Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Final Cut Pro

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Welcome to Final Cut Pro, the all-in-one solution for professional digital video editing and compositing. Final Cut Pro is designed to work with professional broadcast equipment in post-production environments, enabling you to produce broadcast-quality productions in a flexible environment.

Final Cut Pro 3 introduces G4 real-time effects, the software-based, real-time playback of dissolves, wipes, and other effects when using either the DV or the new OfflineRT video format. No additional hardware is necessary other than a qualified Power Mac or PowerBook computer. This eliminates the need to render these effects as you apply and adjust them. These effects play along with the rest of your program right on your computer screen.

1st DL is the installation software with both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X installers (QuickTime , English and Intl English Mac OS updates also included)
MD5 Checksum and filename: 18BE3EBF3F1EAFCF *Final Cut Pro full

2nd DL is the FCP (English) update
MD5 Checksum and filename: D0B93EACECEE *

3rd DL is a full anthology of all the Final Cut Pro 3.x line of updates from my old archives. These are the original downloads from Apple back in the day. Update is for OS X.

A serial is included with the first file.

Important: In order to successfully install the update you need the "original" CD mounted on the desktop. The updater makes this verification. It's not enough to have the image mounted, you need the image burned on physical media.

See also: Final Cut Pro , Final Cut Pro , Final Cut Express (DE), Final Cut Studio 2 (Final Cut Pro 6), Shake, Final Cut Express HD , Final Cut Express 4

Architecture: PPC PPC (Carbonized)



  • PowerMac G3/ MHz or faster with built-in FireWire
  • PowerBook G3/ MHz or faster with built-in FireWire
  • iMac G3/ MHz or faster with built-in FireWire
  • iBook (Dual USB) G3/ MHz or faster with built-in FireWire
  • A CD or DVD drive
  • MB of RAM ( MB or greater required for G4 Real-Time editing)
  • A 6 GB, Audio/Video rated hard disk drive (20 GB or greater recommended)
  • Dual-monitor support (optional)
  • A Final Cut Pro-qualified video capture card for capturing video from an external source or exporting video to tape (optional)
  • The correct FireWire or device control cable and any additional cables you may need for connecting your deck or camcorder to your computer
  • A DV source, such as a camcorder or deck, connected to your computer via a FireWire port
  • An analog video source, a Final Cut Pro-qualified video capture card or device, and an adapter cable to connect the video source to your computer

Note: G4 Real-Time editing requires a single or dual-processor Power Macintosh G4 MHz or faster (PowerBook G4 MHz or faster recommended for real-time mobile DV editing).


  • Mac OS or Mac OS X or later
  • QuickTime or later
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, Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Serial Numbers for installing FCS2

There is apparently some FUD beng told about the need for proper serialization for FCS2.

Does anyone here know the facts? That is FCS2 needs a serial number from the first retail copy of FCP you ever bought? I thought that stopped way back with FCP 4?

I am under the impression if you have a serial number from FCS1, that was obviously an upgrade from FCP 4 or 3 or whatever, that the FCS1 serial number is all that you need to authorize the $ upgrade package of FCS2.
Going to be a lot of phone calls to Apple on that one.

Michael Horton
Can anyone clarify this - even a call to Apple isn't clear.

I just bought the upgrade from Apple Store (says upgrade from Final Cut Pro Studio)

I indeed have FCP Studio - and every version of Final Cut down to V1 -- yet there seems to be two upgrades and boards over at creativecow indicate you have to have originally bought a FULL version of studio to upgrade to this one -- if not - then you need the version

Sounds like Apple is punishing loyal customers for buying ALL the versions - and then charging more if you didn't have the foresight to ignore versions 1 through 4 and buy them all -

Should I not open this box and get the more expensive upgrade?!? Paul from Apple - how about some clarity? Thanks Andy Field
I can't confirm that.
I finally today found the time to install the FCS2 partially on my MacBookPro - no Color it's only 15". It was an update from from FCS1 (which was an update from FCP or whatever app from all those I've bought from Apple before).
I was only asked for the serial number which was printed on the sleeve which came with the package.
No problem. Long installation time - even with only FCP,DVDSP and Motion installed, a lot of GB wasted - but no problem with the serial number.

