Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

Macro Recorder - Version history

This is the release history for both Macro Recorder and Macro Recorder LITE

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Macro Recorder 5.8.0 released 1/15/2016

  • Restored the EXE compiler

Macro Recorder 5.7.10 released 1/12/2016

  • Unfortunately, we had to remove the EXE compiler because of antivirus false-positives

Macro Recorder 5.7.9 released 12/18/2015

  • Anti-virus false-positive fixed

Macro Recorder 5.7.8 released 3/14/2015

  • merge
  • Fixes some left-hand mouse issues
  • Improved security
  • Escaping colon correctly when saving a macro
  • Fixed upgrade link
  • Resizable and scrollable "C-Sharp code" editor
  • "Set clipboard value - prompt user" - option to specify the prompt text
  • Keyboard shortcuts for advanced recording tools
  • UI improvements in the "insert" menu
  • No more annoying auto-scroll after pasting

Macro Recorder 5.7.7 released 8/24/2014

  • Fixed lots of issues with "Execute C#" command
  • Improved copy/paste when editing ("find image" was not being pasted)
  • Fixed coordinates on High DPI displays

Macro Recorder 5.7.6 released 7/7/2014

  • Support for high resolution (4k) displays

Macro Recorder 5.7.5 released 7/1/2014

  • "Find image" and "If image" now support search region (area to search within)
  • NEW COMMAND: "Wait while cursor is hourglass"
  • Pretty icons
  • "Play X times" now has a "play" button, not "ok"
  • Watch if macro changed by external program, prompt to reload.
  • Macro launcher - sizable window, updated icons
  • Keyboard shortcut for "play X times"
  • Other bug fixes

Macro Recorder 5.7.4 released 3/28/2014

  • Longer waits (up to 1,000,000 milliseconds) in "wait for window", "wait for process" etc
  • UI-fixes
  • Startup version updater now works async, without blocking main thread
  • Maximize/Minimize/Normal window state in the "move/resize window" command

Macro Recorder 5.7.3 released 3/9/2014

  • Fixed serial expiration date
  • Added "Lock workstation" option to the "Shutdown" command
  • IF/REPEAT indentation fix
  • New menu item "calculate total duration" of selected commands (sum delays). Context menu fixes.

Macro Recorder 5.7.2 released 2/13/2014

  • Minor auto-updater fix
  • Visual indentation for REPEAT and IF command blocks

Macro Recorder 5.7.1 released 1/1/2014

  • Reorder items in EDIT menu
  • Old serial numbers fix

Macro Recorder 5.7.0 released 12/1/2013

  • Bulk-edit coordinates in the selection (shift by X or Y)
  • When opening Macro in Explorer - switch to macro-recorder (if it's already running) and load the file
  • Fixed - cannot open macro scheduler if "autoplay" and "autoclose" settings are set.
  • Scheduling macros "every X hours X minutes"
  • Small fix - opening macro from curr. dir may lead to path errors later
  • AutoUpdater fixes. 1) Do not prompt for updates 5 days if user chose this 2) first check for updates then check serial expiratin
  • PASTING and IMPORTING MACRO now occurs AFTER the currently selected cmd
  • If there's a selection - paste command deletes selected items
  • pasting fixes
  • Add new command refactoring + optimization
  • Fixed error with bulk add
  • Undo/Redo engine Paste/Import improvements
  • "Find" engine. (find a command in a macro by entering a filename, label text, comment text, window title, coordinates, anything)
  • Auto-updater now DOWNLOADS and RUNS the new version installer.

Macro Recorder 5.6.6 released 10/25/2013

  • No check for updates when autoplay is in progress
  • Fixed delays in EXE files
  • Security improvements
  • When capturing image from screen - don't move mouse to bottom-right corner, causes windows to hide
  • Removed "blink" after finishing an autostarted playback
  • Prompt user for the value to store in clipboard
  • Playback "X out of Y times" label-text
  • Slightly redesigned toolbar (play/record dropdowns), new "Play X times" menu element
  • Recent files fix, "clear recent files" menu item
  • Bulk-edit coordinates in the selection (shift the whole macro by X or Y)

Macro Recorder released 8/20/2013

  • Fixed the bug with delays in EXE files

Macro Recorder 5.6.5 released 6/30/2013

  • Alt Tab automation now works in Windows 8 as well!
  • Installer improvements

Macro Recorder 5.6.4 released 6/2/2013

Macro Recorder 5.6.3 released 5/8/2013

  • Fixed "mouse for lefties" setting
  • Show an error when macro path exceeds 256 chars in "play another macro" command
  • Loop iteration counter now resets when you jump out of the loop using GOTO command
  • New setting - do not restore mouse position after playback
  • Possible fix for find image similarity coefficient
  • Compiled EXE files now respect global playback speed settings

Macro Recorder 5.6.0 released 2/11/2013

  • More Windows 8 fixes, and ALL antivirus false-positives are finally fixed
  • Macro-recording timer precision set to 2 ms (since playback ignores timeouts

Macro Recorder 5.5.5 released 12/23/2012

  • Fixed occasional crashes when offline
  • Reworked serial-number engine. Fixes slow startup in Windows 8

Macro Recorder 5.5.3 released 12/12/2012

  • Fixed toolbars position when Windows Task Bar is on the left
  • Repeat random number of times (fixes #85)
  • tiny radio button aligment fix
  • Fixed occasional crashes when offline

Macro Recorder 5.5.0 released 10/28/2012

  • Correct "play/record" toolbar positioning if windows taskbar is configured to be at the top.
  • Macro scheduler
  • Updated manual

Macro Recorder 5.4.10 released 10/21/2012

  • Fixes #68 - "open file" command runs twice sometimes

Macro Recorder 5.4.9 released 10/19/2012

  • Larger delay randomizer field (up to 3 hours randomize delay)
  • Command line support (/a and /c switches), updated docs
  • Minor improvements and fixes

Macro Recorder 5.4.8 released 10/15/2012

  • Fixes #78 (single-instance app reworked, caused problems on Windows 8)
  • Fixes #76 (cannot select region under the "Select region" text)
  • Correct "are you sure you want to record over existing" message-box suppression
  • Fixed relative-coordinates macro replay (SmartREC)
  • Possible minor fix for the "showdialog" error
  • Fixed the "IF image" bug when testing the command after playing a macro (fixes #80). Fixed incorrect auto-closing the play-bar (when not necessary).

