Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

Revision History

Version (13 August )

  • Fix for issues with more than possible locations
  • Fix for import of style logos
  • Fix for titles in summary reports

Version (30 July )

  • Fix for import of large styles

Version (22 June )

  • Fix for adding wildcards
  • Minor update for logos

Version (09 June )

  • Added style logos
  • Added style descriptions

Version (15 May )

  • Fix for templates with hidden paragraphs
  • Fix for installation issues
  • Improved troubleshooting files

Version (21 April )

  • Fix for documents with hidden text
  • Fix for Style Sheet Editor scaling issues

Version (30 March )

  • Fix for skipping locations in quotes
  • Fix for "Except for" keyword in style notes
  • Improved enterprise installers
  • Fix for changing text as you work with PerfectIt

Version (09 March )

  • Fix for Capitalization of Phrases check
  • Fix for for Table/Box/Figure Titles check

Version (03 March )

  • New "Checks to Include" feature for styles
  • "Sections to Skip" moved to style sheet editor
  • Minor style sheet editor bugfixes
  • Fix for Capitalization of Phrases check
  • Fix for Abbreviations checks
  • Fix detection of bookmarks
  • Built for .NET

Version (23 October )

  • Fix for adding paragraphs as you work with PerfectIt
  • Fix for read-only styles
  • Configuration file improvements

Version (14 October )

  • Fix for wildcards
  • Fix for styles based on user-built styles
  • Minor style sheet editor bugfixes
  • Built for .NET

Version (16 August )

  • New enterprise installation options

Version (11 July )

  • Improved compatibility with tracked changes
  • Auto-update built-in styles
  • Major update to WHO style
  • Small updates to other built-in styles
  • Rebuild styles cache from Manage Styles
  • Faster combine function for styles

Version (24 June )

  • Fix for partial capitalization matches
  • Fix for importing style sheets on European systems
  • Minor bugfixes for Compound Words and Abbreviations in Two Forms

Version (17 June )

  • Improvements to PerfectIt 3 style updates
  • Fix for extremely long documents
  • Minor licensing improvements

Version (13 June )

  • Fixes for missing style data
  • Automatic rebuild of corrupted style cache
  • Licensing update

Version (11 June )

  • Faster initial scan
  • New user interface
  • Autosave in the style sheet editor
  • GPO Style added
  • Major updates to American Legal Style and WHO Style
  • Revisions to European Union and United Nations Styles
  • Base new styles on existing styles
  • Combine styles to create new styles
  • Introduction of "My styles" for editing built-in styles
  • Separation of finalization tasks and reports
  • Online help
  • Revised terminology ("test" becomes "check")
  • Support for dark Office themes
  • Wider default width
  • ADX update
  • Minor updates and accuracy improvements
  • Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Version (25 May )

  • ADX update
  • Terms of Use update
  • Minor improvements to spelling variations
  • Minor improvements to phrases in capitals

Version (01 May )

  • Fix for creating new styles

Version (25 April )

  • Fix for deleted comments after trailing spaces
  • Prevent access to read-only styles
  • Revised default words for title case
  • Fix for importing styles with changes to title case words
  • Minor fix for wildcards check
  • Fix for non-breaking hyphens
  • Minor improvements to abbreviation recognition

Version (30 March )

  • Fix for choosing tests before starting trial
  • Improvements to accent consistency check
  • Minor bugfix for spelling variations
  • Prevent row deletion in style sheet editor

Version (16 March )

  • Separate task for removing spaces after a paragraph
  • Sub-menus for navigation to each check
  • Accepts subscription licenses
  • Fix for style points test of currency
  • Fix for style points test of decimals
  • Fix for style points test of thousand separators
  • Improvements to test of accents
  • Improvements to test of italics
  • Improvements to common typos
  • Improvements to brackets/quotes left open
  • Improvements for recognition of abbreviations
  • Bugfix for closing PerfectIt
  • Progress message for working with style sheets
  • Minor bugfixes for spelling variations
  • Minor bugfixes for abbreviations in two forms
  • Clearer messaging for future versions of MS Office
  • Accuracy improvement for phrases in capitals

Version (19 November )

  • Improvements for fix function with abbreviations
  • Improvements for fix function with percentages
  • Minor bugfix for documents with content controls
  • Improved error reporting with master documents
  • Wildcard description length limited to characters
  • Tab key fixed when using style sheet editor
  • Minor additions for spelling variations
  • Minor bugfix for wildcard check
  • Minor improvements for Oxford comma check
  • Fix for option to delete document properties
  • ADX Component update

Version (26 August )

  • Improved reference accuracy
  • Label "Pro" removed from title pane
  • Improved preferred spelling accuracy
  • Bugfix for abbreviations used only once
  • Bugfix for brackets left open
  • Thousand separators work with ranges
  • Improved exception matching
  • Minor bugfixes for abbreviations and hyphenation
  • ADX update

Version (28 May )

  • Clear document properties
  • Added religious texts to skipped terms in number checking
  • Improved custom checking around numbers
  • Revised order of additional tasks
  • Skip paragraph indentation for two spaces to one
  • ADX component update
  • Fix for thousand separators in style points
  • Minor additions for spelling variations
  • Fix for italics test immediately after registration

Version (28 February )

  • Fixes for test of spelling variations
  • Fixes for wildcards test
  • ADX component update
  • Improved style sheet editor validation
  • Improved test of undefined abbreviations
  • Improvements for compound hyphenation
  • Bugfix for preferred spelling
  • Bugfix for test of Oxford commas
  • Bugfix for correction of ordinals
  • Minor bugfixes for spelling variations

Version (08 December )

  • Fix for abbreviations with two definitions
  • Fix for highlight in test of editorial comments
  • Fix for finding non-breaking spaces in numbers

Version (19 November )

  • Corrected selection after pressing Fix
  • Optional logging for support
  • ADX component update
  • Improvements for wildcards test
  • Improvements to phrases in capitals test
  • Additional abbreviations to skip

Version (11 November )

  • Security certificate and ADX update

Version (08 October )

  • Ribbon icon updated
  • Speed improvement to wildcard test
  • Table of abbreviations fixed for custom styles

Version (03 October )

  • Free trial duration set to to 14 days
  • Increased accuracy on documents with reference lists
  • Speed improvements (excluding revisions mode)
  • Finds more brackets and quotes left open
  • Additional exceptions for numbers in sentences
  • Additional common typos
  • Improvements for two spaces to one
  • Improvements for using wildcards in custom styles
  • Improvements to phrases in capitals test
  • Installation instructions and EULA updates
  • Fix for customizing compound words
  • Minor bugfix for abbreviation definitions

Version (05 June )

  • Fix for test of heading capitalization
  • Fix for test of preferred spelling

Version (03 June )

  • Bugfixes for test of italics and capitalization of lists
  • Bugfix for launching with no document open

Version (01 June )

  • American Legal Style version (including thousands of new terms)
  • American Legal Style checks footnotes as default
  • Headings 5 to 9 added to styles
  • Balloon help restored for new installations
  • Improvements to ISE / IZE conversion
  • Screenreader accessibility improvements
  • Fix for zip codes with comma separators
  • Bugfix for summary report on hyphenation tests
  • Bugfix for phrases in capitals inside other phrases
  • Bugfix for italics
  • New tooltips for style sheets and legal documents
  • Improvements for two spaces to one conversion
  • Add-in Express update
  • Bugfix for Oxford comma test
  • Bugfix for the test of compounds

Version (16 April )

  • Saves previous style selection (no default style)
  • Wider style dropdown box
  • Finds more quotes left open
  • Fixed title in table of abbreviations
  • Taskpane colour restored to style
  • Thousand separators skip most zipcodes
  • Improvements to the test of spelling variations
  • Fix for adding hyphenation to the style sheet editor
  • Fix for tab order in the style sheet editor
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Minor bugfix for tests of abbreviations
  • Minor bugfix for wildcard test
  • Improved error reporting
  • Update for the Getting Started document
  • Help update

Version (11 March )

  • Version label added to installer
  • Minor bugfix for wildcards

Version (04 March )

  • Box showing locations fixed for screens with low vertical height
  • Fix for corrections in the test of abbreviations not used
  • Screen reader improvements for accessibility
  • Deselect button fixed in choose tests
  • Up and down arrow keys update style sheet editor menus

