VTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

VTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

vTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

vTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

vTuner Plus 4.0 Crack & Serial Number

vTuner प्लस एक सॉफ्टवेयर अनुप्रयोग है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्रदान करता है एक लंबी सूची के साथ दुनिया भर में ऑनलाइन रेडियो स्टेशनों को सुनने के लिए, डिफ़ॉल्ट मीडिया प्लेयर है ।

एप्लिकेशन में लिपटे एक सीधी इंटरफेस के साथ एक सहज ज्ञान युक्त लेआउट है. देखने के लिए उपलब्ध रेडियो स्टेशनों के अनुसार किया जाता है करने के लिए उनकी शैली या स्थान । सूची भी प्रदर्शित करता है मीडिया प्रकार, उदाहरण के लिए, कुछ स्टेशनों की स्थापना की आवश्यकता है वी. ओ., आदेश में काम करने के लिए.

vTuner प्लस की अनुमति देता है आप को देखने के लिए हाल ही में और नए चैनलों के द्वारा उन्हें तरह विभिन्न मानदंडों (उदाहरण के लिए समग्र मूल्यांकन, ध्वनि या गति रेटिंग, विश्वसनीयता), के रूप में अच्छी तरह के रूप में बनाने के लिए एक पसंदीदा सूची का उपयोग करें और एक खोज समारोह है.

एक दिलचस्प सुविधा की उपयोगिता की मदद से आप अनुसूची एक स्टेशन के लिए चलाने के लिए, एक बार दैनिक या साप्ताहिक आधार पर. उदाहरण के लिए, आप सेट कर सकते हैं एक चैनल के लिए स्वचालित रूप से चलाने के लिए सुबह में आप को जगाने के लिए, एक विकल्प के रूप में करने के लिए अलार्म घड़ी है । एप्लिकेशन को कम से कम करने के लिए सिस्टम ट्रे क्षेत्र है, जहां से आप सीधे उपयोग कर सकते हैं हाल ही में और पसंदीदा चैनल के माध्यम से संदर्भ मेनू.

सॉफ्टवेयर उपकरण एक अच्छी प्रतिक्रिया समय भी शामिल है, उपयोगकर्ता प्रलेखन के लिए सभी स्तरों के अनुभव, और कम की आवश्यकता है के लिए उदार राशि का सीपीयू और स्मृति है. हम का सामना नहीं किया है किसी भी समस्याओं हमारे परीक्षण में, के बाद से vTuner प्लस रुक नहीं किया था, दुर्घटना या पॉप अप त्रुटियों. नकारात्मक पक्ष पर, आप नहीं जोड़ एक नया रेडियो स्टेशन या गुणों को संपादित एक मौजूदा वाले. लेकिन, अन्य की तुलना में है कि, vTuner प्लस प्रदान करता है पहली बार और उन्नत उपयोगकर्ताओं के साथ एक सरल समाधान के लिए ऑनलाइन रेडियो स्टेशनों.

इंटरनेट प्रसारण लाइव मनोरंजन रेडियो प्रसारण ट्यूनर प्रसारण लाइव रेडियो

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, vTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

Internet radio: Everything you need to know to stream a world's worth of fantastic music for free

Suffering cabin fever? Need an escape? Internet radio can fling open the doors.

Whisper a few call letters into a smart speaker, summon a smartphone app, or tap a few computer keys to be whisked far, far away from your locked-down existence, transported across the country or half-way round the world, with nary a ticket to buy or passport to show. You won’t even need to put on a mask.

Wanna hang on a hot Brazilian beach with a nouveau Girl from Ipanema? The internet radio station Paul in Rio can take you there. California Dreaming of a ride up Laurel Canyon with local legends singing in your ears? Dial into SomaFM’s Left Coast 70s. For those who had planned a London entertainment getaway before all hell broke loose, BBC 4 radio dramas can still shine a light on West End acting talents. And BBC Radio 6 is great for pulling out punchy rock club concerts from its archives. More into the Paris café scene? An atmospheric soundtrack of cool-school and Django-ing gypsy jazz is just a tap (and snifter of cognac) away on the city’s sublime TSF Jazz and FIPS autour du Jazz outlets.

[ Further reading: The best smart speakers and digital assistants ]

Even the most esoteric of musical (and informational) tastes—from Bollywood to Schlager—are served by the dozens on internet radio: Digital audio services you call up on any web-connected speaker, computer, or smartphone. Better still, most of these stations are free of commercials, thanks to government and listener funding, college backing, or private endowment by the creator.

Mentioned in this article

The Great American Songbook station, based in the Netherlands, is a perfect example. Station fan Peter Skiera, general manager of internet radio maker Como Audio, touts this station as “a labor of love by a retired broadcaster [Rene Dussen] with a basement full of records and a small recording studio. To these ears, the station’s content rivals that of pay-radio SiriusXM’s Siriusly Sinatra channel, but as with all internet radio streams, both live and on-demand, the price of admission to The Great American Songbook is free.

How to tune in to internet radio

If you know a station’s call letters or name, it’s a snap to haul in a specific internet radio station on a computer or smart device—just type it in or speak to a smart speaker like an Amazon Echo, Google Home, or Apple HomePod.

For deep-sea fishing in the great unknown, though, it pays to go through a radio station aggregator: An online database of curated links to radio stations searchable by location, genre, popularity, and—sometimes—stream quality.

First among many, and first in my heart, is TuneIn Radio, the 800-pound gorilla of internet radio station aggregators. TuneIn Radio comes pre-installed or is loadable on more than 200 connected devices, including smart speakers from the likes of Sonos and Bose, smart TVs, streaming media players (e.g., Roku and Amazon Fire TV), smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles (Xbox and PlayStation), and personal computers.

With a global database of more than 100,000 stations in 197 countries and 22 languages, plus 5.7 million podcasts and on-demand show offerings, TuneIn comes closest to world radio completeness (and domination). Senior director of marketing Ana Guillen tells me it is now attracting 75 million listeners a month and has witnessed an especially strong 53-percent uptick in news content listenership as the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated.

The most notable gap in TuneIn’s channel library are the 853 commercial stations in 153 U.S. markets owned by iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel Communications). To access those, you need to tap into the iHeartRadio app and portal, likewise accessible for free on internet radios, smartphones, tablets, computers, and similar connected devices. Aiming to become a one-stop destination (and sell more advertising), iHeartRadio also serves up mass appeal playlists and personalized music stations (a la Pandora); has distribution deals with commercial radio chains in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand; and also links listeners to some non-aligned stations. But the service doesn’t have nearly the global reach or stylistic diversity of TuneIn or other hard-striving streaming radio promoters.

Veteran internet radio aggregator VTuner does have a database that rivals TuneIn. About 30 staffers toil in the Philippines to keep its inventory of station formats, URLs, and streaming codecs up to date. Literally hundreds of world stations presenting in a particular category are accessible with a single tap on VTuner’s barebones, but functional website. I also appreciate that this app lets a user search through its inventory by the sonic quality of signal (more on that momentarily). The VTuner platform powers several lines of smart speakers and A/V receivers, though in recent years it has lost significant market share to Airable, a rival based in Germany.

Mentioned in this article

Want to be led by the hand to “the most popular” local stations in a music, information or sports radio category? The on-screen guide for MediaU (also based in Germany) offers user-friendly graphics and a sophisticated batch of Euro-centric picks. What’s #1 on their Country station roundup? Prague-based Country Radio, featuring Czech-language singing cowboys. Hearing is believing.

I’ve also had good luck fishing in the waters of Radio.net. And I found some interesting, net-only stations on Internet-radio.com, although the entries on its “Featured” list suggest paid-for positioning. The top picks there are Classic Rock Florida HD, Smooth Jazz Florida, and Modern Jukebox Radio.

Radio.Garden is the most playful and eccentric aggregator of all. This highly engaging, super-fast search tool can be easily planted on a smartphone or tablet via an iOS or Android app. (But the site was characterized as “not secure” and needing third-party software intercession before I could load it on my iMac.) Open this thing up on a screen and you’re presented an animated map of the world. Tap a location dot and up pops selected picks from the immediate area and nation.

Now tap Search and the gardener provides immediate access to radio outlets by country, city or call letters, plus bouquets of “Our Favorite Stations,” playfully categorized as Independent Stations, Energetic Rhythms (electronic, dance), Time Travel (content from decades gone by), Weird Frequencies (like Theatre Organ Radio and Birdsong Radio), and Ends of the Earth (self-explanatory). As I write, I’m listening to a very trippy electronica outlet from Bristol, UK: Noods Radio. The eerie, otherworldly strains make me feel like I’m living in a very strange movie.

