Zmud 4.58 serial key or number

Zmud 4.58 serial key or number

Zmud 4.58 serial key or number

Zmud 4.58 serial key or number

You can retrieve your license key from the Zugg Software Store.

  1. Go to the Zugg Software Store
  2. If you already have your Store login password, skip to step 3.
  3. Your store login information was emailed to you when you purchased the software.  If you have an old product or have lost this login information, click the Recover Password link and enter the email address that you used to purchase the software.  Your login information will be emailed to you.  If your email address has changed or you have forgotten it, you will need to email your purchase information (such as the order number) to
  4. Enter your login username (your email address) and password and click the Log In button in the My Store Account section of the store.
  5. After you have logged in, click the Order History link in the My Store Account section of the store.  This will display a list of all software you have purchased from us.
  6. Click the order for the product you need the license key for.
  7. When the order details are displayed, click the Retrieve License Key button.  This will send a new license key to your email address.
  8. You can use the Modify Profile link to edit your email address or store login information if you wish.

Note that you are restricted in retrieving your license key to once a month.  If you need your license key more often than this, then you will need to send your purchase information to and request an exception to this policy.

We are unable to recover any old eLicense registration codes.  To recover an old eLicense code, download the new version of the software and run it.  If a valid eLicense code is detected on your system, an Upgrade button will be displayed.  Click this upgrade button to convert your old eLicense code to a new license key.

For more help with order or licensing questions, see the License FAQ

Источник: []
, Zmud 4.58 serial key or number
XarGo n: EH XDiz ve name: SoNiC (R) [UCF] s/n: XDiz ve name: DIR&MIR just for fun s/n: &H XDiz ve name: DIR&MIR just for fun s/n: &H XFERPRO 32 v name: TRACY s/n: X-Forum3 v ESC-SS X-Forum4 25 users v ESC-SS XGedit Name: REGISTER Registr: A8DF Xgedit x.x Name: NesticleRules Registr: F8CE07DF XingCD MPEG Compressor b: XCD XingCD MPEGcompression v XCD XiT v for O S/2: s/n: CUY, CUY, RUY, RUY, RUY name: FireHawk / UCF Xpire Plus Name: Registered User s/n: X-Ray Vision X-Tra Drive AABDA XTree Gold for Window s: Xtree Gold v for Window s: X Xtree Pro v Xtree Tools v for Netware T Xtree v for Window s: X XtreeNet v for Window s: N XtreeNet v for Window s: N XWare Xvision v for Window s: s/n: D key: F03DA00 Xvision Eclipse 97 () X-Wolf v name: MCVD s/n: XW Yamaha Visual Arranger v 11WAE Yankees and Redneck s: name: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL bbs: G.!.$ s/n: YATS32 name: Saltine [PC] key: M8L6BPKK8BBUNNDD26NPDDJAN Yeah Write Win95 v name: Thomas Nowak registration number: NS Yonowat AMAPI WX Z-Desk name: 0fa[FANATIC'98] code: JWFC7J5P ZenList name: tHATDUDE! s/n: DIVXWMSBOBTULQEZB Zeno Graphics Superprint v Zip Automator d REG ZIP Brand Fast! vb2 (Zipbrand / n= Zip Pro name: jake cwc s/n: ccd Zip Security Envelope Maker v Zip95 Z ZipChunker Pro v for Do s: s/n: ZCP name: Steve Voss Zip-n-Go Z ZipTool v s/n: name: TwinHead [TWH/BDC] ZipWork name: jake cwc s/n: ,*,P ZipZap v ZLock 97 Zmud name: Steve Hsu s/n: ZOC (tested up to the latest version, should work up to version)(Press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+F9 when in ZOC) Part A: // Part B: ZoC for O S/2 (push "shift-ctrl-alt-F9" to register):alias s/n: / code s/n: // validation s/n: ZoC vx-vb for O S/2 (push "shift-ctrl-alt-F5" to register):part A s/n: // part B s/n: ZoC vv for O S/2 (push "shift-ctrl-alt-F5" to register):part A s/n: // part B s/n: ZoC vv for O S/2 (push "shift-ctrl-alt-F9" to register):alias s/n: / code s/n: // validation s/n: Zscript ZWeckform Winform Professional v for Window s: WF
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Zmud 4.58 serial key or number

Joined: 22 Apr
Posts: 6
Location: UK
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   

I paid but have no license key HELP!
i paid for zMUD 5 days ago but the license key didnt come up. I paid by paypal but i wasnt logged on to the Zugg Software site at the time, i expected it to ask me who i was at some point. Anyway it didnt and im down by $ as i cant even get a refund without proving ive removed the key, which i dont have!