Version (27 January )

  • New look for the PerfectIt interface
  • Adaptable for all DPI settings
  • Adaptable for 4k and all screen resolutions
  • Resizable style sheet editor
  • SHA security certificate
  • Updated ADX components
  • Style sheet editor includes name of current style
  • Fix for selecting styles with ODT, RTF and PDF documents
  • Greek letters can be added to the style sheet editor
  • Bugfix for numbers in sentences
  • Bugfix for tests of wildcards
  • Fix for false positives with measurements
  • Fix for suffixes ending in -fold
  • Reduced false positives for patent applications
  • Fix for case sensitive setting in the style sheet editor
  • Fix for words within words in test of abbreviations not used
  • Fix for superscripts with the caret symbol
  • Run manage styles when no document is open
  • Updated help
  • Minor speed improvements

Version (22 October )

  • Added American Legal Style to built-in styles
  • Faster searching for preferred spelling
  • Improvements to the test of numbers in sentences
  • Test of italics skips where the full sentence is in italics
  • Test of italics improved for words within other phrases
  • Fix for non-English characters in preferred spelling
  • New messaging for custom tests not in use
  • Additional common typos added

Version (16 October )

  • Fix for choosing tests
  • Minor fix for test of compound words
  • Preparation for American Legal Style (not yet included)

Version (15 October )

  • Limited release for beta testing of American Legal Style
  • Includes American Legal Style Beta 2
  • Minor fix for spelling variations
  • Additions to comments found
  • Fix for 'Except before' and 'Except after' style notes

Version (13 October )

  • Office compatible
  • Allows 'Except before' and 'Except after' combinations
  • Fix for Oxford commas with tracked changes
  • Fix for test of numbers in sentences
  • Notifies users when the test of style points is not turned on

Version (05 October )

  • Office compatibility (beta)
  • Improved conversion of abbreviations
  • Improved identification of abbreviations
  • Support for superscripts following the 'Δ' symbol
  • Minor improvements to the test of spelling variations
  • Minor bugfix for skipping styles

Version (24 August )

  • Fix for hyphenation bug with default style selection.

Version (21 August )

  • New key phrases 'Except before' and 'Except after' added to style notes
  • Added two hyphens in a row to test of hyphens with spaces
  • Fix for custom styles with hyphenation
  • Fix for adding new prefixes
  • Style notes fix for the test of italics
  • Improvements to the test of brackets and quotes left open
  • Additional common typos added
  • Accuracy improvements to the test of spelling variations
  • Improvements to converting to IZE
  • Updated help file
  • Note: was an internal release only.

Version (08 August )

  • Superscript info added to suggestions for ordinals
  • Bugfix for the test of wildcards
  • Bugfix for commas as thousand separators

Version (07 August )

  • Imroved accuracy for style points
  • Handling of wildcard results if two search patterns return the same answer
  • Improvement for converting the decimal marker to full stops
  • Improved listbox controls for displays with large text sizes
  • US formatted dates excluded from conversion of ordinals

Version (30 July )

  • Added metrics for time and document size to the report of changes made
  • Minor bugfix for measurments with non-breaking spaces

Version (12 July )

  • Improvements to the test for open brackets
  • Improvements to the test of italics
  • Confirmation boxes use relevant verbs instead of 'OK'
  • Alignment fixed in the style sheet editor
  • Minor bugfix for tests of abbreviations

Version (01 July )

  • Reduced false positives for the capitalization of common designated parties in legal agreements
  • Test of foreign characters improved to handle inconsistencies with multiple characters
  • Test for decades improved to find more locations
  • Additional words added to spelling variations test
  • Style sheet exceptions switched to case sensitive for phrases in capitals
  • Additional symbols added to wildcard search and replace
  • Reserved and Trademark symbols added to superscript test
  • Speed improvement for the test of phrases in capitals
  • Fix for adding new words to italics and superscript tests
  • Fix for importing style sheets
  • Clearer message if attempting to register an invalid license key
  • Help file update

Version (19 June )

  • Table of abbreviations switches back to document correctly
  • Added keyboard control for toggling preferences
  • Added more checks for comments left in text
  • Added additional titles to table/figure search
  • Fix for converting spelled out numbers to numerals
  • Fix for non-breaking spaces with dates
  • Fix for adding closed compound words
  • Minor bugfix for Oxford commas

Version (26 May )

  • Improved accuracy for test of Oxford (serial) commas
  • New description for skipping errors in fields
  • Fix for abbreviation settings in test of abbreviations before the definition
  • Fix for multiple footnotes in lists
  • Minor bugfix for quotes with punctuation
  • Minor bugfix for converting spellings from ISE to IZE
  • Minor bugfix for test of compound words
  • Help file update

Version (12 May )

  • Fix for skipping multiple styles
  • Bugfix for footnote checking
  • Bugfix for converting ordinals
  • Help file update

Version (09 May )

  • Term and abbreviation order corrected for fix button
  • Correction for validation of hyphenation entries in style sheets
  • Bugfix for abbreviation measurements in the test of syle points

Version (05 May )

  • Labels updated for document finalizing tasks
  • Installer name updated to current version
  • Minor bugfix for style points and test of foreign characters
  • Fix for ribbon buttons not functioning in

Version (29 April )

  • Fix for saving the revisions mode setting
  • Removed false positives from tests of abbreviations and common typos

Version (25 April )

  • PerfectIt appears in its own tab on the ribbon
  • Built in US, UK, Canadian, and Australian style sheets, as well as UN, EU and WHO styles
  • New test: consistency of italics
  • New test: consistency of en dashes
  • New test: abbreviations that are defined but only used once
  • New test: consistency of accents
  • New test: brackets and quotes left open
  • New test: superscript and subscript for chemical elements and SI units
  • New test: set preference for Oxford (serial) commas
  • New test: set preference for ordinals
  • New test: set preference for the percentage symbol
  • New test: set preference for thousand separators
  • New test: set preferences for the suffix ‘fold’
  • New test: set preference for full stops within abbreviations
  • New test: set preference for decades
  • New test: set preference for spacing around em/en dashes
  • New test: set preference for punctuation in or outside of quotes and parentheses
  • New test: set preference for non-breaking spaces in percentages
  • New test: set preference for non-breaking spaces in dates
  • New test: set preference for non-breaking spaces with measurement abbreviations
  • New custom test: wildcard search and replace
  • New custom test: scan for words with similar spelling
  • Option to check footnotes and endnotes
  • Option to skip text in quotes
  • Option to specify styles where text will be skipped
  • Option to specify preferred case by heading level
  • Option to set list/bullet punctuation preferences based on the length/nature of the list item
  • Option to exclude text in italics
  • Test of contractions skips quotations and question words
  • Test of compounds checks closed as well as open compounds
  • Test of compounds includes more prefixes
  • Test of hyphenation includes words with accents
  • Test of list/bullet punctuation can be specified to prefer commas
  • Ability to add prefixes to the test of compound hyphenation
  • Option to automatically jump to the next error if all locations are fixed
  • Simplified start screen
  • Access to styles, reports and help directly from the ribbon
  • Automatically exit keyboard mode when exiting PerfectIt
  • FIPS compliant
  • Increased maximum length for comments in styles as well as well as find/replace entries
  • New keyboard shortcut for jump to next test
  • Mode to find additional errors by ignoring fields within the document
  • Greater prominence for style advice in tests of wildcards, phrases to avoid and preferred spelling
  • Simpler updates with no need to uninstall before re-install
  • Fine-tune the test of heading capitals by specifying lowercase words used in title case
  • Fine-tune the numbers in sentence test by setting words before and after numbers that should be skipped

Version (16 November )

  • Fix for error with MatchPrefix or MatchSuffix settings
  • Message for outdated version key
  • Fix for typo in reporting
  • Included Office in version list
  • Bugfix for punctuation in tables
  • Additional error-checking for two spaces to one

Version (29 September )

  • Fixes for abbreviation tests

Version (26 August )

  • Addition for FIPS compliant encryption
  • Fix for custom tests of spelling variations

Version (16 August )

  • FIPS compliant encryption
  • New customization for abbreviation definitions
  • More abbreviation definitions found
  • Minor bugfix for abbreviation checking

Version (18 July )

