1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number

1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number

1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number

1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number


Tapiwa Ganyani, 1 Cécile Kremer, 1 Dongxuan Chen, 2 , 3 Andrea Torneri, 1 , 4 Christel Faes, 1 Jacco Wallinga, 2 , 3 and Niel Hens 1 , 4

Tapiwa Ganyani

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

Cécile Kremer

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

Dongxuan Chen

2Centre for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands

3Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

Andrea Torneri

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

4Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID), Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Christel Faes

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

Jacco Wallinga

2Centre for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands

3Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

Niel Hens

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

4Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID), Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

1I-BioStat, Data Science Institute, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium
2Centre for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands
3Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
4Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID), Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Received Mar 6; Accepted Apr 7.
Copyright This article is copyright of the authors or their affiliated institutions,
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY ) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.



Estimating key infectious disease parameters from the coronavirus disease (COVID) outbreak is essential for modelling studies and guiding intervention strategies.


We estimate the generation interval, serial interval, proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission and effective reproduction number of COVID We illustrate that reproduction numbers calculated based on serial interval estimates can be biased.


We used outbreak data from clusters in Singapore and Tianjin, China to estimate the generation interval from symptom onset data while acknowledging uncertainty about the incubation period distribution and the underlying transmission network. From those estimates, we obtained the serial interval, proportions of pre-symptomatic transmission and reproduction numbers.


The mean generation interval was days (95% credible interval (CrI): &#x;) for Singapore and days (95% CrI: &#x;) for Tianjin. The proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission was 48% (95% CrI: 32&#x;67) for Singapore and 62% (95% CrI: 50&#x;76) for Tianjin. Reproduction number estimates based on the generation interval distribution were slightly higher than those based on the serial interval distribution. Sensitivity analyses showed that estimating these quantities from outbreak data requires detailed contact tracing information.


High estimates of the proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission imply that case finding and contact tracing need to be supplemented by physical distancing measures in order to control the COVID outbreak. Notably, quarantine and other containment measures were already in place at the time of data collection, which may inflate the proportion of infections from pre-symptomatic individuals.

Keywords: COVID, generation interval, serial interval, incubation period, reproduction number


The coronavirus disease (COVID) outbreak that started in Wuhan, China in December has now been declared a pandemic. As at 22 April , 2,, cases of COVID have been confirmed in countries and territories around the world [1]. In order to plan intervention strategies aimed at bringing disease outbreaks such as the COVID outbreak under control as well as to monitor disease outbreaks, public health officials depend on insights about key disease transmission parameters that are typically obtained from mathematical or statistical modelling. Examples of key parameters include the reproduction number (R) (average number of infections caused by an infectious individual), and distributions of the generation interval (time between infection events in an infector-infectee pair), serial interval (time between symptom onsets in an infector-infectee pair) and incubation period (time between moment of infection and symptom onset) [2]. Estimates of the reproduction number together with the generation interval distribution can provide insight into the speed with which a disease will spread. On the other hand, estimates of the incubation period distribution can help guide determining appropriate quarantine periods.

As soon as line lists were made available, statistical and mathematical modelling was used to quantify these key epidemiological parameters. Li et al. [3] estimated the basic reproduction number using a renewal equation to be (95% confidence interval (CI): &#x;), the serial interval distribution to have a mean of days (95% CI: &#x;19) based on six observations, and the incubation period distribution to have a mean of days (95% CI: &#x;) based on 10 observations. Other studies estimated the incubation period distribution to have a mean of days (95% credible interval (CrI): &#x;) [4], mean of days (95% CrI: &#x;) [5], mean of days (range: &#x;) [6], and a mean of days (range: 2&#x;11) [7].

When the incubation period does not change over the course of the epidemic, the expected values of the serial and generation interval distributions are expected to be equal but their variances to be different [8]. It has recently been shown that ignoring the difference between the serial and generation interval can lead to biased estimates of the reproduction number [8]. More specifically, when the serial interval distribution has larger variance than the generation interval distribution, using the serial interval as a proxy for the generation interval will lead to an underestimation of the effective reproduction number, R. When R is underestimated, this may lead to prevention policies that are insufficient to stop disease spread [8].

The most well-known method to estimate the serial interval distribution from line list data is the likelihood-based estimation method proposed by Wallinga and Teunis [9]. In , Hens et al. [10] proposed using the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm to estimate the generation interval distribution from incomplete line list data based on the method by [9] and allowing for auxiliary information to be used in assigning potential infector-infectee pairs. Te Beest et al. [11] used a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach as an alternative to the EM algorithm, to facilitate taking uncertainty related to the dates of symptom onset into account. In this paper, we use a MCMC approach to estimate, next to the serial interval distribution, the generation interval distribution upon specification of the incubation period distribution. We compare the impact of differences among previous estimates of the incubation period distribution for COVID


Data sources

The data used in this paper are symptom onset dates and cluster information for confirmed cases in Singapore (21 January to 26 February ) and Tianjin, China (14 January to 27 February ).

As at 26 February, 91 confirmed COVID cases had been reported in Singapore. Detailed information on age, sex, known travel history, time of symptom onset and known contacts was available for 54 of these cases from the Ministry of Health (manicapital.com, last accessed 26 February). For cases with no infector information available, it was assumed that they could have been infected by any other case within the same cluster. There were four clusters in these data, i.e. Grace Assembly of God church, Grand Hyatt business meeting, Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site and Yong Thai Hang shop. Cases known to be Chinese/Wuhan nationals or known to have been in close contact with a Chinese/Wuhan national were labelled as index cases. All other cases were assumed to have been infected locally.

As at 27 February, confirmed cases had been reported by the Tianjin Municipal Health Commission. Data on these cases were available in official daily reports (manicapital.com, last accessed 27 February) and included age, sex, relationship to other known cases, and travel history to risk areas in and outside Hubei Province, China. In these data, cases can be traced to one of 16 clusters. The largest cluster consisting of 45 cases could be traced to a shopping mall in Baodi district of Tianjin. Through contact investigations, potential transmission links were identified for cases who had close contacts. Travel history information was used to identify some individuals as imported cases. For cases with no infector information available, it was assumed that they could have been infected by any other case within the same cluster.


