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Jeroboam v4.10 serial key or number

Jeroboam v4.10 serial key or number

Jeroboam v4.10 serial key or number

Davidic line

Descendants of King David

The Davidic line or House of David (known in Hebrew as Malkhut Beit David, מלכות בית דוד‎ – "Kingdom of the House of David") refers to the lineage of King David through the texts in the Hebrew Bible, in the New Testament, and through the succeeding centuries. It is the bloodline that the Hebrew Messiah is said to descend from according to Judaism and Christianity. The Christian gospels claim Jesus descends from the Davidic line and thus is the legitimate Hebrew Messiah. The New Testament books of Matthew and Luke give two different accounts of the genealogy of Jesus that trace back to King David.


The Tel Dan Stele, with mention of the "House of David" highlighted in white.

Very little is conclusively known about the House of David. The Tel Dan Stele mentions the death of the reigning king from the "Bayt-David",[1] (literally, "David's House") and thus far is the only extrabiblical explicit mention of David himself. The stele is dated to circa 840 BCE, however, the name of the Davidic king is not totally preserved, as much of the stele has not survived since the 9th century BCE. All that remains of the name is the final syllable, the extremely common theophoric suffix-yahū. Because the stele coincides the death of the Davidic king with the death of Jehoram, the king of the Kingdom of Samaria, scholars have reconstructed the second slain king as Ahaziah of Judah, the only king contemporary to Jehoram with a name ending in -yahū.

The earliest unambiguously attested king from the Davidic line is Uzziah, who reigned about 75 years after Ahaziah, who is named on bullae seals belonging to his servants Abijah and Shubnayahu.[2] Uzziah may also be mentioned in the annals of Tiglath-Pileser III, however the texts are largely fragmentary.[3] Additionally, a tombstone dated to the Second Temple Period claiming to mark the grave (or, reburial) site of Uzziah, was discovered in a convent on the Mount of Olives in 1931, but there is no way of determining if the remains were genuinely Uzziah's as the stone had to have been carved more than 700 years after Uzziah died and was originally interred, and the tablet's provenance remains a mystery. A controversial artifact called the Jehoash Tablet recalls deeds performed by Jehoram of Judah, who reigned about 44 years before Uzziah, however, scholars are tensely divided on whether or not the inscription is genuine. After Uzziah, each successive king of Judah is attested to in some form, with the exception of Amon of Judah: Jotham of Judah, Uzziah’s successor, is named on the seals of his own son and successor, Ahaz,[4] who ruled from 732—716 BCE. Hezekiah, Ahaz's son, is attested to by numerous royal seals[5][6] and Sennacherib's Annals;[7]Manasseh is recorded giving tribute to Esarhaddon;[8]Josiah has no relics explicitly naming him, however seals belonging to his son Eliashib[9] and officials Nathan-melech[10][11] and Asaiah[12] have been discovered; and the kings Jehoahaz II, Jehoiakim, Jeconiah, and Zedekiah are recorded in Babylonian documents detailing the rations they were given while held in the Babylonian captivity.[13]

The origins of the dynasty, on the other hand, are shrouded in mystery. The Tel Dan Stele, as aforementioned, remains the only mention of David himself outside the Bible, and the historical reliability of the United Monarchy of Israel is shoddy, at best. The Stepped Stone Structure and Large Stone Structure in Jerusalem show that Jerusalem was at least somewhat populated in King David's time, and lends at least some credence to the biblical claim that Jerusalem was originally a Canaanite fortress, however, Jerusalem seems to have been barely developed until long after David's death, making it hard to believe it could have been the empiric capital described in the Bible. In David's time, the capital probably served as little more than a formidable citadel, and the Davidic 'kingdom' was most likely a loosely-confederated regional polity, albeit a quite substantial one. On the other hand, excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa[14] and Gath[15] were interpreted by some to show that Judah was capable of accommodating large-scale urban societies centuries before minimalist scholars claim, and some have taken the physical archaeology of tenth-century Canaan as consistent with the former existence of a unified state on its territory,[16] as archaeological findings demonstrate substantial development and growth at several sites, plausibly related to the tenth century.[17] Still, in light of a general lack of material evidence explicitly indicating a United Monarchy, it cannot be positively ascertained whether some portents of the biblical narrative of the United Monarchy and the origins of David's dynasty have any historical basis. Even so, as for David and his immediate descendants themselves, the majority position, as described by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, authors of The Bible Unearthed, espouses that David and Solomon may well be based on "certain historical kernels", and probably did exist in their own right, but their historical counterparts simply could not have ruled over a wealthy lavish empire as described in the Bible, and were more likely chieftains of a comparatively modest Israelite society in Judah and not regents over a kingdom proper.

