Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

Advanced Query Tool version 9 Beta

Important Notes - Please Read

  • AQT v9 is designed to coexist with AQT v8. However in order to run both AQT v8 and AQT v9 on your machine, you must be running AQT or a more recent release. If you try to run an earlier release of AQT v8, some functions may fail.
  • AQT v9 uses the Microsoft .Net Framework v2. If you are running Microsoft XP SP2, Microsoft Vista or Microsoft Windows 7, this should already be on your machine. If not, you will need to download and install this. Click here for the .Net Framework install file.
  • AQT v9 is more resource intensive than AQT v8, in particular it has greater memory requirements. It is recommended that you run AQT on a machine with at least MB RAM.
  • AQT v9 is a significant redevelopment of AQT. Some functions are still under development or may have bugs. We will post AQT v9 updates as they become available.
  • in order to run AQT v9 you will need to obtain a trial key from us. Please email us at &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; for your key. The trial key is delivered as a trial Version 9 Upgrade license. If you currently have a Version 8 Upgrade license, this will be overwritten by the Version 9 Upgrade license. Once you have finished the trial, you will need to either purchase a Version 9 Upgrade license or reenter your Version 8 Upgrade license.
  • please also read the Installation Notes below.

Under development

Some features have not been completed, and there are outstanding bugs. In particular:

  • AQT sometimes crashes on termination after being signed onto Oracle with the Oracle ODBC Driver. This is similar to a problem that occurred with AQT v8. We have not been able to resolve this yet
  • changes to the Help system have not been completed

Please check this page for regular updates to the Beta.


16 Feb Update aqtb containing miscellaneous bug fixes.
25 Feb Update aqtc containing miscellaneous bug fixes.
26 Feb Update aqtd fixed a critical bug in previous build.
22 Mar Update aqte containing miscellaneous bug fixes.

Click on Agree at the bottom of this window to go to the page to download it.


Please email us at &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; with constructive feedback about this beta release:

  • please let us know if you have any problems installing AQT v9 - tell us your Windows version
  • group your comments in a single email - this is easier for us to process than receiving many emails with one or two comments
  • make sure you tell us know what type of database you are using, and its version.
  • as we may be processing a large number of comments, do not expect an immediate reply to your email!

Installation Notes

  • If you are running a release of AQT prior to AQT v, you should install the latest release of AQT v8 before installing AQT v9.
  • To install AQT v9, run the install file.
  • The AQT v9 install will not remove AQT v8. After installing AQT v9 you will be able to run both AQT v8 and AQT v9.
  • It is recommended that you install AQT v9 into a different directory than AQT v8. This will allow the two versions of AQT to run more independently, plus you will be able to deinstall AQT v9 without impacting AQT v8.
  • If you uninstall AQT v9, and it was installed into the same directory as AQT v8, then it will remove some of the AQT v8 files. This can be corrected by reinstalling AQT v8. Do this by rerunning the AQT v8 install and selecting the Repair option.

Conditions for Use of AQT v9 Beta

You must agree to the following conditions before installing the Beta of AQT v9:

  • you realise that this is Beta software and may have features that are incomplete
  • you realise that this software may contain bugs
  • after the Beta trial terminates at the end of May , you agree to either uninstall the AQT v9 Beta or install the General Release of AQT v9
  • you will not run this software against Production or other critical databases
  • if you encounter any significant problems with the software you will report them to Cardett Associates

Источник: []
, Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

Using a PostgreSQL database as a source for AWS DMS

You can migrate data from one or many PostgreSQL databases using AWS DMS. With a PostgreSQL database as a source, you can migrate data to either another PostgreSQL database or one of the other supported databases. AWS DMS supports a PostgreSQL version and later (for versions 9.x), x, x, and x database as a source for these types of databases:

  • On-premises databases

  • Databases on an EC2 instance

  • Databases on an Amazon RDS DB instance

  • Databases on an Amazon Aurora DB instance with PostgreSQL compatibility

  • AWS DMS does not work with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL ) either as source or target.

  • PostgreSQL versions x are supported as a source in AWS DMS versions and later.

  • PostgreSQL versions x are supported as a source only in AWS DMS versions and later. You can use PostgreSQL version and later (versions 9.x) and x as a source in any DMS version.

  • PostgreSQL versions x contain numerous changes in function names and folder names from previous versions.

    In some cases, you might use a PostgreSQL version x database as a source and an AWS DMS version earlier than In these cases, see Using PostgreSQL version x as a source for AWS DMS for information on preparing your database as a source for AWS DMS.

    If you use a PostgreSQL x database as a source with AWS DMSversions or later, don't perform these preparations for source x databases required for earlier AWS DMS versions.

For a summary of the AWS DMS version requirements to use the supported PostgreSQL source versions, see the following table.

PostgreSQL source version

AWS DMS version to use


Use any available AWS DMS version.


If you use a AWS DMS version earlier than , prepare the PostgreSQL source using the wrapper functions described in Using PostgreSQL version x as a source for AWS DMS.

If you use a AWS DMS version or later, don't create these wrapper functions. You can use the PostgreSQL source without any additional preparation.


Use AWS DMS version


Use AWS DMS version

You can use SSL to encrypt connections between your PostgreSQL endpoint and the replication instance. For more information on using SSL with a PostgreSQL endpoint, see Using SSL with AWS Database Migration Service.

For a homogeneous migration from a PostgreSQL database to a PostgreSQL database on AWS, the following is true:

  • JSONB columns on the source are migrated to JSONB columns on the target.

  • JSON columns are migrated as JSON columns on the target.

  • HSTORE columns are migrated as HSTORE columns on the target.

For a heterogeneous migration with PostgreSQL as the source and a different database engine as the target, the situation is different. In this case, JSONB, JSON, and HSTORE columns are converted to the AWS DMS intermediate type of NCLOB and then translated to the corresponding NCLOB column type on the target. In this case, AWS DMS treats JSONB data as if it were a LOB column. During the full load phase of a migration, the target column must be nullable.

AWS DMS supports change data capture (CDC) for PostgreSQL tables with primary keys. If a table doesn't have a primary key, the write-ahead logs (WAL) don't include a before image of the database row and AWS DMS can't update the table.

