ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number

ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number

ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number

ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number

ZoneAlarm Free for Windows

Having used it from the point it was released its steadily got worse, free or not its in short, appalling and the crap line "its takes lots of dollars to develop" and "we need to install crap on your PC to pay for it " Come on now turn the page....

-Lord- reviewed v14.0.157.000 on Aug 14, 2015

this started out as a rag back in the day and protected your system from almost nothing. Conseal PC Firewall beat this crap hands down. Since then, however, with most AV software incorporating malware detection as well as the stand alone detection like MBAM, the point of this software is moot.

Avoid this at all cost.

Today the 19 of juli 2014, I contacted zonealarm about a update matter. Mr Trent did not no where he was talking about so the conversation went a little mixed up. What was going on, Mr trent ( if it is his real name ) said to me that version 131.211.000 was the latest version but I installed version 132.015.000. Zonealarm did not update my paid version so I did not have the latest stable version.This was his answer: I am sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately not all versions are pushed through Update. but like I stated in our last chat version is the latest full download we have ( WRONG ). So mister Trent is wrong and is working in the wrong place! I quit using Zonealarm right now! What a waste of service and program ( guess i'm going back to Comodo ).this was the last he said: Trent M.: Is there anything else I can assist you with today? What a way to stand by a consumer!Trent M.: All right, ***, have a great day!
Trent M.: Thank you for chatting with me. We welcome your feedback: please CLICK HERE to complete our Exit Survey or click the Exit Chat button.

So goodbye to you Zonealarm and that thanks to mister M Trent you have a good day too.

kstev99 reviewed v2015 on Jun 2, 2014

Was good back in its day. now it's just plain bad

Quoting directly from a moderator in ZoneAlarm's forum:

"The software is provided for Free. A lot of very expensive dollars go into developing Free security software. So in exchange for Free software we require the changing of the Browsers homepage and or browser search provider along with a toolbar."

some guy reviewed v13.1.211.000 on May 1, 2014

this is a perfect example of the software developers not listening to their customers. Like Chrome this post is nothing more then, the developer spamming their product.

HeilNizar reviewed v11.0.000.504 on Apr 10, 2013

Programs like this shouldn't even be listed on here.

ZoneAlarm has become absurdly bloated over the last few years. What used to be the first choice for Windows users in need of a simple, fast software firewall will now slow your PC down to a virtual standstill.

At the same time, they've actually removed features rather than added them. In recent builds the Network Lock and network traffic system tray icon were buggy, so the devs announced that instead of fixing the functions, they would REMOVE them altogether. When ZA users in their support forum complained about this, the thread was locked with a terse message that "no further discussion on this matter will be allowed."

Almost any other firewall choice is better than the mess that ZoneAlarm has become.

2Mb's in download size my butt. Most certainly it downloads more during installation. Lots more. By the looks of it, a whole 200Mb's plus more in installation size. The last good version was probably version 6.x or 5.5.x

Agree with Hall9000, added to the fact it's all but impossible to uninstall makes it now the worst firewall in the entire world.

Hall9000 reviewed v11.0.018.000 on Nov 13, 2012

I thought I had posted a review not so long ago and I can't find it. Must have changed my mind. Anyway, Ir is the only firewall that I wouldn't even recommend to my worst enemy. That's how bad it is. Id doesn't slow down a computer, it brings it down to snail speed. Maybe ZoneLab should check what they changed way back in 2005 because that is where the 5 star raitings suddenly dry up.

I found that after installing this version (168mb instead of 2.1mb for web based off their website) the first update I ran downloaded the whole thing again. It may happen on my next update then I'll drop to 1 star and warn everyone off it.

-Lord- reviewed v10.2.074.000 on Aug 9, 2012

How is it that I see nothing but one star reviews and this piece of s**t still has a 4 star rating? The developers should be humiliated by this crapware.

wjf152 reviewed v10.2.074.000 on Aug 9, 2012

Outpost security suite free (fiirewall and anti malware) , as good as it gets for home user .

HeilNizar reviewed v10.2.072.000 on Jul 26, 2012

Bullsh!t in its purest form.

-Lord- reviewed v10.2.072.000 on Jul 25, 2012

First, I was amazed that they are still making this program. Curious, however, I tried it. Just as suspected, it is every bit the 100% truly worthless piece of garbage that it has always been. Windows' build in firewall is better than this rag. Avoid this. Do NOT install this. If someone comes to you asking for computer help and you see this on there, tell them they're too stupid to own a computer and leave.