Macro Recorder 5.4.7 released 9/25/2012

  • Fixed - single-instance app errors on some Windows 8 machines
  • Fixed - cannot select region under the "Select region" text in image-commands
  • Correct "are you sure you want to record over existing" message-box suppression
  • Fixed relative-coordinates macro replay (SmartREC)

Macro Recorder 5.4.6 released 9/5/2012

  • Saving window position fixed
  • New icon
  • New "tools" menu item - "Restart as administrator". Other minor fixes.
  • Fixed some typos in the UI

Macro Recorder 5.4.5 released 7/23/2012

  • Playback settings - repeat number fixed
  • Resizable startup screen - to see recently recorded macros with long paths
  • "Exit loop" command fixes, now it properly resets the loop-counter so "if iteration" commands work correctly
  • MOD check for the "IF Current iteration equals" command
  • If "hide macro-player" setting is ON, the player is still shown when you pause macro playback, for convenience
  • Option to remove the macro-recording confirmation that prompts to save changes

Macro Recorder 5.4.3 released 5/24/2012

  • Minor bugfixes
  • Improved against A/V false positive alerts
  • "Pause playback on mouse move" - lower sensitivity
  • Macro Recorder window does not take focus after playback is finished if the setting "hide playback window" is ON

Macro Recorder 5.4.2 released 3/29/2012

  • New command - move/resize window
  • Minor UI improvements in command-editing forms

Macro Recorder 5.4.1 released 3/20/2012

  • File-copy command improvements and fixes
  • Image-finder commands now have "similarity" coefficient

Macro Recorder 5.4.0 released 3/7/2012

  • Fix: crash when aborting macro played via HotkeyLauncher
  • Empty-clipboard fix
  • Settings-dialog UI fixes, new option "play/rec toolbars on the right side"
  • Fix: "wait for process" command-editor bug
  • Signing the macro-launcher executable to prevent AV false-positive.
  • Fixed the double-clicking bug on the macro-recording toolbar
  • Option to "randomize" mouse position
  • "If File Exists" command now understands wildcard patterns, not just exact file names
  • Typos corrected in the UI and user-manual
  • Allowing tilde, dot and other "special" symbols for hotkey assignments

Macro Recorder 5.3.13 released 1/6/2012

  • Clipboard commands fix
  • fix - IF IMAGE command now has an option to move mouse to the image
  • Fixes the "prompt for number of repeats" crash.
  • Fixed error loading some scripts
  • "Wait for user" fixed (thread safe hotkeys)
  • Repeat-counter improvements
  • fix - correct IF IMAGE command saving
  • Fix - messagebox-commands on top
  • fix - main form still shown when launching macros from command line)
  • fix - crash when aborting macro played via HotkeyLauncher

Macro Recorder 5.3.10 released 12/23/2011

  • Async macros-replay playback thread, smooth progress-bar updating while playing
  • Restored playback counter on the toolbar

Macro Recorder 5.3.9 released 12/5/2011

  • "Capture current position" hotkey for the mouse-command editor
  • "EXIT-loop" command fix
  • Recent files list order fix
  • Performance improvements, UI tweaks

Macro Recorder released 11/2/2011

  • Progress-bar when playing macro
  • Aborting EXE-macros fixed
  • Wait for window command fixed
  • "Find image" command improved A LOT

Macro Recorder 5.3.8 released 10/1/2011

  • "Paste from clipboard" command
  • Color-picker in pixel-commands
  • Selecting a rectangle for "find pixel" command
  • Memory leaks fixes
  • "Select commands by type" feature
  • Correctly opens macros from VERY old versions (3.xx etc)
  • User-interface improvements

Macro Recorder 5.3.4 released 9/18/2011

  • Fixed pixel-command performance
  • New feature - setting mouse coordinates "relative to current mouse position" and recording mouse offsets instead of actual coordinates
  • Improved manual
  • Mouse macro editor improved, "click" & ""right-click artificial commands
  • UI improvements (buttons enable/disable), new feature (recording appends to a macro)
  • Fixed "play the whole macro then record" feature
  • Improved updater
  • New macro command - 'If pixel NOT equals'
  • Custom prompt-message for a number of repeats in the repeat command
  • "Exit loop" command fixes
  • Preventing the "same label name" warning when playing nested macros

Macro Recorder released 8/25/2011

  • Faster macro-playing performance
  • Smaller download size
  • Fixed saving Macro Recorder's main window position

Macro Recorder 5.3.0 released 8/18/2011

  • Lots of minor improvements
  • New improved interface (design, icons)
  • Performance improvements, less files and libraries required, etc

Macro Recorder released 7/10/2011

  • Improved drag-n-drop operations in the macro-commands list
  • The welcome-screen can now be re-enabled in "settings" dialog
  • Image-commands improvements

Macro Recorder released 7/8/2011

  • Type text compiling to EXE - fixed
  • Improved "IF Clipboard" command - now it does not trim the entered text, so you can match spaces and carriage-returns

Macro Recorder released 6/30/2011

  • Mouse wheel recording fixes
  • Find pixel improvements
  • New command - "IF IMAGE found"
  • Hotkey validation added to the settings-dialog
  • New type of keyboard command - "KeyPress" (along with KeyUp and KeyDown)

Macro Recorder 5.2.0 released 6/24/2011

  • New awesome command - "Find image on the screen"
  • "Run as administrator" option for the "open file" command
  • UI improvements
  • Fixed "find pixel" crashes on some machines
  • Lets of minor improvements throughout the program

Macro Recorder released 5/26/2011

  • More compatibility improvements for the Keyboard simulator (Remote Desktop, Citrix etc)

Macro Recorder released 5/22/2011

  • Fixed saving/loading "Wait For Process" macro command
  • Added "timeout" setting to the "Wait for user" command
  • Fixed the "randomize delay" feature
  • "Repeat X times" can now take th number of repeats from clipboard

Macro Recorder released 5/18/2011

  • Fixed randomizing delay
  • Minor UI-improvements

Macro Recorder released 5/10/2011

  • Regexs in comparison commands are case-insensitive now
  • New feature - Pause macro recording
  • Some Macro Launcher fixes

Macro Recorder 5.1.2 released 5/4/2011

  • Resolved the "sending keystrokes to Remote Desktop" issue
  • Added new command "type environment variable"
  • Some minor fixes

Macro Recorder released 4/23/2011

  • Citrix improvements
  • UI-improvements ("settings" dialog)
  • No unneeded warnings "failed to register hotkey"
  • Clipboard improvements
  • Enabling/disabling hotkeys in Macro Launcher
  • New command: Increment clipboard
  • New command: IF Windows in focus
  • Preventing "sticky-key" issue

Macro Recorder 5.1.1 released 4/14/2011

  • "Nice" error message when playing a macro with more than one label with the same name
  • Resolves antivirus false-positives

Macro Recorder 5.1.0 released 4/9/2011

  • Citrix-compatible keyboard automation - sends keystrokes recognized by the terminal
  • Macro file-association fix
  • Comment-command saving fixed
  • "Test the IF-statement" button for all "IF" commands in a macro
  • Allows negative mouse-coordinates (for mouse-recording on multiple monitors)
  • Hotkey-macro-launcher "start-minimized" fixes
  • Performance and memory improvements
  • Lots of minor bug-fixes and improvements in the Macro Recorder engine

Macro Recorder 5.0.3 released 3/9/2011

  • Playback settings are now compiled to the EXE file
  • Type-text command improvements
  • "If iteration equals" command fixes, "Set clipboard" command fixes
  • EXE-compiler improvements
  • Playback-record keyboard shortcuts now allow single-key hotkeys
  • Clipboard fixes
  • Hotkey launcher fixed (was not starting macros when minimized)
  • Delay command editor improvements
  • "Settings" form improvements
  • "Goto" command fixes
  • Performance improvements - copy-paste speed, import macro speed etc etc
  • Added a startup form
  • Fixed opening macros from command line
  • Macro playback can now be aborted while "Wait for user" command is executing
  • Delay command fixes
  • Lots of minor improvements

Macro Recorder 5.0.2 released 2/23/2011

  • All-new engine
  • Auto-updater
  • Secure code signature
  • Lots of bug-fixes

Macro Recorder 4.71 released 11/11/2010

  • Minor UI-improvements
  • Minor performance improvements
  • Fixed: when the recording process was aborted with a key combination, keyboard sometimes stays locked after playback