To my mind, true internet radio stations are independent, curated, and free; they’re not corporate, computerized, and costly. You might not hear a DJ’s voice or even see a meta-data screen tag identifying the artists and tracks on a station like KCRW-Eclectic24. (That’s where song-identifying services like Shazam come in handy.) And hours or even days of programming might be scheduled in advance on the studio’s servers.

But the quirkiness of the selections, the themes laid out in the segues indicate the presence of a human being, not an algorithm, making the aesthetic calls and structuring the playlist. And when necessary, the shows can be turned on a dime. A recent, hour-long afternoon “sweep” of rustic folk classics like Sam Stone and Illegal Smile playing on Eclectic24 was all the announcement I needed to know that John Prine had just died, and that someone at the station was mourning and paying tribute.

Internet radio sound quality

Mentioned in this article

Internet radio used to get a deserved rap for sound quality “approaching AM quality.” No longer. The lossy digital compression schemes deployed in mid-1990s streaming audio players like RealAudio and Nullsoft were crude and extreme, with low bit rates chopping off each song’s head, tail, and feet to squeeze it through the modest data pipe available to private internet users at the time.

Even into the early 2000s, it was common to find “perceptual coded” MP3 streams running at rates as low as 16Kbps—buying into the psycho-acoustic theory that louder sounds obscure quieter ones, so why bother to shove all that “extra” data down the pipe? MP3 freaked the hell out of discerning musicians like Neil Young, who knew what was being lost in translation.

The story is different today, judging from VTuner’s posted transmission rates (information users can also call up on Como Audio radio displays). Even technically and financially strapped stations in third-world countries are serving up MP3 content encoded at 48-, 56-, and 64Kbps, or else working with the more efficient AAC codec at bit rates of 32- or 48Kbps, typically with a sampling rate of 44.1kHz. In more sophisticated web-radio operations, bit rates from 128- to 192-, and even 320Kbps are becoming increasingly common, with the latter characterized as “high resolution.”

“The only downside to streaming at 320Kbps,” Skiera says, “is that you might run out of network capacity on the home network when you have five connected speakers all playing at the high-resolution rate.”

Como Audio speakers (and some rival brands) also support the rarely used MPEG-DASH, ASF and podcast-securitizing HTTPS formats. Skiera says Como has no intention of integrating lossless codecs like FLAC and MQA into its radios. The latter is expensive to license and integrate, and I would argue that you won’t notice the higher quality on a compact speaker. Skiera tells me he “has not heard of any streaming radio stations migrating to those formats.”

A brief history of internet radio

Internet radio started out in the early 1990s as a hobbyist’s plaything, first cousin to “ham” shortwave radio. Then the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 imposed a burdensome royalty payment structure on any web-station with more than a couple hundred listeners. That buried a bunch of those basement startups. Today, only the stronger survive.

Mentioned in this article

While late to the party, almost every local broadcast station on earth (commercial and non) now has a simulcasting online stream. A great equalizer, internet radio turns a low-power community station loose on the world with almost the same weight as a 50,000-watt big-city blaster. (While it has broadcast with as little as 580 watts—and is now up to 13K directional—the Martha’s Vineyard adult alternative station WMVY has consistently placed among the Top 20 most listened-to internet stations, worldwide. Not too shabby.)

Internet radio simulcasts are also a lifeline to listeners in dense urban locations, where broadcast FM signals are fraught with multipath distortion. In my hood, the online versions of favorite locals like non-commercial alternative WXPN and jazz/classical WRTI sound as pristine as a CD, while the FM broadcasts sputter on my speakers like a worn vinyl record.

The ability to import distant signals has also proven a welcome development for displaced citizens—especially relocated sports fans who still want to follow their favorite teams with a distant web tune-in. Ditto with displaced foreigners who crave to hear their native tongue.

I happily connect with government-supported, ad-free stations in locations like Britain, Germany, and Denmark, because those outlets’ format choices are often far more liberated than you’d typically find on public stations in the U.S.. Yeah, Afro-pop, Reggae, Prog-rock, R&B, and Hip-Hop are in the public interest, too!

Pandora, Spotify et al are not internet radio

Some folks lump on-demand music services like Pandora and Spotify in their “best of internet radio” roundups. Yes, those services stream on the internet and are accessible on the same computers, phones, set-top boxes, and smart speakers. But to ex-radio broadcasters like Como Audio’s Skiera and myself (being a former programmer/presenter of FM free-form shows on WMMR and WYSP in Philadelphia), it’s anathema to slot a “music genome”-powered Pandora or an on-demand library like Spotify in the internet radio category. While those services do offer New Music Playlists and radio-format-like caches of music labeled “Alternative,” “Dance/Electronic,” “R&B,” “Soul/Funk,” and so on, services like those are can be more accurately described as online jukeboxes.

Satellite radio broadcaster SiriusXM’s channel lineup is likewise available in the U.S. (and expanded) on many streaming home devices, computers, and smartphones through an internet radio-styled portal. But even without the core car play, they aren’t giving it away. Depending on lineup size and bonus features, the 200-to-300 channel “at home” package will set you back $8 to $13 a month.

I hope I’ve piqued your interest in internet radio. In next week’s installment, I’ll show you how to find the kinds of music you like most, and I’ll share more of my personal picks—the stations I keep going back to.

Updated, April 27 to correctly identify the SiriusXM channel Siriusly Sinatra.

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
vTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

Whisperings PureStream:
Common Questions and Answers...

Looking for Help Tuning in With a Device?

Jump directly to the "device" portion of this FAQ, which covers how to set up PureStream with dozens of devices, including iPhone/iPad, Android Phones & Tablets, Apple TV, Alexa, Bose SoundTouch, Chromecast, Roku, Sonos and many others!

The Top Ten Questions Asked...

These questions cover about 95% of all support inquiries to us about Whisperings PureStream.

  1. I just signed up, but haven't received my login information... read answer here
  2. I've lost/forgotten my login info... how do I find that? read answer here
  3. It won't accept my username/password... read answer here
  4. How do I change my password? read answer here
  5. Billing Questions... How do I update my payment info, cancel or turn off recurring billing? read answer here
  6. I signed up, but still hear the commercials... read answer here
  7. How do I log into PureStream and/or find the advanced player with the skip, mark favorite and "remove song" features? read answer here
  8. The music is stopping/buffering/skipping/disconnecting... read answer here
  9. When I try to connect, nothing happens or I get MEDIA SOURCE ERROR... read answer here
  10. How do I set up PureStream with my particular DEVICE/EQUIPMENT/APP? read answer here

Don't see your question here? Email support@solopianoradio.com.

Question: I Just Signed Up, but Haven't Received My Login Information...

If you signed up using the PayPal option, a "Welcome to Whisperings PureStream" email containing your login and password setup link was immediately sent to the email address you have assigned in PayPal as your primary email address. So first, be sure you're looking in your correct inbox for that "Welcome" email. If you don't see it, check your spam folder to see if it got caught by one your spam filters (Hotmail and AOL are both especially bad about doing this). If you still don't see the email, go ahead and send an email to us at support@solopianoradio.com and we'll try resending that to you. If you have an alternate email address we can try sending the "Welcome" email to, be sure to include that, as well as your phone number in case our emails aren't getting through to you.

If you signed up using the Credit Card payment option, a "Welcome to Whisperings PureStream" email containing your login and password setup link will be emailed to you as soon as your account is activated. Please allow up to 24 hours for this to happen, though usually it's much quicker than that. If, after 24 hours, you haven't received your login information, check your spam folder to see if it got caught by one your spam filters (Hotmail and AOL are especially bad about doing this). If you still don't see the "Welcome" email, just send an email to support@solopianoradio.com and we'll try resending that to you. If you have an alternate email address we can try sending the "Welcome" email to, be sure to include that, as well as your phone number in case our emails aren't getting through to you.

Question:I've lost/forgotten my login info...

