Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

Email Archiving Tools

Published March 9,


While the private sector and records management needs have long been significant drivers in the development of email tools, the past decade has witnessed a concerted effort by libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) to implement workflows and develop new resources that specifically address key portions of the email stewardship lifecycle model to ensure that electronic correspondence of administrative and/or historical value value is preserved and remains accessible over the long-term.  In addition to repurposing and incorporating email tools in digital preservation workflows, cultural heritage institutions have developed new tools tailored to their specific functional requirements and at the same time embarked on numerous projects to refine methodologies and establish best practices for email preservation. Developers in the LAM community have also availed themselves of email-specific libraries in programming languages (such as Python&#;s Email and Mailbox modules) that can be used to parse, manipulate, and transform messages and folders of correspondence to satisfy preservation requirements.  Recent years have also witnessed the emergence of digital preservation systems such as Preservica and Archivematica that provide comprehensive workflows that take content from the point of acquisition through deposit in a preservation repository and which employ a microservice design so that specific functions (and associated tools) can be introduced into workflows to address key needs. While proprietary tools (and systems, such as Preservica) are used across the LAM sector, the aforementioned advances in email preservation among institutions are highlighted by an embrace of open-source technology that can be modified and adapted to fulfill unique requirements and integrate component tools into larger workflows and systems.  

Email Tools for Libraries, Archives, and Museums


  • Basics
    • Developed by: Fookes Software (based in Switzerland; owned by Fookes Holding Ltd.)
    • Links: manicapital.com
    • Availability: Proprietary. Full-featured trial version is available for free download, but only process 50 messages per mailbox. Four different versions are available for institutions: Professional, eDiscovery/Forensic, and Console (CLI version).  The eDiscovery/Forensic version can be used for an unlimited number of mail accounts ($/license); Professional and Console require one license per seat ($/year or $/year site license).
    • System Requirements:
      • Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, (bit and bit); Windows NT4 / ME / 98 / 95 should work but are not officially supported
      • Windows Server , , and
      • Linux (in conjunction with Wine). Both Windows bit and bit are supported.
      • If processing Outlook/Exchange, supports Windows Outlook , , , , , and (bit and bit editions).  Outlook/Exchange must be installed locally; additional requirements/limitations may apply depending on version of Outlook/Exchange.
      • 64 MB of RAM, 12 MB disk space. Pentium (or compatible) processor.
    • Status: Under active development by Fookes Software; version released on February 6,
    • Support: Extensive knowledge base at manicapital.com in addition to user forums and online support ticket system.
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: Aid4Mail is a multipurpose tool that can assist with the export of email from native systems; migration of email from closed, proprietary formats to preservation formats; and (with the eDiscovery/Forensic version) search, filter, and deduplicate email.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing:
        • Accessioning: includes functionality to facilitate the capture of content (via its internal IMAP server) and migration of email from a native format to one appropriate for long-term preservation and/or access.
        • Arrangement and description: address harvesting feature could help identify significant correspondents within an email archive, thereby assisting in intellectual arrangement and description.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: Aid4Mail has an intuitive GUI interface and can process an extremely wide variety of email formats.  Lack of support for Macs (except via Wine) could be an issue for some institutions.
  • Formats (for a complete list of compatible formats, see the product website):
    • Ingest:
      • Microsoft Exchange through Outlook/MAPI or IMAP (some limitations may apply depending on email formats and version of Aid4Mail)
      • Outlook Personal Storage files (*.pst),
      • Outlook MSG files (*.msg),
      • Outlook Express versions 5 and 6 (*.dbx, *.eml and *.nws),
      • Outlook Express version 4 (*.idx and *.mbx),
      • IMAP accounts,
      • Webmail services that offer IMAP access, e.g. Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, AOL Mail, FastMail, GMX Mail, manicapital.com, Outlook , etc.,
      • Mozilla Thunderbird mailbox files,
      • Macintosh Eudora mailbox files,
      • Google Takeout files (*.mbox),
      • Google Vault files (*.mbox),
      • Generic mailbox files (mbox, Entourage MBOX, Evolution, Berkeley mail, BSD mail, Unix mail format),
      • EML message files (*.eml),
    • Export:
      • Microsoft Exchange through Outlook/MAPI (except Aid4Mail Home) or IMAP
      • Outlook Personal Storage files (*.pst),
      • Outlook MSG files (*.msg) – only if source mail comes from Microsoft Exchange or Outlook files,
      • IMAP accounts,
      • Webmail services that offer IMAP access, e.g. Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, AOL Mail, FastMail, GMX Mail, manicapital.com, Outlook , etc,
      • Generic mailbox files, (MBOX, Entourage MBOX, Evolution, Berkeley mail, BSD mail, Unix mail format),
      • EML message files (*.eml),
      • XML files (*.xml),
      • Plain text files (*.txt)

