Safari Technology Preview Release Notes

Release 113

Web Inspector

  • Timelines Tab
    • Fixed background colors for odd and even items in Dark Mode in the Timelines tab
    • Media & Animations timeline shouldn't shift when sorting
  • Adapted Web Inspector’s user interface and styling to better match macOS Big Sur

Web Audio

  • Added constructor for GainNode
  • Added constructor for BiquadFilterNode
  • Added constructor for ConvolverNode
  • Added constructor for DelayNode
  • Added constructor for AudioBuffer
  • Added constructor for AnalyserNode
  • Added support for suspending and resuming an OfflineAudioContext
  • Added constructor for the MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface
  • Aligned AudioListener with the W3C specification
  • Aligned BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse() with the specification
  • Fixed BiquadFilterNode's lowpass filter
  • Fixed missing attribute on OfflineAudioContext
  • Fixed missing attribute on the AudioContext interface


  • Added support for bitrate options


  • Updated to avoid triggering redundant compositing updates when trying to run a animation on transform
  • Fixed inconsistent spacing of Chinese characters in Safari for macOS Big Sur


  • Enabled H.264 low latency code path by default for macOS
  • Fixed the picture-in-picture button disappearing in the fullscreen YouTube player after starting a new video in a playlist


  • Changed to apply aspect ratios when computing
  • Fixed updating after an image loads when the image has a specified height and width
  • Fixed descriptor to reject bolder and lighter
  • Fixed the CSS specificity of pseudo-classes


  • Fixed to not invoke native UI


  • Added VoiceOver access to font styling at insertion point


  • Fixed font loads quickly followed by navigations failing indefinitely


  • Implemented and
  • Implemented
  • Implemented
  • Fixed text input attribute getting ignored on macOS

Gamepad API

  • Added a special HID mapping for the Google Stadia controller
  • Added HID mapping for the Logitech F310/F710 controllers.


  • Fixed table data incorrectly translated in some articles on
  • Fixed leading and trailing spaces to be ignored when comparing content

Release 112

Web Inspector

  • Changed the default tab order to display most commonly used tabs first
  • Changed the background, text, and border colors to match the OS
  • Changed to only show scrollbars when needed
  • Fixed issue where a failed initial subresource load would break the Sources Tab
  • Fixed the ability to save files that are base64 encoded
  • Prevented blurring the add class input when a class is added in the Styles sidebar of the Elements tab


  • Fixed pop-up dialog sizing for percentage height values applied to <html>
  • Added support for replacing a Safari App Extension with a Safari Web Extension by specifying the SFSafariAppExtensionBundleIdentifiersToReplace key in the NSExtension element in your Safari Web Extension Info.plist file. The value for the key should be an array of strings, each of which is the bundle identifier on a Safari App Extension you want to replace.


  • Fixed align-content in grid containers with small content area
  • Fixed the CSS clip-path being applied to the view-box coordinates
  • Fixed scroll snap when using RTL layout


  • Implemented Intl.DisplayNames
  • Changed eval?.() to be an indirect eval


  • Added support for SVG <a> element's rel and relList attributes


  • Added behaviors for YouTube to offer HDR variants to devices which support HDR
  • Adopted AVPlayer.videoRangeOverride
  • Added HDR decode support in software-decoded VP9
  • Fixed becoming unresponsive after playing a video from a YouTube playlist in picture-in-picture mode


  • Added OfflineAudioContext constructor
  • Fixed scaleResolutionDownBy on RTCRtpSender


  • Added support for the type attribute to PerformanceObserver
  • Changed date and time input types to have a textfield appearance
  • Changed to propagate the user gesture through Fetch API
  • Fixed highlight color to update after being set it system preferences
  • Fixed datalist dropdown scrollbar position to match the visible region
  • Made mousemove event cancelable

Text Manipulation

  • Changed text manipulation to not extract non-breaking spaces
  • Fixed article headlines being split across multiple lines after translating


  • Changed to allow IndexedDB in third-party frames

Release 111

Web Inspector

  • Added an error message if unable to fetch shader source in the Canvas tab
  • Fixed Heap Snapshot Object Graph view not getting populated in some cases when inspecting a JSContext
  • Updated the tab bar colors of undocked Web Inspector to match Safari in macOS Big Sur
  • Updated the title bar of undocked Web Inspector to be white in macOS Big Sur

Web Extensions

  • Fixed chrome.tabs.update() so it does not open a new tab for safari-web-extension URLs
  • Fixed chrome.tabs.create() so it passes a valid tab object to the callback for relative extension URLs


  • Fixed content changes not triggering re-snapping with scroll snap after a scroll gesture
  • Fixed scrolling pages with non-invertable transforms in children of an overflow: scroll element
  • Fixed stuttery scrolling by ensuring a layout-triggered scroll snap does not happen if a user scroll is in progress on the scrolling thread


  • Fixed high CPU usage on Bitbucket search results pages


  • Fixed line name positions after implicit grid track


  • Made String.protoytpe.toLocaleLowerCase'savailableLocales HashSet more efficient
  • Changed Intl.Locale maximize, minimize to return Intl.Locale instead of String
  • Fixed Math.max() yielding the wrong result for max(0, -0)
  • Fixed redefining a property that should not change its insertion index (Object.keys order)

Web Authentication

  • Added a console message to indicate a user gesture is required to use the platform authenticator
  • Relaxed the user gesture requirement to allow it to be propagated through XHR events


  • Fixed the ability to pause to pause playback of MediaStream video track
  • Added support for parsing VP-style codec strings


