Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number

Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number

Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number

Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number

Moodle plugins directory

Moodle eMail Test

Moodle eMailTest allows administrators to test Moodle&#;s email system. A trace of the SMTP dialogue will be displayed if the email message cannot be sent for any reason. The eMail Test for Moodle plugin does not store any personal data about any user.


A block that provides selective, bulk emailing within courses. Developed by LSU.



jmail is an internal mailing (aka internal email) tool for Moodle 2

Notify site administrators about new Email Signups

This plugin sends an email notification message to the &#;Support email&#; address every time a new Moodle user account is created via the &#;Email signup&#; authentication plugin. The notification message contains some essential details about the account just created (email address, full name and user account name). The email is sent when the user signs up, not when the user account is confirmed. So the plugin will notify even about accounts that may never be confirmed.


A slight modification of quickmail to allow teachers to send text messages to users.

Administrative Email

A Moodle block that allows administrators to selectively email groups of users from within Moodle

Delete User by Maillist

This plugin deletes user accounts based on a list of email addresses. The process runs in two steps. Entering the emails and lists the users up before you delete them.

Emailed Files

Create a Mailbox for your Moodle Instance (e.g. moodle@manicapital.com / moodleXY@manicapital.com). Users can send mails to this mail-Address and import email-attachments from their mails as files.

Config Log Emailer

This plugin sends an email to a specified user after it has detected a config setting was changed when running cron. The to and from email addresses can be changed in the settings page.

Nice Email

A simple component to simulate email inbox between Moodle users.


Allows timed release of content and emails users to remind them to complete course activities.

Contact Form

Contact Form is a Moodle plugin that allows your site to process and send information submitted through HTML web forms to the site&#;s support email address or primary administrator if the support email address is not defined.

Analytics graphs

Block that generates graphs intendend to facilitate pedagogical decisions. The graphs have zoom capabilities and allow fast communication with students through email.

Enrolment upon approval

The enrolment plugin "enrol on approval" adds an approval step into the course enrolment process. Users will be informed by mail as soon as their course application has been approved/ rejected.


Skype activity plugin module implements a user listing and shows, Create Conference, Create Chat, Send Voicmail, Add Contact, and Send File links to any user who has entered a Skype ID into their profile.

User bulk enrolment

Moodle plugin which provides the possibility to bulk enrol a list of users who are identified by their e-mail adresses into a course.


Not always logged in, you want to be up to date about new content, discussions or events in your Moodle courses? This moodle block implements a solution that periodically notifies learners about new content or activities included into a Moodle course. This solution will act as a sentinel that detects whether new contents or new activities have been included into the Moodle course, and notify the learners and/or the instructors about that. Notifications methods are: e-mail message RSS aggregator SMS message There is also a version of this plugin for Moodle that can be downloaded from the Website.

NED - Mentor Manager

With this block, the admin (or designated user) can assign mentors to students. Mentors can then access easy-to-read “progress reports” for their mentees. The admin (or designated users) can also create automated notifications that are sent to teachers, mentors or students based on pre-selected criteria (example: notification is emailed to mentor and student if student has not logged in for 7 days).

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number
[Docs] [txt|pdf] [draft-klensin-r] [Tracker] [Diff1] [Diff2] [Errata]