First, note that both your USERNAME and PASSWORD are case sensitive. That means you need to match the case (upper/lower case) when you type them in. Typically, your PureStream USERNAME is the email address you first signed up with (if you signed up using PayPal, it will be your *primary* PayPal email address.) Your PASSWORD is whatever you set up when you first signed up. If you can't remember your PASSWORD, go to this form, enter your USERNAME in the field provided (again, that's usually your email address), then submit. Once you do that, *IF* the USERNAME you entered matches a valid account, a secure link to reset your password will be emailed to the address associated with the account. So check your inbox for the Password Reset email. If you don't receive an email... check your spam folder, it may be there. If you still don't see the email, there's a good chance the USERNAME you entered in the form was not found as a valid username. Just send an email support at support@solopianoradio.com and they'll be glad to help you figure out what your USERNAME might be.

Question: It Won't Accept my Username/Password...

If your login information isn't being accepted, it generally means one of five things...

  1. You're not entering your login information correctly. Your username is (in most cases) the email address you signed up with. Your password will be whatever you set it up to be. If you've forgotten your password, use this form to reset your password. Once you do that, *IF* the USERNAME you entered matches a valid account, a secure link to reset your password will be emailed to the address associated with the account. If you don't receive an email... check your spam folder, it may be there. If you still don't see the email, there's a good chance the USERNAME you entered in the form was not found as a valid username. Just send an email support at support@solopianoradio.com and they'll be glad to help you figure out what your USERNAME might be.
  2. You're not matching upper/lower case on your username/password. Your username and password are CaSE SeNSiTiVE. If you don't match the upper/lower case of your login credentials, the system won't accept it.
  3. You set up your password with non-western characters OR a hashtag (#) ampersand (&) or plus (+) in your password. These symbols are frequently used for command line parameters on the server level, so if you include them in a username or password, the authentication server basically does not recognize them. In that event, just use this form to reset your password.
  4. You're subscription has expired. You should receive a notification a week prior to your account expiring to let you know your term is up. If you're unsure, you can just login via the web site player. If the login fails, the player error message will tell you exactly why. If the account has simply expired, you can just renew your account.
  5. Your account isn't setup yet. If you just signed up using the credit card option, we have to manually set up your account. In most cases, that will happen within a few hours (during business hours, 8am-4pm PST.) If you place your order after business hours or on the weekend, please allow extra time. If you don't receive your login info within 24 hours, email support@solopianoradio.com and they'll get that to you. Thank you for your patience.

If you still have trouble logging in, just email support@solopianoradio.com and they'll be glad to help.

Question: How Do I Change My Password?

Go to this form, enter your USERNAME in the field provided (typically, your email address), then submit. Once you do that, *IF* the USERNAME you entered matches a valid account, a secure link to reset your password will be emailed to the address associated with the account. So check your inbox for the Password Reset email. Once you have that follow the link to the secure reset page, enter your username and your desired password. NOTE: your password cannot contain non-western characters a hashtag (#) ampersand (&) or plus (+) sign. These symbols are frequently used for command line parameters on the server level, so if you include them in a username or password, the authentication server basically does not recognize them. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE a password reset email... check your spam folder, it may be there. If you still don't see the email, there's a good chance the USERNAME you entered in the form was not found as a valid username. Just send an email to support@solopianoradio.com and they'll be glad to help.

Question: How Do I Update My Payment Info, Cancel and/or Turn Off Recurring Billing?

Updating Your Payment Details...

Updating your Credit Card info: If you signed up using our Credit Card Option, email support@solopianoradio.com with your update request and we'll email you a special link to a secure page where you can update your credit card to make it current.

Updating your PayPal info: If you signed up using the PayPal Option, log into your PayPal account and in the upper right, click on the gear settings icon and then "Account Settings." On the left, select "Money, Banks & Cards." If you scroll down, you'll see Automatic Payments on the right side... click on the "Set/Manage Automatic Payments" link below that. That will bring up all your preapproved payments and subscriptions and "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" should be on that list. Click on the "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" subscription link and at the bottom of the following page, you can see and change/update your funding source for the subscription.

Canceling Your Subscription and/or Recurring Billing...

If you're cancelling due to difficulty you're having with your subscription, we would love to have the opportunity to help solve your problem. Just email support@solopianoradio.com and let us know what's going on. Most issues encountered are easily resolved. That being stated...

To Cancel a Credit Card Subscription and/or Recurring Billing: If you signed up for recurring billing using our Credit Card payment option, you can cancel by sending a request to support@solopianoradio.com . We'll take care of that for you and confirm when it's done.

To Cancel a PayPal Subscription and/or Recurring Billing: If you signed up for recurring billing via PayPal, log into your PayPal account, click on the "Activity" menu, and then do a Search for "Whisperings" and then set the search date to either this year or last year, depending on when you last paid. If you have an active subscription, "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" will show up on your list. Click on the link to view the details, then click on "View Recurring Payment Details." On that page, there is a link to cancel your subscription. Make sure when you cancel, you click the comfirm option on the page that follows as well. NOTE: PayPal will immediately cancel your subscription and your access to PureStream. We are notified when someone cancels, so if you have time left on your term, we will reactivate your account on our side for the remainder of your paid term as soon as we see that.

If it's easier for you, you can cancel by sending a request to support@solopianoradio.com and we'll take care of that for you.

Question: I Signed Up , but Still Hear the Commercials!

If you are hearing the commercials, that means you're still tuning into the free stream and not Whisperings PureStream. You need to login into your Whisperings PureStream account to get our commercial-free stream. See the answer to How to Login to Whisperings PureStream (next question below).

Question: How Do I Log Into Whispering PureStream?
and/or How Do I Get the Advanced Player Features?

The easiest way to log into PureStream is to do so from our web site home page at www.solopianoradio.com . On the middle/right side of the page, you'll see the blue "Login to PureStream" button. Click that, and the player will pop up. You'll see the username and password fields... enter your credentials then click the LOGIN button for the commercial-free music. Note that if you leave the "Customized" box unchecked, the player will log into our basic player. The basic player requires the least amount of bandwidth, so it's the best option if you are experiencing network congestion or are streaming over a slow and/or throttled connection.

To get the Advanced Player features, so you can skip songs, mark favorites and delete songs from your playlist that you do not want to hear, check the "Customized" box right under the username/password fields before you log in. That box should be checked by default, but if it's not, go ahead and check that to log into the full-featured player. (If the player logs you in automatically because you have the "Save Login" box checked from previous logins, just Log Out, check the "Customized" box, then Log back in. The player will remember your settings.) Once you log in, all the major features are under the Tools menu in the player. Note that this player gives you the highest quality sound and the most interactive experience, but it also requires a solid network connection.

If you prefer, you can log in using a variety of other players, apps and devices. You don't have to use our web site player, but the advanced features are only available in the iPhone/iPad/Android Whisperings apps, the Whisperings AppleTV app and the Whisperings Alexa skill. If you log in from other players, you won't have the advanced features since those are built into our player specifically. For a breakdown of all the ways you can log in, go here.

Question: The Stream Keeps Stopping/Buffering/Skipping/Disconnecting

If your stream keeps buffering, skips, or just plain stops, that is symptomatic of trying to connect to us through an overtaxed, congested network. There may not be enough available bandwidth on your local network... or the problem could lie anywhere between you and our server. Between you and our server there could be a dozen or more network hops. If there's a network connection problem at any one of those hops, that will effect your ability to receive our stream.

This can be a tough problem to troubleshoot as the source of the problem could be just about anywhere between you and us.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, try these two things:

  1. Try connecting using a different browser. If you encounter the problem regardless of which web browser you are using, that confirms the problem is not browser related, but is more likely a network issue. However, if you can stay connected just fine on a different browser, you may way to clear your browser cache on the problem browser. Just google "How to clear the cache in (whatever your browser is)" and you'll find instructions on how to do that. You just want to clear the temporary files and images for whichever browser you are using... then completely shut down and restart your system.
  2. Try a simple system restart. This will free up system resources in event the problem is a system resource issue.

If you encounter the connection problem regardless of which web browser you are using and a system reboot doesn't clear it up, that pretty much confirms the problem is most likely a network issue.

The solution to this problem, in most cases, is to tune in using our lower bit rate stream options. If you're using our web site player, the simplest way to do that is to uncheck the "Customized" box before you log in. This will put you in our basic player, which requires much less bandwidth than the custom player. So uncheck that box, log in and see if you can stream without interruption. That may be enough.

If the problem just recently started out of nowhere, more than likely it will clear up just as mysteriously and suddenly, so you can always try again at a later time.

If you still have difficulties keeping the connection, send an email support at support@solopianoradio.com and perhaps they can make some other suggestions.

Question: I Try to Connect and... Nothing Happens or I get a MEDIA SOURCE ERROR Message...

