Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

The Legion of the Bouncy Castle

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Latest Java Releases

Release is now available for download.

This release is primarily a bug fix release and addresses a regression in concerning RSA private key serialisation. EdDSA verifiers now reset correctly after rejecting overly long signatures. Errors in KMAC calculation affecting some MAC output sizes, padding for cSHAKE for some lengths of N and S, and encoding of HSS public keys have also been fixed. Performance issues around GCMParameterSpec and the Base64 encoder have also been addressed. Aria and Camellia have been added to the BCJSSE as well as support for RSAPSS signature schemes. Support has also been added for the PKIXRevocationChecker for users of Java 8 and later and multi-release support has been added for Java 11 XECKeys and Java 15 EdECKeys. Further details on other additions and bug fixes can be found in the release notes file accompanying the release.

Change Warning (users of or earlier): The PEM Parser now returns an XTrustedCertificate block when parsing an openssl trusted certificate, the new object was required to allow the proper return of the trusted certificate's attribute block. Please also see the porting guide for advice on porting to this release from much earlier ones (release or earlier).

Further Note (users of Oracle JVM or earlier, users of "pre-Java 9" toolkits): As of we have started including signed jars for "jdk15to18", if you run into issues with either signature validation in the JCE or the presence of the multi-release versions directory in the regular "jdk15on" jar files try the "jdk15to18" jars instead. Please also note the JCE certificate in the public access versions of Oracle Java 6 (6u45) and Oracle Java 7 (7u80) is expiring on the 20th April this year (). Oracle does distribute JVMs for Java 6 and Java 7 with a newer, and stronger, certificate to holders of Java Support Contracts.

Others have contributed to this release, both with code and/or financially and you can find them listed in the contributors file. We would like to thank holders of Crypto Workshop support contracts for additional time that was contributed back to this release through left over consulting time provided as part of their support agreements. Thank you, one and all!

If you're interested in grabbing the lot in one hit (includes JCE, JCE provider, light weight API, J2ME, range of JDK compatibility classes, signed jars, fries, and king prawns) download manicapital.com or cryptozip, otherwise if you are only interested in one version in particular, see below. Early access to our FIPS hardened version of the Java APIs is now available for both BC-FJA and BC-FJA as well, contact us at office&#manicapital.com for further information.

Get the most out of your Bouncy Castle experience!

Get a support contract through Crypto Workshop. We have found two things that distinguish our support contract holders from our regular user base. Developers with access to a support contract are more likely to raise an issue with us early rather than try and muddle through, and developers with access to a support contract also take a more active interest in the beta releases, both FIPS and non-FIPS. The second one is useful as it means any issues or shortfalls in the beta are able to be fixed while the updates are still in beta. The first one is a real cost saver as it does not lead to us receiving emails starting with "Our development team has spent (some number of) weeks trying to work out" It is much cheaper to have a support contract!

Signed JAR files

From release some implementations of encryption algorithms were removed from the regular jar files at the request of a number of users. Jars with names of the form *-ext-* still include these (at the moment the list is: NTRU).

The following signed provider jars are provided so that you can make use of the debug information in them. In the case of the non-provider jars (bcpkix, bcpg, and bcmail), the jar files do not need to be signed to work. You can rebuild them with debug turned on, or operate directly from the source, if you need.

Sources and JavaDoc


  1. The tar archives were created using GNU tar (some versions of Solaris tar will have problems extracting them)
  2. The J2ME source distribution includes zips for the class files

You can find the release notes, documentation, and specifications here.

You can find checksums for confirming the integrity of the distributions here

Too slow? You can also find the latest versions on one of our mirrors:

Beta Access
The current working betas, when available, for the next release for JDK to JDK can be found at manicapital.com If you need a beta to be made available for another version of Java please ask by emailing feedback-crypto&#;manicapital.com

Maven Access
The BC jars are now mirrored on the Maven central repository. You can find them at manicapital.com

GIT Access
Just want to look at the source? The source code repository is now mirrored on GitHub and accessible from here. The repository can be cloned using either

git clone manicapital.com or git protocol git clone git://manicapital.com

CVS Access
Just want to look at the source? The source code repository is accessible via ViewVC from here

FTP Access
Previous releases, as well as the latest ones, can be downloaded from our ftp server manicapital.com Please note the FTP server does not support passive mode.

Источник: [manicapital.com]
, Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

Split DNS

&#;- This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections.

Installations of Zimbra behind a firewall (or NAT Router) often require the creation of some form of split DNS, also called split-horizon or dual-horizon DNS. This is a DNS installation where machines receive different IP address answers to queries depending on whether they are (commonly) inside or outside a firewall and an IP address reply from the DNS server gives a Private Network IP address that is different than the Public IP of your internet connection. For further information on Private Network IP addresses see the following article: manicapital.com

This is because the Postfix mail system used by Zimbra performs a DNS MX lookup for the Zimbra server followed by a DNS A lookup when attempting to route email to the back-end message store. Frequently, this is the same physical host as Postfix. The DNS server frequently returns the external address of the mail host, not the internal address. Depending on how the firewall and network are configured, the external address may not even be reachable from the mail host, and mail will not be delivered.

