Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number

Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number

Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number

Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number

Nero Burning ROM for Windows

Raimondas reviewed v on Nov 2,

Too high price.

PhredV reviewed v on Sep 18,

Been way to bloated since Ver, & or soI'm using a cheaper
alternative that does all I want it to AShampoo decent program
and half the cost

Oh, and alliewinters personyou are the
very definition of "ASSHAT."

the price is too high and it is bloated

nvic reviewed v on Mar 19,

Bloatware. I used to love this app back in the 6.x days, but just about everything newer has been terrible.

alister reviewed v on Mar 12,

Nero use to be good but now it is just bloated. There are plenty of free cd/dvd burning programs out there that are just as good if not better.

BANDIT- reviewed v on Feb 18,

A massive package for £60 quid But unfortunately it became defunct in many ways as Open-Source & freeware, much of which requires No Install Crept onto the Net. A useful tool in the package is "Nero InCD" which can be found most Anywhere, FREE.

CD/DvD is a bit of a lost cause 2*
The "Die-Hards" will find NERO useful, but do some research before Paying..!!

Try @Sourceforge .. @Free-codecs .. OR go for a "Top 9" free video..
OR Top 8 DvD Apps.. .

NO. I don't work for Techradar. That's what Google threw up Good Luck..!!

Raimondas reviewed v on Nov 27,

Nero 15 compared to is slightly better because of new features, but on other hand they added some restrictions in Nero recode (15v.) SD video file max bitrate kbit/sec (even youtube quality is better!!), MediaHome still uses about 6GB RAM after playing h video file >.< I replaced some Nero sub-applications by other softaware (Ashampoo burning studio, Cyberlink PowerDirector, 4media HD video converter, Arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre), but still can't find multimedia suite to replace Nero by %.
Astroburn does everything as Ashampoo burning studio 14

Obren reviewed v on Nov 26,

Too bloated, if you want a commercial app, try Astroburn.

nvic reviewed v on Nov 25,

Wow this became bloatware

I'm still using v6 on XP and v8 on Win7.

Raimondas reviewed v on May 28,

Not worth to buy. Burning ROM is the only handy and decent application in this Nero multimedia suite. Plus it can be replaced by other software: Ashampoo burning studio 12, etc

By the way: Nero ratings goes down very fast. 1/9 (1 person likes and 9 dislikes) on other download websites

HeilNizar reviewed v on May 28,

lol-ware :P

Why is a free download and demo listed as Freeware? Do people forget what FREE means!!! Shareware, Demo Ware, and Trial Ware, doesn't mean FREE!!! Please stop listing stuff wrong.

Over mb's in download size. hahahahahaha
Version was the last good version.

Raimondas reviewed v on Jun 26,

Long time ago it was perfect software.
Now it turned into something crap (the best MMS was Nero 9 so far).

Compared to other MMS (Cyberlink, Roxio) both are better than Nero 11 MMS:
they are both much better programmed. And i believe other MMS are better too :D

Nero prefers to add new shiny things instead of fixing reported bugs.
Whats the point to have latest soft with outstanding features that do not works?!

The price of Nero 11 MMS is affordable, but in my opinion it would be a waste of money because you would buy other MMS after Nero 11 lmao

Plus technical support of Nero is very poor: they simply ignores your reported issue instead of trying to reproduce it >.

Nearly Meg for a burner? (crazy)

Why Nero have continued to bloat out their software for many years eludes me.

stevvie reviewed v on Jun 13,

This get more and more bloated every release, while not actually getting better. Shame Nero used to be my goto dvd burner.

DudeBoyz reviewed v on Jun 13,

This is just not cool.

I'm sticking with Nero Burning ROM version

It doesn't have all that extra stuff, and it allows you to install on 2 pc's without any hassle, like version 11 does.

egg83 reviewed v on May 9,

Why would this product need so much bloat to burn cds and dvds? CdburnerXP has a good portion of this products basic functionality, and it does it with only about 6mb! I too, used to use this product at version 7. That is when it was awesome. Yeah, yadda yadda terabyte drives, yadda yadda quad core yadda 8gb ram, whatever! A CD/DVD burner does not have to have all that bloat to be functional!

some guy reviewed v on May 8,

just to bloated after Nero 7 it went all to he77

Uriel reviewed v on Feb 27,

The license is only good for ONE computer. It constantly warned me about this when I used the same key on two computers.