Errata Exist
Network Working Group J. Klensin Request for Comments: October Obsoletes: Updates: Category: Standards Track Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Status of This Memo This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Abstract This document is a specification of the basic protocol for Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates, updates, and clarifies several previous documents, making all or parts of most of them obsolete. It covers the SMTP extension mechanisms and best practices for the contemporary Internet, but does not provide details about particular extensions. Although SMTP was designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol, this specification also contains information that is important to its use as a "mail submission" protocol for "split-UA" (User Agent) mail reading systems and mobile environments. Klensin Standards Track [Page 1]
RFC SMTP October Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transport of Electronic Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . History and Context for This Document . . . . . . . . . . Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The SMTP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Extension Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition and Registration of Extensions . . . . . . Special Issues with Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . SMTP Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senders and Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail Agents and Message Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domain Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buffer and State Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commands and Replies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message Content and Mail Data . . . . . . . . . . . . Originator, Delivery, Relay, and Gateway Systems . . . Mailbox and Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Syntax Principles and Transaction Model . . . . . The SMTP Procedures: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Session Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forwarding for Address Correction or Updating . . . . . . Commands for Debugging Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VRFY Normal Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meaning of VRFY or EXPN Success Response . . . . . . . Semantics and Applications of EXPN . . . . . . . . . . Relaying and Mail Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Source Routes and Relaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail eXchange Records and Relaying . . . . . . . . . . Message Submission Servers as Relays . . . . . . . . . Mail Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Header Fields in Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received Lines in Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . Addresses in Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Header Fields in Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . Envelopes in Gatewaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminating Sessions and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . Mailing Lists and Aliases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Klensin Standards Track [Page 2]
RFC SMTP October List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The SMTP Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMTP Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command Semantics and Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command Argument Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private-Use Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMTP Replies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply Code Severities and Theory . . . . . . . . . . . Reply Codes by Function Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply Codes in Numeric Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Reply Codes after DATA and the Subsequent <CRLF>.<CRLF> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sequencing of Commands and Replies . . . . . . . . . . . . Sequencing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command-Reply Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trace Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minimum Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sizes and Timeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size Limits and Minimums . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local-part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reply Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recipients Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treatment When Limits Exceeded . . . . . . . . Too Many Recipients Code . . . . . . . . . . . Timeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial Message: 5 Minutes . . . . . . . . MAIL Command: 5 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . RCPT Command: 5 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . DATA Initiation: 2 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . Data Block: 3 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 DATA Termination: 10 Minutes. . . . . . . . . Server Timeout: 5 Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . Retry Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Messages with a Null Reverse-Path . . . . . . . . . . Address Resolution and Mail Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locating the Target Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IPv6 and MX Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem Detection and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71Klensin Standards Track [Page 3]
RFC SMTP October Reliable Delivery and Replies by Email . . . . . . . . . . Unwanted, Unsolicited, and "Attack" Messages . . . . . . . Loop Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensating for Irregularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail Security and Spoofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Blind" Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VRFY, EXPN, and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mail Rerouting Based on the and Response Codes . . Information Disclosure in Announcements . . . . . . . . . Information Disclosure in Trace Fields . . . . . . . . . . Information Disclosure in Message Forwarding . . . . . . . Resistance to Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scope of Operation of SMTP Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Appendix A. TCP Transport Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Appendix B. Generating SMTP Commands from RFC Header Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Appendix C. Source Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86Appendix D. Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87D A Typical SMTP Transaction Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . 88D Aborted SMTP Transaction Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . 89D Relayed Mail Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90D Verifying and Sending Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92Appendix E. Other Gateway Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92Appendix F. Deprecated Features of RFC . . . . . . . . . . . 93F TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93F Source Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93F HELO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93F #-literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94F Dates and Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94F Sending versus Mailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Klensin Standards Track [Page 4]
RFC SMTP October Introduction Transport of Electronic Mail The objective of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is to transfer mail reliably and efficiently. SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. While this document specifically discusses transport over TCP, other transports are possible. Appendices to RFC [1] describe some of them. An important feature of SMTP is its capability to transport mail across multiple networks, usually referred to as "SMTP mail relaying" (see Section ). A network consists of the mutually-TCP-accessible hosts on the public Internet, the mutually-TCP-accessible hosts on a firewall-isolated TCP/IP Intranet, or hosts in some other LAN or WAN environment utilizing a non-TCP transport-level protocol. Using SMTP, a process can transfer mail to another process on the same network or to some other network via a relay or gateway process accessible to both networks. In this way, a mail message may pass through a number of intermediate relay or gateway hosts on its path from sender to ultimate recipient. The Mail eXchanger mechanisms of the domain name system (RFC [2], RFC [12], and Section 5 of this document) are used to identify the appropriate next-hop destination for a message being transported. History and Context for This Document This document is a specification of the basic protocol for the Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates, updates and clarifies, but does not add new or change existing functionality of the following: o the original SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) specification of RFC [1], o domain name system requirements and implications for mail transport from RFC [2] and RFC [12], o the clarifications and applicability statements in RFC [3], and o material drawn from the SMTP Extension mechanisms in RFC [13]. Klensin Standards Track [Page 5]
RFC SMTP October o Editorial and clarification changes to RFC [14] to bring that specification to Draft Standard. It obsoletes RFC , RFC , RFC , and RFC and updates RFC (replacing the mail transport materials of RFC ). However, RFC specifies some features that were not in significant use in the Internet by the mids and (in appendices) some additional transport models. Those sections are omitted here in the interest of clarity and brevity; readers needing them should refer to RFC It also includes some additional material from RFC that required amplification. This material has been identified in multiple ways, mostly by tracking flaming on various lists and newsgroups and problems of unusual readings or interpretations that have appeared as the SMTP extensions have been deployed. Where this specification moves beyond consolidation and actually differs from earlier documents, it supersedes them technically as well as textually. Although SMTP was designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol, this specification also contains information that is important to its use as a "mail submission" protocol, as recommended for Post Office Protocol (POP) (RFC [15], RFC [16]) and IMAP (RFC [17]). In general, the separate mail submission protocol specified in RFC [18] is now preferred to direct use of SMTP; more discussion of that subject appears in that document. Section provides definitions of terms specific to this document. Except when the historical terminology is necessary for clarity, this document uses the current 'client' and 'server' terminology to identify the sending and receiving SMTP processes, respectively. A companion document, RFC [4], discusses message header sections and bodies and specifies formats and structures for them. Document Conventions The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC [5]. As each of these terms was intentionally and carefully chosen to improve the interoperability of email, each use of these terms is to be treated as a conformance requirement. Because this document has a long history and to avoid the risk of various errors and of confusing readers and documents that point to this one, most examples and the domain names they contain are preserved from RFC Readers are cautioned that these are Klensin Standards Track [Page 6]
RFC SMTP October illustrative examples that should not actually be used in either code or configuration files. 2. The SMTP Model Basic Structure The SMTP design can be pictured as: ++ ++ ++ | | | | | User |<-->| | SMTP | | ++ | Client- |Commands/Replies| Server- | ++ | SMTP |<>| SMTP | ++ | File |<-->| | and Mail | |<-->| File | |System| | | | | |System| ++ ++ ++ ++ SMTP client SMTP server When an SMTP client has a message to transmit, it establishes a two- way transmission channel to an SMTP server. The responsibility of an SMTP client is to transfer mail messages to one or more SMTP servers, or report its failure to do so. The means by which a mail message is presented to an SMTP client, and how that client determines the identifier(s) ("names") of the domain(s) to which mail messages are to be transferred, is a local matter, and is not addressed by this document. In some cases, the designated domain(s), or those determined by an SMTP client, will identify the final destination(s) of the mail message. In other cases, common with SMTP clients associated with implementations of the POP (RFC [15], RFC [16]) or IMAP (RFC [17]) protocols, or when the SMTP client is inside an isolated transport service environment, the domain determined will identify an intermediate destination through which all mail messages are to be relayed. SMTP clients that transfer all traffic regardless of the target domains associated with the individual messages, or that do not maintain queues for retrying message transmissions that initially cannot be completed, may otherwise conform to this specification but are not considered fully-capable. Fully-capable SMTP implementations, including the relays used by these less capable ones, and their destinations, are expected to support all of the queuing, retrying, and alternate address functions discussed in this specification. In many situations and configurations, the less- capable clients discussed above SHOULD be using the message submission protocol (RFC [18]) rather than SMTP. Klensin Standards Track [Page 7]
