Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number

Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number

Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number

Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number

Compute Gazette Issue 80 Feb

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Compute Gazette Issue 80 Feb

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Compute Gazette Issue 80 Feb


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rnnMs ebruary Vol. 8, No. 2

Features Disk Editor

Stacy J. Prowell 49 64
Club Caribe Sound Sampler 64
An Unabashed Tour of en Guy Johnson 54 64
Online Hesort Messenger EDITOR'S

Tom Netsel 23 " Stephane Edwardson 58 64


The 64—Hot or Cold? Machine Language Programming:

Tom Netse! 30 * A Word Counter
Future Computing: Jim Buttertield 70 /64
Part 2—Neural Networks
Kevin E. Martin 34 *
Reviews The Editor's Notes
Lance Elko 5 *
Fire King Feedback
Romney Laanstra 63 64 Editors and Readers 7 *
Omnt-Play Basketball Letters to the Editor 9 *
Robert Bixby 63 64 The GEOS Column: DlrQuIck
Might and Magic It John P. Young 14 /64
Jeff Seiken 64 64 Horizons:
SimClty Send Me Mail
Steve Hedrick 64 64 Rhett Anderson 18 *
BattleTech D'lversions:
Len Poggiali 65 64 Design-a-Robot Contest
Kings of the Beach Fred D'lgnazio 19 *
Heidi E. H. Aycock ' 66 64 Commodore Clips:
News, Notes, and New Products
Games Mickey McLean 79 *

Robert Bixby 40 64 CHOICE

Typing Aids
Plnhead The Automatic Proofreader 71 /64
James Merlo 46 64 How to Type In COMPUTEfs
Gazette Programs 72 "
Programming MLX: Machine Language Entry
Power BASIC: Font Magic Program for Commodore 64 74 64
Shao-Tiert Pan 10 64 Advertisers Index 71 *
The Programmer's Page: Bugs
Randy Thompson 20 /64
BASIC for Beginners:
Commodore Commodore ■■ Gnnoral
More Lesser-Known Commands
Larry Cotton 21 64

COMPUTEI's Gazelle (ISSN ) Is published monlnly by COMPUTE! Publications, Inc., ABC Consumer Magazines, Inc.. Chillon Company, ana ol trie ABC Publishing Companies a
pnrt o( Capital CiIibs/ABC Inc.. 8Z5 SavontHAve.. Now York. NY ffi ABC Consumer Magazines. Inc. ah rights reserma. Editorial oHices nr0 located ai Suite 32i wBs>
manicapital.com DomesucsubsciiDlions' 12i9sues.S24 POSTMASTER SendFoimloCOMPUTE'sGazctte.P.O.B™32S5,HaHan,IA SeconO-datE
postage pa-d al New Yah. NY, and additional maling
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IBMlia trndonurk nfTntmutlonal Uutinest Mnrhini-s Cnqi,
Circle HenOer Service NumDei IDG

Group Vica President.
PuDlisner/Editonat Dirocto? William Tynan
Associate PuWtsher/Editonal Lane a Flka
Associate Publrsher/
Advertising Bernard J. Theoba Id. Jr.
Managing Editor Kathleen MartineV
Editorial Operations Director Tony Robert*
Senior An Director Janice R, Fary
Features Edrior Kellh Form"
Editorial Marketing Manage' Caroline D, Hun Ton
Manager. Disk Products David Henaley

Associate Editor Patrick PnrrlBh
Art Director Rabin L, StrDlow
Assisfanl Features Editor Tom Nri ,!■!
Editorial Assistants Elizabeth Casey
Mickey McLean
Assislartt Technical Editor Oale Me Bane
Program Designer '■manicapital.com ,vn Chin
Programming Assistani Troy Tucker
Copy Edrfore Karen Stapak
Karen Uhlvndorf
Contributing Ednrjrs Jkm Butl or held
(Toronto, Canada)
Fred D'tgnazlo
(E Unging. Ml)
Larry Cotton
[Nfffl Qgrn. NC)
Mechanical Art Supervisor Robtn Cb«b
Junior Da signers Scotly Billing b
Meg McArn
Production Director Mark E, Hillyer
Assistant Pr eduction Manage* Da Pol tor
Production Assistant Barbara A. William *
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Circle floflder SefvJce Numbe

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islirml. iliE Uund icitm ii oil on an
Peler J. Birmingham
Jana Friedman

ABC Consume' MoniQzinm, Inc © "-Mbyiiv*artilffiti? Whol ieitels .wail

CHILTON Company, Onp of [nfl ABC PuMsM'nq Com
Ihe iiiSiJe'ii'Tcmule al TikalT Whol n I
a part of Capiial Cities'ABCr Inc. ■^ilinlet o( heaven? ..•■1's"-
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Initiative dialogue andhondiiii>fi<|li!inl
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Cliclc Reader Service Numbsr !19

We've just returned from Las could contrast the differences between We hear time and again from read
Vegas, where we spent several ATs and 64s or s in display resolu ers who use powerful PCs or full-blown
days at Fall COMDEX {COMputer tions, expandability, and so on. But the Macs at work and are delighted lo come
Dealers Exposition). This trade show speed differences are enough to make home to their humble Commodore 8-
has grown tremendously since its start the point here. bit machines. If you're a veteran Com
more than ten years ago—there were If ATs are being regarded as dino modore user, you've invested a lot in
an estimated , attendees at this saurs, what does that make 64s and hardware and software . .. not to men
year's gathering. Nearly everyone in s? Answer: That's the wrong ques tion time.
the hardware industry was there: IBM, tion to ask. If you drive a Ferrari and Trade shows like COMDEX are
Compaq, Sony, NEC, Toshiba, Hewlett- travel in mph speed zones, what's overwhelming. Here, the temptation
Packard, Panasonic, you name 'em. the point of owning it? Of course, the for bigger, faster, and more powerful is
Commodore was there, touting its performance of , , or even reinforced by the minute. But reality
Amiga line. The show directory was as based machines is a boon to beckons. You don't need a Ferrari when
thick as a phone book. The number of computing technology. They're great you drive
exhibitors was so large that nine remote machines—if you need that much com
locations (hotels and sports complexes) puting power. But, if your 64 or
were used to house the booths that serves you well, if you're happy with
wouldn't fit in the Las Vegas Conven your software, and if you're productive
tion Center. In fact, the COMPUTE! with your machine, that's all you need. Lance Elko
booth was grouped with or so oth Don't be lured by power you can't use. Associate Publisher/Editorial
ers in a baseball-stadium complex five
miles from the convention center.
As you probably suspect, the focus
of COMDEX is not on the 64 and
In my wanderings, 1 heard not one men
tion of either machine. If you're interest
ed in mainframes, MS-DOS machines
and compatibles, UNIX, desktop pub
lishing, Macs, scanners, laser printers,
LANs, workstations, high-resolution
monitors, and so on, this is the place to
be. New products are announced so fast
that it makes your head spin.
As computer technology evolves
faster than you can say gigabyte, you
have to force yourself to stop, get your
balance, and try to make sense of
what's happening. Ziff Davis's venera
ble PC Magazine is turning away from
coverage of PC XTs and even the faster
ATs (or s). Last May, PC Magazine
noted that it has been heralding the de
mise of the since early The
newer and technology will be
touted. PC Magazine's claim that the AT
() machine is passe technology is, in
terms of state-of-the-art personal com
puting, true, of course.
To put things in perspective for the
Commodore 64 and user, consider
this. The 64 has a clock speed of 1 MHz,
and the (in Fast mode) can run at 2
MHz. AT-class computers have a clock-
speed range of MHz. And PC Interactive EnlorlaSfflWB-^
Magazine is reportedly considering the NATU RALLY 1
AT to be a dinosaur. There's much
more than clock speed to compare. We Circle Reactor Service Number

COMPUTE'S Gazelle February 5

All Gazette disks are menu-driven for ease of use—and they feature complete
documentation. Just load and you're ready to go!

SpeedScript $ Gazette Index $

COMPUTE! Publications' most popular program Every article and department from Gazette—July
ever. Powerful word processing package includes through December issues—is indexed;
SpeedScript for the 64, SpeedScript , spelling features, games, reviews, programming, Bug-
checkers for both 64 and versions, plus an Swatter, Feedback, and the other columns, Disk
additional dozen support programs, including features pull-down menus, help screens, superfast
mail-merge and word-count utilities. searching/ sorting capabilities, and much more.

The GEOS Collection $

Gazette's Power Tools $
Gazette's best 13 programs for GEOS and GEOS
Fourteen of the most important utilities for the
users. Selection includes utilities, applications,
64 ever published in Gazette. For serious users.
and games, Titles: Super Printer Driver, Skeet, File
Titles: MetaBASIC, Disk Rapid Transit Mob Maker,
Saver, Help Pad, Word Count, Directory Printer,
Ultrafont+, Quick!, Disk Editor, Basically Music,
Quick Clock, SlideShow, File Retriever, Screen
PrintScreen, PrintScreen, Fast Assembler,
Dumper, Font Grabber, GeoPuzzle, and
Smart Disassembler, Comparator, Sprint II, and
Turbo Format.

Classics $

Best Gazette Games $ Thirteen of Gazette's best programs, including
Best dozen arcade and strategy games ever utilities, games, and applications. Titles:
published in Gazette all on one disk. All games for MetaBASIC , RAMDisk , Column Disk
Commodore Titles: Crossroads II: Pandemo Sector Editor, MultiSorf, Block Out, Miami Ice,
nium, Basketball Sam & Ed, Delta War, Heat The Animals' Show, Cribbage. XPressCard, Sound
Seeker, Omicron, Powerbail, Q-Bird, Trap, Arcade Designer, Video Slide Show, Math Graphics, and
Volleyball, Mosaic, Power Poker, and Scorpion II. 3-D BarGrapher.


All prices include shipping & handling. Nome.

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" Residents at New Vork. Pennsvlvariia, and North Carolina add aoproprlole safes to*
" For aol<verv ou'soe tne US ot Canada, add SHo* sur'oce morf o* S3 tot olrmart Afl i be m US lurid) acawn on a US Dar*
Do you have a question or a problem? HP FOR L=l TO LEN(AS):JS=M The program begins with no "knowl
IDS (AS,Lrl)
Have you discovered something that edge"; it "learns" through the facts that
could help other Commodore users? you enter. Before you ask it any questions,
We want to hear from you. Write to TO you must enter a feat facts. If. for example,
Gazette Feedback, COMPUTED Ga MM TS(H)=TS(H)+JS you ask a question about a horse before en
zette, P.O. Box , Greensboro, NEXT:IF TS (1)="EXIT" OR tering any facts about horses, the program
North Carolina We regret that, T$(1)="QUIT" OR TS(1)= prints the message NO KNOWLEDGE
due to the volume of mail received, we ABOUT HORSE. You can enter complex
cannot respond individually to pro facts by entering hyphens between each
SM 25G NN=1
gramming questions. ES FOR 1=1 TO H:F=0 word (for example, A mammal is warm
SD FOR L=l TO NA blooded). Also, there is no provision for
AB IF ARTS (L)=TS(I) THEN F deleting or saving facts to disk.
Inference Engine -1 The program stores facts (nouns) in
I'm attempting to write a simple JM NEXT L
B$() and the fact links in the two-dimen
artificial-intelligence program on my sional array FA. Each time you ask a ques
64 and have gotten as far as teaching PK 31fl NEXT I
tion, the program displays each related
the computer a few facts and having it JE IF TS(1)="WHAT" THEN piece of information and then pushes it
answer some questions. For example, BK IF NNO3 THEN PRINT"MUS onto a stack (STK array). When the pro
it will do the following (my input is in T HAVE TWO NOUNS":G0TOl gram can't find any more references to the
uppercase, the computer's response is 99 item you asked about, it takes a related
in lowercase): item from the stack and continues search
JR. 36G N=2:GOSUBI2-I:J^3 ing. Alt the information has been dis
PQ 37G IF FA(I1,J)=0 THEN FA(I played when the stack is empty.
1,3)=I2:GOTO To better understand how the pro
CQ IF FA(I1,J)=I2 THEN PRI gram works, let's look at an example. Run
the program and type in the statements
understood AR 39G J=J+1:IF J>20 THEN PRIN
To the last question, the computer MX 42G GOTO
should respond, mammal and animal, GB 43G REM RESPOND TO QUESTION
but 1 can't get it to do that. I've enclosed
my program. Any ideas or suggestions? As each statement is entered, the facts are
Ron Foul ton TIONS":GOTO1B0 stored in BSOatid the relationships between
Langley, B.C., Canada XJ N=1:GOSUBI1=I the facts (fact links) are stored in FA().
JF REM CLEAR STACK When you enter the question, WHAT
You're using the right approach, but you BX FOR 1*1 TO STK(I)=- IS A CAT?, the program searches the
don't take it far enough. You display all array BSD for the noun, CAT. When it
the information directly linked to a noun, finds CAT, it follows the link from CAT to
JM J=0:K=I1:IF FA{K,J)=0 T
but you fail to account for the indirect HEN PRINT"NO KNOWLEDGE MAMMAL and prints MAMMAL It then
links. The example program below shows lSPACE(ABOUT "WS(1):GOT pushes MAMMAL onto the slack and
how this can be done. searches for CAT again. (The program
EH FL(K)=1:IF FA(K,J)=-1 T actually stores the fact links—not the
NCE ENGINE" facts—on the stack. To simplify the dis
SA na PRINT"(DOWN)ENTER FACTS cussion, we'll say that the facts are stored
IN THIS FORM:" 1 SPRINT"{2 SPACES}"BS(T on the stack.) It finds CAT for a second
KB PRINT"[5 SPACESjA DEAR ) ; :SP=SP+1:STK(SP)=T time, follows the link to FELINE, and
AA FELINE is pushed onto the stack, and
the program searches for CAT once more.
A BEAR" This time it doesn't find CAT, so it pulls
FELINE from the top of the stack and
0 EXIT" INPUT searches for that. It finds FELINE and fol
MG DIM BS(10O),FA(,20), BX AS=WS(N):I=1 lows the link to WARM-BLOODED. Next,
FL() ,STK(1B(J) DX IF BS(I)="" THEN BS(I)= it prints WARM-BLOODED on the
screen, pushes it onto the stack, and
searches for FELINE again. There aren't
E8 69C I"I+ltlF I> THEN PRI
XK PRINT:INPUTA$:FOR L-l T NT"B5 ARRAY FULL, ERROR any more references to FELINE, to it pulls
0 H:T$(L)="":NEXT:ll='l RETURN WARM-BLOODED from the stack and
XE HEM PARSG THE LIST KK GOTO searches for that. It can't find WARM-

COMPUWs GaiotW Fetxuary 7


front the stack, searches for it, and finds it. UB RS,P);
The program then follows the link
from MAMMAL to ANIMAL, prints ANI {6 SPACES)F1" )
MAL on the screen, and pushes it onto the PB PRINT"PREVIOUS QA PRINTLEFTS(TS,L)"(UP)":
stack. Next, it searches for MAMMAL {2 SPACES)F3[3 SPACESjE RETURN

again. Failing to find it, the program pulls XIT{2 SPACESJF4"

