Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

Vcpkg: a tool to acquire and build C++ open source libraries on Windows

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The goal of &#;antlr4ANother Tool for Language RecognitionaprThe Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is a C library that forms a system portabili&#;apr-utilApache Portable Runtime (APR) project mission is to create and maintain softwa&#;arba C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmeticargs6/28/A simple header-only C++ argument parser library.argtable2Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line options with &#;armadilloArmadillo is a high quality linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the C++ &#;arrowApache Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate bi&#;asioAsio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming&#;asmjitdcefaac&#;Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++assimpThe Open Asset import libraryatkGNOME Accessibility Toolkitatkmmatkmm is the official C++ interface for the ATK accessibility toolkit library&#;.atlmfc0a stub package that ensures VS has ATL/MFC installed.aubioAubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals&#;.aurorac7&#;Aurora is an open-source C++ library providing various rather uncommon C++ uti&#;avro-cApache Avro is a data serialization systemaws-sdk-cppAWS SDK for C++aws-sdk-cpp[access-management]C++SDK for the AWS access-management serviceaws-sdk-cpp[acm]C++SDK for the AWS acm serviceaws-sdk-cpp[alexaforbusiness]C++SDK for the AWS alexaforbusiness serviceaws-sdk-cpp[apigateway]C++SDK for the AWS apigateway serviceaws-sdk-cpp[application-autoscaling]C++SDK for the AWS application-autoscaling serviceaws-sdk-cpp[appstream]C++SDK for the AWS appstream serviceaws-sdk-cpp[appsync]C++SDK for the AWS appsync serviceaws-sdk-cpp[athena]C++SDK for the AWS athena serviceaws-sdk-cpp[autoscaling]C++SDK for the AWS autoscaling serviceaws-sdk-cpp[autoscaling-plans]C++SDK for the AWS autoscaling-plans serviceaws-sdk-cpp[AWSMigrationHub]C++SDK for the AWS AWSMigrationHub serviceaws-sdk-cpp[batch]C++SDK for the AWS batch 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Cazure-umqtt-cGeneral purpose library for communication over the mqtt protocolbdeBasic Development Environment &#; a set of foundational C++ libraries used at Bl&#;beast0HTTP/1 and WebSocketheader-only using manicapital.com and C++11benchmarkA library to support the benchmarking of functionssimilar to unit-tests.berkeleydbA high-performance embedded database for key/value data.bigintC++ Big Integer LibrarybitserializerThe library for simple serialization of arbitrary C++ types to various output &#;blazeBlaze is an open-sourcehigh-performance C++ math library for dense and spars&#;bloscA blockingshuffling and loss-less compression library that can be faster tha&#;bondBond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It suppo&#;boostPeer-reviewed portable C++ source librariesboost[mpi]Buildwith MPI supportboost-accumulatorsBoost accumulators moduleboost-algorithmBoost algorithm moduleboost-alignBoost align moduleboost-anyBoost any moduleboost-arrayBoost array moduleboost-asioBoost asio moduleboost-assertBoost assert moduleboost-assignBoost assign moduleboost-atomicBoost atomic moduleboost-beastBoost beast moduleboost-bimapBoost bimap moduleboost-bindBoost bind moduleboost-buildmanicapital.comboost-callable-tr&#;Boost callable_traits moduleboost-chronoBoost chrono moduleboost-circular-bu&#;Boost circular_buffer moduleboost-compatibilityBoost compatibility moduleboost-computeBoost compute moduleboost-concept-checkBoost concept_check moduleboost-configBoost config moduleboost-containerBoost container moduleboost-container-hashBoost container_hash moduleboost-contextBoost context moduleboost-contractBoost contract moduleboost-conversionBoost conversion moduleboost-convertBoost convert moduleboost-coreBoost core moduleboost-coroutineBoost coroutine moduleboost-coroutine2Boost coroutine2 moduleboost-crc
Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

ICS Insight Blog: Left Out in the Kold: The User Experience of Keurig

Since the announcement concerning the retirement of Parse’s Push notification service, we’ve been looking at a long list of alternatives.

