Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

IOS XR Software Maintenance Updates (SMUs)


This document describes Software Maintenance Updates (SMUs) for routers that run Cisco IOS® XR software.




Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:

  • Cisco IOS XR software
  • Cisco IOS XR software installation and upgrade procedures

Components Used

This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.

Related Products

This document can also be used with these hardware versions:

  • Cisco ASR , , , , , and Routers (Cisco ASR Series Aggregation Services Routers)
  • Cisco Carrier Routing System (CRS-1 and CRS-3)
  • Cisco NCS
  • Cisco NCS and
  • Cisco XRv

SMU Management

Cisco Software Manager

The Cisco Software Manager (CSM) provides IOS XR SMU recommendations to users and reduces the effort that it takes for you to manually search, identify, and analyze SMUs that are needed for a device. The CSM can connect to multiple devices and provide SMU management for multiple Cisco IOS XR platforms and releases.

The CSM 3.x is a server application that can be installed on various Linux distributions. Through CSM Server user can orchestrate the installation of any IOS XR software package, including SMUs.

Note: Refer to the Cisco Software Manager v information page for more information.

The CSM 2.x is a standalone Java application that can be installed on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX systems. The CSM supports all Cisco platforms running IOS XR. Support for CSM 2.x was discontinued with the introduction of CSM 3.x.

Note: Refer to the Cisco Software Manager User Guide for more information.

IOS XR SMU Overview

A SMU is a software patch that is installed on the IOS XR device. The concept of a SMU applies to all IOS XR hardware platforms.

A IOS XR SMU is an emergency point fix, which is positioned for expedited delivery and which addresses a network that is down or a problem that affects revenue.

When the system runs into a software deficiency (bug), Cisco can provide a fix for the particular problem in the base current IOS XR release. This is a substantial difference over the classic Cisco IOS software, which has no capability to apply a single fix in the base current release.

A SMU is built on a per release and per component basis and is specific to the platform. This means that a SMU for a CRS router cannot be installed on an ASR router. A SMU built for Cisco IOS XR software Release cannot be applied to a system with Cisco IOS XR software Release A SMU built for a P image cannot be used on a system built for a PX image.

SMUs are provided for urgent, “showstopper” issues only. The fix provided by the SMU is then integrated into the subsequent Cisco IOS XR software maintenance release. Cisco strongly encourages you to upgrade to the subsequent maintenance release.

SMUs are Package Installation Envelope (PIE) files that are similar in functionality and installation to the feature PIEs for manageability (MGBL), Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), and Multicast.

Types of SMUs

Production SMU

A production SMU is a SMU that is formally requested, developed, tested, and released.

Production SMUs are intended for use in a live network environment and are formally supported by the Cisco TAC and the relevant development teams. Production SMUs are provided for critical live operation issues on a supported maintenance release. Production SMUs are characterized by package types, impact and criticality, and restart or installation impact type.

Production Software Maintenance Updates (SMU) are provided on customer request on supported maintenance releases for service impacting issues observed in production or during maintenance release validation, for which there is no feasible workaround. Software bugs identified through software recommendations or Bug Search Tools are not a basis for Production SMU request. Cisco continuously reviews software bugs affecting supported maintenance releases and provides Proactive Production SMU requests when Cisco deems necessary. Cisco reserves the right to maintain strict control over Production SMU delivery, to maintain the stability of the code base and prevent collateral damage.

Production SMU Types

Mandatory production SMUs are critical fixes that are mandatory in order to maintain the proper functionality of the device.

Recommended production SMUs are critical fixes that are strongly recommended in order to maintain proper functionality of the device. They typically consist of platform and infrastructure SMUs and composite SMUs. You can access recommended production SMUs at the Download Software Center if you are a registered Cisco Connection Online (CCO) user.

Optional production SMUs provide fixes that are desirable but are not required in order to maintain stability. They are typically deployed based on bugs within specific features. You can download optional production SMUs from the File Exchange (releases earlier than ) or from the Download Software Center (Release and later).