This program doesn't even deserve the 1 star that I HAVE to give it to review, I would give it a negative number rating if I could.

I'll be back later. I have to go wipe and reinstall the OS on the computer that I tried this trash in. I want my 30 minutes back for trying to software. I feel so dirty now.

Cryin' won't help you, Cryin' won't do you no good,
if you install this

I see they now use a web installer maybe to hide the true size of this bloated program. It's huge & as below slows a PC down which is totally unnecessary.

If you are behind a hardware firewall & using Windows 7 you don't need this piece of what is bluntly junk. A decade or more ago ZoneAlarm was very good ~ Today it is not. If you are still using XP there are better free alternatives.

@AmpFeare I am no noob ~ Or a kid either ~

carlo_tor reviewed v10.1.079.000 on May 9, 2012

Zonealarm free firewall is a good piece of software but is too heavy. When Emule is running, VSMON (trueVector Service) takes the cpu at 80-90 %; the pc is almost frozen and the cpu temperature goes up to 80 degrees (Celsius). Really too much !!.

AmpFeare reviewed v10.1.079.000 on Apr 28, 2012

dunno what you noobs are talking about bashing this piece of software. just installed the pro version of this a few hours ago and my internet is fine. youtube buffering is still fine, download speeds are just fine. everything i allow through the firewall when it asks runs just fine. ive also used the free version with no issues. sorry u kids gotta stick with windows firewall or something else

cannie reviewed v10.1.079.000 on Dec 26, 2011

I don't see any reason to replace the Windows 7 native firewall. This OS has an excellent security level, and if you keep an image of it any serious problem may be easily fixed without adding any new external security elements.

nvic reviewed v10.1.079.000 on Dec 24, 2011

As others have said, things like the network stop are no longer present and the program has become complete garbage.

I used to like the older versions, but the new ones are bloatware.

Bloody ell, look at the install size.

@tl307 Is a spammer & none of the links are current.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Lovely Spam, Lovely Spam, Lovely Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, I Don't Like Spam!

Sativarg reviewed v10.1.079.000 on Dec 23, 2011

the picture and description above is out of date there is no user control to stop the network any more. That is why I quit using this program. It seems the development team got fed up with stupid users who did not know the stop had been activated so all users must be denied that feature..

Baby bathwater
Nose face...

AlanS2001 reviewed v10.1.065.000 on Dec 9, 2011

Just replaced ZoneAlarm with Comodo. System responsiveness seems to have improved.

Total unmitigated absolute garbage. If you really want to mess up your PC or you really hate someone this is the best program for it.

Shame the ratings don't have minus points.

egg83 reviewed v10.1.065.000 on Nov 11, 2011

I can remember back when the installers for this program were under 5mb. 148 mb to install a firewall?? I'll stick to built in firewall before I install this overweight piggy on my pc. Oink!!

Bala7 reviewed v10.1.056.000 on Oct 27, 2011

148MB for a firewall ???
I'll let other be the guinea pig.

Zone Alarm is a 3rd tier product at best. For some odd reason, it appeals to the techie element but who knows why? It really slows down your computer but the protection it offers is subpar. Other brand name products that came with new computers I recently bought are MUCH better. The ForceField is a joke. That REALLY slows you down. Use Safari or Google Chrome instead. They're free and they offer much better browsing protection.

nilst2006 reviewed v9.3.014.000 on Sep 23, 2010

Crapware, malware and now scareware !

Microsoft is developing software that does everything ZoneAlarm does and more. The best part is Microsoft's software is 100% free. Free as in a paid option does NOT exist.

Lsavagejt reviewed v9.3.014.000 on Jul 28, 2010

Does it still nag users to pony up? Matousec does not recommend ZA. Choose Online Armor, Comodo, or Outpost. Do it now. Right now.

JGOB reviewed v9.3.014.000 on Jul 28, 2010

It is a wrong link, this is for ZoneAlarm with Antivirus also you can see it on the size of the file. The latest ZoneAlarm Free Firewall release is the size of the EXE file is about 45 Mb.

