CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

PersonalEffect Version 9.4.1 with Circle


Last Updated: February 04, 2019

New Features

XMPie® is pleased to announce the release of PersonalEffect version 9.4.1 build 11219.

This version provides new features and enhancements as described below.

See also Circle release notes.

This is a maintenance release that improves performance and fixes several software issues.

Support for Adobe CC-2019

This version supports Adobe CC-2019 version 14.0.


●     See Photoshop/Illustrator configuration when using Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator CC-2019.

●     See Compatibility for Adobe restrictions.

XMPie Email Service (XES) Version 3.5

PersonalEffect 9.4 now includes XMPie Email Service (XES) version 3.5.

See also XES release notes.

uImage Interactive Mode

uImage now runs in the foreground (not in Windows session 0). This enables interaction with Photoshop/Illustrator popup windows.  

 This has the following implications:

●     Photoshop/Illustrator are now visible during production, and must not be closed manually.

●     Photoshop/Illustrator run under a logged-in user, which must not be logged out.

Updated .NET Framework and ODBC Driver

PersonalEffect runs on the latest .NET framework (4.7.2) and with the latest ODBC driver.

This requires enabling the SQL Browse Service on the SQL server.

Interactive PDF Production

PersonalEffect provides the ability to generate interactive PDFs for use with your digital marketing. You can produce interactive PDF files which include interactive links, buttons, bookmarks and form elements such as checkboxes and radio buttons.
Links can also be personalized using the Link ADOR.

Production of an interactive PDF is available via the uProduce Dashboard or in Connectivity mode.

True Type Collection (TTC) Files

PersonalEffect now supports TrueType Collection (TTC) files. A TTC is a means of delivering multiple fonts, which share glyph sets or other common font tables, in a single file structure.

True Type Font collections are supported for InDesign and XLIM documents. XLIM documents support TTC fonts in PDF and PDF/VT output formats.

EPUB Composition

It is now possible to produce output files in EPUB (electronic publication) format. EPUB is the most widely-used file format for digital books. EPUB files can be downloaded and read on devices such as smartphones, tablets, e-readers or computers.

You can choose between two EPUB file formats - Reflowable and Fixed.

SecureID Generator

One of the GDPR requirements is not to use personal identifiable information (PII) in the recipient key, in order to avoid unwanted exposure of citizen personal information, and prevent webpages from being accessed by hackers. Finding the recipient key pattern and guessing its values may cause data breaches.

The recommended solution is that each recipient has its own unique and non-guessable identifier in all recipient lists that are used by XMPie systems.

uPlan provides the SecureID function, which generates a secure ID. These secure IDs can be used as the XMPie recipient key, and in this way avoid PII in the recipient key.

PNG and JPG Production

You can now produce print output files in PNG and JPG formats from both XLIM and INDD documents. The bleed option is available for these formats.

Encrypted PDF Support in uStore document submission

uStore Composite product now supports the upload of encrypted PDF files.

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues.

Support for Adobe CC-2018

This version supports Adobe CC-2018 version 13.0.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Compliance

The uProduce GDPR solution focuses on automatic deletion of:

●     Local and file-based data sources

●     Completed, failed or aborted jobs and their outputs

●     Temporary storage

By default, new data sources that are added to uProduce will be marked as non-permanent, which means that they will be deleted from the system 30 days after their creation date to comply with GDPR regulations. You may set specific data sources as permanent to prevent their deletion.

This feature requires installation of the GDPR patch.

For further details, see GDPR Guidelines for XMPie Products and Using uProduce with GDPR Patch.

Support for New Barcodes

Support for two new barcodes has been added: UPU S10 and Royal Mail Mailmark 4-state.

●     UPU S10 is used internationally for the sorting and tracking of postal items. The barcode defined by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) encodes 13 digits and is mainly based on Code-128, but can also be implemented with Code-39.

●     Royal Mail 4-state Mailmark is used by retail and network access services for identifying post items.
There are two types of 4-state Mailmark barcodes available: Type L (long) for Domestic Sorted and Unsorted customers. Type C for Domestic Sorted "Consolidator" customers.

XMPie Email Service (XES) Version 3.3.2

PersonalEffect 9.2 now includes XMPie Email Service (XES) version 3.3.2.

See also XES release notes.

eCompose Integration with uProduce

XMPie has introduced a new capability in PersonalEffect, the integration of the VIPP workflow into uProduce.

Customers can upload existing VI Project Container (.vpc) files to uProduce and perform the following:

●     Generate from them PDF/VT documents

●     Extract a .vpc file created in VI Design Express into the following XMPie components: Plan, Data source and Document (.vpc).

●     Perform additional actions with the components, such as:

●   Replace the data source

●   Add new documents, such as InDesign/XLIM, email or web to the campaign, and apply the extracted data/logic onto these documents to create consistent new media.

This new solution can be purchased as a turn-key system or as an add-on to an existing PersonalEffect system.

Static Document Upload to the Server

uCreate now enables to upload a static document to the server using the "Save on XMPie Server" option.

Filler Pages

PersonalEffect enables to control the variable number of pages composed per recipient, adding or deleting pages to determine the number of pages in the output. For example, if each sheet contains 4 pages, such as in the case of a booklet, you will probably want the booklet to reach multiples of 4 pages per record.

Filler pages can be placed at the beginning or the end of the document, before or after the cover pages.

Filler pages can be added as blank pages, or can be designed with personalized content.

The Filler Pages functionality is available for InDesign composition to PDF/VT, from uProduce and via uCreate Print connectivity.

Internal Use Fields

PersonalEffect enables to mark recipient fields for internal use in uPlan.

Internal fields are usually fields that are not a part of the recipient data, but are used for the campaign, such as email touchpoint form fields or mail sorting fields.

Internal use fields are not visible to the uStore shopper when uploading a recipient list. In addition, they are optional when uploading a data source to Circle.

User-Friendly uCreate Print Menus

uCreate Print menu items where reordered to create a better user experience.

PNG Proof

Proof now allows a PNG output from the Dashboard and using the APIs. This enables to produce images with transparency.

Separate File per Record

For PDF, PDF/VT and Legacy PDF, you can now choose to create a separate print output file for each recipient. This is useful for electronic distribution of output files.

Support for Windows Server 2016

Personal Effect, along with all other XMPie products, now support Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition.

Note that Xerox FreeFlow Core does not yet support Windows Server 2016. If PersonalEffect and FreeFlow Core are installed on the same server, Windows Server 2012 R2 should be used instead.

uProduce Dashboard Password Policy

uProduce dashboard password policy was changed to enhance security. Now, when creating a new user (admin or regular user) or changing a password, a strong password format is required. This applies to Marketing Console as well since the same uProduce user is used to access Marketing Console.

Secure uCreate Print Connectivity

uCreate Print can now securely connect to uProduce and Circle via HTTPS.