AWS DMS supports CDC on Amazon RDS PostgreSQL databases when the DB instance is configured to use logical replication. Amazon RDS supports logical replication for a PostgreSQL DB instance version and higher and and higher. Amazon RDS also supports logical replication for an Amazon Aurora DB instance using versions and , with PostgreSQL compatibility.

For additional details on working with PostgreSQL databases and AWS DMS, see the following sections.

Migrating from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL using AWS DMS

For a heterogeneous migration, where you are migrating from a database engine other than PostgreSQL to a PostgreSQL database, AWS DMS is almost always the best migration tool to use. But for a homogeneous migration, where you are migrating from a PostgreSQL database to a PostgreSQL database, native tools can be more effective.

We recommend that you use native PostgreSQL database migration tools such as under the following conditions:

  • You have a homogeneous migration, where you are migrating from a source PostgreSQL database to a target PostgreSQL database.

  • You are migrating an entire database.

  • The native tools allow you to migrate your data with minimal downtime.

The utility uses the COPY command to create a schema and data dump of a PostgreSQL database. The dump script generated by loads data into a database with the same name and recreates the tables, indexes, and foreign keys. You can use the command and the parameter to restore the data to a database with a different name.

For more information about importing a PostgreSQL database into Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility, see

Using DMS to migrate data from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL

AWS DMS can migrate data from, for example, a source PostgreSQL database that is on premises to a target Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL instance. Core or basic PostgreSQL data types most often migrate successfully.

Data types that are supported on the source database but aren't supported on the target might not migrate successfully. AWS DMS streams some data types as strings if the data type is unknown. Some data types, such as XML and JSON, can successfully migrate as small files but can fail if they are large documents.

The following table shows source PostgreSQL data types and whether they can be migrated successfully.

Data typeMigrates successfullyPartially migratesDoesn't migrateComments
NUMERIC/DECIMAL(p,s)XWhere 0<p<39 and 0<s
NUMERIC/DECIMALXWhere p>38 or p=s=0
CHARXWithout specified precision
VARCHARXWithout specified precision
POINTXPostGIS spatial data type
POLYGONXPostGIS spatial data type
LINESTRINGXPostGIS spatial data type
MULTIPOINTXPostGIS spatial data type
MULTILINESTRINGXPostGIS spatial data type
MULTIPOLYGONXPostGIS spatial data type

If the PostgreSQL NUMERIC(p,s) data type doesn't specify any precision and scale, AWS DMS uses a precision of 28 and a scale of 6 by default, NUMERIC(28,6). For example, the value from the source is converted to on the PostgreSQL target.

Migrating PostGIS spatial data types

Spatial data identifies the geometry information of an object or location in space. PostgreSQL object-relational databases support PostGIS spatial data types.

Before migrating PostgreSQL spatial data objects, ensure the PostGIS plugin is enabled at the global level. Doing this ensures AWS DMS creates the exact source spatial data columns for the PostgreSQL target database instance.

For PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL homogeneous migrations, AWS DMS supports the migration of PostGIS geometric and geographic (geodetic coordinates) data object types and subtypes such as the following:








Prerequisites for using a PostgreSQL database as a source for AWS DMS

For a PostgreSQL database to be a source for AWS DMS, do the following:

  • Use a PostgreSQL database that is version x or later.

  • For full-load plus Change Data Capture (CDC) tasks or CDC-only tasks, grant superuser permissions for the user account specified for the PostgreSQL source database. Superuser permissions are needed to access replication-specific functions in the source. For full-load only tasks, SELECT permissions are needed on tables to migrate them.

  • Add the IP address of the AWS DMS replication server to the configuration file and enable replication and socket connections. For example:

    PostgreSQL's configuration file controls client authentication. (HBA stands for host-based authentication.) The file is traditionally stored in the database cluster's data directory.

  • Set the following parameters and values in the configuration file:

    • Set

    • Set to a value greater than 1.

      The value should be set according to the number of tasks that you want to run. For example, to run five tasks you need to set a minimum of five slots. Slots open automatically as soon as a task starts and remain open even when the task is no longer running. You need to manually delete open slots.

    • Set to a value greater than 1.

      The parameter sets the number of concurrent tasks that can run.

    • Set

      The parameter terminates replication connections that are inactive longer than the specified number of milliseconds. Although the default is 60 seconds, we recommend that you set this parameter to zero, which disables the timeout mechanism.

    Some parameters can only be set at server start; any changes to their entries in the configuration file will be ignored until the server is restarted. See PostgreSQL database documentation for more information.

  • The parameter in PostgreSQL versions and later lets you cause idle transactions to time out and fail. Some AWS DMS transactions are idle for some time before the AWS DMS engine uses them again. Don't end idle transactions when you use AWS DMS.

Security requirements when using a PostgreSQL database as a source for AWS DMS

The only security requirement when using PostgreSQL as a source is that the user account specified must be a registered user in the PostgreSQL database.

Limitations on using a PostgreSQL database as a source for AWS DMS

The following limitations apply when using PostgreSQL as a source for AWS DMS:

  • AWS DMS doesn't work with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL either as source or target.

  • A captured table must have a primary key. If a table doesn't have a primary key, AWS DMS ignores DELETE and UPDATE record operations for that table.

  • Timestamp with a time zone type column isn't supported.

  • AWS DMS ignores an attempt to update a primary key segment. In these cases, the target identifies the update as one that didn't update any rows. However, because the results of updating a primary key in PostgreSQL are unpredictable, no records are written to the exceptions table.

  • AWS DMS doesn't support the Start Process Changes from Timestamp run option.

  • AWS DMS supports full load and change processing on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. For information on how to prepare a PostgreSQL DB instance and to set it up for using CDC, see Setting up an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL DB instance as a source.

  • Replication of multiple tables with the same name where each name has a different case (for example, table1, TABLE1, and Table1) can cause unpredictable behavior. Because of this issue, AWS DMS doesn't support this type of replication.

  • In most cases, AWS DMS supports change processing of CREATE, ALTER, and DROP DDL statements for tables. AWS DMS doesn't support this change processing if the tables are held in an inner function or procedure body block or in other nested constructs.

    For example, the following change isn't captured:

  • Currently, datatypes in a PostgreSQL source are migrated to a SQLServer target as datatype with inconsistent values. As a workaround, pre-create the table with a datatype for the column (or let AWS DMS create the table), and then have downstream processing treat an "F" as False and a "T" as True.

  • AWS DMS doesn't support change processing of TRUNCATE operations.