  • Fixed display of report names
  • Updated EULA
  • Fix for case sensitivity
  • Additional secure library signing
  • Fix for custom hyphenation of words

Version (16 June )

  • Update of ADX components
  • Fix for test of heading capitalization

Version (9 June )

  • Fix for test of contractions
  • Fix for test of phrases to avoid
  • Fix for two spaces to one
  • Fix for gathering information on short documents

Version (11 April )

  • Help file graphics fixed
  • Fix for spaces at the end of paragraphs
  • Fix for tables in tables

Version (24 March )

  • Minor bugfix for converting two spaces to one

Version (21 March )

  • Minor bugfix for cursor placement

Version (11 March )

Version (8 March )

  • Fix for two spaces to one

Version (6 March )

  • Fix for spelling variations
  • Fix for hyphenation

Version (26 February )

  • New option to take off checking for types of compounds
  • Fixed bug when cursor is left in footnotes
  • Improved bespoke test for spelling variations

Version (6 February )

  • Improved ability to skip references in text
  • Fix for capitals in headers
  • Improved working with tracked changes
  • Improved accuracy with spelling variations
  • Fix for common filetypes found as abbreviations
  • Improved accuracy for abbreviations not used

Version (28 December )

  • Fix for upgrading old styles
  • Fix for abbreviations without definitions

Version (28 December )

  • Fix for generating a table of abbreviations
  • Fix for spelling variations bug

Version (12 December )

  • Fix for database error with style sheets
  • Updated components

Version (10 December )

  • Display improved on widescreen and laptop monitors
  • Fix for memory error on very long documents
  • Fix for prefixes in preferred spelling
  • Fix for abbreviations that end in a full stop in preferred spelling
  • Minor bugfixes for capitals in tables, abbreviations and spelling variations

Version (13 September )

  • Fix for conversion to 'ize' endings

Version (6 September )

  • Display optimized to fit widescreen notebooks
  • Bugfix for working with selected text

Version (3 September )

  • Repeat test button refreshes with latest document changes
  • Fix for choosing words to exclude from tests

Version (28 August )

  • Fix for generating a table of abbreviations

Version (19 August )

  • Option to export styles in read only format
  • Improved recognition of abbreviations
  • Locate more abbreviation definitions
  • Find more headers with inconsistent capitalization
  • Improved accuracy with tracked changes
  • Better identification of headers
  • Improved checking of capitalized phrases within other phrases
  • Reduced false positives in the test of spelling variations
  • Bugfixes for tests of bullets and abbreviations
  • More accurate tests of punctuation

Version (25 May )

  • Hourglass cursor appears if waiting to edit long custom style sheets
  • Improved exception checking of custom style sheets
  • More accuracy for test of preferred spelling

Version (23 May )

  • More accuracy in the test of spelling variations
  • Fix for custom tests with errors found at the end of documents
  • Improved test of custom spelling variations for items in capitals

Version (21 May )

  • Dialog box location fixed for multiple monitors
  • Fix for custom tests with errors found at the start of documents.
  • Minor bugfix for gathering font information
  • Improved accuracy in 'ise' to 'ize' conversion

Version (8 May )

  • Find both curly and straight apostrophes in the test of phrases to avoid
  • Fix for custom tests of compound words with previous style sheets format

Version (3 May )

  • Improvements to work with forthcoming EU style guide

Version (2 May )

  • Resolved memory error on extremely long documents
  • Fix for words within words on custom tests of preferred spelling

Version (30 April )

  • Find both curly and straight apostrophe variations in custom spelling
  • Fix for case sensitivity in custom tests of preferred spelling
  • Minor bugfix for tests of numbers

Version (15 April )

  • Fix for test of spelling variations
  • Fix for custom comments in tests

Version (14 April )

  • Improved accuracy in 'ise' to 'ize' conversion
  • Improved accuracy for custom test of spelling variations
  • Better recognition of matches in reference lists
  • Bugfix for custom test of abbreviations in two forms
  • Bugfix for custom test of phrases in capitals
  • Exceptions in custom style sheets no longer case sensitive

Version (11 April )

  • New tips on tests of hyphenation and contractions
  • Improved working with citations
  • Fix for custom styles with comments
  • Hide use of the 'Except for' code in comments
  • Fix for corrupted font information left in document
  • Fix for comments left at the start of a document
  • Updated taskpane loader

Version (27 March )

  • Fix for Table of Abbreviations Report error

Version (22 March )

  • More than additional spelling variations tested
  • More than additional common typos tested
  • Reports include phrases to avoid / consider
  • Keyboard mode disabled on exit
  • Hyphens marked for exclusion also excluded from compounds test
  • Message box location fixed for multiple monitors
  • Fix for custom contraction settings
  • Two spaces to one improved functionality with tracked changes

Version (22 February )

  • Additional digital signature for compatibility with Norton Security

Version (11 February )

  • Fix for custom tests of compound words
  • Fix for summary report of possible errors
  • Fix for retesting after generating a table of abbreviations

Version (20 January )

  • Restored ability to move PerfectIt to different sides of the screen

Version (14 January )

  • Additional region check for converting two spaces to one

Version (10 January )

  • Bugfix for editing while correcting phrases in capitals

Version (6 January )

  • Digitally signed for compatibility with Norton Security
  • Minor bugfix for fix function

Version (26 December )

  • New feature: Style notes for lists, numbers and compound tests
  • New option: Choose fix format for term and abbreviation order
  • Skip locations where the search term is part of the replacement
  • Option to exclude matches from custom styles
  • Updated help with new section on custom styles
  • Fix for compounds test
  • Fix to show revisions mode reminder
  • Fix for PerfectIt re-appearing in re-opened documents

Version (19 December )

  • New test: Phrases to avoid / consider
  • Alternate number options: , ,
  • Fix for custom styles with numbers
  • Fix for custom spelling variations

Version (16 December )

  • Faster test of hyphenation
  • Faster test of spelling variations
  • Faster report generation
  • Auto skip table / bullets tests if none present
  • Additional fix for international dates

Version (13 December )

  • International date format fixed for trial
  • Fix for deleting entries in custom styles

Version (9 December )

  • New wording of error reports
  • Fix for test of comments left in text

Version (7 December )

  • Error reports show key information at the top
  • Style sheet editor specifies a single test
  • Style sheet editor automatically blanks text when switching tests

Version (6 December )

  • Faster tests of abbreviations
  • Improved ability to make document changes while running PerfectIt
  • Style sheet editor prevents non-word choices
  • Fix for hyphenation custom style sheets
  • Compatibility with Office manufacturing release

Version (25 November )

  • Improved automatic finding of reference lists
  • Hidden extra column in custom style sheets

Version (21 November )

  • Fixes for abbreviation tests
  • Fix for converting 'ise' words to 'ize' and vice versa
  • Fix for gathering document information

Version (5 November )

  • New style sheet option: case sensitive preferences
  • New style sheet option: choice of title format (e.g. 'Mr' or 'Mr.')
  • Use of punctuation in spelling preferences
  • Updates text checking between every test with reference option on
  • Improved accuracy for hyphenation
  • Improved interface for the style sheet editor
  • Bugfix for generating table of abbreviations

Version (2 November )

  • New style sheet option: convert 'ise' words to 'ize' and vice versa
  • New style sheet option: exclude commonly used abbreviations from definition checks
  • New finalization task: remove spaces before punctuation
  • Option to ignore text marked 'Do not check spelling or grammar'
  • Improved accuracy finding abbreviations
  • Punctuation characters allowed in phrases excluded from checking
  • Fix for deleting entries in style sheets
  • Improved reporting of results from style sheets
  • Fix for default style setting
  • Adjustment to counting in the progress bar
  • Easier saving for style sheet changes as well as cancel option

Version (26 October )

  • Help for keyboard controls
  • Uninstall icon
  • Bugfix for capitals in tables
  • Addition to common typos

Version (24 October )

  • Keyboard controls added
  • Added trial capability for Korean computers
  • Bugfix for tests of abbreviations
  • Fix for documents with revision tracking on
  • Table of abbreviations opens in front of PerfectIt

Version (19 October )

  • Restored selection search option
  • Fix for option of including reference lists

Version (18 October )

  • Minor bugfix for tests of abbreviations

Version (17 October )