Look at the size of the download - Meg - For a burner - Crazy

Provided link tooks to website where the ONLY DOWNLOADABLE trial release is the one (and its not the complete suite but a small web installer, as per these days trend).
Personally I'd like FF BN be more accurate wz release #s and that all software pieces were available both as web and standalone installers (IMHO if we download BD via Torrent sites / direct downloads, MS Windows OS from MicroSoft why cant we download a standalone installer as well?).
Thats all up to you folks.

jack reviewed v on Aug 3,

Works well for me.

gurgle reviewed v on May 9,

It was very good before version 6, after version or even was the best of the burning applications after that it just keeps more and more fat and it simply clogs your system with so much useless stuff completely unrelated to burning. As most of the great soft of the past it is useless as far as the main function (burning discs) is concerned. I switched to Imgburn and found that free application marvelous it allows absolutely anything as far as burning discs goes. Way more customizeble than nero and since it is really focused on what it supposed to do, I do not think it has any competetion right now, free or paid. I tried Nero, Ashampoo, Roxio etc, you name it. Nothing is more easy and more flexible then imgburn, it just left these bloated monsters like Nero or Ashampoo light years behind. try them all all and see for yourself. But be warned of the hard to clean slowed down and clotted system after you install any behemoth like this!

SineWave reviewed v on Apr 21,

There was a time when this was a really good program. Those times are so gone now. Version 7 and 6. I was using 6 for years, until I found ImgBurn. I mean, a program for burning should burn CDs and DVDs, not order pizza and coffee for you all while clogging your Windows with almost a kind of a new operating system. Word "bloat" can't even describe what "Nero" burner has become. Even at version 6 and 7 was already too bloated in my opinion. There are some really remarkable burner apps now, so there's no reason to bloat your Windows with this anymore But to say something positive about it - it was a great and stable app once and I was really satisfied with it. Well, times change.

war reviewed v on Apr 20,

Totally bloated now. Loves to hang and crash.

Version 7 was best build. Quick and got the job done easily.

hardgiant reviewed v on Apr 20,

Nero Burning ROM is still the best for basic burning of CD/DVD or BluRay. With more features then the other Burning apps. It now smartly comes separately from the full suite which lowers the download to 82 megs instead of megs.

HeilNizar reviewed v on Apr 20,

Nero: Oh memory, hum hum yummy yummy, more please more.

What a joke, the last time Nero made something good is v6, just like Skype, Yahoo, Daemon tools etc.. they start fine and end up poop.

Using ImgBurn here, its so lite and so working that I lick my screen when its on.

DudeBoyz reviewed v on Apr 20,

This is a confusing mess.

To simplify, I bought ONLY the core app - Nero Burning ROM version 10 for just under $50 USD. That helped a LOT. Not much bloated junk in that single app, thankfully.

BUT, they shove this ContrelCenter thing down your throat and have said since it came out that you can ONLY upgrade to the latest patch by going through that upgrade software. The problem is, their Upgrade stuff doesn't work all of the time. I've waited days for their site to get functional at times, and it is incredibly frustrating.

NOW I see they offer all the updates on a disc - and you have to PAY 10 Euro for it! Are you kidding me? Just let me download the freaking static EXE patch file and then I won't have to dork around with the unstable upgrade process/app that they have. I should NOT have to PAY for patches to the same freakin' version!!! Are you kidding me? ARGH!!!

That said, the core program does burn media well and works pretty reliably, but still, they are making me jump through annoying hoops and now that Windows 7 includes Multi-Session and Write Once (Mastered) burning on both CD media AND DVD media, I'm not sure I'd bother recommending Nero to anyone unless their needs were very specific.

ARGH! They should not make this program this hard to update, you know?

grimson reviewed v on Apr 20,

Again, software once great now fallen deeply.

I've used Nero in the past when there weren't many options for disc burning, but after version 6 it started getting really bloated with unrelated programs, so I switched to Nero Lite until they threatened legal action against the creator and it was discontinued. Even if I choose to install only Nero Burning ROM, the installer still adds 's of megabytes. Fortunately, I found ImgBurn.

