with sample commands for how to generate self-signed certificates.

Failover in the raw Mode

Failover can be performed in raw mode if multiple servers are defined. pgpool-II usually accesses the backend specified by during normal operation. If the backend_hostname0 fails for some reason, pgpool-II tries to access the backend specified by backend_hostname1. If that fails, pgpool-II tries the backend_hostname2, 3 and so on.

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In connection pool mode, all functions in raw mode and the connection pool function can be used. To enable this mode, you need to turn on "connection_cache". Following parameters take effect to connection pool.


The maximum number of cached connections in pgpool-II children processes. pgpool-II reuses the cached connection if an incoming connection is connecting to the same database with the same user name. If not, pgpool-II creates a new connection to the backend. If the number of cached connections exceeds max_pool, the oldest connection will be discarded, and uses that slot for the new connection.

Default value is 4. Please be aware that the number of connections from pgpool-II processes to the backends may reach * .

This parameter can only be set at server start.


Cached connections expiration time in seconds. An expired cached connection will be disconnected. Default is 0, which means the cached connections will not be disconnected.


Specifies the SQL commands sent to reset the connection to the backend when exiting a session. Multiple commands can be specified by delimiting each by ";". Default is the following, but can be changed to suit your system.

reset_query_list = 'ABORT; DISCARD ALL'

Commands differ in each PostgreSQL versions. Here are the recommended settings.

PostgreSQL versionreset_query_list value
7.1 or beforeABORT
8.3 or laterABORT; DISCARD ALL
  • "ABORT" is not issued when not in a transaction block for 7.4 or later.

You need to reload pgpool.conf upon modification of this directive.

Failover in the Connection Pool Mode

Failover in the connection pool mode is the same as in the raw mode.

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This mode enables data replication between the backends. The configuration parameters below must be set in addition to everything above.


Setting to true enables replication mode. Default is false.


When set to true, SELECT queries will be distributed to each backend for load balancing. Default is false.

This parameter can only be set at server start.


When set to true, if all backends don't return the same packet kind, the backends that differ from most frequent result set are degenerated.

A typical use case is a SELECT statement being part of a transaction, replicate_select set to true, and SELECT returning a different number of rows among backends. Non-SELECT statements might trigger this though. For example, a backend succeeded in an UPDATE, while others failed. Note that pgpool does NOT examine the content of records returned by SELECT.

If set to false, the session is terminated and the backends are not degenerated. Default is false.

failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch V3.0 -

When set to true, if backends don't return the same number of affected tuples during an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, the backends that differ from most frequent result set are degenerated. If the frequencies are same, the group which includes master DB node (a DB node having the youngest node id) is remained and other groups are degenerated.

If set to false, the session is terminated and the backends are not degenerated. Default is false.

white_function_list V3.0 -

Specify a comma separated list of function names that do not update the database. SELECTs using functions not specified in this list are neither load balanced, nor replicated if in replication mode. In master slave mode, such SELECTs are sent to master (primary) only.

You can use regular expression into the list to match function name (to which added automatically ^ and $), for example if you have prefixed all your read only function with 'get_' or 'select_'

white_function_list = 'get_.*,select_.*'
black_function_list V3.0 -

Specify a comma separated list of function names that do update the database. SELECTs using functions specified in this list are neither load balanced, nor replicated if in replication mode. In master slave mode, such SELECTs are sent to master(primary) only.

You can use regular expression into the list to match function name (to which added automatically ^ and $) for example if you have prefixed all your updating functions with 'set_', 'update_', 'delete_' or 'insert_':

black_function_list = 'nextval,setval,set_.*,update_.*,delete_.*,insert_.*'

Only one of these two lists can be filled in a configuration.

Prior to pgpool-II 3.0, nextval() and setval() were known to do writes to the database. You can emulate this by using white_function_list and black_function_list:

white_function_list = '' black_function_list = 'nextval,setval,lastval,currval'

Please note that we have lastval and currval in addition to nextval and setval. Though lastval() and currval() are not writing functions, it is wise to add lastval() and currval() to avoid errors in the case when these functions are accidentally load balanced to other DB node. Because adding to black_function_list will prevent load balancing.


When set to true, pgpool-II replicates SELECTs replication mode. If false, pgpool-II sends SELECTs without writing function to the Master DB only. Default is false.

If a SELECT query is inside an explicit transaction block, replicate_select and load_balance_mode will have an effect on how replication works. Details are shown below.

replicate_select is trueYN
load_balance_mode is trueanyYN
SELECT is inside a transaction blockanyYNany
transaction isolation level is SERIALIZABLE and
the transaction has issued a write query
results(R:replication, M: send only to master, L: load balance)RMLLM

If replicating a table with SERIAL data type, the SERIAL column value may differ between the backends. This problem is avoidable by locking the table explicitly (although, transactions' parallelism will be severely degraded). To achieve this, however, the following change must be made:




When is true, pgpool-II automatically adds the above queries each time an INSERT is executed (if already in transaction, it simply adds LOCK TABLE ....).

pgpool-II 2.2 or later, it automatically detects whether the table has a SERIAL columns or not, so it will never lock the table if it does not use SERIAL columns.

pgpool-II 3.0 series until 3.0.4 uses a row lock against the sequence relation, rather than table lock. This is intended to minimize lock conflict with VACUUM (including autovacuum). However this will lead to another problem. After transaction wraparound happens, row locking against the sequence relation causes PostgreSQL internal error (more precisely, access error on pg_clog, which keeps transaction status). To prevent this, PostgreSQL core developers decided to disallow row locking against sequences and this will break pgpool-II of course (the "fixed" version of PostgreSQL was released as 9.0.5, 8.4.9, 8.3.16 and 8.2.22).

pgpool-II 3.0.5 or later uses a row lock against pgpool_catalog.insert_lock table because new PostgreSQL disallows a row lock against the sequence relation. So creating insert_lock table in all databases which are accessed via pgpool-II beforehand is required. See Creating insert_lock table for more details. If does not exist insert_lock table, pgpool-II locks the insert target table. This behavior is same as pgpool-II 2.2 and 2.3 series. If you want to use insert_lock which is compatible with older releases, you can specify lock method by configure script. See configure for more details.

You might want to have a finer (per statement) control:

  1. set to true, and add at the beginning of an INSERT statement for which you do not want to acquire the table lock.
  2. set to false, and add at the beginning of an INSERT statement for which you want to acquire the table lock.

Default value is false. If is enabled, the regression tests for PostgreSQL 8.0 will fail in transactions, privileges, rules, and alter_table. The reason for this is that pgpool-II tries to LOCK the VIEW for the rule test, and will produce the following error message:

! ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

For example, the transactions test tries an INSERT into a table which does not exist, and pgpool-II causes PostgreSQL to acquire the lock before that. The transaction will be aborted, and the following INSERT statement produces the above error message.


This parameter specifies a PostgreSQL user name for online recovery. It can be changed without restarting.


This parameter specifies a PostgreSQL password for online recovery. It can be changed without restarting.


This parameter specifies a command to be run by master(primary) PostgreSQL server at the first stage of online recovery. The command file must be put in the database cluster directory for security reasons. For example, if recovery_1st_stage_command = 'sync-command', then pgpool-II executes $PGDATA/sync-command.

recovery_1st_stage_command will receive 4 parameters as follows:

  1. path to master(primary) database cluster
  2. PostgreSQL host name to be recovered
  3. path to database cluster to be recovered
  4. master database port number

Note that pgpool-II accepts connections and queries while recovery_1st_stage command is executed. You can retrieve and update data during this stage.

CAUTION: recovery_1st_stage_command runs as an SQL command from PostgreSQL's point of view. If you enable PostgreSQL's statement_time_out and it's shorter than the execution time of the recovery_1st_stage_command, PostgreSQL cancels the command. Typical symptoms of this is, rsync used in the command is killed by signal 2 for example.

This parameter can be changed without restarting.


This parameter specifies a command to be run by master(primary) PostgreSQL server at the second stage of online recovery. The command file must be put in the database cluster directory for security reasons. For example, if recovery_2nd_stage_command = 'sync-command', then pgpool-II executes $PGDATA/sync-command.

recovery_2nd_stage_command will receive 4 parameters as follows:

  1. path to master(primary) database cluster
  2. PostgreSQL host name to be recovered
  3. path to database cluster to be recovered
  4. port number of database cluster to be recovered

Note that pgpool-II does not accept connections and queries while recovery_2nd_stage_command is running. Thus if a client stays connected for a long time, the recovery command won't be executed. pgpool-II waits until all clients have closed their connections. The command is only executed when no client is connected to pgpool-II anymore.

CAUTION: recovery_2nd_stage_command runs as an SQL command from PostgreSQL's point of view. If you enable PostgreSQL's statement_time_out and it's shorter than the execution time of the recovery_2nd_stage_command, PostgreSQL cancels the command. Typical symptoms of this is, rsync used in the command is killed by signal 2 for example.

This parameter can be changed without restarting.


pgpool does not accept new connections during the second stage. If a client connects to pgpool during recovery processing, it will have to wait for the end of the recovery.

This parameter specifies recovery timeout in sec. If this timeout is reached, pgpool cancels online recovery and accepts connections. 0 means no wait.

This parameter can be changed without restarting.

client_idle_limit_in_recovery V2.2 -

Similar to client_idle_limit but only takes effect in the second stage of recovery. A client being idle for client_idle_limit_in_recovery seconds since its last query will get disconnected. This is useful for preventing the pgpool recovery from being disturbed by a lazy client or if the TCP/IP connection between the client and pgpool is accidentally down (a cut cable for instance). If set to -1, disconnect the client immediately. The default value for client_idle_limit_in_recovery is 0, which means the feature is turned off.

If your clients are very busy, pgpool-II cannot enter the second stage of recovery whatever value of client_idle_limit_in_recovery you may choose. In this case, you can set client_idle_limit_in_recovery to -1 so that pgpool-II immediately disconnects such busy clients before entering the second stage.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change client_idle_limit_in_recovery.

lobj_lock_table V2.2 -

This parameter specifies a table name used for large object replication control. If it is specified, pgpool will lock the table specified by lobj_lock_table and generate a large object id by looking into pg_largeobject system catalog and then call lo_create to create the large object. This procedure guarantees that pgpool will get the same large object id in all DB nodes in replication mode. Please note that PostgreSQL 8.0 or older does not have lo_create, thus this feature will not work.

A call to the libpq function lo_creat() will trigger this feature. Also large object creation through Java API (JDBC driver), PHP API (pg_lo_create, or similar API in PHP library such as PDO), and this same API in various programming languages are known to use a similar protocol, and thus should work.

The following large object create operation will not work:

  • lo_create of libpq
  • Any API of any language using lo_create
  • lo_import function in backend
  • SELECT lo_create

It does not matter what schema lobj_lock_table is stored in, but this table should be writable by any user. Here is an example showing how to create such a table:

CREATE TABLE public.my_lock_table (); GRANT ALL ON public.my_lock_table TO PUBLIC;

The table specified by lobj_lock_table must be created beforehand. If you create the table in template1, any database created afterward will have it.

If lobj_lock_table has empty string(''), the feature is disabled (thus large object replication will not work). The default value for lobj_lock_table is ''.

condition for load balancing

For a query to be load balanced, all the following requirements must be met:

  • PostgreSQL version 7.4 or later
  • either in replication mode or master slave mode
  • the query must not be in an explicitly declared transaction (i.e. not in a BEGIN ~ END block) when operated in replication mode
    • However, if following conditions are met, load balance is possible even if in an explicit transaction
      • transaction isolation level is not SERIALIZABLE
      • the transaction has not issued a write query yet (until a write query is issued, load balance is possible. Here "write query" means non SELECT DML or DDL. SELECTs having write functions as specified in black or white function list is not regarded as a write query. This may be changed in the future.)
      • If black and white function list is empty, SELECTs having functions is regarded as a read only query.
  • it's not SELECT INTO
  • it starts with "SELECT" or one of COPY TO STDOUT, EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT... ignore_leading_white_space = true will ignore leading white space. (Except for SELECTs using writing functions specified in black_list or white_list)
  • V3.0 -in master slave mode, in addition to above, following conditions must be met:
    • does not use temporary tables
    • does not use unlogged tables
    • does not use system catalogs

Note that you could suppress load balancing by inserting arbitrary comments just in front of the SELECT query:


If you want to use comments without supressing load balancing, you can set allow_sql_comments to on.

Please refer to replicate_select as well. See also a flow chart.

Note: the JDBC driver has an autocommit option. If the autocommit is false, the JDBC driver sends "BEGIN" and "COMMIT" by itself. In this case the same restriction above regarding load balancing will be applied.

Failover in Replication Mode

pgpool-II detaches a dead backend from the pool, maintaining the database service via the remaining backends provided that there is at least one healthy backend.

Specific errors in replication mode

In replication mode, if pgpool finds that the number of affected tuples by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE are not same, it sends erroneous SQL statement to all DB nodes to abort the transaction if failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch is set to false (fail-over occurs if it is set to true). In this case you will see following error messages on client terminal:

=# UPDATE t SET a = a + 1; ERROR: pgpool detected difference of the number of update tuples Possible last query was: "update t1 set i = 1;" HINT: check data consistency between master and other db node

You will see number of updated rows in PostgreSQL log (in this case DB node 0 has 0 updated row and DB node 1 has 1 updated row)

2010-07-22 13:23:25 LOG: pid 5490: SimpleForwardToFrontend: Number of affected tuples are: 0 1 2010-07-22 13:23:25 LOG: pid 5490: ReadyForQuery: Degenerate backends: 1 2010-07-22 13:23:25 LOG: pid 5490: ReadyForQuery: Number of affected tuples are: 0 1

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This mode is used to couple pgpool-II with another master/slave replication software (like Slony-I and Streaming replication), which is responsible for doing the actual data replication.

Please note that the number of slaves is not necessarily limited to just 1. Actually you could have up to 127 slaves (0 slaves is allowed).

DB nodes' information (backend_hostname, backend_port, backend_weight, backend_flag and backend_data_directory if you need the online recovery functionality) must be set, in the same way as in the replication mode. In addition to that, set and to true.

pgpool-II will then send queries that need to be replicated to the Master DB, and other queries will be load balanced if possible. Queries sent to Master DB because they cannot be balanced are of course accounted for in the load balancing algorithm.

In master/slave mode, DDL and DML for temporary table can be executed on the master node only. SELECT can be forced to be executed on the master as well, but for this you need to put a /*NO LOAD BALANCE*/ comment before the SELECT statement.

In the master/slave mode, must be set to false, and to true.

The master/slave mode has a 'master_slave_sub mode'. The default is 'slony' which is suitable for Slony-I. You can also set it to 'stream', which should be set if you want to work with PostgreSQL's built-in replication system (Streaming Replication). The sample configuration file for the Slony-I sub-mode is pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave and the sample for the streaming replication sub-module is pgpool.conf.sample-stream.

Please restart pgpool-II if you change any of the above parameters.

You can set white_function_list and black_function_list to control load balancing in master/slave mode. See white_function_list for more details.

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As stated above, pgpool-II can work together with Streaming Replication, which is available since PostgreSQL 9.0. To use it, enable 'master_slave_mode' and set 'master_slave_sub_mode' to 'stream'. pgpool-II assumes that Streaming Replication is used with Hot Standby at present, which means that the standby database is open read-only. The following directives can be used with this mode:

delay_threshold V3.0 -

Specifies the maximum tolerated replication delay of the standby against the primary server in WAL bytes. If the delay exceeds delay_threshold, pgpool-II does not send SELECT queries to the standby server anymore. Everything is sent to the primary server even if load balance mode is enabled, until the standby has caught-up. If delay_threshold is 0 or sr checking is disabled, the delay checking is not performed. This check is performed every 'sr_check_period'. The default value for delay_threshold is 0.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this directive.

sr_check_period V3.1 -

This parameter specifies the interval between the streaming replication delay checks in seconds. Default is 0, which means the check is disabled.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change sr_check_period.

sr_check_user V3.1 -

The user name to perform streaming replication check. This user must exist in all the PostgreSQL backends. Otherwise, the check causes an error. Note that sr_check_user and sr_check_password are used even sr_check_period is 0. To identify the primary server, pgpool-II sends function call request to each backend. sr_check_user and sr_check_password are used for this session.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change sr_check_user.

sr_check_password V3.1 -

The password of the user to perform streaming replication check. If no password is required, specify empty string('').

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change sr_check_password.

log_standby_delay V3.1 -

Specifies how to log the replication delay. If 'none' is specified, no log is written. If 'always', log the delay every time the replication delay is checked. If 'if_over_threshold' is specified, the log is written when the delay exceeds delay_threshold. The default value for log_standby_delay is 'none'. You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this directive.

You could monitor the replication delay by using the "show pool_status" command as well. The column name is "standby_delay#"(where '#' should be replaced by DB node id).

Failover with Streaming Replication

In master/slave mode with streaming replication, if the primary or standby node goes down, pgpool-II can be set up to trigger a failover. Nodes can be detached automatically without further setup. While doing streaming replication, the standby node checks for the presence of a "trigger file" and on finding it, the standby stops continuous recovery and goes into read-write mode. By using this, you can have the standby database take over when the primary goes down.

Caution: If you plan to use multiple standby nodes, we recommend to set a delay_threshold to prevent any query directed to other standby nodes from retrieving older data.

If a second standby took over primary when the first standby has already taken over too, you would get bogus data from the second standby. We recommend not to plan this kind of configuration.

How to setup a failover configuration is as follows.

  1. Put a failover script somewhere (for example /usr/local/pgsql/bin) and give it execute permission. $ cd /usr/loca/pgsql/bin $ cat #! /bin/sh # Failover command for streaming replication. # This script assumes that DB node 0 is primary, and 1 is standby. # # If standby goes down, do nothing. If primary goes down, create a # trigger file so that standby takes over primary node. # # Arguments: $1: failed node id. $2: new master hostname. $3: path to # trigger file. failed_node=$1 new_master=$2 trigger_file=$3 # Do nothing if standby goes down. if [ $failed_node = 1 ]; then exit 0; fi # Create the trigger file. /usr/bin/ssh -T $new_master /bin/touch $trigger_file exit 0; chmod 755
  2. Set failover_commmand in pgpool.conf. failover_command = '/usr/local/src/pgsql/9.0-beta/bin/ %d %H /tmp/trigger_file0'
  3. Set recovery.conf on the standby node. A sample recovery.conf can be found under the PostgreSQL installation directory. Its name is "share/recovery.conf.sample". Copy recovery.conf.sample as recovery.conf inside the database cluster directory and edit it. standby_mode = 'on' primary_conninfo = 'host=name of primary_host user=postgres' trigger_file = '/tmp/trigger_file0'
  4. Set postgresql.conf on the primary node. Below is just an example. You will need to tweak it for your environment. wal_level = hot_standby max_wal_senders = 1
  5. Set pg_hba.conf on the primary node. Below is just an example. You will need to tweak it for your environment. host replication postgres trust

Start primary and secondary PostgreSQL nodes to initiate Streaming replication. If the primary node goes down, the standby node will automatically start as a normal PostgreSQL and will be ready to accept write queries.

Streaming Replication

While using Streaming replication and Hot Standby, it is important to determine which query can be sent to the primary or the standby, and which one should not be sent to the standby. pgpool-II's Streaming Replication mode carefully takes care of this. In this chapter we'll explain how pgpool-II accomplishes this.

We distinguish which query should be sent to which node by looking at the query itself.

  • These queries should be sent to the primary node only
    • SELECT in transaction isolation level SERIALIZABLE
    • LOCK command more strict than ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE
    • SHOW
    • Some transactional commands:
      • SET transaction_read_only = off
    • VACUUM
    • Some sequence functions (nextval and setval)
    • Large objects creation commands
  • These queries can be sent to both the primary node and the standby node. If load balancing is enabled, these types of queries can be sent to the standby node. However, if delay_threshold is set and the replication delay is higher than delay_threshold, queries are sent to the primary node.
    • SELECT not listed above
    • COPY TO
  • These queries are sent to both the primary node and the standby node
    • SET

In an explicit transaction:

  • Transaction starting commands such as BEGIN are sent to the primary node.
  • Following SELECT and some other queries that can be sent to both primary or standby are executed in the transaction or on the standby node.
  • Commands which cannot be executed on the standby such as INSERT are sent to the primary. After one of these commands, even SELECTs are sent to the primary node, This is because these SELECTs might want to see the result of an INSERT immediately. This behavior continues until the transaction closes or aborts.

In the extended protocol, it is possible to determine if the query can be sent to standby or not in load balance mode while parsing the query. The rules are the same as for the non extended protocol. For example, INSERTs are sent to the primary node. Following bind, describe and execute will be sent to the primary node as well.

[Note: If the parse of a SELECT statement is sent to the standby node due to load balancing, and then a DML statement, such as an INSERT, is sent to pgpool-II, then the parsed SELECT will have to be executed on the primary node. Therefore, we re-parse the SELECT on the primary node.]

Lastly, queries that pgpool-II's parser thinks to be an error are sent to the primary node.

You can use database name and application name for smaller granularity in specifying load balance.

database_redirect_preference_list V3.4 〜

you can set "database name:node id" pair to specify the node id when connecting to the database. For example, by specifying "test:1", pgpool-II always redirects SELECT to node 1 in case of connecting to database "test". You can specify multiple "database name:node id" pair by separating them using comma (,). Regular expressions are accepted for database name. Special keyword "primary" indicates the primary node and "standby" indicates one of standby nodes.

Here is an example.

database_redirect_preference_list = 'postgres:primary,mydb[01]:1,mydb2:standby'

SELECTs will be redirected to primary if you connect to postgres database. Connecting to mydb0 or mydb1 will redirect SELECTs to node 1. Connecting to mydb2 will redirect SELECTs to one of standby nodes.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this directive.

app_name_redirect_preference_list V3.4 〜

you can set "application name:node id" pair to specify the node id when the application is used. "Application name" is a name specified by a client when it connects to database. You can use it in PostgreSQL 9.0 or later.

Caution: JDBC driver postgresql-9.3 or before does not send the application name in the startup packet even if application name is specified for the JDBC driver option "ApplicationName" and "assumeMinServerVersion=9.0" is specified and cannot use this feature. If you want to use the feature through JDBC, please use postgresql-9.4 or later version of driver.

For example, application of psql command is "psql". pgpool-II recognize application names only when clients sends a start up packet. Clients can send application names later on but pgpool-II will not recognize them.

The notion of app_name_redirect_preference_list is same as database_redirect_preference_list. Thus you can use regular expressions for application name.

