Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number

Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number

Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number

Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number


Supports .mod | .xm | .s3m | .it formats.
Thanks to keygenmusic.net for the music packs.
There is no illegal content. Just music from keygens

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Changes Log
2016.02.05 - β10 - mod title, search by mod titles ...
2015.10.02 - update to September 2015 pack (keygenmusic.net)
2015.10.01 - β9
2015.09.07 - update to July 2015 pack (keygenmusic.net)
2015.06.05 - β8 - now playing in playlist
2015.06.04 - upd to April 2015 pack (keygenmusic.net)
2015.05.25 - β7
2015.05.18 - β6 - spectrum
2015.05.12 - β5 - favorites, link to song
2015.05.08 - β4 - optimizations
2015.05.04 - β2 - Shuffle on/off, song search
2015.04.30 - β1 - February 2015 music pack from keygenmusic.net
dev. by Mikhailo Onikiienko
music from keygenmusic.net
#libs, tools etc#
chiptune2.js, libopenmpt, emscripten, jsTabs, baron, Sergio Camalich, wothke.ch/webaudio68, thanks to Darcula color scheme, Shuffle on/off switcher

Contact me:

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number


v. - 25 Jan 2016

  • Fixed: Bug with restoring the tags table fields

v.1.6.9 - 19 Jan 2016

  • Updated html help
  • Fixed: Bug with scrolling to the current file
  • Added: Customizable toolbars
  • Added: OS X helpbook
  • Added: TagLib 1.10
  • Added: SYLT frame support in id3v2 tags
  • Added: Status bar tracking option
  • Added: Showing tag types in the status bar
  • Changed: Moved the autonumber plugin to the main app
  • Changed: Updated the Italian translation
  • Changed: The way to close Qoobar in OS X.

v.1.6.8 - 22 Sep 2015

  • Fixed: Undoing of the Files table editing
  • Fixed: Small-size icons in menus
  • Fixed: Qoobar deploying (OS X)
  • Fixed: Cancelling of files removing
  • Fixed: Closing of the Tags edit dialog with not closed editor (OS X)
  • Added: The possibility to change folder tree root
  • Added: The portable version of Qoobar
  • Added: Changeable toolbar icons
  • Changed: The Status bar with extended functionality
  • Changed: The application icon
  • Changed: The Settings dialog interface (OS X)

v.1.6.7 - 29 Aug 2015

  • Fixed: Bug with the deleting of the replaygain info
  • Fixed: Discogs authentication
  • Fixed: Reading of tags that contain ;
  • Added: Sorting in the Files table
  • Added: The possibility to edit tags in the files table
  • Changed: The toolbar icons
  • Changed: The Settings dialog interface

v.1.6.6 - 26 Nov 2014

  • Fixed: Bug with updating file paths after folder renaming
  • Fixed: Bug with scheme names that contain not allowed chars
  • Fixed: Reading of tags that contain ;
  • Added: Support to add custom tags to tagging scheme
  • Added: Support for <placeholders>
  • Added: <bitrate> placeholder etc.
  • Added: "Set this text into..." action in the context menu of the main window

v.1.6.5 - 26 Jan 2014

  • Fixed: Error with placeholders in Fill dialog
  • Fixed: Error with LegendButton
  • Fixed: Splitting files whose path/name contains spaces
  • Fixed: Splitting files whose names contain non-locale chars
  • Fixed: Error with reading tags in m4a files
  • Fixed: Splitting in Linux

v.1.6.4 - 21 Jan 2014

  • Added: Simple search for music files in standard and user-defined locations
  • Added: Interaction with Windows 7 and 8 dock and Ubuntu launcher
  • Added: Option "Hide tab bar with one tab"
  • Added: Splitting in different formats
  • Fixed: Side-effect of right-clicking on the item in the folder tree
  • Fixed: Error with closing an empty tab
  • Fixed: Search locations for libdiscid in Linux
  • Fixed: Error with mp4 / m4a tags writing
  • Fixed: Writing of non-standard mp4 tags
  • Changed: 'Legend' button now has multi-level menu
  • Changed: Almost all dialogs now are window modal (i.e. "sheets" in OS X)
  • Changed: Redesigning cover art panel in OS X
  • Changed: Redesigning the Rename dialog: options in a separate menu etc.
  • Updated: Italian and Dutch translations

v.1.6.3 - 29 Oct 2013

  • Added: Detection of read-only files
  • Added: WinSparkle integration for Windows version
  • Added: Sparkle integration for OS X version
  • Added: The ability to change cue file encoding
  • Added: DSF files support (not tested)
  • Added: Folder renaming feature
  • Fixed: Bug with tags importing of multiple-CD releases
  • Fixed: Bug with %F, %z, %Z, %E placeholders
  • Fixed: Debian build control file
  • Changed: Files adding in a separate thread
  • Removed: Command-line interface in Windows
  • Updated: Polish translation
  • Updated: TagLib 1.9.1