ANIMAL off of the stack and searches for KB PRINT"UPDATE14 SPACES}F To enter data for a trip, press f5.
that. Finding ANIMAL, it follows the link
5" You'll be prompted for the date of the trip,
GB PRINT"LOAD(6 SPACES}F7 the distance you rode, the time required,
to NOT-A-PLANT, prints it, and then (3 SPACES!SAVE
pushes NOT-A-PLANT onto the stack. and a brief comment. When you've en
Now, the program searches for ANIMAL ES IF RN>KX-3 THEN PRINT" tered this information, the program dis
again. It doesn't find it, so it pulls NOT- (DOWN)WARNING, ARRAYS A plays the average speed for the trip.
A-PLANT from the stack, searches for it, LMOST FULL" Continue this process until you've
KB G£TA$:IF AS="" THEN logged each trip. If there are more than
and doesn't find it, cither.
The program trys to pull another fact ten entries, use fl (show next ten entries)
from the stack, but the stack is empty, so and f3 (show previous ten) to move
the search is complete. Here's what the 80,,30,,30, through the data display. When you've
output looks like: XJ GOTO30 entered the data for all your trips, press fS
PM P$="LOAD FILENAME":GOSU to save the data to disk; to load a data file,
ANIMAL NOT-A-PLANT GO IF TS="" THEN RETURN Notice that the program doesn't
allow you to insert, delete, edit, or print
Bicycle-Log Program N=HR+1 the data. Adding these features would be a
I'm looking for a 64 program that will HB FOR 1=0 TO HR good project for budding programmers.
log the number of miles I ride my bicy JX INPUT#2,DTS(I),MI(I),Hi

cle, i am in a weight-loss program and

believe that keeping a record would Missing Color?
help me stick with it. Thanks. I'm a beginning BASIC programmer
Rick Duguay RRENT FILE:";F$ with a Commodore D. 1 found that I
Athal, MA KG PS="SAVE FILENAME":GOSU can use only one color at a time in
BIF TS="" THEN FS»" graphics mode 1 and 2, and no more
": RETURN than three colors at oncu in graphics
Here's a simple program designed to keep
[IR FS=TS:OPEN1,8,1,FS:PRIN mode 3 and 4, 1 thought that modes 1
track of as many us bicycle trips. T#1,HR
and 2 offered two color choices and that
AF 10 POKEBl,0:POKEl),ll HX PRINT#1,DTS(I)","MI(I) modes 3 and 4 offered four. Could you
PM 20 MX=IOO:DIM DTS (MX) ,MI |MX AQ PRINTtl,H%(I)","M%(I) ", please show me how to get these extra
) ,H% (MX) ,M%(MX) ,SS (MX),C "SS(I)","SP(I)"," CHRS( colors? Is there something wrong with
MS(MX),SP|MX):HR=0:RN-0 34) CHS(I) CHRS(34) my computer?
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
{2 SPACES}TIK£[2 SPACES} L)" There is nothing wrong with your com
-SPD - COMMENTS" FC PS="DATE (10/12/39)":GO puter: you didn't include the background
FM 60 SPS = LS="fLEFTl":RS=" SUBIF T$=n" THEN RE color in your count. In graphics mode 1,
standard hi res, and in graphics mode 2,
lS"LS+LS:RS=R$+RS:D$«D5» MD PS="M1LES (IE.: 1B.5)": split-screen standard hi res, you control
D$:NEXT GOSUBIF T»B THEN two color sources, the foreground color
CX 80 C2S="**' t + RQ MI(RN)-T and the background color. In graphics
SE PRINT"ENTER TIME (IN 3 mode 3, multicolor hi res, and in graphics
INTC2S {SPACE]PARTS)" mode 4, split-screen multicolor hi res, you
control four color sources, the foreground
DK FOR I=M1 TO M2 RB PS-"{6 SPACESlMINUTES": color, multicolor I, multicolor 2, and the
JD PRINT'MB SPACES}- GOSUBMI(RN)=T background color.
{5 SPACESM8 SPACES)^ PB PS="!6 SPACESjSECONDS": To display a pixel in the background
color, specify color source 0 when you plot
CF T=T+liIF T=6 THEN T=0:P HQ SP(RN)=MI (RN)/(H% [RN)+M
it. The background color is the same
EA t$=dt$ (i):I>B:PIF TS MM PS = "COMMENTS:":GOS[1B throughout the entire bitmap; the other
■"" THEN :CM?(RN)=LEFTS(TS,10) colors can vary for each pixel. The follow
PJ GOSUBTS=STRS(MI(I)) SB PS="IS THIS CORRECT (Y/ ing two-liner illustrates this concept for
:P=9:L=5:GOSUB N)":GOSUBIF TSO"Y" graphics mode 1:
CD TS = STH$(II% (I) )+"H" BS M1=M1+IF MlMIR THEN 20 COLOR 1,1:DKAW 1,0,0 TO ,
SJ IF H»(I)>=1 THEN T$=T$+ {SPACE}M1 = HR IF MK0
STRS(M%(I))+"H" THEN M1=0 The first command in line 10 sets the
SO. IF l!%(I)>0 THEN21H XR RETURN background color register to purple. The
ES IF SSUXH THEN TS=T$+ EH H1 = MIF MK0 TilEN M second command clears the hi-res screen
to the color specified in the background
color register. Line 20 sets the foreground
AH T$=STRS(SP(I]):P = L=4 AG TS = "":PRINTPS; lINPIJT TS color register to black and then draws a
:GOSUB ;T"VAL(TS):RETURN line in this color. 6

8 COMPUTE'S Gazelle February

to tiifi ditnr
Send questions or comments to Letters Show (see last month's feature '"80s Ups (CompuServe, GEnie, and People/Link,
to the Editor, COMPUTED Gazette, & Downs"). When the plotter finally be for example) that you can check out. We
P.O. Box , Greensboro, North came available, Gazette reviewed it in publish some user group bulletin board
Carolina We reserve the right the August issue. Dubbed the numbers in our monthly "User Group Up
to edit letters for clarity and length. Printer/Plotter, it hit the market with a date" column, but the best comprehensive
suggested retail price of $, and it fea resource we have for user group bulletin
tured four special ballpoint, colored pens. boards is in our "Guide to Commodore
W/iy Change? The product never sold very well and has User Groups," which appears annually in
My secretary has an $ PC compati not been available for several years. We the May and June issues.
ble, a $ monitor, and a $ printer. have heard of the MPSC, a fairly
After she learned to use the system, she new Commodore color printer which is Mfflfitf 1)1' GIF
Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number



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Serials '99 (MB,一个很有水准的序列号查询机.新增 serial numbers,这是最全的注册码查询程序,共13xxx个Serials.)说明:使用这个软件,需要确保你的硬盘装了IE4.x 以上. new
SN va build & SNManager v build (KB,一个不错的注册码查询机。其搜索功能强于SERIAL99,还自带一个注册码管理器,可对注册码进行增删等编辑操作.)

CacheX for Internet Explorer v .Keymaker - Core
HyperSnap DX Pro v .Keymaker - Core
AK-MAIL vb .Keymaker - Core
FmExtMan .Crack - CokeBottle
FmLfns - File Manager Long File Name Support .Crack - CokeBottle
HyperSnap-DX Pro .Serial - CokeBottle

CacheX for Internet Explorer v
HyperSnap DX Pro v

WireWhiz .Serial - Exterminators
HostsFileManager .Serial - Exterminators
SpeedConnect .Serial - Exterminators
Letun Disassembler .Serial - Exterminators
Sling Ball .Serial - Exterminators
DocInstall .KeyGen - Exterminators
TWord .KeyGen - Exterminators
DesignExpress .KeyGen - Exterminators
Code Keeper .Serial - Exterminators
V .KeyGen - Exterminators
ProtectX .KeyGen - Exterminators
21 Solitaire .KeyGen - Exterminators
WebCollector a .Crack - Exterminators
Powermarks Build .Crack - Exterminators
Pin Code Remember .Crack - Exterminators
System Mechanic v .Crack - Exterminators
UwiSoft FileCompare .Crack - Exterminators
Wallmaster Pro a .Crack - Exterminators
WinBoost 98 .Serial - CokeBottle
The Bat! a .Crack - CokeBottle
Big Jig .Serial - CokeBottle
Cheaters Lair .Serial - CokeBottle
Electronic Workbench vc .Keymaker - Core
HyperCam v .Keymaker - Core
HyperSnap-DX Pro .Serial - CokeBottle
Slice & Dice .Serial - CokeBottle
Xara 3D .RegFile - CokeBottle
WinAMP .Serial - CokeBottle
GetSmart .Patch - CokeBottle
bUDDY Phone .RegFile - CokeBottle
Electronic Workbench vc
HyperCam v
Offline Explorer v SR1
XML Spy v
VBGuard v
Transcender SiteCert v
Transcender CommerceCert v
GTT Camo Commander For Janes IAF v
ALL-Purpose Spell Checker v

PowerStrip .Crack - Ivanopulo
The Bat! a .Crack - Ivanopulo
Offline Explorer v SR1 .Keymaker - Core
XML Spy v .Keymaker - Core
VBGuard v .Keymaker - Core
Transcender SiteCert v .Keymaker - Core
Transcender CommerceCert v .Keymaker - Core
ALL-Purpose Spell Checker v .Keymaker - Core
GTT Camo Commander For Janes IAF v .Keymaker - Core

Ace Expert HTML Viewer- Editor d .Keymaker - CokeBottle
The Bat! .Patch - CokeBottle
Offline Explorer v SR1
XML Spy v
VBGuard v
Transcender SiteCert v
Transcender CommerceCert v
GTT Camo Commander For Janes IAF v
ALL-Purpose Spell Checker v

BrainWave Generator v .Keymaker - Core
Irfan View 32 v .Keymaker - Core
Deja Views v .Keymaker - Core
Playa MP3 v .Keymaker - Core
Playa MP3 v German .Keymaker - Core
BrainWave Generator v
Irfan View 32 v
Deja Views v
Playa MP3 v
Playa MP3 v German

HWiNFO v .Keymaker - Core
Absolute Security Pro v .Keymaker - Core
MHS Uberweisung vc GERMAN .Keymaker - Core
Net Vampire v .Keymaker - Core
IMS Web Spinner .KeyGen - Exterminators
EVE v .KeyGen - Exterminators
AutoGraphicsHTML .KeyGen - Exterminators
Zip n Send Final .KeyGen - Exterminators
Living Album 99 v .Serial - Exterminators
Online Observer .Serial - Exterminators
RGBPro .Crack - Exterminators
Absolute Security Pro v
MHS Uberweisung vc GERMAN
Net Vampire v

Performance Test va .Keymaker - Core
SWR3 OnlineCounter 99 v GERMAN .Keymaker - Core
Euklid vc German .Keymaker - Core
CopyGenie v .Keymaker - Core
Cookie Pal vb .Keymaker - Core
Eye Candy Photoshop Plug-In .Crack - Ivanopulo
mIRC 5.x (last tested with v) .KeyGen - Ivanopulo
PowerStrip .Crack - Ivanopulo
Xenofex Photoshop Plug-In .Crack - Ivanopulo
Performance Test va
SWR3 OnlineCounter 99 v GERMAN
Euklid vc German
CopyGenie v
Cookie Pal vb

Sierra Charts v .Keymaker - Core
Mathcard v .Keymaker - Core
Lorenz Grafs HTMLtool v .Keymaker - Core
ALL ServerObjects ASP Components Keymaker Update .Keymaker - Core
FlipTech ShufflePlay v RC .Keymaker - Core
Sierra Charts v
Mathcard v
Lorenz Grafs HTMLtool v

Draft Creator .Serial - Exterminators
Offline Explorer .KeyGen - Exterminators
All MidnightBlue App .KeyGen - Exterminators
Super HTTP .KeyGen - Exterminators
ResXTractor .KeyGen - Exterminators
WorldTime .KeyGen - Exterminators
1st Contact .KeyGen - Exterminators
Secret Security v .Keymaker - Core
Business Software FineTune v .Keymaker - Core
ALL ServerObjects ASP Components Keymaker Update
FlipTech ShufflePlay v RC

ColdFusion Studio Evaluation to FULL Fix .RegPatch - Ivanopulo
ConSeal PC FIREWALL .Crack - Ivanopulo
PowerStrip .Crack - Ivanopulo
Security Explorer .RegPatch - Ivanopulo
LottoWhiz99 .Serial - CokeBottle
mIRC .Serial - CokeBottle
DB-Mail .Serial - CokeBottle
WallChanger .Serial - CokeBottle
Absolute Security Standard .Serial - CokeBottle
Secret Security v
Business Software FineTune v

PixWeb 99 v .Keymaker - Core
PixNews 99 v .Keymaker - Core
ZOC v .Keymaker - Core
WINImage .Serial - CokeBottle
Buzof! .Serial - CokeBottle
PixWeb 99 v
PixNews 99 v

ClipMate b .Regfile -
HistoryKill 99 .Regfile -
MetaBot a b3 .Regfile -
MpegDJEncoder v .Crack - EL_TORO
PhotoLine .Regfile -
Ultim@te Race Pro v (fixed) .Crack - SV
Sin .Crack - SV
SimCity .Crack - SV
S.C.A.R.S. (II) .Crack - SV
Quake II v .Crack - SV
Centipede 3D (II) .Crack - SV
Font Monster v .Serial - D4C
Font Creator Program v bld .Serial - D4C
WinRAR v Final .Serial - D4C
Silvertone .Keymaker - Ivanopulo
Powertone .Keymaker - Ivanopulo
ColdFusion Server Enterprise-Professional .Patch - Ivanopulo
The Bat! .Crack - Ivanopulo
UltraEdit 32 vb .Keymaker - Core
Where Is It- v .Keymaker - Core
Web VCR v .Keymaker - Core
Video Capturix v FIX .Keymaker - Core
Internet Quotes Assistant v .Keymaker - Core
Backer v .Keymaker - Core
Audition .KeyGen - COR
WinAmp xXx .KeyGen - COR
Password Keeper .KeyGen - COR
DLL Show .KeyGen - COR
ImagerX (PalmPilot) .Patch - COR
HourzPro v (PalmPilot) .Patch - COR
ExpenzPro v (PalmPilot) .Patch - COR
Computer Tracker v (PalmPilot) .Patch - COR
Private Desktop v .Serial - COR
ItsPersonal d .Serial - COR
EVFive v (PalmPilot) .Serial - COR
EVSan v (PalmPilot) .Serial - COR
DataLock98 .Serial - COR
Zins v .Serial - COR
CTris .Serial - CokeBottle
Full Control .Serial - CokeBottle
Ultra Edit 32 Professional b .Serial - CokeBottle
UltraEdit 32 vb
Where Is It- v
Web VCR v
Video Capturix v FIX
Internet Quotes Assistant v
Backer v

LinkBot Pro .Serial - CokeBottle
TWinExplorer 99 Pro v .Keymaker - Core
manicapital.comv .Keymaker - Core
TWinExplorer 99 Pro v

JPadPro v .Keymaker - Core
DL OnTime v .Keymaker - Core
DL PageASchedule v .Keymaker - Core
Video Capturix v .Keymaker - Core
Platypus Animator v .Keymaker - Core
Launch Kaos v .Keymaker - Core
Cascader .KeyGen - Exterminators
Einstein HTML Gold .KeyGen - Exterminators
AudioSphere .KeyGen - Exterminators
HtmlSS .KeyGen - Exterminators
Netscape Connection Swapper .Crack - Exterminators
WorldTime .KeyGen - Exterminators
Header Translator .KeyGen - Exterminators
All ediSys Corp Apps .Serial - Exterminators
All ediSys Corp Apps .KeyGen - Exterminators
Zip Wizard c .KeyGen - Exterminators
Words .KeyGen - Exterminators
Scout .KeyGen - Exterminators
Password Keeper .KeyGen - Exterminators
Notepad .KeyGen - Exterminators
FTP Explorer .KeyGen - Exterminators
One Cat Viewer .Serial - Exterminators
TextBridge Pro .Crack - Exterminators
Dial-Up Magic .KeyGen - Exterminators
Graphic Equalizer Pro v .KeyGen - Exterminators
Effects Processor Pro v .KeyGen - Exterminators
CLR Script .KeyGen - Exterminators
Pop2 Exchange .Crack - CokeBottle
JPadPro v
DL OnTime v
DL PageASchedule v
Video Capturix v
Platypus Animator v
Launch Kaos v