What do i do? Im thinking of buying it again and going for a refund of the first payment later?

Joined: 22 Apr
Posts: 6
Location: UK
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
How do i even register to get stuff from the shop? its driving me nuts! i thought this name im using now would be the one i'd use at the shop but it keeps telling me the email address isnt recognised in the shop!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr please Zugg help me! My character may be dying whilst this goes on!

Joined: 03 Mar
Location: London
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
You should email Zugg and Chiara are away for a few days but Chiara is usually very quick to reply to license problems. You'll need the paypal receipt and any reference numbers I expect but there's no need for you to buy anything again or worry about things before speaking to Chiara.
CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q, 4GB RAM, GeForce GT
Because you need it for text ;)

Joined: 22 Apr
Posts: 6
Location: UK
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
Thanks Guinn, i have emailed them twice, first yesterday and now today but nothing yet. Im in the UK so my times are different but i only have my PayPal reciept i have nothing from this site, no reference or anything. I hope they get back to me soon, :(

i did try and pay again and requested a refund from PayPal but i cant even find out how to register for the shop bit? i can see the log on but not a register place why is it different from the forum part? Doesnt make sense at all.

Joined: 03 Mar
Location: London
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
The forum and shop parts were separate because the shop came much later than the forum and have different software managing them (I think). You log into the shop using the email address you have registered with paypal rather than your forum username though. If you don't have any confirmation emails then it may be that the message was caught up in some spam filter, I think Yahoo had been counting some of the automated emails as junk recently.

From the store FAQ (

How do I get my software license key?
When you purchase a product, a license key is generated and sent to the e-mail address that you provided with your order. The e-mail message contains instructions for how to copy this license key into the software to remove the trial screen. You will only receive this e-mail message when payment has been received for your order. If you ordered using a money order, you will receive this e-mail message when your money order has been deposited. For credit card and PayPal orders, you should receive this e-mail message very quickly, usually within just a couple of minutes. If you do not receive this e-mail message, contact support at Be sure to include your Order Number in all correspondence.
CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q, 4GB RAM, GeForce GT
Because you need it for text ;)

Joined: 18 Nov

Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
i can see the log on but not a register place why is it different from the forum part? Doesnt make sense at all.
Part of the reason it is seperate is that it came later. Another part of the reason is that many users buy the software and never use the forums, some people use the trial and ask a stack of questions on the forums before deciding to buy. There is an integration between the forums and the store front, but I think it requires a user to turn it on in their store profile.
Thanks Guinn, i have emailed them twice, first yesterday and now today but nothing yet.
I can only council patience. Chiara's sister was getting married, and lives something like miles from Chiara. They should be back very soon, and they are the only ones that can help you. Chiara's normal response time for such an issue is under 24 hours.
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Joined: 22 Apr
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Location: UK
Posted: Tue Apr 22, am   
thanks Vijilante its just bad timing on my part it seems. There is nothing more i can do but wait so ive dl a free client to get my character to safety and continue playing until zMUD is sorted. I do miss all my triggers and buttons though. oh well, such is life.
Site Admin

Joined: 29 Sep
Location: USA
Posted: Tue Apr 22, pm   
This should be resolved.

Joined: 22 Apr
Posts: 6
Location: UK
Posted: Tue Apr 22, pm   
Chiara wrote:
This should be resolved.

hi, how is it resolved? i got an email saying "Problem handled on an unlinked ticket" but i dont know what that means, nor where my license is still, sorry if im missing something but what do i need to do now?
Site Admin

Joined: 29 Sep
Location: USA
Posted: Wed Apr 23, am   
I have support request from you from 2 separate email addresses. The detailed response and your license key were sent to the email address that is your right name.

Let me know if you can't find them.

Joined: 22 Apr
Posts: 6
Location: UK
Posted: Wed Apr 23, am   
thank you Chiara im sorry i forgot about the other one, i shall check immediately and im sure it will be fine, thank you so much, i really appreciate it. I cant wait to get zMUD back i cant stand the others ive been using.
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