RFC SMTP October The means by which an SMTP client, once it has determined a target domain, determines the identity of an SMTP server to which a copy of a message is to be transferred, and then performs that transfer, is covered by this document. To effect a mail transfer to an SMTP server, an SMTP client establishes a two-way transmission channel to that SMTP server. An SMTP client determines the address of an appropriate host running an SMTP server by resolving a destination domain name to either an intermediate Mail eXchanger host or a final target host. An SMTP server may be either the ultimate destination or an intermediate "relay" (that is, it may assume the role of an SMTP client after receiving the message) or "gateway" (that is, it may transport the message further using some protocol other than SMTP). SMTP commands are generated by the SMTP client and sent to the SMTP server. SMTP replies are sent from the SMTP server to the SMTP client in response to the commands. In other words, message transfer can occur in a single connection between the original SMTP-sender and the final SMTP-recipient, or can occur in a series of hops through intermediary systems. In either case, once the server has issued a success response at the end of the mail data, a formal handoff of responsibility for the message occurs: the protocol requires that a server MUST accept responsibility for either delivering the message or properly reporting the failure to do so (see Sections , , and , below). Once the transmission channel is established and initial handshaking is completed, the SMTP client normally initiates a mail transaction. Such a transaction consists of a series of commands to specify the originator and destination of the mail and transmission of the message content (including any lines in the header section or other structure) itself. When the same message is sent to multiple recipients, this protocol encourages the transmission of only one copy of the data for all recipients at the same destination (or intermediate relay) host. The server responds to each command with a reply; replies may indicate that the command was accepted, that additional commands are expected, or that a temporary or permanent error condition exists. Commands specifying the sender or recipients may include server- permitted SMTP service extension requests, as discussed in Section The dialog is purposely lock-step, one-at-a-time, although this can be modified by mutually agreed upon extension requests such as command pipelining (RFC [19]). Once a given mail message has been transmitted, the client may either request that the connection be shut down or may initiate other mail Klensin Standards Track [Page 8]
RFC SMTP October transactions. In addition, an SMTP client may use a connection to an SMTP server for ancillary services such as verification of email addresses or retrieval of mailing list subscriber addresses. As suggested above, this protocol provides mechanisms for the transmission of mail. Historically, this transmission normally occurred directly from the sending user's host to the receiving user's host when the two hosts are connected to the same transport service. When they are not connected to the same transport service, transmission occurs via one or more relay SMTP servers. A very common case in the Internet today involves submission of the original message to an intermediate, "message submission" server, which is similar to a relay but has some additional properties; such servers are discussed in Section and at some length in RFC [18]. An intermediate host that acts as either an SMTP relay or as a gateway into some other transmission environment is usually selected through the use of the domain name service (DNS) Mail eXchanger mechanism. Usually, intermediate hosts are determined via the DNS MX record, not by explicit "source" routing (see Section 5 and Appendix C and Appendix F.2). The Extension Model Background In an effort that started in , approximately a decade after RFC was completed, the protocol was modified with a "service extensions" model that permits the client and server to agree to utilize shared functionality beyond the original SMTP requirements. The SMTP extension mechanism defines a means whereby an extended SMTP client and server may recognize each other, and the server can inform the client as to the service extensions that it supports. Contemporary SMTP implementations MUST support the basic extension mechanisms. For instance, servers MUST support the EHLO command even if they do not implement any specific extensions and clients SHOULD preferentially utilize EHLO rather than HELO. (However, for compatibility with older conforming implementations, SMTP clients and servers MUST support the original HELO mechanisms as a fallback.) Unless the different characteristics of HELO must be identified for interoperability purposes, this document discusses only EHLO. SMTP is widely deployed and high-quality implementations have proven to be very robust. However, the Internet community now considers some services to be important that were not anticipated when the protocol was first designed. If support for those services is to be Klensin Standards Track [Page 9]
RFC SMTP October added, it must be done in a way that permits older implementations to continue working acceptably. The extension framework consists of: o The SMTP command EHLO, superseding the earlier HELO, o a registry of SMTP service extensions, o additional parameters to the SMTP MAIL and RCPT commands, and o optional replacements for commands defined in this protocol, such as for DATA in non-ASCII transmissions (RFC [20]). SMTP's strength comes primarily from its simplicity. Experience with many protocols has shown that protocols with few options tend towards ubiquity, whereas protocols with many options tend towards obscurity. Each and every extension, regardless of its benefits, must be carefully scrutinized with respect to its implementation, deployment, and interoperability costs. In many cases, the cost of extending the SMTP service will likely outweigh the benefit. Definition and Registration of Extensions The IANA maintains a registry of SMTP service extensions. A corresponding EHLO keyword value is associated with each extension. Each service extension registered with the IANA must be defined in a formal Standards-Track or IESG-approved Experimental protocol document. The definition must include: o the textual name of the SMTP service extension; o the EHLO keyword value associated with the extension; o the syntax and possible values of parameters associated with the EHLO keyword value; o any additional SMTP verbs associated with the extension (additional verbs will usually be, but are not required to be, the same as the EHLO keyword value); o any new parameters the extension associates with the MAIL or RCPT verbs; o a description of how support for the extension affects the behavior of a server and client SMTP; and Klensin Standards Track [Page 10]
RFC SMTP October o the increment by which the extension is increasing the maximum length of the commands MAIL and/or RCPT, over that specified in this Standard. In addition, any EHLO keyword value starting with an upper or lower case "X" refers to a local SMTP service extension used exclusively through bilateral agreement. Keywords beginning with "X" MUST NOT be used in a registered service extension. Conversely, keyword values presented in the EHLO response that do not begin with "X" MUST correspond to a Standard, Standards-Track, or IESG-approved Experimental SMTP service extension registered with IANA. A conforming server MUST NOT offer non-"X"-prefixed keyword values that are not described in a registered extension. Additional verbs and parameter names are bound by the same rules as EHLO keywords; specifically, verbs beginning with "X" are local extensions that may not be registered or standardized. Conversely, verbs not beginning with "X" must always be registered. Special Issues with Extensions Extensions that change fairly basic properties of SMTP operation are permitted. The text in other sections of this document must be understood in that context. In particular, extensions can change the minimum limits specified in Section , can change the ASCII character set requirement as mentioned above, or can introduce some optional modes of message handling. In particular, if an extension implies that the delivery path normally supports special features of that extension, and an intermediate SMTP system finds a next hop that does not support the required extension, it MAY choose, based on the specific extension and circumstances, to requeue the message and try later and/or try an alternate MX host. If this strategy is employed, the timeout to fall back to an unextended format (if one is available) SHOULD be less than the normal timeout for bouncing as undeliverable (e.g., if normal timeout is three days, the requeue timeout before attempting to transmit the mail without the extension might be one day). SMTP Terminology Mail Objects SMTP transports a mail object. A mail object contains an envelope and content. The SMTP envelope is sent as a series of SMTP protocol units (described in Section 3). It consists of an originator address (to Klensin Standards Track [Page 11]
RFC SMTP October which error reports should be directed), one or more recipient addresses, and optional protocol extension material. Historically, variations on the reverse-path (originator) address specification command (MAIL) could be used to specify alternate delivery modes, such as immediate display; those variations have now been deprecated (see Appendix F and Appendix F.6). The SMTP content is sent in the SMTP DATA protocol unit and has two parts: the header section and the body. If the content conforms to other contemporary standards, the header section consists of a collection of header fields, each consisting of a header name, a colon, and data, structured as in the message format specification (RFC [4]); the body, if structured, is defined according to MIME (RFC [21]). The content is textual in nature, expressed using the US-ASCII repertoire [6]. Although SMTP extensions (such as "8BITMIME", RFC [22]) may relax this restriction for the content body, the content header fields are always encoded using the US-ASCII repertoire. Two MIME extensions (RFC [23] and RFC [24]) define an algorithm for representing header values outside the US- ASCII repertoire, while still encoding them using the US-ASCII repertoire. Senders and Receivers In RFC , the two hosts participating in an SMTP transaction were described as the "SMTP-sender" and "SMTP-receiver". This document has been changed to reflect current industry terminology and hence refers to them as the "SMTP client" (or sometimes just "the client") and "SMTP server" (or just "the server"), respectively. Since a given host may act both as server and client in a relay situation, "receiver" and "sender" terminology is still used where needed for clarity. Mail Agents and Message Stores Additional mail system terminology became common after RFC was published and, where convenient, is used in this specification. In particular, SMTP servers and clients provide a mail transport service and therefore act as "Mail Transfer Agents" (MTAs). "Mail User Agents" (MUAs or UAs) are normally thought of as the sources and targets of mail. At the source, an MUA might collect mail to be transmitted from a user and hand it off to an MTA; the final ("delivery") MTA would be thought of as handing the mail off to an MUA (or at least transferring responsibility to it, e.g., by depositing the message in a "message store"). However, while these terms are used with at least the appearance of great precision in other environments, the implied boundaries between MUAs and MTAs often do not accurately match common, and conforming, practices with Klensin Standards Track [Page 12]