Here is an example.

app_name_redirect_preference_list = 'psql:primary,myapp1:1,myapp2:standby'

In this example, psql sends SELECTs to primary node, myapp1 sends to node 1, and myapp2 sends to one of standby nodes.

app_name_redirect_preference_list takes precedence over database_redirect_preference_list. See the next example.

database_redirect_preference_list = 'bigdb:primary' app_name_redirect_preference_list = 'myapp:2'

Applications connecting to bigdb database send SELECTs to primary node. However myapp sends SELECTs to node 2 even if it connects to bigdb. This is useful in a scenario: myapp2 sends very heavy SELECTs to execute analysis jobs. You want to use node 2 solely for analysis purpose.

You need to reload pgpool.conf if you change this directive.

Online recovery with Streaming Replication

In master/slave mode with streaming replication, online recovery can be performed. In the online recovery procedure, primary server acts as a master server and recovers specified standby server. Thus the recovery procedure requires that the primary server is up and running. If the primary server goes down, and no standby server is promoted, you need to stop pgpool-II and all PostgreSQL servers and recover them manually.

  1. Set recovery_user. Usually it's "postgres". recovery_user = 'postgres'
  2. Set recovery_password for recovery_user to login database. recovery_password = 't-ishii'
  3. Set recovery_1st_stage_command. The script for this stage should perform a base backup of the primary and restore it on the standby node. Place this script inside the primary database cluster directory and give it execute permission. Here is the sample script ( for a configuration of one primary and one standby. You need to setup ssh so that recovery_user can login from the primary to the standby without being asked for a password. recovery_1st_stage_command = ''
  4. Leave recovery_2nd_stage_command be empty. recovery_2nd_stage_command = ''
  5. Install required C and SQL functions to perform online recovery into each DB nodes.
  6. # cd pgpool-II-x.x.x/sql/pgpool-recovery # make # make install # psql -f pgpool-recovery.sql template1
  7. After completing online recovery, pgpool-II will start PostgreSQL on the standby node. Install the script for this purpose on each DB nodes. Sample script is included in "sample" directory of the source code. This script uses ssh. You need to allow recovery_user to login from the primary node to the standby node without being asked password.

That's it. Now you should be able to use pcp_recovery_node (as long as the standby node stops) or push "recovery" button of pgpoolAdmin to perform online recovery. If something goes wrong, please examine pgpool-II log, primary server log and standby server log(s).

For your reference, here are the steps taken in the recovery procedure.

  1. Pgpool-II connects to primary server's template1 database as user = recovery_user, password = recovery_password.
  2. Primary server executes pgpool_recovery function.
  3. pgpool_recovery function executes recovery_1st_stage_command. Note that PostgreSQL executes functions with database cluster as the current directory. Thus recovery_1st_stage_command is executed in the database cluster directory.
  4. Primary server executes pgpool_remote_start function. This function executes a script named "pgpool_remote_start" in the database cluster directory, and it executes pg_ctl command on the standby server to be recovered via ssh. pg_ctl will start postmaster in background. So we need to make sure that postmaster on the standby actually starts.
  5. pgpool-II tries to connect to the standby PostgreSQL as user = recovery_user and password = recovery_password. The database to be connected is "postgres" if possible. Otherwise "template1" is used. pgpool-II retries for recovery_timeout seconds. If success, go to next step.
  6. If failback_command is not empty, pgpool-II parent process executes the script.
  7. After failback_command finishes, pgpool-II restart all child processes.

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DEPRECATED : This mode is deprecated and will be removed in the future release (possibly 3.5).

This mode activates parallel execution of queries. Tables can be split, and data distributed to each node. Moreover, the replication and the load balancing features can be used at the same time. In parallel mode, replication_mode and load_balance_mode are set to true in pgpool.conf, master_slave is set to false, and parallel_mode is set to true. When you change this parameter, restart pgpool-II.

Configuring the System DB

To use the parallel mode, the System DB must be configured properly. The System DB contains rules, stored in a table, to choose an appropriate backend to send partitioned data to. The System DB does not need to be created on the same host as pgpool-II. The System DB's configuration is done in .


The hostname where the System DB exists. When this starts with "/", this is regarded as a directory name containing socket files, and UNIX domain socket is used to access instead of TCP/IP. When this is empty, is used.


The port number for the System DB


The partitioning rules and other information will be defined in the database specified here. Default value is: .


The partitioning rules and other information will be defined in the schema specified here. Default value is: .


The user name to connect to the System DB.


The password for the System DB. If no password is necessary, set the empty string ('').

Initial Configuration of the System DB

First, create the database and schema specified in the file. A sample script can be found in . If you have specified a different database name or schema, change them accordingly in the script.

psql -f $prefix/share/system_db.sql pgpool

Registering a Partitioning Rule

The rules for data partitioning must be registered into the table.

CREATE TABLE pgpool_catalog.dist_def( dbname TEXT, -- database name schema_name TEXT, -- schema name table_name TEXT, -- table name col_name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (col_name = ANY (col_list)), -- partitioning key column name col_list TEXT[] NOT NULL, -- names of table attributes type_list TEXT[] NOT NULL, -- types of table attributes dist_def_func TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the partitioning rule function PRIMARY KEY (dbname,schema_name,table_name) );

Registering a Replication Rule

Tables that are not distributed have to be replicated. When a query joins a distributed table with another table, pgpool gets the replication information from the pgpool_catalog.replicate_def table. A table has to be either replicated or distributed.

CREATE TABLE pgpool_catalog.replicate_def( dbname TEXT, -- database name schema_name TEXT, -- schema name table_name TEXT, --table name col_list TEXT[] NOT NULL, -- names of table attributes type_list TEXT[] NOT NULL, -- types of table attributes PRIMARY KEY (dbname,schema_name,table_name) );

Example for partitioning the pgbench tables

In this example, the accounts table is partitioned, and the branches and tellers table are replicated. The accounts table and the branches table are joined by bid. The branches table is registered into the replication table. If the three tables (accounts, branches, and tellers) are to be joined, it is necessary to register a replication rule for the tellers table too.

INSERT INTO pgpool_catalog.dist_def VALUES ( 'pgpool', 'public', 'accounts', 'aid', ARRAY['aid','bid','abalance','filler'], ARRAY['integer','integer','integer','character(84)'], 'pgpool_catalog.dist_def_accounts' ); INSERT INTO pgpool_catalog.replicate_def VALUES ( 'pgpool', 'public', 'branches', ARRAY['bid','bbalance','filler'], ARRAY['integer','integer','character(84)'] );

The partitioning rule function (here, pgpool_catalog.dist_def_accounts) takes a value for the partitioning key column, and returns the corresponding DB node ID. Note that the node ID must start from 0. Below is an example of this function for pgbench.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgpool_catalog.dist_def_accounts (val ANYELEMENT) RETURNS INTEGER AS ' SELECT CASE WHEN $1 >= 1 and $1 <= 30000 THEN 0 WHEN $1 > 30000 and $1 <= 60000 THEN 1 ELSE 2
Источник: []
, MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number
Freeware Utilities for Windows

All the utilities and tools in this Web site are compressed in a ZIP file. If you don't have a software that can open a ZIP file, you can download the CAM UnZip utility. CAM UnZip is a small freeware utility that allows you to easily extract files from any ZIP file. You can also download 7-Zip archive manager - very good archive manager that allows you to open ZIP files and others archive formats.
For more information about installing the utilities at this Web site, click here
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Password Recovery Utilities
Network Monitoring Tools
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Video/Audio Related Utilities
Internet Related Utilities
Desktop Utilities
Outlook/Office Utilities
Programmer Tools
Disk Utilities
System Utilities
Other Utilities

Password Recovery Utilities
The utilities provided in the following section are for password recovery and educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used for illegal purposes.

WebBrowserPassView v2.07
WebBrowserPassView is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored by the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 - 8.0), Mozilla Firefox (All Versions), Google Chrome, and Opera. This tool can be used to recover your lost/forgotten password of any Website, including popular Web sites, like Facebook, Yahoo, Google, and GMail, as long as the password is stored by your Web Browser. After retrieving your lost passwords, you can save them into text/html/csv/xml file, by using the 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S).
IE PassView v1.42
IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new Internet Explorer 7.0-11.0, as well as older versions of Internet explorer, v4.0 - v6.0

PasswordFox v1.66
PasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Record Index, Web Site, User Name, Password, User Name Field, Password Field, and the Signons filename.

ChromePass v1.52
ChromePass is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password, and Created Time. You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file or copy them to the clipboard.

WirelessKeyView v2.11
WirelessKeyView recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by the 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service of Windows XP and by the 'WLAN AutoConfig' service of Windows Vista. It allows you to easily save all keys to text/html/xml file, or copy a single key to the clipboard.

Network Password Recovery v1.55
When you connect to a network share on your LAN or to your .NET Passport/Messenger account, Windows XP/Vista allows you to save your password in order to use it in each time that you connect the remote server. This utility recovers all network passwords stored on your system for the current logged-on user.
BulletsPassView v1.32
BulletsPassView is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored behind the bullets in the standard password text-box of Windows operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser. After revealing the passwords, you can easily copy them to the clipboard or save them into text/html/csv/xml file.

Mail PassView v1.91 - Email Password Recovery
Recovers the passwords and other email accounts information of the following email applications: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3/SMTP Accounts only), Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016, Windows Mail, IncrediMail, Eudora, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird,

PstPassword v1.20
PstPassword is a small utility that recover lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file.

RouterPassView v1.89
Most modern routers allow you to backup the configuration of the router into a file, and then restore the configuration from the file when it's needed.
The backup file of the router usually contains important data like your ISP user name/password, the login password of the router, and wireless network keys. If you lost one of these password/keys, but you still have a backup file of your router configuration, RouterPassView might help you to recover your lost password from your router file.

VaultPasswordView v1.10
VaultPasswordView is a simple tool for Windows 10/8/7 that decrypts and displays the passwords and other data stored inside 'Windows Vault'. You can use it to decrypt the Windows Vault data of your currently running system, as well as the Windows Vault data stored on external hard drive.
CredentialsFileView v1.10
CredentialsFileView is a simple tool for Windows that decrypts and displays the passwords and other data stored inside Credentials files of Windows. You can use it to decrypt the Credentials data of your currently running system, as well as the Credentials data stored on external hard drive.
EncryptedRegView v1.03
EncryptedRegView is a tool for Windows that scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it and displays the decrypted data in the main window of EncryptedRegView. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft products as well as by 3-party products.
DataProtectionDecryptor v1.10
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.
Remote Desktop PassView v1.02
Remote Desktop PassView is a small utility that reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection utility inside .rdp files.

SecurityQuestionsView v1.00
SecurityQuestionsView is a tool for Windows 10 that allows you to view the security questions and their answers stored in the Registry by Windows 10 operating system. SecurityQuestionsView can decrypt the security questions stored on your current running system (Requires elevation) and it can also decrypt the security questions stored on external hard drive. SecurityQuestionsView displays the security questions of all users on your system that chose to set their security questions, for every user there are usually 3 questions.
OperaPassView v1.10
OperaPassView is a small password recovery tool that decrypts the content of the Opera Web browser password file (wand.dat) and displays the list of all Web site passwords stored in this file. You can easily select one or more passwords in the OperaPassView window, and then copy the passwords list to the clipboard and save it into text/html/csv/xml file.

LSASecretsView v1.25
LSASecretsView is a small utility that displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer. The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policy\Secrets and may contain your RAS/VPN passwords, Autologon password, and other system passwords/keys.

LSASecretsDump v1.21
LSASecretsDump is a small console application that extract the LSA secrets from the Registry, decrypt them, and dump them into the console window. The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policy\Secrets and may contain your RAS/VPN passwords, Autologon password, and other system passwords/keys.
This utility is the console version of LSASecretsView.

PCAnywhere PassView v1.11
Reveals the passwords stored in PCAnywhere items. Both login information and the protection passwords are revealed instantly.

Access PassView v1.12
This utility reveals the database password of every password-protected mdb file that created with Microsoft Access 95/97/2000/XP or with Jet Database Engine 3.0/4.0
It can be very useful if you forgot your Access Database password and you want to recover it.

Win9x PassView v1.1
The Win9x PassView utility reveals the passwords stored on your computer by Windows 95/98 operating system.

Content Advisor Password Remover v1.01
Removes the Content Advisor password in Internet Explorer (versions 4.x and above).
Visual C++ Source code is included.

Enterprise Manager PassView v1.00
Reveals the passwords that SQL Server Enterprise Manager stores on your computer.

VNCPassView v1.05
VNCPassView is a small utility that recover the passwords stored by the VNC tool. It can recover 2 of passwords: password stored for the current logged-on user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the Registry), and password stored for the all users.
Dialupass v3.61 - Dialup Password Recovery
This utility enumerates all dialup/VPN entries on your computers, and displays their logon details: User Name, Password, and Domain. You can use it to recover a lost password of your Internet connection or VPN.
Dialupass also allows you to save the dialup/VPN list into text/html/csv/xml file, or copy it to the clipboard.
MessenPass v1.43 - Instant Messenger Password Recovery
MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications: MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger (In Windows XP), Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista), Yahoo Messenger (Version 5.x/6.x), ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger, AIM 6.x, AIM Pro, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM.
AsterWin IE v1.03
This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. You can use it for recovering a lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer.
It was developed in Visual Basic environment and requires the Visual Basic Runtime library.
Source code is included !

SmartSniff v2.29
SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS)
WifiChannelMonitor v1.60
WifiChannelMonitor captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver in monitor mode, and displays extensive information about access points and the wifi clients connected to them. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs (network names) that they are trying to connect. For every access point, the following information is displayed: SSID, MAC Address, Device Manufacturer , PHY Type, Channel, RSSI, Security, Beacons Count, Probe Responses Count, Data Bytes, Retransmitted Data Bytes, and more... For every client, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Device Manufacturer, SSID list that the client tries to connect, Sent Data Bytes, Received Data Bytes, Probe Requests Count, and more...
NetworkTrafficView v2.30
NetworkTrafficView is a network monitoring tool that captures the packets pass through your network adapter, and displays general statistics about your network traffic. The packets statistics is grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports. For every statistics line, the following information is displayed: Ethernet Type (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), Source Address, Destination Address, Source Port, Destination Port, Service Name (http, ftp, and so on), Packets Count, Total Packets Size, Total Data Size, Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Average Packet Size, First/Last Packet Time, Duration, and process ID/Name (For TCP connections).
HTTPNetworkSniffer v1.63
HTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table. For every HTTP request, the following information is displayed: Host Name, HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD), URL Path, User Agent, Response Code, Response String, Content Type, Referer, Content Encoding, Transfer Encoding, Server Name, Content Length, Cookie String, and more... You can easily select one or more HTTP information lines, and then export them to text/html/xml/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel.
AppNetworkCounter v1.40
AppNetworkCounter is a simple tool for Windows that counts and displays the number of TCP/UDP bytes and packets sent and received by every application on your system. For every application, the following information is displayed: the number of sent and received bytes, number of sent and received packets, number of sent/received IPv4 bytes, and number of sent/received IPv6 bytes. It also displays the version information of the application - Product Name, Product Version, File Description, and Company Name.
LiveTcpUdpWatch v1.32
LiveTcpUdpWatch is a tool for Windows that displays live information about all TCP and UDP activity on your system. Every line in the main table of LiveTcpUdpWatch displays the protocol (TCP/UDP/IPv4/IPv6), local/remote IP address, local/remote port, number of sent/received bytes, number of sent/received packets, connect/disconnect time (For TCP only), and the process (ID and path) responsible for this activity.
PingInfoView v2.05
PingInfoView is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. It automatically ping to all hosts every number of seconds that you specify, and displays the number of succeed and failed pings, as well as the average ping time. You can also save the ping result into text/html/xml file, or copy it to the clipboard.
WifiInfoView v2.65
WifiInfoView scans the wireless networks in your area and displays extensive information about them, including: Network Name (SSID), MAC Address, PHY Type (802.11g or 802.11n), RSSI, Signal Quality, Frequency, Channel Number, Maximum Speed, Company Name, Router Model and Router Name (Only for routers that provides this information), and more... When you select a wireless network in the upper pane of this tool, the lower pane displays the Wi-Fi information elements received from this device, in hexadecimal format. WifiInfoView also has a summary mode, which displays a summary of all detected wireless networks, grouped by channel number, company that manufactured the router, PHY type, or the maximum speed.
SocketSniff v1.11
SocketSniff allows you to watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process.
For each created socket, the following information is displayed: socket handle, socket type, local and remote addresses, local and remote ports, total number of send/receive bytes, and more. You can also watch the content of each send or receive call, in Ascii mode or as Hex Dump.
CurrPorts v2.62
CurrPorts is a network monitoring software that displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it.
In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file.
CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons)
TcpLogView v1.32
TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a new log line every time that a TCP connection is opened or closed. For every log line, the following information is displayed: Even Time, Event Type (Open, Close, Listen), Local Address, Remote Address, Remote Host Name, Local Port, Remote Port, Process ID, Process Name, and the country information of the Remote IP (Requires to download IP to country file separately.)
ProcessTCPSummary v1.11
ProcessTCPSummary is a simple tool for Windows that displays a summary of all process that have TCP connections or listening UDP ports. For every process, this tool displays the total number of TCP connections, number of TCP connections for each status (Established, Listening, Syn-Sent, Syn-Received...), number of IPv4 TCP connections, number of IPv6 TCP connections, common port numbers, and more... If you run ProcessTCPSummary as Administrator, you can also watch the number of TCP/UDP bytes sent and received by every process as well as the current send/receive speed.
NetworkConnectLog v1.12
NetworkConnectLog is a simple utility that repeatedly scans your local area network (Using ARP and Netbios protocols) and add a new log line every time that a new computer or device connects to your network, and when a computer or device disconnects from your network. After the connect/disconnect log lines are accumulated, you can easily export the log lines to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html/xml file.
NetworkLatencyView v1.65
NetworkLatencyView is a simple tool for Windows that listens to the TCP connections on your system and calculates the network latency (in milliseconds) for every new TCP connection detected on your system. For every IP address, NetworkLatencyView displays up to 10 network latency values, and their average. The latency value calculated by NetworkLatencyView is very similar to the result you get from pinging to the same IP address. NetworkLatencyView also allows you to easily export the latency information to text/csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, or copy the information to the clipboard and then paste it to Excel or other application.
DNSQuerySniffer v1.81
DNSQuerySniffer is a network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your system. For every DNS query, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Port Number, Query ID, Request Type (A, AAAA, NS, MX, and so on), Request Time, Response Time, Duration, Response Code, Number of records, and the content of the returned DNS records. You can easily export the DNS queries information to csv/tab-delimited/xml/html file, or copy the DNS queries to the clipboard, and then paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application.
WhoIsConnectedSniffer v1.25
WhoIsConnectedSniffer is a network discovery tool that listens to network packets on your network adapter using a capture driver (WinpCap or MS network monitor) and accumulates a list of computer and devices currently connected to your network. WhoIsConnectedSniffer uses various protocols to detect the computers connected to your network, including ARP, UDP, DHCP, mDNS, and BROWSER. For every detected computer or device, the following information is displayed: (Some of the fields might be empty if the information cannot be found inside the packets) IP Address, MAC Address, name of the device/computer, description, Operating System, Network Adapter Company, IPv6 Address.

After collecting the connected computers/devices information, you can easily export the list to tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file.

Wireless Network Watcher v2.22
Wireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network. For every computer or device that is connected to your network, the following information is displayed: IP address, MAC address, the company that manufactured the network card, and optionally the computer name. You can also export the connected devices list into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the list to the clipboard and then paste into Excel or other spreadsheet application.
NetworkUsageView v1.20
NetworkUsageView extracts and displays the network usage information stored in the SRUDB.dat database of Windows 8 and Windows 10. The network usage data is collected every hour by Windows operating systems and includes the following information: The name and description of the service or application, the name and SID of the user, the network adapter, and the total number of bytes sent and received by the specified service/application.
WakeMeOnLan v1.86
This utility allows you to easily turn on one or more computers remotely by sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet to the remote computers. When your computers are turned on, WakeMeOnLan allows you to scan your network, and collect the MAC addresses of all your computers, and save the computers list info a file. Later, when your computers are turned off or in standby mode, you can use the stored computers list to easily choose the computer you want to turn on, and then turn on all these computers with a single click.
WakeMeOnLan also allows you to turn on a computer from command-line, by specifying the computer name, IP address, or the MAC address of the remote network card.
NetworkCountersWatch v1.02
NetworkCountersWatch is a tool for Windows that displays system counters for every network interface on your system. The system counters include the number of incoming/outgoing bytes, number of incoming/outgoing packets, number of broadcast packets, and more. You can also initialize all counters to zero at any time in order to watch the network counters for specific event. NetworkCountersWatch also calculates and displays the current download speed and upload speed on your network interface.
WifiHistoryView v1.56
WifiHistoryView is a simple tool for Windows 10/8/7/Vista that displays the history of connections to wireless networks on your computer. For every event that the computer connected to a wireless network or disconnected from it, the following information is displayed: The date/time that the event occurred, network name (SSID), profile name, network adapter name, BSSID of the router/Access Point, and more... WifiHistoryView can read the wifi history information from a running system or from external event log file of another computer.
NetworkOpenedFiles v1.35
NetworkOpenedFiles is a simple tool for Windows that displays the list of all files that are currently opened by other computers on your network. For every opened filename, the following information is displayed: Filename, user name, computer name (On Windows 7/2008 or later), Permissions information (Read/Write/Create), locks count, file owner, file size, file attributes, and more...
NetBScanner v1.11
NetBScanner is a network scanner tool that scans all computers in the IP addresses range you choose, using NetBIOS protocol. For every computer located by this NetBIOS scanner, the following information is displayed: IP Address, Computer Name, Workgroup or Domain, MAC Address, and the company that manufactured the network adapter (determined according to the MAC address). NetBScanner also shows whether a computer is a Master Browser. You can easily select one or more computers found by NetBScanner, and then export the list into csv/tab-delimited/xml/html file.
WirelessNetView v1.75
WirelessNetView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network, it displays the following information: SSID, Last Signal Quality, Average Signal Quality, Detection Counter, Authentication Algorithm, Cipher Algorithm, and more.
WirelessConnectionInfo v1.13

WirelessConnectionInfo is a simple tool for Windows Vista/7/8/2008 that displays general information and statistics about the active wifi connection, including the SSID, BSSID, PHY Type, Signal Quality, Receiving rate, Transmission Rate, Authentication Algorithm, Channel Number, Total number of transmitted/received frames, and more...
AdapterWatch v1.05
AdapterWatch displays useful information about your network adapters: IP addresses, Hardware address, WINS servers, DNS servers, MTU value, Number of bytes received or sent, The current transfer speed, and more. In addition, it displays general TCP/IP/UDP/ICMP statistics for your local computer.
NetResView v1.27
NetResView is a small utility that displays the list of all network resources (computers, disk shares, and printer shares) on your LAN. As opposed to "My Network Places" module of Windows, NetResView display all network resources from all domains/workgroups in one screen, and including admin/hidden shares.
NetRouteView v1.30
NetRouteView is a GUI alternative to the standard route utility (Route.exe) of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all routes on your current network, including the destination, mask, gateway, interface IP address, metric value, type, protocol, age (in seconds), interface name, and the MAC address. NetRouteView also allows you to easily add new routes, as well as to remove or modify existing static routes.
CountryTraceRoute v1.31
CountryTraceRoute is a Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it's also much faster than tracert of Windows. CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. After the Traceroute is completed, you can select all items (Ctrl+A) and then save them into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file with 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S) or copy them to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then paste the result into Excel or other spreadsheet application.
SniffPass v1.13 - Password Sniffer
SniffPass is small utility that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, and display them on the screen instantly. SniffPass can capture the passwords of the following Protocols: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP (basic authentication passwords).
You can use this utility to recover lost Web/FTP/Email passwords.