Apache Tika

  • Basics
    • Developed by: the Apache Software Foundation (with numerous individual contributors).
    • Links:
    • Availability: Open source and freely available under an Apache License v2 license. Apache Tika includes a number of subcomponents with separate copyright notices and license terms, detailed in the manicapital.com file.
    • System Requirements: Java 7 or higher.  Tika is based on Java 6 and uses the Maven 3 build system.  Also available as a Python port of the Tika library (Tika-Python).  Installation instructions are fairly high-level.
    • Status: Actively developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and contributors; current release is version (October ).
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: Apache Tika detects and extracts metadata and text from over a thousand different file types, including email.  As noted in the version release notes, Tika includes the following parsers:
      • The MboxParser can extract email messages from the MBOX format used by many email archives and Unix-style mailboxes.
      • The TNEFParser can extract email attachments from the Microsoft TNEF (Transport Neutral Encoding Format, aka manicapital.com) used with some Microsoft email clients.
      • The OutlookExtractor (part of OfficeParser) is able to extract email messages from the Microsoft Outlook MSG email format.
      • The OutlookPSTParser can extract email messages from the Microsoft Outlook PST email format.
      • The RFCParser can process single email messages in the RFC format used by many email clients in their archives / exports.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing, Preservation, and Discovery & Access for Research:
        • Tika will aid Archival Processing by extracting technical metadata and attachments and also parsing email messages to identify key fields.  It could be wrapped into a workflow where this output is fed into other tools, documented for preservation purposes, or reused to facilitate discovery and access of content.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: Tika can extract metadata and parse the contents of a wide variety of content, including email.  It can output content to XHTML, HTML, or plain text formats and metadata may be exported to XML, JSON, or XMP. Users may also specify a specific directory to which message attachments will be extracted. As a purpose-built tool that can be used to accomplish a specific set of tasks, Tika does not have any noticeable or significant weaknesses or gaps.
  • Formats (for a complete list of compatible formats, see the product website):
    • Ingest:
    • Export:
      • Can extract attachments to native formats.
      • Content:
      • Metadata:


  • Basics
    • Developed by: Artefactual Systems
    • Links:
    • Availability: Freely available and open source: all Archivematica code is released under a GNU Affero General Public License (A-GPL ).
    • System Requirements:
      • OS:
        • Ubuntu 64 bit Server Edition
        • CentOS 64 bit
        • Support for Ubuntu is is planned for a future release.
      • Hardware requirements (minimum production requirements):
        • Processor: 2 CPU cores
        • Memory: 4GB+
        • Disk space: 20GB plus three to four times the disk space required for the collection being processed (e.g., GB to process a 50GB transfer)
    • Status: Actively developed and maintained by Artefactual Systems, with additional contributions from the growing user community.  Version was released in March
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose:  Archivematica employs a micro-service design to “provide an integrated suite of software tools that allows users to process digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the ISO-OAIS functional model” and furthermore employs METS and PREMIS to record and track descriptive, administrative, and rights metadata. In the initial &#;transfer&#; stage, content is placed into the Archivematica backlog after being passed through a workflow that includes the generation of file UUIDs and checksums; quarantine and virus scans; file format identification, characterization, and validation; technical metadata extraction; and deployment of a forensics tool (bulk_extractor) to identify sensitive or private information.  The &#;appraisal and arrangement&#; stage includes functionality to help archivists review and analyze the technical aspects and informational content of digital archives. Integration with ArchivesSpace furthermore permits the creation of archival description and its association with digital content. The &#;ingest&#; stage prepares Archival Information Packages and Dissemination Information Packages for deposit to appropriate platforms and includes a workflow step for the normalization of files to for preservation and access.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing and Preservation:
        • In terms of accessioning, Archivematica permits normalization from native email formats (for a small number of source formats) as well as bulk processing to accomplish such tasks as file format identification, characterization, and validation; technical metadata extraction; and identification of personal/sensitive information.  Archivists can also perform intellectual arrangement (for instance, associating MBOX or EML files with elements of archival description) and also package content for deposit to a preservation repository (with any such storage locations tracked via Archivematica&#;s associated Storage Service application). Archivematica itself is not involved with online discovery or access.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: Among its strengths are Archivematica&#;s microservice design and pipeline architecture, which allow archivists to establish set workflows that move content through a standardized set of procedures.  The systems includes numerous essential preservation actions (with an exhaustive audit trail of preservation metadata) that will help ensure content retains its authenticity and integrity over the long-term. At the same time, the system has some gaps in terms of handling email, which include a failure to separate and separately preserve message attachments and normalization pathways for a very small subset of email formats.  In this regard, it might be appropriate to employ Archivematica in tandem with another tool (such as ePADD) which could perform more advanced, email-centric operations and would then feed content into the transfer and ingest pipelines to complete standardized preservation actions. Archivematica likewise lacks more advanced search and data analysis functionality.
  • Formats:
    • Ingest:
      • MBOX
      • PST
      • Maildir
      • Other email formats may be ingested by Archivematica, but will only receive default preservation actions.
    • Export:
      • MBOX
      • Original file formats


