Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

Reg Organizer Version History

v. 8.55 09/18/2020

  • Reworked the ability to go back to the previous program's tool by the Back button.
  • Applications tool:
    • The minimal size for which by default the application is considered large has been increased to 200 Mb.
    • The applications installing with tracing function improvements.
  • Visual interface changes (the search field and menu button icons in some tools).
  • Bugs fixed:
    • The access violation error message could occur on the Express Check screen.
    • Some elements' colors haven't corresponded to the scheme when using the Classic Windows 7 theme.

v. 8.520 08/11/2020

  • The algorithm of searching for traces of the application being uninstalled is improved.
  • Portable version: Fixed a bug, which caused the portable version loader to always open with the English interface.

    v. 8.50/8.51 07/24/2020

    • The registry optimization was removed from the interface by default as an obsolete function. If you want to enable it, choose in the Main menu FILE -> Settings..., in the appeared window go to the "Obsolete Tools" section and enable the option "Enable the Registry Optimization tool".
    • The program has been moved to the 64-bit architecture (the previous program versions were 32-bit, but 64-bit Windows was fully supported). This gives a speed increase of up to 20% on specific operations, such as working with the system registry (if your Windows is 64-bit too).
    • Support the cleaning of the new Microsoft Edge based on Chromium.
    • You no longer need to manually run Reg Organizer to completely remove an unnecessary application from the system. Just run the applications' uninstallers in any convenient way, for example, through the Start menu, Apps and Features section of Windows, or manually launch the application's uninstaller from its folder. To start using this feature, enable it via the program's settings.
    • Some interface colors have been changed.
    • Applications tool:
      • When running the programs' standard uninstaller, the quiet uninstall mode is activated, if it is supported. In quiet uninstall mode, asking the questions by the uninstaller is disabled.
      • Installing application with tracing function improvements.
      • The tool's window look has been refreshed.
    • Windows shell context menu commands integration has been rewritten and improved. You may use them to install the application with tracing or to perform the complete uninstall directly from the folder's context menu of the Windows shell.
    • Improved look of the new startup items notifications.
    • Earlier when installing a new version of Reg Organizer if the file could not be replaced, the error message "DeleteFile failed - code 5" used to be displayed. Now you will be prompted to restart the system in order to complete the update instead.
    • Bug fixed: While installing the applications updates Reg Organizer could request to enter the license key despite the fact that it was already entered.
    • Windows XP is no longer supported.

    v. 8.44 06/24/2020

    • Some interface colors have been changed.
    • Latest version that supports Windows XP.

    v. 8.43 01/28/2020

    • The priority level which delayed programs of the Startup Applications tool are launched with has been changed from THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL to THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL. This is better suited for interactive (unlike background) programs.

    v. 8.42 01/21/2020

    • Bug fixed: Startup Applications tool: When excluding the item from the optimization recommendation the exclusion does not happen if the item is not displaying in the list.

    v. 8.41 12/24/2019

    • Fixed bug: The checkboxes states of the Custom Files settings tab items did not saved.
    • Fixed bug: The program could close after clicking on the REG_BINARY value in the registry editor and choosing the "Show characters in the binary value" command.

    v. 8.40 12/16/2019

    • The Opera browser cleaning added.
    • Cleaning of Chrome and Yandex has been complemented and enhanced. For example, GPUCache and ShaderCache data cleaning has been added.
    • Applications Tool: The Universal Windows Platform applications list generation was accelerated by two and a half times. To view them, expand the folder titled "Windows 10 Apps".
    • A new setting "Skip the User Account Control warning" added. When enabled, you will be able to launch Reg Organizer using the Desktop shortcut without the User Account Control warning.
    • The progress is displayed directly on the Taskbar during the long operations.
    • The new compiler is used. The program's size is reduced.
    • Fixed bug in the Applications tool: The Universal Windows Platform apps' sizes were not displayed.
    • Cleaning of the Chrome Cookies and Sites Data section of the Private Data Cleanup could leave some entries not removed.

    v. 8.30 08/06/2019

    • Checking for the installed programs updates. Straightforward one-click updating of them.
    • A new private data cleanup part named Files Downloads Links is added. In some cases, for the files downloaded from the Internet also the download link is being stored in the file system. When cleaning up this part, these download links are removed, but the files themselves remain on the disk.
    • A new registry tweak: "Create regular registry backups. Disabled by default for space saving starting from Windows 10 build 1803". Enabling this option will return the regular registry backups creation by the system. Backups will be stored in the folder: C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack. For more information visit: support.microsoft.com.
    • Startup Applications tool: A button to delete a startup application has been renamed to Remove and Disable to emphasize that not only removal will be done, but also adding this application to the startup will be prevented in the future.
    • Because of the addition of the installed applications updates function the Uninstaller tool has been renamed to Applications.
    • General increasing usability.

    v. 8.29 05/22/2019

    • Improvements to the System Cleanup and Private Data Cleanup tools.

    v. 8.28 03/21/2019

    • The cookies and the data of the popular sites such as Google, Yandex and others are not removed during the private data cleanup.
    • Increased the safeness of the cleanup function when dealing with the browser extensions.

    v. 8.27 03/19/2019

    • Private Data Cleanup tool: A more thorough cleaning of the voice telephony applications private data (downloaded files, image thumbnails).
    • Bug fixed: The Registry Optimization function had failed to work if it was executed right after using the System Cleanup tool. This problem used to occur under the 32-bit Windows only.
    • Bug fixed: Applications Uninstaller tool: Right-click on the folder in the applications list did not lead to showing the context menu.

    v. 8.26 02/12/2019

    • Installer improvement. Added the ability (by setting a corresponding flag option at the uninstall) to remove all Reg Organizer's data and settings from the system when uninstalling it.
    • The Startup Processes tool bug fixed: In some cases under the 64-bit operating system the shortcuts pointing to the file in the Program Files folder could be incorrectly recognized as invalid.

    v. 8.25 01/28/2019

    • Applications Uninstaller: Added the ability to show those of your applications that you use rarely. In the settings it is easy to change the number of days after which an application should be considered rarely used in case it is not launched at least once (60 by default).
    • In the system and private data cleanup tools in the found items displaying window a command has been added for showing an item in the folder or opening in the registry editor (depending on the item type).
    • If you disabled an option to open Express Check at program startup, it will not be enabled automatically if switching to this tool.
    • Bugs fixed:
      1. System cleanup tool: Fixed hanging up during the Windows Updates Unused Files location location cleanup. Sometimes cleaning up this location can still take much time, up to about 10 minutes.
      2. Startup Applications tool: In some cases the in was not possible to remove the invalied entry.
      3. Applications Uninstaller: If to open the application install with tracing window and then immediately press the Close button or click the cross at the window corner the window had closed with the noticeable delay.

    v. 8.20 09/21/2018

    • A new system cleanup location: Windows Upgrade Logs.
    • Notifications about adding applications to the startup including their cloud antivirus analysis. Disabled by default. To enable, open the Startup Applications tool and turn on the corresponding option.
    • The ability to completely exclude from the scanning any of the predefined cleanup locations (they are located on the left side of the window) in the Private Data Cleanup tool. To do this use the new context menu command added to the predefined cleanup locations list.
    • Improved the deleted applications traces lookup algorithm.
    • The program's look has been enhanced if using the Classic theme under Windows XP-7.
    • Some modifications to the new startup applications notifications function.
    • Chinese language is now suppported in the interface. (In total the program is now available in 15 languages.)
    • Bugs fixed:
      • Sometimes if making the rescan right after the System Cleanup function was in operation, a small number of unnecessary files were found again.
      • The Back button in the Startup Applications tool does not work.
      • Applications Uninstaller: The Settings and Commands button was not displayed.
      • When cleaning the Recycle Bin, an overestimated size of the freed space could be shown due to the incorrect calculation of the NTFS reparse point items sizes.
      • A message "System Error. Code 1400: Invalid window handle" could occasionally occur.
      • If Classic Registry Cleanup is enabled, the corresponding button did not dissapear from the tool selection panel when collapsing its section.

    v. 8.16 05/21/2018

    • Improved cleaning of the Obsolete Downloads cleanup location. Now Reg Organizer offers to review the files recommended for the removal to from the Downloads folder before the actual deletion.

    v. 8.15 05/17/2018

    • Added a new ability to remove obsolete files from the Downloads folder during the cleanup. Disabled by default.
    • The Applications Uninstaller tool:
      1. The installations tracing feature slowdown that arose after updating to Windows 10 1803 (April 2018 Update) has been eliminated.
      2. The "Run Installer in Silent Mode (If Supported)" command during the installation tracing now works in more cases.
      3. Bug fixed: In case the By Developer applications grouping mode was selected, it could work incorrectly.
    • Bug fixed: In the System Cleanup and Private Data Cleanup tools the Back and Run scanning again buttons did not respond to pressing.

    v. 8.11 04/15/2018

    v. 8.10 04/06/2018

    • The Applications Uninstaller tool:
      1. Forced uninstall support. If uninstalling an application in this mode, its standard uninstaller will not be launched.
      2. At the top of the window, buttons were added to display the applications that matched some criteria, for example, large applications or recently installed ones.
      3. It is now possible to merge multiple applications within a folder or to set any application as the child item of any other one. This allows you to shorten the applications list.
      4. Ability to group the applications by size: Large applications are displayed in a separate group. You may specify in the Settings which applications to consider as large.
      5. The applications in the list can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
      6. A new Delete from the List Without Uninstalling context menu command. Allows you to delete the information about the traces that are not associated with any application registered in the system. Such records may occur as a result of the unsuccessful tracing of the application's installation.
      7. If multiple applications were installed during a single trace they will be merged into a folder.
      8. A command for the quick navigation to the Applications Uninstaller tool's settings has been added to the menu invoked by clicking the button with the three horizontal lines image located at the right of the search field.
      9. A Search Online context menu command to open the search engine with the selected application query.
    • The ability to enable the classic registry cleanup tool has been added to the settings.
    • You may view the details on the found Applications cache items the list of which is located in the right part of the Private Data Cleanup window.
    • The Explorer Thumbnails cleanup part of the System Cleanup: Now you may view what files are to be cleaned by clicking on the part.
    • Bug fixed: The Private Data Cleanup tool could hang on some systems when scanning the Chrome, Yandex and Edge cleanup locations.

    v. 8.05 12/22/2017

    v. 8.04 11/25/2017

    • Fixed a bug that could sometimes lead to the program crash during the removed applications leftovers deletion.

    v. 8.03 11/9/2017

    • Bug fixed: Startup Applications tool: Some applications that automatically starts from Task Scheduler could be incorrectly recognized as erroneous and marked red although they are correct.
    • Bug fixed: The Private Data Cleanup tool could hang up when scanning the Chrome Cookies and Sites Data location on some systems.

    v. 8.02 11/1/2017

    • The Startup Applications tool:
      • More relevant search results are shown when using the Search Online command on the entry.
      • Bug fixed: When using the Delay Load for... command the delayed entry could be duplicated in the system.
      • Bug fixed: The removed startup entries have not been displayed in the Undoing Changes Center.

    v. 8.01 10/10/2017

    • Bug fixed: The Private Data Cleanup tool could hand during the scan.

    v. 8.0 09/04/2017

    • Ability to clean the cache of the installed applications.
    • A new Private Data Cleanup tool was added. It is designed for cleaning the data of a personal nature emerging in everyday use of your PC like browsing history and the drop-down lists with the paths of files you recently opened in Windows or applications.
    • The new System Cleanup tool combines the functionality for cleaning the disk and the registry allowing for effective freeing up of disk space and correcting the system problems like invalid shortcuts.
    • Ability to clean the jump lists (recently accessed application files and actions).
    • Ability to clean the Run dialog (opened using the Win + R keys combination) history.
    • Switching between the Maximum cleanup mode and the Everyday cleanup mode in the System Cleanup tool. The Maximum cleanup mode can be used, if it is necessary to free up the maximum possible amount of space on the drives. This will be done at the cost of removing old restore points, emptying the Recycle bin, etc. Enable this mode to view more information to make a decision.
    • Recently Used Files section: More files and folders you recently opened in Windows or applications are now displayed here.
    • Check for update: You may disable notifications about beta and alpha versions.
    • The Settings window can be resized.
    • It is now possible to open Express Check directly from the Tool Selection Panel located at the left part of the main window.
    • The Startup applications tool: Now you may permanently exclude the applications from the optimization. To do this click on the cross at the right of the application in the recommendations window.
    • Documentation update.

    v. 7.81 06/07/2017

    • Internet Explorer private data cleanup: Cleaning cookies, browsing history, sessions, downloads history, autocomplete forms history and Web Storage.