Get Smart .Crack - CokeBottle
iCU .Serial - CokeBottle
DNTools .Serial - CokeBottle
WinDesk Tools .Serial - CokeBottle
Triplus Winspace Pro v .Keymaker - Core
Internet Quotes Assistant v .Keymaker - Core
K-Chess Elite d .Serial - CokeBottle
Triplus Winspace Pro v
Internet Quotes Assistant v

MP3 CD Maker .Keymaker - pcy
Quick To-Do Pro v .Keymaker - Core

ACDSee32 v
Download Demon v RC3
Pocket Kaos LaunchPad v
Jiao VCDCutter v
Quick To-Do Pro v
Cookie Pal! a .Serial - CokeBottle
ACDSee 32 .Serial - CokeBottle
Ace Expert c .Serial - CokeBottle
Jiao VCDCutter v .Keymaker - Core
Pocket Kaos LaunchPad v .Keymaker - Core
Download Demon v RC3 .Keymaker - Core
Ok .Serial - CokeBottle

Voodoo Lights .Crack - Exterminators
SiteFtp .KeyGen - Exterminators
Code-IT .KeyGen - Exterminators
3D Explorer .KeyGen - Exterminators
FlexRestart v .Serial - Exterminators
GrassHopper a .Serial - Exterminators
WinAmp .Serial - CokeBottle
FTP NetDrive .Serial - CokeBottle
ACDSee32 v .Keymaker - Core
WillowTALK .Crack - Ivanopulo
Super Sonic Email Collector .Crack - Ivanopulo
Pop-Mouse .RegPatch - Ivanopulo
O&O Defrag RC2 build (English) .RegPatch - Ivanopulo
Easy CD-DA Extractor .KeyGen - Ivanopulo
ColdFusion Studio Evaluation to FULL .RegPatch - Ivanopulo
ALL Extensis Products ALL Versions .KeyGen - Ivanopulo
Nico's Commander v .Keymaker - Core
AXE Online Timer v .Keymaker - Core
Spinnerbaker Dom v .Keymaker - Core
The Bat! .Crack - CokeBottle

SN va build & SNManager v build A Serial Number Querying Utility From eGIS!-CORE
Nico's Commander v
AXE Online Timer v
Spinnerbaker Dom v

Slice And Dice v
Binary Vortex v
SB Weather v
GUS! Word Prediction 32 v
GUS! Multimedia Speech System 32 v
GUS! Dwell Cursor 32 v
GUS! Scanning Cursor 32 v

CopyGenie v
The Web Media Publisher Pro v
NewsBin v
Falcon Web Server v
SB News Robot v
SB SortPics v
ICal v FIX
Find It Now! v
The Rancher v

Absolute Security Standard v
FTGate v

Clip Mate v
Video Capturix v
Slice And Dice v
Joystick Friend v
NetGuard Guardian Authentication Clients v
NetGuard Guardian Firewall, Guidepost v
NetGuard Guardian VPN v

Scrollworks Cascader v
NHL Simulator v
Deja Views v
Calendar Builder vh
Agent USA v
Suntimes v
My Math Sheets vc
JAS 95 v
ApplePie HTML Editor v

Mighty Fax vj
Super Mail vf
Home Video Library Deluxe v
Active Screen Saver Personal v
Detective v
Registry Crawler v
Mighty Fax vj
Auto-IP Publisher v

Com Explorer v
BackupXpress Pro v
IMS Web Spinner v
IMS Web Engine Professional v
HidePix v
Kyodai Mahjongg
HD Morph v

Источник: [manicapital.com]
Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number


Sunday, September 4,

Serial Key Of Software&#;s From &#;A-M&#;