  • Basics
    • Developed by:
      • School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (SILS)
      • Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
    • Links:
    • Availability: Open source and freely available; the BitCurator environment is released under a GPL v3 license and all component software are distributed in accordance with their original licenses.
    • System requirements:
      • Virtual Machine:
        • VirtualBox virtualizer (with Extension Pack)
        • OS: bit Windows 7/8//10, Mac OS (or newer), or a bit Linux variant
        • Processor: Intel Core i5/i7 (or similar)
        • RAM: 8GB RAM or more
        • Storage: 12GB free hard disk space minimum (virtual machine is approximately 9GB but will expand to GB as needed.)
      • Dedicated Install (Live ISO):
        • bit Linux (current release is built using Ubuntu LTS)
        • Processor: Intel Core i5/i7 (or AMD equivalent)
        • RAM: 8GB RAM minimum; 16GB recommended
        • Storage: GB (or larger) SSD recommended
    • Status: Version of the BitCurator Environment was released in March  The platform is actively supported and maintained by a development team hosted at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  BitCurator includes two additional projects: BitCurator Access (&#;tools to assist collecting institutions provide web-based and local access to born-digital materials held on disk images&#;) and BitCurator NLP (tools &#;to extract, analyze, and produce reports on features of interest in text extracted from born-digital materials&#;).
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: BitCurator incorporates digital forensics tools in a Linux environment so that libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) can create forensic disk images, analyze files and file systems, extract file system metadata, identify and redact sensitive information, and locate and remove duplicate files.  While not tailored specifically for electronic correspondence, BitCurator has extensive features and functionality that would facilitate the preservation of email archives and which are extended by the BitCurator Access and NLP projects.
    • Position in stewardship lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing and Preservation:
        • In accessioning, BitCurator can facilitate the capture of email content via its functionality to create disk images and extract deleted materials.  The inclusion of readpst (part of the libpst utilities) furthermore allows users to normalize email formats by converting PST files to MBOX, with the option of extracting attachments.   For archival processing, BitCurator includes tools that support malware detection, the identification and characterization of file formats, metadata extraction, and checksum calculation.  Custom scripts available in the Nautilus file manager provide additional options for exploring and analyzing content.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and/or gaps: BitCurator bundles widely-used open source preservation tools into a single environment, thereby providing users with a range of tools to complete essential actions in the Email Stewardship Lifecycle.  A growing user community furthermore provides a knowledgebase for troubleshooting issues and developing best practices. The inclusion of BitCurator NLP should also provide significant functionality to analyze and better understand email archives, just as BitCurator Access has the potential to facilitate the discovery and use of email archives maintained on disk images.  At the same time, the installation and local support of BitCurator may prove challenging for LAMs, especially those with limited IT resources. Users may also need to incorporate additional tools to achieve preservation goals, particularly in regards to normalizing a more diverse range of native email formats. Long-term preservation and storage would also need to be addressed with another system.
  • Formats
    • Ingest: BitCurator use cases typically involve hard drives, servers, or other devices that are mounted to the BitCurator environment.  The system is designed to accommodate a wide variety of file formats, but may have limited functionality (particularly with format normalization) for those other than PST.
    • Export: Produces disk images; users can also employ the readpst library to convert PST files to MBOX.


