Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

Create or re-create the manicapital.com file

manicapital.com is QuickBooks Desktop installation file containing license information that is retrieved and validated every time QuickBooks Desktop is activated. If this file is damaged, QuickBooks Desktop will not open and you will need to recreate manicapital.com as part of troubleshooting.

  • Performing these steps do not affect your company file.
  • You need your license and product numbers when creating the manicapital.com file.

Locate your license and product numbers
Log into My Account to view the license numbers of all your QuickBooks products, or you can try the following:

  • For a downloaded product purchased online or from a sales agent, look in the purchase confirmation email you received from Intuit.
  • If you purchased QuickBooks on a CD, look for the a brightly colored sticker on the original CD envelope.
  • ProAdvisors:
    • You can locate your installation codes on the ProAdvisor Software & Licenses page (login required).
    • Look for the fulfillment email you received with the license and product numbers for the latest version of QuickBooks.

If you previously registered your QuickBooks software, you can get help finding your license number or key code with our License and Key Code Lookup tool.
(ProAdvisors: This tool will not work for licenses included in your ProAdvisor software package, but it will work for copies of QuickBooks you ordered separately.)

If you haven't registered your product, contact us for support.

Make sure you have the required proof of purchase

  • If you purchased QuickBooks or Point of Sale directly from Intuit, give the Order Number from your Intuit packing slip to the Intuit customer service representative when you call. You can look up your Intuit order number from the Order Status page.
  • If you purchased QuickBooks or Point of Sale from a local retailer, send your proof of purchase information to QBG-CSGroup@manicapital.com before you call customer service. Include your company name, contact information, and the following information:
    • Store sales receipt or invoice
    • Box bottom where the UPC bar code appears
    • CD holder where the license number should appear
    • The front of the actual program CD

Create the manicapital.com file

  1. Browse to the QuickBooks folder where manicapital.com should be located.
    Location: C:\ProgramData\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks
    Quick tip:Display hidden files and folders if you do not see the folders listed.
  2. If manicapital.com already exists, rename it to manicapital.com.
  3. Open a Notepad.
    1. On your keyboard, press Windows+R top open the Run command.
    2. Enter notepad in the Open field, then click OK.
  4. Copy the following text into the Notepad.
    Note:The bold red text will appear as regular text in Notepad.

    <?xml version=""?>
    <VERSION number="xx.x">
    <FLAVOR name="version">


  5. After pasting the text into Notepad, replace the bold red items accordingly:xx.x
    • Replace with if you have QuickBooks Desktop
    • Replace with if you have QuickBooks Desktop
    • Replace with if you have QuickBooks Desktop


    • Replace with pro if you have QuickBooks Pro.
    • Replace with superpro if you have QuickBooks Premier (not Accountant Edition).
    • Replace with accountant if you have QuickBooks Premier Accountant Edition.
    • Replace with bel if you have QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions (not Accountant Edition).
    • Replace with belacct if you have QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions Accountant Edition.

    • Replace with your QuickBooks installation product number.

    • Replace with your QuickBooks license number.

    FOR MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF QUICKBOOKS INSTALLED ON ONE COMPUTER,include an additional copy of the italicized text (from) in manicapital.com file. This copy should be pasted after </VERSION>. You will need to replace the boldface items in the new section with the appropriate values corresponding to each unique version of QuickBooks.

  6. Save the file with the name manicapital.com.
    1. On the File menu, select Save.
    2. In the Save as type list, select All Files.
    3. Choose the same directory specified in step 1 (C:\ProgramData\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks).

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Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

How to Hide Folders on Mac

Because I really don’t want to rile up all you wonderful Mac users, I’ve decided to do a follow-up on the whole hiding your folders in plain view dilemma.

If haven’t done so already, be sure to check out my article on how to hide your files, folders, and disk drives; it may not apply to Mojave or whatever else OS you’re running, but at least you’ll get an idea of what you’re up against. So, how do you hide folders on Mac?