  • Option to automatically ignore errors in reference lists
  • Fixes a problem accessing PerfectIt's menus

Version (12 October )

  • Automatically ignores text marked 'Do not check spelling or grammar'
  • Fix for custom style sheets testing numbers in sentences
  • Fix for version installations

Version (11 October )

Version (4 October )

  • Taskbar icon for wait dialog
  • Bugfixes for tests of abbreviations
  • Accuracy improvement for test of phrases in capitals

Version (28 September )

  • Bugfix for determining styles
  • Improvement of the test of comments left in text

Version (25 September )

  • Bugfix for abbreviations in two forms and used before definitions
  • Improved system for re-running tests after checking
  • Fix for an error with tables of contents

Version (15 September )

  • Fix for import of style sheets
  • Fix for phrases in capitals with non-English documents
  • Smoother progress bar on tests of abbreviations
  • Bugfix for checking numbers with custom style sheets
  • Option to jump quickly to final tasks

Version (11 September )

  • Fix for bespoke spelling variations with common roots
  • Re-open after errors
  • Improved fix function for the test of common typos
  • Restore progress bar updates

Version (9 September )

  • Colour change to match Office
  • Improved check on international variations
  • Two spaces to one set to ignore inserted field data
  • Bugfix for checking highlighted comments

Version (7 September )

  • Windows 8 and Office compatible
  • Bugfixes for abbreviations defined two ways and abbreviations in two forms
  • Fix for headers in capitals

Version (31 August )

  • Bugfix for abbreviations without definitions
  • Bigger display for error reports
  • Learn for style sheet option greyed out when not applicable

Version (29 August )

  • Bugfix for table punctuation
  • Trial extension

Version (28 August )

  • Extra visibility when working with Editorium addins (Word and above)
  • Default style control

Version (25 August )

  • Full error details added to errors

Version (22 August )

  • New toolbar created when Word's standard toolbar isn't showing
  • Report descriptions updated
  • Shorter error reports
  • Bugfixes for tests of abbreviations and phrases in capitals
  • Fix for converting two spaces to one

Version (14 August)

  • Automatically ignore text inserted with EndNote
  • Warning when combining styles to ensure no accidental overwrite
  • Additional reminder when revisions mode is not running with tracked changes

Version (9 August )

Version (8 August )

  • Minor bugfix for abbreviation definitions
  • Minor bugfix for comments in text

Version (6 August )

  • Fix for spelling variations test with custom style sheets
  • Improved compatibility with OfficeTabs

Version (2 August )

  • Made registration options easier to find

Version (1 August )

  • All tests run much faster
  • Quickly scan through errors with the new trackbar
  • Return to past issues with the new 'back' button
  • Clearer views of your document with taskpane running
  • Compatibility with 64bit versions of MS Office
  • Quickly assess a document with consistency reports
  • List revisions with reports on changes made
  • Limit checking to sections of your document

Version (26 July )

  • Development of Version 1 ended

Version (20 July )

  • Fix for preferred usage test

Version (15 July )

  • Fix for deleting style preferences with comments
  • Fix for exporting style preferences

Version (10 July )

  • Fix for deleting style preferences
  • Fix for display when changing styles

Version (16 June )

  • Fix for documents with invalid bookmarks
  • Improvements to spelling variations
  • Fix for number preferences in stylesheets

Version (25 January )

  • Fix for testing of compound words
  • Fix for documents with XML tagging

Version (8 December )

  • Option to add comments to style sheets
  • Improved accuracy for spelling variations
  • Allow en/em dashes in style sheets as well as colons and semi-colons
  • Removed warning about changes to Word's template
  • New method for inserting a table of abbreviations
  • Fixed search for style sheets in Windows 7

Version (21 September )

  • Better tracking of phrases within other phrases in capitals
  • Improved search for phrases in capitals
  • Fixed search for style sheets

Version (24 August )

  • Fix for table punctuation
  • Additional fix for custom style sheets in Windows XP
  • Fix for computers with French version of Windows

Version (10 July )

  • Improvements to spelling variations
  • Improvements to capitalization
  • Fix for custom style sheets in Windows XP

Version (9 May )

  • Faster and more accurate checks on abbreviations
  • Improvements to hyphenation accuracy
  • Improvements to capitalization accuracy
  • Fix for the check of consistency in table headers

Version (20 April )

  • Improved accuracy on hyphenation
  • Improved accuracy on numerals in sentences
  • Style sheet lists sorted by type of error and alphabetically
  • Fix for generating tables of abbreviations

Version (16 March )

  • Increased crash protection

Version (5 March )

  • Improved accuracy for numbers spelled out
  • Fix for customizing tests

Version (28 February )

  • Improved accuracy for numerals test
  • Improved conversion to sentence case
  • Improved database of common typos
  • Fix for abbreviations defined two ways

Version (18 February )

  • System for upgrading added to the Standard Edition
  • Creation of Table of Abbreviations fixed

Version (13 February )

  • Introduction of PerfectIt Standard Edition
  • All previous purchases automatically updated to PerfectIt Pro Edition

Version (3 January )

  • Fix for users running Windows in French

Version (11 November )

  • Fixed occasional stall when opening documents over pages
  • Fixed occasional error on conversion of two spaces to one
  • Fixed treatment of errors when more than possible locations are found

Version (4 November )

  • Improved accuracy for standard mode (all tests)
  • Faster test times for phrases in capitals and long documents
  • New words added to spelling variations test
  • Option to always run 'Revisions Mode' (for use with all caps font)
  • Improved accuracy for phrases in capitals at the start of sentences and other locations
  • Improved test of custom preferences with numbers that are spelled out
  • Fix for storing test selection
  • Moved the location of the 'Wait' dialog box

Version (13 October )

  • New 'Revisions Mode' increases the accuracy when working with tracked changes
  • Improved accuracy in documents with numerous tables
  • Simplified starting screen, including new menu names and shortcut keys
  • Custom word lists renamed as 'style sheets'
  • Improved title case recognition
  • Improved recognition of numerals within a section
  • Improved recovery system for handling bugs
  • Updated help

Version (20 August )

  • Office compatible (32 bit version)
  • Solved occasional startup problems
  • Added a 'Getting Started' document

Version (2 August )

  • Code signing certificate completed to improve compatibility with security software

Version (8 June )

  • Fixes for hyphenation and abbreviation checking in custom style sheets

Version (7 March )

  • Registration system updated

Version (2 March )

  • Revised custom checking of abbreviations
  • Interface improvements for adding custom changes
  • Additional common typos added

Version (24 February )

  • Create, and switch between, multiple style sheets
  • Share and combine custom lists with other PerfectIt users
  • Revised help section

Version (1 February )

  • Improved ability to convert two spaces to one
  • Help file restored in Vista and Windows 7

Version (17 December )

  • Auto-save disabled with Windows Vista and Windows 7

Version (1 December )

  • Compatible with Windows 7
  • Default settings exclude the test for contractions

Version (30 July )

  • Automatically convert two spaces at the end of a sentence to one
  • Improved database of common typos

Version (11 April )

  • Easier installation with Vista
  • Ability to check unsaved documents
  • Ability to remove customized preferences

Version (8 March )

  • Complete system for PerfectIt to learn user preferences
  • Improved automation for fixing bullet and table punctuation
  • Minor bug fix for bullet capitalization

Version (20 November )

  • Added ability for PerfectIt to learn preferred versions
  • Minor bug fixes for the contractions and abbreviations tests
  • New icon for PerfectIt

Version (9 October )

  • Added a test for contractions
  • Added a feature for excluding specific words / phrases that authors do not find relevant
  • Added a test for common typos
  • Fixed scrolling through long lists of words
  • Improved speed of tests when working with long documents
  • Improved accuracy for abbreviation and spelling variations tests
  • Neatened the way in which the choice of tests is selected

Version (30 September )

  • Added ability to cancel tests
  • Added a check to determine if MS Word open during installation

Version (18 September )

'); } Источник: []
, Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number



(Sumber :

Email :

3D Studio Max R2 Serial : Key : V13M CODE : D

3D Studio Max R4 Serial : CD Key : XLSQBQ

ACT! v Serial : 26E2T-F2NSM-P4PEL-6CQP3

A.D.A.M Interactive Anatomy Serial : AIA ou AIA

Acompanhamento Processual Sintese BR Serial : Usuário : ADMIN

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v Serial :