Why would anyone buy this $70 - $ when ImgBurn is free and only MB. The only feature that this has that ImgBurn does not is multi-session disc burning, but I can do that with the Windows 7 disc burning program.

olirosee reviewed v on Apr 19,

@Registered, nice review and analysis. I also think that Nero was great at v7 and went downhill from there, with huge installer downloads and installation times that rivalled those of Windows itself. v8 or v9 installer was so buggy that I had to wait weeks until a fix came out that allowed me to install it. I actually paid for every version from 6 to 9 (discounted rate) but since (!), have not burned a single CD or DVD - it's all cheap (quality) hard drives now, using over 20 TB of storage - imagine this on DVD or even Blu-Ray!

Also the appearance of GB-USB sticks (I've had a 32 GB drive since or ) meant that I could carry the data volume of 7 DVD with me, rewritable, editable, with no final error message telling me that the entire process had to be repeated with a new medium. Not the fault of Ahead or Nero, but as media files now can be played in .mkv and other formats from dedicated media hardware, less and less people get bothered with burning hard media for single-view content, e.g. TV episodes or moviers that turned out to be less than the marketing promised.

What I want to say is that CD, DVD, even Blu-Ray will become marginal in data storage and transport, and there's just so little you can add to this program (whose core functionality is provided by free alternatives) to make it valuable again. I don't think Nero is the first choice for any of the functions it performs, and with an install size that rivals the OS perhaps still good value byte for byte, but truth be told, for me just a nostalgic memory of the times when I burnt 5, 10, 20 DVD in a single day (and still have the odd disks stored somewhere, slowly rotting away) and internet was slow I'd suggest make a core version of it, just like v6 or v7, donationware, with not more than 20 MB installer size and perhaps 50 MB on the disk. I might buy it for old times' sake.

some guy reviewed v on Apr 19,


Raimondas reviewed v on Nov 10,

very nice multimedia suite.

ZenoLabs reviewed v on Oct 18,

Quite good, but too bloated.

full of crap, too many running files when rebooting windows,

and what's with the index system, windows indexing is fine, and operates on a low level (very resource friendly), nero indexing is very resource hungry, it maybe fast, but it comes at such a high cost.

Nero 7 with (custom install), is great, granted it requires a lot of things to be turned off, and nero scout has to be deactivated on first use, but nero 7 is great, nero 6 is easy to install and very slim, but it's missing some very important features like Blueray support, as well as some long lasting bugs that have plagued nero for a long time, bugs that were finally squashed for nero 7 release.

nero is trying to fulfil all requirements, but they are spreading there self too thin, the quality of these programs are so generic, and so many of the applications that come with nero would never be used the problem these companies have is that there product has reached a point where is can't be updated any further, it has reached it's maximum potential, there is no further room for improvement, nero has become ergonomically great
but how does a company survive how does a company continue to sell a product that can no longer be updated further there is only one way, start offering more go into uncharted territory, offer the customer more for there buck, change from a single application, too a suite of applications.

nero is a wonderful programON ITS OWN MERITS, but the company Ahead cannot survive on just there flagship,

i don't like what there doing, but as a person who understands that if you stand still you will be left behind in today's market, with the world of burning tools available for such low cost, if not for free such as (IMGBURN, CDBurnerXP), Ahead has no choice i can see but to expand there nero suite,

there biggest downfall is two fold

1. there installer setup is to inefficient, too slow, and very unclear, it also does not allow the user too turn off enough things for the user, many of the things installed are not mandatory, but yet still get installed without the users knowledge a more intuitive intelligent setup routine is needed.

2. the size, nero seems to be built from thousands of files, the footprint placed on the users system is unbelievable to see, full install of nero takes over 2GB of space on the harddrive, this has the downside of loading times, to load application off nero is very slow, but unsurprising considering how many files need to be loaded to get the application up and running, "Ahead" needs to think about compression, they need to compress there files with tools such as "PECompact" or put there loose files into a image, like a PAK file, which is how many large pc games come supplied, thousands of files are put into 1 file (uncompressed of course too avoid performance degradation)

nero is massive, but it doesn't have to be, ahead should start thinking about compressing there files, CPU's are so powerful, that mass decompression has hardly any effect on system performance these days.

i once long ago compressed nero full install (number 6 i believe) from GB down too MB (using PECompact) and nero worked fine,

Andy Dean reviewed v on Oct 15,

I've given this a try and for me it's still full of stuff I'll never use.
For now I'm sticking with Ashampoo Burning Studio, although that also seems to gain a bit more bloat with every update.

Complete junk. I remember the good ole days when Nero was less than 10 MB's.


