#1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number

#1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number

#1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number

#1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number


1.1 Overview

RV and its companion tools, RVIO and RVLS have been created to support digital artists, directors, supervisors, and production crews who need reliable, flexible, high-performance tools to review image sequences, movie files, and audio. RV is clean and simple in appearance and has been designed to let users load, play, inspect, navigate and edit image sequences and audio as simply and directly as possible. RV's advanced features do not clutter its appearance but are available through a rich command-line interface, extensive hot keys and key-chords, and smart drag/drop targets. RV can be extensively customized for integration into proprietary pipelines. The RV Reference Manual has information about RV customization.
This chapter provides quick-start guides to RV and RVIO. If you already have successfully installed RV, and want to get going right away, this chapter will show you enough to get started.

1.2 Getting Started With RV

1.2.1 Loading Media and Saving Sessions

There are four basic ways to load media into RV,
  1. Command-line,
  2. File open dialogs,
  3. Drag/Drop, and
  4. rvlink: protocol URL
RV can load individual files or multiple files (i.e. a sequence) and it can also read directories and figure out the sequences they contain; you can pass RV a directory on the command-line or drag and drop a folder onto RV. RV's ability to read directories can be particularly useful. If your shots are stored as one take per directory you can get in the habit of just dropping directories into RV or loading them on the command line. Or you can quickly load multiple sequences or movies that are stored in a single directory.
Some simple RV command line examples are:
shell> rv foo.mov shell> rv [ foo.#.exr foo.aiff ] shell> rv foo_dir/ shell> rv .
The output of the -help flag is reproduced in this manual in the chapter on command-line usage, Chapter 3.
RV sessions can be saved out as .rv files using the File->Save menus. Saved sessions contain the default views, user-defined views, color setup, compositing setup, and other settings. This is useful for reloading and sharing sessions, and also for setting up image conversion, compositing, or editing operations to be processed by RVIO.

1.2.2 Caching

If your image sequences are too large to play back at speed directly from disk, you can cache them into system memory using RV's region cache. If you are playing compressed movies like large H.264 QuickTime movies, you can use RV's lookahead cache to smooth out playback without having to cache the entire movie. If your IO subsystems can provide the bandwidth, RV can be used to stream large uncompressed images from disk. You can set the RV cache options from the Tools menu, using the hot keys ``Shift+C” and ``Ctrl-L” (``Command+L” on Mac) for the region cache and lookahead cache respectively, or from the command line using ``-c” or ``-l” flags. Also see the Caching tab of the Preferences dialog.

1.2.3 Sources and Layers

RV gives you the option to load media (image sequences or audio) as a Source or a Layer. A source is a new sequence or movie that gets added to the end of the default sequence of the RV session. Adding sources is the simplest way to build an edit in RV. Layers are the way that RV associates related media, e.g. an audio clip that goes with an EXR sequence can be added as a layer so that it plays back along with the sequence. Layers make it very simple to string together sequences with associated audio clips–each movie or image sequence can be added as source with a corresponding audio clip added as a layer (see soundfile commandline example above). RV's stereoscopic display features can interpret the first two image layers in a source as left and right views.

1.2.4 RV Views

RV provides three default views, and the ability to make views of your own. The three that all sessions have are the Default Sequence, which shows you all your sources in order, the Default Stack, which shows you all your sources stacked on top of one another, and the Default Layout, which has all the sources arranged in a grid (or a column, row, or any other custom layout of your own design). In addition to the default views, you can create any number of Sources, Sequences, Stacks, and Layouts of your own. See 5 for information about the process of creating and managing your own views.

1.2.5 Marking and Navigating

RV's timeline (hit TAB or F2 to bring it up) can be marked to make it easy to navigate around an RV session. RV can mark sequence boundaries automatically, but you can also use the ``m” key to place marks anywhere on the timeline. Once a session is marked you can use hot keys to quickly navigate the timeline, e.g. ``control+right arrow” (``command+right arrow'' on Mac) will set the in/out points to the next pair of marks so you can loop over that part of the timeline. If no marks are set, many of these navigation options interpret the boundaries between sources as “virtual marks”, so that even without marking you can easily step from one source to the next, etc.

1.2.6 Color

RV provides fine grained control over color management. Subsequent sections of this manual describe the RV color pipeline and options with a fair amount of technical detail. RV supports file LUTs and CDLs per source and an overall display LUT as well as a completely customizable 'source setup' function (described in the RV Reference Manual). For basic operation, however, you may find that the built in hardware conversions can do everything you need. A common example is playing a QuickTime movie that has baked-in sRGB together with an EXR sequence stored as linear floating point. RV can bring the QuickTime into linear space using the menu command Color->sRGB and then the whole session can be displayed to the monitor using the menu command View->sRGB.
LUTs can be loaded into RV by dragging and dropping them onto the RV window, through the File->Import menus and on the command line using the -flut, -llut, -dlut, and -pclut options. Similarly CDLs can be loaded into RV by dragging and dropping them onto the RV window, through the File->Import menus and on the command line using the -fcdl and -lcdl options.

1.2.7 Menus, Help and Hot Keys

RV's Help menu contains a link to launch the RV Manual (this document) the RV Reference Manaul (for customizations), along with links to RV release notes, the draft Mu Users Manual, and some additional arcane sounding menu commands.
Help->Show Current Bindings will print out all of RV's current key bindings to the shell or console (these are also included in chapter X of this manual). RV's menus can be reached through the menu bar or by using the right mouse button. Menus items with hot keys will display the hot key on the right side of the menu item. Some hot keys worth learning right away are:
  • Space - Toggle playback
  • Tab or F2 - Toggle Show Timeline
  • 'i' - Toggle Show Info Widget
  • '`' - (back-tick) Toggle Full Screen
  • F1 - Toggle Show Menu
  • Shift + Left Click - Open Pixel Inspector at pointer
  • “q” to quit RV (or close the current session)
Also from the Help menu, you can reach all of Tweaks online resources, include the Tweak web site, demo videos, latest documentation, and the support forums. If you've having some problem with RV, you can also start a support ticket (either from email or the web) directly from the Help menu.