For i&#x;=&#x;2,&#x;,n, denote ti the time of infection for individual i, tv(i) the time of infection for the infector of individual i, ´i the incubation period for individual i and ´v(i) the incubation period for the infector of individual i. The serial interval (Zi) for case i is a linear combination of latent variables, i.e. Zi&#x;=&#x;(ti&#x;+&#x;´i) &#x; (tv(i)&#x;+&#x;´v(i)). Assuming the incubation period is independent of the infection time, Zi can be rewritten as a convolution of the generation interval for individual i and the difference between the incubation period of individual i and the incubation period of its infector v(i) [8], i.e.,

The random variables Xi and ´i are positive and are both assumed to be independent and identically distributed, i.e. Xi ~ f(x; &#x;1) and ´i ~ k(´; &#x;2), so that Yi ~ g(yi; &#x;2). Formula (1) implies that both the generation interval and serial interval distributions have the same mean and that the latter has a larger variance and can be negative.

The observed serial interval, zi, can be expressed in terms of the latent variables as zi&#x;=&#x;xi&#x;+&#x;yi, which implies that, zi ~ h(zi; &#x;1, &#x;2). The density function h(.) is given by Mood et al. [12],

In general, h(z;&#x;1, &#x;2) and g(y; &#x;2) have no closed form for arbitrary choices of f(x; &#x;1) and k(´; &#x;2). Monte Carlo methods [13] can be used to estimate h(z; &#x;1, &#x;2) as follows,

where J is the number of Monte Carlo samples (i.e. ) and yj is the jth Monte Carlo sample drawn from g(y; &#x;2). When all infector-infectee pairs are observed, the likelihood function is given by,

where &#x;&#x;=&#x;[&#x;1, &#x;2] [8]. To account for uncertainty in the transmission links we resort to a Bayesian framework in which missing links are imputed [11] (see the following section, &#x;Parameter estimation&#x;). The likelihood function is then given by L (&#x;,v(i)missing |zi, v(i)). In the main analyses missing links v(i)missing are imputed allowing for positive serial intervals only. As a sensitivity analysis, we do not impose any constraints on whether or not serial intervals have a positive value.

Parameter estimation

We use the Bayesian method described in te Beest et al. [11] for parameter estimation. This method proceeds in two steps. The first step updates the missing links v(i)missing and the second step updates the parameter vector &#x;1, i.e. the parameters of the generation interval distribution. We assume that both the generation interval and the incubation period are gamma distributed, i.e. f(x; &#x;1) &#x; &#x;(±1, ²1) and k(´; &#x;2) &#x; &#x;(±2, ²2). The parameter vector &#x;2 is fixed to (±2 =&#x;; ²2&#x;=&#x;), corresponding to an incubation period with a mean of days and a standard deviation (SD) of days [6]. Minimally informative uniform priors are assigned to the parameters of the generation interval distribution, i.e. ±1~ U(0,30) and ²1~ U(0,20). For cases with multiple potential infectors, the possible links v(i)missing are assigned equal prior probabilities. The missing links are updated using an independence sampler, whereas &#x;1 is updated using a random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with a uniform proposal distribution [13]. We evaluate the posterior distribution using 3,, iterations of which the first , are discarded as burn-in. Thinning is applied by taking every th iteration. The mean and variance of the generation interval distribution are monitored within the MCMC chain. Posterior point estimates are given by the 50% percentiles of the converged MCMC chain. CrIs are given by the % and % percentiles of the converged MCMC chain. The serial interval distribution is obtained by simulating 1,, draws from h(z; &#x;1, &#x;2). All analyses were performed using R software version (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria), while datasets and code are available on GitHub (manicapital.com).

Corollary epidemiological parameters

The Figure shows three possible transmission scenarios. The proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission is calculated as p&#x;=&#x;P(Xi&#x; &#x;´v(i)), i.e. pre-symptomatic transmission occurs when the generation interval is shorter than the incubation period of the infector. This proportion was obtained by simulating values from the estimated generation interval and incubation period distributions, assuming a mean incubation time of days [6].

Three possible coronavirus disease (COVID) transmission scenarios: (A) one symptomatic transmission scenario and (B) two pre-symptomatic transmission scenarios

The upper figure of panel B shows pre-symptomatic transmission where the infector develops symptoms before the infectee (i.e. positive serial interval), whereas the lower figure shows pre-symptomatic transmission where the infector develops symptoms after the infectee (i.e. negative serial interval). Note that the figure does not include asymptomatic transmission, i.e. infected individuals who may not show symptoms but can transmit infection.

For each of the two outbreaks, i.e. Singapore and Tianjin, R is calculated as

In this, r denotes the exponential growth rate estimated from the early ascending phase of the incidence curve, and ¼ and Ã2 are the mean and variance of either the generation interval distribution or the serial interval distribution [14]. We calculate R in order to highlight the bias that occurs when the serial interval distribution is used as a proxy for the generation interval distribution [8].

CrIs for p and R are calculated by evaluating p and R at each iteration of the converged MCMC chain, i.e. at each mean-variance pair of the posterior generation/serial interval distribution. The 95% CrIs are given by the % and % percentiles of the resulting distributions.

Sensitivity analyses

As sensitivity analyses, we investigate the robustness of our estimates of the generation interval distribution to the choice of different incubation period distributions. In particular, we fix &#x;2 to (±2&#x;=&#x;; ²2&#x;=&#x;) and (±2&#x;=&#x;; ²2&#x;=&#x;), corresponding to an incubation period with a mean of and SD of days [4], and a mean of and a SD days [7], respectively.

In our main, i.e. baseline, analyses, missing serial intervals were only allowed to be positive, i.e. the symptom onset time of the infector has to occur before that of the infectee. However, given that pre-symptomatic transmission is possible, this can be deemed an unrealistic assumption. Therefore, we assess the impact of allowing for negative serial intervals on our estimates of the generation interval distribution.

To further assess the robustness of the estimated generation interval distribution, for each dataset, we fit the model to data from the largest cluster. In the Tianjin dataset, the largest cluster is the shopping mall cluster consisting of 45 cases. In the Singapore dataset, this is the Grace Assembly of God cluster consisting of 25 cases.


