Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number


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Windows 32-bit OS:WINDOWS 64-BIT OS:
  •  Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 latest SP
  • Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1
  • Windows 7 Professional/ Enterprise/Ultimate (SP1)
  • Windows Vista SP2
  • Windows XP Professional SP3
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard/ Enterprise SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard/ Enterprise SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2
  • Windows 7 Professional/ Enterprise/Ultimate (SP1)
  • Windows Vista SP2
  • Windows XP Professional SP2
  • Small Business Server 2008 Standard
  • Small Business Server 2011 Essentials/ Standard
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard/ Enterprise (SP1)
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard/ Enterprise SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2
  • Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1




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, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

List of updates in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

Article numberArticle titleCategory824210 FIX: You receive a "Fatal execution engine error" error message in Windows Server 2003.NET Framework826368 You cannot run WMI events from the older versions of the instrumented assembly.NET Framework831168 You may experience slow performance by some programs in Microsoft Windows Server 2003.NET Framework328546 INFO: Post-Service Pack 2 .NET Framework ASP.NET Hotfix Package.NET Framework814483 FIX: A memory leak occurs in the VisualBasic.VsaEngine when creating multiple assemblies.NET Framework817703 INFO: Combined installation package for the .NET Framework 1.1 - Hotfixes 818981, 818982, and 822878.NET Framework818587 FIX: Regression in dataset serialization in the .NET Framework 1.1 when a DataRow contains a RowError or a ColumnError property.NET Framework818776 FIX: The layout of a control on an inherited Windows Form may change when you use the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework818777 FIX: The XmlTextReader class generates a runtime exception when you read an XML document.NET Framework818803 Post-RTM .NET Framework 1.1 ASP.NET Hotfix Package symptoms.NET Framework818962 FIX: Data loss occurs when you deserialize a serialized dataset when column names contain a colon character.NET Framework818982 FIX: "COMException - Type Mismatch" error message when you pass a VARIANT parameter from managed code.NET Framework819792 FIX: JScript calls the GC.Collect method from IVsaEngine.Close in Visual Studio .NET 2003
.NET Framework820743 FIX: ASP.NET performance counters cannot count more than 113 Loaded AppDomains .NET Framework821155 Background batch compile may cause a deadlock when the thread pool has been exhausted.NET Framework821156 ASP.NET 1.1 June 2003 Hotfix Rollup Package.NET Framework821157 FIX: "Server Application Unavailable" error message if a DLL is loaded in the 0x33A20000 address space and you request an ASP.NET page.NET Framework821289 FIX: "General Network Error" when you use SqlClient with SSL encryption.NET Framework821349 FIX: Embedded null characters may bypass request script validation.NET Framework821415 FIX: "System.Data.VersionNotFoundException: There is no current data to access" error message when you add a row to datatable.NET Framework821536 FIX: A System.ArgumentException exception occurs when you try to create a Windows form that inherits from a Windows form that contains a dataset.NET Framework822076 FIX: "TcpClientSocketHandler::NetStream is NULL" access violation error message when you use a custom remoting sink.NET Framework822411 FIX: XML Messaging with the .NET Framework 1.1 hotfix rollup.NET Framework822734 FIX: ValidationSummary (Validator) controls no longer appear after you upgrade to the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework822956 FIX: Performance degradation occurs when you use multiple instances of the XmlValidatingReader class.NET Framework823030 FIX: DataGrid made compliant with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998.NET Framework823140 FIX: Managed application that makes COM to COM+ calls may experience an access violation error.NET Framework823201 FIX: Your COM+ application may run slowly when you create an object by using the SynchronizationAttribute attribute.NET Framework823248 FIX: "Possible version mismatch" error message when you de-serialize objects.NET Framework823274 FIX: An access violation occurs if the DEVPATH environment variable refers to a network share in a Visual Studio .NET 2003 project.NET Framework823363 HTTP 1.1 servers that send HTTP:304 header cause early socket closure.NET Framework823401 BUG: A System.InvalidOperationException exception may occur when you run a SQL Server query by using Visual Studio .NET.NET Framework823445 FIX: Client activated object clients that are linked by using Soapsuds.exe may fail with a deserialization exception error.NET Framework823473 Visual Basic .NET application that uses a ReDim statement may quit unexpectedly.NET Framework823534 FIX: Passing parameters in an anonymous JScript function causes misaligned function arguments in Visual