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v Serial :

Adaptec Easy CD Creator vD Serial :

Adaptec Easy CD Creator v Serial :

Adobe Acrobat v Serial : AOWR

Adobe Acrobat v Serial : KWWR

Adobe Acrobat Capture v Serial : WCAK

Adobe After Effects Production Brundle v Serial : EWWR

Adobe After Effects v Serial : EWWR

Adobe Acrobat Capture v Cluster Serial : WJWR

Adobe Font Folio v Serial : CDWR

Adobe FrameMaker v Serial :

Adobe GoLive v Serial :

Adobe Illustrator v Serial : ABWR

Adobe Illustrator v Serial :

Adobe Image Styler v Serial : FJWR

Adode InDesign v Serial :

Adobe Livemotion v Serial : GDWR

Adobe LiveMotion v Serial :

Adobe PageMaker v BR Serial :

Adobe PageMaker v Serial :

Adobe PhotoShop Elements Serial :

Adobe PhotoShop v Serial : PWWR

Adobe PhotoShop v BR Serial : PWWX

Adobe PhotoShop v BR Serial : PWBE

Adobe PhotoShop v Serial : PWWR

Adobe PhotoShop v BR Serial : PWWR

Adobe PhotoShop v Serial :

Adobe Premiere v Serial : MBER

Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v Serial : AWWR

Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v Serial : AWWR

Ahead NeroMix v Serial :

Alien Skin Splat v Serial : CHDDEFGHGCFE

Alien Skin Xenofex v Serial : DILMEEFOHMOC Name : Bad Boy (r) CD

Allaire Cold Fusion v Serial : CF50ENT

Allaire Jrun Enterprise v Serial : JREE

Andromeda ScatterLight Lenses Filter Serial : 2PF

Aplicativos Comerciais Serial :

Aplicativos Comerciais Ordem de Serviços Serial :

AutoCAD Lite 98 Serial : CD Key : SS2L

AutoDesk AutoCAD BR Serial : CD Key : 5X8NUG

AutoDesk AutoCAD Serial : CD Key : 5x8nug

AutoDesk AutoCAD i Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD Architectural Desktop R2i Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD Architectural Desktop R Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD LT i Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD LT Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk AutoCAD MAP i Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

Autodesk AutoCAD Overlay i Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Building Mechanical v Serial : CD Key: VQVR56

AutoDesk Building Electrical v Serial : CD Key: VQVR56

Autodesk Building Mechanical v Serial : CD-Key : T4ED6

Autodesk Building Electrical v Serial : CD-Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Inventor M5 Serial : CD Key:

AutoDesk Inventor R3 Serial : CD Key : G4ED6P

Autodesk Inventor R3 Serial : CD Key : 8QPM2M

AutoDesk Inventor R4 Serial : CD Key : G4ED6P

AutoDesk Inventor v Serial : CD Key : XA2ZDX

AutoDesk Land Desktop R3 Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

Autodesk Map Series v Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

AutoDesk Mechanical i Serial : CD Key : 9XEV61

AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop R5 Serial : CD Key : 9XEV61

AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop R6 CD-Key : AuthKey:TLSQBS

AutoDesk QuickCAD v Serial : CD Key : 29SN1H

AutoDesk Volo View v Serial : CD Key : T4ED6P

Avery Zweckform DesignPro V Multilanguage Serial: DPDEUWV

BackOffice Small Business Serverv BR Serial :

Balcão eletrônico Serial : 0C Nome : Compania Brasileira de Telegrafos ID : /

BioMed : Urology Serial : JNNCL

Boris FX v For Premiere Serial : RJCI

Boris FX v Serial :

Boris Red v Serial : AGM17

Borland C++ Builder v Serial : CD Key : 4eb ( Depois tira os 1 )

Borland Delphi v Enterprise Serial : z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq CD Key : rwjw

Borland Interbase v ID: VAR CD Key: (Windows)

ID: VAR CD Key: d (Solaris)

ID: VAR CD Key: a-1e-0 (Linux)

Borland JBuilder Enterprise v Serial : xa?hrsubgs Key : f2jg

Borland JBuilder Enterprise v Serial : W9?A-GNMUA2-ES?KCN-HCMD Key: CH4-FAQ

Borland Jbuilder v Professional Serial : XA?2XTT-RPVB9 Code : 5P7-?RZ

Borland Kylix v Enterprise Serial : x9jr-j24kpp6c CD Key : ffp-xmg

Brincando de Microkê com o Daniel Azulay BR Serial : CQ-DKVBR

Burn & Go Serial : htf1fcf

Caligari Truespace v Serial :

Cakewalk Pyro Serial : CWPY

CakeWalk Plasma Serial : CWPL

CakeWalk Club Tracks v Serial : CWCT CD Key :

CakeWalk Home Studio XL Serial : CWHX

Cakewalk Home Studio Serial : CWHS

Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro v Serial : CWGP CD key : cwgpc

Cakewalk Music Creator Serial : CWMC

CakeWalk Music Creator Serial : CWMC CD Key :

Cakewalk Plasma v Serial : CWPL

CakeWalk Pyro MP3 CD Maker v Serial : CPWY

CakeWalk Sonar XL v Serial : CWSX CD Key :

CakeWalk Sonar XL v Serial : CWSX

Caligary TrueSpace Designer v Serial :

Canvas Pro v Serial : W*LXOIK

CD Labeler v Serial :

Cebas Final Render Stage v Serial : TRINITY/CDKEY: 4QPG

Cebas Final Render Stage v Serial : Trinity CD Key : 4QPG

Central de Cores Brasil BR Serial : CS

Checkit Suite v Serial : TC

Clarion v Enterprise Edition Serial : ANW

Click'N Burn Pro v Serial : CBAB

Cold Fusion v Serial : CF40E Unlock :

Compaq Array Visualizer v Serial :

Connectix Virtual PC v Serial : VPW

Cool Edit Pro Serial : Q17EXF5U Name: MFD Corp.

Corel Bryce v Serial : BF50CRDWDB

Corel Draw v BR Serial : D10NRT76

Corel Knockout v Serial : KO20CRDRKU

Corel Painter v Serial : PF70CRDSZH

Corel Draw Graphics Suite v Serial : DR11CRDDGW

Corel WordPerfect Office Pro Serial : WXPWRK

Cria Loja Virtual v BR Serial : AB34F/

Criação de Sites Personal Edition Serial : W2PEB

Crystal Reports Advanced v Serial : AVSSG00S-GU

Crystal Enterprise Report Application Serv v Serial : ASMG0SSDTJ00YS

Crystal Reports v Serial : CD Key :

Crystal Reports v BR Serial :

Crystal Reports v Serial : Serial: 6MV-7F* (Replace * With Any Number)

Crystal Reports v Serial : A6AZES

Cubase VST 32 Multilanguage Serial :

Curso Prático de 3D Studio Max v Serial :

Curso Prático de AutoCAD Serial :

Curso Prático de Flash 4 Serial :

DataCAD X v Serial : DCXW

DataCAD X v Serial : DCXW

DataStage Server/Client v R1 Serial : DSDIR User Limit: Expiration: Auth

Code: e3AzJqlmJNR

Deep Paint 3D v Serial :

Delta Translator 99 Serial : DTR

Delta Translator v Serial : DTR

DesignCAD Express v Serial : I

DesignCAD Serial : H

Dic Max Michaelis 98 BR v Serial : CD6BL

Dicionário Eletrônico Houaiss BR Serial : DHS

Discreet Plasma v Serial : Auth Key : V9TR96

DVD Complete v Serial : DVD-QQXKTHrO-MHQxRBi

Easy CD Creator v Platinum Serial : P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L

Easy CD Creator v Platinum Serial : GNB-MGJNH-ZFVPB

Easy Office Serial :

Electronics Workbench v Serial : EEW

Empresário v Serial : E3COCOM10E11

Encyclopedia Brittanica Serial : C3CA1ACA

Enciclopedia Britannica 98 Serial :

Enciclopédia Master Digital 98 Serial :

Encyclopedia Britannica Deluxe Serial : f

Encyclopedia Britannica Deluxe Serial : f

ESRI ARCView v Serial :