Macro Recorder 4.70 released 10/31/2010

  • "Hide playing box" setting fixed
  • The default "abort" key is changed from Scroll-Lock to Ctrl+Q
  • Correct hotkey display on the "recording" window
  • Trial is now 40 days
  • The "if pixel color" commandcan now work with relative coordinates
  • Minor UI-improvements

Macro Recorder 4.69 released 8/19/2010

  • Play buttons are disabled if there are no commands in a macro
  • Random delay event (the long awaited feature is finally here)
  • Exit confirmation now properly prompts for unsaved macro
  • Fixed the "failed to register hotkeys" message when hotkeys are set to "None", fixed the play-box text
  • Saving an empty file - fixed
  • Minor interface improvements

Macro Recorder 4.68 released 8/2/2010

  • Step-by-step playback
  • Option to specify delays in hour:minutes:seconds rather than milliseconds
  • The "IF Clipboard" command now has an option "greater than"
  • New command "set clipboard value"
  • Fixed the Macro Launcher error "Your key is not valid"

Macro Recorder 4.67 released 7/18/2010

  • Compiled exe-s now also show the blue "playing" box
  • Compiled exe-macros now allow pausing and aborting with the same hotkeys
  • "Type text" and "type date" commands improved
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved installer, smaller file size
  • Speedy replays are now more accurate

Macro Recorder 4.66 released 6/25/2010

  • Fixed the occasional "failed registering hotkeys" error after launching a macro via shell-open

Macro Recorder 4.65 released 6/19/2010

  • Fixed the "Play another macro" command

Macro Recorder 4.64 released 6/13/2010

  • Compiled exe-s now also show the blue "playing" box
  • Compiled exe-macros now allow pausing and aborting with the same hotkeys
  • "Type text" and "type date" commands improved
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved installer, smaller file size
  • Speedy replays are now more accurate

Macro Recorder 4.63 released 6/4/2010

  • Fixed EXE-compiler
  • Performance improvements

Macro Recorder 4.62 released 5/31/2010

  • Improved performance
  • New command - "Find Pixel by Color"
  • Infinite wait for window
  • Infinite wait for process

Macro Recorder 4.61 released 4/30/2010

  • Improved installer
  • New command - Play a saved macro
  • Improved performance

Macro Recorder 4.6 released 1/23/2010

  • Possible antivirus false alarms eliminated
  • New command - "wait for ANY user activity"
  • Lots of inner improvements, new architecture
  • Macro Launcher now also shows the "playback" status window on top

Macro Recorder 4.53 released 1/20/2010

  • Correct "swapped mouse buttons" processing for left-handed users

Macro Recorder 4.52 released 11/28/2009

  • Fixed "your key is not valid for this version" error when starting Macro Launcher
  • Fixed the "copy-file" command editor
  • "Play" button added to Macro Launcher
  • General Macro Launcher improvements

Macro Recorder 4.51 released 11/20/2009

  • Fixed: when Microsoft Security Essentials real-time protection is on, Macro Recorder started too long
  • Performance optimizations
  • Correct shortcut displaying on the playback-bar

Macro Recorder 4.5 released 11/2/2009

  • New command - "Clear Clipboard"
  • Commenting your macros (new command type = "comment")
  • Fixed displaying the "Copy file" commands in the list

Macro Recorder 4.41 released 10/2/2009

  • Fixed nested-IF processing in a macro

Macro Recorder 4.4 released 8/12/2009

  • New commands: If Process Exists and Wait for process to start/stop
  • Handy feature to hide the main window, when picking a color for the "IF Pixel Color Equals" command

Macro Recorder 4.34 released 7/23/2009

  • The "If Window Exists" command now allows working with dialog windows and messageboxes
  • New command - "Exit Loop"

Macro Recorder 4.33 released 7/13/2009

  • Improved "recent files" engine
  • Fixed load error on some machines when opening the 1st macro
  • Performance improvements

Macro Recorder 4.32 released 6/19/2009

  • Fixed error "424 object required" when opening macros

Macro Recorder 4.3 released 5/20/2009

  • Mouse coordinates tracked on mouse-command form
  • New command - "If pixel color equals"
  • Recent files list
  • "If clipboard contains" (along with "equals")
  • "If current iteration" works for inner loops now

Macro Recorder 4.24 released 4/21/2009

  • Precise timing when recording a macro
  • "File copy" command added
  • Improved interface
  • Minor bug fixes

Macro Recorder 4.23 released 4/4/2009

  • Block input during playback
  • Improved performance
  • New statement "Clipboard NOT equals"
  • Nice exe-file icon
  • Configurable "abort playback" hotkey for the macro launcher application

Macro Recorder 4.22 released 2/15/2009

  • Middle Mouse button recording
  • Horizontal Wheel recording
  • "Click at current mouse position" mouse command option
  • Performance improvements

Macro Recorder 4.2 released 12/14/2008

  • "Delete file" command
  • Wildcards in the "Close window" command
  • Returning the mouse to the original position after playback is finished
  • Improved launcher UI

Macro Recorder 4.1 released 3/20/2008

  • Improved "IF current iteration equals" when used inside nested loops

Macro Recorder 4.0 released 3/12/2008

  • New command "dial a connection"
  • Improved repeater-command
  • Minor GUI improvements
  • Optional pause macro playback, when a user moves a mouse

Macro Recorder 3.86 released 2/4/2008

  • Fixed recording Shift+Arrow keystrokes under Vista
  • Switch to windows command now understands * and ? wildcards
  • improved performance

Macro Recorder 3.85 released 12/10/2007

  • Macro Recorder's "WAIT FOR WINDOW" and "IF WINDOWS EXISTS" commands now accept asterisks and question marks as wildcards in window names
  • New menu command - "Edit macro in Notepad"
  • Improved window positioning

Macro Recorder 3.83 released 11/8/2007

  • Repeat command option to ask the user, how many times to repeat
  • Fixed context-menu positioning on the list of macro commands
  • Improved mouse recording engine

Macro Recorder 3.82 released 9/17/2007

  • Fixed incorrect loading of "WAIT FOR WINDOW" macros
  • Mouse macro editor can now get current mouse coordinates (easier editing)
  • Crashing when entering an empty serial number
  • more minor improvements

Macro Recorder 3.8 released 8/13/2007

  • Redesigned timing architecture
  • Save window position
  • Correct GOTO-statement processing in exe-compiler
  • Fixed settings-dialog

Macro Recorder 3.74 released 8/10/2007

  • "ELSE" statement
  • "If Windows exists" statement
  • "Play To cursor" feature
  • many general improvements

Macro Recorder 3.7 released 7/9/2007

  • "\n" fix in the "Type Text" macro command
  • right-left mouse recorder clicks fixed
  • Check for previous instance of Macro Recorder
  • AutoStart option for Macro Recorder Hotkey Launcher
  • "Bulk Edit Timeouts" feature
  • Improved GUI under Vista

Macro Recorder 3.66 released 4/6/2007

  • Fixed record/replay macros of the "Shift+arrow" key combination (when selecting text)

Macro Recorder 3.64 released 2/6/2007

  • Fixed small error when loading a saved macro with "IF CLIPBOARD EQUALS" conditional statement
  • Added "Assign Macro to Hotkey" menu item

Macro Recorder 3.63 released 1/24/2007

  • Vista support
  • "REPEAT X TIMES" statement
  • Hotkey Launcher minor errors fixed
  • "Now Playing" box does not hide the top-positioned taskbar
  • Window startup position
  • Longer trial period

Macro Recorder 3.61 released 12/2/2006

  • Added "Delay" command
  • Many minor improvements throughout the program

Macro Recorder 3.6 released 10/27/2006

  • New strongly improved exe-compiler generates smaller optimized executables
  • New IF conditional statement - "IF clipboard text equals"

Macro Recorder 3.58 released 9/18/2006

  • Fixed high CPU load when waiting for a window to appear
  • Window operations are now available for dialog and tool windows also
  • Macros message-boxes are displayed above all
  • Switch-command restores a window if minimized
  • more...