Kings of Israel and Judah[edit]

According to the Tanakh, upon being chosen and becoming king, one was customarily anointed with holy oil poured on one's head. In David's case, this was done by the prophetSamuel.

Initially, David was king over the Tribe of Judah only and ruled from Hebron, but after seven and a half years, the other Israelite tribes, who found themselves leaderless after the death of Ish-bosheth, chose him to be their king as well.[18]

All subsequent kings in both the ancient first united Kingdom of Israel and the later Kingdom of Judah claimed direct descent from King David to validate their claim to the throne in order to rule over the Israelite tribes.

After the death of David's son, King Solomon, the ten northern tribes of the Kingdom of Israel rejected the Davidic line, refusing to accept Solomon's son, Rehoboam, and instead chose as king Jeroboam and formed the northern Kingdom of Israel. This kingdom was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire in the 8th century BCE which exiled much of the Northern Kingdom population and ended its sovereign status. The bulk population of the Northern Kingdom of Israel was forced to relocate to Mesopotamia and mostly disappeared from history as The Ten Lost Tribes or intermixed with exiled Judean populations two centuries later, while the remaining Israelite peoples in Samaria highlands have become known as Samaritans during the classic era and to modern times.

The Exilarchate[edit]

Following the conquest of Judah by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the exile of its population, the Babylonian Exilarchate was established. The highest official of Babylonian Jewry was the exilarch (Reish Galuta, "Head of the Diaspora"). Those who held the position traced their ancestry to the House of David in the male line.[19] The position holder was regarded as a king-in-waiting, residing in Babylon and later in the Achaemenid Empire during the classic era. Zerubbabel of the Davidic line is mentioned as one of the leaders of the Jewish community in the 5th century BCE, holding the title of Achaeminid Governor of Yehud Medinata.

The Hasmonean and Herodian periods[edit]

The Hasmoneans, also known as the Maccabees, established their own monarchy in Judea following their revolt against the HellenisticSeleucid dynasty. The Hasmoneans were not considered connected to the Davidic line nor to the Tribe of Judah. The Levites had always been excluded from the Israelite monarchy, so when the Maccabees assumed the throne in order to rededicate the defiled Second Temple, a cardinal rule was broken. According to scholars within Orthodox Judaism, this is considered to have contributed to their downfall and the eventual downfall of Judea; internal strife allowing for Roman occupation and the violent installation of Herod the Great as client king over the Roman province of Judea; and the subsequent destruction of the Second Temple by the future Emperor Titus.

During the Hasmonean period the Davidic line was largely excluded from the royal house in Judea, but some members had risen to prominence as religious and communal leaders. One of the most notable of those was Hillel the Elder, who moved to Judea from his birthplace in Babylon. His great grandson Simeon ben Gamliel became one of the Jewish leaders during the First Jewish–Roman War.[20]

Middle Ages[edit]

The Exilarchate in the Sasanian Empire was briefly abolished as a result of revolt by the Mar-Zutra II in the late 5th century CE, with his son Mar-Zutra III being denied the office and relocating to Tiberias, then within the Byzantine Empire. Mar Ahunai lived in the period succeeding Mar Zutra II, but for almost fifty years after the failed revolt he did not dare to appear in public, and it is not known whether even then (c. 550) he really acted as Exilarch. The names of Kafnai and his son Haninai, who were Exilarchs in the second half of the 6th century, have been preserved.