1.2.8 Parameter Editing and Virtual Sliders

Many settings in RV, like exposure, volume, or frame rate, can be changed quickly using Parameter Edit Mode. This mode lets you use virtual sliders, the mouse wheel or the keyboard to edit RV parameters. Hot keys and Parameter Editing Mode allow artists to easily and rapidly interact with images in RV. It is worth a little practice to get comfortable using these tools. For example, to adjust the exposure setting of a sequence you can use any of the following techniques:
  1. Hit the 'e' key to enter exposure editing mode Then:
  2. Click and drag left or right to vary the exposure, and then release the mouse button to leave the mode,
  3. OR: Roll the mouse wheel to vary the exposure and then hit return to leave the mode.
  4. OR: Hit return, type the new exposure value at the prompt, and hit return again (typing '.' or any digit also starts this text-entry mode)
  5. OR: Use the '+' and '-' keys to vary the exposure and then hit return to leave the mode.
  • Use the 'r' 'g' 'b' keys to edit individual color channels. ('c' to return to editing all 3 channels.) Parameters that can be “unganged” in this way will display a 3-color glyph in the display feedback when you start editing.
  • Hit the 'l' to lock (or unlock) slider mode, so that you can repeatedly set the same parameter ('ESC' to exit).
  • The 'DEL' or 'BackSpace' key will reset the parameter to it's default value.
  • When multiple Sources are visible, as in a Layout view, parameter sliders will affect all Sources. Or you can use 's' to select only the source under the pointer for editing.
Some parameters in RV don't use virtual sliders; you can edit these directly by entering the new value, e.g. to change the playback frames per second:
  1. Hit Shift+F
  2. Type in the new frame rate at the prompt and hit return
Some other useful parameters and their hot keys:
  • Gamma - 'y'
  • Hue - 'h'
  • Contrast - 'k'
  • Audio Volume - ctrl-'v' (command-'v' on Mac)

1.2.9 Preferences and Command Line Parameters

RV's Preferences can be opened with the RV->Preferences menu item. These are worth exploring in some detail. They give you fine control over how RV loads and displays images, handles color, manages the cache, handles audio, etc. RV's preferences map to RV's command line options, so almost any option available at the command line can be set to a preferred default value in the Preferences. RV also has a -noPrefs command line flag so that you can temporarily ignore the preferences, and a -resetPrefs flag that will reset all preferences to their default values. The quickest way to take a look at all of RV's command line options is:

1.2.10 Customizing RV

RV is built to be customized. For many users, this may be completely ignored or be limited to sharing startup scripts and packages created by other users or by Tweak. A package is a collection of script code (Mu or Python) and interface elements which can be automatically loaded into RV. A package can be installed site wide, per-show, or per-user and a command line tool (rvpkg) is included for package administration tasks.
RV Packages are discussed in Chapter10.
Customization is discussed in detail in the RV Reference Manual. The RV command API technical documentation can be browsed from Help->Mu Command API Browser.

1.3 Getting Started with RVIO

PLEASE NOTE: There are two versions of RVIO. One executable, called rvio_hw is available on all platforms and makes use of the GPU in a similar way to RV (IE GFX hardware is required). The executable called rvio is software-only (requires no GFX hardware). The software-only version of RVIO is available only on Linux as of version 4.0.8. The command line structure and usage is the same for the two versions.

1.3.1 Converting Sequences and Audio

RVIO is a powerful pipeline tool. Like RV, the basic operation of RVIO is very simple, but advanced (and complex) operations are possible. RVIO can be used with a command line very similar to RV's, with additional arguments for specifying the output. Any number of sources and layers can be given to RVIO using the same syntax as you would use for RV. Some basic RVIO command line examples are:
shell> rvio foo.exr -o foo.mov shell> rvio [ foo.#.exr foo.aiff ] -o foo.mov shell> rvio [ foo_right.#.exr foo_left.#.exr foo.aiff ] \ -outstereo -o foo.mov
RVIO usage is more fully described in Chapter16.

1.3.2 Processing RV Session Files

RVIO can also take RV session files (.rv files) as input. RV session files can contain composites, color corrections, LUTs, CDLs, edits, and other information that might be easier to specify interactively in RV than by using the command line. RV session files can be saved from RV and then processed with RVIO. For example
shell> rvio foo.rv -o foo_out.#.exr
When rvio operates on a session file, any of the Views defined in the session file can be selected to provide rvio's output, so a single session could generate any number of different output sequences or movies, depending on which of the session's views you choose.

1.3.3 Slates, Mattes, Watermarks, etc.

RVIO uses Mu scripts to create slates, frame burn-in and other operations that are useful for generating dailies, client reviews and other outputs. These scripts are usable as is, but they can also be modified or replaced by users. Some examples are:
shell> rvio foo.#.exr -overlay watermark "For Client Review" 0.5 \ -o foo.mov shell> rvio foo.#.exr -leader simpleslate \ "Tweak Films" \ "Artist=Jane Doe" \ "Shot=SC101_vfx_01" \ "Notes=Lighter/Darker" \ -o foo.mov

2.1 Overview

On Windows, RV is packaged with an installer program or as a zip file. On Linux RV is packaged as a tarball. On Mac OS X, RV is packaged as a dmg file. In all cases, RV requires a Shotgun account or a license file from Tweak in order to run. See below for details on Shotgun licensing. If you elect to use a node-locked or floating “traditional” license, select the “I have an RV license” option from the License Manager and follow the directions. The Tweak License Installer will launch and you can browse to the license file from Tweak, install, save, and restart RV.
Please Note: in large installations, where the license is installed and managed by a central authority and individual users should never be installing licenses, the environment variable TWEAK_NO_LIC_INSTALLER can be set in the global environment. This will prevent RV from ever launching the license installer, even when no valid license can be found.

2.1.1 Shotgun Licensing on All Platforms

As of RV6, RV can be licensed using your Shotgun username and password.
When RV starts without a license (or when you select “License Manager” from the File menu), you'll be presented with this dialog:
Figure 2.1:
RV/Shotgun License Manager
Just enter the name or URL of your Shotgun server, and your username/password to license RV.
  • The current licensing style is always configurable via the 'License Manager' item on the 'File' menu.
  • The RV (and RV-SDI) version 6.0 executables support both licensing systems (standard Tweak licensing and licensing via Shotgun).
  • RV-SDI can be licensed via Shotgun only at sites using "Super Awesome" support.
  • There's no requirement that a given site use only one style of licensing.
  • RV licensed via Shotgun is functionally identical to RV licensed the usual way.
  • A user can switch from Tweak-standard to via-Shotgun licensing and back (the choice is stored as a preference).
  • At a facility where standard Tweak RV licensing is set up and working, there will be no change when the user runs RV6 (they will be able to try out via-Shotgun licensing by selecting a menu item if they wish).
  • Licensing RV via Shotgun does not produce any requirement to use Shotgun for other purposes. For example, users may license RV via Shotgun, but not use Screening Room.
  • A user who authenticates RV via Shotgun username/passwd once, and then runs RV at least once a week, will not have to authenticate again. (The original authentication will be refreshed on each run, assuming that the Shotgun server is accessible, and the username/passwd is still valid).
  • Similarly, an RV user who authenticates via Shotgun will be able to use RV "offline" (when the Shotgun server is unavailable) for 30 days, starting from the most recent "online" use.
  • Using RVIO to export from RV is allowed as long as RV is licensed (with any licensing scheme). Usage of RVIO "on the farm" (or otherwise unassociated with any local RV process) still requires a standard Tweak license.
For “traditional” licensing, select the second option in the License Manager dialog, and follow instructions to install a license (or just exit RV to return to an existing “traditional” licensing setup).

Site-wide Control of Server URL or Login Default Values

If the user hasn't authenticated with Shotgun yet, and the environment variable RV_SHOTGUN_DEFAULT_SERVER_URL is set, its value will be used as the default server URL in the dialogs. If you as the admin of a site can predict the user name as well (for example if everyone uses First.Last) you could set the environment variable RV_SHOTGUN_DEFAULT_LOGIN in the user's dot files or whatever, and that value will be used as the default login.