Production SMU Restart Types

Each SMU has a restart type of dependent or reboot:

  • SMUs that are parallel process restart SMUs are considered a dependent restart type. Their installation impact may be either hitless or traffic loss.
  • SMUs with a reboot restart type can have an install method of parallel reload or of in-service software upgrade (ISSU), if ISSU is supported by the operating system and the platform.

Each SMU has a README file that documents the restart type and installation impact of the SMU.

Dependent SMU (Parallel Process Restart)

Dependent SMUs require process restarts during activation. One or more processes are restarted on nodes in parallel. SMUs of this type are marked as restart type dependent in the Readme file that accompanies the SMU.

The SMU also has an installation impact of hitless or traffic loss. In the Download Software Center, SMUs of this type include the installation impact of either hitless or traffic loss in the file information section.

Reboot SMU with Parallel Reload Install Method

Some SMUs require the router to reboot in order to safely activate the patch. Such SMUs are marked as restart type reboot in the Readme file for the SMU. The Readme file is posted on the File Exchange or as part of the tarball on the recommended SMUs portal on CCO. In the Download Software Center, SMUs of this type include the designation of Reload SMU in the file information section.

A SMU may impact key base components in the operating system and require a reload of the device for these reasons:

  • Changes to the Minimum Boot Image (MBI)
  • Changes to the kernel
  • Changes to the Network Processor (NP) or Packet Switching Engine (PSE) microcode

If a SMU requires more than ten different process restarts, the SMU is created as a reboot SMU for safety reasons and for system stability.

Reboot SMU with ISSU Install Method

ISSU provides the ability to upgrade the router software with no outage on the control plane and with minimal outage (generally within several seconds) on the forwarding plane. ISSU is a user-initiated and user-controlled process that uses Cisco nonstop forwarding (NSF) with stateful switchover (SSO). ISSU upgrades a SSO-NSF-capable image from a lower to a higher version, or installs ISSU SMUs with minimal downtime, degradation of service, or loss of packets. Not all IOS XR platforms and IOS XR versions support ISSU. Refer to Release Notes documentation for your product to verify the support for ISSU.

To achieve ISSU, the IOS XR software uses the ISSU Minimal Disruptive Restart (iMDR) software. iMDR is the warm reload technology that allows line cards to be upgraded as if they were redundant in hardware. iMDR effectively separates the CPU and CPU memory of the line cards from the forwarding ASICS, memory, and Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) of the line cards. Think of the CPU and CPU memory as the software portion of the line cards, and think of the forwarding ASICS, memory, and TCAM as the hardware portion of the line cards. iMDR allows the software portion of the cards to be upgraded to a new version while the hardware portion continues to perform its duties under the old version. After the software portion upgrades itself and stages the information needed in order to upgrade the hardware portion, it performs a flush to replace the old version with the new version. This flush generally takes no more than several seconds, which is the only time there is a disruption of service. The exact time required for the flush depends on the hardware configuration of your router.

A SMU delivers a software change to the user in the least possible time. Before ISSU support, SMU installations resulted in either restart of one or more processes, or reload of one or more nodes. ISSU minimizes the operational impact that a user experiences. Refer to An Overview of ISSU SMUs for a complete overview of the installation of ISSU SMUs.

Not all Reload SMUs qualify to be ISSU SMUs. Certain changes to the kernel, ROMMON, memory carving, and other infrastructure areas cannot be achieved with a warm reload; in such instances, the router must undergo a standard reload in order to load such a SMU.

Because ISSU does not support software downgrade, SMU upgrades that used ISSU can be uninstalled only by means of a parallel reload method.

To perform an ISSU SMU upgrade, use the issu keyword with the install activate command. If an ISSU SMU is activated without the issu keyword, the SMU is installed with the parallel reload method.

The ISSU process can be performed in prompted mode in order to ensure and verify that there is no service degradation throughout the process. Or, the ISSU process can be unprompted, where the phases are executed automatically with no user intervention.

View the output of the show install package pie detail admin command in order to identify the SMU type. ISSU SMUs are identified by ISSU (quick) warm-reload in the Restart information field.