Estimates of key epidemiological parameters

Table 1 shows parameter estimates of the generation and serial interval distributions for each dataset, assuming an incubation period with a mean of days and a SD of days. The mean generation time is estimated to be days (95% CI: &#x;) for the Singapore data, and days (95% CI: &#x;) for the Tianjin data. As expected, the estimated means of the generation interval and serial interval distributions are approximately equal, but the latter has a larger variance.

Table 1

Parameter estimates and credible intervals of generation and serial interval distributions of COVID using reported information on infector-infectee pairs and assuming an incubation period with a mean of and a SD of days, Singapore, 21 January&#x;26 February ; Tianjin, China, 14 January&#x;27 February
DatasetScenarioIntervalEstimate (95% credible interval) (days)
SingaporeaBaselineGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Tianjin (China)bBaselineGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )

Sensitivity analyses

Table 2 shows parameter estimates of the generation and serial interval distributions for each dataset, assuming incubation periods with a mean of and a SD of days, or a mean of and SD of days. The parameter estimates are fairly robust to the specified incubation period distribution, with mean generation times of about 5 days for Singapore and 4 days for Tianjin.

Table 2

Parameter estimates and credible intervals of generation and serial interval distributions of COVID with missing serial intervals only allowed to be positive by different incubation periods, Singapore, 21 January&#x;26 February ; Tianjin, China, 14 January&#x;27 February
DatasetAssumed incubation period (days)IntervalEstimate (95% credible interval) (days)
SingaporeaMean , SD GI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Mean , SD GI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Tianjin (China)bMean , SD GI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Mean , SD GI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )

Table 3 shows parameter estimates of the generation and serial interval distributions obtained when allowing for negative serial intervals in case there is no known infector. Compared with baseline analyses (Table 1), estimates of the mean generation time are smaller when allowing for negative serial intervals. The mean generation time is days for Singapore and days for Tianjin.

Table 3

Parameter estimates and credible intervals of generation and serial interval distributions of COVID when allowing serial intervals to be negative and assuming an incubation period with a mean of and a SD of days, Singapore, 21 January&#x;26 February ; Tianjin, China, 14 January&#x;27 February
DatasetScenarioIntervalEstimate (95% credible interval) (days)
SingaporeaAllowing for all possible negative SIGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Tianjin (China)bAllowing for all possible negative SIGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )

Table 4 shows parameter estimates obtained when we fit the model to data from the largest cluster (n=45). We only show results for the Tianjin dataset because for the Singapore data, there were too few cases (n&#x;=&#x;25) and the MCMC chain did not converge. When allowing only positive serial intervals for cases with no known infector, the mean generation time is estimated to be days. On the other hand, when allowing for negative serial intervals, it is estimated to be days.

Table 4

Parameter estimates and credible intervals of generation and serial interval distributions of COVID for the largest cluster under different scenarios for the serial interval and assuming an incubation period with a mean of and a SD of days, Tianjin, China, 14 January&#x;27 February
DatasetScenarioIntervalEstimate (95% credible interval) (days)
Tianjin (China)aBaselinebGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )
Allowing for all possible negative SIGI ( - ) ( - )
SI (&#x; - ) ( - )

Estimates of corollary epidemiological parameters

Table 5 shows the proportions of pre-symptomatic transmission and reproduction numbers for each dataset. Pre-symptomatic transmission is higher when allowing for negative serial intervals for cases with no known infector. The reproduction number is lower when estimated using the serial interval compared with when using the generation interval.

Table 5

Proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission (p) and reproduction number (R) of COVID estimated using generation interval or serial interval and assuming an incubation period with a mean of and a SD of days, Singapore, 21 January&#x;26 February ; Tianjin, China, 14 January&#x;27 February
DatasetScenarioIntervalEstimate (95% credible interval)
SingaporeaBaselinebGI (&#x;) (&#x;)
SINAc (&#x;)
Allowing for all possible negative SIGI (&#x;) (&#x;)
SINAc (&#x;)
Tianjin (China)dBaselineGI (&#x;) (&#x;)
SINAc (&#x;)
Allowing for all possible negative SIGI (&#x;) (&#x;)
SINAc (&#x;)


We estimated the generation time to have a mean of days (95% CrI: &#x;) and a SD of days (95% CrI: &#x;) for the Singapore data, and a mean of days (95% CrI: &#x;) with a SD of days (95% CrI: &#x;) for the Tianjin data. These mean estimates increased only slightly when increasing the mean incubation period. For the Singapore data, allowing the serial interval to be negative decreased the estimated mean generation time from days, when restricting missing serial intervals to be positive, to days (95% CrI: &#x;), when allowing them to be negative. For the Tianjin data, the baseline estimate of the mean generation time ( days) is about the same as when allowing serial intervals to be negative in the Singapore data. However, there were already some negative serial intervals among the reported links in the Tianjin data, which may explain this lower estimate. The difference in these estimates could also be the result of differences in containment strategies. When allowing for negative serial intervals in the Tianjin data, the mean generation time decreased to days (95% CrI: &#x;). The sensitivity analyses showed that the assumptions made about the incubation period have only moderate impact on the results. On the other hand, assumptions made about the underlying transmission network (e.g. acknowledging possibly negative serial intervals) had a large impact on our results.

As expected, the proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission increased from 48% (95% CrI: 32&#x;67) in the baseline scenario to 66% (95% CrI: 45&#x;84) when allowing for negative serial intervals, for the Singapore data, and from 62% (95% CrI: 50&#x;76) to 77% (95% CrI: 65&#x;87) for the Tianjin data. When the incubation period is larger, it is expected that these proportions will be higher and when it is smaller, they are expected to be lower. Hence, a large proportion of transmission appears to occur before symptom onset, which is an important point to consider when planning intervention strategies. It is worth noting that the outbreak data we used were collected in the presence of intervention measures such as case isolation and quarantining of identified contacts. This means that our estimates do not necessarily reflect the natural epidemiology of COVID, but instead reflect what is observed in the presence of these intervention measures. It is expected that these measures reduce the proportion of symptomatic transmission, which implies that a high proportion of infections is likely to have occurred before symptom onset because isolation prevents symptomatic transmission.