      The cleanup location is disabled by default. To enable mark: Main Menu -> Commands... -> Settings -> Disk Cleanup -> Disk Locations to Scan -> Internet Explorer cookies and Sites Data.

    v. 7.80 04/17/2017

    • The Microsoft Edge browser cleanup: Cache, cookies, browsing history, sessions and downloads history clean.
    • The Applications Uninstaller tool: Improved the accuracy of the applications installing with tracing function. Fixed the several possible cases when the entries not related to the traced application are added to the traced changes.
    • The Startup Applications tool:
      • Detects a larger number of incorrect startup entries. Such entries are marked red in the list and recommended for removal.
      • When using the Search Internet context menu command the product name instead of the entry's name is passed to the search engine. This often gives more relevant results.
      • When using the Search Internet context menu command for the entries, which are calling the third-party code by way of using the rundll32.exe program, the search results for the actually called module is shown instead of rundll32.exe.
      • The Windows services are not shown now in the startup items list by default. To display them click "all startup locations" in the upper part of the startup tool.
    • Bugs fixed:
      • The Applications Uninstaller tool: It was not possible to execute more than one install with tracing without restarting Reg Organizer.
      • The Applications Uninstaller tool: Incorrect colors have been displayed on the left-hand panel under the classic Windows theme.
      • The Applications Uninstaller tool: Sometimes after installing a program with tracing, in the list on the programs installed with tracing in the current session the same program could be shown twice.
      • Some of the tips shown in the "Did You Know?" window of the portable version were applicable for the standard version only.
      • Reg Organizer could close with the error message in case of system reboot or restart during its work.
      • The registry optimization function has left the unused temporary files on the disk.
      • No value was shown in the Size column of the Applications Uninstaller tool for many applications.

    v. 7.70 01/24/2017

    • Disk Cleanup:
      • A new disk cleanup part: Recently Used Files. Allows you to remove the information about the recently opened documents.
      • The Programs Error Reports section cleanup has been improved.
    • Correctly recognizes system commands without the extension and the path, for example: "subst w: "D:\some\path\"" in the startup.
    • Bug fixed: In the Startup Applications tool, it was not possible to delay items, which had names containing characters prohibited in file names, for example "?".

    v. 7.62 11/29/2016

    • The Applications Uninstaller tool: Improvement to the algorithm of searching for the applications' traces in the system.

    v. 7.61 11/28/2016

    • The Applications Uninstaller tool:
      1. The delay eliminated in the main window when you select in the list the traced application, which has a lot of changes.
      2. Improved stability.

    v. 7.60 11/23/2016

    • A new disk cleanup part named Previous System Restore Points has been added. Allows to free up the disk space by deleting the system restore points without affecting the most recent of them. This disk cleanup part is disabled by default.
    • Moving the startup entries checking service to the 64-bit architecture (if running under the 64-bit system). In some cases this leads to the faster service work.
    • The Applications Uninstaller tool: The speed of filling the applications list as well as the overall tool's stability has been increased.

    v. 7.52 09/30/2016

    • The registry cleanup works faster.
    • Improvements to the registry cleanup tool algorithm. The safety of the tool, already high, has been increased.

    v. 7.51 09/19/2016

    • Bug fixed: On some systems running Windows 10 if the system startup optimization is enabled, the turning off of the computer could take more time than usually.

    v. 7.50 09/12/2016

    • Disk Cleanup tool: Cleaning up the Programs Crash Dumps and Programs Error reports sections now often allows you to free more disk space. Scanning the section System Activity Logs is now performed more quickly.
    • Yandex.Browser cleanup: The 2 new parts for cleaning this browser's data and cookies have been added to the disk cleanup.
    • Applications Uninstaller tool: Now the size of the applications is displayed, and there is an ability to sort by size.
    • The 2 new options for Windows 10 have been added to the Tweaks tool: "More compact system notifications area" and "Do not show the OneDrive icon in Explorer".
    • Bug fixed: When uninstalling a traced application, if the tracing data had contained the created registry values, they have not been removed.

    v. 7.40 07/28/2016

    • Registry Snapshots tool: The progress goes smoother when comparing the registry snapshot with the current registry.
    • The procedure of installing an application with tracing has been greatly accelerated.
    • Registry Snapshots tool: Creating the snapshot is now quicker; some changes to the interface.
    • Fixed bug: The applications uninstalling function: Reg Organizer could crash if you switch the uninstall of an application to the quick mode (without searching for traces).

    v. 7.36 06/1/2016

    • A new tweak has been added which allows to correct the Start Menu under Windows 10. It is the quite a common problem under this system that the Start Menu stops to open and this new tweak allows to fix it. The tweak is added to the Miscellaneous section.
    • Improved support of multi-monitor systems.
    • Express check and some other program's parts are working slightly faster.
    • The Settings window now appears quicker. Settings saving by pressing OK in this window have been also accelerated.
    • Bugs fixed:
      1. The Applications Uninstaller tool: when searching for the applications' traces in the system the superfluous "?" characters might be presented in the paths.
      2. Disk Cleanup: Checking parts flickering when hovering on them.
      3. Installing applications with tracing does not work if the system temporary folder has been located not on the system drive.
      4. A superfluous scroll bar could appear in the scanning parts list of the disk cleanup tool.
      5. If running on the systems with the large system font the disk cleanup parts list could have the insufficient height.

    v. 7.35 04/1/2016

    • Startup Applications tool:
      1. The applications which has a big impact on the startup are marked in the list with the arrow (available in Windows 10/8).
      2. Now it is possible to restore using the Undoing Changes Center the startup entries you ever removed. With it it is also easy to cancel the performed optimizations of the startup entries in case this is necessary.
    • A lot of minor usability improvements.
    • The Portable version: The enabled parts of the Disk Cleanup tool are now the same for the every system on which the program is running. Earlier, the each system had its own set of the enabled parts.
    • Bug fixed: If larger system fonts are enabled in Windows 10/8.1, the program's windows were blurred.
    • Fixed bugs:
      1. Some dialog windows were too big and could not even fit on the screen.
      2. Sudden progress bar position leap after scanning the Shared Libraries part in the registry cleanup tool.

    v. 7.30 02/1/2016

    • Ability to clean the browsers history, cache, cookies, session information and other data, and to compress the database. Currently supported browsers are Google Chrome, Chromium, and Yandex.
    • Applications Uninstaller: Update of the applications traces in the system lookup algorithm.
    • Registry Cleanup: The program will now automatically add the entries which have not been removed to the ignore list.
    • Disk Cleanup: Faster found items list display for the parts where a large number of items was found.
    • Adding sites to the ignore list is now supported. It is useful for excluding any sites during the browsers' cleanup.
    • Fixed bugs:
      1. In Registry Editor, after updating the registry tree using F5, the newly added keys were not listed in alphabetical order.
      2. Applications Uninstaller: In some cases, flickering could be seen during the uninstalling of an application when the traces search in the system was being performed.
      3. The Save List As... command in the context menu of the registry search results list did not work.
      4. When uninstalling Windows 10/8 apps (universal apps) the uninstall stage was not shown in the top of the window.
      5. In the Applications Uninstaller tool, for some universal apps (also known as Windows Store apps) the icons were not displayed.

    v. 7.20 08/28/2015

    • The ability to remove files left after upgrade to Windows 10. The files from the previous version of Windows, as well as ones used during the upgrade to Windows 10 will be removed. This operation frees up about 25-30 GB on the disk, but takes a long time, and is therefore disabled by default. To enable it, go to the Main menu -> Commands -> Settings..., then in the tree-like list in the left part of the window select Disk Cleanup -> Disk Locations to Scan, check the item titled "Old Windows version" and click OK. Now the disk cleanup will clear the files left after switching to Windows 10, if they are present in your system.
    • If the system is installed on the solid-state drive (SSD), the registry files defragmentation is not performed during the registry optimization. Only the compression is performed, which eliminates areas with already removed data in the registry files.
    • When opening the registry cleanup tool the scanning starts automatically.
    • Fixed bug: It was not possible to close the registry cleanup window during the scan using the cross in the window's corner.

    v. 7.16 08/17/2015

    • Support of users translations of the program into the other languages. If you want to translate Reg Organizer into the another language, please visit http://langs.chemtable-cloud.com.
    • 3 new tweaks for Windows 10 were added.
    • Improved Windows 10 support in the Applications Uninstaller tool.
    • Registry search results list: It is now possible to select multiple entries using the Ctrl and Shift keys in combination with the left mouse button.
    • Bug fixed: The program could freeze for several minutes when removing a Windows 10/8 application.

    v. 7.15 07/13/2015

    • Now it is possible to completely uninstall any application directly from the Windows shell without the need to first launch Reg Organizer. Here is how to do this:
      1. If there is a shortcut of the application you want to uninstall on the Desktop, drag it to Reg Organizer's shortcut to begin uninstalling.
      2. Right click on the application you want to uninstall and choose the command titled Uninstall completely with Reg Organizer.
    • The Startup Applications tool: The automatically started Windows services are also shown in the list by default. Previously, to view them it was necessary to change the option.
    • In the settings, the combined option for the shell integration has replaced the several ones for various types of integrations.
    • Portable version: An option was added allowing the user to disable the program's startup splash screen.
    • Disk Cleanup: After removing files from the Recycle Bin, its icon doesn't change the state indicating that the Recycle Bin is not empty.
    • Bugs fixed:
      1. The registry files (.reg) could not be opened if they were created by copying and pasting the text in Notepad or similar text editor.
      2. If System Express Check was disabled, when opening the program, a tool could be opened which was different from the one used before closing the program.
      3. An an error message was shown by Reg Organizer after using the reg file data from the Registry removing command.
      4. Not all matched files could be found according to the specified useless files masks during the disk cleanup.

    v. 7.12 05/12/2015

    • A Reg Organizer icon added to its Explorer context menu command for running an application with tracing.
    • The problem with the application's digital signature has been fixed.
    • The registry cleanup function ignore list update.

    v. 7.11

    • The applications uninstalling function: stability improved.
    • Bugs fixed: If you click on an already selected item in the left-hand panel and then spin the mouse wheel, the buttons will move up or down leaving extra free space in the panel.

    v. 7.10

    • The Application Uninstaller tool: The new type of applications for Windows 8/8.1/10 (Windows Store applications) is supported.
    • The Startup Applications tool:
      1. Support of the new startup locations: Services and Drivers. Reg Organizer allows to to configure the delayed launch of the applications from these locations as for other startup applications.
      2. When displaying entries which are calling the third-party code by way of using the rundll32.exe program, the information about the actually called module is shown instead of rundll32.exe.
      3. A command for removing the selected entry has been added to the startup items list.
    • Disk Cleanup: If you want to specify the custom file masks to be removed during the disk cleanup (via Main Menu -> Commands -> Settings... -> Disk Cleanup -> Custom Files), now it is not necesary to add every mask separately. Just add them in one line, for example: "*.tmp *.temp".
    • Bugs fixed:
      1. If you try to reboot the computer without closing Reg Organizer, a message was shown that latter does not allow to end the session.
      2. Registry editor: The unusual registry string values that does not have the the null terminating character, could be displayed with the superfluous, "garbage" characters at the end.