A-Z Puzzle Maker v : Key:
A1-Image screensaver v : s/n: B5K7ij49p2
A1Monitor v : s/n: G
A1 Wallpaper Pro v : s/n: D9a72gKL39
A2Z Gradebook bit v : Name: UNICITY s/n:
A2Z Gradebook v : Name: Crystal s/n:
A2Z Hangman v : Name: Crystal s/n:
A Smaller Gif V 16and32bit : Name: Fatigued s/n: YYYVDC7YCUYY6C5A
A Smaller Gif v : Name: RAGGER/CORE s/n: YYY9W27Y!UYYY9MT
A Attack : s/n:
A to Z Digital Address Book v : Name: Omega [Weapon] s/n: *&~!:`qr
A-Z Trivia v : s/n:
A-Z Trivia v : s/n:
A3E v1.x (edit manicapital.com) : line #1: REGNAME=The Bozo Construction Company line #2: BDAAABABA29
AAApeg Image Browser v : Name: MisterE [iNSiDE] s/n:
Aardvark v : Name: SiLicon Surfer PC'97 Code: A6F0C or Name: Phrozen Crew Code: 1BC68
Abacus Law Office Calendar System : s/n: F
Abalone v : s/n:
ABC 95 v : s/n: FCCF2B
ABC FlowCharter v for Windows : s/n: or s/n:
ABC ToolKit v for Windows : s/n:
ABC ToolKit v for Windows : s/n:
Ability Database 98 : Key: NS
AbirNet SessionWall 3 : s/n: D1FBBC-6E43AE License Key:
Ablaze Starters vd : s/n: MAILEXSTONES
Ablaze Web Auto-Promotion v : Password: AATY (Case Sensitive)
ABC Puzzles v : Code:
AboutFace : s/n:
Above & Beyond 98 : Name: ThE STaRDoGG CHaMPioN [PC] s/n: CET
Above And Beyond : Name: knoweffex DNG s/n: dup
Above and Beyond : Name: knoweffex DNG s/n: dup
Above And Beyond v : Name: zaarnik [BLiZZARD] s/n: CWE
Above Black Book v : Name: (Anything) s/n: b9v8b9l5k71
Above Black E-book v : Name: (Anything) s/n: b9v8b9l5k71
Above Disk+ va : s/n:
Above the Rim V for Win9x : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: $7BB or Code: $F
Abracadabra v : Name: jog [DNG] Code:
Abracadabra v : Name: ARNOLD MOORE Code:
Abracadabra v : Name: $keve Code:
AbsoluteFTP v Beta 2 : Name: xOANON Company: [UCF97] s/n: Expiration: Key:
Absolute FTP v beta 6 : Name: CORE/JES Company: CORE s/n: Expiration: never Key:
AbsoluteFTP v Beta 7 : Name: CORE/JES Company: CORE s/n: Expiration: never Key:
Absolute FTP v RC 11 : Name: _RudeBoy_ Company: Phrozen Crew s/n: Expiration: Never Key:
AbsoluteFTP v Final : Name: CORE/JES Company: CORE s/n: Expiration: Never Key:
AbsoluteFTP vb3 : Name: RePulsive Company: Pirates Gone Crazy s/n: Exp: Never Key:
Absolute On line : name: ls-Warp98 s/n:
Absolutely On-line v build 17 : Name: SiLicon Surfer [PC] Code: or Name: n03l Code:
Absolutely On-line v : Name: Delphic Code:
Absolutely On-Line v : Name: DORIS MOREAU Code:
Absolutely On-line v : Name: coSmoS [True] Code:
Absolutely Smart Server3 v : s/n: Key: yHExiBAiDFzUY
Absolutely Smart Server3 v : s/n: Key: yHExiBAiDFzUY
Absolute Security Standard v : Name: jog [DNG] s/n: BTAYNNNNYPEGTPK
Absolute Security Standard v : Name: escom/CORE s/n: BGUPFVLRUPAKTTG
Absolute Security : Name: JUANDA s/n: AFQTGBZPNLERURU
Absolute Security Standard v : Name: i am sexy s/n: HYVHAAVNNCMUMJE
Absolute Security : Name: JUANDA s/n: AFQTGBZPNLERURU
Absolute Security Standard Full v : Name: Delphic s/n: VQZUKKXMGWRKRFA
Absolute Security v : Name: ls-Warp s/n: LYLAYLYYJLEBHUC
Absolute Security Standard v : Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 s/n: CKNMAGKDQCYUFND
Absolute Slots v : Code:
Absolute Spades v : Code:
Absolute Spades for Windows95NT : s/n:
Abuser vb : name: me s/n:
AcadLight 97 for Win95/98/NT : Key: EUB7 s/n:
AccelDocs v : s/n: AD
Accelerated-X v (Linux/BSD) : s/n:
AcceleratedX v For Linux : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: DS0LID
Accelerated CD v For WinNT : Name: shuttle avalon s/n: 1
Accelerator : s/n: ACP4U or s/n: ACP4U or s/n: ACP4U
Accent Composer v : Name: DarkBug[Weapon] s/n: CBA23A0BDFAB82
Accent Express for Windows(95) : s/n:
Accent for Windows : s/n:
Accent Professional v for Windows(95): s/n:
Accent Professional v for Windows(95) (2): s/n:
Accent v Final Beta for Windows : s/n:
Access PC : s/n:
Access to Delphi Converter : Code:
Access To Vb v : Code:
AccessToVB v : Name/Company: James Bond Code:
Access Wordpoint v : s/n:
Accountant Inc. Pro : s/n:
Accounting Works (one write plus) : s/n: A
Account Pro n : Name: Gladys Frey Code: 5ACCAC3FGD6DAB2
Account Pro v : Name: Dan K. Hanson Code: 5A79AC2GEG4E7B9
Account Pro v : Name: Gladys Frey Code: 5ACCAC3F9FAEE1B
Accounts95 v : Name: PaulBar Code:
AccPac Simply Accounting va for Windows: s/n:
Accounts 95 v : Name: Antkiller Code:
ACcrak3 Password recovery for MSAccess: CCard: 12MDS34 s/n:
AccuSet vB : Name: AAAA-HID98 Company: HiD Present Code:
AccuSet 32 Professional Edition vB : Code: CB1E
Accutext : s/n:
ACDExpress v : Name: Nordic Company: - Code:
ACDExpress v : Name: Nordic Company: - Code:
ACD Express v : Name: DSi 4 LIFE Company: DSi TEAM Code:
ACDSee +v+7 for Windows : name: kermu s/n: or name: mARQUIS s/n:
ACDSee v+2 for Win95 : name: letis s/n: +tHE riDDLER [uCF]
ACDSee v for Windows(95) : name: kermu s/n: or name: mARQUIS s/n:
ACDSEE32 : Name: kOUGER! s/n:
ACDSee v : Name: letis s/n:
ACDSee v : Name: Han Solo s/n:
ACDSee v : Name: BaRT SiMPSoN s/n:
ACDSee v : s/n:
ACDSee v : s/n:
ACDSee v PowerPack : s/n:
ACDsee32 Ver (55)
ACE Contacts Manager v : UserKey: U8JMHTG RegKey: 9B98C2DE1F4B7EE
Ace Expert v : Name: Sn0wman s/n: 8STYHTJ-0ZP-3JZ9D8
Ace Expert with Icons v Win95/NT : Name: Shock'97 s/n: IYE-YJ3-YT7Z6ITZ6
AceExpert v HTML Editor : Name: jog [DNG] s/n: YJH7PZUJ8Z-EV1UAEV82A
AceExpert Va : Name: SiraX/[DNG98] s/n: 82Z5IX2-ZVEI1BERZ
AceExpert vf : Name: Fluke s/n: NPGI-UDLH-JMWZ-ZZZZ
AceExpert vg : Name: EinZtein of Blizzard Code: s/n: BQGP-7PQI-E1TH-NRPP
AceExpert vh : Name: Republic s/n: BPQU-YXEV-E85S-F2MR
AceExpert FTP vb : Name: Predator/[FAITH] s/n: YALCGC-CFGN-C2QX
AceExpert FTP vc : Name: Sickie [TbC] s/n: EN5Q-SYQ3-MTV8-EJZP
AceExpert FTP vd : Name: -/--Predator/FAITH/- s/n: BQSC-IZZS-DQP1-ASYL
AceFTP vb : Name: jog [DNG] Code: 74FEV2-NB8RUS5C4-V7A5FT
Ace FTP v : Name: fungus of blizzard s/n: F48RST-V73PVM-AJ8AFN5CT
Ace FTP v : Name: fungus of blizzard s/n: F48RST-V73PVM-AJ8AFN5CT
AceFTP v : Name: Edge-` [Fallen 98] s/n: NLJ-CE7MYR-VT
AceFtp v : Name: Arfa [PCY] s/n: SAP-AA34NJ-FBSMLYEA4
AceFtp v : Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 s/n: 64SE7BEYT-SRL5N5-F7AU3E
Ace FTP va : Name: -/--Predator/FAITH/- s/n: 4BM-CY7LU6B-AR3EF2
Ace FTP vb : Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 s/n: 64SE7BEYT-SRL5N5-F7AU3E
AceHTML Pro v : Name: Free User s/n: SDMJ-H3WJ-CFEH-LFDF
AceNotes v : Name: SiraX [CORE] s/n:
Ace Reader v : name: davy - blizzard License: 1 s/n: 5sZY6Pu65I
AceReader v : Name: warez License: 1 s/n: 4sVE6Wo87H
AceReader v : Name: Versus Licenses: 99 s/n: 1wVS1Ho07G
AceReader v : Name: Gorgeous Ladies Of Warez Code: 3rHnJeY74n Licenses: 1
Ace Replace : Name: wizard-x [pdn] s/n:
Aces of the Deep : s/n:
ACM v : Name: ACM Password:
Acorn Email v : Key: z12gAregx
Acquire v : s/n: UCF
Acquire v : s/n: Hex
Acrypt v : Name: viny[TbC] s/n:
ACS Desktop Plus v : Name: SiraX Company: CORE s/n: DD-7AA (If you use any name and company, it will give you your own code)
ACSSoft PhotoAlbum v : Name: davy Company: blizzard s/n:
ActiCalc v : Name: CoSH [PCY] Company: Prophecy s/n:
ActiCalc v Beta : Name: exit/fallen Company: fallen s/n:
ActiCalc v : Name: Azrael Company: PC99 Code:
Action WorkFlow Analyst for Windows : s/n: AAW
Actioneer for Microsoft Outlook : s/n: VRoS-7BARTj8 Palm Pilot: VRpS-7BAR-j8TO
ACTiONiZER V : Name: CORE/DrRhui Key: CC
ActiveBarcode v : 1 User:
Active Connection Master v : Name: phase s/n: IT
Active Delivery v : s/n:
Active Desktop Calendar v : Name: SiraX/CORE s/n: 1-D2DC
ActiveFile v for Microsoft Active Server Pages: s/n:
ActiveFile v : s/n:
ActiveFile v : s/n:
ActiveFile v : s/n:
Active Folder v : Name: Azrael [PC] Code: C3F
Active Icons v : Name: Capoeira/TS s/n: hDDA
ActiveListBar b10 : Name: Aerosmith Company: Tol CD key: 01A
Active Mail v : Name: Monika Halkort Code:
Active Media Eclipse Screen Saver Maker Developer License : Name: PoeTz Company: PoeTz Screen Saverz Code: 59IAZV-UOY0F-OICKB-EJ5P P97
Active Multimedia Button Control : Name: TRPS s/n: SDNG
Active Multimedia Button v : Name: Karen Caughey s/n: SDNG
Active MultiMedia Button ActiveX v : s/n: SDNGCORE
Active Net v : Name: REKiEM / PCY '99 s/n: @54hr@kr)L;xEn&L
Active manicapital.com Builder v : Name: Azrael [PC] s/n: AFDD0
Active Screen Saver Development Kit v : Name: BaRT SiMPSoN s/n:
Active Submission Toolkit v : Name: phase s/n: IT
Active Threed v : Code: 01A
Active Threed v : Code: 01A
Active ThreeD Plus v : Code:
ActiveToolBars v : s/n: 01A
Active Tree View v : Key: 01A
Active View v : 1) Start Active View. 2) Go to file/then register. 3) Fill in Licensee with: Keith Mallder (case sensitive) 4) Security Code is 5) Click OK
Active View v : Name: SUSAN JENSEN s/n:
Active View v : Name: Monika Halkort s/n:
ActiveX Component Suite v : s/n: ACSX
ActiveX Enterprise Suite v : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: ACS
ActiveX Indicators Suite v : AxPanel: Name: SiraX Company: CORE s/n: AxIndicator: Name: SiraX Company: CORE s/n:
ActiveX Manager v : Name: n03l Faith98 Key: aWxVPTz orName: Goofer/REBELS Key: eCxS7AIz
Activity Recorder v : Name: (Anything) Code: CHRISTINA
ActivitySoft Animated Bitmap ActiveX v : s/n: ASC
ActivitySoft Button FlatPak ActiveX v : s/n: ASP
ActivitySoft ComboBox FlatPak ActiveX v : s/n: ASP
ActivitySoft Flat Form Border ActiveX v : s/n: ASP
ActivitySoft ListBox FlatPak ActiveX v : s/n: ASP
ActivitySoft MultiLine ToolTip ActiveX v : s/n: ASB
ActivitySoft Popup Notes ActiveX v : s/n: ASA
ActivitySoft Round Form ActiveX v : s/n: ASC
ActivitySoft TextBox Calculator ActiveX v : s/n: ASF
ActivitySoft TextBox FlatPak ActiveX v : s/n: ASP
AD Wiper v : s/n: or s/n: or s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
AdWiper V : s/n: PREDATOR
Adaptec EZ-SCSI v for DOS and Windows: s/n:
A Day in the Life v : Name: BerSerkA s/n: BClaDiTLB
AdBuster Rising Newsreader v : Name: Eugene R Harden Company: (Anything) Code: 5A89ACDFE88C4AC
AdBuster Rising Newsreader v : Name: Eugene R Harden Company: High Voltage Code: 5A89ACDFE88C4AC
AdBuster Rising Newsreader v : Name: beltram s/n:5A1BACGG83E18EG
AdCADD Auto Architech for AutoCAD 12 : s/n: DAAHE
Add Impact : s/n:
AddDepth : s/n: AD or s/n: AD
AddDepth v for Windows : s/n: AW
AddDepth v for Windows : s/n: AW
Addepth for Windows : s/n: AW
AddFlow ActiveX v : s/n: 0A01
AddFlow ActiveX v : Name: Dr Weird s/n:
Addraman Address Manager and Phone Dialer Name: KiLLa [c0re'97] s/n: CCSFGMCH
Add Remove 4 Good : Name: Lord Leto Code: yFY0RW or Name: n03l Faith98 Code: W90PZD
Add Remove 4Good v : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 Code: APUZYJHD
Add/Remove Cleaner v : Name: Kwai_Lo [tNO 98] s/n: KKE
Address and Phone Book v : Name: Miscreant s/n: APB
Address Book v : s/n: JLJ4EVR
AddressBook etc v : Key: adrBk
Address Book Pro v : Name: (Anything) s/n: BANANA
Address Database Pro : s/n: AEKDB
Address Data Pro v : s/n: AEKDB
Address Explorer : Key: Free the world
Address Mate v for Windows : s/n: AM
Address Organizer Deluxe v : Name: Azrael [PC] s/n:
AddressQuick v : Name: CORE CMT Key:
Address Quick v : Name: DSi TEAM Key:
Address Register v : Name: [JaSuN] / CBE '98 s/n: A58
Address Wijzer v : s/n: AD
Add Wiper v : s/n:
Adept BBS +v for OS/2 : name: Creeping Death s/n: Rego Serial No:
Adept BBS +v for OS/2 (2) : name: Undemon s/n: Rego Serial No:
Administrator Assistant v : s/n: ID-Vx-Ux-T6clUMZd
AdoBe Acrobat Capture v : s/n: WCWR
Adobe Acrobat Distiller : s/n: MDWP or s/n: ANWU
AdoBe Acrobat Distiller PE : s/n: WAWP
Adobe Acrobat Distiller v for Windows: s/n: DEER
AdoBe Acrobat Distiller v for Widdows: s/n: WAWP
AdoBe AcroBat Distiller v for Windows: s/n: DEER
AdoBe Acrobat Distiller v PE : s/n: WAWP
Adobe Acrobat Exchange : s/n: MVWR or s/n: MVWR
Adobe Acrobat Exchange v : s/n: WVMR
Adobe Acrobat Exchange v beta 2 : s/n: AEWR
Adobe Acrobat Exchange v beta 3 : s/n: AEWR
Adobe Acrobat Reader v for Dos : s/n: ARDR
AdoBe Acrobat Reader v for Windows : s/n: ARWR
AdoBe Acrobat Reader v for Windows : s/n: ARMR
AdoBe Acrobat v for Windows : s/n: ARWR
AdoBe Acrobat v for Windows : s/n: WVWR or s/n: WVWR or s/n: WVWR
Adobe Acrobat v French : s/n: KWMR
Adobe Acrobat v : s/n: PWWR
Adobe Acrobat v Final : s/n: AOWR
Adobe Acrobat Exchange Beta 4 : s/n: AEWR
Adobe Acrobat WorkGroup : s/n: DEWU or s/n: DEWU or s/n: DEWU
Adobe After Effects Bundle Edition : s/n: EWWR
Adobe After Effects v : s/n: EXXR
Adobe After Effects : s/n:
Adobe AfterFX v : s/n: EWWR
Adobe Capture : s/n: WCWR
Adobe Dimensions : s/n: DJWR
Adobe File Utilities Code : s/n: KWWR
Adobe Font Folio : s/n: AWWR
Adobe Framemaker+SGML v : s/n: CFC44ad
Adobe FrameMaker+SGML v : s/n:
Adobe Frame Maker v Win95/NT : s/n: AABDD6
Adobe FrameMaker v : s/n: CB57E
Adobe Framemaker v : s/n: D2FEC16
Adobe Gallery Effects : s/n:
Adobe Gallery Effects : s/n:
Adobe GoLive v : s/n: GJWR or s/n: GJWR or s/n: gjwr
AdoBe Illustrator v for Windows : s/n: ABWR or s/n: ABWR or s/n: ABWR
Adobe Illustrator v for Windows : s/n: ABW
AdoBe Illustrator v for Windows : s/n: ABER
AdoBe Illustrator v for Windows : s/n: ABW
Adobe Illustrator v for Windows : s/n: ABW
Adobe Illustrator : s/n: ABWR
Adobe Illustrator Beta X26 : s/n: ABWR
Adobe Illustrator v Beta2 x28 : s/n: EXXR
Adobe Illustrator Beta X40 : s/n: EXXR
Adobe Illustrator v : s/n: EXXR or s/n: ABWX
Adobe ImageReady Preview : s/n: EXMXX
Adobe Image Styler v : s/n: FJWR
AdoBe PageMaker va for Windows : s/n:
AdoBe PageMaker v for Win95 : s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
AdoBe PageMaker v for Win95 (2) : s/n: 03WR or s/n: 03WR or s/n: 03WR
Adobe PageMaker : s/n: 03WR
Adobe Pagemill : s/n: MLWR
Abobe PageMill v : s/n: MLWR
Adobe Pagemill v French : s/n: MLFR
Adobe Persuasion v : s/n: 09WX
Adobe PhotoDeluxe v for Windows 95 : s/n: HTWR or s/n: HTWR
Adobe PhotoDeluxe v Win95/NT : s/n: HTWr
Adobe Photo Deluxe Business Edition v : s/n: CQWR
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition v : s/n: HTWR
AdoBe PhotoShop : s/n: PCA or s/n: PDA or s/n: PDA
AdoBe PhotoShop v for Windows : s/n: PWWR or s/n: PWWR
AdoBe PhotoShop v for Windows : s/n: PWWR or s/n: PWWR or s/n: PWWR
Adobe Photoshop v3.x 5 user license : s/n: PWWU
Adobe Photoshop v3.x for Windows : s/n: PWWR
Adobe Photoshop v : s/n: WWR or s/n: pwwr
Adobe Photoshop v5 Beta 66 : s/n: EXXR
Adobe Photoshop FINAL : s/n: pwwr or s/n: pwwr or s/n: EXXXX or s/n: PWEX
Adobe Photoshop v : s/n: pwwr
Adobe Photoshop v : s/n:
AdoBe Premiere v for Windows : s/n: MBWX or s/n: MBWB