The Exilarchate in Mesopotamia was officially restored after the Arab conquest in the 7th century and continued to function during the early Caliphates. Exilarchs continued to be appointed until the 11th century, with some members of the Davidic line dispersing across the Islamic world. There are conflicting accounts of the fate of the Exilarch family in the 11th century; according to one version Hezekiah ben David, who was the last Exilarch and also the last Gaon, was imprisoned and tortured to death. Two of his sons fled to Al-Andalus, where they found refuge with Joseph, the son and successor of Samuel ibn Naghrillah. However, The Jewish Quarterly Review mentions that Hezekiah was liberated from prison, and became head of the academy, and is mentioned as such by a contemporary in 1046.[21] An unsuccessful attempt of David ben Daniel of the Davidic line to establish an Exilarchate in the Fatimid Caliphate failed and ended with his downfall in 1094.

Descendants of the house of exilarchs were living in various places long after the office became extinct. The grandson of Hezekiah ben David through his eldest son David ben Chyzkia, Hiyya al-Daudi, died in 1154 in Castile according to Abraham ibn Daud and is the ancestor of the ibn Yahya family. Several families, as late as the 14th century, traced their descent back to Josiah, the brother of David ben Zakkai who had been banished to Chorasan (see the genealogies in [Lazarus 1890] pp. 180 et seq.). The descendants of the Karaite Exilarchs have been referred to above.

A number of Jewish families in the Iberian peninsula and within Mesopotamia continued to preserve the tradition of descent from Exilarchs in the Late Middle Ages, including the families of Abravanel, ibn Yahya and Ben-David. Several Ashkenazi scholars also claimed descent from King David. On his father's side, Rashi has been claimed to be a 33rd-generation descendant of Johanan HaSandlar, who was a fourth-generation descendant of Gamaliel, who was reputedly descended from the Davidic line.[22] Similarly Maimonides claimed 37 generations between him and Simeon ben Judah ha-Nasi, who was also a fourth-generation descendant of Gamaliel.[23] One tradition also traces the ancestry of Judah Loew ben Bezalel to the Babylonian Exilarchs and therefore also from the Davidic dynasty, however this claim is widely disputed, by many scholars such as Otto Muneles. [24] The patriarch of the Meisels family, Yitskhak Eizik Meisels, was an alleged 10th generation descendent of the Exiliarch, Mar Ukba.[25]

In the 11th-15th century, families that descended from the Exiliarchs that lived in the South of France (Narbonne and Provence) and in northern Spain (Barcelona, Aragon and Castile) received the title "Nasi" in the communities and were called "free men". They had a special economic and social status in the Jewish community. They were close to the government, and some served as advisers and tax collectors/finance ministers.

These families had special rights in Narbonne, Barcelona, the Knights Templar and Castile. They possessed real estate and received the title "Don" and  de la Kblriih (De la Cavalleria). Among the families of the "Sons of the Free" are the families of Abravanel and Benveniste.

In his book, A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, Arthur J. Zuckerman proposes a theory that from 768-900 CE a Jewish Princedom ruled by members of the Exilarchs existed in feudal France. However this theory has been widely contested. [26]

Jewish interpretations[edit]

In Jewish eschatology, the term mashiach, or "Messiah", came to refer to a future Jewish king from the Davidic line, who is expected to be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age.[27][28][29] The Messiah is often referred to as "King Messiah", or, in Hebrew, מלך משיח (melekh mashiach), and, in Aramaic, malka meshiḥa.[30]

Orthodox views have generally held that the Messiah will be a patrilineal descendant of King David,[31] and will gather the Jews back into the Land of Israel, usher in an era of peace, build the Third Temple, father a male heir, re-institute the Sanhedrin, and so on. Jewish tradition alludes to two redeemers, both of whom are called mashiach and are involved in ushering in the Messianic age: Mashiach ben David; and Mashiach ben Yosef. In general, the term Messiah unqualified refers to Mashiach ben David (Messiah, son of David).[27][28]

Christian interpretations[edit]

In Christian interpretation the "Davidic covenant" of a Davidic line in 2 Samuel 7 is understood in various ways, traditionally referring to the genealogies of Jesus in the New Testament. One Christian interpretation of the Davidic line counts the line continuing to Jesus son of Joseph, according to the genealogies at Matthew 1:1-16 and also in Luke 3:23-38 through the line of Mary, descendant from Solomon.

