Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

Microsoft Office Enterprise CD key :



Microsoft Office : 


Microsoft Office Enterprise CD Key:


Microsoft Office Enterprise CD Key:


Microsoft Office Home and Student CD Key:


Microsoft Office Home and Student CD Key:


Microsoft Office Enterprise CD Key:


Microsoft Office Home and Student CD Key:


Microsoft Office Visio Professional CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional CD Key:


Microsoft Office Enterprise CD Key:


Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component CD Key:


Microsoft Office Enterprise CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office FrontPage CD Key:



Microsoft Office FrontPage CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


Microsoft Office Professional Edition CD Key:


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, Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

MicroStrategy Office


MicroStrategy Office lets every Microsoft Office user run, create, edit, and format any MicroStrategy report, document, or dashboard directly from within Microsoft applications such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. MicroStrategy Office is designed using Microsoft .NET technology and accesses the MicroStrategy business intelligence platform using XML and Web Services.

For instructions on using MicroStrategy Office to work with MicroStrategy reports and documents in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word to analyze, manipulate, explore, present, and distribute business data, see the MicroStrategy Office User Guide . Online help is also available for MicroStrategy Office. To access the online help, press F1 while using MicroStrategy Office.

MicroStrategy Web Services

MicroStrategy Web Services ( and Web Services (J2EE) are two options to support the use of MicroStrategy Office.

  • MicroStrategy Web Services ( is an easy-to-deploy service. You can deploy the version using Microsoft IIS on a Windows environment.
  • MicroStrategy Web Services (J2EE) provides a servlet-based version of MicroStrategy Web Services that is compatible with a UNIX, Linux, or Windows environment.

To support alternative ways to access the MicroStrategy business intelligence platform using the latest web services technologies such as, JNI, Java and Web protocols, such as Apache Axis, see the MicroStrategy SDK and the accompanying MicroStrategy Developer Library.

Compatibility and interoperability

  • MicroStrategy 10 features significant new products and major architectural extensions to the MicroStrategy Platform. Therefore, MicroStrategy Office 10 is not interoperable with pre releases. For the complete MicroStrategy Platform Compatbility and Interoperability specification, see Compatibility and Interoperability.
  • If you use MicroStrategy Web Service, all machines on which MicroStrategy Office will be installed should be on the same domain or at least on a trusted domain of the domain to which the Web Services machine is linked. If not, a Network Logon dialog will prompt for credentials that can be authenticated in the domain on which the Web Sevices machine resides. This is not required for MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE.

Installing MicroStrategy Office

For steps to install MicroStrategy Office along with other MicroStrategy products, see the installing MicroStrategy on Windows chapter of the Installation and Configuration Guide. You can also install MicroStrategy Office in the following ways:

  • Stand-alone version of Office: If MicroStrategy Office is the only MicroStrategy program you are installing, use the stand-alone installation to avoid installing all MicroStrategy common files. For the stand-alone installation of MicroStrategy Office, run or MicroStrategyOfficemsi (for use with bit Microsoft Office) in the Installations\Office folder after downloading the software.
  • Installing Office from MicroStrategy Web: From the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, you can designate the installation directory path to MicroStrategy Office, and also determine whether a link to Office installation information appears in the MicroStrategy Web interface. For steps to enable users to install MicroStrategy Office from Web, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • Windows Installer or later is required to install all MicroStrategy Office products on a Windows platform.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed before installing MicroStrategy Office.
  • You can download the software from the MicroStrategy download site.

If you encounter problems during the installation procedure, see the General&#;Information Readme - Troubleshooting and the "Troubleshooting" appendix in the Installation and Configuration Guide. If you require additional assistance, contact Technical Support.

Directory structure

The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the default directory structure after an installation of MicroStrategy Office.



Root MicroStrategy Office directory
Images directory
German language support directory
Spanish language support directory
French language support directory
Italian language support directory
Japanese language support directory
Korean language support directory
Portuguese language support directory

Swedish language support directory

Simplified Chinese language support directory
Traditional Chinese language support directory

Installing MicroStrategy Web Services

For steps to install MicroStrategy Web Services ( or J2EE), see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Review the environment to ensure compliance with supported operating systems, application servers, web servers, Java Development Kits, Java servlet engines, and hardware and software requirements.

  • Windows Installer or later is required to install MicroStrategy Office products on a Windows platform.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed before installing MicroStrategy Web Services.
  • Download the software from the MicroStrategy download site.