In the software download center, SMUs of this type include the designation of ISSU/Reload in the file information section.

Production SMU Installation Impact


Most SMUs can be applied without impact to normal router operations (routing and forwarding) and are classified as hitless SMUs. Hitless SMUs are parallel process restart SMUs that can be activated without an effect on the operation of the device.

Traffic Loss

If a SMU addresses a problem within a routing protocol, the process that runs the protocol restarts when you apply the SMU.

If you use graceful restart extensions with default timers, traffic continues to be forwarded without interruption, and protocol sessions are re-established.

If you do not use graceful restart extensions, routing protocol sessions are terminated and restarted. Traffic is diverted away from the affected router when neighbors detect the session has terminated. If the loss of traffic is expected as a consequence of the SMU installation, the SMU is classified as a traffic loss type SMU.

Engineering SMU

An engineering SMU is a “private” SMU provided to a network administrator in order to address key and critical issues found during a software qualification processes. They are built in order to verify a specific fix and only that fix. Engineering SMUs are not built from the production lineup and will negate or not include previous fixes in the same component.

Note: Engineering SMUs are not subjected to the full test suite applied to a production SMU and therefore are not supported outside of a lab environment. Support for such SMUs comes from the associated development teams. Do not use engineering SMUs in operational networks because the TAC is not able to support the SMU.

An engineering SMU is provided in order to test the validity of a fix in advance of the commit of the actual fix or, potentially, in advance of the delivery of a formal production SMU. Engineering SMUs are removed after testing is complete.


In response to a critical, security-related issue, a SMU is released under the guidance of the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT). PSIRT SMUs are provided on all affected, supported maintenance releases. PSIRT SMUs have a priority of urgent and are announced through a Security Advisory.

Bridge SMU

A bridge SMU is a SMU that is a prerequisite to an upgrade or downgrade to another Cisco IOS XR software release. Bridge SMUs are also referred to as mandatory upgrade or downgrade SMUs because they must be installed before an upgrade or downgrade.

Refer to Cisco IOS XR General Information for procedures for each upgrade or downgrade and for details of any mandatory bridge SMUs.

Bridge SMUs are also included in the Cisco IOS XR software tar bundles located in Download Software Center for a particular release. The Cisco IOS XR software tar bundle includes all available PIEs for the release and any bridge SMUs for other IOS XR releases needed in order to perform the upgrade.

Umbrella SMU

An umbrella SMU is a collection of individual bug fixes included in one SMU package.

A new bug ID in the Distributed Defect Tracking System (DDTS) is assigned and is an aggregation of a set of bugs under that new umbrella bug ID. The release note of the umbrella bug ID includes a list of all bugs that the SMU fixes. This simplifies the software delivery model since a single SMU can fix many individual issues.

The terms combo SMU, umbrella SMU, and SMU pack refer to the same type of SMU.

The bug fixes that are included within an umbrella SMU may or may not be limited to a single component, although cross-functional umbrella SMUs that cross package boundaries are rare.

Umbrella SMUs may be provided for platform dependent fixes or platform independent fixes.

  • A platform dependent fix is an issue that pertains to one specific platform such as an ASR, CRS, or XR12K. For example, CSCud SMU Pack2 applies to ASR9K NP, PRM, and DRV fixes.
  • A platform independent fix, such as CSCud Traffic Loss, BGP Umbrella DDTS #1, spreads across all XR platforms.

Umbrella SMUs are provided for platform dependent fixes that are considered mission critical. Umbrella SMUs are a collection of fixes that should be applied in order to maintain stability on any base software release.

Service Packs

A Service Pack (SP) is a special type of umbrella SMU that contains a roll-up off all the previously released SMUs. The SPs are designed so that they include all of the bugfixes in a single package in order to ease software maintenance.

Note: Only one SP should be active on the router at a time.

Here are some important notes about SPs:

  • SPs are only supported on IOS XR releases with no other SMUs present. This means that a mix of SMUs and SPs is not supported.
  • SPs are released approximately every eight weeks.
  • SPs are not avaliable for all IOS XR releases.