AdoBe PreMieRe v Video Editing for Windows: s/n: MBWD or s/n: MBWX
Adobe Premiere v for Windows : s/n: MBWR
AdoBe Premiere v for Windows : s/n: MBWR or s/n: MBWR
AdoBe Premiere v for Windows (2) : s/n: MBWR or s/n: SPWR or s/n: MBWJ
Adobe Premiere v for windows (3) : s/n: MBFU
Adobe Premiere v FINAL RC : "A Business" Title: Mr First Name: Chumbawamba C Last Name: X-Force Company: X-Force s/n: MXXR (deselect online registration)
Adobe Premiere v French : s/n: MBFB or s/n: MBFB or s/n: MBFB or s/n: MBFB
Adobe Premiere v FINAL : s/n: MBFU
Adobe Premiere v : s/n: MXXR
Adobe Premiere RT v : s/n: MBF06SGE
AdoBe StreaMLine v for Windows : s/n: SBW
AdoBe StreaMLine v for Windows : s/n: SBWS or s/n: SBW
Adobe Streamline v : s/n: SBWU
Adobe Streamline v French : s/n: SBFR
Adobe Type Manager v for Windows s/n: AWWP
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v for Windows s/n: AWWR
AdoBe Wild Type : s/n: FHWR
Adplan Promotional Business Software v : s/n: NS Key: E27A
Adrem Server Manager v : Code: TAY
Adrem Server Tools v : Code: PFV
Adres Wijzer v from Davilex : s/n: AD
Adreva 98 v : Name: BLiZZARD98 s/n: AD
AdrLTReg v : Name: vots s/n:
AdScape32 v : Code:
AdsOff! v for WinNT : Name: TRPSRULEZ s/n: 82K8POM9
AdsOff v : Name: 0MisterE[iNSiDE] s/n: 12d45+o
AdsOff! (All versions) : Name: LoungeAct s/n: 92p8uGb0
AdultPromoter v : s/n: ADL
Advanced Access Password Recovery v : Run the program with ">ACPR /register" and enter: Code: 8KCApk6PrrhVr7ZsrfG8bese
Advanced Archive Password Recovery
Crack ZIP, ARJ, RAR and ACE password
Advanced CD Ripper Pro Ver
Best CD song ripper and it makes MP3
(Name: Cyberloner S/N: acrp)
Advance Dialer Bit : name: PANK s/n:
Advanced Aircraft Analysis and Design : Password: Cessna
Advanced Development System v : s/n: E87
Advanced Dialer v : Name: BIGBLUE! Code: 7D5E6F00
Advanced Dialer v : Name: THE SCYTHE s/n: F
Advanced Dialer Ver
Auto Dial up and Count bills
(Name: Cyberloner S/N: 2E)
Advanced Dialer v All : Name: Cyberloner s/n: 2E
Advanced Disk Catalog v Beta 2 : s/n: ERqdY0pQRs2KIUvI
Advanced Fabrication v : s/n:
Advanced GIF Optimizer v Beta : s/n: &*uuTTrfb4 or s/n: TYgG
Advanced Gradient Controller : s/n: B4H8-R Code: 2LA
Advanced Hex Editor v : Code:
Advanced Internet Tool v : Name: BaRT SiMPSoN s/n: 4FCD-E3DD
Advanced Space Hunter V : Name: CORE/DrRhui s/n:
Advanced Space Hunter v build 74 : Name: SiLicon Surfer PC'97 Code: or Name: Phrozen Crew Code: or Name: n03l Code:
Advanced Speed Typing 98 V for Win9x : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: c
Advanced Speed Typing : Name: TRPS s/n: aerop
Advanced Text Editor v : Code: atevwgs2otr2-wg
Advanced Video Poker v : Name: dustie of blizzard Code:
Advanced Wire EDM v : s/n:
Advanced Zip Password Recovery vA : Run command line: manicapital.com /register s/n: TcQdBAYCRlQW95HO
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery v : s/n: tcKxzxKUhzLjuAAD
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery v : s/n: SUfjyXZ97rwMZ2J3
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery v : s/n: tcKxzxKUhzLjuAAD
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery v : Name: LOMAX s/n: tlc1fahzfUb9n8GaJcCBTsxkHcrNHb8R
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery
The fastest ZIP cracker in the world!
(S/N: ZMMarhdDqCfUnFFV)
Advent 98 v : Name: Karen E. Caughey Address: Beech Grove, Indiana, USA Code:
Advox Omnigate v : Go to System button / License tab and enter: Company: PREMiERE thisdomain: premiere@manicapital.com fromdomain: premiere@manicapital.com Key1: JEDCAHDKODJDONAI Key2: KCPALAIMCHNOCKGG
Aelita BootAdmin v2.x : s/n: ID1-V2x-USWXME1qAOEh
Aelita ERDisk v : s/n: IDCORE/Vizion-V-ZHwkDk1r
Aelita EventAdmin v : s/n: IDCORE/Vizion-V-Klt4ZeHx
Aelite Journal v : s/n: ID-Vx-ULua7zXZ
Aelita MultiReg v1.x : s/n: ID1-V1x-USWXwHFf0are
Aelita TimeAdmin v2.x : s/n: ID1-V1.x-USWXacmWgf97
Aelita Virtuosity v : s/n: IDCORE/Vizion-VO9Wzjc
Aepryus Graph v : Email: Nmfist@manicapital.com Code: or Email: bthorne@manicapital.com Code:
Aestesis 98 v : Name: v s/n: popo0
Aestesis v : Name: herzog antoine Code: vabixexakibuyi
AfTer Dark +v for Windows : s/n: AD or s/n: ADW or s/n: ADW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Disney Edition : s/n: DSW or s/n: DSW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Loony Toons Edition: s/n: ZQA
After Dark ScreenSaver - Marvel Comics Edition: s/n: MVW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Star Trek Edition: s/n: BSN or s/n: SPW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Star Trek: StarDate: s/n: ESW or s/n: LSW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Star Trek: The Next Generatios: s/n: BSW or s/n: SPW
After Dark ScreenSaver - The Simpsons Edition: s/n: ZQW or s/n: ZQW or s/n: KAW
After Dark ScreenSaver - Totaly Twisted Edition: s/n: BII
After Dark ScreenSaver - X-Men Edition : s/n: AD
After dark v for Windows 2 : s/n: ADW
After dark v for Windows 3 : s/n: DSW
AfTer Dark v for Windows 95 : s/n: ADC
After Effects : s/n: EMW
AgenCy DataBase vc for Windows : s/n: ADW
Agenda Wizard Pro v : Code: AGW
Agenda Wizard v : Code: AGW-CORE
Agenda Wolf v : Name: (Anything) Code:
Agent 99d : s/n: m2cjahzbvhrj3mxplzbfgd44ct-lea6bc82
Agent 99e bit : s/n: WH6W83Y5-HLVB6LZG-GGF3AKEPAGUZB9-G5WH4SLN
Agent 99e bit (2) : s/n: WD6VZ3HP-WGS8ZDLKVF5AY or s/n: GN1RZ6TLTWGRWS-ZMT92YH3
Agent 99g : s/n: 6CZCYPMK-VYBPV7SCTK
AgentDA : s/n:
Agent Internet News & Mail Reader v : s/n:
AgentMail v : Key:
AgentTool v : s/n: 0TBZXAYJ
Agent USA v : Name: CRowmAN s/n: LNBLOHWT
AgFa FotoFlow : s/n:
Agile ColorWeb : s/n: KDN%E7DXJ5<FJJJT=EK9B*?JBR8RB<J/6>F<>FC
Agile HTML Editor v : s/n: %NGVDJK3%G?7Y8QY8Q2/C46REX$N>?LW8%Z>G6K
agSI +v for Dos : name: Me! s/n: HHNOAJKC or name: You! s/n: HVHUIFOQ
AHM Add-Ons for Delphi : Name: CRowmAN s/n: AHMVEnhanced97
AGIS v : Name: Aurea Stoll Company: REUNiTED License Type: Standard single user Password: NJSJWJFSCT2QDQBJ
Aide Onlinometer v : Add this line to the manicapital.com file under the [Reg] section: Name=p74rRxs
AIM Keys v for win95 and NT : s/n:
AIM Keys v : s/n:
AIM Tools v : Name: ArseniK[DS] Code:
AI Picture Explorer v Beta : Go to About/Enter Code and enter: Name: MisterE[iNSiDE]TTW Code: QbyTrDHKX
AIPICT v : Name: MoonCat [PCY]12S s/n: MoonCat [PCY]12V
AI Picture Utility v : Name: sexjog [DSI]Q Code: V
Aircraft Instruments ActiveX v : s/n: agmsj1f
AirCheck v : Name: (Anything) s/n:
AirNav v : Name: Azrael [PC] ID: AZR Code:
Airport & Scenery Designer : ID: hfzjsbne s/n:
Airport ID 32BIT v : s/n: Mudit Mathur
AirTrek Software Desktop v : Name: CoSH [PCY] s/n: 35Nxx4Dmm
Akai CDxtract v : Name: Flytox [DarkStar] s/n:
Akai CDxtract v : Name: Flytox [DarkStar] s/n:
Akai logic v : s/n:
Akala Exe Lock Ver 3
Change your exe files to become password protected
(Name: Cyberloner S/N: )
Akeyan Enigma va : When you quit the program a screen telling you to register will show up, press the key " $ " on your keyboard and enter: Code: $27
Akoff Guitar Assistant v : Email: dLLord/AiR Key: E1ESR2R1NANN
AKoff Music Composer vb : Email: ALLEGiANCE Key: KA
Akoff Music Composer v : Email: FCRP Team Key: P31DP6PP0P2P
AKoff Music Composer v : Email: n03l@Faithcom Key: P6GPP
AKoff Music Composer v : Key:
AKoff Music Composer v : Email: budbundy@manicapital.com Key: 6AD26C6AD2G3
AKoff Music Composer v : Email: the_doctor@manicapital.com Key: G12D2P2C21K2
Aladdin Desktop Tools x : s/n: ADTE or s/n: ADTH or s/n: ADTK
Aladdin Flashback v : s/n: FBKA
Alarm++ v : Name: KiLLa [core] s/n: VmI:XH3IMP -D6UoVx=s;MxY]0>3ilA5P[eX3d" SLLEgX0DOBcV0
Alarm Plus Plus v : Name: SiraX/CORE Code: ]l T{}oSQh,ILz[>z < XVX]HK)Q/j[P4.z)manicapital.comIMl1
Alarm Plus PLus v : Name: CORE CMT s/n: >SL,37(To< kPVT, ==s1 >jGlyR(gd<[:l0n<ffX&:bS9
Alarm++ v : Name: Ryder Hook UCF s/n: TiYRvHDhGh(Hh1 al5 |XB=dWJTpuhaU<VxHi1h[xHWW&N1y3Qo|i1
Alarm++ v : Name: TheDon[Fluke] s/n: C8AB9E69E4CBB9A44A21B67
Alarm++ v : s/n: e_'T1PTZ2}r""jkTb.4y5csw,HQAU7e)4"S}=+tTtr"]LT,,/Dry+c\wMVxl_5
Alarm++ v : Name: The Name Is Desync s/n: EEDD66BACDB1CBFB
Alarm Plus Plus v : Name: Delphic s/n: DE
Alarm Clock v : Name: CORE/ITR s/n:
Alarm Clock v : s/n:
AlarmClock v : Name: CORE CMT s/n:
Alarm Clock v : Name: jaydee Code:
Alarm Clock v : Name: ROWBIE-TRPS 98 Code:
Alarm Clock v : Name: ROWBIE-TRPS 98 Code:
Alarm Clock vb : Name: ROWBIE-TRPS 98 Code: or Name: DSi TEAM Code:
Alarm Master : s/n: atlas44
Alarming Events : s/n:
Albatross CD-player for OS/2 : name: Doh Enterprises s/n:
Album Builder v : s/n:
Album Builder v : s/n:
Album Builder v : s/n:
Album Toolkit v : ID: ioe First: sUfT4uCg Second: uNyBgei8
Album Toolkit v : ID: ioe KeyCode1: hzomsl KeyCode2: mHqptm
Album Tracker v : Code: AT9MC49Z7A2
AlbumWIZ v : Code:
Alchemica Webworks vb Win95/NT : name: David J Tominsek company: Global Piracy Foundation code: AWR
Alchemica WebWorks v Rev CI : Name: NiTR8^ Company: GCRACK s/n: AWR
Alchemica Webworks v bit : Name: PREMiERE Code: AWR
Alchemica Webworks v bit : Name: PREMiERE Code: AWR
Alchemica Webworks vb : Name: davy Company: blizzard Code: AWR
Alchemica WebSite v : Name: ^heiko Company: [BLiZZARD] Code: AWR
Alcyone v : s/n: MYDOG
Alcyone v : s/n: MYDOG
Aldus FreeHand v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus FreeHand v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus Freehand v for Windows (2) : s/n: or s/n:
Aldus FreeHand v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus Freehand v for Windows : s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
Aldus Freehand v : s/n: FWH
Aldus Freehand v for Windows : s/n: FWH
Aldus GaLLeRy Effect v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus GaLLeRy Effect v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus Gallery Effects v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus PageMaker v for Windows : s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
Aldus PageMaker v for Windows : s/n: C or s/n:
Aldus PageMaker v for Windows (2) : s/n: or s/n:
Aldus PageMaker v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus Persuasion va for Windows : s/n:
Aldus Persuasion vb for Windows : s/n:
Aldus PhotoStyler v for Windows : s/n: or s/n: A or s/n:
Aldus PhotoStyler v for Windows (2) : s/n: or s/n:
Aldus PhotoStyler v for Windows (3) : s/n: or s/n:
Aldus PhotoStyler v Special Edition for Windows: s/n: or s/n:
Aldus Type Twister v for Windows : s/n:
Aldus/Adobe Pagemaker NL v for Windows 4: s/n:
Aldus/Adobe Pagemaker v :
Alert! v for Windows NT Workstation : s/n: E,00/00/,59E07E21
Alert Bookmarks v : Name: DARKAGE Code: KHEFDA or Name: knoweffex DNG Code: FJJJKN
Alert Bookmarks Pro v : Name: davy - blizzard Code: FLNKDA
Alert Bookmarks v : Name: jog/DSi Code: FFEIJO
Alert Bookmarks v : Name: TUC PC99 Code: NHLNTU or Name: Phrozen Crew Code: GJHEPH
Alert LinkRunner v : Name: Arfa [PCY] s/n: HGHGAR
Alexei Solitaires Collection v : Name: cLUSTER/rOUGH! Code: 6F57E6DE
Alexsys Team 98 v : Company: MANIFEST Inc. s/n: ATS
Alexsys Team 98 v : Name: Versus s/n: ATS
Alexsys Team 98 v : Name: Versus s/n: ATS
Algorithmix Sound Laundry v : Name: Pamela Bert s/n: ab69a
Alias99 v : Name: Azrael [PC] Code: AvY2BjJz+8MA
Alibaba v WEB Server for Windows 95/NT: Activation Code: {$nD#N'-3i*9@ s/n:
Alien Invasion v : s/n: SHEF
Alien Skin Xenofex v : Name/Company: SieGe s/n: jkgddbeeklch
Align It! v : Name: TheDon[Fluke] s/n:
Align It v : Name: Dicker [Laxity] s/n:
Aliroo PrivaSuite v : s/n: Name: Deborah Habicht
Alive and Kicking : Name: Leey Bowl Date: 1/21/ Code: 00AFFA2A4B21
Alive and Kicking V : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: WWAK
Alive and Kicking v : Name: SiraX/CORE Code: WWAK or Name: Phrozen Crew Code: WWAK
ALL Alesis Quadrasynth Editors : Name: blastsoft s/n: ,
All Calc : Name: fungus of blizzard Pin: Key:
All Calc v : Pin: s/n: CF0DEF
allCLEAR v : s/n: Code:
AllClear v : s/n: Code:
AllFix v : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: CED2A0FDD78B or name:TeLLeRBoP s/n: DA6A3FCB61F33
AllFix v (02) : name: You! s/n: FF5AC or name: Me! s/n: AEA94FFD5ABCC78
Alliance ScreenSaver for Windows and MAC: s/n:
All In One Mortgage Calculator v : Name: (Anything) s/n:
All In One Yahtzee v : Name: tKC/PC 98 s/n:
All Top Girl Strip Poker Games v : Name: (Anything) s/n
ALLnSync v : s/n:
AllPoints Feedback v : s/n:
All-Purpose Letters : Name: SpriteX Company: SpriteX Code:
All-Purpose Resumes : Name: SpriteX Company: SpriteX Code:
ALLright Utilities :
All View v : Name: SGM98 Pin: Code: F
All You Need BizPack Pro v : Key: Aka6M95
Almanac +vc for Windows/95/NT : regname: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n: B or regname: TwinHead [TWH/UCF] s/n: A
Almanac c for Win95/NT : name: Crack da WareZ s/n: A
Almanac v WIN : name: TwinHead [TWH/UCF] s/n: A
Almanac vc for Windows/95/NT : name: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n: B
Almanac ve for Win95/NT : Name: Norway/Revolt97 s/n: B
Alma Page Generator v : s/n: kristia or s/n: `kristia
Alma Page Generator Pro v for Win95/98/NT : Name: KAC Code: 5daadc7ca
Alone in the Dark I CD : s/n: 11
Aloha animated E-Mail : s/n: @L
Aloha At Home Multimedia Email v : s/n: BDIAOL
@loha D-Lite Walkin' Talkin' Email v : s/n: @L
Alot enterprises MoniCA v build 25 : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: Y6KLMK7ZZETY
Alot MoniCA v : Name: Black Thorne [PC] Code: T11VTYR0ZU50
Alot MoniCA v : Name: Delphic Code: TZOHZYYSOZ7D
Alpha Communicator v : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: Code: 3r5oiqt
Alpha Communicator v : Name: ShadE Company: TRPS s/n: Code: 3r5oiqt
Alpha Five : s/n: Z50NR1U regnum:
Alpha Five for Windows : s/n: Z50NR1U RegNum:
Alpha five home/business ed. v Win : Z50HBEV
Alpha Five v for Windows 95 : SFR
Alpha Four : M3DS
Alpha Four v3 Discovery Edition : M30DSNS
Alpha Four v4 : A40UGSU
AlphaNumeric LED v for ActiveX : s/n: ntskt6k
Alshare NetNote v : Name: JOHN Key: WgQC
AlShare Visual Translate : Code: Vlicence
Alsoft Power Pack : PO PS()
AltaMax Online Shopper v : s/n: MJG
Altamira Composer Pro v : s/n:
AlTos System Diagnostic vSO : s/n: DIAG7K_9K
Altiris ImageBlaster v : Name: KiLLa CoRE s/n: da
Altiris LabExpert Suite v : Name: KiLLa CoRE s/n: ddf Licensee always: KiLLa CoRE LabExpert Console: b87 LabExpert Pro Console: d2e45ecb LabExpert DOS dcaff LabExpert DOS c4d90f6d SIDgen: f
Altiris LabExpert va : Name: ArseniK[CORE] s/n: CE5C
Altiris RapiDeploy Suite v : Name: KiLLa CoRE s/n: de8e4
Altiris RapiDeploy va : Name: ArseniK[CORE] s/n: CA88F2
