E-Cassa v2.33 Slovak serial key or number

E-Cassa v2.33 Slovak serial key or number

E-Cassa v2.33 Slovak serial key or number

E-Cassa v2.33 Slovak serial key or number

Notice No



I   Information



/C E/1

E/02 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Collection and recovery from the Third World and destruction of unused toxic agricultural chemicals produced in the EU


/C E/2

E/02 by Glenys Kinnock to the Commission
Subject: East Timor


/C E/3

E/02 by Bart Staes to the Commission
Subject: Position of Commissioner Busquin on tax competition in the European single market


/C E/4

E/02 by Glyn Ford to the Commission
Subject: European Year of Remembrance and Reconciliation


/C E/5

E/02 by Roger Helmer to the Commission
Subject: EU funding of Palestinian terrorism


/C E/6

E/02 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Plans for a major mining project in Romanian Transylvania to extract gold using toxic cyanide


/C E/7

E/02 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Contacts with the World Bank, the Romanian government and the Alburnus Maior action group to prevent a toxic disaster area in Transylvania


Joint Answer to Written Questions E/02 and E/02

/C E/8

E/02 by Mogens Camre to the Commission
Subject: EU aid to countries practising sharia


/C E/9

E/02 by Mogens Camre to the Commission
Subject: Sharia law in Muslim countries


Joint Answer to Written Questions E/02 and E/02

/C E/0

E/02 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Financial control 2: opposing views on the part of members of the Commission and of the administration


/C E/1

E/02 by María Izquierdo Rojo to the Commission
Subject: Rape of Pakistani teacher Mukhtar Mai and tribal law


/C E/2

E/02 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Angola - transparency of public accounts


/C E/3

E/02 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Angola - budget.


Joint Answer to Written Questions E/02 and E/02

/C E/4

E/02 by Sérgio Marques to the Commission
Subject: Common VAT system


/C E/5

P/02 by Charles Tannock to the Commission
Subject: EU funding of the Palestinian Territories


/C E/6

P/02 by Marco Cappato to the Commission
Subject: Four-year prison sentence for the cyber-dissident Le Chi Quang


/C E/7

P/02 by Regina Bastos to the Commission
Subject: EU financing for the United Nations Population Fund


/C E/8

E/02 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Crime in South Africa - another Portuguese citizen murdered


/C E/9

P/02 by Brian Crowley to the Commission
Subject: AFCon Management Consultants, Ireland, and denial of Services Contract TACIS FDRUS


/C E/0

E/02 by Marco Cappato and Benedetto Della Vedova to the Commission
Subject: Case of the Sudanese citizen Dimiana Murad Nashid


/C E/1

P/02 by Harald Ettl to the Commission
Subject: Notification of the Pfizer-Pharmacia concentration, announcement in OJ C , , p. 2


/C E/2

P/02 by Antonios Trakatellis to the Commission
Subject: Compensation to farmers for havoc wrought by bad weather


/C E/3

E/02 by Karin Junker to the Commission
Subject: Commission and Member State ICT projects in developing countries


/C E/4

E/02 by Ieke van den Burg and Wilfried Kuckelkorn to the Commission
Subject: European law aspects of German benefits to encourage private supplementary pension schemes


/C E/5

E/02 by Ieke van den Burg and Wilfried Kuckelkorn to the Commission
Subject: European law aspects of German benefits to promote home ownership (Eigenheimzulagen)


/C E/6

E/02 by Nelly Maes to the Commission
Subject: Financial assistance to Rwanda and Uganda


/C E/7

E/02 by Caroline Lucas to the Commission
Subject: GATS.


/C E/8

E/03 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Efficacy of somatostatin in fighting cancer


/C E/9

E/03 by Christa Randzio-Plath to the Commission
Subject: Application of competition law to rating agencies and auditors


/C E/0

P/03 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Funding for Guatemala.


/C E/1

E/03 by Olivier Dupuis to the Commission
Subject: Child pornography


/C E/2

E/03 by Wilhelm Piecyk to the Commission
Subject: Lack of democratisation in GATS negotiations


/C E/3

E/03 by Ian Hudghton to the Commission
Subject: Public access to documents — consultation on GATS proposals


Joint Answer to Written Questions E/03 and E/03

/C E/4

P/03 by Wolfgang Ilgenfritz to the Commission
Subject: Transfer of currency reserves


/C E/5

E/03 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Recognition by Unesco of olive and olive oil routes as the fourth cultural heritage route


/C E/6

E/03 by Horst Schnellhardt to the Commission
Subject: Ban on chocolate cigarettes


/C E/7

E/03 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Eco-label.