  • The OID LOB data type isn't migrated to the target.

  • If your source is a PostgreSQL database that is on-premises or on an Amazon EC2 instance, ensure that the output plugin is installed on your source endpoint. You can find this plugin in the Postgres contrib package. For more information about the test-decoding plugin, see the PostgreSQL documentation.

  • AWS DMS doesn't support change processing to set and unset column default values (using the ALTER COLUMN SET DEFAULT clause on ALTER TABLE statements).

  • AWS DMS doesn't support change processing to set column nullability (using the ALTER COLUMN [SET|DROP] NOT NULL clause on ALTER TABLE statements).

  • AWS DMS doesn't support replication of partitioned tables. When a partitioned table is detected, the following occurs:

    • The endpoint reports a list of parent and child tables.

    • AWS DMS creates the table on the target as a regular table with the same properties as the selected tables.

    • If the parent table in the source database has the same primary key value as its child tables, a "duplicate key" error is generated.

To replicate partitioned tables from a PostgreSQL source to a PostgreSQL target, you first need to manually create the parent and child tables on the target. Then you define a separate task to replicate to those tables. In such a case, you set the task configuration to Truncate before loading.

The PostgreSQL data type isn't fixed in size. When transferring data that is a data type but without precision and scale, DMS uses (a precision of 28 and scale of 6) by default. As an example, the value from the source is converted to on the PostgreSQL target.

Setting up an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL DB instance as a source

You can use an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance or Read Replica as a source for AWS DMS. You can use a DB instance for both full-load tasks and for change data capture (CDC) for ongoing replication. You can use a Read Replica only for full-load tasks and not for CDC.

You use the AWS master user account for the PostgreSQL DB instance as the user account for the PostgreSQL source endpoint for AWS DMS. The master user account has the required roles that allow it to set up CDC. If you use an account other than the master user account, the account must have the rds_superuser role and the rds_replication role. The rds_replication role grants permissions to manage logical slots and to stream data using logical slots.

If you don't use the master user account for the DB instance, you must create several objects from the master user account for the account that you use. For information about creating the needed objects, see Migrating an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database without using the master user account.

Using CDC with an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance

You can use PostgreSQL's native logical replication feature to enable CDC during a database migration of an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance. This approach reduces downtime and ensures that the target database is in sync with the source PostgreSQL database. Amazon RDS supports logical replication for a PostgreSQL DB instance version and higher and and higher.

You can't use Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Read Replicas for CDC (ongoing replication).

To enable logical replication for an RDS PostgreSQL DB instance

  1. Use the AWS master user account for the PostgreSQL DB instance as the user account for the PostgreSQL source endpoint. The master user account has the required roles that allow it to set up CDC.

    If you use an account other than the master user account, you must create several objects from the master account for the account that you use. For more information, see Migrating an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database without using the master user account.

  2. Set the parameter in your DB parameter group to 1. This static parameter requires a reboot of the DB instance to take effect. As part of applying this parameter, AWS DMS sets the , , , and parameters. These parameter changes can increase write ahead log (WAL) generation, so only set when you use logical replication slots.

  3. Set the parameter to 0, as a best practice. Setting this parameter to 0 prevents PostgreSQL from terminating replication connections that are inactive longer than the specified timeout. When AWS DMS migrates data, replication connections need to be able to last longer than the specified timeout.

  4. Enable native CDC start points with PostgreSQL as a source by setting the extra connection attribute to the name of an existing logical replication slot when you create the endpoint. This logical replication slot holds ongoing changes from the time of endpoint creation, so it supports replication from a previous point in time.

    PostgreSQL writes the database changes to WAL files that are discarded only after AWS DMS successfully reads changes from the logical replication slot. Using logical replication slots can protect logged changes from being deleted before they are consumed by the replication engine.

    However, depending on rate of change and consumption, changes being held in a logical replication slot can cause elevated disk usage. We recommend that you set space usage alarms in the source PostgreSQL instance when logical replication slots are used. For more information on setting the extra connection attribute, see Extra connection attributes when using PostgreSQL as a source for AWS DMS.

Источник: []
Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

3Searching for Content Items


Oracle WebCenter Content Server stores the metadata you enter when you check in a content item in a database set up by your system administrator. You can search for content items using these metadata values. If your system administrator has configured the Oracle Text Search option or the database full-text search capability, then the text of content items is indexed and made available for searching as well.

Check with your system administrator to see which search solution or database is used and to see if full-text indexing is enabled.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Section , "Search Pages"

  • Section , "Working with Search Results"

  • Section , "Search Result Templates"

  • Section , "Saving Queries"

  • Section , "Search Engine Options"

  • Section , "Searching for Expired or Expiring Content"

  • Section , "Using Additional Search Capabilities"

  • Section , "Searching Referenced Links (optional)"

  • Section , "Content Data Tracking and Reporting"

Search Pages

You can perform a content item search from the following places in the Content Server interface:

Quick Search Field

With the Quick Search Field, you can perform a search regardless of the page in the content area. The Quick Search field performs a substring search of the title and content ID metadata, and the indexed full-text if it is supported on your system.

A substring search is equivalent to including a wildcard at the beginning and end of the search term. For example, if you enter in the Quick Search field, the search returns items with words such as , , and in the title or content ID metadata, or in the indexed full-text if it is supported on your system.

You or your system administrator can also build custom searches targeted to search one or more metadata fields you specify, and make them available through the Quick Search field. You can create targeted searches with either the Query Builder Form or Expanded Form.

The Quick Search field supports Internet-style search syntax, complex construction, and alternate query formats. For more information, see Section , "Using Additional Search Capabilities."

Home Page Search Fields

With the search fields on the Home Page, you can perform a metadata search, a full-text search, or a combination of both. Only the most commonly used search fields are available from the home page.


Your home page may have a different appearance than the default "out-of-the-box" content server home page, which includes search fields. If search functionality is not available from your home page or to search on additional metadata fields, use the Search Tray or Advanced Search Page.

Search Tray

With the Search Tray, you can perform a metadata, full-text, or combination search. Only the most commonly used search fields are available from the Search tray.

The Criteria Tab on the Search Tray displays a form where you can enter your criteria. The Results Tab displays the search results.

Advanced Search Page

With the Advanced Search Page, you can perform a metadata search, full-text search, or a combination of both on all available fields.

