5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number

5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number

5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number

5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number


Invented by Derek Webb of the United Kingdom in 1994, Three Card Poker has become the most successful of relatively new, trademarked table games.

An initial trial run in Las Vegas brought mixed results, but Three Card Poker then broke through as a popular favorite in the U.S. state of Mississippi. Today, Three Card Poker is a standard offering in live casinos and online casinos alike.

There are several reasons players like Three Card Poker:

  • It’s easy to play.
  • It has a moderate house edge that gives players a shot to win.
  • It has two ways to play, and you can choose a wager with frequent payoffs, a wager on which you can win up to 40 times your bet, or make both bets.
  • You can improve your results through a simple, easy to learn basic strategy.

In this chapter, you’ll learn the basics of how to play Three Card Poker.


Three Card Poker is played with a single deck of cards, shuffled for every hand. That’s true regardless of whether you’re playing in a live casino or online casino. In live casinos, the shuffling usually is done with an automatic shuffling machine. Standard blackjack-sized, seven-player tables are used in live casinos.

The table layout includes:

  • The Three Card Poker logo
  • Three card-shaped spaces in front of the dealer to place his cards.
  • A circular betting spot marked “Pair Plus.”
  • A diamond-shaped betting spot marked “Ante”
  • A card-shaped betting spot marked “Play.”
  • Pay tables for the Pair Plus bet and for ante bonus payoffs
  • A brief explanation of three card poker rules.

One corner of the table next to the dealer will have a placard that tells you the minimum and maximum bet. If it says “Minimum ante: $5. Minimum Pair Plus bet: $5. Maximum $100,” for instance, your initial wagers may not be less than $5 or more than $100 on either option.


Three Card Poker is based on stud poker, but odds are different when hands consist of three cards. Because the odds are different, the hand rankings are slightly different. In Three Card Poker, straights are rarer than flushes and outrank them. In five-card games, flushes outrank straights.

That leaves the following ranking of hands in Three Card Poker:

  • Straight flush
  • Three of a kind
  • Straight
  • Flush
  • Pair
  • High card

There is no such thing as a full house in Three Card Poker, nor, of course, can you get four of a kind.

To play ante-play, you must start by placing a wager in the triangular ante space. To play Pair Plus, you must start by placing a wager in the circular Pair Plus space. The dealer then deals each player and himself three cards, face down. After all cards have been dealt, you may look at your cards.

If you are only playing Pair Plus, you need do nothing else. There is no additional wager or decision to make. If you are playing ante-play, you must decide whether to play or fold. If you play, you must make a play bet equal to your ante. The bet cannot be either larger or smaller than the ante.

They must be equal size. If you make the bet, or if you are playing Pair Plus and have a winner, place the cards face down next to your bet. If you do not make the play bet and you do not have a Pair Plus winner, place the cards in front of your bets to signal the dealer you are folding.


If you’ve seen your cards and fold, the dealer takes your ante and clears away your cards. Once all players have decided whether to play or fold, the dealer turns his cards face up. If the dealer’s hand is Queen-high or better, the dealer plays. That means ante and play bets all are in action. In order to win, your hand must outrank the dealers. If you win, you are paid even money on both ante and play wagers. If you lose, the dealer takes both bets. If the dealer’s hand is Jack-high or lower, the dealer does not play. In that situation, your hand does not have to beat the dealer. Antes are paid at even money. Play bets are not in action, and the players keep them. If the hands are exact ties, the hand is a push. No payoffs are made, but the player keeps ante and play bets.

Here are a few examples of how the hand could play out on ante-play wagers:

Dealer handPlayer handResult
♦Q ♠3 ♥2 Queen-3-2 of different suits♦K ♠8 ♥6
King-8-6 of different suits
Dealer qualifies; player has higher ranking hand and wins even money on both ante and play bet
♦J ♠10 ♥8 Jack-10-8 of different suits♦9 ♠7 ♥3
9-7-3 of different suits
Dealer does not qualify; player wins even money on ante and keeps play bet
♦2 ♠2 ♥3
2-2-3 of different suits
♦A ♠K ♥5 Ace-King-5 of different suitsDealer qualifies and has higher ranking hand, so takes player’s ante and play bet
♦2 ♠2 ♥3
2-2-3 of different suits
♥J ♥9 ♥5
Jack, 9 and 5 of hearts
Dealer qualifies and player flush outranks dealer pair, so player wins even money on both ante and play bet


Those who make the ante-play combination also have a chance at an ante bonus. You do not have to beat the dealer to win the ante bonus. It is paid anytime your three-card hand is on a pay table. The most common ante bonus payoffs are 5-1 on straight flushes, 4-1 on three of a kind and 1-1 on straights. There are other ante bonus pay tables, and those affect the house edge on the game. For details, see Chapter 3-2, Ante-Play Odds and Strategies.