It is true, ZoneAlarm it did very good and it was on the very top once, even better than Norton Firewall and many other products for home users. But competition is hard and to be the number one and be the best selling security product involves a lot of things. But we all the final users want to have a product we can trust, relay on, performs good not making PCs slow and not compromising the equipment integrity and data.

The FREE version still does what needs to do, the Suites not too happy about it, all those extras reduce the system resources and at times some problems come along with it. We hope the ZoneAlarm team can check on this.

Why the hating? Yes the app is large but compared to anything else you run on your system (browsers, word processors..etc.) it actually uses a very moderate amount of RAM. Also it is extremely easy to use and offers no-time-spend individual app configuration of ingoing/outgoing data-stream. If there is another free firewall out there with this kind of easy but systematic and secure interface then I have yet to see it (i.e. at least post name in case you know of one before putting Zonealarm down) UPDATE: thanks to Lsavagejt above for recommending Matousec (security review site), I can see Zonealarms security performance is not up to par when compared to Comodo and others, I lowered my rating accordingly.

I would rather have no firewall than this huge bloated piece of junk.

Yes I can give you a few, PC Tools free Firewall - Good. Comodo firewall - In many tests the most leak proof firewall out there & also Free. Sunbelt - Gives you a trial with all features then after 30 days reverts to a less featured but still good firewall.

It was King for just one day
and it is buggy and slow

nilst2006 reviewed v9.2.042.000 on May 25, 2010

Once a king ! Now i really don't know what to say....humm...a joke !

securtek reviewed v8.0.298.0 on Aug 5, 2009

Thought I would try Everything installed ok with the several nag screens mentioned. I tested the software for three days. Each time I booted a nag screen appeared asking if I wanted to check for an upgrade. Heck this was the latest version! In the setup I had previously checked manual updates, this obliviously does not work.

I decide this was too much nonsense each and every time I booted. I un-installed, rebooted and my machine froze each time upon reaching the desktop. I booted in safe mode and tried to restore but for some unknown the restore function was disabled. I loaded a previous saved ERUNT backup which also failed to boot.

I finally booted from another drive and manually moved one of the earlier registry backups to the system\config file, renamed same and rebooted. All went well. I have not decided if I want to attempt this again. I don’t like being a Ginny Pig to test Zonealarms poorly written software. This machine was built new 16 months ago without any previous issues.

ZoneAlarm used to be the king of firewalls. I can remember when expert after expert scored it the highest among them all, and now it's just average. The nag screens during installation are annoying especially if you do not wish to pay the premium price for the paid version with the same nag screens and average tech support. It gets annoying with the popups whenever you update your software to newer versions, asking you for permission yet again. The lack of updates is disappointing as malware is ever evolving, it would be nice to see more definitions available.

However, on the positive side, it is easy to setup once you get past the nag screens and if you are a beginner that is definitely a good thing. It's not very RAM intensive and I have yet to get an infection since pairing ZoneAlarm with Rising Anti-Virus. Solid, but not spectacular, there are better, but there are certainly much worse.

DudeBoyz reviewed v8.0.298.0 on Apr 15, 2009

Used to be the king of them all.

Now it's not even close.

Download a mini installer, go through nag screens during the install, check boxes just to get the free product to install at all and now you can't get any auto-updates unless you purchase the full version?

Participate in this, hassle screens say that, then you have to do a full-on reboot when you FINALLY get done with all those nag screens? What an annoying drag!!!

Not only that but it doesn't handle all of the Windows Network permissions properly on an existing installation of functioning networked PC's!

Sorry Charlie. You forgot where you came from and this is what happens.

Soozy reviewed v8.0.298.0 on Mar 30, 2009

So sad that they still won't make the Free version Vista 64 bit compatible.

Cris3 reviewed v8.0.065.0 on Dec 16, 2008

I also got the ZoneAlarm Pro and I put up with its nagging permission questions for two days before I took it back out. It blocked too much of my common functions without a message.

Vista has a firewall that works fine when you add outbound protection with this free program.

a-squared anti-malware also provides good real time protection and is an excellent cookie blocker and mal-ware scanner.

sturgess reviewed v8.0.065.0 on Dec 16, 2008

Thanks to BetaNews heads-up last month, I now use ZoneAlarm Pro, thanks for the link guys much appreciated. Been using ZoneAlarm for ever, never let me down. It's free, it was the first, and more folk use it than any other, what more do you want ?

madmike reviewed v8.0.065.0 on Dec 16, 2008

Tis pants, always has been. If you have no money I guess its ok , but far better solutions out there

Well, it did block some attacks, but it slowed start up, and some programs were not responding sometimes, only by restarting the whole computer.
and yes I felt like its gonna touch my butt.

