Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number

Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number

Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number

Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero


Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X

Release date(s)

March 23, (Windows)
March 7, (Mac OS X, Linux)




Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (CS: CZ) is a first-person shooter video game and the sequel to the original Counter-Strike. The game was released in via both retail stores and Steam and uses the GoldSrc engine. Condition Zero features a multiplayer mode, which features updated character models, textures, maps, and other graphical tweaks. It is bundled with a copy of Counter-Strike regardless of how you purchase it.

Unlike other Counter-Strike games, Condition Zero also contains a single-player mission pack with the player unlocking maps and more efficient bots as they pass certain requirements for each map while playing as a Counter-Terrorist. These requirements include objectives such as "kill 3 enemies with a Clarion " or "win a round in 45 seconds". This game mode is called Tour of Duty.

There is another single-player mission pack called Deleted Scenes. So far, Condition Zero is the only game in the franchise that features a single-player campaign.

Condition Zero is known for introducing the Counter-Strikebot, although the Xbox version of Counter-Strike was actually the first game in the series to include it.

As of April 15, , Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is one of the ten most played Half-Life modifications in terms of players, according to GameSpy.[1]


Game modes

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was originally designed to introduce a single-player Counter-Strike experience and therefore it has more in-depth single-player modes available than other entries in the series. In addition to two different single-player modes, the traditional multiplayer mode is also available.

Single-player — Tour of Duty

The Tour of Duty single-player mode is the main single-player mode in the game. It allows players to play regular multiplayer maps in an arcade-like single-player experience. The basic setting is very similar to a regular multiplayer game as the game utilizes the new bot AI to enable the possibility of having team mates and enemies in the game. Each map has a certain amount of objectives which include killing a certain amount of enemies or rescuing hostages. Usually, some restrictions such as achieving the objectives with a specific weapon or within a certain time frame accompany the objectives. When these objectives are completed, the player earns a reputation point. Reputation points are needed to unlock the next set of maps and they are also used to recruit new or better team mates.

Starting with version , the game supports the possibility of creating custom campaigns for the game mode. Since the release of this support, numerous unofficial campaigns have been released online.

Single-player — Deleted Scenes

The Deleted Scenes part of the game is included as a separate bonus game. This part consists of major parts of the work done by Ritual Entertainment for their iteration of the game. There are major differences in game mechanics and weapon balance in this game mode compared to a Counter-Strike multiplayer game or the Tour of Duty mode. This game plays more like a traditional linear shooter like Half-Life than a multiplayer game of Counter-Strike.


While it was originally planned to have cross-compatibility between online players of Counter-Strike and players of Condition Zero,[2] the two games feature completely separate multiplayer communities in a much criticized move. For the most part, the multiplayer game itself is identical to that of the original Counter-Strike.

One major difference is the ability to add bots to servers. These bots function much like any other player taking up regular player slots. The server admin can freely choose the amount of bots they want to include in a server, thus it is also possible to play a multiplayer game solo without other human players using bots.


Counter-Strike: Condition Zero includes support for all the scenarios from the original Counter-Strike (hostage rescue, bomb defusal and assassination). It is also possible to play the escape scenario, but no such maps are included by default and no effort was put into enabling support for this scenario for the bots or the Tour of Duty game mode.

Hostage rescue

When Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was originally released, the hostage rescue scenario was identical to that of the original Counter-Strike. Starting with version of the game, some quite major changes to the scenario were made.

The basics of the scenario still remain the same with Counter-Terrorists attempting to rescue the hostages (4 in all new Condition Zero maps) by bringing them to the hostage rescue zone and Terrorists attempting to foil their plans. Victory can also be attained by eliminating the opposing team.

However, the hostage AI was updated in version to utilize some of the same routines as the bot AI does. Using these routines, hostages have gained the ability to find their way to the hostage rescue zones by themselves, that is unless a terrorist approaches them in which case they will run back to their original location. They also show emotions and react to their surroundings, signaling approaching Counter-Terrorists whether any Terrorists are nearby. In addition, hostages also have the ability to climb ladders. Since this updated logic is based on the bot AI, the absence of a bot navigation file for the map will revert the hostage logic to that of the original Counter-Strike.

The hostage models also received a make-over in version , coinciding with this major hostage rescue scenario update. These models were likely created by Turtle Rock Studios,[3] but they were based on hostage models created by Ritual Entertainment. As these updated models are hard coded to override the hostage models specified by the map file,[4] it is no longer possible to use map specific custom hostage models following this update.

Bots also fully support this scenario with Counter-Terrorists properly trying to rescue the hostages and Terrorists attempting to defend them. The Tour of Duty game mode also has several scenario specific tasks available for hostage rescue.

Bomb defusal

Bomb defusal functions exactly like it does in the original Counter-Strike. One player on the Terrorist team starts off with a bomb which has to be planted at one of two bombsites. Once planted the bomb will detonate after a specific amount of time and successful detonation will lead to victory for the Terrorist team. Counter-Terrorists may attempt to defuse the bomb and successful defusal yields victory to the Counter-Terrorists. Victory can also be attained by eliminating the opposing team.

Complete bot support for the scenario is available and the Tour of Duty game mode also offers tasks specific to bomb defusal scenarios.


While no new assassination maps were introduced with Condition Zero, the fact that all maps from the original Counter-Strike are included means that the lone assassination map Oilrig is part of the game. Gameplay remains identical to the original game, but other updates were made to support the scenario. To complement the new player models, an upgraded player model is introduced for the VIP.