I have used Nero 6 Ultra Edition for years and love it. I just bought Nero 10 to run on a new Windows 7 64 Bit Premium laptop. Nero 10 doesn't really run on Windows 7 (64 bit mode). It only runs in 32 bit (vista) compatible mode. I should have spent the money instead on upgrading Windows 7 to Professional so I could just install my old Nero 6 in XP mode. ( Windows 7 Premium does not have XP mode). Following are the problems with Nero 10 so far - excluding the weirdness I just described. Yes, I have updated Windows and all the drivers for the laptop.

1. Nero Media Hub does not let me turn on the subtitles in my mp4 files the way Nero Showtime did in Nero 6. I have not been able to watch any of my Japanese films for a month now. Nero 10 does not come with Showtime.

2. Nero Media Hub will not let me create a play list easily the way Nero Showtime did. In Media Hub I first have to scan my entire hard drive for media. Nero 6 does not require that. This is what an earlier reviewer of Nero meant when they called it invasive. I have already made my own library. I don't need Nero to make another one.

3. After scanning, I have to open a completely separate browsing window and drag & drop the files I want to watch back into the Media Hub window. This process creates the potential of files and folders being accidentally misplaced. Nero 6 did not do that. Showtime allows you to browse and select the files you want entirely within the same application window and it will not let you move folders or delete files!

4. Nero Vision Xtra from Nero 10 does not give me the ability to change audio streams when I need to edit DVDs the way Nero Vision Express did in Nero 6. It automatically selects the first audio stream and you are stuck with that. I have been told by their tech team that I have to open Nero Recode (a completely different application) and select the correct audio stream, then reburn the DVD to my hard drive. Then I can go back to Nero Vision Xtra and begin the edit process. This additional burning process takes 2 to 4 hours to complete; which is normal, but it increases my workload before I can actually start editing.

5. I have attempted this twice now and both times Nero Recode has failed to burn to the correct quality size. I tried it two different ways, but both times it resulted in an unusably pixilated file that was 4 to 6 times smaller than it said it would be when I started the burning process.

I have described 5 different instances here how Nero 10 is less functional than Nero 6. Tech support said that they do not know when the first updates will be made available for Nero So my list continues.

6. Nero does not perform returns and refunds.

7. Nero's customer support contact forms do not allow you to use contractions. When you click submit, it gives you an error message and adds forward slashes to every apostrophe in your text.

P.S. Don't try Cyberlink either! They're just a cheap copycat of Nero simply for the sake of being competition. Their new product doesn't work either. Just find a copy of Nero 6 Ultra Edition and resign yourself to the fact that you'll never be able to use pan and zoom effects in your video projects (which is really the only reason to buy Nero Remember, Nero 10 does not run in Windows 7 64 bit mode).


UProf reviewed vb on Apr 29,

Pros: may be fine . . . if you are willing to be taken advantage of

i purchased version 9 40 days ago -- at the same price they are charging for Version

I asked about a free upgrade or at least a reduction. No way

Summary: This is not a company I want to do business with. The only way to defeat such greed is to refuse to buy their product.

Reply to this review

1/5 = nice bloatware
better use FREE programs like CDBurnerXP or InfraRecorder

DrTeeth reviewed vb on Mar 24,

It is because of Nero's bloat that I now use lean freeware programs for all my burning needs. How the mighty have fallen.

nugro reviewed vb on Mar 24,

The very definition of BLOAT itself.

jblane reviewed vb on Mar 24,

I really can't understand why this wonderful piece of software turned into something I cannot even define: libraries scattered all over the hard drive, useless system services and/or startup executables, neverending installation, impossibility to choose exactly what to install and what not to install.
Are the brains in the marketing department really sure that people want a powerful burner/converter embedded in an invasive and mediocre multimedia centre?
2 stars only for what it used to be.

dougau reviewed vb on Mar 23,

Works as advertised.

dejavu reviewed vb on Mar 23,

What happened Ahead?

5-star for the past.

now it's all crap.

There are free tools x smaller doing x a better job than this unoptimized bunch of crap.

Vexii reviewed v on Oct 9,

To big with lots of unneeded stuff.

some guy reviewed v on Oct 9,

Bloat to many freewares do a better job

Terijan reviewed vd on Sep 1,

Good software, i like it.

cyberia reviewed vd on Aug 28,

How is "bloatware" a problem? If your PC is so weak, or your drive is so small that more features and the associated disk space is a problem, you shouldn't be assembling and burning CD's, and particularly not DVD's with it.

