Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

“Great Program; Marginal Customer Service”

Overall: I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking daily for practically everything I do, including e-mails, correspondence, documents, and Outlook entries. It is accurate and effectively eliminates the need for a typist. It has a few drawbacks, but they are overwhelmed by its advantages.

Pros: NaturalSpeaking is the premium software for voice dictation. With an above average microphone, its accuracy is easily about 95% and likely 90% right out of the box. It learns as you use it, customizing itself to your manner of speaking, pronunciation, etc. It is relatively easy to create special words and even phrases and macros that you use often.

Cons: Customer service is a drag. It has been my experience that they are slow to respond. I also find that the knowledge base and online support is not fantastic and often get better results with a Google search than I do searching Nuance's knowledge base. It needs a better Chrome extension so that it does not need to be reset each time you close and reopen Chrome. Also, I cannot seem to train it to recognize how I pronounce certain words, which is regretable because those are almost always the inaccuracies in any document.

Reviewer Source 

Source: Capterra

December 26,

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

From the Top - Nuance Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions

From the Top is a Q&A with key executives in the medcal technology sectors. This interview is with Peter Durlach, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Product Strategy, Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions.

MTJ: What is the current focus of your company's business? 
Durlach: The Nuance Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions division is focused on delivering speech-driven clinical documentation solutions to both acute care and outpatient settings, for use by primary care physicians and specialists. We give physicians freedom of choice in how they dictate. As part of this choice doctors can drive their EMR system using speech, moving through the EMR application much faster than by mouse or keyboard, and freeing more time for patients. Or if they don't use an EMR, our "once and done" speech recognition – in which dictation is recognized in real-time on screen for immediate review and report signing (without transcription) can be used. As a third option, doctors can use "speech-enabled" transcription, where they dictate into a microphone, their speech is recognized and edited by a transcriptionist for review. 

MTJ: How has this focus changed in the last 2 years? 
Durlach: We're changing focus on a number of dimensions. From a coverage standpoint, we're evolving from delivering departmental systems used by a few dozen clinicians to deploying enterprise-wide, integrated speech recognition and transcription services used by hundreds or thousands of clinicians across a health system. We have also repositioned products as complementary to mission-critical systems, actively partnering with all of the major RIS, PACS and EMR vendors who view our technology as essential to improving physician adoption and in many cases are embedding our technology as a standard part of their user workflow. We've also recognized that traditional transcription is still preferred by many physicians, so one of our offerings – iChart – offers speech recognition and traditional transcription all in the same system and workflow. 

MTJ: What are your current initiatives? 
Durlach: Amongst other things, we'll announce a new release of our Enterprise Express Speech product at the AHIMA event in October; we're working toward our most comprehensive product announcement in the radiology space, which is version of PowerScribe and will also expand the functionality of PowerScribe to cater to the Pathology specialty – these initiatives will be announced at RSNA in November. Additionally we are evolving our offerings for an "on demand" world of medicine – ASP-driven solutions available over the web anywhere, anytime, on any intelligent device. We'll be talking more about this initiative in  

MTJ: How has your market segment changed over the last year? 
Durlach: Computer-based medical records are no longer a "nice to have." Health systems are making system-wide EMR investments in response to "pay for performance", outcomes-related medicine, and various changes in regulations which allow hospitals to purchase IT for physician practices. A number of our customers have aggressively pursued EMR projects and have run into pushback from physicians who feel these systems slow them down. These customers are now looking for a vendor to help accelerate EMR initiatives, and provide a migration path for physicians to move from traditional dictation to EMRs. We're well positioned for this trend. 

MTJ: What are the greatest challenges for your customers in adopting and implementing technology for your customers? 
Durlach: Overcoming skepticism about how effectively speech works today. If doctors haven't investigated speech technology for 2 years or more, they'll be stunned by how powerful and accurate products are. We have 50,+ clinicians documenting care using our Dragon NaturallySpeaking Medical product, and more than a third of all radiologists are using our PowerScribe for Radiology system. Part of the solution is simply doing a better job of getting the word out on how mainstream speech recognition has become, not only at big teaching hospitals but also across community health centers. 

MTJ: How are you helping your customers address these challenges? 
Durlach: Getting clinician buy-in is crucial. We're asking busy physicians in some cases to change the way they document care. Giving them exposure early on to the system to address misconceptions is important, but it's even more vital that they see their peers successful. We place a lot of importance on on-site, end-user training which can take place even while seeing patients. It also helps that the newest generation of physicians is coming out of residency and internship with the expectation that speech recognition technology is going to be part of how they practice medicine. 

MTJ: Describe your company's position in the industry with regard to the solutions you deliver. 
Durlach: We're the leading provider of speech driven clinical documentation solutions. More than , clinicians rely on our speech recognition, speech-assisted transcription, or traditional dictation solutions. There are more clinicians using our speech products than clinicians using all EMR systems combined. Of course, many physicians use our solutions in conjunction with an EMR to make them more efficient. We also provide integrated speech recognition and transcription services on a web-based architecture through our Focus Infomatics subsidiary, which has been the top-ranked transcription editing provider over the past 2 years according to one influential industry-watcher. 