In most cases if you're trying to connect to Whisperings PureStream and nothing at all happens... or if you receive a MEDIA SOURCE ERROR, it's an indication that something is blocking your access to our file server. It could be a firewall blocking the access, enhanced network security or a browser plug-in (or old data) interferring with the connection. We have seen instances where users have adjusted their browser security settings to make them more stringent on what gets through... and that has caused the player to generate this message.

The FIRST easy thing to try: If you haven't done so recently, restart your system. Doing that will free up system resources... then log in again and see if you get the same message.

The SECOND easy thing to try: if you have a different browser installed on your system, try launching that alternative browser and try tuning in from that one... see if you get the same error message. If it works, you'll know whatever is causing the problem is specific to your original browser and is not a firewall or network security issue. To fix it (in the original browser), try clearing your browser cache. If you're using the Chrome browser, for example, click on the Menu in the upper right (the three little dots), then More Tools, then "Clear Browsing Data..." Select "All Time" as the time range and then check the box for "Cached images and files" and then hit the Clear Browsing Data button. That process could take a few minutes if you haven't ever done it before. If you're using a browser other than Chrome, just google "How to clear the cache in (whatever your browser is)" and you'll find instructions on how to do that. You just want to clear the temporary files and images for whichever browser you are using. Once you've cleared the cache, restart the system, relaunch the browser, return to our web site, relaunch the player and see if you still get the error.

If changing browsers makes no difference and the exact same thing happens, a firewall or tight network security is likely blocking access to our stream. This most commonly occurs in corporate or college network environments. In those cases, we recommend you contact your Network Admins to have them look at the problem.

FINALLY... here's possible work-around to this issue:Before you log into the player, UNCHECK the "Customized" box (if the player logs you in automatically because you have the "Save Login" box checked, just log out, UNCHECK the "Customized" box, then Log back in.) That will put you in our basic player which may work around the issue as our basic stream is connecting to a live feed and not a file server. Do that, then tune in, and see if you can connect without receiving the error.

Question: How Can I Set Up PureStream with My Device/Equipment/App?

See below for the full list of devices, but here are some quick notes about the iPhone/iPad, Android, Sonos and the Bose SoundTouch system, since they are so commonly used.

In regards to the iPhone/iPad and Android phones/tablets), technically, you don't need anything special to tune in from those. Just open up your device browser, navigate to solopianoradio.com, then launch the player. Here's the caveat: mobile device web browsers do not support playlist functionality like desktop/laptop browsers do. So when you tune in from a mobile device, you can only access our live audio feed - not a customizeable playlist. If you would like access the custom playlist features from your mobile devices, the Whisperings app for iPhone/iPad/Android provides that. This app is made, sold and supported by a third party, a company called Emphatek.. They do charge for it, but we highly recommend it, especially if you would like to skip songs, mark favorites and so on.

Here's more info on the Whisperings app by Emphatek:

Details about the Whisperings iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad app.
Details about the Whisperings Android app.

Beyond the iPhone/Android devices, the most common devices people ask for help connecting with are the Sonos device and the Bose SoundTouch system. For that, check out...

How to Set up Whisperings PureStream with Sonos
How to Set up Whisperings PureStream with Bose SoundTouch

Beyond those, Whisperings PureStream is accessible from most devices we've encountered by entering in a Custom Stream URL which passes your username/password details to our server for validation and access. Details on how to create and format a Custom Stream URL can be found here.

Here's an alphabetical list of the devices we know PureStream works with. Most of these work with our Custom Stream URL