As it has been historically accepted among Jews that the Messiah will be a male-line descendant of David, the lineage of Jesus is sometimes cited as a factor as to why Jews do not believe him to have been the Messiah. As the proposed son of God, he could not have been a male-line descendant of David and, if going through his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, he would not have had the proper lineage either, as he would not have been a male-line descendant through Mary, and Joseph descended from Jeconiah, whose descendants are explicitly barred by God from ever ruling Israel.[32]

Another Christian interpretation emphasizes the minor, non-royal, line of David through Solomon's brother Nathan as recorded in Gospel of Lukechapter 3 (entirely undocumented in the Hebrew Bible), which is often understood to be the family tree of Mary's father. A widely spread traditional Christian interpretation relates the non-continuation of the main Davidic line from Solomon as related the godlessness of Jehoiachin in the early 500s BC, where Jeremiah cursed the main branch of the Solomonic line, saying that no descendant of "[Je]Coniah" would ever again reign on the throne of Israel (Jeremiah 22:30).[33] This same "curse" is also considered by some Christian commentators as the reason that Zerubbabel, the rightful Solomonic king during the time of Nehemiah, was not given a kingship under the Persian empire.[34]

The Tree of Jesse (referencing David' father) is a traditional Christian artistic representation of Jesus' genealogical connection to David.

Latter Day Saint interpretations[edit]

The Latter Day Saint movement accepts Christ as the "Stem of Jesse" and the Messiah. In addition, Mormon eschatology includes multiple references to other prophesied Davidic figures,[35] including one by the name of David who would come in the last days to inherit the throne and kingdom of David.[36]

Islamic interpretations[edit]

The Quran mentions the House of David once: "Work, O family of David, in gratitude. And few of My servants are grateful."[37] and mentioned David himself 16 times.