MTJ: What advice would you offer to organizations attempting to implement any technology projects? 
Durlach: Get clinician buy-in by having a core group of physicians "prove out" the technology in daily use before rolling it out to your full clinician community. Talk with other institutions or practices that have been successful, particularly using speech in conjunction with an EMR, PACS or RIS system. Make sure the vendor you choose is going to be in business 2, 3, 5 years down the road. Look for a strong commitment to service, particularly strong clinical expertise in deploying speech technology to departments that have similar characteristics to yours. Build a real partnership with your technology providers. Ask a lot of them, but also share with them your direction and objectives. It helps us to deliver solutions to best fit your needs. 

Peter Durlach, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Product Strategy, Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions Peter Durlach has a track record of moving high scaleable, enterprise systems based on speech recognition software from the drawing board into the market. He has worked in various roles focused on marketing and business development within the healthcare industry. In his career, Durlach was a founding member of Unveil Technologies, Inc., was Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for the Healthcare Solutions group at Lernout & Hauspie (L&H), and held management positions at Articulate Systems, Inc. and Audiological Engineering Corporation (AEC). Durlach holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Vermont.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number

Dragon Medical Tutorial and Training Resources



Nuance Management Center (NMC) Help

This resource describes how to use the Nuance Management Center to manage Nuance products.

Once an NMC administrator logs in, click the question mark icon in the upper-right corner of any window. Within the Help window, use the search bar or content links to find the answers to your questions.


Dragon Medical One

The following content is available for customer tutorial and training.

Application Help 
Dragon Medical One users can find operational documentation in their client's online Help, which replaces the User Guide.

Click the DragonBar Menu (Nuance blue flame icon)  and click the Help menu option. Depending on the version of Dragon Medical One installed, the following topics are available:

Dragon Help tab
  • Create text in your application
  • Anchor the speech focus to your application
  • Create text in the Dictation Box
  • Work with auto-texts
  • Work with voice commands
  • Work with Dragon Medical Advisor
  • Work with the code extractor
  • Change your settings
  • Troubleshooting

Speech Recognition Help tab

  • Navigate between fields
  • Say punctuation marks, symbols, dates, times, numbers, measurements and dosages
  • Manually correct text
  • Select text
  • Overwrite existing text
  • Delete text
  • Undo an action
  • Use PowerMic Mobile
  • Make the speech recognition as accurate as possible

Click here (and then click the documentation link) for a list of documentation guides for Dragon Medical One, including installation, administration, and technical specifications. You will be opening article - Dragon Medical One - Documentation & Release Notes. 

Related Articles
- Dragon Medical One Features On-Line Tutorial and Customer Feedback

Video Content
Dragon Medical One - Resiliency Mode Feature
Dragon Medical One - Wake-up Word Feature
Dragon Medical One - Optimize for Rapid Navigation
Dragon Medical One - Initial Product Introduction (Note: An updated video is pending for version )



Customers using Dragon Medical Network Edition (DMNE) and Dragon Medical Practice Edition (DMPE) products have the following tutorial materials and training resources available to assist with achieving successful adoption of Dragon Medical healthcare solutions within their environment.


DragonBar Tutorials

The Dragon Medical client's DragonBar provides direct links to two (2) tutorials that cover client operations.

Click Help on the DragonBar toolbar.

DMNE (versions earlier than ) 


DMNE (version and higher) presents the Interactive Tutorial option only as shown below.


DragonBar Interactive Tutorial
The Dragon Medical client comes with an Interactive Tutorial featuring content that is beneficial for even proficient users. Browse through the tutorial sections to learn about newer features, like the "Go Back" command.

Key features of the Interactive Tutorial include:

  • Simulating common tasks so users can review task execution and the expected result.
  • Presenting tasks in a progressive sequence, so users build knowledge logically.
  • Educating users as to the best practices for speaking to Dragon Medical
  • Teaching users in a safe, controlled environment so that users can practice and learn from mistakes, without consequence.
  • Each lesson is short, so users can prepare to get to work quickly.
  • Each lesson includes a script for users to practice dictating with.

The Dragon Medical client prompts the users to complete the Interactive Tutorial immediately after the software is installed. Otherwise, this tutorial can be launched at any time from the DragonBar's toolbar: Help > Interactive Tutorial.

Note: The user must open their profile to activate the Interactive Tutorial menu option.


DragonBar Online Tutorial (DMNE versions earlier than ) 
For even more help using Dragon Medical, use the Online Tutorial. The Online Tutorial guides users through key information about how to use Dragon Medical, and includes many examples and videos. Users can navigate to specific areas of interest and return to previously viewed information within this tutorial.

To launch the Online Tutorial, go to the DragonBar and select Help > Tutorial.

Note: Please note that internet access is required to view the Online Tutorial.

Video Content

As well, Dragon Medical Support provides individual videos on specific topics within knowledge articles and maintains a library of current video topics available to our customers. Please see the article links below:

  • Article # - VIDEO Library: Dragon Medical
  • Article # - eTIPS Video Library for Dragon Medical products


User Documentation

User documentation for Dragon Medical can assist users, administrators, and trainers by providing the following resources:

  • User Guides
  • Provider Packet
  • Courseware and Reference Guides

 These resources are available through the following articles:

  • Article # - Dragon Medical Network Edition User Documentation
  • Article # - Dragon Medical Practice Edition User Documentation

Training by Nuance Professional Services

Nuance can provide customized training directly or remotely to Dragon Medical customers. For information on pricing and purchasing training for Dragon Medical products by our Professional Services team, please contact your Account Executive, or call Nuance Sales at: .

Listed below are generic training agendas for review:

Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Dragon Naturally Speaking 5.0 Medical Solutions serial key or number?

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