We also estimated R for the sole purpose of illustrating the bias that occurs when using the serial interval as a proxy for the generation interval [8]. Whereas the impact was limited for our analyses, estimates based on the generation interval are larger and should be preferred to inform intervention policies. Indeed, as expected, the reproduction number was underestimated when using the serial interval distribution which is more variable than the generation interval distribution.

Tindale et al. [15] recently estimated the mean serial interval for COVID to be days (95% CI: &#x;) for Singapore and days (95% CI: &#x;) days for Tianjin. Although these estimates are different from the ones we report, they fall within the uncertainty ranges we obtained. An important advantage of our method is that we are able to infer the generation interval distribution while allowing serial intervals to be negative. Our estimates of R are smaller than the ones reported by Tindale et al. [15] because we use a different estimate of the growth rate r. To expand, we used for Singapore and for Tianjin, as obtained from the initial exponential growth phase in each dataset, compared with the used by Tindale et al. [15]. Our estimates of the serial interval are also in line with those of Du et al. [16], which estimated a mean of days (95% CI: &#x;) and a SD of days (95% CI: &#x;).

Another advantage of our method is that we can derive a proper variance estimate for the generation interval, in contrast to using a too large variance estimate that is obtained when using the serial interval as a proxy for the generation interval. Furthermore, from a biological point of view, we do not need to condition on the order of symptom onset times. However, when the data do not provide sufficient information on directionality of transmission, this lack of auxiliary information may cause problems for estimation.

Our study does have some limitations. First, we rely on previous estimates for the incubation period. However, our sensitivity analyses showed that changing the incubation period distribution does not have a big impact on our estimates of the generation interval distribution. Second, we do not account for incomplete or possible changes in reporting over the course of the epidemic. Incomplete reporting means that cases are missing, with this leading to incomplete transmission networks. As the underlying transmission network has a large impact on our estimates, incomplete reporting may bias our estimates. Third, we do not acknowledge changes in contact patterns and thus behavioural change, which could shape realised generation interval distributions as well as serial interval distributions (data not shown). Fourth, we do not account for contraction of the generation interval because of depletion of susceptibles. Future work should take these shortcomings into account.

In the beginning of the pandemic, infection control for the COVID epidemic relied on case-based measures such as finding cases and tracing contacts. A variable that determines how effective these case-based measures are is the proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission. Our estimates of this proportion are high, ranging from 48% to 77%. This implies that the effectiveness of case finding and contact tracing in preventing COVID infections will be considerably smaller compared with the effectiveness in preventing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) or Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infections, where pre-symptomatic transmission did not play an important role (see e.g [17]). As has been shown by other studies, e.g Hellwell et al. [18], it is unlikely that these measures alone will suffice to control the COVID epidemic. Additional measures, such as physical distancing, are required and are already implemented in most countries.


Funding statement: NH acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union&#x;s Horizon research and innovation programme (grant agreement - TransMID). CF, NH and JW acknowledge funding from the European Union&#x;s Horizon research and innovation programme (project EpiPose No ).


Conflict of interest: None declared.

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Authors&#x; contributions: Study conceptualisation: NH, TG, CK; Literature research: CK, NH, JW, TG, AT; Data collection: CK, DC; Data analysis code: TG; Data Analysis: TG, CK, NH, AT, CF; Results interpretation: NH, TG, CK, AT, JW; Manuscript writing: TG, CK, AT, JW, NH; Manuscript review: DC, AT, CF, JW, NH, CK, TG; Coordination: NH.


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Activation keys are available to registered contract users with an active maintenance agreement. Email your request to support@manicapital.com with the subject line Protection Suite v5 Activation Key. Please state your name and company in the text.

Size: KB &#; /07/28 Download file: ProtectionSuite_manicapital.com

Size: 24 MB &#; /07/28 Download file: ProtectionSuite_manicapital.com

Size: 26 MB &#; /05/12 Download file: ProtectionSuite_Documentación_en_Españmanicapital.com

Size: 22 MB &#; /05/12 Download file: ProtectionSuite_Documentation_en_Françmanicapital.com

Size: 26 MB &#; /05/12 Download file: Protection-Suite_Documentaçao_em_Portuguêmanicapital.com


PowerBase Lite for Protection Suite

PowerBase Lite is a client-server database application add-on of Protection Suite v5 available at the Professional Edition license level. PowerBase Lite is for tracking testing activities and managing Protection Suite and F-series instrument information centrally from a secure network database location.

Size: 75 MB &#; /01/20 Download file: PowerBase Lite Deployment manicapital.com
hash: fb4d67debad3dfd3bbbb4a

Size: 2 MB &#; /01/20 Download file: PowerBase Lite Installation manicapital.com

Thank you for your interest in PowerBase Lite which requires a license for Protection Suite v5. Please send email to sales@manicapital.com with PowerBase Lite in the subject line to obtain a Sales Quote.


Protection Suite

This is the final release of the 4-series of Protection Suite.

Doble Protection Suite software is a complete, no-compromise, protection testing solution for running manual and automated tests for protection-scheme verification.

It is the most recent release for Protection Suite software and it comes in a number of levels depending on your organization’s testing and reporting needs. More information about this release can be found in the release note and the product page.

NOTE: All previous installations of Protection Suite from to do not require a new activation key if a license key for version or greater is already installed. However for enabling PowerBase Lite or PowerBase Field, new activation keys will be required.

PowerBase Field installation package for PowerBase users requiring connectivity to Protection Suite v can be downloaded from ENOSERV’s support center: manicapital.com

The latest F6 firmware packages available on our website are recommended with this software release. 

Protection Suite software is administered through Doble’s License Server. You do not need a password to unzip the file, but will need an activation key to use the software after installation. The activation key will determine your edition of Protection Suite: Professional, Basic, Control Panel, Calibration, Administrator with PowerBase Lite or PowerBase Field.

Size: MB &#; /05/21 Download file: ProtectionSuite_manicapital.com

Activation keys are available to registered contract users with an active maintenance agreement. Email your request to support@manicapital.com with the subject line Protection Suite Activation Key. Please state your name and company in the text.