Once an SSL certificate is installed on uProduce, uCreate Print can start communicating seamlessly with uProduce via HTTPS.

XMPie Email Service (XES) Version 3.0.5

PersonalEffect 9.0.4 now includes XMPie Email Service (XES) version 3.0.5.

See also XES release notes.

Ability to Customize the Quality of XLIM Proof Resource

In the XMPiEQualityProof.joboptions file it is now possible to customize the quality of the XLIM proof resource in PDFs. For the new definitions to take effect, you must either export the document to XLIM CPKG/DPKG, or resave the file to uProduce via Connectivity.

XMPie Email Service (XES) - Delivery Provider

XMPie Email Service (XES) offers a commercial-grade solution for personalized email delivery and tracking.

The service's email delivery uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) ensuring an integrated and effective solution. XES is a cost-effective email service integrated with the reliable and scalable infrastructure that developed to serve its customer base.

XES is an easy way for sending and receiving emails using your own email addresses and powers permission-based email delivery and reporting.

For further details, see XES Help.

Project-Template Capabilities (GA)

PersonalEffect version 9.0.2, together with Circle Business Edition, supports Project-Template capabilities.

A template is a model project which is intended for duplication e.g., for each branch.  Using templates, you can create an off-the-shelf project for the brand and each branch can purchase an instance of the template.  Each instance is a duplication of the template and is a fully-functional independent project that can be fine-tuned for the specific branch needs.

This feature facilitates the Campaign-on-Demand solution, for selling customizable and personalizabe cross-media campaigns through uStore.

Support for Adobe CC-2017

This version supports Adobe CC-2017, released by Adobe on November 2016.

PersonalEffect Now Runs in 64-bit Operating Systems

XMPie supports the following products in 64-bit mode only: uCreate Print, uPlan, uProduce and uImage.

Customers using QLingo extensions, please refer to Creating QLingo Extensions in the XMPie Knowledge Base.

Project-Instance Capability (Beta)

It is possible to maximize ROI by taking advantage of 2G projects using templates and instances. This feature enables to set up a template to serve as a model project. The template is copied as the basis of an instance. Each instance is a fully-functional independent project that shares the template's website. Each instance can be customized to meet the needs of a specific customer.  


●     PersonalEffect Cross Media version 9.0 and above

●     Circle account must be Business Edition

●     Administrator or Power Builder user permissions

Templates and instances are part of the beta release and are not recommended for use at this stage.

Circle Connectivity in uCreate Print

When opening Circle projects from uCreate Print, in addition to the Project option, you can now select also Templates and Instances.

Template and instance are part of the beta release and are not recommended for use at this stage.

Print Production Performance Improvement

This version includes an increased ability to handle large amount of jobs simultaneously, and increased scalability of systems with multiple production extensions.

uCreate Print/uProduce Connectivity Enhancements for Better Productivity

●     Improved performance

Transfer of content between uCreate Print and XMPie server has been significantly improved, and as a result opening and saving of documents is now much faster.

●     uCreate Print automatic check for version compatibility withuProduce

This feature checks the uCreate Print version compatibility when connecting to the XMPie server, and provides easy access for downloading the correct version.

This prevents the use of mismatched versions which is not supported and may result in unexpected behavior.

In case of a mismatch, a warning message is displayed and a link for downloading the correct uCreate Print installers is provided. 

Spot Colors for Barcodes

When using barcodes in print, it is now possible to have the barcodes in spot colors. Spot colors may appear in any part of the barcode – foreground color, background color and readable text. This is available only for PDF and PDF/VT output formats.

Spot Colors for XLIM (PE Pro Only)

It is possible to use spot colors in a XLIM document for both dynamic text and dynamic graphics. In addition, uEdit HD supports the selection and tagging of spot colors. This featureworks for XLIM if uProduce has InDesign server installed (in uProduce XLIM Edition configuration this feature is not supported). It is available only for PDF and PDF/VT output formats.

Note: In uStore 8.6, spot colors are supported by uEdit upon installation of patch 723.

Transparent Background in Barcodes

Transparent backgrounds in barcodes is now supported also in PDF and PDF/VT output formats.

Fault-Tolerant SQL using SQL Standard Edition

When using a High Availability XMPie configuration, the SQL used by the system needs to be fault tolerant. A High Availability system is now possible with a single SQL Standard edition license instead of SQL Enterprise. This provides a significant reduction in cost. This new configuration is available both when deploying XMPie with an on-premises system and when deploying it with Amazon AWS EC2.

Note: It is also required to have a failover solution for the file system/file server/NAS.

Support for SQL Server 2016

This version supports SQL Server 2016 with SP1.

Online Help for uCreate Print

The Help system now has a modern look-and-feel using responsive HTML5. The new Online Help has an advanced search capability which enables to easily locate the required information.

The Help system can be easily accessed from at:

Deployed on September 4, 2016


Circle is no longer dependent on Microsoft Silverlight. As a result, Circle works now in more browsers and devices, including Google Chrome, it is not susceptible to browsers abandoning Silverlight support, and requires no installation whatsoever.

When XMPie started developing Circle, HTML5 was on the far horizon. The options were Flash or Silverlight. As the years progressed, HTML5 quickly became the best and only option. More and more browsers dropped their support for the Silverlight plug-in. At the same time, new diagram technologies based on HTML5 emerged and this made the migration possible. All the new features of Circle 2.0, released in late 2015, were developed in HTML5.

In this version, Circle 3.0, XMPie completes the move by replacing all of the remaining Sliverlight code with HTML5. The most significant change is the replacement of the diagram technology. This was a major development effort. Note that 1G technology will still use Silverlight.


In the previous versions, the Group node, which allows grouping of nodes, was labeled as "lab" feature. In this version, Grouping nodes is a formal feature. Grouping, ungrouping, adding a node or removing a node from the group is now easy and behaves as expected.


Large diagrams are hard to navigate. This version introduces Minimap that lets you see a birds-eye view of the entire diagram, and then navigate to a hidden portion of the diagram, as needed. For more information, see Navigating the diagram in the Circle Help.

Tablet Support

Although the current version of Circle does not formally support tablets, it allows sketching and reviewing on tablets in an adequate level using the Chrome browser. Other functionality might not work. Minimum recommendation: 9'' tablet with 4:3 aspect ratio.

Multilingual Documentation and Training

The Circle help is now available in English, German and French and is selectable from the Help drop-down menu.

Released on August 25, 2016

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues. See Resolved Issues.

Released on May 22, 2016

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues. See  Resolved Issues.

Released on April 14, 2016

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues. See Resolved Issues .

Released on April 3, 2016

Support for Multiple Data Sources in 2G Projects

In Circle 2.1, 2G Circle projects can work with multiple data sources. For more information, see Working with Additional Data Sources in the Circle Help.

uCreate Print-Circle Connectivity fully supports single Data Sources only. You can work with multiple Data Sources but it is not possible to preview the data.