For mobile developers and publishers, push notifications are now considered an essential tool for engaging and retaining users.

It was important for us to find a replacement that could match the feature set of Parse’s Push Notifications and make migration to the new service as easy as possible.

The choice of replacement will also affect the release of our new Multiplayer feature, which is coming soon.

Find out more about the criteria we used to make our choice and which services you can look forward to using as you engage your users with Push Notifications.


We had four main goals in mind, when looking into alternative parse services:

Free Usage Plan

The new service should provide a free usage plan so developers can try it out for themselves and see how to get started. Signing up for a service without the ability to test their push notification service in a real world scenario is a serious road block for most developers.

Similar Feature Set

The new plugin should provide the same feature set we already offer with our Parse plugin. We still want the ability to send push notifications on a transactional basis to single devices, all devices of a user or a group of users. This is an essential feature that must be supported. The concept of channels, used within the Parse plugin, is an optimal design pattern that we want in any potential replacement.

Easy Migration

The API changes for our customers must be as minimal as possible. We were looking for a scenario where transitioning from one push provider to another would only take a few seconds. The best case would see you as a Parse Plugin user making only one change to your code, simply changing your item’s name to see the new service properly set up.

Cross-Platform Performance

As Parse did, a new plugin should handle the platform-specific differences between iOS and Android transparently, both in the app or game code, and from the back end side.

Sending pushes from your server shouldn’t get out of control when sending different requests for iOS and Android, and dealing with sockets or customized payloads. We wanted to stick with a simple HTTP request, sending a JSON body, and the rest being handled by the push plugin.

We also kept in mind that we’d probably want to have the option of supporting push notifications on new platforms in the future. So services that already provided push notification support for Windows Phone 10, Ubuntu Phone or desktop notifications earned extra points.

Available Services

Based on these requirements, we had a closer look into most of the popular push providers. These were the services that made it onto our final shortlist:

  • Batch
  • Urban Airship
  • Amazon SNS
  • Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
  • OneSignal


While there are many great services out there, a lot of them missed our basic requirements for app and game push notifications. Some of the services lack a free plan for transactional push notifications, although they are reasonably priced for their rich feature set, such as Batch.

Unfortunately, Batch doesn’t provide a concept like channels for transactional pushes. It’s only possible to assign a single value for identifying users across devices. At the moment, we don’t want to compromise on the channel concept so we won’t be using Batch as a Parse alternative. They have a great feature set though so we will be keeping an eye on any developments regarding the Batch service.

Urban Airship

Urban Airship does a great job at handling marketing and campaigns. They automatically segment users based on events triggered from within your app, something it has in common with Batch.

These features are quite nice for advanced use cases, but they’re not suitable as a replacement for Parse. Their initial set up for a new push service is much harder than the current method. Also transactional pushes with Urban Airship aren’t that feature-rich, as is the case with others.

Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS looked great when we first considered it. There’s a free plan, transactional push notifications and Amazon provides a similar concept to Parse’s channels, called topics. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to create new topics on-the-fly. You have to create topics from your server-side code first, making things a lot more complicated for your back end.

For example, sending pushes to all devices of a user, identified by a userId, is easy with Parse:

When trying to do this with Amazon SNS, you first have to explicitly create this channel/topic (“userId”) from the . It’s not possible to create topics on-the-fly.

And there’s another restriction on Amazon SNS: You can only create up to topics per app. While this might seem like more than enough, if you create a sports news app that sends out push notifications for a range sports, it’s not possible for all of your users to get a unique channel. Instead, you would have to manage tokens and users in your own database back end.

Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) soon became our favourite for a feature-complete Parse substitution. Google provides an abstracted push service for both iOS and Android, using push only is free, and Google’s topics can be created from your app without any additional server-side code.

Furthermore, as Parse is already using GCM service as a foundation for sending pushes, push performance is identical to using Parse.


As we started implementing GCM, we also had another look at alternatives for our V-Play Game Network. With the upcoming release of our multiplayer feature, we also needed a way of sending and receiving push notifications for game invites, user chats or friend requests. Based on this simple feature set, we had a look into OneSignal.