/C E/8

E/03 by Karl von Wogau to the Commission
Subject: Compulsory registration for visitors to health spas


/C E/9

P/03 by Luciano Caveri to the Commission
Subject: Business Tax.


/C E/0

E/03 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Harsher punishment of incitement to hunger strike in Turkey instead of an improvement in the situation of political prisoners.


/C E/1

E/03 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Lifting of secrecy surrounding dubious financial transactions via the Republic of Cyprus


/C E/2

E/03 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission
Subject: Centenary of the first flight by the Wright Brothers — Funding of a project in Eastern Europe.


/C E/3

E/03 by Miet Smet to the Commission
Subject: Women’s rights in Egypt


/C E/4

E/03 by Miet Smet to the Commission
Subject: Women’s rights in Kenya


/C E/5

E/03 by Miet Smet to the Commission
Subject: Women’s rights in Zambia.


/C E/6

E/03 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Cooperation with Macao


/C E/7

E/03 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Ban on abortion in Poland.


/C E/8

E/03 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Export processing zones on the island of Mauritius where goods are produced for the European market by workers who are paid extremely low wages and are subjected to unacceptable working conditions.


/C E/9

E/03 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Definition of population - Abortion


/C E/0

E/03 by Raina Echerer to the Commission
Subject: The Malta Broadcasting Authority censoring TV programmes


/C E/1

E/03 by Luigi Vinci to the Commission
Subject: Turkey and the Ocalan case’


/C E/2

E/03 by Nelly Maes to the Commission
Subject: Forced sterilisation of Roma women in Slovakia.


/C E/3

E/03 by Matti Wuori, Bart Staes and Elisabeth Schroedter to the Commission
Subject: EU support for the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation.


/C E/4

E/03 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Angola: Budget — Government’s Economic and Social Programme for /


/C E/5

P/03 by W.G. van Velzen to the Commission
Subject: Article in the Financial Times of 20 February on differences of opinion within the Commission on competition in the wholesale broadband internet market in the EU.


/C E/6

E/03 by Rosa Miguélez Ramos to the Commission
Subject: Protection of the Siberian tiger


/C E/7

E/03 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Absence of compensation and rehabilitation measures for people illegally deported from Slovakia in and


/C E/8

E/03 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: Mozambique sugar farmers.


/C E/9

E/03 by Bill Miller to the Commission
Subject: EU/Norway Anti-Dumping Agreement


/C E/0

E/03 by Elly Plooij-van Gorsel to the Commission
Subject: Dredgers in Indonesia


/C E/1

E/03 by Charles Tannock to the Commission
Subject: UN Security Council Resolutions on Iraq and the use of force.


/C E/2

E/03 by Maurizio Turco to the Commission
Subject: Fraud against the EU budget involving companies based in Italy and Luxembourg.


/C E/3

E/03 by Marco Pannella and Maurizio Turco to the Commission
Subject: Serious and persistent violation of religious freedom by the Russian authorities.


/C E/4

P/03 by Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler to the Commission
Subject: Green gene technology - developing countries


/C E/5

E/03 by Marco Cappato to the Commission
Subject: Fumigation in certain coffee-growing areas of Colombia


/C E/6

E/03 by Marco Cappato to the Commission
Subject: Arrest of the Peruvian national Nelson Palomino


/C E/7

E/03 by Bart Staes to the Commission
Subject: Investigation into protection of the ink cartridge market


/C E/8

E/03 by Marco Cappato to the Commission
Subject: Census of coca producers in Peru and reclassification of coca leaf.


/C E/9

E/03 by Rosa Miguélez Ramos to the Commission
Subject: Prestige: setting up a European civil protection force


/C E/0

E/03 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Guinea-Bissau: human rights


/C E/1

E/03 by Erik Meijer to the Commission
Subject: Increasing spread of AIDS in countries with a low standard of living through poor medical practice for injections and blood transfusions


/C E/2

P/03 by Helena Torres Marques to the Commission
Subject: EU funds for the Caribbean tourism sector


/C E/3

E/03 by Jillian Evans to the Commission
Subject: Hmong Christians in Vietnam.