According to some Islamic sources, some of the Jewish settlers in Arabia were of the Davidic line, Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi recorded: "A Jewish man from the Davidic line entered Medina and found the people in deep sorrow. He enquired the people, 'What is wrong?' Some of the people replied: Prophet Mohamed passed away".[38]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Pioske 2015, p. 180. sfn error: no target: CITEREFPioske2015 (help)
  2. ^Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. N. Avigad and B. Sass. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1997, nos. 4 and 3 respectively; Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200–539 B.C.E. Lawrence J. Mykytiuk. SBL Academia Biblica 12. Atlanta, 2004, 153-59, 219.
  3. ^Haydn, Howell M. Azariah of Judah and Tiglath-Pileser III in Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 28, No. 2 (1909), pp. 182–199
  4. ^Deutsch, Robert. "First Impression: What We Learn from King Ahaz's Seal". Biblical Archaeology Review, July 1998, pp. 54–56, 62
  5. ^Heilpern, Will (December 4, 2015). "Biblical King's seal discovered in dump site". CNN. Retrieved 2016-05-03.
  6. ^Cross, Frank Moore (March–April 1999). "King Hezekiah's Seal Bears Phoenician Imagery". Biblical Archaeology Review.
  7. ^Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, pp. 287–288
  8. ^Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 291
  9. ^Albright, W. F. in Pritchard 1969, p. 569
  10. ^Weiss, Bari.The Story Behind a 2,600-Year-Old Seal Who was Natan-Melech, the king’s servant?. New York Times. March 30, 2019
  11. ^2,600-year old seal discovered in City of David. Jerusalem Post. April 1, 2019
  12. ^Heltzer, Michael, THE SEAL OF ˓AŚAYĀHŪ. In Hallo, 2000, Vol. II p. 204
  13. ^James B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969) 308.
  14. ^Garfinkel, Yossi; Ganor, Sa'ar; Hasel, Michael (19 April 2012). "Journal 124: Khirbat Qeiyafa preliminary report". Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel. Israel Antiquities Authority. Archived from the original on 23 June 2012. Retrieved 12 June 2018.
  15. ^Hasson, Nir (4 August 2015). "Philistine city of Gath a lot more powerful than thought, archaeologists suggest". Haaretz. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. Retrieved 12 June 2018.
  16. ^Kitchen, Kenneth (2003). On the Reliability of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans. p. 158. ISBN .
  17. ^Kuhrt, Amélie (1995). The Ancient Near East, c. 3000-330 BC, Band 1. New York: Routledge. p. 438. ISBN .
  18. ^Mandel, David. Who's Who in the Jewish Bible. Jewish Publication Society, 1 Jan 2010, pg 85
  19. ^Max A Margolis and Alexander Marx, A History of the Jewish People (1927), p. 235.
  20. ^Wilhelm Bacher, Jacob Zallel Lauterbach (1906). "Simeon II. (Ben Gamaliel I.)", Jewish Encyclopedia. N.b.: the Jewish Encyclopedia speaks of "his grandfather Hillel", but he sequence was Hillel the Elder-Simeon ben Hillel-Gamaliel the Elder-Simeon ben Gamliel, thus great-grandson is correct.
  21. ^Jewish Quarterly Review, hereafter "J. Q. R.", xv. 80.
  22. ^"Rabbi Yehiel Ben Shlomo Heilprin - (Circa 5420-5506; 1660-1746)". Retrieved 2020-06-28.
  23. ^"Early Years". Retrieved 2020-05-21.
  24. ^See The Maharal of Prague's Descent from King David, by Chaim Freedman, published in Avotaynu Vol 22 No 1, Spring 2006
  25. ^"Meizels family tree"(PDF).
  26. ^Zuckerman, Arthur J. (1972). A Jewish princedom in feudal France, 768-900. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN . OCLC 333768.
  27. ^ abSchochet, Jacob Immanuel. "Moshiach ben Yossef". Tutorial. Archived from the original on 20 December 2002. Retrieved 2 December 2012.
  28. ^ abBlidstein, Prof. Dr. Gerald J. "Messiah in Rabbinic Thought". MESSIAH. Jewish Virtual Library and Encyclopaedia Judaica 2008 The Gale Group. Retrieved 2 December 2012.
  29. ^Telushkin, Joseph (1991). "The Messiah". William Morrow and Co. Retrieved 2 December 2012.
  30. ^Flusser, David. "Second Temple Period". Messiah. Encyclopaedia Judaica 2008 The Gale Group. Retrieved 2 December 2012.
  31. ^See Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan: ""The Real Messiah A Jewish Response to Missionaries""(PDF). Archived from the original on May 29, 2008. Retrieved 2012-04-17.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  32. ^This is what the LORD says: 'Record this man as if childless, a man who will not prosper in his lifetime, for none of his offspring will prosper, none will sit on the throne of David or rule anymore in Judah.— Jeremiah 22:30, NIV
  33. ^H. Wayne House Israel: Land and the People 1998 114 "And yet, Judah has also been without a king of the Solomonic line since the Babylonian exile. Because of Jeremiah's curse on Jehoiachin (Coniah) in the early 500s BC (Jer. 22:30), the high priests of Israel, while serving as the ..."
  34. ^Warren W. Wiersbe -The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: The Complete Old Testament - 2007 p1497 "Zerubbabel was the grandson of King Jehoiachin (Jeconiah, Matt. 1:12; Coniah, Jer. 22:24, 28), and therefore of the royal line of David. But instead of wearing a crown and sitting on a throne, Zerubbabel was the humble governor of a ..."
  35. ^Doctrine and Covenants Section 113,
  36. ^Ludlow, Victor L. (1992). "David, Prophetic Figure of the Last Days". In Ludlow, Daniel H. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Mormonism. Archived from the original on 27 May 2011.
  37. ^Quran 34:13
  38. ^Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi, Bihār al-Anwār, Dar Al-Rida Publication, Beirut, (1983), volume 30 page 99
  • The Holy Bible: 1611 Edition (Thos. Nelson, 1993)

External links[edit]

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, Jeroboam v4.10 serial key or number