As a workaround, you can connect to a project with a single Data Source containing multiple tables.

Generating a Proof Set from Circle

In Circle 2.1, it is possible to generate a proof set from Circle. This is useful for validating your plan and using the proof set file in the Proof Set Viewer or uCreate Print, as needed. For more information, see Generating a Proof Set in the Circle Help.

To assist in troubleshooting issues, one may choose to generate a proof set only for the failed recipients in a touchpoint (this requires event-based filtering that is available in the Business Edition only).

Enhanced Dynamic Media Selection

In the previous versions, the PDF/VT format supported the Media Type attribute only. PostScript-based formats supported a variety of attributes but required writing PostScript code.

This version considerably improves the Dynamic Media Selection functionality.

It supports multiple attributes for dynamic media selection using a new simplified user interface. Media Color and Media Weight attributes have been added to the previously supported Media Type. It is also possible to define additional attributes on-demand.

uProduce Fonts Compatibility Testing in uCreate Print when Preparing for Server Production

Some fonts are not supported by uProduce server production – for example, suitcase fonts on Mac OS or fonts that are not supported on Windows OS.

While it is possible to use these fonts when running Dynamic Print from uCreate Print, these fonts will not be compatible with uProduce server production.

From this version, when preparing a uCreate Print document for server production, we check if the fonts will be compatible with the server production. In case there are fonts that will not be compatible with the server production, the user will get a warning message listing the problematic fonts.

This will happen when doing the following operations in uCreate Print:

●     Export CPKG

●     Save to uProduce (1G)

●     Save to Circle (2G)

●     XLIM Preflight

●     XLIM Preview

Support for Mac OS El Capitan (10.11)

PersonalEffect 8.2 supports Mac OS El Capitan (10.11) for desktop products.

uPlan Online Help

The uPlan User Guide has been transformed into uPlan Online Help which is now available at You can access this help directly by clicking the Help button in the uPlan application or via the Support and Documentation page in the XMPie website.

Enhanced Proof Jobs Performance

The proof jobs performance has been optimized to speed up the generation time.

Delivery Provider Permissions per uProduce Account

uProduce administrator can now define enhanced access rights for the Delivery Provider. A Delivery Provider can be either available for all uProduce accounts or restricted to specific accounts.

PDF On Demand Branding in 2G

The behavior of the default PDF download page has changed for both 1G and 2G. The graphic design has been modified to be more modern and generic, the countdown before download has been removed, and the PDF now opens automatically on the screen, as opposed to just being downloaded. Unlike the previous implementation, the new one works well in the mobile devices as well.

In addition, in 2G, you can brand the download pages per project. See Replacing the default pages with your branded pages in the Circle Help. The 1G branding procedure remains the same as in the previous versions.

Previewing Style, Visibility and Table ADOR Objects in Email

It is now possible to preview Style, Visibility and Table ADOR objects in email documents. The preview can be launched either from the online email editor or by clicking the link in the touchpoint node.

Fault-Tolerant XMPL Server

The XMPL server is now fault-tolerant. XMPL fault-tolerance configuration enables the system to continue operating properly, ensuring that all sites are working at all times, as long as at least one XMPL server is up and running. This means that the system continues its intended operation rather than failing completely, when one of the XMPL servers fails. This scaled-out configuration is also a means to cope with a larger load on the server than any one server can cope with.

Note that the Circle Agent is not fault-tolerant.

However, since the Agent is not used during web access, the web channel is fault-tolerant. The following operations - creating a website, deleting a website, creating a friendly URL, deleting a friendly URL and editing a friendly URL - are all done once from Circle, and created automatically in all XMPL servers.

For more details, see the PersonalEffect System Installation Guide.

Tracking Database Security

The Tracking database security has been strengthened to use long passwords. As a result, Marketing Console can work with Amazon Web Services RDS and complies with organization password strength policy.

Released on March 3, 2016

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues in Circle. See Resolved Issues.

Released on January 24, 2016

This is a maintenance release that fixes several UI and error message issues in Circle.

Support for Adobe CC-2015.2

This version supports Adobe CC - 2015.2. Note that versions Adobe CC - 2015 and Adobe CC-2015.1 are not supported.

Released on December 27, 2015

This is a maintenance release that fixes several software issues in Circle. See Resolved Issues.

Performance Enhancements

The overall performance of Circle was improved. Previously lengthy operations, such as login to the system or opening a project, are now much more responsive.

PersonalEffect version 8.0 features a new generation of cross-media. The previous generation of cross media (1G), which was based on ICP technology, continues to be supported side by side with the new generation (2G) (see 1G Support).

The new features listed below refer to the 2G technology.

For changes in the feature set between 1G and 2G, see Modified Behavior.

To learn more about what's new in PersonalEffect, watch the XMPie campus video tutorials.

To learn about the advantages of the new technology, read the sections below.

1G Support

PersonalEffect 8.0 campaigns can be operated using either 1G or 2G technology.

1G is the standard way of building and managing cross media campaigns (before the introduction of 2G). All existing 1G campaigns will continue to work. 

When starting a new campaign, you need to decide whether to create it in 1G or 2G. This selection cannot be altered after the campaign is created. It is recommended to create new cross media campaigns using the 2G technology.

Existing 1G campaigns, or 1G recycled cross media campaigns can continue to work in 1G or can be (manually) migrated to 2G. Recycled campaigns in this context refer to cross media campaigns that are copied and repeated more or less the same for another campaign.

2G is currently optimized for cross media campaigns. For print-only campaigns, some workflows are still better in 1G than in 2G.  uStore products, can only be based on 1G campaigns.

OpenXMTM Technology

The new cross-media technology is based on the OpenXM™ stack that includes the XMPL HTML, XMPL JavaScript and XMPL Rest API.

The XMPL HTML extends the HTML tagging language by adding new directives (tags and attributes) that provide the needed personalization functionality.  This is a very rich language and is covered in the . Using XMPL HTML one can easily convert an standard HTML website to a personalized page by adding a few personalization tags and a code snippet.

The XMPL technology uses HTML code snippets to modify the standard HTML behavior.  This snippet method is a common practice in modern web development, for example, it is used to include Google Analtyics, Facebook Like, and other components in a webpage.  

The XMPL JavaScript provides a personalization JavaScript library for client side developers.  The XMPL REST API provides personalization API for any client on the Internet, including mobile devices, servers, and web applications.

OpenXM Web Development

The XMPL component of OpenXM is based on modern industry-standard web technology and development methods. It allows you to use virtually any website template and web component (Google Charts, Google Maps, Image Carousels, etc.). It gives you the freedom to work with many modern client-side (HTML5, CCS3, jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, etc.) and server-side technologies (APS.NET, PHP, Apache, Wordpress, AWS S3, etc.) as well as various development environments (VisualStudio, WebStorm, Notepad++, Dreamweaver, etc.). The OpenXM technology allows hosting and developing sites anywhere, thus ensuring quick development cycles.  Virtually any web developer can develop using the new technology, making it easier for you to hire web developers or outsource web development projects.  