  • Changed to not override the port
  • Fixed autocapitalize="words" capitalizing every word's second character
  • Multiplexed the HID and GameController gamepad providers on macOS
  • Removed the concept of "initial connected gamepads"

Storage Access API

  • Added the capability to open a popup and get user interaction so we can call the Storage Access API as a quirk, on behalf of websites that should be doing it themselves

Intelligent Tracking Prevention

  • Added an artificial delay to WebSocket connections to mitigate port scanning attacks


  • Implemented user action specifications for Escape action

Text Manipulation

  • Fixed text manipulation to observe manipulated text after update
  • Fixed text manipulation to ignore white spaces between nodes
  • Fixed the caret leaving trails behind when the editable content is subpixel positioned

Release 110


  • Added a functional WebRTC VP9 codec
  • Allowed registering VP9 as a VT decoder
  • Added support for freeze and pause receiver stats
  • Added MediaRecorder.onstart support
  • Changed MediaRecorder to support peer connection remote video tracks
  • Enabled VTB required low latency code path
  • Fixed MediaRecorder.stopRecorder() returning an empty Blob after first use
  • Fixed MediaRecorder.start() Method ignoring the timeslice parameter
  • Fixed RTCDataChannel.bufferedAmount to stay the same even if channel is closed
  • Updated the max width and height for mock sources

Web Authentication

  • Improved UI for PIN entry for security keys

Web Animations

  • Keyframe animation with infinite iteration count doesn't show up in the Animations timeline


  • Changed to require a <form> to be connected before it can be submitted
  • Fixed window.location.replace with invalid URLs to throw
  • Fixed the behavior when setting"??" (two question marks)
  • Changed to allow selecting HEIF images if the 'accept' attribute includes an image MIME type that the platform can transcode
  • Added referrerpolicy attribute support for <link>
  • Allow setting empty host/hostname on URLs if they use file scheme
  • Allow the async clipboard API to write data when copying via menu action or key binding


  • Changed to check for mode=“showing” to consider a text track as selected in the tracks panel


  • Changed to allow indefinite size flex items to be definite with respect to resolving percentages inside them
  • Changed to not include scrollbar extents when computing sizes for percentage resolution
  • Fixed pointer events (click/hover/etc) passing through flex items, if they have negative margin


  • Changed to resolve viewport units against the preferred content size


  • Fixed overlapping content when margin-right is present
  • Fixed content sometimes missing in nested scrollers with border-radius


  • Fixed honoring aria-modal nodes wrapped in aria-hidden
  • Implemented relevant simulated key presses for custom ARIA widgets for increment and decrement

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the indeterminate progress bar animation periodically jumping in macOS Big Sur


  • Enabled RelativeTimeFormat and Locale by default
  • Configured option-offered numberingSystem in Intl.NumberFormat through locale
  • Changed Intl.Collator to set usage:"search" option through ICU locale
  • Fixed Promise built-in functions to be anonymous non-constructors
  • Fixed incorrect TypedArray.prototype.set with primitives

Storage Access API

  • Added the capability to call the Storage Access API as a quirk, on behalf of websites that should be doing it themselves

Text Manipulation

  • Updated text manipulation to exclude text rendered using icon-only fonts
  • Added a new text manipulation heuristic to decide paragraph boundary


  • Enabled referrer policy attribute support by default
  • Changed image crossorigin mutations to be considered "relevant mutations"

Web Inspector

  • Added a tooltip to the icon of resources replaced by a local override explaining what happened
  • Allow selecting text of Response (DOM Tree) in Network tab
  • Adjusted the height of title area when Web Inspector is undocked to match macOS Big Sur

Release 109

Safari Technology Preview Release 109 is now available for download for macOS Catalina. With this release, Safari Technology Preview is now available for betas of macOS Big Sur. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update in the Software Update pane of System Preferences on macOS. Safari Technology Preview is currently only available for Intel-based Macs.

This release includes new Safari and WebKit features that will be present in Safari 14. The following Safari 14 features are new in Safari Technology Preview 109:

Safari Web Extensions. Extensions written for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge that use the WebExtension APIs can be converted to Safari Web Extensions using Xcode 12.

Privacy Report. See the trackers that Intelligent Tracking Prevention prevented from accessing identifying information.

Improved tab management with tab previews. Tabs feature a new space-efficient design that lets you view more tabs on-screen and preview tabs to find the one you’re looking for.

Website icons in tabs. Icons in tabs are turned on by default in Safari 14.

Password breach notifications. On macOS Big Sur, Safari will notify users when one of their saved passwords in iCloud Keychain has shown up in a data breach; requesting a password change uses the well-known URL for changing passwords (), enabling websites to specify the page to open for updating a password.

Domain-bound codes. On macOS Big Sur, added support to Security Code AutoFill for domain-bound, one-time codes sent over SMS; in the following 2FA SMS, Safari only offers to fill the code on, and no other domain.

Web Authentication. Added a Web Authentication platform authenticator using Touch ID, if that capability is present (macOS Big Sur-only). Added support for PIN entry and account selection on external FIDO2 security keys.

Adobe Flash is no longer supported in Safari.

In addition to these new Safari 14 features, this release covers WebKit revisions 262502-263214 and Password Manager Resources version 10e3fca9.


