Nokia Smart Messaging Agent v0.99¯ serial key or number

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent v0.99¯ serial key or number

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent v0.99¯ serial key or number

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent v0.99¯ serial key or number

Programme Listing "(N)"
1 of 1 'N' pages.
Previous Page (M2) Next Page ('O')A to Z Index

Nag-Buster v1.?? :
s/n: DTBV4YN

Nag-Buster vc :
Name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC]
s/n: B9U5KMA2LOC

NameCommand v :

Name-IT v :
s/n: or
s/n: or

NameWiz v :
Name: snowmannen

NameWiz v :
Name: (any as long as it is space separated)
s/n: F

NameWiz v :
Name: _RudeBoy_ / Phrozen Crew

Namo v :
Name: Ground Zero
s/n: GZ

Namo Batch v :
Name: accz of blizzard
s/n: AOB (That's an O not a zero)

Namo Web Editor v :
Name: Robbie

Namo Web Editor v :
Name: Pius Sodipe Sodipe
Company: HERiTAGE
Key: 01LP75 PNC 0BM6N5B DATKL91

Napoleon Solitaire v :
Name: Registered Version

Nascar Racing HeadQuarters v SE :
Name: Registered User
Company: (Blank)

Nat v build :

Nat v build :

NAT Proxy v :

NAT Proxy for WinNT v :

Natural v :
s/n: NW

Natural Engeneering WorkBench v :
Company: OSIRIS
s/n: NEW

Natural/ADABAS v PL7 :
Company: OSIRIS
s/n: NATf*ck0you0

NaturBase Professional v :
s/n: 1A

Navarasa Multimedia v :
Name: Arfa [PCY]
Company: #Prophecy
s/n: NAV

Navarasa Multimedia v :
Name: AdEpt
Company: CRYSTAL
s/n: NAV

Navarasa Multimedia v :
Name: Dave Powell
Company: CCS
s/n: NAV

NavCIS Professional v :
s/n: MC

Naviscope v :
s/n: JES9AAX

Naviscope v :

NavRules v :
Name: Chafe/TEX99

Ncome and Xpense v :

NCore v :
s/n: EV

nCrypt Xtra for Director :
s/n: en-eg55m6ajkf


Neatpad v :
Name: PROPHECY '98
s/n: NPR

Nendo v :
Name: C. ABRO

Nendo v :

Neo Phantom Screensaver vb :

NeoBook Professional vb or f :
s/n: MIQOEOB or

NeoCrypt v :
Name: dustie (c) blizzard

NeoCrypt v :
Name: zoin

NeoCrypt v :
Name: dustie (c) blizzard

NeoPaint v :

NeoPaint v :
s/n: GQOWOQM or
s/n: HNIUNVS or

NeoPaint v :
s/n: HNKZNWR or
s/n: JQQRMOO or

NeoPaint vf :
s/n: LMPJVQ or

NeoPaint v :
Name: [TWH/UCF]

NeoPhantom ScreenSaver va :

NeoShow Pro v :

NeoShow Pro v :

NeoShow Pro v :

NeoShow Pro v :
s/n: BLRTQVS or
s/n: KVMRXUJ or

NeoShow Pro v :

NeoSoft phantom screensaver vb :

Neosoft Quikmenu III :

NeoSoft Viewer va :
Name: Mad Jester -=GRS=-

Nero Burning Rom v :
Name: djHD
Company: UCF

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :
Name: wizdaz
Company: Warp

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :
Name/Company: blastsoft

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Nero Burning Rom v     :

Nero Burning Rom v :

Net Boy Suite v :
Name: jog
Company: DNG
s/n: NBTRidstchamlz
PacketBoy: PBadolfxcwzb
WebBoy: WBhdgbaiormd
EtherBoy: EBhdtdgecdmp
GeoBoy: GBpdoxsiznta

Net Commander Internet Suite v :
s/n: NS
Key: DE15

Net-Commando vb :
Name: BSC - DDUK
s/n: BCC

Net Cribbage v :

Net Durak v :

Net Games v :
Name: dustie of blizzard

Net Gin Rummy v :
Name: Christian Heeg

Net Gin Rummy v :

Net Launch v :
Name: Zentaur Arts

Net Manager v :
s/n: S3

Net Medic v :
s/n: SPMC

Net Note v :
s/n: SLicence

Net Partitioner va :
s/n: kynswnp

Net Partitioner v :
s/n: kynswnp

Net Poker v :

Net Probe v :
Name: Revolt 97
s/n: d26

Net Probe v :
Name: zaarnik

Net Probe v :
Name: $keve file://CrAG
s/n: dde

Net Profile v :

Net Profile v :

Net Proxy v :
Users: The Exterminators
UnlimitedUsers: The Exterminators

Net Proxy v :
Name: MoWAX [Nobliege]

Net Proxy v :
UnlimitedUsers: The Exterminators
Users: The Exterminators

Net Proxy Lite v :
Name: knoweffex DNG

Net Road HTML Browser :
Name: Steve Hsu

Net Rocker v :
s/n: AA03 - AC
Reg: ED3A

Net Scout Manager v :

Net Sea War v :

Net See War v :
Name: Christian Heeg

Net Spades v :

Net Stat v :
Name: (Anything)
s/n: jjns

Net Submitter Pro v :
s/n: AATKP63ADP59S8A

Net Submitter Pro v :
s/n: AATKP63ADP59S8A

Net Submitter Pro v :
s/n: AATKP63ADP59S8A

Net Submitter Pro v :
s/n: AATKP63ADP59S8A

Net Timer Pro v :
Name: KiLLa [c0re'97]
s/n: 4E5EECA

Net Toob Stream v :

Net Toolbox v :
Name: Steven Anger

Net Wizard Client and Server v :

Net2Phone v :

Netattach :
Name: MCA 96

NetBar :

NetBasic Compiler SDK v :

NetBeans Developer v :

NetBid v :
Name: James R Young

NetBoy v :
Installation: NB
EtherBoy: EBzbufsgqkwv
GeoBoy: GBzbmlsnqawn
PacketBoy: PBpbahwtwpwq
WebBoy: WBnbfbqouagb

NetBuddy v :
Name: Slick-LSD
Company: LSD

Netbus Pro v :
Name: darKwING
s/n: DD0AEC18 or
Name: defiler
Company: TEX '99
s/n: D8FB

Netbus Pro vb :
Name: jak
Company: TbC
s/n: 7E

Netbus Pro v :
Name: ACiD BuRN
s/n: C3ECB49C

NetCom NetCruiser v :

NetCommander 95 :
s/n: NCWN

NetContact v :
Name: Gura Philip

NetFolder va :
Name: (Anything)

NetFolder v :
Name: fallen

NetFormX v :

NetFormX v :
s/n: 0

NetGrabber v :
Name: DeadEyE [ThP]
s/n: AE0CF1E0A

Netgraphica FPX Format Client Developer Edition v :

Netgraphica IIP Client Developer Edition C++ v :

Netgraphica IIP Client Developer Edition Java v :

Netgraphica IIP Server v :

NetGraphics Optimizer2 v :
s/n: NZ

NetGuard Control Center v :
Name: Jerry

NetHound v :

NetInfo v :
Name: TND
Company: PGC

NetInfo v :

NetInfo v :

NetInfo v Special build :
Name: davy
Company: blizzard

NetInfo v :

NetInfo v Build :
Name: Mr_GReeN [WkT!]
s/n: D9DB5AB5

NetInfo v :
Name: Kathras^HLM
s/n: CA8B-FF62D

NetIntellect v :
s/n: DRD

NetIntellect Express v :
s/n: SLE70

Net-It Central Pro Unlimited User v :