OpenXM Mobile Web Development

OpenXM enables mobile development that integrates easily with XMPie personalization.  There are three options:

●      Develop responsive websites that look and behave well on mobile devices

●     Convert a responsive website to an app with tools, such as Adobe PhoneGap, and then post them on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store

●     Create a native app and have that app interact with XMPie using the REST API exposed by the XMPL Server.  REST API is the technology of choice for such integrations

OpenXM Integration with Corporate Websites

HTML code snippets used by XMPL allow for easy modification of an existing corporate website, regardless of where it is hosted and what server technology is used, to include the XMPie personalization.  For example, imagine that on downloading a brochure, the user is prompted to provide a few details, the downloaded brochure is then personalized, and further interaction with the corporate website continues to be personalized using uImage, adjusted offerings, etc.  When the user returns to the website in the future, the corporate website can remember the user, and continue to provide personalized information as opposed to generic information. 

Circle PersonalEffect Subscription

All cross media customers are entitled to a "Circle PersonalEffect edition" subscription for no extra charge.  This subscription includes the 2G equivalent of the 1G production functionality.  Additional functionality, on top of features that already existed in 1G, might require extra charge. Currently, extra fee is charged for event-based automation and additional administrators.

For more details, see

2G User Experience

2G introduces a new user experience for implementing campaigns. The 1G user experience continues to be supported as well.

When working with 2G, creating and managing campaign components is performed in Circle instead of the uProduce Dashboard in 1G.  The Circle campaign diagram which includes touchpoints (print, email and web) serves as the context for the implementation.   Documents, production settings, scheduling, and so on, are all defined for each touchpoint.  When executing, the Circle Run Center takes the role of the uProduce job center.  In the Run Center there is also a link to the job center to get additional information.  Working in Circle offers the following benefits: 

●     OpenXM technology

●     Campaign diagram

●     User collaboration (Circle Team and Business editions only)

●     Mockups

●     Previews

●     Scheduling

●     Event-based filters (Circle Business edition only)

●     Execution for failed recipients (Circle Business edition only)

●     Email notification on run completion email notification (a run in Circle is a production action triggered by the user or by a scheduled event)

●     Showing analytics/ reports from the diagram

●     Streamlined workflows which speed up implementation times

●     The "easy start" wizard provids a quick and easy way to implement simple campaigns. With the "easy start" wizard, you upload an Excel file and the system automatically creates a plan file based on the data source and adapts for web.

2G Architecture

2G requires the use of cloud and on-premises servers.  Circle, which resides in the cloud becomes the new interface to the system, replacing the uProduce Dashboard and the RURL Wizard.  It interacts with the uProduce Server that resides on-premises.   It does so using a Circle Agent which is also installed on the uProduce server.  An outbound SSL (port 443) connection is needed from the uProduce system to the internet.  The uProduce acts as the production engine but also as the repository for the databases, recipient data, assets, and fonts.  These do not travel to the cloud.  Tracking data, including the event type, time, and Recipient ID does travel to the cloud. However, the data is stripped off any personal identifiable information (PII).  

The website interacts with the XMPL Server, a web server that resides in the DMZ that provides a REST API to read/write ADORS, tracking, and recipients.  The XMPL server can be installed on the same machine as the RURL Wizard (used for 1G).  The XMPL server can also optionally host the personalized websites, but leaves the user with the option to host them remotely  (for example, as part of a corporate site).

Support of ADOR Types in HTML Email Documents

HTML Email documents now support Visibility, Style, and Table ADOR objects.  This ability is limited to the ExactTarget Enhanced delivery provider type.  It is not supported in SMTP.

The Visibility, Style and Table ADOR objects are not supported in the online email editor.

uCreate Digital

uCreate Digital is the 2G equivalent of uCreate XM.  It uses the same license key but requires a separate installation.  It is a plug-in to Dreamweaver that allows to create 2G websites and emails.  It allows personalization using ADOR technology, including Self Registration, and Refer-a-Friend forms.  uCreate Digital requires users to connect to Circle with Circle credentials.

uCreate Digital has two panels, one for Web and one for Email.  

●   uCreate Digital Web panel allows creating pages in design mode and previewing them.  Its output is HTML webpages that can run in any development environment.  The output is not confined to Dreamweaver, so there is an option to start with Dreamweaver and then pass on the code to any web developers to continue the work from there in the development environment of their choice.  The uCreate Digital Web panel provides basic functionality that is sufficient for many basic PURL websites.  In addition, to enjoy the extended power that XMPL offers, one can add XMPL tags directly in the HTML.

●   The uCreate Digital Email panel allows creating emails. Note that the panel does not create an email in your website - it is not a URL document. Instead it creates an email in a separate and special folder, different from the website that may happen to be currently open in Dreamweaver. The static images used in the email must also be located in the special folder before they can be used in the email. A special image button opens the special folder for you to drag your images into, and then drag the images from the email folder into the email body. When clicking Save, the HTML along with the images are saved as a document in Circle.

uCreate Print - Circle Connectivity

uCreate Print added a connectivity option for 2G campaigns.  uCreate Print to Circle connectivity requires Circle credentials.  uCreate Print connectivity allows to modify existing documents in 2G projects or creating new documents.  It allows modifying the plan of the project using its easy logic wizard.  Multiple documents can be modified, and they will be synchronized with the plan and data, as they exist in the connected Circle project.  An alternative option to connectivity is to export to a DPKG, and then upload the DPKG into the touchpoint.

Note that in order to work in the uCreate -Circle connectivity mode, the project, the plan and the data source must already be defined in Circle.