THIS IS A COPY OF MY POST (above ""Upgrade issue. Very Boring. Do not read" SINCE IT IS RELEVANT TO THIS STRING.

I have just had a somewhat startling conversation with Apple.

A couple of weeks ago I called Apple and asked which upgrade path I needed and described my setup and referred them to my purchase history with FCP etc.

I was told to order the $ upgrade.

Upgrade arrived. Then I had difficulty installing my FCS2 upgrade what with all the serial numbers and upgraded serial numbers and called the great Apple.

The fellow in tech support told me that I'd purchased the wrong one, and that I should have purchased the $ version because I had merely upgraded to Final Cut Studio and not purchased a brand new Final Cut Studio whenever it was that I last upgraded or crossgraded or whatever the hell.

I said - oh well - too bad. I'll just send it back and you'll send me the correct one and I'll pay the difference. Logical, no?


The chappie said: "You now have to buy the $ version and we will not accept the return of the $ version because it has been opened. He then suggested that I sell it on Ebay.

Since I bought this on a credit card I will, I trust, be protected from this kind of meat-headed fraud, but I wonder if anyone else has had this experience.


I've got the feeling Apple are going to have some serious problems on their hands.

If you read what they say:

Buy New $1,
Upgrade from Final Cut Studio* $
Upgrade from Final Cut Pro or Production Suite* $

* The upgrade version requires a valid serial number from a commercial version of Final Cut Studio, Production Suite, or Final Cut Pro 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Academic and not-for-resale versions are not eligible for this upgrade.

It does not say you need a not-upgraded FCStudio.

As I say, they could really have a mess on their hands


What you say pleases me enormously -- and the Apple material which you quote applies to me precisely.

By the way, the guy at Apple told me that they are receiving calls from: "a number of people who didn't understand the upgrade path".

Meanwhile I have forked over the extra $ but look forward to an extended thorn ripping a hideously bleeding pustule in Apple's side as people like me who bought on credit cards fill in their fraud claims and demand to be able to return the $ version for credit.

Thanks for your support G. Nattress Esq.

Incidentally, the guy who demo'd FCS2 a couple of weeks ago in Burbank at The Editor's Lounge (I think he is one of the original partner/creators of Color) said that your plug-ins are now a part of FCP or Color or whatever. Is this so? Inquiring minds want to know?



PS. Trust your daughter is now not only walking but debating whether to bankrupt you by going to Harvard or Princeton.

PPS. Hey, M. Horton Esq! I didn't buy my new $ version through this site/Amazon because the only one on offer appeared to be the $ version which is, apparently, not for me.
I notice that on Creative Cow there are Apple customers complaining about this issue, and that on this forum there are customers complaining about this issue.

Strangely, the official Apple FCP discussion forum has no such posts.

I wonder why that is.

PPS. Hey, M. Horton Esq! I didn't buy my new $ version through this site/Amazon because the only one on offer appeared to be the $ version which is, apparently, not for me.

Not true Harry

Look again. Click "Final Cut Studio 2" in the store. All 3 versions come up. Cheaper too.

Michael Horton
Really strange.

As said I ordered the FCS1 to FCS2 (Euro) upgrade as well, took the disks out of the box, run the installer, wask asked for a serial number, entered that one which came with the upgrade's "Installing Your Software" booklet and changed disks until the installation was done (FCP, DVDSP,Motion).
No other request for a serial number at any time.

At what state of the process you're asked to enter the old serial number.
Maybe it worked for me because FCP was already installed.