Macro Recorder 3.57 released 7/11/2006

  • Improved text-typing command
  • Fixed the error when a mouse-disabled keystroke macro recording is aborted with a button-click
  • "Launch a file" command improved

Macro Recorder 3.56 released 7/6/2006

  • Fixed the small disappointing bug in the EXE-compiler, which stealthily seeped into the previous build.
  • Added "command-line parameters" option to the "file open" command

Macro Recorder 3.54 released 7/4/2006

  • Optimized backend operations
  • New "Type text" command and "system time" printing in a customizable format
  • Improved EXE-builder

Macro Recorder 3.52 released 6/27/2006

  • Lowered CPU load during loops and timeouts
  • New events are inserted after the selection - easier editing
  • File-import issue fixed

Macro Recorder 3.5 released 6/4/2006

  • IF / ENDIF statements support!
  • Interface improvements
  • Improved EXE-compiler
  • Optimized performance

Macro Recorder 3.48 released 5/12/2006

  • Aborting a macro during a "wait for user" command resulted in malfunction
  • Multiline message-boxes fixed
  • Performance issues

Macro Recorder 3.47 released 4/28/2006

  • Dependency on Microsoft Scripting Runtime eliminated

Macro Recorder 3.46 released 4/24/2006

  • Added "WAIT FOR USER INPUT" command
  • Fixed 100% CPU load during pause
  • Improved interface

Macro Recorder 3.45 released 4/15/2006

  • Introducing SMART-Rec macro recording technology: record and replay your mouse moves in an intelligent way
  • "Move Up/Down" feature: rearrange your commands
  • EXE-builder is now available to be tested in the trial version
  • All settings are unblocked in the trial version

Macro Recorder 3.4 released 4/10/2006

  • Added global ("system-wide") keyboard-shortcuts for Record, Play/Pause/Resume actions
  • Added "File - New" menu item
  • Improved Macro Recorder manual/tutorial
  • and more...

Macro Recorder 3.3 released 4/1/2006

  • Hotkey Macro Launcher tool included in the package: binding macros to hotkeys
  • General file I/O improvements

Macro Recorder 3.22 released 3/30/2006

  • Significantly improved playback performance
  • Fixed malfunctioning when a paused macro is being aborted

Macro Recorder 3.2 released 3/23/2006

  • "Switch to a window" command added
  • "Replay/close" buttons are displayed after playback
  • The current macro file name is displayed in Macro Recorder's title bar
  • "Stop recording" button click is not recorded any more

Macro Recorder 3.18 released 3/18/2006

  • Fixed keystroke crash after intensive activity on Win XP SP2
  • Main menu keyboard navigation improved

Macro Recorder 3.17 released 3/9/2006

  • Mouse wheel support in mouse recorder
  • New custom commands

Macro Recorder 3.15 released 2/24/2006

  • Added feature to hide the blue "playing macro..." box.
  • Improved GUI (XP-themes) for the Settings dialog

Macro Recorder 3.12 released 2/14/2006

  • Added "Ignore timeouts" playback option
  • Other macro-playback improvements

Macro Recorder 3.1 released 1/27/2006

  • Fixed overflow crash when recording a macro with very large timeouts

Macro Recorder 3.0 released 1/23/2006

  • Fully reworked user interface of Macro Recorder (Office-2003 style)
  • Shutdown/reboot/logoff command added
  • Fixed a minor bug when a single-command macro is being aborted

Macro Recorder 2.55 released 12/29/2005

  • Added "GOTO", "LABEL" and more statements
  • Checking if a window exists
  • "Launch website", "Message box" and more commands
  • Tons of minor improvements

Macro Recorder 2.51 released 12/15/2005

  • "Spy mode" option: the red "recording" label is not shown when recording a macro

Macro Recorder 2.5 released 12/9/2005

  • All new improved macro-recording/playback engine

Macro Recorder 2.4 released 11/24/2005

  • Text import feature added
  • Resizable window
  • Merging recorded macros files
  • Optimized EXE-files compiler
  • Updated Macro Recorder manual (scheduling tutorial)

Macro Recorder 2.31 released 11/7/2005

  • Auto-shutdown feature added: when a macro is opened from windows-shell or command prompt, Macro Recorder can shut down itself after playback if finished

Macro Recorder 2.3 released 11/3/2005

  • GUI improvements
  • EXE-file export: compiling a recorded macro to a standalone program
  • Separate keyboard and mouse recording option

Macro Recorder 2.2 released 10/23/2005

  • Auto-play option: automatically playing macros opened from command prompt
  • Recording GUI bug fixed
  • Updated Macro Recorder manual

Macro Recorder 2.0 released 10/4/2005

  • Advanced macro editor added
  • Context menu added, clipboard support
  • Manually adding macro-commands to the list
  • Looping playback
  • Windows-shell intergation and scheduling macro recorder files

Macro Recorder - the best macro program for Windows. Not just a keyboard and mouse recorder but a powerful automation tool that converts macros to EXE files and more.

Источник: []
, Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number


Use of advanced features and professional use require a license key purchase.

You can register the license key in the software, remove the license and renew maintenance of the license key. You can also review the license status.

A license key is tied to the user name. You must not use the same license key for multiple persons or user names. On Windows, the user name is the Windows user name (this is not the Microsoft account name you optionally may use to log into Windows). On macOS, the user name is the Mac Account name (this is not the name you may use to log into macOS). You can review the user name, that is used by Macro Recorder in the "About Macro Recorder" dialog window.

Macro Recorder requires an online connection for the short time of license authorization. You can disconnect Macro Recorder from the internet right after this short and one-time registration procedure. Please make sure that no firewall is preventing Macro Recorder from accessing the internet. Please note, that Macro Recorder must not necessarily have internet access just because you can browse the internet or receive email. You may run a firewall or security software, that is application aware and which may block just Macro Recorder. Macro Recorder must be able to access our license authorization server at "". You cannot use an IP address to call our authorization server as it sits behind a SSL proxy. Please pass this information to your IT administrator. If you cannot establish an internet connection under any circumstance, we suggest to run Macro Recorder from an USB stick. You can plug in the USB stick to any other computer that has an internet connection and register the license from there. Your license is then tied to the USB device and you can use Macro Recorder from the USB device from the computer without internet connection.

License Registration

Video tutorial

To register a license key to a Macro Recorder installation:
  1. Purchase a license in the online shop.
  2. You will receive a license key by email after payment. License keys begin with "MRO...-....-....".
  3. Copy the entire license key into the clipboard.
  4. Open the Macro Recorder main program window..
  5. Click "Help » Register license" in the main menu:

  6. Paste the clipboard containing the license key into the input box.
  7. Press "Register" to register your installation.

An internet connection is required to store the license key association to your hardware on your online license database (privacy policy).

License Removal

Video tutorial

To exchange a license key (after purchasing a maintenance renewal) or if you wish to move the license key to a different user name, you can de-register the license key from the current installation:

  1. Make sure you're logged in to your computer with the same username (or the same Mac account name if you are on a Mac) you used when you registered Macro Recorder.
  2. Open the program window.
  3. Click "Help » About Macro Recorder" in the main menu.
  4. Press "Remove license":

This operation requires an internet connection in order to delete the license key association in our online database (privacy policy).