BrowsingHistoryView v2.41
BrowsingHistoryView is a utility that reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive. You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.
BrowserDownloadsView v1.25
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more... BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive. After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.
WebCacheImageInfo v1.30
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.
ImageCacheViewer v1.20
ImageCacheViewer is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited. For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size. When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.
FBCacheView v1.20
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).
BrowserAddonsView v1.22
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.
IECacheView v1.58 - Internet Explorer Cache Viewer
IECacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Internet Explorer, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: Filename, Content Type, URL, Last Accessed Time, Last Modified Time, Expiration Time, Number Of Hits, File Size, Folder Name, and full path of the cache filename. You can easily save the cache information into text/html/xml file, or copy the cache table to the clipboard and then paste it to another application, like Excel or OpenOffice Spreadsheet.
EdgeCookiesView v1.17
EdgeCookiesView is a tool for Windows that displays the cookies stored by newer versions of Microsoft Edge Web browser (Starting from Fall Creators Update 1709 of Windows 10). It also allows you to select one or more cookies and then export them to tab-delimited, csv file, html file, or to a file in cookies.txt format. You can read the cookies from the current running system or from the WebCacheV01.dat database on external hard drive.
IECookiesView v1.79
This utility displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer. In addition, it allows you to change the content of the cookies, delete unwanted cookies files, save the cookies into a readable text file, find cookies by specifying the domain name, view the cookies of other users and in other computers, and more...
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WebCookiesSniffer v1.30
WebCookiesSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all Web site cookies sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple cookies table. The upper pane of WebCookiesSniffer displays the cookie string and the Web site/host name that sent or received this cookie. When selecting a cookie string in the upper pane, WebCookiesSniffer parses the cookie string and displays the cookies as name-value format in the lower pane.
IEHistoryView v1.70
This utility reads all information from the history file on your computer, and displays the list of all URLs that you have visited with Internet Explorer browser in the last few days. It also allows you to select one or more URL addresses, and then remove them from the history file or save them into text, HTML or XML file. In addition, you are allowed to view the visited URL list of other user profiles on your computer, and even access the visited URL list on a remote computer, as long as you have permission to access the history folder.
MZCookiesView v1.58
MZCookiesView is an alternative to the standard 'Cookie Manager' provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.
MZHistoryView v1.65
MZHistoryView is a small utility that reads the history data file (history.dat) of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days. For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, First visit date, Last visit date, Visit counter, Referrer, Title, and Host name.
You can also easily export the history data to text/HTML/Xml file.
MZCacheView v2.00
MZCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last modified time, Last fetched time, Expiration time, Fetch count, Server name, and more.
You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard.
FirefoxDownloadsView v1.40
This utility displays the list of the latest files that you downloaded with Firefox. For every download record, the following information is displayed: Download URL, Download Filename (with full path), Referrer, MIME Type, File Size, Start/End Time, Download Duration, and Average Download Speed. You can easily select one or more downloads, and then save the list into xml/html/text/csv file or copy the downloads information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel or other spreadsheet application.
ChromeCookiesView v1.61
ChromeCookiesView is an alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome Web browser. it displays the list of all cookies stored by Google Chrome Web browser, and allows you to easily delete unwanted cookies. It also allows you export the cookies into text/csv/html/xml file. For every cookie, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Path, Name, Value, Secure (Yes/No), HTTP Only Cookie (Yes/No), Last Accessed Time, Creation Time, Expiration Time.
ChromeHistoryView v1.42
ChromeHistoryView is a small utility that reads the history data file of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days. For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, Title, Visit Date/Time, Number of visits, number of times that the user typed this address (Typed Count), Referrer, and Visit ID. You can select one or more history items, and them export them into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel.
SafariHistoryView v1.01
SafariHistoryView is a simple utility for Windows that reads and parses the history file of Safari Web browser (history.plist) and displays the browsing history in a simple table. Every browsing history line includes the following information: URL, Web Page Title, Last Visit Time, Visit Count, Redirected To URL, and Record Index. SafariHistoryView allows you to easily export the browsing history data into text/csv/html/xml file, or copy the data to the clipboard and then paste it into Excel.
SafariCacheView v1.11
SafariCacheView is a simple utility for Windows that reads and parses the cache file of Safari Web browser (cache.db) and displays the list of all cached files in a simple table. Every cache information line includes the following information: Filename, Content Type, URL, Content Length, Server Name, Server Time, Expiration Time, Last Modified Time, Content Encoding, and Referrer. SafariCacheView also allows you to select one or more cache items and then extract them into the desired folder or save the cache list into html/text/xml/csv file.
OperaCacheView v1.40
OperaCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Opera Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last accessed time, and last modified time in the server.
You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard.
ChromeCacheView v2.21
ChromeCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last accessed time, Expiration time, Server name, Server response, and more. You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard.
FlashCookiesView v1.15
FlashCookiesView is a small utility that displays the list of cookie files created by Flash component (Local Shared Object) in your Web browser. For each cookie file, the lower pane of FlashCookiesView displays the content of the file in readable format or as Hex dump.
You can also select one or more cookie files, and then copy them to the clipboard, save them to text/html/xml file or delete them.
MyLastSearch v1.65
MyLastSearch utility scans the cache and history files of your Web browser, and locate all search queries that you made with the most popular search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). The search queries that you made are displayed in a table with the following columns: Search Text, Search Engine, Search Time, Web Browser, and the search URL.
URLStringGrabber v1.11
URLStringGrabber is a small utility that scans all opened windows of Internet Explorer and grab the URLs stored in them, including clickable links, images, script files, CSS files, RSS feeds, and flash (.swf) files.

The URLs list is displayed in table, and you can easily export some of the URLs or the entire URLs list into text, csv, html, or xml file. You can also copy the URLs list into the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application.

IEDesignMode v1.00
IEDesignMode Adds a new menu item into the context menu of Internet Explorer that allows you to easily switch the active Internet Explorer window to design mode. When a Web page in in design mode, you can change the location of images and other objects, change the current text, paste a new text into the Web page, and so on. After you made your changes, you can easily switch back to non-design mode and/or save the modified Web page to HTML file.
FavoritesView v1.32
FavoritesView displays the list of all your Favorties (of Internet Explorer browser) and bookmarks (of Netscape/Mozilla browsers) in a single page. Each line in the list specifies the title of the item, the URL address, the created/modified date of the bookmark item, and the folder name. You select one or more of these bookmarks, and then copy them to the clipboard, delete them (Only for Internet Explorer Favorites), export them to tab-delimited text file, HTML file, or XML file. FavoritesView also allows you to locate duplicate URL addresses in your Favorites/Bookmarks or find specific item by specifying the URL or the title.
ActiveX Compatibility Manager v1.00
This utility allows you to easily disable/enable ActiveX components on Internet Explorer browser.
Video/Audio Related Utilities
VideoCacheView v3.05
After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.
RTMPDumpHelper v1.22
RTMPDumpHelper is a small utility that can help you to easily download RTMP video/audio streams. By combining this utility and the proxy server of RTMPDump toolkit, you can simply open a Web page containing RTMP video stream in your favorite Web browser, and while watching the video, it'll be saved to your disk automatically as .flv or .mp4 file. RTMP is a streaming protocol used by Hulu,, and by many live streaming Web sites.
SoundVolumeView v2.20
SoundVolumeView is a simple tool for Windows Vista/7/8/2008 that displays general information and current volume level for all active sound components on your system, and allows you to mute and unmute them instantly.
SoundVolumeView also allows you to save a sound profile into a file, containing the current volume level and the mute/unmute state of all sound components, as well as the default sound devices, and then later, load the same filename to restore exactly the same volume levels and settings. There is also extensive command-line support, which allows you to save/load profiles, change current volume of every sound component, and mute/unmute every sound component, without displaying any user interface.
AppAudioConfig v1.15
Starting from Windows Vista, you are allowed to change the sound volume of every application separately, and after you exit from the application, the last settings are saved in the Registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore so in the next time you run the application, your last settings are used. This tool displays your current audio settings of every application on your system, and allows you to easily change the setting of multiple applications at once. You can change the mute/unmute status, the sound volume level, and the right/left audio balance of the application.
Volumouse v2.03
Volumouse provides you a quick and easy way to control the sound volume on your system - simply by rolling the wheel of your wheel mouse.
It allows you to define a set of rules for determining when the wheel will be used for changing the sound volume. For example: You can configure Volumouse to use your mouse wheel for volume control when the Alt key is hold down, when the left mouse button is down, when the mouse cursor is over the taskbar, and so on...
When the conditions that you define are not satisfied, your mouse wheel will be used for the regular scrolling tasks, exactly as before.
InstalledCodec v1.30
InstalledCodec is a small utility displays the list of all Codec drivers and DirectShow filters currently installed on your system. For each component the following information is displayed: Display Name, Type, Disabled Status, Installed/Modified Time, Description, Company Name, Filename, and more... It allows you to easily disable or enable any Codec/DirectShow component or export the list into text/xml/html file.
WebVideoCap v1.41
While watching a video in a Web site, you may sometimes want to save the video into your local drive, and then play it offline later. This utility allows you to capture .flv (Flash Video) files and RTSP streams while the Web browser download and play them inside a Web page. After the entire video file is downloaded and played by the Web browser, the video file is saved in the folder that you selected, and you can play it offline later with any Video player.
WebVideoCap can capture the video files of most popular video-sharing sites, including YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, iFilm, Metacafe, Putfile, and more...
Internet Related Utilities

DomainHostingView v1.82
DomainHostingView is a utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in any Web browser. The information displayed by the report of DomainHostingView includes: the hosting company or data center that hosts the Web server, mail server, and domain name server (DNS) of the specified domain, the created/changed/expire date of the domain, domain owner, domain registrar that registered the domain, list of all DNS records, and more...
DownTester v1.30 - Internet Speed Test
DownTester allows you to easily test your Internet download speed in multiple locations around the world. It automatically test the download speed of the URLs that you choose, one after another. It moves to the next download URL after the specified number of seconds has been elapsed or after it downloads the specified amount of KB - just according to your preferences.
After the download test is finished, you can easily save the result into text/html/xml/csv file, or copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Excel and other applications.
NetConnectChoose v1.07
NetConnectChoose is a simple tool that allows you to easily choose the default Internet connection that will be used by all Internet applications, when you have more than a single Internet connection on the same time. (Each connection on different network adapter) It also displays extensive information about every active network/Internet connection, including network adapter name, MAC Address, Name Servers, MTU, Interface Speed, current incoming/outgoing data speed, number of received/sent packets, received/sent bytes, and more...
HostedNetworkStarter v1.15
HostedNetworkStarter is a simple tool for Windows 7 and later that allows you to easily create a wifi hotspot with your wireless network adapter, using the Wifi hosted network feature of Windows operating system. With the wifi hotspot created by this tool, you can allow any device with wifi support to access the network and the Internet connection available in your computer.
IPNetInfo v1.95
IPNetInfo is a small utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address: The owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more.
This utility can be very useful for finding the origin of unsolicited mail. You can simply copy the message headers from your email software and paste them into IPNetInfo utility. IPNetInfo automatically extracts all IP addresses from the message headers, and displays the information about these IP addresses.
WhoisThisDomain v2.42
This utility allows you to easily get information about a registered domain. It automatically connects to the right WHOIS server, according to the top-level domain name, and retrieve the WHOIS record of the domain. It supports both generic domains and country code domains.
IPInfoOffline v1.55
IPInfoOffline Allows you to view information about IP addresses, without connecting any external server. It uses a compressed IP addresses database that is stored inside the exe file. For each IP address, the following information is displayed: IP block range, Organization (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC or AFRINIC), Assigned Date, Country Name, and Country Code. After retrieving the information about the desired IP addresses, You can copy the information to the clipboard, or save it into text/html/xml/csv file.
DNSDataView v1.60
This utility is a GUI alternative to the NSLookup tool that comes with Windows operating system. It allows you to easily retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains. You can use the default DNS server of your Internet connection, or use any other DNS server that you specify. After retrieving the DNS records for the desired domains, you can save them into text/xml/html/csv file.
QuickSetDNS v1.30
QuickSetDNS is a simple tool that allows you to easily change the DNS servers that are used for your Internet connection. You can set the desired DNS servers from the user interface, by choosing from a list of DNS servers that you defined, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.
MACAddressView v1.42
MACAddressView is a MAC address lookup tool that allows you to easily find the company details (company name, address, and country) according to the MAC address of a product.
MACAddressView also allows you to find MAC address records according to the company name, company address, or country name. After finding the desired MAC address records, you can save them into text/xml/HTML/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other applications.
FastResolver v1.26
FastResolver is a small utility that resolves multiple host names into IP addresses and vice versa. You can simply type the list of IP addresses or host name that you want to resolve, or alternatively, you can specify IP addresses range that you want to scan. For local network, FastResolver also allows you to get the MAC address of all IP addresses that you scan. FastResolver is a multithreaded application, so it can resolve dozens of addresses within a few seconds.
WebSiteSniffer v1.51
WebSiteSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet, and stores them on your hard drive under the base folder that you choose. WebSiteSniffer allows you to choose which type of Web site files will be captured: HTML Files, Text Files, XML Files, CSS Files, Video/Audio Files, Images, Scripts, and Flash (.swf) files.
While capturing the Web site files, the main window of WebSiteSniffer displays general statistics about the downloaded files for every Web site / host name, including the total size of all files (compressed and uncompressed) and total number of files for every file type (HTML, Text, Images, and so on)
SiteShoter v1.42 - Capture Website Screenshots
SiteShoter is a small utility that allows you to save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. It automatically creates hidden window of Internet Explorer, loads the desired Web page, and than save the entire content of the Web page into an image file (.png, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp or .gif). You can use SiteShoter in user interface mode, or alternatively, you can run SiteShoter in command-line mode without displaying any user interface.
SeqDownload v1.26
This utilities allows you to automatically download live images from the Web for every xxx seconds/minutes and store the files on your local drive. After collecting a fair amount of images, you can easily create nice animation from the downloaded images.
This utility is especially useful for live cams Web sites, weather radar images, and satellite images.
HTMLAsText v1.11
HTMLAsText utility converts HTML documents to simple text files, by removing all HTML tags and formatting the text according to your preferences.
AddrView v1.01
AddrView allows you to parse HTML pages and extract most URL addresses stored in them. AddrView extracts URLs of images (<img> tag), links to other files (<a> tag), CSS files, frames, Flash files, and more.
TagsReport v1.00
TagsReport reads HTML file and displays statistical information about the tags the appears in it.
JavaScript Animator Express v1.10
This utility allows you to easily create animation from image files (GIFs and JPGs) on your local drive. The animation is achieved by creating a simple HTML page with JavaScript animation, and running it on your default browser.
CustomizeIE v1.01
Add new menu items and toolbar buttons to Internet Explorer
TurnFlash v2.10 (UI Version)
TurnFlash is a small utility that allows you to eaily disable and enable the Macromedia Flash player component in Internet Explorer.
TurnFlash v1.00 (command-line version)
small command-line utility that allows you to eaily disable and enable the Macromedia Flash player component in Internet Explorer.
Source code is included !

MIMEView v1.10
This utility displays the list of all MIME types defined in your system. For each MIME type, information about the associated file extension and installed plugin is also displayed.

NirCmd v2.86
NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface. By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values into INI file, dial to your internet account or connect to a VPN network, restart windows or shut down the computer, create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display settings, and more...

GetNir v1.00
GetNir is a command-line tool for Windows that receives tab-delimited or comma-delimited data from other NirSoft tools through Standard input (stdin) , finds and extracts the desired values according to the specified filter expression and column names, and then sends these values to the Standard output (stdout).

WirelessNetConsole v1.00
WirelessNetConsole is a small console application that dumps all current detected wireless networks information into the standard output. For each wireless network, the following information is displayed: SSID, Signal Quality in %, PHY types, RSSI, MAC Address, Channel Frequency, and more.
BluetoothCL v1.07
BluetoothCL is a small console application that dumps all current detected bluetooth devices into the standard output. For each Bluetooth device, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Name, Major Device Type, Minor Device Type, and optionally the company name of the device (if external file of MAC addresses - oui.txt is provided)
RegFileExport v1.11
RegFileExport is a small console application that allows you to easily extract data from offline Registry file located on another disk drive. RegFileExport read the Registry file, ananlyze it, and then export the Registry data into a standard .reg file of Windows. You can export the entire Registry file, or only a specific Registry key.
RegFileExport may also be able to export some of the Registry data even when the Registry file is corrupted and cannot be loaded by Windows.
RunFromProcess v1.06
RunFromProcess is a command-line utility that allows you to run a program from another process that you choose. The program that you run will be executed as a child of the specified process and it'll run with the same user and security context of the specified parent process.
AtNow v1.1
AtNow is a command-line utility that schedules programs and commands to run in the near future.

Visual C++ Source code is included.

WhosIP v1.18
WhosIP is a simple command-line utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address: The owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more.
WhoisCL v1.90
WhoisCL is a simple command-line utility that allows you to easily get information about a registered domain. It automatically connect to the right WHOIS server, according to the top-level domain name, and retrieve the WHOIS record of the domain. It supports both generic domains and country code domains.
SNRemove v1.00
This utility removes the reference to strong name signature from .NET exe and dll files. After removing the strong name reference, you can make any change you want in dll/exe file, without getting any exception or error message.
DumpEDID v1.07
DumpEDID is a small console application that extract the EDID ("Extended display identification data") records from your computer, analyze it, and dump it into the console window. EDID record provide essential information about your monitor: manufacture week/year, monitor manufacturer, monitor model, supported display modes, and so on... You can also get the EDID records of a remote computer, if you login to this computer with administrator rights.
(DumpEDID is the console version of MonitorInfoView utility)
GUIPropView v1.12
GUIPropView displays extensive information about all windows currently opened on your system. The upper pane of GUIPropView displays all top level windows, and when you select a window in the upper pane, the lower pane displays the list of all child windows of the selected top level window. You can also select one or more windows and then do some actions on them like close, hide, show, minimize, maximize, disable, enable, and so on...
FileTypesMan v1.95
FileTypesMan is an alternative to the 'File Types' tab in the 'Folder Options' of Windows. It displays the list of all file extensions and types registered on your computer. For each file type, the following information is displayed: Type Name, Description, MIME Type, Perceived Type, Flags, Browser Flags, and more.
FileTypesMan also allows you to easily edit the properties and flags of each file type, as well as it allows you to add, edit, and remove actions in a file type.
ShortcutsMan v1.10
ShortcutsMan displays the details about all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file.
OpenWithView v1.11 OpenWithView is a small utility that displays the list of all available applications in the 'Open With' dialog-box of Windows, and allows you to easily disable/enable the applications in the list. When application is disabled, it won't be displayed in the 'Other Programs' section of the 'Open With' dialog-box.
This utility can be useful if your 'Open With' window displays too much applications, and you want to remove the applications that you don't use frequently.
SpecialFoldersView v1.26 Windows operating system have dozens of special folders that are used for storing application settings and files, storing Internet files, saving temporary files, storing shortcuts to other files, and so on.
This utility displays the list of all special folders in your system, and allows you to easily jump to the right folder simply by double-clicking the folder item. You can also save the list of all folder paths into text/html/xml file.
WinLister v1.22
This utility displays the list of opened windows on your system. For each window, some useful information is displayed: the title, the handle of window, location, size, class name, process number, the name of the program that created the window, and more...
In addition, you can easily hide, show or close the selected windows, or save the windows list to text or HTML file.
InsideClipboard v1.15
Each time that you copy something into the clipboard for pasting it into another application, the copied data is saved into multiple formats. The main clipboard application of Windows only display the basic clipboard formats, like text and bitmaps, but doesn't display the list of all formats that are stored in the clipboard.
InsideClipboard is a small utility that displays the binary content of all formats that are currently stored in the clipboard, and allow you to save the content of specific format into a binary file.
Clipboardic v1.15
Clipboardic is a small utility that listen to the clipboard activity, and each time that you copy something into the clipboard, it automatically save the copied data into Windows clipboard file (.clp). Later, when you need the copied data again, you can simply select the right clipboard file, and Clipboardic will automatically insert it into the clipboard. Clipboardic also allows you to easily share the clipboard data between multiple computers on your local network.
CustomExplorerToolbar v1.05
CustomExplorerToolbar is small utility for Windows 7 only, which allows you to easily customize the toolbar of Windows Explorer, and add buttons that were existed in previous versions of Windows, like Copy, Cut, Paste, Select All, and more. This utility also allows you to remove the toolbar buttons that you previously added.
NirExt v1.01
NirExt utility adds 3 useful context menu extensions to your Windows Explorer environment:
  • Folder Properties: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on a folder in your file system. It allows you change the icon of any folder you want, and change the text that appears when the mouse cursor moves over the folder.
  • Advanced Run: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on an executable file (*.EXE). It allows you to instantly run an application with command-line and some other options.
  • Create Shortcut+: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on any file in your system. It allows you to instantly create a shortcut and drop it into one of the following folders: Desktop, Start Menu, Programs folder under Start Menu, Common Desktop (for all users), Common Start Menu (for all users), and Common Programs folder (for all users) under Start Menu.