    v. 7.0

    • The program's user interface has been updated.
    • Startup applications optimization. Reg Organizer may speed up your computer boot time by delaying specific applications which are registered for automatic starting along with the system. These are programs that are not necessary right after the system has loaded.
    • The disk cleanup tool has been completely remastered. Improvements:
      1. The tool is now able to find more unneeded files and invalid shortcuts on the disks.
      2. It works more quickly.
      3. The ability has been added to specify the custom folders and the file masks for cleaning them. (The Clean Folders function from the previous versions was able only to purge the specified folders completely.)
    • The Important Registry Parts tool: You now have the ability to select several entries at once. Also a new command was added to the context menu allowing you to turn all selected items into checked.
    • An option was added to Settings allowing you to disable the splash screen on program start.
    • Bug fixed: Some interface parts of the Startup tools could be displayed incorrectly when working under the Classic Windows interface theme.

    v. 6.60

    • The Startup Applications tool:
      1. The percent of users who delayed and disabled a startup application is now shown for each application in the list.
      2. The context menu commands which allows you to delay and temporary disable a startup item have been added to the context menu.
      3. The removed startup applications for which the automatic launch was recently blocked are displayed now in the interface.
      4. A more reliable working of the tool with regard to delaying and disabling the startup applications.
    • Registry Editor:
      1. Ability to create and edit the REG_QWORD values. This registry type represents the 64-bit integer values.
      2. Bug fixed: When editing the numeric value, the backspace key allowing you to delete the previous character does not work.

    v. 6.55

    • The Application Uninstaller tool:
      1. When removing the application traces now, a backup is created in the Undoing Change Center. This makes it easy to recover the deleted application traces if, for example, you removed the program's traces and whereupon decided that you wish to continue using it.
      2. Uninstalling applications is faster due to the fact that the system restore point is not created now before the application's traces removal. (The quickly-working Undoing Changes Center is now used instead to provide the ability to rollback the traces removal.)
      3. High CPU resources consumption eliminated during the work of the standard uninstaller when removing an application.
    • The Tweaks tool: A tweak was added: "Do not show the Windows lock screen upon system load".
    • The Registry Optimization tool: a problem was fixed after the optimization when the Hidden attribute was taken off from the files where the registry is stored. This led to the fact that the files of the registry become visible in Explorer with the standard settings.
    • Rarely used options have been removed from the program settings.

    v. 6.50

    • A new Startup Applications tool has been added. It accumulates the functionality that was previously in one of the Important Registry Parts sections and also includes the following improvements:
      1. Now every one of the most applications automatically started after system load can be delayed by specifying an any period of time after which it will be launched. The delaying of the applications which are not necessary immediately after the system load allows you to accelerate its being brought to a working state; that is, when there is no more latency in the system's user interface.
      2. Building the startup applications loading order by using the delaying function.
      3. Displaying the system load speed graph.
      4. More startup applications now displayed.
      5. Protecting the status of the delayed, disabled, and removed startup entries and restoring it in the event the status was changed by the parent program.
      6. Easily changing several entries at once, if necessary.
      7. A context menu command allowing you to move to the startup entry in the system (for example, open the registry key containing the startup entry).
      8. Extracting the startup application’s information from the digital signature, if available for an application.
    • The Tweaks tool:
      1. The System Load and Unload Speed-Up quick tune-up group has been supplemented by a new tweak. Enabling it boosts the system load by reducing the startup applications priority on a number of occasions.
      2. A tweak was added: "Disable the shutdown button on the Start Screen (Windows 8.1 Update 1 or higher)".
    • If the installer execution tracking agent is enabled, it gets loaded with a 1 minute delay after logging in to the system. (Previously this used to occur immediately after logging in.) This was done to boost the system's moving into the fully working condition by reducing the number of processes executed simultaneously just after the system has loaded.
    • In the Important Registry Parts tool, the most frequently used parts are now located in the beginning of the list.
    • Bug fixed: When changing the size of the Tweaks window, the entry lists within it weren’t resized.

    v. 6.35

    • The Application Uninstaller tool:
      1. The application icons in the tabled view became larger and rendered better (under Windows Vista or higher).
      2. Increased accuracy of the application installing with tracing function. In some cases the superfluous registry might have been added to the applications traces.

    v. 6.34

    • The Application Uninstaller tool:
      1. The Installer Execution Tracking Agent has been updated to eliminate the false operations.
      2. Bug fixed: In some cases the superfluous folders were added to the applications traces.

    v. 6.33

    • The Application Uninstaller tool. Bug fixed: In some cases the superfluous registry entries had been added to the applications traces.

    v. 6.32

    • The Application Uninstaller tool:
      1. Improved the accuracy of the installing applications with tracing function, so that the system changes which do not apply to the application being installed will not be registered.
      2. Interface improvement: The Notation Conventions window's height was increased which removes the vertical scroll bar.
    • Bug fixed: The column might disappear from the applications list in case of the repeated opening of the Application Uninstaller tool window.

    v. 6.31

    • Registry editor fix: Error message occurred when removing the last registry or registry file value in the list

    v. 6.30

    • Application Uninstaller:
      1. When uninstalling applications that may change the browser settings, like various browser toolbars, Reg Organizer shows information about how to return your browser's settings to the initial state.
      2. Reg Organizer is now able to determine the name of the application installed with tracing even if it does not register itself in the registry (in the uninstall keys). For example, such situation may take place for portable applications. Earlier, by default such applications were assigned the "Installed Application" name.
      3. The Installer Execution Tracking Agent has been improved.
    • Registry editor and search functions interface improvements.
    • Fixed bugs:
      1. When running under the 64-bit system, in the Startup Items function of the Important Registry Parts tool it was not possible to view the properties or launch the entry if it has been located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
      2. When running under the 64-bit system, when running the application's tracing using the Explorer context menu the program to be traced have not been launched automatically if located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
      3. The "Access violation..." error message might appeat after right clicking on the Startup Items section entry of the Important Registry Parts tool.
      4. The portable version: After reboot initialized by the Registry Optimization tool, the program's settings might have not been saved.
      5. The portable version: The "Shut down the computer after the optimization" option does not work properly in the Registry optimization tool.
  • Reg Organizer 8.55

    License Renewal

    Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
    , Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

    Economy of India

    CurrencyIndian rupee (INR, ₹)
    1 April  – 31 March
    Population 1,380,004,385 (2020 est.)[5]
    GDP rank
    • Household consumption: 59.1%
    • Government consumption: 11.5%
    • Investment in fixed capital: 28.5%
    • Investment in inventories: 3.9%
    • Exports of goods and services: 19.1%
    • Imports of goods and services: −22%
    • (2017 est.)[10]
    6.0% (as on 12 July 2019)[12]
    33.9 medium (2013)[17]
    Labour force by occupation
    63rd (easy, 2020)[27]
    Exports $330 billion (2018–19)[28]
    Imports $514 billion (2018–19)[28]
    • Inward: $386.35 billion
    • Outward: $166.19 billion
    • (2018)[31]
    −$57.2 billion (June 2019)[32]
    $543.0 billion (2019)[33][34]
    −$436.4 billion (2019)[35]
    Public finances
    • ₹146.886 trillion (US$2.1 trillion)
    • 69.037% of GDP (2019)[36]
    −3.4% (of GDP) (2018–19)[37]
    • ₹39.29 trillion (US$550 billion)
    • 20.60% of GDP (2018)[38]
    • ₹52.03 trillion (US$730 billion)
    • 27.28% of GDP (2018)[38]
    Economic aid $2.45 billion (2018)[39]
    ₹38,832 billion (US$540 billion) (17 July 2020)[44] (5th)

    The economy of India is characterised as a developingmarket economy.[45][46] It is the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). According to the IMF, on a per capita income basis, India ranked 139th by GDP (nominal) and 118th by GDP (PPP) in 2018.[47] From independence in 1947 until 1991, successive governments promoted protectionist economic policies with extensive state intervention and regulation which is characterised as Dirigism.[48][49] The end of the Cold War and an acute balance of payments crisis in 1991 led to the adoption of a broad program of economic liberalisation.[50][51] Since the start of the 21st century, annual average GDP growth has been 6% to 7%,[46] and from 2014 to 2018, India was the world's fastest growing major economy, surpassing China.[52][53] Historically, India was the largest economy in the world for most of the two millennia from the 1st until 19th century.[54][55][56]

    The long-term growth perspective of the Indian economy remains positive due to its young population and corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and is increasing integration into the global economy.[10] The economy slowed in 2017, due to shocks of "demonetisation" in 2016 and introduction of Goods and Services Tax in 2017.[10] Nearly 60% of India's GDP is driven by domestic private consumption[57] and continues to remain the world's sixth-largest consumer market.[58] Apart from private consumption, India's GDP is also fueled by government spending, investment, and exports.[59] In 2018, India was the world's tenth-largest importer and the nineteenth-largest exporter.[60] India has been a member of World Trade Organization since 1 January 1995.[61] It ranks 63rd on Ease of doing business index and 68th on Global Competitiveness Report.[62] With 520-million-workers, the Indian labour force is the world's second-largest as of 2019. India has one of the world's highest number of billionaires and extreme income inequality.[63][64] Since India has a vast informal economy, barely 2% of Indians pay income taxes.[65] During the 2008 global financial crisis the economy faced mild slowdown, India undertook stimulus measures (both fiscal and monetary) to boost growth and generate demand; in subsequent years economic growth revived.[66] According to 2017 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report, India's GDP at purchasing power parity could overtake that of the United States by 2050.[67] According to World Bank, to achieve sustainable economic development India must focus on public sector reform, infrastructure, agricultural and rural development, removal of land and labour regulations, financial inclusion, spur private investment and exports, education and public health.[68]

    In 2019, India's ten largest trading partners were USA, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Singapore, Germany, South Korea and Switzerland.[69] In 2018–19, the foreign direct investment (FDI) in India was $64.4 billion with service sector, computer, and telecom industry remains leading sectors for FDI inflows.[70] India has free trade agreements with several nations, including ASEAN, SAFTA, Mercosur, South Korea, Japan and few others which are in effect or under negotiating stage.[71][72] The service sector makes up 55.6% of GDP and remains the fastest growing sector, while the industrial sector and the agricultural sector employs a majority of the labor force.[73] The Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange are one of the world's largest stock exchanges by market capitalization.[74] India is the world's sixth-largest manufacturer, representing 3% of global manufacturing output and employs over 57 million people.[75][76] Nearly 66% of India's population is rural whose primary source of livelihood is agriculture,[77] and contributes about 50% of India's GDP.[78] It has the world's fifth-largest foreign-exchange reserves worth ₹38,832.21 billion (US$540 billion).[79][44] India has a high national debt with 68% of GDP, while its fiscal deficit remained at 3.4% of GDP.[36][37] However, as per 2019 CAG report, the actual fiscal deficit is 5.85% of GDP.[80] India's government-owned banks faced mounting bad debt, resulting in low credit growth,[10] simultaneously the NBFC sector has been engulfed in a liquidity crisis.[81] India faces high unemployment, rising income inequality, and major slump in aggregate demand.[82][83] In recent years, independent economists and financial institutions have accused the government of fudging various economic data, especially GDP growth.[84][85]

    India ranks second globally in food and agricultural production, while agricultural exports were $38.5 billion.[78][86] The construction and real estate sector is the second largest employer after agriculture, and a vital sector to gauge economic activity.[87] The Indian textiles industry is estimated at $150 billion and contributes 7% of industrial output and 2% of India's GDP while employs over 45 million people directly.[88] The Indian IT industry is a major exporter of IT services with $180 billion in revenue and employs over four million people.[89] India's telecommunication industry is the world's second largest by number of mobile phone, smartphone, and internet users. It is the world's tenth-largest oil producer and the third-largest oil consumer.[90] The Indian automobile industry is the world's fourth largest by production.[91][92] It has $672 billion worth of retail market which contributes over 10% of India's GDP and has one of world's fastest growing e-commerce markets.[93] India has the world's fourth-largest natural resources, with mining sector contributes 11% of the country's industrial GDP and 2.5% of total GDP.[94] It is also the world's second-largest coal producer, the second-largest cement producer, the second-largest steel producer, and the third-largest electricity producer.[95][96]


    For a continuous duration of nearly 1700 years from the year 1 AD, India was the top most economy constituting 35 to 40% of world GDP.[99] The combination of protectionist, import-substitution, Fabian socialism, and social democratic-inspired policies governed India for sometime after the end of British rule. The economy was then characterised as Dirigism,[100][49] It had extensive regulation, protectionism, public ownership of large monopolies, pervasive corruption and slow growth.[50][51][101] Since 1991, continuing economic liberalisation has moved the country towards a market-based economy.[50][51] By 2008, India had established itself as one of the world's faster-growing economies.