RFC SMTP October Internet mail. Hence, the reader should be cautious about inferring the strong relationships and responsibilities that might be implied if these terms were used elsewhere. Host For the purposes of this specification, a host is a computer system attached to the Internet (or, in some cases, to a private TCP/IP network) and supporting the SMTP protocol. Hosts are known by names (see the next section); they SHOULD NOT be identified by numerical addresses, i.e., by address literals as described in Section Domain Names A domain name (or often just a "domain") consists of one or more components, separated by dots if more than one appears. In the case of a top-level domain used by itself in an email address, a single string is used without any dots. This makes the requirement, described in more detail below, that only fully-qualified domain names appear in SMTP transactions on the public Internet, particularly important where top-level domains are involved. These components ("labels" in DNS terminology, RFC [2]) are restricted for SMTP purposes to consist of a sequence of letters, digits, and hyphens drawn from the ASCII character set [6]. Domain names are used as names of hosts and of other entities in the domain name hierarchy. For example, a domain may refer to an alias (label of a CNAME RR) or the label of Mail eXchanger records to be used to deliver mail instead of representing a host name. See RFC [2] and Section 5 of this specification. The domain name, as described in this document and in RFC [2], is the entire, fully-qualified name (often referred to as an "FQDN"). A domain name that is not in FQDN form is no more than a local alias. Local aliases MUST NOT appear in any SMTP transaction. Only resolvable, fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) are permitted when domain names are used in SMTP. In other words, names that can be resolved to MX RRs or address (i.e., A or AAAA) RRs (as discussed in Section 5) are permitted, as are CNAME RRs whose targets can be resolved, in turn, to MX or address RRs. Local nicknames or unqualified names MUST NOT be used. There are two exceptions to the rule requiring FQDNs: o The domain name given in the EHLO command MUST be either a primary host name (a domain name that resolves to an address RR) or, if the host has no name, an address literal, as described in Section and discussed further in the EHLO discussion of Section Klensin Standards Track [Page 13]
RFC SMTP October o The reserved mailbox name "postmaster" may be used in a RCPT command without domain qualification (see Section ) and MUST be accepted if so used. Buffer and State Table SMTP sessions are stateful, with both parties carefully maintaining a common view of the current state. In this document, we model this state by a virtual "buffer" and a "state table" on the server that may be used by the client to, for example, "clear the buffer" or "reset the state table", causing the information in the buffer to be discarded and the state to be returned to some previous state. Commands and Replies SMTP commands and, unless altered by a service extension, message data, are transmitted from the sender to the receiver via the transmission channel in "lines". An SMTP reply is an acknowledgment (positive or negative) sent in "lines" from receiver to sender via the transmission channel in response to a command. The general form of a reply is a numeric completion code (indicating failure or success) usually followed by a text string. The codes are for use by programs and the text is usually intended for human users. RFC [25], specifies further structuring of the reply strings, including the use of supplemental and more specific completion codes (see also RFC [26]). Lines Lines consist of zero or more data characters terminated by the sequence ASCII character "CR" (hex value 0D) followed immediately by ASCII character "LF" (hex value 0A). This termination sequence is denoted as <CRLF> in this document. Conforming implementations MUST NOT recognize or generate any other character or character sequence as a line terminator. Limits MAY be imposed on line lengths by servers (see Section 4). In addition, the appearance of "bare" "CR" or "LF" characters in text (i.e., either without the other) has a long history of causing problems in mail implementations and applications that use the mail system as a tool. SMTP client implementations MUST NOT transmit these characters except when they are intended as line terminators and then MUST, as indicated above, transmit them only as a <CRLF> sequence. Klensin Standards Track [Page 14]
RFC SMTP October Message Content and Mail Data The terms "message content" and "mail data" are used interchangeably in this document to describe the material transmitted after the DATA command is accepted and before the end of data indication is transmitted. Message content includes the message header section and the possibly structured message body. The MIME specification (RFC [21]) provides the standard mechanisms for structured message bodies. Originator, Delivery, Relay, and Gateway Systems This specification makes a distinction among four types of SMTP systems, based on the role those systems play in transmitting electronic mail. An "originating" system (sometimes called an SMTP originator) introduces mail into the Internet or, more generally, into a transport service environment. A "delivery" SMTP system is one that receives mail from a transport service environment and passes it to a mail user agent or deposits it in a message store that a mail user agent is expected to subsequently access. A "relay" SMTP system (usually referred to just as a "relay") receives mail from an SMTP client and transmits it, without modification to the message data other than adding trace information, to another SMTP server for further relaying or for delivery. A "gateway" SMTP system (usually referred to just as a "gateway") receives mail from a client system in one transport environment and transmits it to a server system in another transport environment. Differences in protocols or message semantics between the transport environments on either side of a gateway may require that the gateway system perform transformations to the message that are not permitted to SMTP relay systems. For the purposes of this specification, firewalls that rewrite addresses should be considered as gateways, even if SMTP is used on both sides of them (see RFC [27]). Mailbox and Address As used in this specification, an "address" is a character string that identifies a user to whom mail will be sent or a location into which mail will be deposited. The term "mailbox" refers to that depository. The two terms are typically used interchangeably unless the distinction between the location in which mail is placed (the mailbox) and a reference to it (the address) is important. An address normally consists of user and domain specifications. The standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be "local-part@domain"; contemporary usage permits a much broader set of applications than simple "user names". Consequently, and due to a long history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted to Klensin Standards Track [Page 15]
RFC SMTP October optimize transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST be interpreted and assigned semantics only by the host specified in the domain part of the address. General Syntax Principles and Transaction Model SMTP commands and replies have a rigid syntax. All commands begin with a command verb. All replies begin with a three digit numeric code. In some commands and replies, arguments are required following the verb or reply code. Some commands do not accept arguments (after the verb), and some reply codes are followed, sometimes optionally, by free form text. In both cases, where text appears, it is separated from the verb or reply code by a space character. Complete definitions of commands and replies appear in Section 4. Verbs and argument values (e.g., "TO:" or "to:" in the RCPT command and extension name keywords) are not case sensitive, with the sole exception in this specification of a mailbox local-part (SMTP Extensions may explicitly specify case-sensitive elements). That is, a command verb, an argument value other than a mailbox local-part, and free form text MAY be encoded in upper case, lower case, or any mixture of upper and lower case with no impact on its meaning. The local-part of a mailbox MUST BE treated as case sensitive. Therefore, SMTP implementations MUST take care to preserve the case of mailbox local-parts. In particular, for some hosts, the user "smith" is different from the user "Smith". However, exploiting the case sensitivity of mailbox local-parts impedes interoperability and is discouraged. Mailbox domains follow normal DNS rules and are hence not case sensitive. A few SMTP servers, in violation of this specification (and RFC ) require that command verbs be encoded by clients in upper case. Implementations MAY wish to employ this encoding to accommodate those servers. The argument clause consists of a variable-length character string ending with the end of the line, i.e., with the character sequence <CRLF>. The receiver will take no action until this sequence is received. The syntax for each command is shown with the discussion of that command. Common elements and parameters are shown in Section Commands and replies are composed of characters from the ASCII character set [6]. When the transport service provides an 8-bit byte (octet) transmission channel, each 7-bit character is transmitted, right justified, in an octet with the high-order bit cleared to zero. More specifically, the unextended SMTP service provides 7-bit Klensin Standards Track [Page 16]
RFC SMTP October transport only. An originating SMTP client that has not successfully negotiated an appropriate extension with a particular server (see the next paragraph) MUST NOT transmit messages with information in the high-order bit of octets. If such messages are transmitted in violation of this rule, receiving SMTP servers MAY clear the high- order bit or reject the message as invalid. In general, a relay SMTP SHOULD assume that the message content it has received is valid and, assuming that the envelope permits doing so, relay it without inspecting that content. Of course, if the content is mislabeled and the data path cannot accept the actual content, this may result in the ultimate delivery of a severely garbled message to the recipient. Delivery SMTP systems MAY reject such messages, or return them as undeliverable, rather than deliver them. In the absence of a server- offered extension explicitly permitting it, a sending SMTP system is not permitted to send envelope commands in any character set other than US-ASCII. Receiving systems SHOULD reject such commands, normally using " syntax error - invalid character" replies. 8-bit message content transmission MAY be requested of the server by a client using extended SMTP facilities, notably the "8BITMIME" extension, RFC [22]. 8BITMIME SHOULD be supported by SMTP servers. However, it MUST NOT be construed as authorization to transmit unrestricted 8-bit material, nor does 8BITMIME authorize transmission of any envelope material in other than ASCII. 8BITMIME MUST NOT be requested by senders for material with the high bit on that is not in MIME format with an appropriate content-transfer encoding; servers MAY reject such messages. The metalinguistic notation used in this document corresponds to the "Augmented BNF" used in other Internet mail system documents. The reader who is not familiar with that syntax should consult the ABNF specification in RFC [7]. Metalanguage terms used in running text are surrounded by pointed brackets (e.g., <CRLF>) for clarity. The reader is cautioned that the grammar expressed in the metalanguage is not comprehensive. There are many instances in which provisions in the text constrain or otherwise modify the syntax or semantics implied by the grammar. 3. The SMTP Procedures: An Overview This section contains descriptions of the procedures used in SMTP: session initiation, mail transaction, forwarding mail, verifying mailbox names and expanding mailing lists, and opening and closing exchanges. Comments on relaying, a note on mail domains, and a discussion of changing roles are included at the end of this section. Several complete scenarios are presented in Appendix D. Klensin Standards Track [Page 17]
RFC SMTP October Session Initiation An SMTP session is initiated when a client opens a connection to a server and the server responds with an opening message. SMTP server implementations MAY include identification of their software and version information in the connection greeting reply after the code, a practice that permits more efficient isolation and repair of any problems. Implementations MAY make provision for SMTP servers to disable the software and version announcement where it causes security concerns. While some systems also identify their contact point for mail problems, this is not a substitute for maintaining the required "postmaster" address (see Section 4). The SMTP protocol allows a server to formally reject a mail session while still allowing the initial connection as follows: a response MAY be given in the initial connection opening message instead of the A server taking this approach MUST still wait for the client to send a QUIT (see Section ) before closing the connection and SHOULD respond to any intervening commands with " bad sequence of commands". Since an attempt to make an SMTP connection to such a system is probably in error, a server returning a response on connection opening SHOULD provide enough information in the reply text to facilitate debugging of the sending system. Client Initiation Once the server has sent the greeting (welcoming) message and the client has received it, the client normally sends the EHLO command to the server, indicating the client's identity. In addition to opening the session, use of EHLO indicates that the client is able to process service extensions and requests that the server provide a list of the extensions it supports. Older SMTP systems that are unable to support service extensions, and contemporary clients that do not require service extensions in the mail session being initiated, MAY use HELO instead of EHLO. Servers MUST NOT return the extended EHLO- style response to a HELO command. For a particular connection attempt, if the server returns a "command not recognized" response to EHLO, the client SHOULD be able to fall back and send HELO. In the EHLO command, the host sending the command identifies itself; the command may be interpreted as saying "Hello, I am <domain>" (and, in the case of EHLO, "and I support service extension requests"). Klensin Standards Track [Page 18]