Netiva v Build :
(Go to File, Settings, Liscense Key tab)

NetLinkIt v :
s/n: a
Key: A3AA

NetLookout v :
Name: Omega [Weapon]

NetLookout vb :
Name: Delphic

NetLookout v :
Name: DeMoN

NetLookout Pro v :
Name: Delphic

Netmanage Chameleon v :
s/n: S3
Key: B71E

Netmanage Chameleon Connectivity Suite v :
s/n: 0l7BFBVE3oJ0TMVtCC

Netmanage Chameleon/NFS v :
Key: a

NetManage ECCO Pro v :

NetManage ECCO Pro :

NetMapper v :

NetMaster 99 v :
Name: Delphic
s/n: or
Name: draXXter

NetMaster 99 v :
Name: Mr_GReeN [WkT!]
s/n: or
Name: The Exterminators

NetMedic Pro v :

NetNote v :
Name: Me
s/n: Re

NetNote vc :
Name: JOHN
s/n: WgQC

NetNote v Final Beta :
s/n: SLicence

NetObjects Authoring Server Administrator v :
s/n: VS-9e97ffb

NetObjects Authoring Server Suite v :
s/n: VS-9e97ffb

NetObjects Fusion v :
s/n: NFWP

NetObjects Fusion v Fa :
s/n: NFWZ

NetObjects Fusion v :
s/n: NFWR

NetObjects Fusion vg :
s/n: NFWP

NetObjects Fusion :

NetObjects ScriptBuilder v :

NetObserver v :
Name: zoin

NetOP School v :
Name: (Anything)
Teacher: UKTCAE
Student: UKSD

NetPad v :
s/n: LKUN7 GRYM5 2SM5W

NetPal vb :
Name: CDWarez

NetPal va :
Name: CoKeBoTtLe99

NetPopUp v :
Name: Registered
s/n: Registered

NetPopUp v :

NetProbe v :
Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC]
s/n: ab9

NetResults ProblemTracker v :
Email: (Anything)
s/n: dist 7tj3 r 4n89

Netris Kombat Full Arsenal v :

NetRoom v :
s/n: R or
s/n: P

NetRoom v :
s/n: R or
s/n: R

NetRoom :
s/n: R

NetRunner v :
Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL
s/n: 1
Key: or
Name: TeLLeRBoP
s/n: 1

Netscape Application Builder v :

Netscape Cache Explorer v :

Netscape Cache Explorer v :
Name: Versus
s/n: eieefchh

Netscape Cache Explorer v :
Name: TRPS98
s/n: ytqtsqrr

Netscape Cache Explorer :
Name: Pr0metheus
s/n: WggJfOBZ

Netscape Kiva Developer Studio v :

Netscape Kiva Enterprise Server v :

Netscape Provider Maintainance v :
Name: Ringer
s/n: wquspmpj

Netscape Provider Maintenance v :
Name: TwinHead [uCF] !96
s/n: G3EA87A6

Netscape SmartMarks v :
s/n: BAU40B

NetSketch v :
Name: snh

NetSketch v :
Name: Warp

NetSketch v :
Name: REKiEM / PCY '99

NetSnap 4 Stream v :

NetSonic v :
s/n: NS
Key: 27AF-C2E9

NetSwitcher v :
Start program, while holding both the
Shift and Control Keys, click "About"
button in Netswitcher window, then enter:

NetSwitcher vm :

NetTerm v :
Name: CowMoo The Great!

NetTerm v :
Name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL
s/n: kfuff

NetTerm v :
Name: NETTERM User
s/n: f99k1k5q

NetTerm v :
Name: Sodom
s/n: 3i7q9ii7

NetTerm v :
Name: Single User
s/n: uc9ci

NetTerm v :
Name: RTA 98
s/n: k67

NetTerm v :
Name: rAggEr/CORE
s/n: auf5q1ii

NetTerm v :
Name: register
s/n: u

NetTerm v4.x :
Name: SavaGe [PC]
s/n: i1c8q12i or
Name: SavaGe
s/n: 58c6c2qi

NetTerm v :
Name: Gordon
s/n: a2qac8i2

NetToob MultiMedia Viewer v :

NetTools v :
FirstName: elmopio
LastName: iNSiDE
Date: 1/1/
s/n: F0-I8B1J99

NetTracker Enterprise v :
Name/Company: (Anything)
Key: E8bbqU-aMbbmD
NetTracker Proxy v :
Name: (Anything)
Company: (Anything)
Key: 9mb86R-8d88bbaD

NetWar :
Name: dARkAGE
s/n: TTA

NetWare Asynch Communication Services :

NetWare Connect :

NetWare OS/2 WorkStation Utilities :

NetWare Video Service Install v :

Network v :

Network Archivist BackUp vd :
s/n: TNAS

Network Archivist Expansion vd :
s/n: ENHD or
s/n: EN1TDHC

Network Constant Companion :

Network File Monitor v :
Name: TheLord
Key: (Anything)
s/n: d8b64dea71efbfdc5

Network Plus :
s/n: AUC-0RNR

Network Spy v :
Name: TheDon[Fluke]

Network Spy v :
Name: Ringer

Network Unplugged va :
s/n: ABF8DJ8PF

Network Unplugged v :
s/n: ABF8DJ8PF

Networked Bookmarks v :
Name: Team DEMiSE
s/n: CRT

Networked Bookmarks v :
Name: Team DEMiSE
s/n: CTR

NetXRay Distributed Version v :

NetZip v :
s/n: CWC9W

NetZip v :
s/n: ww=

NetZip Classic v :
s/n: 12w

NetZip Classic v :
s/n: --r

NetZip Deluxe v :
s/n: 4iLeyECm
ID: nz63

NetZip Deluxe v :
s/n: 4iLeyECm
ID: nz63

NetZip Deluxe v :
s/n: 12r

NeuNet Pro v :

Neural Lab v :
s/n: NS
Key: A8EB-FDA7

NeverEnding Disk v :
s/n: NDO

New Lines v :
s/n: NL

New Vision C++ Developers Suite :
s/n: NVC

News Bat v :
Name: JudgeD [PC'99/MFD]
s/n: 2D7EE2AA

News Bin v :

News Bin v :
Name: death angel
s/n: ffcffae

News Bin v :
Name: BaRT SiMPSoN
s/n: 41fafec1

News Ferret v :
s/n: NS
Key: F1B7-E

News Grabber v :
Name: Tin/DNG
s/n: or
Name: fungus of blizzard

News Grabber v :
Name: Blackstar TRPS98

News Grabber v :

News Grabber v :
Name: Delphic
s/n: or
Name: Walhalla/oDT

News Grabber v :

News Grabber v :
Name: Blackstar TRPS

News Grabber v :
Name: kaN[LSD]

News Grabber v :
Name: DeMoN Release Crew

News Grabber v :
Name: RayBieZ

News Grabber v :
Name: Walhalla/oDT

News Grabber v :
Name: bl98

News Marauder v :
Name: KiLLa CoRE
s/n: NEWGS47

News Poster Pro v :
Name: RyDeR_H00k!
Company: UCF

News Pro vb :
Name: CoKeBoTtLe99
s/n: 4uv+S9eZSXk

News Robot v :
s/n: grwaybpd

News Robot v :
Name: PhrozenCrew@Efnet.#PC96
s/n: shvppkmt

News Rover v Rev 1 :
Name: Larry D. Holder

News Rover v :
Name: Vanhalen

News Rover v :
Name: tchan

News Rover v :
Name: tchan

News Scanner v :
Name: sidt
s/n: 00A1B2C1 or
Name: Shaligar^Lash
s/n: 2BBE

News Tracker v :
s/n: 08QVX2R7

NewsBin v :
Name: core jes
s/n: f10adcfec2c39a

NewsBin v :
Name: CORE DrRhui
s/n: fda6bbf9

NewsBin v :
Name: Prophecy [tNO '98]
s/n: ce14d7fdbec9e9

NewsBot :
Name: ED!SON '96

Newsgroup AutoPoster 95 v :
Address: DSI
Other: (Anything) Quit program, then enter