P.S. Though the guy from the Apple Store tried to convince me that I had to send in all installation disks from FCS1, but after he had to aggree that both of us had no idea where to send it he gave up ;-)
I did the same as you Andreas.
I was never asked for the serial no of my original version of FCS1, which surprised me.
Does that mean that wily customers can buy the whole shebang for the price of the upgrade version, or are the disks different?
Dom Stevenson
I did the same as you Andreas.
I was never asked for the serial no of my original version of FCS1, which surprised me.
Does that mean that wily customers can buy the whole shebang for the price of the upgrade version, or are the disks different?
Maybe, but I actually have no idea.
Maybe I'll figure out later today when I install the second unit on my other machine.
I'll remove all FCP things first on a clone of the boot drive and then install it again on the cloned drive.

Read this post on Creativecow -- the plot thickensastonishing that Apple is so boneheaded and obtuse about this issue.

What sense does it make to make this confusing for loyal customers who have purchased the program a dozen times over - and charge them more for doing so?

Go here and see if you can figure this out -- Oh Paul from Apple - please clarify.

Creative cow upgrade thread
Michael, I don't know what I am doing wrong wrong, but when I clicked on FCS2 in the store, it sent me to Amazon where there only appeared to be the $ version.

I just did it again and the same thing happened. Only the one version.


Yuponly one version from that link ($ Upgrade from FSC)

When life gives you dilemmasmake dilemmanade.

That's the box under featured products. Dont click that one. Wait until the store to the right loads. Then look for Final Cut Studio 2 under "Browse by Category"

Click on that

Michael Horton
Well, sorry Michael, I did try.


If folks would identify where they're working by country, maybe we can see a pattern. From what I've read in this and the above thread, folks in Europe have no issues. Some folks in America, particularly at Apple retail stores, are getting heartburn. A savings is useful. I mean, it costs about in gas to GET to an Apple Store and back these days come on, marketing, wake up.

- Loren
Today's FCP 4 / 5 keytip:
Fast scan your clips or timeline with Control-F12 !
Go slower with lower F keys.
Go reverse with F6 down to F2

The FCP KeyGuide?: your power placemat.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.

That's a veeeerrrrryyyy good idea!

So I'm in Germany which is handled by Cork/Ireland (as any of Europe)

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Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

Question:Q:Where do I find the license key of FCP X version?

Related Article

About Final Cut Pro X

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.


I need to find the license key to be able to install it to my other iMac at the office.

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (x)

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Feb 25, PM in response to Copterbat In response to Copterbat

Welcome to the Apple Support Communities

Final Cut Pro X doesn't need any product key because it can only be purchased in the App Store.

Instead, in each Mac, open App Store > Purchases, and download Final Cut Pro X. You will be able to install Final Cut Pro for free in all your Macs

Feb 25, PM

Feb 25, PM in response to Copterbat In response to Copterbat

… or in other words:

your AppStore ID and your password legalize your copy of FCPX.

Feb 25, PM

Feb 26, AM in response to Copterbat In response to Copterbat

Alternatively, a quicker way of installing it on your other computers is simply to copy it across with a USB memory stick or hard drive . . . . . much faster than downloading.

Feb 26, AM

Feb 26, AM in response to Ian R. Brown In response to Ian R. Brown

You'll still need to install the Additional Content. And your Quicktime library won't get updated.

Feb 26, AM

Feb 26, AM in response to Copterbat In response to Copterbat

You can install both the content and codecs through Software Update as mentioned here:

It's also possible to manually download both the codecs and content if you need to:

ProApps QuickTime Codecs v

Final Cut Pro X Content v

Feb 26, AM

Feb 26, AM in response to faith In response to faith

faith wrote:

… through Software Update as mentioned here:

I assume your reply is meant to Ian's suggestion

so, if you have to download the additional stuff, you can dl the app itself too … 😉

■ karsten

Feb 26, AM

User profile for user: Copterbat

Question:Q:Where do I find the license key of FCP X version?

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What’s New in the Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Apple Final Cut Studio 2 serial key or number

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