In this example, there are three SPs that have been released for IOS XR Version

  • IOS XR Service Pack 1 for ASR9K-PX platform (asr9k-pxsppie)
  • IOS XR Service Pack 2 for ASR9K-PX platform (
  • IOS XR Service Pack 3 for ASR9K-PX platform (

In order to install the latest SP, you must add, install, and commit the latest SP. In this example, SP2 is added to a router that already runs SP1. The presence of SP1 is not required before SP2 works.

In order to verify if an SP currently runs on your system, enter the show install active summary command:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show install active summary
Default Profile:
Active Packages:

As shown, SP1 is already active. Now you can add SP2 via File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install add ftp://root:root@/

Install operation 41 '(admin) install add /ftp://root:***@/' started by user
'root' via CLI at MST Wed Jun 11 The install operation will continue asynchronously.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#Info: The following package is now available
 to be activated:
Info: disk0:asr9k-pxsp
Info: The package can be activated across the entire router.
Install operation 41 completed successfully at MST Wed Jun 11

Then, you can activate the SP:

Note: The SP activation requires a system reload.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install activate disk0:asr9k-pxsp
Install operation 44 '(admin) install activate disk0:asr9k-pxsp'
 started by user 'root' via
CLI at MST Wed Jun 11
Info: This operation will reload the following nodes in parallel:
Info: 0/RSP0/CPU0 (RP) (SDR: Owner)
Info: 0/RSP1/CPU0 (RP) (SDR: Owner)
Proceed with this install operation (y/n)? [y]
Info: Install Method: Parallel Reload
The install operation will continue asynchronously.

Once the router comes back online, commit the SP so that the software survives a reload:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install commit
Wed Jun 11 MST
Install operation 42 '(admin) install commit' started by user 'root' via CLI
 at MST Wed Jun 11
Install operation 42 completed successfully at MST Wed Jun 11

You can deactivate and remove the old SP:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install deactivate disk0:asr9k-pxsp

Install operation 43 '(admin) install deactivate disk0:asr9k-pxsp'
 started by user 'root' via CLI at MST Wed Jun 11
Info:     Install Method: Parallel Process Restart
The install operation will continue asynchronously.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#Info:The changes made to software configurations
 will not be persistent across system reloads. Use the
Info:     command '(admin) install commit' to make changes persistent.
Info:     Please verify that the system is consistent following the software
 change using the following
Info:     commands:
Info:         show system verify
Info:         install verify packages
Install operation 43 completed successfully at MST Wed Jun 11

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install remove disk0:asr9k-pxsp
Wed Jun 11 MST
Install operation 49 '(admin) install remove disk0:asr9k-pxsp'
 started by user 'root' via CLI at MST Wed Jun 11
Info: This operation will remove the following package:
Info: disk0:asr9k-pxsp
Info: After this install remove the following install rollback points will
 no longer be reachable, as the
Info: required packages will not be present:
Info: 42, 44
Proceed with removing these packages? [confirm]
The install operation will continue asynchronously.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#Install operation 49 completed successfully at
  MST Wed Jun 11

Commit the software again in order to save the changes:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#install commit
Install operation 50 '(admin) install commit' started by user 'root' via CLI at
  MST Wed Jun 11
Install operation 50 completed successfully at MST Wed Jun 11

The new SP is now installed:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show install active summary
Default Profile:
Active Packages:

SMU Naming Convention

A SMU consists of the SMU binary file and its associated Readme text file, which contains any associated caveats. Examples include:

The naming convention follows the format platform-type-release-DDTS ID-file format.

  • Platform:
    • hfr (CRS)
    • c12k ()
    • asr9k (ASR )
    • ncs6k (NCS )
    • ncs5k (NCS )
    • ncs (NCS )
    • xrv9k (XRv)
  • Image type:
  • Release: , for example
  • DDTS ID: CSCxx, for example
  • File format:

Note that:

  • There is no PX PIE/SMU image types in Cisco IOS XR software releases earlier than
  • SMUs earlier than Release do not include the image type; instead, the SMUs include the package that the SMU affects.
  • With Cisco IOS XR software Release and later, the PX PIE image type is the only option on ASR and CRS platforms. P images are no longer supported. The P images are now converged with PX. Through the normal upgrade process, the migration happens to PX.
  • Composite SMUs earlier than IOS XR Release are named comp-*. Example: comp-hfrCSCtq.