  • Changed the file picker of the <input> file element to show the selection filter
  • Changed to disallow XHR+Fetch responses when a response contains invalid header values
  • Changed image mutations to be considered "relevant mutations"
  • Fixed empty when handling the event
  • Fixed a case of being unable to select an item from dropdown
  • Made ReadableStream robust against user code


  • Fixed to apply for a single line
  • Fixed pseudo-elements () in shadow roots to animate
  • Fixed CSS custom properties for specific properties

Web Animations

  • Fixed animating values with units


  • Fixed to work for SVGScriptElements
  • Fixed multiple SVG filters unexpectedly lightening the image using linearRGB


  • Added support for IDBFactory databases method


  • Fixed horizontally scrolling elements that are broken when revealed by toggling visibility


  • Changed to not apply the special anchor handling when the anchor content is visible after clamping
  • Fixed inserted text placeholder to vertically align to top and behave like a block-level element when it has 0 width


  • Fixed a YouTube video that gets stuck after rapidly tapping on touchbar’s picture-in-picture button
  • Added a quirk to allow starting AudioContext if document was interacted


  • Improved SCTP cookie generation

Back-forward Cache

  • Stopped allowing pages served over HTTPS with into the back-forward cache


  • Added support for private class fields
  • Added "el" (Greek) to our maintained available locales list
  • Changed Logical Assignment to perform NamedEvaluation of anonymous functions
  • Changed to throw stack overflow error
  • Changed getters to throw on cross-realm access
  • Changed to not depend on
  • Fixed AsyncGenerator to await completions
  • Made an own property of instead of a prototype accessor


  • Fixed text form controls to prevent scrolling by a pixel when the value is the same length as the size
  • Fixed observing a newly displayed element inside previously observed content
  • Fixed text manipulation to exclude characters outside of the unicode private use area
  • Fixed editing to handle nested item boundary elements
  • Fixed to not re-extract elements whose children have been manipulated
  • Fixed first and last unit in a paragraph to not contain only excluded tokens


  • Changed element to no longer map to ARIA role

Apple Pay

  • Added new values for

Web Inspector

  • Changed text inputs to not spellcheck or autocomplete
  • Fixed an issue where XHRs with the same URL as the main resource were not shown in the Sources Tab
  • Improved the performance of resizing the Scope Chain panel in the details sidebar of the Sources Tab

Web Driver

  • Fixed to return iframe-relative element rects when the coordinate system is “Page”
  • Fixed WebDriver on non-iOS ports that cannot perform ActionChain which has scrolling down to the element and click it

Release 108

Web Inspector

  • Network
    • Fixed updating statistics when filtering
    • Fixed gaps around the "An error occurred trying to load this resource" message
  • Storage
    • Prevented requesting the list of IndexedDB database names multiple times for the same security origin
  • Graphics
    • Added support for the id (name) of the animation if it exists
    • Fixed populating text editors in the Keyframes section when the Animation panel sidebar in the details sidebar is first shown
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed ⌘G to not override the current query of the find banner if it's visible


  • Fixed SVG text node's with content getting described as "empty group" even if it's not empty
  • Fixed ignoring images with an empty alt attribute


  • Fixed to require being connected in order to navigate
  • Fixed the event only firing the first time the back button is pressed
  • Fixed not setting the of the returned object if not an
  • Fixed incorrect in blob workers
  • Implemented


  • Changed the calculation to compute the hypothetical cross size of each item in flexbox to use , not
  • Changed to allow indefinite size flex items to be definite with respect to resolving percentages inside them
  • Fixed dynamically setting in a grid item to trigger a relayout of that element
  • Fixed tables as flex items to obey the flex container sizing
  • Fixed styling for a flex container
  • Prevented from serializing adjacent
  • Prevented putting out-of-flow boxes in anonymous flex items or grid items


  • Fixed operations to handle exceptions correctly


  • Fixed scrolling on a article
  • Fixed stuttery overflow scrolling in slow-scrolling regions
  • Fixed rendering artifacts when scrolling overlays


  • Fixed incorrect clipping of absolute and fixed elements inside stacking-context composited

Async Clipboard API

  • Added support for reading on
  • Fixed containing multiple files when pasting a single image with multiple representations

Web Animations

  • Avoided starting CSS Transitions for a property when a CSS Animations or JavaScript-originated animation is running for the same property
  • Fixed SVG animations to not stop when other animators are still running


  • Fixed Picture-in-Picture API issues under stress tests
  • Fixed scrubbing video on ( r262169)
  • Fixed fullscreen animation missing a few frames at beginning
  • Fixed transition between encrypted and clear codecs throwing an error
  • Fixed video freezing when attaching a local to multiple elements
  • Made setting fullscreen mode more robust under stress tests

Release 107

Web Inspector

  • Network
    • Adjusted the spacing of the navigation items so that none are hidden when previewing a resource
  • Sources
    • Added showing the name of the Worker if it exists as the title of its main resource
    • Fixed source mapping issue when combining single-child directory chains
    • Fixed restoring global DOM, URL, or event breakpoints incorrectly enabling all breakpoints
    • Supported CSS pretty printing when a is nested inside a
  • Timelines
    • Fixed the memory stacked area graph to not extend beyond the "stopping time" marker
  • Storage
    • Fixed double-clicking on a cookie field to start editing that cookie
  • Layers
    • Ensured that the text at the bottom of the details sidebar doesn’t overlap
  • Console
    • Added showing listeners as an internal property
    • Added showing name as an internal property
  • Miscellaneous
    • Accessibility
      • Fixed Left/Right arrow keys to collapse/expand details sections
    • Remote Inspection
      • Provided a way to turn on or off ITP debug mode and AdClickAttribution debug mode
      • Dropped support for iOS 8.x, iOS 9.x, and iOS 10.x


  • Changed the initial value of to be to fix some SVG animations
  • Fixed computing the correct perspective matrix on a box with borders and
  • Fixed to match standards
  • XML external entity resources should only be loaded from XML MIME types