v.1.6.2 - 30 Aug 2013

  • Fixed: Missing view-refresh icon in Linux
  • Fixed: Bug with first start of fill dialog
  • Added: --force-gui command
  • Added: Cue splitter search for input file
  • Added: Correct Qt plugins loading in Windows
  • Added: Images resizing
  • Added: Remembering whether image box was expanded
  • Added: Functions: $function(...) etc.
  • Added: Unchecking tracks in tags filler dialog
  • Fixed: Split dialog bug with edit updation
  • Fixed: gstreamer initialization in rg module
  • Fixed: discid.dll loading in OS/2
  • Fixed: Bug with gui settings saving
  • Fixed: Error with moving down the last file
  • Fixed: freedb and discogs plugins search bug
  • Fixed: Musicbrainz plugin crash
  • Added: Playlist import with basic implementation
  • Fixed: RPM building in Fedora
  • Fixed: Bug in musicbrainz.cpp with multi-CD releases
  • Fixed: Error with renaming to too long file name in Windows
  • Changed: Qoobar html files style

v.1.6.1 - 18 Jun 2013

  • Fixed: error with qoobar settings disappearing
  • Fixed: error with adding files like "../folder/*.mp3"
  • Fixed: error with reread files icon
  • Fixed: error with plugins search in linux

v.1.6.0 - 6 Mar 2013

  • Added: Plugins support for tags editing
  • Added: Plugins support for importing tags from the Internet
  • Added: id3v2 tags now can be written either as v2.3 or as v2.4
  • Added: Opus files support
  • Added: Mutex in Windows version to prevent installing while Qoobar is running
  • Added: Checkable headers to tags fill dialog
  • Added: highlighting of paths in the file rename dialog
  • Added: fill patterns similar to rename patterns
  • Added: Command line support
  • Added: Proper two-stage ReplayGain scanning
  • Added: Option (in Linux) to write Musepack ReplayGain info into tags.
  • Added: More filename placeholders
  • Added: Possibility to rename tabs by double clicking on them
  • Added: "Image" column into file tree
  • Changed: Now when adding folder with subfolders all subfolders come first, then files
  • Changed: Comments in id3v2 now written with "eng" language
  • Fixed: error with tags table updating
  • Fixed: error with reading TCON frame
  • Fixed: error with files table updating
  • Fixed: bug with too-wide labels in split dialog
  • Fixed: error with reading replaygain info from ape tags of mp3 files where binary fields are present
  • Fixed: adding of patterns into app settings
  • Fixed: searching in freedb for album with more than 99 tracks
  • Fixed: compiling in mandriva 2010
  • Fixed: error with deletion of replaygain info from mp3, error with deletion of RG info and "skip files" option

v.1.5.3 - 18 Aug 2012

  • Added: "Reset settings" button to the Settings dialog
  • Added: Aiff file support
  • Added: "Apply options to folders" checkbox in the Rename dialog
  • Added: the Dutch translation
  • Added: Column with replaygain flag in the files table
  • Added: settings option to copy files before replaygaining
  • Added: replaygaining of multiple formats at once
  • Added: "scan albums by folder" and "scan albums by tags" buttons
  • Added: possibility to type track number as "01" and get "01,02,03..."
  • Changed: Many small improvements
  • Fixed: The bug with %c placeholder
  • Fixed: error with %n/%N placeholders
  • Fixed: error with slashes in tags in the Rename dialog
  • Fixed: error with tags pasting
  • Fixed: error: replaygaining files with diacritics in windows
  • Fixed: error with rereading of tags
  • Improved: Speeding up Qoobar launching and work

v.1.5.2 - 9 Jun 2012

  • Added: Reading of Musepack v8 audio properties
  • Added: Replaygaining using command-line tools
  • Added: Mp3 tags dialog
  • Added: "Move to the tab..." action
  • Added: Folder tree
  • Changed: The way of qoobar launching from desktop file
  • Changed: Separated "Place text into..." and "Place block into..." actions.
  • Changed: The Settings dialog interface
  • Fixed: Impossibility to copy non-standard tags into clipboard
  • Fixed: Many small improvements in code

v. - 8 Mar 2012

  • Fixed: Bug with writing of APE tags.