For easy scanning, the most popular devices (by far) are listed in RED

  • AIMP3
  • Aluratek Internet Radio: The Aluratek radio uses the vTuner.com radio portal to receive streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Alexa: Get the Whisperings Radio Alexa Skill (available for the English US, UK, India, Canada and Australia regions only). Once enabled, go to the Skills & Games > Your Skills menu in the Alexa app on your mobile device, click on the Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio skill that you see listed there, then click on the Settings button to LINK the skill to your PureStream account. Once linked, say "Alexa, ASK Whisperings Radio to Play PureStream" to start up PureStream. Be sure to visit the skill page to familiarize yourself with all the command options, including how to enable the CUSTOM features (like skip, mark favorites and so on.)
  • Android Phones & Tablets: For basic, commercial-free streaming, simply launch our web site player from our home page. NOTE: Mobile device browsers do not support custom playlist functionality, so if you wish to access the more the advanced "customized" features, like skipping songs, marking favorites and so on, you will need to purchase a separate app. Be sure to read up on the Whisperings App for Android by Emphatek which does provide support for these advanced player features.
  • Apple TV: Just search for, download and install the "WhisperingsTV" (one word) app by Emphatek from the Apple TV app store. Once installed, just go to the Settings screen to enter your PureStream username and password. You can turn on/off the Custom features on this screen as well.
  • AR Infinite Radio Model 200
  • Arcam Solo Neo: The Arcam uses the vTuner.com radio portal to receive streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Asus AIR3
  • AudioTron by Turtle Beach.
  • BlackBerry 9700: See below for setup.
  • Bose SoundTouch: The Bose SoundTouch app can connect you directly to our live feed for PureStream via our Custom Stream URL. Make sure you have the latest SoundTouch app update, then go to the Settings/Play Custom URL menu in the SoundTouch app to add the Custom Stream URL. You'll find complete information on how to create and format the custom URL for your PureStream account right here.
  • Chromecast: Simply set up your Chromecast app to mirror your device screen onto your TV... then either visit our web site at https://www.solopianoradio.com to tune in, or as an alternative, tune in via the Whisperings App by Emphatek. If you are mirroring properly, all sound on your device should be sent to your TV speaker system.
  • C. Crane WiFi radio: This device works in tandem with Reciva. (See below for Reciva setup). You'll find information on how to link the C. Crane radio with Reciva on page 28 of the product manual. However recent customers have been having difficulty getting this unit to function with our authentication, so we no longer recommend this device for use with PureStream.
  • Cobra Internet Radio: Works in tamdem with the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal. Here are detailed setup instructions.
  • CMus for Linux.
  • Como Wifi Radio (Duetto): Works in tamdem with the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal. Here are detailed setup instructions.
  • Control4
  • Denon Heos: See "Heos" below for the setup info.
  • Denon S32 Internet Clock Radio:   The Denon Clock Radio uses the vTuner portal to recieve streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Droid: We recommend you use our Android app for the best overall experience, support and free updates. Beyond that, there alternative apps that you can use to open up PureStream with the Droid. See below for details.
  • Exstreamer
  • Freecom MusicPal
  • Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal: Here are detailed setup instructions.
  • foobar2000
  • Google Home: It's not currently possible to stream Whisperings PureStream directly to Google Home as there is no means by which to pass your account username and password. However, you can stream PureStream through your Home system indirectly by tuning in from your mobile device (iPhone, iPad or Android) and outputting your devices sound, via bluetooth, to your Google Home speakers. Here's a video that demonstrates how to do this. Once your mobile device is paired, just use it to visit our web site at https://www.solopianoradio.com (or, optionally, use the Whisperings App by Emphatek) and log in. Once logged in, tap the play button and the stream will start. If you're properly paired, the sound from your device should be directed to your Google Home speakers. You can also connect to your Google Home via Chromecast to accomplish the same thing, mirroring your device screen, via Chromecast, to your TV.
  • Grace Wireless Internet Radio: Supported via a special Grace Radio Reciva.com portal. See below for details on setting that up.
  • HCA-120 Internet Radio Player
  • Heos: Getting PureStream to work on Heos is a multi-step process as Heos does not provide a way, on it's own, to add a Custom Stream URL as is required to tune in PureStream. So what Heos does to get around this is to make use of custom stations that have been added to TuneIn Radio. So... in order to tune into PureStream via Heos, you need to first set up an account with TuneIn Radio, and then download and install the TuneIn app on your mobile device. You then need to Add a Custom URL to the TuneIn radio app for PureStream. See below for setup information for TuneIn. Once you have Your PureStream Custom URL set up and working in TuneIn, you then need to launch the Heos app and connect it to you TuneIn account. You do this in the Heos App under Music > Settings > Music Sources > Online Music > TuneIn. Once that's done, you can then go to Music > TuneIn > My Favorites to find the Favorite you set up in TuneIn for PureStream. All this is theoretical based on Denon's Heos documentation. Here's an article on the Denon site that describe this process.
  • Internet Radio Box iPhone App
  • iPad: For basic, commercial-free streaming, simply launch our web site player from our home page. NOTE: Mobile device browsers do not support custom playlist functionality, so if you wish to access the more the advanced "customized" features, like skipping songs, marking favorites and so on, you will need to purchase a separate app. Be sure to read up on the Whisperings App by Emphatek which does provide support for these advanced player features.
  • iPhone: For basic, commercial-free streaming, simply launch our web site player from our home page. NOTE: Mobile device browsers do not support custom playlist functionality, so if you wish to access the more the advanced "customized" features, like skipping songs, marking favorites and so on, you will need to purchase a separate app. Be sure to read up on the Whisperings App by Emphatek which does provide support for these advanced player features.
  • iPod Touch: For basic, commercial-free streaming, simply launch our web site player from our home page. NOTE: Mobile device browsers do not support custom playlist functionality, so if you wish to access the more the advanced "customized" features, like skipping songs, marking favorites and so on, you will need to purchase a separate app. Be sure to read up on the Whisperings App by Emphatek which does provide support for these advanced player features.
  • Kindle Fire: Simply launch our web site player from our home page to tune into PureStream.
  • Libratone Zipp (and Mini): The easiest way to connect to PureStream through your Libratone system is to tune into from your mobile device (iPhone, iPad or Android) and pair your device via bluetooth to your Libratone speaker to output your devices sound to your speaker. Here's a video showing how to pair a device with your Libratone. Once paired, point your mobile device to our web site at https://www.solopianoradio.com and log in. Once logged in, you'll see our mobile player... tap the play button and the stream will start. If you're properly paired, the sound from your device should be directed to your speaker. Note it is also possible to connect your speaker to your WiFi and then output your PC/Mac desktop's sound directly to your speaker. In that case, once your speakers are set up over WiFi, you'd just tune in via our web site as you would normally. Details on how to connect to your Libratone over Wifi can be found in the Libratone manual. As far as tuning in via the Libratone app, the app imports the Internet station list from the vTuner.com radio portal. You *might* be able to add a PureStream URL to vTuner and get that to work. It's not guaranteed or supported. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Linux (including Ubuntu) with Streamtuner/Cmus/Amarok/Rhythmbox/VLC Media Player/mplayer:Supports our Custom Stream URL. See below for mplayer command line.
  • Logitech Media Server: Set up just like the Logitech Squeezebox. See below.
  • Logitech UE Smart Radio: Set important information about the Smart Radio below.
  • Media Monkey
  • mplayer for Linux: Use the below command line:
    mplayer -user <user> -passwd <password> http://live.str3am.com:3120/secure
  • Muvid IR 715-2
  • Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
  • Nokia Lumina 900 Windows Phone: Supports our Custom Stream URL. Open the URL  in Internet Explorer on the Phone. That works, but you must keep the browser in the foreground.
  • NOXON iRadio:The NOXON iRadio devices use the vTuner.com radio portal to receive streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Pearl VR-Radio IRX-510.WLAN
  • Phillips NP1100 Media Player
  • Phillips Streamium
  • Pioneer VSX 2020 AV Receiver
  • Pioneer VSX 1022-K Receiver : The Pioneer uses the vTuner.com radio portal to receive streams.Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • Playstation 3 Media Server (See below for details.)
  • Radioslots.com : See below for setup details.)
  • Radium Player for the Mac
  • RarmaRadio
  • for Reciva setup.
  • Reciva:  See below for Reciva setup.
  • Roku: If you have a modern Roku device (not the Soundbridge, see next listingt for that), you can Add the Whisperings Channel to your Listings. Once added, if you have a PureStream account, you can go into the settings screen and enter your username/password there to access the commercial-free stream. NOTE: The Roku channel app does NOT support the advanced custom player options unfortunately, but you still can access the commercial-free live feed.
  • Roku SoundBridge: See below for instructions on how to set up PureStream with the Soundbridge.
  • Rotel RT-09: Supported via Reciva.com. See below for Reciva setup.
  • Roberts Revival iStream 2: Works in tamdem with the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal. Here are detailed setup instructions.
  • Sangean WFR-20 and WFR-28 WiFi Radio: Works in tamdem with the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal. Here are detailed setup instructions.
  • Screamer Radio
  • Sonos: See below for complete setup details.
  • Sony Dash
  • Squeezebox: See below for setup.
  • Synology Audio Station:
  • Synology DS212+
  • TuneIn Radio App: for the iPhone or Blackberryor Android. (See below for setup.)
  • Tuner Internet Radio App
  • UberRadio app
  • VLC Media Player: Supports our Custom Stream URL. Instructions as of VLC v 3.0.8 - Start player, go to the Media/Stream menu, click the Network tab, then enter the Custom Stream URL for your account. At the bottom of that screen, don't select Stream (which is the default), click the drop down and select the PLAY option... once you do that, the stream will start, and the Artist/Song info will display at the top of the VLC title bar during playback.
  • VTech IS9181 Wi-Fi Internet Radio: Supports our Custom Windows Media Stream URL.
  • vTuner Radio Portal: Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • WebTV: See below for setup instructions.
  • WinAmp: WinAmp will open the Custom Stream URL but the URL must be in THIS format: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@wspr.streamguys1.com/secure . The same rules apply regarding the @ symbol in the USERNAME field as do in the regular URL format.
  • WHAALE Multiroom Player App for AirPlay: Go to the Internet Radio tab / Add Custom Station and add your Custom Stream URL
  • Windows Phone: Supports our Custom Stream URL. Open the URL  in Internet Explorer on the Phone. That works, but you must keep the browser in the foreground.
  • WorldRadio WR201: The WorldRadio Internet Radio receiver uses the vTuner portal to recieve streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.
  • XiiaLive App : See below for details.
  • XBMC Server
  • XMPlay
  • Yamaha RX-V579 Receiver : Yamaha Receivers use the vTuner portal to recieve streams. Please read this important information about connecting to Whisperings PureStream with the vTuner service.

Again, this is a list of the devices that we know PureStream works with. Most of these work with our Custom Stream URL.

How to Create and Format the Custom Stream URL

Whisperings PureStream will work with most devices and music players we've encountered. However, to send your PureStream username and password to our server, you'll need to enter a special streaming URL that has your login information embedded in it. That way, your login information is sent to our secure authentication server via the URL, rather than your manually having to type it in.

That URL will look like this:


If your USERNAME is an email address, which is typically the case, change the @ sign in the USERNAME parameter to %40 instead. So if your PureStream username is "myemail@address.com", and your password is "Abc123456", then your Custom Stream URL would look like this:


All on one line, no spaces, and always match the case of the username and password that was provided to you when you signed up.

To test your link to make sure you have it formatted correctly, open up the Stream URL in your web browser (either Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari - IE doesn't support this) just as you would a web site. If the link is formatted correctly, the stream should immediately start in your browser. If you try to open it and nothing happens or if you are prompted for a login, then something isn't quite formatted correctly in your URL.

Here's a list of the devices we know support opening up a custom stream URL. Note that you can also open that URL up directly in your favorite music player, such as iTunes, and it should play.

NOTE: Alternate Custom URL options for problem devices:
Alternate URL Option #1: An alternate URL format that also works looks like this:
Note the colon (":") between the username and password. The same rules apply with this format for changing the @ sign to %40 for your account username, if it is an email address.

Alternate URL Option #2: Some older devices and radio portals do not seem to recognize newer secure https URLs. Here is an older URL format that is not secure (it's http), but will work with most older devices (Reciva appears to be one such radio portal that requires older URLs.):
Once again, this URL is NOT secure, which means your username and password will be out in the clear. While it's unlikely anyone would bother to sniff out the URL or your password, just in case, we do recommend using a UNIQUE password for your PureStream account. Of course, that is something we would always recommend you do anyway, as it's common sense. :)

If you have any difficulty with any of this, feel free to email support@solopianoradio.com .

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream with the Roku Soundbridge?

Note these instructions are for the OLD Roku Soundbridge. If you have a modern Roku device, you can add the Whisperings Roku Channel to your listings.

You'll need the Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with the OLD Roku Soundbridge unit. Read about the custom URL formatting here.

Once you have the Custom Stream URL...

  1. You need to first obtain the IP address of your Soundbridge unit. To find this, go to the Soundbridge main menu, then select System Configuration > Show WiFi Status (or Show Wired Ethernet Status, depending on your setup.) On this screen, you should see the Soundbridge IP address... it will looks something like this:
  2. Enter this IP Address in your web browser URL address space and go to that address to bring up your Soundbridge configuration pages in your browser.
  3. Select the Internet Radio presets link at the top of the SoundBridge configuration page.
  4. Now paste the Custom Stream URL into the address space, replacing a preset station.
  5. Change the "Name" to Whisperings PureStream.
  6. When you are finished, test the URL by pressing the "play" button
  7. If it works, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "update presets."

