WinHex 15.4 SR-11 serial key or number

WinHex 15.4 SR-11 serial key or number

WinHex 15.4 SR-11 serial key or number

WinHex 15.4 SR-11 serial key or number

WinHex & X-Ways Forensics Newsletter Archive

#116: WinHex, X-Ways Forensics and X-Ways Investigator 15.5 released

Dec 18, 2010

This mailing is to announce a major update, v15.5.

WinHex evaluation version: (also the correct download link for anyone with a personal, professional, or specialist license)

Owners of X-Ways Forensics/X-Ways Investigator and licensed users whose update maintenance has expired please go to for download links, log-in data, update maintenance, upgrade offers, and more.

Please be advised that if you are interested in receiving information about service releases when made available, you can create an account on the support forum and enable e-mail notification of postings in the Announcement section:

We wish our users and readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Washington DC Feb 15-19
London Apr 12-16

For more information:



* New e-mail extraction function for Outlook PST and OST e-mail archives. Ability to recover deleted e-mail messages if they can still be found. More information extracted from contact entries, calendar entries, and tasks stored in PST archives. Ability to process encrypted PST archives without the password. Faster processing than before. An Outlook/MAPI installation is not needed.

Some plain text e-mail messages are presented as .eml files (i.e. header and body combined in one), others as text files, HTML e-mail messages as HTML files. They are all marked as extracted e-mail messages in the Attribute column. To see extracted e-mail messages, filter by the Attribute column, not by type. Except for the .eml files, e-mail headers are presented as child objects. The old PST processing via MAPI is still used if the "MAPI" checkbox is checked, but the new method is then still used additionally just to try to find deleted content.

The program help topic and the user manual chapter about e-mail extraction have been completely revised.

* Based on a request from a major customer, X-Ways Forensics can now be used with a special license type as a pure disk imaging tool (i.e. with disk imaging capability only). The request was based on performance tests in which X-Ways Forensics compared very favorably with other imaging tools, especially when used together with hardware write blockers. These imaging licenses are available at a special rate. For details please see

* New "fast, adaptive" compression option for imaging that provides an even better speed/compression compromise than before. This is the new default setting. The previous fast adaptive compression option is still available as "average, adaptive".

* The HTML registry report is now output completely in tabular form, for much better readability and import into other programs such as MS Excel for further processing (sorting, filtering). Comments about this new format are welcome. The name and key of each value are not output explicitly any more by the default, but can be seen as a
tooltip when moving the mouse cursor over a small white box. If you need to see the name and key explicitly for each and every reported value for some reason, you can include them optionally via the registry viewer's context menu.

* The second part of the registry report now gives an overview of installed drivers, file systems, and services in addition to the very helpful tables "Attached devices by serial number" and "Partitions by disk signature".

* The index optimization now fully utilizes the memory space advantages 64-bit Windows environments.

* X-Ways Forensics has been found to run on Windows 7 just as well as under Windows Vista, i.e. the same limitations (but no additional limitations) apply.

* Improved support for dynamic disks created by Windows Vista.

* Ability to distinguish between DOCX, XLSC, PPTX, and other file types when running a file header signature search.

* Information about the detected true type of a file (confirmed or newly identified) is now included in evidence file containers. That information can be imported by v15.5
and later version. Consequently, the option "Append correct extension when copying" is not needed any more for filling evidence file containers and from now on will only have an effect on the Recover/Copy command.

* In newly taken snapshots of NTFS volumes, alternate data streams, logged utility streams etc. are now represented as child objects of the file to which they belong. This is a more faithful representation of the actual organization of the file system, since ADS are not listed in the directories to which their host files belong. Instead ADS are attached to their respect host files. Another advantage is that it is easy to navigate from any relevant alternate data stream to its parent (e.g. by pressing the Backspace key). Also the listing of a directory that contains many files with ADS becomes less crowded thanks to this change. Feedback about this new feature in particular is welcome.

* Ability to use certain Position menu commands in the case root window: Find parent object, Navigate to FILE record/index record/inode/directory entry etc., Jump to item number.