RFC SMTP October Mail Transactions There are three steps to SMTP mail transactions. The transaction starts with a MAIL command that gives the sender identification. (In general, the MAIL command may be sent only when no mail transaction is in progress; see Section ) A series of one or more RCPT commands follows, giving the receiver information. Then, a DATA command initiates transfer of the mail data and is terminated by the "end of mail" data indicator, which also confirms the transaction. The first step in the procedure is the MAIL command. MAIL FROM:<reverse-path> [SP <mail-parameters> ] <CRLF> This command tells the SMTP-receiver that a new mail transaction is starting and to reset all its state tables and buffers, including any recipients or mail data. The <reverse-path> portion of the first or only argument contains the source mailbox (between "<" and ">" brackets), which can be used to report errors (see Section for a discussion of error reporting). If accepted, the SMTP server returns a " OK" reply. If the mailbox specification is not acceptable for some reason, the server MUST return a reply indicating whether the failure is permanent (i.e., will occur again if the client tries to send the same address again) or temporary (i.e., the address might be accepted if the client tries again later). Despite the apparent scope of this requirement, there are circumstances in which the acceptability of the reverse-path may not be determined until one or more forward-paths (in RCPT commands) can be examined. In those cases, the server MAY reasonably accept the reverse-path (with a reply) and then report problems after the forward-paths are received and examined. Normally, failures produce or replies. Historically, the <reverse-path> was permitted to contain more than just a mailbox; however, contemporary systems SHOULD NOT use source routing (see Appendix C). The optional <mail-parameters> are associated with negotiated SMTP service extensions (see Section ). The second step in the procedure is the RCPT command. This step of the procedure can be repeated any number of times. RCPT TO:<forward-path> [ SP <rcpt-parameters> ] <CRLF> The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by "<" and ">" brackets) identifying one recipient. If accepted, the SMTP server returns a " OK" reply and stores the forward-path. If the Klensin Standards Track [Page 19]
RFC SMTP October recipient is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP server returns a reply, typically with a string such as "no such user - " and the mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are possible). The <forward-path> can contain more than just a mailbox. Historically, the <forward-path> was permitted to contain a source routing list of hosts and the destination mailbox; however, contemporary SMTP clients SHOULD NOT utilize source routes (see Appendix C). Servers MUST be prepared to encounter a list of source routes in the forward-path, but they SHOULD ignore the routes or MAY decline to support the relaying they imply. Similarly, servers MAY decline to accept mail that is destined for other hosts or systems. These restrictions make a server useless as a relay for clients that do not support full SMTP functionality. Consequently, restricted- capability clients MUST NOT assume that any SMTP server on the Internet can be used as their mail processing (relaying) site. If a RCPT command appears without a previous MAIL command, the server MUST return a "Bad sequence of commands" response. The optional <rcpt-parameters> are associated with negotiated SMTP service extensions (see Section ). Since it has been a common source of errors, it is worth noting that spaces are not permitted on either side of the colon following FROM in the MAIL command or TO in the RCPT command. The syntax is exactly as given above. The third step in the procedure is the DATA command (or some alternative specified in a service extension). DATA <CRLF> If accepted, the SMTP server returns a Intermediate reply and considers all succeeding lines up to but not including the end of mail data indicator to be the message text. When the end of text is successfully received and stored, the SMTP-receiver sends a " OK" reply. Since the mail data is sent on the transmission channel, the end of mail data must be indicated so that the command and reply dialog can be resumed. SMTP indicates the end of the mail data by sending a line containing only a "." (period or full stop). A transparency procedure is used to prevent this from interfering with the user's text (see Section ). The end of mail data indicator also confirms the mail transaction and tells the SMTP server to now process the stored recipients and mail Klensin Standards Track [Page 20]
RFC SMTP October data. If accepted, the SMTP server returns a " OK" reply. The DATA command can fail at only two points in the protocol exchange: If there was no MAIL, or no RCPT, command, or all such commands were rejected, the server MAY return a "command out of sequence" () or "no valid recipients" () reply in response to the DATA command. If one of those replies (or any other 5yz reply) is received, the client MUST NOT send the message data; more generally, message data MUST NOT be sent unless a reply is received. If the verb is initially accepted and the reply issued, the DATA command should fail only if the mail transaction was incomplete (for example, no recipients), if resources were unavailable (including, of course, the server unexpectedly becoming unavailable), or if the server determines that the message should be rejected for policy or other reasons. However, in practice, some servers do not perform recipient verification until after the message text is received. These servers SHOULD treat a failure for one or more recipients as a "subsequent failure" and return a mail message as discussed in Section 6 and, in particular, in Section Using a " mailbox not found" (or equivalent) reply code after the data are accepted makes it difficult or impossible for the client to determine which recipients failed. When the RFC format ([28], [4]) is being used, the mail data include the header fields such as those named Date, Subject, To, Cc, and From. Server SMTP systems SHOULD NOT reject messages based on perceived defects in the RFC or MIME (RFC [21]) message header section or message body. In particular, they MUST NOT reject messages in which the numbers of Resent-header fields do not match or Resent-to appears without Resent-from and/or Resent-date. Mail transaction commands MUST be used in the order discussed above. Forwarding for Address Correction or Updating Forwarding support is most often required to consolidate and simplify addresses within, or relative to, some enterprise and less frequently to establish addresses to link a person's prior address with a current one. Silent forwarding of messages (without server notification to the sender), for security or non-disclosure purposes, is common in the contemporary Internet. In both the enterprise and the "new address" cases, information hiding (and sometimes security) considerations argue against exposure of the "final" address through the SMTP protocol as a side effect of the forwarding activity. This may be especially important when the Klensin Standards Track [Page 21]
RFC SMTP October final address may not even be reachable by the sender. Consequently, the "forwarding" mechanisms described in Section  of RFC , and especially the (corrected destination) and reply codes from RCPT must be evaluated carefully by implementers and, when they are available, by those configuring systems (see also Section ). In particular: o Servers MAY forward messages when they are aware of an address change. When they do so, they MAY either provide address-updating information with a code, or may forward "silently" and return a code. However, if a code is used, they MUST NOT assume that the client will actually update address information or even return that information to the user. Alternately, o Servers MAY reject messages or return them as non-deliverable when they cannot be delivered precisely as addressed. When they do so, they MAY either provide address-updating information with a code, or may reject the message as undeliverable with a code and no address-specific information. However, if a code is used, they MUST NOT assume that the client will actually update address information or even return that information to the user. SMTP server implementations that support the and/or reply codes SHOULD provide configuration mechanisms so that sites that conclude that they would undesirably disclose information can disable or restrict their use. Commands for Debugging Addresses Overview SMTP provides commands to verify a user name or obtain the content of a mailing list. This is done with the VRFY and EXPN commands, which have character string arguments. Implementations SHOULD support VRFY and EXPN (however, see Section and Section ). For the VRFY command, the string is a user name or a user name and domain (see below). If a normal (i.e., ) response is returned, the response MAY include the full name of the user and MUST include the mailbox of the user. It MUST be in either of the following forms: User Name <local-part@domain> local-part@domain Klensin Standards Track [Page 22]
RFC SMTP October When a name that is the argument to VRFY could identify more than one mailbox, the server MAY either note the ambiguity or identify the alternatives. In other words, any of the following are legitimate responses to VRFY: User ambiguous or Ambiguous; Possibilities are Joe Smith <jsmith@manicapital.com> Harry Smith <hsmith@manicapital.com> Melvin Smith <dweep@manicapital.com> or Ambiguous; Possibilities <jsmith@manicapital.com> <hsmith@manicapital.com> <dweep@manicapital.com> Under normal circumstances, a client receiving a reply would be expected to expose the result to the user. Use of exactly the forms given, and the "user ambiguous" or "ambiguous" keywords, possibly supplemented by extended reply codes, such as those described in RFC [25], will facilitate automated translation into other languages as needed. Of course, a client that was highly automated or that was operating in another language than English might choose to try to translate the response to return some other indication to the user than the literal text of the reply, or to take some automated action such as consulting a directory service for additional information before reporting to the user. For the EXPN command, the string identifies a mailing list, and the successful (i.e., ) multiline response MAY include the full name of the users and MUST give the mailboxes on the mailing list. In some hosts, the distinction between a mailing list and an alias for a single mailbox is a bit fuzzy, since a common data structure may hold both types of entries, and it is possible to have mailing lists containing only one mailbox. If a request is made to apply VRFY to a mailing list, a positive response MAY be given if a message so addressed would be delivered to everyone on the list, otherwise an error SHOULD be reported (e.g., " That is a mailing list, not a user" or " Unable to verify members of mailing list"). If a request is made to expand a user name, the server MAY return a Klensin Standards Track [Page 23]