I am doing something that I never thought I would do...and that is give Zone Alarm a "1 star" rating. I have trusted, really believed in, and used this firewall exclusively for years. I have always gotten great results until recently.

On my newest desktop, it was causing system crashes (blue screen after blue screen) and for all of my browsers to "lock up" regardless of brand (i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc...). The only way to get the browsers "unlocked" was to totally restart my entire system only to have it happen again (at most I got maybe an hour or so of browsing, etc done each time).

It took me a little while to figure out that it was Zone Alarm doing it (I did not suspect it due to such great performance in the past).

The last of my patience was gone when a nag screen started showing up EVERY time I restarted my computer "hinting" that I should look into the pay version.

What the hell is that supposed to be about since this is supposed to be a FREEWARE product??? First it messes my computer up and then it wants to harass me to death??? I don't think so!!!

If you put out a freeware product, then make it a freeware product that at least works, not as something that is supposed to be free but messes your computer up and harasses you to buy the pay version!!!

Needless to say, after uninstalling Zone Alarm, my computer has been running at 1000%. Things like this only get one opportunity to burn me like this, but NEVER a second time.

It may take me a while to find a permanent firewall replacement, but I am patient...

Nikkie reviewed v7.1.100.000 on Jan 8, 2008

I have been using this for years and i have tried almost all of the firewalls out from 97'-2008.
Comodo is an up n' coming alternative but it needs work.Zonealarm is running nice on my toshiba laptop with vista..

This firewall failed Mautosec's leak-tests.

Plus it crashed my XP program.

KRome reviewed v7.1.100.000 on Nov 7, 2007

Does this work with Vista X64?

molumen reviewed v7.1.100.000 on Nov 7, 2007

JayWain and CyberDoc999, if you look a the description of this entry (on the right side of the description), you'll notice that it says "OS Support: Windows Vista". So I don't understand why you both ranked it with a 1.

Also, the final version for XO is 7.0.408.000, not 7.0.337.000. Make a small search on fileforum and you'll find it.

cap.ahab reviewed v7.1.078.000 on Oct 12, 2007

The following link is a wonderful guide to securing zonealarm free.
I have enjoyed using this firewall for the last year. It has been really easy to use and customize.

FYI: if you have kaspersky av, and you uninstall zonealarm, and you don't allow the registry to be changed which zonealarm requests; your internet will be broken. I had to system restore. Kind of a dumb point, but spoken anyway.


JayWain reviewed v7.1.078.000 on Jun 19, 2007

Note that this newest version only mentions being for VISTA. ZA website still lists 7.0.337 for XP.

this one crashed my XP computer

I have given up zonealarm some 6 months ago. Its is bloated not compared to the older versions. The suto upgrade sometimes will download a newer version that gives hiccups. Now I am happy with the fee comodo firewall. Give it a try - I like to hear some comparisons. Its fee

ok it works on Vista x86, but needs some work still as it's dramatically slowing down connecting to sites and email retrieval and sending.

This is the most easily configured firewall out there, with the most options available for blocking\allowing ports, IPs, only portions of programs to use certain ports, etc. This is not found on Commode, or others. I have used the trials of all popular firewalls, and this one offers the most bang for your buck. If your looking for free, I agree free ZoneAlarm is not the greatest, but the Pro kicks!

uberfly reviewed v7.0.337.000 on Mar 21, 2007

Always been rock-solid for me and definitely not memory-intensive. It does what it advertises well and is VERY easy to set up and maintain. Considering it's a security product, minus 1 for no vista support yet, but probably soon (like everyone else).

Not working on Vista, what a shame!

toasale reviewed v7.0.334.000 on Mar 16, 2007

Down the commode with Check Point's ZA Pro & ZA Pro + A-Spyware for sucking sounds louder than ever and... the forever build up of their totally useless Vsmon files and onto COMMODO.