  • Basics
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose:
      • The User Manual (manicapital.com) notes that &#;bulk_extractor is a program that extracts features such as email addresses, credit card numbers, URLs, and other types of information from digital evidence media&#; via numerous &#;scanners&#; that may be run against a corpus of data.  According to the manual, the program includes an array of unique functionality:
        • &#;It finds email addresses, URLs and credit card numbers that other tools miss because it can process compressed data (like ZIP, PDF and GZIP files) and incomplete or partially corrupted data.
        • It builds word lists based on all of the words found within the data, even those in compressed files that are in unallocated space
        • It is multi-threaded; running bulk_extractor on a computer with twice the number of cores typically makes it complete a run in half the time.
        • It creates histograms showing the most common email addresses, URLs, domains, search terms and other kinds of information on the drive&#;
      • In addition, &#;bulk_extractor operates on disk images, files or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures.&#;  
      • It has furthermore been bundled with several other relevant tools such as BitCurator and Archivematica.
    • Position in stewardship lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing:
        • bulk_extractor functions primarily in this stage of the Email Stewardship Lifecycle, specifically providing advanced search capability and personal/sensitive information processing.  
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and/or gaps: bulk_extractor can be run via the command line or a graphical user interface to provide powerful analysis of email content.  The application includes more than 30 predefined scanners (that search for data such as email addresses, credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers) in addition to support for searches with user-defined regular expressions.  These features can help archivists gain an understanding of the nature, scope, and participants in email archives and also support risk mitigation through the identification and verification of sensitive personal information. Comprehensive digital preservation workflows would require users to employ bulk_extractor in conjunction with other tools that address other essential preservation functions.
  • Formats
    • Ingest: Able to scan file systems, disk images, directories and a wide variety of file types.
    • Export: XML scan report and plain text log files for individual scanners.

DArcMail (Digital Archive Mail System)

  • Basics
    • Developed by: Smithsonian Institution Archives (SIA); maintained by the Archives plus user community
    • Links:
    • Availability: Available as open source once the user guide/installation guide is completed.
    • System Requirements:
      • OS: Windows, Mac, or Linux
      • Python
      • Relational databases: MySQL or SQLite
      • Available in workstation/client or server versions.
    • Status: Currently in version 1.  SIA currently maintains and supports it, but is looking forward to the time when it is not the only code contributor.
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: The DArcMail tool is designed to be used for initial appraisal and then for preservation (AIP) and access (DIP). It natively retains the logical arrangement of the original account in both the AIP and DIP packages. Its flexibility allows for creation of custom subsets of email for creation of specialized AIPs and DIPs. (From Simpson, Joel. Email Archiving Systems Interoperability. Harvard Library Report. manicapital.com)
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing, Preservation and Discovery & Access for Research:
        • DArcMail provides normalization, item level and bulk processing, intellectual arrangement, search capability, packaging and access functionality for email.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: Users may process emails at varying levels (individual messages, a group thereof, or entire accounts) and may be used to process up to , in a batch.  The platform converts MBOX files to EMail Account XML (EMA), a comprehensive schema that fulfills RFC preservation requirements and which may be applied to everything from a single message to an entire account.  Each message and/or account embedded in the EMA preservation format receives a SHA-1 checksum. At the same time, the tool does not normalize to EML and the EMA schema has not been widely adopted. In addition, additional metadata (such as rights) must be created and recorded in a separate system.
  • Formats:
    • Ingest: MBOX
    • Export:
      • XML email schema (Archival Information Package master copy)
      • MBOX (Dissemination Information Package access copy)
      • Attachments embedded or separated into parallel structure

EAS (Electronic Archiving System)

    • Developed by: Harvard Library at Harvard University
    • Links: manicapital.com:eas_overview
    • Availability: The system is highly integrated with Harvard’s technical infrastructure and is currently available to the Harvard community only; work to make EAS open source began in the summer of  
    • System requirements: EASi, the staff administrative user interface for EAS is a web-based application, currently available to authorized users in the Harvard community (via ID and PIN), and because EAS manages potentially sensitive data, requires a designated secure VPN tunnel. Supported browsers are Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.
    • Status: The system is actively maintained and supported. Support is currently provided to the Harvard community only. The latest version was released in April
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: EAS is a processing tool for archivists that supports ingest of email content (email and attachments) for appraisal, processing and deposit to Harvard’s preservation repository. EAS supports working with email content in batches or individually, including: adding editing and removing metadata; deleting individual email messages and/or attachments; marking content for future review; marking content that requires secure storage for sensitive data; associating PREMIS rights metadata; and creating an association with a collection. An additional feature is that EAS automatically records technical metadata, and system events such as format conversion, deletions and the handling of attachments. All metadata is stored at the item level (an email message or attachment).
    • Position in stewardship lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing and Preservation:
        • EAS is a processing tool for ingest, archival appraisal and processing, and packaging for deposit to a preservation repository.
    • Strengths, weaknesses and gaps: The strength of EAS is in its flexibility to accommodate multiple levels of processing from minimal &#; with minimal metadata, entire collections can be deposited directly to the preservation repository for long term storage &#; to extensive, where metadata can be applied to individual email messages and attachments. The robust search interface allows archivists to refine search criteria and to see how many instances of a particular metadata value exist within a selected set. EAS has no provision for pre-acquisition appraisal for archivists. Once the content and metadata is deposited to Harvard’s preservation repository, only authorized account users can access it. Because of embargo periods and concerns about sensitive data, at this time there is no public discovery or delivery to end users.  To enable pre-acquisition appraisal, discovery and delivery functions, EAS needs to be used in a workflow with other tools (e.g., ePADD). To enable Harvard and the broader community to use EAS with other tools, a project to deploy EAS as open source software began in the summer of
  • Ingest and Export Formats
    • Ingest: EAS ingests olm, MBOX, PST, and emlx.
      • The tool is currently configured to import email content (messages and attachments) from specific clients, with new ones added as needed. EAS currently supports email content from:
        • Eudora for Windows/
        • Eudora for Windows/version unknown
        • Mac OS X Mail/2.x
        • Mailman/
        • Mailman/
        • Outlook for Mac (OLM only/version unknown)
        • Outlook for Windows/version unknown
        • Thunderbird/
        • Thunderbird/version unknown
      • All email is converted to EML for processing and preservation storage. The line breaks of the EML are normalized by EAS. Attachments are decoded and stored as separate files within EAS, with metadata relationships to associated email. For email originating from certain email clients that store email separately from attachments, EAS will try to match up the email with its associated attachments via metadata relationships.
    • Export: There is no export from EAS (except within Harvard’s infrastructure to the preservation repository).