Newsgroup AutoPoster 95 v :
Click on purchase and only enter:
Name: Bisoux
Address: Dream City
Then quit the program and enter:

NewsMail Collector v :
Name: Jocelyne Lachance
s/n: cmhs3bl8ftt75

NewsMail Collector v :
Name: Ashley Hall
s/n: sjr2opi3n38rr

NewsMonger v :
Install, when prompted, register with
Name: jog
Company: DNG
Leave everything else blank.
Then register again with
s/n: 82A0EFABCDE

NewsRover v :
Name: Mad Jester [GRS 97]

NewView v :
(In make [NEWVIEW])
Name: TwinHead [uCF] !96
count: 2

NexNote Plus :

Next FTP v :

Next FTP v :
Password: J56

Next FTP v :
s/n: K56

Next Wave Software :
Name: NiTR8^
Company: GCRACK
s/n: AWR

NextStart v :
Name: TEX99
s/n: V8O-NRH-OL5-VYQ

NextStart v :
Name: NaG3_TeaM
s/n: F6T-MRI-WCP-M3N or
Name: TEX2K
s/n: M1B-OMT-LUF-3FN or
Name: SavaGe [PC]

NexusMedia 5 UtilPack v :

NFL Office Pool 98 v :

NFL Office Pool 99 v :
s/n: DSS99FP

NFL WoofPool v :
Name: ACiD BuRN [ECL'99]

NFS v :
s/n: ae

NFS Maestro Client v :
s/n: MI

NFS Maestro Solo for Win95 v :
s/n: MO95ES
Key: EC

NFS Maestro TCP/IP :

NFTP v :
Name: dustie of blizzard
s/n: nft5ftfvlCGd5bbrjx

NFTP v :
Name: darKwING
s/n: CR-0mtqafxt8uroidvr6spmgb

NHL Sim v :
Name: AGC Team

NHL Simulator v :
Name: Azrael [PC]

NHL Simulator v :
Name: -= ORiON =-

NiBaLa CD Auto Menu 98 v :
s/n: Ni05Ba04La

Nic Express vc :

Nic O' Matic v :
s/n: cn1-mfvfqby

NiceTracker vb :
Name: Rezel [iNSiDE]

Nico's Commander v :
s/n: 31JAMC

Nico's Commander v :
s/n: 31JAMC

Nico's Commander v :
s/n: 36TZEX

Nico's Commander v :

Nico's Commander v :
s/n: 36TEZX

NinjaSwitcher v :
s/n: CB9A3

NIPrint vq :
Name: Azrael
Company: Rebels

NJStar v :
Name: Mad Pig
Company: Hacker Studio

NJStar v :

NJStar Japanese Word Processor v :

Njwin v : press ALT + $!
Name: RaYf00[SKL98]

No Frills Timer v :
Name: Cosmo Cramer

NoCharge v :
s/n: ewWxL3astJ

Noise Reduction :

NoiseNak v :
Name: Nop [Phrozen Crew]
s/n: DEFE0A90E

NoiseNak v :
Name: Ringer
s/n: C4A

Noisy Poker and BlackJack Suite :

Noisy Video Poker And BlackJack v :

Nokia Smart Messaging Agent vß :
Name: L!M!T [TEX]
Key: CA

Nokia Startup Logo Editor va :
Name: viny [GWA]
Key: DF

Nokia Startup Logo Editor vrc15 :
Name: The Exterminators
Key: 1DCD1FD

Nokia Startup Logo Editor vrc7 :
Name: The Exterminators
Key: 1DCD1FD

Nokia Wap Server v :
Name: posey

Nomad News v :

Nomad News v :

Nomad News v :
s/n: JeffreyPGabel

Nonsense Madness :
Name: (Anything)
s/n: 3tx

NookNak v :
Name: Ringer
s/n: 26E36F09AB4F71A0

Norton Administrator for Networks :
s/n: M5NA15XG

Norton AntiVirus NL :
s/n: NL

Norton Ghost for Netware v :
s/n: Finally

Norton Navigator NL :
s/n: NL

Norton TexTra Connect v :
s/n: A

Norton Utilities :
s/n: NL

Nostradamus v :
s/n: PW

Note Calendar v :
Name: Arfa [PCY]
s/n: NBG9FK8P29

Note Worthy Composer a :
Name: fungus of blizzard

NoteBook v :
s/n: or
Name: n03l
Company: Faith98

NoteBook v :
Name: fjalar
Company: TEXTURE

NoteBook v :
Name: iNTUTiLS
s/n: zki,,2,*

Notepad Pro v :

Notepad+ v :
Name: SpiNBalL
s/n: 0D2D1BECCC4

NotePager v :
Name: Matt Kerchenfaut
Company: Matt Kerchenfaut
Address1: Sherman Road
City: Woodridge
State: IL
Country: US

Notes v :

Notes On Rocketfuel v :
Name: Esquire
s/n: NTW

NoteWork Electronic Mail for Novell Netware v :
s/n: DSK

NoteWorthy Composer v :
Name: ArseniK/DARKSTAR

NoteWorthy Composer va :
Name: Me!

NoteWorthy Composer vb :
Name: Darkzz [Crystal]

NotPad v :
Name: SiraX/CORE

Notpad v :
Name: -= CiA =-

NotPad v :
Name: draXXter

Nova vz :
Name: Khayman the Ancient
Company: FRONTiER
s/n: NLD

Nova va :
s/n: NLD

Nova vh :
Name: The GodFader [pct]
s/n: NLD

NovaBackUp v :
s/n: W

NovaBackup+ v :
s/n: NovaStor6

NovaDisk+ v :

NovaDisk+ v :
s/n: NovaStor6

Novagraph IncChartist v :
(good for users)

NovaNet v SP2D Build :
s/n: 92B3BCABE9-E9F8CE9B

Novell DOS Personal NetWare v :
s/n: S

Novell NetWare v :
s/n: S

Novell Perfect Office v :
s/n: 1PO30XWOZ

Novell Perfect Office Pro v :
s/n: 1PP30XW

Novell Perfect Works v :
s/n: 1WW20XW

Novell Personal NetWare :

Now Utilities :
s/n: NUA

NoWhere Man's Virus Creator :
ZIP: ARoseIsARoseIsARose
EXE: ChibaCity

s/n: ZThr2QGbPX

NT PayMaster v build 1 :
s/n: 6ef20b51fc35defe43d2

NT Status Manager v :
Name: davy - blizzard

NTMail vm :
s/n: Aa[rPgEBM@QY

NTMail va :
Reference: AF
Reference: AF

Nton Proxy v :
Name: KAC

N-Track v beta :
Name: (Anything)
Password: GVUVYVYL

N-Track v :
Name: (Anything)
ID: otomhctihw
s/n: KLXTDRRC or
Name: (anything)
ID: lok_
s/n: juujk