Proxy Configuration

If a network proxy is required to access your Shotgun server, you can configure RV to use that proxy server with environment variables, as described below.
Proxy host name or IP address
User name for proxy service
Password for proxy service
Table 2.1:
Proxy Configuration Environment Variables

A Note on “Legacy” Shotgun Integration Set-ups

Prior to the release of Shotgun6 / RV6, users of the RV/Shotgun integration were required to set up a “custom config module” that specified the Shotgun URL server and “script key” in order to authenticate with the server. Since the new code will authenticate with login/password (and the script key authentication is a giant security hole), the custom config module is no longer needed for that purpose. However, you can also use a custom config to fit the integration to your non-standard Shotgun entity/field structure, or to add support for additional fields. If you have a custom config and want to continue using it for that purpose, we recommend that you adjust the serverMap() function in your config module to return an empty string. (Note that most of the new stuff should still work with the “old” serverMap, but it can interfere with env var control mentioned above.)

Local Servers That Only Support HTTP (not HTTPS)

The RV/Shotgun integration and licensing will always attempt to use the https protocol for maximum security. This can cause problems in some local Shotgun installations which only support http (or only partially support https). In those cases the environment variable RV_SHOTGUN_AUTH_NO_HTTPS can be set to prevent the use of https unless it is specifically requested in the URL.

2.2 Mac OS X

2.2.1 Requirements

RV requires a recent mac running the latest OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or better.

2.2.2 Installation and Licensing

Download the latest Mac version of RV onto your Macintosh. This will be a .dmg file. Double click on the .dmg icon. Once the folder opens, drag the RV application onto the Applications link.
RV requires a license file from Tweak in order to run. If you do not have a valid license file installed, RV will launch a dialog for installing your license. Use the 'add license' button on the license manager dialog to browse to the license file you have received from Tweak. Make sure to save before you close the license manager. Then restart RV.
If you don't yet have a license, you will need to get one from Tweak. RV's licenses are locked to your computer using the Ethernet ID. Send this ID to Tweak to have a license generated for your computer. The Ethernet ID looks something like this: 00:19:E3:04:8B:80, and can be found in the OS X network preferences, under the option Built-in Ethernet in the Ethernet tab. It is easy to accidentally find the ID for the Airport or other device on your Macintosh, so double check to make sure you have the correct ID. If you computer has multiple network ports, choose the first one.

2.2.3 Structure of RV on OS X

In OS X, RV is built as an Application bundle (.app). The bundle contains all of the same types of files found in the Linux distribution tree, but also contains OS X specific files like icons and user interface elements (.nib files). The application bundle can be installed at any location in a Mac file system or may be installed on an NFS mounted file system.
If you wish to use RV command line tools, you will need to add the MacOS directory to your path. The directory is located relative to wherever you have installed RV. For example, if you installed RV in the default location, the /Applications directory, then the path would be /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS. Or /Applications/RVSDI.app/Contents/MacOS for the SDI version.)
If you wish to use RV as the protocol handler for the rvlink URL protocol (see Appendix C), run RV once with the -registerHander command-line option. This will register the rvlink protocol handler with the operating system.

2.3 Linux

2.3.1 Requirements

RV is built to work with NVidia graphics cards on Linux. A current NVidia driver (which supports OpenGL 3.2 or newer) is required.

2.3.2 Installation and Licensing

RV for Linux is distributed as a gzipped tarball. Un-tar this archive into the directory in which you would like to install RV with some version of the tar command, like this.
tar -zxf rv-Linux-x86_64-7.2.1.tar.gz
Edit your dot files to include the rv/bin directory in your PATH. You can use the Tweak license installer to install your license, or can copy it directly in the $RV_HOME/etc subdirectory and name it “license.gto.”

2.3.3 Structure of RV on Linux

On Linux, the directory tree resulting from the above 'untar' can be installed anywhere. The directory tree contains the RV binary, start-up script, and runtime support files as well as documentation. In order to use rv from a shell, you will need to have the bin directory of the RV distribution tree in your path.
RV is split into two programs: rv and rv.bin. rv is a shell script which sets a number of environment variables including plugin directory locations in the RV tree and search paths for user plugins and scripts. Currently the shell script makes sure the following environment variables are set properly:
The location of the RV distribution tree.
inserts $RV_HOME/lib in front of existing directories
sets to $RV_HOME/plugins/Mu
sets to $RV_HOME/etc/config
The rv shell script also contains two optional environment variables related to RV's audio configuration. These are commented out, but you may need to or choose to set them to fine tune RV's audio performance depending on the vintage and flavor of Linux. See the appendix for an in depth discussion of Linux audio configuration.
Once it has finished setting up the environment the startup script executes the RV binary rv.bin with the default UI script. If you have some of these variables set prior to calling the start up script, they will be modified or augmented to meet RV's requirements.
If you wish to use RV as the protocol handler for the rvlink URL protocol (see Appendix C), the protocol handler must be registered. Unlike Windows and Mac, Linux protocols are registered at the desktop environment level, not the OS level. After you've installed RV on your machine, you can run the "rv.install_handler" script in the install's bin directory. This script will register RV with both the KDE and Gnome desktop environments.
Some application-specific notes:
Firefox may or may not respect the gnome settings, in general, we've found that if there is enough of the gnome environment installed that gconfd is running (even if you're using KDE or some other desktop env), Firefox will pick up the gnome settings. If you can't get this to work, you can register the rvlink protocol with Firefox directly as described here on the Mozilla website.
Konqueror sadly seems to munge URLs before giving them to the protocol handler. For example by swapping upper for lowercase letters. And sometimes it does not pass them on at all. This means some rvlink URLs will work and some won't, so we recommend only "baked" rvlink urls with Konqueror at the moment. (see Appendix C)

2.4 Windows

2.4.1 Requirements

RV requires NVIDIA or AMD FirePro graphics cards that are OpenGL 3.2 capable running up-to-date drivers.

2.4.2 Installation and Licensing

Download the latest Windows version of RV onto your Windows PC. For local installs, use the windows installer executable. Double click on the installer icon. Follow the instructions to install RV. For site/network installs, the download will by a zip file that you can unzip into the desired location.
RV requires a license file from Tweak in order to run. If you do not have a valid license file installed, RV will launch a dialog for installing your license. Use the 'add license' button on the license manager dialog to browse to the license file you have received from Tweak. Make sure to save before you close the license manager.
If you don't yet have a license, you will need to get one from Tweak. RV's licenses are locked to your computer using the HostID. Send this ID to Tweak to have a license generated for your computer. The Ethernet ID looks something like this: 00:19:E3:04:8B:80. The correct HostID for your computer will be displayed in the license manager dialog in the HostID field on the left.
Figure 2.2:

2.4.3 Structure of RV on Windows

RV is installed by default into C:\Program Files\Shotgun\RV-7.2.1 (for RV version 7.2.1). A desktop shortcut for RV and RVSDI is created during installation. RV and other Tweak executable files (rv.exe, rvsdi.exe, rvio.exe, etc.) are placed in the bin subdirectory.
If you wish to use RV as the protocol handler for the rvlink URL protocol (see Appendix C
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, #1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number

Behavioral Observation Research Interactive Software (BORIS) user guide¶

  • Docs »
  • Behavioral Observation Research Interactive Software (BORIS) user guide
  • Edit on GitHub

BORIS is an easy-to-use event logging software for video/audio coding and live observations. BORIS is a free and open-source software available for GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

version 7.9.7



Copyright 2012-2020 Olivier Friard - Marco Gamba

BORIS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or any later version.

BORIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Install BORIS¶

BORIS can be installed following instructions on the BORIS site at download page

All previous versions of BORIS are available in the Releases section of the GitHub repository


The BORIS ececutable program is available for Linux only for 64-bit systems. If you are using a 32-bit system you have to launch BORIS from sources.

The VLC media player must be installed on your system.

You can also run BORIS from sources. See the Linux download page for details about the dependencies to install.


BORIS is available for Windows in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Check your OS to download the right version.

Two versions are available: BORIS Portable and BORIS Setup

The BORIS Portable will NOT install BORIS on your system but will run from a directory (find and launch boris.exe). Use this version if you want to test a new version of BORIS for example. Using the portable version more versions can coexist on your system.

The BORIS Setup will install BORIS on your system (the default install path is located in your home directory, you do not need administration rights to install BORIS). Installing a newer version of BORIS will replace the currently installed version.

BORIS debugging version¶

A portable version for debugging is available for Windows 64-bit versions.

Use this version if you want to report bug. In this case you should include screenshots or copy of the terminal output. This version will NOT install BORIS in your system.

You have to extract the archive and launch one of the 3 .bat file:

  • the start_boris_no_log.bat will display the log file in the command prompt window.
  • the start_boris_new_log.bat will create a new log file at every launch. The file name will contain a timestamp to avoid overwriting it
  • the start_boris.bat will add the log information to the boris.log file

The log files are created in the home directory of the current user:

  • /home/USER_NAME/ for Linux
  • C:\Users\USER_NAME\ for Microsoft Windows
  • /Users/USER_NAME/ for MacOS


BORIS is available for MacOS only in 64-bit version.

Launch BORIS¶

Start BORIS by clicking on its icon. For launching BORIS from sources see the BORIS web site. When launching BORIS for the first time it may take some time to show up. Please be patient!

The main window of BORIS will show up. The toolbar with media player commands is disabled for now.


On Mac OS 10.9 and above, launching can be stopped according to the Security & Privacy settings of your computer. They can be changed opening System Preferences… > Security & Privacy > General and selecting the option Anywhere in the frame Allow apps downloaded from. Alternatively you can repeat the operation right-clicking on the BORIS icon and then clicking Open in the following two dialog boxes.


On Microsoft-Windows, launching can be stopped by a Security warning: The publisher can not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software? Click the Run button to launch BORIS.

At the first launch, BORIS will ask you to allow the automatically check for new version. Internet access is required for this feature. If you choose Yes BORIS will check for new version about every 15 days. This option can be changed on the Preferences window (See general preferences)

You can launch BORIS from command line by specifying the project file to open as the first argument.

Create a new project with BORIS¶

The BORIS project file is the container for all information related to the project. It contains the ethogram, the independent variables, the subjects definition, the behaviors coding maps, the converters and all observations data. The save menu option (File > Save project or Save project as …) will save the project in a path in your local file system. You can also activate the automatic backup feature (see Preferences).


It is EXTREMELY important to do regular backups of your project files to prevent the lost of data. Software can be reinstalled but your data could quite possibly be lost for ever.

BORIS allows creating an unlimited number of projects but only one project can be opened at a time.

A video tutorial about creating a project is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I97Dny5hFOE

To create a new project, under the menu File , select New project. You can determine your project name by writing in the Project name field in the Information tab. Once the project will be saved, the Project file path will show the full path to your project file. Date will automatically set on the current date and time, but you can alternatively set this info on your media date and time, or whatever you prefer. Description can host all the relevant information about your project, can be also left empty. Time format can be alternatively set to seconds or to hh:mm:ss.mss. This choice can be changed at anytime under File > Preferences (for MAC users, BORIS > Preferences) > Default project time format.

Set an ethogram¶

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethogram for ethogram definition.

Switching to the Ethogram tab, you can alternatively:

Set your ethogram from scratch¶

Clicking on the Add behavior button you can add a new row in the Ethogram table and behavior type will be automatically set to Point event.

The cells with gray background can not be directly edited. You must double-click on them and then select a value.

Behavior types¶

2 types of behaviors can be defined. Double-click on the cell and select the type of behavior:

  • Point event behavior when the behavior has no duration.
    The behavior will be coded by pressing the defined keyboard key (see below) or by double-clicking to the corresponding row in the Ethogram table.
  • State event behavior when the behavior has a duration.
    The behavior start and stop will be coded by pressing the defined keyboard key (see below) or by double-clicking to the corresponding row in the Ethogram table. These behaviors must have a start event and a stop event otherwise an UNPAIRED events warning will be reported when you will close the observation or during an analysis

You can switch between State event and Point event at your convenience with a double-click on the Behavior type cell. You can also add a Coding map to either a State event (State event with coding map) or a Point event (Point event with coding map; see the “Coding map” section for details).

An existing behavior can be duplicated using the Clone behavior button. Its code have then to be changed. On a selected behavior, click on the Remove behavior button to remove. The Remove all behaviors button will clear the Ethogram table. Both the above-mentioned operations must be confirmed when prompted.

Behavioral codes (Code column) can be sorted alphabetically by checking the Alphabetical order checkbox. Alternatively they can be sorted manually by using the Move up and Move down buttons.

Categories of behaviors¶

Defining categories of behaviors can be usefull for the analysis of coded events (for example the time budget analysis). Click the Behavioral categories button and add a the categories of behaviors. Behaviors can then be included or not in a defined category.

Set keys and codes¶

For each behavior you have to set a keyboard key (Key column) that will be then used to code the behavioral events. You can choose whether you want to set a unique key for each behavior or use the same key for more than one behavior. In the case you set the same key for more than a behavior, BORIS will pause your coding and ask which of the behavior you want to record. From version 7 the keys are case-sensitive.

If your project was created with a previous version of BORIS (< v.7) you can use the Convert keys to lower case to convert all keys to lower case otherwise you will have to code your observation using upper case key.


If you open a project file created with a version older than v.7 BORIS will ask you to convert the upper case behavior and subject keys to lower case.


Do not use the / and * keys! They are reserved for the frame-by-frame mode.

In the Code column, you have to add a unique code for each behavior. Duplicated codes are not accepted and BORIS will warn in red about duplicates on the bottom left of the Ethogram tab. The code can be an alphanumeric string (which must not include the pipe character | ).