Источник: []
, CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number
mingw-w64-3proxy0.8.13-13proxy - tiny free proxy server (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-4th3.62.5-1A Forth Compiler (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-FAudio20.09-1FAudio - Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation for open platforms (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-MinHook1.3.3-1The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-OpenSceneGraph3.6.5-4Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL1.2.15-8A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL22.0.12-5A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL2_gfx1.0.4-1SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL2_image2.0.5-1A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL2_mixer2.0.4-2A simple multi-channel audio mixer (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL2_net2.0.1-1A small sample cross-platform networking library (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL2_ttf2.0.15-1A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications (Version 2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL_gfx2.0.26-1SDL Graphic Primitives (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL_image1.2.12-6A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL_mixer1.2.12-6A simple multi-channel audio mixer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL_net1.2.8-2A small sample cross-platform networking library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-SDL_ttf2.0.11-5A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-a52dec0.7.4-4A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-adns1.4.g10.7-1adns is an asyncronous replacement resolver library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-adobe-source-code-pro-fonts2.030ro+1.050it-1Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-adwaita-icon-theme3.36.0-1GNOME icon theme (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ag2.2.0-2The Silver Searcher: An attempt to make something better than ack, which itself is better than grep (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-alembic1.7.14-1A open framework for storing and sharing scene data (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-allegro5.2.6.0-1Portable library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-alure1.2-1Utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-i686-amqp-cpp4.1.6-2C++ library for asynchronous non-blocking communication with RabbitMQ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-amtk5.2.0-2Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK applications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ansicon-git1.70.r65.3acc7a9-2Process ANSI escape sequences for Windows console programs (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-antiword0.37-2Convert MS Word 2.0-2003 documents to plain text or PostScript (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-antlr33.5.2-1ANother Tool for Language Recognition (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-antlr4-runtime-cpp4.8-1ANother Tool for Language Recognition v4 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aom2.0.0-3AV1 codec library(mingw-w64)mingw-w64-appstream-glib0.7.17-3Objects and methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-apr1.6.5-3The Apache Portable Runtime (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-apr-util1.6.1-2The Apache Portable Runtime (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-argon220190702-1This is the reference implementation of Argon2, the password-hashing function that won the Password Hashing Competition (PHC) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aria21.35.0-2A multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aribb241.0.3-3A library for ARIB STD-B24, decoding JIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arm-none-eabi-binutils2.35-1GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors - Binutils (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arm-none-eabi-gcc8.4.0-2GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors - GCC (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arm-none-eabi-gdb9.2-2GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors - GDB (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arm-none-eabi-newlib3.3.0-1GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors - Newlib (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-armadillo9.900.1-2C++ linear algebra library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arpack3.7.0-2Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-arrow1.0.1-1Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-asciidoc9.0.1-1AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-asciidoctor2.0.10-2An implementation of AsciiDoc in Ruby (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-asio1.16.1-1Cross-platform C++ library for ASynchronous network I/O (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell0.60.7-1A spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell-de20161207-2German dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell-en2019.10.06-1English dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell-es1.11.2-1Spanish dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell-fr0.50.3-1French dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aspell-ru0.99f7.1-1Russian dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-assimp5.0.1-3Portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-astyle3.1-1A free, fast and small automatic formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java source code (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-atk2.36.0-1Interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-atkmm2.28.0-1C++ bindings for atk (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-attica-qt55.68.0-1A Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API (mingw-w64-qt5)mingw-w64-audaspace1.3.0-2A high level audio library written in C++ with language bindings for Python (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-avr-binutils2.35-3GNU Binutils for the AVR target (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-avr-gcc8.4.0-3GNU compiler collection for AVR 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-avr-gdb9.2-3The GNU Debugger for AVR (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-avr-libc2.0.0-3The C runtime library for the AVR family of microcontrollers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-avrdude6.3-2Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontrollers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aws-sdk-cpp1.7.365-2AWS SDK for C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-aztecgen1.0.1-1A simple library for encoding "Aztec Code" barcodes (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-babl0.1.78-1Dynamic Pixel Format Translation Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-badvpn1.999.130-2NCD scripting language, tun2socks proxifier, P2P VPN (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bc1.06-2bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bcunit3.0.2-1Lightweight system for writing, administering, and running unit tests in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-benchmark1.5.0-1A microbenchmark support library, by Google (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-binaryen96-1Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, in C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-binutils2.35-6A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-blender2.83.1-1A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-blosc1.18.1-1A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bmake20181221-6Portable version of the NetBSD make build toolmingw-w64-boost1.73.0-4Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bootloadhid20121208-1HID-based USB bootloader for AVR microcontrollers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-box2d2.3.1-22D rigid body simulation library for games (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-breakpad-gitr1680.70914b2d-1An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-breeze-icons-qt55.68.0-1Breeze icon themes (mingw-w64-qt5)mingw-w64-brotli1.0.7-4Brotli compression library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bsdfprocessor1.2.1-1Application for displaying and editing of BSDF files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-btyacc3.0-1BackTracking Yacc (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bullet2.87-2A 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games and animation (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bwidget1.9.14-1A companion to Tcllib, for Tk related packages (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-bzip21.0.8-1A high-quality data compression program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-c-ares1.16.1-1C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-c99-to-c89-gitr169.b3d496d-1Tool to convert C99 code to MSVC-compatible C89 (git) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ca-certificates20200601-1Common CA certificates (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cairo1.16.0-3Cairo vector graphics library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cairomm1.12.2-2C++ bindings to Cairo vector graphics library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cantarell-fonts0.201-1Humanist sans serif font (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-capnproto0.8.0-3Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-capstone4.0.2-1Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly frameworkmingw-w64-cargo-c0.6.10-1A cargo subcommand to build and install C-ABI compatibile dynamic and static libraries (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-catch2.13.1-1Multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ccache3.7.9-1Compiler cache that speeds up recompilation by caching previous compilations (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cccl1.0-1Unix cc compiler to Microsoft's cl compiler wrapper (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cego2.45.23-1Cego database system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cegui0.8.7-1A free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs/engines (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-celt0.11.3-4Low-latency audio communication codec (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cereal1.2.2-1A C++11 library for serialization (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ceres-solver1.14.0-4A large scale non-linear optimization library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cfitsio3.450-2A library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cgal5.0.2-1Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cglm0.7.7-1OpenGL Mathematics (glm) for C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cgns4.1.1-1CFD General Notation System library and tools (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-check0.15.0-1A unit testing framework for C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-chipmunk7.0.3-1A high-performance 2D rigid body physics library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-chromaprint1.5.0-1Library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clang10.0.1-1C language family frontend for LLVM (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clblast1.5.1-1Tuned OpenCL BLAS (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clucene2.3.3.4-1CLucene - a C++ search engine (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clutter1.26.4-1A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clutter-gst3.0.27-1A GStreamer integration library for Clutter (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-clutter-gtk1.8.4-1Clutter integration with GTK+ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cmake3.17.3-1A cross-platform open-source make system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cmake-doc-qt3.17.3-1CMake documentation in Qt Help formatmingw-w64-cmark0.29.0-1CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cmocka1.1.5-1Unit testing framework for C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cninja3.5.3-1cninja, an opinionated cmake config managermingw-w64-codelite14.0-2Open-source, cross platform IDE for the C/C++ programming languages (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cogl1.22.8-1An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-coin4.0.0-1A high-level 3D graphics toolkit, fully compatible with SGI Open Inventor 2.1mingw-w64-collada-dom-svn2.4.1.r889-7API that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-confuse3.2.2-1Library for parsing configuration files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-connect1.105-1Make socket connection using SOCKS4/5 and HTTP tunnel (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-corrade2020.06-1C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility librarymingw-w64-cotire1.8.1_3.17-1CMake module to speed up builds (automated PCH, unity builds) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cppcheck2.1-1static analysis of C/C++ code (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cppreference-qt20190607-1A complete reference for the features in the C++ Standard Library, for qt help (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cpptest2.0.0-1A C++ Unit