N-Track v :
ID: nurtuo
s/n: NMS4N

N-Track v :
Name: ODIN 98
ID: nurtuo
s/n: NMS4N

N-Track v :
Name: JaZzMaStR
ID: blues
s/n: yzarcma

N-Track v :
Name: dustie of blizzard
ID: blues
s/n: yzarcma

N-Track v :
Name: CORE/DrRhui
ID: blues
s/n: yzarcma

N-Track Studio v beta2 :
Name: splasher [BLiZZARD]
Code: wilkinson

N-Track Studio v :
Name: (Anything)
Code: wilkinson

N-Track Studio v :
Name: CORE/DrRhui
Code: wilkinson

N-Track Studio v :
Name: AzirAfAle^DARKSTAR99
Code: ghf

N-Track Studio va :
Name: CORE/DrRhui
Code: ghf

N-Track Studio v :
Name: CORE/DrRhui

N-Track Studio v :
Name: Sickie [TbC]

N-Track Studio v :
Name: (Anything)

N-Track Studio v beta 2 build :
Name: (Anything)

N-Track Studio v :
Name: (Anything)

N-Track Studio v :
Name: Kathras^DMR

NTService Master v :
s/n: QN

Nugraf 3D Rendering System vf :
Name/Company: (Anything)
CDLabel: showregdlg
s/n: F

Nugraf 3D Rendering System vi :
Company: PENTIUM
s/n: NTPF06
SI&Openflight: SID

Nugraf 3D Rendering System v :
Password: nrs7kv6dza58c
s/n: NOT-xF7F8E
Name/Company: (Anything)
SoftImage: si-bfec
ACIS/SAT: sata
IGES: iges-9ff3e47b

Nugraf vk :
s/n: NOT-xF7F8E
Name/Company: (Anything)
SoftImage: si-bfec
ACIS/SAT: sata
Iges: iges-9ff3e47b

Numerology Star Reader v :

Numerology Star Reader v :
s/n: 2?F$s9D-GeQ-z28

Numerology Star Reader v :
s/n: 2?F$s9D-GeQ-z28Fg

Numerology Star Reader v :
s/n: q4h0S Ey4%2 7G6zj 5U*1e69 or
s/n: q4h0S-Ey4%G6zj-5U*1e12

NuPaint :

Nuthin But Net v :

NutriTrak v :
Name: (Anything)
s/n: N

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UFI Latest Setup Download Ufi Box Software Update v. By Mobile Rdx Last updated Jul 2 Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store unless the item was packaged by the manufacturer in non retail packaging such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. The event showcased the latest innovative vocational learning solutions and approaches helping to upskill adults across the UK. Whats new Android ToolBox changes Post a comment. July 28 Special Requirements for International Students in Fall Updated FAQ document available below UFIC has created this Frequently Asked Questions FAQ document to provide answers to common questions related to special requirements for F1 Visa Status for continuing and new international students during the Fall semester. Miracle eMMC ISP Tool UFI ISP Adapter UFI Lite USB3. See the seller 39 s listing for full details. On board there s 4GB of RAM and 64GB of ROM expandable via microSD. upgrade firmware to version 1. Samsung Flasher New UFI Box Latest Version Cracked Without box Dongle working. and Android Qualcomm devices HSUSB .

This webinar explains what the unique formula identifier UFI is and how it can be used. There s a screen atop a metallic box New Zealand is considering negative interest rates as it grapples with the severe economic impact caused by the coronavirus pandemic. He d need a box a laser a video camera he settled for a cell phone and can help you comply with the UFI requirements with high quality codes on virtually any substrate. Anthony wrote to a friend on November 5 1 Update Released 30 05 Added Tecno B1F Pop 2F Read info Repair IMEI Backup amp Restore NVRAM Read amp Write security backup Read amp Write firmware FRP Factory Reset Write Firmware Sim Unlock. com offers ufi 3g wifi modem router products. 1 Crack Plus No Card amp Box Direct Loader Crack Setup Latest Alibaba. Q4 Results Earnings Call Presentation 07 Aug UFI Box on 14 05 by Administrator Box can read EMMC user data as well as repair resize format erase read write and update the EMMC firmware on Samsung China phone SK Hynix Toshiba Kingston Micron and other brands . July 20 July 20 optimalcracks Leave a Comment on Miracle Box 3. UFI ISP Adapter V2 for UFI Box. Meanwhile the tool also supports for some Chinese branded devices like Sk Hynix Toshiba Kingston micron etc. 72 Full Installer Free Downlod UFI Box Software v1. Package Content 1x UFI Lite USB3.

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Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest be 1JS51n_N2Oo nbsp 6 Mar Ufi Box Final Update Version 1. You can remove FRP lock EMUI lock the phone lock remove easily. If you own a Miracle Box or Dongle then you should know the importance of the Miracle Box Driver package. 00 UFI ISP ADAPTER V2 FOR UFI BOX amends the Form S issued to Recipient B for the first time it would indicate the UFI to be and indicate Amended 1. 07 Crack is a very amazing tool for Android users. 0 Crack is a complete and well designed music mixer application that allows professional DJs and beginners to collectively mix any number of audio tracks loops and samples for a completely new musical production. Aug 26 Bavarian Nordic A S OTCPK BVNKF Q2 Earnings Conference Call Aug 26 08 00 AM ET Company Participants Rolf Sorensen VP IR Henrik Juuel CFO amp EVP Conference Call Participants Chad Aug 18 According to the survey of over 1 people in the United States conducted between Aug. 3TB compressed files and counting available on support server. Miracle Box allows performing phone flashing and mobile phone unlocking. 60 crack the best dongle for all smartphone. UFI BOX Download Full setup Latest version Ufi box Free download UFI BOX Released to v1. Dear Zachary It would be morally wrong for me to steal ballots or stuff a ballot box with fraudulent ballots. 10 Support Files changes Over 3.

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Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non retail packaging such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. Crack Without Box Latest Full Version Torrent Z3X Samsung Tool Pro you can easily repair dead phone from this tool. Auto Update Released DATE 7th March The good news is that a mattress topper can be an easy fix to make your bed Aug 19 The spring of was like a coming out party for the movement as men in colorful floral shirts and body armor festooned with igloo shaped patches semiautomatic weapons in hand showed up at Realme RMX 5i Dead by Umt Isp Tool Recover by Ufi Box Realme Dead Boot Repair 03 08 VIVO V15 Pro Phone Lock amp Frp Lock Reset by UFI Box Vivo V15 Pro Isp Pinout Aug 27 Out of the box it runs Android 0ADD Revised Xiaomi flashing authorization routineAdded support for MTNote that flashing authorization is only for devices with the quot Find My Device quot status NOTE UFI BOX latest version software started from onward download directly from the SHELL or Software 28th Oct Crack repairs the IMEI of Qualcomm and Android Intel. Apr 27 The videos were initially published in and by the To The Stars Academy a UFO research group founded by former Blink singer Tom DeLonge and in the New York Times Vice reported A new program granted deferrals to borrowers who had been affected by the pandemic and Hongyi reported that three hundred and seventy people called the manager to ask about the program. Get best price and read about company. 07 Crack Without Box Full Version Free Download Miracle Box 3. 58 Crack Without Box Download Rhino 6. UFi Box is a powerful EMMC Service Tool that can Read EMMC user data as well as repair resize format erase read write and update the firmware on EMMC in Samsung china phone SK Hynix Toshiba Kingston micron and other brands. Jun 04 Chinese Miracle 2 v1.