* When you click a deleted file in an Ext file system for which only a directory entry is known and no inode, in Partition/Volume mode, X-Ways Forensics will now automatically jump to the directory entry.

* Ability to navigate to the parent object from within a search hit list in the case root window without losing that search hit list view.

* When viewing pictures with the graphics viewing library (not the viewer component) in a separate window, you can now press Page Down/Up to proceed to the next file in the list and view it in a new window. Press Ctrl additionally for the same effect in a window provided by the viewer component.

* The icon displayed for a ".." item in the directory browser now accurately presents the parent object, i.e. indicates an existing, deleted or dummy directory or an existing or deleted or dummy file. Tentative feature only.

* Ability to filter out hidden items in X-Ways Investigator. (In X-Ways Investigator, files can be hidden when identifying duplicates based on hash values.)

* The special rule for hiding duplicate e-mail messages and attachments in the directory browser based on hash values is now optional.

* Fixed an error with the representation of volume slack on Ext* volumes.

* Fixed non-deterministic listing of unpartionable space for physical media.

* Revised uninstall procedure that in case of X-Ways Forensics does not require the dongle.

* Ability to manually rename automatically carved files. Useful to get the hive names of carved registry files right for the registry report.

* The interpreted version of a raw image of a physical hard disk can now be selected as the destination for cloning. This is useful for example if you want to copy a range of sectors from one image to another. Supported in WinHex only, not X-Ways Forensics.

* Ability to shut down the computer after completion of disk cloning or after restoring an image back to a disk.

* Improved support for deconstruction of MHT files.

* Fixed an error that could occur in the representation of GUIDs in templates.

* The Details Panel has been renamed to Info Pane in the English user interface, to avoid confusion with Details mode.

* In the original v15.4 version, the skin color percentage was initialized with 0%, and the column widths could not easily be changed in the Directory Browser Options dialog. This was all fixed with v15.4 SR-1.

* Improved ability to recognize dummy partitions defined in MBRs on Apple style GPT-partitioned disks as such. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* It is now optionally possible to apply *any* kind of filter to directories, too. Previously that was possible for the Name filter only. Useful for example for timestamp
filters or Attribute filters. See Directory Browser Options. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* The filename filter now optionally supports GREP syntax. The conventional notation to find files whose names contain the word "invoice" for example was *invoice*. With the GREP option enabled you just search for "invoice". (since v15.4 SR-2)

* New option +29 in investigator.ini that prevents the menu command "Replace with new image" from appearing in X-Ways Investigator. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Back and Forward buttons added to toolbar in X-Ways Investigator. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Ability to show the history of 10 last authors and file paths in MS Word documents in some rare cases where previously it couldn't. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Support for sector numbers larger than 2^32 in Tools | Disk Tools | Clone Disk. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* The skin color percentage filter did not work in v15.4 up to SR-1. This was fixed with v15.4 SR-2.

* The edit box for search terms in Simultaneous Search now by default allows to enter 100,000 characters instead of about 30,000. When search terms are loaded from a text file, there is no fixed limit. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Fixed occasional unavailability of menu command "Save hit permanently" (for index search hits). (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Avoided exception error that could occur in v15.4 up to SR-1 when attaching external files to a volume snapshot. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Fixed new search hit count for search hits listed in the case root window. (since v15.4 SR-2)

* Fixed an error that could render an index incomplete if substrings were indexed, words in the exception list were longer than the maximum word length being indexed, and the index was optimized. It did not occur with default settings. (since v15.4 SR-3)

* Fixed an exception error that could occur under certain cirumstances when running an index search. (since v15.4 SR-3)

* Improved certain aspects of directory browser navigation and gallery handling. (since v15.4 SR-3)

* Lifted limitation to a search term length of 50 bytes in Simultaneous Search for some more settings. (since v15.4 SR-3)

* The Recover/Copy command did not apply the original time-stamps for files from within archives in v15.4 up to SR-3. This was fixed with SR-4.