/C E/4

P/03 by Maurizio Turco to the Commission
Subject: Suspected infringement procedures and recording of infringements notified to the Italian Republic pursuant to Article 85 of the EC Treaty


/C E/5

P/03 by Marco Cappato to the Commission
Subject: Right to religious freedom in Cambodia


/C E/6

P/03 by Albert Maat to the Commission
Subject: Ruling of the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMA), Case No , concerning the shrimp wholesale trade and fisheries regarding price agreements.


/C E/7

E/03 by Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert to the Commission
Subject: Coordination, integration and marketing of rural tourist accommodation and services as an additional measure under Regulation (EC) No /


/C E/8

P/03 by Paulo Casaca to the Commission
Subject: The situation of the Kurdish leader Abdulah Ocalan


/C E/9

E/03 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Baby feeding and powdered milk in Africa


/C E/0

P/03 by Heidi Hautala to the Commission
Subject: Averting alcohol-related harm in Finland and the Union


/C E/1

P/03 by Eija-Riitta Korhola to the Commission
Subject: Averting alcohol-related harm in Finland.


Joint Answer to Written Questions P/03 and P/03

/C E/2

E/03 by Maurizio Turco, Marco Cappato, Emma Bonino, Marco Pannella and Gianfranco Dell’Alba to the Commission
Subject: War on drugs in Thailand


/C E/3

E/03 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: GATS and water privatisation


/C E/4

E/03 by Christos Folias to the Commission
Subject: Public supply contracts (Supplementary answer).


/C E/5

E/03 by José Ribeiro e Castro to the Commission
Subject: Romania - access to the Securitate archives.


/C E/6

E/03 by Claude Moraes to the Commission
Subject: HIV/AIDS in South Africa


/C E/7

E/03 by Eluned Morgan to the Commission
Subject: Via Baltica


/C E/8

E/03 by Caroline Lucas to the Commission
Subject: Via Baltica


/C E/9

E/03 by Geoffrey Van Orden to the Commission
Subject: The Via Baltica road project in Poland


Joint Answer to Written Questions E/03, E/03 and E/03

/C E/0

E/03 by Jorge Moreira Da Silva to the Commission
Subject: Legionnaire’s disease (Supplementary answer)


/C E/1

E/03 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: Seychelles


/C E/2

E/03 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: Seychelles


/C E/3

E/03 by Salvador Garriga Polledo to the Commission
Subject: Political debate on the future funding of the Union.


/C E/4

E/03 by Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhm to the Commission
Subject: Delay of the Figueres-Perpignan high-speed rail link.


/C E/5

E/03 by Mario Mauro and Giuseppe Gargani to the Commission
Subject: Telephone masts and the environment


/C E/6

E/03 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: Digitalisation of historical databases


/C E/7

E/03 by Freddy Blak and Anne Jensen to the Commission
Subject: Protection of drivers in the export trade against violent attack.


/C E/8

E/03 by Miquel Mayol i Raynal to the Commission
Subject: Closure of Euskaldunon Egunkaria


/C E/9

E/03 by Chris Davies to the Commission
Subject: Landfill Directive

/C E/0

E/03 by Chris Davies to the Commission
Subject: Death of dolphins

/C E/1

E/03 by Freddy Blak to the Commission
Subject: Common European packaging return scheme

/C E/2

P/03 by Freddy Blak to the Commission
Subject: Danish packaging tax

Joint Answer to Written Questions E/03 and P/03

/C E/3

E/03 by Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso to the Commission
Subject: Lack of medical care for Basque political prisoners

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, E-Cassa v2.33 Slovak serial key or number

Intesa Sanpaolo

FTSE MIB Component
IndustryFinancial services
Founded; 13&#;years ago&#;()
FounderIntesa Bank&#;
HeadquartersTorre Intesa Sanpaolo, Turin, Italy
5, branches 4, in Italy
1, abroad
Total assets €&#;billion&#;(end )
Total equity €44&#;billion&#;(end )
&#;(end )
Capital ratio % (Group CET1, end )
Footnotes&#;/ references
in consolidated financial statement;[3] other source[4][5][6]

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. is an Italian banking group resulting from the merger of Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI based in Torre Intesa Sanpaolo, Turin, Italy. In it was the largest banking group in Italy by market capitalization, and second by total assets.[7][8] The bank has also experienced growth in the international market, focused in Central-Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.[9]

When it was formed in it overtook Unicredit Group as the largest bank in Italy with 13 million customers and US$ billion worth of assets.[10] By its assets had grown to US$ billion, ranking 26th in Forbes Global .[11][12] The company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50stock market index.[13] In August , Intesa Sanpaolo launched XME pay digital wallet.[14][15]


Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI, the two banks that merged in to create Intesa Sanpaolo, were themselves the product of many mergers.[16] Cariplo and Banco Ambrosiano Veneto merged in to form Banca Intesa. The following year Banca Commerciale Italiana joined the group. Sanpaolo IMI was born in following the merger of Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, which specialized in retail banking, and IMI (Istituto Mobiliare Italiano), an investment bank.[16]

Banca Intesa[edit]

The oldest part of the banking group is Cariplo Sp.A.. which traces its roots to Austrian Empire household savings bank Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde which was established in in Milan. The cassa di risparmio was started by an Italian philanthropic group, the Central Committee of Charity; a response by the government to the hard economic times of the early 19th century. In the early 20th century the bank helped Italian companies in the North obtain capital during and after World Wars 1 and 2, chiefly under the guidance of Giordano Dell'Amore. Banking reforms in started by Giuliano Amato (Amato Law; Legge Amato&#;[it]) led to the restructuring/reorganization of banks by forcing the government to relinquish control of them (the result was a more market driven bank that focused less on social programs/social causes were abandoned).[17]

Cariplo SpA was formed in when Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (sold by Ente Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde ) merged with its subsidiary IBI. Banco Ambrosiano Veneto originated with Nuovo Banco Ambrosiano and Banca Cattolica del Veneto which merged in The bank increased in size during the s due to numerous acquisitions (Citibank Italia, Banca Vallone di Galatina and European securities dealer Caboto among others).[citation needed]

Banca Commerciale Italiana[edit]

Intesa Sanpaolo secondary headquarters. Ca' de Sass building in Milan

Banca Commerciale Italiana (BCI) started in as a corporate loans lender operating in the commercial industry of Northern Italy. In Mediobanca purchased an interest in BCI (ironically BCI was one of the 3 banks that formed Mediobanca almost 50 years earlier). BCI tried to acquire Banco Ambrosiano Veneto the same year but was spurned by shareholders who wouldn't accept the US$ billion offer. In Italy's largest bank Unicredit Group at the time, attempted a hostile takeover of BCI but failed due to Mediobanca's interest in the company (Mediobanca wanted to merge Banca di Roma with BCI)[18] BCI merged with the former Banca Ambrosiano and Cariplo in to form a financial institution renamed Banca Intesa in [citation needed]

Sanpaolo IMI[edit]

Sanpaolo IMI was formed in when Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino and Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (IMI) merged, (IMI itself was established in ) in a US billion dollar deal.[10]

Intesa Sanpaolo[edit]

In January , Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI, two of the three largest bank of Italy, officially merged.[19]

As part of the authorization of the merger, the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) forbid Intesa Sanpaolo to open any new branches for two years in the provinces of Udine and Gorizia (Friuli – Venezia Giulia region), provinces of Rovigo and Padua (Veneto region), Aosta Valley, provinces of Biella and Alessandria (Piedmont region), Province of Bolzano (South Tyrol), Province of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna region), Province of Pavia (Lombardy region), Province of Naples (Campania region), Province of Imperia (Liguria region), provinces of Sassari and Cagliari (Sardinia Island), Province of Rieti (Lazio region), province of Terni (Umbria region), Province of Pesaro-Urbino (Marche region), Province of Pescara (Abruzzo region) and Province of Catanzaro (Calabria region).[20]

The French banking group Crédit Agricole started to spin off from Intesa Sanpaolo, by acquiring Cariparma, FriulAdria in and Carispezia in , as well as branches from Intesa Sanpaolo. In , Crédit Agricole sold all the shares of Intesa Sanpaolo.[citation needed]

In December , Cassa di Risparmio di Biella e Vercelli was also sold to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena for € million.[21]

In , Intesa Sanpaolo acquired Banca CR Firenze. In December , Cassa di Risparmio di Fano was sold to Credito Valtellinese.[citation needed]

In , group acquisitions included a 30% interest in business info company MF Honyvem, and an increased stake in Alitalia – Compagnia Aerea Italiana up to %[22] Even though the bank was rumoured to have been working with the government to keep Air France from acquiring a stake in Alitalia, Air France eventually acquired 25%.[23][24] Alitalia – Compagnia Aerea Italiana sold part of its stake in the airline to Etihad Airways in

From to , Intesa Sanpaolo write down the value of investment in Banca delle Marche (a minority interests of % share capital) for a total of €90 million (€18 + 72 million), as well as €26 million for a minority stake in Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Chieti in The shareholders of the banks was bail-in in the rescue plan in [citation needed]

In , Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia and Banca di Credito Sardo were absorbed into Intesa Sanpaolo. The –17 business plan of the bank stated that the banking group would simplified their legal structure.[citation needed]

In , local banks Banca Monte Parma, Banca di Trento e Bolzano, Cassa di Risparmio di Civitavecchia, Cassa di Risparmio di Rieti and Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Viterbo were absorbed into Intesa Sanpaolo. Banca dell'Adriatico and Casse di Risparmio dell'Umbria were planned to be absorb by Intesa Sanpaolo in mid A unified website was also used for the remaining retail banks of the group in [citation needed]

In –17, the banking group also sold their non-core businesses, such as the % ordinary shares of Visa Europe in cash plus share deal;[25] Intesa Sanapolo Card and subsidiary Setefi to Mercury (the parent company of Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane) for €&#;billion[26][27] and % shares of Bank of Italy to the bank's shareholders Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Cariplo and the pension funds of the group for €&#;million.[28]

On 26 June ,[29] as part of a government funded bail-out of the depositors (and the bail-in of the investors of the failed banks), Intesa Sanpaolo acquired the good assets of Banca Popolare di Vicenza (BPVi) and Veneto Banca, including some of the subsidiaries such as Banca Apulia and Banca Nuova. The branches of BPVi and Veneto Banca would at first became branches of Intesa Sanpaolo, but some of them would be closed down in the near future for efficiency, as Intesa Sanapolo was also one of the major bank in Veneto region which the failed banks based. In October , the plan to absorb Banca Nuova into Intesa Sanpaolo was also announced. In December , the plan to absorb Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia was announced.

On 6 February , 10 further mergers were announced in the – business plan: Banco di Napoli. Banca CR Firenze, CR Pistoia e della Lucchesia, CR Veneto, Carisbo, Cariromagna, Banca Apulia, Banca IMI, Banca Prossima and Mediocredito Italiano.[30]

Major shareholders[edit]

As of 16 May [31]

Intesa Sanpaolo's shareholders with more than a 3% stake

Many shareholders of the group were the former owner (foundation) of the saving banks that were acquired by Intesa and Sanapaolo IMI through shares swap. For example, as of 31 December , Fondazione Carisap (Ascoli) held % shares,[32]Fondazione Carisbo (Bologna) held %,[33] Fondazione Cariparma (Parma, now part of Crédit Agricole Group) held %,[34] Fondazione Carispezia (La Spezia, now part of Crédit Agricole Group) held %,[35] Fondazione di Venezia (Venice) held %.[36]

Corporate Governance[edit]

Intesa Sanpaolo has a single-tiered corporate governance system in which the Board of Directors alone are in charge of strategic supervision and control. The latter duty is carried out by the Management Control Committee instead of the Board of Directors itself. The bank adopted this single-tiered system in April , replacing the former two-tiered structure. Previously, the supervisory board exercised control and strategic management functions, whereas the management board oversaw the management of the company’s business. The supervisory board was appointed by shareholders in their annual meeting. It supervised the activities carried out by the management board and, in particular, approved the main strategic initiatives proposed by the management board. The management board appointed one of its members to be the CEO.[37][38]

Board of directors[edit]

Members were appointed on April 27, for the following financial years: , and [6]

Position Name
Chairman Gian Maria Gros-Pietro
Deputy chairperson Paolo Andrea Colombo
Managing director and CEO Carlo Messina[39]
Director Bruno Picca
Director Rossella Locatelli
Director Giovanni Costa
Director Livia Pomodoro
Director Giovanni Gorno Tempini
Director Giorgina Gallo
Director Franco Ceruti
Director Gianfranco Carbonato
Director Francesca Cornelli
Director Daniele Zamboni
Director Maria Mazzarella
Director Maria Cristina Zoppo
Director Edoardo Gaffeo
Director Milena Teresa Motta
Chairman of the Management Control Committee Marco Mangiagalli
Director Alberto Maria Pisani

Financial information[edit]

Table with a comparison of Intesa Sanpaolo financial performance over the last years.[6]

Year Net income (million €) Total assets (million €) Total equity (million €)
[3]7, (with &#;billion one-off revenue from Italian government) , 56,
3, , 48,
2, , 47,
1, , 44,
-4, , 44,
1, , 49,
-8, , 47,
2, , 53,
2, , 52,
2, , 48,

Business Units[edit]

