| V Catalog | V Catalog | V Catalog | V Catalog

Catalog vs. Catalogue

  • Catalogue and catalog are both acceptable spellings.
  • Catalog is most popular in American English.
  • Catalogue is the most common form in other parts of the world.
Some stores compile lists of products you can buy from them. These lists (often in book form) are sometimes accompanied by descriptions and photos of the products. You may see this book described as either a catalog or a catalogue. Which is the proper way to spell the word—catalog or catalogue?

Catalog or Catalogue—Which Is Correct?

Which spelling do you think looks best? Your answer might depend on where you live. In the United States, catalog is the most common way to spell the word. In other English-speaking countries, catalogue is most popular.

Years ago, American writers began to drop the -ue ending from many words to simplify the spelling. Now, words like analog, dialog, and catalog are common in American English.


One of the best ways to learn how to use a word is to look at examples. Here are some ways to use catalog (and catalogue) in a sentence. You will notice that the definition of catalog extends beyond a book of products for sale. A catalog can be any compilation of items organized in a systematic manner. That’s why the list of books available at your library might be organized in a digital catalog. It can also be used as a verb meaning to make a catalog of items or to add an item to a catalog. You can catalog anything!

Even though catalog usually appears without the -ue ending in American English, there’s nothing wrong with writing it the longer way. In fact, if you are writing for an audience outside the United States, catalogue may be the form that they are most comfortable seeing in print. Which is the proper way to spell the word—catalog or catalogue? They are both acceptable options. Now, you have the information to decide which spelling will work best for you.

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, | V Catalog

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