Instructions for this are noted on page 31 of the Roku Instruction Manual (Model 1001), under "Web Page Control."

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream with Logitech SqueezeBox Products?

You'll need a Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with the Squeezebox unit, assuming you're using the newer Logitech Squeezebox. There are many variations of Logitech's devices:

Logitech Squeezebox, Squeezebox Touch, Logitech Media Server Setup:

  1. Go to http://www.mysqueezebox.com/index/Home and login (or create an account).
  2. Click on the Favorites menu
  3. On the page that comes up, you'll be prompted to Add a URL to your favorites listings. First, enter "Whisperings PureStream" as your title, then enter your Custom Stream URL provided to you.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. You may need to shut down/unplug and then plug in and re-power up your unit before you'll see your updated favorites in the Squeezebox.
  6. That should do it. If you check your "Favorites" menu on the home menu of your Squeezebox, you should see Whisperings PureStream listed there.

Logitech Squeezebox Duet:

  1. Open up the Squeezebox server, then click on the Advanced tab.
  2. To go the "Web Remote Box", "Tune in URL Section".
  3. Enter your Custom Stream URL.
  4. Save that.
  5. That will show up in your Squeezebox Receiver and should now on your Squeezebox network.
  6. You may need to shut down/unplug and then plug in and re-power up your unit before you'll see your updated favorites in the Squeezebox.

Slimdevices Squeezebox:

With the Slimdevice version of Squeezebox, you'll need to use our Custom Stream URL. Once you have that...

  1. On SlimServer, go to 'radio tune-in' within SlimServer's web interface.
  2. Type in your Custom Stream URL.
  3. Once you've done this, you can save that stream as a playlist to be recalled later.

That Custom Stream URL works with the Squeezebox Boom.

UE Smart Radio:

By default, you cannot add a Custom Stream URL to the Smart Radio. When Logitech released the "simplified" Smart Radio, they removed this functionality which was present in the old Squeezebox systems. In order to tune into Whisperings PureStream from a device, you need this functionilty, so it's not possible to connect to our commercial-free stream out of the box. The good news is, after receiving complaints about this from customers, Logitech provided a way to revert the UE software back to the Squeezebox software. So you need to decide if you want to do this reversion process, basically turning your Smart Radio into a Squeezebox.

Here is information on that "transition" on Logitech's site:http://www.uesmartradio.com/public/migration

Make sure you view the "Reasons NOT to transition" listed there so you can make an informed choice. You cannot "undo" or "go back" if you change your mind. Note also that if you revert the software, you'll have to reenter all your favorites, presets and so on... none of that is retained.

IMPORTANT: We cannot help you with the reversion process or trying to undo it. You make this change to your Smart Radio at your own risk.

If you DO decide to make the transition... here is what you do, based on the limited information we have on this process...

  1. In order to tune into your PureStream Account with the Smart Radio, you'll need to use our Custom Stream URL. Create that first. Once you have that...
  2. On your Smart Radio, from the Home menu, scroll down to "Settings" and Enter
  3. In the Settings menu, scroll down to "Advanced"
  4. In "Advanced" menu, scroll down ro "Software Update"...press Continue
  5. After 5 seconds, return to the Home menu, and look for the "Software Update" in the menu. Proceed with the update
  6. Once the update is complete, choose your Wifi connection again.
  7. Then on your UE Smart Radio, go into your radio's Settings menu, then Advanced. At the bottom, select "Switch to Squeezebox"
  8. Once completed, your UE Smart radio will now have the ability to add URLs via Mysqueezebox.com
  9. Go to http://mysqueezebox.com and log into your existing account or create a new one.
  10. Go to your Favorites List, and add the Custom Stream URL you created to access your PureStream account.
  11. Save that Favorite with a unique name that you will be able to distinguish from the "free" version of Whisperings that shows up on your station list. So... save that as "Whisperings PureStream" or another unique name that is obviously your custom URL setup.
  12. Make sure you have the username/password of your MySqueezebox.com account entered in your radio so that the radio can synchronize to your MySqueezebox account to pick up your favorites. Once the favorite as been added, you will likely need to re-synchronize your Smart Radio before you'll see the new Favorite display on your unit. To force your unit to sync, shut down and unplug it, wait 10-15 seconds, then plug it back in and power it up again.
How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream with Sonos?

First, you'll need to create a Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with the Sonos unit. Follow the link for detailed information on how to create and format that.

Once you have your Custom Stream URL figured out you can add that in the Sonos App. To do this...

Using the Sonos App for iOS or Android.

  1. From the Browse tab, select Radio by TuneIn.
  2. Tap My Radio Stations
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right and tap Add New Radio Station
  4. Enter the Custom Stream URL from above, and "Whisperings PureStream" (or whatever you want) as your station name and tap OK.
  5. Whisperings will then appear as a new station in your My Radio Stations list.
  6. To access Whisperings PureStream from the Sonos App, start the app and go to Radio by TuneIn > My Radio Stations. You should see "Whisperings PureStream" listed there. Select it and you can add it to your favorites.

Using the Sonos App for Mac or PC.

  1. Select Manage and Add Radio Station.
  2. Paste in the Custom Stream URL from above, and type in "Whisperings PureStream" for the station name.
  3. From Sonos Music Menu, navigate to Radio by TuneIn > My Radio Stations. You should see "Whisperings PureStream" listed there.

Instructions for this can also be found on the Sonos web site.

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream to Work with My BlackBerry 9700?

This set up may work with varying versions of the Blackberry (not just the 9700), but the 9700 is the only unit we know for sure that this will work with. To try it out, you'll need our Custom Stream URL as well as the TuneIn Radio app for the Blackberry. If you have a different version of the BlackBerry than the 9700 and this works for you, please email support@solopianoradio.com and let us know.

Once you have those...

  1. Open TuneIn Radio Pro
  2. Go to “My Presets”
  3. Click the BlackBerry menu button and select “Add custom URL”.
  4. Go to “Stream URL” and enter your Custom Stream URL.
  5. Click on “Verify stream URL” link to test.
  6. Go to “Stream Name” and enter Whisperings PureStream to name the preset.
  7. Click on “Add to Presets” button.

The setup will be saved on the Presets.

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream for use with Reciva?

The Reciva web site is pretty finicky about how you set up the stream. So follow these instructions exactly to get your stream set up and working. You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with Reciva. Read about how to create that here. PLEASE NOTE in those Custom URL directions the Alternate URL Option #2 for Reciva.

  1. Go to the Reciva web site at https://www.reciva.com and login to your account. If you don't have an account there already, create one, then log in.
  2. Once you log in, click on "Manage My Stuff" and you'll see a "My Streams" button. Click on that
  3. From here you can add a new stream. Click on the "New Stream" button on the upper right of the screen, enter "Whisperings PureStream" as the Stream Name on the form that pops up and then click OK. In about two seconds, you should see Whisperings PureStream appear on your list of streams in the main window.
  4. Next, you need to add the Stream address. Click on the Whisperings PureStream entry in the main window, and then to the right, under the Stream Name field, you'll see a field to enter a Stream URL. Enter your Custom Stream URL, then click on Save. Now your stream link is set up.
  5. To test that it's working, refresh the page. Once you do, to the right of Whisperings PureStream in the main window, you should see a little play button. Click on that button to test the link. If that plays, you're good to go.

Next, you need to register your Internet Radio device with Reciva. You do this at https://radios.reciva.com/ . You need to enter a code from your device. Just follow the directions at the web site.

Then go to your Radio, select "My Stuff," then "My Streams," and you should see Whisperings PureStream listed. Note: On most devices (such as Grace Wireless Radio), in order to see the streams you added, you need to unplug the power cord to your device, wait several minutes, then plug it in again. This forces the receiver to download your updated stations list. Another tip: If you make a mistake when you first enter your Custom Stream URL on Reciva and don't realize it until you get an error message when you try to connect with the Grace receiver, rather than editing the existing stream you set up, create a NEW stream with a different name so that you'll recognize it as the updated stream. Then resync again. Sometimes the Grace Receiver will not refresh an existing listing with the new URL if you just edit it. So by creating a totally different stream name with the correct URL, you can ensure your updated URL gets picked up.