The official bots also support playing this scenario, but it can be argued that this support was mostly an afterthought. Bots that take the role of the VIP will properly strive to reach escape zones in maps. However, they play like any regular bot making no additional efforts at keeping oneself alive. This is especially apparent when a bot VIP runs out of the limited pistol ammunition, as it will attempt to charge at any encountered enemies armed only with a knife.

With the introduction of custom campaign support for the Tour of Duty mode, a scenario specific task for the assassination mode, which entailed killing the VIP, was also introduced.[5] However, despite this task getting implemented it doesn't work properly and can in fact never be achieved.[6] Additionally, starting an assassination map via the Tour of Duty game mode will incorrectly identify the map as a hostage rescue scenario during the loading screen.


For the missions included in Deleted Scenes, see Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes § Missions.Most of the maps included in the game were maps taken from previous work on the game by Ritual Entertainment. In addition, the remakes of classic Counter-Strike maps created by Ritual for the Xbox port of Counter-Strike were also made part of the game. In fact, the only new map originating from the time Turtle Rock Studios was working on the game was Sienna, which was a collaborative effort of veteran Counter-Strike level designer David Johnston, Valve Software and Turtle Rock.[4]

A total of four maps were added to the game post-release via game patches.

List of maps

In addition to the new maps included with Condition Zero, all maps from the original Counter-Strike are also playable via Condition Zero. There is out-of-the-box bot support included for all the new and original maps. The listing below only includes the maps (or versions of them) that are part of Condition Zero.

*Some of these maps have been worked on by numerous people and companies. This lists the original author of the map only; the person mainly responsible for the general geometry of the map.

Weapons and equipment

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero features exactly the same arsenal of weapons and equipment as the original Counter-Strike. The possibility of weapons exclusive to Deleted Scenes being introduced was mentioned,[7] but this never happened.

Back when Ritual Entertainment was working on Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, they had remade all of the weapon models in the game. However, some people felt that some of these models looked too different from the original Counter-Strike weapon models. Therefore the models originally created by Ritual were slightly modified and then introduced into Condition Zero starting with version [8]

Factions and player models

When Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was initially released, it had the same factions as the original Counter-Strike. In version , two new factions were added: the American Terrorists Midwest Militia and the Russian Counter-Terrorists Spetsnaz.

Condition Zero was supposed to use the player models that Ritual Entertainment had created, but due to technical difficulties with these models the game was initially launched using the original Counter-Strike models.[9] However, in version of the game the enhanced player models originally made by Ritual were added to the game. Owners of Condition Zero can also choose to use these enhanced models in the original Counter-Strike.

List of factions

Each team has five available factions that players can choose as their third-person model.

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, Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number


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Counter Strike Condition Zero Steam Activation serial key or number

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero PC Cheat Codes

bot_killKill all bots, allowing you to win if the bomb is not planted.restartRestart the map without losing any goals.cl_levellocks Clear deleted scenes.godBecome invincible.noclipGo through walls.notargetBecome invisible.bot_pistols_only number (1=On, 0=Off)Bots will only buy pistols.bot_sniper_only number (1=On, 0=Off)Bots will only buy snipers.kickKick the bots.bot_goto_markMake all bots go to the center of the currently marked area on the map.bot_difficulty number (0 = Easy, 1 = Normal, 2 = Hard, 3 = Expert)Set the bot's difficulty level.FlyEnable flying.sv_gravity number (default is )Change gravity.mp_c4timer number (default is 45)Set the C4 timer.mp_friendlyfire number (1=On, 0=Off)Toggle Friendly Fire.mp_startmoney numberSet the amount of money you begin with.career_end_roundEnd the round (you lose).career_restartRestart the round.bot_zombie number (1=Moving, 0=Non-moving)Make the bots stay still or move.bot_difficulty numberSet the bot's difficulty level.bot_knives_only number (1=On, 0=Off)Make the bots use knives.mp_freeztime numberFreeze time for the set amount. The player can still walk around.bot_allow_rogues number (1=On, 0=Off)Enable/disable rogue bots. They all follow your commands.bot_defer_to_human number (1=On, 0=Off)Bots wait for you to rescue hostages, plant or defuse the bomb.jointeam 6 or jointeam 1Revive as a Terrorist.jointeam 6 or jointeam 2Revive as a Counter-Terrorist.impulse Gives you max money.sv_restartround 1 or sv_restart 1The game restarts after one second.decalfrequency 0Enable unlimited spraying.gl_spriteblend  number (1=On, 0=Off)Toggle blood thickening.cl_righthand number (1=Right-handed, 0=Left-handed)Change dominant hand.mp_autoteambalance number (1=On, 0=Off)Toggle auto-team balance.hud_deathnoticetime numberSee the last deaths of players on specified seconds.sv_clienttrace number (1=On, 0=Off)Bullets can go through walls (effective if the player is hiding).mp_fadetoblack number (1=On, 0=Off)Screen will be black when any player from the server is dead.quitAutomatically end the game and quit Condition Zero.disconnectAutomatically end the game but don't quit Condition Zero.clearErase the messages in the console.listList available servers to participate in.mp_tkpunish number (1=On, 0=Off)Bots/players who kill their teammate(s) will die on the next round.mp_hostagepenaltyAutomatically kick the bot/player if it kills hostages.

maxplayers number

Set the maximum number of players when creating a new multiplayer game (only works before you start a match).timerefreshRefresh time on the console.item_healthkit 1Restore health.
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