  • Basics
    • Developed by: Weird Kid Software
    • Links:
    • Availability: Proprietary. Organizations must contact Weird Kid Software for a quote (personal edition has single user license for $).
    • System Requirements:
      • Minimum 2GB system memory (RAM) recommended.
      • Mac OS X or higher (bundled with its own Java installation)
      • Windows XP/Vista/7/8, 32bit or 64 bit (bundled with its own Java installation)
      • Linux, 32 bit or 64 bit, with Sun Java or higher
    • Status: Actively developed and maintained; v released in September ( is current version).
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: &#;Emailchemy converts email from the closed, proprietary file formats of the most popular (and many of yesterday’s forgotten) email applications to standard, portable formats that any application can use.&#; Includes a &#;forensic edition&#;; website does not specify functionality, but likely includes &#;harvesting email addresses from email archives.&#;
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing:
        • Accessioning: includes functionality to facilitate the capture of content (via its internal IMAP server) and migration of email from a native format to one appropriate for long-term preservation and/or access.
        • Arrangement and Description: address harvesting feature could help identify significant correspondents within an email archive, thereby assisting in intellectual arrangement and description.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps:
      • Features include:
        • Email conversion via a &#;Wizard&#; or &#;Advanced&#; options (the latter of which permit users to focus on specific email files and formats rather than entire directories of content.
        • An embedded &#;IMAP ImportServer&#;; while not a complete IMAP email server, this functionality can assist with the import or capture of email content by an archives.   as well as &#;Utilities for splitting, sorting and merging email archives, and harvesting email addresses from email archives.&#;
        • An &#;Mbox Splitter&#; that can split &#;Standard&#; MBOX files (or folders thereof) into smaller MBOX files.  (Documentation does not indicate which specific versions of MBOX are applicable)
        • &#;Address Harvester&#; will extract address from email and write to a text file.
        • A Java API version of the Emailchemy conversion engine is also available as a specialty license.
      • Can be used to migrate email produced in a wide variety of current and legacy platforms.
      • Product can generate a log file of converted emails (forensic version includes timestamps and information on host/application that created log message); options allow users to calculate MD5 checksums for source file before and after conversion.
  • Formats (for a complete list of compatible formats, see the product website)::
    • Ingest:
      • AOL for Mac (v3 and newer)
      • AOL for Windows (“PFC” files)
      • AOL Desktop for Mac
      • Apple Mail
      • Entourage (Database, .RGE and cache files)
      • Eudora
      • Mozilla
      • Outlook for Mac (8.x, , , , )
      • Outlook for Windows (MSG, PST and OST files)
      • Outlook Express for Macintosh
      • Outlook Express for Windows
      • Outlook Express for UNIX/Solaris
      • PowerTalk/AOCE for Macintosh
      • QuickMail Pro for Macintosh
      • QuickMail Pro for Windows
      • Thunderbird
      • Windows Live Mail
      • Windows Mail
      • Yahoo! Mail
      • any UNIX-style or MBOX-format mailbox
    • Export:
      • Apple Mail .MBOX folders
      • Outlook for Mac OLM files
      • Entourage Archives (.rge files)
      • Thunderbird folders
      • MBOX files (RFC mailboxes)
      • EML files (folders of .eml RFC message files)
      • CSV files (comma-separated value files)
      • IMAPdir (Binc IMAP maildir)
      • Maildir++ (Courier IMAP maildir)

ePADD (Email: Process, Appraise, Discover, Deliver)