* When in the process of filling an evidence file container with selected files in multiple steps, if you open and interpret the container or add it to the case to take a
look at what files you had already included in the container, you may now keep that window opened and simply take a new volume snapshot at any time to see the current contents of the container after adding more files. (since v15.4 SR-4)

* When exporting the contents of the metadata column as a tab-delimited ASCII or Unicode text file, line breaks are now replaced with semicolons instead of spaces, so
that the data can be better parsed automatically. (since v15.4 SR-4)

* Fixed an error in metadata extraction from QuickTime files. (since v15.4 SR-4)

* Fixed an avoidable sector read error that could occur when real sector read errors occurred in the Clone Disk functionality. (since v15.4 SR-4)

* Now supports both deletion and internal creation time-stamps for files in evidence file containers at the same time. (since v15.4 SR-4)

* A new command was added to the case menu that allows to conveniently open previously saved reports and display them in the associated or specified application. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* When identifying duplicate files based on hash value, and one of the files has been marked as already viewed, then the duplicates can optionally be marked as already viewed, too. Similary, if files have been marked already as having duplicates already and their hash values are available, when they are viewed, duplicates within the
same volume will be marked as already viewed at the same time. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* The crash-safe text decoding mechanism that was introduced with v15.3 is now optional (see Options | Viewer Programs) as it is slower than the earlier method. Once the results are buffered in the volume snapshot, there is no speed difference any more. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* .eml files are no longer decoded for logical searches and indexing when searching for/indexing 7-bit ASCII characters only anyway. In this case searching in/indexing .eml files in their natural state should be good enough. This saves time (specially with the crash-safe decoding mechanism) and reduces the number of duplicate search hits. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* When storing a hash value along with files that are copied into an evidence file container, that hash value is not re-computed any more if it's already available from the volume snapshot. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* When in a dialog window for any column-based filter you don't activate a deactivated filter, the directory browser is not unnecessarily filled from scratch any more when closing the dialog, so that you don't have to wait if sorting is slow and so that you don't lose selection and scroll position. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* Search hits found when not working with a case are stored in the Position Manager. Now they are now no longer kept automatically when closing WinHex, but deleted, except those that have been edited using the context menu. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* The legacy option to use the picture viewing library from v13.6 has been removed. (since v15.4 SR-5)

* If a Simultaneous Search is run with search terms A and B, where B is a substring of A, then if a search hit can be counted as a hit for both A and B, it will now be counted as a hit for both. In earlier versions it was counted as 1 hit only, for the search terms that was specified first. (since v15.4 SR-6)

Example: In "Peter Peterson" you will now get 2 hits for "Peter" and 1 hit for "Peterson". In earlier versions you would have received either 1 hit for "Peter" and
1 for "Peterson" or 2 hits for "Peter", depending on your preference.

If you don't like to get both hit for "Peter" and "Peterson" in the text "Peterson", you can still use the search hit list's context menu command "Delete duplicate hits in list". This command will give priority to longer hits, i.e. keep "Peterson" and discard the hit for "Peter".

* Functionality that saves index search hits permanently fixed. (since v15.4 SR-6)

* Searching in indexes of multiple evidence objects at a time from the case root window did not work correctly for some recent service releases. This was fixed with v15.4 SR-6.

* When hiding duplicates in the directory browser based on hash values, priority is now given to non-carved files, i.e. when in doubt, carved files are hidden und their equivalents with file system metadata are retained. (since v15.4 SR-6)

* It is now possible to start the volume snapshot refinement for selected evidence object from the case root window. (since v15.4 SR-6)

* Better support for carving Nikon NEF and Canon CR2 raw files as part of the TIFF file type signature definition. Ability to automatically distinguish between these subtypes and detect the file size. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* TIFF metadata extraction revised. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* MS Office 2007, MS Office 2010, OpenOffice 3 metadata extraction revised. The typical fields such as Company, Author and Title now have the same names as in earlier Office versions, which makes it easier to filter by them. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* The search hits produced by physical searches run on physical media or images of physical media that are associated with a case as evidence objects are now also shown in search hit lists and not in the global Position Manager. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* An error that occurred under certain circumstances during a search, related to the message "Unable to record a search hit" or in earlier versions "Internal search term list inconsistent", was fixed. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* The German letter "ß" will not be considered equivalent to "ss" any more for searches that populate the search term list and the search hit list. (since v15.4 SR-7)

* Fixed an error with SR-7 that could occur in v15.4 SR-6 when hiding duplicates in the directory browser based on hash values in the case root window.