NK2Edit v3.40
Every time that you type an email address or name in the message window of MS-Outlook, it automatically offer you a list of users and email address that you can choose. This feature is known as 'AutoComplete' and Outlook automatically build this emails list according to user activity and save it into a file with .NK2 extension.
In some circumstances, you may need to fix or modify the values appeared in the AutoComplete list, or you may want to remove unwanted email addresses and/or to add new email addresses. MS-Outlook doesn't provide any ability to edit this AutoComplete list, so this is where NK2Edit software can help you.

NK2Edit is a real NK2 editor that allows you to modify all fields in NK2 file, delete unwanted records, add new records, repair corrupted nk2 files, merge 2 or more NK2 files into a single NK2 file, and more...

OutlookAttachView v3.42
OutlookAttachView scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. You can also save the list of attachments into xml/html/text/csv file.
OutlookStatView v2.18
OutlookStatView scans your Outlook mailbox, and display a general statistics about the users that you communicate via emails. For each user/email, the following information is displayed: The number of outgoing messages that you sent to the user (separated by to/cc/bcc), the number of incoming message that the user sent to you, the total size of messages sent by the user, the email client software used by this user, and the time range that you send/received emails with the specified user.
OutlookAddressBookView v2.22
OutlookAddressBookView is a simple utility that displays the details of all recipients stored in the address books of Microsoft Outlook. For every recipient entry, the following information is displayed: Email Address, Display Name, Address Type (MS-Exchange or SMTP), Street Address, Phone Number, Created Time, Modified Time (Works only with address books of Exchange server), and more... You can easily select one or more recipients from the list and export them into tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file, or copy them to the clipboard and then paste the list into Excel.
OfficeIns v1.20 - Microsoft Office Add-Ins Manager
OfficeIns is a small utility that displays the details of all installed Microsoft Office add-ins on your computer, and allows you to disable/enable them.
DLL Export Viewer v1.66
This utility displays the list of all exported functions and their virtual memory addresses for the specified DLL files. You can easily copy the memory address of the desired function, paste it into your debugger, and set a breakpoint for this memory address. When this function is called, the debugger will stop in the beginning of this function.
GDIView v1.26
GDIView is a unique tool that displays the list of GDI handles (brushes, pens, fonts, bitmaps, and others) allocated by every process. It displays the total count for each type of GDI handle, as well as detailed information about each handle. This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace GDI resources leak in their software.
HeapMemView v1.05
HeapMemView is a small utility that allows you to view the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap of the process that you select. This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace memory leaks in their software.
DeviceIOView v1.06
DeviceIOView allows you to watch the data transfer between a software or service and a device driver (DeviceIoControl calls). For each call to a device driver, the following information is displayed: Handle, Control Code, number of input bytes, number of output bytes, the name of the device handle, and all the input/output bytes, displayed as Hex dump.
SimpleProgramDebugger v1.10
SimpleProgramDebugger is a simple debugging tool that attaches to existing running program or starts a new program in debugging mode, and then displays all major debugging events occurs while the program is running, including Exception, Create Thread, Create Process, Exit Thread, Exit Process, Load DLL, Unload Dll, and Debug String. After the debugging events are accumulated, you can easily export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/xml/html file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel or any other spreadsheet application.
SearchMyFiles v3.10
SearchMyFiles is an alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows. It allows you to easily search files in your system by wildcard, by last modified/created/last accessed time, by file attributes, by file content (text or binary search), and by the file size. SearchMyFiles allows you to make a very accurate search that cannot be done with Windows search. For Example: You can search all files created in the last 10 minutes with size between 500 and 700 bytes. After you made a search, you can select one or more files, and save the list into text/html/csv/xml file, or copy the list to the clipboard.
DriveLetterView v1.50
DriveLetterView is a simple utility that allows you to view the list of all drive letter assignments in your system, including local drives, remote network drives, CD/DVD drives, and USB drives - even if they are not currently plugged. It also allows you to easily change a drive letter of USB devices and remote network shares, as well as to delete a drive letter of USB device that is not plugged. You can also use DriveLetterView to export the list of all drives into text/csv/html/xml file.
DiskCountersView v1.27
DiskCountersView displays the system counters of each disk drive in your system, including the total number of read/write operations and the total number of read/write bytes. It also displays general drive information, like disk name, partition number, partition location, and so on.
AppReadWriteCounter v1.30
AppReadWriteCounter is a tool for Windows that counts and displays the current file read/write operations of every application running on your system. It displays the number of read/write bytes, the number of read/write operations, current calculated read/write speed, and the details about the application (product name, product version, and so on) that makes the file read/write operations.
FileActivityWatch v1.60
FileActivityWatch is a tool for Windows that displays information about every read/write/delete operation of files occurs on your system. For every file, FileActivityWatch displays the number of read/write bytes, number of read/write/delete operations, first and last read/write timestamp, and the name/ID of the process responsible for the file operation.
FileAccessErrorView v1.22
FileAccessErrorView is a diagnostic tool for Windows that displays information about errors occur while programs running on your system try to open/read/write/delete a file. FileAccessErrorView displays the filename that the application tried to open/read/write/delete, the process id/name of the application, the error code (NTSTATUS code), the description of the error code, the number of times that this error occurred, and the timestamp of this error.
DiskSmartView v1.21
DiskSmartView is a small utility that retrieves the S.M.A.R.T information (S.M.A.R.T = Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) from IDE disks. This information includes the disk model/firmware/serial number, cylinders/heads, power-on hours (POH), internal temperature, disk errors rate, and more. You can use the S.M.A.R.T information retrieved by DiskSmartView to find out whether there is any significant problem in your disk drive.
AlternateStreamView v1.56 AlternateStreamView is a small utility that allows you to scan your NTFS drive, and find all hidden alternate streams stored in the file system. After scanning and finding the alternate streams, you can extract these streams into the specified folder, delete unwanted streams, or save the streams list into text/html/csv/xml file.
AltStreamDump v1.05
AltStreamDump is a console application (Command Prompt) that dumps the list of NTFS alternate streams found in the current directory. By using a few command-line options, you can also instruct AltStreamDump to displays the alternate streams list of other folders and to scan subfolders in the desired folder depth
NTFSLinksView v1.32
Starting from Windows Vista, Microsoft uses symbolic links and junction points of NTFS file system in order to make changes in the folders structure of Windows and keep the compatibility of applications written for older versions of Windows. This utility simply shows you to list of all symbolic links and junctions in the specified folder, and their target paths.
FoldersReport v1.21
The FoldersReport utility scans a drive or a base folder that you select, and displays essential information for each folder that it finds: The size of all files inside the folder, The real files size on the disk, number of files inside the folder, number of hidden files, number of compressed files, and number of subfolders. You can use this utility to easily find out which folders use the most space in your drive. You can scan the folders of your local drives, CD-ROM drives, and network resources on a remote computer.
WinUpdatesView v1.13 - Windows Updates History Viewer
WinUpdatesView is a simple tool that displays the history of Windows updates on your system. WinUpdatesView can load the Windows updates history from your local system, using API, and it can also read and parse the Windows updates database file (DataStore.edb) from external drive or from remote computer on your network. For every Windows update history record, WinUpdatesView displays the following fields: Title, Description, Install Date, Update Operation (Install, Uninstall, Not Started, In Progress), Operation Result (Succeeded, Succeeded With Errors, Failed, Aborted), Category, Information URL, Support URL, Uninstall Notes, Client Application ID, Service ID, Update ID, Revision Number, Unmapped Result Code, Server Selection, hResult
MultiMonitorTool v1.96
MultiMonitorTool is a small tool that allows you to do some actions related to working with multiple monitors. With MultiMonitorTool, you can disable/enable monitors, set the primary monitor, save and load the configuration of all monitors, and move windows from one monitor to another. You can do these actions from the user interface or from command-line, without displaying user interface. MultiMonitorTool also provides a preview window, which allows you to watch a preview of every monitor on your system.
ControlMyMonitor v1.26
ControlMyMonitor allows you view and modify the settings of your monitor (Also known as 'VCP Features'), like brightness, contrast, sharpness, red/green/blue color balance, and more... You can modify the monitor settings from the GUI and from command-line. You can also export all settings of your monitor into a configuration file and then later load the same configuration back into your monitor.
PropertySystemView v1.13
PropertySystemView is a tool that allows you view and modify the properties of file from GUI and command-line, using the property system of Windows operating system. For example, you can change the 'Media Created' timestamp stored in .mp4 files (System.Media.DateEncoded) as well as other metadata stored in media files and office documents, like Title, Comments, Authors, Tags, Date Acquired, Last Saved Date, Content Created Date, Date Imported, Date Taken (EXIF of .jpg files), and more... PropertySystemView also allows you to set properties of Windows. For example, you can set the System.AppUserModel.ID property of a window in order to disable the taskbar grouping of the specified window.
BlueScreenView v1.55
BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during 'blue screen of death' crashes, and displays the information about all crashes in one table. For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the crash (filename, product name, file description, and file version).
For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane. BlueScreenView also mark the drivers that their addresses found in the crash stack, so you can easily locate the suspected drivers that possibly caused the crash.
USBDeview v3.01
USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used.
For each USB device, extended information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number (for mass storage devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more... USBDeview also allows you to uninstall USB devices that you previously used, and disconnect USB devices that are currently connected to your computer. You can also use USBDeview on a remote computer, as long as you login to that computer with admin user.
USBLogView v1.26
USBLogView is a small utility that runs in the background and records the details of any USB device that is plugged or unplugged into your system. For every log line created by USBLogView, the following information is displayed: Event Type (Plug/Unplug), Event Time, Device Name, Description, Device Type, Drive Letter (For storage devices), Serial Number (Only for some types of devices), Vendor ID, Product ID, Vendor Name, Product Name, and more...
You can easily select one or more log records and then export them into csv/tab-delimited/xml/html file.
UninstallView v1.38
UninstallView is a tool for Windows that collects information about all programs installed on your system and displays the details of the installed programs in one table. You can use it to get installed programs information for your local system, for remote computer on your network, and for external hard-drive plugged to your computer. It also allows you to easily uninstall a software on your local computer and remote computer (Including quiet uninstall if the installer supports it).
InstalledAppView v1.01
InstalledAppView is a tool for Windows 10 that displays the details of Windows 10 apps installed on your system. For every Windows app, the following information is displayed: App Name, App Version, Registry Name, Registry Modified Time, Install Folder, Install Folder Owner, Uninstall Command, and more... InstalledAppView allows you to load the Windows 10 apps list from your local system, remote computer on your network and from external disk plugged to your computer. InstalledAppView also allows you to view the XML files of the Windows app (AppxManifest.xml and AppxBlockMap.xml), uninstall apps, quietly uninstall apps, open the install folder of the app, and more...
InstalledPackagesView v1.05
InstalledPackagesView is a tool for Windows that displays the list of all software packages installed on your system with Windows Installer, and lists the files, Registry keys, and .NET Assemblies associated with them. For every installed software, the following information is displayed: Display Name, Display Version, Install Date, Registry Time, Estimated Size, Install Location, Install Source, MSI Filename (In C:\Windows\Installer), and more... You can watch the installed software packages information from your local system or from another system on external hard-drive.
RegistryChangesView v1.26
RegistryChangesView is a tool for Windows that allows you to take a snapshot of Windows Registry and later compare it with another Registry snapshots, with the current Registry or with Registry files stored in a shadow copy created by Windows. When comparing 2 Registry snapshots, you can see the exact changes made in the Registry between the 2 snapshots, and optionally export the Registry changes into a standard .reg file of RegEdit.
WinDefThreatsView v1.06
WinDefThreatsView is tool for Windows 10 that displays the list of all threats detected by Windows Defender Antivirus and allows you to easily set the default action (Allow, Quarantine, Clean, Remove, Block, or No Action) for multiple threats at once. You can use this tool on your local computer and also on remote computer, as long as you have permission to access WMI on the remote machine.
WinCrashReport v1.25
WinCrashReport provides an alternative to the built-in crash reporting program of Windows operating system. When application crashes in your system and Windows displays the internal crash window of the operating system, you can run WinCrashReport, and get extensive report about the crashed application. The crash report of WinCrashReport is displayed as simple text or in HTML, and includes the following information: Crash memory address, Exception code, Exception description, Strings found in the stack, call stack, processor registers, modules list, threads list, and more...
WhatIsHang v1.27
Источник: []
MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number


photoshop cs3

serial numbers, keygen, cracks, serial key generators –
S/N: 1045-0640-7570-6160-0674-4577
s/n: 1326-0110-5569-6121-4741-2255
s/n: 132606517402042440668309
Name: waters
s/n: 13724000812
s/n: 1326-0651-7402-0424-4066-8309 or
s/n: 4343-2344-9803-8904-3378-9432
s/n: 1329-0352-5602-3552-´510-1754
s/n: 1329-0267-4911-3894-4929-5767
s/n: 1326-0651-7402-0424-4066-8309
s/n: 132607508173996638955607
Copyright (c) KeyGenGuru, 2006-2010

Kumpulan serial Number :

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extendet
Serial number :




ACTIVATION CODE : 43CA-E175-5520-7783-1C4C

ACTIVATION        : 8152-4812-2FB7-5792-004A

serial numbers, keygen, cracks, serial key generators – Adobe Illustrator CS3
s/n: 1034-0119-3495-0951-4181-1487 or Name: fer s/n: 6546516981691898198496189841

UserName: EAV-10404898
PassWord: kn26xjceej

Windows XP Professional:
V2C47 – MK7JD – 3R89F – D2KXW – VPK3J
H689T – BFM2F – R6GF8 – 9WPYM – B6378
WCBG6 – 48773 – B4BYX – 73KJP – KM3K3

windows xp

XP 64-Bit : M4676 – 2VW7F – 6BCVH – 9QPBF – QBRBM

Windows vista.

368Y7 – 49YMQ – VRCTY – 3V3RH – WRMG7
72PFD – BCBK8 – R7X4H – 6F2XJ – VVMP9

Windows Vista Business : J9QVT-JJMB9-RVJ38-M8KT6-DMT9M
Windows Vista Home Basic : KJTCW-YQGRK-XPQMR-YTQG8-DKVG6
Windows Vista Home Basic N : YQWWH-2YD6Y-V3K2X-H4H8V-WJ8WT
Windows Vista Home Premium : PYYBC-K9XT9-V92KD-6CT89-4VB82

Windows Vista Ultimate :

Windows Vista Ultimate Rtm Build 6.0.6000.16384 :

Windows Vista Enterprise : CYD8T-QHBMC-6RCMK-4GHRD-CRRB7
XP Black edition : W9VCJ-74DXW-JDDBV-PW777-WXD2T
Windows 7 (Seven) 32-Bit : 4HJRK-X6Q28-HWRFY-WDYHJ-K8HDH
Windows 7 64-Bit : JYDV8-H8VXG-74RPT-6BJPB-X42V4









Office 2003 GWH28-DGCMP- P6RC4-6J4MT- 3HFDY
Win 95 35695-OEM-0008411- 93110
Win 97 15996-OEM-0012641- 04046
Win 97 11295-0007347- 12233
WIN97P 19797-0002397- 12345
Win 98 K4HVD-Q9TJ9- 6CRX9-C9G68- RQ2D3
Win 98 HQ6K2-QPC42- 3HWDM-BF4KJ- W4XWJ

Win2000p RM233-2PRQQ- FR4RH-JP89H- 46QYB
Plus98 313-0213233
Ms Plus 95 411-2781863
Office 97 1112-1111111
Office 2000p GC6J3-GTQ62- FP876-94FBR- D3DX8
Office 2003 GWH28-DGCMP- P6RC4-6J4MT- 3HFDY
ACAD 1.4 220-00011346
ACAD 2000 112-11111111111 / 5×8nug
ACAD2002 400-12345678 / T4ED6P
PHOTOSHOP 6 PWW600R7105467- 948
03w600r1137255- 814
PHOTOSHOP 7 1045-0203-3247- 2217-3566- 6177
Adobe PageMaker 7.0 1039-1121-2998- 7586-7388- 7545
PHOTOSHOP LE SPW300R3230626- 250
ULEAD VIDEO 5 11102-85000- 00015330
COREL DRAW 10 D10NR-3254253T76
PINNACLE 7 6558798465
ULEAD VIDEO 6.5 11102-36500- 00030506
ACDSee 3.1 RETAIL 132728175249781441
ACDSee32 v3.0 947593393778981441
Classic 292301885721327
ACDSee v4.0 654-237-149- 322-681-441
Acdsee4 148 817 607 012 681 441
Acdsee4 711-108-595- 288-491-441
PM6.5 03W600R1118669- 742
PM 7 1039-1121-2998- 7586-7388- 7545
Acrobat Distiller WAW210P7121183- 537
NERO 5.5 1502-1000-0106- 0664-3959- 2799
Nero : 1506-0548-8818- 2258-3789- 3514
1503-0947-6845- 2627-4181- 1200
1502-0001-0000- 0484-5609- 9425
1500-1000-0148- 0248-2050- 2449
Nero55914 1502-0001-0008- 0488-4424- 9831
15068-71731- 03466-35535- 7141
15018-44051- 01598-89798- 5433
15099-53881- 50450-90772- 0202
Nero 551020 5502-0627-8358- 7019-9607- 5485
Nero 6009 1A23-0006-7130- 1204-8976- 4901
mp3pro 55914.exe / MPEG 2 SVCD Plugin.exe SN:www.2bcalvi. com
AudioGrabber 1.80 ACD201DDDE
Serial # 1022423412
kamus 0699-75574-0570
Macromedia Flash v5.0 FLW500-03143- 77238-80660
Macromedia FreeHand 10 FHW100-00654- 47258-19356
music write 2000 MPE200-010304- 143 CDKey C72S
corel10 D10NR-3254253T76
Partisi magic 8.0 PM800FR1-3193805303
pccillin2003 OSJ6-6571-1627- 0804-3372
PowerDVD XP 4.0 MV55F17758841285
Power DVD 2.55 DV3X417M28947802
Power player CW77842788819906
PowerDVD 2.55 DV3X417M28947802
PowerDVD5 AK03943182245420
Pmgold PMW10-01YF5- 4623NW
PowerQuest Lost&Found 1.06 2453-8301-1129- 1614
Roxio goback 3.01.34 CB-ZM2VN-5YP61- 7N1VD
Sachs marine aquarium JTFYDO414695
winace name: microke sn ACENQ1GB995GC2YHDST MBR87H86
Wingate3.05 : Leatherman/2000AD E9146DEE41E80130C67 8526B
winzip 8 name : oke 5CEC0135
AVG Anti Virus V7.5 70-THXMV1-P7- C21-S7IML- FD5-JDRE
Windows 98 SE

HQ6K2 – QPC42 – 3HWDM – BF4KJ – W4XWJ

============ ========= ========= ========

Windows XP Full Version Release


============ ========= ========= =========

Windows XP SP.1A RU1 integrated

============ ========= ========= ========= ====

Microsoft Office 11 v.2003 WITH FrontPage

Microsoft Office 11
Serial Number : GWH28-DGCMP- P6RC4-6J4MT- 3HFDY

Microsoft FrontPage 11

Microsoft Project 11

Microsoft Visio 11

XP Pro SP2 :

Untuk XP SP1 dan SP2 part II
7QVT6 – T2738 – WRKJB – YKRFQ – XVK98

WINDOWS 2000 Serial Number
RM233 – 2PRQQ – FR4RH – JP89H – 46QYB
F6P66 – 4YYDJ – 3FF3T – R328P – 3BXTG
no – expired

gc6j3-gtq62- fp876-94fbr- d3dx8
no – expired

WIN-GATE 4.3 all version
License Name: oDDiTy PHEAR
License Key: 666CA61E008F4E0F86D 07C12

Audiograbber 1.80
Sn : CF7D01708E

ACDsee 5.0 PowerPack series
Serial: 664-828-790- 472-030-541

StarDock Windows Blinds ver 3.4 win all


NERO BURNING << class=”posthilit”>NOWWAYHOME
serial number 54535-PR755- 1117314635

Standart Ver : username NOWWAYHOME
serial number 60596-ST161- 5013474241

Industrial Ver username NOWWAYHOME
serial number 65647-ND666- 0018425746

RamCleaner v3.5
GI6d+Pkaf76Cm7dFT5R FSduQMhX9M84hZPS zLFSfoRPC

cursorXP plus Ver 1.2
CX-7HM2D-5SB7E- O0O7L-33GM1- 278055

Nero OEM ver.6 include nero express 6
1A20-0218-0370- 1725-8155- 4331

adobe acrobat 6
SN: 1118-1911-4821- 7104-6966- 4189

Anti Trojan 5.5.373
Name : TLS @ Eagle
Serial: 6ADCAC3B2G8E3A6


ad-aware SE <
name : team ror
serial : 1479027

Advanced RAR Password Recovery 1.11 Serial Number:

AVG 7.1

Bit Defender Security 2008
Key : 3B3BDB4A59798E9B0FA 4

Bit Defender Internet Security 2008
Key : 9C4F6EBE1312A1CBEE0 B

Bit Defender Antivirus 2008
Key : 17C30F7C8B01AFCB90A 4

copy faster v1.0
Nama Register : AZUR/CORE
Nomor Register : 3609972982

customizer xp
28031979-ph- 17081945

GAME BlackHawk Down – Delta Force

Game Drive Soft
SN: GDP703002005381

irfanview ver. 395
Name: http://www.serials. ws
Serial: 761267200

MYOB accounting 12

User name: AV-2107302
Password : pq6f3ben92

omnipage pro 14

Passware Password Recovery Pack 5.3 Serial Number:

PowerQuest Partition Magic Professional 8.0
Serial Number: PM800ENSP1-11111131


Ms Dos6.22
no serial number required

Windows 3.11

Microsoft Windows 95 Release B
15996-OEM-0012641- 04046 or
27497-OEM-0025347- 80387 or
00100-0123456- 00100