Split DNS avoids this problem by providing an internal DNS server (this example uses bind or dnsmasq) that can be used to resolve the internal address of the server. This guide will detail how to set up a very specific, single-host DNS server (i.e. bind or dnsmasq) that can be installed on the Zimbra host itself so that it can resolve its own address. This should not be used for a multi-node Zimbra installation, and should not be used as the DNS server for any other hosts on your network.

It is possible to use a generalized split-horizon DNS server to perform this function, but it will need to be set up differently, and many people recommend against it because even a couple ms of delay can be too much on a heavily loaded system. If you decide to use another DNS server on your LAN then any functioning DNS server that provides a LAN IP response for the DNS MX lookup of the Zimbra server will do (BIND, Active Directory, PowerDNS etc.), check the 'Verify' section in this article for details on how to check that your DNS server is configured correctly.

Attention! the use of Bind or dnsmasq are mutually exclusive, you have to setup one OR the other!

Install Bind on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Use up2date to download bind from Red Hat Network.

Install bind9 on Ubuntu/Kubuntu Hardy Heron

apt-get install bind9

You could also make sure it is installed from Synpatic Package Manager or Adept.

Edit the manicapital.com file

  • Substitute your fully-qualified server name for manicapital.com
  • If named runs in a chroot'ed directory (i.e. /var/named/chroot), manicapital.com should be placed in

/etc/named/chroot/etc/manicapital.com and you should create a symbolic link to /etc/manicapital.com,

  1. i.e. ln -s /etc/manicapital.com /etc/named/chroot/etc/manicapital.com
  2. or ln -s /etc/bind/manicapital.com /etc/bind/named/chroot/etc/manicapital.com
  • For Red Hat, edit: /etc/manicapital.com
  • For Ubuntu/Kubuntu, edit: /etc/bind/manicapital.coms
// Default manicapital.com generated by install of bind options { directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_manicapital.com"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_manicapital.com"; forwarders { <address of current DNS server>&#;; }; }; include "/etc/manicapital.com"; // We are the master server for manicapital.com zone "manicapital.com" { type master; file "manicapital.com"; };

Make sure to set the forwarders to match the DNS servers currently in use on your system. The forwarders setting allows the server to query those DNS servers for any addresses for which it is not authoritative.

Create a /var/named/manicapital.com zone file

  • If named runs in a chroot'ed directory /var/named/chroot, manicapital.com should be placed in /etc/named/chroot/var/named/manicapital.com and you should create a symbolic link to /var/named/manicapital.com
; ; Addresses and other host information. ; @ IN SOA manicapital.com manicapital.com ( &#;; Serial &#;; Refresh &#;; Retry &#;; Expire ) &#;; Minimum ; Define the nameservers and the mail servers IN NS <internal address of server> manicapital.com IN MX 10 manicapital.com manicapital.com IN A <internal address of server>

Change /etc/manicapital.com

  • Change /etc/manicapital.com to use the Zimbra server as the primary DNS address.
  • Also remember to change the search path to be the name of the Zimbra server.

Start named on the zimbra server

/etc/init.d/named start

Enable autostart of named on boot

chkconfig named on

dnsmasq is a very powerful tool that can provide basic dns services/caching, act as dhcp server and also as tftp server. It's also easy to setup. So you can use dnsmasq INSTEAD of bind following these instructions.

Install dnsmasq on Debian GNU/Linux

aptitude install dnsmasq

Edit the /etc/manicapital.com file

Let's say that upstream dns are and Put only these lines in the config file:

server= server= domain=manicapital.com mx-host=manicapital.com,manicapital.com,5 listen-address=

Edit the /etc/hosts file

The loopback line should look like this:

manicapital.comomain localhost

You need a line to resolve the IP of manicapital.com to the private IP of the zimbra server, so make sure you have:

manicapital.com mail

Edit the /etc/manicapital.com file

To have the host resolv through dnsmasq, you have to set your localhost () as nameserver

search manicapital.com nameserver

Restart dnsmasq

To have the settings take effect, you have to restart dnsmasq

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

To verify that your configuration of DNS is correct you should run the following commands on the Zimbra server itself (the expected output is in the boxes below the commands).: This is true whatever DNS program you use for this kind of configuration (i.e. dnsmasq instead of bind9).