No, I am not a Commodo sales rep, just a person who wants fine net security with friendly system usuage!

adamlau reviewed v7.0.334.000 on Mar 16, 2007

I have no idea why vsmon.exe + zlclient.exe is taking up neary 80 MB of memory...Looks as if I will be going back to the resource-unintensive BlackICE...

johnusa reviewed v7.0.334.000 on Mar 15, 2007

Just confirmed with ZoneLabs, this and all other program versions (like Pro and Security Suite) are NOT compatible with Windows Vista.
It is unbelievable that as of today (March 15) ZoneLabs still does not have a firewall that can run in Vista.
It is quite ridiculous.
Shame on you Check Point.
You s*ck.

bellgamin reviewed v7.0.334.000 on Mar 15, 2007

Zone Alarm Free will get the job done for a reasonably low-risk web surfer. But it uses waaay too many system resources to do its job.

If you are a high-risk surfer, then I recommend you get an inexpensive router (it provides hard-wired inbound protection) PLUS Jetico's free firewall to cover outbound.

If you are a moderate risk surfer &/or find Jetico firewall too complex to deal with, then I recommend Kerio 2.1.5 free firewall PLUS DynamicSecurityAgent, which is also free.

mikeyx11 reviewed v7.0.334.000 on Mar 15, 2007

What was once one of the best firewalls has become a useless resource hog, slow and unreliable. Quite often has issues with uninstalling as well. :(

If Windows built in firewall isn't enough for you, i'd recommend using Comodo:

Fast, free, nice GUI, and easy to use.

what was once a decent firewall has become bloated, unreliable and even worse an annoying nag screen that appears some time after install.
and just to show how pathetic zonelabs have become I went to their support page, registered, put up a post complaining about the nag screen, mentioned Comodo firewall as an alternative. the results the word Comodo was bleeped out and I was banned from the site.

Bloated (installer 3x the size of v6.5). Besides, it installs ALL the crap, so it's just not the installer which is bloated. And it also RUNS all the crap! It might not be doing anything, but it's all behind the scene up and running. It also adds a shortcut in your explorer contextual that is grayed out, because of the point just mentionned, to nag you, and to waste your resources.
Bug-wise, it blocks all IRC traffic in the Free version, without possibility to manually let this kind of traffic through (since the option is not in the free version). I tried to follow the instructions on their forum, i.e. removing the .RDB files in "\windows\internet logs" (in safe mode), but the problem persists after that. After uninstalling and trying to re-install v6.5, I got the infamous error about zpeng24.dll. If you have this problem, delete the folder "\windows\system32\zonelabs" and try again.
Save yourself pain and sorrow: avoid this version like the plague.
So here am I after about 6 reboots and back to v6.5.737, to give it a well deserved 1 star.

nilst2006 reviewed v7.0.302.000 on Jan 26, 2007

I guess that this doesn't work on XP x64 ?! Or ???

polysius reviewed v6.5.737.000 on Jan 8, 2007

Useless for advanced users as the interface/GUI is clumsy, hard to navigate, over-simplified, etc. But this is a trait of all Windows GUI personal firewalls.

Also not very good for new users either, as they are not going to know what their yes/no answers to firewall popups will actually affect.

Very standard and 'safe' within the industry. Nothing innovative at all. They're just doing what everyone else does, with nothing special about it.

Nikkie reviewed v6.5.737.000 on Nov 5, 2006

This has always worked great for me.Does what it should do and it is free.I've never had a problem and they are always upgrading to fix any issues.They are very nice in the forums and have helped me many times..

good stuff and free..

Zee333 reviewed v6.5.737.000 on Sep 11, 2006

you can't compare Outpost Firewall PRO to ZoneAlarm Free.

Perhaps if you compared ZoneAlarm Pro or ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite, then it would be different.

Fantastic firewall for me!