  • Changed the cursor to update during the rendering steps, rather than on a 20ms timer
  • Fixed the computed and for depending on the box
  • Fixed disappearing content with CSS parallax on an overflow scroll


  • Fixed repaint issues when the login field collapses on
  • Fixed text clipped when rendered with fonts which have a negative line gap metric
  • Fixed table sizing when is used


  • Fixed tapping on the trackpad in a to flash the scrollers
  • Fixed a that sometimes becomes non-scrollable
  • Fixed overflow scrollbars not growing when hovered
  • Fixed find not always scrolling search results into view
  • Fixed composited scrolling interfering with the propagation of perspective
  • Fixed scrollbars flickering in RTL scrollable regions


  • Changed to ignore a poster set after playback begins
  • Fixed media controls tracks menu showing "Auto" selected instead of the track selected via the JavaScript API


  • Improved the accuracy of IndexedDB estimated write size computation
  • Fixed a bug that could cause IndexedDB log files to grow without bound


  • Implemented
  • Implemented and
  • Enabled logical assignment operators
  • Ensured returns relevant locale extension keys in alphabetical order

Web Animations

  • Fixed the animation engine to not wake up every tick for timing functions
  • Fixed animations with a single keyframe not getting accelerated
  • Fixed calling on an accelerated animation having no effect
  • Coordinated "update animations and send events" procedure across multiple timelines
  • Fixed to only consider document connection and not timeline association
  • Fixed the animation of using values

Async Clipboard API

  • Enabled clipboard API access when pasting from a menu item or key binding
  • Fixed cut and paste from Google Doc to Notes in several (non-Latin) languages
  • Preserved character set information when writing to the pasteboard when copying rich text


  • Implemented accessibility of HTML 5.1 Drag & Drop

CSS Grid

  • Cleared the override width for computing percent margins
  • Changed to treat percentages as for the minimum contribution
  • Fixed auto repeat with multiple tracks and gutters

Bug Fixes

  • Added quirk for cookie blocking latch mode redirecting to under
  • Changed to enforce a URL cannot have a username, password, or port if its host is null
  • Changed XML external entities to require an XML MIME type to be loaded
  • Fixed the playhead in Touch Bar continuing when loading stalls
  • Fixed the search field on clipping the submit button
  • Fixed setting a host on a URL when no port is specified
  • Limited the HTTP referer to 4KB

Release 106

Web Inspector

  • Sources
    • Ensured “Step Over” only steps through comma expressions if they not nested
  • Storage
    • Fixed third-party cookie display
    • Added support for selecting multiple local storage entries
  • Miscellaneous
    • Updated find dialog to populate the search string from the system find pasteboard
    • Fixed the filter bar in the navigation sidebar to respect the global search settings

Async Scrolling

  • Enabled async frame and overflow scrolling by default on macOS
  • Fixed an overflow that's hidden on one axis to be scrollable on that axis

Web Animations

  • Fixed applying keyframe easings to transforms
  • Changed to guarantee assigning an element to keeps the element alive, even without other references to it
  • Implemented functions for timing functions


  • Added support for pseudo class
  • Fixed and to not allow pseudo-elements when parsing
  • Fixed failing to clip composited contents


  • Enabled BigInt
  • Changed BigInt constructor to accept larger integers than safe-integers
  • Added support for
  • Redesigned iteration for arrays


  • Updated to respect aspect ratio with max constraints


  • Fixed the event to bubble per spec


  • Changed to ensure a remote track event gets unmuted after the track event is fired
  • Fixed audio session category to be set incorrectly after changing video source with MSE
  • Fixed video elements to return to an incorrect position when exiting fullscreen


  • Fixed flickering header when scrolling articles with fixed position elements
  • Fixed content disappearing in a CSS-based parallax implementation
  • Fixed a blank header on a site by changing to not use stale containing block width value while computing preferred width
  • Fixed oversized caret and selection rects in text fields

Bug FIx

  • Enabled using credentials for CSS mask images

Release 105


  • Added Selectors Level 4 specificity calculation for pseudo classes
  • Added support for font-relative and unit frp, CSS Values Level 4 specification
  • Corrected the computed style for when is
  • Fixed bad style sharing between sibling elements with different part attributes for CSS Shadow Parts
  • Implemented the CSS Color Level 4 behavior for inheritance of
  • Prevented caching definite height against perpendicular flex items


  • Fixed patterns and fields
  • Implemented BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString`
  • Updated to allow calendar and numberingSystem options
  • Implemented logical assignment operators
  • Updated to gracefully throw OOM error if the input and error message is too large
  • Updated module's default cross-origin value should be "anonymous"


  • Made a change to update ScreenTime as playback state changes
  • Filtered some capture device names
  • Added support for applying a limit when the request stream is from Camera

Web Animations

  • Added support for on and
  • Fixed computing correctly when is set to


  • Fixed smart invert to handle the picture elements on


  • Fixed drawing an image and to be in the same orientation of
  • Fixed a missing gradient banner on


  • Fixed to match an element with ID
  • Fixed scroll snap in subframes when async overflow scroll is enabled
  • Fixed zoom changes to not affect
  • Updated to ignore the EXIF orientation if the is none
  • Updated not work for empty-string IDs
  • Updated baseURL for a module script to be the response URL, not the request URL