If the interface were cluttered, then I'd take it down a star or two, but it's not!

Is "bloatware." Think a little before you pile on the buzz-word wagon.

VoidBlank reviewed vc on Jul 18,

I am very disappointed where nero has got to, it used to be my favorite burning app, but not any more, now it is bloated with features I do not need, while the core features did not improve over the years.

sn0wy82 reviewed vb on Jun 30,

Bloated crap! This used to be the best burning suite, but over time has become obsolete. Also to mention, Nero 9 requires .NET to run!!!

Vexii reviewed vb on Jun 30,

Bloated piece of crap!

Nero Micro FTW.

Diam0nd reviewed vb on Jun 30,

Nero as a suite turned to sh*t quite some time ago. It got huge, bloated, and full of unnecessary utilities that NOBODY really needs.

BUT Nero as a standalone burning application is still the best in business, imho. I've tried pretty much everything starting from Burnaware to ImgBurn and many others, but Nero by far is the most flexible and advanced burning application there is.

As for the bloat, well, I simply choose not to install anything but the burner itself at installation, that's all.

roj reviewed vb on Jun 29,

Long since got off the Nero bandwagon.

IMGBurn is it. everything important that Nero does in a slim, lightweight and efficient package. Free too. Don't waste bandwidth with this monstrosity - it's the poster child for the typical garbage commercial software of today.

The Nero team should be ashamed given their inspired beginnings crushing another bloated piece of crap: Easy CD Creator.

You have become that which you most despised.

ONE star for bloated, invasive crap.

JohnR reviewed vb on Jun 29,

Don't even bother with this piece of crap. I never seen an install take so long. Stick with Version 8. Its much faster and more reliable.

legion reviewed vb on Jun 29,

I dont need almost MB crap apps, useing only Nero Burning Rom (Micro edition). Ahead - wrong way

landfish reviewed vb on Jun 29,

a CD/DVD burner under 1Gb sorry not for me, come on Nero we want at least 2GB burning software surely you can pack some more crap into this.

MB this is ridiculous and should be treated as such.

thartist reviewed vb on Jun 29,

sweet! just surpassed the MB barrier!

Terijan reviewed v on Jun 6,

It seems this version has some serious problems with installation (windows vista x64 SP2). Nero General clean tool uninstalled all nero features successfully and then, when i rebooted PC and tried to install - installation crashed and nero was just partially installed. Could not neither remove it, neither to do complete install.
Re-installed windows. 1st installed Nero, and then all windows updates. So, it seems it conflicts with some windows updates But itself Nero works fine, a few new features they added.
For those who still has old nero version i think it is better to stay with it, because this new version has some serious installations bugs.

jeffdeck reviewed v on Jun 6,

I've been a long time Nero user who upgraded to version 9 and then rolled back to 8 after all my file associations were hijacked by 9. I agree with many that this went from one of the best to one of the worst programs I had ever purchased. But the latest release, , fixes the file association problem. I've had no problems with the software since installing. Also, the installation time itself, which was a disaster when 9 was first released, has improved remarkably, including a much shorter install time. So for those of you who were wondering if this update fixed the file association problem, the answer is YES! I think Nero should have listed that fix in its release notes.

thartist reviewed v on Jun 4,

Nero would indeed RE-GAIN a lot of the lost respect if they started to sell the burning rom separate from the bloated sh't.
But if they insist

some guy reviewed v on Jun 3,

Nero needs to focus just on burning and try stop being a all in wonder photo edit ,bloat piece of crap.

dougk2 reviewed v on Jun 2,

I base my rating on only the Nero Burning Rom portion of this application. Despite the fact that I am a multimedia junkie, I just haven't found the need to run the other applications in this suite when there are great and in many cases better freeware alternatives available. Now back to burning rom

I would have given this application 5-stars six months ago, but then something happened that renderedthe application useless on my system. It burns ok until finalizing the disc, then fails. It is a quad-core system with two burners, and hardware issues have been eliminated. Removal and reinstallation did not help, which gave me a first hand opportunity to contact Nero support.