    Ancient and medieval eras

    Indus Valley Civilisation

    The citizens of the Indus Valley Civilisation, a permanent settlement that flourished between 2800 BC and 1800 BC, practised agriculture, domesticated animals, used uniform weights and measures, made tools and weapons, and traded with other cities. Evidence of well-planned streets, a drainage system and water supply reveals their knowledge of urban planning, which included the first-known urban sanitation systems and the existence of a form of municipal government.[102]

    West Coast

    Maritime trade was carried out extensively between South India and Southeast and West Asia from early times until around the fourteenth century AD. Both the Malabar and Coromandel Coasts were the sites of important trading centres from as early as the first century BC, used for import and export as well as transit points between the Mediterranean region and southeast Asia.[103] Over time, traders organised themselves into associations which received state patronage. Historians Tapan Raychaudhuri and Irfan Habib claim this state patronage for overseas trade came to an end by the thirteenth century AD, when it was largely taken over by the local Parsi, Jewish, Syrian Christian and Muslim communities, initially on the Malabar and subsequently on the Coromandel coast.[104]

    Silk Route

    Other scholars suggest trading from India to West Asia and Eastern Europe was active between the 14th and 18th centuries.[105][106][107] During this period, Indian traders settled in Surakhani, a suburb of greater Baku, Azerbaijan. These traders built a Hindu temple, which suggests commerce was active and prosperous for Indians by the 17th century.[108][109][110][111]

    Further north, the Saurashtra and Bengal coasts played an important role in maritime trade, and the Gangetic plains and the Indus valley housed several centres of river-borne commerce. Most overland trade was carried out via the Khyber Pass connecting the Punjab region with Afghanistan and onward to the Middle East and Central Asia.[112] Although many kingdoms and rulers issued coins, barter was prevalent. Villages paid a portion of their agricultural produce as revenue to the rulers, while their craftsmen received a part of the crops at harvest time for their services.[113]

    Mughal era (1526–1793)

    The Indian economy was large and prosperous under the Mughal Empire, up until the 18th century.[114] Sean Harkin estimates China and India may have accounted for 60 to 70 percent of world GDP in the 17th century. The Mughal economy functioned on an elaborate system of coined currency, land revenue and trade. Gold, silver and copper coins were issued by the royal mints which functioned on the basis of free coinage.[115] The political stability and uniform revenue policy resulting from a centralised administration under the Mughals, coupled with a well-developed internal trade network, ensured that India–before the arrival of the British–was to a large extent economically unified, despite having a traditional agrarian economy characterised by a predominance of subsistence agriculture,[116] with 64% of the workforce in the primary sector (including agriculture), but with 36% of the workforce also in the secondary and tertiary sectors,[117] higher than in Europe, where 65–90% of its workforce were in agriculture in 1700 and 65–75% were in agriculture in 1750.[118] Agricultural production increased under Mughal agrarian reforms,[114] with Indian agriculture being advanced compared to Europe at the time, such as the widespread use of the seed drill among Indian peasants before its adoption in European agriculture,[119] and higher per-capita agricultural output and standards of consumption.[120]

    Mughal princes wearing muslin robes in 1665 CE.

    The Mughal Empire had a thriving industrial manufacturing economy, with India producing about 25% of the world's industrial output up until 1750,[121] making it the most important manufacturing center in international trade.[122] Manufactured goods and cash crops from the Mughal Empire were sold throughout the world. Key industries included textiles, shipbuilding, and steel, and processed exports included cotton textiles, yarns, thread, silk, jute products, metalware, and foods such as sugar, oils and butter.[114] Cities and towns boomed under the Mughal Empire, which had a relatively high degree of urbanization for its time, with 15% of its population living in urban centres, higher than the percentage of the urban population in contemporary Europe at the time and higher than that of British India in the 19th century.[123]

    In early modern Europe, there was significant demand for products from Mughal India, particularly cotton textiles, as well as goods such as spices, peppers, indigo, silks, and saltpeter (for use in munitions).[114]European fashion, for example, became increasingly dependent on Mughal Indian textiles and silks. From the late 17th century to the early 18th century, Mughal India accounted for 95% of British imports from Asia, and the Bengal Subah province alone accounted for 40% of Dutch imports from Asia.[124] In contrast, there was very little demand for European goods in Mughal India, which was largely self-sufficient.[114] Indian goods, especially those from Bengal, were also exported in large quantities to other Asian markets, such as Indonesia and Japan.[125] At the time, Mughal Bengal was the most important center of cotton textile production.[126]

    In the early 18th century, the Mughal Empire declined, as it lost western, central and parts of south and north India to the Maratha Empire, which integrated and continued to administer those regions.[127] The decline of the Mughal Empire led to decreased agricultural productivity, which in turn negatively affected the textile industry.[128] The subcontinent's dominant economic power in the post-Mughal era was the Bengal Subah in the east., which continued to maintain thriving textile industries and relatively high real wages.[129] However, the former was devastated by the Maratha invasions of Bengal[130][131] and then British colonization in the mid-18th century.[129] After the loss at the Third Battle of Panipat, the Maratha Empire disintegrated into several confederate states, and the resulting political instability and armed conflict severely affected economic life in several parts of the country – although this was mitigated by localised prosperity in the new provincial kingdoms.[127] By the late eighteenth century, the British East India Company had entered the Indian political theatre and established its dominance over other European powers. This marked a determinative shift in India's trade, and a less-powerful impact on the rest of the economy.[132]

    British era (1793–1947)

    There is no doubt that our grievances against the British Empire had a sound basis. As the painstaking statistical work of the Cambridge historian Angus Maddison has shown, India's share of world income collapsed from 22.6% in 1700, almost equal to Europe's share of 23.3% at that time, to as low as 3.8% in 1952. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, "the brightest jewel in the British Crown" was the poorest country in the world in terms of per capita income.

    The global contribution to world's GDP by major economies from 1 CE to 2003 CE according to Angus Maddison's estimates.[54] Up until the 18th century, China and India were the two largest economies by GDP output.

    From the beginning of the 19th century, the British East India Company's gradual expansion and consolidation of power brought a major change in taxation and agricultural policies, which tended to promote commercialisation of agriculture with a focus on trade, resulting in decreased production of food crops, mass impoverishment and destitution of farmers, and in the short term, led to numerous famines.[134] The economic policies of the

    Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
    Opera for Windows Final 7.52 serial key or number

    d7 Revision History

    d7 for PC Technicians was discontinued in February 2014…

    d7x is now available; released as an update for all d7II subscribers as part of their current subscription.  Read the history at the bottom of the d7x Release Information(and see what we’re doing now!)  The d7x Release Notes can also be found in the d7x Manual.

    It’s time to get current with our 3rd generation d7x!  Purchase d7x today!

    This page documents the revision notes of the original d7 only; you can also find the d7II Revision History here.

    v10.4.35 – Final version of the d7 product.

    • Added routines to support new MBAM v2 config.
    • Updated MBAM download links for v1.75


    • Fixed a new issue where Firefox wouldn’t display certain websites properly after deleting temp files with d7.


    • Modified delete temp files routines for Firefox and Chrome, I think they were overly aggressive as it appears these functions may have been causing an issue with the browsers not displaying web content properly for a while after deletion was performed.


    • Fixed an issue running the external KillEmAll from inside d7.


    • d7 should no longer try to re/set a password on the AutoLogon prompt when it is a Windows 8 MS user account.


    • Updated d7 to recognize and work with the new KillEmAll.pif (renamed from .scr to .pif to slip past more malware.)


    • Changed some hard coded server paths to point to new locations for updates, WAN IP check, and other misc. functions.


    • Fixed a few issues with the email system.


    • Bug fix: d7 wasn’t recognizing newer subscription based product keys when changing your Registered Name within d7 Config.
    • Misc fixes.


    • Moved StartupKill definitions from Config to ModulesDefs folder so they will merge with dCloud Definitions instead of being overwritten on a config update.


    • Updated hard coded dCloud SMTP password.


    • Fixed issue with client name for reports not saving/loading properly.


    • Resolved an issue with sending screen shots in email submissions (feedback or bug submissions.)
    • Attempt to resolve an issue where external IP address (and therefore internet connectivity) cannot be determined by d7 when it cannot write to its own directory.
    • Fix: If license check fails due to a problem with the Microsoft Scripting Runtime on certain systems (where automatically registering the scrrun.dll file via regsvr32 doesn’t fix the issue,) d7 will now allow a temporary reset on the license check provided the previous check did not yield a bad product key (which it may do if you were affected by this bug previously, so I have details on a workaround I will communicate to you should you experience this issue.)


    • Resolved d7 Premium users without dCloud not being able to automatically download the latest d7.


    • Added debugging code in some areas to help track down a few issues.
    • Attempt to fix some copies of d7 incorrectly stating they are no longer licensed.


    • Fixed an issue with d7 slow starting or not starting up behind a Sonicwall appliance.


    • Added Auto Update option for d7 startup (if startup check for d7 updates determines an update is available d7 will automatically update without user interaction.)
    • dCloud definition merge should only occur when appropriate during Malware Auto Mode and Full Auto Modes.
    • The autologin prompt should no longer occur multiple times during Full Auto Mode if you cancel the prompt.
    • New Delete Session Information checkbox on the Shutdown Options dialog. This deletes d7 registry values related to its behavior on that particular PC. More information to come.
    • Misc minor stuff and code cleanup.


    • Fixed bug d7 not emailing reports when the Zipped option is checked on the shutdown dialog (Close Options).
    • Fixed d7 not remembering selected drive / user profile path after restarting d7 with system access when prompted at the beginning of a DataRestore operation.


    • Resolved d7 not mapping network drives with credentials (you must remove/reconfigure network drives that do not map.)


    • Rearranged the d7 top menus (namely the Windows menu) organizing shortcuts and adding some here and there.
    • Added ability to Map Pre-Defined Network Drives automatically on startup and remove them on shutdown (d7 Config > Custom Functions) and manually in the Network menu at the top of d7.
    • Added a tiny reg tweak to the Windows Update Svcs repair on the Repair page.
    • Hopefully solved an occasional issue with MalwareScan definition merge error during Malware Auto Mode (note the error was harmless, but it held up automation.)
    • Misc. minor stuff.


    • Added ability when emailing reports to use either the Info_Report.html or the ActivityLog.html as the email body!
    • Enabled more options with the Email Reports feature of the Shutdown dialog (Close with Options)


    • Shutdown dialog (Close with Options) now remembers when you have a launch password set for d7 startup.
    • Fixed a very recent bug with the email subject not being displayed when emailing from within d7.
    • Added ticket number (if defined) to default subject when emailing reports for easy identification.
    • Added the word ‘d7’ to default subject when emailing reports, for ease of use with RepairShopr integration.
    • Misc minor adjustments and improvements.


    • Fix for Maintenance and Q&A/Testing not remaining checked if a reboot occurred during Malware removal in Full Auto Mode.


    • Enabled %name% (customer name) %number% (ticket number) and %date% variables in email subject/body for emailing reports or for other reasons.
    • Custom Apps can now be configured with an * before the app path/executable name which will search the entire 3rd Party Tools dir and all subdirs for the executable in order to launch it. Ex: *app.exe
    • Copy Now button on Custom Apps config page for the reports should actually work (the function worked previously, just not the config page button itself.)


    • Fixed issue with uploading zipped reports to FTP where the current report was uploaded twice (when using PCRT.)
    • d7 now remembers the %computername% (and subsequently the Windows activation status check and ticket number prompt) when switching configs in dCloud.
    • Misc minor stuff.


