MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

HELP - Process my License Server Licenses ( License Server Key )

License Server is a utility used to administer Micro Focus product license keys.
If you use a License Server, your users can obtain licenses from it automatically across your network.

It enables you to manage your own keys rather than having to contact Micro Focus every time you need a license change.
This is particularly useful when Micro Focus product licenses in remote sites are managed from one central location.

  • It allocates available licenses when requested
  • Licenses can be timed so that those not in use are revoked
  • Access to License Server is via an internal web page on the customer�s site

If it becomes necessary to move your License Server from one server machine to another, you will at some time in the process, be asked for an Authorisation key for the new machine.

You can request your authorization key by going to the License Requestpage.

When requesting License Server licenses, be prepared to enter
  • Serial Number
  • Number of current licenses on License Server
  • Number of additional Licenses required for use on the License Server

Go to the License Requestpage to request your License Server licenses

For more information, refer to the product documentation.

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Источник: [manicapital.com]
, MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

ArticlesKB License Keys: MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy enables customers proactively understand their usage. The MicroStrategy installation program will ask for this new version specific license key before the installation can continue. You can quickly get your new key by clicking the licenses key generation link in the licenses key prompt. You can also get your key from manicapital.com

The new version specific license key will be limited to the number of named user or CPU licenses purchased. Once the server is started, the MicroStrategy platform will audit the system usage for license compliance and indicate to administrators (and eventually end users) if the usage of MicroStrategy is out of compliance with the purchased license amounts.  CPU licenses will be enforced upon upgrade and named user licenses will have a day grace period.  

For more information regarding how compliance works, how to audit your systems to ensure compliance, and understand more about our licensing, please refer the 3 links below

·         KB Licensing and product packaging in MicroStrategy

·         KB License Compliance Auditing in MicroStrategy 

·         KB An ‘out of compliance message is received in MicroStrategy                     


Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I request a new key?

To receive a license key, find your product and click download. An email will be sent to you shortly with the license key and more information.

Is there any change in the product installation experience?
Yes, there is a change to the installation experience. When installing the MicroStrategy , the installation program will ask for the license key. If the license key contains CPU-based licenses, then the installation program will ask for the number of CPU’s to assign to the server on which the installation is being executed.
Does this new key work with all MicroStrategy versions?
No, this key is specific to MicroStrategy  
If I am out of compliance, what should I do?
Customers should contact their MicroStrategy Account Executive for purchasing additional licenses. Customers who believe that that the message is occurring due to an issue with the MicroStrategy product should contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.

Does Intelligent Enterprise Update 2 require a separate license key?
Yes, in order to install Intelligent Enterprise Update 2 a separate license key is required. 


Источник: [manicapital.com]
MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number


For programs which generate cryptographic keys, see Key generator.

A key generator (key-gen) is a computer program that generates a product licensing key, such as a serial number, necessary to activate for use of a software application. Keygens may be legitimately distributed by software manufacturers for licensing software in commercial environments where software has been licensed in bulk for an entire site or enterprise, or they may be distributed illegitimately in circumstances of copyright infringement or software piracy. Illegitimate key generators are typically distributed by software crackers in the warez scene and demoscene. These keygens often play "Keygen music", which may include the genres dubstep or chiptunes[1] in the background and have artistic user interfaces.

Software licensing[edit]

A software license is a legal instrument that governs the usage and distribution of computer software.[2] Often, such licenses are enforced by implementing in the software a product activation or digital rights management (DRM) mechanism,[3] seeking to prevent unauthorized use of the software by issuing a code sequence that must be entered into the application when prompted or stored in its configuration.[better&#;source&#;needed]

Key verification[edit]

Many programs attempt to verify or validate licensing keys over the Internet by establishing a session with a licensing application of the software publisher. Advanced keygens bypass this mechanism, and include additional features for key verification, for example by generating the validation data which would otherwise be returned by an activation server. If the software offers phone activation then the keygen could generate the correct activation code to finish activation. Another method that has been used is activation server emulation, which patches the program memory to "see" the keygen as the de facto activation server.


A multi-keygen is a keygen that offers key generation for multiple software applications. Multi-keygens are sometimes released over singular keygens if a series of products requires the same algorithm for generating product keys. In this case, only a single value encoded within the key has to be changed in order to target a different product.

Authors and distribution[edit]

Unauthorised keygens that typically violate software licensing terms are written by programmers who engage in reverse engineering and software cracking, often called crackers, to circumvent copy protection of software or digital rights management for multimedia.

Keygens are available for download on warez sites or through peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.

Malware keygens[edit]

Many unauthorised keygens, available through P2P networks or otherwise, contain malicious payloads.[4] These key generators may or may not generate a valid key, but the embedded malware loaded invisibly at the same time may, for example, be a version of CryptoLocker (ransomware).[5][6]

Antivirus software may discover malware embedded in keygens; such software often also identifies unauthorised keygens which do not contain a payload as potentially unwanted software, often labelling them with a name such as Win32/Keygen or Win32/Gendows.[4]


A key changer or keychan is a variation of a keygen. A keychan is a small piece of software that changes the license key or serial number of a particular piece of proprietary software installed on a computer.

See also[edit]


External links[edit]

Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number?

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System Requirements for MICRO APPLICATION serial key or number

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