FemLAB v Serial : DTiTANZ

Finale Serial : DVDA

Final Draft vA Serial : FDS

Final Draft vA Serial : FDS

Fix-It Utilities v Serial : FX44RXZ

Game Programming Starter Kit 2 Serial :

Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine 14th Serial : HA

Icon Author v Serial : D

iSpeak Via Voice v Serial : isrmn&-&k3s-jzvw-xd60

InstallShield Pro v Serial : IDPRF

InstallShield Developer v Serial : ISCSLCRISE

InstalShield Enterprise v Serial : 4Lions

JurisSintese Fiscal BR Serial : SF

JurisSintese Millenium v BR Serial : JS

KPT v Serial : TF60WRDUHV

KPT v Serial : TF70CRDJVR

LabView v6i Serial : W88Q / Serial : W01Q

LapLink Gold v Serial : LGD USDRB00

Lantastic v Serial : CD Key : A

Life Forms v Serial :

Macromedia AuthorWare Attain v Serial : AW Name : Bad Boy

Macromedia Authorware v Serial : APW

Macromedia ColdFusion MX Server v Enterprise Serial : CED

Macromedia Dreamweaver Fireworks 4 Studio Serial : WBW

Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev 4 Serial : UDW

Macromedia Dreamweaver v BR Serial : DWW,HS45EE

Macromedia Dreamweaver v Serial : DWW

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX v Serial : DWW

Macromedia Fireworks v BR Serial : FWW

Macromedia Fireworks v Serial : FWW

Macromedia Fireworks MX v Serial : FWW

Macromedia Flash MX v BR Serial : FLW

Macromedia Flash v BR Serial : FLW

Macromedia Flash v Serial : FLW

Macromedia Flash v BR Serial : FLW

Macromedia Flash v Serial : FLW

Macromedia Flash MX v Serial : FLW

Macromedia GoLive v Serial : GJWR oGJWR

Macromedia HomeSite v Serial : HSW

Macromedia Sitespring v Serial : SIW

Macromedia Studio MX Serial : WSW

Maple v Serial :

Maple v Serial :

MathCAD Professional i Serial : RTUP

MathCAD Professional Serial : MNAY

MathWorks MatLab Suite R With MatLab v Serial :

MathWorks MatLab Suite R12 Serial : R

MathWorks MatLab Suite R Serial :

MatLab v Serial :

MedSYS v BR Serial : MEDSYS

MetaCreation Painter v Serial : PF60WRZWRB

Metacreation Poser v Serial : XF83WBDUSE

MetaStage v R2 Serial : 1-MSEXP / User : Date : 01/01/ / Auth. Code : /23d5RPnw99

MetaStage Release v R3 Serial : 1-MSEXP User Date 01/01/ Code : D5RPNW99

MetaStock Pro v Serial : M97CUN46S

MGI Reality Studio V Serial : Code : 4V1VFAA1 Imageserver :


Microsof Office Premium BR - Disco 1 Serial : GC6J3-GTQFPFBR-D3DX8

Microsof Office Premium BR - Disco 3 Serial :

Microsoft Frontpage BR Serial : GC6J3-GTQFPFBR-D3DX8

Microsoft Office XP Professional c FrontPage BR Serial : F6V3K-C6Q2D-W2RCGY-WBHK3

Microsoft Office XP Professional Serial : FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9TTBBBG

Microsoft Outlook XP Serial : dy6wq d3fyg-v89by-8kpgyw9m

Microsoft Publisher 98 BR Serial :

Microsoft Revisores de Textos Serial : VJTC6-G9TPMDDJ-2CGBG-QCWGQ

Microsoft Small Business Server Serial : KRJQ8-RQYRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM

Microsoft Visio Enterprise Network Tools Serial : dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m

Microsoft Visual Studio 97 Enterprise Edition Serial :

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Serial : D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB

Microsoft Windows Data Center Server Serial : RMPRQQ-FR4RH-JP89HQYB

Microsoft Windows Professional Upgrade BR Serial : XGH9J-KBPBD-FXDKQ-K36XB-X9J6Y

Microsoft Windows Professional Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-DJ97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows Server Full Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-DJ97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows Server Full Serial : KRJQ8-RQYRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM

Microsoft Windows Server Full BR Serial : GFHKY-P34HF-HJ2CFJTH-6X2JB

Microsoft Windows Server Upgrade BR Serial : H6TWT-TQQM8-HXJY6-D69F7-R84VM

Microsoft Windows Server Serial : RBDC9-VTRC8-DJ97JY-PRVMG

Microsoft Windows 95 BR Serial :

Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v Serial :

Microsoft Windows 95 Osr2 v Serial :

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Serial : FT9CH-XVXWBFCM-RPRVDHYD

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Serial : K4HVD-Q9TJCRX9-C9GRQ2D3

Microsoft Windows 98 Full BR Serial : PGDWYY4-CP77XXFMP6

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Second Edition BR Serial : XJ3XX-YR4CJ-TQD6JQJR-GJMJB

Microsoft Windows 98 Full Second Edition Serial : W7XTC-2YWFB-K6BPT-GMHMV-B6FDY

Microsoft Windows 98 Upgrade BR Serial : FPJQT-6PGTJ-WQTCXQY2-FCH8G

Microsoft Windows Me Portugues Serial : B6BYC-6T7CPXRW-2XKWB-GYV33

Microsoft RC1 Enterprise Server Serial : CKYQ8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-TY

Microsoft Windows NT v Server BR Serial : CD Key :

Microsoft Windows NT Workstation v BR Serial :

Microsoft Windows XP Beta 2 Serial : QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-DY

Microsoft Windows XP Beta 2 () Serial : DW3CF-D7KYR-KMR6C-3X7FX-T8CVM

Microsoft Windows XP Build , & Serial : QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-DY

Microsoft Windows XP Build Serial : Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KBYB-7PK9Q

Microsoft Windows XP Build , Serial : DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-XTY46

Microsoft Windows XP Build (RC1) Serial : BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Serial : BQJGMJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ

Microsoft Windows XP Home BR ( Desbloqueado ) Serial : BQJGMJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ

Microsoft Windows XP Home BR ( Bloqueado ) Serial : K8GMG-PRV3M-VG2JH-DJJRY7FV

Microsoft Windows XP SP1 Corporate Edition USA Serial : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V C7M9D

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Final Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Pro BR ( Desbloqueado ) Serial : BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG

Microsoft Windows XP RC1 (60 Days Activation) Serial : RK7JPGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQ

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Edition BR Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Edition Serial : FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 Serial : K2KB2-BDBGV-KPD8T7X-HDMQ8

Microsoft Windows XP Corporate with SP1 Serial : 3KFB7 X2Q3M 6MWFX W2Y7V C7M9D

Microsoft Windows XP Server SE Serial : BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM

Microsoft eMbedded Visual C ++ v Serial : G6K4D-FX9P2-RMHJ9-WR4YV-3GF9B

Mixman Studio v Serial :

Mr Client v BR Serial : B74D/

Mr Manager BR Serial :

MusicMatch Professional v Serial : UQQ9R-J9AGKGQUL9 Serial DFX : J

NeoDVD Plus v Serial : Y4YLZ-AQMZBN1-LN-X6VZB

Net Objects Fusion MX Serial : NFWR

Notas Promissorias v Serial : nyhxhy4e

Omnipage Professional Edition v Serial : A-W

Omnipage Professional Office v Serial : EX-DCN

Omnipage Professional Edition v BR Serial : A L00

OmniPage Professional Edition v Serial : SNA-K

OMNIS Studio v Serial : D2DYAVYN

One Write Plus v Serial :

PC Relocator v Serial :

Peachtree First Accounting Serial :

Pinnacle Express v Serial :

Pinnacle Edition DV v Serial : EDTSTDH

Pinnacle Studio v Multilanguage Serial :

Pinnacle Studio v Serial :

Pinnacle Studio DV/Studio DV Plus v BR Serial :

Pinnacle Systems Impression DVD Pro v Serial : IMP2V-PROWKeyCode :

PowerDVD XP v Serial : MV55F

PowerDVD XP v Deluxe Serial : dxn

Pinnacle Studio v Serial :