If you already uninstalled Macro Recorder before deregistering the license key, please install the software again under the same user account under which you registered the license key and then perform the procedure described above.

Maintenance renewal

To renew maintenance for an existing registered installation:

  1. De-register the current license key.
  2. Register the new license key.

License status

To review the current license status and remaining maintenance term:

  1. Open the Macro Recorder program window.
  2. Click the Help » About Macro Recorder in the main menu:

Источник: []
Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

Eurotherm iTools Version 9.84 Release notes

iTools Features

iTools is available with different features enabled according to the level of functionality required.

The following features may be specified, in any combination, when obtaining iTools:

  • Configuration Software
  • Open OPC Server – allows 3rd-party client access to the OPC server
  • OPC Scope trending and logging
  • Standalone Programmer Editor
  • View Builder

It is possible to upgrade the set of available features by purchasing a new Product Key from Eurotherm.

Notes: –

The Configuration Software option is not charged for. However, it may be disabled by Product Key where it is specifically not required.

Whenever the Configuration Software option is specified, all other options (where not ordered) will operate in a demo mode as appropriate.

If OPC Scope trending and logging has not been specified, the OPC Scope program will still be available as a simple OPC client offering live textual displays.

Installing iTools

iTools is supplied on CD-ROM, or as a download from the Eurotherm web site.

Product Key

During iTools installation you will be asked for a Product Key. The key is a 20-character value in the format 01234-56789-ABCDE-F0123. You will find this number on the back of the CD case. The Product Key determines which iTools features are enabled. iTools version 5 and later are also compatible with 10-digit Product Keys supplied with earlier versions of iTools.

If you enter no Product Key, or an incorrect Product Key, iTools will install with Configuration Software available, as well as other features in Demo mode. This will apply where iTools was downloaded from the Eurotherm web site.

A new Product Key may be entered after installation, by selecting ‘Registration Information…’ from the Help menu in iTools.

System Requirements

The minimum requirement is:

  1. The PC must be running Windows 7, Windows 8*, Windows 8.1*, Windows 10*, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012* or Windows Server 2012 R2* (* consult support).
  2. The PC must be set to at least 65536 colors.
  3. At least 1 GB RAM is required (or the minimum specified by Microsoft if greater).
  4. iTools will use no more than 1 GB of disk space, but it is recommended to have a minimum of 4 GB free prior to installation.

Note: Installation must be performed by a user having Administrator privileges.

Note: the iTools FDT/DTM Library requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 be enabled/installed. For further information on installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, please see Microsoft’s page on ‘Installing the .NET Framework 3.5’.

Devices Supported

The following devices and versions are fully supported by iTools. Where a device is of the same type but a different version from those listed here, much of the iTools functionality may be expected to work correctly, but no support will be provided.

2116, 2132

Versions 1.20, 1.30, B1.40, B1.41, 1.43, A1.82

2108i, 2116i, 2132i

Version 1.00

2204, 2208, 2216

Version 1.30

2204e, 2208e, 2216e

Versions 2.06, 3.02, 3.03, A3.52, A3.53, A3.55, A3.56, 4.01, A4.02, A4.15 (FM unit)


Version 1.30

2404, 2408, 2416

Versions 3.01, 3.05, 3.06, A4.05, 4.09, 4.10, 4.11 (also versions 3.51, 3.55, 3.56, 4.29, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32, 4.59, 4.60, 4.61)


Versions 1.00, 1.01, 2.00, 3.00, 3.02


Versions 1.04, 1.06, 2.08, 2.09, 2.10, 2.22, 3.07, 3.26, 3.27, 3.30, 3.43, 3.56, 3.60, 3.62, 3.70, 4.00, 4.10, 4.21, 4.30


Versions 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 2.01, 2.04, 2.05, 3.00, 5.00, 5.05, 5.07, 5.09, 6.20, 6.30, 6.36


Version 5.20


Versions 2.01, 2.04, 3.03, 3.10, 4.00, 5.00, 5.05, 5.07, 5.09, 6.00, 6.10, 6.30, 6.40, 6.51, 6.55, 6.60

3116, 3216, 3208, 32h8, 3204

Versions 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.07, 2.08, 2.09, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.24, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, A2.65, A2.66, A2.83, A2.84, A2.88

3216i, 32h8i, 3204i

Versions 1.02, 1.03, A1.10


Versions 1.00, 1.10, 1.20

3504, 3508

Versions 1.04, 1.12, 1.21, 1.23, 1.30, 2.18, 2.19, 2.21, 2.30, 2.32, 2.33, A2.47, 2.60, 2.70, 2.80, 2.90, A3.08, 3.10, 3.20, 3.30, 3.40, 3.50

5000B, 5100E, 5100V, 5180V

Version 1.5 or later

6100A, 6180A, 6100XIO, 6180XIO

Version 1.0 or later


Versions 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.07, 3.00, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.06, 4.00, 4.02. 4.04, 4.06, 4.07, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 6.00

EPack 2 Phase/EPack 3 Phase

Version 5.00, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 6.00


Version 5.10, 6.00


Versions 2.00, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07, 3.08, 3.09, 3.10


Versions 1.04, 1.20, 2.00, 2.01, 2.10, 2.30, 2.40, 2.50, 2.60, 2.70, 2.82, 3.00, A2.91, A2.97


Versions A535, 2.00, 2.10, 2.20, 2.30, 3.01, 4.02, 4.20, 5.10, 5.50, 6.06, 7.04, 7.05, 8.10, 8.11, 8.14, 8.16, 8.19, A5.40, A5.44, A5.46, A5.47, A5.48, A5.49

piccolo P104, P108, P116

Versions 1.01, A1.10, A1.21, A1.22, A1.30, A1.50, A1.51

piccolo P304i, P304c

Version 1.0 or later


Versions 2.01, 2.02


Versions 2.24, 2.30, 2.33, 2.37


Versions 2.03, 2.07, 2.09, 3.02, 3.04, 4.02, 5.01


Versions 2.03, 2.04, 3.01, 4.01

Changes since Version 9.83

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for nanodac V9.01
  • Support added for versasac V2.41
  • Resolved following issues:
    • EPack V6.00
      • Resolved Scaling Factor cloning issue
      • Added support for Reduced Fieldbus IO Gateway

Changes since Version 9.82

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC2000 V4.01
  • Resolved following issues:
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater)
      • Installer updated to V2.5.0
    • General:
      • Resolved issue where once iTools has been minimised to the Windows task bar, it is not possible to restore it to view
      • Resolved issue where ViewRunning does not respect the configured Window dimensions
      • Other enhancements

Changes since Version 9.81

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC3000 V4.01
  • Support added for EPack V6.00
  • Support added for EPack 2 Phase V6.00
  • Support added for EPack 3 Phase V6.00
  • Support added for EPackECAT V6.00
  • Support added for nanodac V8.16
  • Support added for nanodac V8.19
  • Support for products with enhanced Cybersecurity Robustness