    • Added ticket/work order number to the Info Report / Activity Log / etc.
    • Email reports from the shutdown options dialog now optionally zips reports instead of always zipping them, so you can receive reports unzipped if desired.


    • Complete re-write of FTP/dCloud upload code – no longer utilizes a progress bar, but should now work on Windows 8.1 without error and resolve other misc. corruption issues during upload.


    • Added custom app support for command line parameters when the custom app executable is an MSI package.



    • Added 7zip extraction support to custom apps system to support the new Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit distribution method and custom apps profile.


    • Fixed a custom apps issue where d7 was not extracting zip files when downloading from FTP.


    • Updated d7’s Remove Policies function to remove software restriction policies (except those created by my other app, CryptoPrevent.)


    • FIXED: d7 should no longer upload the same zipped report twice to PCRT via the Move Reports to FTP function.
    • d7 now checks for internet access before moving reports to FTP (so if internet check and upload fails reports will not be deleted.)
    • d7 will no longer display balloon tip popups from the system tray if the message is simply “Idle…”


    • Full Auto Mode (and several individual Auto Modes) can now be cancelled.


    • d7’s scheduled self-update redesigned to work with new download locations.
    • d7 can now differentiate between Windows 8 and Windows 8.1


    • Added capability to unrar custom app downloads.


    • Fixed: Saved activity log verbiage in custom apps will no longer get overwritten on a default apps update.


    • Fixed: Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware logs should now be copied to the d7ReportsMalware Logs directory properly.
    • In the Windows User Auto Logon prompt, typing a password in the field is now hidden behind a * mask.
    • The Close and Delete the d7 directory option should now run it’s cleanup batch file invisible to the user.
    • If the Close and Delete the d7 directory option fails to delete the d7 directory (due to an open file handle) it will attempt to close and restart explorer.exe to remove the open file handle and retry deletion.


    • Create Full SFX option in the d7 Main menu now properly includes *.OCX files.
    • The IFEO Modifier Offline checkbox state on the Offline Operations page is now properly saved/loaded with your offline profile.


    • Added Set Browser Homepage option to the Customize/Install page – sets browser homepage for IE/Firefox/Chrome in all profiles for all user accounts. (Does not set FF/Chrome homepage if one has not been set previously!)
    • Added ‘DISM RestoreHealth’ option to Repair page for Windows 8+ which is like SFC on crack; if option is checked in Auto Mode and the OS is not Windows 8, it will be skipped. Runs command: dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
    • A bit of under the hood work.


    • Fixed the F8 Startup Menu defaulting to Merge Defs inappropriately.


    • Fixed minor annoyance with ‘d7 does not accept the command line parameter: delcloudlauncher’ when using the dCloudLauncher SFX.


    • When starting Full or Malware Auto Mode if d7 believes Windows is not set to automatically login a user account it will give you the Windows User Auto Logon prompt so you can specify a user to login automatically, so as not to impede Auto Mode progress.
    • Added an optional d7 startup setting (d7 Config > Behavior > Startup Behavior) to prompt to set Windows User Auto Logon for a user account when d7 first runs on a new PC AND the Auto Logon is determined to be disabled.
    • Improved prediction of Windows User Auto Logon options fields to be pre-populated with the appropriate data.
    • Added checkbox option to d7’s shutdown dialog (Close Options button in the main UI) to disable the Windows User Auto Logon setting.


    • Resolved download issues with the v.29 build


    • The custom files for d7’s lock screen are now stored inside the d7Config dir so they are stored with dCloud configurations.
    • d7 no longer overwrites the d7ConfigActionLanguage.ini file upon update. (It will one last time with this update, but no more after that.)
    • Added additional illegal character filters for certain input boxes, such as the Client Name / Ticket Number prompt for reports setup.


    • Custom Apps on Audit/Diag page can now be saved/loaded with that page’s profile for Auto Mode.


    • Custom Apps on Audit/Diag page can now be checked/included in Auto Mode.
    • Added Battery field to System Info page – displays either “No Battery Installed”, “On A/C Power”, or “On Battery Power!”


    • Added pingtest.net to Testing/QA
    • Updated link to test Silverlight on Testing/QA.


    • d7 relies on two OCX files that must be registered via regsvr32.exe if not already registered on the system (Codejock.Controls.v15.3.1.ocx and LaVolpeAlphaImg2.ocx.) Previously these files were always registered on d7 startup and unregistered on d7 shutdown. New behavior is that d7 implements a check to determine if the OCX file is already registered before continuing, and aborts if it is (and it only unregisters on shutdown now if it registered on startup.) The result is that now running d7 on a system where other programs may rely on these specific OCX files will no longer break functionality in those other programs.


    • When running d7 from a network share (not recommended!) d7 offers the option to copy itself to the desktop – now it also offers the option to copy d7 only (without 3rd Party Tools.)
    • When using the Copy d7 to Desktop functionality from the Offline Operations page, you now have the option to copy d7 only (without 3rd Party Tools.)
    • Qualy’s Browsercheck now goes directly to the scan page, not the plugin install page.


    • New startup detection for issues with system drivers in the Non-Plug and Play section of Device Manager, shares the same alert with the standard Device Manager issues detection.
    • Device Manager issues pop-up now shares new info about Non-PnP System drivers when issues detected; including details such as file path, which you won’t find in Device Manager itself!
    • Device Manager issues (and now Non-PnP system drivers) pop-up now launches when clicking the alert even if no errors are detected.


    • MSConfig display on System Info page corrected – formerly displayed Normal Startup when system was actually in Selective with only Services or Boot.ini options deselected.


    • Fix for dCloud button not working with last release.


    • CheckDisk (Offline Ops page) loads again!
    • During d7 startup with Debug View enabled, d7 should no longer launch Sysinternals DebugView if it is already running.


    • Minor under the hood changes.


    • Fixed an issue in the custom apps system where installer based apps were not launching after install unless the custom app was run a second time.


    • Fixed an issue with Move Reports to FTP (when NOT configured to zip reports) which should mirror your Reports dir exactly, but was mistakenly uploading different client reports all to the same dir.


    • Implemented ‘Non-Direct URLs’ option for custom apps, giving it the ability to download files from URLs that send a text file with a redirected URL enclosed.
    • Separated config upload to dCloud and Merge Defs with dCloud options on the shutdown options dialog (Close with Options button)
    • The screen resolution prompt should never occur now when d7 is in Malware or Full Auto Mode.
    • Reformatted the heading of the Info_Report.html file to center the logo and place the details of the report type/date/etc. centered underneath the logo.
    • Misc under the hood stuff, removed unused code, some restructuring of code.


    • Fix for d7 failing to create system restore points intermittently on Vista+


    • Added the local system profile to Delete Temp/Internet files routines for Vista+.
    • Disabled the removal of a reg key before re-importing it as part of a networking fix during Reset Networking Interfaces function, due to potential for failure in reimporting the entries.


    • Fix for login denied error when attempting to download/merge defs from dCloud on startup.
    • Cut the audible alert in half when running certain custom apps in Auto Mode.


    • d7 should now act properly when running Combofix. Previously the d7 Service wasn’t getting started in order to wait for Combofix.
    • d7 now detects when it is installed or running as a system service (and has failed somehow) and can correct issues with that on prompt.


    • Separated ability to download dCloud definitions (overwrite or merge) on the Startup Options menu.
    • Fixed ‘Start w/dCloud Config’ on Startup Options menu to actually download the current config properly.


    • Hopefully improved d7’s ability to start itself as a system service before shutting down when running Combofix on XP (possibly other OSes, or other Custom Apps.)
    • d7 should now properly wait on SFC to finish when in Auto Mode.


    • Minor fix: d7 has removed restrictive policy settings prompt was occurring when the registry values that could have been hijacked didn’t exist in the first place.


    • d7 now imports .reg files for various fixes by default under the local system account, solving some issues with certain areas not importing properly.


    • Added disable ‘Help Stickers’ in Win 8.1 to Tweaks.
    • Added some new registry settings to remove with the Remove Policies function.
    • Added a criticial directory to a list of dirs which are created if they do not exist while starting d7, which can affect several functions.


    • Fixed a bug where dUninstaller definition files were not getting created if the d7ModulesDefs directory did not already exist.


    • Restored MBAM’s ability to backup/restore MBAM definitions depending on a successful update question following MBAM’s update process.


    • Added ability to open Notes window at every d7 startup (checkbox to enable is in the Notes window.)
    • Added upload only and download only options (which overwrite the defs) to definitions section of dCloud, in addition to the existing Merge feature.
    • Added detail on installed RAM modules when clicking on RAM in the top window or the RAM alert. You can still launch CrucialScan.exe via this dialog if desired.
    • Added detail on installed RAM modules in Info_Report (slot: speed / mfgr / part number)
    • Added dCloud definition merge to Malware Auto Mode options. Optional Download Only (overwrite local defs) or Full Merge (merge and upload) prior to starting Auto Mode; a Full Merge will always occur after running MalwareScan.
    • Added new right-click option for custom apps: Run Naked (without Parameters) will run the app without command line parameters, which are typically used for automation and log file specification.
    • Added deletion of leftover Windows upgrade/install folders to Maintenance > Delete $NTUninst function.
    • Added Move Reports to FTP option after Generate Reports on the Audit/Diag page.
    • Added AFD service and Legacy AFD driver repair to Reset Networking Interfaces function (Repair page)
    • Added dCloud Self-Hosted option to Config > dCloud / FTP Server settings. Currently only enables dSupportSuite functionality for dCSH users.
    • Clicking the Windows Activation alert on the System Info page (first item in the alert column) now launches ‘ReAct’
    • Fixed an issue with KillEmAll (internal) terminating 32bit svchost.exe on 64bit systems (this caused loss of network connectivity on certain systems.)
    • KillEmAll should now no longer invoke the interactive services detection prompt in Vista+
    • KillEmAll now no longer incorrectly waits for you to close the window during Malware auto mode after a reboot has interrupted auto mode. It still correctly waits for you to terminate the window only the very first time it runs as part of Auto Mode.
    • KillEmAll Whitelists is now separated from d7 config storage and included with the definitions merge functions (along with dUninstaller and MalwareScan defs.)
    • VT uploader install/uninstall process to grab the portable uploader executable is now silent/automatic when the upload to virus total functions are invoked.
    • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware functions no longer makes copies of updated definition files or attempts to install them.
    • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware function now always registers supplemental files prior to executing (previously this only occurred after an installation.)
    • Malwarebytes Free (when detected) now displays the current definitions date in the update prompt when displayed.
    • Malwarebytes Pro (when detected) should no longer prompt to update prior to scan (will always attempt silent update when internet access is detected.)
    • Malwarebytes Pro (when detected) should now scan/remove items/terminate properly as a fully automated app.
    • dUninstaller (UI) now allows for reordering items in the definition files.
    • dUninstaller (Auto) now uninstalls items in the order they appear in the definitions.
    • dUninstaller (UI) now has options to edit definition entries.
    • dUninstaller now uninstalls based on partial strings (not case sensitive) in the definitions. Ex. the definition entry ‘my pc backup’ will flag/uninstall everything with that phrase in it, including ‘My PC Backup 2013’
    • Improved function to automatically send keystrokes to open Device Manager, and View Hidden Devices when running Computer Management from within d7. (Function still repairs missing nonPNP category first and performs set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1)
    • Made tweaks to restarting explorer.exe after disabling UAC – hopefully Explorer should now more reliably restart as the shell and not just a file manager window.
    • Checked list items now stay checked when reordering the items in a list.
    • Fixed Orphan Program Files finder on maintenance page to properly scan “Program Files” (without the (x86)) on 64bit systems.
    • Fix for issues in running d7 with a different file extension (ex. d7.com or d7.scr)
    • Fix for d7 failing to retrieve the path it is running from in certain remote environments.
    • Finally enabled the 1024×768+ larger interface for d7 Free users.
    • Added some error checking to the d7 Locksmith function on Vista+ to ensure the executable is copied to the offline system32 directory.
    • Added more debugging code here and there for troubleshooting specific issues.
    • Disabled MS Office Product Key retrieval (internal only, not Nirsoft) due to several issues; I would rather not report the info if it could potentially be incorrect.
    • Removed some unused code.
    • Misc under the hood stuff.