* An error was fixed with SR-8 that in v15.4 SR-7 prevented the inclusion of hash values of some files in the volume snapshot.

* It is now possible to open volumes mounted as drive letters even if they are not formatted with a valid file system. (since v15.4 SR-8)

* The backspace key on the keyboard as a shortcut to navigate to a file's parent object now works in the gallery, too. That is useful for example if you look at video stills in the gallery and want to play the video that a certain still belongs to. Remember that when finished you can click the Back button in the toolbar to return to the previous list of stills. (since v15.4 SR-8)

* Ability to find multiple session on images of CD in some cases where previously only the first session was found. (since v15.4 SR-8)

* Fixed an exception error with SR-8 that occured in v15.4 SR-7 when extracting metadata without extracting internal creation timestamps at the same.

* Now accepts lower case hex digits in record length indicator in Intel Hex files when converting them to binary. (since v15.4 SR-9)

* Ability to extract JPEG and PNG files from Firefox _CACHE_ container files. (since v15.4 SR-9)

* Fixed path errors that occurred when opening a case file using a command line parameter without path. (since v15.4 SR-9)

* Fixed an error that caused X-Ways Forensics to not extract e-mail messages from valid e-mail archives in certain situations. This was accompanied by the "No e-mail found" message. (since v15.4 SR-9)

* More stable when processing corrupt (e.g. carved) AOL PFC e-mail archives. (since v15.4 SR-9)

* Avoids an error message when using the case root window in more than one session simultaneously. (since v15.4 SR-10)

* Shows permissions for files stored in an NTFS file system even in the case root window. (since v15.4 SR-10)

* Exception error fixed with SR-10 that in SR-9 could occur when processing certain AOL PFC e-mail archives.

* Fixed " not a valid integer value" error that could occur when extracting e-mail from e-mail archives in SR-9.

* Fixed an error in the GREP search engine. (since v15.4 SR-10)

* Fixed an exception error that could occur when including the contents of encrypted archives in the volume snapshot. (since v15.4 SR-10)

* Individual "File Type Categories.txt" file for each user of a shared installation of X-Ways Forensics/X-Ways Investigator, so that individual file type filter settings are remembered. Depends on whether a user-specific .cfg file is used also, or only one generic WinHex.cfg file. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* When focussing on e-mail messages using e.g. an Attribute filter and selecting e-mail messages that have attachments as child objects for the Recover/Copy command, the attachments were not copied even when [x] "Copy child objects of selected files" was checked, because the filter for e-mail messages did not let any other kinds of files through. This is probably undesirable in most situations, so the behavior was changed in such a way that filters now do not have any effect on the Recover/Copy command any more, and also no effect any more on the command that adds files to an evidence file container. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* Fixed freeze problem that could occur with the new 8.3.2 version of the viewer component in Preview mode in seach hit lists. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* Avoids error message about being unable apply original timestamps to recovered/copied files that were carved within FAT partitions. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* Fixed an error that caused Unicode search hits in the Position Manager to be recorded with a description that was off by 1 character. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* Fixed an error that could cause a path recreation error in the Recover/Copy command of the non-forensic edition of WinHex under certain circumstances. (since v15.4 SR-11)

* Fixed an error with SR-11 that in certain situations within large files could make a search hit be listed once for every search term instead of just for one in v15.4 SR-6 through SR-10.

* Fixed read error in SR-11 that occurred when scanning e-mail attachments for embedded pictures. (since v15.4 SR-12)

* Fixed an exception error that could occur when processing certain MP3 files. (since v15.4 SR-12)

* Fixed an error that prevented usage of a new output drive when running out of space during indexing. (since v15.4 SR-12)

* Better handling of circular links in deleted directory entries in Ext file systems. (since v15.4 SR-12)

* MANY other minor improvements.
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, WinHex 15.4 SR-11 serial key or number


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