Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number

Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number

Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number

Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number 1.0b3

A worked example

There are many ways to set up an Diazo theme. For example, you could upload the theme and rules as content in Plone use absolute paths to configure them. You could also serve them from a separate static web server, or even load them from the filesystem.

To create a deployable theme, however, it is often best to create a simple Python package. This also provides a natural home for theme-related customisations such as template overrides.

Although a detailed tutorial is beyond the scope of this help file, a brief, worked example is shown below.

  1. Create a package and install it in your buildout:

    $ cd src $ paster create -t plone my.theme

See the buildout manual for details

If you have a recent installed, this should work. Pick mode. Answer “yes” when asked if you want to register a profile.

Then edit to add your new package ( above) to the and lists.

  1. Edit inside the newly created package

The list should be:

install_requires=[ 'setuptools', '', ],

Re-run buildout:

$ bin/buildout
  1. Edit inside the newly created package.

Add a resource directory inside the tag. Note that you may need to add the namespace, as shown.


xmlns=”” xmlns:browser=”” xmlns:i18n=”” xmlns:genericsetup=”” xmlns:plone=”” i18n_domain=”my.theme”>

name=”default” title=”My theme” directory=”profiles/default” description=”Installs the my.theme package” provides=”Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.EXTENSION” />
type=”theme” directory=”static” />


Here, we have used the package name, , for the resource directory name. Adjust as appropriate.

  1. Add a directory next to .
  2. Put your theme and rules files into this directory.

For example, you may have a that references images in a sub-directory and stylesheets in a sub-directory . Place this file and the two directories inside the newly created directory.

Make sure the theme uses relative URLs (e.g. ) to reference its resources. This means you can open theme up from the filesystem and view it in its splendour.

Also place a file there. See the Diazo documentation for details about its syntax. You can start with some very simple rules if you just want to test:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rules xmlns="" xmlns:css="" xmlns:xsl=""> <!-- The default theme, used for standard Plone web pages --> <theme href="theme.html" css:if-content="#visual-portal-wrapper" /> <!-- Rules applying to a standard Plone web page --> <rules css:if-content="#visual-portal-wrapper"> <!-- Add meta tags --> <drop theme="/html/head/meta" /> <after content="/html/head/meta" theme-children="/html/head" /> <!-- Copy style, script and link tags in the order they appear in the content --> <after content="/html/head/style | /html/head/script | /html/head/link" theme-children="/html/head" /> <drop theme="/html/head/style" /> <drop theme="/html/head/script" /> <drop theme="/html/head/link" /> <!-- Copy over the id/class attributes on the body tag. This is important for per-section styling --> <merge attributes="class" css:content="body" css:theme="body" /> <copy attributes="id dir" css:content="body" css:theme="body" /> <!-- Logo (link target) --> <replace attributes="href" css:content='#portal-logo' css:theme="#logo" /> <!-- Site actions --> <replace css:content="#portal-siteactions li" css:theme-children="#actions" /> <!-- Global navigation --> <replace css:content='#portal-globalnav li' css:theme-children='#global-navigation' /> <!-- Breadcrumbs --> <replace css:content-children='#portal-breadcrumbs' css:theme-children='#breadcrumbs' /> <!-- Document Content --> <replace css:content-children="#content" css:theme-children="#document-content" /> <before css:content="#edit-bar" css:theme="#document-content" /> <before css:content=".portalMessage" css:theme="#document-content" /> <!-- Columns --> <replace css:content-children="#portal-column-one > *" css:theme-children="#column-one" /> <replace css:content-children="#portal-column-two > *" css:theme-children="#column-two" /> </rules> </rules>

In this example, we have referenced the theme HTML file relative to the directory where the resides. We make this theme conditional on the element being present in the content (i.e. the web page generated by Plone). This ensures we do not apply the theme to things like pop-ups or special pages.

We apply the same condition to the rules. The first few rules are probably useful in most Plone themes. The remainder of the rules are examples that may or may not apply, pulling in the logo, breadcrumbs, site actions, document content, and left/right hand side columns.

See below for some more useful rules.

Finally, put a file alongside in the directory, containing:

[theme] title = My theme description = A demo theme from the README
  1. Create the installation profile

The generated code above for the tag contains a reference to a directory . You may need to create this next to if it doesn’t exist already, i.e. create a new directory and inside it another directory .

In this directory, add a file called containing:

<metadata> <version>1</version> <dependencies> <dependency></dependency> </dependencies> </metadata>

This will install into Plone when my.theme is installed via the add-on control panel later.

Also create a file called , with the following contents:

<theme> <name>my.theme</name> <enabled>true</enabled> </theme>

Replace with your own package name.

This file configures the settings behind the Diazo control panel.

Also, add a in the directory to configure the tool:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="portal_css"> <!-- Set conditions on stylesheets we don't want to pull in --> <stylesheet expression="not:request/HTTP_X_THEME_ENABLED | nothing" id="public.css" /> <!-- Add new stylesheets --> <!-- Note: applyPrefix is not available in Plone < 4.0b3 --> <stylesheet title="" authenticated="False" cacheable="True" compression="safe" conditionalcomment="" cookable="True" enabled="on" expression="request/HTTP_X_THEME_ENABLED | nothing" id="++theme++my.theme/css/styles.css" media="" rel="stylesheet" rendering="link" applyPrefix="True" /> </object>

This shows how to set a condition on an existing stylesheet, as well as registering a brand new one. We’ve set to True here, as explained above.

  1. Test

Start up Zope and go to your Plone site. Your new package should show as installable in the add-on product control panel. When installed, it should install as a dependency and pre-configure it to use your theme and rule set. By default, the theme is not enabled, so you will need to go to the control panel to switch it on.

You can now compare your untouched theme, the unstyled Plone site, and the themed site by using the following URLs:

  • (or whatever you have configured as the styled domain) for a styled Plone. If you used the sample rule above, this will look almost exactly like your theme, but with the tag (normally shown in the title bar of your web browser) taken from Plone.
  • (presuming this is the port where Plone is running) for an unstyled Plone.
  • for the pristine theme. This is served as a static resource, almost as if it is being opened on the filesystem.