Studio .NET 2003.NET Framework823679 Fix: Multiple fixes for SQL Server .NET data provider.NET Framework823951 FIX: You receive an "Access violation" error message when you call a ServicedComponent derived class object through a COM callable wrapper.NET Framework824210 FIX: You receive a "Fatal execution engine error" error message in Windows Server 2003.NET Framework824297 FIX: Variants of type VT_NULL are not mapped successfully to common language runtime reference types in the Microsoft .NET Framework.NET Framework824336 FIX: Custom performance counters do not publish performance data to WMI .NET Framework824407 FIX: "Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object" error while rolling back a transaction.NET Framework824451 Layout changes for controls that are in an inherited user control.NET Framework824481 FIX: DataView control does not reflect the changes that are made to a computed column.NET Framework824629 FIX: Temporary files are not deleted after you connect to a server that is running Windows SharePoint Services or SharePoint Portal Server 2003.NET Framework824680 PhoneCall Control does not render the plus sign character in telephone numbers
.NET Framework824996 FIX: The Validating event for the TextBox control occurs in an unexpected order in Visual Studio .NET 2003.NET Framework825082 NullReferenceException error when you use combined FlagsAttribute enums in ASP.NET controls.NET Framework825680 FIX: Out of memory exception errors may occur when significant amounts of physical memory are still available.NET Framework825709 "An exception System.ExecutionEngineException has occurred" error message when you use multiple asynchronous events.NET Framework826231 Software update that prevents the processing of XML messages that contain DTDs for .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework826368 You cannot run WMI events from the older versions of the instrumented assembly.NET Framework826437 FIX: "HTTP 400 - Bad request" error message in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework826497 A Windows Form that contains a TextBox control and a ComboBox control does not display a drop-down menu.NET Framework826757 FIX: Socket initialization does not succeed if your computer has more than 50 network bound protocols.NET Framework826945 FIX: ALT+TAB does not bring the owner window to the foreground when a parent form contains a ToolTip control.NET Framework826981 FIX: Exception error message when you access the RTF property of the RichTextBox control.NET Framework827035 FIX: ASP.NET stops responding when your application performs an operation that is not valid.NET Framework827133 FIX: Forms move to the foreground when a row is added to a DataGrid control.NET Framework827164 FIX: References to STA objects that are stored in session state may become corrupted if they are called from a Session_End event.NET Framework827210 FIX: Error message: System.ExecutionEngineException occurred in an unknown module.NET Framework827534 FIX: Application stops responding when you dynamically remove controls and then add the controls again.NET Framework827558 FIX: IEHost makes calls back to port 80 when Internet Explorer is bound to a port other than port 80.NET Framework827640 Thread pool becomes stuck in a loop in ThreadpoolMgr::WaitThreadStart.NET Framework827801 Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Page_Load event fires two times.NET Framework827076 You may receive the "Installation error 25003" error message when you install Visual Studio .NET .NET Framework828099 FIX: Data is not sorted correctly on a DataGrid control in a Windows application in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework828244 You cannot export History or Opportunities from Business Contact Manager in Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager.NET Framework828295 FIX: Error Message: Security Exception: PermissionToken index does not match index into m_unrestrictedPermSet.NET Framework828530 FIX: The OracleClient object does not raise the NO_DATA_FOUND type of exception in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework828700 FIX: "Fatal stack overflow error" error message when you run a .NET Framework 1.1 application that has a large field offset defined.NET Framework828884 FIX: A .NET Framework application that contains an MSChart object runs slowly if the application was built in Visual Studio .NET 2003.NET Framework828943 FIX: COM interop call may return incorrect HRESULT.NET Framework829052 FIX: You may receive an incorrect result for the return value if you gain access to the DefaultValue property of a ParameterInfo object from another application domain.NET Framework829195 FIX: You may receive an error message when you call the deserialization method of Framework829319 FIX: An InvalidOperationException error or a deadlock condition occurs when you try to access a Performance Counter.NET Framework829330 Support WebCast: Setup and Deployment Changes in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.NET Framework829487 FIX: DataGrid control loses focus when you press the SHIFT+DOWN ARROW key combination.NET Framework829585 FIX: The ASP.NET worker process may cause high CPU usage when it hosts a remoting server.NET Framework829615 FIX: Overlapping forms with a DataGrid control