Download SMUs from

SMUs are located in two key repositories: the Download Software center and the File Exchange.

Download Software Center

SMUs can be downloaded from the Cisco Download Software Center.

  1. In the Download Software Center, navigate to the router platform type. In this example, navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Routers > Service Provider Edge Routers > Cisco ASR Series Aggregation Services Routers > Cisco ASR Router.
  2. Select IOS XR Software Maintenance Upgrades (SMU) or IOS XR Software Maintenance Upgrades (SMU) Bundles.

    • If you selected IOS XR Software Maintenance Upgrades (SMU), select the release that corresponds to the IOS XR version in the SMU section, and download any mandatory, recommended, or optional SMUs.

      The SMU section includes individual mandatory, recommended, and optional SMUs that are packaged as tar files. The tar file of an individual SMU includes the SMU and the Readme file.

      The tar file can either be installed as it is using a special tar option, or you can uncompress the tar file and install the individual SMU.

    • If you selected IOS XR Software Maintenance Upgrades (SMU) Bundles, the SMU Bundles Section provides tarball files that include all the recommended and mandatory SMUs for a specific release and platform. Each tarball includes all the recommended SMUs and their Readme files. SMU tarballs have a release date and are updated periodically with the addition of other recommended and mandatory SMUs.

      The recommended SMU tarball can be installed as it is using a special tar option, or you can uncompress the tar file and install each individual SMU.

File Exchange

SMUs can be downloaded from the Cisco File Exchange.

Optional SMUs were not posted in the Download Software Center earlier than Cisco IOS XR software Release So, those optional SMUs needed to be downloaded from the File Exchange or posted with special access by a TAC engineer.

SMUs on the File Exchange require special permission, and you must request access in order to download a specific SMU. Email in order to request access; include your name, company, and issue in the subject line, and include problem details in the message body.

Optional SMUs for the latest software releases are now available in the Download Software Center. Access to the File Exchange is not needed for most SMUs.

SMU Readme File

Each SMU tar file contains a SMU (.pie) and the Readme file. Cisco recommends you review the associated Readme file before you install a SMU.

The Readme file provides this information:

  • Console and error messages during SMU activation or deactivation
  • SMU installation impact
  • Side effects and possible workarounds
  • SMU caveats
  • Package(s) that the SMU impacts
  • Prerequisites
  • Supercedes
  • Restart type
  • On-the-box name of the SMU

Here is an example of the Readme file for asr9k-pxCSCud.pie.

# Last Modified Date: 12/05/
# Readme for SMU pie asr9k-pxCSCud.pie
# Copyright (c) by Cisco Systems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.

Date Generated:          Tue Nov 27 PST

Owner:                   bhuie

Name:                    asr9k-pxCSCud.pie

Package(s):              asr9k-fwdingCSCud

On-the-Box Name:         asr9k-pxCSCud

Compressed File Size:    bytes

Uncompressed File Size:  bytes

DDTS:                    CSCud

Description:             bundle replay not processed for a subset of interfaces




Restart Type:            dependent


MD5:                     98e87dce10c9aea5e9e08ba5d13


Name:                    asr9k-fwdingCSCud
Restart Type:            dependent
MD5:                     98e87dce10c9aea5e9e08ba5d13
SMU Pie Contents:

CSS Certificate:
    Version: 3
    Serial Number: CCE
    Issuing Algorithm: MD5withRSA
    Issued By: CN = Code Signing Server Certificate Authority, O = Cisco, C = US
    Not Before: Dec 05, GMT
    Not After: Oct 17, GMT
    Subject Name: CN = Release code sign certificate

SMU Pie Contents:

SMU Install Questions:

1- Console/error messages during SMU activation/deactivation? Please specify
the safe messages to ignore


2- Is SMU activation/deactivation traffic impacting?