The Category column allow you to include the behavior to a predefined category.

The Description of your behavior is optional. The Description column can be useful to add information about a specific behavior, its characteristics (e.g. to standardise observation between different users) or to refer to external information (e.g. reference to a previous ethogram).

The following three columns (Modifiers, Exclusion, Coding map) cannot be edited from the Ethogram table.

Set the modifiers¶

Modifiers can be used to add attributes to a behavior. A single behavior can have two or more modifiers attached (e.g. “play” may have “solitary” or “social” as modifiers). The use of modifiers can be convenient to significantly reduce the number of keys and simplify the behavioral coding.

4 types of modifiers are available: Single selection, Multiple selection, Numeric and Value from external data file:

  • the Single selection type will allow the observer to select only one modifier for the current behavior.
  • the Multiple selection type will allow the observer to select one or more modifiers for the current behavior.
  • the Numeric type will allow the observer to input a number. For example a distance of interaction.
  • the Value from external data file type will save the value of a variable from an external data file.

In BORIS modifiers can also be added in different modifier sets [e.g. “play, social” may have a modifier set (#1) for “brothers” and another (#2) for “sisters”]. In the case of using sets of modifiers, you can select one/more modifier for each set.

To add modifiers to a behavior, you need to double-click the Modifiers cell corresponding to the behavior you want to add the modifiers to. The following window will show up:

Click the Add a set of modifiers button:

Select the modifier type using the Modifier type combo box. You have to choose between Single selection, Multiple selectionNumeric and Value from external data file.

Single selection and Multiple selection modifiers¶

Set a name for the new modifiers set by typing it in the Set name edit box. Setting a modifiers’ set name is not mandatory.

Within a set of modifiers, you can add a modifier by writing the modifier in the Modifier edit box. You can choose a shortcut (one character - case sensitive) to this modifier (optional). Then press the right-arrow button to add the new modifiers to the set.

To modify a modifier, select it and press the left-arrow button, edit the modifier and press the right-arrow button.

A modifier can be removed by pressing the Remove modifier button.

After adding all modifiers the window will appear like this:

All defined subjects can be added as modifiers using the Add subjects as modifiers button. This can help in case of coding the interactions between subjects for example.

The modifiers can be loaded from a plain text file Use the Load modifiers from file button.

The modifier position into the modifiers’ set can be manually set using the Move modifier up and Move modifier down buttons. The modifiers can be sorted alphabetically (use the Sort modifiers button).

You can add and/or remove sets using the buttons Add set of modifiers and Remove set of modifiers.

The position of a modifiers’ set can be customized (using the Move set left and Move set right buttons)

Modifiers can not contain the following characters: (|),`~!

Example of a multiple selection modifiers set:

Many values can be selected together.

Example of 2 sets of modifiers:

Numeric modifier¶

Set a name for the new set by typing it in the Set name edit box. Setting a modifiers’ set name is not mandatory.

When a Numeric modifier will trigger, BORIS will ask the observer for a numeric value.

Value from external data file modifier¶

This modifier can be used to record the value of a variable coming from an external data file (defined during the creation of the observation).

You have to define the variable name in the Variable name edit box. This is mandatory and the name of the variable must be the same than the variable defined in the observation.

See External data files

Click OK to save modifiers in the Ethogram table.

Set the exclusion matrix¶

The occurrence of an event (State or Point) can exclude the occurrence of a state event. This can be set using the Behaviors exclusion matrix window, which can be opened clicking on the Exclusion matrix button. BORIS will ask for including Point events or not and a new Exclusion matrix window will open.

Exclusive behavior may be selected by checking on the corresponding checkbox in the automatically-generated matrix. We suggest to work on the Exclusion matrix when all the behaviors have been added to your ethogram.

All behaviors can be excluded by a particular behavior by selecting the corresponding entire row (click on the row header of the behavior) and by clicking on the Check selected button. You can also uncheck all behaviors by selecting the Uncheck selected button.

Example of an exclusion matrix:

For example in the previous figure, the Alert behavior will exclude the following behaviors: Allogroom, Breed, Carry objects, Chase

During the observation, the excluding event will stop all the current excluded state events one millisecond before the occurence of the event.

Import an ethogram from an existing project¶

Behaviors within an ethogram can be imported from an existing BORIS project (.boris) using the Import behaviours from a BORIS project button. BORIS will ask to select a BORIS project file and whether imported behaviors should replace or be appended to the Ethogram table. Imported behaviors will retain all the previously defined behavior parameters (namely Behavior type, Key, Code, Description, Modifiers and Exclusion information).

Import an ethogram from a JWatcher global definition file (.gdf)¶

Behaviors can be imported from a JWatcher global definition file (.gdf) using the Import from JWatcher button. BORIS will ask to select a JWatcher file (.gdf) and whether imported behaviors should replace or be appended to the Ethogram table. Behavior type and exclusion information for the behaviours imported from JWatcher have to be redefined.

Import an ethogram from a plain text file¶

Behaviors can be imported from a plain text file using the Import from text file button. The fields must be separated by TAB, comma (,) or semicolomn (;). All rows must contain the same number of fields.

The fields will be interpreted as:

  • 1st column: Behavior type State event or Point event (mandatory)
  • 2nd column: Key (one character - case insensitive)
  • 3rd column: Behavior code (must be unique)
  • 4th column: behavior category (empty if no category)
  • 5th column: Description of behavior(optional)

All fields after the 5th will be ignored.

BORIS will ask to select a plain text file (by default: *.txt *.csv *.tsv) and whether imported behaviors should replace or be appended to the Ethogram table. The missing information for the behaviours imported from text file have to be redefined.

Import an ethogram from a spreadsheet (Google Sheet, Microsoft-Excel or LibreOffice Calc…)¶

The ethogram can be imported from a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet must contain one behavior by row and have to be organized as above:

  • 1st column: Behavior type: State event or Point event (mandatory)
  • 2nd column: Key (One character - Case sensitive - Optional)
  • 3rd column: Behavior code (mandatory - must be unique)
  • 4th column: Description of behavior (optional)
  • 5th column: Behavior category (optional)

Select all cells of your spreadsheet (CTRL + A), copy to clipboard (CTRL + C). Click the Import from clipboard button.

Export the ethogram¶

The entire ethogram can be exported in various formats (TSV, CSV, XLS, ODS, HTML). See File > Edit project > Ethogram tab > Export ethogram

Define the subjects¶

BORIS allow coding behaviors for different subjects within a single observation. The Subject table allows specifying subjects using a Key (e.g. the k on your keyboard), Subject name (e.g. “Kanzi”), Description (e.g. male, born October 28 - 1980).

In this case, pressing n will set “Nina” as the focal subject of the behavioural coding. Pressing n again will deselect “Nina” and set to “no focal subject”.

The definition of one or more subjects is not mandatory. Addition, removal and sorting of the subjects follows the same logic of the Ethogram table (see Set your ethogram from scratch for info).

From version 7 the keys are case-sensitive.