OneSignal supports a wide range of platforms, including iOS and Android and also supports a similar feature to Parse channels, called tags. You can set a collection of tags on a device and target your push notifications based on those tags. This looked promising!

OneSignal also provides server-side localization of push notifications, maintaining the different device languages in their own database and allowing you to update your push texts without releasing a new app update. You can send a localized push notification for three languages from your back end, just like this curl request demo:

Depending on the device language, only the set language will be sent to the device and shown in the push.

Tags can be aggregated and it’s also possible to use different operators. So if you tag your users with a region identifier and their current user level in your RPG game, you can send a push to users who are currently checked in at middle-earth and have a level greater than 10, with a tag combination of:

OneSignal service is free for all push notifications and provides a lot of features. These are covered in our documentation.

Future of Parse

What about Parse? You can use the Parse plugin for push notifications until January 31st Unfortunately, it’s no longer possible to create new accounts but you can still make use of your existing accounts.

For a couple of months now, the Parse open-source server has been supporting the sending of push notifications. However, there are important features missing like sending queues, so it’s not really production-ready as of now. If there are updates on that, we’ll probably update our Parse plugin to allow custom Parse servers to be used.

Until then we recommend the switch to one of our new plugins, either OneSignal or Google Cloud Messaging.


Finally, an announcement came after we implemented all of our current push plugins about the introduction of new features to Google’s Firebase. Firebase now includes push notifications and advertising.

These sound like cool new features, but Google basically just added GCM as a push back end and AdMob for advertising and renamed them “Firebase”. As we currently support both features with our GCM and AdMob plugins , there’s no short-term requirement to switch to Firebase. We are however looking into other features of Firebase and will keep you updated on this one!

Parse Alternatives for V-Play

To summarize, we decided to go with two plugins for now: Our new OneSignal plugin, which features an easy setup and simple, targeted push notifications. And the new Google Cloud Messaging plugin that supports advanced use cases like client-side localized push notifications and invisible background downloads, as already provided by our Parse plugin.

You can access V-Play Plugins for monetization, analytics and more with the V-Play Indie License. To test the plugins for yourself, download our Qt Plugin Demo App from the App Store and Google Play.

For the full source code of this sample app, including all V-Play Plugins, you can check out this GitHub sample.

Get Source Code!

The post Introducing V-Play’s Alternatives to the Parse Push Service appeared first on V-Play Engine.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