dig manicapital.com mx

; <<>> DiG manicapital.com5_ <<>> manicapital.com mx ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;manicapital.com IN MX ;; ANSWER SECTION: manicapital.com IN MX 30 manicapital.com ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: manicapital.com IN A ;; Query time: 4 msec ;; SERVER: #53() ;; WHEN: Thu Jul 15 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd:

dig manicapital.com any

; <<>> DiG manicapital.com5_ <<>> manicapital.com any ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 8, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 4 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;manicapital.com IN ANY ;; ANSWER SECTION: manicapital.com IN NS manicapital.com manicapital.com IN A manicapital.com IN SOA manicapital.com admin. manicapital.com IN MX 10 manicapital.com manicapital.com IN NS manicapital.com ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: manicapital.com IN A manicapital.com IN A manicapital.com IN A ;; Query time: 11 msec ;; SERVER: #53() ;; WHEN: Thu Jul 15 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd:

host $(hostname)

manicapital.com has address

NOTE: The host $(hostname) command should be typed exactly as you see, don't change the word "hostname" to anything else.

You should also note that the output on your system may be slightly different than above examples but there should be an A record that points to the LAN IP address of your Zimbra server and an MX record that contains the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name - that's the hostname plus the domain name and it's manicapital.com in the examples) of your Zimbra server.

You should also make sure that the DNS server that is responding to your dig commands is the one you have configured on your LAN and it's the one that has your Zimbra server DNS records. If you see any IP that is not the correct LAN IP or the correct DNS server then you have entered the wrong information in your DNS configuration files.

If you're asked in the forums to provide the information to confirm your DNS is correct then, in addition to the above information, you should also supply the output of the following commands (run on your Zimbra server):

cat /etc/manicapital.comcat /etc/hosts

In this article it's assumed that you're installing the DNS server on your Zimbra server so your manicapital.com should look like this:

search manicapital.comnameserver

Although it's mentioned in other articles it bears repeating that your hosts file should look like this:

manicapital.comomain localhost manicapital.com mail

The line for the loopback adapter () should be formatted as shown. The hosts file should also be formatted as shown and have the LAN IP of your Zimbra server (as shown in the DNS records) and contain the hostname (mail) and your domain name (manicapital.com) which gives you the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your server 'manicapital.com'.

If you have a number of servers inside the firewall that need to use internal addresses to communicate to each other, you should consider setting up a full internal DNS server that can be authoritative for the whole domain. This example is not suitable for this task.

For information on performing the same task w/ TinyDNS / DJBDNS: manicapital.com#splithorizon

Additional Information: Zimbra Power Tip: manicapital.com

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Источник: [manicapital.com]
Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number
Mail PassView v - Extract lost email passwords
Copyright (c) - Nir Sofer

Related Utilities

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Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:
  • Outlook Express
  • Microsoft Outlook (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
  • Microsoft Outlook ///// (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
  • Windows Mail
  • Windows Live Mail
  • IncrediMail
  • Eudora
  • Netscape 6.x/7.x (If the password is not encrypted with master password)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (If the password is not encrypted with master password)
  • Group Mail Free
  • Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
  • Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN/Windows/Live Messenger application.
  • Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application, Google Desktop, or by Google Talk.

For each email account, the following fields are displayed: Account Name, Application, Email, Server, Server Type (POP3/IMAP/SMTP), User Name, and the Password.

If your email program is not supported by Mail PassView, you can still recover your password by using this Password Sniffer

Known Problems

False Alert Problems: Some Antivirus programs detect Mail PassView utility as infected with Trojan/Virus. Click here to read more about false alerts in Antivirus programs

If your Antivirus software shows a false alert, you can use the following article that explains how to send a report about a false positive issue to your Antivirus company:
How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors

System Requrements

This utility works with any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 and up to Windows