Common rules

To copy the page title:

<replace css:theme="title" css:content="title" />

To copy the tag (necessary for Plone’s links to work):

<replace css:theme="base" css:content="base" />

If there is no tag in the theme, you can do:

<before css:theme-children=”head” css:content=”base” />

To drop all styles and JavaScript resources from the theme and copy them from Plone’s tool instead:

<!-- Drop styles in the head - these are added back by including them from Plone --> <drop theme="/html/head/link" /> <drop theme="/html/head/style" /> <!-- Pull in Plone CSS --> <after theme-children="/html/head" content="/html/head/link | /html/head/style" />

To copy Plone’s JavaScript resources:

<!-- Pull in Plone CSS --> <after theme-children="/html/head" content="/html/head/script" />

To copy the class of the tag (necessary for certain Plone JavaScript functions and styles to work properly):

<!-- Body --> <merge attributes="class" css:theme="body" css:content="body" />

Other tips

  • Firebug is an excellent tool for inspecting the theme and content when building rules. It even has an XPath extractor.
  • Read up on XPath. It’s not as complex as it looks and very powerful.
  • Run Zope in debug mode whilst developing so that you don’t need to restart to see changes to theme, rules or, resources.

Migrating from collective.xdv

has evolved from the package. Similarly, Diazo is an evolution of .

Migrating XDV rules to Diazo rules

The Diazo syntax is very similar to the XDV one, and your XDV rules should continue to work unchanged, as their namespace will be updated automatically. Where in XDV you would have:

<rules xmlns="" xmlns:css="" xmlns:xsl=""> ... </rules>

you should now use:

<rules xmlns="" xmlns:css="" xmlns:xsl=""> ... </rules>

In addition, some rules have been changed to simplify the rule set:

  • should only be used for copying attributes. For the use case that used to cover, use with instead.
  • has similarly been replaced by with .
  • has similarly been replaced by with .

Please see the Diazo documentation for more details about the available rules, including new rules only available in Diazo.

Plone integration changes

If you have installed a theme using , and you wish to migrate to , you should use the following steps.

  1. Start up your Plone site, go to the tool in the ZMI and uninstall the XDV theme integration package.
  2. Stop your Plone site, and remove from your buildout, by removing any references in (or a file it extends), and any references in an line in a file you control.
  3. Install as described above, adjusting your theme package as required.

You will notice that exposes fewer options than . This is mainly because the relevant features have moved into itself and can be configured in the file.


1.0b2 - 2011-05-16

  • Encode internally resolved documents to support non-ascii characters correctly. [elro]
  • Fix control panel to use theme name not id. [optilude]

1.0b1 - 2011-04-22

  • Wrap internal subrequests for css or js in style or script tags to facilitate inline includes. [elro]
  • Add import step (see README). [optilude]
  • Add support for section in , which can be used to set parameters and the corresponding TALES expressions to calculate them. [optilude]
  • Add support for parameter expressions based on TALES expressions [optilude]
  • Use plone.subrequest 1.6 features to work with IStreamIterator from plone.resource. [elro]
  • Depend on instead of . [elro]
  • Added support for uploading themes as Zip archives. [optilude]
  • Added theme off switch: Add a query string parameter to a request whilst Zope is in development mode to turn off the theme. [optilude]
  • Removed ‘theme’ and alternative themes support: Themes should be referenced using the directive in the Diazo rules file. [optilude]
  • Removed ‘domains’ support: This can be handled with the rules file syntax by using the parameter. [optilude]
  • Removed ‘notheme’ support: This can be handled within the rules file syntax by using the parameter. [optilude]
  • Added and as parameters to the Diazo rules file. These can now be used as conditional expressions. [optilude]
  • Removed dependency on XDV in favour of dependency on Diazo (which is the new name for XDV). [optilude]
  • Forked from collective.xdv 1.0rc11. [optilude]
Источник: []
, Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number

Releases/Firefox 4.0b3/BuildNotes

note re: bug 582700. If Windows 2000 is still busted in 4.0b3 we should set updateType=major in windows snippets. Per Rob Strong's comment it should NOT prompt despite being a MU.. Windows 2000 support was restored for 4.0b3, nothing to worry about now.

Build Engineers

armenzg, aki - tracking bug

Signed-off Revision(s)


On mozilla-central:

Build #TagChangeset
1 GECKO20b3_20100804_RELBRANCH 2f187db8f5f6
FIREFOX_4_0b3_BUILD1, FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE 1fdcff2dbfdf
2 FIREFOX_4_0b3_BUILD2, FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE 69f2d0457750
3 FIREFOX_4_0b3_BUILD3, FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE 900fdd7fb8b2

Build data

Build #TypeBuild IDBuild machine
1 [Linux compressed] 20100804111201 mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave22
2 [Windows installer/zip] 20100804193205 mw32-ix-slave05
[Mac dmg] 20100804182810 bm-xserve15
[Mac64 dmg] 20100804183435 moz2-darwin10-slave07
[Linux compressed] 20100804182707 mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave22
[Linux64 compressed] 20100804183236 moz2-linux64-slave03
3 [Windows installer/zip] 20100805192522 mw32-ix-slave05
[Mac dmg] 20100805181943 bm-xserve15
[Mac64 dmg] 20100805182338 moz2-darwin10-slave07
[Linux compressed] 20100805181633 mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave22
[Linux64 compressed] 20100805182321 moz2-linux64-slave03

Bugs that we have hit on this release

  • bug 565640 discovering which URL to pull l10n-changesets is not discoverable
  • bug 584574 - revision not found in buildbot-configs on hg.m.o
  • bug 584818 - release clobber branch broken
    • select a master name and select "Any branch"
  • bug 584620 - Clobberer isn't working for 64bit release builders
  • No bug - Fix ParseLocalesFile to handle multiple lines with the same locale.
  • bug 584747 - Send sendchanges for releases to pm01:9009 after switchover to schedulerDB
  • bug 570816 - Fix branch name for unittest release sendchanges
  • bug 585082 - graphs does not recognise the "Firefox-Release" branch
  • bug 585098 - Port branch name refactoring for talos sendchanges to 0.7.10/default masters (releases and tigers)
  • bug 585108 - We don't need unit test builders for "mozilla-central" and "mozilla-2.0" releases
  • bug 586230 - No contrib directory for Firefox 4.0b3


Done on pm. Had to be restarted, because the master had 2 pending tag jobs.