Size: KB &#; /05/21 Download file: ProtectionSuite_manicapital.com

Size: 20 MB &#; /05/21 Download file: ProtectionSuite_manicapital.com

User documentation files are password protected. To obtain the password for extracting the Protection Suite Release Note or User Documentation, contact your Doble engineer or send an e-mail to support@manicapital.com with the subject line Protection Suite User Documentation Password. Please state your name and company in the text.

NOTE: If you are transitioning from ProTesT to Protection Suite, your files must be converted using Sybase 12 if you are running a Windows 7 or later operating system. A Sybase 12 Standalone Seat License is required.

Sybase 12 Download files:
Size: MB &#; /4/22 Download Sybase file: sqlawinzip
Size: Kb &#; /4/22 Download instruction file: manicapital.com

These files are password protected. Request the password by emailing support@manicapital.com with the subject line ‘Sybase 12 Password’ (no quotes). Please state your name, company and number of Sybase seats required in the text.

F Calibration Software

Please note: Calibration software for F6 instruments is now a part of Protection Suite. Please see the information above to download and request an activation key for the Protection Suite Calibration edition.

F for F2 instrument

(Calibration functionality for F2 instruments is available at no charge for current Protection Software Maintenance License members)

F for F2 instrument software with calibration unit permits the field calibration of F, 2, or 3 and F, 2, or 3 Power System Simulators (F2 Requirements Chart below). The F field calibration system is an effective way to keep your Power System Simulators properly calibrated on site without having to send the instruments back to Doble for calibration.


Software/VersionOSF2Standard AmplifiersEnhanced-Rating Amplifiers
F F2 RevXP onlyYesNo. Requires Protection Suite
Protection Suite Win XP/7/8/10NoYesYesYesYesYesYes


Please read the release notice before installing.

To obtain the password for extracting the F for F2 instrument software, contact your Doble engineer or send an e-mail to support@manicapital.com with the subject line ‘F for F2 Instrument Password’ (no quotes). Please state your name and company in the text.

Size: MB &#; /10/31 Download file: manicapital.com

F6 Multiple Amplifier Configurator v

Источник: [manicapital.com]
1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number

Eurotherm iTools Version Release notes

iTools Features

iTools is available with different features enabled according to the level of functionality required.

The following features may be specified, in any combination, when obtaining iTools:

  • Configuration Software
  • Open OPC Server – allows 3rd-party client access to the OPC server
  • OPC Scope trending and logging
  • Standalone Programmer Editor
  • View Builder

It is possible to upgrade the set of available features by purchasing a new Product Key from Eurotherm.

Notes: –

The Configuration Software option is not charged for. However, it may be disabled by Product Key where it is specifically not required.

Whenever the Configuration Software option is specified, all other options (where not ordered) will operate in a demo mode as appropriate.

If OPC Scope trending and logging has not been specified, the OPC Scope program will still be available as a simple OPC client offering live textual displays.

Installing iTools

iTools is supplied on CD-ROM, or as a download from the Eurotherm web site.

Product Key

During iTools installation you will be asked for a Product Key. The key is a character value in the format ABCDE-F You will find this number on the back of the CD case. The Product Key determines which iTools features are enabled. iTools version 5 and later are also compatible with digit Product Keys supplied with earlier versions of iTools.

If you enter no Product Key, or an incorrect Product Key, iTools will install with Configuration Software available, as well as other features in Demo mode. This will apply where iTools was downloaded from the Eurotherm web site.

A new Product Key may be entered after installation, by selecting ‘Registration Information…’ from the Help menu in iTools.

System Requirements

The minimum requirement is:

  1. The PC must be running Windows 7, Windows 8*, Windows *, Windows 10*, Windows Server , Windows Server R2, Windows Server * or Windows Server R2* (* consult support).
  2. The PC must be set to at least colors.
  3. At least 1 GB RAM is required (or the minimum specified by Microsoft if greater).
  4. iTools will use no more than 1 GB of disk space, but it is recommended to have a minimum of 4 GB free prior to installation.

Note: Installation must be performed by a user having Administrator privileges.

Note: the iTools FDT/DTM Library requires the Microsoft .NET Framework be enabled/installed. For further information on installing the Microsoft .NET Framework , please see Microsoft’s page on ‘Installing the .NET Framework ’.

Devices Supported

The following devices and versions are fully supported by iTools. Where a device is of the same type but a different version from those listed here, much of the iTools functionality may be expected to work correctly, but no support will be provided.


Versions , , B, B, , A

i, i, i


, ,


e, e, e

Versions , , , A, A, A, A, , A, A (FM unit)


, ,

Versions , , , A, , , (also versions , , , , , , , , , )


Versions , , , ,

Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,



Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

, , , 32h8,

Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , A, A, A, A, A

i, 32h8i, i

Versions , , A


Versions , ,


Versions , , , , , , , , , , , A, , , , , A, , , , ,

B, E, V, V

Version or later


Version or later


Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

EPack 2 Phase/EPack 3 Phase

Version , , , ,


Version ,


Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Versions , , , , , , , , , , , , A, A


Versions A, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , A, A, A, A, A, A

piccolo P, P, P

Versions , A, A, A, A, A, A

piccolo Pi, Pc

Version or later


Versions ,


Versions , , ,


Versions , , , , , ,


Versions , , ,

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for nanodac V
  • Support added for versasac V
  • Resolved following issues:
    • EPack V
      • Resolved Scaling Factor cloning issue
      • Added support for Reduced Fieldbus IO Gateway

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC V
  • Resolved following issues:
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater)
      • Installer updated to V
    • General:
      • Resolved issue where once iTools has been minimised to the Windows task bar, it is not possible to restore it to view
      • Resolved issue where ViewRunning does not respect the configured Window dimensions
      • Other enhancements

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack 2 Phase V
  • Support added for EPack 3 Phase V
  • Support added for EPackECAT V
  • Support added for nanodac V
  • Support added for nanodac V
  • Support for products with enhanced Cybersecurity Robustness