Windows 98 Final Retail
K4HVD-Q9TJ9- 6CRX9-C9G68- RQ2D3 or s/n: K8F92-DRTF8- D2T6X-R2QX6- 2W46B or s/n: JHVBP-T6TMP- GX8XJ-CMGDP- K8CCX or

s/n: FT9CH-XVXW7- 7BFCM-RPR49- VDHYD or s/n: B4DWD-2B3KX- KT7MR-GQXVB- WFMFY or s/n: BBH2G-D2VK9- QD4M9-F63XB- 43C33

or s/n: QCRFR-GG62T- V43B8-MFW8K- 7HV66 or s/n: HGBRM-RBK3V- M9FXV-YCXDK- V38J4 or s/n: FT9CH-XVXW7- 7BFCM-RPR49-

VDHYD or s/n: PTX6T-WTQ9G- C7B2Y-TC3K8- YT4GB or s/n: F2HFQ-2Q82W- MQVJM-JYBGV- JRXM8 or s/n: D4Y9Q-4QYBY- 22WBG-

249HD- VGGD8

Windows 98 Second Edition Full Retail
F73WT-WHD3J- CD4VR-2GWKD- T38YD or s/n: K4HVD-Q9TJ9- 6CRX9-C9G68- RQ2D3 or s/n: VD4WG-Y998T- 3MGWX-GPW2Q- 3QVC8 or

s/n: PYDMY-DVJ9J- 996VH-JX66P- 9TWKW or s/n: T98GF-R6C7Y- 3MCV2-7C9DK- VC2F8 or s/n: FQD88-4X7FK- 9HV9K-Q28FF- T3JC3

Windows 2000 Pro

Ms Office 4.3 for windows 3.11
no serial number required

Ms Office 97

Ms Office 2000 Full

GC6J3-GTQ62- FP876-94FBR- D3DX8 or s/n: DT3FT-BFH4M- GYYH8-PG9C3- 8K2FJ or s/n: KY7XV-6PF6K- FQDGJ-4PYQY- QDFYM or

s/n: Q3PX2-T7Y8Q- 8X2VR-PQCTP- YQCYQ or s/n: H3X78-Q23HJ- TGT6Q-DK2H4- T2BQ8

microsoft microsoft office xp exel xp S/N: 2777P-JW32P- 6HHGW-77Q8Q- FV2TC

EA Battelfield 2142 3.2 S/N: DYTB-8YKD-27KF- SV42-8MXT

Microsoft Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Professional 2007 S/N: HCFPT-K86VV- DCKH3-87CCR- FM6HW

Nero nero 7 S/N: 6556C53534535N53535

McFunSoft Inc Video Convert Split Merge Studio 6.8.2 Build 567 S/N: Name :
Sezgin Mutlu
Organization: Turkey
Serial : VCSMS5947428

Ahead Nero S/N: 1C80-0014-19E5- MA2X-4003- 92CA-K29M

Adobe Macromedia DreamWeaver MX S/N: DWW600-54622- 26755-01760

Adobe Macromedia Fireworks MX S/N: FWW600-04860- 63582-21175

Great Editing program…Macromedi a’s version of Photoshop
NetObjects Net Objects Fusion 10 S/N: NFG-1000-R-353- 00628-34282

Hooalsd Kinoma 4.0 S/N: 090035

Valts Silaputnins Proxy Switcher Pro 3.9.0 Build 4059 S/N: Name: Sezgin Mutlu

Brasfoot Brasfoot 2007 Name: Paulo Barbosa da Silva Junior
S/N: 207799350

Avenue Productions GmbH Web Jewel FX, Version 1.1 S/N: Maschinen-Code:
Passender Freischalt-Code:

Microsoft(R) MS Office Project Professional 2007 12.0.4518.1014 S/N: BHFYK-9RTKR- RV3J6-X669J- XQ3Q8

EA Need for Speed Carbon 1.0 S/N: DPQY-KFG5-GBQ9- 9T27-QQGD | TWSA-5699-LZVM- KQS2-F9EL

PC Tools Registry Mechanic Name: Kim Weems
S/N: Kim Weems
62EB-03BE-C359- CAFE-8BC7- C252-678D- EA8C

Microsoft microsoft word 2000 2000 S/N: CN-122-406-552- 789-4456

Rony Cyberlink.PowerDVD. Ultra 7.2 S/N: DXNHF-B6XT7- P7BVG-75MBJ- GUGXE-G3E9A

Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 6 S/N: BRS6A8-770PA5- D4C671

BRS645-778563- 157908 or

BRS6CD-77EEB8- 3AAE92 or

BRS674-776A80- CCB133 or

BRS67E-77464D- EEDFD8

THQ STalker 1.0 S/N: FK47-S4JT-576Q- GZTM

cadsys Winzip 11.0 S/N: -Name: MasterKiller – -Serial: N1HH7-1JA6U- 442PG-9QE7D- XF47F-WDL9N

&lt;p&gt;Your browser does not support iframes.&lt;/p&gt;
Microsoft Microsoft Office 2007 enterprise german 2007 S/N: KGFVY-7733B- 8WCK9-KTG64- BC7D8

Firetrust Mailwasher Pro 5.3 S/N: MTI4Oj9Sw9ZJQ2nY0Bp pZ4XYnfq6lI+ APqSvqvj+ AC1H0HEY5CJJZm7E SlpMsEXM0If2SyqC

FsWR4W8w2rK0nrBg IWVAXAPo1xmV+ BjF1VdZYnfrklm6h 788lvJLHqkVW2ilE FdEQA9xeD9ovQAR0 SXyZxoFFcpnZMF9m 8oJc7mOlURVOzk6c

3RydWN0dmVyOzE6M Ts2Om8tc2FsdDs4O jI4ZDU1YWRkOzQ6b mFtZTsxNTpQYXVsI EVzY2hiYWN

Firetrust Mailwasher 5.3 S/N: MTI4Oj9Sw9ZJQ2nY0Bp pZ4XYnfq6lI+ APqSvqvj+ AC1H0HEY5CJJZm7E SlpMsEXM0If2SyqC

FsWR4W8w2rK0nrBg IWVAXAPo1xmV+ BjF1VdZYnfrklm6h 788lvJLHqkVW2ilE FdEQA9xeD9ovQAR0 SXyZxoFFcpnZMF9m 8oJc7mOlURVOzk6c

3RydWN0dmVyOzE6M Ts2Om8tc2FsdDs4O jI4ZDU1YWRkOzQ6b mFtZTsxNTpQYXVsI EVzY2hiYWN

Grisoft AVG 7.5Internet Security Serial Feb 2007 7.5 S/N: 75I-TH1R11-P06- C01-S2AL7G- DP7-5RFV

Uploaded Name:gisoft !! Real name is Grisoft, very sorry for wrong typing Gubben
Grisoft AVG 7.5Internet Security Serial Feb 2007 7.5 Name: Internet Security
Serial Feb 2007
S/N: 75I-TH1R11-P06- C01-S2AL7G- DP7-5RFV

UniBlue SpeedUpMy3.0 S/N: 00XHEH-M5TY2P- QEZJWB-V8UUHN

http://www.liutilit /campaigns/ ppc/sp/gog/ ?engine=adwords! 7175&keyword=%28speedupm ypc%

29&match_type=&gclid=CI75m7fqmIsCF RPdPgodSQuIDQ
Roxio Toast Titanium 80.1 S/N: 00-6Y7LN-B90U8- 908RV

Ahead Nero S/N: 1C82-0000-19E5- MAAX-4002- 2881-KM22


TuneUp TuneUp 2007 2007 S/N: Name: smmovi
Corparation/ Firma: smmovi

THCQ Supreme Commander 1.0 S/N: SR9H-WXZb-DR6X- C4GS-X1VB

On the GO Soft Passport Photo 1.5.2_nt_5 Name: http://www.onthegos download. htm
S/N: PB2fe5c429

EA Command And Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Kane Edition 1.0 S/N: QX5M-85R6-V1B1- J2M2-1911/
IXFX-NRN7-U3R7- 35A0-1911

sdfvsdfg maya 8,5 Name: fdgdgdf
S/N: MUK070-O-8868- 6368-5428- 5625-7889

Inicom FlashFXP 3.4 Name: ACME LABS

Ls54XBA7/ gQCF7el7iEIINMXz IwtZTMZSLutP74Ww rlLm+9PnW3njFlGL ox2gyWBAWuCpFg/ p6do9Eaj20M7yF3J hxhI40h7sv4bU+

iBeXrZLZA7ebz9xX jwPItqVocdTztbza NfHOWd+Kb84wcptC s==

FileMaker, Inc. FileMaker Pro Advanced 8.5 S/N: 36F34-69C76- E4934-8BF70- 0A54A-8FDD3- A6C11

EA-Games Command and Conquer 3 – Tiberium Wars Cnc3 v1 S/N: NTEW-DXD7-T3S5- B1A5-M3Q0
/ AB3K-T7EY-K0H6- B4M7-O6O7 / S34U-S6GN-O3E2- 52A4-P2G8 / ADUC-RTBJ-S6K8- S6U8-Y1A5
/ QYH9-FUQX-Y0C2- M3F5-V0B0 / KAFF-EDVY-H2R8- A5E6-F4B8 / GRL4-PUVZ-K8K1- 32V7-T8J8
/ NTWN-45TL-G6I1- D3Q5-H0B7 / IG4C-E8AS-M6V1- B8S2-B5Y3 /

Xilisoft Xilisoft 3gp video converter 3.1 S/N: S/N: Name: Free Verion
S/N: 1112223334445111222 3972F-7B4D- 6915-3C02

slysoft AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD S/N: REGEDIT4

[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\Software \SlySoft\ AnyDVD\Key]
“Key”=”0fw97UItd8HR Wy9tYnIwJQiaPoCm hpIZ4f5fUEfYBZU7 mZbNkQTIjPx5+ WtSpRbnZTOH2AzcI lSo5TgvyPsrbBEmQ s8vOLL3loL6QZ4M0

LyjHU1plK0mHFJC8 2zdM8OwEfep4w8i5 tkgyfi1v7igWSiaa NWWTnt20K/ dtWdIgbE7yW0ZsaQ OsPrkG4

http://www.slysoft. com/de/ EA Games The sims 2 seasons 1.0 Name: EA Games
S/N: 252A-PPWQ-X2AZ- ZX22-5RLD

new working serial for the sims 2 seasons
Smart Projects ISOBuster 2.0 S/N: Email address : tronicer@msfirefox. com
Serial: 0F0481E0-7373EEEE- 78C5F9AD- 15978297- F7F738CF- 42942B01- A7A24181
Email address : tronicer@msfirefox. com
Serial: 0F0481E0-7373EEEE- 78C5F9AD- 15978297- F7F738CF- 42942B01- A7A24181

ELBY Clone CD Version 4 S/N: 236832-3271680443- 1009530217

Authorization number: 5138113-425818- 5137272 Google sketchup Pro 6.0 Name:
S/N: S/N: KA-661-30165886- AAC

xltek AVG Antivirus 7.5 S/N: 70-THXMV1-PL- C21-SM2ZG- SKU-N3KV

70-THXMV1-P4- C21-S324C- 2AM-KWQF


70-THXMV1-P7- C21-SDP5S- ZU6-4NNI



70-TTSOA-P4- C01-X00-S12485- 1K1

THQ Titan Quest Immortal Throne release S/N: A823-CD0F-F249- AFE7-4ED6

? Supreme Commander ? S/N: SR9H-WXZb-DR6X- C4GS-X1VB

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Volume License S/N: V2C47-MK7JD- 3R89F-D2KXW- VPK3J

none Amust Registry Cleaner 3.5 Name: REVENGE CREW
S/N: fe38ab6fffa6d3423b9 63a64ebe2a62bdcc c3e

n/a FlashFXP 3.4.0 S/N: FLASHFXPvwCYA16pvwA AAAC2WpcNKwTnwbv eeFsasruCD7nT
NEqX/qsvG2UWCyyzmq8 cYPqQAZVLclU3WLP 9a1BBDpcCDPBi37
v4mlDCL0hAL/ D+yVcY1xiEyEGWJ9 msVQ9BN1PN8n9o5T txNH6G
PsKd1655TdjSJqvksIQ fOMeVcG/KngWSJxp EAqPTLU0kJSkjKkt d
vdUni+hN2AQVCxco22m /XzEyVMSz34G2eBU 55WXffnsVnfO

qewqe windows 10 S/N: qqq

shole ENT modisa workout plan 1.03 Name: skueeza
S/N: 86758-26374- 37485-21931

it’s danm good!

SEGA Medieval 2 – Total War II S/N: S3U6-W8R9-D26N- X34L

Microsoft Expression Web 2007 S/N: DDWJC-VFGHJ- 7GFK6-9QK3D- PFTHW

Genie-Soft Genie Backup Manager Pro S/N: GMP7-EBD9BC- 0EDE46-E58CF0

Microsoft Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003 S/N: H9WFF-BVJ3T- 2KHD9-HBP77- 7P46B

Lexware Lexware Buchhalter 2007 V. 12.00 S/N: 1234

HDR Soft Photomatix Pro 2.3.3 Name: http://www.serials. ws
S/N: N35M-6566-34K6- 5TR6

pj memories on tv 3.1.7 S/N: 3

Mrk Tune Up Utilities 2007 6.0.1255.0 Name: Blog
S/N: Nombre: Blog
Compañía: MrK

Xilisoft 3Gp Video Converter Name: Kann mann sich selber
S/N: 5847-2238-4498- 9501-1BD6- 500A-5402- A303

jahamuha1 jahamuha1 11.5 S/N: 7455.9800.2153. 2231

123 pctex PCtex 5.1 S/N: NSTLF-5RP5T- TLFDY-AXTB4- TLJ6Z

Microsoft Microsoft Windows Vista 32bits Ultimate French S/N: VMCB9-FDRV6- 6CDQM-RV23K- RP8F7

Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Personal Version S/N: S/N: r4?7-ge42u-n5? 3e
Key: bws-q5q

Savard Software TurboLaunch 5.0.10 S/N: Name : Sezgin Mutlu
Serial: 2241W5-GYJAGX- C2QJK8

Adobe Adobe Photoshp CS 2 9.0 S/N: 1045-1085-7167- 5719-7396- 8193

Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Enterprise edition 2005 S/N: KGR3T-F2C2T- RRTGT-D6DQT- QBBB3

iTinySoft Total Video Converter 3.01 S/N: 0ab52023-ba00347e- 9fa86acd- fdc330a9- 68578b7e- 264b81e1- 30bdfeef-

cea403fa- 20457e4a- 39c03409- f69a9aba- 388e8a94- 677044c7- 643fe9ac- 66523c91- 18a61801

100% working
http://www.effectma RhinoSoft Serv-U FTP Corporate Edition v6.4.0.2 S/N:

RcKpeR7SFMf05mXl Tw54oG3GQiMGK9rU vBm3DqA1N92dew3E Htv69Xz6Hx6KRu9F xg

http://www.serv- ACDSee ACDSee Photo Manager 9.0 S/N: DW9D7H-334K2- 3NLJZ3-3HPTV4X- D9S

Driver Guide Driver Guide Tool Kit 2.0.23 Name: YURTDESEN CERiBAS
S/N: FC74-0347-BF1E- 94B0

http://www.driverguide. com Sunflowers Anno 1701 1.00 S/N: 36H66-Q2Q5W- LNTNR-4JMRW- 2YUA2-QMFLM- 9D5PU-7YPDT

Lonely cat games LCG Jukebox 2.12 S/N: 358357001836230

typing master typing master 6.30 S/N: 6.3

symantec norton internet security 2007 S/N: 2007

IniCom Networks Flash FXP 3.4.1 S/N: ——– FlashFXP Registration Data START ——–
FLASHFXPvwCYA16pvwA AAAC2WpcNKwTnwbv eeFsasruCD7nT
NEqX/qsvG2UWCyyzmq8 cYPqQAZVLclU3WLP 9a1BBDpcCDPBi37
v4mlDCL0hAL/ D+yVcY1xiEyEGWJ9 msVQ9BN1PN8n9o5T txNH6G
PsKd1655TdjSJqvksIQ fOMeVcG/KngWSJxp EAqPTLU0kJSkjK

microsoft ms office 2003 2003 S/N: xk4bv-38k2b- jpjh9-c4txb- f737b

FREEMAN AudioLava 1.0 Name: Scalopus
S/N: 324E-4B97-8027- 4CCC

Symantec Norton Internet Security 2007 S/N: VRB97-2MVJW- 74BG2-VTXHV- KMHBC

gjj hghgv 7 S/N: 675968976

Ulead ulead photo v12 S/N: 811A3-0C000- 66766095

Acronis Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2117 S/N: V3Q48-PNHXP- J9B7L-68K9Q- G2YC4

Ashampoo Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.5 S/N: BRS6A8-770PA5- D4C671

corel 11 :
DR11CRD-0012082- DGW
Free Web Hosting

FolderLock User ID: NewSoft15805

FolderLock Registration Key: 221281703


4990963471843922, 8815902902903302, 5674913934842460,
7843413934842960, 7843413934842960, 8815902902903302,


total video convert sn:


0ab52023-ba00347e- 9fa86acd- fdc330a9- 68578b7e- 264b81e1- 30bdfeef- cea403fa- 20457e4a- 39c03409- f69a9aba- 388e8a94-

677044c7- 643fe9ac- 66523c91- 18a61801

or try

94d7f253-97db21cf- 77bc98d8- 6f456a41- be943be4- a0a3b2e0- 16059d78- d7d2fe36- 0de33bc7- d866e316- c5811727- 327512bb-

af3d58ff- 07e5a488- df33ae98- 1a620514

recovery my files : mark/
recovery my files
Name: Mark D Price
Serial: MM6NBN-JPR1W4- ZG7U1E-QT0MHH- AFW0H8-1K0K6F- 4T2DG4-51WWVY

office recovery
SERIAL: 3918-63853

tune up 2008 :

Name: Tanja Wirtz

Software:Remote Administrator 2.1

08US9A95I+lKa9nbOLX qv0V8xqdDvKGcNcT pN2wV11iSqOCVuA6 A5KKZRHc5GVMIybW omK6rNwoj8mYy8LX RFi23

Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 8.0.0

Opera For Windows v7.54 serial number
Name:www.ttdown. com
Code:w-JPmHr- EVYWj-BiBSb- xxDeT-bL8Tm

AceFTP v2.03.0 Pro serial number
Name: DiSTiNCT s/n: BM29PK-HB7W11- ATHL4A-DQU6CN or Name: Free User

Ahead Nero Burning Rom v6.30 Ultra Edition serial number
1A23-0040-9020- 2133-6246- 6618

Microsoft Office 2003 serial number

Office Visio Pro 2003 serial number

swishmax serial number:

SetupSwishmax serial number

AceFTP Pro v2.04.0:
Name: DiSTiNCT s/n: BM29PK-HB7W11- ATHL4A-DQU6CN

FreehandMX serial number
WPD700-54600- 07694-00204
WPD700-58402- 28494-18882
WPD700-53503- 33394-05832

Windows Communicator v1.9.8.4 serial number
s/n: EE3A33C1E8C2A3F8 or B044298424811645

CloneCD v4.0.0 serial number
Serial Code:
1012F1399D0C696BA4D 92C949B50B08D5EB D1E0C1D36AC82F5B 3D912AF58DABEB10 F76742F1423E7E44 A04CA5F4B7F1F7F0

C8B762A13B4C031C B4031D1001BBF

Win2PDF v2.5 serial number
Name:www.piaodown. com
Code:4695-7905- 2845-9334

iZotope Ozone Winamp Plugin v1.0 serial number
Name: San Perese Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/n92844

FTP Voyager – v9.1.0.3 serial number
ZAe+cuHoRc/EybeBP6h 8A1B29BcArC3Onmc qB2W3VoImSEXYBhx X/WMvuacpsxNakNL CV2gi0yHmOK9I7ut 0nPVDIqY51/ rL7P0Hbki20vUKVW

j/KAvA+Uexa3u0XN OT/uugAKD1Cknh1i 7yXn04t0GxZ3La7r ekNBiS+nZb+ yE=

InstallShield Professional v7.0 serial number
ISC5L8-0100- 9994779043
Should be
ISCSL8-0100- 9994779043

Adobe Mpeg Encoder Activation Code For Premiere Pro serial number
name: http://www.bestserials. com
code: F8AC-2781

TweakXP Pro v4.0.5 serial number
name: http://www.bestserials. com
code: 302D0215-01CA7441- 52EA5A1A- 5697E9FE

Tweak-XP Pro v4.0.2 serial number
Name: Thomas Faerber or Monica H. Albus S/N:
1851-69141755885442 94-6514 or 1851-28854357647692 52-6514 Match Tomas w/
1851-69xxx and Monica w/ 1851-28xxx
FTP Serv-U v5.0.0.6 Beta serial number
Registration ID:
HsVRCjxHMe/HwDOrrUx qeMuChKO0DdlzUy2 tCGgcdMVQDs/ 7P9EdwjKrowsPF/ /h4YObIvknAH/ FHA95cfEyb3wzQp2 v7UfOzCFEFq722
SPB pocket plus 3.0.0 serial number
S/N: 36351256
Cristal Report 11*
*b5w60-01c0200- 00gpaj0-0m80*

Kumpulan Serial Number

CD-Key dan serial Number Windows

Serial Number : 111-1111111 dapat digunakan untuk :
• BackOffice 4.5 (Beta 2)
• Flight Simulator 98 (OEM)
• Liquid Motion 1.0
• Monster Truck Madness
• Office 97 Pro
• Plus! 98
• Publisher 98
• SQL Server Enterprise Edition
• Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition
• Visual Studio 6 (Enterprise dan Pro) dan 97
• Word 97

Serial Number : 465-6389583 dapat digunakan untuk :
• Flight Simulator 95
• Monster Truck Madness
• Office 98 for MacIntosh
• Office 2001 for MacIntosh
• Publisher 97
• Publisher 98 (dengan 0465 pada blok pertama)
• Sidewinder Game Pad CD
• Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise
• Visual Basic 6.0a Professional Edition
• Visual C++ 4.0 dan 5.0
• Visual C++ 4.0 Professional
• Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition
• Visual Studio 97
• Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
• Windows 95/98 Plus!
• Windows 95 Upgrade
• Windows 98 Beta 3
• Works 4.5
Serial Number : 1112-1111111 dapat digunakan untuk :
• Office 97
• Office 97 Pro
• Outlook 98
• Power Point 97 Upgrade
• Project 98
• Publisher 98
• Microsoft Works

Serial Number : 8090-3192571 dapat digunakan untuk :
• Access 97
• Front Page 98
• Office 97 Pro
• Outlook 98
• Project 98
• Publisher 98, Spanyol Version
• Visual Basic 5.0 Professional dan Enterprise Edition
• Word 97