If your project was created with a previous version of BORIS (< v.7) you can use the Convert keys to lower case to convert all keys to lower case otherwise you will have to code your observation using upper case key.

The subjects can also be imported from an existing BORIS project: use the Import Subjects from a BORIS project button.

Import subject from a spreadsheet¶

The subjects can be imported from a spreadsheet (Google spreadsheet, Microsoft-Excel, LibreOffice Calc).

The spreadsheet must contain one subject by row and have to be organized as above:

  • 1st column: Subject key (One character - Case sensitive - Optional)
  • 2nd column: Subject name (mandatory)
  • 3rd column: Description of subject (optional)

Select all cells of your spreadsheet (CTRL + A), copy to clipboard (CTRL + C). Click the Import from clipboard button.


If you open a project file created with a version older than v.7 BORIS will ask you to convert the upper case behavior and subject keys to lower case.

Define the Independent variables¶

BORIS allows adding information about the observation using Independent variables. This can be used to specify factors that may influence the behaviors (e.g. group composition, temperature, weather conditions) but will not change during a single observation within a project. Each independent variable can be defined by a Label (e.g. weather), a Description (e.g. weather conditions), a Type (text, numeric, value from set or timestamp).

The values of a set are defined in the Set of values column separating the available values with a comma (,). Please note that the first value of the set will be selected by default. It should be useful to define a NA value as first value of every set.

The values for the independent variables will be asked when creating a new observation. Addition, removal and sorting of the independent variables follows the same logic of the Ethogram table (see Set your ethogram from scratch for info). The independent variables can also be imported from an existing BORIS project using the Import Variables from a BORIS project.

Example of independent variable defined as “set of values”

The predefined value must be contained in the set of value.

Observations’ tab¶

The Observations table in BORIS shows information about all the previous observations within a project. A selected “Observation” can be removed using the “Remove observation” button (you will be prompted for confirmation). This operation cannot be undone and deleted observations cannot be recovered once the project is saved. The Observations table shows four columns idDateDescriptionMedia.

Converters’ tab¶

Converters are used for plotting external data when the timestamp values are not expressed in seconds. Converters can be written by the user, loaded from file or loaded from the repository of the BORIS web site (http://www.boris.unito.it/static/converters.json).

Load converters from BORIS web site¶

Click Load converters from BORIS repository and select the converters to be added to your project.

Open an existing project with BORIS¶


Due to changes in the project format all the projects created with v. 7+ will not be suitable for previous version of BORIS. The v. 7 will open projects created with previous version and convert them. A copy of your old project will be kept.


If you open a project file created with a version older than v.7 BORIS will convert your project file and keep an original version of your project file. BORIS will ask you to convert the upper case behavior and subject keys to lower case.

To open an existing BORIS project, select the menu File > Open project. A BORIS project file is a container for all information related to a set of observations as the ethogram, the independent variables, and the subjects. BORIS allows creating an unlimited number of projects but only one project can be opened at a time.

Import a project¶

You can import a project from a Noldus The Observer XT Coding Scheme Exchange file (.otx or .otb extensions). The Observer XT software allows you to save a project as a template (see the reference manual). This template can be imported into BORIS and then saved as a BORIS project (File > Import a project from … > Noldus The Observer XT template)

The following information will be imported from the template file:

  • Ethogram (coding scheme)
  • Modifiers
  • Behavioral categories
  • Subjects
  • Independent variables

The Observer is a registered trademark of Noldus Information Technology b.v. See the Noldus web site for details


Create a new observation¶

A video tutorial about making an observation is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKeBITCICXc

To create a new observation you must first Create a new project with BORIS or Open an existing project with BORIS.

Clicking on Observations > New observation will show the New observation window.

This window allow adding various observation data:

  • a mandatory Observation id (must be unique across all observations in the open project);
  • Date, which will be automatically set on the current date and time, but you can alternatively set this info on your media date and time, or whatever you prefer.
  • Description, which can host all the relevant information about your observation, but can be also left empty.
  • Independent variables (e.g. to specify factors that may influence the behaviors but will not change during the observation within a project). See the independent variables section for details.
  • Time offset. BORIS allow specifying a time offset that can be added or subtracted from the media timecode.
  • The Limit observation to a time interval option can be used to limit the observation.

You must then indicate if you want to make an observation based on pre-recorded media (audio / video) or a live observation.

Live observation¶

During the live observation BORIS will show you a timer that will be used for recording time for coded events.

Choose the Live tab to make a live observation.

Scan sampling¶

In the above tab you can select a time for Scan sampling observation. In this case the timer will stop at every time offset you indicated and all the coded events will have the same time value.

Start from current time¶

If you want that the time starts from the current time you can check the Start from current time checkbox. The start time will be the computer current time when you will press the Start button.

Start the observation¶

Click the Start button to begin the live observation or Save to save it in the Observations list.

The main window during a live observation will look like this:

See the Live observations section to start coding.

Media based observation¶

Click on the Media tab to make an observation based on one or more media files.

The Media tab contains 2 tabs: Media files and Data files.

Click the Media files tab and add one or more media files using the Add media or Add media without path button. The Add media without path button allow you to not store the path of your media file(s) in the BORIS project file. In this case the media file(s) must be in the same directory than the BORIS project file to be found. This option is useful if you are working with various computers on the same project file(s).

If you want to remove the media file paths of an entire project see Removing path of media files.

The Add all media from directory and Add all media from dir without path allow to add all media files found in a directory to the playlist.

Information about the selected media file will be extracted and displayed in the media list: media file path, media duration, number of frames by second (FPS), the presence of a video stream, the presence of an audio stream .

The dropdown list in the first column allow you to choose a player (for a maximum of 8). If you want to observer more media files simultaneously you must use consecutive players (starting from 1). See example below:

If you have to synchronize 2 (or more) videos you can use the Offset column to indicate when the 2nd player should start. For example if the video loaded in the second player starts 15 seconds after the first video you have to input 15 in the Offset cell. If the second video starts before the first player you can set a negative value in the Offset cell

If you have to play sequentially many videos you have to select the same player (#1) for all video you have loaded. This means that an event occurring at time tx in the media file queued as second (e.g. second_video.mp4) in the playlist will be scored as happening at time t1 + tx (where t1 is the duration of the first media file, e.g. first_video.mp4).

The Remove media button can be used to remove all the selected media files.

All the media types reported at http://www.videolan.org/vlc/features.html can be played in BORIS.

Spectrogram visualization¶

BORIS allow you to visualize the sound spectrogram during the media observation. Activate the Visualize spectrogram check box. BORIS will ask you to generate the spectrograms for all media files loaded in the first player.

The spectrogram visualization will be synchonized to the media position during the observation.

Close current behavior between videos¶

This option is disabled for now.

External data files¶


At this time only 2 external data can be plotted with your media file

You can select one or more external data files to be plotted synchronously with your media. Click the Data files tab and use the Add data file button to select a data file.

The data files must be plain text files with at least 2 columns separated by comma or TAB. One column must contain a timestamp that will be used to synchronize the plot with the media. The sampling rate can be variable.