Web Inspector

  • Elements Tab
    • De-indented items in the Variables section in the Computed sidebar panel so that wrapped content doesn't line up with
  • Sources Tab
    • Added support for copying selected call frame(s) in the Call Stack section
    • Added a "Step" button that continues execution to the next expression in the current call frame
    • Treated comma sub-expressions as separate statements to provide more intuitive formatting, additional breakpoint opportunities, and better stepping functionality
  • Storage Tab
    • Provided a way to delete multiple or entries
    • Allowed cookies to be set with no value
    • Fixed an issue where cookies weren’t shown on pages that have subframes that have been denied access to cookies
  • Console Tab
    • Ensured that long strings are not truncated when passed to functions
  • Search Tab
    • Added a setting that controls whether search field is populated with the current selection when using the global search shortcut ⇧⌘F
  • Miscellaneous
    • Increased the auto-inspect debugger timeout delay to account for slower networks/devices

Release 104

Web Inspector

  • Elements
    • Created a visual editor for box-shadow
  • Network
    • Change "Preserve Log" to be the last navigation item to be hidden at small widths
    • Ensure that the method is escaped when using “Copy as cURL”
  • Sources
    • If the hovered object is a DOM node, highlight it when hovering the title in the object preview popup
  • Storage
    • Added support for editing cookies
  • Console
    • Show logs for Intelligent Tracking Prevention Debug Mode and Ad Click Attribution Debug Mode in the Console
    • Added a console message when legacy TLS is used
  • Miscellaneous
    • Added a new WebSocket icon
    • Added the keyboard shortcut for showing the Search Tab and Settings Tab to the titles of their respective tab tab items
    • Fixed a bug where the tab bar thought it was too wide causing a tab bar item to be hidden
    • Fixed a bug where the currently focused node was changed when detaching into a separate window
    • Prevent disabled buttons from being focusable


  • Avoided querying pasteboard strings while dragging content over a potential drop target
  • Added label text to suggested values for a element
  • Fixed dropdown suggestions table able to be scrolled too far
  • Fixed a change event getting dispatched when a gets changed without focus
  • Fixed event listeners registered with the option that get garbage collected too soon
  • Fixed the name of HTTP header in console logging
  • Fixed a bug that could cause elements to disappear with combinations of transforms and overflow
  • Fixed function passed to addEventListener may get garbage collected before the event listener is even added
  • Prevented Force Touch preview on URL works while clicking on the URL is blocked
  • Removed synchronous termination of service workers
  • Sanitized the suggested download filename
  • Updated to preserve a sign of
  • Updated to make sure a preflight fails if response headers are invalid
  • Updated to consider the referrer-policy in the append Origin header algorithm


  • Add support for
  • Fixed changes in grid or elements inside the grid affecting margin on other elements in the grid

Web Animations

  • Marked promises as handled when rejected
  • Fixed handlers missing from Document

Intersection Observer

  • Fixed Intersection Observer intersections when zoomed in


  • Changed HTMLTrackElement to be pending while it is waiting for LoadableTextTrack request
  • Fixed animated PNG issue where it would play the frames one time more than the image loopCount


  • Added initial support for WebRTC HEVC
  • Applied video rotation at the source level if WebRTC sink ask so
  • Fixed of kind video to have a null attribute
  • Fixed audio failing to capture stream if the AudioSession gets interrupted
  • Replaced the host candidate IP address in SDP with the corresponding mDNS name
  • Supported inserting text or dictation alternative by simulating keyboard input
  • Supported resolution of IPv6 STUN/TURN addresses


  • Improved title and text used in prompts

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed getting stuck in a loading state when seeking on

Safari extensions

  • Added support for restoring extension tabs across launches of Safari

Release 103

Web Inspector

  • Merged the toolbar and tab bar to save vertical space
  • Redesigned resource and action identifier icons
  • Allowed the use of dark mode theme independently from the system-wide theme
  • Annotated tabs so that they are properly recognized as such
  • Changed to not re-cycle through items in the Styles or Computed details sidebar panel when pressing tab
  • Fixed clicking a button navigation item to focus it, allowing for subsequent keyboard navigation
  • Supported expanding and collapsing details sections with the spacebar or “enter” key
  • Supported cycling through scope bar items by pressing tab


  • Aligned garbage collection for XMLHttpRequest objects with the specification
  • Aligned Fetch ‘request Origin header’ behavior with the specification
  • Changed the case of an activating service worker getting terminated to go to an activated state
  • Changed to load async scripts with a low priority
  • Changed to accept a Document as an explicit root
  • Implemented wildcard behavior for


  • Made the style invalidation accurate for user-action pseudo classes
  • Changed to avoid full style resolution on

Page loading

  • Changed fixed sized SVG content to be taken into account when computing visually not empty status
  • Changed layers going from visually empty to non-empty to immediately trigger layer unfreezing

Back-Forward Cache

  • Added quirk to disable to back-forward cache on


  • Updated custom element caching to be aware of different worlds

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed leaking DocumentTimeline and CSSTransition objects on
  • Fixed notes text in titles and headings is distorted
  • Fixed not loading properly with screen flickering when zooming

Release 102

Web Inspector

  • Fixed VoiceOver to read the selected panel tab
  • Updated resource, type, and timeline icons for both light and dark modes


  • Changed the disk cache policy to allow resources larger than 10MB to be cached
  • Defered execution of async scripts until the document is loaded
  • Fixed value sanitization for input[type=text] to not truncate the value at a control character
  • Fixed new to not throw when failing to parse arguments
  • Implemented EventTarget constructor
  • Set User-Agent in preconnect requests


  • Improved the speed of index cursor iteration when there are a lot of index records from different object stores
  • Changed to prefetch cursor records on client side