Changes since Version 9.80

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC3000 V4.02
  • Support added for EPC2000 V3.01
  • Support added for Nanodac V8.14
  • Support added for 3216 A2.67 including Wizard support
    • EPC3000:
      • Enforce minimum password length (EPC3000 V4 onwards)
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (EPC3000 V4 onwards)
      • Disabled clone save in operator mode (EPC3000 V4 onwards) as most configuration parameters are not accessible in operator mode for security reasons and would result in an incomplete clone file.
    • EPC2000:
      • Enforce minimum password length (EPC2000 V3 onwards)
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (EPC2000 V3 onwards)
      • Disabled clone save in operator mode (EPC2000 V3 onwards) as most configuration parameters are not accessible in operator mode for security reasons and would result in an incomplete clone file.
    • EPC3000:
      • Hide EPC3000 passcodes
      • Enforce minimum password length (for future version)
      • Resolved issue where EPC3000 passcode could be reset during clone-to-device
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (available on future EPC3000 versions)
    • 2704:
      • Resolved issue with loading 2704 UIP programmer file being unable to load PSP with decimal points.
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater):
      • Installer updated to V2.3.1
    • General:
      • Wizards: added temperature degrees symbol
      • Other minor enhancements

Changes since Version 9.79

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPackECAT V5.10
  • Support added for EPC3000 V3.04
  • Support added for EPC2000 V2.04
  • Support added for Versadac V2.37
  • Support added for Nanodac A5.47
  • Support added for Nanodac A5.44
  • Support added for Mini8 V3.00
  • Support added for Mini8 A2.97
  • Support added for 3200 A2.66
  • Support added for 3200i A110
  • Resolved following issues:
    • Nanodac:
      • Resolved clone-to-device issue where if the device supports config access password, and the clone requires multiple passes, and the clone file contains a config access password change, the subsequent clone passes will fail.
      • Resolved GWE Execution Break issue which could cause device to corrupt its wiring table – applied to nanodac V8.11 only
    • Versadac:
      • Resolved issue where when using the stand alone Security Manager tool, and if the versadac is not loaded into EuroMBus’ address space, the security configuration cannot be downloaded.
      • Resolved issue where login into Versadac would cause duplicate login requests to be submitted to device
      • Resolved GWE Execution Break issue which could cause device to corrupt its wiring table – applied to Versadac V2.37 only
    • EPC3000:
      • Hide EPC3000 passcodes
      • Enforce minimum password length (for future version)
      • Resolved issue where EPC3000 passcode could be reset during clone-to-device
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (available on future EPC3000 versions)
    • EPC2000:
      • Resolve issue where scanned EPC2000 will not flag the network port as a “Config Port”, and consequently attempt to scan all 255 MODBUS slave addresses instead of immediately finishing.
    • Mini8:
      • Resolved issue where TWE used old Invensys logo
      • Resolved issue where TWE does not display correct information
      • Resolved issue where TWE does not display correct EtherCAT connectors
    • 3200:
      • Resolved issue where Wizard does not displays specific help information for the Time field
    • 2604/2704:
      • Resolved issue where unable to download custom linearization tables
    • 2400:
      • Resolved issue where clone template contains partial programmer data
    • Eurotherm Firmware Upgrade Tool:
      • Resolve issue where EPC3000 is listed as upgradeable
    • iCloneLite:
      • Added support for prompting for config access username/password
    • ViewRunning/ViewBuilder
      • Resolved issue where is a OPC parameter goes offline, the ViewRunning will appear to continue to display a live value. Now displays “???”
    • iSecure/iSecure Offline
      • Resolved integrated email sending issue
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater)
      • Installer updated to V2.3.0
    • General:
      • Resolved issue where some parameters appear read only (blue) instead of alterable.
      • Improved clone-to-device handling during device reboot
      • Improved handling of writing long string values
      • Resolved issue where if OEM Security is enabled, “Send-To-Device” option is still active
      • Resolved issue where newly scanned and loaded device would perform 2 full synchronisations.
      • iTools “Add Device” dialog layout and formatting improvements
      • Other minor enhancements

Changes since Version 9.78

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC3000 V3.03
  • Support added for EPack V5.05
  • Support added for EPack 2/3 Phase V5.05
  • Support added for EPack V4.07
  • Enhanced EPack, EPower and EPC3000 FieldBus IO Gateway editors
  • Corrected issue where unable to program Send-to 3500
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version 9.77

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC2000 V2.03
  • Support added for EPC3000 V2.09
  • Support added for 3500 V3.50
  • Support added for 3500 A3.08
  • Enhanced EPack and EPower IO Gateway editors
  • Added support for Schneider Electric Software Updating tool to prompt users of iTools product software updates
  • Eurotherm Firmware Upgrade tool updated to supports EPC2000
  • Updated iTools installer and application icons with new Schneider-Electric based icons and graphics
  • Corrected issue when erasing string parameter value – was not deleting the entire string.
  • Reorganised clone-to-device messages to be clearer
  • Added shortcut to iTools Control Panel to Eurotherm iTools Advanced menu
  • Added language selection override option to iTools Control Panel
  • Resolved issue where iTools would not always detect enabling/disabling device OEM security, resulting in cloning or accessing certain editors being enabled/disabled wrongly
  • Resolved minor issues to allow iTools OPC Server to pass OPC DA2 Compliance tests
  • Resolved issue where the Blocks view context incorrectly switches to another unselected device
  • Resolved cloning to nanodac device via iTerm password issue
  • Resolved issue where User Pages editor was enabled for Mini8 device
  • Resolved 3200 Wizard timer tab issue
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version 9.76

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPack V5.04
  • Support added for EPack 2/3 Phase V5.04
  • Support added for EPack V3.06
  • Support added for EPack V4.06
  • Support added for 3500 V3.40
  • Support added for Nanodac V8.11
  • Support added for 3200 A2.88
  • Support added for Mini8 A2.91
  • Support added for EPC3000 V2.07
  • Issue with loading address space for versadac (other products could have also been affected) causing iTools/OPC Server to hang has been resolved
  • Issue with loading nanodac V8.10 clone files reporting BACnet password clone issues resolved

Changes since Version 9.75

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Issue with Windows 10 Version 1709 January 3 2018 update (KB4056892) causing iTools application to refuse to run (always prompt for password) has been resolved

Changes since Version 9.74

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Issue with 3200 A262 FLASH memory access and cloning resolved
  • Added P116 A151 support and wizard
  • Issue with unable to resynchronise devices if restoring saved server address space file
  • Issue with 2500 parameter list helpfile resolved
  • Issue with iSecureO and EPack current rate selection resolved

Changes since Version 9.73

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for nanodac V8.10
  • Support added for Piccolo A1.50
  • Issue with Parameter Explorer’s “Wired From” now resolved
  • Issue with EPack firmware upgrade tool unable to access upgrades through web proxies resolved

Changes since Version 9.72

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPack V4.04
  • Support added for EPack V5.02
  • Support added for EPack 2 and 3 Phase V5.02
  • Issue with saving clone file for a specific 3500 clone file/simulation configuration – this has now been resolved
  • Mini8 Clone File templates with pre V2.70 firmware versions compatibility issue with V2.70 and later versions – this has now been resolved

Changes since Version 9.71

EPC3000 Controller

iTools now supports the EPC3000 V2.03


Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version 9.70

EPower Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPower V3.10

Changes since Version 9.69

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack V3.04 and V4.02.


iTools now supports the P104, P108 and P116 controller version A1.40.

Changes since Version 9.68

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack 2 and 3 Phase version 5.00.

FDT/DTM Container Support

iTools now supports FDT/DTM container integration, allowing selected devices to be instantiated into compatible FDT/DTM containers.