    • Fixed missing 7zip / bad download link during first-time Ketarin setup.


    • Reboot on Finish (Malware page) now properly saves/loads with your malware profiles.
    • Added “Always On” options to Malware Auto Mode. Kill Explorer behavior is not new, but KillEmAll behavior is. When checked, KillEmAll will run the first time as normal, waiting for you to exit; however it will stay checked and run again after each subsequent function or custom app, automatically closing when finished before running the next function or custom app.


    • Rearranged Maintenance page so all automated functions fire first, then Custom Apps (you should arrange automated ones first) and finally the non-automated functions last.
    • Added MS Office Config Analyzer to Repair page.
    • Added new logo option for dCloud & FTP splash screen/progress bar (BMP only.) Config > Register / Personalize
    • Added Import button for your Report Logo in Config > Register / Personalize
    • Added Google option to dUninstall (formerly Auto Uninstall) for quick research of items.
    • Tons of custom apps profiles updated (update your Default Profiles!) See revision history/changes here: http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=358
    • Copy/Move Log files & Save Config After options in custom apps now works with “wait in service mode” option (actions will be performed after reboot.)
    • New Custom Apps options (wait for secondary processes to terminate and display prompt IF app terminates before xx seconds) all required for the Default Apps v38 release.
    • Activity log entries for custom apps now written before running the app (great in the case of an app that d7 doesn’t get to finish its execution, e.g. Wait in Service Mode apps + Combofix)
    • Misc minor stuff, mostly other small modifications to the custom apps system.


    • Separated update information for dCloud/non-dCloud users.
    • Fixed failure to report updates properly in v9.7.22 under certain circumstances.
    • Run CleanMgr on Maintenance tab will now config CleanMgr to skip “Windows Upgrade Log Files” on Win8 systems which seems to take ages to complete for little benefit.


    • d7 now includes Auto Uninstall defs in the dCloud definitions storage and merge features, separating it from the standard config storage.  (REQUIRES MalwareScan v5.0.30+)


    • Changed internal dCloud SMTP settings to be consistent with a new server.


    • Added ability to use non-standard ports following the FTP server in config, e.g. “my.server.com:2112”
    • Move Reports to FTP, when the ZIP reports option is checked in Config, will now upload multiple reports directories as separate zip files. Useful to negate the need for uploading after a job is complete (so you can wait and do multiple uploads at once) for example when uploading reports to PCRT. NOTE: subsequent reports uploads after the current reports dir will be named as the directory structure is named, whether that is compatible with PCRT or not.


    • Added custom function/script option (Config > Custom Functions) for d7’s Close & Delete procedure.


    • Fixed a long-standing issue with not bypassing temp internet cache to download files – affecting update information among other things.
    • Repair page: Brought back the MS FixIT for Winsock and Windows Update that I removed at some point for some reason I have no clue.
    • d7 now properly waits in Service Mode when Randomize Filename is also checked (Custom Apps config)
    • Internal unzip routines now handled by 7zip (by default, when available.)
    • Misc.


    • Custom Apps can now have a secondary download URL specified to attempt if the primary download fails. (Currently no default apps have this field configured.)
    • Added ability to disable the Screen Resolution prompt at res < 1024×768 – useful for Auto Mode (Malware) restarting in Safe Mode without the prompt, stalling automation. Enable in Config > Behavior > General Behavior section.
    • d7 now downloads missing dependencies in the form of a ZIP file. When using the old 7zip SFX this was creating occasional issues with the SFX not extracting to the proper directory when using dCloudLauncher/SFX.
    • Misc. little stuff…


    • Accidentally moved ‘down’ the Audit/Diagnose and Offline pages in the 9.7.41 release cutting off some of the display, fixed.
    • Fixed dCloud window from last version also being cut off.


    • Fixed KillEmAll on Maintenance page not unchecking itself after running.


    • Retired FindQs.cmd from Pre-MalwareScan – just haven’t seen the usefulness in ages.
    • Rearranged Offline Operations Malware Auto Mode
    • Fixed Offline Auto Mode not stopping when clicking the Stop Auto Mode
    • Misc. code tweaks


    • TechNotes are now added to the Activity Log prior to using the FTP menu > Move Reports to FTP function.


    • Auto Uninstall now removes definition based entries based on NAME instead of IDENTIFIER (as I discovered the identifier can vary greatly when the same product is installed on different systems.)
    • Fixed some issues with bad detection (or even d7 hanging) when checking for directory existence in with long path names.


    • Added KillEmAll to start of Maintenance routine.


    • Added ability to put/keep Windows in Safe Mode w/Networking during Malware Auto Mode (useful to keep Custom Apps from rebooting back into Normal Mode prior to finishing Auto Mode.)


    • Fixed a few items on the Malware page not keeping settings if Windows was rebooted in the middle of Auto Mode.
    • Auto Uninstall: Added /I detection and replacement in the MSIEXEC uninstall strings with /X (previously if /I was located in the string it REINSTALLED the product instead of UNINSTALLED.)


    • Fixed a bug causing Delete Temp Files functions to be skipped during Maintenance Auto Mode.
    • MalwareScan v5 is no longer pre-release, and v4 is no longer distributed with d7.
    • d7 now notifies you of the downloaded dCloudLauncher version prior to creating dCL_SFX.
    • Auto Uninstall now creates an IFEO for popular web browsers to prevent them from opening during uninstall, hindering automation.
    • Auto Uninstall now attempts to apply silent installation parameters (when it doesn’t find the quietuninstallstring) no matter what the installer is (previously it only did this with MSI based installers.)
    • You can now invoke the # / Client Name prompt (to change info for reporting purposes) from the Offline page for convenience.
    • d7 now opens the app website (if configured in that custom app) if the download fails.
    • Pressing F9 with the main d7 window in focus will now upload d7 reports to FTP.
    • d7 should no longer prompt for client name / id when running on a defined “Tech PC” in d7 config.
    • Misc. minor tweaks and fixes.


    • Auto Uninstall now temporarily creates an IFEO to prevent popular web browsers from launching as part of the uninstall process, useful to continue automation in that event.
    • Update mechanisms have been updated. Also updates are once again disabled for d7 Free versions.


    • The Import buttons for your logos in Config were switched, fixed.
    • Two things even more minor than that were adjusted – I don’t really recall what they were now.


    • Fixed screen resolution change popup when d7 starts in low res scenarios to actually be in center screen instead of being cut off on the top left.
    • Added Import buttons to import your logos into d7’s Config dir and name them properly (Config > Register / Personalize)


    • d7 now filters invalid characters in the Client Name prompt which could cause issue when uploading reports to PCRT.
    • Fixed reports not being sent with the email on d7 shutdown when either one of the Move Reports… options are also checked.


    • PC Repair Tracker users: Support for uploading d7 reports to PCRT v1.37 Final (or higher) has been added! See www.d7xtech.com/d7/online-manual/pcrt-config/ for details!
    • Added option to zip reports prior to moving them to your FTP storage.
    • Fixed: Moving reports to FTP when not shutting down d7 did not recreate the directory structure causing subsequent reports to fail to be generated or restored.
    • DataGrab will now search for Quickbooks data files in the root of the drive (along with documents, which it already did) whether the partition search feature is selected or not.
    • DataGrab should no longer backup the desktop.ini files when using ROBOCOPY.
    • Fixed: DataRestore not restoring certain files.
    • DataGrab should now exclude junctions when using ROBOCOPY.
    • Added new %date% variable for usage in custom apps command line parameters – useful for dating the logs created so multiple scans on the same system don’t overwrite each other in d7’s reports directory.
    • Added time/date stamp via new %date% variable to some log files generated by a few custom apps (in new default apps profiles, such as HitmanPro, TDSSKiller, Emsisoft)
    • Added automatic renaming with a time/date stamp to the filename of custom apps reports, when the move reports option is configured for a single file (no wildcards)
    • TDSSKiller should now run auto/silent (updated default apps profile)
    • New reports storage format allowing for any combination of variables to be set in any order.
    • New reports storage variable %number% which represents a ticket/asset # that you enter along with client name if that prompt is configured under Config > Reports
    • d7 no longer alerts when Windows Defender is disabled/outdated (or reports it as an A/V) when another A/V is installed on Windows 8, though it may still be reported as Anti-Spyware.
    • Misc little stuff.


    • New little goodie for Premium users: d7 now saves screen shots to JPEG instead of BMP, reducing average file sizes by almost 1/6th, therefore making storage / FTP / email transfer times significantly faster. d7 Free still utilizes BMP format.


    • Added automatic Windows activation attempt after restoring a backed up product key if not already activated from ABR in DataRestore.
    • Fixed DataRestore not creating root folders when copying data since switching to ROBOCOPY.


    • d7 once again actually checks for updates when you first click on the ‘Updates’ link in the left column of d7’s UI.
    • Added /FullAuto command line parameter for d7.exe – this will automatically start d7 in Full Auto Mode, however it will be run with default startup profiles/config for all tabs, there is currently no way to assign specific profiles to this function.


    • Fixed an issue with Auto Uninstall not properly adding MSIEXEC based uninstalls to the definitions file, and tweaked code related to uninstalling MSIEXEC based installers.


    • Somehow the Auto Uninstall window got cut off a bit on the right side in the last release. Slip of the mouse? Fixed…


    • Removed automatic calculation of directory sizes for backup items in DataGrab – added a button for it – reducing the time it takes to init DG on a new partition.
    • Fixed DataGrab creating directories in the backup that don’t actually exist in the source (e.g. Vista+ user folders from an XP partition) – which was creating havok with DataRestore.


    • Fixed paging file size display not rounding up with numbers extending beyond 2 decimal places; also fixed % of paging file utilized to display “0%” (rounded) instead of merely “%” when ~0 percent is actually used.


    • Fixed screen resolution change prompt not showing when res is < 1024×768.


    • Modified DataGrab/Restore/Migrate to use XCOPY (XP) and ROBOCOPY (Vista+) instead of Unstoppable Copier.
    • Added ability to EXCLUDE file masks from DataGrab/Migrate copy process (e.g. *.OST) when using ROBOCOPY only.
    • Using new methods of gathering paging file information for the display in the top banner; now detects paging files on other partitions, displays the current % utilization of the paging file, and if you hover over the label, also the peak session paging file usage.
    • Using new methods of gathering dir/disk space measurements for DataGrab which should make it more accurate, and also finally work on UNC paths!!
    • Corrected stretch/shrink property with square applogo.bmp to actually stretch/shrink to a square instead of a rectangle.
    • Lots of little fixes here and there…


    • Corrected a graphic related glitch.


    • Corrected an old bug involving internal file exist checks to fail under certain circumstances.


    • Fixed an issue with Merging defs to dCloud giving a ‘directory not found’ error and failing – it may still throw the error on the first try, however, but will actually succeed in merging the defs.


    • d7 now detects and alerts for dirty volumes (any partition flagged for a chkdsk scan on the next reboot) on the System Info page. Clicking the alert will allow you to exclude the dirty volumes from chkdsk scans on the very next reboot.
    • You will also receive the above alert with option to exclude if you select a shutdown/restart option from d7’s Reboot menu and a dirty volume is detected.


    • Auto Uninstall window is now resizable.


    • Revamped Auto Uninstall interface.


    • More tweaking to dCloud operations.


    • Altered d7 to use a new (possibly temp) server for dCloud sharing features.


    • Added MalwareScan Definition Merge for dCloud! MalwareScan Definitions are now stored separately from the rest of your Config. When you ‘Merge’ the definitions with your dCloud copy, it actually COMBINES the definitions NOT overwrites them, so that multiple copies of d7 can sync (in use in different locations or by different technicians) without overwriting the progress another copy of d7 has uploaded.


    • Fixed d7 from starting DebugView more than once when using Live Debug View option upon restarting d7.
    • Fixed lower ticker message not displaying on some systems.