Windows 98
• YK42-6KXD9-2C333- 3D898-J97HP
• R3TQR-PQTKG- HBVQ9-YBFH3- CGCRT digunakan untuk German full, English
full (OEM), UK Edition, Compaq English, Spanyol Full, Dutch, Compaq
dan IBM Recovery CDs, dan U.S. Second Edition (SE) OEM, Dell SE
• Q2YHH-GYWV2- MDXCD-H9P2X- HYVMM digunakan untuk beberapa versions
termasuk SE (Second Edition), UK Edition, dan US OEM.
• R34DV-VB6WM- XMHHV-WM4Q2- WBB3Y seharusnya dapat digunakan untuk
semua version dari first edition Windows 98 (4.10.98), UK Edition.
• T7J8Q-MH7RP- 9H9J2-2HVFG- C3X2M digunakan untuk four U.S. retail
versions (4.10.1998) sekelas dengan second edition version.
• JJK9P-G8JYJ- X24RC-XTFJ4- K9W4W digunakan untuk English retail
version (CA), UK Edition.
• MMHK7-QPHQG- KMTP9-7GTJY- JQ6XM digunakan untuk English Retail Second
Edition v4.10.2222A. Termasuk, HP 4440 recovery disk, UK Edition.
• XB88B-9B96V- CRJPG-64882- GQBDD Full verison, bukan upgrade, termasuk
Second Edition, UK Edition
• DJK2X-6XFJB- Q9J7J-WGC7P- WMHYG Compaq, HP, IBM, dsb., UK Edition
• HGBRM-RBK3V- M9FXV-YCXDK- V38J4 Apr 98 Beta
• K4HVD-99TJ9- 6CRXG-C9G68- R92D3
• BQRYF-BQ4BF- Q4VFX-D9PRC- YTCV7 French Update CD
• MD97J-QC7R7- TQJGD-3V2WM- W7PVM English Developer’s Connection
Version. Keliatannya bisa juga dengan T7J8Q….dsb (sama dengan
• HBM43-PD86Y- 9R8HM-4GM8H- TVG3Q UK Edition
• BHB6V-JYFJ8- V9C47-QDB6B- JCTXK UK Version
• Q988C-P7VK2- K2K7R-QX9W9- 7CDW3 UK Edition

Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)

RW9MG-QR4G3- 2WRR9-TG7BH- 33GXB Full Edition, English UK
DKJQY-TMJGF- BYYPQ-Q2HB7- W2K3V Upgrade English, U.S. Version
K4HVD-Q9TJ9- 6CRX9-C9G68- RQ2D3 Win 98 Upgrade Second Edition, termasuk
1st edition full retail
HQ6K2-QPC42- 3HWDM-BF4KJ- W4XWJ Win 98 Second Edition, (serial yang
sering digunakan) termasuk Denmark, Norwegia dan Norwegia OEM, UK
Edition (product ID 16203-OEM-0000007- 00651)
HQ88R-P7JWC- 4FYHY-DK6MV- HT3CD Plus SE U.S English Ver 4.10.2222A
P767C-WKHX7- 62TFV-H6XTP- JXFQM digunakan untuk ver. 4.10.2222 English,
UK Edition, termasuk Packard Bell Master Recovery CD
XQY3P-8MMD2- JC6M2-HJDYW- P6H7B, UK Edition
d6xwh-xkvv6- t2f87-kb2kh- 9h3yg from Compaq OEM system, UK Edition
BBH2G-D2VK9- QD4M9-F63XB- 43C33 Chinese Language, Full Installation
J3R3W-VBVDF- 2496X-46TQB- HH8BY Australian English. Product Key
792807368, UK Edition
TR9TQ-F4JRW- FXM4G-3H7V2- FH4J6 UK dan Chinese Version
W7XTC-2YWFB- K6BPT-GMHMV- B6FDY Second Edition English
JHD22-PY6C8- GGTJC-HYYWT- TF7MY Ver 4.10.2222A Retail
QMPMF-23D8R- 83GV6-MMR3C- BQ7C3 UK Edition
WTY8X-CQP24- MX9TD-GBBD9- JKCXP (upgrade)
WGJTT-2Q9MV- 3TB8B-DQ77Y- C6QKB UK Edition
TVYGH-V683W- 3CWT9-MQ468- G66WR Upgrade
DBRCB-D43K3- VY4G4-KVG4H- 6FK9M Australia
PRDDH-83JD9- G6PK4-684GF- 6Y73B Dell OEM English dan Dell upgrade

MS Exchange Server 5.0 dan 5.5.
Serial Number : 7777-7777777

Office 2000

DR674-KJWQW- HGQKT-WGDBG- 4RKY3 produk ID antara 450-5693453
Q2CXY-QYYJ4- QPTBH-WPCTB- 9J4MM Volume/Corporate CD Key
RX2R4-4RDYW- 269QY-7BC3J- XCFVB (Corporate CD Key)
JFD4K-MKCDP- 83R4H-7GFCQ- 2C9KB Professional English SR1
HQ6DG-JJ73M- C34Q7-W3G4H- CRB9Q UK Pro, Spanyol Premium, dan U.S.
(standard upgrade) as well as Visio 2000
R7WB4-KQDHY- YTVRF-77JXC- W7898 Spanyol Premium
C3KDQ-BJBMM- YVP9B-DQY7V- VBG9G Spanyol SR-1, version 9.0.3821

Office 2000 Professional

H4GW2-2M9C4- R8YWX-BYJFT- KKFQ3 Termasuk MS Works Suite 2000 (Inggris
dan swedia) dan Word 2000 sebaik dengan Word 2000 (HP OEM dan
DT3FT-BFH4M- GYYH8-PG9C3- 8K2FJ termasuk premium, pre SP1
DT3FT-BFH4M- 9YYH8-PG963- 8K2FJ (2nd Edition)
RX2R4-4RDYW- S29QY-7BC3J- XCFV3 (Corporate CD Key)
DFK97-PR8TC- 9XMJJ-4JVCY- WHTP9 academic version, product ID 326-4662262

Office 2000 Premium

MP4F9-W6C8V- HTCCT-T7M7R- Y7K3Y (Termasuk Office 10 Beta 2)
CFGBV-3MC8H- KW2XJ-8CVP6- KBRM9 (Termasuk SR-1, tapi butuh registras).

Works Suite 2000


Office 2000 Small Business

J3GX9-MDBXB- 934FC-CTQJ3- KFRM8, Termasuk Windows ME Upgrade, Works
Suite 2000, Publisher 2000, Word 2000 (termasuk SR-1 dan OEM) dan
Office 2000 Professional version (service release 1, English dan
W6FX3-77MJ3- JMVH2-VWP86- F4KMJ, Termasuk Flight Simulator 2000, Works
Suite 2000, dan Word 2000 OEM.

Office 10 untuk Mac

HGRK7-74222- YDF4X-VKP93- R8X76
C43G9-T2J4R- 4V8GX-F9TYQ- R42W4

Works 4.5a OEM version
11111-11111- 11111-11111- 11111

Word 2000

WPB69-HRK28- WYRJ9-FKK76- DGDC8 Termasuk Works Suite 2000 dan 2001
XDDT9-9T82Y- 47WDW-B9TV4- 8M9MD
PF64V-RVBCV- 4QJJG-7Q9VC- 3DVRW Canadian version

Front Page 2000 upgrade dan full version

DYQV3-XDB7C- T24YH-2Q93P- T4G7V Termasuk Office 2000 Premium
R6BRT-3DH6Y- 22BWG-H8T6C- 49BXV Termasuk Project 2000 dan Publisher 2000

Project 2000 Pro

MDYB4-92JGJ- CV7KY-H2B39- 9X4TT termasuk yang digunakan untuk Visio 2000

Visio 2000

Windows 2000 Professional
QR8T4-P2J49- 68J88-79XTP- F2RG8
TXY8C-9X778- 9BJ3T-6F2DC- 332YF U.S. Upgrade
K3Y7V-XXWHC- 8XT9Q-HH6TC- WMFYV U.S. Upgrade from MS
RBDC9-VTRC8- D7972-J97JY- PRVMG Termasuk digunakan untuk Windows
Whistler, build 2428 dan Upgrade nya
RM233-2PRQQ- FR4RH-JP89H- 46QYB Retail
DY26P-7W66J- MQQQ7-QGRTQ- X8PHJ Corporate CD
RBDC9-VTRC8- D7972-J97JY- PRVMG sampai batas waktu 120 hari

Windows 2000 Server
VTWQ6-GQ4DB- RF2BW-RRMRR- WDMDT termasuk SQL Server 2000 Personal

Windows 2000 Advanced Server
H6TWQ-TQQM8- HXJYG-D69F7- R84VM termasuk Business Server
RBDC9-VTRC8- D7972-J97JY- PRVMG termasuk Windows 2000 Pro, kemungkinan
masa aktifnya hanya 120 hari)

Outlook 2000
WK4BC-8C9GD- WRCKV-DV39P- T8JKG termasuk FrontPage 2000, Work Suite
2001, Gateway Work Suite 2003

Windows ME (Millenium)
RBDC9-VTRC8- D7972-J97JY- PRVMG Termasuk yang digunakan untuk Windows
Whistler build 2428
Q6MD3-VG94N- C4M3X-W2WJ4- V7XJ7
R4J6Q-TT3GQ- FWVP9-K3XH8- 2R2GB Austrian Version
FF8PG-YQQX4- 7VHW8-MC4K9- T8VPQ Full Version (Retail)

Windows Millenium Upgrade

Office XP 2002
FM9FY-TMF7Q- KCKCT-V9T29- TBBBG (yang sering dipakai) digunakan untuk
corporate Pro Enterprise dan Professional editions
Q4F49-MQ4YG- JCWHM-KF4QR- GRXWY Volume/Corporate CD Applications
HWB6C-8R8YY- M4M86-PXB88- 3C78G Volume/Corporate CD Suites
RYXMW-P6PFM- YC2GP-YWX2R- 9VY9G Retail Applications
VBVRC-TKK6Y- 37HD7-FVGGB- JF36J Retail Suites
QHV8Q-JYYYQ- WDBWP-9GCPY- P77JB Professional
QX97T-8R9FY- M3HGX-KGXYD- R3C8T Seems to be 49 trial version
XFX2Y-28DHH- 8XHX3-RXRC8- 28TCD digunakan untuk Premium edition,
termasuk UK edition with FrontPage

Windows XP Professional 2002
FCKGW-RHQQ2- YXRKT-8TG6W- 2B7Q8 Corporate version dan upgrade
PQGR8-86HKG- 2X3P7-H2DH2- HRM96 Corporate generated
J7282-VM7Y4- MXMJD-83DJM- BM6JY Corporate generated
RG6Q6-JRJQR- JMY3X-DPR7T- 48K86 Corporate generated
W7VY8-R3HK7- J68PB-TQ4DF- B87M2 Corporate generated
FRQF8-RW2FT- MHFWB-GRQKP- T9GV2 Corporate generated
TKFFC-RMY9G- DD3HQ-JKPG9- AX6HD Volume License (may be post SP1)
BQ92H-YPC9T- 3MCMY-7PPH8- 8J3JF Retail version
KBGVG-DK767- BQPTM-3DC9F- HYV83 Retail version
BBK3H-PPH6P- G8YV7-FMBHM- 2RV2P OEM SP1 compatible
BVFKG-7MXPW- Y6RVF-CMD22- FYRR7 OEM SP1 compatible
RBR8H-YBHRY- XVD8C-Q47YW- Y62CC OEM SP1 compatible

Windows XP Home Edition
C6QQT-DYQ7H- HG39T-H47FX- Q3JD2 upgrade

Publisher 2000

Publisher XP
dy6wq-d3fyg- v89by-8kpg9- 8yw9m termasuk yang digunakan untuk Visio dan
Publisher 2002 Pro

Visio Enterprise Network Tools
HJ964-7DQ6D- 7K7RK-DD7RM- TQGRB Volume/Corporate CD

Works Suite 2001

Publisher 2002

Project Pro 2002

Visual Pro 2002

Visual Studio .NET

Visual FoxPro 7.0

Office XP Pro 2002

Project 2002 Pro
dy6wq-d3fyg- v89by-8kpg9- 8yw9m (reguler)

Works Suite 2002
K64YY-JRMKM- 7DJJF-F2D96- 8K736 termasuk Word 2002 dan Outlook 2002,
kemungkinan hanya berlaku selama 50 hari.

Word 2002
HM6W4-KPQ88- CRPFM-VXXJB- 26XJJ (trial version dengan 50 kali digunakan)

Works Suite 2003
KDQK3-QR72W- TBR3F-DJJHM- TGKF6 (Word 2002)

Windows Advanced Server 2003

Works Suite 2004 (including Word 2002)

Microsoft Office S & T Edition 2003 Trial dengan Microsoft Works
7.0 2004 Standard dan Microsoft MSN Encarta Standard

Windows Longhorn 4015 beta
cky24-q8qrh- x3kmr-c6bcy- t847y

ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Corporate Edition s/n: FCAF-6027-4100-0004-7453
ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Professional FPEF 6025 9000 2854 9821
Absynth 1.3.1 264-35453-49899
Absynth Standalone & VSTi 1.3 s/n: 264-19546-66290

(Note: register Standalone and VSTi version with s/n)
ACDSee32 2.41 Name: BaRT SiMPSoN
s/n: 301421923521327
AcdSee 5.0 Powepack 664-828-790-472-030-541
AcdSee 5.0 Standard 762871000615491441
ACD VideoMagic 1.0 s/n: 156 899 502 991 575 441
AceHTML 5.07.0 Pro name: embrace
Acoustica CD Label Maker 1.42
Acronis OS Selector 5.0 Deluxe Name: Chul Choo Lee
s/n: 83K64-K66BF-6V898-H27AU-2623E
Actual Drawing 3.5 Name: JIOO
s/n: 103A2D00
ADAM Interactive Anatomy Student Ed.2001 AIA1107701923
Ad-Aware 6.0.162 Professional Retail Install Code: 1291453
Add Remove Plus 2003 v4.0.1 s/n: 5346434222883427426
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 KWW500R7150122-128
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 s/n: KWC500R6538415-885
Adobe Acrobat 5.01 s/n: KWW500R7150122-128
Adobe Acrobat Capture v3.01 Personal s/n: WCW200R7100755-319
s/n: WCA300U2290864-910
Adobe After Effects 4.1 EWW400R4000123-666-922
Adobe After Effects 5.5 s/n: EWW470R1001999-030-259
Adobe Dimensions 3.0 s/n: DJW300R7101786-723
Adobe FrameMaker 6.0 20-1-01-01-6-11111-27EB98
Adobe Framemaker 6.0 + SGML 24-1-01-01-6-11111-F8EC6A
Adobe Golive 4.0 GJW400R2100006-625
Adobe Golive 5.0 GJW500R2898273-460
Adobe Illustrator 8 ABW800R7119160-874
Adobe Illustrator 8 PL ABO8007R000061-508
Adobe Illustrator 9 ABW900R71111141-999-830
Adobe Illustrator 10.0 1045-1885-5682-6886-6690-4184
Adobe Image Ready dhm100xx675123099-999-435
Adobe InDesign 1.5 IPE123R12345678-337
Adobe LiveMotion LVW100R7100843-292
Adobe LiveMotion 2.0 s/n: 1038-1122-4403-2805-2740-1096
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 3W601R1114316-716
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 PL 03O601R1000044-433
Adobe PageMaker 7.0 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
Adobe Pagemill 3.0 mlw300r7102296-238
Adobe Paradox 9.0 PX9NR-37864A9771
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition 1.0 t-aut s/n: CQW100R7113867-753
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition 4.0 HTW200R7100048-493
Adobe Photoshop LE SDM501B3824508-217
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 PL PWW400R7106337-339
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 English PWW600R7105467-948
Adobe Photoshop 6 tryout s/n: PWW600R7105467-948
Adobe Photoshop 6.01 CE PL PWW600P2421966-920
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 PL 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783
Adobe Photoshop Elements 1057-4422-1198-0751-6983-5530
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 1057-4427-2821-0117-6568-5109
Adobe Premiere 5.5 MBE510B7038624-168
Adobe Premiere 6.0 MBW600R7100765-881
Adobe PressReady EBE100R7020624-539
Adobe Streamline 4.0 SBW400U7100000-392
Adobe Type on Call 3839-7945-7521-5638-4039-545
Adobe Type Manager AWW400R7110870-808
Advanced Access Password Recovery 2.5 8KCApk6PrrhV87gfxeftwsqm
Advanced Archive Password Recovery 2.20

Advanced Disk Catalog 1.48 1303196920041974ny3hscMDeIhSe5sC
Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder 1.1 name: NLi
s/n: 3884-92CC-B2B1-3464
Advanced Office 2000 Password Rec. 1.03 Pro MSF2K-PB52-PHUHU-272
Advanced Office XP Password Rec. Pro 2.0

Advanced Paradox Password Recovery 1.01 MSPP-83852-DWMRA-762
Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.34 PDFP-99322-EYSVY-886
Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro 2.12

AlamDV Name: KHS Inc.
s/n: dqonbaobazyxwvut
AlamDV 2.01 name: Claudio Duffini
s/n: bspdopxmaziansxm
Alarm Master 4.0
Alcohol 120% v1.3.1.823 s/n: AL12PPPPAFAE4rneMMz
Alive MP3 WAV Converter
Analityk 1.00 System Wspomagania Dec. PL wAo6xQ-ontcA8-QpGEii-v24iSE
Animated Screen 6.7 NameVERDAYS.NET
Animation Masters 1234-123
Anim-FX 5643er-2158719ptr87
Anti-Hacker Expert 2003 v1.2
Anti-Trojan 5.5.420 Name:brother-warez
AntiVirenKit 12 Professional PL trial 26BF9056FCCF1D6D56EAF8E0E8128E2F
Applet Button Factory 5.1 Name: 12aew s/n: 9j8f5
Aqua 3D screensever 1.51 Name: DARRYL WILSON
Aquatica Waterworlds 3.xx Name: Wanlop L.
Architecturals 3.1.0003 for IntelliCAD Name: Team PARADOX 2002
Company: Team PARADOX 2002
Ashampoo AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 2.50 Name:
AtomixMP3 v2.2 9KP-P45-MFC
Audio CD Copier 1.0 Code:0192837465-2000
Audio Record Wizard 3.2
Audio Record Wizard 3.3 Name: Megido Group
SN: AFB5-9C27-9283-98ED
SN: E877-5BA3-A73F-DF5A
SN: 1B30-85A9-2B8A-85B8
Aurora 2000 v2.3 name: Lunatic s/n: 155286126
AutoCad 2000 PL Serial: 112-11111111
CD-key: 5x8NUG
AutoCad 2000i s/n 999-12345678
CDkey 94ED61
AutoCad LT 2002 PL s/n: 400-12345678 CD-key: T4ED6P
AutoCad 2002 s/n: 340-32188123 CD Key: DXW9L4
AutoCad Mechanical Desktop 6.0 400-08880999 VVWVAM
400-03780969 VVWVAM
400-05780741 VVWVAM
Autodesk 3D Studio VIZ R3 serial : 110-19990726
cd-key : SWP9UV
Authorize : 71957107
Autodesk Actrix Technical 2000 name: huh
organization: dsg
s/n: 117-69576063
Autodesk Architectural Desktop R2 serial: 112-11111111
cdkey: 5X8NUG
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2i Serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3.3 serial # : 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk AutoCad 2000 serial: 112-11111111
cdkey: 5X8NUG
Autodesk AutoCad 2000 Educational serial: 111-11111111
cdkey: GX8NUG
auth: FFD54A5A
Autodesk AutoCad 2002 Serial #: 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk AutoCad Data Exchange 2000i 400-12345678
Autodesk AutoCAD Land Development Desktop Release 2i s/n: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2000 serial: 110-98539662
cdkey: 2ZC3DJ
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2000i serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2002 s/n : 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 2000i serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk CAD Overlay 2000 s/n: 110-98539662
cd-key: 2ZC3DJ
AuthCode: 08BB785
Autodesk CAD Overlay 2000i serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk CAD Overlay 2002 serial # : 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk Civil Design Release 2i serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Auth : no requiere
Autodesk Civil Design 3.0 serial # : 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk Land Development Desktop Rel. 2 Serial #: 400-12345678
Auth : no requiere
Autodesk Land Desktop 3.0 serial # : 400-12345678
cd-key : T4ED6P
Autodesk LightScape name: EzD
company: PWA
s/n: 700-15158000
code: 6A147AF9
Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 5 serial: 400-12345678
cdkey: T4ED6P
Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 6.0 cdkey : 400-19791979
auth key : TLSQBS
Autodesk QuickCAD Millenium Edition R7 202-12345678GENESIS 2.01
First Box: 42949
Third Box: 129342250
Autodesk Raster Design 3 s/n: 400-08152001 key VZY8QQ
Autodesk Survey Release 2i serial: 400-12345678
cd-key: T4ED6P
Autodesk Vip Library 4Q99 Actrix Business 647 Serial: 647-00000001
Autodesk VIZ 4 serial no. 400-12345678
registration no. 5342 0029 4248 7978
Autodesk Volo View 2000 202-12345678
Auto Odtwarzacz vX.XX Numer: 680884410
Numer: Poland’98
Haslo: 35758510053637159395
Auto Odtwarzacz / Auto Player v1.3 Uzytkownik / User : shadowRUNNER
Numer / Number : Poland’98
Haslo / Password : 01158734184975032298
AutoPlay Media Studio Retail 4.0 s/n: AMS4-5212-2476-3883
key: 770C-B2CE-72A3-2470
Autoplay Media Studio s/n:: AMS4-4083-2538-7858
Key: E69A-87B9-2BC6-3970
Autoplay Menu Studio s/n: AMS4-5212-2476-3883
Key: 770C-B2CE-72A3-2470
Avg Antivirus Pro 7.0.143 70ZJ-TV5I80-PE-CY2-SX-ZKF-TZ4DD9
Avi/mpeg/rm Joiner 2.40 em559-88z4ud-19330
AVI/MPEG/RM/WMV Joiner 4.21
AzGuard Name:MAGNUM