AlTos System ECU Setup vSO : s/n: A_ECU
AM Workflow v : s/n:
AM WorkFlow v for Dos : s/n:
AmeRica OnLine v for Windows : s/n: Password: LARKED-MASSES
America online v for Windows 3/1 : s/n: password: AMBLED-ANION
AmeRica OnLine v for Windows : s/n: Password: SWIMS-TAGGER
AmeRica OnLine v+4 for Windows : s/n: Password: GOBLET-MEDIAN
America Online Ver 50 hrs. : s/n: 3E Password: GLEEM-TUNERS
AmeRica OnLine v for Windows : s/n: 3s Password: FEVER-DRAMAS
AmeRican Heretic Dictionary : s/n:
American Heritage Dictionary :
American Heritage Dictionary : A9-LM3 or A9-DM3
AMF Daily Planner & PIM v : s/n: !@#$%AMFPIMVERUSR
AMF Daily Planner & Personal Information Manager v : s/n: !@#$%AMFPIMVERUSR
AMF Intelligent Organ v for Windows : Code: ~AOREG11
Amiga Forever Online Edition : Name: (Anything) s/n:
Amigo ver : Name: ^pain^ '97 Key:
Amigo v Rev 4 : Name: CORE/DrRhui Key: D
Amigo Pro v Rev4 : Name: davy - blizzard s/n: C
Amigo Standard v Rev4 : Name: davy - blizzard s/n: C
Amigo! Pro vRev5 : Name: davy - blizzard s/n: F
AMS Aeronautical Mapping System s/n:
AMS Pro v : Start the registration program and choose " Year License". Now use the "Reference Number" to generate a key <Reference Number> Example: 2C6B09ED
A Musical Generator v : Code: Beta Tester
A Musical Generator v : s/n:
Ana-log v For Win95/NT : Password: pOioT
Anawave CoolCat B1 : Name: Petroc Gornay s/n: CAT RegCode: ECAA
Anawave Coolcat v beta 3 : Name: RAGGER/CORE s/n: Code: E6B6-EDCB
Anawave CoolCat v : Name: William Noonan s/n: CAT Code: 1C7AF-AE2E3
Anawave Gravity v Win95 : Name: Jestrz/Phrozen Crew '97 s/n: regcode: 44R
Anawave Gravity Vb : Name: [-ONYX-] s/n: License: 44X
Anawave Gravity vb2 : Name: iCEMAN [uCF] s/n: ICEPUNKUCF RegCode: 44AP
Anawave Gravity : Name: Vikings s/n: ABCDEFUL RegKey: AAAB73
AnDan Software Message Generator Version Name: Riz la+ Code: 0DD7D39C
Anders Power Tools v : Name: TUC PC99 Company: Phrozen Crew s/n:
Andor v : s/n: ANDR
Anders Power Tools v : Name: Dracs Company: Crystal s/n:
Andromeda 3D Series II : 5M
Andromeda Deluxe v : s/n: 8P
Andromeda Measurement Filter for Photoshop : s/n: 8P
Andromeda Series 3 Screen Filter : s/n: 8P
Andromeda Shadow Filter : s/n: 8P
Andromeda Velociraptor : s/n: 7P
Andromeda Varifocus v : s/n: 8P
AnetHelpTool : Name: Riz la+ Code:
AnetHelpTool v : Name: Riz la+ Code:
Anet Help Tool v : RegNum: WBA Password:
Anet Help Tool v : RegNum: WBA Password:
Anet Image Gallery v : RegNum: SiraX/CORE Password: JJrBr6VTL4
Animagic GIF Animator : Name: Freeware Version Company: - s/n: 1CEEF
Animagic Gif Animator v : Name: Marquis s/n: 55cde3b9
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: Darklord s/n: 1F23A7BD
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: Darklord s/n: 1F23A7BD
Animagic Gif Animator v : Name: rANDOM s/n: C8B
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: Byte Ripper Company: Phrozen Crew s/n: 58A3AC33
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: Free Registered Version Company: Free Registered Version s/n: FFB97
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: PC97 Company: PC97 s/n: E95E3BAF
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: razzia [pc97] Company: razzia [pc97] s/n: 9AA7
Animagic Gif Animator va : Name: DARKLORD Company: GRS s/n: FB
Animagic Gif Animator va : Name: MiRaMaX Company: Rebels s/n: BA82B
Animagic Gif Animator v : Name: delphic Company: dng s/n: 88DB6CDF
Animagic Gif Animator vA : Name: delphic Company: dng s/n: 88DB6CDF
Animagic Gif Animator vC : Name: dephic Company: dng s/n: 88DB6CDF
Animagic Gif Animator vd : Name: DSi TEAM Company: DSi s/n: BBB4B38B
Animagic Gif Animator v : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 Company: TRPS s/n: 9DBBD
Animagic Gif Animator vb : Name: draXXter Company: (None) Lite: 2B Normal: 6B9DA0A7
Animagic GIF v : Name: Aurora Company: Eternity s/n: F9CCD
Animated Gif Editor Win95 v : Name: Klefz s/n: mfddfaaa
Animated Chinese Checkers v : Code:
Animated Chinese Checkers v : Code:
Animated Mah Jongg v : Code:
Animated Puzzles : Name: (Anything) Code:
Animated Screen v : Your name:
Registration key:
: C5E08B00
: Enter line-by-line with the spaces
Animated Screen vc : name: ALM_DETH code:
Animated Screen v : Name: BAMA/WEAPON Commercial: ACB0EE00 Home: DEB5F
Animated Screen v : Name: ESQUIRE Code:
Animated Screen v : Name: Aurora Code: ED
Animated Slots v : s/n:
Animation Cursor Control c : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'CDC1E'
Animation Form Icon Control c : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'ADC27'
Animation Icon Button Control : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'ADC27'
Animation Icon Checkbox c : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'AD6A7'
Animation Icon Control c : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'ADC0D'
Animation Icon Option Button c : Name: 'Lucifuge Rofocale' s/n: 'ADC27'
Animation Stand : or
Animation Works :
Animation Works Interactiv v : s/n:
Animator Pro : s/n: P4-PH-1
Animator Pro v : s/n:
Animator Pro v : s/n:
AniMenu v : Code:
AniMessage 98 v : Name: Louise Gleeson s/n:
AniPaint Animator v for Windows : s/n: FSWR00LZ
Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Guide : CD Access Code:
Anno Domini v : Press F s/n: AFI
Annotator v : Name: Brent Barrow s/n:
AnonMail : Name: The Key Code:
ANoteWrite v : UserKey: A13Q0A RegKey: 3B57FECC9FBD0D
AnsiPaint +v for Dos : name: DIRMIR s/n: or name: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n:
Ansipaint v : name: DIRMIR s/n:
Ansipaint v : name: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n:
Answer Chase v : Name: Arcane [UCT] Email: arcane@manicapital.com s/n: 3BA-7EFD3
Answering Machine/2 for OS/2 : name: DoH Enterprises s/n:
Anti-BO v : Name: BFC 99 Key:
Anti-BO vb : Name: TY_TYLAND Key:
Anti-Cookie Suite 98 v : Name: Barry Walsh Company: N/A s/n: BA
Anti Cookie Suite 98 v WIN9xNT : Unlock Trial First by entering: Company: FALLEN 98 Email: fallen98@manicapital.com Code: E11D-E3C8 Then register with: Name: FALLEN Company: FALLEN 98 Code: 4EA4F
Anti-Cookie Suite 98 v : Unlock Trial First by entering: Company: Goofer Email: Goofer@manicapital.com Code: CF0 Then register with: Name: Goofer Company: DeMoN Code: DB
AntiViral Toolkit Pro v Build : User Name: TeamXTC Company: TeamXTC RegNum:
Anubis :
AnyFolder Shell Extension : name: Steve Hsu s/n:
AnyFolder : Name: CORE CMT s/n:
Any Speed V for Win95/NT : Name: ^pain^ '97 Key: AD5B
AnyTime v for Windows : s/n: YX
AnyView va for Windows : s/n: AVR
AOL v beta 4 : s/n: p/w: GOBLET-MEDIAN
APHIDd v : s/n: DRI58 Name: Kenneth Long
Apollo v : Code: A
App-Doc Linker : GrGn5jkfh78h
App Launcher v : s/n: AL-aaxaa-!a0a
App Launcher v : s/n: AL-aaxaa-!a1a
App Launcher v : s/n: AL-aaxaa-!a1a
Apple Media Tool v for Windows : s/n: AMT
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit :
ApplePie Pro SE : Name: DV Company: BLIZZARD Code:
Applet Button Factory v : name: mk67z s/n: trs98z
Applet Button Factory v : Name: mk67z s/n: trs98z
Applet Button Factory v : Name: mk67z s/n: trs98z
Applet Button Factory v : Name: mk67z s/n: trs98z
Applet Designer v Enterprise Ed. : s/n: K
Applet FX : s/n:
AppletFX Commercial edition for VAC v : s/n:
Applet Headline Factory v : Name: h9ea7 s/n: to78r
Applet Headline Factory v : Name: h9ea7 s/n: to78r
Applet Marquee Wizard v : Name: p97z s/n: 23ws3
Applet Marquee Wizard vd : Name: p97z s/n: 23ws3
Applet Marquee Wizard v : Name: p97z s/n: 23ws3
Applet Menu Wizard : Name: jog [DNG] RegCode: EE3FFCF
Applet Navigation Factory v : Name: 78efg s/n: pk
Applet Password Wizard v : Name: efg89w Password: zxc
Applet SlidingMenu Wizard v : Email: azrael@manicapital.com Code: BD77
AppleWorks v : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n:
Application Control manicapital.com : name: THE RIDDLER s/n:
Application Maker v : s/n: BARKBARK
Application Remote Control V : user: escom+ rn: KAWINS
AppMaker V Win95/NT : Code: Bark!
Apollo Source Code Kit : Password:
Appolo V For Delphi : CD-Code: BBEDE
Approach v for Windows : s/n: 1F
AppsTraka v : Name: Predator[FAITH] s/n: BADC7A54EDDFC2FB
APS-EZR v : Code: APg
AquaCalc V : Name: Jestrz Company: FCN s/n: SAC
AquaDeluxe v : s/n:
AquaSupreme v : s/n:
Arcada Backup Exec vA Enterprise Edition for NetWare: s/n:
Arcamax Emaio Magic vc : Name: - s/n:
ARCA Shopping List 99 : s/n: ARCA
Archive Converter v3.x : s/n: to
Archiver Converter v : s/n: ????
Arclab Pfadfinder v : Name: Bisoux Company: KAC s/n:
Arclab Pfadfinder va : Name: davy Company: blizzard s/n:
Arcplan Insight v Suite : s/n:
ArcServe v for Windows (10 users) : s/n: 10AS
ArcServe vg Windows Edition for Netware: s/n:
ArcServe/ vb for Dos : s/n: or s/n:
ArcServe v for NT Unlock : Code: KWKTL-C14XX-XX9WC-R7X4H
ARCserve Enterprise Edition for Win NT: s/n: KWKTL-C14XX-XX9WC-R7X4H
Arcserve to Novell : s/n: MXMTC-X14XX-XX9CX-M7XME or s/n: CYYTC-X14XX-XX9HX-M7XGG
ArcServe Enterprise v for Win NT : s/n: CWETL-H14EK-XW9WC-R7KXM
ArcServe Storage Suite For MS SBS : s/n: Unlock Code: IWKCG-L14CX-XM9XE-K7WLJ
ARCserve WinNT single server v (build ): s/n:
ArcSolo v for Windows : s/n: EVSO or s/n: SO
ArcTest va : s/n: name: TwinHead [TWH/UCF]
ArcTest va -Archiver Test Processor- : name: TwinHead [TWH/UCF] s/n:
ArcView GIS : s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
Ardent DataStage Client and Server v : s/n: Project Count: Exp: 01/01/ Authorization:
AreaCodeFinder Pro 98 v : Name: TRPS s/n:
Arete Digital Nature Tools BETA1 for 3DS Max 2.x : Code:
ArGoSoft MX Mailer v : Name: lgb [cORE'97] RegCode:
ARJ v : name: XXX s/n:
ARJ v (2) : name: MGE s/n:
ARJ va : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: x18A33E08 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: x5AFEE
ARJ va (2) : name: Me! s/n: xA0CFE or name: You! s/n: xF4C49F2C
ArjShell32 : name: Phrozen Crew '96 s/n:
ARJ Shell : Name: fungus of blizzard Code: or Name: n03l Code: or Name: Phrozen Crew '96 Code: or Name: dbCooper Code: or Name: Phrozen Crew Code:
Ark v : s/n:
Arkeia v for NT : CheckSum: A8BWR4Y1M8SR2Z s/n: Company: NT_USER License: ARK
Arpeggio For The Desktop v : s/n: SWN Product Key: CIAHJVGR 33
Arrange : CWCNG
Arrange-It : ARM
Arrange It v : Name: The Penguin s/n: R4C-Ms6-E3Xy
Arriba Express v : s/n: VU
Arrow v : Licensee: Nell Lang LicNum: TQEBSFPYFQ
Arrowbridge II v : BBS: PC97 Sysop: teraphy! Reg#1: zrv Reg#2: ohm
Art & Letters v : s/n:
Art Apart Collectors Edition for Windows: s/n:
Artemis v For MS VisualStudio : s/n: 0ABD5-FB
Art Mixer :
Artis 11C v : Name: Flu[X] s/n:
Artisc vd : Name: Tillety - PGC s/n:
ArtisC v : Name: (Anything) s/n:
ArtiSoft iShare 10 : s/n: Key: A-0AA08D
Artisoft XtraMail For Win95/NT : s/n: Key: AA8
Art-Scan v : Art-Scan PW: great DragonScan PW: puff
Arty v 32bit : s/n: A5X2:S47T:5P2T:2CV7
ASAP WordPower v : s/n: B Code: SA
Ascend Access Control vAi10 : Key: jhk4sd-l8jd-ncxa-yewdj-n0n7
ASCII Spy v : Name: Decline/Laxity Code: DCLAIDD
Ascii Spy v : Name: draXXter Code: dCLAIDd or Name: draXXter [Serials '99] Code: dCLAID[
AskSam Pro v for Windows(95) : s/n:
A Smaller Gif v : Name: MoWAX [Nobliege] Code: or Name: RAGGER/CORE Code: YYY9W27Y!UYYY9MT
A Smaller Note 99 v : Name/Company: TEX99 s/n:
ASNA Acceler8 DB r v : s/n: KQ73 U8KT
Asoft Analog shell v : First Name: davy Last Name: blizzard s/n: AS-AANSHEAYD
Asoft Analog shell v : First Name: davy Last Name: blizzard s/n: AS-AANSHEAYD
AspChart v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: CHRTC8BACB Key: 2AFFF56BE64AD75EAFA1AE54F DFE77FFFDFC77ED7AEE74E BCEFD01
Asp CodeLock : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: ASCL40A Key: 8C85E85ECB1DD94ECFD93AC3FA 6EFED7FA8A8FEA0EB8B8DFE 0EBFF1
ASP DNS v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: DNSLE9FCD0 Key: C8D9C81FD0C0B7EAEE78FD82F60D7BFEB 59A39FA79CEF60DA58DD50BBB5A69FDDC4B9D04FD64F B6ABA3B7B4A8DCE
Asp Image v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: IMAGC8D0E1 Key: ADAFFAFCF92EA FAA9C9AE05BC2BBB6AFE76EFFD84B3AAC9CB45 BC
ASP Mail v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: SMTP6A Key: C0A49B80E51EAAFCCDDBEC ADA0E51D50A78A8DEEFFFDEF 73FC95DDF
Asp MX v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: ASMX9FD24B Key: BDB0BB4DDBABAAA0AF17DE71FD0D 7EEE35ECE54C8A3DF53CCCF3CA2C3B56DD65A5E3 59CF50DE4BA8A79AFD
Asp NNTP : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: NNTP3EAD08 Key: 63DDBFB7BCB1DEDC54DDD 45CD40C7CC2ABEC6FE31A76FF87B8EF8 B0CEB60E1
Asp Pager v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: PAGR6DC Key: CC9BC50B5BCC5CEC48CDAD8F FB7ABAFD6DDC88EAEE5 5EF46CE84CBBA9EE1C
Asp Pop3 v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: POP3C96D01 Key: 7AEDB3EC0C0C2BCFA6A9DDC55CAC A3EF1E0B7EFD15ABCBE3DB4BDC2C5A5A78CFDF26D96 F77F8F82FFD
AspQMail v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: CHRTC8BACB Key: 2AFFF56BE64AD75EAFA1AE54F DFE77FFFDFC77ED7AEE74E BCEFD01
Asp Sock v : Name: Milk Man -FCN 98 Code: SOCK7BF Key: E9FEF61AED73BE2FC63EB1C60A59FB0B9AA97 EEE22BE12F1D58BACF57CAB5BA4AB8BECAA CAA9AE9CABD34FA9D4
Aspen v : Name: gcrack Code:
Aspen v : Name: SpriteX Code:
Asset DocParts v for Windows : s/n: ADP
Asset Mind Pro v : s/n: cccc Key: cccc
AssistBar 99 v : Name: TUC Company: PC99 s/n:
Assure Java v : Name: (Anything) Company: (Anything) s/n:
Astarte CD-Copy v : s/n: CDC2-NFRV-PHFF-MKQN-JFAG
Asteroid Miner : Code:
Asteroid Miner v : s/n:
Astound +v for Windows(95) : s/n:
Astound : s/n: or s/n:
Astound v for Windows : s/n:
Astound v for Windows : s/n:
Astound v for Windows(95) : s/n:
Astound : s/n:
Astound v : s/n:
Astound v for Windows 9X/NT : s/n:
Astound v : s/n:
Astound Enterprise v FINAL : s/n:
Astound Webcast Professional : s/n:
Astound WebCast v : s/n:
Astronauts Chronometer v : Name: MisterE[iNSiDE] s/n: D
Astronomica v : Name: MASSiVE '98 s/n:
Astronomica v : Name: EinZtein s/n:
Astro World for Windows : name: Crack da WareZ s/n: @JTJ66BHNW
AstroWorld 42 v : Name: VYLENT INC s/n:
AstroWorld 42 vb Professional : Name: The Intelligencer s/n: ENR Pro: Name: The Intelligencer s/n: ENP
AstroWorld98 vc : Name: The Intelligencer s/n: EAR Pro: Name: The Intelligencer s/n: EAP
AstroWorld 98 : Name: BaMa/MANiFEST s/n: EAP
AstroWorld Suite : Name: Janez Slovenec English: EAP Dutch: DAP
AS-Util 98 v : Name: Gecco s/n: $FF or Name: Attacker[UCT] s/n: $D
AsyMeTrix 3D F/X for Windows : s/n:
AsyMeTrix MultiMedia Toolbook v : s/n:
Ataman TCP Remote logon services v for WinNT: name: Misha [UCF] s/n: i4b
Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services v Name: Frontier 98 Code:
AtGuard v : s/n: NS Key: FFCD
At Home Diary v : s/n:
Atlantis Render :
Atlas : Name: fungus / blizzard Code:
Atlas Ti v : s/n: D9DHTP-FH7PX
ATM Deluxe : AWWR
ATM Deluxe x : CIB or CIB or CIBXBKWM
AtNow v : Name: Attitude/CORE s/n: 13BEEC42
Atomic Harvester 98 : s/n: Vizion/CORE Key: $EEB09A62
AtomTime98 v : Name: Black Thorne [PC'98] License: A13E9E05 Date: 05/03/98
Atrex a win : name: (Anything) s/n: 1 Users: 4 key: sm41
Atrex v Win95 : Name: Pentium s/n: 1 Users: 4 Key: sm41
Atrex vb8 bit : Name: PREMiERE s/n: Copies: RegKey: Options Key:
Attachment Opener v : Name/Company: (Anything) Reg: Key: 5K5EF02A3A5-FFFF
Attention! Notification System : s/n: FFFFFFFCFFFFF0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Atticus Vista :
Attrib Forcer v : Name: FALLEN s/n: coH
Au2Email v : Name: davy - bizzard s/n: C8C2ECFA40C4D8D2F4F4C2E4C8
Au2Email v : Name: Stardogg s/n: 1CE
Au2Email v : Name: EinZtein [UCF] s/n: 17CD1EF27E22CDB01F41D
Au2HTML v : Name: Eric S. Blackford s/n:
Au2HTML v : Name: Jordan_Jr s/n: CFC11EF7C
Au2HTML v : Name: Jordan_Jr s/n: CFC11EF7C
Au2Thumbs v : Name: davy-blizzard s/n: BEB8E0EBACDC8E8E8B8D9BE5D6C6C6C
Au2Thumbs v : Name: jman manj s/n: A5FBEC5FE84
Au2Thumbs v : Name: Jaydee 99 s/n: D98F40EA0F12A
AUC Pro v : Name: swoop/laxity s/n:
Auction Assistant v : s/n: AA
Auction Assistant v : s/n: AA
Auction Assistant v : s/n: AA
Auction Ticker v : s/n: ASAT
AudioCart v : Name: (Anything) Code:
AudioCart v : Name: (Anything) Code:
Audio Compositor : name: jake cwc s/n: 2fJS29W2
Audio Compositor vb : Name: xOANON [UCF97] s/n: MPpWMQVm
Audio Compositor v March 08 Build : Name: JYNX [GRS] Code: HVtQ8zc8
Audio Compositor v : Name: JYNX [GRS] Code: HVtQ8zc8
Audio Compositor vb : Name: JYNX [GRS] Code: HVtQ8zc8
Audio Compositor vc : Name: FCRP Team Code: 28gU9J6c
Audio Composer v : Name: Crystal Code: e5cGwZ2S
Audio Compositor v : Name: dustie of blizzard Code: AyuTv8Uw
Audio Cover v : First Name: Ryder Last Name: H00k RegNum: MOPs License: Key:
Audio Cover v : First Name: Ryder Last Name: H00k RegNum: MOPs License: Key:
Audiofile v : Click the "Unlock" button on the splash screen and enter: Code: AFBC
Audiofile v : Name: Daniel Servrancilx Company: MANiFEST Code: AFBC
AudioGrabber v : s/n: FD
AudioGrabber v : s/n: C8CD7A
AudioGrabber v : s/n: E1B7E2B
AudioKey v : s/n:
AudioMulch vb6 : Name: TRPS s/n:
Audiomulch vb : Name: Deepz0ne s/n: RADIUM
AudioShop :
Audio Suite : Name: Riz la+ Code for Alchemist - Audio Converter Code for Fusion - Digital Mixing Desk Code for Fission - Audio Wave Editor
AudioTrack : ATTA
AudioVideo Keeper v : Name: davy - blizzard Code: Avk
AudioVideo Keeper : Name: Omega [Weapon] Code: AVK
Audition for Windows v : Name: n03l Organization: Faith98 Code:
Audition v : Name/Company: SWP '98 Code:
Audition v : Name: viny[TbC] Company: TbC Code:
AuditionIT v : Name: BubbleGun Key: $AEB
Aurum Front Office : Name: Jaydee s/n: (Make sure not to select AurumActiveWorkbench)
Aurum SalesTrak v : First Name: Pft Last Name: Roxs ID: Key: Employee Code: Login Name: j Login Password: sh98rox
AuthentiX v Win95/NT : s/n:
AuthentiX vf : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n:
Authorware Pro :
AuthorWare Pro v for Windows : s/n:
AuthorWare Pro v for Windows : s/n:
Auto Analyst v : Name: Premiere s/n: TMML-TCMF
Auto Analyst v : Name: Premiere s/n: TMML-TCMF
AutoBoot : Registered:
Auto-Bot vd4 : s/n: SBFKBE93CA53C2D0
AutoCad Data Extension : s/n:
AutoCad Land Development Desktop : s/n: CD-Key: W36H Auth: C3DF32EA
Autocad lite for Windows :
AutoCad LiTe v for Windows : s/n: or s/n:
AutoCAD LT 98 Upgrade : s/n: Key: CRMD
AutoCAD LT 98 : s/n: Key: SS2L
Autocad Map : Install with this: s/n: Key: W36H When program is run for the first time, enter: Code: C3DF32EA
AutoCAD Mechanical release : s/n: CD-Key: W36H Code: C3DF32EA
AutoCAD R12 :
AutoCad v for Dos and Windows : s/n: or s/n:
AutoCad v for Windows : authorization s/n: 70FEE2FD
AutoCAD R14 : s/n: Key: WYUR Code: B4D or s/n: Key: W36H Code: C3DF32EA
AutoCD v for Windows(95) : name: Misha company: [UCF] s/n: 66VVOSJG
AutoCAD : Final: s/n: CD-Key: 5X8NUG EDU: s/n: CD-Key: GX8NUG AuthCode: FED54A5A
Auto Components Library 2 : Password: SFDG2IA7Q
AutoCorrect Plus v : Name: Lukundoo [HPA] s/n: FLS9-Y97E-MN7W
Autodesk Actrix Technical : s/n:
AutoDesk Animator Pro : s/n: P4-PH-1
AutoDesk Animator Pro v : s/n:
AutoDesk Animator Pro v : s/n:
Autodesk Architectural Desktop For AutoCAD v : s/n: CD-Key: W36H Code: C3DF32EA
Autodesk Autocad ADE extension :
Autodesk Autocad data extension :
Autodesk Autocad lite for Windows :
Autodesk Autocad v.R12 :
Autodesk Autocad v for Windows : 70FEE2FD
AutoDesk AutoSketch v : s/n:
AutoDesk Designer Learning Resources: s/n:
AutoDesk Designer New Fundamental Tools: s/n:
AutoDesk Designer Training Guide : s/n:
Autodesk Mechanical Desktop v : s/n: CD-Key: X8NU Code After Install: aeaf67b7
Autodesk Quickcad v : s/n:
Autodesk QuickCAD v Millenium Edition : s/n:
AutoDialer v : s/n:
AutoDialer v : s/n:
AutoDialer v : s/n:
Auto-Do-It v : Key:
AutoDUN v : Name: blastsoft Key:
AutoEye v : Name: Your Name Key: EYE
AutoHome v : Key: KTC
AutoInsult v : Name: zaarnik-BLiZZARD Code: f4ff4b0b
Auto-IP Publisher v : s/n: A28
Auto-IP Publisher v : s/n: EU91
Auto-IP Publisher vp : s/n: A28
Auto-IP Publisher q : s/n: EU91
Auto-IP Publisher v : s/n: EU91
Auto-IP Publisher v : s/n: CX90 or s/n: CV12 or s/n: C@89 or s/n: CZ49
Auto FTP v FINAL : User: bunter Code:
AutoFTP Pro : Name: Int13 [RBS 97] s/n:
AutoFTP Professional v : Name: LOMAX [DSI] s/n:
AutoFTP Professional v : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 s/n:
AutoFTP Pro v : Name: Predator/[FAITH] s/n:
Auto Graphics HTML v : Code:
AutoLog v : Name: William Noonan Code:
AutoManager v for Windows : s/n:
AutoManager View : s/n: AV-PACFW
AutoMap Pro v for Windows : s/n: or s/n:
Automap PRO v for Windows (2) :
AutoMap Road Atlas v for Windows : s/n:
AutoMap v for Windows : s/n: W
AutoMasker V : s/n: AMS (says it's not regged, but it is)
AutoMasker v W95/NT : Name: SPAB Company: NATOSOFT s/n: AMS
Automata for Art v : Code:
Automated Internet Dialer v : Name: Andox Code: AClAiDA
AutoMate Standard e : s/n:
AutoMate Professional e : s/n:
AutoMate Professional vc for Win95/NT : s/n:
AutoMate Standard vc for Win95/NT : s/n:
AutoMate Pro vd : s/n:
AutoMate Professional ve : s/n:
Automate v Standard : s/n: or s/n:
AutoMate v Professional : s/n: or s/n:
AutoMate Professional v Build : Standard: Professional:
Automate Pro v : s/n:
Automate Standard v : s/n:
Automate Pro vb : s/n:
AutoMate vc : s/n:
AutoMate vc Standard & Pro Edition : Standard: Pro:
Automate v Standard and Professional : Standard: Pro:
Automate Pro v : s/n:
AutoMate Standard and Pro v : Standard: Pro:
Automate vb : Standard: Pro: Upgrade: I
Automate Pro vb : Code:
AutoMate v Professional : Code:
AutoMate vb Professional : Code:
Automate Professional NT Service Edition vc : s/n:
AutoMenu v for Kids : s/n: G4-UHPMH-PCGS or s/n: UXUDH-UL15E-G
AutoMenus Pro 3.x.x : Anonymous
Auto Mileage Tracker : s/n:
Automobile Instruments ActiveX v : s/n: cgmsm5b
Automotive Technology v : Name: Alan R McKie s/n:
AUTOption v : Name: bitfou Personal Code: Business Code:
Auto Option v : Name: PGC s/n:
AUTOption Graphic v : Name: bitfou Personal Code: Business Code:
Auto Option Graphic v : Name: PGC s/n:
AutoPage v Win9x : Name: Bisoux s/n:
AutoPage v : Name: Delphic s/n:
Auto Pager : Code:
Auto Pics to HTML c : Name: Colin Clews s/n: AP2HFX
Auto Pics to HTML : Name: Colin Clews s/n: AP2HFX
Auto Pix v : s/n: MDk5MDRBdXRvUGl4NzU2NTk=
AutoPlay Media Studio v s/n: AMS & C-B2CEA
AutoPlot v Build 35 : ID: Code:
AutoRun Action Flash v : Name: PGC s/n:
AutoRun Action Flash v : Name: TheDon[Fluke] s/n:
AutoRun Action Flash v : Name: n03l Faith s/n:
AutoRun Action Menu v : Name: PGC s/n:
AutoRun Fast Menu v : Name: n03l Faith s/n:
AutoScribe v : bbs: G.!.$ s/n: or bbs: You! s/n: or bbs: Me! s/n: or bbs: NoBoDy! s/n:
Auto Shutdown va : Name: _ERAD_ / LAXITY s/n: AS3E2ERADM
AutoSketch v for Windows : s/n: or s/n: or s/n:
AutoSketch v for Windows (2) : s/n: or s/n:
AutoSketch v+ for Windows : s/n:
Autosketch v2.x for Windows : or
AutoSketch v for Windows : s/n:
AutoShutDown v : Name: SIRAX/CORE s/n: SHL
AutoShutDown v : Name: Warp s/n: AS3E
AutoShutDown v : Name: SAVAGE [PC] s/n: AS3E-T5HFB
AutoSpell v : Code: 88JO9YOB9JOYB9-MEX98
AutoSpell v : Code: 88JO9YOB9JOYB9-MEX98
AutoSpell v : Code: 88JO9YOB9JOYB9-MEX98
AutoSpell Control Panel vb : s/n: W48TT44XQXhase
AutoSpell v : s/n: A48XRW9R8W0RX
AutoSpell v : s/n: A48XRW9R8W0RX
Autostart Manager V : User: Attitude Reg:
Auto Start : name: Steve Hsu s/n:
Auto Start Manager v : Name: CORE/DrRhui s/n:
Auto Start Manager 98 v : Name: William S. Farnum s/n:
Auto Start Manager v : Name: R. Zeluck s/n:
AutoView v : Make a shortcut to the program with "/R" at the end of the command, then enter: Company: BLiZZARD Name: zaarnik Personal: Business:
AutoVision v for Windows : s/n: 5B35AE2B
AutoVue Professional vC3 for Windows: s/n:
AutoVue Professional v for WIndows: s/n:
AutoVue v : Name: Vizion/CORE s/n: cmtmvcx24gb4xwkavm
AutoWinNet v for Windows : s/n: AWNCASLT
AutoWinNet v for Windows : s/n: AWNINWUA
AutoWinNet95 pro V b2 : Name: blastsoft
AutoWipe v : Name: Cabeca s/n:
AutoWorks : s/n: G
Avail Document Management Suite v : s/n: AIEXHUN
AvantPager 32 v : Name: Chris Grogan Company: self Phone: Code:
AvantPager 32 v : Name: Azrael Company: PC99 Phone#: Code:
AvantPager32 v : Name: LOMAX Company: DSi Phone#: Code:
Avast32 v Build for Win95/NT : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
Avast32 v Build for Win95 : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
Avast32 v Build for Win95 : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
AVAST32 v Build For Windows : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
Avast32 V Build Windows : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
Avast32 v Build : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
Avast32 AntiVirus v : s/n: ASAMY6WT6
AVG v for DOS/WIN : s/n: 50U-XBUDBUNDYDDN or s/n: 50SPQW
AVI Kit v : Name: Rebecca Lipski Code:
AviMate va : Code: av
aVirt Gateway Server v : Name: Daniellee Charlebois Server Name: Weapon s/n: AGTA8F9F
aVirt Gateway Server v : Licensee Name: REUNiTED Server Name: REUNiTED s/n: AGTDAD3C0
aVirt Mail Server v : s/n: AML3Z
AVM-ISDN-IBTX v : s/n: A
AWARD +vpg (Bios) : password: AWARD_SW
AweVBank 98 RV : Key: xu98NnOFuW0D-&Z%jMAHaPtb%7YVH1ohaCYwh-&7cnwbFTjfEzlGSxCzINNftj-xZihb3ZIl0duX82QexsdivKo-2TDK&UvO3kHH
AweVBank v : Code: xu98NnOFuW0D-&Z%jMAHaPtb% 7YVH1ohaCYwh-&7cnwbFTjfEz lGSxCzINNftj-xZihb3ZIl0du X82QexsdivKo-2TDK&UvO3kHH
AweVBank 98 v : Code: xu98NnOFuW0D-&Z%jMAHaPtb% 7YVH1ohaCYwh-&7cnwbFTjfEz lGSxCzINNftj-xZihb3ZIl0du X82QexsdivKo-2TDK&UvO3kHH
AXE v : s/n: or s/n:
Axialis AX-Icons : name: Register s/n: R83WXU-1QLNBB
AX Icons : Name: ThE StaRDoGG - ChaMPioN [PC] s/n: R84G8L-HY8F-BQP7
AxIndicator ActiveX v : Name: SiraX Company: CORE s/n:
Axis Game Cheater :
AXis, the game cheater, from QuaterDeck: s/n: D or s/n: or s/n:
AXis, the game cheater, from QuaterDeck (2): s/n: E or s/n: APJG or s/n: APEV
Axium Adventures vb : Name: DSG TeAM Code: $31
AxMan b4 : Name: KiLLa Firm: [c0re'97] Code:
AxMan v : Name: ThndrKiss Co: SerialNumberHeaven Code:
AxMan vb1 : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 Company: TRPS Code:
AxMan vb2 : Name: Warp Company: Warp Code:
AxMan vb3 : Name: Blackstar TRPS98 Company: TRPS Code:
Axman v : Name: Niggah Company: Harlem Code:
AxMan v : Name: Predator Company: Faith s/n:
AXS OnLine Reader x : Y7CJGE or YBXT27 or Y49G74
Axyz v : Password: Pepita
AY Pad v : s/n:
Azz CardFile v Beta 1 : Name: Warp s/n: FT
AZZ CardFile v : Name: PHROZEN CREW Code: TBI-8R2W
AniPaint Animator v for Windows : s/n: FSWR00LZ
Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Guide : CD Access Code:
AnsiPaint +v for Dos : name: DIR&MIR s/n: or name: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n:
Ansipaint v : name: DIR&MIR s/n:
Ansipaint v : name: THE RIDDLER [EOD] s/n:
Answering Machine/2 for OS/2 : name: DoH Enterprises s/n:
Anubis :
AnyTime v for Windows : s/n: YX
AnyView va for Windows : s/n: AVR
AOL v beta 4 : s/n: p/w: GOBLET-MEDIAN
App-Doc Linker : GrGn5jkfh78h
Apple Media Tool v for Windows : s/n: AMT
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit :
Application Control manicapital.com : name: THE RIDDLER s/n:
Approach v for Windows : s/n: 1F
Arcada Backup Exec vA Enterprise Edition for NetWare : s/n:
Archive Converter v3.x : s/n: to
Archiver Converter v : s/n: ????
ArcServe v for Windows (10 users) : s/n: 10AS
ArcServe vg Windows Edition for Netware : s/n:
ArcServe/ vb for Dos : s/n: or s/n:
ArcSolo v for Windows : s/n: EVSO or s/n: SO
ArcTest va : s/n: name: TwinHead [TWH/UCF]
ArcTest va -Archiver Test Processor- : name: TwinHead [TWH/UCF] s/n:
ARJ v : name: XXX s/n:
ARJ v (2) : name: MGE s/n
ARJ va : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: x18A33E08 or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n: x5AFEE
ARJ va (2) : name: Me! s/n: xA0CFE or name: You! s/n: xF4C49F2C
ARJ va (3) : name: 2U! s/n: x29C8E or name: 4U! s/n: xD10AADD4
ARJ va (4) : name: BoyWonDer s/n: x3DBAF82C or name: Rann Lee s/n: xBE7
ARJ va (5) : name: SoMeBoDy! s/n: xEF4E or name: mARQUIS [uCF] s/n: xACE
ARJ va (6) : name: TEST s/n: xB8EB2DAF
ARJ va (7) : name: ARJ s/n: xA1CF9A43
Armor Alley (mac) : EXC53RH
Arrange : CWCNG
Arrange-It : ARM
Art & Letters v : s/n:
Art Apart Collectors Edition for Windows : s/n:
Art Mixer :
AskSam Pro v for Windows(95) : s/n:
Asset DocParts v for Windows : s/n: ADP
Astound +v for Windows(95) : s/n:
Astound : or
Astound v for Windows : s/n:
Astound v for Windows :
Astound v for Windows(95) :
Astro World for Windows : name: Crack da WareZ s/n: @JTJ66BHNW
AsyMeTrix 3D F/X for Windows : s/n:
AsyMeTrix MultiMedia Toolbook v : s/n:
Ataman TCP Remote logon services v for WinNT : name: Misha [UCF] s/n: i4b (manicapital.com tcpservers "Misha [UCF]" i4b)
Atlantis Render :
ATM Deluxe : AWWR
ATM Deluxe x : CIB or CIB or CIBXBKWM
Atticus Vista :
AudioShop :
AudioTrack : ATTA
Authorware Pro :
AuthorWare Pro v for Windows : s/n:
AuthorWare Pro v for Windows : s/n:
AutoBoot : Registered:
Ashampoo MP3 Studio Deluxe SE
S/N: AMS77Af6