Example of a plain text data file with 5 columns separated by comma (,):


In the above example the 4th column contains the timestamp and the 5th the value to be plotted.

Input the index of the column containing the timestamp and the index of the column containing the value to be plotted. The two indices must be separated by a comma (,). Click OK to close the window.

A new row will be added in the data files table.

You can modify/complete the following parameters by directly typing in the table cells:

  • Columns to plot
  • Plot title: the title of the plot
  • Variable name
  • Converters: Used if the timestamp is not expressed in seconds (see below for details)
  • Time interval: The time interval that will be plotted (in seconds)
  • Start position: the start position of data for synchronisation with the media (in seconds)
  • Substract first value: if the timestamp does not start with a 0 value you can choose to substract the first value to all timestamp values.
  • Color: the color of the color

NOTE : if you want to record the value of the plotted variable in a modifier of a behavior (see Value from external data file modifier) the modifier must have the same variable name.

You can check if the data from file can be correctly plotted by using the Show plot button. If the data are compatible you will see a plot otherwise you will obtain a message with an explanation.

For now only 2 values can be plotted synchronously with your media file. The values can come from the same file or from two different files.

During the observation tha values you have selected in external data files will be plotted synchronously with your media file.


If the values in the timestamp column are not expessed in seconds (like 12.45) but in another format (HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, ISO8601 2018-01-18T12:31:40Z …) you must use a converter that will convert the current format in seconds.

See the Converters’ tab in the project configuration: converters tab

A double-click on the converters cell will allow you to select a converter for each column to be plotted

Use the Show plot button to verify if your external data can be plotted without problem. The Close plot button will close the plot window.

Converters can also be used to convert values that are not time value.

Example of a converter for inverting value:

Start the observation¶

Click the Start button to start coding. The Observation window will be closed and you’ll be transferred to the main BORIS window. If you do not want to start the observation click the Save button. The observation will be saved in the observations list.

The main window during the observation of a single media file will look like this:

See the media coding section to start coding.

Limit observation to a time interval¶

This option can be used to limit the observation to a time interval for live or media based observations.

Media based observation¶

When the observation will start the media will be automatically positioned to the Start time value and the player will stop when the video time will reach the Stop time value.

Live observation¶

The observation will start at time 0 (or the current time if the Start from current time option is enabled). The Start time of the time interval will not be applied. The observation will stop when the Stop time will be reached.

Observations list¶

The Observations > Observations list will show you all the observations contained in the current BORIS project.

The observations can be sorted by clicking in the desired column header (alphabetic order ascending or descending).

The observations list can be filtered selecting a field and a condition in the drop-list boxes.

In the following example observations are filtered: only observations with description containing the In the pool subject are shown:

Observations can be filtered with Independent variables values.

The following example displays only the observations that do not contain “Sunny” in the Weather independent variable :

Observations with a value of Temperature independent variable between 18 and 22:

Observations with a value of Visitors independent variable greater than 1000:

Delete observations¶

The observations can be deleted from the project using the following procedure: File > Edit project > Observation’s tab

Select all observations to remove

Click the Remove selected observations button and confirm the deletion.

Please note that the deletion is irreversible.

Import observations from a project file¶

The Observations > Import observations option allows to import observations from a BORIS project file into the current project. Choose the project file and then the observations to import. BORIS will check if observations with same id are already existing in the current project. BORIS will also check if behaviors and/or subjects used in the imported observations are not defined in the current project.

Coding your media¶

When looking at the BORIS main window, the window title bar shows the Observation id - Project name - BORIS. The media (the first in the queue) will be loaded in the media player and paused.

Live observations¶

During a live observation the media control toolbar is disabled.

Press the Start live observation button to start your observation. If some events are already coded BORIS will ask you for deleting them.

A timer will be displayed. The events will be recorded in the events widget.

See the following screenshot.

Ethogram widget in the main window¶

The Ethogram widget provide the user with the list of behaviors defined in the Ethogram. It can be used to record an event by double clicking on the corresponding row. The Key column indicates the keyboard key assigned to each behavior (if any). Pressing a key will record the corresponding behavior (that will appear in the Events widget).

The behaviors shown in the ethogram widget can be filtered:

Right-click on ethogram widget > Filter behaviors

Check/Uncheck single behaviors or double-click on the behavioral category

Subjects widget in the main window¶

The Subjects widget provide the user with the list of subjects defined in the Subject tab in the Project window. It can be used to add information about the focal subject on the recorded behaviors by double clicking on the corresponding row. When a subject is selected his/her name appears above the media player. The Key column indicates the keyboard key assigned to each subject (if any).

The subjects shown in the subjects widget can be filtered:

Right-click on subjects widget > Filter subjects

Check/Uncheck single subject

Record an event¶

Once ready to begin your coding, you can start the media player using the Play button (or the Space bar). The behaviors can be recorded using the keyboard with the predefined keys, by double-clicking the corresponding row in the Ethogram table or by using the Coding pad (See coding pad).

If the pressed key defines a single event, the corresponding event will be recorded in the Events table. In the case you have specified the same key for two (or more) events (e.g. key A in the figure below), BORIS will prompt you for the desired behavior.

In the case you have specified modifiers (one or more sets), BORIS will prompt you for the desired modifier(s) if any (e.g. ball or opponent in the figure below). You can select the correct one using the mouse or the keyboard ( b key or o key)

If no keys are defined for the modifier selection, you can type the first character of the modifier and use the Up arrow and Down arrow keyboard keys to select the correct modifier.

In the case your behavior type is a Point event with coding map or a State event with coding map, BORIS will show the Coding map window and will allow selecting the desired area(s). In case you click a part of the map in which two (or more) areas overlap, the corresponding codes will be recorded.

A recorded event can be edited (once selected) using the Observations > Edit event menu option. The resulting Edit event parameters allows modifying every parameter (e.g. time, subject, code, modifiers, and comment).

The Observations > Add event menu option allows adding a new event by specifying its time and the other parameters.

The Events widget context menu¶

Some functions are available in the Events widget context menu. Righ-click on the Events widget.

Add event¶

This option allows adding a new event by specifying its time and the other parameters.

Edit selected event(s)¶

This option allows to edit the selected event(s). When many events are selected you have to choose the field to edit between Subject, Behavior and Comment. In this case the new value will apply to all selected events.

Edit time of selected event(s)¶

This option allows to add or subtract a time value (in seconds) to all selected events. For subtracting a value use a negative value.

Copy events¶

This option allows to copy the selected events in the clipboard. The clipboard will contain the values of the selected events (except the type field) separated by a <TAB> character.

Example of clipboard content:

Paste events¶

This option allows to paste the clipboard content into the events widget. The clipboard must respect the format described in the previous section: 5 columns separated by <TAB> character.

Find in events¶

This option allows to search for a string in the various field of events. Select the fields to be searched. The find/replace operation can be restricted to the selected events.

Find/Replace in events¶

This option allows to search for a string and replace it by a new value in the various field of events. Select the fields to be searched. The find operation can be restricted to the selected events.