RFC SMTP October positive response consisting of a list containing one name, or an error MAY be reported (e.g., " That is a user name, not a mailing list"). In the case of a successful multiline reply (normal for EXPN), exactly one mailbox is to be specified on each line of the reply. The case of an ambiguous request is discussed above. "User name" is a fuzzy term and has been used deliberately. An implementation of the VRFY or EXPN commands MUST include at least recognition of local mailboxes as "user names". However, since current Internet practice often results in a single host handling mail for multiple domains, hosts, especially hosts that provide this functionality, SHOULD accept the "local-part@domain" form as a "user name"; hosts MAY also choose to recognize other strings as "user names". The case of expanding a mailbox list requires a multiline reply, such as: C: EXPN Example-People S: Jon Postel <Postel@manicapital.com> S: Fred Fonebone <Fonebone@manicapital.com> S: Sam Q. Smith <SQSmith@manicapital.com> or C: EXPN Executive-Washroom-List S: Access Denied to You. The character string arguments of the VRFY and EXPN commands cannot be further restricted due to the variety of implementations of the user name and mailbox list concepts. On some systems, it may be appropriate for the argument of the EXPN command to be a file name for a file containing a mailing list, but again there are a variety of file naming conventions in the Internet. Similarly, historical variations in what is returned by these commands are such that the response SHOULD be interpreted very carefully, if at all, and SHOULD generally only be used for diagnostic purposes. VRFY Normal Response When normal (2yz or ) responses are returned from a VRFY or EXPN request, the reply MUST include the <Mailbox> name using a "<local-part@domain>" construction, where "domain" is a fully- qualified domain name. In circumstances exceptional enough to justify violating the intent of this specification, free-form text MAY be returned. In order to facilitate parsing by both computers Klensin Standards Track [Page 24]
RFC SMTP October and people, addresses SHOULD appear in pointed brackets. When addresses, rather than free-form debugging information, are returned, EXPN and VRFY MUST return only valid domain addresses that are usable in SMTP RCPT commands. Consequently, if an address implies delivery to a program or other system, the mailbox name used to reach that target MUST be given. Paths (explicit source routes) MUST NOT be returned by VRFY or EXPN. Server implementations SHOULD support both VRFY and EXPN. For security reasons, implementations MAY provide local installations a way to disable either or both of these commands through configuration options or the equivalent (see Section ). When these commands are supported, they are not required to work across relays when relaying is supported. Since they were both optional in RFC , but VRFY was made mandatory in RFC [3], if EXPN is supported, it MUST be listed as a service extension in an EHLO response. VRFY MAY be listed as a convenience but, since support for it is required, SMTP clients are not required to check for its presence on the extension list before using it. Meaning of VRFY or EXPN Success Response A server MUST NOT return a code in response to a VRFY or EXPN command unless it has actually verified the address. In particular, a server MUST NOT return if all it has done is to verify that the syntax given is valid. In that case, (Command not implemented) or (Syntax error, command unrecognized) SHOULD be returned. As stated elsewhere, implementation (in the sense of actually validating addresses and returning information) of VRFY and EXPN are strongly recommended. Hence, implementations that return or for VRFY are not in full compliance with this specification. There may be circumstances where an address appears to be valid but cannot reasonably be verified in real time, particularly when a server is acting as a mail exchanger for another server or domain. "Apparent validity", in this case, would normally involve at least syntax checking and might involve verification that any domains specified were ones to which the host expected to be able to relay mail. In these situations, reply code SHOULD be returned. These cases parallel the discussion of RCPT verification in Section Similarly, the discussion in Section applies to the use of reply codes and with VRFY (and EXPN) to indicate addresses that are recognized but that would be forwarded or rejected were mail received for them. Implementations generally SHOULD be more aggressive about address verification in the case of VRFY than in the case of RCPT, even if it takes a little longer to do so. Klensin Standards Track [Page 25]
RFC SMTP October Semantics and Applications of EXPN EXPN is often very useful in debugging and understanding problems with mailing lists and multiple-target-address aliases. Some systems have attempted to use source expansion of mailing lists as a means of eliminating duplicates. The propagation of aliasing systems with mail on the Internet for hosts (typically with MX and CNAME DNS records), for mailboxes (various types of local host aliases), and in various proxying arrangements has made it nearly impossible for these strategies to work consistently, and mail systems SHOULD NOT attempt them. Relaying and Mail Routing Source Routes and Relaying In general, the availability of Mail eXchanger records in the domain name system (RFC [2], RFC [12]) makes the use of explicit source routes in the Internet mail system unnecessary. Many historical problems with the interpretation of explicit source routes have made their use undesirable. SMTP clients SHOULD NOT generate explicit source routes except under unusual circumstances. SMTP servers MAY decline to act as mail relays or to accept addresses that specify source routes. When route information is encountered, SMTP servers MAY ignore the route information and simply send to the final destination specified as the last element in the route and SHOULD do so. There has been an invalid practice of using names that do not appear in the DNS as destination names, with the senders counting on the intermediate hosts specified in source routing to resolve any problems. If source routes are stripped, this practice will cause failures. This is one of several reasons why SMTP clients MUST NOT generate invalid source routes or depend on serial resolution of names. When source routes are not used, the process described in RFC for constructing a reverse-path from the forward-path is not applicable and the reverse-path at the time of delivery will simply be the address that appeared in the MAIL command. Mail eXchange Records and Relaying A relay SMTP server is usually the target of a DNS MX record that designates it, rather than the final delivery system. The relay server may accept or reject the task of relaying the mail in the same way it accepts or rejects mail for a local user. If it accepts the task, it then becomes an SMTP client, establishes a transmission channel to the next SMTP server specified in the DNS (according to the rules in Section 5), and sends it the mail. If it declines to Klensin Standards Track [Page 26]
RFC SMTP October relay mail to a particular address for policy reasons, a response SHOULD be returned. This specification does not deal with the verification of return paths for use in delivery notifications. Recent work, such as that on SPF [29] and DKIM [30] [31], has been done to provide ways to ascertain that an address is valid or belongs to the person who actually sent the message. A server MAY attempt to verify the return path before using its address for delivery notifications, but methods of doing so are not defined here nor is any particular method recommended at this time. Message Submission Servers as Relays Many mail-sending clients exist, especially in conjunction with facilities that receive mail via POP3 or IMAP, that have limited capability to support some of the requirements of this specification, such as the ability to queue messages for subsequent delivery attempts. For these clients, it is common practice to make private arrangements to send all messages to a single server for processing and subsequent distribution. SMTP, as specified here, is not ideally suited for this role. A standardized mail submission protocol has been developed that is gradually superseding practices based on SMTP (see RFC [18]). In any event, because these arrangements are private and fall outside the scope of this specification, they are not described here. It is important to note that MX records can point to SMTP servers that act as gateways into other environments, not just SMTP relays and final delivery systems; see Sections and 5. If an SMTP server has accepted the task of relaying the mail and later finds that the destination is incorrect or that the mail cannot be delivered for some other reason, then it MUST construct an "undeliverable mail" notification message and send it to the originator of the undeliverable mail (as indicated by the reverse- path). Formats specified for non-delivery reports by other standards (see, for example, RFC [32] and RFC [33]) SHOULD be used if possible. This notification message must be from the SMTP server at the relay host or the host that first determines that delivery cannot be accomplished. Of course, SMTP servers MUST NOT send notification messages about problems transporting notification messages. One way to prevent loops in error reporting is to specify a null reverse-path in the MAIL command of a notification message. When such a message is transmitted, the reverse-path MUST be set to null (see Klensin Standards Track [Page 27]
RFC SMTP October Section for additional discussion). A MAIL command with a null reverse-path appears as follows: MAIL FROM:<> As discussed in Section , a relay SMTP has no need to inspect or act upon the header section or body of the message data and MUST NOT do so except to add its own "Received:" header field (Section ) and, optionally, to attempt to detect looping in the mail system (see Section ). Of course, this prohibition also applies to any modifications of these header fields or text (see also Section ). Mail Gatewaying While the relay function discussed above operates within the Internet SMTP transport service environment, MX records or various forms of explicit routing may require that an intermediate SMTP server perform a translation function between one transport service and another. As discussed in Section , when such a system is at the boundary between two transport service environments, we refer to it as a "gateway" or "gateway SMTP". Gatewaying mail between different mail environments, such as different mail formats and protocols, is complex and does not easily yield to standardization. However, some general requirements may be given for a gateway between the Internet and another mail environment. Header Fields in Gatewaying Header fields MAY be rewritten when necessary as messages are gatewayed across mail environment boundaries. This may involve inspecting the message body or interpreting the local-part of the destination address in spite of the prohibitions in Section Other mail systems gatewayed to the Internet often use a subset of the RFC header section or provide similar functionality with a different syntax, but some of these mail systems do not have an equivalent to the SMTP envelope. Therefore, when a message leaves the Internet environment, it may be necessary to fold the SMTP envelope information into the message header section. A possible solution would be to create new header fields to carry the envelope information (e.g., "X-SMTP-MAIL:" and "X-SMTP-RCPT:"); however, this would require changes in mail programs in foreign environments and might risk disclosure of private information (see Section ). Klensin Standards Track [Page 28]
RFC SMTP October Received Lines in Gatewaying
Источник: [manicapital.com]
Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number
1. !Easy ScreenSaver Studio reg
2. !Easy ScreenSaver Studio activation key
3. !manicapital.com Registration
4. "new star soccer" 2 Serial
5. #1 CD Ripper S/N
6. #1 CD Ripper ser/num
7. #1 CD Ripper Activation Code
8. #1 CD Ripper Registration
9. #1 CD Ripper key
#1 CD Ripper serial key
#1 CD Ripper Activation Code
#1 CD Ripper Serial Number
#1 CD Ripper Registration
#1 CD Ripper Activation Code
#1 CD Ripper ser/num
#1 CD Ripper serial number
#1 CD Ripper Serial
#1 CD Ripper reg
#1 CD Ripper Registration
#1 CD Ripper Activation Code
#1 CD Ripper reg. code
#1 CD Ripper Serial
#1 CD Ripper reg. code
#1 CD Ripper s/n
#1 CD Ripper serial
#1 DVD Audio Ripper serial key
#1 DVD Audio Ripper serial
#1 DVD Audio Ripper serz
#1 DVD Audio Ripper serial
#1 DVD Audio Ripper Registration
#1 DVD Audio Ripper Activation Code
#1 DVD Audio Ripper ser/num
#1 DVD Audio Ripper code
#1 DVD Ripper key
#1 DVD Ripper serial
#1 DVD Ripper Reg Code
#1 DVD Ripper Serial Number
#1 DVD Ripper reg. code
#1 DVD Ripper serial number
#1 DVD Ripper s/n
#1 DVD Ripper Registration
#1 DVD Ripper ser/num
#1 DVD Ripper serial number
#1 DVD Ripper reg. code
#1 DVD Ripper reg. code
#1 DVD Ripper activation key
#1 DVD Ripper serial
#1 DVD Ripper serial
#1 DVD Ripper key
#1 DVD Ripper reg. code
#1 DVD Ripper S/N
#1 DVD Ripper reg. code
#1 DVD Ripper ser/num
#1 DVD Ripper serial number
#1 DVD Ripper Reg Code
#1 DVD Ripper Serial Number
#1 DVD Ripper ALL Reg Code
#1 Popup Blocker serial number
#1 Screen Capture reg
#1 Screen Capture s/n
#1 Screen Capture reg
#1 Video Converter Serial Number
#1 Video Converter key
#1 Video Converter s/n
#1 Video Converter Key
#1 Video Converter registration key
#1 Video Converter serial
#1 Video Converter activation key
#1 Video Converter serial key
#1 Video Converter activation key
#1 Video Converter Activation Code
#1 Video Converter Serial
#1 Video Converter v. Serial Number
$tock Exchange reg
معتصم بالله s/n
Śmieciarek NxG v serial
.mobile for Desktop PC s/n
.smart movie Reg Code
beta Serial Number