3- Are there any side effects to this SMU that require workaround? (for example
AAA SMU requiring exit out of current session and reconnecting after install).
If so what?


SMU Caveats:


SMU Criteria and Policy

SMU requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Directors or approved designates have the approval authority. The decision is based on the business justification, customer impact, and the engineering feasibility of a point fix.

Official Production SMU Characteristics

Characteristics of an official production SMU are:

  • It is not an alternative to a maintenance release.
  • It is specific to package versions and is meant for all customers.
  • The bug fix is not customer-specific in nature.
  • It is fully supported by TAC.
  • New fixes are integrated into subsequent maintenance releases.
  • There has been specialized testing for collateral damage, but the scope is limited compared to maintenance releases.

SMU Evaluation Criteria

A new production SMU request may be accepted based on these criteria:

  • It addresses a critical problem that causes customer outage.
  • It addresses a critical problem that impacts live network deployment.
  • It is a mandatory SMU, recommended by PSIRT or Cisco.
  • There is no viable operational workaround for the customer.
  • The schedule for maintenance release is not feasible for the particular customer.
  • It addresses an issue that impacts revenue, such as billing or monitoring (counters, network management).

SMU Requests and Approval

SMUs that are not proactively created by the Business Unit must be formally requested by a network administrator.

A TAC Service Request should be open with a bug ID in resolved state.

TAC, Advanced Services, and Business Unit Deployment Engineers may request SMUs. This information is required when a SMU is requested:

  • Bug ID (DDTS)
  • Platform (ASR9K-P, ASR9K-PX, CRS-1, CRS-P, CRS-PX, XR)
  • Release
  • Requesting company
  • Service request number
  • Input details or justification
  • Upgrade plans
  • Other comments

If a SMU is accepted, the SMU team schedules the build and provides an estimated date for delivery. If a SMU is rejected, the reasons are documented, and the requester is informed about the decision.

SMU Rejection Scenarios

A SMU request for either an engineering or production SMU may not be accepted in some situations:

  • The issue is cosmetic.
  • A workaround exists that doesn't require a network redesign.
  • The proposed solution is beyond the scope of a straightforward bug and is considered to be a feature.
  • The solution is a command-line interface (CLI) change.
  • The release or the package version for which the SMU is requested is no longer supported.
  • The fix is integrated into a subsequent maintenance version within the same major/minor IOS XR release. A SMU may be provided as a proactive fix until the next maintenance release or a subsequent release can be qualified for deployment. This is done at the discretion of the Business Unit executive management.

SMU Delivery Timelines

Once Cisco TAC has officially confirmed that a SMU will be provided, a SMU must go through these stages before it is released or posted:

  • SMU requested (by, for example, a TAC engineer)
  • SMU accepted after a management review; timelines set for delivery
  • SMU assigned to a Development Engineer
  • SMU Unit Testing conducted by Development Engineer
  • SMU Dev Testing conducted by the component testing group at the component level - for example, at the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) or Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol level
  • SMU System Integration Testing conducted by the platform team, such as the ASR9K, CRS, or XR team
  • SMU released to or File Exchange

The timelines for SMU delivery typically range between six and eight weeks but might vary.

The majority of delays occur during system integration testing, because the SMU is subject to the particular issue it fixes. The SMU is also tested in a multi-dimensional test scenario in order to ensure there are no collateral failures in other components.

SMU Supercedes and Prerequisites


An important concept to understand is that SMUs are committed to a software lineup particular to that release. If there are two SMUs in the same overlapping component, there is no need to run them both at the same time.

This example illustrates this concept of a supercede.

SMU X fixes a Link State Advertisement (LSA) flooding issue in OSPF and contains the new OSPF process and libraries. SMU Y fixes a crash in the OSPF process. If Y was delivered after X, Y contains the fixes for both issue X and issue Y. SMU Y, while committed to the lineup, inherently takes the changes from X already. If you run Y, you do not need the SMU for X anymore. If you are already running the superceded SMU, you can remove it in order to save space; however, if both the SMUs are installed, that does not cause a problem.