v.1.5.1 - 1 Feb 2012

  • Added: Progress bar in internet search dialog
  • Added: Autocompletion now can match the whole string or the last word
  • Added: The ability to change some mp4 tags mapping
  • Added: Support for some binary mp4 tags (Windows only or TagLib > 1.7.0)
  • Added: Progress bar in split dialog
  • Added: Option to save tags separated by ; as separate fields (for ape, ogg, flac files)
  • Added: Full support for rating in mp4 files (Windows only or TagLib > 1.7.0)
  • Changed: Switched to a newer taglib (Windows only)
  • Changed: Id3v1 tags now append to tags, not replace the empty ones.
  • Changed: scheme files to support new mp4 items
  • Changed: Improved transliteration algorithm
  • Fixed: Fixed two potential bugs.
  • Fixed: Attempt to read binary id3v24 tag causes program crash.

v.1.5.0 - 17 Jan 2012

  • Added: autocompletion of any standard tags
  • Added: tags collecting for autocompletion works in two modes: manual and automatic
  • Added: "Collect tags" operation
  • Added: tags autocompletion mode switch: the whole string / the last word
  • Added: tagging schemes
  • Added: The option to turn off undo / redo operations
  • Added: apostrophe recognition in case converting
  • Added: menu
  • Added: new action: Save all tabs.
  • Changed: the Settings Dialog has now the left panel with icons instead of tabs
  • Changed: Flac tags are now written using libFLAC and not TagLib because of some problems with TagLib.
  • Changed: diacritics removing now works only with latin based characters
  • Changed: The "autoexpand..." operation now works equally when pasting tags from internal buffer and from the clipboard
  • Changed: The Tags Editing dialog has now a separate toolbar with common operations
  • Changed: Qoobar now uses enca for tags recoding.
  • Changed: discogs and musicbrainz import switched to a newer API.
  • Fixed: Partial tags importing from freedb
  • Fixed: Some possible memory leaks
  • Fixed: Slashes in tags as path separators when renaming files.
  • Fixed: ID3v1 tags reading and writing beyond tags borders.

v.1.4.0 - 20 Aug 2011

  • Toolbar with characters is removed from the main window.
  • Added: autocompletion of genres and moods.
  • Added: of editing lists of composers, genres and moods.
  • Added: options to turn off the autocompletion.
  • Added: parametres of last renaming operation are saved.
  • Added: in Windows splittings files logging.
  • Added: id3v1 tags saving for all file types that support it.
  • Added: number of tags editing operations are increased.
  • Added: search & replace panel in the tags editing dialog.
  • Added: cut, copy and paste operations with cover art pictures.
  • Added: the "copy tags to clipboard" action with corresponding shortcut.
  • Added: the "autonumbering" function.
  • Added: editing of cover art type and description.
  • Fixed: changing of id3v1 tags encoding in the settings dialog.
  • Fixed bug: when splitting disc overwritten files won't add.
  • Removed: scripting support.
  • Removed: shortcut Ctrl+W "fix encoding".
  • Removed: part of undo operations.
  • The toolbar with characters in the tags editing dialog replaced with a panel.
  • Help pages are revised and improved.

v.1.3.4 - 6 Jun 2011

  • When adding a picture its description is now not a full file path, but only a file name.
  • Added a context menu to tabs.
  • New shortcuts: Ctrl+T - new tab, Ctrl+F4 - close the tab
  • You can now add new tabs by double clicking on the tab bar.
  • You can now rename tabs.
  • The size and position of the main window are now restoring.
  • Fixed bug: when splitting disc overwritten files won't add.
  • All "named" tags (album artist, mood etc.) have now their placeholder.
  • Fixed severe bug: clicking on the OK button right after opening the fill tags dialog causes program crash.
  • You can now set the maximum file length in the rename dialog.
  • You can now drag'n'drop a cue file so that the split disc dialog is shown.

v.1.3.3 - 21 Feb 2011

  • Fixed: checking if mac, flac & shntool are installed in Linux.
  • Fixed: writing of FLAC files - numerous silly bugs in libflac loading.

v.1.3.2 - 13 Feb 2011

  • Fixed: OGA files reading.
  • Fixed: writing of FLAC files - now writing is faster.
  • Fixed: removing of pregap00 file when splitting a CD image.
  • Fixed: splitting of a CD image - now only flac files are being added.
  • Fixed: folder adding - now when you cancel it, no empty line added.
  • Fixed: files moving up/down the files table.
  • Fixed: tags importing from Discogs.
  • Added sample rate and number of channels properties.
  • Added placeholders: %l length, %L length in seconds, %b bitrate, %f filename, %r sample rate, %h channels.
  • Added the ability to "join" tags together (as in files renaming).
  • Added the ability to preview the whole coverart by clicking on its thumbnail.
  • Some code refactoring and optimisation - now Qoobar takes less memory when working with cover arts.