automatically come to the foreground when the data source is updated in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework829758 FIX: DataGrid column data is right-aligned on Windows XP Service Pack 1.NET Framework829977 A memory leak condition occurs when you run COM+ 1.0 on a computer that is running Windows 2000 SP4.NET Framework829986 FIX: COM to COM+ marshaling does not handle enregistered arguments correctly.NET Framework830173 FIX: A pooled connection is not disposed by Microsoft .NET Managed Provider for Oracle when an exception occurs.NET Framework830348 Buffer overrun in JPEG processing (GDI+) could allow code execution in Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Visual J# .NET, and the .NET Framework.NET Framework830461 You cannot create a thread token to generate a COM object.NET Framework830514 FIX: You experience performance problems and compatibility problems between Fujitsu COBOL and the MSIL Assembler in Visual Studio .NET 2003.NET Framework830698 FIX: Generated assembly may not contain emitted attributes.NET Framework830724 FIX: "The memory could not be 'read'" error message when your .NET Framework application is under heavy load.NET Framework830788 FIX: The IRR function in Visual Basic .NET 2003 returns results that are different from the results in Excel or Visual Basic 6.0.NET Framework830789 FIX: The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Web Service method ignores the RequestElementName property of the SoapRpcMethodAttribute class when the name of a method includes a hyphen in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework830920 FIX: Unexpected behavior occurs when a user selects a folder that has a long path in a Folder dialog box in a .NET Framework 1.1 Windows Forms application.NET Framework831013 FIX: The DataTable index object becomes corrupted when many DataView objects are created.NET Framework831018 FIX: The server stops responding after it makes a remote call to a client Marshal-by-reference (MBR) object in .NET Framework 1.1 Remoting.NET Framework831138 FIX: A .NET Framework application that uses the System.Net.WebRequest method very frequently experiences OutOfMemoryException errors.NET Framework831150 The "Viewstate is invalid for this page" error message does not provide sufficient information to troubleshoot the issue .NET Framework831222 FIX: The Fill method of the OleDBDataAdapter object fails when the Recordset object has a filter.NET Framework831263 FIX: You experience slow performance when the # Induced GC count is high in managed Windows Forms applications.NET Framework831419 FIX: Slow performance when you call System.Drawing.Image.FromStream to load a bitmap image.NET Framework831575 FIX: CPU memory utilization spikes when you parse appInfo elements in XML schemas.NET Framework831578 FIX: Memory leak when SSL and client certificates are used with the HttpWebRequest object.NET Framework831730 FIX: "InvalidOperationException, Load Factor Too High" when you use a hashtable collection.NET Framework831961 FIX: The DirectorySearcher class returns incorrect values when you search the Active Directory hierarchy.NET Framework832440 FIX: You receive an error message when you insert data into a DataTable class that has a Windows Forms DataGrid control bound to it.NET Framework832597 FIX: You may receive an application error in Vbc.exe or Csc.exe when you run a .NET Framework application.NET Framework832630 FIX: A Windows Form that hosts an ErrorProvider control and that displays a modal form does not activate correctly.NET Framework832633 FIX: The SqlConnection.Open function generates a ComException error message if the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) service is restarted or failed over.NET Framework832705 FIX: You may receive an error message when you use specific keyboard shortcuts in the DataGrid control.NET Framework832757 FIX: A System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException exception occurs when you try to perform an XSLT transformation by using an XSLT style sheet that uses the format-number function.NET Framework833026 FIX: TextBox controls are resized when you convert a project from Visual Studio .NET 2002 to Visual Studio .NET 2003.NET Framework833047 FIX: Menu mnemonics fire on the wrong forms in a multiple-document interface (MDI) Windows Forms application.NET Framework833050 FIX: "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error message in Visual Studio .NET when the ODBC driver does not support the SQLGetInfo(SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE) function.NET Framework833326 BUG: The hash table appears to grow unbounded with the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework833329 FIX: Error Message: System.ExecutionEngineException occurred in an unkonwn module.NET Framework833610 FIX: Programs that use the .NET Framework may experience a high memory condition.NET Framework833612 FIX: You receive an "Invalid pointer Code: 0" error message when you call the AppendChild method with a Null parameter in Smartnav.js in the .NET Framework 1.1.NET Framework833742 FIX: A ThreadAbortException exception while using an OLE DB .NET data provider causes an access violation.NET Framework833789 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Clients that use the DirectorySearcher class to query the Active Directory directory service may receive an incomplete result set.NET Framework833881 FIX: You notice very slow performance in the Microsoft intermediate language Assembler.NET Framework