Build 1

  • Marked all builders for all releases on pm for a clobber (done by nthomas)
  • Moved the following slaves to pm:
    • from pm03:
      • mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave22
      • mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave23
      • mw32-ix-slave05
      • mw32-ix-slave13
    • from pm01:
      • mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave20
      • mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave11
      • mw32-ix-slave02
      • mw32-ix-slave19
      • bm-xserve06
      • bm-xserve11
      • bm-xserve12
      • bm-xserve15
  • Confirmed beta 3 l10n changesets
  • Downloaded l10n-changesets from here
    • I only found the URL because Rail had mentioned previously. Axel filed bug 565640 to make it more discoverable
  • Landed changes
  • Reconfigured pm
  • sendchange to get things running:
buildbot sendchange --username=armenzg --master=localhost:9010 --branch=mozilla-central -m "Firefox 4.0b3 build1" Go


mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave11: No problems

  • Full stop at 12:11pm PDT
  • only Linux had finished and had to stop the repackages for it

Build 2

  • Removed *pyc and waiting
  • Clobbered the release builders (NOTE: do not be connected to Build-VPN)
  • Got the l10n-changesets from here
  • Landed configs and l10n-changesets
  • Stopped pm after checkconfig took too long
  • Restarted pm after a successful checkconfig
  • Tagging of our repos should have happened before the following sendchange
    • This is what has to be done: Tagged tip of default branch of buildbot-configs, buildbotcustom, tools with FIREFOX_4_0b3_BUILD2 and FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE
  • Sendchange:
buildbot sendchange --username=aki --master=localhost:9010 --branch=mozilla-central -m "Firefox 4.0b3 build2" go



  • Closed m-c.
  • Kept hitting "abort: destination 'be' already exists" in clone_be. The step didn't actually clobber the tag directory; I had to go back and clobber all release builders on pm in clobberer before it would work (nthomas says it was requesting branch=nothing)
  • This meant I did 3 sendchanges to get over the 2 failed tag steps. Luckily it went smoothly after that.
  • Re-opened m-c.
  • I tagged buildbot-configs, but ran into bug 584574 and decided to hold off on tagging buildbotcustom.
  • Once bug 584574 was fixed, tagged buildbotcustom.


mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave11 - no problems


  • Some L10N repacks failed due to bug 584620 (linux64 and macosx64).
  • Clobbered and forced l10n repacks for the failed locales/platforms (see instructions:
# cltbld@pm PYTHONPATH=/tools/buildbotcustom:$PYTHONPATH python -m http://localhost:8010 -t FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE -v -s locales-file -n

locales-file content:

it linux64 es-ES linux64 ru linux64 is linux64 de linux64 pt-PT linux64 nn-NO linux64 uk macosx64 pl macosx64 sv-SE macosx64 nn-NO macosx64 zh-TW macosx64
  • nn-NO on linux64 never got triggered because the "nn-NO macosx64" line overwrote it. bhearsum landed a fix so this can't happen again
  • I forced nn-NO for linux64

Unit tests

  • There has been a switch over to scheduler db last night and the sendchanges are probably being sent to the wrong place. I am going to trigger them.
  • bug 584747 send sendchanges to the schedulerDB
  • bug 570816 fix branch name for unit test releases sendchanges
  • bug 585098 fix branch name for talos release sendchanges

NOTE: I send the sendchanges to and I changed the branch name for each sendchange to "release-$branch-$platform-opt-unittest' instead of '$branch-release-$platform-opt-unittest' NOTE2: Note the white spaces on Mac's filenames and that I had to add an apostrophe. You will see mac unit tests red because for missing them.

buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-linux-opt-unittest --revision 69f2d0457750 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-linux64-opt-unittest --revision 69f2d0457750 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest --revision 69f2d0457750 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx-opt-unittest --revision 69f2d0457750 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' ' 4.0 Beta' buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx64-opt-unittest --revision 69f2d0457750 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' ' 4.0 Beta'
  • No need to trigger the talos sendchanges because we got a full stop for build2


Using instructions.

NOTE: Watch for bug 586230 in the next release.

en-US.xpi removed from stage:

#ffxbld@stage cd /pub/ rm en-US.xpi

Run usual signing script:

#!/bin/bash set -x set -e PRODUCT=firefox VERSION=4.0b3 BUILD=2 TAG=FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE REPO="mozilla-central" KEYDIR=d:/2009-keys cd ~/hg-tools hg pull && hg up -r ${TAG} mkdir -p ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION} cd ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION} cp ~/hg-tools/release/signing/* . make PRODUCT=${PRODUCT} VERSION=${VERSION} \ BUILD=${BUILD} REPO=${REPO} EMAIL=${EMAIL} \ KEYDIR=${KEYDIR} USE_NEW=1

Inspected stdout, signing log. They looked good. Ran the following:


L10N verification

No problems


No problems

Update verify

No problems

Build 3

  • Full stop of build 2 because of bug 584057
  • Taken this fix
  • Clobbered all release builders
  • Took no l10n-changesets at Axel's request.
  • Landed config changes
  • reconfiged pm
  • sendchange:
buildbot sendchange --username=aki --master=localhost:9010 --branch=mozilla-central -m "Firefox 4.0b3 build3" doit
  • tagged buildbot-configs and buildbotcustom


mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave11 - No problems.


mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave11 - No problems.


No problems.

Unit tests

  • We fixed prior build3 the name of the unit test branch name for its sendchanges with this branch name fix but we still need to land the where the sendchanges are sent
  • NOTE I don't know why some talos sendchanges triggered 5 pending talos jobs instead of 1. For next release and after the aforementioned bugs are fixed let's see if it happens again.