Ashampoo MP3 Studio Deluxe

Ashampoo MP3 Studio Deluxe SE

Ashampoo PowerUp XP
Ashampoo PowerUp XP
S/N: PUP77Bf
S/N: PUP01Cf6

Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum

Ashampoo Photo Commander v Beta Bilingual-DVT
Name: manicapital.com
Serial: BRS59EE2BE2

Ashampoo Photo Commander vViRiLiTY
Name: manicapital.com

Ashampoo Photo Commander vViRiLiTY
Name: manicapital.com

Ashampoo Photo Commander vDVT
Name: manicapital.com
Serial: BRS59EE2BE2

Ashampoo Movie Shrink And Burn v MULTiLiNGUAL-LUCiD
Name: manicapital.com
Serial: MSB2AADE48D

Ashampoo Movie Shrink And Burn vLUCiD
Name: DAC
Serial: MSB2AFB9B8-B6A4E6

Ashampoo Movie Shrink.&.Burn
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn

Ashampoo Movie Shrink.&.Burn
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn

Ashampoo Movie Shrink.&.Burn
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn

Ashampoo Magic Security vViRiLiTY
Company: manicapital.com

Ashampoo Magic Security vViRiLiTY
Company: manicapital.com

Ashampoo Security Manager
Ashampoo Security Manager

Ashampoo MP3 AudioCenter vViRiLiTY
Name: manicapital.com

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite vLUCiD
Name: manicapital.com
Serial: CDRAF93C6

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
S/N: CDR49CB-A52C30

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite

Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite
S/N: CDR4AV21D90

Ashampoo BurnYa DataCD vViRiLiTY
Name: manicapital.com
Serial: BYD77AVc

Ashampoo BurnYa DataCD
Ashampoo BurnYa DataCD

Ashampoo Burning Studio
Company: manicapital.com Serial: BRS50AEYEU75K
Your opinion: Works Broken
Ashampoo burning studio 6 :BRS6AHS4F-KHTBFP

B-Jigsaw v : Name: the beeman [ECG] Code:
B-Jigsaw for Windows v : Name: the beeman [ECG] Code:
B-Jigsaw v : Name: TheDon[Fluke] Code:
B-Jigsaw v : Name: Shaligar^Lash s/n:
B-Plan Business Planner v : s/n:
B-Puzzle for Windows v : Name: the beeman [ECG] Code:
B-Puzzle v : Name: Fluke Code:
B-Puzzle v : Name: Fluke Code:
B's Recorder Gold vse : s/n: 11P6-ACZY
Baan Front Office : Name: Jaydee s/n:
Baan Front Office : Name: PFT s/n:
Babylon II v Win9xNT : Name: (Anything) Code: bejcakos
BackBurner or : or or or or
Backer ve : Name: BaRT s/n:
Backer v : Name: Jumanji [WkT!99] s/n:
BackGround Master v : Code: MBAKRSTR-YAGRIH19
Back Ground Screen v : Name: justarius of dsi s/n:
BackGroundScreen v : Name: justarius of inside s/n:
BackStreet v : Name: Predator/FAITH RegNum: s/n:
Backup ASSISTANT v rev.2 : Type EUREKA in both boxes
Backup Assistant v : Code: EUREKA s/n: CD47 (or EUREKA)
Backup Assistant v : Code: EUREKA s/n: (Anything)
Backup Assistant v : Code: EUREKA s/n: DARKSTAR99
BackUp Exec EnterPrise Edition : s/n:
BackUp Exec EnterPrise Edition v for WindowsNT: s/n:
Backup Exec : s/n:
BackUp Exec EnterPrise Edition v for Novell NetWare: s/n:
Backup Exec 7 Enterprise addon : Single edition: Enterprise editon: Quick start edit: Not for resale: Adsm module: Autoloader module: Exchange agent: Macintosh agent: Netware agent: Oracle agent: SQL agent: Unix agent: Migration utility: Disaster recovery:
Backup Exec 7 : s/n:
Backup Exec for Novell Netware Enterprise Edition:
Backup Exec v Final For Netware 4.X : s/n: s/n: SBE-NW
Backup Forever v : Name: Arfa [PCY] s/n: A
Backup Forever v : Name: fallen s/n: B
Backup Plus v : Name: SpriteX Code:
Backup Plus v : Name: SpriteX Code:
Backup Plus v : s/n: DR
BackUpXpress v : Name: Black Thorne - PC'98 s/n: BK
BackUpXpress v : Name: ls - Warp s/n: IE
BackUpXpress v : Name: ls - Warp s/n: IE
BackUpXpress v : Name: ls - Warp s/n: IE
BackUpXpress v : Name: ls - Warp s/n: IE
BackUpXpress v : Name: ls - Warp s/n: IE
BackupXpress Pro v : Name: BaRT SiMPSoN s/n: VI
Baikal Wordpad v : s/n: Baikal Wordpad v
Balance 95 v : Name: EzD s/n: CIMA
Bali Tools v : s/n: LordFritz/
Bali Tools v : s/n: Registered/9
Bali Tools v : s/n: PREMiERE/
Bali Tools v : s/n: DESTINY Corp./
Ballade v for Windows : s/n:
Balloon Telecom Manager v : s/n:
Bandwidth Buster : User Name: Brian O`heiley s/n: BV3K3N5UPLHXQ28ME
Banner 3 : s/n:
Banner*Show : s/n: AAAAAAAAAA5
Barclock v : Name: tHATDUDE s/n: ZVDTHWEM
Bargello Designer 32 v : s/n: rp-Pk9gVA
Bar Tender v : Name: KAC Code:
Baseball Kardz v : Name: IBH-RiP [Blizzard] s/n: R
Basta Splitty v : s/n:
BatCat v : Name: TUC PC99 s/n: BCT
Batch It! : XXXXX (x=Any Char)
Batch It ve : Name: CORE/DrRhui Email: drrhui@manicapital.com Code:
Batch converter :
Batch Converter v : Password: croatia
Batch File Creation Utility : Name: Raymond Roberts Code: 7sRo-E17V-h71c-BEB1-r9St
Batch File Creation Utility : Name: Raymond Roberts Code: 7sRo-E17V-h71c-BEB1-r9St
Batch File Creation Utility : Name: Raymond Roberts Code: 7sRo-E17V-h71c-BEB1-r9St
Batch File Creation Utility v : Name: VERSUS Code: 1pEa-R09Q-o67p-YLL1-p2Sp
Batch File Creation Utility v : Name: Gorgeous Ladies of Warez\GLoW Code: 9tHh-D10L-y54m-IEG8-v0Rv
Batch File Creation Utility v : Name: Spider] Code: 9wXq-D10T-y71v-SQN7-x1Rg
Batch It vf : Name: CORE/DrRhui Email: drrhui@manicapital.com Code:
Batch It vg : Name: CORE/DrRhui Email: drrhui@manicapital.com Code:
Batch It vh : Name: CORE/DrRhui Email: drrhui@manicapital.com Code:
BattleStar v : Name: n03l Organization: Faith98 Code:
BattleStar v : Name: Jumanji/C4A Organization: Jumanji/C4A Code:
BBFinder v : Name: The Exterminators s/n: fDSZnEybYszVLE00
BBPrint v : Code:
BBS Bowl +v : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: or name: TeLLeRBoP s/n:
BBS Bowl v : name: Batman s/n: or name: ??? s/n: or name: *** s/n:
BBS Bowl v : name: You! s/n:
BBS Drag Racing v : sysop: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL bbs: G.!.$ s/n: GB2&lt;8AN?15N
BCM Diagnostics v : Name: [Abaddon] s/n:
BeachBox 98 v : s/n: 14 87 32
Beach Box v : s/n: 14 87 32
BeachFront Quizzer v : Networking Essentials: Windows Windows NT Workstation: Windows NT Server: Windows NT Enterprise Server: MS-TCP/IP MS Exchange
Beam Splash! Web Author v : s/n: M6FCA
Beam Splash Web Author v : s/n: NS Key: CCCB1A
Beam Splash! Web Authoring v : s/n: J8BIA
Beame and WhiteSide BW-connect NFS for Windows NT: s/n:
Bear Soft Alarm Clock v : Name: SpriteX Code:
Beat Me v : Name: CHAFE Keyword: ABF s/n:
Beat the Market : Name: godenver s/n:
Becky Internet Mail v : s/n: Z
Becky! Internet Mail v : Name/Email: (Anything) s/n: G or G
Becky! Internet Mail v : Name: dLLord Email: [tNC'99] s/n: N
Becky! Internet Mail v : Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 Email: Cokebottle@the_manicapital.com s/n: D
Been There, Done That v : Name/Company: (Anything) Code: unmuzzle
Been There, Done That v : s/n: unmuzzle
Been There, Done That v : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: unmuzzle
Beer! e : Name: Riz la+ Code:
BeHierarchic x : E 'Anonymous'
BeJeanie v : s/n:
Bench 32 vb for Windows 95/NT : code: CGPkGGx-PEq-iUsB
Best Proto v : s/n: camelus bactrianus
Best Proto VA : s/n: camelus bactrianus
BestWeb v for Windows : s/n:
BetaDesigns Picture Explorer v : Name/Company: (Anything) s/n: x5x6x7seXy
Better File Rename v : s/n: BFR-ASTH
BetterWriter : BW
Beyond Compare vc win95/NT : Name: :MARQUIS: Org: UCF Key: 2BB
Beyond Compare va : Name: wizdaz Company: Warp key: AEB07A02
Beyond Compare vb : Name: wizdaz Company: Warp98 Key: C38C1E83
Beyond Compare vc : Name: wizdaz Company: Warp98 Key: C38C1E83
Beyond Compare vb4 : Name: justarius Company: inside Key: A
Beyond Compare va : Name: rubor Company: Syntax 2oo1 Key: CB89E
Beyond Compare vb : Name: ultraschall Company: blizzard Key: DAA98
Beyond Pyramid! v : Name: GZI s/n: P
BFM Casino x : First Name: fungus Initial: of Last Name: blizzard Password:
BFM Casino v : First Name: Phrozen Last Name: Crew Password: 40
BGFax +v for Dos and OS/2 : name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL s/n: pop nr: 4FADD
BGfax v : name: Batman s/n: pop nr: CF6D
BGFax v for Dos and OS/2 : name: You! s/n: pop nr: 9CF6FBA6
Bible Decoder v : Name: Larry Holder s/n: 0f7bf-1bac
Bible Decoder v : Name: Gorgeous Ladies Of Warez s/n: 36ddfbc
BiblioGraphica Light/Pro v Build : Name: CORE DrRhui Light: Pro:
BiblioGraphica Light/Pro v : Name: CORE DrRhui Light: Pro:
BiblioGraphica Light/Pro v : Name: CORE DrRhui Light: Pro:
BiblioGraphica Light/Pro v : Name: CORE DrRhui Light: Pro:
BiblioGraphica Light/Pro v : Name: CORE DrRhui Light: Pro:
BiblioGraphica v : Name: CORE DrRhui s/n:
Bibliography Pro : Password: inkhorn
Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Letun Disassembler 1.05 serial key or number

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