To access this page, click the Advanced link in the Search Tray or use the Search menu on the Toolbar.

The expanded form on the Advanced Search Page displays all search fields available to you on a single page. You can alternate between the expanded form and the query builder form using the Search Forms menu at the top of the search page.

You can also select a different search profile from the Switch Profile menu, if your system administrator has defined them for you. You can specify the default search form to use the Advanced Search page. For more information, see Section , "User Profile Page."


Queries built using the Expanded form separate the metadata fields with the <AND> operator. Each search criterion entered into each field must be met for a result to be returned. For example, if you enter into the Title field and into the Type field, then a search finds content only if it has a type and has in the title.

Query Builder Form

The Query Builder Form creates and saves complex queries by selecting options from a series of lists. After a query is built, you can edit the query directly, perform the search, or save the query for easy access from My Saved Queries.

With the Query Builder form, you can separate the metadata fields with either the <AND> operator or the <OR> operator. If you use the <AND> operator, then each search criteria entered into each field must be met to return a result.

If you use the <OR> operator, then only one of each field's criteria must be met. For example, if you enter into the Title field and into the Type field separated by <OR>, then results include content that has either as the type or has in the title.

Working with Search Results

You can specify how to display the results of your search based on the number of content items returned per page and the order of the content items. For example, to find the most recent files that match your criteria, sort the results by release date. If you are searching for specific text such as , sort your search results by score.

Use the Results Options area of the Advanced Search Page to control the display of the Search Results Page.

This section covers the following topics:

Displaying Search Results

Use the following procedure to specify how to display the search results:

  1. Display the Home Page Search Fields or Advanced Search Page.

  2. Scroll down to the Results Options.

  3. Set Results Per Page to the maximum number of content items to display on each Search Results Page.

  4. Specify the Sort By method and order.

  5. Click Search.

  6. From the Content Actions menu on a Search Results Page, choose the view option to specify the search results view.


  • The Clear button clears the search fields, but does not clear the Results Options settings.

  • For information about changing the defaults for sort field, sort order, and result count, see Section , "Editing Your User Profile."

  • The system administrator can use the Content Server Configuration Manager to add or remove sortable fields. To change the fields available for sorting, see your system administrator.

Changing the Search Results View

Use the following procedure to change the default search results view:

  1. Display the User Profile Page.

  2. Scroll down to the Search Template option.

  3. Click Search Template, and select the search result view.

  4. Click Update.

Search Result Templates

To personalize how search results are displayed, select an option from the list on the User Profile Page, or from the Search Results Page. There are three templates available by default, and you have the option to create new views based on the three provided templates using the Search Result Templates for User Page to identify the information and specify display options. In this way, you can customize the metadata information you want to see on a search result. You can even specify different search results templates to be used for different saved queries.

This section covers the following topics:

Classic View Template

The Classic template lists content items sequentially in single rows, based on the default sort field and order set on the User Profile Page.


Content icon or Thumbnail image

Displays an icon based on the content type. Optionally, if your system administrator has set up Content Server to create a thumbnail image of the content, then it displays the thumbnail image.


Displays the following information:

Title and Content ID: The title and unique identifier of the content item, linked to display a Web-viewable version of the content, if it is available. If no Web-viewable version is available, it links to the native file.

The title and content ID are displayed in all custom search result templates based on the Classic View, even if those fields are not specifically selected from the Classic View Template section of the Create/Edit Classic View Search Result Template Page.

Author: The person who checked in the content item.

Revision: Identifies the revision number of the content item.

Release Date: The date the content item was released.

Comments: Comments entered when the item was checked in, if any.

Content Format: The format of the native file.


Displays the revision number of the content item.


Displays the Actions menu for an item and the Content Info icon.

Actions icon: Click this icon to open a menu of actions for the selected content item.

Content Info icon: Click this icon to display the Content Information Page.

Headline View Template

The Headline template by default lists items in a single line, with a minimum of information. The Headline template uses the sort field, sort order, and result count fields on the User Profile Page to arrange the results.



A unique identifier of the content item, linked to a Web-viewable version of the content item, if it is available. If no Web-viewable version is available, it links to the native file.


Displays the title of the content item without any associated link.


Displays the date the content item was released.


Displays the user name of the person who last checked in the content item.


Displays the Actions menu for an item and the Content Info icon.

Actions icon: Click this icon to open a menu of actions for the selected content item.

Content Info icon: Click this icon to display the Content Information Page of the selected content item.

Thumbnail View Template

The Thumbnail template by default lists items in a grid from left-to-right and top-to-bottom and displays an icon based on the content type, or a thumbnail image of the content if your system administrator has set up Content Server to create one. This template is particularly suited for displaying images and other graphic content. The grid arranges results based on the sort field and order set on the User Profile Page.



Displays the Actions menu for an item and the Content Info icon.

Actions icon: Click this icon to open a menu of actions for the selected content item.

Content Info icon: Click this icon to display the Content Information Page of the selected content item.

Thumbnail Icon or Image

Displays an icon based on the content type or a thumbnail image of the content if your system administrator has set up Content Server to create one, linked to a Web-viewable version of the content item, if it is available. If no Web-viewable version is available, it links to the native file.


Displays the title of the content item without any associated link. To maintain the grid structure, long titles are truncated to a single line. Rolling the mouse over the title expands the text to display the full title.

Creating a Custom Search Result Template

Use the following procedure to create a custom search result template:


If you have Oracle WebCenter Content: Records installed with Department of Defense (DoD) functionality enabled, the Security Classification field must always be displayed in a search result. If you do not include the Security Classification field when you customize a search result template, the Security Classification field is included automatically.

  1. Navigate to the Search Result Templates for User Page.

  2. Click the Add Template icon in the Actions column next to the provided List template on which you want to base your custom template. The Create Custom Template page opens.

  3. If your custom template is not based on the provided Headline View template, skip to the next step. If your custom template is based on the Headline View template, select a metadata field to display as a column from the Available Fields box, and click the right arrow. The selected metadata field is added to the Columns field. You must select and move each field separately.

    To reorder the column display, use the up and down arrows next to the Columns field. Click the up arrow to move the selected column to the left in the results template. Click the down arrow to move the selected column to the right in the results template.

  4. Select a metadata field to display in the Description column from the Available Fields box, and click Move Here beneath the Description box. The metadata field is added to the Description box. You must select and move each field separately.