Packages for bit Windows with Python

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CC-BYcomtypespure Python COM package / MITcondaOS-agnostic, system-level binary package and environment manager. / BSD 3-Clauseconda-buildtools for building conda packages / BSD 3-Clauseconda-build-allconda build-all is a conda subcommand providing matrix building / BSD 3-clauseconda-envTools for interacting with conda environments. / BSD 3-Clauseconda-managerGraphical conda package manager / MITconda-verifytool for validating conda recipes and conda packages / BSD 3-ClauseconfigargparseA drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables. / MITconfigobjConfig file reading, writing and validation. / BSD Licenseconsole_shortcutConsole shortcut creator for Windows (using menuinst) / BSDconstantlySymbolic constants in Python / MITconstructorcreate installer from conda packages / BSD 3-Clausecontextlib2post1Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module / PSF 2cornicebuild and document Web Services with Pyramid / MPL coverageCode coverage measurement for Python / Apache cryptographyProvides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers / Apache AND BSDClause AND PSFcssselectCSS Selectors for Python / BSD 3-ClausecsvkitA suite of command-line tools for working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. / MITcubesA light-weight Python OLAP framework for data warehouses / MITcudatoolkitdevelopment environment for GPU-accelerated applications / proprietary - NvidiacudnnNVIDIA's cuDNN deep neural network acceleration library / Proprietarycurltool and library for transferring data with URL syntax / MIT/X derivate (manicapital.com)cvxcanonLow-level library to perform the matrix building step in CVXPY / GPL3cyclerComposable style cycles. / BSD 3-ClausecythonThe Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language / ApachecytoolzCython implementation of Toolz. High performance functional utilities / BSDClausedaskParallel PyData with Task Scheduling / BSDClausedask-coreParallel Python with task scheduling / BSDClausedask-glmGeneralized Linear Models in Dask / BSDClausedask-mlDistributed and parallel machine learning using dask. / BSDClausedask-searchcvTools for doing hyperparameter search with Scikit-Learn and Dask / BSDClausedatashaderData visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid / BSDClausedatashapeA data description language. / BSD 2-ClausedatrieSuper-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python, uses libdatrie / LGPLv2dbThe Berkeley DB embedded database system. / AGPLdbfPure python package for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro .dbf files (including memos) / BSD 3-clausedecoratorBetter living through Python with decorators. / BSDClausedefusedxmlXML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules / PSF diff-match-patchDiff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text / ApachedillSerialize all of python (almost) / BSDClausedistlibDistribution utilities / Python Software Foundation LicensedistributedDistributed computing with Dask / BSDClausedjangoA high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. / BSD 3-ClausednspythonA DNS toolkit for Python / BSD-likedocoptPythonic argument parser, that will make you smile / MITdocutilsDocutils -- Python Documentation Utilities / Public Domain Dedictation and BSD 2-Clause and PSF and GPL dropboxOfficial Dropbox API Client / MITecdsaECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure Python) / MITecospost1Python interface for ECOS, a lightweight conic solver for second-order cone programming / GPLelasticsearchPython client for Elasticsearch / Apache elasticsearch-asyncAsync backend for elasticsearch-py / Apache elasticsearch-dslHigher-level Python client for Elasticsearch / Apache enamlDeclarative DSL for building rich user interfaces in Python / BSDClauseentrypointsDiscover and load entry points from installed packages. / MIT Licenseenvisageextensible application framework / BSD 3-clauseet_xmlfileAn implementation of manicapital.come for the standard library / MITfastcacheC implementation of Python 3 lru_cache / MITfastparquetPython interface to the parquet format / BSD-3feedparserparse feeds in Python / OSI ApprovedfilelockA platform independent file lock. / Public Domainflake8Your Tool For Style Guide Enforcement / MITflaskA microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions. / BSD 3-Clauseflask-corsA Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support / MITflask-loginUser session management for Flask / MITflask-wtfSimple integration of Flask and WTForms / BSD 3-ClausefreeimageSupports popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF / GPLv2 and FreeImage Public LicensefreetdsFreeTDS is a free implementation of Sybase's DB-Library, CT-Library, and ODBC libraries / GPL-2freetypeA Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine / GPLonly and LicenseRef-FreeTypefsspecA specification for pythonic filesystems / BSDClausefueldata pipeline framework for machine learning / MIT LicensefurlURL manipulation made simple. / PUBLIC-DOMAINfutureClean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 / MITgensimTopic Modelling for Humans / LGPLget_terminal_sizeGet the size of the terminal window. / MITgeventCoroutine-based network library / MITgevent-websocketWebsocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library / Apachegitdistributed version control system / GPL v2 and LGPL gitpythonPython Git Library / BSDClauseglob2Version of the glob module that supports recursion via **, and can capture patterns. / BSDClauseglue-coreMulti-dimensional linked data exploration / BSD 3-Clauseglue-vispy-viewers3D viewers for Glue / BSD 3-ClausegluevizMulti-dimensional linked data exploration / BSD 3-Clausegmpy2GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python + and 3.x / LGPL 3graphvizOpen Source graph visualization software. / EPL vgreenletLightweight in-process concurrent programming / MITgridmapMap Python functions onto a cluster using a grid engine / GPL3gslGNU Scientific Library / GPLh2ohadoop-centric machine learning (core java package) / Noneh2o-pyfast, scalable machine learning (python interface) / Noneh5pyRead and write HDF5 files from Python. / BSDClausehdf5HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data / HDF5hdijupyterutilsProject with useful classes/methods for all projects created by the HDInsight team at Microsoft around Jupyter / BSD 3-clauseheapdictA heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations / BSD 3-ClauseholoviewsStop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself. / BSDClausehtml5libHTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification / MIThumanizePython humanize utilities. / MIThyperlinkImmutable, Pythonic, correct URLs. / MIThypothesisA library for property based testing / MPL ibis-frameworkProductivity-centric Python Big Data Framework / Apache icc_rtIntel runtime libraries for C, C++ and Fortran compilers / Intel proprietaryicuInternational Components for Unicode. / MITidnaInternationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). / BSD LikeimageioA Python library for reading and writing image data / BSDClauseimagesizeGetting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg/gif file / MITimportlib-metadataA library to access the metadata for a Python package / Apacheimportlib_metadataA library to access the metadata for a Python package / ApacheimpylaPython client for the Impala distributed query engine / Apache incrementalA library that versions your Python projects / MIT Licenseintel-openmpMath library for Intel and compatible processors / proprietary - IntelintervaltreeEditable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3 / ApacheipykernelIPython Kernel for Jupyter / BSDClauseipyparallelInteractive Parallel Computing with IPython / BSDClauseipythonIPython: Productive Interactive Computing / BSDClauseipython_genutilsvestigial utilities from IPython / BSD 3-ClauseipywidgetsJupyter Interactive Widgets / BSD 3-clauseisoSimple module to parse ISO dates / MITisortA Python utility / library to sort Python imports. / MITitsdangerousVarious helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments. / BSD 3-ClausejasperA reference implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG Part-1 standard. / JasPer jdcalJulian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars. / BSD 2-ClausejediAn autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. / MITjinja2An easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python. / 3-Clause BSDjoblibLightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs. / BSDClausejpeg9bread/write jpeg COM, EXIF, IPTC medata / Custom free software licensejson5A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format / ApachejsonschemaAn implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python / MITjupyterJupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. / BSD 3-Clausejupyter_clientjupyter_client contains the reference implementation of the Jupyter protocol. / BSDClausejupyter_consoleJupyter terminal console / BSDClausejupyter_coreCore common functionality of Jupyter projects. / BSDClausejupyterlabJupyterLab PRE-ALPHA / BSDClausejupyterlab_launcherA Launcher for JupyterLab based applications. / BSD 3-Clausejupyterlab_serverA set of server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications. / BSDClausekealibThe KEA format provides an implementation of the GDAL specification within the the HDF5 file format. / MITkeyringStore and access your passwords safely / Python Software Foundation or MITkiwisolverAn efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver / BSDClauseknitPython interface YARN / BSD 3-Clausekrb5A network authentication protocol. / MITlancetLaunch jobs, organize the output, and dissect the results. / BSDClauselazy-object-proxyA fast and thorough lazy object proxy / BSDClauseldap3A strictly RFC conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library / LGPLlibarchiveMulti-format archive and compression library / BSDClauselibboostFree peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. / Boostlibcondaconda based library / BSDlibcurltool and library for transferring data with URL syntax / MIT/X derivate (manicapital.com)libeditEditline Library (libedit) / BSDClauselibgdalThe Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) / MITlibgpuarrayLibrary