You do not have to beat the dealer to win a Pair Plus bet. Any hand of a pair or better wins – that’s where the Pair Plus name comes from. There are many different Pair Plus pay tables.

Here is the most common:

Hand typeExamplePayoff
Straight flush♦10 ♦9 ♦8
10-9-8, all in diamonds
Three of a kind♣7 ♠7 ♥7
7 of clubs, 7 of spades, 7 of hearts
Straight♦10 ♥9 ♣8
10 of diamonds, 9 of hearts, 8 of clubs
Flush♥K ♥J ♥3
King of hearts, Jack or hearts, 3 of hearts
Pair♠2 ♥2 ♣Q
2 of spades, 2 of hearts, Queen of clubs

For other pay tables and a discussion of the house edge, see Chapter 3-1. Pair Plus Odds If you have a Pair Plus winner, place the cards face down next to your bet. When the dealer turns cards face up after all players see their cards and ante-play players have bet or folded, he will pay you if you have a winner.


  • There are two basic ways to play Three Card Poker: ante-play and Pair Plus.
  • Two win in ante-play if the dealer has a Queen or better, your hand must beat the dealer.
  • To win in Pair Plus, you do not have to beat the dealer, but your hand must have a pair or better.


  1. In the ante-play option, if you ante $5, what’s the most you can wager on the play bet?
  2. If you ante $10, wager $10 on the play bet and have a straight while the dealer has Jack-10-3 of mixed suits, how much do you win?
  3. If you ante $10, wager $10 on the play bet and have a straight while the dealer has Queen-10-3 of mixed suits, how much do you win?
  4. If you have a pair of 6s and the dealer has three 10s, what happens to your Pair Plus bet?
  5. On the most common Pair Plus pay table, what’s the most a $5 bettor can win?


  1. In the ante-play option, if you ante $5, the most you can wager on the play bet is $5. The play bet must be equal to the ante
  2. If you ante $10, wager $10 on the play bet and have a straight while the dealer has Jack-10-3 of mixed suits, you win $10 on your ante. Your play bet is just returned to you because the dealer does not play with a hand of less than Queen high.
  3. If you ante $10, wager $10 on the play bet and have a straight while the dealer has Queen-10-3, you win $20 -- $10 on your ante and $10 on play when you beat a dealer hand that is Queen high or better.
  4. If you have a pair of 6s and the dealer has three 10s, you win your Pair Plus bet. You do not have to beat the dealer to win at Pair Plus.
  5. On the most common Pair Plus pay table, the most a $5 bettor can win is $200 for a 40-1 payoff on a straight flush. You would also keep your $5 bet.

Written by John Grochowski

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, 5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number

How to Play Poker for Beginners: Basics and Poker Rules

Learning how to play poker should not be difficult. If you want to understand why so many people love this game, this beginner's guide to the rules and the basics of poker is all you need.

Poker is a simple game to learn, but the poker rules can be challenging for a complete beginner.

But don't let that put you off. It is not hard to learn how to play poker, and you can move from the basics of the game to the tables of the top online poker sites in no time.

Here's everything you'll learn in this guide on how to play poker:

  1. The basic rules of Texas hold'em
  2. The basic rules of Omaha poker
  3. How do you play poker online for free
  4. And lots more

Before you move to the 'practical' side of this guide on how to play the most popular variants of this game, you need to learn the basics of poker.

When most people say they want to know "how to play regular poker," they imply that they want to learn the basics of Texas Hold'em.

Texas Hold'em is (by far) the most popular poker game out there and it's the one you find at every online poker site.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. With so many poker variants to play online and offline, the only proper guide on how to play poker for dummies is the one that gets you access to all the best games out there.

Not just to the most famous one.

Many poker rules are consistent from game to game, although among the dozens of variants such as Texas hold'em, Omaha, and seven-card stud you will find some ket differences you need to kno.