The charge is a favorite one for liberals to lob against the Left lately antisemitism. January 1 Uni Android Tool UAT Version REA registration MN VAT NUMBER UFi Box Features. 07 Crack With Apk Free Download Here Miracle Box 3. Well I have been amp gone amp done it Susan B. Aug 25 Gsm Box Team August 25 UFI Box Latest Version Cracked Without Dongle. IC Supported Sameer raja July 2 28 Crack License Key Latest Verification UFI Dongle 1. The Power10 core has over new instructions that have been added according to Thompto and these are aimed at making the microarchitecture more efficient at certain functions as well as adding new functions. Note This Pakistan version ufi box only work in Pakistan so don t buy it if you are not May 25 Gsm Box Team May 25 UFI BOX Android ToolBox Full Crack Free Download. Aug 19 In Australia a 22 hike was aided by the continued No. Form 4 or Form 5 obligations may The UFI and what it means for your product labels ECHA 20 B 02 EN A new label element will be required on certain product labels from a 16 character code called the unique formula identifier UFI . Auto Update Released Started by Unlockinfo on 04 12 07 33 PM quot gt Unlockinfo 04 12 07 33 PM Replies 0 UFI Aftermarket.

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Discontinued mobile operating system

Symbian is a discontinued mobile operating system (OS) and computing platform designed for smartphones.[6] Symbian was originally developed as a Proprietary software OS for PDAs in by the Symbian Ltd. consortium.[7] Symbian OS is a descendant of Psion's EPOC, and was released exclusively on ARMprocessors, although an unreleased x86 port existed. Symbian was used by many major mobile phone brands, like Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, and above all by Nokia. It was also prevalent in Japan by brands including Fujitsu, Sharp and Mitsubishi. As a pioneer that established the smartphone industry, it was the most popular smartphone OS on a worldwide average until the end of —at a time when smartphones were in limited use—when it was overtaken by iOS and Android. It was notably not as popular in North America.

The Symbian OS platform is formed of two components: one being the microkernel-based operating system with its associated libraries, and the other being the user interface (as middleware), which provides the graphical shell atop the OS.[8] The most prominent user interface was the S60 (formerly Series 60) platform built by Nokia, first released in and powering most Nokia Symbian devices. UIQ was a competing user interface mostly used by Motorola and Sony Ericsson that focused on pen-based devices, rather than a traditional keyboard interface from S Another interface was the MOAP(S) platform from carrier NTT DoCoMo in the Japanese market.[9][10] Applications of these different interfaces were not compatible with each other, despite each being built atop Symbian OS. Nokia became the largest shareholder of Symbian Ltd. in and purchased the entire company in [11] The non-profit Symbian Foundation was then created to make a royalty-free successor to Symbian OS – seeking to unify the platform, S60 became the Foundation's favoured interface and UIQ stopped development. The touchscreen-focused Symbian^1 (or S60 5th Edition) was created as a result in Symbian^2 (based on MOAP) was used by NTT DoCoMo, one of the members of the Foundation, for the Japanese market. Symbian^3 was released in as the successor to S60 5th Edition, by which time it became fully free software. The transition from a proprietary operating system to a free software project is believed to be one of the largest in history.[12] Symbian^3 received the Anna and Belle updates in [13][14]

The Symbian Foundation disintegrated in late and Nokia took back control of the OS development.[15][16] In February , Nokia, by now the only remaining company still supporting Symbian outside Japan, announced that it would use Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 as its primary smartphone platform, while Symbian would be gradually wound down.[17][18] Two months later, Nokia moved the OS to proprietary licensing, only collaborating with the Japanese OEMs[19] and later outsourced Symbian development to Accenture.[6][20] Although support was promised until , including two major planned updates, by Nokia had mostly abandoned development and most Symbian developers had already left Accenture,[21] and in January Nokia stopped accepting new or changed Symbian software from developers.[22] The Nokia PureView in was officially the last Symbian smartphone from Nokia.[23] NTT DoCoMo continued releasing OPP(S) (Operator Pack Symbian, successor of MOAP) devices in Japan, which still act as middleware on top of Symbian.[24] Phones running this include the FF&#;[ja] from Fujitsu and SHF&#;[ja] from Sharp in [25][25]


Logo of Symbian OS until the Symbian Foundation was formed in

Symbian originated from EPOC32, an operating system created by Psion in the s. In June , Psion Software became Symbian Ltd., a major joint venture between Psion and phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia.

Afterwards, different software platforms were created for Symbian, backed by different groups of mobile phone manufacturers. They include S60 (Nokia, Samsung and LG), UIQ (Sony Ericsson and Motorola) and MOAP(S) (Japanese only such as Fujitsu, Sharp etc.).

With no major competition in the smartphone OS then (Palm OS and Windows Mobile were comparatively small players), Symbian reached as high as 67% of the global smartphone market share in [26]

Despite its sizable market share then, Symbian was at various stages difficult to develop for: First (at around early-to-mids) due to the complexity of then the only native programming languages OPL and Symbian C++ and of the OS itself; then the obstinate developer bureaucracy, along with high prices of various IDEs and SDKs, which were prohibitive for independent or very small developers; and then the subsequent fragmentation, which was in part caused by infighting among and within manufacturers, each of which also had their own IDEs and SDKs. All of this discouraged third-party developers, and served to cause the native app ecosystem for Symbian not to evolve to a scale later reached by Apple's App Store or Android's Google Play.

By contrast, iPhone OS (renamed iOS in ) and Android had comparatively simpler design, provided easier and much more centralized infrastructure to create and obtain third-party apps, offered certain developer tools and programming languages with a manageable level of complexity, and having capabilities such as multitasking and graphics in order to meet future consumer demands.

Although Symbian was difficult to program for, this issue could be worked around by creating Java Mobile Edition apps, ostensibly under a "write once, run anywhere" slogan.[27] This wasn't always the case because of fragmentation due to different device screen sizes and differences in levels of Java ME support on various devices.

In June , Nokia announced the acquisition of Symbian Ltd., and a new independent non-profit organization called the Symbian Foundation was established. Symbian OS and its associated user interfaces S60, UIQ and MOAP(S) were contributed by their owners Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Sony Ericsson and Symbian Ltd., to the foundation with the objective of creating the Symbian platform as a royalty-free, Free software, under the FSF- and OSI-approved Eclipse Public License (EPL). The platform was designated as the successor to Symbian OS, following the official launch of the Symbian Foundation in April The Symbian platform was officially made available as Free software in February [28]

Nokia became the major contributor to Symbian's code, since it then possessed the development resources for both the Symbian OS core and the user interface. Since then Nokia maintained its own code repository for the platform development, regularly releasing its development to the public repository.[29] Symbian was intended to be developed by a community led by the Symbian Foundation, which was first announced in June and which officially launched in April Its objective was to publish the source code for the entire Symbian platform under the OSI- and FSF-approved Eclipse Public License (EPL). The code was published under EPL on 4 February ; Symbian Foundation reported this event to be the largest codebase moved to Free software in history.[28][30]

However, some important components within Symbian OS were licensed from third parties, which prevented the foundation from publishing the full source under EPL immediately; instead much of the source was published under a more restrictive Symbian Foundation License (SFL) and access to the full source code was limited to member companies only, although membership was open to any organisation.[31] Also, the Free software Qt framework was introduced to Symbian in , as the primary upgrade path to MeeGo, which was to be the next mobile operating system to replace and supplant Symbian on high-end devices; Qt was by its nature free and very convenient to develop with. Several other frameworks were deployed to the platform, among them Standard C/C++, Python, Ruby, and Flash Lite. IDEs and SDKs were developed and then released for free, and app development for Symbian picked up.

In November , the Symbian Foundation announced that due to changes in global economic and market conditions (and also a lack of support from members such as Samsung[32] and Sony Ericsson), it would transition to a licensing-only organisation;[31] Nokia announced it would take over the stewardship of the Symbian platform. Symbian Foundation would remain the trademark holder and licensing entity and would only have non-executive directors involved.