  • Basics
    • Developed by: Stanford University Libraries (SUL), with technical support from Sudheendra Hangal, faculty in computer science at Ashoka University
    • Links:
    • Availability: Open-source and licensed under an Apache public License, v, current version available at GitHub – ePADD at manicapital.com
    • System Requirements:
      • OS: bit, Windows 7 SP1 / 10, Mac OS X   /
        • Windows installations: Java Runtime Environment bit, 8u or later required.
        • Optimized for Windows 7 and OSX / machines, using Java 7 or 8
      • The ePADD software client is browser-based and compatible with Chrome and Firefox.
      • Memory:  8 GB RAM (4 GB allocated to the application by default)
    • Status:
      • Currently in active development, ePADDdevelopmentis managed by Stanford University&#;s Department of Special Collections & University Archives, in collaboration with partners at Harvard University, the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and University of California, Irvine.
      • Funding for current ePADDdevelopment is provided through an Institute of Museum & Library Studies (IMLS) National Leadership Grant (NLG) for Libraries, which supports projects that address challenges faced by the library and archive fields and that have the potential to advance practice in those fields.  Development for the initial release of ePADD was primarily funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
      • User documentation maintained by SUL available (manicapital.com)
      • Active user community forums, mailing list, focus group meetings, and lexicon working group (manicapital.com)
  • What does the tool do?
    • ePADD is a software package developed by Stanford University Special Collections & University Archives that supports archival processes around the appraisal, ingest, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle: ePADD is comprised of four modules – Appraisal, Processing, Discovery, and Delivery – which are designed to facilitate the process of working with email archives at the following stages of the Lifecycle:
      • Appraisal and Selection:
        • Appraisal module allows creators, dealers, and curators to easily gather and review email archives prior to transferring those files to an archival repository.
      • Archival Processing:
        • Processing module provides archivists with the means to arrange and describe email archives.
      • Discovery and Access for Research:
        • Discovery moduleprovides the tools for repositories to remotely share a redacted view of email archives with users through a web server discovery environment.
        • Delivery module enables archival repositories to provide moderated full-text access to unrestricted email archives within a reading room environment.
    • This tool supports appraisal by donor or curator, processing, discovery (online publication of metadata), and delivery of full-text unrestricted messages and attachments in reading room environment. It outputs EML and MBOX for ingestion into a digital repository.
    • ePADD is written in Java and Javascript and powered by Apache Tomcat (v) using Java EE Servlet API (v3.x) and Java Mail (v). Text and metadata extraction, indexing and retrieval is performed by Apache Lucene (v) and Apache Tika (v). Charting and visualization is supported using the D3?based reusable chart library (v). Oracle&#;s Java Application Bundler and Launch4J are used for packaging on Mac and Windows platforms respectively. Other Java libraries from Apache (Lang, commons, CLI, IO, logging, etc.) are also used. JSON formatting is performed with the libraries manicapital.com and Gson.
    • ePADD has implemented its own natural language processing (NLP) toolkit which is used for named entity extraction, disambiguation and other tasks. This toolkit supplants the Apache OpenNLP used in earlier beta versions of the ePADD software. We continue to use Muse as an internal library within ePADD. However, the Apache OpenNLP proved insufficient for our needs (at least for name recognition), and after various rounds of customization, we built our own named entity recognizer. This toolkit uses external datasets such as Wikipedia/DBpedia, Freebase, Geonames, OCLC FAST and LC Subject Headings/LC Name Authority File.
  • What are the tools strengths, weaknesses, and gaps?
    • ePADD is still in development with 3 more releases scheduled by the end of
    • Strengths:
      • turn unstructured data to structured data AUTOMATICALLY;
      • link extracted entities to permanent identifiers automatically;
      • provide relevant authority records for users to confirm the relationship;
      • allow annotations to email messages;
      • allow browsing of all attached images in one place;
      • grouping of different email addresses belong to same persons;
      • grouping of entities;
      • generating queries for users;
      • provide templates to create complex search as lexicon;
      • allow separate emails from mailing list;
    • Gaps:
      • in the Discovery environment related to cross collection searching;
      • in Delivery environment &#; viewing some file formats of attachments (only those that Quick View Plus can render are viewable) or in allowing users to annotate / correct metadata, such as correspondent names, etc.;
      • exports of GraphML files not yet supported for social networking;
      • At this point, the attachments are not transformed and would need to be coupled with a commercial software (like Quick View Plus) with the Delivery Module to view/render attachments in over obsolete file formats.
  • Ingest and Export formats
    • Import screen opens in the Appraisal Module (default). This interface is where you enter information (name and an associated email address) about the owner of the email account, as well as specify the location and account info, if applicable, of the MBOX files or IMAP email accounts that ePADD will be ingesting for review and potential transfer to an archival repository. You can select multiple accounts, as well as multiple MBOX files.
    • Exports: ePADD currently exports MBOX for preservation repositories; attachments according to parameters that use specifies in Discovery Module (version ); metadata extracted via NLP for publication in ePADD&#;s online Discovery environment; CSV files for authorities