Let me say right now that Nero support is close to useless. They ask you to run their info tool, which collections a boat-load of info about your system and then upload it to them. But I have my doubts that they even look at it. The support rep just feed me their top solutions to common problems. I had addressed all of their suggestions in my initial e-mail to them, but they had nothing else to offer in the way of troubleshooting or a fix (other than reinstall the OS).

I had to switch to ImgBurn out of necessity and haven't looked back since.

cowgaR reviewed v on Jun 2,

yeah yeah, imgburn is great but isn't able (in the year ) to copy DVD on fly (DVD->DVD) and many other things Nero Burning Rom did 5 years ago!

and don't forget to click on the tab inside of a tab accesible by 3rd radio button in a panel on the main tab inside a tab containeraka great img burn interface

in Nero it is a drag&drop plus one modal window to set prior to burning, noobs

I would give it 3 (as I am only using Nero Burning Rom and some stuff out of whole bundle) but need to give it 5 because of these one star reviews

Just use Burnaware or ImgBurn

Mumoto reviewed v on Jan 24,

Qlib compare Nero with Imgburn :)

Imgburn is faster and works better, without all the bloat/junk you don't use ..

Nero 6 and below are the better versions, it has become a bit TOO commercial

burfadel reviewed v on Jan 24,

The only thing I use from Nero is the burning programme, yes you can deselect what you don't want but downloading such a big file for almost nothing is pretty crap. Not to mention I tried to talk a friend out of buying it, which he did anyway. He's really annoyed, to put it lightly. You buy the full suite, only to find that you have to pay even more to use the apps which you specifically paid the extra money for in the first place (the dvd authoring stuff etc) - thats a bit of a con. Not to mention even though he has a valid licence it comes up with the 'Buy now' screen, which he has to close off and load nero again several times and it suddenly works. A clean install of windows didn't help either.

They simply lost the plot making Nero, if they want to spend money developing softwate people DO NOT want then thats their problem. They may be paying a premium for it now but other free alternatives are getting better all the time, it won't be long for people to realise its not worth spending the money on and go to a more reliable, cheaper alternative.

Needs .NET Framework 3 I founded out after a faillure to run, time after time re-installing. I do not hope that Nero is going the same way as Norton did for instance, the higher they are the harder they fall! I will stick to Nero Micro if you dont mind, rated that always 5*

Request to betanews: Can we still have version 8 available for download? It is still being updated, and Nero's servers absolutely suck. Would be great if you could host! I'll click 50 ads if you do so!

Adrian79 reviewed v on Dec 18,

years ago, when I used to burn CDs and stuff I would have nero installed.

Now w/ ipods and network streaming I have no need to "burn".

Nero was the best.

Qlib reviewed v on Dec 18,

to all the idiots who call nero bloatware.. LEARN HOW TO DO A CUSTOM INSTALL AND JUST DESELECT WHAT YOU DONT WANT..

windowsusers who call nero bloatware just need to shut the hell up!

(To Qlib)

Yes, you can pick the stuff you wantafter you downloaded + meg's worth of program, which after its installed (and don't get me started about the 'slowwwww' installation)takes up a fair amount of disk space, even after you've deselected half of the stuff!

My feelings are still the same

veeoh reviewed v on Dec 18,

Whoah! Big bloat on this, and whats with the stupidly long install?

Imgburn - now there's a top program.

@FixXxeRThank You on clearing up this nero installation bit with us. i thought I was the only one that was having problems installing the new version of nero I am getting a error message of The installation process cannot be resumed. "A rollback of the failed component will be performed." This is what they have supposedly fixed in this version\. Well I can tell you they didn't fix it!!. I am using vista x64 and I also have win xp sp2 and they both give the same errors. I don't know what these people in nero are doing, but either they have to hire new developers or get this software working properly. I was going to reformat my vista and try it, but according to FixXxeR that didn't work either. This software was the best out there in the past; now it has gone down the drain. I sent in a support report with the same error message they supposedly fixed . Imagine paying for something and you can't use it. They won't give you your money back. So I actually gave them money for free.

FixXxeR reviewed v on Dec 18,

I recently purcahsed the Nero suite based on the track record I had with their products being very easy to use and operate. This was just one version ago with v8. This time, I purchased the program, attempted to install it on both a clean install of vista and of Windows XP Pro SP3 and it failed. The install lasted almost 2 hours and turned out to be due to system restore being enabled and each application install on the nero suite being a separate installer (hence a separate restore point).