Apple Pay

  • Added support for Apple Pay buttons with custom corner radii

Web Animations

  • Ensured CSS Transition and CSS Animation events are queued, sorted and dispatched by their timeline
  • Ensured animations that lose their effect don't schedule an animation update
  • Fixed repeated animations on pseudo elements failing to run after a while
  • Fixed style changes due to Web Animations to not trigger CSS Transitions


  • Improved performance of track sizing algorithm for spanning items


  • Changed to not fire timers when there is a pending rendering update
  • Fixed a white flash that can occur if JavaScript forces an early layout

Web Driver

  • Fixed to accept negative origin values

Release 101

Web Inspector

  • Added a special breakpoint for controlling whether debugger statements pause in the Sources tab
  • Changed to encode binary web socket frames using base64
  • Fixed elements closing tag showing reversed in RTL mode
  • Fixed the bezier editor popover to be strictly LTR
  • Fixed dragging handles in the easing popover selecting sidebar text
  • Updated some cookie table column headers to not be localizable


  • Corrected TextTrack sorting with invalid BCP47 language
  • Fixed AirPlay sometimes stopping after 60 minutes of playback

Apple Pay

  • Redacted billing contact during payment method selection


  • Added support for BigInt literal as PropertyName

Web Animations

  • Fixed accelerated animations freezing on a render tree rebuild
  • Fixed an event loop cycle between an animation finishing and it being removed from GraphicsLayerCA
  • Fixed an issue where out-of-view transitions could trigger high memory use
  • Prevented playing an accelerated animation that was canceled before it was committed


  • Changed authenticatorGetAssertion to be sent without pinAuth if user verification is discouraged


  • Aligned getDisplayMedia() with standards specifications
  • Fixed not processing newly gathered ICE candidates if the document is suspended


  • Fixed CSS rules with the same selector from several large stylesheets getting applied in the wrong order


  • Fixed pages that trigger a redirect sometimes getting left blank


  • Disallowed setting base URL to a data or JavaScript URL
  • Fixed highlight text decorations to work with all decoration types and colors
  • Implemented OffscreenCanvas.copiedImage
  • Added standard gamepad mapping for GameControllerGamepads
  • Tightened up stylesheet loading
  • Fixed quantifiers after lookahead assertions to be syntax errors in Unicode patterns only
  • Fixed \0 identity escapes to be syntax errors in Unicode patterns only


  • Fixed iteration of cursors skipping records if deleted

Back-forward Cache

  • Updated to remember if legacy TLS was used in the back-forward cache

Release 💯

Web Inspector

  • Added links to Web Inspector Reference documentation
  • Renamed the Canvas Tab to be the Graphics Tab, and included basic information and graphical representations of all Web Animation objects that exist in the inspected page
  • Allowed developers to evaluate arbitrary JavaScript in isolated worlds created by Safari App Extensions via the execution context picker in the Console

Web Animations

  • Added support for the options parameter to getAnimations()
  • Changed animations to run accelerated even if other animations targeting the same element are not accelerated
  • Fixed changing the delay of an accelerated animation to correctly seek
  • Fixed a leak of CSS Animations when removing its animation-name property
  • Separated setting a timeline’s current time from updating its animations
  • Updated all DocumentTimeline objects when updating animations


  • Fixed User Verification (UV) option present on a CTAP2 authenticatorMakeCredential while the authenticator has not advertised support for it


  • Added support for allow="fullscreen" feature policy
  • Changed EME to only emit an array of persistent-usage-records when more than one record is discovered
  • Corrected VTT Cue Style handling to match the specification
  • Fixed decoder glitches when watching videos on
  • Fixed AirPlay placard not visible when AirPlay is entered in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed video sound sometimes continuing to play in page cache
  • Fixed HTMLMediaElement to not remove the media session at DOM suspension time


  • Added finite timeout when synchronously terminating a service worker
  • Fixed :matches() to correctly combine with pseudo elements
  • Fixed automatic link replacement via “Smart links” to emit insertLink input events
  • Disabled Service Workers before terminating an unresponsive service worker process
  • Implemented “create a potential-CORS request”
  • Implemented transferable property of OffscreenCanvas
  • Improved performance speed of index records deletion in IndexedDB
  • Made pasteboard markup sanitization more robust
  • Used Visible Position to calculate Positions for highlights


  • Fixed EXIF orientation ignored for some CSS images
  • Fixed elements no longer stay fixed with elastic overscroll


  • Added support for MediaRecorder.requestData


  • Fixed DateMath to accept more ISO-8601 timezone designators even if they are not included in ECMA262 to produce expected results in the wild code


  • Implemented sub-source texImage2D and texSubImage2D

Release 99

Legacy Plug-Ins

  • Removed support for Adobe Flash

Web Inspector

  • Elements
    • Enabled the P3 color picker
    • Added RGBA input fields for the P3 color picker
    • Added support for manipulating the value with the arrow keys in the color picker
    • Added color() suggestion when editing a CSS property that accepts color values
  • Sources
    • Allowed editing of style sheets injected by Safari App Extensions
  • Console
    • Ensured that the clear button is always visible, even at smaller widths