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for Nanodac V
  • Support added for A including Wizard support
    • EPC
      • Enforce minimum password length (EPC V4 onwards)
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (EPC V4 onwards)
      • Disabled clone save in operator mode (EPC V4 onwards) as most configuration parameters are not accessible in operator mode for security reasons and would result in an incomplete clone file.
    • EPC
      • Enforce minimum password length (EPC V3 onwards)
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (EPC V3 onwards)
      • Disabled clone save in operator mode (EPC V3 onwards) as most configuration parameters are not accessible in operator mode for security reasons and would result in an incomplete clone file.
    • EPC
      • Hide EPC passcodes
      • Enforce minimum password length (for future version)
      • Resolved issue where EPC passcode could be reset during clone-to-device
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (available on future EPC versions)
      • Resolved issue with loading UIP programmer file being unable to load PSP with decimal points.
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater):
      • Installer updated to V
    • General:
      • Wizards: added temperature degrees symbol
      • Other minor enhancements

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPackECAT V
  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for Versadac V
  • Support added for Nanodac A
  • Support added for Nanodac A
  • Support added for Mini8 V
  • Support added for Mini8 A
  • Support added for A
  • Support added for i A
  • Resolved following issues:
    • Nanodac:
      • Resolved clone-to-device issue where if the device supports config access password, and the clone requires multiple passes, and the clone file contains a config access password change, the subsequent clone passes will fail.
      • Resolved GWE Execution Break issue which could cause device to corrupt its wiring table &#; applied to nanodac V only
    • Versadac:
      • Resolved issue where when using the stand alone Security Manager tool, and if the versadac is not loaded into EuroMBus&#; address space, the security configuration cannot be downloaded.
      • Resolved issue where login into Versadac would cause duplicate login requests to be submitted to device
      • Resolved GWE Execution Break issue which could cause device to corrupt its wiring table &#; applied to Versadac V only
    • EPC
      • Hide EPC passcodes
      • Enforce minimum password length (for future version)
      • Resolved issue where EPC passcode could be reset during clone-to-device
      • Added support for displaying network MAC address as HEX numbers (available on future EPC versions)
    • EPC
      • Resolve issue where scanned EPC will not flag the network port as a &#;Config Port&#;, and consequently attempt to scan all MODBUS slave addresses instead of immediately finishing.
    • Mini8:
      • Resolved issue where TWE used old Invensys logo
      • Resolved issue where TWE does not display correct information
      • Resolved issue where TWE does not display correct EtherCAT connectors
      • Resolved issue where Wizard does not displays specific help information for the Time field
    • /
      • Resolved issue where unable to download custom linearization tables
      • Resolved issue where clone template contains partial programmer data
    • Eurotherm Firmware Upgrade Tool:
      • Resolve issue where EPC is listed as upgradeable
    • iCloneLite:
      • Added support for prompting for config access username/password
    • ViewRunning/ViewBuilder
      • Resolved issue where is a OPC parameter goes offline, the ViewRunning will appear to continue to display a live value. Now displays &#;???&#;
    • iSecure/iSecure Offline
      • Resolved integrated email sending issue
    • SESU (Schneider-Electric Software Updater)
      • Installer updated to V
    • General:
      • Resolved issue where some parameters appear read only (blue) instead of alterable.
      • Improved clone-to-device handling during device reboot
      • Improved handling of writing long string values
      • Resolved issue where if OEM Security is enabled, &#;Send-To-Device&#; option is still active
      • Resolved issue where newly scanned and loaded device would perform 2 full synchronisations.
      • iTools &#;Add Device&#; dialog layout and formatting improvements
      • Other minor enhancements

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack 2/3 Phase V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Enhanced EPack, EPower and EPC FieldBus IO Gateway editors
  • Corrected issue where unable to program Send-to
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for EPC V
  • Support added for V
  • Support added for A
  • Enhanced EPack and EPower IO Gateway editors
  • Added support for Schneider Electric Software Updating tool to prompt users of iTools product software updates
  • Eurotherm Firmware Upgrade tool updated to supports EPC
  • Updated iTools installer and application icons with new Schneider-Electric based icons and graphics
  • Corrected issue when erasing string parameter value – was not deleting the entire string.
  • Reorganised clone-to-device messages to be clearer
  • Added shortcut to iTools Control Panel to Eurotherm iTools Advanced menu
  • Added language selection override option to iTools Control Panel
  • Resolved issue where iTools would not always detect enabling/disabling device OEM security, resulting in cloning or accessing certain editors being enabled/disabled wrongly
  • Resolved minor issues to allow iTools OPC Server to pass OPC DA2 Compliance tests
  • Resolved issue where the Blocks view context incorrectly switches to another unselected device
  • Resolved cloning to nanodac device via iTerm password issue
  • Resolved issue where User Pages editor was enabled for Mini8 device
  • Resolved Wizard timer tab issue
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack 2/3 Phase V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for V
  • Support added for Nanodac V
  • Support added for A
  • Support added for Mini8 A
  • Support added for EPC V
  • Issue with loading address space for versadac (other products could have also been affected) causing iTools/OPC Server to hang has been resolved
  • Issue with loading nanodac V clone files reporting BACnet password clone issues resolved

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Issue with Windows 10 Version January 3 update (KB) causing iTools application to refuse to run (always prompt for password) has been resolved

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Issue with A FLASH memory access and cloning resolved
  • Added P A support and wizard
  • Issue with unable to resynchronise devices if restoring saved server address space file
  • Issue with parameter list helpfile resolved
  • Issue with iSecureO and EPack current rate selection resolved

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for nanodac V
  • Support added for Piccolo A
  • Issue with Parameter Explorer’s “Wired From” now resolved
  • Issue with EPack firmware upgrade tool unable to access upgrades through web proxies resolved

Changes since Version

This version incorporates the following changes:

  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack V
  • Support added for EPack 2 and 3 Phase V
  • Issue with saving clone file for a specific clone file/simulation configuration – this has now been resolved
  • Mini8 Clone File templates with pre V firmware versions compatibility issue with V and later versions – this has now been resolved

Changes since Version

EPC Controller

iTools now supports the EPC V


Various bug fixes and enhancements

Changes since Version

EPower Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPower V

Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack V and V


iTools now supports the P, P and P controller version A

Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack 2 and 3 Phase version

FDT/DTM Container Support

iTools now supports FDT/DTM container integration, allowing selected devices to be instantiated into compatible FDT/DTM containers.