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream for use with Grace Wireless Radio?

Grace units access our subscription stream through the "Grace" portal of the Reciva web site at https://myradios.gracedigital.com/. The Reciva web site is pretty finicky about how you set up the stream. So follow these instructions exactly to get your stream set up and working. You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use your Whisperings PureStream account with Grace/Reciva. Read about how to create that URL here. You need to do that first.

Once you have your Custom Stream URL for Whisperings, the next thing you need to do is go to the Grace/Reciva web site at https://myradios.gracedigital.com/, register your radio and create an account. To do this, Go to the main menu of your radio. "Internet radio" will be on the top of the radio's main menu. Go to the bottom of this menu and choose "settings". On the next menu scroll the large knob to the right until you see 'register' between brackets { } then push the large select knob inwards. Your radio will create a registration code (key). Write this number down. If you radio does not provide a registration code (key) then your radio is not currently connected to your Wi-Fi network. Note: If you do not create your online account at myradios.gracedigital.com within 24 hours of requesting a registration code (key) on your radio you will have to go through the above registration code (key) step on your radio again. You only have to register your radio one time on the above account.

Once you have your code key...

  1. Open up the https://myradios.gracedigital.com/ web site from your browser. Enter the code (key) you obtained from your radio onto the web site and choose "submit" on the web site. (Note the web site will show the serial number of your radio after you choose submit, not your registration code key.) Go ahead and create your account on the Grace/Reciva web site.
  2. After your Grace/Reciva account is successfully created, click on "My Streams" and you should be prompted for the Station Name and URL of the station you want to add. (Note: If you don't see a "My Stream" link/button at first, look for "My Stuff" and it may be available under that menu)
  3. Enter "Whisperings PureStream" as the Stream Name.
  4. Next, you need to add the Stream URL as the address. Enter your Custom Stream URL you created for your account, then click on Save. Now your stream link is set up.
  5. In order to see the streams you just added, you need to unplug the power cord to your Grace unit, wait several minutes, then plug it back in again. This forces the receiver to download your updated stations list. After you do this, power up the Radio, choose the Internet Radio menu on the radio, and you should see Whisperings PureStream listed under the "Stations > My Stuff > My Streams" menu.

Note that all these instructions come direct from the Grace Wireless Radio IRA-500 Manual (page 26/27). Regardless of your unit model, the set up should be similar. If you have trouble, you can also refer to the generic Reciva web site set up above, which may have more detail that is not included in the Grace manual. Another tip: If you make a mistake when you first enter your Custom Stream URL on the Grace/Reciva web site and don't realize it until you get an error message when you try to connect with the Grace receiver, rather than editing the existing stream you set up, create a NEW stream with a different name so that you (and your unit) will recognize it as the updated stream. Then resync again. Sometimes the Grace Receiver will not refresh an existing listing with the new URL if you just edit it. So by creating a totally different stream name with the correct URL, you can ensure your updated URL gets picked up.

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream to Work with Denon?

Denon Receivers use the vTuner portal to recieve streams. We have had very mixed results setting up PureStream with the vTuner service. For years, it functioned just fine with the Custom Stream URL required to tune into our broadcast... and then it didn't. We made several attempts to reach vTuner to inquire about the situation, but we received no response from them. Due to this, we stopped recommending or supporting any device that requires vTuner to tune in. That being said, a customer recently told us (April 2018) that their connection to vTuner was working just fine. So... perhaps vTuner has fixed the problem.

You will find the OLD set up information for this unit below... if you'd like to try it and see if it will work for you, you can. Good luck!

OLD SETUP INFO (No Longer Supported)

You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with your Denon unit. Creat that here..

There are two steps required to listen to Whispering PureStream through your Denon web radio equipped receiver.

Step One: Setup Radio Denon
  1. Log in to your account at www.radiodenon.com or create one if you don't have one yet.
  2. Find the option for "My Added Stations". The location on www.radiodenon.com for this option depends on how many favorites you already have saved.
  3. Once you click on the option, click "Go" to add a station you will be taken to a data entry page. You will be prompted to enter the information for the station you would like to add.
    Station Name: Whisperings PureStream
    Station URL: Enter your Custom Stream URL.
    Location: Eugene, OR
    Genre: Classical
    Type: WMV
  4. When you are done click "Go" again.
  5. You should now see Whisperings listed under the "My Added Stations" banner.
  6. Now that you have added the information to the radiodenon web site, you need to access that information through your receiver.
Step Two: Setup Your Receiver
  1. Turn on your Denon web radio equipped receiver. (If it's already on, shut it down, unplug it, then plug it in again to power it up again. This reboot process forces the unit to resync with your station list.
  2. Go to the Internet/Web radio source.
  3. Search under "Internet Radio/Added Stations" for Whisperings.
  4. You can save your Whisperings radio station to your "Favorites" or to a "Preset".
How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream to Work with Denon AVR-2313CI?

Denon Receivers use the vTuner portal to recieve streams. We have had very mixed results setting up PureStream with the vTuner service. For years, it functioned just fine with the Custom Stream URL required to tune into our broadcast... and then it didn't. We made several attempts to reach vTuner to inquire about the situation, but we received no response from them. Due to this, we stopped recommending or supporting any device that requires vTuner to tune in. That being said, a customer recently told us (April 2018) that their connection to vTuner was working just fine. So... perhaps vTuner has fixed the problem.

You will find the OLD set up information for this unit below... if you'd like to try it and see if it will work for you, you can. Good luck!

OLD SETUP INFO (No Longer Supported)

You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with your Denon unit. Creat that here..

There are two steps required to listen to Whispering PureStream through your Denon web radio equipped receiver.

Step One: Setup Radio Denon
  1. Log in to your account at www.radiodenon.com or create one if you don't have one yet.
    - You will need to type in the MAC Address of the Denon AVR-2313ci receiver (in the ID input box) to begin the process.
    - The MAC Address can be found by clicking “Setup” on the remote control, then select “Network”, and then select “Information”. The MAC address will appear on the screen.
    - Hit “GO” after typing in the MAC Address and follow the instruction to register a new account from Vtuner if you do not have one.
  2. Find the option for "My Added Stations". The location on www.radiodenon.com for this option depends on how many favorites you already have saved.
  3. Once you click on the option, click "Go" to add a station you will be taken to a data entry page. You will be prompted to enter the information for the station you would like to add.
    Station Name: Whisperings PureStream
    Station URL: Enter your Custom Stream URL.
    Location: Eugene, OR
    Genre: Classical
    Type: WMV
  4. When you are done click "Go" again.
  5. You should now see Whisperings listed under the "My Added Stations" banner.
  6. Now that you have added the information to the radiodenon web site, you need to access that information through your receiver.
Step Two: Setup Your Receiver
  1. Turn on your Denon web radio equipped receiver. (If it's already on, turn if off and power it up again. This reboot process forces the unit to resync with your station list.
  2. Go to "Network" and then select "radiodenon" using the remote control.
  3. Search for the station showing your MAC address. Select this option and the station "Whisperings" will appear. Select this and you are done.
  4. You can save your Whisperings radio station to one of the three "Favorite Station" buttons on your remote and you can go directly to Whisperings via a single push of this button the next time you turn on your receiver.
How Do I Set Up PureStream with the Onkyo Receiver?

Onkyo Receivers use the vTuner portal to recieve streams. We have had very mixed results setting up PureStream with the vTuner service. For years, it functioned just fine with the Custom Stream URL required to tune into our broadcast... and then it didn't. We made several attempts to reach vTuner to inquire about the situation, but we received no response from them. Due to this, we stopped recommending or supporting any device that requires vTuner to tune in. That being said, a customer recently told us (April 2018) that their connection to vTuner was working just fine. So... perhaps vTuner has fixed the problem.

You will find the OLD set up information for a variety of units below... if you'd like to try it and see if it will work for you, you can. Good luck!

OLD SETUP INFO (No Longer Supported)

The Onkyo unit is one of those you can set up using the vTuner portal if you wish (see below), but you can also bypass vTuner and tune in directly from the Onkyo unit.

Before anything else, you'll need to create a unique Custom Stream URL to access your PureStream account. If you haven't done that yet, do that first. You'll find details on how to do that here. Once you have that, follow these steps....