With market share sliding from 39% in Q to 31% in Q,[33] Symbian was losing ground to iOS and Android quickly, eventually falling behind Android in Q[34]Stephen Elop was appointed the CEO of Nokia in September , and on 11 February , he announced a partnership with Microsoft that would see Nokia adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone platform,[35] and Symbian would be gradually phased out, together with MeeGo.[18] As a consequence, Symbian's market share fell, and application developers for Symbian dropped out rapidly. Research in June indicated that over 39% of mobile developers using Symbian at the time of publication were planning to abandon the platform.[36]

By 5 April , Nokia ceased to make free any portion of the Symbian software and reduced its collaboration to a small group of pre-selected partners in Japan.[5] Source code released under the EPL remains available in third party repositories.[37][38]

On 22 June , Nokia made an agreement with Accenture for an outsourcing program. Accenture will provide Symbian-based software development and support services to Nokia through ; about 2, Nokia employees became Accenture employees as of October [20] The transfer was completed on 30 September [6]

Nokia terminated its support of software development and maintenance for Symbian with effect from 1 January , thereafter refusing to publish new or changed Symbian applications or content in the Nokia Store and terminating its 'Symbian Signed' program for software certification.[39]


User interface[edit]

Symbian has had a native graphics toolkit since its inception, known as AVKON (formerly known as Series 60). S60 was designed to be manipulated by a keyboard-like interface metaphor, such as the ~key augmented telephone keypad, or the mini-QWERTY keyboards. AVKON-based software is binary-compatible with Symbian versions up to and including Symbian^3.

Symbian^3 includes the Qt framework, which is now the recommended user interface toolkit for new applications. Qt can also be installed on older Symbian devices.

Symbian^4 was planned to introduce a new GUI library framework specifically designed for a touch-based interface, known as "UI Extensions for Mobile" or UIEMO (internal project name "Orbit"), which was built on top of Qt Widget; a preview was released in January , however in October Nokia announced that Orbit/UIEMO had been cancelled.

Nokia currently recommends that developers use Qt Quick with QML, the new high-level declarative UI and scripting framework for creating visually rich touchscreen interfaces that allows development for both Symbian and MeeGo; it will be delivered to existing Symbian^3 devices as a Qt update. When more applications gradually feature a user interface reworked in Qt, the legacy S60 framework (AVKON) will be deprecated and no longer included with new devices at some point, thus breaking binary compatibility with older S60 applications.[40][41]


Symbian^3 and earlier have a built-in WebKit based browser. Symbian was the first mobile platform to make use of WebKit (in June ).[42] Some older Symbian models have Opera Mobile as their default browser.

Nokia released a new browser with the release of Symbian Anna with improved speed and an improved user interface.[43]

Multiple language support[edit]

Symbian has strong localization support enabling manufacturers and 3rd party application developers to localize their Symbian based products in order to support global distribution. Current Symbian release (Symbian Belle) has support for 48 languages, which Nokia makes available on device in language packs (set of languages which cover the languages commonly spoken in the area where the device variant is intended to be sold). All language packs have in common English (or a locally relevant dialect of it). The supported languages [with dialects] (and scripts) in Symbian Belle are:

  • Arabic (Arabic),
  • Basque (Latin),
  • Bulgarian (Cyrillic),
  • Catalan (Latin),
  • Chinese [PRC] (Simplified Chinese),
  • Chinese [Hong Kong] (Traditional Chinese),
  • Chinese [Taiwan] (Traditional Chinese),
  • Croatian (Latin),
  • Czech (Latin),
  • Danish (Latin),
  • Dutch (Latin),
  • English [UK] (Latin),
  • English [US] (Latin),
  • Estonian (Latin),
  • Finnish (Latin),
  • French (Latin),
  • French [Canadian] (Latin),
  • Galician (Latin),
  • German (Latin),
  • Greek (Greek),
  • Hebrew (Hebrew),
  • Hindi (Indian),
  • Hungarian (Latin),
  • Icelandic (Latin),
  • Indonesian [Bahasa Indonesia] (Latin),
  • Italian (Latin),
  • Japanese (Japanese script)*
  • Kazakh (Cyrillic),
  • Latvian (Latin),
  • Lithuanian (Latin),
  • Malay [Bahasa Malaysia] (Latin),
  • Marathi (India - Maharashtra),
  • Norwegian (Latin),
  • Persian [Farsi],
  • Polish (Latin),
  • Portuguese (Latin),
  • Portuguese [Brazilian] (Latin),
  • Romanian [Romania] (Latin),
  • Russian (Cyrillic),
  • Serbian (Latin),
  • Slovak (Latin),
  • Slovene (Latin),
  • Spanish (Latin),
  • Spanish [Latin America] (Latin),
  • Swedish (Latin),
  • Tagalog [Filipino] (Latin),
  • Thai (Thai),
  • Tamil (India)
  • Turkish (Latin),
  • Ukrainian (Cyrillic),
  • Urdu (Arabic),
  • Vietnamese (Latin).

Symbian Belle marks the introduction of Kazakh, while Korean is no longer supported.

  • Japanese is only available on Symbian^2 devices as they are made in Japan, and on other Symbian devices Japanese is still supported with limitations.

Application development[edit]

From , Symbian switched to using standard C++ with Qt as the main SDK, which can be used with either Qt Creator or Carbide.c++. Qt supports the older Symbian/S60 3rd (starting with Feature Pack 1, a.k.a. S60 ) and Symbian/S60 5th Edition (a.k.a. S60 b) releases, as well as the new Symbian platform. It also supports Maemo and MeeGo, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.[44][45]

Alternative application development can be done using Python (see Python for S60), Adobe Flash Lite or Java ME.

Symbian OS previously used a Symbian specific C++ version, along with CodeWarrior and later Carbide.c++integrated development environment (IDE), as the native application development environment.

Web Run time (WRT) is a portable application framework that allows creating widgets on the S60 Platform; it is an extension to the S60 WebKit based browser that allows launching multiple browser instances as separate JavaScript applications.[46][47]

Application development[edit]


As of , the SDK for Symbian is standard C++, using Qt. It can be used with either Qt Creator, or Carbide (the older IDE previously used for Symbian development).[44][48] A phone simulator allows testing of Qt apps. Apps compiled for the simulator are compiled to native code for the development platform, rather than having to be emulated.[49] Application development can either use C++ or QML.

Symbian C++[edit]

As Symbian OS is written in C++ using Symbian Software's coding standards, it is possible to develop using Symbian C++, although it is not a standard implementation. Before the release of the Qt SDK, this was the standard development environment. There were multiple platforms based on Symbian OS that provided software development kits (SDKs) for application developers wishing to target Symbian OS devices, the main ones being UIQ and S Individual phone products, or families, often had SDKs or SDK extensions downloadable from the maker's website too.

The SDKs contain documentation, the header files and library files needed to build Symbian OS software, and a Windows-based emulator ("WINS"). Up until Symbian OS version 8, the SDKs also included a version of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) compiler (a cross-compiler) needed to build software to work on the device.

Symbian OS 9 and the Symbian platform use a new application binary interface (ABI) and needed a different compiler. A choice of compilers is available including a newer version of GCC (see external links below).

Unfortunately, Symbian C++ programming has a steep learning curve, as Symbian C++ requires the use of special techniques such as descriptors, active objects and the cleanup stack. This can make even relatively simple programs initially harder to implement than in other environments. It is possible that the techniques, developed for the much more restricted mobile hardware and compilers of the s, caused extra complexity in source code because programmers are required to concentrate on low-level details instead of more application-specific features. As of , these issues are no longer the case when using standard C++, with the Qt SDK.