to manipulate arrays on GPU / ISClibhdfs3A Native C/C++ HDFS Client / Apache libiconvProvides iconv for systems which don't have one (or that cannot convert from/to Unicode.) / GPL and LGPLlibliefA cross platform library to parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats. / Apachelibllvm9Development headers and libraries for LLVM / LLVM-ExceptionlibnetcdfLibraries and data formats that support array-oriented scientific data. / MITlibopenblasAn Optimized BLAS library / BSDlibopenblas-staticOpenBLAS static libraries. / BSDlibpngPNG reference library / zlib/libpnglibprotobufProtocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries and protoc, the protobuf compiler. / BSDClauselibsodiumA modern and easy-to-use crypto library. / ISClibspatialindexExtensible framework for robust spatial indexing / MITlibssh2the SSH library / BSDClauselibtiffSupport for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF). / HPNDlibxgboostlibxml2The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome / MITlibxsltThe XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project / MITline_profilerLine-by-line profiling for Python / BSDllvmliteA lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers / New BSD LicenselocketFile-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows / BSD 2-ClauselockfilePlatform-independent file locking module / MITluigiWorkflow mgmgt + task scheduling + dependency resolution. / ApachelxmlPythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt. / BSDClause and GPLonly and ZPL and LicenseRef-ElementTreelz4LZ4 Bindings for Python / BSDClauselz4-cExtremely Fast Compression algorithm / BSDClauselzoLZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. / GPL v2+m2wgcc-libgfortran / m2wgcc-libs / m2wgcc-libs-core / m2wgmp / m2wlibwinpthread-gitf / makoA super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages. / MITmarkdownPython implementation of Markdown. / BSDClausemarkdown2fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown / MITmarkupsafeA Python module that implements the manicapital.com string / BSDClausematplotlibPublication quality figures in Python / PSF-basedmatplotlib-basePublication quality figures in Python / PSF-basedmatplotlib-testsPython 2D plotting library / PSF-basedmccabeMcCabe complexity checker for Python / MITmdpA Python data processing framework. / BSDmeld3An HTML/XML templating engine / BSD-derivedmemory_profilerA module for monitoring memory usage of a python program / BSD 3-Clausemenuinstcross platform menu item installation / BSDmingwMinimalist development environment for native Windows / Public-DomainmistuneThe fastest markdown parser in pure Python. / BSD 3-ClausemklMath library for Intel and compatible processors / proprietary - Intelmkl-develMetapackage of MKL headers and libraries for developing software that uses MKL / Nonemkl-includeMKL headers for developing software that uses MKL / proprietary - Intelmkl-servicePython bindings to MKL service functions / 3-clause BSDmkl_fftNumPy-based implementation of Fast Fourier Transform using Intel (R) Math Kernel Library. / BSD 3-Clausemkl_randomIntel (R) MKL-powered package for sampling from common probability distributions into NumPy arrays. / BSD 3-ClausemockA library for testing in Python / BSDClausemongodbA next-gen database that lets you do things you could never do before / AGPLv3more-itertoolsMore routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools / MITmorfessorLibrary for unsupervised and semi-supervised morphological segmentation / BSD 2-ClausempcA C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision. / LGPL 3mpfrThe MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. / LGPLonlympi4pyPython bindings for MPI / BSD 2-clausempirMultiple Precision Integers and Rationals. / LGPL 3mpld3D3 Viewer for Matplotlib. / BSD 3-ClausempmathPython library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic / BSD 3-Clausemsgpack-pythonMessagePack (de)serializer / Apachemsys2-conda-epoch / multidictmultidict implementation / Apache multipledispatchMultiple dispatch in Python / BSD 3-ClausemunchA dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) / MITmypyOptional static typing for Python / MITmypy_extensionsExperimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker. / MITmysqlOpen source relational database management system. / GPLmysql-connector-pythonPython driver for communicating with MySQL servers / GPLnatsortSort lists naturally / MITnavigator-updaterAnaconda Navigator Updater / proprietary - Continuum Analytics, Inc.nb_anacondacloudInteract with Anaconda Cloud / BSDClausenb_condaConda environment and package access extension from within Jupyter / BSDClausenb_conda_kernelsLaunch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment / BSD 3-ClausenbconvertConverting Jupyter Notebooks / BSDClausenbformatThe reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format / BSDClausenbpresentNext generation slides for Jupyter Notebooks / BSDClauseneo4j-python-driverDatabase connector for Neo4j graph database / Apachenetcdf4Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library. / OSI Approved and MITnetworkxPython package for creating and manipulating