The iTools FDT/DTM Library requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 be enabled/installed. For further information on installing the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, please see Microsoft’s page on ‘Installing the .NET Framework 3.5’.

Changes since Version 9.67

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPack version 4.00.

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version 7.05.

Changes since Version 9.66

nanodac Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version 7.04.

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPack version 3.03.

EPower Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPower version 3.09.



Previous versions of iTools were unable to load Setpoint Program (UIP) files saved by an early version of iTools (V6) for a 2704 controller – this is now resolved



V9.66 was unable to detect multiple devices of certain types connected to the same RS485/422 MODBUS or MODBUS/TCP network – this is now resolved


Changes since Version 9.65

nanodac Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version 6.06.

Changes since Version 9.64

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8 version 2.80 with PT100/PT1000.

Piccolo SSi Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Piccolo SSi and SSi FM controllers.

Piccolo ERO Replacement Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Piccolo ERO replacement controller.

nanodac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing nanodac device support:

  • Opening Graphical Wiring Editor (GWE) would sometimes display warning about unavailable blocks – this is now fixed


Changes since Version 9.63

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version 3.02.

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8 version 2.70 with EtherCAT.

nanodac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing nanodac device support:

  • Previous version of iTools was missing the nanoDAC V5.50 Standalone Program Edtior template files – this is now fixed


versadac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing versadac device support:

  • The iTools Clone File format for versaDAC devices has been improved
  • Previous version of iTools was missing the versaDAC V2.33 parameter helpfile – this is now fixed


Changes since Version 9.62

nanodac Recorder

iTools now supports the nanodac Recorder version 5.50, A5.40, A5.46.

Corrected following issues with existing nanodac devices support:

  • OEM Entry list incorrectly displayed Invalid Address
  • “Encrypted” parameters wrongly displayed



Corrected following issue with existing 3500 devices support:

  • Updating GWE when connected via Serial MODBUS comms, including via Config Clip, fails



iTools now supports the 3200 controller versions A2.83, A2.84.


iTools now supports the P104, P108 and P116 controller version A1.10.

Changes since Version 9.60

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version 2.33.

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller versions 2.07 and 3.00.

Changes since Version 9.59

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version 2.30.

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version 2.04, and includes improvements to the EPack Firmware Upgrade tool.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.08.

Programmer Editor

Previous versions of iTools had an issue where, if the computer’s locale defined the decimal point separator as anything other than “.”, reloading of the program segment RampRate data would fail. This is now resolved.

Non-ASCII characters in Clone Files

Previous versions of iTools included several issues relating to character sets used in clone files, which are resolved in this release.

Changes since Version 9.57

piccolo P304i, P304c

Support is added for P304i and P304c Melt Pressure indicator and controller.


Previous versions of iTools included a problem where access to versadac devices from iTools could fail on systems using some non-European locales. This is now resolved.

Standalone Programmer Editor

The standalone Programmer Editor now has its own help file.

View Builder

iTools 9.55 introduced several problems with View Builder which are now resolved.

Changes since Version 9.56

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version 2.03.

Model 2604/2704 Controllers

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2704 controller, version 6.60.

iTools 9.55 introduced a problem that prevented custom linearization tables from being included in clone files saved from 2604 and 2704 controllers. This is now resolved.

Terminal Wiring Editor

iTools 9.56 introduced a problem whereby the Terminal Wiring editor would show the wrong pinout for a single relay in module 3 of 3504 controllers. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version 9.55

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.07.

Changes since Version 9.00

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version 2.24, including support for the versadac security model and new editors for versadac Security and Batch configuration. See the versadac User Guide for full details.


The mechanism for setting the runtime language of iTools has been modified. As before, the default is to use the locale defined for Windows, but this may now be overridden through the Localization tab of the server settings dialog in the iTools OPC Server.

iTools Remote DCOM connection to OPC Server

This little-used feature of iTools Engineering Studio has been removed. The feature has become increasingly difficult to set up correctly due to changes in Windows, and would not have performed will with more feature-rich instruments such as versadac.

DDE server in OPC Scope

This little-used feature of OPC Scope has been removed. DDE has long been deprecated by Microsoft and has become increasingly difficult to support reliably. Alternative transports based on OPC should be used.

Changes since Version 8.76

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version 2.02, including a new discovery protocol for rapid network location of EPack devices. This discovery protocol uses Bonjour zero-configuration networking.

Changes since Version 8.74


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 5.10.

Model 2604/2704 Controllers

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2604 controller, version 6.36, and model 2704 controller, version 6.55.

EPower Remote Display Unit

iTools now supports the 32h8e remote display unit version 1.20 for EPower.

Fix for nanodac programmer file errors

Previous versions of iTools had an issue whereby program files saved onto the PC via the iTools Programmer Editor did not contain the program name parameters. This caused an issue when programs were later loaded via FTP or a USB stick, as the device program retained the same name as it had prior to loading. This is resolved in iTools 8.76.

Clone file changes for 3216

Changes were made to the default clone file templates for 3216 to prevent the OP3 list erroneously appearing on the simulated device panel.

Changes since Version 8.73


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 4.20.

Changes since Version 8.70

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 3.30.


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 4.11.

Fix for nanodac programmer file errors

Previous versions of iTools had an issue that meant that programmer files saved from a nanodac device’s UI could not always be loaded properly in the iTools Programmer Editor, and vice versa. This applied only where the decimal separator character on the computer was set to be something other than the point (.) character. This is resolved in iTools 8.73.

In addition, previous versions of iTools had an issue that could prevent values in the Program Parameters list from being set when loading a program in the Programmer Editor. This is resolved in iTools 8.73.

Changes since Version 8.68


Support is added for P104, P108 and P116 controllers, version 1.00.

Fix for possible comms errors

iTools 8.68 introduced a problem whereby occasional non-critical communications errors could occur leading to loss of information such as layout data used by the Graphical Wiring Editor. This is resolved in iTools 8.70.

Changes since Version 8.65

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version 2.60.

Changes since Version 8.60


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 4.02.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.06.

Fix for 3500 series panel view

iTools 8.60 introduced a problem whereby the iTools remote panel view of 3500 series controllers was slightly corrupted. This is resolved in iTools 8.65.

Changes since Version 8.46


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 3.01, including Programmer and Terminal Wiring editors.

Changes since Version 8.44

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 3.20.

Fix for cloning problem

iTools 8.44 introduced a problem whereby the process of cloning to a device could erroneously be reported as having failed. This was seen particularly with 2604 and 2704 controllers. This is resolved in iTools 8.46.

Changes since Version 8.40


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 2.30.

Changes since Version 8.30


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 2.20.

Changes since Version 8.25

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.05.

Changes since 8.18

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version 2.50.

Changes since Version 8.02

OPC Scope

OPC Scope has been enhanced with new features. Any item may now be assigned a custom Display Name (or alias). Trend charts support a new Vertical Trend mode, in addition to the existing horizontal mode.


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 2.10.

Changes since Version 8.00

Signed/Unsigned Integers

iTools 8.00 introduced a problem whereby Modbus scaled integer registers were, under some circumstances, rendered into unsigned rather than signed values. This has now been resolved.

Changes since Version 7.70


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version 2.00.

Changes since Version 7.69

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 3.10.

View Builder

Versions 7.68 and 7.69 included a problem that sometimes prevented view files from being successfully edited if they were created with earlier iTools versions. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version 7.68

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 2.90.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.04.

Changes since Version 7.62

Changes in supported Windows versions

Usage on Windows 7 is now supported.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.03.

