Error handling in API Management policies

By providing a object, Azure API Management allows publishers to respond to error conditions, which may occur during processing of requests. The object is accessed through the manicapital.comror property and can be used by policies in the policy section. This article provides a reference for the error handling capabilities in Azure API Management.

Error handling in API Management

Policies in Azure API Management are divided into , , , and sections as shown in the following example.

During the processing of a request, built-in steps are executed along with any policies, which are in scope for the request. If an error occurs, processing immediately jumps to the policy section. The policy section can be used at any scope. API publishers can configure custom behavior such as logging the error to event hubs or creating a new response to return to the caller.


The section is not present in policies by default. To add the section to a policy, browse to the desired policy in the policy editor and add it. For more information about configuring policies, see Policies in API Management.

If there is no section, callers will receive or HTTP response messages if an error condition occurs.

Policies allowed in on-error

The following policies can be used in the policy section.


When an error occurs and control jumps to the policy section, the error is stored in manicapital.comror property, which can be accessed by policies in the section. LastError has the following properties.

stringNames the element where the error occurred. Could be either policy or a built-in pipeline step name.Yes
stringMachine-friendly error code, which could be used in error handling.No
stringHuman-readable error description.Yes
stringName of the scope where the error occurred and could be one of "global", "product", "api", or "operation"No
stringSection name where error occurred. Possible values: "inbound", "backend", "outbound", or "on-error".No
stringSpecifies nested policy, for example "choose[3]/when[2]".No
stringValue of the attribute, if specified by the customer, on the policy where error occurredNo


You can access the status code through manicapital.comCode.


All policies have an optional attribute that can be added to the root element of the policy. If this attribute is present in a policy when an error condition occurs, the value of the attribute can be retrieved using the property.

Predefined errors for built-in steps

The following errors are predefined for error conditions that can occur during the evaluation of built-in processing steps.

configurationUri doesn't match to any API or OperationOperationNotFoundUnable to match incoming request to an operation.
authorizationSubscription key not suppliedSubscriptionKeyNotFoundAccess denied due to missing subscription key. Make sure to include subscription key when making requests to this API.
authorizationSubscription key value is invalidSubscriptionKeyInvalidAccess denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
multipleDownstream connection (from a client to an API Management gateway) was aborted by the client while request was pendingClientConnectionFailuremultiple
multipleUpstream connection (from an API Management gateway to a backend service) was not established or was aborted by the backendBackendConnectionFailuremultiple
multipleRuntime exception had occurred during evaluation of a particular expressionExpressionValueEvaluationFailuremultiple

Predefined errors for policies

The following errors are predefined for error conditions that can occur during policy evaluation.

rate-limitRate limit exceededRateLimitExceededRate limit is exceeded
quotaQuota exceededQuotaExceededOut of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in xx:xx:xx. -or- Out of bandwidth quota. Quota will be replenished in xx:xx:xx.
jsonpCallback parameter value is invalid (contains wrong characters)CallbackParameterInvalidValue of callback parameter {callback-parameter-name} is not a valid JavaScript identifier.
ip-filterFailed to parse caller IP from requestFailedToParseCallerIPFailed to establish IP address for the caller. Access denied.
ip-filterCaller IP is not in allowed listCallerIpNotAllowedCaller IP address {ip-address} is not allowed. Access denied.
ip-filterCaller IP is in blocked listCallerIpBlockedCaller IP address is blocked. Access denied.
check-headerRequired header not presented or value is missingHeaderNotFoundHeader {header-name} was not found in the request. Access denied.
check-headerRequired header not presented or value is missingHeaderValueNotAllowedHeader {header-name} value of {header-value} is not allowed. Access denied.
validate-jwtJwt token is missing in requestTokenNotFoundJWT not found in the request. Access denied.
validate-jwtSignature validation failedTokenSignatureInvalid<message from jwt library>. Access denied.
validate-jwtInvalid audienceTokenAudienceNotAllowed<message from jwt library>. Access denied.
validate-jwtInvalid issuerTokenIssuerNotAllowed<message from jwt library>. Access denied.
validate-jwtToken expiredTokenExpired<message from jwt library>. Access denied.
validate-jwtSignature key was not resolved by IDTokenSignatureKeyNotFound<message from jwt library>. Access denied.
validate-jwtRequired claims are missing from tokenTokenClaimNotFoundJWT token is missing the following claims: <c1>, <c2>, … Access denied.
validate-jwtClaim values mismatchTokenClaimValueNotAllowedClaim {claim-name} value of {claim-value} is not allowed. Access denied.
validate-jwtOther validation failuresJwtInvalid<message from jwt library>
forward-request or send-requestHTTP response status code and headers were not received from the backend within the configured timeoutTimeoutmultiple


Setting an API policy to:

and sending an unauthorized request will result in the following response:

Next steps

For more information working with policies, see:

Источник: []
, CALLERIP keygen




[phpagi] secret = phpagi read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user permit = /

Asterisk x:
/etc/asterisk/ <asterisk_source> exten => _0.,1,agi( exten => _0.,2,GotoIf($[${ACL_MATCH}]&#;? 5&#;: 3) exten => _0.,3,Hangup exten => _0.,5,Goto(pstn-out,${EXTEN},1) </asterisk_source>

