Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS

Table of Contents

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS

This chapter provides information on Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS. The information is organized into the following sections:

Product Overview

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS is the fastest, most stable, easy-to-use TCP/IP solution for OpenVMS platforms. Cisco MultiNet offers a complete suite of TCP/IP applications and services that leverage existing OpenVMS resources. Applications such as file access and transfer, electronic mail, Web browsing, network, and transport services are all standard in Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS.

Standard Features

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS includes the following features:

  • Ability to run DECnet applications directly over TCP/IP

DECnet applications can be run without change over TCP/IP. No coding changes are needed, and you still have access to the same applications that run on DECnet, while network administrators migrate to TCP/IP.

  • Network File System (NFS) client and server

NFS client and server are provided to allow for file sharing. File systems on remote servers appear as attached to the local system. You can access and share files and applications, and network administrators can maximize resource utilization (disk space in particular).

  • Remote booting services including DHCP, BOOTP, and TFTP services

Remote booting services include Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, BOOTP server, and TFTP server and client. Cisco MultiNet supports the DHCP server, which provides dynamic allocation of network addresses and configuration parameters to DHCP client systems. The DHCP server also provides BOOTP services when active. TFTP is also provided and is typically used for booting diskless workstations and providing boot and font service for X windows terminals.

Provides VMS cluster load-balancing for FTP, Telnet, and other TCP/IP services as well as automatic fail-over for NFS services.

  • Terminal emulation: TN, TN

Many terminal types are supported in Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS. Terminal emulation for IBM systems is fully supported with TN for AS/ systems and TN for IBM systems.

  • Security via Kerberos or token-based authentication with Cisco MultiNet Secure/IP

Includes extensive security. In addition to leveraging existing OpenVMS security, Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS includes support for Kerberosand optional support for token-based authentication with MultiNet Secure/IP. MultiNet Secure/IP provides secure Telnet and FTP login and supports various token-based authentication options such as Security Dynamics' SecurID card or PinPAD, CRYPTOCard's RB-1 Calculator Token, Digital Pathway's SecureNet Key Card, and Bellcore S/Key soft token.

  • World Wide Web (WWW) browser

For Internet connectivity, Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS includes the enhanced Mosaic Web browser with a Motif-based interface.

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client and server

File transfers to and from remote systems are supported with the FTP client and server application. Additionally, Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS supports TFTP.

A variety of mail interfaces, such as VMS Mail and All-IN-1, are supported to provide maximum flexibility. In addition, industry-standard protocols such as Post Office Protocol (POP)2/3 servers and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) are supported. Users can choose the mail application that best suits their needs.

  • Network printingLine printer command and line printer daemon (LPR/LPD), and PC Network File System (PCNFS)

Supports the standard LPD, LPR, and PCNFS remote printing services. The LPD server makes OpenVMS print queues available to remote systems, using the Berkeley LPD protocol. System managers can restrict which clients get access and can configure how to map LPD control requests into print parameters. Standard OpenVMS queue commands are used to create, delete, and manipulate jobs.

Additionally, MultiNet supports stream printing, which enables print queues to send jobs directly over TCP/IP networked printers and printers connected to TCP/IP terminal servers.

  • VMSINSTAL is used to load all applications

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS installs quickly and easily using the VMSINSTAL utility. Cisco MultiNet provides a consolidated installation procedure allowing you to install MultiNet as well as its optional layered products at the same time.

  • Menu-driven configuration utility

Allows you to configure and manage all of Cisco's MultiNet services and applications. Additionally, these services can be configured and managed using standard OpenVMS style interfaces with DCL commands.

A full set of network management tools makes troubleshooting easy for network managers. The following are included: an SNMP agent, DHCP server, TCPDump (packet trace utility), TCPview, traceroute, ping, check, and X11 debug.

  • X Windows and DECWindows support

DECWindows and X Windows, an X Transport Gateway, X Display Manager, X font services, and diagnostics are provided.

  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

With the wide support for different APIs, you have the option of building customized products on top of Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS. Included are: Socket library ( BSD), DEC C/VAX C Socket Library, MultiNet/SRI $QIO interface, EXOS $QIO interface, UCX $QIO interface, ONC/RPC interface, DECrpc, and DCE for OpenVMS support.

  • Remote connectivity via Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Compressed Serial Link Internet Protocol (CSLIP), or Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  • Full range of network devices supported
    • Any DEC Ethernet adapter supported by OpenVMS
    • Any DEC FDDI adapter supported by OpenVMS
    • Any DEC Token Ring adapter supported by OpenVMS
    • VCI (Virtual Communication Interface)
    • SLIP (Serial Line IP)/CSLIP over directly connected asynchronous terminal adapters. SLIP and CSLIP are not supported over LAT terminal devices.
    • PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) over directly connected asynchronous terminal adapters. PPP is not supported over LAT terminal devices.
    • IP over X via VAX PSI
    • IP over DECnet

Full packet forwarding (routing) is supported for configurations with multiple interfaces.


Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS has been designed specifically for the demands of the enterprise network. With the highest levels of performance and reliability available, network managers look to Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS for a risk-free TCP/IP solution. The complete functionality provided means network administrators have a single solution for all their OpenVMS needs.

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS Summary of Features

Prerequisite Software

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS requires VAX/VMS V or later, OpenVMS VAX or later, or OpenVMS Alpha V or later. Message Router V or later is required for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to ALL-IN-1 gateway capability. MultiNet enhanced Mosaic requires DEC Windows/Motif V and OpenVMS VAX or Alpha V or later.