complex networks / BSDClausenginxNginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server / BSDClausenltkNatural Language Toolkit / Apache nodejsa platform for easily building fast, scalable network applications / MITnoseNose extends unittest to make testing easier / LGPLnose-parameterizedParameterized testing with any Python test framework. / BSD 2-ClausenotebookJupyter Notebook / BSDClausensisA professional open source system to create Windows installers / Common public License Version , zlibnumbaNumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM / BSD 2-clausenumexprFast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy. / MITnumpyArray processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. / BSD 3-Clausenumpy-baseArray processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. / BSD 3-ClausenumpydocNumpy's Sphinx extensions / BSD 3-ClauseodoData migration in Python / BSDClauseolefileparse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files / BSD 2-Clauseopenblas-develOpenBLAS headers and libraries for developing software that used OpenBLAS. / NoneopencvComputer vision and machine learning software library. / BSD 3-clauseopenjdkThe JetBrains Runtime OpenJDK build. / GPLv2openjpegAn open-source JPEG codec written in C / BSD 2-ClauseopenmpiAn open source Message Passing Interface implementation. / BSD 3-ClauseopenpyxlA Python library to read/write Excel xlsx/xlsm files / MITopensslgOpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols / OpenSSLopentracingOpenTracing API for Python. / MITopentracing_instrumentationTracing Instrumentation using OpenTracing API (manicapital.com) / MITorange3data visualization and data analysis tool / GPLpackagingCore utilities for Python packages / Apache or BSD 2-ClausepandasHigh-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. / BSDClausepandas-datareaderUp to date remote data access for pandas, works for multiple versions of pandas / BSD-3pandas-profilingGenerate profile report for pandas DataFrame / MITpandasqlSqldf for pandas / BSDpandocUniversal markup converter (repackaged binaries) / GPLpandocfiltersA python module for writing pandoc filters / BSDClauseparamParam: Make your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters / BSDClauseparamikoSSH2 protocol library / LGPL parsedatetimeParse human-readable date/time text. / Apache parsellibrary to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors / BSDparsoA Python Parser / MITpartdData structure for on-disk shuffle operations / BSD 3-Clausepasslibcomprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes / BSD 3-ClausepathA module wrapper for manicapital.com / MITmanicapital.comA module wrapper for manicapital.com / MITpathlibObject-oriented filesystem paths / MITpathlib2Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API / MITpathtoolsPath utilities for Python. / MITpatsyDescribing statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas / BSDClause, PSF2pep8Python style guide checker / MITperlThe Perl programming language interpreter. / Perl ArtisticpexpectPexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling other applications. / ISCphantomjsScriptable Headless WebKit / BSDpickleshareTiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support / MITpillowPillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors / LicenseRef-PILpipPyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages / MITpivottablejsmanicapital.com integration for Jupyter/IPython Notebook / MIT LicensepkginfoQuery metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages. / MITplacThe smartest command line arguments parser in the world / BSD 2-ClauseplotlyAn interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python / MITpluggyPlugin registration and hook calling for Python / MITplyPython Lex-Yacc / BSD 3-clausepomegranatePomegranate is a graphical models library for Python, implemented in Cython for speed. / MITportaudioA cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library / MITportendTCP port monitoring utilities / MITportpickerA library to choose unique available network ports. / Apache License powershell_shortcutPowershell shortcut creator for Windows (using menuinst) / BSDprogressEasy progress reporting for Python / ISCproj4Cartographic projection software. / MITprometheus_clientPython client for the Prometheus monitoring system / Apacheprompt-toolkitLibrary for building powerful interactive command lines in Python / BSDClauseprompt_toolkitLibrary for building powerful interactive command lines in Python / BSDClauseprotobufProtocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. / BSD 3-ClausepsutilA cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python / BSD 3-Clausepsycopg2PostgreSQL database adapter for Python / LGPL, BSD-like, ZPLpylibrary with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities / MITpy-boostFree peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. / Boostpy-liefA cross platform library to parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats. / Apachepy-xgboostpy4jEnables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects / BSDClausepyasn1ASN.1 types and codecs / BSD 2-Clausepyasn1-modulesA collection