Testing Framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cppunit1.15.1-1A C++ unit testing framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cpputest4.0-1Unit testing and mocking framework for C and C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-creduce2.10.0-1A C program reducer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-crt-git8.0.0.6001.98dad1fe-1MinGW-w64 CRT for Windowsmingw-w64-crypto++8.2.0-2Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-csfml2.5-1A simple, fast, cross-platform, and object-oriented multimedia API for C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ctags5.8-5A multilanguage implementation of Ctags (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ctpl-git0.3.3.391.6dd5c14-1C Template (Parser) Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cunit2.1.3-3Lightweight system for writing, administering, and running unit tests in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-curl7.72.0-1Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cvode5.1.0-1ordinary differential equation system solver (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cxxopts2.2.0-1Lightweight C++ command line option parser (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-cyrus-sasl2.1.27-1Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) librarymingw-w64-cython0.29.21-1C-Extensions for Python (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-d-feet0.3.15-2D-Bus debugger for GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-daala-gitr1505.52bbd43-1Daala is next-next-gen video compression technology from, Mozilla and others (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dav1d0.7.1-1AV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-db6.0.19-4The Berkeley DB embedded database system (mingw-w64) message bus system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dbus-c++0.9.0-1A C++ API for D-BUS (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dbus-glib0.110-1D-Bus Message Bus System (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dcadec0.2.0-2dcadec is a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dcraw9.28-1Decoder for any raw image from any digital cameramingw-w64-desktop-file-utils0.26-1Utilities for .desktop files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-devcon-gitr233.8b17cf3-1Search for and manipulate devices (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-devil1.8.0-6Library for reading several different image formats (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dfu-programmer0.7.2-2Device firmware update based USB programmer for Atmel chips (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dfu-util0.9-1Device firmware upgrade utilities (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-diffutils3.6-2GNU Diffutils is a package of several programs related to finding differences between files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-discount2.2.6-1A Markdown implementation written in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-distorm3.4.1-3Powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-djview4.10.6-1Portable DjVu viewer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-djvulibre3.5.27-4Suite to create, manipulate and view DjVu (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dlfcn1.2.0-1A wrapper for dlfcn to the Win32 API (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dlib19.20-1A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dmake4.12.2.2-1Dmake is a make utility similar to GNU make or the Workshop dmake (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dnscrypt-proxy1.6.0-2A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dnssec-anchors20130320-1DNSSEC trust anchors for the root zone (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook-dsssl1.79-1DSSSL Stylesheets for DocBook (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook-mathml1.1CR1-2MathML XML scheme (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook-sgml4.5-1Document type definitions for verification of SGML data files against the DocBook rule set. (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook-sgml313.1-1Legacy docbook-sgml (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook-xml1~4.5-1A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and helpmingw-w64-docbook-xsl1.79.2-6XML stylesheets for Docbook-xml transformations (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-docbook5-xml5.1-1a complete rewrite of the well-known DocBook 4 XML schema (DTD, Relax NG, W3C schema) for Docbook 5.X (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-double-conversion3.1.5-1Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-doxygen1.8.18-1A documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL and PHP (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dragon1.5.2-1Dragon parser generator (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-drmingw0.9.2-1Just-in-Time (JIT) debugger (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dsdp5.8-1A free open source implementation of an interior-point method for semidefinite programming (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ducible1.2.1-1A tool to make Windows builds reproducible.mingw-w64-dumb2.0.3-1IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-dwarfstack2.1-1Provides stacktrace with source file/line informationmingw-w64-editorconfig-core-c0.12.3-2EditorConfig core code written in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-editrights1.03-3Edit special privileges of Windows accounts (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-eigen33.3.7-1Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-emacs27.1-1The extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-enca1.19-1Charset analyser and converter (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-enchant2.2.10-1Enchanting Spell Checking Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-enet1.3.15-1Reliable UDP networking library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ensmallen2.12.1-1flexible C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-eog3.36.2-2Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-eog-plugins3.26.5-1Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program - plugins (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-evince3.36.6-1Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-exiv20.27.3-1Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library and tools (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-expat2.2.9-1An XML parser library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-extra-cmake-modules5.68.0-1Extra CMake modules (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-f2c20200425-1Fortran to C code translator (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-faac1.30-1FAAC is an AAC audio encoder (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-faad22.9.2-1ISO AAC audio decoder (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fann2.2.0-2Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-farstream0.2.8-2Farstream (formerly Farsight) - Audio/Video Communications Framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fastjar0.98-1Sun java jar compatible archive (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fcrackzip1.0-1Zip file password cracker (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fdk-aac2.0.1-1A standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ffcall2.2-1C library for implementing foreign function calls in embedded interpreters (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ffmpeg4.3.1-1Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ffms22.23.1-1A cross-platform wrapper library around libav/FFmpeg (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fftw3.3.8-2A library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fgsl1.3.0-1Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-field3d1.7.3-1Open source library for storing voxel data (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-file5.39-1Determine the type of a file from its contents (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-firebird2-git2.5.9.27149.9f6840e90c-3Cross-platform relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features - version 2.x (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-flac1.3.3-1Free Lossless Audio Codec (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-flatbuffers1.12.0-1Memory Efficient Serialization Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-flexdll0.34-2An implementation of a dlopen-like API for Windows (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-flickcurl1.26-2Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-flif0.3-1Free Lossless Image Format (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fltk1.3.5-1C++ user interface toolkit (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fluidsynth2.1.3-1A real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fmt7.0.3-1A small, safe and fast formatting library for C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fontconfig2.13.92-2A library for configuring and customizing font access (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fossil2.10-2Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fox1.6.57-1C++ user interface toolkit (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-freealut1.1.0-1OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-freeglut3.2.1-1Freeglut allows the user to create and manage windows containing OpenGL contexts (mingw32-w64)mingw-w64-freeimage3.18.0-5Library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-freetds1.1.42-1A free implementation of Sybase's DB-Library, CT-Library and ODBC libraries (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-freetype2.10.2-2TrueType font rendering library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-fribidi1.0.10-1A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ftgl2.4.0-1OpenGL library to use arbitrary fonts (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gavl1.4.0-1A low level library, upon which multimedia APIs can be built. (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gc8.0.4-1A garbage collector for C and C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gcc10.2.0-3GNU Compiler Collection (C,C++,OpenMP) for MinGW-w64mingw-w64-gdal3.0.4-5A translator library for raster geospatial data formats (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdb9.2-3GNU Debugger (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdbm1.18.1-2GNU database library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdcm3.0.5-6The Grassroots DICOM library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdk-pixbuf22.40.0-1An image loading library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdl3.34.0-1GNOME Docking Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdl22.31.2-2GNOME Docking Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gdlmm22.30.0-2GNOME Docking Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geany1.36.0-2Fast and lightweight IDE (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geany-plugins1.36.0-1Plugins for Geany (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gedit3.38.0-1A text editor for GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gedit-plugins3.38.0-1Collection of plugins for the gedit Text Editor (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gegl0.4.22-2Generic Graphics Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geocode-glib3.26.2-1Helper library for geocoding services (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geoip1.6.12-1Non-DNS IP-to-country resolver C library & utils (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geoip2-database20190624-1GeoLite country geolocation database compiled by MaxMind (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-geos3.8.0-1C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gettext0.19.8.1-9GNU internationalization library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gexiv20.12.1-1GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gflags2.2.2-2Google's Commandline flags module for C++ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ghex3.18.4-2A simple binary editor for the Gnome desktop (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-ghostscript9.50-1An interpreter for the PostScript language (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-giflib5.2.1-1A library for reading and writing gif images (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gimp2.10.18-6GNU Image Manipulation Program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gimp-ufraw0.22-2Converter for raw files; utility and GIMP plugin (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-git-lfs2.11.0-1An open source Git extension for versioning large files (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-git-repo0.4.20-1The multiple Git repository tool (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gitg3.32.1-2git repository viewer for GTK+/GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gl2ps1.4.2-1an OpenGL to PostScript printing library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glade3.36.0-1User interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glade-gtk23.8.6-3User interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glbinding3.1.0-2A C++ binding for the OpenGL API, generated using the gl.xml specification (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glew2.2.0-2GLEW, The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glfw3.3.2-1A free, open source, portable framework for OpenGL application development (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glib-networking2.64.3-1Network-related GIO modules for glib (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glib22.64.5-1Common C routines used by GTK+ 3 and other libs (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glibmm2.64.2-1Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glm0.9.9.8-1C++ mathematics library for 3D software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-global6.6.4-1GNU GLOBAL source code tagging system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-globjects1.1.0-1Cross-platform C++ wrapper for OpenGL API objects. (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glog0.4.0-2C++ implementation of the Google logging module (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glpk4.65-1GNU Linear Programming Kit: solve LP, MIP and other problems (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glsl-optimizer-gitr66914.9a2852138d-1C++ library that takes GLSL shaders, does some GPU-independent optimizations on them and outputs GLSL back (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-glslang8.13.3743-2An OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gmic2.9.0-3A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gmime3.2.7-1Glorious MIME Utility Library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gmp6.2.0-1A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnome-calculator3.36.0-1GNOME desktop calculator (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnome-common3.18.0-1Common development macros for GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnome-latex3.38.0-1LaTeX editor designed for the GNOME desktop (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnucobol3.1rc1-1GnuCOBOL, a free and modern COBOL compiler (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnupg2.2.23-1GNU Privacy Guard - a PGP replacement tool (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnuplot5.4.0-1Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and others (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gnutls3.6.15-1A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-go1.14.4-1Go Lang (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gobject-introspection1.64.1-3Introspection system for GObject-based libraries (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-goocanvas2.0.4-4Canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gperf3.1-1Perfect hash function generator (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gpgme1.14.0-1A C wrapper library for GnuPG (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gphoto22.5.23-2The gphoto2 commandline tool for accessing and controlling digital cameras. (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gplugin0.29.0-1A GObject based library that implements a reusable plugin system (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gprbuild2020.0.43e55df-1Software tool designed to help automate the construction of multi-language systems (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gprbuild-bootstrap-gitr3576.43e55df6-1Static GPRbuild to bootstrap XML/Ada and GPRbuild itself (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gr0.52.0-1A graphics library for visualisation applications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-grantlee5.2.0-1A string template engine based on the Django template system and written in Qt5 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-graphene1.10.2-1A thin layer of graphic data types (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-graphicsmagick1.3.35-1An image viewing/manipulation program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-graphite21.3.14-2Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-graphviz2.40.1-13Graph Visualization Software (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-grep3.4-1Grep searches one or more input files for lines containing a match to a specified pattern (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-groonga10.0.6-1An opensource fulltext search engine (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-grpc1.29.1-1gRPC - Google's high performance, open source, general RPC framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsasl1.8.1-1Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsettings-desktop-schemas3.36.1-1Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsfonts20180524-2(URW)++ Core Font Set [Level 2] (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsl2.6-1The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a modern numerical library for C and C++ programmers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsm1.0.19-1Shared libraries for GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gsoap2.8.101-1An extensive suite of portable C and C++ software to develop XML Web services with powerful type-safe XML data bindings (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gspell1.8.4-1Spell-checking library for GTK applications (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gss1.0.3-1GNU Generic Security Service (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-devtools1.18.0-1Development and debugging tools for GStreamer (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-editing-services1.18.0-1GStreamer Editing Services (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-libav1.18.0-1GStreamer libav (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-plugins-bad1.18.0-2GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-plugins-base1.18.0-1GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-plugins-good1.18.0-1GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-plugins-ugly1.18.0-1GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly Plugins (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-python1.16.2-2GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gst-rtsp-server1.18.0-1GStreamer RTSP server library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gstreamer1.18.0-1GStreamer Multimedia Framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-googletest1.10.0-1Googletest (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk-doc1.32-1Documentation tool for public library API (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk-engine-murrine0.98.2-3GTK2 engine to make your desktop look like a 'murrina', an italian word meaning the art glass works done by Venicians glass blowers (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk-engines2.21.0-3Theme engines for GTK+ 2 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk-vnc1.0.0-1VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk22.24.32-5GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit (v2) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk33.24.23-1GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit (v3) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtk43.99.0-1GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit (v4) (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkglext1.2.0-3opengl extensions for gtk2 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkimageview1.6.4-4Simple image viewer widget for GTK2 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkmm2.24.5-2C++ bindings for gtk2 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkmm33.24.2-1C++ bindings for gtk3 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtksourceview22.10.5-3A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtksourceview33.24.11-1A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtksourceview44.6.0-1A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtksourceviewmm22.10.3-2A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtksourceviewmm33.21.3-2C++ bindings to gtksourceview3 library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkspell2.0.16-7Provides word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkspell33.0.10-1Provides word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gtkwave3.3.105-1GTKWaveGTKWave is a fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix, Win32, and Mac OSXmingw-w64-gts0.7.6-1Provides useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gumbo-parser0.10.1-1HTML5 parsing library in pure C99 (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-gxml0.18.1-1GObject Libxml2 wrapper and Serializer Framework (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-harfbuzz2.7.2-1OpenType text shaping engine (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hclient233.8b17cf3-1Sample GUI for communicating with HIDs (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hdf44.2.15-2Legacy HDF4 driver for GDAL (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hdf51.12.0-2General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-headers-git8.0.0.6001.98dad1fe-1MinGW-w64 headers for Windowsmingw-w64-helics2.6.0-1Hierarchical Engine for Large-scale Infrastructure Co-Simulation (mingw-w64) Hicolor icon theme (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hidapi0.9.0-1Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hlsl2glsl-gitr848.957cd20-1HLSL to GLSL shader language translatormingw-w64-http-parser2.9.4-1Parser for HTTP Request/Response written in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hub2.14.2-1hub introduces git to GitHub (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hunspell1.7.0-5Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hunspell-en2019.10.06-1Hunspell dictionaries (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-hwloc2.2.0-1Portable Hardware Locality is a portable abstraction of hierarchical architecturesmingw-w64-hyphen2.8.8-1library for high quality hyphenation and justification (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-icon-naming-utils0.8.90-2Maps the new names of icons for Tango to the legacy names used by the GNOME and KDE desktops (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-libiconv1.16-1Character encoding conversion utility (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-icoutils0.32.3-1Create and extract MS Windows icons and cursors (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-icu67.1-1International Components for Unicode library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-id3lib3.8.3-2Library for reading, writing, and manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-openexr2.5.2-1Base libraries from ILM for OpenEXR (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-imagemagick7.0.10.11-3An image viewing/manipulation program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-indent2.2.12-2C language source code formatting program (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-inkscape0.92.5-3Vector graphics editor using the SVG file format (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-innoextract1.9-1A tool to extract installers created by Inno Setup (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-intel-tbb1~2020.2-2High level abstract threading library (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-irrlicht1.8.4-1An open source high performance realtime 3D graphics engine (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-isl0.22.1-1Library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-iso-codes4.5.0-1Lists of the country, language, and currency names (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-itk5.1.0-2An open-source C++ toolkit for medical image processing (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-itstool2.0.6-3XML to PO and back again (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jansson2.12-1A C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jasper2.0.16-1A software-based implementation of the codec specified in the emerging JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jbig2dec0.17-1Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jbigkit2.1-4Data compression library/utilities for bi-level high-resolution images (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jemalloc5.2.1-1General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation (mingw64)mingw-w64-jpegoptim1.4.6-1Utility to optimize jpeg filesmingw-w64-jq1.6-3Command-line JSON processor (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-json-c0.15-1A JSON implementation in C (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-json-glib1.4.4-1JSON-GLib implements a full suite of JSON-related tools using GLib and GObject (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jsoncpp1.9.2-1A C++ library for interacting with JSON (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jsonrpc-glib3.34.0-3A JSON-RPC library for GLib (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-jxrlib1.1-3Open source implementation of jpegxr (mingw-w64)mingw-w64-kactivities-qt55.68.0-1Runtime and library to organize user work in separate activities (mingw-w64-qt5)mingw-w64-karchive-qt55.68.0-1Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives (mingw-w64-qt5)mingw-w64-kate19.12.3-1Advanced Text Editormingw-w64-kauth-qt55.68.0-1Abstraction to system policy and authentication features (mingw-w64-qt5)mingw-w64-kbookmarks-qt55.68.0-1Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format (mingw-w64-qt5)
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CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

