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Octacyanidometallates for multifunctional molecule-based materials


Octacyanidometallates have been successfully employed in the design of heterometallic coordination systems offering a spectacular range of desired physical properties with great potential for technological applications. The [M(CN)8]n ions comprise a series of complexes of heavy transition metals in high oxidation states, including NbIV, MoIV/V, WIV/V, and ReV. Since the discovery of the pioneering bimetallic {MnII4[MIV(CN)8]2} and {MnII9[MV(CN)8]6} (M = Mo, W) molecules in , octacyanidometallates were fruitfully explored as precursors for the construction of diverse d–d or d–f coordination clusters and frameworks which could be obtained in the crystalline form under mild synthetic conditions. The primary interest in [M(CN)8]n-based networks was focused on their application as molecule-based magnets exhibiting long-range magnetic ordering resulting from the efficient intermetallic exchange coupling mediated by cyanido bridges. However, in the last few years, octacyanidometallate-based materials proved to offer varied and remarkable functionalities, becoming efficient building blocks for the construction of molecular nanomagnets, magnetic coolers, spin transition materials, photomagnets, solvato-magnetic materials, including molecular magnetic sponges, luminescent magnets, chiral magnets and photomagnets, SHG-active magnetic materials, pyro- and ferroelectrics, ionic conductors as well as electrochemical containers. Some of these materials can be processed into the nanoscale opening the route towards the development of magnetic, optical and electronic devices. In this review, we summarise all important achievements in the field of octacyanidometallate-based functional materials, with the particular attention to the most recent advances, and present a thorough discussion on non-trivial structural and electronic features of [M(CN)8]n ions, which are purposefully explored to introduce desired physical properties and their combinations towards advanced multifunctional materials.

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Chem. Soc. Rev., ,49,

Octacyanidometallates for multifunctional molecule-based materials

S. Chorazy, J. J. Zakrzewski, M. Magott, T. Korzeniak, B. Nowicka, D. Pinkowicz, R. Podgajny and B. Sieklucka, Chem. Soc. Rev., , 49,

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A traceability proposal for industry


This research examines traceability and its model in industry Hence, this paper introduces the main design features of this model. The fourth industrial revolution is an environment that combines manufacturing with the Internet of Things and cyber-physical Systems. In such an environment, various sources (i.e., smart products, intelligent agents, and sensors) generate an increasing amount of data, which is essential for effective traceability. However, due to these heterogeneous sources, a traceability system should face the interoperability challenge and overcome the data integration issue. Moreover, the incorporation of this information in a traceability tool is motivated by the requirement to have access to a maximum amount of accurate product data. Thus, this article proposes to take advantage of industry information. Also, the present study advocates that traceability should not only allow trace and track but also ensure product safety and quality. Accordingly, the proposal includes an intelligent traceability description, an ontology-based modeling, and a cloud-based application. This system provides users with a common knowledge base to access and represent data. Also, this model enables users to share and query remotely the traceable information using the cloud.

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