Источник: []
Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

List of updates in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Article numberArticle titleCategory889531 FIX: You may receive a System.NullReferenceException exception error message when you press BACKSPACE in a DataGrid control to modify a row in a child table in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework893005 FIX: A Windows Forms-based application may unexpectedly quit or you may receive NullReference exceptions during run time when based application uses the ErrorProvider control or the ToolTip control in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework893100 FIX: The SenderID property of any messages that are sent to a message queue is always the identity of the first logged-on user when you use the System.Messaging namespace to send the messages in an ASP.NET applicationThe .NET Framework893166 FIX: You receive a System.Security.SecurityException error message when your application calls the PrintDialog.ShowDialog method in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework893251 FIX: Errors may occur when you use the BinaryFormatter class or the SoapFormatter class to serialize an object in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework893360 FIX: Generation 1 garbage collections and generation 2 garbage collections occur much more frequently on computers that have 2 GB or more of physical memory in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework894092 FIX: Your application cannot load resources from a satellite assembly if the impersonated user account does not have permissions to access the application .config file in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1The .NET Framework894611 FIX: You may experience heap corruption and out-of-memory exceptions when you use the RegisterClientScriptBlock method or the RegisterStartupScript method to register a large client-side script block in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework895251 Availability of the .NET Framework 1.1 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix rollup package for .NET Framework895474 FIX: Memory and resources are not released when you call the Form.Close method on child MDI forms on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.1 or the .NET Framework 1.1 with SP1 installedThe .NET Framework895579 FIX: You receive a "System.NullReferenceException" exception when you merge parent menus and child menus in an MDI form-based application in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1The .NET Framework896000 FIX: A managed Windows service process may not correctly receive command-line parameters when it is running on a 64-bit version of Windows that is running the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896010 FIX: You receive an unhandled exception in System.Xml.XmlException when you pass a string that contains characters that are not valid across remoting boundaries in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework896181 FIX: You receive an "Unable to generate a temporary class" error message in Internet Explorer when you try to open an ASP.NET page that consumes Web services in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896182 FIX: You may experience an endless loop when you try to run an application and the source code uses the MSIL Assembler /DEBUG option in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896246 FIX: An E_POINTER value is returned when you call the Dispose method on an object that was derived from the ServicedComponent class in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896501 FIX: The number of active sessions in the Oracle database increases when you repeatedly use the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896600 FIX: You may receive an error message when you use the ASP.NET State Server service to store ASP.NET session state in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework896665 FIX: A Windows Forms-based application may stop responding when you make a call to the Control.Invoke method in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework896982 FIX: A System.TypeLoadException exception occurs when you try to run an application that is built on the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework898548 FIX: A Windows Forms-based application that displays images by using a PictureBox control may stop responding in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework898901 FIX: ASP.NET performance data may not appear as expected when you use System Monitor to monitor ASP.NET performance data on a computer where the .NET Framework 1.1 or the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 is installedThe .NET Framework899020 FIX: A Windows Forms-based application may experience a memory leak when a form within the application is set as the owner of another form in the .NET Framework 1.1 and in the .NET Framework 1.1 with Service Pack 1The .NET Framework899181 FIX: When you install a Windows Forms-based application that runs Web services and COM+ stateless