Forensic Toolkit (FTK)

  • Basics
    • Developed by: AccessData
    • Links:
    • Availability: Proprietary
    • System Requirements (Recommended):
      • Single Server Installation:
        • Processor: 48 cores
        • Memory: 96 GB RAM (2 GB/core)
        • Storage:
          • RPM disk (OS/Apps)
          • SSD – GB (ADTemp)
          • RAID 5 (Database)
          • RAID 5 (Evidence / Case Data)
        • OS: Windows 7 x64 / Server R2
        • Network: 1Gbit NIC
      • Laptop Installation:
        • Processor: 16 cores
        • Memory: 32 GB RAM (2 GB/core)
        • Storage:
          • SSD: OS/Apps, ADTemp, Database, Evidence / Case Data
        • OS: Windows 7 x64 / Server R2
        • Network: 10Gbit NIC
    • Status: Actively developed and maintained; Forensic Toolkit (FTK) version was released in April
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: FTK was developed for digital forensics and criminal investigations, but has increasingly been employed by libraries, archives, and museums over the past decade as an integral part of digital preservation workflows.  The tool is particularly useful in recovering deleted or encrypted data and facilitating search and analysis on large bodies of content. The dedicated &#;Email tab&#; displays all mailboxes as well as associated messages and attachments in a data corpus. Within the tab, the Email Status Tree provides information about sender/recipients as well as specific attachments. Users can can also view email by date or by email addresses (with the ability to sort by Senders and Recipients and also subcategorize results &#;by Email Domain, Display Name, and Email Addresses&#;).  Users may also &#;bookmark&#; content to assist with the intellectual arrangement of content and robust reporting functionality identified all message attachments associated with parent email messages. FTK also includes multi-threading/multi-core support, which permits greater efficiencies and speed for data processing.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle: FTK&#;s functionality would lend itself to various phases of the Email Stewardship Lifecycle model, including:
      • Archival Processing:
        • In Accessioning, FTK can play an important role in the capture of authentic content, including the recovery of deleted or encrypted content (though not PGP encrypted emails, Lotus Notes proprietary encryption, and items with S/MIME signatures).
      • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps:
        • FTK can assist with the identification of email file formats within a heterogeneous digital archive; graphical file analytics help visualize field counts and distributions and also enable filtering of content by various metadata attributes. FTK also includes powerful functionality to assist with the review and appraisal of email, including the ability to parse messages to identify recipients, email servers, attachments, etc.; identify languages; and view/render files attached to messages.  Of particular note are the platform&#;s Graphics and Video tabs, which permits users to view an album-like display of all images or videos associated with selected content. Scanning for keywords and sensitive data (such as Social Security numbers) furthermore permits users to better understand the scope and nature of an email collection and to also identify and mitigate potential risks. Content can also be tagged to indicate areas for further review or to help establish the intellectual arrangement for content.  Robust reporting also allows users to export information from FTK for reuse in other systems. On the downside, FTK is a Windows-only application and only supports the export of mail messages to the proprietary (albeit fully documented) MSG format.
  • Formats:
    • Ingest:
      • MBOX
      • EML
      • NSF (Lotus Notes)
      • PST/OST
      • MSG
      • RFC Internet Email
      • Unistore Database (Windows 10 Mail)
    • Export:

libpst utilities

  • Basics
    • Developed by: Software Group and additional contributors.
    • Links:
    • Availability: Open source and freely available under a GNU General Public License, version 2.  May be installed via package managers; source code available at manicapital.com  Libraries ported to Java in java-libpst project.
    • System Requirements:
      • Python, Image Magick, and various additional packages.
    • Status: Actively developed and maintained; v released in September ( is current version).
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: Software library that will facilitate the conversion and extraction of information from Microsoft Outlook PST files. From the release notes: &#;The Libpst utilities include readpst which can convert email messages to both MBOX and MH mailbox formats, pst2ldif which can convert the contacts to .ldif format for import into ldap databases, and pst2dii which can convert email messages to the DII load file format used by Summation.&#;
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Archival Processing:
        • The tools in the libpst libraries can facilitate the normalization of PST files during accessioning and can also be used during archival processing for item and bulk operations–primarily, listing data (contacts, email subjects, etc.) and the extraction of message attachments.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: The libpst utilities offer great flexibility in that they can be employed as standalone tools or integrated into more complex workflows and/or platforms.  At the same time, the tools are focused on PST files and so institutions will need additional tools to handle other email file types.
  • Formats:
    • Ingest:
      • PST (mail as well as calendar, contacts, and journal)
    • Export:
      • MBOX
      • EML
      • MH mailbox format
      • LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
      • ICS (iCalendar file)
      • VCF (vCard file)