No problem, I disabled system restore. After that point, I attempted to install it again. This time the installer made it to about 90% then failed with the error "Setup has been interrupted and cannot continue". OK, now what? I contacted nero support. After spending time on the phone with them, they advised me to run the nero cleantool to remove what appeared to be just a failed installation. Good deal, or so I thought.

Repeated attempts at installation after running the clean tool, rebooting, and re-running the setup proved unsuccessful with the same error messages.

Nero, I used to rely on you for everything from burning discs to converting my videos to DVD to ripping them from my HD Video Camcorder. Now, I cannot even get it to install. Sorry, 1/1 for the product as it stands now and not what it was.

kindbud1 reviewed v on Dec 17,

An expensive, bloated pile.

I wish reviewers would actually review the software and stop complaining that something is not what they personally want.

ImgBurn burns CD/DVDs that's about all it does. Nero does a LOT MORE.

Yes Nero USED to be just a CD burning program BUT it grew up.

It is now a fully functional MEDIA STUDIO including media ripping and editing, DVD menu creation, CD and DVD authoring. Media Centre functions, including TV and radio. And many more.
All of which it does very well.

IF these functions are NOT what you require then by all means use a different application. But please stop giving Nero a low rating just 'cos it does MORE then you want it to.

There are options to decide which items to install.

lorg reviewed v on Dec 17,

Author/Maintainer of this program forgot what Nero was about, installer near KB! a 20KB (and even less in size) tool can do the job! Costs nothing!

Where is 0 rating?

hosscrop reviewed vd on Nov 2,

I have been a Nero user since Version 3 but I have to agree Mb is somewhat bloated and the installation takes my Ghz core quad quite some time. I have just ditched Nero 9 fom my PC and will never us it again.
From Nero to Zero!

Once Nero was the best burnerprogram around. Today it is bloated. It does "phone home" as well. I remeber when it had the size of almost nothing, but did work very well. Today it takes too much of the space of the harddrive. Next version will probably be 10 gigabytes Ahead should never added all the extra crap. It doesn't even burn/copy copyrighted discs anymore. I am quite satsfied with Ashampoo, Alcohol a.s.o. Nero is pure crap today !

janset reviewed vd on Nov 1,

I foresee version 10 will be about 1 Gigabyte and still do exactly the same as version 3, of course it will be slower and buggier.

DudeBoyz reviewed vd on Oct 31,

I have to give this version some props because In CD seems to be working with more stability and less overhead.

Some of us really like In CD and I'm glad they included it with version 9 of the product line.

So, for not leaving In CD users in the dust, I feel comfortable giving it a 3 at this point.

rotjong reviewed vd on Oct 31,

Nero has been the best for years but they have finally destroyed themselves. The installer is enormous and can take a fast quad-core system far too long to install. The software is bloated and you can find individual separate programs that are freeware that give you better results than the individual programs in the Nero Suite.

The software is too bloated, too buggy, and grown too expensive for what it actually accomplishes.

Having used every version of Nero since before XP was officially released I have now dumped Nero completely. I refuse to install it on any systems anymore.

elopez17 reviewed vd on Oct 30,

I'm glad lfcrules mention that he or she change to Ashampoo Burning Studio 8 and I'm like him or her, Adios Nero!
Thanks lfcrules

some guy reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Nero tries to hard to be a all in one program . All bloat I just want to burn. Image burn and Burnware blow this out of the water.

chubby chasers will love this one!!!!!!!

I stopped using Nero at 6. Currently using CDBurner XP and really liking it.

I began truly despising Nero the day they blacklisted my legitimate serial number, and made me go through a hassle to get a new one.

Now, I hate it for the same reason so many other people do: It's a giant, system-raping mess.

adamlau reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Not even the upcoming Micro version can save this fine piece of bloatware from a low rating. ImgBurn is the way to go these days.