  1. Type your Onkyo IP Address into your browser. That will take you to your Onkyo Control Panel
  2. Find the Preset Internet Radio tab. Enter a new station name (call it Whisperings Purestream), then enter your Custom Stream URL.
  3. Save that, and now you can select Whisperings directly from your Onkyo unit.
How Do I Set Up PureStream with the vTuner Portal?

We have had very mixed results setting up PureStream with the vTuner service. For years, it functioned just fine with the Custom Stream URL required to tune into our broadcast... and then it didn't. We made several attempts to reach vTuner to inquire about the situation, but we received no response from them. Due to this, we stopped recommending or supporting any device that requires vTuner to tune in. That being said, a customer recently told us (April 2018) that their connection to vTuner was working just fine. So... perhaps vTuner has fixed the problem.

You will find the OLD set up information for a variety of units below... if you'd like to try it and see if it will work for you, you can. Good luck!

OLD SETUP INFO (No Longer Supported)

There are a number of Internet Radio units that connect to custom streams via a vTuner portal. Those include Onkyo receivers, Aluratek, Arcam, Denon, WorldRadio and some Yamaha receivers (those are the units we have confirmed functionality with)

Before anything else, you'll need our Custom Stream URL to use with the vTuner portal. If you don't yet have that, create that here.

Now each receiver has it's own portal. For example, the Onkyo TX-NR807 unit, you'll log into your account at onkyo.vtuner.com (use your unique ID of the unit to log in). For the Aluratek receivers, go to http://aluratek.vtuner.com. For Arcam, go to http://www.arcamradio.co.uk/setupapp/arc/asp/AuthLogin/SignIn.asp . For WorldRadio, go to http://www.radio789.com/setupapp/pb/asp/AuthLogin/SignIn.asp . For Yamaha, go to http://yradio.vtuner.com/setupapp/yamaha/asp/AuthLogin/SignIn.asp . Every receiver type has it's own "gateway" as it were. If you have a different unit, check your documentation to find your portal URL.

Once you have entered the ID# for your unit at the portal and logged in, here's what to do next...
  1. Find the "My added Stations" option.
  2. Enter a new station name (call it Whisperings Purestream), then enter your Custom Stream URL.
  3. Type a location name (whatever you want) and genre and then set the TYPE to: MP3.
  4. Click OK and log out
  5. Power down your receiver. Unplug it. Then plug it back in and restart it to sync up your changes.
  6. Start up the receiver, select "Whisperings PureStream" and off you go.
How Do I Set Up PureStream with the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal?

There are a several Internet Radio receivers that can connect to custom streams via the Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio Portal. Those include Cobra Radio, Como WiFi Radio, the Roberts Revival iStream 2 and the Sangean WFR units. Before you do anything else, you'll need to create a Custom Stream URL for your PureStream account to use with the Frontier portal. If you don't yet have that, you'll find instructions on creating and testing that here.

Once you have your custom URL for PureStream ready to go, go to the Frontier Nuvola Web Site at https://smartradio.frontier-nuvola.net/. This portal will allow you to save ‘Favourite' radio stations and Podcasts across all of your devices, also allowing you to save personal streams that are not part of their existing database (like PureStream).

To take advantage of the feature you will need to register for the service. To do so please go to: https://smartradio.frontier-nuvola.net/ in your web browser. When the page loads select "Manage Favourites". You will then see a login page where you can create a new account, please follow the on-screen prompts to do so.

Once your new account has been verified and you are logged-in, you will be asked to "Link" a device to your account. You will need an access code to do so, which you can find either directly on your radio or through the UNDOK app (as long as you are connected to the radio in question). Enter the "Station List" menu whilst in internet radio mode and select "Help". Here you will receive an "Access code" which is valid for 10 minutes, allowing you to complete the pairing process. The access code is case sensitive and should be entered exactly as shown. This will complete the registration process.

You will then be able to manage your favourites through the portal and add personal stations.

Once you have your device linked up to Frontier Nuvola, here's how you add your Custom URL for PureStream.
  1. Click on the "Manage Favourites" button, then click on the "Personal Streams" tab
  2. Click on the "+ Personal Streams" button
  3. Enter a new station name (call it Whisperings Purestream so that you'll recognize it on the unit), then enter the Custom Stream URL that you set up for your account ealier.
  4. Scroll down and select the devices you want to stream on.
  5. Click "Save Personal Stream" to save.
  6. Personal Streams will be accessible on your device in the "Favourites" menu with your other favourites, and in their own special "My Added Stations" menu.
  7. If you go to your My Stations list on the radio and do not see Whisperings PureStream listed, power down your device. Unplug it. Then plug it back in and restart it to sync up your changes.
  8. Start up the receiver, Find your "Whisperings PureStream" addition and off you go.

Further information can be found about Frontier Nuvola at https://srsupport.frontier-nuvola.net/portal/kb/articles/favourites and https://srsupport.frontier-nuvola.net/portal/kb/articles/personal-streams. Please follow up with Frontier support (or your device support) if you need further assistance adding a custom stream. If you need help formatting your Custom URL for PureStream, feel free to email support@solopianoradio.com.

How Do I Set Up PureStream to Work with the Pocket Tunes Radio app?

You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use Whisperings PureStream with the Pocket Tunes app.

  1. Open Pocket Tunes
  2. Tap on Favorites (assuming that's where you want to put the station, you can move it later.)
  3. Tap on "Edit"
  4. Tap ion the plus sign on the left upper side
  5. Enter a name for the station (Whisperings PureStream)
  6. Under URL, enter your Custom Stream URL.
  7. Leave everything else as in and press "done", then "Save", and "Done". At that point you should be able to play the station by tapping on it in your favorites.
How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream with Playstation 3?

You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use PureStream with Playstation 3.

The steps listed below were provided to us by a listener who successfully set up PureStream with the Playstation Web Server. The listener was able to get it to work with two possible software solutions. These steps have not been confirmed, so do let us know if they work for you.

  1. With ORB installed on PC, create a favorite radio channel using your Custom Stream URL. Then, via the PS3 WEB browser login to your MYORB account and play it.
  2. With TVersity (easier) installed on PC, create a link, with the "convert always" box checked, in the source/internet section using your Custom Stream URL, then access the link directly via the TVersity folder in the PS3 media server audio section.

For both the Media server S/W must be lauched on the PC and accessible via the network.

How Do I Set Up Whisperings PureStream to Work with Radioslots.com?

You'll need our Custom Stream URL to use PureStream with RadioSlots.com.

  1. Go to http://www.radioslots.com/ and set up an account if you haven't already.
  2. Login, click on My Stations, and then Add a New Station.
  3. For the Station Name, enter Whisperings PureStream
  4. For the URL, enter your Custom Stream URL.
  5. Make sure you set the station status to PRIVATE. If you don't, other people will see your URL and they'll be able to connect to it... and if they are using it, you won't be able to as you can only connect into the stream once.
  6. As for the station suffix, Playlist seems to work fine.
  7. Save that. If you then click on "My Stations" again you'll see Whisperings PureStream listed and can test the link. When you do, you may be prompted to install a plug in for Windows Media. Once that is installed, you'll be able to play the link from there to test it.
How Do I Set Up PureStream to Work with the TuneIn Radio app?

Once you have the Tune In Radio app installed on your iPhone or Android, you'll need to create a Custom Stream URL to open with the app.

Once you have that, you're ready to set up the app.

iPhone Setup

  1. Open the TuneIn Radio app and tap on "My Profile." You'll find that at the bottom of the app screen
  2. Click on "Add New Custom URL" (near the bottom of the screen).
  3. The "Search or Add URL" box comes up. Enter the your Custom Stream URL in the search field that pops up. As you type, the URL shows up below the search box... once you're done typing, tap on "Custom Stream" listed below "Custom URL" and once you do that, the stream will start.
  4. While the stream is playing, in the upper right you'll see a + sign. Tap on that, and you add the stream as a "Favorite" and give it a name (ie Whisperings PureStream.)
  5. Now if you exit the stream and go back to "My Profile" you should see it listed as a favorite.

Android Setup

  1. Open the TuneIn Radio app and tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper left, then tap on "Favorites"
  2. Below your list of favorites Stations and Shows (if you have any), you'll see an option to "Add Custom URL". Tap on that.
  3. Enter the Custom Stream URL you created in the Custom URL field that pops up. When you're done, tap on SAVE.
  4. If you've entered the URL correctly (be sure you match the case) the stream will start.
  5. NOTE: Sometimes in order for the link to work, you need to exit the app and restart it, then go back to your profile and tap the link again.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the vTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for VTuner Plus for Real Player serial key or number

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