Get yourself acquainted with the Terminal (Mac’s version of Windows’ command prompt) because, as it happens, it’s the only way to hide folders on Mac without resorting to third-party tools. Let’s dig in.

How to Hide Folders on Mac – Quick and Painless Version

If you really don’t want to trouble yourself with code, there’s a very easy and extremely fast way to hide your folders on Mac -by using the FileVault.

Basically, it turns your hard-drive in a Fort Knox-like vault which cannot be opened without the proper cipher, which in this case is the username and password associated with your admin account.

Yes, I know it’s like curing the disease by killing the patient, but I did say that it’s the easiest way to go about hiding your folders. Anyway, here’s what you’ll need to do, should you choose to use FileVault for masking your files, folders, and everything in between.

Step 1. Click on the Apple icon located in the upper-left corner of your screen.

Step 2. Click on System Preferences.

Step 3. Click on Security & Privacy.

Step 4. Head to the FileVault tab (it’s right next to the General tab).

Step 5. Click on the padlock icon to make changes.

Step 6. Click on the Turn On FileVault button.

Step 7. In the next dialog box, select the recovery method. You can choose between iCloud and generating a local recovery key. I, for one, would go with the later version since it’s more secure (no use compromising two accounts if your password gets stolen).

Here’s what’s going to happen if you use the local recovery key method: you will be taken to another dialog box where you will be going to see a system-generated code.

It looks very much like a Windows or antivirus activation key. Put this code in a new document or something. That the recovery key you’ll be using in case you don’t remember the password.

Step 8. Click on Continue.

Step 9. Click again on the Continue button to finish the process.

That’s it! Now FileVault will begin encrypting all the data on your drive. Depending on your specs, this process can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days.

Don’t worry too much about ending up with a potato computer; you’ll still be able to surf the web, watch movies, or play games because everything happens in the background.

One more thing: don’t forget to hook up your Mac to the power outlet. You really wouldn’t want to run out of juice in the middle of a procedure involving the drive on which your entire data is stored.

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 How to hide folders on Mac using Terminal

There’s also a way to hide folders on Mac, but it involves using the Terminal. Don’t worry; it’s just a couple of command lines. Nothing too fancy or complicated. So, here’s how to hide files/folders using Terminal.

Step 1. Click on Finder.

Step 2. From the left panel, select Applications.

Step 3. Scroll down until you see Utilities. Double-click to enter the Utilities menu.

Step 4. Double-click on Terminal.

Step 5. Type in the following line:

chflags hidden

Step 6. Create a new folder on your desktop. Fill it with stuff that you want to hide.

Step 7. Drag-and-drop the folder on to the Terminal window. If you look closely, you’ll see that the folder’s path has appeared.

Step 8. Press Return to hide the folder.

Great! Now that your folder’s out of sight, out of mind, let’s see how we go about accessing it. There are three ways to access hidden files and folders.

Method 1 – Using the Go to Folder function

From the Go menu, select Go to Folder.  In the dialog box that appears on your screen, type in the path of your hidden folder. Don’t forget to include the “~” sign before the path.

It should look something like this: “~/Desktop/MyHiddenFiles”

Method 2 – Using the Open/Dialog function

Double-click on Finder and select Desktop from Favorites. Press the Show items as icons, in a list, in columns, or in the library (the pictogram looks like a rectangle divided by to straight lines). You may need to perform this operation a couple of times before the folder becomes visible.

Method 3 – Show hidden files in Finder

It’s possible to see a hidden file in Finder, but you will need to tinker a bit with Terminal. So, fire up your Terminal, and type in the following line:

defaults write manicapital.com AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

Press Return to continue. After that, please type in or paste the following line:

killall Finder

Again, press return, go to Finder, and there you are – what was once hidden, can now be seen. Enjoy!