Directory structure

Web Services The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the default directory structure after an installation with no previous Web Services versions installed:



\Web Services\ Root MicroStrategy Web Services directory and Interface asmx files.
\Web Services\Office\ Contains the install media to enable the web-based installation and upgrade mechanism for MicroStrategy Office.
\Web Services\swfLocation of MicroStrategy and third-party flash dashboard viewer files.
\Web Services\VisFramework Location of MicroStrategy flash visualization files.
\Web Services\images\ Contains the images that are defined with relative paths in reports: attribute form images, threshold images, and so on. By default, this folder contains images used in MicroStrategy demonstration projects.

Web Services J2EE: The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the default directory structure after an installation with no previous Web Services versions installed:



/Web Services J2EE Root folder of the application that stores the .war file to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE. In a UNIX or Linux environment, this folder does not contain spaces in its name.

Deploying Web Services

For steps to deploy MicroStrategy Web Services on different application servers, see the MicroStrategy Office User Guide.

Undeploying Web Services J2EE:

Before undeploying MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE, make sure to back up the and any threshold image folders you may have. After MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE has been redeployed, copy those files back before restarting your application server

Verifying a Web Services deployment

To verify that Web Services is up and running, open Internet Explorer and type in the following URL: (assuming that the Web Services installation used the default virtual directory). A web page with a list of available APIs should be displayed. Click the Service Description link. A well-formatted XML page should be displayed.

Verifying a Web Services J2EE deployment

A typical connectivity URL to Web Services J2EE is structured as follows: . is typically selected during deployment of the file. While can be customized by modifying the file, it is recommended to keep the default values for these variables.

To verify that Web Services is up and running, open Internet Explorer and type in the following URL: . A connection test web page with a link to supported APIs should be displayed. Click on the link Service Description. A well-formatted XML page should be displayed.

Upgrading MicroStrategy Office and MicroStrategy Web Services

Customers who want to use MicroStrategy features introduced in this release and customers who need fixes made in this release for MicroStrategy products should upgrade:

  • MicroStrategy x, x, and x products can be upgraded directly to MicroStrategy
  • MicroStrategy Office bit must be installed prior to installing&#;MicroStrategy Office bit.

To perform a centralized upgrade of MicroStrategy Office, you can upgrade MicroStrategy Web Services to the new version. Then, upon connecting to MicroStrategy Office, users are prompted with instructions to download and install the new version of MicroStrategy Office.

Before upgrading, see the Upgrade Guidefor important information about preparing for the upgrade, the order in which to upgrade products, and tasks to perform after upgrading.

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Office and MicroStrategy Web Services

MicroStrategy Office and MicroStrategy Web Services can be uninstalled separately from your other MicroStrategy products. For details about uninstalling MicroStrategy Office or MicroStrategy Web Services, see the "Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components" chapter of the Installation and Configuration Guide.


The troubleshooting techniques and procedures for MicroStrategy Office are broken up into the following sections:

Microsoft Office interaction

  • Reports are not executed from Smart Tags action menu in PowerPoint

Report execution and display

  • Large report executions may timeout due to configurable settings involved at various levels of the execution workflow: MicroStrategy Office client settings, Web Server, Web Services, MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, and the database. If you encounter timeouts when browsing or executing reports, you may increase the default settings in the General Options within the MicroStrategy Office Options dialog box. If you are still experiencing timeout problems, contact your system administrator to help you pinpoint the problem.
  • The mapping between MicroStrategy graphs and Microsoft Office charts has been greatly enhanced. However, some advanced graph types (Gauges, Box Plot, Pareto, etc.) are not available in Microsoft Office charts and therefore will be mapped to the default chart defined in the MicroStrategy Office Options dialog box. Other limitations, such as Microsoft Office's restricted color palette, may prevent an exact rendering of the graphs as they were designed in MicroStrategy Developer or Web. If you would like to display static charts with the exact look and feel of graphs as designed in Developer, enable the Display charts as images option in the MicroStrategy Office Options dialog box.

International support

  • Heterogeneous as well as homogeneous language configurations are supported. For example, MicroStrategy Office set in French should be able to run reports from an English Web Services machine.
  • The Microsoft Office Multi-lingual User Interface Pack (MUI) is no longer required to render reports in environments where the operating system regional settings do not match the locale of the installed version of Microsoft Office. If the MUI is not installed, prompt data will display in US English format, rather than localized to match the operating system.

MicroStrategy Office API

  • If you are using the API to answer a date prompt, you must use the new PromptDateTime interface instead of the PromptSimple interface. You must define the manicapital.comDate property to answer the prompt instead of the property.

Web Services

  • If Web Services is not responding, you may fix it by restarting your web server through IIS Manager or the Services Manager of the operating system.
  • If using a Japanese version of Web Services: It is important to install Web Services on a Japanese OS before trying to install Microsoft Office XP (if you need Office XP on that machine). Otherwise issues may occur that prevent Web Services to function properly due to incorrect permissions set on system folders.