List of sendchanges run manually:

buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange --branch release-mozilla-central-linux-talos --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange --branch release-mozilla-central-linux64-talos --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange --branch release-mozilla-central-win32-talos --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx-talos --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx64-talos --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-linux-opt-unittest --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-linux64-opt-unittest --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx-opt-unittest --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' ' 4.0 Beta' buildbot sendchange --master --username sendchange-unittest --branch release-mozilla-central-macosx64-opt-unittest --revision 900fdd7fb8b2 ' 4.0 Beta 3.dmg' ' 4.0 Beta'

These were the only oranges we had. The oranges are known and the last one is permanent:


Using instructions.

en-US.xpi removed from stage:

#ffxbld@stage cd /pub/ rm en-US.xpi

Run the following:

PRODUCT=firefox VERSION=4.0b3 BUILD=3 TAG=FIREFOX_4_0b3_RELEASE REPO="mozilla-central" KEYDIR=d:/2009-keys cd ~/hg-tools hg pull && hg up -r ${TAG} mkdir -p ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION} cd ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION} cp ~/hg-tools/release/signing/* . make PRODUCT=${PRODUCT} VERSION=${VERSION} \ BUILD=${BUILD} REPO=${REPO} EMAIL=${EMAIL} \ KEYDIR=${KEYDIR} USE_NEW=1

Inspected stdout, signing log. They looked good. Ran the following:


L10N verification

No problems


No problems

Update verify

No problems

Final checks before push

# ffxbld@stage cd /pub/ find . ! -user ffxbld find . ! -group firefox find . -type f ! -perm 644 find . -mindepth 1 -type d ! -perm 755 ! -name 'contrib*' find . -mindepth 1 -type d ! -perm 755 ! -name 'contrib*' ^^ Last line is WRONG, should be |find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -perm 2775 ! -name 'contrib*'|

Virus check

# ffxbld@stage clamdscan -m /mnt/netapp/stage/ /mnt/netapp/stage/ OK ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Infected files: 0 Time: 1626.579 sec (27 m 6 s)

Update Bouncer

  • bug 571869 has been verified to be fixed
  • Moved mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave16 from pm02 to pm
  • verified still said 4.0b3 build3
  • Forced bouncer_submitter build
  • This went green!
  • TODO verify the step went smoothly: Nick says it shouldn't have submitted the various languages. I think Nick was making reference to:
Locales: be, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-US, es-AR, es-ES, et, fi, fr, ga-IE, hu, is, it, ko, ku, lt, nb-NO, nl, nn-NO, pa-IN, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sv-SE, tr, uk, zh-CN, zh-TW Server response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><products><product id="824" name="Firefox-4.0b3-Complete Locales: be, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-US, es-AR, es-ES, et, fi, fr, ga-IE, hu, is, it, ko, ku, lt, nb-NO, nl, nn-NO, pa-IN, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sv-SE, tr, uk, zh-CN, zh-TW Server response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><products><product id="825" name="Firefox-4.0b3-Partial-4.0b2 Locales: be, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-US, es-AR, es-ES, et, fi, fr, ga-IE, hu, is, it, ko, ku, lt, nb-NO, nl, nn-NO, pa-IN, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sv-SE, tr, uk, zh-CN, zh-TW Server response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><products><product id="826" name="Firefox-4.0b3-Partial-4.

Push to mirrors

# ffxbld@stage cd /home/ftp/pub/firefox/releases mkdir 4.0b3 cd 4.0b3 rsync -av --exclude=*tests* --exclude=*crashreporter* --exclude=*.log --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*unsigned* --exclude=*update-backup* /pub/ .


curl -sL > index.html vi index.html # edit to change Beta 1 to Beta 3 for dir in `find . -mindepth 1 -type d`; do cp -pv index.html $dir/; done

Final verify

  • went green after 2nd force build (after a wait). Moved mv-moz2-linux-ix-slave16 back to pm02.
  • sent email when mirrors were absorbed for testing (11:58pm PDT)
  • sent email when mirrors were absorbed for release ( 7:51pm PDT)

Push snippets to beta channel

  • Upon GO from release-drivers
# cltbld@aus2-staging cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging ~/bin/backupsnip 20100805-Firefox-4.0b3 ~/bin/pushsnip 20100805-Firefox-4.0b3

Remove index.html files

Once we are fully announced (by the driver) we can remove the index.html files:

# ffxbld@stage cd /pub/ find . -name index.html find . -name index.html | xargs rm -v


  • Emailed the following to metrics@m.c
Firefox,firefox,firefox,4.0b3,4.0 Firefox,firefox,firefox,4.0b4pre,4.0
Источник: []
Zip It 4.0b3 serial key or number

BIND 9.4.0b3 is now available.