Let's have a quick look at the poker rules of the most played poker games online:

How to Play Texas Hold'Em

Also called the 'Cadillac of Poker,' Texas hold'em is the one you are going to play over and over again.

This is the most popular poker game online and it is also the one you are most likely to play with our friends in your next home game.

Whether you play it in the form of a tournament or as a ring-game, the basic poker rules and the hand rankings don't change.

> Discover how to play Texas Hold'em

How to Play Omaha Poker

The second-most popular poker variant. Omaha poker finds its roots in the game of Texas Hold'em, although the rules of the two games are slightly different from each other.

Many players find learning how to play poker Omaha to be the natural step to take after they have successfully mastered the basics of Texas Hold'em.

In the poker rules page dedicated to the game, you find the perfect beginner's guide to moving your first steps in the world of Omaha.

> Learn how to play Omaha poker

How to Play Seven-Card Stud

Before Texas hold'em became king, anyone who wanted to learn the basic poker rules and how to play poker had to go through the game of seven-card stud.

As the name suggests, this is a variant of stud poker. 7-card stud is also the 'S' game in the H.O.R.S.E. poker — but if you are still learning how to play poker, it's probably too early for you to jump on that.

> Discover how to play seven-card stud poker

Other Poker Rules to Learn

If you want to go deeper and you want to learn how to play even more poker games, PokerNews is the right site for you.

Pick one poker variant to learn from the list that follows and find out how to play some of the most exciting and lesser-known poker games out there!

Use these guides to learn how to play poker and master not only the most 'obvious' games like Texas hold'em bu also all the other different variants out there.

In our guides for beginners, you find the official poker rules, the basic strategy tips, and the hand rankings — because knowing how to calculate points is key if you want to win at poker.

Common Traits of Most Poker Rules

The Value of Poker Hands

One element used in most poker variants is the system of hand rankings.

The highest ranked hand is a Royal Flush (five cards of the same suit, ranked ace through ten), followed by a Straight Flush (five cards of the same suit of consecutive ranks).

The third-best combination is the Four-of-a-kind, which is then followed by the Full House (three of a kind plus one pair), the Flush, the Straight, the Three-of-a-kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card or no pair.

When a hand reaches the showdown, the player with the highest-ranked hand wins the pot.

That's true of Texas hold'em, pot-limit Omaha, seven-card stud, and five-card draw.

Of course, in "lowball" games like razz or deuce-to-seven triple draw, the hand rankings are turned upside down and the 'worst' hand according to traditional hand rankings is the winning one.

Poker Hands Ranking

  • Royal Flush10JQKA
  • Straight
  • Four Of
    A Kind
  • Full HouseJJJKK
  • Flush2459K
  • StraightA2345
  • Three Of
    A Kind
  • Two Pair499KK
  • One Pair3QK1010
  • High Card248QK
Download as PDF / ImageImage

Suggested Readings

  • Poker Hands Chart: The official classification of all poker hands with a free pdf to download and print.
  • What Beats What in Poker: the perfect starting guide to learn how to count points in poker and discover the real value of each hand.

Blinds and Ante Bets

Games like hold'em and Omaha feature small and big blinds, so called because they are "blind" bets players have to make before they are dealt any cards.

Meanwhile stud games usually use "antes", which also involve players putting chips in the middle before the hand begins.

From there players bet more as the hand progresses, thereby creating larger pots.

Limit vs. No Limit Poker Games

Some games are played with no-limit betting, which means players can bet as much as they like at any point in the hand, including going "all in."

Pot-limit betting means that the current size of the pot creates an upper limit on how much a player can bet.

Games that are played with fixed-limit betting have predetermined amounts from which players cannot vary when they make their bets and raises.

The Action

There are other terms that tend to be used in all different poker games, including many having to do with the actions you perform when playing.

When the action is on you, you can:

  • Check: Decline to bet
  • Fold: Withdraw from the hand, if someone else has bet already
  • Bet: Place a wager on the table
  • Raise: Add more chips by matching your opponent's bet and putting in a greater amount.
  • Call: Match the bet of your opponents to stay in the hand and continue to play.

All of those terms are an important step in your journey to learn how to play poker since they tend to come up in all poker variants.

The Betting Rounds

In games with community cards like hold'em and Omaha (also sometimes called "flop games"), the betting rounds are referred to as:

  • Preflop: The bets made before any community cards are dealt
  • Flop: The bets made after the first three community cards are dealt)
  • Turn: The bets made after the fourth community card
  • River The bets made after the fifth and last community card.