Back4WinXP 2.7
Backup DVD 8.4 s/n: ASRO2-IFHT1-AWNA9-TRE89
s/n: FIA89-TERA3-SQF26-ANW71
Backup To CD-RW 5.0.140 s\n: 5873-4543-2528-8859
Banner Maker Pro Name : MackOi DBC
Serial : 3122545210621
Banner Maker Pro Serial: 3122545210621
Bartez Movie Library 3.2.1 name: AAOCG tEAM!
e-mail: Advanced Art of Cracking Group
code: 13700315159100303010004484
Befaster 2.7x name: Mister Stop
s/n: 2838949334
Big Scale Racing ED66-6866-1766-2A66
BiznesPlan 2003 s/n: BPD6203828218
BlindWrite Suite 4.2.5 s/n: 5LFG – ENPV – EI5W – 5LFJ
BlindWrite Suite 4.2.7 Code:5LFG-ENPV-EI5W-5LFJ
BlindWrite Suite 4.2.9 Code:5LFG-ENPV-EI5W-5LFJ
BlindWrite Suite YRB1F1J1YDYU7MEJ
BlindWrite Suite name: bhljkrth77vkvk
BootXP 2.50 RC1 Name: Megido Group
SN: BXP-23089520650422206
Borland C++ Developers Kit 5.0 BDS1350WW10185
Borland C++ Builder 4 s/n: 100-000-0427
key: xcx8-19×0
Borland C++ Builder 5.0 s/n: 111-111-1111
key: 4eb1-2301 go back and enter 4eb 230
Borland Delphi 4.0 C/S s/n: 123-123-1234 8ex2-5fx0
Borland Delphi 6.0 Enterprise serial: z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq
key: rw2-7jw
Borland JBuilder Pro 2.01 s/n: 1000000171 key: c3-7-0-0
Borland JBuilder 3.5 Pro s/n: xa33-?2xtt-rpvb9
key: 5p7-?rz
Borland JBuilder 4 serial: xa22-?hrs5-2ubgs
key f2j-46g

Cakewalk Music Creator 2002 CWMC102-037545
Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0 s/n: cwpa900000000
key: 7009001015988
Caligari Truespace 6.0 s/n: 8040701010404
Camedia Master 4.0 s/n: zcm1-400e-2009-6083-08mk
Camtasia Studio Name:Ghostbuster
Catz, Your Computer Pet s/n: 1287-6097-3288
CD Autorun creator 1.0.9 91736941951541
CD-Bremse 1.08-1.12 user:hacekw
CD/DVD Diagnostic retail Name:
SN: L00852089537
CD/DVD Diagnostic 2.0.2 multilingual s/n: L00852089537
CD Mate Deluxe name: TEAM CAT 2002
s/n: CMAA0EA775TAA
CD Mate Deluxe Name: Oxide Owns Company: Oxide
s/n: CMNC8DOC810F7
CD Mate Deluxe Name: TEAM CAT 2002
s/n: CMAA0EA775TAA
CDRipper 2.81 Code:03-002195-085426
CDRLabel 6 Line1: 35786784
Line2: 186844707
CDRoller 4.20 Name: NeRo
s/n: 0071-3812-5781-3881-1791
CDRoller 4.31 name: NeRo
s/n: 0071-3812-5781-3881-1791
Cdrwin 3.9c Your Name: Mark Brown
Company/Email: Power Shells
Unlock Key: 960693AE-138F1499-7E990C80-08505467
Check Key: 9E56C7C9-85898737-6D161819-76C958E7
Cdrwin 5.05.001 50R0R-CDR22-48362-76423-71087
CDSpace 4.1 cd-key: SF5782-4577-216131
C-GEO LT s/n: 77996
Chameleon Clock 2.51 Code: PW-LOCK-6YJA-LU3T-PN2ZK
Check Favorites 1.6 Name: Megido Group Company
CheckIt Suite 6.5 TC-025045
Chem Office 2000 Ultra serial: 199920000
keycode: FRKNLGMPT
Cinema 4D s/n: 16060101169-54A8C4
Cinema 4D Demo 16060101169-54A8C4
Clasp 2000 3.0.3 name: Chafe/TEX99
s/n: 418333-128331EX99-3623322
CleanCenter 1.32.97
CloneCD 4.0 name: Randal Dudley Dudley
s/n: 1619103-1-0045531653-3485491080
CloneCD beta 30 1619103-1-0045531653-3485491080
CloneCD 1503807831-2-2247829181- 1489782676
CloneCD 1528916631-2-2225435462-1603894703
CloneCD name: JUSTiC
s/n: 2276405-1-2819017008-1043966198
CloneCD 1124216600-2-1325733709-1652003845
Collins (s³ownik PL-ANG) Z00-A400455
Collins 2.0 (s³ownik PL-ANG) Y11-A217482
Color Pilot 4.61 SN: 04005-672903722-0671
SN: 23679-522911603-9662
SN: 59992-429899960-3025
Contractus 15-7e19-1-8f-8d5c
Cool Edit 2000 v1.0 Name: MFD Corp. s/n: Q17EXF5U
Cool Edit Pro 2.0 Name: Peter Quistgard
s/n: 200-00-37YQOQ7L
CoolIE 2.0 Name: TEAM LAXiTY
s/n: vqvOfKTyvmnuTiDibSXG
Copernic Agent Professional 6.1 s/n: CC01-100000-202200
s/n: CC01-100000-395800
CopyDVD 6.0 Username: dbrain
CopyToDVD 2.1.6 Code:22PURVRID9V9LREJ
Corel Bryce 5.0 BF50CRD-1257022-WDB
Corel Custom Photo SE 1.0 ccp-psfownz
Corel Draw 9.0 456-1134-1987
Corel Draw 10 English D10NR-3284253T76
Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11 DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
Corel Graphics Suite 11 DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
Corel KnockOut 1.5 1004304309
Corel Painter 7 PF70CRD-2564458-SZH
Corel Painter 8 pf08cum-0516190-dcn
Corel Print Office 2000 P02NR-F721127808
Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 Wp911-8675309PHX
Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 Professional PW9-8Q45777988
Corel Xara 3.04 1992-7866-5926
coverXP Pro 1.60 Name:aura/bf!
Customizer XP 1.8.5 Serial: 28031979-ph-17081945
CuteFTP Pro 3.0 AGDWS2M7P5L88E
CuteFTP XP 5 build s/n: ACBBY2TH79J9C3
CuteFTP 5.0.1 XP A9675644L45JJB
Cyberlink PowerDirector Pro 2.5 s/n: RR99852984H45264
CyberLink PowerDVD XP Deluxe Edition 4.0.1329 s/n: DX32812592653746
CyberLink PowerVCR II v3.0 Deluxe PD7000EPS0000453
Czarodziej Faktur 2.0 CF20-11111111-21092184-11111

Dee2 For WinAmp 3.0 s/n: 799020-704950-876886-861489
Key: rw2-7jw
Deep Paint 1.0 Serial: 100-AD-0003158
Delphi 6.0 Enterprise s/n: z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq Key: rw2-7jw
Derive 5 36Z3-M22G-EYM9-F2J2F
Desktop Dreamscapes 1.0 Name: TEAM CAT 2002
s/n: SXDDV156533124
Deutsch Translator Serial: zq6V-RUC7-u26B-kdTD
Deutsch Translator 2 7974-2CCE-D5AC-AF3F
Deutscher Translator 2.0 s/n: EKYK-AWVK-FHJW-TBFX
DHTML Menu Builder 3.3.300 s/n: 70984325213
DHTML Menu Builder 3.5.004 Order Number : F559-4JRP-05W7-7U
User Name : Re@ldaTa
Company : Team Inferno
DirectDVD 4.47 s/n: 587306526
Disk Patrol 1.2 name: Team ElilA
s/n: C34F8A65-826FF9D9-D10FFB17
DizNfo 3.44 NameVERDAYS.NET
Download Accelerator Plus T2217-P2427-H1065
Download Accelerator Plus T1836-P2732-H775
Download Boost 2002 Gold Edition Name: (Anything)
s/n: 2A7P6-X782-VF74-AH7V
Downloader Pro 1.1
DropToCD 1.2 beta 1 Name:
Code: 2016w-SSG14CFYXF-19810511
Druczek 2000 Nazwa u¿ytkownika : MAXIBOGAS
Kod systemowy : 22071984
Kod aktywacyjny : FUUPWGXYPGPQEFUV1981
DU Meter 3.02 build 76 Name: Freddy Cruger
Serial: D3345670931033264EABEF3A
Du¿y Lotek 5.5 Name : plastek
LastName: 7TEAM
Serial : 4439172
Du¿y S³ownik Informatyczny 0380839990
DVDCopyOne Platinum 6.0 s/n: 2C1D43ED3ED173DC59267E77
DVD Copy Suite C2WFTT-LWXK11-116QLL-JVGSBG-011581
DVD Region Free 2.16 s/n: 259865471
DVD X Copy GOLD 2.0.0 License ID: 2126586
Password: foh4life
DVDXcopy Xpress v2.0 Id:1863950 Pass:867890

Easy CD Creator 5 s/n: P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L
Easy CD Creator 5 Platinium s/n: G-332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB
s/n: P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L
Easy CD Creator 5.02b Platinium s/n: G-332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB
Easy CD-DA Extractor XP 5.0 Email:
s/n: MJH3BW66UN
Easy CD-DA Extractor 5.1 s/n: A6FEAB9XWM
Easy CD-DA Extractor 6.0.0
Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 s/n:ReDV3qhSOXRWivCcL68KR
Easy CD MP3 Workshop 1.22 Name: Team Blizzard
s/n: ecmw12-35445-2002
Easy Recovery Pro 6.03 s/n:ER82RE-25A44H
Easy Rider 1.02 identyfikator: butthead/ufo’99
Easy Video Joiner 5.01 Name: Cindy J. Leonhardt
s/n: 549B-E4A6-EBB3-EB03-B53D-D615-8F9C-6BC2
Easy Video Joiner 5.21
EffeTech HTTP Sniffer 3.4 Name: (Anything)
s/n: u6Wo4KSq34ZZgJ8hEV
Encyklopedia Britannica 2000 210C00578952
Encyklopedia Britannica 2001 350f00043894
Encyklopedia Britannica 2002 Deluxe 590F00178449
Encyklopedia Roœlin Ozdobnych 55416-ERO-2372-27102
Encyklopedia Roœlin Ozdobnych PL 22730-ERO-3783-71004
English Translator 1.0 V-1173-1386-8586-2446
English Translator 1.5 4D2-8CD-14-7EAD-F2D3
English Translator 1.5 PL 945-BD5-A0-CAAD-E65F
English Translator 1.61 A5B-B67-B4-9460-5D77
English Translator 1.61d PL A5B-B67-B4-9460-5D77
English Translator 2.0 0A53-50F5-C992-F84D
English Translator 3.0 F7C9-04C4-1180-0491
English Translator 3.1 s/n 7974-2CCE-D5AC-AF3F
EuroPlus + Millenium RP4-10582-kaL4-PL
EuroPlus + Reward RP3-04314-jeF9-PL
EuroPlus Sprachkurs Deutsch RP3-04314-jeF9-PL
EXeScope 6.10 Name: Lockless-r0x s/n: A142311199
EXeScope 6.30 Name: thE WiShMakEr s/n: A191000771
Exploit Submission Wizard 7.05 s/n: PWsuperpass
EZ Extract Resource 1.80

Fakturzysta 2000 Name: lukasw from sigma
K/S: 1234567890
Feurio! 1.66 s/n: 1000-0002-7093-8733
license key: 0462-9682-4069-5880-8466
Feurio! 1.66.2 Serial:1000-0002-7093-8733
License key:0462-9682-4069-5880-8466
Finale 2003 DVDA-002112
FinePrint 5.04 Enterprise Code:FK6V-Q9UR-MZZZ
FinePrint PDF Factory Pro 1.63 Code:EEDC-WP6Y-BQNZ
FineReader 6.0 PL s/n: 488823272544C5A0
FireBurner 2.2.1
Flash Catcher 3.1 Name :
FlashGet (JetCar) v0.90 PL FLASHGET
Flash Hunter 2.1 Name: ReanimatoR^LasH
Code: jwPIdnpcr8vTixmyeH1j
FL Studio 4.1 name: ChristianKolberg245534
password: 8106522780634
Fonty 2000 Pro PL TP73-P66C
Form Pilot Home 1.40 Name: Bean Organization
Bean Code: 5733902-834783353-08572
Formz RenderZone 3.x s/n Z-0100-032770
FotoOffice 1.0 PL 4AF5F591B0160F296CE3FA8131E36A31
Français Translator s/n: 6CA6-29B3-88FC-AE7F
Freehand 8.0 FHW800-08616-67028-30467
Frontline Attack FUBP-EYNZ-KFXC-SKM2
FullDisk 5.1 Code:5FFDD43E5003FC20568645596682E4F6
FIFA 2004 7U44-FACX-443H-ANE4-LDEV

Galleon 3D Screensaver Registration Name (case sensitive):
GetRight 3.3 08919380270
GetRight 4.5e 207008301051
GetRight 5.0 beta ELAMXX-LADND-2EYP1-EPPiC-6ST2A
GetRight 5.0 beta 4 GR50EM-W6ZRG-Z8WNP-7KSZ8-4E2LW
GetRight 5.0 beta 5 GR50EM-W6ZRG-Z8WNP-7KSZ8-4E2LW
GetRight 5.0 final ALLDRE-PAGDM-LE3PW-PEPSM-61T8A
GetRight 5.01 s/n: NTSXTE-CB1F2-L6H9i-47oKK-FGK6Q
GhostView 4.3 THG 2003
GoldWave 4.26 Name: REANIMATOR
Company: LASH
Guitar Pro 4 DEMO User ID: AROB227697
Key ID4: 48714-23748-28602
Guitar Pro Multilingual 4.0.3 User ID: AROB227697
Key ID4: 48714-23748-28602

Hard Drive Mechanic 3.0 s/n: 65B10705
Hare 1.4.1 Name: BaND ENFUSiA
s/n: 8102939002146
Hollywod fx 4.5 pro for pinacle studio 7
serial : HFX4V-STR-000078-05R
Maschine: ID 88136978
HomeSite 5.0 s/n: HSW500-09739-17229-52541
HotDog Professional 7.02 Install ID: Q9SC5PEJ12P0S3T
s/n: 252D41D50B695822D85B
HyperCam v1.50 Name: Gordon
HyperCam v1.51 Name: Dynamite/KNO

IE++ 2.2 Regcode: 0802E7D4-7687834D
ImTOO DVD Ripper 1.0
IncrediMail Xe 1750690
Infax 2.28 TOA3C6D3G6N3B6F5
Infini 4D 051-5101-0302-0350
Installshield 6.1 ADPRO8-0110-1003TX14IS
IntelliCAD 3.1.001 D4NZ-A3DZ-RKFH-B46N-6NHD-AZWV
Internet Download Accelerator 2.1
Internet Download Manager 2.95 Name: Team ElilA
s/n: $E1690D93
Internet Translator 1.1 7FA6-D0E6-73CE-89
Internet Translator 2.0 62DE-80B4-801D-CD99
IPScanner 1.73 Nameverdays
irFanview 3.75 Name: Tested by SoftReef
s/n: 853564400
Irfan View32 v3.80 Name:CZY Code:146333102
iZotope Ozone Winamp Plugin 1.0 Name: San Perese
s/n: 92844
iZotope Ozone 1.0 for Winamp retail Name: Nitrogen[TSRh]
s/n: 479510

JPEG 2000 Format PlugIn for IrfanView 3.76 s/n: IV0343-942711-755857
s/n: IV0542-660733-769998
s/n: IV0621-008943-158347
s/n: IV0208-239091-157154
Jpeg Optimizer 3.x AY8124

Kai’S Photosoap 2.5 9910EY35023
Kai’s Power Show 1.5 9910KPSM1
Kai’s Power Tools 6.0 TF60WRD-0022525-UHV
Kai’s Power Tools Vector Effects VF15WRZ-0017633-DHC
Kai’s Super Goo 18051-099293-04099
Kai’s Super Goo 1.5 9909ez16547
KaMat 3.1 McKiler/CrackPL’99
Kody Pocztowe 2000 Name: PLASTEK
SysID: 1242
Komputer Autor: format_c
Serial: i-0501413653
Kulturystyka i Fitness MAFYBPUMV54N
Kurs Komputerowy Flash PL 27060132
Kurs Komputerowy HTML PL 19815157

Langenscheidt YDP 2.0 Y24-F600169
Language Localizator s/n: 784231121521B1FE
Leksykania – Angielski 342-38AA84
Leksykonia – Niemiecki – Bazy 72-2ADTVZ
Licznik Po³¹czeñ Modemowych 2.2 3coin
Lock Files & Folders XP v1.2 Name: TEAM ViRiLiTY
s/n: 239-erq-423

Macromedia Authorware Attain APW500-06238-47009-90430
Macromedia Authorware 6.0 name: Cats Are Cool
s/n: APW600-23717-77684-23312
Macromedia Contribute 1.0 CTW100-57325-37451-78023
Macromedia Director 7.0 WDW700-04074-07099-20430
Macromedia Director 8.0 WDW800-03945-97288-21542
Macromedia Director 8.5 WDW850-02044-87235-26420
Macromedia Director MX 9.0 Name/Company: Java2k
sn: DRW900-50018-61420-40475
Macromedia Dreamweaver 3.0 DWW300-69119-97280-19336
Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev UDW100-68414-07219-49381
Macromedia Fireworks 3 FWW300-65137-37255-19336
Macromedia Flash 4.0 FLW400-16664-27865-12345
Macromedia Flash 5.0 FLW500-06844-47238-93689
Macromedia Flash MX 6.0 FLW600-11335-72240-33333
Macromedia Flash MX Final FLW600-11335-72240-33333
Macromedia Freehand 8.0 FHW800-08616-67028-30467
Macromedia Freehand 9.0 FHW900-00010-47278-88947
Macromedia Generator 2.0 FGW200-05769-17008-19356
Macromedia Studio MX WSW600-03995-54421-38859
Maddog2000 6754-IPZ4XY
MagicTweak 2.50
Magic Utilities 2003 v2.20 Name: FreeUser
Magix Music Maker 7 U457K-GLJQK-4LJJ2-KL37K
Mapa Europy 2001 ME-79365-16859-04455
Mapinfo Professional 6.5 PN: 19154005
s/n: S654433451
Marine Aquarium Time 1.1 ATIME2ECJYGKO3263DZ7
Marine Aquarium 2.0 s/n: KILLA23LX2WC64263VO4
Matematyk 51520040020404607
Matematyk 1.01 51520040020404600
Mathcad 2000 PN900909NZ1291
Mathcad 2001 MN100000AY0000
Mathcad 2001i Professional RT105112UP0073
Mathematica 4.0 Linc. ID L0001-3908
Pass. 3964733355-59352-571
Matlab 5.3 R11 1-30608-63868-33547-31267-29961-41669
Matlab 6.0 12-64223-05656-55232-40443-24472-55074
Metastock 7.0 M97C-66U9-5N46S
Metastock 7.2 M97C-66U9-5N46S
Micrografx Picture Publisher Digital Camera Edition 10

s/n: DC1001XX03192
Microsoft FrontPage 2002 FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
Microsoft Windows Longhorn DPTWG-M9PGK-2HT2J-JT9R9-6V8WM
Microsoft Office 97 PL 0401-0105404
Microsoft Office 2000 G9YHY-YFYGY-YDQCT-9WHYB-W9DRC
Microsoft Office 2000 PL Premium T6T4H-H894B-HC382-J8RVY-8CPQ6
Microsoft Office XP german pgvcr-gmph8-rt8p3-m8x9x-6djwx
Microsoft Office XP Small Business RPTYT-2B77H-3QCKR-DH2XM-XM9BY
Microsoft Photo Draw 2000 PL JGBPC-Y7VV9-W74H4-JR669-3XJC3
Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition sn: DMC3M-2PD9R-9F8RY-KCKYC-JPXWM
Microsoft Project 2000 52207-335-8213214-02988
Microsoft Publisher 0456-000-1823
Microsoft Publisher 98 CD-Key: 8090-3186514
Microsoft Publisher 2002 dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m
Microsoft Vizact 2000 Key: TPT7Q-CPXD4-2WBQH-XQ7FB-YXD76
CD Set: X03-82675-M
Microsoft Windows 98 PL JDV6R-TWWPM-WKPRJ-HHF87-4MQB8
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition PL XJXXW-BM9FX-VGMH2-Y3CHJ-V6GM6
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition GER TYBQP-QM3WT-V8MPV-KMKQY-8KBJB
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional PL G2M4G-C9JXJ-D8PBC-HWV3C-WV6RW
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional/
Server/Advanced Server RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server PL KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise

Microsoft Windows 2003 server corp. 3 in 1

Microsoft Windows ME RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Microsoft Windows ME PL WDMKD-QYM8P-R2FX6-MBK2X-3H89T
Microsoft Windows ME Update PL HR6GY-XRQ2J-7RC9J-9R22T-DT844
Microsoft Windows .NET 2003 Enterprise Server

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation s/n: 425-1921701
s/n: 325-3845602
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition PL FMMRG-VT4HV-96GVK-6JFQT-VTH7T
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition FMMRG-VT4HV-96GVK-6JFQT-VTH7T
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition PL FQPPD-7DPY8-48CFX-7TRCG-VVMK6
Microsoft Windows XP Professional FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Cor .PL