server components, IIS may stop responding on Windows Server 2003The .NET Framework899326 FIX: You may receive an ArgumentOutOfRange exception when you display a modal dialog box or a message box for a ListView control in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework899511 FIX: In the .NET Framework 1.1, you may randomly receive System.NullReferenceException exceptions when a Windows Forms application displays a modal dialog box in response to an eventThe .NET Framework899524 FIX: You may receive a "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null" error message when you call the SignedXml.ComputeSignature methodThe .NET Framework899589 MS05-046: Vulnerability in the Client Service for NetWare could allow remote code execution Networking SP1Networking900095 FIX: COM+ managed service components may not be immediately released by the Release method, and the components may not call the Dispose method when a call to the Activate method fails in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework900609 You may experience slow performance by some programs on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1The .NET Framework900822 FIX: When a .NET Framework based application uses the System.Threading.Timer class, the timer event may not be signaled in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework901151 FIX: An application may experience a performance decrease when you try to add a column or when you try to access the data by using a name or an index in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework903887 FIX: The IDE may unexpectedly close or crash when you try to copy an error message from the Task List window in Visual Studio .NET 2003The .NET Framework904416 A memory leak may occur when you run a .NET Framework 1.1 application that requires the Assembly.LoadWithPartialName() function to load an assemblyThe .NET Framework904422 FIX: The internal connection pooling mechanism may repeatedly try to make new connections when an application uses the System.Data.SqlClient class to connect to a SQL Server database in Windows Server 2003 SP1The .NET Framework905302 FIX: In the .NET Framework 1.1, an assembly may return the E_INVALIDARG error when you repeatedly call the IMetaDataEmit::GetTokenFromSig function on the assemblyThe .NET Framework905496 FIX: The data for the values may be missing in the XML instance documents if you use a proxy for a Web service that was created by importing schemaThe .NET Framework905546 FIX: An ActiveX control does not release system resources on a computer that is running .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework906588 FIX: The performance of the computer system and the performance of Visual Studio .NET 2003 decrease when you compile a large solution that contains many projects in Visual Studio .NET 2003The .NET Framework907262 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to transfer data between an application that runs on the .NET Framework 2.0 and an application that runs on the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework907407 FIX: You may receive a "System.IO.IOException" error message when you use an XSLT transformation to compile a Web page on a computer that has the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 installedThe .NET Framework907544 FIX: .NET Framework 1.1 applications may crash on some computersThe .NET Framework907829 FIX: You receive an error message in an application that is built on the .NET Framework 1.1 when you enable the "System cryptography Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing" policyThe .NET Framework908001 FIX: The Web page does not work as expected when you update the content in an ASP.NET Web applicationThe .NET Framework908127 FIX: You may receive an OutOfMemoryException exception when you use an application to delete many files in SharePoint Portal Server 2003The .NET Framework908787 FIX: A .NET Framework remoting server application may appear to leak managed memory when the remoting server uses HTTP as the protocol for the HttpChannel class channelThe .NET Framework908796 FIX: A Windows Forms application may occasionally stop responding for up to 10 minutes in the .NET Framework 1.1The .NET Framework909766 FIX: A memory leak may occur, and Visual Studio .NET 2003 may unexpectedly close and then restart when you compile a large solution that contains more than 65 projectsThe .NET Framework910553 FIX: When you change the Session.Timeout value in a Web application that is built on Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1, the Session.End method is called immediatelyThe .NET Framework911205 FIX: Values that are received in unmanaged code may not be correct when managed code in a C++ application calls unmanaged code and passes values, the values received in the unmanaged code may not be correct in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1The .NET Framework911309 FIX: When you run a Microsoft ASP.NET-connected application that has custom URLs in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, a memory leak occursThe .NET Framework915808 FIX: A deadlock may occur when you use COM interop cross-context interface marshaling in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1The .NET Framework920978 FIX: You may receive an "Access violation C0000005" error message when .NET Framework 1.1 application calls a function that contains more than eight hierarchical nested objectsThe .NET Framework922542 FIX: Error message when you call a .NET assembly from BizTalk Server 2004 in the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1: "Unable to create the transform"The .NET Framework899515 You receive a "Mmc.