v.1.3.1 - 28 Oct 2010

  • Fixed: the cover art panel now correctly updates.
  • Added the Italian translation.
  • Added the French translation.
  • Now you can change the interface language without restarting Qoobar.
  • Added the ability to save id3v1 tags into mp3 files.
  • Added the support of these tags: Disc #/Total discs, Encoded by, Remixed by, ISRC, Album artist, URL, Rating.
  • Added tags importing from Musicbrainz.
  • Some bugs fixed.
  • Added the ability to change the chars list font.
  • Now you can number the tracks from the Tags table.
  • Added the ability to fill tags from other tags.
  • Now you can quickly fill a tag in the Edit dialog.
  • Added the ability to change the case of filenames when renaming files.
  • Added the ability to split a disc image by the corresponding cue sheet.

v.1.3.0 - 8 Aug 2010

  • Fixed: Composer completion numerous bugs.
  • The "About" dialog now gives more info.
  • Java scripts support added.
  • Some shortcuts added, some changed.
  • A small file writing check added.
  • Trim spaces moved to scripts.
  • The undo / redo system added. Now you can undo even saving tags.
  • Added tags import from Discogs and freedb.
  • Added option in the rename dialog: delete empty folder after renaming.

v.1.2.2 - 2 Jul 2010

  • The Edit dialog: the list with chars is replaced with the toolbar.
  • The Simplify whitespaces button is removed from the main toolbar.
  • The behaviour of toolbar is now context-aware.
  • Synchronize... is now not an option but a feature.
  • Removed 'Unite' action.
  • Added the "About..." dialog.
  • Slightly changed behaviour of the Tags Table when only one file is selected:
    now to edit a tag you have to double click it.
  • The size of the Linux version of Qoobar is reduced by 130 kb.
  • A site of Qoobar at qoobar.sourceforge.net is finally created.
  • A manpage is created.

v.1.2.1 - 6 Jun 2010, bugfixes only

  • Fixed bug: after renaming of files the files table didn't update properly.
  • Fixed bug: when filling tags from file names the extension of file didn't remove.

v.1.2.0 - 22 May 2010

  • Qoobar user interface has been changed.
  • Additional tags "Conductor", "Subtitle", "Orchestra", "Key" are now the main ones.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
  • Added coverart support.

v.1.1.4 - 16 Mar 2010

  • The "autoexpand" feature was added.
  • Some shortcuts are now active in all window.
  • Label to the help file was replaced with the button.
  • Tags writing in the MP4 files is now corresponds to written by iTunes.
  • Several bugfixes.
  • Tags "Conductor", "Subtitle", "Orchestra", "Lyricist", "Lyrics", "Music form", "Key", "Beats per minute", "Mood", "Publisher", "Original artist", "Original album", "Original lyricist", "Copyright" were added.
  • The last directory can now be preserved after Qoobar closing.
  • Fine tuning of reading/writing tags in Musepack, True Audio, WavPack files was added.
  • The settings dialog was updated.
  • All tags now correspond to ones handled by Tag&Rename. A table with all supported tags was added to this help file.
  • the ability to change the user interface language was added.

v.1.1.3 - 27 Feb 2010

  • Added synchronization of the current row in the Edit dialog with the corresponding row in the Files Table.
  • The "save" column which shows changed files in the Files Table is now leftmost by default.
  • You can now show/hide rows in the Tags Table.
  • You can edit renaming patterns in the Settings Dialog.
  • Added icons for some actions.
  • Added the ability to save individual files right in the Files Table by clicking on the "save" icon.
  • Fixed: after changing tags and clearing the list the Save button remained active.
  • Fixed repainting of the Files Table.
  • Added fine tuning of tags reading/writing in Musepack, True Audio, WavPack files.
  • Removed the ability of editing files names in the Tags table.

v.1.1.2 - 19 Jan 2010

  • Changed qoobar.pro file to better compilation in rpm-based systems.
  • (In Windows) Taglib 1.5 changed to 1.6.1, so added MP4 and Asf/Wma files support.
  • Fixed writing of MP4 tags: now unused tags are correctly deleted.
  • Fixed reading of Wav properties: length is correctly read, bitrate now is kbps (instead of kibps).
  • Various bugfixes.

v. 1.1.1 - 15 Jan 2010

  • Added some new settings
  • Several bugfixes

v. 1.1.0 - 4 Jan 2010

  • Added localization (so far Russian only).
  • Added help files in English and Russian
  • Added the ability to play selection
  • Added Settings dialog
  • Several bugfixes

v. 1.0.0

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the Tag&Rename v2.1.6.2 serial key or number?

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