    To reorder the column display, use the up and down arrows next to the Main Information field. Click the up arrow to move the selected item up in the Description column. Click the down arrow to move the selected column down in the Description column.


    To display the selected fields, you must also display the Description metadata field as a column.

  5. Click Save.

    For more information about custom search result templates, see Section A.3, "Creating and Editing Custom Search Result Templates."

Saving Queries

This section covers the following topics:

About Saved Queries

To quickly display results for a search that you perform often, you can save the search in the My Saved Queries folder in the My Content Server Tray.

After you save a query link, you can modify or delete the link from your Saved Queries Page.

You or your system administrator can also build custom searches targeted to search one or more metadata fields you specify, and make them available through the Quick Search field.

Saving a Query

Use the following procedure to save a search as a query link on the Saved Queries Page:

  1. Specify the search criteria you want to save.

  2. Choose Save Search from the Actions menu on the Search Results Page.

    A prompt dialog opens.

  3. Enter a title to use as the link name for the saved query.

  4. Click OK.

    The new link is shown under the My Saved Queries tray.

Rerunning a Recent Query

Use the following procedure to rerun a recent query.

To rerun a recent query:

  1. Open the My Recent Queries folder in the My Content Server Tray.

  2. Double-click the link for the query you want to run.

    The output from the query displays on your Search Results Page.

Clearing Recent Queries

Use the following procedure to clear all recent queries from your My Recent Queries tray.

To clear recent queries:

  1. Open My Recent Queries in the My Content Server Tray.

  2. Double-click the Clear link.

    Content Server deletes all links except Clear from the My Recent Queries folder.

Creating Quick Search Queries

Use the following procedure to build a targeted search available through the Quick Search field. You can create targeted searches with either the Query Builder Form or Expanded Form. To customize the query string directly, you must use the Query Builder Form as shown in this procedure.

  1. Click My Quick Searches in the My Content Server Tray.

    The Quick Searches Page opens listing any existing quick search queries that you or an administrator have created. You must be an administrator to modify the quick searches defined by administrators.

  2. To create a new Quick Search, click Create New beneath the My Quick Searches area.

    To edit an existing Quick Search, choose Edit from the associated Actions menu.

    The Create/Edit Targeted Quick Search Page opens.

  3. From the Search Form menu, select the form to use to create the search query.

    The form you select when you create the quick search is the form you must use when you edit the quick search (the Search Form menu is not available when you edit an existing quick search.)

    The Expanded Form is selected by default. If you want to manually edit the query text, use the Query Builder form. For more information about these forms, see Section A, "Advanced Search Page."

  4. Specify a Quick Search Key to select the search from the Quick Search list. Use lower case letters or numbers. Searches are listed in ascending order based on this key.

    Duplicate keys within the My Quick Searches table are not allowed. Although it is best to use a single character, you can use multiple character keys to avoid duplicate key names. Only the first character acts as the shortcut. For Example, if you have keys a1, a2, and a3, the first time you press a, you select the search associated with key a1. The next time you press a, you select the search associated with key a2, and so on.

  5. Specify the Quick Search Label to display in the Quick Search list.

  6. Enter #s in one or more fields to represent the search terms entered by the user in the Quick Search field. To further restrict the search, you can provide specific values for one or more search fields, but you must include #s in at least one field.

    If you use the Query Builder form, you can manually edit the query when you click show advanced query builder options and then select Modify Query Text.

    For example, if you select the date field, the On or After operator, and specify #s to represent the user input, the resulting query text is:

    dInDate >= `#s`

    To create a query that shows check-ins within the last specified period of days, subtract the number of days entered by the user from the current date returned by the dateCurrent function:

    dInDate > `<$dateCurrent(-#s)$>`
  7. Specify the number of results to show on each page, or use the default.

  8. Specify how to sort the results, or use the defaults.

  9. Specify the template to use to format the results, or use the default.

  10. Click Save.

    The searches you create are displayed under My Quick Searches in the Quick Search menu.

Search Engine Options

Your Content Server can be configured with the either the Oracle Text Search option or the Database Metadata Search and Database Full-Text Search options for finding content items:

  • Searching with Oracle Text Search

    If you have a license to use Oracle Text Search (in Oracle Database 11g) or Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 11g, the Oracle Text Search option enables the use of those technologies as the primary full-text search engine for Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

    If the system administrator configured Oracle Text Search, this option enables you to find a content item or items based on information about the file, actual text in the file, or both. The system administrator can also configure Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (Oracle SES) as the back-end search engine for Oracle Text Search.

  • Searching with Database Metadata Search

    This option enables you to find a content item or items based on information about the file. The metadata search functionality is installed by default and is available even if other search engines are configured.

  • Searching with Database Full-Text Search

    This option enables you to find a content item or items based on the actual text in the file. The database full-text search is available if the system administrator configured it.


In addition to the options outlined here, Content Server can integrate with other search engines. Check with your system administrator to see what options are available to you.

Searching with Oracle Text Search

If your system administrator has configured the Oracle Text Search option, you can specify full-text and metadata searches and select options to filter the results of a search by categories.

Oracle Text Search can filter and extract content from different document formats in different languages. It supports a large number of document formats, including Microsoft Office file formats, Adobe PDF, HTML, and XML. It can render search results in various formats, including unformatted text, HTML with term highlighting, and original document format.

This section covers the following topics:

Searching with the Expanded Form

On the Expanded Form, you can specify a metadata search, a full-text search, or both to identify a content item or items to search for. Also, you can specify result options.

Figure shows part of the Expanded Form for specifying Oracle Text Search queries.

Figure Expanded Form for Oracle Text Search

To specify a search on the Expanded Form:

  1. On the Content Server home page, display the Home Page Search Fields from the Search menu or the Search Tray.

  2. In the Metadata Search area of the Expanded Form, you can enter one or more search criteria for metadata fields:

  3. In the Full-Text Search area, you can enter text to search for in a content item or items, to refine your search.

  4. In the Results Options area, you can change the Results Options for displaying the results.

  5. To save the search query under My Saved Queries, click Save.

  6. To run the search query, click Search.

The content item or items that match your search criteria are displayed on the Search Results Page.

Filtering Search Results

The Search Results Page displays a menu bar with metadata categories you can use to filter the search results. Each category lists values that are valid for the particular search results. The system administrator can add or remove categories. The default set of categories include Content Type, Security Group, and Account.