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KanjiWeb v1.0 : s/n: 5162345-34
Kalkulator 1.5 32 bits Name : Cosmo Cramer 1997 Serial : 1090193 523436 license: 1
Kalkulator 1.5 AND UP Regfile
Kalkulator 2.11 Regfile
Kawa 2.52.01 Name: Phrozen Crew Code: IGFF Name: _RudeBoy Code: EAHC
Kawa 2.0: name: BLiTZ / Phrozen Crew s/n: AADHA
KBDock v2.4 Name: SiG SN#: 64448
K-CHESS ELITE 2.5 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Serial: KE700000 Unlock code: 7293
KDriVe v2.05 for Windows : (Type at command prompt) Brand Kdrivew.exe 4711 0815
KDrive v2.51 for Dos : (Type at command prompt) Brand Kdrive.exe 4711 0815
KDriVe v2.51 for OS/2 : (Type at command prompt) Brand Kdriveos2.exe 4711
Kdrive for Windows 2.25 n: Cobra 1998  s: 72770
Keep It Compact v1.10 : name: Registered s/n: 1842152
Keep It Compact v1.10 (2) : Name: tHATDUDE Reg: 1381784
Keep It Compact Beta 2 Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN Number: 82b1943de5
Keep it Compact 2.0 final version: name: Underworld^SNT number: 8F9C6BF9
KEEP IT COMPACT V.2.0. TheForceTeam 4D93670FMiRaMaX
Keep it Compact v2.01 name: LOMAX s/n : 1AC1120F
Keep it Compact v2.1 Name:TheBrabo S/n: 8C22B339
KeepOut v3.0: : tHATDUDE PC97 C: 95024749 : BENOM?5HI&84
Kermit 95 v1.1.10 s/n: K95-00000910340-1.1 Made by TheBrabo
Kerropi Bigtop Organizer for Windows 95/NT : s/n: TSO6-7775-P9DT
Keyboard Express 2.6c Crack
KeyEX ver. 1.02 Crack
KeyEX ver. 1.02 Crack
KeyKey 1.11 Crack
KeyNote Music Drills v1.73 Name : romeo '97 Company : montaque s/n : 1281046187
KeyNote Music Drills ver. 1.75 Crack
KEYTEXT 1.0a Crack
KeyText v1.16 n: Cobra 1998  s: 4163=46O
KEYTEXT 1.17 Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Code: 3860-43YY-8EMQ
Key unlock for Webedit 1.4 : 1FDBBL3P6NBP
Key unlock for Webedit 2.9 pro : 846633B89C1E
KeyView for Win95 : s/n: TrcfLc03929
KeyView v4.2 for Windows 95 : s/n: 4000-0144-5297
KFZ-Versicherungs Vergleich vom Bay. Rundfunk for Windows : name: BR
Kid Cad v1.1c for Windows : s/n: 51581-26830
Killer Transitions 1.1 Code: KT1-10001-18236-63376
Kinetix 3DS Max 1.2 1. Run the SETUP.EXE file found in the /3dsmax12 dir 2. When prompted to insert diskette, choose browse, and navigate
to the /3dsmax12/Disk2 dir. 3. After Setup is complete, go to the installed /3dsmax dir on your hard-drive. Rename the 3dsmax.exe file to
3dsmax.old 4. Now copy the file 3dsmax.exe from the /3dsmax/Crack dir to the installed /3dsmax dir on your hard-drive alt ver note: auth:
Kinetix Character Studio 1.1 for 3DS Max 1. Run the SETUP.EXE file found in the /CStudio11 dir 2. In 3dsmax, the first time you click the
Create Biped button it will ask you for a serial number, use serial: F9B1DA43
KingCom ComPort Manager v2.0c for Windows : s/n: 654-16203
Kinemorphic Screen Saver 1.0 Code: 11181
Kinemorphic 3D Screensaver 2.1 s: 66222
Kitchen Assistant/2 v1.2 for OS/2 : name: EVIL UNCLE s/n: 0130200
Kitchen Sink To register type in 03XXX where X = any number you would like it to.
KiWi Enveloppes v3.0 : s/n: KE301120RA or s/n: KE304244RC
Kiwi Power Windows (mac) : 10KPW002996b
KiwiFinder 1.0 (mac) : VB1011672KF
KlickBoard 95 n: Cobra 1998  s: 17751997
Klik &amp; Play v1.0 for Windows : s/n: KPE10001143 or s/n: KPG10002097 or s/n: KPU10006512 or s/n: KPE10048950
KMMC : 79965827338
Knights of the Force 1.06 SysOP: Riz la+ BBS : Phrozen Crew Code : 24793402513380
Koala Term 2.5 S/N 1 N/L 10000 R/K B05FEC6A396AB001
KoalaTerm v2.7 Serial Number : 43522 # of Licenses : 1 Key : B0B0EC75396A726A Serial Number : 93248 # of Licenses : 5 Key :
2D48B0666A62510A Serial Number : 62342 # of Licenses : 10 Key : 722DB0666A755162 Serial Number : 45734 # of Licenses : 20 Key :
725F0D6258752D01 Serial Number : 01232 # of Licenses : 50 Key : 2D480D0158625F0A Serial Number : 43753 # of Licenses : 100 Key :
2D72B00A6A624875 Serial Number : 20398 # of Licenses : 200 Key : 782D0D6258242D62 Serial Number : 83454 # of Licenses : 500 Key :
ECECB06A6A39B039 Serial Number : 23093 # of Licenses : 1000 Key : 5F0DEC3239012058 Serial Number : 23454 # of Licenses : 10000 Key :
48EC5162660A2D39 Serial Number : 43587 # of Licenses : 100000 Key : 0D20B0016A585F32
KoalaTerm v2.7-E (1319) Crack
Koala Term 3.0 v: 1  #: 1  r: 5F5FB06A6A01b001
Komorebi 1.9 Name : SiraX/CORE  Reg. Code : H9qdDGvgLb2JKL?tD9KqCpynBFmkAVahA8?ezoObyEC8xUq5LHSYK
Konto 98.2 v1.81.4 n: Cobra 1998 s: 184-K98-40-1.81.4 r: 00000007
Koohg v1.0.4 (16-bit) Keymaker
KostenTeller v6.0 for Dos : id-code: 173596222933 s/n: 173596222933
KPT 3.0 serial : 07064-15906-01532
KPT Final Effects 3.0 (mac) : 18002-15447-00597
Kremlin 1.1 s/n: 9797708151
Kremlin v1.2 s/n: 6969955352
Kremlin 1.06 Crack
Kremlin 2.0 Keymaker
Kremlin v2.1 (32-bit) Choose a random 4 digit number : 1111 Your REGISTRATION NUMBER is : 1111667092
Kremlin Encryption 2.21 Code: 9797708151
Kudo Internet Multimedia Suite v5 Crack
Kundenverwaltung n: Cobra 1998  s: 17B61CB
KWQ MailReader +v1.2i for OS/2 : name: Buxton Bailey s/n: 8163-05F3-313B or name: Cheng Li s/n: 1504-034C-408C
Kyodai 4.28 n: Cobra 1998  s: 3892191643
Kyodai 4.34 Name: DASavant [AnThraX] s/n: 138055768365488151
Kyodai 2.88 n: Cobra 1997  s: SWBEDZDCKI
Kyodai Mahjongg 3.01 NAME : Cosmo Cramer SERIAL : 186403911605
Kyodai Mahjongg v4.52 Name: Reveals Serial Numbers s/n: 7399853754592500567959
Kyodai Mahjongg 4.52 Crack
Kyodai 6.0 Crack
KYODAI MAHJONGG 6.28 User Name: CoKeBoTtLe98 Password: 386677502783