Mark AndrewsMark_Andrews at
Fri Nov 3 00:12:55 UTC 2006
BIND 9.4.0b3 is now available. BIND 9.4.0b3 is a beta release for BIND 9.4.0. BIND 9.4.0b3 contains security fixes: 2089. [security] Raise the minimum safe OpenSSL versions to OpenSSL 0.9.7l and OpenSSL 0.9.8d. Versions prior to these have known security flaws which are (potentially) exploitable in named. [RT #16391] 2088. [security] Change the default RSA exponent from 3 to 65537. [RT #16391] 2066. [security] Handle SIG queries gracefully. [RT #16300] 1941. [bug] ncache_adderesult() should set eresult even if no rdataset is passed to it. [RT #15642] If you are running a BIND 9.3.x or BIND 9.4.x version without these changes you are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to one of BIND 9.3.2-P2, BIND 9.3.3rc3 or BIND 9.4.0b3. Please as a minimum please perform a test build on your operating system. We don't have test platforms for every operating system and sometimes we accidently break builds. Now is the time to tell us about that. Now is the time to report any bugs introduced in this release cycle. Except for *major* bugs, all bugs which pre-date this release cycle will be deferred until the next release. The aim is to be better than and definitely no worse than the last release. Bugs should be reported to bind9-bugs at BIND 9.4 has a number of new features over BIND 9.3, including: Implemented "additional section caching" (or "acache"), an internal cache framework for additional section content to improve response performance. Several configuration options were provided to control the behavior. New notify type 'master-only'. Enable notify for master zones only. Accept 'notify-source' style syntax for query-source. rndc now allows addresses to be set in the server clauses. New option "allow-query-cache". This lets allow-query be used to specify the default zone access level rather than having to have every zone override the global value. allow-query-cache can be set at both the options and view levels. If allow-query-cache is not set allow-query applies. rndc: the source address can now be specified. ixfr-from-differences now takes master and slave in addition to yes and no at the options and view levels. Allow the journal's name to be changed via named.conf. 'rndc notify zone [class [view]]' resend the NOTIFY messages for the specified zone. 'dig +trace' now randomly selects the next servers to try. Report if there is a bad delegation. Improve check-names error messages. Make public the function to read a key file, dst_key_read_public(). dig now returns the byte count for axfr/ixfr. allow-update is now settable at the options / view level. named-checkconf now checks the logging configuration. host now can turn on memory debugging flags with '-m'. Don't send notify messages to self. Perform sanity checks on NS records which refer to 'in zone' names. New zone option "notify-delay". Specify a minimum delay between sets of NOTIFY messages. Extend adjusting TTL warning messages. Named and named-checkzone can now both check for non-terminal wildcard records. "rndc freeze/thaw" now freezes/thaws all zones. named-checkconf now check acls to verify that they only refer to existing acls. The server syntax has been extended to support a range of servers. Report differences between hints and real NS rrset and associated address records. Preserve the case of domain names in rdata during zone transfers. Restructured the data locking framework using architecture dependent atomic operations (when available), improving response performance on multi-processor machines significantly. x86, x86_64, alpha, powerpc, and mips are currently supported. UNIX domain controls are now supported. Add support for additional zone file formats for improving loading performance. The masterfile-format option in named.conf can be used to specify a non-default format. A separate command named-compilezone was provided to generate zone files in the new format. Additionally, the -I and -O options for dnssec-signzone specify the input and output formats. dnssec-signzone can now randomize signature end times (dnssec-signzone -j jitter). Add support for CH A record. Add additional zone data consistancy checks. named-checkzone has extended checking of NS, MX and SRV record and the hosts they reference. named has extended post zone load checks. New zone options: check-mx and integrity-check. edns-udp-size can now be overridden on a per server basis. dig can now specify the EDNS version when making a query. Added framework for handling multiple EDNS versions. Additional memory debugging support to track size and mctx arguments. Detect duplicates of UDP queries we are recursing on and drop them. New stats category "duplicates". Memory management. "USE INTERNAL MALLOC" is now runtime selectable. The lame cache is now done on a <qname,qclass,qtype> basis as some servers only appear to be lame for certain query types. Limit the number of recursive clients that can be waiting for a single query (<qname,qtype,qclass>) to resolve. New options clients-per-query and max-clients-per-query. dig: report the number of extra bytes still left in the packet after processing all the records. Support for IPSECKEY rdata type. Raise the UDP receive buffer size to 32k if it is less than 32k. x86 and x86_64 now have separate atomic locking implementations. named-checkconf now validates update-policy entries. Attempt to make the amount of work performed in a iteration self tuning. The covers nodes clean from the cache per iteration, nodes written to disk when rewriting a master file and nodes destroyed per iteration when destroying a zone or a cache. ISC string copy API. Automatic empty zone creation for D.F.IP6.ARPA and friends. Note: RFC 1918 zones are not yet covered by this but are likely to be in a future release. New options: empty-server, empty-contact, empty-zones-enable and disable-empty-zone. dig now has a '-q queryname' and '+showsearch' options. host/nslookup now continue (default)/fail on SERVFAIL. dig now warns if 'RA' is not set in the answer when 'RD' was set in the query. host/nslookup skip servers that fail to set 'RA' when 'RD' is set unless a server is explicitly set. Integrate contributed DLZ code into named. Integrate contributed IDN code from JPNIC. Validate pending NS RRsets, in the authority section, prior to returning them if it can be done without requiring DNSKEYs to be fetched. It is now possible to configure named to accept expired RRSIGs. Default "dnssec-accept-expired no;". Setting "dnssec-accept-expired yes;" leaves named vulnerable to replay attacks. Additional memory