Versions History

Date Version Description
  • Fixed to display the SMTP accounts of ThunderBird.
  • Mail PassView now decrypts the passwords of ThunderBird directly without using the DLL files of ThunderBird.
  • Fixed to work with the latest version of ThunderBird (By handling manicapital.com file)
  • Added support for Outlook
  • Fixed to work with the latest versions of Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • Removed the command-line options that export the passwords to a file from the official version. A version of this tool with full command-line support will be posted on separated Web page.
  • Fixed bug: When Thunderbird had multiple mail accounts with the same mail server, Mail PassView displayed only one set of user/password for all records.
  • Added support for Outlook
  • Fixed bug: Mail PassView failed to get the password of thunderbird if the password file path contained non-English characters.
  • Added 'SMTP Server Port' column.
  • Added support for Thunderbird 5.x
  • Added 'SMTP Server' column, which displays the SMTP server for POP3/IMAP accounts on Outlook, Windows Live Mail, and Outlook Express email clients.
  • Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Fixed memory leak problems with Thunderbird accounts.
  • Added 'Copy Password' option (Ctrl+P).
  • Added an option to export the passwords into KeePass csv file (In 'Save Selected Items'). You can use the created csv file to easily import your email passwords into KeePass password manager.
  • Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
  • You can now send the email passwords list to stdout by specifying an empty filename ("") in the command-line of all save parameters.
    For example: manicapital.com /stab "" >> c:\temp\manicapital.com
  • Added 'Password Strength' column, which calculates the strength of the password and displays it as Very Weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, or Very Strong.
  • Added 'Secured' column (Yes/No), which specifies whether this email account uses a secured connection.
  • Added 'Server Port' column, which displays the port number if the server uses non-standard SMTP/POP3/IMAP port.
  • Added support for Mozilla Thunderbird 3.x (Thunderbird 3 must be installed on your system in order to retrieve the passwords)
  • Added /sort command-line option for sorting when you save the passwords list from command-line.
  • The accounts of Windows Live Mail are now also displayed if you changed the store folder location.
  • Added support for Windows Live Mail.
  • Added AutoComplete support to the 'Select Folders' dialog-box.
  • 'Select Folders' dialog-box is now resizable.
  • Fixed bug: Exception window appeared when starting Mail PassView in some systems.
  • Fixed bug: The main window lost the focus when the user switched to another application and then returned back to Mail PassView.
  • Added support for saving as comma-delimited text file.
  • Added support for retrieving Hotmail/MSN mail accounts from the latest version of Windows Messenger.
  • Added support for Gmail Notifier application under IE7.
  • Configuration is now saved to a file instead of the Registry.
  • Added support for SMTP and NNTP accounts on Windows Mail.
  • Fixed problems with Thunderbird 2 accounts.
  • Added support for Windows Mail.
  • Added support for Gmail passwords stored by Google Desktop.
  • Fixed bug: Mail PassView didn't show Netscape/Thunderbird accounts when using save command-line options.
  • Added support for passwords stored by Google Talk.
  • Added support for newer versions of Gmail Notifier.
  • Added support for IMAP accounts in Mozilla Thunderbird
  • New column: Profile - displayed for Outlook Express and MS-Outlook /
  • Option to select another folder/file for Thunderbird, Netscape, and Eudora.
  • Added support for Hotmail/MSN mail password stored by MSN Messenger v
  • Added support for Windows XP style.
10/12/ Fixed bug with Mozilla Thunderbird accounts.
  • Added support for Netscape 6.x/7.x and Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • Added support for Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
  • Added support for Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN Messenger application.
  • Added support for Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application.
  • Passwords of Outlook Express are now decrypted even if they are not stored in the Protected Storage.
  • Added support for Outlook
  • All Outlook accounts are now displayed, even if their password is not stored in the system.
  • New options: Choose Columns, HTML reports, find, and more
  • Ability to translate to other languages.
  • Added support for multiple identities in Outlook Express.
  • In Eudora and Incrdimail accounts - The accounts are now displayed even if there is no password.
30/05/ Starting from this version, all accounts of Eudora are shown, not only the Dominant account.
23/05/ Fixed bug: In previous version, Mail PassView failed to display IncrediMail accounts in some computers.
  • Added support for SMTP accounts in MS Outlook and Outlook Express.
  • Added support for POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts in MS Outlook
  • Saving accounts information into HTML file.
30/04/ First Release


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely use it at your home or in your company. However, you are not allowed to make profit from this software or to charge your customers for recovering their passwords with this software, unless you got a permission from the software author.
You are also allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification !


The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.

Using the Mail PassView utility

This utility is a standalone executable. It doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just run the executable (manicapital.com) and watch the list of your email accounts. You can save the accounts information into a text file or copy them to the clipboard.

Getting email passwords from another instance of Windows ?

Many people ask me whether it's possible to extract the email passwords from an external instance of Windows that cannot boot.
For now, Mail PassView can only retrieve the passwords from external drive for Mozilla Thunderbird, Netscape, and Eudora. It's possible that external drive support for more email applications will be added in the future. In order to do that, you must go to 'Select Folders/Files' window (F6) and manually select the right folders in the external drive.

Notice: If the filename contains one or more space characters, you must enclose it with quotes ("").

Translating Mail PassView to other languages

Mail PassView allows you to easily translate all dialog-boxes, menus, and strings to other language.
In order to do that, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run Mail PassView with /savelangfile parameter:
    manicapital.com /savelangfile
    A file named mailpv_manicapital.com will be created in the folder of Mail PassView utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all menus, dialog-boxes, and string entries to the desired language.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run Mail PassView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you want to run Mail PassView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.


If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to nirsofer@manicapital.com

Mail PassView is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of Mail PassView, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'mailpv_manicapital.com', and put it in the same folder that you Installed Mail PassView utility.   
Источник: [manicapital.com]

What’s New in the Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Zi Mail 1.30 serial key or number

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