  • Added support for using valid non-zero width and height attributes to become the default aspect ratio of <img>
  • Added a check to ensure Service Workers terminate after a period of time when thread blocking
  • Aligned Range.intersectsNode() with the DOM specification
  • Changed <iframe> attributes to be processed on srcdoc attribute removal
  • Changed <img>.naturalWidth to return the density-corrected intrinsic width
  • Changed <link> with non-CSS type to not be retrieved
  • Changed Object.keys to throw if called on a module namespace object with uninitialized binding
  • Changed Object.preventExtensions to throw if not successful
  • Changed Document.createAttribute() to take in a localName, not a qualifiedName
  • Changed the supported MIME types for image encoding to be supported image MIME types
  • Denied Notification API access for non-secure contexts
  • Fixed dispatchEvent() to not clear the event’s isTrusted flag when it returns early
  • Fixed String.prototype.replace() incorrectly handling named references on regular expressions without named groups
  • Fixed URL parser in Fetch not always using UTF-8
  • Fixed encoding entities correctly in <style> element during XML serialization of text
  • Removed the low priority resource load for sendBeacon to reduce failure rates
  • Updated Fetch to Handle empty Location value


  • Fixed document.cookie to not do a sync IPC to the network process for iframes that do not have storage access


  • Added support for image-set() standard syntax
  • Added support for rendering highlights specified in CSS Highlight API
  • Implemented a network error when fetching a linked stylesheet resource fails
  • Improved performance by invalidating only affected elements after media query evaluation changes
  • Fixed rejected changes between similar unprefixed and prefixed gradient syntax
  • Excluded implicit CSS grid tracks from the resolved value


  • Enabled HDR Media Capabilities by default
  • Fixed specification violation in Font Loading API
  • Ignored URL host for schemes that are not using host information
  • Implemented “create a potential-CORS request”
  • Implemented transceiver setCodecPreferences
  • Made text track loading set same-origin fallback flag
  • Fixed MediaKeySession.load() failing


  • Removed the certificate info checks related to getUserMedia

Payment Request

  • Converted the payment method data IDL in the PaymentRequest constructor

Web Animations

  • Stopped creating CSS Animations for <noscript> elements


  • Fixed invalid date parsing for ISO 8601 strings when no timezone given
  • Fixed RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] to support named capture groups

Web Share API

  • Added support for a user gesture to allow using the Web Share API even when preceded by an XHR call


  • Reimplemented the “Execute Async Script” command with Promises to match the specification
  • Fixed handling of session timeouts for values higher than MAX_INT
  • Fixed scripts being executed in the wrong page context after a history navigation


  • Improved performance by removing the timer for pending operations in IDBTransaction

Release 98

Web Inspector

  • Elements
    • Removed the “Show/Hide Shadow DOM” navigation item
    • Restricted showing paint flashing and compositing borders to the Web Inspector session
    • Ensure that a bezier swatch is shown for CSS timing function keywords
    • Fixed hovering over an invalid value while holding ⌘ to change the color of the text
    • Fixed the Classes input to not display on top of other content
  • Network
    • Fixed pressing ⌘F when no network item is selected to focus the filter bar
  • Sources
    • Fixed non-regex local overrides to not apply to resources that only contain the URL instead of completely matching the URL
  • Storage
    • Added support for filtering IndexedDB stores and indexes
  • Audit
    • Fixed selected item before entering edit mode not being reselected after exiting edit mode
    • Fixed importing a result with DOM nodes that don’t match the inspected page appearing as empty lines
  • Console
    • Ensure copying an evaluation result does not include the saved variable index
  • Search
    • Added basic “No Search Results” text with a clickable help navigation item that reveals and focuses the navigation sidebar search input when there is no active search

Web Animations

  • Enabled Web Animations CSS Integration, a new implementation of CSS Animations and CSS Transitions, by default
  • Fixed layout of element children with forwards-filling opacity animation that can be incorrect after removal
  • Implemented Animation.commitStyles()


  • Enabled the Generic Text Track Cue API


  • Ensured transparency layers are properly ended when only painting root background
  • Fixed an issue where elements could jump to the wrong position after some compositing-related style changes


  • Implemented OffscreenCanvas.convertToBlob
  • Changed setting toString or valueOf on a cross-origin Location object to throw a SecurityError
  • Fixed an incorrect association of the URL object with the port value
  • Prevented synchronous XHR in beforeunload and unload event handlers


  • Changed to not perform range checking for calc() at parse time
  • Changed media queries in img sizes attribute to evaluate dynamically
  • Implemented the clamp() function
  • Improved computed values of calc() functions to match the specification
  • Changed calc() to not do range checking at parse time


  • Changed Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf() to check if the passed in value is a non-object first


  • Added protection for WebRTC network monitoring to wait forever in edge cases
  • Fixed audio elements that resumed playback after getUserMedia

Clipboard API

  • Added sanitization for HTML and image data written using clipboard.write

Browser Changes

  • Changed to issue the load sooner on swipe back/forward navigation
  • Re-disabled TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 by default


  • Changed to validate and generate bytecode in a single pass

Release 97

Resize Observer

  • Enabled Resize Observer by default


  • Added UI with instructions for authenticating with a security key while authenticating
  • Added support for legacy Google NFC Titan security keys

Web Animations

  • Added support for AnimationEvent.pseudoElement
  • Fixed retargeted transitions targeting accelerated properties that do not stop the original transition
  • Fixed the easing property for a CSS transition effect
  • Fixed the transform property always none for getKeyframes() output of a CSS Animation
  • Fixed getKeyframes() to return the right timing function for declarative animations