Power Business USA v Serial : PFC36

PowerQuest Deploy Center v Serial : DYK-D10WS

PowerQuest Drive Image v BR Serial : DPENWSCD

PowerQuest Drive Image v Serial : DMEIEU

PowerQuest Drive Image *Multi* Serial : DMFRB0S62

PowerQuest Partition Magic v Beta Serial : PMENSP

PowerQuest Partition Magic v Serial : PMEMU

PowerQuest Partition Magic v BR Serial : PMENSP

PowerQuest Partition Magic v Serial : PMENEU

PowerQuest Products Suite Compilation 3rd Ed Serial : DCDECD

Primavera Expedition Express v Serial : fe6ec

Print Master Gold v Serial : PMWYFNW

Print Master Gold Serial : PMWYFNW

Print Workshop Serial :

Propellerheads Reason v Serial : RSNELNJ-6NX2-WU9K

Quark Xpress v Serial : QHSKKJFPYJX2

Quark Xpress Passport v Serial :

QuickBooks Point of Sale v Serial : Code:

ReachOut Enterprise Suite v Serial :

Rhinoceros 3D v Serial : RHETV-H2SQ-6H13

RoboHelp Enterprise R2 Serial : REFC3E40SHK

Roxio Video Wave Movie Creator v Serial : 1T-1BSZS6ZL-9J82T

Roxio GoBack v Serial : UK-Q0DH6-GSDNY-B6WWT

Roxio PhotoSuite v Platinum Edition Serial : NB-UDX3H-QGQNX-SXH4H

Scansoft Omniform Premium v Serial : A-k

Shop Control v BR Serial :

SmartDraw Pro v Serial : SDA

SmartDraw Pro v Serial : SD

SolidWorks Serial :


Sonic DVDiT! Professional Edition v Serial : BDD8Z8TKTC4BJUHBQ

Sonic MyDVD Video Suite v Serial : BDD8Z8TKR2MT4AZBU

Sonic Foundry Acid Pro v Serial : 7H-G9LMFN-FFPL92LF

Sonic Foundry Acid Music v Serial : 7H-D74QKK-YQLW3Y-GKB8D5

Sonic Foundry Siren Jukebox v Serial : ZONETEAMROCKS(C)

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge vB Serial : 3B-ZONETEMROCKS(C)

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge XP Studio vB Serial : 3B-5NGJSM-JKHYVV-JPQ85F

Sonic Foundry Vegas Video vB Serial : ZONE

Sonic Foundry Video Factory v Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 1 Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 2 Acustic Mirror Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 3 CDArchitect XP Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 4 Acid Plug-In Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 5 Noise Reduction Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 6 Xfx 1 Plug-In Pack Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 7 Xfx 2 Plug-In Pack Serial :

Sound Forge v / Disco 8 Xfx 3 Plug-In Pack Serial :

SPSS SigmaPlot v Serial : License Code :

Statistica AX v Serial : AXAAL CD Key: RVYW4DD5XC5X6X

Steinberg Cubase SX v Serial :

Swarshala v Serial : SSC

Swift 3D Dimensional Vector Graphics Tools Serial : T3DW

Swift 3D Dimensional Vector Graphics Tools v Serial : T3DW

System Architect Serial : C57W1-DWRNM-CEP2M-QADYXPK

Systran Professional Translator v Serial : 1-B

ThinkFree Office v Serial : TFWER

ToolBook Instructor v Serial :

TradePower Suite v Serial : D3D2FJA4H50X2

TronContatos vA BR Serial : / User Name :

TurboCAD Designer 2D 3D v Serial ; GP74TH

Ulead Cool 3D v Serial :

Ulead MediaStudio Pro v Serial :

Ulead MediaStudio Pro v Multilanguage Serial :

Ulead DVD MovieFactory v Serial :

Ulead DVD Picture Show v Serial :

Ulead DVD WorkShop v Serial :

Ulead GIF Animator V Multilingual Serial :

Ulead Photo Express v Serial :

Ulead PhotoImpact v Serial :

Ulead Video Studio v Serial :

Ulead Video Studio v Serial :

Unisíntese Curso de Direito BR Serial : US

Universal Translator Serial : KRAY3QT

Vecta 3D Serial : IWKS/V3DS-7F9SL1-XAWLEEL0D6N

Veritas RecordNow MAX Platinum v Serial : SGW0C-DW0BZ-EEJWR-PH-ETPZM


Visio Professional Edition Serial :

Microsoft Visio BR Serial : KW77G-TBTQV7VDWPVDJ

Microsoft Visio Serial : dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m

Veritas Volume Manager For Windows v Serial : IJPZ-PPRK-NIB3-J6PC-IWGP

Veritas Cluster Server v For Windows Serial : NJZZ-XCL3-VPZX-EFX6P-PNPVisual Cobol

Serial : nqnpg-3rj

Vue D´esprit v Serial : VUER / VUEF

Vue D´esprit v Serial : VUER


WinDVD v Serial : YBHPK6AXK7A8R5D

Xara3D v Serial : X3D

Xara Webstyle v Serial :

Xara WebStyle v Serial :

Webtrends Analysis Suite vB Advanced Edition Serial : HC-EGE-4HKB-2bME

WinTranslator v Licensee: PARADOX

English German RegCode: xx

French German RegCode: xx

Spanish German RegCode: xx

Italian German RegCode: xx

The program will start and will ask for license codes for dictionaries used: License Codes For Dictionaries:

Deutengl/Engldeut: xx

Deutspan/Spandeut: xx

Deutital/Italdeut: xx

Deufranz/Franzdeu: xx

ACDSee : SpiritMaster,

Adaptec Easy CD Creator :

Adobe Acrobat : AOWR

Adobe Dimensions : DJWR

Adobe Golive : GJWR

Adobe Illustrator / (Upgrade) : ABWR

Adobe Illustrator / (Upgrade) : ABWR

Adobe Illustrator / (Upgrade) : ABWX

Adobe Illustrator / (Upgrade) : ABWX

Adobe InDesign 1 : IPER

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWXR

Adobe Photoshop : PWXR

Adobe Photoshop : PWXR

Adobe Photoshop : PWXR

Adobe Photoshop : PWXR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Photoshop : PWWR

Adobe Premiere : MXXR

Adobe Streamline : SBWU

Andromeda Shadow : 8P

Anfy : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: yrl-9jajw-hhdjdfglgi+n9ldllhgmih

AstroWorld Suite c : EAP

Asynchrophobia :

Banner Maker Professional :

Bio97 : ASTAGA (D4C),

Blade Pro :

Blade Pro :

Blade Pro :

BootMagic : PMENWDL

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: http://chzhycom K?d: BM1-FAD8T-EB01H-A

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A

Bootmanager Bootstar : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: BM1-F4E0=-EB52I-A

CacheX For IE : SpiritMaster, CHFJAJCD

CD Box Labeler Pro : N?v: Keldo K?d: GPS

Chesspartner :

ChromaPix 15b : TRPS ,

ClipCache a : E65FEDB7D

CompuPic , All Latest Builds : SpiritMaster, (phone) , 3CSG02VWS5

Cookie Crusher : SpiritMaster,

Cookie Crusher : CZY,

Cookie Terminator : SpiritMaster, akX16

CookiePal c : SpiritMaster,

Copernic Plus99, :

Copernic Plus99, :

CPU Cool :

Customizer for Win98 :

Disk Clean Up :

DNS Expert : DXPWjrhzwiy

Draw4U : SpiritMaster,

Dreamveawer : DWW

Drive Copy Pro : DCENCD

Drive Image Pro : DPENWSCD

Easy CD Extractor 3 : SpiritMaster,

Easy CD-DA Extractor : N?v: Dexter K?d: EZCDDAXEB2B

Easy CD-DA Extractor Build : CZY, EZCDDAX3-E0F35BC1-C9EA2E

Easy Tarot : SpiritMaster,

Easy Text : ET*

File Chopper : Tex,

File Protector : Any Name/manicapital.comDA

Fractal Design Poser : FARAUYDAQ

Genesis VFX : Serial number = , Authorisation Code =

GetRight :

GetRight :

GetRight :

Hardrive Mechanic : 65B

Headline Studio : HF01CNCEYK

Image Converter :

Image Optimizer : ciqui

Install Console Developer : N?v: L!M!T [TEX] Jelsz?: MOGYXGQRKHJ

Install Shield Pro :