    • Be sure to update MalwareScan if not already current – tons of tweaks and fixes.
    • Tons of misc little fixes and adjustments.
    • Last upload config dates in dCloud may very well be resolved to your current time zone (adjusted dCloud server for UTC time.)
    • On Vista/7/8 Windows Event Log entries are displayed in UTC within d7. You can now set an adjustment for your time zone (as compared to UTC) in d7 Config > Behavior > Regional Settings to correct the issue. (e.g. set UTC Adjustment to -4 for Eastern Daylight Savings Time or EDT)
    • Added ability to save Config without exiting config.
    • Added automatic disable of many ‘first-run’ d7 startup tasks when d7 detects it is on the same PC as it was previously run on, e.g. d7 update check during startup, drop desktop shortcut / brand OS, etc.
    • Added ability to add a Tech PC or Virtual Machine to an exclusion list, so automatic ‘first-run’ startup checks will always execute on the PCs in the exclusion list. Useful for testing purposes. (Config > Tech PC / Scheduling)
    • Updated DataRestore which was using old PSEXEC method of gaining system access and failing when it didn’t exist.
    • Fixed a bug with d7 not restarting explorer.exe as a shell in some situations.
    • DataGrab now automatically calculates backup folder size of user profile directories and added custom folders.
    • Added ability to right click in any Custom Apps field and click to go to that app’s website (if configured.)
    • Added ability to disable d7’s audible alerts when it needs attention – Config > Behavior > General Behavior > Disable audible alerts…
    • Fixed name of user ‘Desktop’ folder in d7 code to match non-English Windows versions (e.g. en Francais = Bureau)
    • Added ‘Default Start Menu LNKs’ repair to Windows Repair column of Repair page. This will re-write known default start menu shortcuts for All Users/Public and each individual user profile, providing the target executable exists. This currently does not handle special shortcuts (e.g. Desktop tile for Metro).


    • Fixed Move reports to network location in Close with Options dialog to correctly create the full unique directory structure for each report subdir.


    • Fixed and ‘Object required’ type error causing failures in multiple FTP functions.


    • Fix for a unconfigured stretch/shrink property on applogo.bmp if an applogo.png fails to load for any reason.


    • Changed a few dialogs (screen resolution check, WSUS server config) to a new dialog format with more detail on what you are doing. More to come…
    • Misc. under the hood stuff.


    • Added debugging code to startup and DataRestore routines in an effort to track down recent issues.
    • Fixed a bug causing d7 to freeze on startup on certain systems when the bug was graphics related; as a result on these system your custom logo (if not a BMP) will not be displayed.
    • Added functionality to run Fab’s AutoBackup4Tech from within d7. Data Operations > Fab’s AutoBackup4Tech. To add your pre-owned copy of Fab’s to this functionality, d7 expects to find d73rd Party ToolsAutoBackup4TechAutoBackup4Tech.exe


    • Added a force update check to the updates dialog. This works in situations where the startup update check may fail to detect new versions, as sometimes d7’s update file is cached so this method uses FTP instead of HTTP to reliably cirvumvent the cache.
    • Fixed a ‘data not available’ error when downloading d7 Updates – although the error did not affect functionality.
    • Fixed an issue where d7’s native logo did not display in recent versions if d7 is unregistered or an applogo.xxx was not found.


    • Fix for d7 not starting in ‘Hiren’ builds of WinPE.
    • Above fix may work for other WinPE builds affected but the fix is not automatic, use F8 startup menu and check “No Graphic” or run d7.exe -nographic


    • Fix for some sections being skipped when using Full Auto Mode.


    • Fix for FTP Explorer freeze, specifically debug log entry “frmFTPExplorer Error: Resume without error”


    • Fixed Auto Uninstall manual removal from crashing d7 with ‘object required’ error.


    • Fixed FTP Explorer not displaying directory contents.
    • Changed FTP Reports upload functionality to pull from the d7 internal reports dir if it exists.


    • Oops, Tweaks > NTFS Junctions output from previous revision was not readable, fixed.


    • Redesigned NTFS Junctions layout from the tweaks page.
    • Hopefully fixed an old issue emptying the recycle bin where it occasionally gets corrupted after being emptied.
    • Incorporated new code to support reports save location fixes within d7’s modules MalwareScan v5 PR and FileHandler
    • Updated FileHandler module to v2 (Reports save location fixes, additional functionality, misc.)
    • Added MalwareScan v5 Pre-Release (Redesigned interface, fixed reports save locations, added a log view, and hopefully many fixes here and there.)
    • MalwareScan v4.x.x remains in place and configured in your saved profiles.


    • Fixed an issue where DataGrab was not functional unless you had previously clicked on another tab (e.g. DataRestore) and then clicked back.
    • Threw in an ad for the alternative… more to come…


    • dCloudLauncher SFX creation now prompts for a default path to download/extract d7.


    • Moved Sync, Merge, Dump feature to Main menu > Legacy Features.


    • Added some error handling to startup routines.


    • Added back in ability to run Ketarin profiles manually, accidentally left out of last update.


    • Tweaked a bit on Auto Uninstall interface.
    • Merged Release Notes and Update Check forms, now including release notes online for d7, Default Custom Apps, and Ketarin profile.


    • Fixed <-Return click on Full Auto Mode.
    • Fixed DataGrab tab being blank sometimes.


    • Misc fixes and UI changes.


    • DATA LOSS – had to recode most fixes/improvements in the last few versions. Things may function exactly as they did last release. With my development pace, I need to start backing up more than once a day.
    • Redesigned, repurposed, and repositioned the Maint/Diag page, now Audit/Diagnose. Added reports generation, removed ‘the fat’ which can also be found elsewhere in d7. Added to Full Auto Mode.


    • Converted to a new layout for dCloud definition sharing.
    • Misc Minor Fixes.


    • Fixed errors when clicking on Custom Apps within dCloud and in performing a few other functions.
    • Fixed a crash launching StartupKill configuration fron d7’s config when a 32bit applogo.ico is in d7Config


    • Fixed a crash when sorting listview columns.
    • Expanding some listboxes to contain multi-line items.


    • Completely removed the dependency on MSCOMCTL.OCX, replacing all listboxes and other various components with a 3rd party control. This actually affects a LOT of d7 functionality and is a major change.
    • The above resolved double-click issues with listboxes on d7’s various pages (e.g. custom apps box on maintenance page, etc. now double-click as expected.)
    • Long rectangle logo option expanded to 240w x 60h, giving a clean 4:1 aspect ratio.
    • Updated logo size information in d7 Config > Register/Personalize page.
    • Fixed tab stop order on config form (the order in which you can tab from input field to input field.)
    • Misc minor fixes.


    • Removed delete FF/Chrome user profiles for the moment. Potentially there was a bug, but also they really need to be improved – as Xander pointed out automatic backup / restore of the bookmarks…


    • Now supporting BMP/GIF/JPG/PNG files for the applogo.
    • Now supporting a 60x60px square logo, or as much as 235px wide with the Rectangle Logo option enabled.
    • Modified logo options to allow rectangle logo to be sized to fit the available area.
    • Cleaned up config screens, removing unused options and reorganizing the layout.


    • IMPORTANT: Remove all shutdown scripts that delete anything from d7’s root directory. This is no longer supported.
    • Fixed a bug causing d7 to crash during startup on server based OSes.
    • Converted modules into a separate download during the update process to save time and bandwidth; these are rarely updated.
    • d7’s main interface now loads completely before becoming visible, so it is instantly responsive; the splash screen now gives status during load.
    • Create SFX option now prompts you to configure archive to delete itself or not.
    • Added download/setup of dCloudLauncher on the dCloud page to create a pre-configured self extracting archive.
    • Added reset Firefox popup (if installed) to reset IE function on Maintenance page.
    • Added optional removal of all user profile settings for Firefox/Chrome to Maintenance page.
    • Fixed a bug launching ShaperProbe when it was already downloaded.
    • Added “Enable Legacy F8 Startup Menu” option to Tweaks > Win 8 only (enables old behavior of F8 key at startup for Windows 8.)
    • Fixed a bug causing Delete Temp Internet Files functions to only clean the first Chrome or Firefox profile’s cache for each user.
    • Delete Temp Internet Files functions now terminate web browsers prior to operation.
    • AutoUninstall now terminates web browsers prior to operation.
    • Added option to remove client passwords from the Info Report when generated (Config > Reports)
    • Added automatic web browser termination prior to AutoUninstall function on Maintenance tab (IE, Chrome, FF, and Opera.)
    • Implemented a larger d7 interface which requires resolutions greater than 800×600 (the old interface will always be displayed @ less than 1024×768)
    • Misc bug fixes and under the hood stuff; also reduced d7.exe file size slightly.
    • Skins are disabled currently as they do not yet work with the new larger interface.


    • Fixed recent date formatting issue causing errors with reports generation.


    • Added bonus feature for dCloud users only: ability to use pre-configured SMTP credentials if you don’t have or want to use your own.
    • Removed theme support – was a good idea, but caused some funkiness with certain objects, such as the lower statusbar.


    • Fixed a somewhat rare issue affecting certain systems where d7.exe never loads, but appears in task manager.
    • Added custom apps setting “Audible alert prior to running this app (Auto Mode)”
    • Improved custom apps setting “Always re-download” to “Always re-download if app > X days old”
    • Fixed multiple copies of custom apps showing up in the listboxes.
    • d7 Config screen has grown a little, and now requires 1024×768 resolution or better.


    • Emails sent by d7 now obey your default “From” address when replying.
    • Implemented a new email system with a tech email address book for multiple techs using the same d7 config, automatic loading of client email addresses based on Nirsoft’s MailPV output, and email template load/save options.
    • Implemented an easy way to turn on live debugging and/or logging to file (the latter is handy in the new bug report submission form.)
    • Added additional debugging code to startup functions.
    • Removed ? button in the titlebar due to strange errors in new debugging logs. Please use the Help menu > Get Help Online (or press CTRL-H anytime the main d7 window is in focus.)
    • Removed Internet Time Sync feature on maintenance page – it was quirky sometimes – replaced with new custom app Neutron (thanks Xander) so be sure to update your custom apps!!


    • Clicking on the “Disconnected” label when internet is not detected will allow d7 to ignore the connection status when attempting downloads and other internet operations.


    • ATTN SCREENCONNECT users and other remote support providers: Added Create SFX option to Main menu. Create SFX will compress your d7 folder and it’s contents to a self-extracting archive, which will extract d7 to the desktop, run it, and delete itself. This can come in handy especially for Screenconnect users who utilize their ‘toolbox’ feature.


    • Managed a few extra pixels for the long rectangle logo option. Now expect the max dimensions of your logo to be 185×60.
    • Minor tweaks.


    • Fixed an issue where updating your Default Apps Profiles was causing the Maintenance apps to be mistakenly put into the Maintenance/Diag section, where they do not function at all.


    • Addressed an issue where d7 was breaking IE 10 history after running Delete History on Maintenance page.


    • D7 is now d7 (new logo, yes I updated just for that.)




    • Some visual tweaks and interface changes. NOTE: This may mess with the Skins. To be honest, that type of Skin support is on it’s way out and may be replaced with:
    • Added new ‘Themes’ for D7’s interface (incompatible with the old Skins.) For one, the themes look a lot better than 95% of the old skins, IMHO, but the huge deal with themes is that you can easily create your own! Simply create a new Windows Theme (.msstyle file) the way you want it (or just download any one you find on the internet) and you can send me that for conversion into a format recognized by D7. All the existing themes are based on versions of MS Office so far, but more to come.  Themes can be found in Config > Register/Personalize


    • D7 now stores definitions separately from the its configuration sets when working with dCloud – so the defs remain universal. The defs are updated automatically everytime you upload/download a config.


    • Added a visual element to some buttons giving them a highlight effect when you hover over them.
    • Fixed some bugs with the Move Reports to FTP Server function (should now create the appropriate FTP directory structure as configured in D7.)
    • Added MSSE/WD Quick and Full scans to Malware page. Function runs an automatic update and command line scan with Microsoft Security Essentials (if installed, else it runs Windows Defender, when available.)