Changes since Version 7.60

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.02.

Changes since Version 7.55

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.01.

Check for Updates

A facility to check for a newer iTools version is now available from the Help menu in iTools Engineering Studio. This relies on the presence of an Internet connection.

OPC Scope

OPC Scope is enhanced with new two options allowing: (i) log files to record item quality and timestamp data, and (ii) charted data points to be connected using stepped lines rather than ramps.

View Runner

Recent versions of View Runner included a problem that prevented use of custom enumeration strings in DropDown components when linked to Boolean parameters. This is now resolved.

Serial Ports

iTools now recognizes serial ports up to COM16 by default. This change is needed because USB-connected serial ports now frequently appear at positions above COM8 (the previous default maximum).

Changes since Version 7.51

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 2.80.

3200 Configuration Wizard

Versions 7.50 and 7.51 of iTools included a problem that prevented Message editing within the 3200 series Configuration Wizard. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version 7.50

3200 Series Devices

Support is added for 3200 series controllers version 2.13.

Changes since Version 7.30

Model 2704 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2704 controller, version 6.51.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 3.00.

Copy/Paste between Parameter Lists

iTools 7.30 included a problem which prevented copy and paste of values between parameter lists in iTools Engineering Studio. This is now resolved.

2200 Series Faceplates

iTools 7.30 included a problem which caused the wrong instrument faceplate to be displayed for certain 2200 series controllers. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version 7.20

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 2.03, plus 32h8e remote display unit version 1.10.

Terminal Wiring Editor

Previous versions included a problem whereby the Terminal Wiring editor would show the wrong pinout for an RS422 module on 3216 controllers. This is now resolved.

Programmer Editor

Previous versions included a problem in the Programmer editor with handling of GoBack settings for 3500 series dual sync mode. There was also a problem with setting up of Call segments during 2400 series off-line configuration. These issues are now resolved.

Changes since Version 7.10

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 2.02, plus 32h8e remote display unit version 1.00.

View Builder Support for Additional OPC Servers

iTools View Builder may now be used to create Views for any OPC Data Access 2.0 server. This selection is made from the Edit menu for a newly created View, before any components have been placed. Each View still operates in the context of a single OPC server only.

Resolution for Mini8 Multi-dropping Issue

Versions 7.00 and 7.10 of iTools included a problem whereby a scan operation would find only one out of multiple Mini8 controllers on a multi-dropped communications link. This is resolved in iTools 7.20.

Fix for Windows Registry Problem

A fault in the iTools setup program for versions 7.00 and 7.10 sometimes led to a Windows Registry key being deleted in error during uninstallation or upgrade of iTools. This Registry key is “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders”. This issue is resolved in iTools 7.20. However, installing iTools 7.20 may still expose the problem when upgrading from iTools 7.00 or 7.10. A workaround is to manually backup this Registry key prior to the upgrade, and restore it when the upgrade is complete.

Fix for Copy/Paste problem in iTools View Builder

iTools 7.10 introduced a problem which prevented copy and paste of components within View Builder. This is resolved in iTools 7.20.

Graphical Wiring Editor

Several minor problems with the iTools Graphical Wiring Editor have been resolved.

Changes since Version 7.00

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version 2.00.

3200 Series Devices

Support is added for 3200 series controllers versions 2.12 and 2.32 (VP).

Clearer Display of Device Synchronization State

The device list panel of iTools Engineering Studio now shows a specific icon for devices which are not yet synchronized. This information is useful because some iTools editors are not available until synchronization is complete. Note: a synchronized device is one for which iTools has extracted all key configuration information into its internal parameter database.

OPC Scope Decimal Places

OPC Scope now provides an option for controlling the number of displayed decimal places, similar to that found in iTools Engineering Studio.

Text String Parameters in Watch/Recipe Editor

The ability to write to text string parameters using recipe data sets has been added.

Resolution for Multi-dropping Issue

Version 7.00 introduced a problem whereby iTools may not successfully connect to all instruments on a multi-dropped (e.g. RS485) communications link. This is resolved in iTools 7.10.

Resolution for Graphical Wiring Editor Copy/Paste Issue

Version 7.00 introduced a problem with the Graphical Wiring Editor. Graphics copied and pasted into other programs (e.g. Microsoft Word) sometimes suffered from font scaling problems, making the copied diagram difficult to interpret. This is resolved in iTools 7.10.

Resolution for 2704 User Pages Editor Issue

Version 7.00 introduced a problem with the 2704 User Pages Editor when running on Windows XP or Windows Vista. The faceplate view within this editor would frequently not highlight the available and selected fields. This is resolved in iTools 7.10.

Changes since Version 6.52.2

Graphical Wiring Editor support for Compounds

Within iTools Engineering Studio, the Graphical Wiring Editor now allows wiring diagrams to be split across multiple nested pages. This concept is known as Compounding: within the main page, a selected group of blocks and wires may be converted into a Compound. This causes them to subsequently appear as a single block on the main page, with the contents of the Compound being ‘pushed down’ to a subsidiary page.

OPC Compliance

iTools OPC Server has been tested successfully by Eurotherm using the OPC Data Access 2.05a Compliance Test tool. This suite of tests includes stress and performance testing, as well as validation of compliance with the relevant OPC DA 2.05a standard. The self-certification test results are available on the OPC Foundation web site: –

OPC Scope Readout Cursor

OPC Scope now includes a readout cursor facility, allowing for precise review of item values within the chart display. The readout cursor is activated by double-clicking in the chart whilst in review mode.

Changes in supported Windows versions

Usage on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista is now supported. Support for Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT 4.0 is now withdrawn.

Theming support on Windows XP and Windows Vista

Most iTools programs will now make use of the theming support built into Windows XP and Windows Vista, where enabled. As a result, small changes have been made to the layout of some iTools screens.

View Builder

A problem has been resolved that caused iTools View Builder to generate access violation errors on some systems.

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 2.70.

Changes since Version 6.52.1

Model 2604 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2604 controller, version 6.30.

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version 2.30.

Changes since Version 6.52

3200 Series Devices

Support is added for 3200 series controllers versions 2.11 and 2.31 (VP).

Changes since Version 6.50

This release corrects a small number of problems which existed in the previous version.

Model 2704 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2704 controller, version 6.40.

3200 Series Devices

Support is added for 3200 series controllers versions 2.10 and 2.30 (VP).

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 2.60.

Changes since Version 6.44

This release corrects a small number of problems which existed in the previous version.

Model 2500 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 2580 controller, version 3.70.

Model 3216i/32h8i/3204i Indicators

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model 3216i/32h8i/3204i indicators, version 1.03.

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version 2.10.

Changes since Version 6.42

This section identifies the major changes to iTools. Further changes may be listed in the ‘Release Notes’ section of the iTools help file.

3200 Series Devices

Support is added for 3200 series controllers versions 2.09 and 2.29 (VP).

Changes since Version 6.40

This release corrects a small number of problems which have been present since iTools 6.00 or earlier. See the ‘Release Notes’ section of the iTools help file for more information.

3500 Series Devices

Support is added for 3500 series controllers version 2.30.

Changes since Version 6.20

Terminal Wiring Editor

The Terminal Wiring Editor in iTools Engineering Studio now supports Mini8.

iTools Wizards

iTools Wizards now support report generation at the end of the configuration process. This facility is identical to that included within iTools Engineering Studio.

iTools OPC Service

Источник: []

What’s New in the Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Macro Recorder 2.31 serial key or number

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