Suggested Readings

The Table Stakes

One other poker rule common to just about every variant of the you'll play – whether you are playing live poker or online poker – is one called "table stakes."

Table stakes means that once a hand begins, you can only bet whatever amount you had on the table to begin the hand and are not allowed to add anything more during the hand as it plays out.

If you only have $100 on the table to begin a hand, you can't pull out your wallet and add more halfway through the hand – you can only play out the hand with whatever you had to start.

Practice Poker Online for Free

Now that you know the basic poker rules and you have links to go back to your poker guides when you need to, it's time to look for the best websites to practice poker online.

Don't start to play poker for real money right away. Try out the games for free first. That's the only way to discover if you have really learned how to play poker.

There are countless options to give the game a test run, but the best way is to try out the real deal.

Sign up for a poker account with one of the big online poker rooms and give the freerolls a try.

That way, you can practice poker online without any risk; you're not wagering any money.

And if you want to try out cash games instead of tournaments, all major poker sites online have so-called play money tables.

That way you can practice the game, learn the rules, and figure out how the software works, readying yourself for the big stage.

Register a free gaming account and test your poker knowledge in the next freeroll!

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
5 Card Stud Poker v1.0 serial key or number

Mobile Poker – Top 10 Real Money Mobile Poker Apps (for 2020)

The entire online gambling community still feels the shakes of the poker boom that happened a decade ago. Since those times, poker, among other gambling games, has enjoyed increased popularity, as online casinos started to appear all over the place. Many poker players today prefer to play their favourite variations of poker on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

If you’re used to going down to your local brick-and-mortar casino house or enjoying poker with your buddies once or twice a week, you might have many questions about how the mobile version of this game works. Luckily for you, you stumbled upon just the right article.

In the following text, I am going to talk about a few key segments of mobile poker, such as:

I have played online poker for many years, and I know a thing or two about how to choose the right poker websites and mobile apps. My experience has taught me that you should not go into this untapped territory without some prior knowledge, especially if you don’t know much about poker in general.

Recommended Poker Rooms For Mobile Devices

My list of the best UK poker sites which I consider to be the best rooms to play in 2020:

  1. 888poker
  2. partypoker
  3. Bet365 Poker

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We are pleased to announce that many of our featured mobile poker sites have now launched their very own mobile poker apps, and that does of course mean that no matter where you are.

If you ever get the urge to play poker then by simply downloading one of those apps onto your mobile device you are going to be able to play poker for free or for real money on that mobile device.

So, what is mobile poker, how do the apps work, and what’s so special about them? Let’s find out!

What Is Mobile Poker and What Are Its Advantages?

Mobile poker allows you to play your favourite poker games with other players through a mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet. By simply entering a poker site with your mobile device or downloading a dedicated poker app, you can enjoy competing with players from all over the world and earn huge prizes.

Essentially, mobile poker doesn’t differ much from the game that you would play in your land-based casino. The rules are pretty much the same, and the only major difference is that the computer deals the cards and counts the chips instead of the dealer.

The most obvious advantage of mobile poker is that you can play it anywhere you like. You don’t have to drive for miles in order to reach the nearest casino resort. Instead, with a few taps on your screen, you can enter a poker room in no time, even when stretching on your sofa.

Mobile poker is also better than playing poker on PC because you don’t need to be stuck to your computer and can instead play on the go.

Online Casinos Versus Online Poker Sites

You can play poker on almost any online casino site, but there are also those websites that specialise in poker games. Both types of operators have their advantages and disadvantages, and your choice depends on your preferences.

Regular casino websites usually have a lot of video slots, blackjack, and roulette games. They might offer a few poker rooms, but that’s it. One of the most popular poker games on online casinos is Casino Hold’em where, instead of competing against other players, you are playing against the dealer. It’s good to sign up on these sites if you want to take a break from poker once in a while and try some other casino games, but they won’t satisfy you much if you’re only looking to play poker.

On the other hand, specialised poker sites can offer you much more in terms of poker variety. There are more game variations, tournaments, and special prizes. However, you should be careful when choosing a mobile poker operator, since these sites can have some pretty tough competition.

Mobile Poker Sites Versus Poker Apps

Basically, you can play mobile poker in two different ways. The first option would be to enter the poker site directly from your mobile browser and access your account from there. The second option is to download a dedicated poker app compatible with your device.