If u are a newbee its ok, keeps most bad stuff out. For the more experianced of us , its not so good. Config options are very limited - can be remotley shut down and so on, gets a 3 star scroee because :
1. Its Free!
2. Its better than nothing
3. There is hope it will be improved.
Meantime,Outpost Firewall Pro is the mutts nuts and brilliant:)

uberfly reviewed v6.5.737.000 on Sep 1, 2006

Never had the slightest issue with zone alarm. Always worked great for me on several systems. Thank you ZA for a nice product and for keeping nags out of the free version.

i was getting the black screen of death in the other version i think 6.5.722.000 what other ppl r saying but that bug has gone in this version finally yayyyyyy

WELL DAMN that bug in 6.5.722.000 was annoying im glad its fixed zonealarm is working well i pay for zonealarm with antivirus but im using the free version because they have not updated that version yet :(

Vampmon reviewed v6.5.731.000 on Jul 28, 2006

The issue of the computer hanging on a black screen in v6.5.722.000 has been fixed in this version thank god. Do not use the Pro versions until they are upgraded to v731

dejavu reviewed v6.5.731.000 on Jul 23, 2006

After a worst nightmare version 6.5.731.000 works for me!

BICKY reviewed v6.5.722.000 on Jun 30, 2006

Please make sure you do a system restore point before installing v 6.5722.00.

The update reminder kept popping up for a new update to Zone Alarm being ready and in the past all has gone well so it was decided to let it go ahead.

A sixth sence said do a restore point first.

After update to v 6.5722.00 the computer would not reboot even to the last known good configeration and so I had to go into Safe mode to restore to the recently made restore point. After that Zone Alarm was uninstalled and the previous v 6.0.667 Pro was put back in ok.

danilloOc reviewed v6.5.722.000 on Jun 29, 2006

This version make my sytem take too long to start after login screen, I hear the windows start sound but take like 15 or 20 seconds to show my desktop, and I didn't got it when I reverted to a previous version.


this ZoneAlarm has too many bugs now I use the free
Filseclab Personal Firewall
it works great!

I totally agree with chemluna when she/he says to IN THIS CASE, stay away from the betas. I have tried Zonealarm betas in three oportunities and all they made a mess in my computer.

I have been using ZA for 4 years now, two of which I was a payed registered user and find it to be the best firewall. Never had a single problem with it, never (unless I install the betas ;) )

So TomA102210 if you have anything intelligent to say as why you rated ZoneAlarm 4-stars you'd better...

"I would recommend to just use the official releases and not the betas."
Some of us do like to test beta software.

chemluna reviewed v6.5.722.000 on Jun 21, 2006

Probably thanks God I've never had a single problem when installing a version downloaded directly from ZoneLabs. Only once I installed a beta and was the worst experience I've ever had.

I would recommend to just use the official releases and not the betas.

Honestly, I thought my opinion of Zone Alarm would have changed by now. But the free version has been the same since 2 years ago when I used it. I don't notice a freakin' thing; let alone do I think the support has actually been great for this freebie. Considering the mountains of bugs and problems people have with it, this thing is on a fast track to nowhere.

Everyone can brag about how easy the GUI is. I personally think it's ugly as hell. The colors are annoying and the typical application control looks like any other firewall (see Kerio, NetVeda, Filseclab, etc). There are no features that stand out except a clumsy mail guard. At least alternatives like Kerio offer application protections, or in Comodo Firewall's case, a free antivirus and intrusion protection.

Tenoq reviewed v6.5.714.000 on Jun 16, 2006

This one has installed ok on half a dozen boxes so far, and seems relatively stable. Can't say if it's solved all the issues with 6.1, but time will tell. Those having install issues probably failed to correctly uninstall the old version, or aren't using a clean system. There's a number of malware apps that have recently surfaced that cause SERIOUS problems for ZA. Clean up your \system32\ :P

kda reviewed v6.5.714.000 on Jun 15, 2006

6.5.714 seems to have solved the problems I was having with 6.5.700. Specifically, the 700 version was re-ordering the drive letters on my CD/DVD devices every time I'd boot ... but this latest release 714 resolves that nicely. I've been runing this newest free release a day now and it seems to be causing zero problems.

dejavu reviewed v6.5.714.000 on Jun 15, 2006

Version 6.5.700.0 won't install! I hope this work! Shame! Zone Alarm was one the best personal firewall!

I constantly test firewall and other apps, and i like the easy way zone alarm works and allow us to control and set up our preferences.
It´s a good firewall for the casual user, in it's free version but if you want to be in control of your connection in deed then my advice goes for the kerio free version.
Kerio is as easy to use and with more features.
with kerio you can visualize your data transfers, remote ip's, and when setting rules you can customize in and out ports and protocols for each app with advanced rules.
Not tha zone alarm free is not a good firewall, but for now Kerio free version is a better choice is you really want to be in control

Earwicker reviewed v6.5.700.000 on Jun 6, 2006

I was already running a beta version which had to be uninstalled, losing all my settings which p*ssed me off. Otherwise I can't find any problems; it's a great firewall - and a firewall in the best spirit of the ilk: nothing gets in or out without your sayso. It's pretty cool.