leakage checks. The maximum EDNS UDP response named will send can now be set in named.conf (max-udp-size). This is independent of the advertised receive buffer (edns-udp-size). Named now falls back to advertising EDNS with a 512 byte receive buffer if the initial EDNS queries fail. Control the zeroing of the negative response TTL to a soa query. Defaults "zero-no-soa-ttl yes;" and "zero-no-soa-ttl-cache no;". Separate out MX and SRV to CNAME checks. dig/nslookup/host: warn about missing "QR". TSIG HMACSHA1, HMACSHA224, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384 and HMACSHA512 support. dnssec-signzone: output the SOA record as the first record in the signed zone. Two new update policies. "selfsub" and "selfwild". dig, nslookup and host now advertise a 4096 byte EDNS UDP buffer size by default. Report when a zone is removed. DS/DLV SHA256 digest algorithm support. Implement "rrset-order fixed". Check the KSK flag when updating a secure dynamic zone. New zone option "update-check-ksk yes;". It is now possible to explicitly enable DNSSEC validation. default dnssec-validation no; to be changed to yes in 9.5.0. It is now possible to enable/disable DNSSEC validation from rndc. This is useful for the mobile hosts where the current connection point breaks DNSSEC (firewall/proxy). rndc validation newstate [view] dnssec-signzone can now update the SOA record of the signed zone, either as an increment or as the system time(). Statistics about acache now recorded and sent to log. libbind: corresponds to that from BIND 8.4.7. BIND 9.4.0b3 can be downloaded from The PGP signature of the distribution is at The signature was generated with the ISC public key, which is available at <>. A binary kit for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Window 2003 is at The PGP signature of the binary kit for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Window 2003 is at Changes since 9.4.0a1. --- 9.4.0b3 released --- 2097. [bug] named could reference a destroyed memory context after being reloaded / reconfigured. [RT #16428] 2096. [bug] libbind: handle applications that fail to detect res_init() failures better. 2095. [port] libbind: alway prototype inet_cidr_ntop_ipv6() and net_cidr_ntop_ipv6(). [RT #16388] 2094. [contrib] Update named-bootconf. [RT# 16404] 2093. [bug] named-checkzone -s was broken. 2092. [bug] win32: dig, host, nslookup. Use registry config if resolv.conf does not exist or no nameservers listed. [RT #15877] 2091. [port] dighost.c: race condition on cleanup. [RT #16417] 2090. [port] win32: Visual C++ 2005 command line manifest support. [RT #16417] 2089. [security] Raise the minimum safe OpenSSL versions to OpenSSL 0.9.7l and OpenSSL 0.9.8d. Versions prior to these have known security flaws which are (potentially) exploitable in named. [RT #16391] 2088. [security] Change the default RSA exponent from 3 to 65537. [RT #16391] 2087. [port] libisc failed to compile on OS's w/o a vsnprintf. [RT #16382] 2086. [port] libbind: FreeBSD now has get*by*_r() functions. [RT #16403] 2085. [doc] win32: added index.html and README to zip. [RT #16201] 2084. [contrib] dbus update for 9.3.3rc2. 2083. [port] win32: Visual C++ 2005 support. 2082. [doc] Document 'cache-file' as a test only option. --- 9.4.0b2 released --- 2081. [port] libbind: minor 64-bit portability fix in memcluster.c. [RT #16360] 2080. [port] libbind: res_init.c did not compile on older versions of Solaris. [RT #16363] 2079. [bug] The lame cache was not handling multiple types correctly. [RT #16361] 2078. [bug] dnssec-checkzone output style "default" was badly named. It is now called "relative". [RT #16326] 2077. [bug] 'dnssec-signzone -O raw' wasn't outputing the complete signed zone. [RT #16326] 2076. [bug] Several files were missing #include <config.h> causing build failures on OSF. [RT #16341] 2075. [bug] The spillat timer event hander could leak memory. [RT #16357] 2074. [bug] dns_request_createvia2(), dns_request_createvia3(), dns_request_createraw2() and dns_request_createraw3() failed to send multiple UDP requests. [RT #16349] 2073. [bug] Incorrect semantics check for update policy "wildcard". [RT #16353] 2072. [bug] We were not generating valid HMAC SHA digests. [RT #16320] 2071. [port] Test whether gcc accepts -fno-strict-aliasing. [RT #16324] 2070. [bug] The remote address was not always displayed when reporting dispatch failures. [RT #16315] 2069. [bug] Cross compiling was not working. [RT #16330] 2068. [cleanup] Lower incremental tuning message to debug 1. [RT #16319] 2067. [bug] 'rndc' could close the socket too early triggering a INSIST under Windows. [RT #16317] 2066. [security] Handle SIG queries gracefully. [RT #16300] 2065. [bug] libbind: probe for HPUX prototypes for endprotoent_r() and endservent_r(). [RT 16313] 2064. [bug] libbind: silence AIX compiler warnings. [RT #16218] 2063. [bug] Change #1955 introduced a bug which caused the first 'rndc flush' call to not free memory. [RT #16244] 2062. [bug] 'dig +nssearch' was reusing a buffer before it had been returned by the socket code. [RT #16307] 2061. [bug] Accept expired wildcard message reversed. [RT #16296] 2060. [bug] Enabling DLZ support could leave views partially configured. [RT #16295] --- 9.4.0b1 released --- 2059. [bug] Search into cache rbtdb could trigger an INSIST failure while cleaning up a stale rdataset. [RT #16292] 2058. [bug] Adjust how we calculate rtt estimates in the presence of authoritative servers that drop EDNS and/or CD requests. Also fallback to EDNS/512 and plain DNS faster for zones with less than 3 servers. [RT #16187] 2057. [bug] Make setting "ra" dependent on both allow-query-cache and allow-recursion. [RT #16290] 2056. [bug] dig: ixfr= was not being treated case insensitively at all times. [RT #15955] 2055. [bug] Missing goto after dropping multicast query. [RT #15944] 2054. [port] freebsd: do not explicitly link against -lpthread. [RT #16170] 2053. [port] netbsd:libbind: silence compiler warnings. [RT #16220] 2052. [bug] 'rndc' improve connect failed message to report the failing address. [RT #15978] 2051. [port] More strtol() fixes. [RT #16249] 2050. [bug] Parsing of NSAP records was not case insensitive. [RT #16287] 2049. [bug] Restore SOA before AXFR when falling back from a attempted IXFR when transfering in a zone. Allow a initial SOA query before attempting a AXFR to be requested. [RT #16156] 2048. [bug] It was possible to loop forever when using avoid-v4-udp-ports / avoid-v6-udp-ports when the OS always returned the same local port. [RT #16182] 2047. [bug] Failed to initialise the interface flags to zero. [RT #16245] 2046. [bug] rbtdb.c:rdataset_setadditional() could cause duplicate cleanup [RT #16247]. 