Many players prefer apps over mobile websites because they provide them with better user experience. It’s more convenient and better optimised for the smaller screen.

Unfortunately, not all poker and casino sites have their own apps, so you would be forced to play on mobile sites anyway. Also, some apps are compatible with one type of device only. For example, you could be using an iPhone, but the app is supported only by Android devices.

Mobile poker apps do take a little bit of memory space to get downloaded and installed, but nothing too significant. Also, they are almost always free, and you won’t be asked for any additional costs when downloading them.

It really comes down to your preference. Some players don’t want to bother with downloading anything, so they prefer to play on mobile sites instead.

Can You Play Mobile Poker for Real Money?

Of course you can! There are a bunch of mobile poker sites and apps that allow you to test your luck and skill in real money games. The stakes vary, so you can choose a room where the blinds are as low as a couple of cents, or you can opt for high-roller tables with no-limit stakes that can exceed a few hundred dollars or more.

Apart from real money mobile poker, you can also try some apps and sites that allow you to play for free. While you might think that there’s not much point in playing a gambling game for free, this type of poker is beneficial if you’re just beginning to learn the rules of the game and want to test your skills before risking anything.

My advice is to play poker on some free sites until you feel comfortable enough to try it for real. Even when there’s no money involved, poker can still be very entertaining, so choosing to play it for free might be the best option if your gambling budget is not that big.

Choosing the Best Mobile Poker Sites in the US

Americans love poker! As a matter of fact, some of the most popular variations of this game were invented in America.

Therefore, if you’re a resident of the United States, you will be happy to know that there are hundreds of different mobile websites on which you can enjoy poker games.

Apart from US-based sites, there are even more options when it comes to offshore poker rooms, as long as they accept American players.

You just need to be careful and consider the laws of your state or country and make sure that you are not doing anything illegal while playing mobile poker online. I will reflect on this subject a little later on in the text.

With so many options, choosing the best mobile poker site in the US might seem hard, especially if you don’t have any guidance and don’t know how to differentiate great poker sites from the ones that are not so great.

Luckily for you, I have created a list of the absolute best mobile-friendly poker sites and apps that you can access as an American citizen.

How to Set Up a Mobile Poker App

Before you download a mobile poker app, you must register to a poker/casino website. To do this, you should go to an operator’s site on your mobile browser and go through the signup process. Fill out all the required details such as your full name, date of birth, residential address, email, banking details, and so on.

Once the poker site of your choice has verified your information, you will be able to access all their games for real money play.

Now you can download the app. Simply go to your operating system’s app store (iTunes for iOS, Google Play store for Android, and so on), find the operator’s app, and click on Download. You shouldn’t wait for more than a couple of minutes for the app to get downloaded and installed. Enter the app and log in using your email address and previously set password.

Of course, before being able to play mobile poker for real money, you must have some cash on your account. You can choose between a number of different payment options that the poker site offers and deposit the desired amount.

Once you have all of this covered, you can feel free to explore the poker options on the app and play against other players.

On the other hand, if you want to play for free, you don’t need to register on a poker site or deposit anything. Just download the app, set your username and password, and play.

Different Types of Mobile Poker Variants

There are plenty of different poker variations that you can play on your mobile devices. The most popular poker variation these days is Texas Hold’em, and it’s so widespread that it became a synonym for poker in general. You are almost guaranteed to find Texas Hold’em, regardless of the poker app or website you choose.

The next most represented online poker game is Omaha, which is especially popular in the United States. You can find a bunch of different apps that have Omaha Hold’em or Pot-Limit Omaha in their offer.

Before Texas Hold’em took over, many people preferred playing 5 Card Stud and 7 Card Stud poker games. Although they are not so popular these days, it’s still easy to find these variations on many poker sites.

Some other common variations of mobile poker games include Hi-Lo, Chinese poker (Pai Gow), video poker and others.

Mobile Poker Games and Tournaments

There are several ways of playing poker on your mobile device. The most common way a lot of people choose is through a simple cash game. A cash game table allows you to enter the table at any given time, regardless of the number of players who are present at the moment. You can also cash out between any two hands.

However, if you wish to earn bigger prizes, you should really consider entering a mobile poker tournament. Poker tournaments are categorised by the poker variant and by the betting limits. Also, you should pay attention to the starting time of each tournament, as nobody is going to wait for you to show up. Be cautious, however, as the competition on these events can be brutal.