Subsequently, if there is a SMU Z also in OSPF, then Z may not contain the changes from Y if the changes were not committed to the SMU lineup. So, loading Z would negate the changes applied by Y.

Partial Supercedes

A partial supercede SMU is one that includes some overlapping components of another SMU but not all.

A partial supercede implies that some components from a previously posted SMU are not superceded by a new SMU. Partial supercede does not always mean there has to be a prerequisite dependency and depends on the code fix.

This example illustrates the concept of a partial supercede.

SMU X contains a change in OSPF and some library change. SMU Y is another OSPF change as in the Supercedes example, but has no library changes. SMU Y is a partial supercede over X because there are some overlapping components.

You must install both SMUs in order to get both fixes. The SMU is built to include this dependency; while you install Y, the SMU indicates that X is needed as well.


A prerequisite SMU is a SMU that must be installed in order to install another SMU.

In the example above Y has a prerequisite of SMU X. That means that, in order to run Y, you need X as well.

Certain fixes might have a dependency on a previously posted SMU for a complete solution. This is true for scenarios where a composite SMU is built and is followed by another SMU for a fix that touches one of the components included in the composite SMU.

So, by definition, if a new SMU contains fixes for separate components within the same package, and if there is an existing SMU that contains at least one, but not all, of these components, the first SMU is not completely superceded by the new SMU. Both the old and new SMU are required for a complete fix. Prerequisite SMUs must be activated either concurrently or before the new SMU is loaded.

Keep Track of SMU Prerequisites and Supercedes

SMUs that are fully superceded are removed from and the File Exchange in order to avoid confusion.

SMU Readme files document prerequisites and supercedes.

The Cisco Software Manager helps manage SMUs because it identifies superceded and prerequisite SMUs and provides SMU recommendations and optimized SMU lists. Refer to the Cisco Software Manager User Guide for details.

In the latest Cisco IOS XR software releases, a message is displayed during the install operation when a SMU is activated that supercedes another. A composite SMU can contain multiple components. You can deactivate or remove some components of a SMU that have been superceded by another SMU without deactivation of the other SMUs.

This output helps identify what SMU packages have been superceded by other active packages and can be deactivated. The line items listed can be deactivated, but not the entire composite SMU. There is no problem if you continue to operate with SMU packages active that have been superceded by other active SMUs.

Info:     After this install operation, some SMU package(s) will be superceded.
User can deactivate and remove superceded SMU(s).
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCud
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCud
Info:     asr9k-cppCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-os-mbiCSCud
Info:     asr9k-os-mbiCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCud
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-fwdingCSCud
Info:     asr9k-cppCSCud
Info:     iosxr-routingCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCud
Info:     asr9k-baseCSCuc
Info:     asr9k-os-mbiCSCud
Info:     asr9k-os-mbiCSCuc

In Cisco IOS XR software Release and later, use the show install superceded admin command in order to help identify SMUs that have been fully superceded by other active SMUs and that can later be deactivated and removed.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#show install superceded
Thu May 23 UTC
There are no fully superceded SMUs.

SMU Installation

SMU activation requires three operational steps:

  1. Add the SMU to the filesystem with the admin install add command.
  2. Activate the SMU on the system with the admin install activate command.
  3. Once confirmed that the system works as expected with the new SMU, make the installation persistent across reloads with the admin install commit command.

Install Add Operation

Use the install add operation in order to add a SMU to the file system. The install add operation adds all the SMU files to the filesystem, but does not cause the SMU components to run or cause reloads or processes to restart.