Product Numbers

Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS includes one CD-ROM and online documentation. Optionally, TK50 and 9-track tapes can be ordered. Online documentation includes the full set of MultiNet documentation in Postscript and BookReader hard-copy documentation product numbers, refer to the "Internet Products" section in the "Documentation" chapter, later in this catalog. Licenses for Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS are based on system type or class. Table through Table list the traditional license product number followed by upgrade part numbers associated with that class. Table and Table list Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS site license bundled packages; Table lists product numbers for the full product site license bundle; and Table lists product numbers for the run-time site license bundle.

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Entry Level VAX

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Workgroup Level VAX

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Departmental Level VAX

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Enterprise 1 Level VAX

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Enterprise 2 Level VAX

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Entry Level Alpha (AXP)

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Workgroup Level Alpha (AXP)

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Departmental Level Alpha (AXP)

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Enterprise Level Alpha (AXP)

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Limited Site License

1 These bundled packages can be either VAX or Alpha or mixed site, and they include the full product.

Table : Cisco MultiNet-RT for OpenVMS: Limited Site License

1 These bundled packages include only run-time license (kernel and services).

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Lateral Transfer or Downgrade
between VAX and Alpha Platforms

Table : Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS: Optional Products

Copyright &# Cisco Systems Inc.

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, Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

AlphaCom Terminal Emulation Overview


Business-grade ssh and telnet terminal emulator client
for Windows and Mac

OmniCom Technologies, Inc. offers a robust multi-session terminal emulation through AlphaCom terminal emulation, for Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP/x/NT/ME/98SE and OSX or higher with support for SSH, Telnet, LPD, high volume printing, file transfer, dynamic font sizing, auto-login, and much more. Try before you buy. Our AlphaCom software is free to download and use for 30 days, hassle-free.

Accurate terminal emulation

Based on original physical terminals

Powerful - yet inexpensive - multi-session terminal emulator for Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/x. Supports SSH/Telnet/RS/Modem connections with Linux, ANSI, IBM, Wyse 50/50+, Wyse 60, SCO ANSI, VT52, VT, VT, VT emulation. Features include dynamic font sizing, Euro compatibility, multi-protocol file transfer, international character set and keyboard support, scrollback buffer, web browser integration, highlights and activates URLs,

Durable printing

High-volume, high-throughput

LPD and pass-through printing support are provided at no additional fee. Designed for high volume and high speed printing, large print jobs are processed reliably. Features include support for multiple printer configuration, buffered printing to prevent overflow, and DOS/UNIX text mode mapping.

Tools and support

Resources to fit your business needs

AlphaCom is packaged with network troubleshooting tools, flexible configurations for IT controlled deployments, ActiveX developer toolkit, and commercial support.


Feedback from small businesses to Fortune 50 customers

"I must say that AlphaCom is a great piece of software!!! Thanks."

"The feature set and options are broader than other products" "There is no better value or performance in terminal emulation software."

"Our customers are very satisfied with the AlphaCom product and its simplicity."

"I know that I have said this before, but this is the best product for SCO UNIX that I have ever used and I have used James River, Term, Anzioyou name it."

"You have a great product and I recommend it whenever I can. Incidentally, I replaced Tiny Term with AlphaCom and, personally, for 99% of what I do, it kicks its a**. Keep up the great work."

"The patch [that you provided to me] is awesome. It's exactly what we need. I'm going to put this evaluation copy into a limited production use and let our people pound on it for a while." "Yours was a more timely response that I get from any of our current software vendors. What a refreshing change. If it works as I expect, you'll have a new customer."

"I downloaded AlphaCom and AlphaLPD from the website. My testing indicates that the emulations are correct, even for some of the tougher and more demanding programs that many of the less expensive emulators fail to work with." "As you get a 30 day evaluation period with the download, I'd say [that] this is definitely worth looking atit is a quarter of the price [of more expensive packages] and may very well have all the features [that] you actually need."

"AlphaCom is a great terminal emulation product, it has most of the features anyone would need. Even though the product is very inexpensive, Omnicom's support is excellent. They stuck with me to try and fix a problem I had with a remote printer, even though there was no big sale hinging on it. I wish some of the big software vendors practiced that same level of service.""

State-of-the-Art Multi-Session Terminal Emulation

Are you looking for a better way for your office to connect with each other? Then it is time for you to consider upgrading to advanced multi-session terminal emulation from OmniCom Technologies, Inc. With our cutting-edge terminal emulation, you are able to enjoy high-quality emulation at a very affordable cost. When you are looking to make a significant upgrade to your IT capabilities, reach out to our helpful and knowledgeable team. We show you how upgrading to AlphaCom can make a major difference in the way your computer systems operate.
With improved access and control of different computers on your network, you are able to get more done in less time. Our multi-session terminal emulation features a rich selection of service capabilities that help you reduce downtime and improve optimization. While many terminal emulators like this can end up costing a lot of money, our team has worked hard to provide you with the services and products you need at a cost that fits your budget. Reach out to us when you are looking to make a powerful, affordable upgrade to your computer systems with our terminal emulation products.
Contact us for more information about buying and downloading our terminal emulation products. We look forward to assisting customers located throughout the country.
Our customers include companies and individuals from around the world.


Download now to install or update to the latest AlphaCom version. AlphaCom is free to use and evaluate for days.


Flexible pricing options.


Auto-update with unlimited technical support
Monthly subscription includes updates for latest features and security patches, and technical support


License with 1 year of updates and support
One-time perpetual license includes 1 year of software updates, security patches, and technical support


License with 3 years of updates and support
One-time perpetual license includes 3 years of software updates, security patches, and technical support


Please contact our Support Department using the form below.
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Alpha LPD v3.0c serial key or number

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