Coolorus 2 Color Wheel

This copy of Coolorus v 2.x ("the Software Product") and accompanying documentation is licensed and not sold. This Software Product is protected by copyright laws and treaties, as well as laws and treaties related to other forms of intellectual property. MoonGorilla Karol Rzadczyk, Jana Kazimierza 13/34, Warsaw, Poland. VAT number: PL7422162243 or its subsidiaries, affiliates, and suppliers (collectively "Moon Gorilla") own intellectual property rights in the Software Product. The Licensee's ("you" or "your") license to download, use, copy, or change the Software Product is subject to these rights and to all the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement ("Agreement").


License GrantThis Agreement entitles you to install and use two copies of the Software Product. In addition, you may make one archival copy of the Software Product. The archival copy must be on a storage medium other than a hard drive. This Agreement does not permit the installation or use of multiple copies of the Software Product, or the installation of the Software Product on more than two computer at any given time, on a system that allows shared used of applications, on a multi-user network, or on any configuration or system of computers that allows multiple users. Multiple copy use or installation is only allowed if you obtain an appropriate licensing agreement for each user and each copy of the Software Product.

Restrictions on TransferWithout first obtaining the express written consent of Moon Gorilla, you may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement, or redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer your rights to the Software Product.

Restrictions on UseYou may not use, copy, or install the Software Product on any system with more than two computers, or permit the use, copying, or installation of the Software Product by more than one user or on more than two computer. If you hold multiple, validly licensed copies, you may not use, copy, or install the Software Product on any system with more than the number of computers permitted by license, or permit the use, copying, or installation by more users, or on more computers than the number permitted by license.

You may not decompile, "reverse-engineer", disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software Product.

You may not use the database portion of the Software Product in connection with any software other than the Software Product.

Restrictions on AlterationYou may not modify the Software Product or create any derivative work of the Software Product or its accompanying documentation. Derivative works include but are not limited to translations. You may not alter any files or libraries in any portion of the Software Product. You may not reproduce the database portion or create any tables or reports relating to the database portion.

Restrictions on CopyingYou may not copy any part of the Software Product except to the extent that licensed use inherently demands the creation of a temporary copy stored in computer memory and not permanently affixed on storage medium. You may make one archival copy which must be stored on a medium other than a computer hard drive.

Limited Software Product WarrantyFor a period of 30 days from the date of shipment or from the date that you download the Software Product, as applicable, Moon Gorilla warrants that when properly installed and used under normal conditions, the Software Product will perform substantially as advertised.




Limitation of Remedies and DamagesYour remedy for a breach of this Agreement or of any warranty included in this Agreement is the correction or replacement of the Software Product. Selection of whether to correct or replace shall be solely at the discretion of Moon Gorilla. Moon Gorilla reserves the right to substitute a functionally equivalent copy of the Software Product as a replacement. If Moon Gorilla is unable to provide a replacement or substitute Software Product or corrections to the Software Product, your sole alternate remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price for the Software Product exclusive of any costs for shipping and handling.

Any claim must be made within the applicable warranty period. All warranties cover only defects arising under normal use and do not include malfunctions or failure resulting from misuse, abuse, neglect, alteration, problems with electrical power, acts of nature, unusual temperatures or humidity, improper installation, or damage determined by Moon Gorilla to have been caused by you. All limited warranties on the Software Product are granted only to you and are non-transferable. You agree to indemnify and hold Moon Gorilla harmless from all claims, judgments, liabilities, expenses, or costs arising from your breach of this Agreement and/or acts or omissions.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Costs This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Poland and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Polish courts.

Severability If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent any express or implied restrictions are not permitted by applicable laws, these express or implied restrictions shall remain in force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by such applicable laws.

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What’s New in the CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for CC Mail Mac 2.0.1 serial key or number

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