Figure Search Results with Oracle Text Search Default Menu

An arrow next to the category name indicates that the search results include multiple values for that category. When you move your cursor over the option name, a menu displays the list of the values found in the search results for that category and the number of content items for each value. Click a value to filter the Search Results Page to list only the items that have the selected value in the selected category.

Figure shows a list of categories under Security Group and the number of items found in each category.

Figure Search Results with Expanded Oracle Text Search Menu

Searching with the Query Builder Form

On the Query Builder form, you can select search criteria from menus as required. You can build and save complex queries by selecting options from a series of lists. You can also manually edit the query text.

Figure shows the Query Builder Form for specifying Oracle Text Search queries.

Figure Query Builder Form for Oracle Text Search

To specify a search on the Query Builder Form:

  1. On the Content Server home page, display the Home Page Search Fields from the Search menu or the Search Tray.

  2. On the Search Forms Menu, choose Query Builder Form.

  3. To edit the query, click show advanced query builder options, and then choose Modify Query Text.

    For example, if you select the date field, the On or After operator, and specify a date, the resulting query text is similar to the following:

    dInDate >= `9/22/11 AM`

    To create a search that shows check-ins within the last specified period of days, subtract the number of days (7 in the example below) from the current date returned by the dateCurrent function:

    dInDate > `<$dateCurrent(-7)$>`
  4. In the Results Options area, you can change the Results Options for displaying the results.

  5. To save the search query under My Saved Queries, click Save.

  6. To run the search query, click Search.

Metadata Search Operators for Oracle Text Search

On the Advanced Search Page, you can use search operators to refine the search criteria. These operators are listed as options in lists to the left of each field.

The following table describes the search terms used and provides examples for use.



Finds content items with the specified whole word or phrase in the metadata field.

This operator is available only for Oracle Text Search, or for Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server database with the optional DBSearchContainsOpSupport component enabled. For more information, see your system administrator.

If you enter in the Title field, the search returns items with the whole word in their title, but does not return items with the word , , or .


Finds items with the exact specified value in the metadata field.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items with the exact title of .

A query that uses the MATCHES operator on a nonoptimized field behaves the same as a query that uses the CONTAINS operator.

For example, if the field is not optimized, then the query behaves like , returning documents that have an value of or .


Finds all content items with the specified prefix at the beginning of at least one word in the metadata field.

If you enter in the Title field, the search finds all content items whose title includes the words and , but does not find the words or .

Searching with Database Metadata Search

This section covers the following topics:

About Metadata Searching

Metadata searching is similar to finding a book in a library by searching for its author, title, or subject. When you search by metadata, you specify as much information as you know about a file or a group of files. For example, to find all files written by your supervisor for your department that were released on or after 1/1/, you would specify the following on the search page:

  • Author: supervisor's user name

  • Department: department name

  • Release Date From: 1/1/


    When you search for metadata, case sensitivity varies depending on how your system administrator has configured Content Server. For your specific configuration, see your system administrator.

    When you use full-text searching, a search is case sensitive for metadata and case insensitive for full text. For Content ID, however, lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters, so you cannot search Content ID with lowercase letters.

Metadata Search Operators for a Database Metadata Search

On the Advanced Search Page, use search operators to refine the search criteria. These operators are listed as options in lists to the left of each field.

The following table describes the search terms used and provides examples for use.



Finds content items with the specified string anywhere in the metadata field. This operator has the same effect as placing a wildcard before and after the search term. This is the default operator.

This operator is not available for implementations that use Oracle Text Search.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items with words such as , , and in their title.


Finds items with the exact specified value in the metadata field.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items with the exact title of .


Finds items with the specified value at the beginning of the metadata field. This operator has the same effect as placing a wildcard after the search term when using the Matches operator.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns all items with a title that begins with , including , , and so on.


Finds items with the specified whole word or phrase in the metadata field.

This operator is available only for Oracle Text Search, or for Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server database with the optional DBSearchContainsOpSupport component enabled. For more information, see your administrator.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items with the word in their title but does not return items with the word or .


Finds items with the specified value at the end of the metadata field. This operator has the same effect as placing a wildcard before the search term when using the Matches operator.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns all items with titles that end with , such as , , and .

Not Substring

Finds content items that do not have the specified string anywhere in the metadata field.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items without words such as , , and in their title.

Not Matches

Finds items that do not have the exact specified value in the metadata field.

When you enter in the Title field, the search returns items without the exact title of .

Metadata Search Case Sensitivity

Case sensitivity for metadata searches varies depending on how your system administrator has configured Content Server.


For your specific configuration, see your system administrator.

  • Microsoft SQL Server: If Content Server is using database searching with Microsoft SQL Server, metadata searches can be case sensitive or insensitive, depending on how the database is setup.

  • Oracle Database: If Content Server is using database searching with Oracle Database, metadata searches are always case sensitive and full-text searches are not case-sensitive.

  • IBM DB2: If Content Server is using database searching with IBM DB2, metadata searches are case sensitive.

Searching with Database Full-Text Search

This section covers the following topics:

About Full-Text Searching

Full-text searching enables you to find a content item based on the text contained in the file itself. When you check in a content item into Content Server, the indexer stores all of the words in the Web-viewable version of the content item (PDF, HTML, text, or other supported file formats) in an index. A full-text search compares the search expression with the index and returns any content items and discussions that contain the search text.

A full-text search expression can include the following elements:

  • Strings: partial words (such as addr)

  • Words: individual whole words (such as addresses)

  • Phrases: multiple-word phrases (such as new addresses)

  • Operators: logic applied to words and phrases (such as news AND addresses)

For more information, see Section , "Full-Text Search Rules."

Search terms can be highlighted in the returned text, provided Content Server is using Oracle Database full-text search and your administrator has enabled the functionality. Forward (>>) and back (<<) navigation links bracket the highlighted text. Click the links to go to the next and previous result in the text.

Full-Text Search Rules

Use the following options to refine your full-text search criteria:

  • You can use wildcards in full-text search queries.

  • You can use search operators in full-text search queries.

    For more information, see Section , "Oracle Database Full-Text Search Operators."

  • You can use Internet-Style Search Syntax.

  • When you perform a full-text search, the search finds the word you specify and words that have the same stem. For example, searching for the word finds files with the word , , , or in them. To limit the search to the word you specify, place the word in double quotation marks (for example, ).