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows" error message when you run a filtered search in Windows Server 2003Admin Tools903662 You experience a long delay when you try to view the DACL or the SACL security information for an object after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1Admin Tools912263 The "Getting the domain information" part of the GPResult.exe command-line process takes a long time to finish on a member server that is running Windows Server 2003Admin Tools913548 FIX: A program may stop responding on a Windows Server 2003-based computer when you close a Windows Form in the programAdmin Tools914785 ADCAdmin MMC snap-in takes a long time to display the configuration details of the Exchange Site Replication Service that is installed on a Windows Server 2003 SP1-based computerAdmin Tools921618 A script that uses the bootcfg command may have unexpected results in Windows Server 2003Admin Tools922595 FIX: The "% Processor Time" counter of the Terminal Services Session performance object reports a value of more than 100 percentAdmin Tools925104 The System log reports many "PerfOS event ID: 2001" errors when you use a Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based computer that has more than 32 processorsAdmin Tools925138 The accounting function of Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) returns incorrect values in Windows Server 2003 x64 versionsAdmin Tools914012 Message Queuing does not start on a Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1-based computerApp Compat919953 An application that runs in a Terminal Services environment stops running or runs slower than expected in Windows Server 2003App Compat838657 The I-deas 10 program or the I-deas 11 program from UGS runs more slowly than you expect on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer that is localized for an East Asian languageApp Compat920670 MS06-050: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Hyperlink Object Library could allow remote code executionAppCompat Partners919881 An access violation occurs when a program is automatically stopped on a Windows Server 2003-based computerCicero (Text Services Framework)898791 You may receive error 258 when the cluster system fails over a disk to another node on a server cluster node that is running Windows Server 2003Clustering903650 Extended maintenance mode functionality for cluster physical disk resources in Windows Server 2003Clustering908510 A cluster does not fail over replicated cluster disks after you install Windows Server 2003 SP1 or an x64-based version of Windows Server 2003Clustering909608 You receive an access violation error when you use the /integrate switch to integrate hotfix 900725 into Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation source filesClustering911030 A cluster node failover does not work when you use SCSI-3-compliant persistent reservations in Windows Server 2003 SP1Clustering917805 The Wmiprvse.exe process consumes an ever-increasing amount of memory when you enumerate the MSCluster_ResourceToPossibleOwner class on a Windows Server 2003-based server clusterClustering921181 An update is available that adds a file share witness feature and a configurable cluster heartbeats feature to Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1-based server clustersClustering923424 Event 1209 occurs after you apply hotfix 911030 to a server cluster that is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1Clustering924407 Resource Monitor stops responding (hangs) and then restarts when there is a deadlock condition in Windows Server 2003Clustering901214 MS05-036: Vulnerability in Microsoft Color Management Module could allow remote code executionColor919332 A 32-bit program may not print colors correctly when it is running on a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 or on a 64-bit version of Windows XPColor896729 Availability of Windows Server 2003 Post-Service Pack 1 COM+ Hotfix Rollup Package 5COM+897253 FIX: The MSDTC proxy becomes unstable and does not enlist in transactions when the MSDTC proxy logs lots of TM_DOWN event notifications in Windows Server 2003COM+897571 FIX: A DCOM static TCP endpoint is ignored when you configure the endpoint for WMI on a Windows Server 2003-based computerCOM+897667 Availability of Windows Server 2003 Post-Service Pack 1 COM+ 1.5 Hotfix Rollup Package 6COM+899424 FIX: Your WinFX application crashes when you try to use the FileRecordSequence.WriteRestartArea method that is included in the WinFX SDKCOM+899425 FIX: Out of memory exception errors may occur in the BizTalk Server process (Btsntsvc.exe) in Windows Server 2003COM+
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What’s New in the Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Windows Server 2003 SP1 Integrated Standard Edition SP1 Integrated serial key or number

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