of ASNbased protocols modules. / BSD 2-ClausepycodestylePython style guide checker / MITpycosatBindings to picosat (a SAT solver) / MITpycparserComplete C99 parser in pure Python / BSD 3-clausepycryptoCryptographic modules for Python. / Public DomainpycurlA Python Interface To The cURL library / LGPL, MITpydocstylePython docstring style checker (formerly pep) / MITpydotPython interface to Graphviz's Dot / MITpydotplusPython interface to Graphviz's Dot language / MITpyemdA Python wrapper for the Earth Mover's Distance. / MITpyflakesPyflakes analyzes programs and detects various errors. / MITpygmentsPygments is a generic syntax highlighter suitable for use in code hosting, forums, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. / BSDclausepygpuLibrary to manipulate arrays on GPU / ISCpyjwtJSON Web Token implementation in Python / MITpylintpython code static checker / GPLonlypymcPyMC: Bayesian Stochastic Modelling in Python / AFLpymc3Probabilistic Programming in Python / ApachepymongoPython driver for MongoDB manicapital.com / Apache pymplerDevelopment tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects in a running Python application. / Apache-2pymssqlDB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based version) / LGPLpymysqlPure Python MySQL Driver / MITpynaclPyNaCl is a Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography library, a crypto library with the stated goal of improving usability, security and speed. / ApachepynioPyNIO is a multi-format data I/O package with a NetCDF-style interface. / BSD 3-clausepyodbcDB API Module for ODBC / MITpyopengla1Standard OpenGL bindings for Python / BSD-likepyopengl-accelerateb1Acceleration code for PyOpenGL / BSDpyopensslPython wrapper module around the OpenSSL library / Apache pyparsingCreate and execute simple grammars / MITpyprof2calltreeHelp visualize profiling data from cProfile with qcachegrind / MITpyprojpost1Python interface to PROJ library / MITpyqtPython binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt. / Commercial, GPL, GPLpyqtgraphScientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python / MITpyqueryA jquery-like library for python / BSD 3-ClausepyreadlineA python implmementation of GNU readline. / BSD 3-ClausepyrsistentPersistent/Functional/Immutable data structures / MITpysalLibrary of spatial analysis functions / BSDClausepyserialPython serial port access library / BSDClausepyshpPure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format / MITpysmiSNMP SMI/MIB Parser / BSD 2-ClausepysocksA Python SOCKS client module. See manicapital.com for more information. / BSD 3-ClausepysparkApache Spark / ApachepytablesBrings together Python, HDF5 and NumPy to easily handle large amounts of data. / BSD 3-ClausepytestSimple and powerful testing with Python. / MITpytest-arraydiffpytest plugin to help with comparing array output from tests / BSDpytest-astropyMeta-package containing dependencies for testing Astropy / BSDpytest-astropy-headerPytest plugin to add diagnostic information to the header of the test output / BSD 3-Clausepytest-asyncioPytest support for asyncio / Apachepytest-cachepytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs / MITpytest-covPytest plugin for measuring coverage / MITpytest-doctestplusPytest plugin with advanced doctest features / BSD 3-Clausepytest-mockThin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with manicapital.com / MITpytest-openfilesPytest plugin for detecting inadvertent open file handles / BSDClausepytest-pep8manicapital.com plugin for efficiently checking PEP8 compliance / MITpytest-remotedataPytest plugin for controlling remote data access / BSDpytest-runnerInvoke manicapital.com as distutils command with dependency resolution. / MITpytest-timeoutThis is a plugin which will terminate tests after a certain timeout. / MITpytest-xdistmanicapital.com xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes / MITpythonGeneral purpose programming language / PSFpython-bloscA Python wrapper for the extremely fast Blosc compression library / Apache python-dateutilExtensions to the standard Python datetime module. / BSD 3 Clausepython-editorProgrammatically open an editor, capture the result. / Apache python-graphvizSimple Python interface for Graphviz / MITpython-jsonrpc-serverA Python and + server implementation of the JSON RPC protocol. / MITpython-language-serverAn implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python / MITpython-leveldbPython bindings for leveldb database library / BSD 3-Clausepython-libarchive-cPython interface to libarchive / CCpython-memcachedPure python memcached client / PSF python-ntlmProvides NTLM support / LGPLpython-rapidjsonPython wrapper around rapidjson / MITpython-snappyPython library for the snappy compression library from Google / BSDClausepython-sybasePython interface to the Sybase relational database system / BSD Licensepython-utilsPython Utils is a collection of small Python functions and classes which make common patterns shorter and easier. / BSDClausepytorch
Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Qt Commercial for Visual Studio 6.0 4.0.1 serial key or number

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