The iTools FDT/DTM Library requires the Microsoft .NET Framework be enabled/installed. For further information on installing the Microsoft .NET Framework , please see Microsoft’s page on ‘Installing the .NET Framework ’.

Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPack version

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version

Changes since Version

nanodac Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPack version

EPower Power Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm EPower version



Previous versions of iTools were unable to load Setpoint Program (UIP) files saved by an early version of iTools (V6) for a controller – this is now resolved



V was unable to detect multiple devices of certain types connected to the same RS/ MODBUS or MODBUS/TCP network – this is now resolved


Changes since Version

nanodac Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm nanodac version

Changes since Version

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8 version with PT/PT

Piccolo SSi Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Piccolo SSi and SSi FM controllers.

Piccolo ERO Replacement Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Piccolo ERO replacement controller.

nanodac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing nanodac device support:

  • Opening Graphical Wiring Editor (GWE) would sometimes display warning about unavailable blocks – this is now fixed


Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8 version with EtherCAT.

nanodac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing nanodac device support:

  • Previous version of iTools was missing the nanoDAC V Standalone Program Edtior template files – this is now fixed


versadac Recorder

Corrected following issue with existing versadac device support:

  • The iTools Clone File format for versaDAC devices has been improved
  • Previous version of iTools was missing the versaDAC V parameter helpfile – this is now fixed


Changes since Version

nanodac Recorder

iTools now supports the nanodac Recorder version , A, A

Corrected following issues with existing nanodac devices support:

  • OEM Entry list incorrectly displayed Invalid Address
  • “Encrypted” parameters wrongly displayed


Corrected following issue with existing devices support:

  • Updating GWE when connected via Serial MODBUS comms, including via Config Clip, fails


iTools now supports the controller versions A, A


iTools now supports the P, P and P controller version A

Changes since Version

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller versions and

Changes since Version

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version , and includes improvements to the EPack Firmware Upgrade tool.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Programmer Editor

Previous versions of iTools had an issue where, if the computer’s locale defined the decimal point separator as anything other than “.”, reloading of the program segment RampRate data would fail. This is now resolved.

Non-ASCII characters in Clone Files

Previous versions of iTools included several issues relating to character sets used in clone files, which are resolved in this release.

Changes since Version

piccolo Pi, Pc

Support is added for Pi and Pc Melt Pressure indicator and controller.


Previous versions of iTools included a problem where access to versadac devices from iTools could fail on systems using some non-European locales. This is now resolved.

Standalone Programmer Editor

The standalone Programmer Editor now has its own help file.

View Builder

iTools introduced several problems with View Builder which are now resolved.

Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version

Model / Controllers

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version

iTools introduced a problem that prevented custom linearization tables from being included in clone files saved from and controllers. This is now resolved.

Terminal Wiring Editor

iTools introduced a problem whereby the Terminal Wiring editor would show the wrong pinout for a single relay in module 3 of controllers. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Changes since Version

versadac Recorder

iTools now supports the versadac Recorder version , including support for the versadac security model and new editors for versadac Security and Batch configuration. See the versadac User Guide for full details.


The mechanism for setting the runtime language of iTools has been modified. As before, the default is to use the locale defined for Windows, but this may now be overridden through the Localization tab of the server settings dialog in the iTools OPC Server.

iTools Remote DCOM connection to OPC Server

This little-used feature of iTools Engineering Studio has been removed. The feature has become increasingly difficult to set up correctly due to changes in Windows, and would not have performed will with more feature-rich instruments such as versadac.

DDE server in OPC Scope

This little-used feature of OPC Scope has been removed. DDE has long been deprecated by Microsoft and has become increasingly difficult to support reliably. Alternative transports based on OPC should be used.

Changes since Version

EPack Power Controller

iTools now supports the EPack power controller version , including a new discovery protocol for rapid network location of EPack devices. This discovery protocol uses Bonjour zero-configuration networking.

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Model / Controllers

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version , and model controller, version

EPower Remote Display Unit

iTools now supports the 32h8e remote display unit version for EPower.

Fix for nanodac programmer file errors

Previous versions of iTools had an issue whereby program files saved onto the PC via the iTools Programmer Editor did not contain the program name parameters. This caused an issue when programs were later loaded via FTP or a USB stick, as the device program retained the same name as it had prior to loading. This is resolved in iTools

Clone file changes for

Changes were made to the default clone file templates for to prevent the OP3 list erroneously appearing on the simulated device panel.

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Fix for nanodac programmer file errors

Previous versions of iTools had an issue that meant that programmer files saved from a nanodac device’s UI could not always be loaded properly in the iTools Programmer Editor, and vice versa. This applied only where the decimal separator character on the computer was set to be something other than the point (.) character. This is resolved in iTools

In addition, previous versions of iTools had an issue that could prevent values in the Program Parameters list from being set when loading a program in the Programmer Editor. This is resolved in iTools

Changes since Version


Support is added for P, P and P controllers, version

Fix for possible comms errors

iTools introduced a problem whereby occasional non-critical communications errors could occur leading to loss of information such as layout data used by the Graphical Wiring Editor. This is resolved in iTools

Changes since Version

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Fix for series panel view

iTools introduced a problem whereby the iTools remote panel view of series controllers was slightly corrupted. This is resolved in iTools

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version , including Programmer and Terminal Wiring editors.

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Fix for cloning problem

iTools introduced a problem whereby the process of cloning to a device could erroneously be reported as having failed. This was seen particularly with and controllers. This is resolved in iTools

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Changes since

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version

Changes since Version

OPC Scope

OPC Scope has been enhanced with new features. Any item may now be assigned a custom Display Name (or alias). Trend charts support a new Vertical Trend mode, in addition to the existing horizontal mode.


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Changes since Version

Signed/Unsigned Integers

iTools introduced a problem whereby Modbus scaled integer registers were, under some circumstances, rendered into unsigned rather than signed values. This has now been resolved.