00 Defrag Professional Edition key
00 Defrag Professional Edition Activation Code
MP3 Encoder reg. code
Customer Search Expert serial number
DVD Copy code
MP3 Sound Recorder Registration
NightFire registration code
Spy Software reg
Spy Software Pro key
Spy Software Activation Code
Spy Software Serial
Spy Software serial key
Spy Software serial number
Spy Software serial
Spy Software Serial Number
Spy Software reg. code
Spy Software serial key
Spy Software reg
Spy Software activation key
Spy Software activation key
Spy Software s/n
STARR Internet & PC Ueberwachung (STARR) Registration
STARR Internet & PC Ueberwachung Activation Code
STARR PC & Internet Monitor Home Edition Serial
STARR PC & Internet Monitor Pro Edition Key
STARR PC & Internet Monitor s/n
STARR PC & Internet Monitor Reg Code
STARR PC & Internet Monitor Pro serial number
STARR PC and Internet Monitor Pro Edition key
Stealth Activity Monitor Activation Code
Stealth Activity Recoder and Reporter Serial Number
Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter ser/num
Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter registration code
Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter serial key
Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter serz
Stealth Activity Reporter reg
Submitter Pro reg. code
th Zig-Zag code
Editor reg
Editor serial number
Editor registration code
Editor serial key
Editor serial
Memorizer serial
Killer 1.X s/n
Killer 1.x serial key
01W Editor for Win95 1 serz
h Lucky Reminder s/n
h Lucky Reminder reg
h Lucky Reminder Activation Code
h Lucky Reminder serial
h Lucky Reminder serz
0S Non-Proxy Atomic Sync reg
1 ACE Search Engine Submission serz
1 Animation Builder serial
1 CD Ripper Key
1 CD Ripper serz
1 CD Ripper Registration
1 CD Ripper registration code
1 CD Ripper Serial Number
1 Click & Go reg. code
1 Click & Lock serz
1 Click & Lock Serial Number
1 Click & Lock Serial
1 Click & Lock reg
1 Click & Lock S/N
1 Click & Lock Reg Code
1 Click Runner serial
1 Click Unzip Registration
1 Click Unzip s/n
1 Click Unzip! registration code
1 Click Wallpaper Key
1 Click& Lock serz
1 Cool Button Tool s/n
1 Cool Button Tool registration code
1 Cool Button Tool ser/num
1 DVD Ripper serial
1 Form Proposal - Invoice Serial
1 Form Proposal - Invoice serial number
1 Form Proposal-Invoice Reg Code
1 Form Proposal-Invoice reg
1 Form Proposal-Invoice reg. code
1 Form Proposal-Invoice serial
1 Great Craps Game serial number
1 Moon Above Mar 10 activation key
1 More Photo Calender reg
1 More PhotoCalendar German serial number
1 More PhotoCalendar S/N
1 More Scanner S/N
1 More Watermaker Reg Code
1 Screen Capture reg
1 st Mass Mailer registration code
1 Step MP3 to Audio CD Maker serial key
1 Step UnZip key
1- More PhotoCalendar serial number
Key serial
SuperPairs Registration
Remote serial
All key
All HTML editor code
1-calc activation key
1-Click Quotes/Stock Watch Serial
1-Click-Quotes/Stock Watch Activation Code
1-Clik Calendar serial
1-More PhotoCalendar serial number
1-More PhotoCalendar key
1-More PhotoCalendar serz
1-More PhotoCalendar serial
1-More PhotoCalendar activation key
1-More PhotoCalendar serz
1-More PhotoCalendar german serial
1-More PhotoCalendar registration code
1-More PhotoCalender Serial
1-More PhotoManager S/N
1-More PhotoManager reg
1-More Scanner Registration
1-More Scanner serial
1-More Scanner activation key
1-More Scanner Reg Code
1-More Scanner serial number
1-More Watermaker ser/num
1-More WaterMark reg
1-More Watermarker German serial
1-More Watermarker serial number
1-More Watermarker code
1-More Watermarker Reg Code
1-more-scanner Registration
1-Net Pal b Reg Code
1-PhotoCalendar Activation Code
1-Pro-File S/N
1-Step Audio Publisher code
1-Stop Organizer serial key
Reg Code
Name: anything you want Registration
Happy Dollars 3D Screen Saver s/n
Percent Word Search s/n
Lots Of Happiness In The Game serial number
Killer Internet Marketing Tacticts serial
XCD Retail serial
10DRemote reg
10DRemote serial key
10DRemote activation key
Quick Installer Registration
Quick Installer activation key
Quick Reinstaller s/n
Quick Reinstaller S/N
Quick Reinstaller Key
Quick Reinstaller registration code
Quick Reinstaller Key
Quick Reinstaller Serial
Zondulux reg
12 Ghosts HiSpirit XP 15 serial key
12! The Series: Pyramid Memory Dominoes serial
avi to gif any version Registration
Avi to Gif Converter s/n
AVI to GIF Converter registration code
AVI to GIF Converter v. serial key
Bulk Email Direct Sender serial key
Bulk Email Direct Sender reg
CD Ripper registration code
Cleaner s/n
Flash Menu serial number
Flash Menu Activation Code
Flash Menu V reg
Flash Screensaver Maker Professional Plus Editor s/n
GIF&JPG Optimizer serial key
Hidden Sender serial key
Hidden Sender serz
MP3 Wav Converter & Player serz
MP3 Wav Converter&Player s/n
Outlook Express Backup serial number
Outlook Express Backup registration code
Outlook Express Backup Enterprise Edition s/n
Outlook Express Backup Enterprise Edition serial number
Photo Screensaver Builder Professional Plus serial number
Screensaver Maker serial number
Screensaver Maker key
Screensaver Maker reg. code
Slide Master Serial
Slide Master key
Sound Recorder v s/n
Project Management a serial
ColorPicker registration code
IconHunter Registration
Pe serz
Pet serial
Pet serial
Tag Reg Code
Tag Activation Code
Tag activation key
Violino German serial number
WashAll Professional s/n
% Service-Providers Marketing Software Key
Gamma Encryption serial
12Ghost SuperGee reg. code
12Ghost SuperGee reg. code
12Ghost SuperGee v s/n
12Ghosts f serial
12Ghosts a registration key
12Ghosts HiSpirits XP Key
12Ghosts HiSpirts XP Registration
12Ghosts Pro c serial number
12Ghosts Pro d Halloween Edition reg. code
12Ghosts Pro serial
12Ghosts Pro a s/n
12Ghosts Pro g serial key
12Ghosts Pro a serial number
12Ghosts Pro b reg
12Ghosts PRO d key
12Ghosts Pro e Reg Code
12Ghosts PRO f ser/num
12Ghosts Pro Key
12Ghosts Pro reg
12Ghosts Pro s/n
12Ghosts Pro Activation Code
12Ghosts SuperGee activation key
12Ghosts SuperGee code
12Ghosts SuperGee s/n
12Ghosts SuperGee Reg Code
12Ghosts SuperGee Key
12Ghosts SuperGee Backup S/N
12Ghosts SuperGee Backup Activation Code
12Ghosts SuperGee Shredder ser/num
12Ghosts SuperGee Shredder Serial Number
12Ghosts Wash XP serz
12Ghots SuperGee registration key
13 Out Card Game s/n
Leonardo da Vinci Calculator serial
Pack Registration
Pack 1.x Key
A.D : A New World S/N
A.D: The New Word ser/num
A.D. Unknown s/n
Ford Screen Saver Retail Serial Number
BattleFleet activation key
BattleFleet serz
BattleFleet serial key
Fractal Calender registration key
New Year Slots registration code
The World Book Encyclopedia s/n
1Click DVD Copy Serial
1Click DVD Copy Pro activation key
1click DVD Ripper Serial
1Click DVD to DivX AVI key
1Click DVD to Divx Avi serial key
1Click DVD to VCD Registration
1Click DVD to VCD Key
1ClickUnzip Reg Code
1ClickWebSlideShow serial
1ClickWebSlideShow reg. code
1ClickWebSlideShow serial
1st Account serial number
1st Account serial
1st Aid v serial
1st Audio MP3 Maker Registration
1st Audio Splitter Extractor serz
1st Bulk Email Direct Sender serial number
1st Bulk Email Direct Sender Activation Code
1st Bulk Email Direct Sender Key
1st Bulk Email Direct Sender code
1st Bulk Email Direct Sender serial key
1st Choice Browse S/N
1st Choice Browse serial key
1st Choice Browse 98 ser/num
1st Choice FTP Pro activation key
1st Choice FTP Pro Serial
1st Choice FTP Pro reg
1st Choice FTP Pro serial
1st Choice FTP Pro serial
1st Choice FTP Pro reg
1st Choice Zip Key
1st Choice Zip serz
1st Choics Browse 98 s/n
1st Class Image Viewer registration code
1st Contact registration key
1st Desktop Guard ser/num
1st Desktop Guard S/N
1st Desktop Guard registration key
1st Directory Email Spider reg
1st Email Address Harvester serial
1st Email Address Harvester activation key
1st Email Address Spider serz
1st Email Address Spider S/N
1st Email Address Verifier code
1st Email Address Verifier s/n
1st Evidence Remover Registration
1st Evidence Remover key
1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife registration key
1st Go Warkanoid II Total activation key
1st Go Warkanoid II Total serial
1st Go Warkanoid II Total Edition serial
1st Go Warkanoid II Total Multilingual Serial Number
1st Go Warkanoid II Total v serial key
1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife s/n
1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife Key
1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife Serial
1st Go Warkanoid II Wildlife Registration
1st Go Warkanoid II Wildlife Multilingual s/n
1st Go Warkanoid II WildLife v Registration
1st Go Warkanoid II: Total serial
1st Go Warkanoid II: Total registration code
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife serial number
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife activation key
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife Key
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife S/N
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife serial key
1st HTML Editor activation key
1st Journal s/n
1st Jump Reg Code
1st Look serial
1st Look activation key
1st Look s/n
1st Mail Bomber Serial
1st Mail Bomber Pro serial
1st Mail Bomber Pro reg
1st Mail Bomber Pro registration key
1st Mail Sender Registration
1st Mass Mailer Serial
1st Mass Mailer Serial
1st Mass Mailer serial
1st Mass Mailer s/n
1st mass mailer Key
1st MP3 Wav Converter S/N
1st Note key
1st Note Key
1st Note Key
1st Position serial
1st Riada Billboard serial key
1st Riada Headline serz
1st Riada Headline reg
1st Riada Headline Registration
1st Riada Melt Activation Code
1st Riada Melt serial
1st Screen Lock activation key
1st Screen Lock reg. code
1st Screensaver PHOTO Studio Pro Plus serz
1st Screensaver PowerPoint Studio Pro Plus serial number
1st Security Administrator Pro s/n
1st Security Administrator Pro s/n
1st Security Agent Key
1st Security Agent reg. code
1st Security Agent s/n
1st Security Agent Serial Number
1st Security Agent serial number
1st Security Agent Serial
1st Security Agent Key
1st Security Agent registration key
1st Security Agent s/n
1st Security Agent Serial
1st Security Agent serial number
1st Security Agent serial
1st Security Agent Key
1st Security Agent key
1st Security Agent Serial Number
1st Security Agent s/n
1st Security Agent serial key
1st Security Agent Serial
1st Security Agent v serial number
1st Security Center Pro activation key
1st Simple HTML Editor serz
1st Simple HTML Editor ser/num
1st Simple HTML Editor Build 5 Activation Code
1st SMTP Server s/n
1st SMTP Server serz
1st SMTP Server ser/num
1st SMTP Server registration code
1st SMTP Server S/N
1st Sound Recorder key
1st Sound Recorder s/n
1st Sound Recorder reg. code
1st Sound Recorder key
1st Sound Recorder S/N
1st Sound Recorder Activation Code
1st Source Key
1st STMP Server Reg Code
1st There s/n
1st There Key
1st Up Mail Server serial key
1st video converter Reg Code
1st Warkanoid II : Total s/n
1st Warkanoid II : Total ser/num
1st Warkanoid II : WildLife code
1st Warkanoid II : WildLife s/n
1st Warkanoid II : WildLife Reg Code
1st Webcollector serial key
1st Webcollector activation key
1stClass Pre Release 1 Serial Number
1stClass Activation Code
1stClass serial key
1stClass Professional S/N
1stClass Professional Key
1stclass Professional code
1step MP to manicapital.com S/N
1Step MP3 To Audio CD Maker s/n
1stRiadaBillboard registration code
1stRiadaBillboard serial
1stSource registration code
1toX serz
1toX reg. code
1toX S/N
1toX S/N
1toX activation key
1toX ser/num
1toX code
1toX serial
1toX Registration
1toX key
1toX Activation Code
1toX Key
1toX Key
1toX serial key
1toX serial
1toX ser/num
1toX activation key
1toX registration key
2 Circuits Activation Code
2 Clear? code
2 Dozen Roses key
2 Hooked serial
2 Plus Block Buster s/n
2 Power reg. code
2 Power reg. code
2 Power registration code
2 Power v serial
2 Thumbs Up reg
2 Thumbs Up! serial
2 way radio 2 way radio reg. code
2+ Block Buster reg
2. Head2Head Street Racing Activation Code
20 20 Vision code
20/20 Install Creator Activation Code
20/20 PC Install DOS S/N
20/20 PC-Install Pro Key
20/ Registration
Firestorm Reg Code
th FireStorm manicapital.com Reg Code
th Firestorm screen saver serz
th FireStorm Screen Saver reg
th FireStorm Screensaver Serial Number
th HellFire Screen Saver Reg Code
Life Explosions screen saver Activation Code
TetRize registration key
TetRize key
21 And Fast reg
21 Dic serial number
21 Flying Images serial number
21 Flying Images Screen Saver registration key
21 Hearts code
21 Media key
21 Run Game Suite reg
21 Run Game Suite serz
21Dic Activation Code
21st Century Lawyer Serial Number
21st Century Lawyer s/n
21st Media Activation Code
Analyzer serial
24x7 Automation Suite Registration
24x7 Automation Suite serial number
24x7 Automation Suite s/n
24x7 Automation Suite key
24x7 Automation Suite Registration
24x7 Automation Suite s/n
24x7 Automation Suite serial key
24x7 Automation Suite s/n
24x7 Automation Suite code
24x7 Scheduler reg
24x7 Scheduler code
24x7 Scheduler serial
24x7 Scheduler reg
24x7 Scheduler registration code
24x7 Scheduler Activation Code
25 Number Game serial
2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss Registration