The group's operations are segmented into 7 parts[40]

  • Banca dei Territori - By far the largest division this is the company's domestic commercial bank in Italy. Subsidiaries include Mediocredito Italiano, Banca Prossima and Banca 5.
  • Corporate and Investment Banking - Present in 29 countries this division acts as a "global partner" supporting the development of financial institutions, both nationally and internationally.
  • International Subsidiary Banks - Present in 10 countries spanning central eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
  • Insurance Division includes subsidiaries Fideuram Vita, Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura and Intesa Sanpaolo Vita
  • Capital Light Banks includes Intesa Sanpaolo manicapital.com
  • Eurizon Capital - One of Italy's largest asset manager[41] that invests in such things as bonds (including government), publicly traded companies and also engages in short term borrowing and lending.
  • Private Bank Division - includes Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, Sirefid, Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Suisse and Banca Fideuram that offers financial advice services. It was created in as a subsidiary of IMI (later merged with Sanpaolo and then Banca Intesa to form the current company) with the purpose of managing IMI's Luxembourg mutual fund business. In it was merged with another subsidiary Manusardi, that is when it officially became Banca Fideuram. In it entered the private banking industry, it became a broker after acquiring French Company Groupe Wargny (was established in , some of the Wargny business was sold in ) then in its parent company IMI took over its life insurance business. Its association with US company Frank Russell group gave it a foothold in the personal financial planning market.[42][43]


In addition to its strong presence in Italy, Intesa Sanpaolo has branches and representative offices around the world. The Group also directly controls many foreign banks, especially in Central-Eastern Europe and Middle East and North Africa, with around 1, branches and about million clients operating in retail and commercial banking.[40][44]

Photo gallery[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Fitch Affirms Intesa Sanpaolo at 'BBB'; Outlook Stable" (Press release). Fitch. 16 December Retrieved 21 May &#; via Reuters.
  2. ^"Rating Action: Moody's affirms Intesa Sanpaolo's ratings" (Press release). Moody's. 16 February Retrieved 21 May
  3. ^ ab"Annual Report "(PDF). Intesa Sanapolo. Retrieved 21 May
  4. ^"Biographies". Intesa Sanpaolo.
  5. ^Intesa Sanpaolo Businesses Intesa Sanpaolo
  6. ^ abc"Company profile". Borsa Italiana. Retrieved April 24,
  7. ^"Borsa Italiana - CAPITALISATION FTSE MIB BASKET ON ". Retrieved 4 March
  8. ^"LE PRINCIPALI BANCHE ITALIANE"(PDF) (in Italian). Ricerche e Studi. 10 November Retrieved 21 February
  9. ^"Annual Report ". Intesa Sanpaolo. Retrieved 12 October
  10. ^ abTimmons, Heather (). "Italy's Creation of a Banking Giant Is Seen as a Precursor". The New York Times.
  11. ^"The Global - manicapital.com". manicapital.com. Retrieved
  12. ^"Intesa Sanpaolo S.P.A." Archived from the original on Retrieved
  13. ^Frankfurt Stock ExchangeArchived at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^"Intesa Sanpaolo lancia il portafoglio digitale XME Pay - FIRSTonline". FIRSTonline (in Italian). Retrieved
  15. ^"XME Pay: nuova funzionalità per app Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile". Lettera43 (in Italian). Retrieved
  16. ^ ab"History". Intesa Sanpaolo. Retrieved December 14,
  17. ^"Italy, Europe and Financial Regulation". manicapital.com. Retrieved
  18. ^Decision time is near for BCI, Banca di Roma
  19. ^"Quotazioni, Azioni, Obbligazioni, ETF, Fondi, Indici - Borsa Italiana"(PDF). manicapital.com. Retrieved
  20. ^"Provvedimento n. C - BANCA INTESA/SANPAOLO IMI"(PDF) (in Italian). Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato. 20 December Archived from the original(PDF) on 5 March Retrieved 5 March
  21. ^"Joint Press Release Sale of 55% of Biverbanca Finalised". Intesa Sanpaolo & Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. 20 December Retrieved 16 February
  22. ^"Leali, Other Investors Buy Alitalia Cargo Unit, Corriere Says".
  23. ^Owen, Richard (). "Silvio Berlusconi may save Alitalia from Air France". The Times. London.
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  25. ^"Intesa Sanpaolo Sells Stake in Visa Europe to Visa Inc". Intesa Sanpaolo. 21 June Retrieved 13 February
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