Entering a tournament usually requires you to pay a fee in advance, but some tournaments can be labelled as freerolls, meaning that you can enter for free. Freerolls are ideal for new players who are not yet willing to risk big money on online poker.

Tournaments are fun, but they can be pretty exhausting and can last very long. If you don’t have enough time to play an entire tournament of mobile poker but you still like the tournament format, sit’n go events are your best option. These start as soon as the table gets filled out, so it’s like playing only a final table at a bigger event.

Which Mobile Device Is Best for Playing Poker?

There is an abundance of mobile poker sites and apps that you can choose from, but there are even more options for playing poker when it comes to the devices.

Many players prefer smartphones as they are compact and easy to carry around. It’s like carrying around a poker table in your pocket. Nevertheless, some players prefer more space to work with, and tablets are ideal for that. They have a bigger screen, and they’re almost just as light and compact as mobile phones.

As far as brands go, you should really choose what suits you best. While poker apps and websites are not that demanding, you should still consider playing poker on a newer phone with the latest operating system installed. Play on a device that has a solid processor and RAM, so your game doesn’t have a low frame rate.

Even worse, if your phone or a tablet is not working properly or it’s simply old and outdated, the app can crash while you’re in the middle of your game. In that case, all the progress you have made until that point will be void and you won’t be able to cash out.

Pay attention to system requirements when downloading the app and make sure that your mobile device can support it. Also, it’s always good to have a strong battery or at least a power bank that you can carry around with you so your phone doesn’t shut down while you’re playing.

Long story short, if you have a phone or a tablet that’s brand new and works perfectly fine, you are unlikely to encounter any issues with your poker apps and websites.

General Tips and Strategies for Playing Mobile Poker

Poker is not something that you can learn to play overnight. Sure, you can learn the rules of poker pretty quickly, but it takes a lot of time to master the game. I won’t go into too many details when telling you about tips and strategies since it’s better to leave this subject for another time.

However, it’s still worth understanding the rule of thumb when it comes to mobile poker and poker in general.

TIP 1: Rules Are Important

First of all, make sure that you understand all the rules of a particular game of poker. So, not just card ranks and turns, but also betting limits, blind raises, and more. Unlike playing poker in a casino or at home, in order for the game to go faster online, there will be a timer (also called shot clock) introduced on your every turn. Pay attention to the shot clock because if the time runs out, the game will automatically make a decision for you. In other words, you have to think quick, a lot quicker than what you are normally accustomed to when playing ‘offline’.

TIP 2: Take Care

Try not to misclick, although this will likely happen to you a couple of times until you get used to playing mobile poker. I can’t count the number of times when I accidentally tapped the wrong action button and made a costly move. Mobile screens are rather small, so you have to be extremely careful, especially if the real money is involved..

TIP 3: S…..L…..O….W Speeds

Always make sure that you have a stable internet connection. Slower connections might get you kicked out of a game, and in that case, you can just wave your money goodbye.

TIP 4: Time Management

Don’t ever start a mobile poker tournament if you’re not sure whether you have time for it or not. It can be tempting to try a game or two when you’re waiting for a doctor’s appointment or commuting to work, but unexpected things can happen, so it’s just not worth the risk.

TIP 5: Play For Free

If you’re new to poker, you should start by downloading a poker app that will allow you to play the game for free. This way, you can learn to play poker while not risking real money while also enjoying the excitement of a competitive game.

Mobile Poker Legality

Online gambling is a touchy subject, especially here in the United States. Whether online poker is legal or not is one of the most common questions people ask before downloading a poker app.

The short answer is yes, you can play online poker in the US without worrying about getting arrested or prosecuted. It’s sort of a grey area on a federal level, as there are no specific laws claiming that online poker or online gambling of any kind is illegal.

When it comes to individual states, it depends on where you’re playing. Some states don’t even have laws on online gambling, while others completely regulated and legalised this activity. States like Utah, Louisiana, and Washington criminalise online poker and consider it a felony offense. Even having a poker software installed on your device can get you prosecuted in these places.

Although some states consider it to be illegal, there are still no cases of a prosecution or an arrest of an individual who played mobile poker, on both state and national level. So, while it’s not legal everywhere in the country, playing mobile poker in the US is completely safe.