  • Basics
    • Developed by: MailStore Software GmbH (a Carbonite Company)
    • Links: manicapital.com
    • Availability: Proprietary software; requires a license, priced according to number of users.  Free day trial is also available
    • System Requirements: Supported operating systems (both 32 and bit) include:
      • Microsoft Windows Vista SP2, 7 SP1, , and 10
      • Microsoft Windows Server R2 SP1 and SP2 (Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter)
      • Microsoft Windows SBS SP2 and SP1
      • Microsoft Windows Server , R2, and
    • Status: Actively developed and supported; version released on March 29,
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: As an &#;email archiving solution&#;, MailStore extends existing email systems to assist with storage, search, and retrieval of email.  Employs deduplication and compression to reduce storage requirements and offers &#;super fast&#; search.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle:
      • Appraisal & Selection and Archival Processing:
        • If deployed in the right environment and institutional context, MailStore could assist with pre-acquisition appraisal as well as accessioning (both capture/acquisition of content and normalization from native email formats).
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps: MailStore might be most effective in an institutional archives setting, where it has been deployed to assist with records management requirements around email.  In such a case, the application could be highly effective in helping to identify email content of archival value and then transfer it to archival custody in an appropriate format. Outside of this context, archivists might be able to establish a workflow where MailStore is used to assist with the review and capture of content, but given that MailStore is intended to integrate with an existing email system and ingest large amounts of email content, it may not be the most appropriate tool in an archival setting.
  • Formats:
    • Ingest:
      • Microsoft Exchange Server , , , and
      • Microsoft Office
      • Google Apps
      • All IMAP or POP3 compatible email servers
      • MDaemon, IceWarp and Kerio Connect
      • PST, EML and other email files
      • Email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird
    • Export:

Preservica Standard Edition

  • Basics
    • Developed by: Preservica, Inc. (subsidiary company backed by Tessella Archiving Solutions)
    • Links:
    • Availability:
    • System Requirements:
    • Status:
  • What does the tool do?
    • Purpose: The product website notes that &#;Preservica provides a comprehensive suite of OAIS (Open Archival Information System) compliant workflows for ingest, data management, storage, access, administration and preservation, as well as our new Universal Access module that allows [ institutions ] to safely share open content [ &#; ] with the public.&#; Preservica provides fully automated ingest procedures (with the ability to bulk upload collections of 10+ TB) and advanced users can employ a Submission Information Package creator tool.  The microservice design of Preservica pushes content through a standardized workflow that includes steps such as virus scans, checksum calculation, file characterization, and technical metadata extraction in addition to file format normalization. Archivists may add metadata to digital content which can be searched via the curatorial interface and Universal Access module and also be exported to EAD, MODS, or Dublin Core as well as exported to systems such as Axiell CALM, Adlib and ArchivesSpace.
    • Position in Stewardship Lifecycle: Preservica includes features relevant to various stages of the Email Stewardship Lifecycle, including:
      • Archival Processing:
        • While it does not support pre-acquisition appraisal, it normalizes email to the EML format and facilitates archival processing, with item (message and attachments) and batch-level processing, the maintenance of &#;conversational relationships&#; to assist with intellectual arrangement, and indexing of message contents.
      • Preservation:
        • Preservica also assists with packaging content and storing in a repository.
      • Discovery and Access for Research:
        • Preservica assists with online discovery and access via its Universal Access module.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps:
      • While not an email-specific tool, Preservica has notable features that would contribute to the long-term preservation and dissemination of any such content.  The automated workflow that encompasses key preservation actions (including format normalization) is a key feature, and the ability to extract metadata (including specific information about the relationship of email messages to larger threads or folders) or add additional description are important for archival processes.  The integrated nature of the platform is also significant, in particular the fact that it can support the both the preservation of and access to email content.
      • As far as weaknesses or gaps, Preservica does not appear to include sensitive/personal information identification or more advanced search capabilities (such as natural language processing or named entity recognition).
  • Formats:
    • Ingest:
      • MS Outlook (PST and MSG)
      • Lotus Notes
      • MBox
      • Gmail (via export to MBOX with Google Takeout)
    • Export:
      • EML
      • Attachments may be normalized to preservation formats
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, Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

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Outlook Express Attachment Extractor v1.20 serial key or number

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