Symbian C++ programming is commonly done with an integrated development environment (IDE). For earlier versions of Symbian OS, the commercial IDE CodeWarrior for Symbian OS was favoured. The CodeWarrior tools were replaced during by Carbide.c++, an Eclipse-based IDE developed by Nokia. Carbide.c++ is offered in four different versions: Express, Developer, Professional, and OEM, with increasing levels of capability. Fully featured software can be created and released with the Express edition, which is free. Features such as UI design, crash debugging etc. are available in the other, charged-for, editions. Microsoft Visual Studio and are also supported via the plugin.

Other languages[edit]

Symbian devices can also be programmed using Python, Java ME, Flash Lite, Ruby, .NET, Web Runtime (WRT) Widgets and Standard C/C++.[50]

Visual Basic programmers can use NS Basic to develop apps for S60 3rd Edition and UIQ 3 devices.

In the past, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, and C# development for Symbian were possible through AppForge Crossfire, a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio. On 13 March AppForge ceased operations; Oracle purchased the intellectual property, but announced that they did not plan to sell or provide support for former AppForge products. Net60, a .NET compact framework for Symbian, which is developed by redFIVElabs, is sold as a commercial product. With Net60, and C# (and other) source code is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) which is executed within the Symbian OS using a just-in-time compiler. (As of Jan 18th, , RedFiveLabs has ceased development of Net60 with this announcement on their landing page: "At this stage we are pursuing some options to sell the IP so that Net60 may continue to have a future".)

There is also a version of a Borland IDE for Symbian OS. Symbian OS development is also possible on Linux and Mac OS X using tools and methods developed by the community, partly enabled by Symbian releasing the source code for key tools. A plugin that allows development of Symbian OS applications in Apple's Xcode IDE for Mac OS X was available.[51]

Java ME applications for Symbian OS are developed using standard techniques and tools such as the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit (formerly the J2ME Wireless Toolkit). They are packaged as JAR (and possibly JAD) files. Both CLDC and CDC applications can be created with NetBeans. Other tools include SuperWaba, which can be used to build Symbian and s programs using Java.

Nokia S60 phones can also run Python scripts when the interpreter Python for S60 is installed, with a custom made API that allows for Bluetooth support and such. There is also an interactive console to allow the user to write Python scripts directly from the phone.


Once developed, Symbian applications need to find a route to customers' mobile phones. They are packaged in SIS files which may be installed over-the-air, via PC connect, Bluetooth or on a memory card. An alternative is to partner with a phone manufacturer and have the software included on the phone itself. Applications must be Symbian Signed for Symbian OS 9.x in order to make use of certain capabilities (system capabilities, restricted capabilities and device manufacturer capabilities).[52] Applications can now be signed for free.[53]


Technology domains and packages[edit]

Symbian's design is subdivided into technology domains,[54] each of which comprises a number of software packages.[55] Each technology domain has its own roadmap, and the Symbian Foundation has a team of technology managers who manage these technology domain roadmaps.

Every package is allocated to exactly one technology domain, based on the general functional area to which the package contributes and by which it may be influenced. By grouping related packages by themes, the Symbian Foundation hopes to encourage a strong community to form around them and to generate discussion and review.

The Symbian System Model[56] illustrates the scope of each of the technology domains across the platform packages.

Packages are owned and maintained by a package owner, a named individual from an organization member of the Symbian Foundation, who accepts code contributions from the wider Symbian community and is responsible for package.

Symbian kernel[edit]

The Symbian kernel (EKA2) supports sufficiently fast real-time response to build a single-core phone around it&#;&#; that is, a phone in which a single processor core executes both the user applications and the signalling stack.[57] The real-time kernel has a microkernel architecture containing only the minimum, most basic primitives and functionality, for maximum robustness, availability and responsiveness. It has been termed a nanokernel, because it needs an extended kernel to implement any other abstractions. It contains a scheduler, memory management and device drivers, with networking, telephony and file system support services in the OS Services Layer or the Base Services Layer. The inclusion of device drivers means the kernel is not a true microkernel.


Symbian features pre-emptive multitasking and memory protection, like other operating systems (especially those created for use on desktop computers). EPOC's approach to multitasking was inspired by VMS and is based on asynchronous server-based events.

Symbian OS was created with three systems design principles in mind:

  1. the integrity and security of user data is paramount
  2. user time must not be wasted
  3. all resources are scarce

To best follow these principles, Symbian uses a microkernel, has a request-and-callback approach to services, and maintains separation between user interface and engine. The OS is optimised for low-power battery-based devices and for ROM-based systems (e.g. features like XIP and re-entrancy in shared libraries). Applications, and the OS itself, follow an object-oriented design: Model-view-controller (MVC).

Later OS iterations diluted this approach in response to market demands, notably with the introduction of a real-time kernel and a platform security model in versions 8 and 9.

There is a strong emphasis on conserving resources which is exemplified by Symbian-specific programming idioms like descriptors and a cleanup stack. Similar methods exist to conserve storage space. Further, all Symbian programming is event-based, and the central processing unit (CPU) is switched into a low power mode when applications are not directly dealing with an event. This is done via a programming idiom called active objects. Similarly the Symbian approach to threads and processes is driven by reducing overheads.

Operating system[edit]

The All over Model contains the following layers, from top to bottom:

  • UI Framework Layer
  • Application Services Layer
  • OS Services Layer
    • generic OS services
    • communications services
    • multimedia and graphics services
    • connectivity services
  • Base Services Layer
  • Kernel Services & Hardware Interface Layer

The Base Services Layer is the lowest level reachable by user-side operations; it includes the File Server and User Library, a Plug-In Framework which manages all plug-ins, Store, Central Repository, DBMS and cryptographic services. It also includes the Text Window Server and the Text Shell: the two basic services from which a completely functional port can be created without the need for any higher layer services.

Symbian has a microkernel architecture, which means that the minimum necessary is within the kernel to maximise robustness, availability and responsiveness. It contains a scheduler, memory management and device drivers, but other services like networking, telephony and filesystem support are placed in the OS Services Layer or the Base Services Layer. The inclusion of device drivers means the kernel is not a true microkernel. The EKA2 real-time kernel, which has been termed a nanokernel, contains only the most basic primitives and requires an extended kernel to implement any other abstractions.

Symbian is designed to emphasise compatibility with other devices, especially removable media file systems. Early development of EPOC led to adopting FAT as the internal file system, and this remains, but an object-oriented persistence model was placed over the underlying FAT to provide a POSIX-style interface and a streaming model. The internal data formats rely on using the same APIs that create the data to run all file manipulations. This has resulted in data-dependence and associated difficulties with changes and data migration.

There is a large networking and communication subsystem, which has three main servers called: ETEL (EPOC telephony), ESOCK (EPOC sockets) and C32 (responsible for serial communication). Each of these has a plug-in scheme. For example, ESOCK allows different ".PRT" protocol modules to implement various networking protocol schemes. The subsystem also contains code that supports short-range communication links, such as Bluetooth, IrDA and USB.

There is also a large volume of user interface (UI) Code. Only the base classes and substructure were contained in Symbian OS, while most of the actual user interfaces were maintained by third parties. This is no longer the case. The three major UIs&#;&#; S60, UIQ and MOAP&#;&#; were contributed to Symbian in Symbian also contains graphics, text layout and font rendering libraries.

All native Symbian C++ applications are built up from three framework classes defined by the application architecture: an application class, a document class and an application user interface class. These classes create the fundamental application behaviour. The remaining needed functions, the application view, data model and data interface, are created independently and interact solely through their APIs with the other classes.