There are several ways to perform an install add operation:

  • Perform install add and install activate operations from admin mode or prefix the command with the admin keyword.
  • Use the tar keyword in order to install add individual SMUs that are in the .tar format or recommended SMU tarballs.
  • Copy the SMU to harddisk: or other local media first, and then add from the local media.
  • Add the SMU to the filesystem directly from a TFTP or FTP file server that is reachable from the router. Note that:
    • The SMU file must be available on the FTP or TFTP server and have proper read permissions for the FTP or TFTP operation.
    • If the files on the FTP or TFTP server are not in the tftpboot directory, add the fully qualified path to the file on the FTP or TFTP server. In the next example, the files were in the tftpboot directory on the server tftp:///asr9k-pCSCue.tar . Had they been in /tftpboot/smu then the command tftp:///smu/asr9k-pCSCue.tar should be used.

Example Install Add Operation - TFTP and tar File

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#install add tar
Tue May  7 UTC
Install operation 81 '(admin) install add tar
/tftp:///asr9k-pCSCue.tar' started by user 'root'
via CLI at UTC Tue
May 07
Info:     The following files were extracted from the tar file
'/tftp:///asr9k-pCSCue.tar' and will be added to the
entire router:
Info:         asr9k-pCSCue.pie
Info:         asr9k-pCSCue.txt (skipped - not a pie)
The install operation will continue asynchronously.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#Info:     The following package is now available
to be activated:
Info:         disk0:asr9k-pCSCue
Info:     The package can be activated across the entire router.
Install operation 81 completed successfully at UTC Tue May 07

Example Install Add Operation - Harddisk: and tar File

The SMU can be copied to a hardisk: or other local media first, then be added from that local media.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR#copy tftp:///asr9k-pCSCue.tar
Wed May  8 UTC
Destination filename [/harddisk:/asr9k-pCSCue.tar]?
Accessing tftp:///asr9k-pCSCue.tar
bytes copied in      1 sec (   )bytes/sec

Tue May  7 UTC

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#install add tar
Tue May  7 UTC
Install operation 87 '(admin) install add tar
started by user 'root' via CLI at UTC Tue May 07
Info:     The following files were extracted from the tar file
'/harddisk:asr9k-pCSCue.tar' and will be added to the
entire router:
Info:         asr9k-pCSCue.pie
Info:         asr9k-pCSCue.txt (skipped - not a pie)
The install operation will continue asynchronously.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#Info:     The following package is now
available to be activated:
Info:         disk0:asr9k-pCSCue
Info:     The package can be activated across the entire router.
Install operation 87 completed successfully at UTC Tue May 07

Example Install Add Operation - Recommended Tarball and TFTP

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR(admin)#install add tar
Tue May 14 UTC

Install logs:
    Install operation '(admin) install add tar
/tftp:///_asr9k-p_REC_SMUS_tar' started by user 'root'
via CLI at UTC Tue May 14
    Info:     The following files were extracted from the tar file
'/tftp:///_asr9k-p_REC_SMUS_tar' and will be
    Info:     added to the entire router:
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtr.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtr.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCty.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCtz.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCua.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCua.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCua.pie
    Info:         asr9k-pCSCua.txt (skipped - not a pie)
    Info:         asr9k-p
Источник: []
, Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

Correct Bearing Capacity Serial number

The serial number for Correct is available

This release was created for you, eager to use Correct Bearing Capacity full and without limitations. Our intentions are not to harm Correct software company but to give the possibility to those who can not pay for any piece of software out there. This should be your intention too, as a user, to fully evaluate Correct Bearing Capacity without restrictions and then decide.

If you are keeping the software and want to use it longer than its trial time, we strongly encourage you purchasing the license key from Correct official website. Our releases are to prove that we can! Nothing can stop us, we keep fighting for freedom despite all the difficulties we face each day.

Last but not less important is your own contribution to our cause. You should consider to submit your own serial numbers or share other files with the community just as someone else helped you with Correct Bearing Capacity serial number. Sharing is caring and that is the only way to keep our scene, our community alive.

Источник: []
Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

Lost music on your i. Pod Nano, Mini, Shuffle or Classic. Lost a parcel on an outer hard drive and lost music on an MP3 player. Enhanced sparing, stacking and dropping filtering for lost information.


What’s New in the Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Correct Bearing Capacity 4.3.0 serial key or number

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