    • Revamped Email Reports options – now you may selectively choose which reports to email, customize the subject/message body, save/load templates of custom messages, save a list of tech email addresses for quick reference, and finally you won’t even have to type in your client’s email address in most cases as this is populated for you!


    • Added Notes beside the Reports link – use to keep notes while working on a system. In Reports window, you have a new link to merge your TechNotes.txt file with the branded HTML Activity log when work is complete on the system.
    • Added ShaperProbe (internet speed / packet shaping test) to Testing/QA page.
    • Changed the way System Restore points were created in an attempt to fix a rare bug.
    • Misc. minor stuff.


    • Removed UAC prompt when performing a right-click google this action.


    • Minor under the hood stuff.


    • Fixed Pre-Release version update notifications displaying when using a final version.
    • Tweaked Reports viewing interface, added option to browse to other report directories.
    • New Network Menu at the top – because was in need of a few of these quick functions the other day and honestly forgot where they were in D7 for a minute.
    • Misc. tweaks.


    • Converted activity log to HTML, added time stamps.


    • Tweaking on HTML Info_Report formatting and functionality, also stripping unneeded text from Nirsoft reports.


    • Fixed upload function in FTP client.


    • Experimenting with generating reports in HTML (for the Info Report) and attaching your logo if found, with printing option.


    • Significantly increased D7 startup speed in some circumstances, by skipping the lengthy internet connection test when an invalid LAN IP address is detected.
    • Added Upload Reports to FTP function.
    • Removed old “Sync INI” FTP functionality in lieu of new FTP server functions to upload/download your D7 Configuration Sets to your own FTP server.
    • Added ability to configure/download Custom Apps from your own FTP server.
    • Removed Startup Options screen from showing, regardless of configuration setting, when D7 is in Full Auto or D7 Auto Malware mode.
    • Fixed some MalwareScan reporting showing up in the Info Reports directory.
    • Misc. minor fixes.


    • Added a built-in FTP client to D7. Expect some automated FTP functionality to soon follow. The goal is to allow D7 to save and exchange information with your own server, such as reports.


    • Adjusted Auto Uninstall interface to automatically check blacklisted items, and filter commented out items from the results list.


    • D7 can now save and retrieve MULTIPLE different configuration sets from dCloud! (dCloudLauncher support not implemented, but soon to follow.)
    • Removed SMART warnings due to mass confusion as to their meanings, displaying only raw data now.
    • MalwareScan no longer requires a password when enabled but launched from within D7.
    • Added Uninstall Legacy dApps button to dApps page.


    • Added debugging code for misc features.


    • Minor tweaks to function that copies D7 to the desktop from a UNC path/network drive.


    • Minor under the hood stuff.


    • Fixed: Progress bar stalls and app goes unresponsive during large downloads.


    • Converted many Maintenance / Diag apps that were built-in to D7 into Custom Apps. After this update, please force-update your Default Custom Apps via D7 > Updates & Sync even if it says you have the latest version already.


    • Cleaned up formatting of SMART status to tabbed columns for better readability in Info Report; added warning flag detection.


    • Fixed an issue in ETS causing an Elevate To System window popup when apps were configured to run with SYSTEM access.


    • More tweaking to the update process.


    • Minor tweaks to update checks and processes.


    • Added full SMART status for up to 10 HDDs in D7’s Info Report output.


    • Added new custom apps feature – run installer first! Useful to configure non-portable custom apps requiring installation, making configurations possible for apps like Auslogics Disk Defrag (which is now in D7’s new Default Custom Apps download.)
    • Added new custom apps feature – Wait in Service Mode. Causes D7 to shutdown while running your app and stay resident as a Windows service until your app completes and terminates itself. Useful for apps which would otherwise terminate D7 (like McAfee Stinger, also now available in the new Default Custom Apps download.)
    • Misc minor stuff.


    • Removed static MBRCheck link on Offline page, but added it as a new default custom app (be sure to download the D7 Custom Apps update following this update!)
    • Enabled password fields in Config > Custom Stuff > Red X shutdown options which were disabled by accident.


    • Tweaks to copy reports feature of custom apps.
    • Tweaks on dCloud interface to prevent files from getting uploaded to the wrong paths in dCloud.
    • Minor tweaks in offline OS detection.


    • New feature: Shutdown/Restart Prevention (toggle on/off with Reboot > Abort Shutdown/Restart or tap DEL with D7 in focus) but now not only attempts to abort a shutdown, but also stays ON and continues to make abort attempts as necessary until toggled off. Also available as a default startup option in Config > Behavior > Startup Behavior.
    • New feature: Move Reports on Close (in Shutdown Options dialog, or available in Config to set as default X button behavior) which will move reports to a UNC path on close (if it exists or can be created.)
    • Changed behavior of dApps to always download from dCloud (when checked in config) even if the installer already exists in the D7 directory.
    • dApps > dMaintenance install is now geared for the installer version or nothing.
    • Misc. minor stuff.


    • Changed the way D7 installs itself as a service when necessary on Vista+ to avoid intermittent Interactive Services Detection prompts.
    • Improved several internal repair and cleaning functions.


    • Fixed a ‘crash’ when D7 is shutting down to restart with System access without skins enabled.


    • Enabled support for dSupportSuite on the dApps tab and in Config.
    • Misc changes.


    • Custom Apps system can now filter whether to run apps on a server OS or not.


    • Made some adjustments to update code to fix a recent issue with modules (and release notes) not updating.
    • Custom Apps system can now handle multiple config files to copy / import before execution. Separate multiple config files by a,comma


    • Implemented ‘copy D7 to desktop and run from there’ option (click YES) in warning prompt you get if running D7 from a network path.
    • Custom HOSTS file is now stored in D7ConfigMisc (so it gets uploaded/downloaded along with your D7 config)
    • Minor tinkering.


    • Moved dApps (dSupport, dMaintenance, etc.) from Customize/Install page to their own page, giving more room for custom apps for that page and allowing room for the upcoming dSupportSuite in the dApps collection.
    • Added backup/restore/migrate of iTunes Local Appdata folders to D7’s Data moving functions.
    • Added detection of Server 2012 to OS detect routines.
    • Minor tweaking to MBAM routine, including attempting to delete or rename an old install of it if not fully uninstalled.


    • Holding the F8 key while starting D7 brings up a startup menu with new options (this also replaces the old get system access prompt.)
    • Red X behavior (the close button for the main window) is now configurable! Visit Config > Custom Stuff
    • Holding SHIFT key while starting D7 now starts in ‘service mode’ which runs under the system account, runs KillEmAll (internal version) until completed, restarting it as needed if malware terminates it, and then launches D7 direct to the malware page.
    • You can now choose to only execute a D7’s custom function/script for startup while holding down the CTRL key while starting D7.
    • Improved user profile directory detection (should now be compatible with non-english Windows versions on live systems) which benefits a huge amount of core functionality.
    • Auto Mode (malware page) resumes by default after a crash/reboot, after a 10 second timer giving you a cancel option.
    • Improved detection of UNC paths and mapped drives (as D7 cannot perform certain functions when run from a network path.)
    • Misc. enhancements to MalwareScan. Improved detection of certain registry values, also improved enumerating values from in-use registry hives when running from other accounts.
    • Fixed Relaunch Explorer.exe with System access function.
    • Fixed custom apps with randomize file name flag set not launching from write protected media.
    • New write protected media detection and warning – option to automatically copy D7 to the All Users/Public desktop and run from there.
    • Resuming D7 after a Combofix run is now handled internally without needing a separate module.
    • HitmanPro should now always launch under a standard admin account even from system mode, which was causing issues with the app – note this will trigger a UAC prompt when executing from the system account.
    • D7 should now handle waiting on apps like HitmanPro better and without user intervention.
    • New method of starting apps under the system account when running under a standard account, affecting several functions (but not enough, more to come.)
    • New method of starting apps (like Explorer) running as a standard account from the system account, affecting several functions.
    • Fixed reporting directory format issues with MalwareScan and FileHandler.
    • Fixed a recent typo affecting DataMigrate functionality.
    • D7 now automatically and silently imports new .cfg files for custom apps when found.
    • Improved Remove Policies function (both on live systems with multiple user accounts and offline systems) and now includes restoring Start Menu defaults.
    • Added Anti-Spyware software status if installed and detected (only supported on Vista+)
    • Tons of under the hood improvements for stability and speed by removing obsolete code and streamlining what needed to be there.
    • Lots of minor tweaks and adjustments.


    • Fixed D7 not detecting the latest KillEmAll versions – please force check for updates again and update KillEmAll to v2.0.2 or later!
    • New option to remember password setting when password protecting D7 launch.


    • MBAM function now copies 3PTMBAM_DefsExclusions.dat prior to running.
    • Misc stuff…


    • MSConfig state (Normal/Selective startup) is now displayed in the alerts column of the Info page.
    • The Config directory is now flushed prior to syncing your config (pulling) from dCloud or your own server.


    • Fixed an issue on 64bit systems where some startup functions may not work properly if D7 is started from a path that is normally virtualized for 32bit applications.
    • After registering a fresh download of D7, it will now relaunch itself and update all components automatically.


    * NEW Default Apps Config and Ketarin Profile (please update!) which reflects HitmanPro download/filename changes.
    * Fixed several circumstances that could cause MalwareScan and FileHandler to crash.
    * MalwareScan wasn’t seeing “(Default)” reg values in Run keys – fixed.
    * MalwareScan wasn’t searching HKLM/HKCU SoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorAutorun values – added these to the Run Keys scan.
    * Several enhancements I’m not discussing at this point 😉


    • Please ensure you update to KillEmAll v1.4.4 – fixed an issue where KEA would trigger a system shutdown under certain circumstances.


    • For installed A/V, added detection of real-time scanner enabled/disabled and product definitions updated or outdated.
    • For installed 3rd Party Firewalls, added detection of whether it is enabled or disabled.
    • Fixed send feedback function not detecting an internet connection.
    • Misc. minor stuff.


    • Removed annoying pop-up box when WINMGMT service could not be stopped during certain operations.
    • Improved self-updating speed.
    • D7 should no longer restart itself under the system account during updating under certain circumstances.
    • Misc.


    • Updated D7’s update default apps function for including the D7_DefaultApps.INI file. A new Default Apps profile will follow soon updating several apps including


    • Vastly improved startup speed of D7 when internet access is broken.
    • D7 now displays the detected WAN IP address instead of “Net: Connected” when internet access is functional.
    • Misc minor stuff.


    • Improved method of rotating news in the bottom status bar.


    • Updated old wording of save profile confirmation prompts to avoid confusion.


    • Introducing multiple profiles for certain Auto Mode configurations. To create a new profile, simply type a name in the box and click Save Profile.


    • Attempt to fix several D7 startup / registration issues that have cropped up recently.



    • Fixed some potential for damage when running D7 from a UNC path.


    • Removed Regsvr32 ALL DLLs from Windows Repair Auto Mode.
    • Misc under the hood stuff.


    • Incorporated a new method of deleting stubborn reg keys/values, which fixes the following:
    • Fixed Remove IE Toolbars function.


    • Fixed report not showing if timeouts occur in Re-Register System32 DLLs function.
    • Misc. changes.


    • Improved the Re-register all System32 DLLs function. Added display of the .DLL being registered, and also now if a registration hangs for more than 15 seconds, it will be skipped and the next file processed – so this function won’t hang indefinitely. If any registrations were hung and skipped, they will be in the Reports window as ‘Regsvr32 Report.txt’ and you will be prompted to view them.


    • Fixed configuration not extracting properly from dCloud.


    • Fixed an update check issue.


    • Reduced D7’s file size by 1.2 MB!
    • Reset Networking Interfaces now replaces winsock registry keys with defaults on Vista-8 (formerly only did this on XP)
    • Save Config for D7 Auto now prompts you on ALL pages instead of just SOME pages.


    • Disabled shading effect of various dialog boxes as they appear to be causing serious lag on some systems.


    • New GUI (bubble boxes) for various message boxes, input boxes, and prompts.


    • D7 can now load 32bit icons for form/taskbar display (meaning your applogo.ico can now be 32bit instead of 8bit color.)
    Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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