How to Know Whether A Mobile Poker Site Is Legit

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fraudulent gambling websites on the web and, if you’re new to online poker, you could find it difficult to recognise them. These websites have the goal of taking your money away and not giving you a fair chance to earn it back. They look pretty convincing at first, so taking their bait might be easier than you imagine.

This is why you should always check the license of a poker site. They are legally obligated to put their license number on the homepage and state which gambling jurisdiction gave it to them.

To avoid fake sites and stick only to licensed ones, you should check out the list of the best poker sites and apps on this page. I only added poker operators that are 100% legit and safe to play on.


In this article, you were able to read some general information on mobile poker websites and apps. I also included a list of some of the best mobile poker operators that will help you make the right choice. I personally enjoy playing poker on these websites, and so will you.

Remember that poker is a game that takes a lot of time and practice to master. Don’t get frustrated if you come out with nothing after the first few tables, as things are likely to get better as you move on.

If you need any sort of advice on playing mobile poker, I am here to give it to you. Also, if you have any comments on this text, feel free to write them to me below. I always love hearing from my readers and will be more than happy to reply to your messages!

Frequently Asked Questions

Whilst there is nothing complicated at all in regards to playing poker on a mobile device via a poker site app, it may be something that you have never done before.

With that in mind we have put together below a range of questions regarding using a mobile poker app and have listed underneath each of those commonly asked questions the respective answers. So read onto find out just how easy it is going to be!

Are all mobile compatible with a poker site app?

You will find that it is going to be only the more modern mobile device that is going to be able to allow you to download an app onto them. However as long as your mobile device can be connected up to the internet and that device has a touch screen then you should have no problems being able to download an app onto it.

Are free poker tables on offer via a poker app?

You will find a mix of both real money and free play poker games and tables are on offer on a mobile poker app, and as such if you simply wish to test out how easy those poker games are to play then make sure you initially open up an account and play the free play games. By doing so you will soon get the hang of how to play each game on your mobile device and will discover just how easy it is to navigate around the poker sites app.

What happens if my battery goes flat?

One thing that you should make sure of before you start to play poker via a poker app is that you have lots of battery life on that device. You will not want your battery to go flat half way through a game! However, be aware that every single poker site offering their own unique app will have some form of rules in place regarding how their respective poker app will handle disconnections. So check the rules and terms of that poker site for more information.

What mobile poker app banking options are available?

One thing you are going to have to do if you wish to play real money poker via a mobile poker site app is to be able to transfer money into your account! It is with that in mind that you are going to find just as many different banking options available via an app as you will find offered at an online poker site. You will be able to use credit cards, debit cards prepaid cards and vouchers and web wallets can be used at which sites.

Who licensed mobile poker site apps?

When you are playing poker via an app at any of our listed and approve online poker sites then it is the same licensing jurisdiction that licenses the online version of that poker site that will also license their mobile poker app and site. Always only play at poker sites that have a full online gaming license as those sites have been vetted to ensure they will live up to your highest of expectations and they will adhere to a robust set of standards.
You will find that the size of the download app is going to vary from site to site depending on which software those sites are using, however the files are not going to be huge in size and as such they will not take very long to download onto your mobile device.For more information regarding how to download the app if you have never done so before then visit the website of any of our featured poker sites offering an app for more details and a step by step guide.

Can I download more than one poker app?

It will be dependent on just how much storage space that you have on the mobile device you are using as to whether you are going to be able to download more than one app onto that device. There will be no problems having more than one app downloaded onto your mobile device, but you will only be able to open one app at a time!

Will I be paid quickly from a mobile poker site?

We always recommend that when you are seeking out a poker site at which to play at then you need to stick to playing at those sites we have reviewed and approved and are fully showcased to you on our website. As each site we have fully reviewed is going to give you a range of bonuses, lot of different poker games and more importantly each poker site will offer your paid winning payouts each time you request a withdrawal from your mobile poker site account balance.

Can I play in Poker Tournaments via an App?

If you are looking to play standard poker games for free or for real money then there will never be any shortages of live open table son offer at a mobile poker site that offers their players a downloadable poker app.However, you will not find that many poker sites offering an app will offer you just as many poker tournaments that can be accessed and entered via an app. With that in mind you are going to have to do a little research by checking out our poker site reviews for some of them may offer you a small and select range of mobile poker tournaments whilst some of them will not.
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