  • You can sort full-text search results by the number of occurrences of the search terms and the proximity of the search terms when you use an operator such as <NEAR>. Select the Score option from the Sort By list on the Search Results Page.


    You can sort the results using the Score option only if you are using the Oracle 11g database search solution and have installed the Oracle Text Search option.

Full-Text Search Case Sensitivity

Case sensitivity for full-text searches varies depending on how your system administrator has configured Content Server. By default, full-text searches with Oracle Database are not case sensitive. Full-text searches with Microsoft SQL Server vary based on how the database is set up.

If your Content Server configuration includes an optional search engine, case sensitivity depends on the search engine. For your specific configuration, see your system administrator.


Generally, you should use all lowercase search strings to find all of the files that match your search expression. Use mixed-case search strings only if you are looking for a specific combination of lowercase and uppercase.

Oracle Database Full-Text Search Operators

Use the following operators to refine your Oracle Database full-text search expression.


For clarity, the operators are shown in uppercase, but they can be in lowercase as well.



Finds content items that contain all of the specified terms.

returns content items that contain both specified words.


Finds content items that contain at least one of the specified terms.

returns content items that contain at least one of the specified words.


Finds content items that contain the term that precedes the operator (if any), and ignores content items that contain the term that follows it.

returns content items that do not contain the word .

returns content items that contain the word but do not contain the word .

NEAR(term1, term2)

Finds content items that contain the specified terms near to each other. Terms that are closer receive a higher score.

returns content items that contain the specified words close to one another.


Finds content items that contain the phrase specified in the parenthesis.

returns content items that contain the specified phrase.

Searching for Expired or Expiring Content

By default, if you have write permission to any security group, you can access the Expired Content Page and perform a search for expired content. The search results include only the content for which you have at least read permission.

Use the following procedure to search for content that has expired or is set to expire:

  1. Log in to Content Server.

  2. Click Content Manager in the left navigation bar and click Expired Content.

    The Expired Content Page opens.

  3. To search for content within a particular date and time range, specify dates and times in the Before and After fields or select a value from the associated list that is a day, a week, or a month before or after the current date and time.

    By default, if you leave the Before and After fields blank, the search effectively returns all content set to expire after the current date and time.

  4. To restrict the search results to expired content only, select Expired Content.

    If you select Expired Content and leave the Before and After fields blank, the search effectively returns all content that expired before the current date and time.

  5. The Expired Content Page displays the date range applied and the expired or expiring content items that match the specified criteria.

Using Additional Search Capabilities

This section covers the following topics:

Metadata Wildcards

A wildcard substitutes for unknown or nonspecific characters in the search term. You can use wildcards in metadata searches, even when using the Quick Search field.

Use the following wildcards in metadata search fields:

  • An asterisk () indicates zero or more alphanumeric characters. For example:

    • matches and

    • matches and

    • matches , , , and

  • A question mark () indicates one alphanumeric character. For example:

    • matches and , but not or

    • matches but not


To search for an asterisk () or a question mark () without treating it as wildcard, you must put quotation marks around your search term; for example:

Internet-Style Search Syntax

Search techniques common to the popular Internet search engines are supported in Content Server. For example, entered in the Quick Search field searches for , while searches for . The following table lists how Content Server interprets common characters.

CharacterInterpreted As

Space ( )


Comma (,)


Minus (-)


Phrases enclosed in double-quotes ("")

Exact match of entered phrase

The following table lists examples of how Content Server interprets Internet-style syntax in a full-text search.

QueryInterpreted As
new <AND> product
(new <OR> product) <AND> images
(new <AND> product) <AND> <NOT> images
"new product" <OR> "new images"

The following table lists examples of how Content Server interprets Internet-style syntax when searching title metadata using the substring operator.

QueryInterpreted As
dDocTitle <substring> 'new' <AND> dDocTitle <substring> 'product'
dDocTitle <substring> 'new' <OR> dDocTitle <substring> 'product'
dDocTitle <substring> 'new' <AND> <NOT> 'product'
dDocTitle <substring> 'new product'


Internet-style search syntax is enabled by default, but your system administrator can disable it. Check with your system administrator if you have questions.

Complex Queries and Alternate Query Formats

Content Server allows for the use of parentheses for complex query construction and and formats when creating a query. By using these alternatives, you can more easily search the metadata field you want across multiple servers, if necessary, and refine your results. For example, to search only the title metadata for without having to go to the Advanced Search page, enter into the Quick Search field. The search looks only in the field you specified before the colon. You must know the Content Server identifier for the metadata field you want to search.


When using Oracle Text Search with your Content Server instance, you cannot enter complex search queries into the Full-Text Search field on the Expanded Form of the Advanced Search Page. Instead, you must use the advanced options on the Query Builder Form.

The following table lists some examples of complex and alternate query formats.

QueryInterpreted As
dDocTitle <contains> `New`
(dDocTitle <contains> `New`) <AND> <ftx>`product`</ftx>
dDocTitle <contains> `New` <AND> dDocTitle <contains> `product`
dDocTitle <contains> `New` <AND> dDocTitle <contains> `product`
dDocTitle <contains> `New` <AND> dDocType <contains> `Presentations`
dDocTitle <contains> `New` <OR> dDocType <contains> `Test Plan`

Searching Referenced Links (optional)

If your administrator installed the optional Link Manager component, it evaluates, filters, and parses the URL links of indexed documents and then extracts the links for storage in a database table, making them available for searching. After the Link Manager component populates the table with the extracted URL links, it references this table to generate link search results, lists of link references for the Content Information page, and the resource information for the Link Info page. The Link Manager component shows these items:

  • Lists of links using specific search criteria

  • Detailed information about a specific link

  • The links to other documents for a specific content item, and any documents that reference this item

The search results, link references lists, and Link Info pages are useful to determine what documents are affected by content additions, changes, or revision deletions. For example, before deleting a content item, you can verify that any URL references contained in it are insignificant. Another use might be to monitor how content items are used.


Because the Link Manager component extracts the URL links during the Content Server indexing cycle, only the URL links of released documents are extracted. For content items with multiple revisions, only the most current released revision is available for searching.

This section covers the following topics:

About Searching Links

Use the Search Links Page to search for links, using criteria stored in the repository database. Use this page to validate links, to determine where a resource is used, to determine if deleting a content item affects other documents, and so on.