Windows XP Professional 64 Bit Edition C4FPJ-HQCGP-QD3XC-2JF34-FT8Y6
Microsoft Windows XP German FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
MicroStation TriForma J V7.1 Name: Chumbawamba
Company: X-Force Domination
s/n: 00000083000000
License: 1106906906
mIRC 6.03 Name: Independant s/n: 9320-978866
Name: MIRC32 s/n: 1893-124286
MixMeister 1.01 s/n: E012D-73B11E-C3B88
MixVibes Pro 4.0 Name: TLS @ Eagle Company:
Eagle Email:
s/n: M30214/US4/C4EAD
Mks_vir 2003 IYEZ-2GPN-AE36-KA65-DIHS
Mks-vir 2003 v.2.0 HFYN-WA22-JH75-1KLE-AL3U
ModemSpy 3.3.1 s/n: 0000019391
Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG2000 codec 1.31 User: Harry Potter
Code: G5LCCC8JE8B477B4
MovieJack 3.0 s/n: 30S8C-JWZP2-55C84-HLNY5-9Y3B7
MovieJack 3.08.006
MovieJack 3.08.006 China
MotionGIF 1.3.129 s/n: MG9W-525Z-121R-721X-RE2W
MP3Coder 1.62 Code:01-850881-603914
MP3 CD Converter 3.0 Name: Free User
s/n: cGIGVvGIHVsfDVkm
MP3 CD Converter 4.0 Name: FiGHTiNG FOR FUN s/n: 7862686189
MP3Producer 2.26
MP3 Strip_It! Digital
MS Exchange Server Enterprise 2000 KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
MS Word 2000 JTBG3-Q9G99-8Y7D8-YPDC7-6X476
Multi Generator 2.0 Name: pawlos
License number: 12345
Password: RUF134937A-YDNIC-3NX88-4G715-87
Multimedia Builder 3.0 Name: (Anything) s/n: 94
Multimedia Builder Name:
Serial: 1-56C19-374
Multimedialny Atlas Swiata 2002 (Cartall) AS-73071-71322-03869
Multimedialny Kurs Photoshop PL 76483190
MusicMatch Jukebox 5.00.0142 Name: BaRT
s/n: B0A8F-98201-999BF-C9E30
MusicMatch Jukebox 7.0 s/n: U457K-GLJQK-4LJJ2-KL37K
My Drivers 2.21.1500

n-Track Studio v3.1.34 build 1343
n-Track Studio 3.1.1 Build 1294 Serial1:15119855
n-Track Studio s/n: 373657634
s/n: 293075566
n-Tcack Studio 3.1.7 s/n: 19984504
s/n: 15674696
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 2 604-00000-00000
NeoMonitor 2.0 key: 712786 – 557288 – 213469
Nero 5.5 PL 1502-2001-0096-0406-2143-0821
Nero Burning ROM 1502-0001-0008-0488-4424-9831
Nero Burning ROM v5.5.9.17 1502-0001-0008-0488-4424-9831
Nero Burning ROM 1507-0932-1091-1508-6069-0040
Nero Burning ROM 5509-2533-7012-3807-2130-9548
Nero Burning Rom 5502-0627-8358-7019-9607-5485
Nero Burning Rom s/n: 15009-18620-47331-36496-5485
Nero Burning Rom 15047-22783-45999-44227-4975
Nero Burning ROM 1503-1878-6271-4141-2687-2979
Nero Burning ROM 6.0 Ultra Edition 1A23-0006-7130-1204-8976-4901
Net Detective 7.0 q5c3-knr9-v5az-xvnj
NetObjects Fusion 7.0 Name:NOF 7 LIBRE
s/n: NFW-700-BS404333381337211
NetObjects Fusion 7 Name: Registered
s/n: NFW-700-BS103262552813202
NetObjects Fusion MX 6.0 s/n: NFW-600-P-059-00035-08526
Norma 3.00-3.02 1111-tohidx1g
Norton AntiVirus 2002 8.07.17C 146-0406-455-0068
Norton Antivirus 2003 [NAME:] Bob Newman
s/n: 227-4814-585-0629
[SUBMITTED BY:] dys7opia
Norton Antivirus 2004 VHQF-Y4TG-2BHK-VTKQ-RYFT-BBGJ
Norton Utilities 2002 6.03.36 146-0403-895-0067
Nox 0179641686988992963624
NV DVD 1.0 – 1.22 s/n: RA8FE-CMAX8
Need for Speed Underground

Objectbar 0.55 Password: OB-1057
OmniPage Pro 9.0 2889A-C00-305742
OmniPage Pro 10.0 2889A-C00-512006
OmniPage Pro 11 s/n: 2809A-G00-401014
OmniPage Pro 12 s/n: 2889A-W00-555555
Opera 7.0 beta 1 w-zACNf-uvWJn-BSjaE-kL4kA-LfVnd
Opera 7.0 final w-ufujC-8A7aW-BSvmA-Birvy-LHSSm
Opera 7.03 w-ufujC-8A7aW-BSvmA-Birvy-LHSSm
Opera 7.10 w-DyTSc-5p5Bx-8XjSs-tJpPH-bb5Nn
Opera 7.11 Name:
Sn: w-nHsKW-yRKSC-vdnFL-iTn5m-rdmDm
Orion Studios DirectDVD 4.47 s/n: 587306526
Oxygen Phone Manager II v Name:4446E8899178565092530442452169
Serial : 05074549690686400246024920

Painter 7 s/n: PF70CRD-2564458-SZH
Panda Antivirus Platinium 7.0 USERNAME: 2009L8YYTK
PASSWORD: gyno34eq
Panda Antivirus Platinum 7.03 reg: 2009L8YYTK
key: gyno34eq
Partition Magic 8.0 PM800ENSP1-11141269
Passware Password Recovery Kit 5.3 4RSL-BRC4-GSBC-S69YC
PatchMaker 2.1 s/n: 12345678 Code: 58829
s/n: 23456789 Code: 23637
s/n: 34567890 Code: 15043
P-Cad 2001 Full Trial-fixedv2 Key: 633A-MB5S-8UCT-P9J7
PC & Internet Monitor 3.18 Pro KXA98888567832
PC-Cillin 2002 v9.00 Build 1159 PCTU-9991-9655-5350-4555
PC-Cillin 2003 OSJQ-9915-5989-9782-7703
PCS-Podgl¹dacz 4.0 300101-PDG4-00101
PCS-Podgl¹dacz 4.1 330011-PDG4-00303
pdfFactory Pro Enterprise 1.64 CodeXHD-LS4J-E9QJ
PG Calculator Personal Edition 1.6 Name: TEAM CAT 2002
s/n: 0MGQN-9IYU4-SWBKU-5HP9L-U67Q1
Photo2VCD Professional 2.58 Name:
Serial: 2977032FDCD08
Photo2VCD Professional 2.62 Name:
Serial: 560856917B96
Picasa 1.5.1 build 4.41 s/n: D6E8YW6YBV3FY3U6U7U7
PictureToTV 1.4.4 Email:
SN: AF34-FE52-BC39-4CDA
PictureToTV 1.4.5 s/n: F52EAA978D563CEA
Pinnacle Studio7 s/n: 4910087784
Pinnacle Studio 7.01 s/n: 4910087784
Pinnacle Studio 8.6 s/n: 4230000012
POP3 Cleaner PRO 1.40
Pop Cop 1.0 Code:762469964729448
PopUp Ad Smasher 3.3.6
PopUpCop RC
PopUps Blocker 3.2.04 s/n: GcSJNKAISj
PowerCDR 5 5CC8R-DZM0K-53372-5FJM2-79FU9
PowerDirector Pro 2.55 RR5E2P5S95800924
PowerDVD 3.0 s/n: AM12112110760255
PowerDVD 4.0 DX5936897N425377
Power DVD Pro 6 v2.55 s/n: MV15977295418425
PowerDVD XP 4.0 s/n: MV55F17758841285
PowerDVD XP Deluxe 4.0.1811 s/n: DX66655218414766
PowerQuest Drive Image 4.0 DM400ENCD-1838051627
PowerQuest Partition Magic 6.0 PM600ENCD-0028414588
PowerQuest Partition Magic 7.0 PM700ENEU-110965
PowerQuest PartitionMagic 8.02 s/n: PM800ENSP1-11111131
PowerQuest Server Magic 4.0 Server Magic: SN400ENCD-4593156971
Server Image: SI110ENCD-6731093012
PowerVCR 3.0 Pro sn/ PD7000EPS0000453
Prawo Jazdy 1.0 ITS1-01012-55278
Privacy Eraser Pro 2.05 Namever-day’s
Registration Code:A6FBC66662
Propellerheads Reason 2.0 RSN200-0000-000201-ELNJ-6NX2-WU9K
ProShow Gold 1.2 Name: hahahihi
Phone Number: 3057101552
Przelewy 2000 Name: MAXIBOGAS
Comp ID: 7TEAM

Rachmistrz 123456
Rachmistrz 1.05 dla Windows *PL 111111
Rachmistrz 2000 *PL* 000087
RamActive 2.1h
Number fo license:16
RAM Idle for WinXP 2000 4.8 (beta 2) S/N: fsgajt-ph-ktyard
Ram Idle 4.8 wavdusi-ph-asdiom
Readiris Pro 6.0 43562626362
Reaktor 2.0 200-27834-94811
Reason 1.0 RSN100-0000-000158-ALNC-998J-Y2HP
Reason 2 55256-thhgui76m-98dsd85s-222s44d-sds54ss-Vivi
Reason 2.0 RSN200-0000-000201-ELNJ-6NX2-WU9K
Recipe Center 4.0.34 s/n: 93058-F207D-75E28-07C8B-711
Recognita PL 5.0 RN50P-T0IN3-030793
Recover4all Pro 2.19 Registration Name: Matthew Loukes
Registration Key: GX7YV7WMS3MJ3
Additional Key: ZUYM – RW6S – K87Y – XGWK
Recover My Files 2.12 Name: Cindy J. Leonhardt
Registration Key: 5490-AA25-6A61-C107-E838-793A-A609-CB03-CAE9-9984
ReelDVD 2.5.2 trial s/n: 04273154211523
ReFox MMII s/n: UK932248-AFGTFNCB
Product ID: ZCF1480B-D367
Use your name & company name
ReFox 8 s/n: UK800058-0598682Z
Registry First Aid 3.0 Name:
Registry First Aid 3.0.1 build 242 Name: spy cat
s/n: C91F78-2EC4D107-92DA8C86-985D9F56-E3A377
Registry First Aid 3.1.0 Name:
Registry Mechanic 2.0 Name:Robert Zuercher
Registry Medic 2.47 name:neo_cool
Rejestrator Po³¹czeñ v1.0 Name: DEVON
Serial: 626c563957
Rejestrator Po³¹czeñ 2.0 Nazwa : F.H.U. Grzegorz Kozanecki
Kod rejestracyjny: 7252557C38796C24
Rejestrator Po³¹czeñ Modemowych 3.0

Nazwa uzytkownika: Dominik Michalski
Kod rejestracyjny: 465873472f3d1129
Rejestrator Po³¹czeñ Modemowych 3.2 Name: Crack [TEaM]
s/n: 59876521489545478
Rewizor 2000 000119
RipZip 2.12 NameVERDAYS.NET
Route 66 Route 2000 Europe 1472QHWV44308
Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0 p-7tgq4-g06cm-n5g1l or y-73yhy-senw9-y9b4t
Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.02 Platinum G-332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB
Runtime’s GetDataBack 2.17 for FAT User: tony

ScreenFlash Pro 1.4
ScreensaverMaker 1.83 SN: 13CA49F5-1B2A3D-84869D
SN: 29116A00-1B29FE-D93879
SN: 3607346E-1B2BDC-84A296
Secret Folders 2.2 Name: MANiACS
s/n: RDF786SFIS3WE751
Setup2Go 1.9.9
Shave and a Haircut for CINEMA 4D 74671127-29426424-28C3E
ShuCash 2.03.2 Sn: 37963SHU
Sigma Plot 3535453
LC: 42996 64374 64675 61210 58144 96102 82057 032
Sim-Aquarium Deluxe 2.0 My ID-number is 1-532-2939282791
My Unlock-numberis 3327837786
SiteFinder 2.10 oraz 2.11

Skarbnik 4uRJVE-3BsggX-29kdUp-ToioEH
Skarbnik 1.0 YDQLkq-kfPEkX-xi89xq-CQzvhT
Skarbnik 2 sf2gbQ – CkfAtc – rLcYmc – nJ9JcW
Skinner 1.01 Name: Crystal ’99
Code: 4573061
Skryba 1.9.3 Name: knoweffex DNG
s/n: F5fd2c8FK29oM20C
License: Single User License
Skryptowiec 1.0 700101-SKRYPT-001012
S³ownik Collins 2.0 Y11-A217482
S³ownik Pol-Niem, Niem-Pol YDP Y24-F600169
Smart Explorer 6.1 User: Angela Bechan
Code: AL7TJ 59S6G 3G9S8 8C6AG 66Q3N
Smasher 2.9.55 Name:
s/n: 0BA0-EAA9-D64E-33D4
Smasher 3.0.21
SnagIt 6.1.1 Name: Any you want
s/n: B4632FFD1C2FAB0F59
SnagIt 6.3
Sonic DVDit 2.5 Professional Edition BBB6X6VDB2C3WM82Z
Sonic ReelDVD 3.0 (full LE) s/n: 2515 A/C: 20W5905181616
Sonic ReelDVD 3.0.3 s/n: 2515
Ac: 20W5905181616
Sonic Solutions ReelDVD 2.5.1 s/n 04273154211523
SoundBlaster Liveware 3 124-SLG-4760-0036883
Sound Forge 5.0 3B-9FWG9Z-T60ZYS-0QZY0D
Sound Forge 6.0 final HK-1QLGZS-NB8JPE-25BYJR
Sonic Foundry ACID Style DJ 3.0a 7H-ZPLB1H-13B9H9-BV4X6S
Sonic Foundry SoundForge 6 HK-83YBN9-BM983C-SQYMP9
Computer ID 074HLBW
Sothink SWF Decompiler 8S63-74JSD-4329K
SpamEater Pro 4.00 Build 91 Name:
SPAM INSPECTOR for Outlook 2000/2002 (3.2.65)

s/n: YT6RJ-KH254-GMT3L-DC3NX-7Y7UU
SPSS 8 ID – 281781
Serial –
30865 10666 54452 79786 94805 8070
SPSS 9.0 s/n: 123456789
SPSS 10.0.5 Serial: 657180 Skip the code entry
Serial: 657180 Skip the code entry
SPSS Sigmaplot 5.0.1 s/n: 3535453
License Code:
42996 64374 64675 61210 58144 96102 82057 032
S-Spline 2 318Z1-G7BGQ-NC2J9-J5FA9-J2JJ7-EFAAC
Statistica ’97 s/n: SP710589009G51
key: 909165067062
Statistica 5.5 PL key: RVYW4DD5XC5X6X
serial: AX908A290603AL
Statistica 5.5 PL Cd Key (standard): NGN51Q55NPN555
Statistica 5.5 PL Cd Key (network) : 7G8N5QKH717H89
NIN: 10727
StatSoft – Statistica AX v5.5 Key: RVYW4DD5XC5X6X
Serial: AX908A290603AL
Steganos Security Suite 4 key: 049-000-132-041-152
Steinberg Clean DL23-8C73-24Y9-MS5
Steinberg Cubase VST32 5.32 Multilanguage 110000000
Steinberg Mastering Edition v1.0 59-27041
Steinberg WaveLab 3.0 For Win9X: yc93-y8hy6uy-eppnby8-yku9
For WinNT: yc93-y8ck8lv-eppnby8-yvmx
Steinberg: Get it on CD 1.1 ST12-THAN9HY-EPPNBY8-TJC
Studio Biblijne 524-177703
Subiekt 2000 for Windows PL SERIAL: 000012
SubmitWolf Pro 5.06.006 Name:Free User Code:E5913428-02168
SuperBike 2001 1500-4288423-2982915-3163
Super Copy 2.0
SuperCleaner 2.57 760-23712-552-6384
SuperHTTP 1.0 Name: laxity s/n: 123123-14976464
Name: PNT s/n: 123456-12452404
SurfOnGuard 3.00
Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 5.1 b1615S Sn:G4025502-575138WU
SySpeed 1.5.011 Name: CD7154-000001
s/n: 1387264374
System Cleaner 4.85 Name: FCN98 [NighTHanG]
s/n: 5A38AC9B4BG52CE
System Kodowy 2000 Nazwa u¿ytkownika : MAXIBOGAS
Kod systemowy : 7TEAM
Kod aktywacyjny : BESNEELMUNMCTEID5522
System Mechanic 3.7h Name: Crack Demon
Industrial code: 80678-ND559-5484846939

Talisman 2.5 Name: FiGHTiNG FOR FuN
s/n: 944832
Teleport Pro 1.29.1981
Terminarz 2000 Nazwa u¿ytkownika : MAXIBOGAS
Kod systemowy : 7TEAM
Kod aktywacyjny : BQGPWGXYPGPQUNYH1981
The Bryce 3D 2 005 000 015 078 000
The Cleaner 3.5 build 3517 name: 9down
kod: 3189-02B3-B418-33CD
The Cleaner 3.5 Build 3519
ThumbsPlus 6.0
Tiger 98 1.0 n:Zomo
ser: 121212
pass: 12OcO45M298499M9Q8OO
CODE: TE25-2P98-J4HH-2JE5-4HZV
TMPGEnc 2.510.49.157 TE25-V3T6-7PR6-2RBV-DCAT
TMPGEnc 2.58 s/n: TE25-V3T6-7PR6-2RBV-DCAT
TMPGEnc Plus 2.58 s/n: TE25-NC9E-RKL7-6NB7-DWIV
TMPGEnc Plus 2.513.53.162 s/n: TE25-PKNB-NPPC-5CK8-GJXD
Topee CD Ripper 1.1.7
Traktor Dj Studio 2.0 604-00000-00000
Tray Helper 3.6
Truespace 6.0 SSE 8040701010404
TuffTest Pro 3.5 356625600315
TuneUp Utilities 2003 Name: Black Killer
s/n: GPDTJ-P9178-TWEP6-1DXCQ-U797C-FDUU3
TVTool 5.5 Name: TMG Email:
s/n: t3mmjc2zHnEE
TweakMASTER Pro 1.70 Build 250 rEGNAME: VDOWN@NET
rEGCODE: N1E31D4094C37040C5B2867D
Tweak-XP Pro 2.0.5 ID: E090402963592
Tweak-XP Pro 2.0.6 ID: E090402963592

Uczê siê muzyki PL SPMUZ-0544
Uk³ad Okresowy Pierwiastków 1.01 732E2
Ulead Cool 3D v3.0 11105-03000-00039406
Ulead DVD Movie Factory v1.0 11102-61000-00081685
Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2 s/n: 12202-61000-00110994
Ulead DVD PictureShow 2 s/n: 111A6-12000-00132624
Ulead Face Factory s/n: RAE90-905-93139
p/n: A90-410-111
Ulead Gif Animator 5 s/n: GJW400R210000-91
Ulead MediaStudio Pro 5.2 01522-904-93407
Ulead MediaStudio 6.0 11111111111111
Ulead MediaStudio 6.5 Directors Cut 11102-36500-00030506
Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7.0 s/n: 011A2-27042-0190DCN4
Ulead PhotoExpress Platinum 2000 11103-53000-00389230
Ulead PhotoImpact 5.0 11103-05000-00020721
Ulead VideoStudio 4.0 11102-84090-66667775
Ulead VideoStudio 5.0 Serial: 11102- 85000- 00015330
UltraEdit 10.0b THG 2003
UltraISO 6.1
Universal Translator 2000 KRA111464Y3QT

VentaFax & Voice 5.1.10 Name: RZ
s/n: E31339-10295627079-1995
VentaFax & Voice 5.2 build 14 ID: 2000
SN: 3308-16628199248-2488
Virtual CD v4.3.0 H420-7D4A-B8A7-0CF9
Virtual CD 4.5.1 Name:
s/n: N308-N895-A838-9AB3
VirtualDrive 7.0 VDP704090007944
Visio 2000 Enterprise 123165-500133
Visio 2000 Professional 123035-250002
Visio 2000 Standard 122-519-510684
Visio 2000 Pro 6.0 123035-250002
Visio 2002 Pro dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m
Visual MP3 4.2.9 Name: TEAM VIRILITY
Code: 4F5A5040-0336748
Visual Studio .NET 2002 s/n: T7KXG-78HXC-JYRF8-72VH2-6DM7M
VMware Workstation v3.1.1 for Linux s/n: 68N2D-86XFH-015E7-3KPUT
Voice Changer Software 2.0
Serial Number:1828486135
Vue d’Esprit 4 VUE4-32910-O-27223-217/
Vue d’Esprit 4.01 Install: VUE4-32423-R-87283-131
s/n: VUE3-45420-F-47850

Wave Corrector 2.4 name: Reanimator^LasH
Wave Corrector 2.5
WebMenu Studio 2.1.71
Company Name:RussianWarezTeam
WinAce 2.2 Name:best
WinBoost 4.24 s/n: bh3y6q-6k7gb4r7-6r5g36
WinBoost 4.2.8 s/n: hy7k8r-4a7jp4m5-3y4s46
s/n: cu3i4m-3y8vg6d6-3q3x76
WindowBlinds v3.4 Enhanced WB-I2RIR-B0JDL-N3EKQ-14FML-OGD9G
Windows Accelerator 2.0 s/n: 2476-2310
Windows Server 2003 QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ
Windows System Optimizer 3.3 Name: use any name
Windows XP Plus Digital Media Edition K2QX9-FPG6H-FY2K3-MF4PC-7QT8M
WinDVD 3.0 4432GHT7C7R84E0
WinGate 5.0.0 Name: Silentio
s/n: 40VMFSC6IIIV0HK82754R0
WinGate 5.0.5 Name: Free User
s/n: 40227JQBLELWNC2L45MV21
WinGuard Pro 5.3 License Code: 9865-dsgl-8547
WinGuard Pro 2003 – Premium edition 5.5.5 Name:Vepergen // TSRh
WinGuardian Pro 5.2.4 Name:fxyang
s/n: 9865-dsgl-8547
WinOnCD 3.7 NAME: GLoW Company: GLoW
s/n: 01946-71450752m
WinOnCD 3.8 Power Edition 02246-61716328K
WinOnCD 5.0 Power Edition 02370-40070570e
WinOnCD 6.0 Power Edition OB-PROBS-QV7NK-SNGWH
WinOnCD Plextor 3.7 01844-50485455L
WinRAR 2.50 iwan / CrackPL
WinVDR PRO v2.27.68 eMail:
Code: C8A3141BB64E5572
WinWap Pro s/n: WW31-0-11277-A07714A6
WinXP Manager 4.7.3 Code::R9ST9-ELIM6-ETUU2-RDGFX
WinZip 8.1 Name: x Code: 00020000
WinZip 9.0 beta build 5480
Word Translator EP2 025N3 K6WRM
3774717952 2843670273
Wszystko o seksie 3746

Xara 3D 1992-7866-5926
Xara 3D v5.02 s/n: X3D-1128-2800-0030
Xara Webstyle 2.0 s/n: 7140-7506-6583
Xara Webstyle 3.0 s/n: 912565269169
XMetal 2.0 s/n: SQXM2 00F24 9D831
XnView 1.5 Name:
Code: 158771920

ZipRecovery 1.0 s/n: 1582-97955
Zmieniacz Tapet 1.0 KeVin [`98] nr: 4321123455
haslo: 87143966855675486808
ZoneAlarm Pro 3.0.081 ducib-w9mxs-36du0-2mn4ms-50r8q0
ZoneAlarm Pro 3.1.395 eq7bk-asu4j-0sbug-npa251-0cgiu0
ZoneAlarm Pro 3.5.166 juw1n-sg5v2-rpnrb-wv0u7a-c5pi40
ZoneAlarm Pro 3.5.169 0d40v-g7xxd-49x3n-3fp1ek-qefsg0
ZoneAlarm Plus 3.7.061 beta s/n: 9xtwsmeej8cnmkaasj0fiim3rq0
ZoneAlarm Pro Beta 640kb-cvjjk-ksjad-g913wb-bhhxk0

Источник: []

What’s New in the MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for MS SQL Server Password Unlocker v3.2 serial key or number

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