Web Inspector

  • Elements
    • Added support for multiline CSS property values
    • Added support for highlighting nodes that match CSS rules with pseudo-selectors
    • Added color picker support for P3 color space
    • Fixed an issue where copying multiple DOM nodes would only copy the last selected DOM node
    • Fixed aqua and fuchsia not being detected as CSS colors
    • Outlined sRGB-safe areas on the P3 color picker
  • Sources
    • Added a context menu item to reveal the local override when a resource is loaded from it
    • Added support for matching local overrides based on URL pattern in addition to exact match
    • Changed to prefer non-blackboxed scripts when showing a source code location link
    • Changed to fire Node Removed breakpoints whenever the DOM node is removed from the main DOM tree, not just when it’s removed from it’s parent
    • Fixed “Toggle Visibility” context menu item to work for elements inside a shadow tree
    • Made the default content of the Inspector Bootstrap Script a comment that explains how it works
    • Moved the “Local Override…” creation item from the Breakpoints section options menu to the Create Resource menu
    • Made call frames from blackboxed scripts visually distinct
  • Timelines
    • Added a marker for when a stop was requested
    • Added a timeline that shows information about any recorded CSS animation/transition
    • Labeled ResizeObserver callbacks in the JavaScript & Events timeline
  • Layers
    • Enabled the Layers Tab by default
  • Console
    • Defaulted to focusing the console prompt if no other content is focused after opening Web Inspector
    • Fixed an issue where the saved result value was still being shown after navigating
  • Settings
    • Enabled line wrapping by default


  • Fixed image flashing with transform: rotate animation
  • Implemented accelerated video-to-texture upload path for ANGLE backend for WebGL

Back-Forward Cache

  • Added site-specific back-forward cache quirk to work around an issue on
  • Fixed WebAnimation to never prevent entering the back-forward cache
  • Fixed PaymentRequest and PaymentResponse to not prevent entering the back-forward cache
  • Fixed UserMediaRequest to not prevent entering the back-forward cache
  • Made MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack back-forward cache friendly


  • Added the orient property of the interface SVGMarkerElement
  • Added percentage support for fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stop-opacity, and flood-opacity
  • Changed properties that take <position> to not accept 3 values
  • Disabled SVG shapes should not be hit
  • Fixed SVGGeometryElement.getPointAtLength to clamp its argument
  • Fixed opacity to always serialize as a number

Clipboard API

  • Added some infrastructure to resolve ClipboardItems into pasteboard data for writing
  • Added support for Clipboard.readText()


  • Added support for the Q unit
  • Changed CSS Transitions and CSS Animations properties to treat unit-less 0 as an invalid value for times
  • Fixed CSS grid line name positions after auto repeat with no line names
  • Fixed -webkit-font-smoothing: none not antialiasing subsequent elements
  • Fixed ::before and ::after elements not filling their grid cell when the container has display: contents
  • Fixed calc() serialization to match the specifications
  • Implemented the CSS clamp() function

Remote Playback API

  • Enabled Remote Playback API by default
  • Ensured the MediaRemote callback always called


  • Batched multiple EME key requests into one request and response


  • Added BigInt support for ++ and --
  • Fixed Intl.DateTimeFormat to return resolvedOptions in the correct order
  • Optimized Promise runtime functions
  • Implement String.prototype.replaceAll

Picture-in-Picture Web API

  • Enabled the Picture-in-Picture API by default
  • Added support for the :picture-in-picture CSS pseudo-class for video elements in picture-in-picture mode
  • Fixed picture-in-picture events to fire when entering or exiting the picture-in-picture mode


  • Created a WebAssembly interpreter
  • Support WebAssembly.Global


  • Added fullscreen style support for
Источник: []

Network Inventory Advisor 5.0.106 Unlock Code is the application which is used to gather networks information. Network Inventory Advisor 5.0.106 Crack Serial Keygen. Network Inventory Advisor 5.0.106 Crack Serial Keygen. You can inventory every computer running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux on your network, even offline ones. Network SNMP. Will a car pass inspection with a cracked windshield in virginia undefined function mhash keygen s2k deksi network inventory keygen minecraft 1.3 crack roussi.

  1. Deksi Network Inventory Keygen For Mac Free
  2. Deksi Network Inventory Keygen For Mac Pro

Deksi Network Inventory Keygen For Mac Free

Deksi Network Inventory Keygen Idm. DEKSI Network Inventory is an advanced, powerful, and feature rich asset management and asset tracking system for your desktop and networked PCs, at an extremely low and cost effective price.

Deksi Network Inventory Keygen For Mac Pro

DEKSI Network Inventory provides a complete software and hardware inventory of all your network p.c.s. DEKSI Network Inventory is an extremely powerful, feature rich, advanced, but easy to use software system designed to provide network administrators with comprehensive and detailed reporting on all the software and hardware inventory installed on your networked computers. You can view the Information remotely, generate a variety of different reports, as well as track the changes that occurred since your last inventory was run. With DEKSI Network Inventory you can export this valuable information into MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, and SQL!! Windows 98, NT, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 compatible.

Источник: []

Keygen for UPC routers

Android port of the UPC router default WiFi WPA2 password generator, based on
Contains also new UPC UBEE password generator.

Application is a simple passphrase generator, based on manual entry of the network name, SSID.
It works for networks with name like UPC1234567 (i.e., 7 digits). Computed keys can be copied to the clipboard.

If you are interested in automated version of this app, try "Routerkeygen Yolosec".

If none of the generated keys is working the targeted UPC router is not vulnerable or user changed the password. This vulnerability is not present on 100% of UPC routers.

Source codes licensed under GPLv3 available here:

Sources are based on awesome RouterKeygen.

This is not an official UPC application!

Please use the application at your own risk and responsibility. Author takes no responsibility for actions taken with this app or damage caused. It is only for educational and research purposes and to assess your home router security. Do not use the application to connect to networks you are not authorized to, it is illegal. Application is not intended as a tool for attackers.

Источник: []

What’s New in the NETWORK INSPECTOR keygen?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for NETWORK INSPECTOR keygen

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