I am one of many who has had problems with this version in particular. First, the ZA icon didn't appear in the task bar, second: No internet!
I uninstalled it and went back to the latest release and now everything is OK...

dabombk1 reviewed v6.5.700.000 on Jun 5, 2006

is anyone having an issue whereby .700 wont upgrade over .690 because .690 is a beta. calls for uninstall of .690 otherwise ZA has been solid for my needs.

dejavu reviewed v6.5.700.000 on Jun 5, 2006

If you need a basic firewall Zone Alarm Free is the choice!

Tenoq reviewed v6.1.744.001 on Mar 28, 2006

sophist_dreams - this is not a server firewall, so it was moronic to expect it to work for that application.

ZA is great for the masses - it's a simple program to get the hang of, with enough advanced configuration to keep non-tech computer users happy. It's auto-configured quite well by default (in Pro, at least), but certain options cannot be changed, which is a limiting factor for professional use.

Personally, for something more configurable, I'll still with Kerio.

imright reviewed v6.1.744.001 on Mar 28, 2006

Good firewall and easy configuration. But why is the Free version is same size as the Pro version? If I want to try Pro I will download Pro. I don't prefer it to install unnecessary files on my PC when I'm not interested to have them. 15 days of trial is like mercy. Who wants to beg for that trial.

jsc315 reviewed v6.1.744.001 on Mar 27, 2006

ZoneAlarm used to be great. I do not know what happened with them but this is just bloatware to me now. it takes my pc now about 6 min. to boot up with zonealarm on my pc. ZoneAlarm still is better than most free firwalls, but they just are not as good as they used to be. If you need a firewall and dont want to spen the money on a router or firewall software this is a good alternative but there are better out there.

mansa reviewed v6.1.744.001 on Mar 27, 2006

Excellent personal firewall even the best for people who like a good and a simple protection againt internet threats. This one is suffisant.
However it uses much ram ressources and may slow older pcs. But that's the price of this good freeware. I used it for several time and my os is still clean from trojans and worms ...(+ nod32)
But for advanced users they can turn to the pro version or even to outpost or kerio or sygate.

after I installed this
I saw my first ever
blue screen of death.....
in fact I had 3 BSOD in one day
and I un-installed it and
now I am smooth sailing again.

heybirder reviewed v6.1.744.001 on Mar 27, 2006

photonboy, there is a big difference between a router/gateway and a software firewall such as ZA.

The router stops traffic from coming in and in that regard is better than using a ZA like tool.

However, the use of ZA tool is to stop traffic going *out*. There are far too many programs these days that call home for no other reason than they can. I prefer to have the ability to tell what processes can or can not leave my computer.

I used to swear by this, but the friggar let a hacker in to my pc, so now its binned. Free it may be but remmber free always hasa price

Never Again!

photonboy reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

Ok for the price.

Remember that if you have a router or other gateway technology you may not need a software firewall.

My d-link 704p router manual says to NOT use a software firewall. I tested this and it's true.

sQin reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

there are better, lighter, more advanced firewalls. ZA becomes very slow and cpu usage jumps to 100% with 100+ connections after several hours. I still recommend it for novices as its very simple to use

uberfly reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

For the basics it's designed to be, it has always worked flawlessly for me. Not all the extra junk that keeps getting packed into "firewalls" these days. Great if you want to see and block what's coming and going.

Namero reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

its ok for medium security but nothing more !
there are much better firewalls out there

madmike reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

for what it is its fine:)

xrayspex reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

Always has worked fine here. Update was painless. Good free firewall.

I use it for years already, its the best.

Esquire reviewed v6.1.744.000 on Mar 2, 2006

Pro: Easy to use, offer adequate firewall protection against internet intruders.

Con: Resource hog, no antivirus protection, True Vector troublesome.

PS. To uninstall ZA and True Vector completely, add /CLEAN key to the uninstaller (can do this from Run) before executing it.

Источник: []
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What’s New in the ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version: 6.5.700 serial key or number

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