2045. [func] Use lock buckets for acache entries to limit memory consumption. [RT #16183] 2044. [port] Add support for atomic operations for Itanium. [RT #16179] 2043. [port] nsupdate/nslookup: Force the flushing of the prompt for interactive sessions. [RT#16148] 2042. [bug] named-checkconf was incorrectly rejecting the logging category "config". [RT #16117] 2041. [bug] "configure --with-dlz-bdb=yes" produced a bad set of libraries to be linked. [RT #16129] 2040. [bug] rbtdb no_references() could trigger an INSIST failure with --enable-atomic. [RT #16022] 2039. [func] Check that all buffers passed to the socket code have been retrieved when the socket event is freed. [RT #16122] 2038. [bug] dig/nslookup/host was unlinking from wrong list when handling errors. [RT #16122] 2037. [func] When unlinking the first or last element in a list check that the list head points to the element to be unlinked. [RT #15959] 2036. [bug] 'rndc recursing' could cause trigger a REQUIRE. [RT #16075] 2034. [bug] gcc: set -fno-strict-aliasing. [RT #16124] 2033. [bug] We wern't creating multiple client memory contexts on demand as expected. [RT #16095] --- 9.4.0a6 released --- 2032. [bug] Remove a INSIST in query_addadditional2(). [RT #16074] 2031. [bug] Emit a error message when "rndc refresh" is called on a non slave/stub zone. [RT # 16073] 2030. [bug] We were being overly conservative when disabling openssl engine support. [RT #16030] 2029. [bug] host printed out the server multiple times when specified on the command line. [RT #15992] 2028. [port] linux: socket.c compatability for old systems. [RT #16015] 2027. [port] libbind: Solaris x86 support. [RT #16020] 2026. [bug] Rate limit the two recursive client exceeded messages. [RT #16044] 2025. [func] Update "zone serial unchanged" message. [RT #16026] 2024. [bug] named emited spurious "zone serial unchanged" messages on reload. [RT #16027] 2023. [bug] "make install" should create ${localstatedir}/run and ${sysconfdir} if they do not exist. [RT #16033] 2022. [bug] If dnssec validation is disabled only assert CD if CD was requested. [RT #16037] 2021. [bug] dnssec-enable no; triggered a REQUIRE. [RT #16037] 2020. [bug] rdataset_setadditional() could leak memory. [RT #16034] 2019. [tuning] Reduce the amount of work performed per quantum when cleaning the cache. [RT #15986] 2018. [bug] Checking if the HMAC MD5 private file was broken. [RT #15960] 2017. [bug] allow-query default was not correct. [RT #15946] 2016. [bug] Return a partial answer if recursion is not allowed but requested and we had the answer to the original qname. [RT #15945] --- 9.4.0a5 released --- 2015. [cleanup] use-additional-cache is now acache-enable for consistancy. Default acache-enable off in BIND 9.4 as it requires memory usage to be configured. It may be enabled by default in BIND 9.5 once we have more experience with it. 2014. [func] Statistics about acache now recorded and sent to log. [RT #15976] 2013. [bug] Handle unexpected TSIGs on unsigned AXFR/IXFR responses more gracefully. [RT #15941] 2012. [func] Don't insert new acache entries if acache is full. [RT #15970] 2011. [func] dnssec-signzone can now update the SOA record of the signed zone, either as an increment or as the system time(). [RT #15633] --- 9.4.0a4 released --- 2009. [bug] libbind: coverity fixes. [RT #15808] 2008. [func] It is now posssible to enable/disable DNSSEC validation from rndc. This is useful for the mobile hosts where the current connection point breaks DNSSEC (firewall/proxy). [RT #15592] rndc validation newstate [view] 2007. [func] It is now possible to explicitly enable DNSSEC validation. default dnssec-validation no; to be changed to yes in 9.5.0. [RT #15674] 2006. [security] Allow-query-cache and allow-recursion now default to the builtin acls "localnets" and "localhost". This is being done to make caching servers less attractive as reflective amplifying targets for spoofed traffic. This still leave authoritative servers exposed. The best fix is for full BCP 38 deployment to remove spoofed traffic. 2005. [bug] libbind: Retransmission timeouts should be based on which attempt it is to the nameserver and not the nameserver itself. [RT #13548] 2004. [bug] dns_tsig_sign() could pass a NULL pointer to dst_context_destroy() when cleaning up after a error. [RT #15835] 2003. [bug] libbind: The DNS name/address lookup functions could occasionally follow a random pointer due to structures not being completely zeroed. [RT #15806] 2002. [bug] libbind: tighten the constraints on when struct addrinfo._ai_pad exists. [RT #15783] 2001. [func] Check the KSK flag when updating a secure dynamic zone. New zone option "update-check-ksk yes;". [RT #15817] 2000. [bug] memmove()/strtol() fix was incomplete. [RT #15812] 1999. [func] Implement "rrset-order fixed". [RT #13662] 1998. [bug] Restrict handling of fifos as sockets to just SunOS. This allows named to connect to entropy gathering daemons that use fifos instead of sockets. [RT #15840] 1997. [bug] Named was failing to replace negative cache entries when a positive one for the type was learnt. [RT #15818] 1996. [bug] nsupdate: if a zone has been specified it should appear in the output of 'show'. [RT #15797] 1995. [bug] 'host' was reporting multiple "is an alias" messages. [RT #15702] 1994. [port] OpenSSL 0.9.8 support. [RT #15694] 1993. [bug] Log messsage, via syslog, were missing the space after the timestamp if "print-time yes" was specified. [RT #15844] 1992. [bug] Not all incoming zone transfer messages included the view. [RT #15825] 1991. [cleanup] The configuration data, once read, should be treated as readonly. Expand the use of const to enforce this at compile time. [RT #15813] 1990. [bug] libbind: isc's override of broken gettimeofday() implementions was not always effective. [RT #15709] 1989. [bug] win32: don't check the service password when re-installing. [RT #15882] 1988. [bug] Remove a bus error from the SHA256/SHA512 support. [RT #15878] 1987. [func] DS/DLV SHA256 digest algorithm support. [RT #15608] 1986. [func] Report when a zone is removed. [RT #15849] 1985. [protocol] DLV has now been assigned a official type code of 32769. [RT #15807] Note: care should be taken to ensure you upgrade both named and dnssec-signzone at the same time for zones with DLV records where named is the master server for the zone. Also any zones that contain DLV records should be removed when upgrading a slave zone. You do not however have to upgrade all servers for a zone with DLV records simultaniously. 