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Jeroboam v4.10 serial key or number

Yamaha flute 211N Japan serial number 017065

Yamaha flute 211N Japan serial number 017065
Study flute in good condition

This type of Yamaha is a completely silver-plated instrument with closed keys and sol offset (the sol key is more closed at the fourth left finger for the ease of playing). The flute is not damaged anywhere (so no dings or dents) but does show slight signs of wear from being played. This is a flute that can best serve a beginning flute player.
The keys are also in a proper condition and close enough, so the flute can be used immediately. She will have to be re-padded in the coming years (replace the pads under the keys), but this is certainly not necessary yet.
Yamaha really is the most reliable and most mechanically solid study flute.
The Yamaha original flute case is in good condition, closes perfectly and it has a rod inside to connect a polishing cloth to. A similar Yamaha costs 650 to 700 euro new. You can find them for 250 euro second hand. I am not asking for a reserve price.
Shipping to locations in Belgium and the Netherlands is done with Kiala (including warranty), unless the buyer wishes otherwise and pays the costs for this.
This type of Yamaha flute is a silver-plated instrument. It is second hand but in a good condition without dents and has normal signs of wear. The instrument is immediately playable, the pads are solid and the general condition is good. She has covered keys (good condition) and G offset (to easier playing the G). The original case has no damage. You get a cleaning rod with it. This flute costs new 650 to 700 euros and second hand on internet 250 euro. I don't ask a minimal price.

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