Asterisk x:
/etc/asterisk/ <asterisk_source> exten => _0.,1,Gosub(acl, 1) exten => _0.,2,

exten => acl,1,Agi( exten => acl,2,GotoIf($[${ACL_MATCH}]&#;? 5&#;: 3) exten => acl,3,Hangup exten => acl,5,Return </asterisk_source>


Le script suivant requiert la librairie PHPAGI (

/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ (chmod ) <php_source>

  1. !/usr/bin/php -q

<?php /**

* To enable ACL, set the variable "acl", that should contain IP addresses or netowks * allowed or disallowed (use "!" before the address). ACLs are always based on the * first match, so be careful with the order. * * Examples: * acl = -> allow IP address * acl = /24 -> allow IP network /24 * acl = /24, /24 -> allow both IP networks * acl = !/24, /16 -> allow any , except * * Return * - Set CALLERIP with IP address of the current caller * - Set ACL_MATCH variable to "0" or "1", if "acl" variable set * * @author Jean-Christophe Heger <> * @version beta */

require_once ('');

$agi = new AGI();

$peer = array_key (preg_split ("/[\/-]/", $agi->request["agi_channel"]), 1); $ip = array_key (split (":", array_key ($agi->database_get ('SIP/Registry', $peer), 'data')), 0);

$agi->set_variable ("CALLERIP", $ip); $agi->verbose ("Caller IP: $ip", 4);

$acl = &array_key ($agi->get_variable('acl'), 'data'); if ($acl) { $acls = split(",", str_replace (" ", "", $acl)); $acl_match = (match_network ($acls, $ip))&#;? 1&#;: 0; $agi->set_variable ("ACL_MATCH", $acl_match);

$agi->verbose ("ACL mode enabled", 4); foreach ($acls as $acl) $agi->verbose (" > ".$acl, 4); $agi->verbose ("ACL matching", 4); if ($acl_match) $agi->verbose (" > $ip is allowed by ACL", 4); else $agi->verbose (" > $ip is denied by ACL", 1); }

function array_key (&$arr, $key) { return $arr[$key]; }


* Compare an IP address to network(s) * * The network(s) argument may be a string or an array. A negative network * match must start with a "!". Depending on the 3rd parameter, it will * return true or false on the first match, or any negative rule will have * absolute priority (default). * * Samples: * match_network ("/24", "") -> true * * match_network (array ("/24", "!"), "") -> false * match_network (array ("/24", "!"), "", true) -> true * match_network (array ("!/24", ""), "") -> false * match_network (array ("!/24", ""), "", true) -> false * * @param mixed Network to match * @param string IP address * @param bool true: first match will return / false: priority to negative rules (default) * @see */

function match_network ($nets, $ip, $first=false) { $return = false; if (!is_array ($nets)) $nets = array ($nets);

foreach ($nets as $net) { $rev = (preg_match ("/^\!/", $net))&#;? true&#;: false; $net = preg_replace ("/^\!/", "", $net);

$ip_arr = explode('/', $net); $net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1]&#;? $x&#;: 0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1]); $ip_long = ip2long($ip);

if ($rev) { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) return false; } else { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) $return = true; if ($first && $return) return true; } } return $return; }

?> </php_source>

Источник: []

The image above is numbered , indicating various features of the display:

1. The World Map - When a connection is made it will be displayed on the world map to show you where the connection originated.
2. Plot all connections - When this button is clicked it will display cross hairs on the world map for every connection in the table. Connections that do not have a country assigned to them (country column) will not be plotted. Connections that come up as just 'EU' will not be plotted as the connection could be anywhere in Europe. Example
3. Connections Table - This is a list of the connections currently occurring on the machine CallerIP is running on. It includes information such as Country, whether the connection is incoming or outgoing, IP address, Local IP and port number etc.
4. Run VisualRoute - If you have VisualRoute installed on your machine then you can run a more detailed trace by clicking this link and using VisualRoute.
5. Identification Report - click here.
6. Connections History - click here.
7. CallerIP Server Icon(Advanced Edition only) - a shortcut to the CallerIP Server dialog box
8. Caller History Log Search Icon(Advanced Edition only) - a shortcut to the Caller History Log Search dialog box.
9. Minimize window - this minimizes the CallerIP window to the condensed dispaly.

CallerIP gives you the choice to have as much or as little information on the screen as possible. You will see on the image above that you can 'hide' any of the screens you see above. Fig shows CallerIP with all windows showing.

To analyze a remote IP, or an IP in the 'Callers History', all you have to do is click on the IP address you wish to analyze. You can also enter an IP of your choice and click the 'Go' button at the end of the address bar to create a report.

When 'Plot all Connections' has been chosen on the world map, you will be able to see each connection for a particular country by moving your mouse over that country name. The connections list will appear like the image below:

Roll Over Connections Display

If you wish to then analyze one of the IP's, just click on one from the list and CallerIP will bring up the Identification Report for it on the right hand side window (point 5 in the CallerIP display above).

Источник: []

What’s New in the CALLERIP keygen?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for CALLERIP keygen

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