1984. [func] dig, nslookup and host now advertise a 4096 byte EDNS UDP buffer size by default. [RT #15855] 1983. [func] Two new update policies. "selfsub" and "selfwild". [RT #12895] 1982. [bug] DNSKEY was being accepted on the parent side of a delegation. KEY is still accepted there for RFC 3007 validated updates. [RT #15620] 1981. [bug] win32: condition.c:wait() could fail to reattain the mutex lock. 1980. [func] dnssec-signzone: output the SOA record as the first record in the signed zone. [RT #15758] 1979. [port] linux: allow named to drop core after changing user ids. [RT #15753] 1978. [port] Handle systems which have a broken recvmsg(). [RT #15742] 1977. [bug] Silence noisy log message. [RT #15704] 1976. [bug] Handle systems with no IPv4 addresses. [RT #15695] 1975. [bug] libbind: isc_gethexstring() could misparse multi-line hex strings with comments. [RT #15814] 1974. [doc] List each of the zone types and associated zone options seperately in the ARM. 1973. [func] TSIG HMACSHA1, HMACSHA224, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384 and HMACSHA512 support. [RT #13606] 1972. [contrib] DBUS dynamic forwarders integation from Jason Vas Dias <jvdias at>. 1971. [port] linux: make detection of missing IF_NAMESIZE more robust. [RT #15443] 1970. [bug] nsupdate: adjust UDP timeout when falling back to unsigned SOA query. [RT #15775] 1969. [bug] win32: the socket code was freeing the socket structure too early. [RT #15776] 1968. [bug] Missing lock in resolver.c:validated(). [RT #15739] 1967. [func] dig/nslookup/host: warn about missing "QR". [RT #15779] 1966. [bug] Don't set CD when we have fallen back to plain DNS. [RT #15727] 1965. [func] Suppress spurious "recusion requested but not available" warning with 'dig +qr'. [RT #15780]. 1964. [func] Seperate out MX and SRV to CNAME checks. [RT #15723] 1963. [port] Tru64 4.0E doesn't support send() and recv(). [RT #15586] 1962. [bug] Named failed to clear old update-policy when it was removed. [RT #15491] 1961. [bug] Check the port and address of responses forwarded to dispatch. [RT #15474] 1960. [bug] Update code should set NSEC ttls from SOA MINIMUM. [RT #15465] 1959. [func] Control the zeroing of the negative response TTL to a soa query. Defaults "zero-no-soa-ttl yes;" and "zero-no-soa-ttl-cache no;". [RT #15460] 1958. [bug] Named failed to update the zone's secure state until the zone was reloaded. [RT #15412] 1957. [bug] Dig mishandled responses to class ANY queries. [RT #15402] 1956. [bug] Improve cross compile support, 'gen' is now built by native compiler. See README for additional cross compile support information. [RT #15148] 1955. [bug] Pre-allocate the cache cleaning interator. [RT #14998] 1954. [func] Named now falls back to advertising EDNS with a 512 byte receive buffer if the initial EDNS queries fail. [RT #14852] 1953. [func] The maximum EDNS UDP response named will send can now be set in named.conf (max-udp-size). This is independent of the advertised receive buffer (edns-udp-size). [RT #14852] 1952. [port] hpux: tell the linker to build a runtime link path "-Wl,+b:". [RT #14816]. 1951. [security] Drop queries from particular well known ports. Don't return FORMERR to queries from particular well known ports. [RT #15636] 1950. [port] Solaris 2.5.1 and earlier cannot bind() then connect() a TCP socket. This prevents the source address being set for TCP connections. [RT #15628] 1949. [func] Addition memory leakage checks. [RT #15544] 1948. [bug] If was possible to trigger a REQUIRE failure in xfrin.c:maybe_free() if named ran out of memory. [RT #15568] 1947. [func] It is now possible to configure named to accept expired RRSIGs. Default "dnssec-accept-expired no;". Setting "dnssec-accept-expired yes;" leaves named vulnerable to replay attacks. [RT #14685] 1946. [bug] resume_dslookup() could trigger a REQUIRE failure when using forwarders. [RT #15549] 1945. [cleanup] dnssec-keygen: RSA (RSAMD5) is nolonger recommended. To generate a RSAMD5 key you must explicitly request RSAMD5. [RT #13780] 1944. [cleanup] isc_hash_create() does not need a read/write lock. [RT #15522] 1943. [bug] Set the loadtime after rolling forward the journal. [RT #15647] 1597. [func] Allow notify-source and query-source to be specified on a per server basis similar to transfer-source. [RT #6496] --- 9.4.0a3 released --- 1942. [bug] If the name of a DNSKEY match that of one in trusted-keys do not attempt to validate the DNSKEY using the parents DS RRset. [RT #15649] 1941. [bug] ncache_adderesult() should set eresult even if no rdataset is passed to it. [RT #15642] 1940. [bug] Fixed a number of error conditions reported by Coverity. 1939. [bug] The resolver could dereference a null pointer after validation if all the queries have timed out. [RT #15528] 1938. [bug] The validator was not correctly handling unsecure negative responses at or below a SEP. [RT #15528] 1937. [bug] sdlz doesn't handle RRSIG records. [RT #15564] 1936. [bug] The validator could leak memory. [RT #15544] 1935. [bug] 'acache' was DO sensitive. [RT #15430] 1934. [func] Validate pending NS RRsets, in the authority section, prior to returning them if it can be done without requiring DNSKEYs to be fetched. [RT #15430] 1919. [contrib] queryperf: a set of new features: collecting/printing response delays, printing intermediate results, and adjusting query rate for the "target" qps. --- 9.4.0a2 released --- 1933. [bug] dump_rdataset_raw() had a incorrect INSIST. [RT #15534] 1932. [bug] hpux: LDFLAGS was getting corrupted. [RT #15530] 1931. [bug] Per-client mctx could require a huge amount of memory, particularly for a busy caching server. [RT #15519] 1930. [port] HPUX: ia64 support. [RT #15473] 1929. [port] FreeBSD: extend use of PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM. 1928. [bug] Race in rbtdb.c:currentversion(). [RT #15517] 1927. [bug] Access to soanode or nsnode in rbtdb violated the lock order rule and could cause a dead lock. [RT# 15518] 1926. [bug] The Windows installer did not check for empty passwords. BINDinstall was being installed in the wrong place. [RT #15483] 1925. [port] All outer level AC_TRY_RUNs need cross compiling defaults. [RT #15469] 1924. [port] libbind: hpux ia64 support. [RT #15473] 1923. [bug] ns_client_detach() called too early. [RT #15499] 1922. [bug] check-tool.c:setup_logging() missing call to dns_log_setcontext(). 1921. [bug] Client memory contexts were not using internal malloc. [RT# 15434] 1920. [bug] The cache rbtdb lock array was too small to have the desired performance characteristics. [RT #15454] --- 9.4.0a1 released ---

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