Changes since Version


Support is added for the nanodac controller/recorder version

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

View Builder

Versions and included a problem that sometimes prevented view files from being successfully edited if they were created with earlier iTools versions. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Changes since Version

Changes in supported Windows versions

Usage on Windows 7 is now supported.

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Check for Updates

A facility to check for a newer iTools version is now available from the Help menu in iTools Engineering Studio. This relies on the presence of an Internet connection.

OPC Scope

OPC Scope is enhanced with new two options allowing: (i) log files to record item quality and timestamp data, and (ii) charted data points to be connected using stepped lines rather than ramps.

View Runner

Recent versions of View Runner included a problem that prevented use of custom enumeration strings in DropDown components when linked to Boolean parameters. This is now resolved.

Serial Ports

iTools now recognizes serial ports up to COM16 by default. This change is needed because USB-connected serial ports now frequently appear at positions above COM8 (the previous default maximum).

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Configuration Wizard

Versions and of iTools included a problem that prevented Message editing within the series Configuration Wizard. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Changes since Version

Model Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Copy/Paste between Parameter Lists

iTools included a problem which prevented copy and paste of values between parameter lists in iTools Engineering Studio. This is now resolved.

Series Faceplates

iTools included a problem which caused the wrong instrument faceplate to be displayed for certain series controllers. This is now resolved.

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version , plus 32h8e remote display unit version

Terminal Wiring Editor

Previous versions included a problem whereby the Terminal Wiring editor would show the wrong pinout for an RS module on controllers. This is now resolved.

Programmer Editor

Previous versions included a problem in the Programmer editor with handling of GoBack settings for series dual sync mode. There was also a problem with setting up of Call segments during series off-line configuration. These issues are now resolved.

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version , plus 32h8e remote display unit version

View Builder Support for Additional OPC Servers

iTools View Builder may now be used to create Views for any OPC Data Access server. This selection is made from the Edit menu for a newly created View, before any components have been placed. Each View still operates in the context of a single OPC server only.

Resolution for Mini8 Multi-dropping Issue

Versions and of iTools included a problem whereby a scan operation would find only one out of multiple Mini8 controllers on a multi-dropped communications link. This is resolved in iTools

Fix for Windows Registry Problem

A fault in the iTools setup program for versions and sometimes led to a Windows Registry key being deleted in error during uninstallation or upgrade of iTools. This Registry key is “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders”. This issue is resolved in iTools However, installing iTools may still expose the problem when upgrading from iTools or A workaround is to manually backup this Registry key prior to the upgrade, and restore it when the upgrade is complete.

Fix for Copy/Paste problem in iTools View Builder

iTools introduced a problem which prevented copy and paste of components within View Builder. This is resolved in iTools

Graphical Wiring Editor

Several minor problems with the iTools Graphical Wiring Editor have been resolved.

Changes since Version

EPower Controller

iTools now supports the EPower controller version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers versions and (VP).

Clearer Display of Device Synchronization State

The device list panel of iTools Engineering Studio now shows a specific icon for devices which are not yet synchronized. This information is useful because some iTools editors are not available until synchronization is complete. Note: a synchronized device is one for which iTools has extracted all key configuration information into its internal parameter database.

OPC Scope Decimal Places

OPC Scope now provides an option for controlling the number of displayed decimal places, similar to that found in iTools Engineering Studio.

Text String Parameters in Watch/Recipe Editor

The ability to write to text string parameters using recipe data sets has been added.

Resolution for Multi-dropping Issue

Version introduced a problem whereby iTools may not successfully connect to all instruments on a multi-dropped (e.g. RS) communications link. This is resolved in iTools

Resolution for Graphical Wiring Editor Copy/Paste Issue

Version introduced a problem with the Graphical Wiring Editor. Graphics copied and pasted into other programs (e.g. Microsoft Word) sometimes suffered from font scaling problems, making the copied diagram difficult to interpret. This is resolved in iTools

Resolution for User Pages Editor Issue

Version introduced a problem with the User Pages Editor when running on Windows XP or Windows Vista. The faceplate view within this editor would frequently not highlight the available and selected fields. This is resolved in iTools

Changes since Version

Graphical Wiring Editor support for Compounds

Within iTools Engineering Studio, the Graphical Wiring Editor now allows wiring diagrams to be split across multiple nested pages. This concept is known as Compounding: within the main page, a selected group of blocks and wires may be converted into a Compound. This causes them to subsequently appear as a single block on the main page, with the contents of the Compound being ‘pushed down’ to a subsidiary page.

OPC Compliance

iTools OPC Server has been tested successfully by Eurotherm using the OPC Data Access a Compliance Test tool. This suite of tests includes stress and performance testing, as well as validation of compliance with the relevant OPC DA a standard. The self-certification test results are available on the OPC Foundation web site: –


OPC Scope Readout Cursor

OPC Scope now includes a readout cursor facility, allowing for precise review of item values within the chart display. The readout cursor is activated by double-clicking in the chart whilst in review mode.

Changes in supported Windows versions

Usage on Windows Server and Windows Vista is now supported. Support for Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT is now withdrawn.

Theming support on Windows XP and Windows Vista

Most iTools programs will now make use of the theming support built into Windows XP and Windows Vista, where enabled. As a result, small changes have been made to the layout of some iTools screens.

View Builder

A problem has been resolved that caused iTools View Builder to generate access violation errors on some systems.

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Changes since Version

Model Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version

Changes since Version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers versions and (VP).

Changes since Version

This release corrects a small number of problems which existed in the previous version.

Model Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers versions and (VP).

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Changes since Version

This release corrects a small number of problems which existed in the previous version.

Model Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model controller, version

Model i/32h8i/i Indicators

iTools now supports the Eurotherm model i/32h8i/i indicators, version

Mini8 Controller

iTools now supports the Eurotherm Mini8, version

Changes since Version

This section identifies the major changes to iTools. Further changes may be listed in the ‘Release Notes’ section of the iTools help file.

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers versions and (VP).

Changes since Version

This release corrects a small number of problems which have been present since iTools or earlier. See the ‘Release Notes’ section of the iTools help file for more information.

Series Devices

Support is added for series controllers version

Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the 1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for 1-4-All v.2.10 serial key or number

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