Web Services on Microsoft Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows 7

MicroStrategy Web Services is supported for demonstration purposes (not certified for a production environment) for Internet Information Services running on Microsoft Windows Vista, and Internet Information Services running on Microsoft Windows 7. To support Web Services on these environments, see the following notes:

  • Before installing Web Services you must verify Internet Information Services or Internet Information Services is installed with the following options enabled (You can access these IIS settings from within the Control Panel by selecting Programs, Programs and Features, Turn Windows features on or off):
    • Windows Authentication
  • Modify the Windows Firewall settings to enable the exception World Wide Web Services (HTTP). You can access this firewall setting from within the Control Panel by selecting Windows Firewall, Change Settings, Exceptions tab.
  • In IIS Manager, enable Anonymous Authentication for MicroStrategy Web Services.

Web Services J2EE

  • Web Services J2EE has been designed to reach feature parity with its version, with the following exceptions:
    • NT authentication is not supported. Project sources based on NT authentication will be filtered out from the login dialog.
    • Threshold images defined in reports with relative path following the Windows path structure such as: Images\ will not work. It is recommended to modify such paths to be like: Images/, which will work for and J2EE.
  • You may receive OutOfMemory or XML truncated errors when running reports (or metadata browse queries). This is because by default, the JVM loads with a Max Heap Size limited to 64MB. It's highly recommended to increase this value to MB or higher. The procedure to modify this setting depends on the Web application server you are using (different versions of WebSphere, Oracle WAS, or Tomcat have different procedures). Consult your Web application server documentation for details.

General Web Services troubleshooting

  • Symptom: Client users are unable to connect and are receiving Error Access Denied.
    • Resolution: The Web Services machine needs to be added to an NT domain that is accessible to the client users.
  • Symptom: Web Services takes more than 2 minutes to start up.
    • Resolution: Remove or comment out any entries for any unavailable Intelligence Servers.
  • Symptom: Large report executions time out.
    • Resolution: After making sure that Intelligence Server is not causing the timeout due to its own configurable settings, increase the value of keys REQUESTTIMEOUT and SERVERBUSYTIMEOUT found inside the bloc <appSettings> … </appSettings> of the file located under \Program Files\MicroStrategy\Web Services folder then restart Web Services.

Other common troubleshooting techniques

  • The REPORTSTATEWORKINGSET setting defined in file determines the maximum number of reports that can be submitted concurrently per each connected user session. The default value is 3. The Web administrator may increase the value to support higher report submission concurrency per user. However, ensure that concurrency is not increased to the point of overwhelming Intelligence Server.
  • The default installation includes an XML file called under the root installation location (or deployment location for Web Services J2EE). This file is pre-configured with one project source pointing to your localhost Intelligence Server. You may modify that entry or add additional ones following this XML syntax:

    In this release, the following authentication modes are supported. Check with your Intelligence Server administrator to learn which authentication mode has been set up for your Intelligence Server. For more information and examples, see the MicroStrategy Office User Guide.

    • Standard Authentication: MWSStandard
    • NT Authentication: MWSNTCredential (not supported for J2EE)
    • LDAP Authentication: MWSLDAP
    • Database Authentication: MWSWarehousePassThru
    • Integrated Authentication: MWSIntegrated
    • Trusted Authentication: MWSSimpleSecurityPlugIn
    • Anonymous Authentication: MWSAnonymous
    • Pass-through Authentication: MWSPassThru
    • Warehouse Pass-through Authentication: MWSWarehousePassThru

    If you have reports in your project that use threshold images defined using relative paths, the same images that should have been created on the Intelligence Server have to be duplicated under the Web Services application root folder\images folder.

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Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

What exactly do you mean by rejected? Do you have the option to use phone update, and if so wait until given the option to speak to a real person.

Support - that is important security updates ended in

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Dear Palcouk, thank you for your reply. After I entered the product key (which had worked at previous installs) I received the message: Product Key Invalid.  I talked to a support person on the phone, they said they had no information since MS stopped to support MS Office   I should turn to the MS community website

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Although Office is no longer supported by MS, it can still be installed and activated, even on Win

But as you have learned, MS Support is very pedantic and will no longer do anything to help you with  

Double check to make sure you are entering the right number. That is one of the likely causes of the message you are getting.

Where are you getting this key from?

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Thank you for your reply.  I entered the product key several times from the original case / enclosure the disc came in.  The product key no longer works because MS ceased to support this version   Thank you for any hints how to solve this issue !

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The product key no longer works because MS ceased to support this version

No, that is not correct, UNLESS, it is something new MS has introduced. Other people have reported being able to install and activate recently.

From MS's point of view, "no support" means no longer providing updates and no phone support at all, as you found out.

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What’s New in the Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Microsoft Office 2003 Alle Versionen serial key or number

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