How to hide folders on your Mac by using Terminal Aliases

Aliases are macros or shortcuts to various commands. Albeit temporary, we can easily turn this into a more permanent solution. Again, you will need to fiddle around with the Terminal. So, here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step 1. Open the Terminal.

Step 2. Type in or paste the following line:

sudo nano ~/.bash_profile

Step 3. When prompted, type in the username and password associated with your active admin account.

Step 4. Press Return to continue.

Step 5. Scroll down to the end of the open .bash_profile.

Step 6. Type in or paste the following line:

alias showFiles=’defaults write manicapital.com AppleShowAllFiles  YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/manicapital.com

Step 7. Navigate to the following line and type in or paste the following:

alias hideFiles=’defaults write manicapital.com AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/manicapital.com

Step 8. Save the file.

Step 9. Exit Terminal.

That’s about it. Now, the next time you will launch Finder, all desired folders will be hidden.

Even more ways to hide files and folders on your Mac

As they say, there’s more than one way to skin something (please don’t say “cat”). So, if you found that the methods described are much too difficult, here are a couple of more ways to hide folders on Mac.

Using the “mv” command

The “mv” command in Terminal moves a file or folder from one place to another. How does this help you? Here’s the trick: the “mv” command moves the folder from its original location to a period folder.

Now, by default, period folders are hidden because they contain system-critical information. Basically, it’s the same thing as moving files or folders to your System32 folder in Windows.

To make files invisible in this manner, open Terminal and type in mv filename .filename.  Replace “filename” with the name of the file you want to hide and the “.filename” parameter with the name of the system-protect file.

Deploy Apple’s Developer Tools

If you’re in the mood to do a bit of tweaking, download and deploy one of Apple’s Dev Tools and enter the following command in Terminal: setfile -a V <name of the file you want to hide>. The name of the file should follow the “V” parameter without the “<>”. This command will set the file’s attribute to invisible.

Dump everything in the Library folder

When everything else fails, try the Library folder. It’s hidden by default, making it the ideal place to store top-secret stuff. Just fire up your Finder, navigate to Finder, right-click, create a new folder, and drag all the files in there.

Use third-party file-hiding software

You can also use special software to keep your folders away from prying eyes. The best ones are Altomac and Hide Folders. However, there are also open-source alternatives such as AES Crypt, Axcrypt, or File Lock PE. Give them a try if you’re looking to beef up your account’s privacy.


That’s it on how to hide folders on Mac computer. Know any more methods? Hit the comments section and let me know.

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Источник: [manicapital.com]
Quick Folder Finder serial key or number

Make your Open and
Save dialogs work as
quickly as you do


Supports macOS's Dark Mode

Track recently used files in every app

Reopen recently closed Finder windows

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Default Folder X enhances the Open and Save dialogs in all of your applications so you can…

Go faster: Quickly navigate through folders with hierarchical menus that expand as you mouse over them.Do it all: Preview, tag, rename, compress, delete or add comments to files in any Open or Save dialog.Just click: Need to save a file in a folder you have open in the Finder? Just click on the Finder window!

Directory Assistant

Access your recent, favorite, and open folders from DFX's toolbar. Hierarchical pop-up menus let you quickly navigate through folders to get to your files.

Real Time Saving

If you're constantly saving things inside the same folder, DFX can remember that folder for you. Or you can set it as the default folder for an application so you're in the right folder from the start.

Finder Management

DFX lets you open up or save to any Finder window with a single click. It also lets you get info on, duplicate, rename, and delete existing files, putting the Finder's power in every Open and Save dialog.

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At Your Fingertips

Get places fast by using keyboard shortcuts for your favorite folders. Or jump to recent folders and open Finder windows with a keystroke. DFX's shortcuts are completely configurable.

Spotlight on the Spot

Tag your files or edit your Spotlight comments from within any Open or Save dialog. Don't remember what tags you used before? DFX shows you all of your recently used tags - just drag and drop.
Источник: [manicapital.com]

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