2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss activation key
2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss v registration key
2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 serial key
2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 serial number
2D 3D Puzzle Flowers No1 v reg. code
2D 3D Puzzle Say I Do serial
2D 3D Puzzle Say I Do serial number
2D 3D Puzzle War Craft No1 S/N
2D 3D Puzzle War Craft No1 activation key
2D and 3D Animator Deluxe serial
2D and 3D Animator Deluxe registration code
2D and 3D Animator Deluxe v Serial Number
2D Dwarf Digger Key
2D Magic Square serial number
2D Vector Pak for ACDSee Activation Code
2D&3D Animator code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder (standard - Profesional) s/n
2Flyer Screensaver Builder (standard - Profesional) code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder key
2Flyer Screensaver Builder ser/num
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Reg Code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro reg. code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro reg. code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro s/n
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro Key
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro s/n
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro registration code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro Serial
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro reg
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro Reg Code
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Pro Serial Number
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Professional activation key
2Flyer Screensaver Builder Standard key
2JPEG Registration
2M Arcade Bubbles key
2M Arcade Bubbles Reg Code
2M Arcade Bubbles a code
2M Arcade Bubbles serial number
2M Arcade Bubbles Key
2M Arcade Bubbles serial number
2M Blocks Swapper serial
2M Blocks Swapper serial
2M Blocks Swapper serial
2M Blocks Swapper a code
2M Blocks Swapper S/N
2M Blocks Swapper Key
2M Blocks Swapper Activation Code
2M Blocks Swapper key
2M Blocks Swapper a Registration
2M Blocks Swapper S/N
2M Blocks Swapper Serial
2M Blocks Swapper code
2M Blocks Swapper a s/n
2M Bubble Lines a serial
2M Flower Garden a Reg Code
2M Flower Garden key
2M Flower Garden S/N
2M Puzzles Letters serial
2M Puzzles Letters a Reg Code
2M Puzzles Letters ser/num
2M Puzzles Letters s/n
2m Puzzles Letters ser/num
2M Solitaires serial number
2M Solitaires Collection Registration
2M Solitaires Collection code
2M Solitaires Collection activation key
2M Solitaires Collection registration code
2M Solitaires Collection serial
2M Solitaires Collection Serial
2M Solitaires Collection activation key
2M Solitaires Collection registration code
2M Solitaires Collection serz
2M Solitaires Collection Activation Code
2M Solitaires Collection registration key
2M Solitaires Collection Serial Number
2M Solitaires Collection a reg
2M SolitairesCollection Activation Code
2M Tetrix Collection serial number
2M Tetrix Collection Key
2M Tetrix Collection registration key
2M Tetrix Collection registration key
2M Tetrix Collection code
2M Tetrix Collection s/n
2M Tetrix Collection a serial
2M Tetrix Collection a reg
2M Tetrix Collection s/n
2M Tetrix Collection Key
2M Tetrix Collection s/n
2M Tetrix Collection Registration
2M Words Collection ser/num
2M Words Collection reg
2M Words Collection serial number
2M Words Collection a s/n
2nd Speech Center reg
2nd Speech Center s/n
2nd Speech Center Build Activation Code
2nd Speech Center serial
2nd Speech Center build key
2nd Speech Center serz
2nd Speech Center s/n
2nd Speech Center Serial
2nd Speech Center serz
2nd Speech Center Key
2nd Speech Center serial number
2nd Speech Center Key
2nd Speech Center registration key
2nd Speech Center s/n
2nd Speech Center reg
2nd Speech Center key
2nd Speech Center s/n
2Remember build reg. code
2Remember key
2ServerService Activation Code
2Split serial
2Split ser/num
2Spy Registration
2X Cherries s/n
2X Cherry Slots key
2X Dynamite Slots serz
2x Dynamite Slots activation key
2X Sevens Slots serial
2x Spicy Slots s/n
2X Spicy Slots Activation Code
2X Wild Stars S/N
3 Blaster code
3 Blaster activation key
3 Blaster v serial
3 Card Rummy Drop activation key
3 Card Rummy Drop reg. code
3 d studio max 7 7 s/n
3 ds max 5 serial key
3 Peak Space Cards Key
3 Peak Space Cards registration code
3-D GraphSaver s/n
3-IN-A-BED Registration
3-IN-A-BED Registration
h s/n
30 Happy Easter Riddles Reg Code
30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver serial number
30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver s/n
30 Happy Easter Riddles Screen Saver Us serial key
30 Happy Easter Riddles Screensaver Serial Number
30 Wildlife Scenes Screen Saver s/n
Space Oddities x serial number
Space Oddities Screen Saver serz
32 Card Bridge serial
32 Card Bridge registration key
Studios DVD Copy Plus serial
Studios DVD Copy Plus code
serial number
32bit Convert It serial
32bit Convert It Reg Code
32bit Convert It s/n
32bit Convert It Registration
32bit Convert It serial number
32bit Convert It key
32bit Convert it serial key
32bit Convert It ser/num
32bit Convert it s/n
32bit Convert It s/n
32bit Convert IT Reg Code
32Bit Convert It Key
32bit Convert IT Activation Code
32bit Convert It code
32bit Convert It serial number
32bit Convert It s/n
32bit Convert It code
32bit Convert It Reg Code
32bit Convert it registration code
32bit Convert It reg. code
32bit Convert It serial
32bit Convert It ser/num
32bit Convert It key
32bit Convert It s/n
32bit Convert It s/n
32bit Convert It Serial Number
32bit Convert It ser/num
32bit Convert It Registration
32bit Convert It Reg Code
32bit Convert It registration code
32bit Convert It activation key
32bit Convert It ser/num
32bit Convert It serial
32bit Convert It serial number
32bit Convert It c activation key
32bit Convert It v serial
32bit Convert It vc key
32bit Email Broadcaster registration code
32bit Email Broadcaster S/N
32bit Email Broadcaster Serial Number
32bit Email Broadcaster s/n
32bit Email Broadcaster key
32bit Email Broadcaster serial key
32bit Email Broadcaster s/n
32bit Email Broadcaster activation key
32bit Email Broadcaster Serial Number
32bit Email Broadcaster S/N
32bit Email Broadcaster key
32bit Email Broadcaster code
32bit Email Broadcaster serial
32bit Email Broadcaster serial
32bit Email Broadcaster activation key
32bit Email Broadcaster s/n
32bit Email Broadcaster Activation Code
32bit Email Broadcaster serz
32bit Email Broadcaster reg
32BIT Email Broadcaster s/n
32BIT Email Broadcaster key
32BIT Email Broadcaster S/N
32bit Email Broadcaster key
32Bit Email Broadcaster Registration
32bit Email Broadcaster ser/num
32bit Email Broadcaster Registration
32bit Email Broadcaster key
32bit Email Broadcaster activation key
32bit Email Broadcaster Key
32bit Email Broadcaster Registration
32bit Email Broadcaster activation key
32bit Email Broadcaster registration code
32bit Email Broadcaster serial key
32bit Email Broadcaster serial
32bit Email Broadcaster code
32bit Email Broadcaster registration code
32bit Email Broadcaster activation key
32bit Email Broadcaster Serial
32bit Email Broadcaster serial number
32bit Email Broadcaster serial
32bit Email Broadcaster Serial Number
32bit Email Broadcaster registration key
32bit Email Broadcaster serial
32bit Email Broadcaster e registration code
32bit Email Broadcaster e Registration
32bit Email Broadcaster v registration code
32bit Email Broadcaster v serial key
32bit Fax reg
32bit Fax serial key
32bit Fax Serial
32bit Fax Registration
32bit Fax s/n
32bit Fax Serial
32bit Fax Serial Number
32bit Fax reg. code
32bit Fax code
32bit Fax registration key
32Bit Fax registration code
32bit Fax serial key
32Bit Fax activation key
32BIT Fax key
32bit Fax reg
32bit Fax s/n
32bit FAX serial number
32bit Fax serial
32BIT Fax Serial
32BIT Fax s/n
32BIT Fax serial
32bit Fax serial key
32Bit Fax code
32bit Fax key
32bit Fax registration key
32bit Fax reg. code
32bit Fax serial key
32bit Fax Registration
32bit Fax serial
32bit Fax s/n
32bit Fax code
32bit Fax serial
32bit Fax reg
32bit Fax registration key
32bit Fax key
32bit Fax serial
32bit Fax S/N
32bit Fax Reg Code
32bit Fax reg
32bit Fax Serial Number
32bit Fax serial key
32bit Fax ser/num
32bit Fax serial number
32bit Fax v activation key
32bit Fax v serz
32bit Fax x key
32bit Fax x s/n
32bit Fax x key
32bit Fax x Key
32Bit FaxAmatic serial number
32bit FaxAmatic Reg Code
32bit FaxAmatic serial
32bit FaxAmatic code
32bit FaxAmatic serial
32bit FaxAmatic registration code
32bit FaxAmatic Key
32Bit FaxAmatic serz
32bit FaxAmatic serial
32bit FaxAmatic Activation Code
32bit FaxAmatic code
32bit FaxAmatic serial
32bit FaxAmatic Serial Number
32bit FaxAmatic serial key
32bit FaxAmatic registration code
32bit FaxMail for Win Registration
32bit FaxMail for Windows s/n
32bit FaxMail for Windows activation key
32bit FaxMail for Windows Reg Code
32bit FaxMail for Windows Serial
32bit FaxMail for Windows serial number
32bit FaxMail for Windows S/N
32bit FaxMail for Windows Reg Code
32bit FaxMail for Windows registration key
32bit FaxMail for Windows key
32bit FaxMail for Windows Reg Code
32bit FaxMail for Windows Serial
32Bit Faxmail Network Reg Code
32bit FaxMail Network ser/num
32bit FaxMail Network for Win Registration
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows S/N
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows Activation Code
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows serial key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows activation key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows registration key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows activation key
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows S/N
32bit FaxMail Network for Windows ser/num
32bit FTP serial key
32bit FTP activation key
32bit FTP serial
32bit FTP serial
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP reg
32bit FTP code
32bit FTP serial
32bit FTP Reg Code
32bit FTP ser/num
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP registration key
32BIT FTP serial key
32Bit FTP serial number
32bit FTP serz
32bit FTP ser/num
32BIT FTP serial number
32BIT FTP ser/num
32BIT FTP Reg Code
32bit FTP serial
32Bit FTP reg
32bit FTP serial
32bit FTP Serial
32bit FTP serz
32bit FTP reg. code
32bit FTP serial
32bit FTP serial number
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP serial number
32bit FTP serial number
32bit FTP registration code
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP registration code
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP serial number
32bit FTP code
32bit FTP serz
32bit FTP s/n
32bit FTP Key
32bit FTP p serial number
32bit FTP p activation key
32bit FTP p Key
32bit FTP p serial number
32bit FTP v code
32bit FTP v S/N
32bit Internet Fax Serial
32bit Internet Fax registration key
32bit Internet Fax key
32bit Internet Fax code
32bit Internet Fax reg. code
32bit Internet Fax activation key
32bit Internet Fax serial
32bit Internet Fax key
32bit Internet Fax Activation Code
32bit Internet Fax Key
32bit Internet Fax s/n
32bit Internet Fax i code
32bit Multi Clipboard ser/num
32Bit Multi Clipboard serial number
32bit Multi Clipboard key
32bit Multi clipboard reg
32bit Multi Clipboard registration key
32bit Multi Clipboard Reg Code
32bit Multi clipboard reg
32Bit Multi Clipboard Key
32Bit Multi Clipboard s/n
32bit Multi Clipboard Registration
32bit Multi Clipboard S/N
32bit Multi Clipboard registration key
32bit Multi Clipboard activation key
32bit Multi Clipboard serial key
32bit Multi Clipboard key
32bit MultiClipboard s/n
32bit Service Monitor serial number
32bit Service Monitor Registration
32bit Service Monitor Key
32bit Service Monitor Serial
32bit Service Monitor S/N
32bit Service Monitor Key
32bit Service Monitor reg
32Bit Service Monitor code
32bit Service Monitor Registration
32bit Service Monitor serial key
32bit Service Monitor Serial
32bit Service Monitor serial
32bit Service Monitor Activation Code
32bit Service Monitor code
32bit Service Monitor Key
32bit Service Monitor Activation Code
32bit Service Monitor Activation Code
32bit Service Monitor code
32bit Service Monitor Serial
32bit Service Monitor Serial
32bit Service Monitor key
32bit Service Monitor activation key
32bit Service Monitor key
32bit Service Monitor ser/num
32bit Service Monitor serial key
32bit Service Monitor reg
32bit Service Monitor serial
32bit Service Monitor s serial key
32bit Service Monitor v ser/num
32bit Service Monitor v serial
32bit Web Browser Registration
32Bit Web Browser s/n
32bit Web Browser Serial
32bit Web Browser serial key
32bit Web Browser key
32bit Web Browser serz
32BIT Web Browser serial
32bit Web Browser registration code
32bit Web Browser serial number
32BIT Web Browser serial
32BIT Web Browser Serial
32BIT Web Browser Serial
32bit Web browser Serial Number
32Bit Web Browser Activation Code
32bit Web Browser code
32bit Web Browser Serial
32bit Web Browser Reg Code
32bit Web Browser Key
Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Bulk Email Mailer 2.3 serial key or number

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