The Link Search Results Page displays items matching your search criteria. Invalid or broken links are listed in bold font. Each item has an Link Item Actions Menu and an Info icon which displays a Link Info Page.

Link References on the Content Information Page

Use the References options to see whether the content item references or is referenced by other content items. References provides two options:

  • Show: By default, the links are hidden when the Content Information page opens. Click Show to display all applicable links. If this content item contains one or more references to other documents, then these links are listed in the Links contained in this content item section. If other documents reference this content item, then those references are listed in the Links to this content item section.

    Links that are invalid or broken are listed using bold font. Click the Info link in the Actions column to display the Link Info Page for that particular link.

  • Hide: Click Hide to hide the link information.

To access the available link information for content items, click any Content Information icon, which displays the Content Information Page and the References options. Or, you can choose either Content Information or Target Content Info from the Link Item Actions Menu, which also displays the Content Information page and the References options.


You cannot delete a content item revision if other content items reference it unless the system administrator has set the AllowForceDelete configuration variable to true. When you delete a content item revision, the message indicates if another content item references the content item and asks if you are sure you want to delete it. In this case, deleting a content item that is referenced by another content item breaks those links and makes them invalid.

Notification of Expiration

With Link Manager installed, the Notification of Expiration page includes additional information for each content item that is expiring soon. The e-mail notification specifies if the expiring content item is referenced by another content item:

  • Is Referenced: Yes

  • Is Referenced: No

The e-mail does not provide a list of the content items that reference the soon-to-expire document. This information is available in the References section on the Content Information page. For more information, see Section , "Checking Content Item Link References."

If the Content Server configuration variable () has been enabled, an e-mail notification is sent to each author when content expires. For more information about setting this configuration variable, see "EnableExpirationNotifier" in the Oracle WebCenter Content Idoc Script Reference Guide.


When a content item expires, it still exists in the Content Server. Expiration only removes the item from the index. Therefore, all links associated with an expired content item are functional if they involve a valid document.

Figure Notification of Expiration E-mail for Author

Performing a Link Search

To search for links in content items:

  1. Click the Managed Links Search link in the Content Management tray. The Search Links Page opens.

  2. Enter the applicable values in the field(s). For more detailed descriptions of the fields, see the Link Search Results Page.

  3. Click Search. The Link Manager component generates and displays the search results, as shown in the Link Search Results Page.

Checking Content Item Link References

Use the Content Information page to display, check, and verify all the link references associated with a specific content item. You can access the Content Information page for a content item from either of two pages, as described in these topics:

Checking Link References from the Search Results Page

  1. Search for the specific content item using the Content Server Search page.

  2. Select a content item from the Search Results Page, and click the corresponding Content Info icon in the Actions column.

    The Content Information page for the selected content item opens. If this content item contains links or has links that reference it, References Show is displayed.

  3. Click References Show.

    All applicable links are displayed. The Links contained in this content item section lists all the links included in this content item that reference other documents. The Links to this content item section lists all the links in other documents that reference this content item.

Checking Link References from the Link Manager's Search Links page

  1. Open the Search Links page and search for links. For details, see Section , "Performing a Link Search."

  2. Select a link from the Search Results section.

  3. Click the Content Info icon in the Actions column.

    The Content Information page for the selected content item opens. If this content item contains links or has links that reference it, References Show is displayed.

  4. Click References Show.

    All applicable links are displayed. The Links contained in this content item section lists all the links included in this content item that reference other documents. The Links to this content item section lists all the links in other documents that reference this content item.


    To display the Link Info Page for any link listed in the References sections (either Links contained in this content item or Links to this content item), click the corresponding Info link in the Actions column.

Checking the Link Information About Specific Links

Use the Link Info page to view additional information about a specific link. You can access the Link Info Page for any link from either of two pages, as described in these topics:

Checking Link Information from the Content Information Page

  1. Open the Content Information page for a specific content item and display the applicable links. For details, see Section , "Checking Content Item Link References."

  2. Select a link from a list in the References sections (either Links contained in this content item or Links to this content item).

  3. Click the corresponding Content Info link in the Actions column.

    The Link Info page for the selected link opens.

Checking Link Information from the Search Links Page

  1. Open the Search Links page and search for links. For details, see Section , "Performing a Link Search."

  2. Select a link from the Search Results section.

  3. Click the Actions icon in the Actions column. The Link Item Actions Menu opens.

  4. Choose the Link Info menu option.

    The Link Info page for the selected link opens.

Content Data Tracking and Reporting

Content Tracker and Content Tracker Reports are optional components that provide information about system usage. This section covers the following topics:

About Content Tracker

Content Tracker monitors your system and records information about various activities. Content Tracker collects this information from various sources, then merges and writes the information to a set of tables in your Content Server database. You can customize Content Tracker to change or expand the types of information it collects. Content Tracker monitors activity based on:

  • Content item accesses:

    Content Tracker gathers information about content item usage from Web filter log files, the Content Server database, and other external applications such as portals and Web sites. Content item access data includes dates, times, content IDs, current metadata, user names, and profile information about users.

  • Content Server services:

    Content Tracker tracks all services that return content and services that handle search requests. And, with a simple configuration change, Content Tracker can monitor literally any Content Server service, even custom services.

About Content Tracker Reports

After Content Tracker extracts data and populates applicable database repository tables, the information is available for report generation. With Content Tracker Reports, you can:

  • Generate reports:

    Content Tracker Reports queries the tables created by Content Tracker and generates summary reports of various kinds of activities and the usage history of particular content items. The reports help you analyze specific groups of content or users based on metadata, file extensions, or user profiles. You can use the pre-defined reports that are provided, customize them to suit your installation, or use a compatible third-party reporting package.

  • Optimize content management practices.

    You can also use the reported data for content retention management. That is, depending on the access frequency of particular content items during specific time intervals, you may decide to archive or delete some items. Similarly, applications can use the data to provide portlets with the top content for particular types of users.

This section covers the following topics:

Content Access Reports

Each report produced using the Content Tracker Report Generator main page has the same general format and visual layout. Only users that actually request and open content items are included in the Content Tracker Report Generator's compiled results. Users that open only the Content Information page are not included in the tracked data.

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System Requirements for Advanced Query Tool 3.3.1 serial key or number

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