Installer Vise : N?v: Kooky [HERiTAGE] K?d: IVRW

InstallShield : ISCSLTEMP

InstallShield Express Professional a : Telep?t? jelsz?: avellini

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: ~

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: ~)

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: AAAAAAAAAK

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: aaaaaaaL

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: bbbbbbbE

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: cccccch9

InstallShield Professional : Telep?t? jelsz?: kllllll

Install-US 3.x (All) : N?v: The Cracking Answer K?d: p

Installwatch Basic a : N?v: The Exterminators K?d:

InstallWatch Pro : N?v: K. Wayne Eubank K?d:

Intellihance : IWE

Intellihance : IDE

InternetPhone : V1Q7-SCNNNN-LXBFF/A2BE


Jammer , Build : Shaligar^Lash, DC

Java Script It : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: c44js

Java Script It : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: c44js

Java Script It : N?v: Shaligar^Lash K?d: Cjs

JPG Optimizer : AY

Kais Power Tools / Retail : KF50CCDJEQ

Kais Power Tools / Retail : KPT-WDE-R


Kremlin :

Lost & Found :

Lost & Found :

Microsoft Office Premium :

Microsoft Office : MP4F9-W6C8V-HTCCT-T7M7R-Y7K3Y

MIRC : SpiritMaster,

MP3 CD Maker : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d:

NetBus Pro : SpiritMaster, 1AAC6DD8

NeuroTran ( j?lius 22) : E6L-7LF8N-KCZHP

NewsGrabber : Walhalla/oDT,

Num. Star Reader : LMs43Fu8/ (upgrade to v )

Offline Explorer : CHENZY, XP

Painter 3D : FWNAZFPPJ

Painter 3D : VARAZCELW

PanOpticum Fire : Siege vagy ,

Partitition Magic : PMENWDL

Partitition Magic : PMDECD

Password : Regisztr?ci?s k?d: magicpassword

Password : N?v: Sempai^LasH K?d:

Password Administrator : N?v: Cissie Goldstein K?d: CBBDA

Password Administrator : N?v: DzA kRAker K?d:

Password Agent : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d:

Password Assistant : N?v: !User K?d:

Password Bank Pro : N?v: Azrael C?g: Phrozen Crew K?d:

Password Bank Pro : N?v: n03l T?rsas?g: Faith K?d:

Password Keeper : N?v: n03l C?g: Faith98 K?d:

Password Manager : N?v: MANiFEST K?d:

Password Power : psk1

Password Protected LockUp : TNT!PPLF

Password Tracker Deluxe : N?v: frenzy K?d: PT

Password Tracker Deluxe : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: PT

Photoanimator : SpiritMaster, KundaliniRiders Inc., HCI

PhotoFrame e : The Brabo, Brabo (comp.), BCE

Photoframe Final : BDE

Photoframe Final : BDI

PhotoJazz : SpiritMaster, Private, MDW2-A5RR-AF3ZJ

PhotoSee Pro : SpiritMaster,

PhotoTools e : HCI

Plugin Manager : LOMAX, KGSIICNET

Poser 4 : XF83WBDUSE

QuadSucker Web : SpiritMaster, wfqbpqbu

Quick Time 4.x : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: 0BE2FF5A

Quick Time : SpiritMaster, (Comp:), 6F1D-3AFBE-A0AEF7

Quick Time Pro : N?v ?s C?g: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: C-D4EEF-8BEA

Raydream : SW

RAYflect Phototracer x : PTP-Wabt07wk-pg0qh3a0ajw2 build : Alfred-EXE, RS

Saved Game Manager b : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: OXvL1r-ueZteR6K

ScreenSaver Builder : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: FF65ETNO90FCDF

Serials : hackthis

Software Organizer Deluxe : N?v: The Exterminators K?d:

StealthApp :

Teleport Pro : SpiritMaster, Private,

The Cleaner x : What you want,

The Matrix ScreenSaver :

Transparency : WTLE

TrayIcon Menu : Site Licence N?v: Crudd [TeX] K?d: CN

TrayIcon Menu : Single User License N?v: Crudd [TeX] K?d: BG

Tweaki for Power Users : N?v: karpoff K?d: PES

Tweaki for Power Users : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: CED

Ulead Audio Editor VE :

Ulead Video Capture VE :

Ulead Video Editor VE :

Ulead Video Studio SE :

Ultimate Game Cheating System : CS

Ultra Edit c : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: ZJTBBXUD

Ultra Edit b : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: ZJTBBXUD

Universe : draXXter,

ViaVoice Millenium Edition : RPA

VirtuaGirl : N?v: K?d:

WebPhone : Key: HTAJ12D

WinAce Final : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: ACEFYWE6EEQ9K9AR

WinAmp < : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d:

WinAmp Skin Maker : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d:

WinAmp Skin Maker : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d:

WinAmp Skin Maker : N?v: Szabby [SCT] K?d:

WinBoost Gold Ed. : SpiritMaster, 7W5I4-RNVR7Y-A41F

WinBoost Standard Ed. : SpiritMaster,

WinBoost98 / : CoKeBoTtLe99,

Window Blinds : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: WB-1vtfj1


BLINDS K?d: WB-dfj

Window Blinds Final : N?v: TOM&JERRY K?d: WB-bc1ecc90

Window Blinds Final : N?v: THE TNT CRACK TEAM K?d: WB-3mc4a8n

Window Blinds Final : N?v: +DzA kRAker K?d: WBbd

Window Blinds Final : N?v: I HATE WINDOW BLINDS K?d: WB-3mbh

Window Blinds Final : N?v: FREE STARDOCK LICENCE K?d: WB-4encpd6

Window Blinds Final : N?v: GIGEL K?d: WBd

Window Blinds : N?v: Reanimator^LasH K?d: WB-j2e89f9

Window Blinds : N?v: i2k = IMYke - @ - K?d: WB-1vtfj1

Window Blinds : WBef13

Window Blinds : N?v: ChoRdLesS K?d: WBe22c

Window Blinds : WBef13

Window Blinds a : WBf

Window Blinds : WB-dca3

Window Blinds Build : N?v: SPeY K?d: WBd61a68d

Window Blinds : N?v: Stony Crackers Team K?d: WBmiah

WinRar : N?v: sNeaKeR FiVe [] K?d: 5B68D2BEA44C92

WinHacker : N?v: Predator C?g: Phrozen Crew K?d: c8d75

Windows Logo Changer : N?v/N?v: L!M!T C?g: The Exterminators E-mail:


WinRescue95 , : msR3I8aUi9y2E84L

WinRescue98 ,,, : SvetCHRISTA

WOW AstrologyForLovers : Mr_GReeN [WkT!],



Nero Normal:

Nero OEM:

Nero MP3:

Nero Normal:

Nero OEM:

Nero MP3:













Ulead VideoStudio v serial


Adobe PhotoShop - serial:

Adobe PhotoShop - serial:PWWR

Adobe illustrator 10 Beta Build 76 - serial

Adobe Illustrator 10 SN or

Audiograbber Build 3 - s/n: 53BD0DE

Acdsee Sn:


BootXP V Name: Nitrogen[TSRh] Code: BXP


Banner Maker Pro 1 Serial:



CompuPic Pro Name: Joep Meloen Photo: Code: 1BBMHWYU1BPRF

CloneCD Name: Randal Dudley Dudley s/n:



Eye Candy Full Serial #: BFNMMHPENCCI

Easy CD-DA Extractor XP Code:MJH3BW66UN


Flash Catcher Email: s/n: yufuping99

Fast Browser Pro name: ponz56 key:

Fast Browser Pro Name:Free User Code


GetRight d sn: - sn


HyperSnap-DX SN:


HyperSnap-DX ve SN:


HyperSnag DX SN:







Mini Golf Mega World Serial: ACFFDB3EDD-4BE93BAFD22

Источник: []
Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

Rebranding We are just offering the customized version with your branding. brbr 5 Premium Before you download TiviMate IPTV Player v2. IMPORTANT This application is intended for use on set top boxes and is controlled by a remote control.

Watch your provider IPTV on your phone tablet TV or TV box. Attach your IPTV list to watch If you use VLC for Dreambox to watch TV then this app is for you.


What’s New in the Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Box Office XPress 3.3.3 serial key or number

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