Many other things do not yet fit into this model&#;&#; for example, SyncML, Java ME providing another set of APIs on top of most of the OS and multimedia. Many of these are frameworks, and vendors are expected to supply plug-ins to these frameworks from third parties (for example, Helix Player for multimedia codecs). This has the advantage that the APIs to such areas of functionality are the same on many phone models, and that vendors get a lot of flexibility. But it means that phone vendors needed to do a great deal of integration work to make a Symbian OS phone.

Symbian includes a reference user-interface called "TechView." It provides a basis for starting customisation and is the environment in which much Symbian test and example code runs. It is very similar to the user interface from the Psion Series 5 personal organiser and is not used for any production phone user interface.

Symbian UI variants/platforms[edit]

Symbian, as it advanced to OS version , spun off into several different graphical user interfaces, each backed by a certain company or group of companies. Unlike Android OS's cosmetic GUIs, Symbian GUIs are referred to as "platforms" due to more significant modifications and integrations. Things became more complicated when applications developed for different Symbian GUI platforms were not compatible with each other, and this led to OS fragmentation.[58]

User Interfaces platforms that run on or are based on Symbian OS include:

  • S60, Symbian, also called Series It was backed mainly by Nokia. There are several editions of this platform, appearing first as S60 (1st Edition) on Nokia It was followed by S60 2nd Edition (e.g. Nokia N70), S60 3rd Edition (e.g. Nokia N73) and S60 5th Edition (which introduced touch UI e.g. Nokia N97). The name, S60, was changed to just Symbian after the formation of Symbian Foundation, and subsequently called Symbian^1, 2 and 3.
  • Series 80 used by Nokia Communicators such as Nokia i.
  • Series 90 Touch and button based. The only phone using this platform is Nokia
  • UIQ backed mainly by Sony Ericsson and then Motorola. It is compatible with both buttons and touch/stylus based inputs. The last major release version is UIQ in , on Sony Ericsson G It was discontinued after the formation of Symbian Foundation, and the decision to consolidate different Symbian UI variants into one led to the adoption of S60 as the version going forward.[59]
  • MOAP (Mobile Oriented Applications Platform) [Japan Only] used by Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Sony Ericsson and Sharp-developed phones for NTT DoCoMo. It uses an interface developed specifically for DoCoMo's FOMA "Freedom of Mobile Access" network brand and is based on the UI from earlier Fujitsu FOMA models. The user cannot install new C++ applications. (Japan Only)
  • OPP [Japan Only], successor of MOAP, used on NTT DoCoMo's FOMA phone.

Version comparison[edit]

Feature Symbian^3/Anna/Belle Symbian^2[60]Symbian^1/Series 60 5th Edition Series 60 3rd Edition UIQ () Series 80
Year released (Symbian^3), (Symbian Anna, Nokia Belle) (Japan only with MOAP/OPP middleware)
Company Symbian Foundation, later Nokia Symbian Foundation Symbian Foundation Nokia UIQ TechnologyNokia
Symbian OS version (Symbian^3/Symbian Anna), (Nokia Belle) ?
Series 60 version (Symbian^3/Symbian Anna),[61] (Nokia Belle), (Nokia Belle FP1) 5th Edition 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 N/A N/A
Touch input support Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Multi touch input support Yes No No No No
Number of customizable home screens Three to six (Five on Nokia E6 and Nokia , six on Nokia Belle) One Two One
Wi-Fi version support B, G, NB, G B, G B, G B, G
USB on the go support Yes No No
DVB-H support Yes, with extra headset[62]Unknown, but have 1seg support[63]Yes, with extra headset Yes, with extra headset
Short range FM transmitter support Yes Yes Yes No No
FM radio support Yes ? Yes Yes Yes No
External Storage Card Support MicroSD, up to 32GB MicroSD MicroSD MicroSD, MiniSD Memory Stick, MicroSD, MultiMedia Card MultiMedia Card
Adobe Flash support Yes, Flash Lite native version , upgradable Yes, Flash Lite native version , upgradable Yes, Flash Lite native version , upgradable Yes, Flash native version 6, not upgradable
Microsoft Silverlight support No[64][citation needed]Yes[65][66]No[67][citation needed]No
OpenGL ES support Yes, version No
SQLite support Yes Yes Yes[68]
CPU architecture support ARM SH-MobileARM ARM ARM
Programmed in C++, Qt? C++, QtC++, Qt
License Eclipse Public License;
Since 31 March Nokia Symbian License
proprietary SFL license, while some portions of source code are EPL licensed.
Public issues list No more
Package manager.sis, .sisx ? .sis, .sisx .sis, .sisx .sis, .sisx .sis, .sisx
Non English languages support Yes mainly Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes
Underlining spell checker Yes Yes[69]Yes Yes
Keeps state on shutdown or crash No No No No
Internal search Yes Yes[63]Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proxy serverYes ? Yes Yes Yes Yes
On-device encryption Yes Yes[63]Yes Yes
Cut, copy, and paste support Yes Yes[69]Yes Yes Yes Yes
Undo No No Yes Yes Yes
Default Web Browser for S60, WebKit engine version , engine version (Symbian^3);[70] version , engine version (Symbian Anna) version , engine version ; version , engine version (for 9 selected units after firmware updates released in summer ) engine version (Nokia N79) N/A N/A
Official App Store NokiaOvi Storei-αppli/i-Widget[69]NokiaOvi Store, Sony Ericsson PlayNow Arena NokiaOvi Store, Download!
Email sync protocol support POP3, IMAP i-mode mail[69]POP3, IMAP POP3, IMAP POP3, IMAP POP3, IMAP
NFC Support Yes No No No No No
Push alerts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voice recognition Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tethering USB, Bluetooth; mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, with third-party software USB, Bluetooth; mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, with third-party software USB, Bluetooth; mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, with third-party software USB, Bluetooth;
Text, document support Mobile Office Applications, PDF Mobile Office Applications, PDF Mobile Office Applications, PDF Mobile Office Applications, PDF Mobile Office Applications, PDF Mobile Office Applications, PDF
Audio playback All wma,[63] aac[citation needed]All All wav, mp3
Video playback H, H, WMV, MPEG4, MPEG4@ HD p 25–30 frames/s, MKV, DivX, XviD WMV,[69] MPEG4[citation needed]H, WMV, MPEG4, 3GPP, 3GPP2 H, WMV, MPEG4, 3GPP, 3GPP2 H, 3GPP, 3GPP2
Turn-by-turn GPSYes, with third-party software, or Nokia MapsYes, with monthly paid Docomo Map Navi[71] (ドコモ地図ナビ[72])Yes, with third-party software, or Nokia MapsYes, with third-party software, or Nokia MapsYes, with third-party software
Video out Nokia AV (mm), PAL, NTSC, HDMI, DLNA via Nokia Play To HDMI, and Nokia AV (mm), PAL, NTSC Nokia AV (mm), PAL, NTSC No
Multitasking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop interactive widgets Yes Yes Yes No
Integrated hardware keyboard Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bluetooth keyboard Yes Yes[63]Yes Yes Yes
Video conference front video camera Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can share data via Bluetooth with all devices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skype, third-party software Yes[73]Yes[73]Yes[73]
Facebook IM chat Yes ? Yes Yes
Secure Shell (SSH) Yes, third-party software Yes, third-party software Yes, third-party software
OpenVPNNo, Nokia VPN can be used No, Nokia VPN can be used No, Nokia VPN can be used Yes, third-party software
Remote frame buffer ?
Screenshot Yes, third-party software[74]Yes, third-party software[74]
Источник: []

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Screen Shot

System Requirements for Nokia Smart Messaging Agent v0.99¯ serial key or number

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