Filter events¶

This option allows to filter the events by field value.

Show all events¶

This option reverts the previous one and allows to visualize all coded events

Check state events¶

This option allows to check if the state events are PAIRED, if they have a START and a STOP occurences.

Delete selected events¶

This option allows to delete the selected events. This operation is irreversible!

Delete all events¶

This option allows to delete all then events in the current observation. This operation is irreversible!

Fix unpaired state events¶

You can use the “Fix unpaired events” function to fix the state events without a STOP event.

Observations > Fix unpaired events (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+U)

The program will ask for a time at which insert the STOP events for all unpaired state events

This function can be run on a set of selected observations (when no observation is open). In this case the STOP events will be inserted at the end of observation.

Explore project¶

You can search information in various fields in all observations in the current project (Observations > Explore project).

The searchable fields are: subject, behavior, modifier and comment.

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 NEW 09/18  BruteShark v1.4.0.0- Free network forensic analysis tool to inspect traffic.
 UPDATED 09/18  CrystalDiskInfo v8.8.7- Monitors disk health, status, temp, S.M.A.R.T. info.
 UPDATED 09/18  Display Driver Uninstaller v18.0.3.2- Completely removes video drivers. UPDATED 09/18  Microsoft Process Monitor v3.60- Real-time monitoring of system activity. UPDATED 09/17  Wireshark v3.2.6- World’s foremost & widely-used network protocol analyzer.
 UPDATED 09/17  Gramps v5.1.3-2- Free genealogy program that supports GEDCOM. UPDATED 09/17  PreviousFilesRecovery v1.10- Scans shadow copies of files for recovery.
 UPDATED 09/17  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v4.2.1.89- Removes malware, spyware, etc. UPDATED 09/16  Amidst v4.6- Free tool to display an overview of a Minecraft world. UPDATED 09/16  Notepad3 v5.20.915.1- Windows Notepad replacement with incredible features. UPDATED 09/16  FileVoyager v20.01.20- A free file manager that does it all with VirusTotal built-in. UPDATED 09/16  PingInfoView v2.05- Continuously ping multiple host names and IPs at once. UPDATED 09/16  WifiInfoView v2.65- Displays complete info on wireless networks around you.
 NEW 09/15  Game Cleaner v2.0.17.297- Clean up all of the unneeded junk in Steam.
 NEW 09/15  ForceEnd v1.1.1.57- Stops a running process, with or without force.
 UPDATED 09/15  NirLauncher v1.23.31- A free Swiss Army Knife of tools for computer techs. UPDATED 09/15  Blank And Secure v5.88- Free, portable tool to securely delete files. UPDATED 09/14  YDL-UI v2.6.9- Download videos from YouTube to your PC. UPDATED 09/14  Microsoft PowerToys v0.21.2- A set of utilities to tune & streamline Windows. UPDATED 09/11  PE Anatomist v0.1.17- Shows known data structures in a PE file with analytics. NEW 09/11  Wu10Man v4.2.0- Free, portable tool to declutter & prevent updates on Win10.
 UPDATED 09/11  balenaEtcher v1.5.108- Flash OS images to SD & USB drives, safely and easily. NEW 09/11  Reset Windows Update Tool v11.0.0.8- Portable tool to fix Windows Update.
 UPDATED 09/10  TraceRouteOK v2.22- Track path data travels over Internet, or network. UPDATED 09/10  GetWindowText v3.81- Copy text from system messages with drag & drop. UPDATED 09/10  DirPrintOK v4.23- Print & save directory contents & directory structures.  UPDATED 09/10  ThisIsMyFile v3.31- Unlock/delete locked files with this free portable app. UPDATED 09/10  WebBrowserPassView v2.07- Reveals the passwords stored by web browsers. UPDATED 09/10  Mail PassView v1.91- Reveals passwords & account details for email clients. UPDATED 09/10  Executor v1.0.1- Incredible, free, multi-purpose launcher for the desktop. UPDATED 09/09  Password Safe v3.53- Create an encrypted username/password list.  NEW 09/09  Universal Radio Hacker v2.8.9- Complete suite for wireless investigation.
 UPDATED 09/09  Tixati v2.75 (Windows/Linux)- Free file sharing using BitTorrent protocol.  UPDATED 09/09  ShareX v13.2.1- Capture/Record any area of screen & upload to online services. UPDATED 09/09  ScreenToGif v2.27- Screen, webcam & sketchboard recorder with an editor. UPDATED 09/08  Personal Backup v6.1.8.0- Completely free backup program for Windows.  UPDATED 09/08  Antivirus Removal Tool 2020.09 v.1- Completely removes antivirus software.
 NEW 09/08  NotesMan v1.2.8- Portable note taking program with just the features you want.
 UPDATED 09/08  PeaZip v7.4.1- Free RAR, TAR, ZIP archiver utility. UPDATED 09/08  MultiClipBoardSlots v2.12- Extend the Clipboard to 10 Clipboard memory slots. UPDATED 09/08  CpuFrequenz v3.33- Free tool for exact determination of the CPU frequency. NEW 09/07  Open-Shell v4.4.152- The old Classic Shell is reborn in this #opensource project.
 UPDATED 09/07  ToDoList v8.0.3- A free, unique task management tool. UPDATED 09/07  WinPing v1.33- Measure connections in local networks and on the Internet. NEW 09/04  WinCustom v2.0.0.0- Hide and customize a ton of Windows features/settings.
 UPDATED 09/03  Sweet Home 3D v6.4.2- Free 3D interior design application. UPDATED 09/03  Mozilla Thunderbird Portable v68.12.0- Portable ver. of the popular email app. UPDATED 09/03  foobar2000 v1.6- An advanced, freeware audio player. NEW 09/02  Fan Control v47- Free, customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
 UPDATED 09/02  YUMI-UEFI v0.0.2.7- Creates Multiboot USB Flash Drive with multiple OSes.
 UPDATED 09/01  MeinPlatz v6.33- Free program to scan the hard disk for lost disk space.  UPDATED 09/01 Brave v1.13.82- Free Chromium-based browser w/ unmatched speed, security.
 UPDATED 09/01  WizTree v3.35- World's fastest, free hard disk space analyzer. UPDATED 09/01  Blender v2.90.0- A free, open source 3D animation and #gamedev suite. NEW 09/01  BrokenMouse v1.0- Keeps cursor on one screen w/ dual screens & old games.
 UPDATED 09/01  Tron Script v11.1.3- A collection of auto-batch files to clean/disinfect computers. UPDATED 09/01  Find.Same.Images.OK v3.22- Find similar rotated, mirrored, zoomed pics. UPDATED 08/31  EASEUS Todo Backup Free Edition v12.5- Free backup/recovery program. UPDATED 08/31  NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2) v6.1.2- Easily scans docs to PDF. UPDATED 08/31  StressMyPC v4.11- Free stress-testing software for computers.
 NEW 08/28  Easy RoboCopy v1.0.15- A graphical user interface for Microsoft's RoboCopy.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the #1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for #1 Video Converter v3.4.3 serial key or number

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