Skyfrog reviewed vd on Oct 30,

From the very best to the very worst. :(

lfcrules reviewed vd on Oct 30,

I was a long time user of Nero, and was even willing to put up with the bloat cause it rarely gave me problems. However, after the nightmare I had trying to install Nero 9 (wasted an hour only to find it's slower and buggier than ever) I decided enough is enough I've since switched to Ashampoo Burning Studio 8 and I'm glad I did. Adios Nero!

saphirex reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Be 'informed' before you buy into the 'slippery'- non refundable- poorly coded & 1GB++ Nero 9. Besides being an install nightmare if it does install the results can even be more dis-enheartening as several of the applications simply do not work at all

Check out the 'truth' as Mulder and Scully would say it's right under Nero's nose their own forums for how BAD Nero 9 really is--

Be smart and go with the FREE ImgBurn for all of your burning needs.


mfarmilo reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Hugely BLOATED. If you're running XP, I see no reason to install anything version 6. Unfortunately that version doesn't work on Vista (by design maybe?) so you're forced to go to at least version 7. I honestly don't see why they have to go adding so much crap to what used to be the best burner there was.

Diam0nd reviewed vd on Oct 30,

I still say this is the best burner around. You don't like the bloat? Don't cry about it, just don't install it. Sounds simple enough.

testman reviewed vd on Oct 30,

It's OK software, but there's little to differentiate this with 8 or even 7. Takes waaaaaay too long to install too. They really need to dump the code and start from scratch.

The other problem with this version is that apparently if you have the download or trial version of Nero 9, you need to run the Nero CleanTool to uninstall Nero 9, then use this update to install it clean. Ridiculous.

From Nero pages:

"Nero 9 customers who purchased a Downloadable Version (not Retail Box) or currently have Nero 9 Trial version, must follow the steps below to take advantage of the latest Nero 9 Update
Step 1: Run the Nero Clean Tool - this uninstalls your previous version of Nero 9 in preparation for the current Nero 9 update. Nero Clean Tool will also uninstall the following applications - Nero Move it, Nero BackItUp 4 and Nero MediaHome 4 - if installed on your computer. Please make sure to keep record of your current serial numbers for reinstallation of these applications.

Step 2: Download and Install the latest Nero 9 Product Update.

Step 3: Enter in your current Nero 9 serial number to complete installation process.

Step 4: If you own other Nero products (such as Nero BackItUp, Nero Move it, Nero Media Home) you will need to reinstall these products individually."

echohead reviewed vd on Oct 30,

pr1xsel: XP + imgburn

seriouslywhy would anyone take nero over imgburn?

pr1xsel reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Nero is bloatware and Microsoft should do something!
Vista already has a lot of stuff and Nero makes another one for watchign movies and editing and so on They should make small installation pack with only burner!

Haveing do download mb exe then unpack = mb and then pick isntallation of the stuff you need and 3 gigs of HDD space have gone for nothing special
( a lot of programs make bloatware and make folders and more unneeded files and begginners at computer fields just always press next button without looking what's included with installations )

thartist reviewed vd on Oct 30,

Today's stupidest argumentation:

"with 1TB disks being so cheap, what's the problem?"

wdhpr reviewed vc on Oct 25,

I became a member of file forum just so I could make a comment on this piece of crap. I grew whiskers waiting for it to install. To then run the program took for ever to load.
I bought version 6 years ago and to be honest there is not a hell of allot of difference.
With so much lean and clean freeware out that does most of the same stuff. How do they think their going to survive the market selling this crap? Name recognition only goes so far and long.

Источник: []
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Источник: []
Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number
Nero Ultra Edition
Info :
Nero Ultra Edition : 5C
Nero Premium Edition : 5C
Nero Essentials Edition : 5C
Advanced Audio Plug-In: 5C
Multichannel Plug-In : 5C
DVD-Video plug-In : 5C
MP3 Pro Plug-In : 5C

Nero v

Package 2 (NeroVision Express, Nero ShowTime, Nero Recode):
Package 3 (InCD v):
Package 4 (NeroMix v):
Package 5 (Nero Media Player v):
PhotoShow Express v
WMA Plugin v
DolbyDVD Plugin:

Nero 6 Plugin Pack:

Nero Overburning Patch:

Nero Photoshow Elite v build

NetCaptor v

Newsbin Pro vb1 build

NOD32 AntiVirus v Administrator Edition:
Password: 49Down

Norton AntiSpam

Norton Antivirus

Norton Antivirus Subscription Enhancer:

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition v

Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition v

Norton Personal Firewall

Norton Internet Security

Norton SystemWorks

NTI CD&DVD-Maker Platinum v
NTI CD&DVD-Maker 7 Titanium:

NTI Drive Backup! v
Источник: []

What’s New in the Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number?

Screen Shot

System Requirements for Nero v6.6.0.14 mp3PRO plug-in serial key or number

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